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Trinity Denied Issue 3 - In Spite of the Number Three

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Trinity Denied
 · 1 Sep 2019


At last Trinity Denied Issue #3 has found its way into your hands... Originally intended for release on Walpurgisnacht, I decided not to sacrifice quality and wait for a bit more to improve on it. This issue is composed of several topics...Christians might find it to be offensive in places. The Satanist feels it's his[/her] turn to start asking the questions. In the last issue, I mentioned that Trinity Denied was pro-Satanic, not "anti- Christian"...

But such a statement cannot be accurate. Satanists strive to expose religions, Satanists strive to shatter the self-righteousness and hypocrisy that makes man feel like a lesser being to subjects of his own imagination. Satanists want people to see that individualism and self-realization are important. Whether you admit it or not, Christianity is denial of the self in the highest form. [And in most of my debates with Christians, they did admit that denial of the self is essential to their faith.] If it takes an outright assault and exposure of the deceit and hypocrisy that has kept man underwater to be "pro-Satanic", so be it! Rege Satanas!

Fear: Christianity's Greatest Weapon

I'm sure every Christian out there is offended already. Oh well. After participating in at least fifty debates on religion with Christians, I think it's time I summed things up. If you're offended, hey, give me feedback. Tell me why fear really isn't a valuable asset to the Christian religion, and I'll gladly print it a future issue.

It may be denied, but fear is the best thing the Christian religion has going for it. I personally see it everywhere. When I debate with a Christian, their last resort is either "He died for your sins" or "You're going to hell". When I read the Bible, I see "God loves you, God will save you", and think "Aww, how sweet." But when I see references to "The Lake of Fire" and the torments of hell, I find myself thinking "What if?"

I'll admit it. I was looking through a book today called Prince of Darkness:Antichrist and the New World Order, which explains how Revelation will come true and how an Antichrist will start a one-world government and will begin an inquisition on Jews and Christians. [Funny, considering the amount of inquisitions done by Puritans, Catholics, etc.] None of the book swayed me one bit until I began reading the descriptions of hell. As I read the very vivid text, fear began to take hold of me. Fear made me think "That would be quite unpleasant."

"Hell" is a place of torment where man is granted the ability to live eternally, never able to die, but always able to feel pain. Hell is described in many ways, and if one actually steps back they can see exactly what the purpose of hell really is. Hell is the failsafe. You can bitch and moan all day to someone about how Jesus died on the cross for their sins, and how God loves them, and how glorious heaven is, and how sin-free life is so incredibly perfect. Without having been force-fed with Christian ideals and beliefs from childhood, they'd probably reply with "So what?" or "Why should I believe you?"

[Granted, many Christians will probably be angered by that statement, especially the born-again types who "See the glory of Jesus". The false hope and fear of death failsafes will be material for future issues of Trinity Denied. The subject here is fear.]

Now, tell that person what awaits them in "Hell". Tell them of the eternal agony, the constant torture, the unimaginable suffering. A hardcore Christian fears "the absence of God"[another 'scary' aspect to 'hell'], but your everyday person only needs to hear of the physical punishment to get the impression that hell would be so impossibly horrid that the possibility of it existing is more important than the likelihood that it doesn't exist. THE POTENTIAL FOR ETERNAL SUFFERING, TO MANY[ALL?!], OUTWEIGHS THE LACK OF LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH A PLACE EXISTING, AND THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION *KNOWS* IT!! [Caps are fun.]

Even a hardcore atheist might be a little frightened with the prospects of hell. It might sound corny, but think of "fear" as a stick of dynamite. Dynamite alone is pretty harmless, without a blasting cap and fuse to set it off. You can set a stick on fire and it will burn away. Anyone can fear hell, but believing in it is another matter entirely. This is where possibility comes in; this is where "WHAT IF" comes in. When the mind goes "What if such a place existed" the "dynamite" is capped and ready to go. All that's needed now is a little belief and "boom", you're on your knees, praying to God, forever defeated.

Hey, Christian boy!

by Nick Post

I must begin to laugh as I start this. It is incredibly humorous that all of the Christians that I have ever talked to know so little about their insane beliefs. A young man, who gave himself the liberty to call himself a Christian walked towards me with a disdained look upon his fool-stricken countenance and told me how ridiculous my religion was. I could detect the stench of ignorance as if he had drunk himself to the point of intoxication, and it surely didn't smell like scripture. I asked this duelly misinformed ninny the wherefore of his accusations. He started with "Well, I just know it's wrong, ok?" I simply retorted by asking how he might come across such proof, although I already knew his answer would be the Bible. I then asked if he could pinpoint this verse and quote it and elaborate as such. Much to my unmoving surprise, he did not. It's shame enough to follow such a religion based on hypocrisy, but to follow it with no study and meditation proves the theories of the "Sunday Christian"*. I questioned why such a "devout Christian" such as himself could not recite the entire basis of his asinine belief. In his frail attempt to embarrass me, he asked that I show him. I obliged his challenge and familiarized him with the book of Mark. Then I gave him a list of verses to look up. Why did I do this? I did this because at the beginning of Mark, "God" speaks as being the only god. However, by the end, "He" recognizes other gods, and speaks of their existence. The fact that my knowledge was exceptional to his made me think about Christianity as a whole. They provoke stupidity! I see it every god damned day! You could read the Bible a thousand times and still not see the false motives. As the Satanic Bible states, "Man is the only creature who can lie to himself and believe it." Christianity is living(not as in their revolting Christ, for those who wish to throw this in my face) proof!" It is about time we rid ourselves of this putrid denial of Satanism and see Christianity for the well-written fraud it is. THE TRUE MASTERS OF DECEIT ARE THE SAME VAGINAL SLIME THAT WROTE THAT BOOK WHICH SMELLS OF SHIT, THE HOLY(HOLEY) BIBLE!

* The theory of the "Sunday Christian" is: The vile puke of humanity claiming Christianity when their only time to study is on Sunday for 2 hours or so, thus proving the reason for us knowing more about them than they know about themselves.

Our Greatest Weapon: Nonconformity

by Carl Koch

[Editor's Note: Along the way there will be a few "editor's" notes. I stuck them in from time to time just to clarify a few things that someone might misinterpret, such as what "rules" or "nonconforming conformists" are. Apologies to Anton LaVey, who wrote an essay with a very similar title called "Nonconformity: Satanism's Greatest Weapon". I thought maybe a different name might have been in order, but this one fits in and contrasts very well with "Fear: Christianity's Greatest Weapon".]

As Satanists we prize our lives above all else. We rule our own lives and build our own worlds. We do not allow our lives to be programmed to fit into this acceptable society around us. We do not conform. We are individuals!

There are many cliques and/or different groups that are all around this planet and each one of them, more or less, has a set of "rules". People don't believe that their own group has these so-called "rules", but they are there and they are followed. Those "rules" don't apply to a TRUE Satanist. We follow our own rules that come naturally with living. How we behave, think, and live are NOT given to us from others.

[Editor's Note: Satanists, however *do* obey laws to most degrees; in other words, like "your average citizen". We realize that there's no easy way to live by your own rules and enjoy your life if you end up arrested and spend your life in prison.]

Something else of interest to bring to mind. Are we those people that actually TRY their hardest to be different from everyone else? No! Of course not! They are probably one form of the worst conformists, or what I call them "nonconforming conformists," anywhere. It's a concept far from me as to why people that are so against conformity, can actually be worse then the "trendy" people they so despise! Don't be fooled into assuming we are these "nonconforming conformists," we are not.

[Editor's Note: Ultimate conformists base what they do and how they behave on what is "normal". "Nonconforming conformists" do the same. They base their behaviors on what is normal, but behave completely the opposite. Either way, "normality" *is* dictating your behavior.]

I understand that there are some people that cannot live their lives without the security of something to hold on to. These are the people that need to conform because without it, they would be nobodies. I pity these people because it is very comfortable for them to "fit-in". As stated in "The Devil's Notebook" by Anton Szandor LaVey, "Some individuals cannot eat whatever is placed before them, however. Unfortunately, a starving person will usually eat indiscriminantly, and once his belly is full, even begins to like it." We are obviously not like that either.

So if nonconformity is our greatest weapon, what is our greatest weakness? As stated earlier, planned nonconformity. Never will you see or know of a succesfull magician that was anyone mentioned above. Never will you hear or find-out about a Satanist being "trendy". Why? Because they don't exist, you cannot be a true Satanist if you cannot be yourself! People must learn that there is much more to a person than what someone else can do to them. People must also learn how to harness this "power" of a natural human. I am not saying that I or any of my Satanic friends are better, smarter, or more understanding then anyone else, I am simply stating that lots of people need to realize their full potential in life and take advantage of it. We do. We live. And we don't go to "hell".

"Planned protest is no different than the programmed complacency to a real Satanist.", "The Devil's Notebook" by Anton Szandor Lavey

Ave Satanas!

[One More Note: Regarding "trendiness"...It is often assumed that someone is a Satanist just because it "looks cool", or because "evil is trendy". I remember a few encounters with people who assumed that of me. While it is unfortunate that many are "Pseudo Satanists", a "real" Satanist is a Satanist because he chooses to be, because it appeals to him or her, and because it grants them satisfaction in the end. "Trendy" itself is such a backwards and corrupted word these days anyway. "Trendy" used to be as positive as "cool". "Trendy" then became a derogatory adjective, and now, the act of fighting "trendiness" is just as "trendy" as being "trendy"! Confusing? Yes! The word must *DIE*.]

Is Satanism "Selfishism"?

[The following is the result of a conversation between Nick Post and I, so consider him an equal contributor to this article.]

When all misconceptions about baby sacrifice and ritual murder have been put aside, the other topic I'm most often criticized for is Satanism's selfish nature. Satanism's deep roots in self-reliance and individualism do make it look like quite a selfish religion.

But what is selfish? "Good" has often been defined by Christians as "selflessness". But is there really such a thing? People prioritize things. Family, lovers, friends, sometimes people consider them more important than themselves. But when it comes right down to it, nearly if not EVERYTHING we do is selfish.

We love because we choose to love. We hate because we choose to hate. We prioritize everything. The world DOES "revolve around us", each and every one of us, individually. Reality is your reality. Think about it! Many if not most 'good deeds' are done out of selfishness, for glory, or because the person worthy of the good deed was DEEMED worthy! Everything we do is dictated by our own appreciation of our peers and surroundings.

So when asked "Is Satanism Selfish?" I will say "Yes". But what religions aren't? Christians preach to "love thy neighbor" and that "Jesus died for your sins", but what is the real motivation behind it? Eternal life. Is wanting to live forever a selfish thing? Sure it is. I doubt most Christians are simply so because "Jesus died for their sins". What's the point of following a faith if it's nothing more than a few rules and some stories? Lust for "eternal life" and fear of hell...The basis of Christian faith.

But if someone were to ask me "So you only care about yourself?" I would have to say "No". It is true that you really do choose to care for others, but with that aside and spoken, appreciation, love, respect, and friendship are human feelings or states of being equally experienced by Satanists, if not moreso. The fact that I love someone for my reasons doesn't make my love any less true or sincere.

"Selfishness" is just a part of what we are, so why not get that out, and live our lives as we see fit?

Stereotypical God, Stereotypical Boy

by Tim Collins

[Note: This was submitted sort of as a "letter to the editor, letter to the world" kind of thing. Consider Tim a "contributor". I would imagine he was annoyed when he wrote this, so don't be offended if you don't fall into the "quick to assume, quick to judge" category.]

Hello all! I'm writing this to let everyone know that I'm tired of their shit. I myself am not Satanic, in fact I am at the other end of the "spectrum". I am Shamanic, the religion handed down to me by my ancestors, the Cherokee Native Americans. I am known as a nice and somewhat crazy guy. I'm friends with almost all the people that submit their stories and personal entries into this newsletter.

I know many people of many different religions and I don't see Satanists as "evil". You along with almost everyone else probably thinks that these people sacrifice goats, babies, etc, but they don't. The people that do are "fake" Satanists. Most of these people are people that have lost faith in their religion, or rebels that want to conform to something "cool", that turn to Satanism and practice the stereotypical things that other people shun, such as sacrifice. Follow your stereotypical god and die your stereotypical death. Accept people for what they are and learn, for knowledge is power.

News Flash!

I'm sure everyone here has heard about the show "Ellen", where the main character decided to "come out of the closet". Several Christian individuals were outraged, and their actions show exactly how sickly Christian our society has become.

[The Satanic view on sex is this: Do what you need to be "sexually satisfied", whether that means monogamous relationship, multiple partners, abstinence, or the dreaded "m" word--masturbation. Satanists do not frown on homosexuals, but pedophiles, rapists, animal "lovers", etc are considered "wrong" for one reason--sexual freedom goes both ways. Young children are too young to reasonably consent, animals are incapable, and rape victims of course are given no choice. Sexual freedom applies to both parties.]

Anyway, a Rick Cendo wrote a letter to the editor in the Denver Post[April 28, Denver and the West] making a point that the phrase "hate the sin, love the sinner" is a lame rhetorical statement that is often preached but rarely practiced. He also stated "There is not a single verse in the Bible that condemns people for being only condemns the same acts it condemns for straight people: prostitution, rape, and pagan rituals."

While this statement may not be entirely accurate, the May 1 letters to the editor included three pissy "oh yeah!?" type responses. The first letter from a "Melanie Schurr" basically said "The Bible never says hate the sin, love the sinner." She also called it "unfortunate" and a "false cliche"; in other words, why not hate and judge the sinner! Ahh, hypocrisy festers in the blubberings of sheep. "Hypocrisy?", you ask? Of course--the Bible spends plenty of time saying "love, love, love" and "don't judge others". "Hate" itself seems to belong to God and of course "evil sinners". While fundamentalists are tossing Bible quotes at eachother to justify their actions, how about toss this one in:

Luke 6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

In other words: don't judge, don't hate, forgive. While we're on the subject, Luke is a good chapter to use to shut up judgemental Christians. It's got a lot of "golden rule goodness" to it, i.e. "turn the other cheek", "bless them that curse you", "love sinners", "love your enemies", and of course "be merciful", something the Puritans and Roman Catholics a few hundred years ago might have overlooked.

The next fundie, "Nathan T. Dorn" was "outraged!" Yay. Then he went on to "prove" that homosexuality was a sin. He quoted a passage from the book of lies[heh] that basically said "Some guys came up, and wanted to rape some other guys, so God killed them!" Unfortunately, that does nothing to disprove Rick Cendo's saying that the Bible only disproves of homosexuality when it involves rape, prostitution, etc. He then went on to say how homosexuality is a perversity and sin, and then said "are we really 'hating the sin and condemning the sinner?' I don't think so". Makes plenty of sense, Nate!

The next person, Eileen Niederkorn, at least knew what she was talking about. She disproved Cendo's earlier statement, but then went on to talk about "God's word" and how if people want to argue with the Bible, they should argue with God.

So what's the point of this "News Flash", you ask? The point is this: CHRISTIANITY IS TOO OFTEN AN ASSUMED ASPECT TO AMERICAN SOCIETY! People tend to speak as if everyone is a Christian, and if the Bible says something, then that's the way it should be. Welcome to America, where "Church and State" are separate, where religious views don't dictate censorship. Or do they? All three of these people assumed that if they threw a little Biblical rhetoric out the whole country would turn around and condemn "Ellen". The fact that a few fundamentalists don't like what's going to happen on TV shouldn't dictate anything. If you don't like it, don't watch the god damned[not entirely inaccurate, if the fundies are right!] show.


And now this issue of Trinity Denied has come to its end. Perhaps this issue was a bit more abrasive in parts, maybe a subconscious defiance of the fact that it's "the third issue". Probably not. Regardless, look out for future issues. I'm not sure if I will print issues during the summer, as it's much easier to hand them out at a school.

For all you graduating seniors that read Trinity Denied, remember you can still read future issues on the web site!@ # Good luck, and God bless. Sorry, couldn't resist. Ho ho ho.


Trinity Denied Issue #3
Final Edit: May 7, 1997
In Spite of the number Three
All articles without by-lines were written by Andrew Jones
All articles belong to their respective authors
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