Miracle Warriors: Seal of the Dark Lord (Walkthrough)

1 Introduction, Beginning the Game, Exploring, Guy
2 Medi, Treo
3 Areos, Keys to Gorkis, Final Preparations, Terarin, Endgame
How the Pandora Passage came to link the Five Lands with the Netherworld is unknown. What is known is that one thousand years ago, a young, awkward shepherd boy named Iason accidentally opened it. Instantly, hordes of evil creatures were loosed upon the Five Lands, under the tyranny of the great Dark Lord, Terarin.
Iason watched Terarin marshal all her forces against the Five Lands. Death was visited upon hundreds of people. Stricken with grief and guilt, Iason pledged to defeat Terarin and drive her from his world.
As Iason grew into a man, he learned the ways of the King's sword, and he trained with the White Monks. He grew into a skillful and mighty warrior. When he was ready, the monks crafted magical arms and items for him.
Iason sought out Terarin herself, and engaged her in a savage battle. Iason conquered the Dark Lord and cast her back into the Netherworld. Then, his armor glowing gold, Iason set a magic seal upon the Pandora Passage, which held it shut and restored peace.
The people of the Five Lands made him into a legend, but Iason desired to live out his life as the shepherd he had been raised to be. However, Iason had a vision just before returning to his life as a shepherd and made this prophecy: The Dark Lord, Terarin, would one day return, and four warriors would awaken to meet her challenge.
It was not long ago that the Pandora Passage broke open with a force that shook the world. Terarin seized the Golden Seal and again unleashed her nightmare army upon the land.
You watched the Five Lands suffer as Terarin's forces ran amok. Wandering from country to country, you prayed for the awakening of the four Miracle Warriors: Guy, the muscled swordsman; Medi, the warrior woman with agility beyond compare; Treo, descended from pirates; and an unknown leader.
One day, you wandered into Phosphoros province in Arukas. Before long, you were summoned to an audience with the king of Arukas in Arasia castle. This king had been trusted with a profound secret, and he reveals it to you now: the blood of Iason flows through your veins; you are the chosen one who is to waken the Miracle Warriors and lead them against Terarin....
(You may give your character any four-letter name you wish; for the sake of uniformity, I'll call him Fssa, the name I gave him when I played.)
The game begins In Arukas at Arasia Castle. Enter the castle and the king will tell you about your quest. Fate calls you to bar Evil's entry; you're destined to find the Seal of the Dark Lord. The seal has been placed in the Gorkis Shrine. To find it, you must see an ancient Sage named Kosama.
Fssa is very weak at the start; he is empty-handed and has no equipment. Don't fret if you get killed early in the game. Check the large map that comes with the game; there is a town a very short trip to the south of the castle. Head over to the town quickly.
Every town has several houses, a shop that buys fangs, an armory, a smithy, a healer, and a town head. Whenever you visit the town head, he will ask to give a donation of 500 guilders to the town. If you agree, he will give you some information. If not, he'll send you on your way.
Useful information you will learn in this town includes: the town is known as Garia, collected fangs are proof of valor in battle, and feathers will aid your travel when bought. The town head will say that Kosama lives in a valley on the border.
You must build up your strength now, or you will get trashed. Walk around the open plains squares next to Garia, always keeping sight of it. Monsters you will meet include a Thief, Unmutak, Weasly Wimp, and Gelfis. You may also meet a Merchant, Evil Merchant, or a Traveler.
Never attack Merchants or Travelers; your fame will decrease. Always kill Evil Merchants. They are weak, easy to kill, and carry 2,000 guilders. The Thief carries 300; the Unmutak, 100 plus one fang.
Talk to any Merchant or Traveler you might meet. They will give you some information or advice which changes after you've performed certain tasks. Right now, they will tell you: First become stronger, then you can fight; stride the open plains, where you belong; be not scared, for you're to crush evil; and if your fame decreases, then your quest will be long and weary.
Stay close to Garia while building up your strength, fame, and guilders. At this point, you don't need to save fangs, so sell them for the money and heal whenever you're badly hurt. Save your game often.
After getting two or three increases in strength, you can venture out further. Try not to walk on mountain or forest hexes because the monsters in those areas are much stronger. As a rule of thumb, the most powerful foes on the surface of the Five Lands are in the desert, followed, in order, by mountains, stormy seas, forest, calm seas, and open plains.
When you have enough guilders (and if you need them), you can buy a sword, knife, armor, and/or shield in Garia. But be sure to keep a sharp eye on the "number of uses" so you can visit a blacksmith when necessary. If the number reaches zero, the item breaks and you lose it.
If you wander into Austel province, you will find a hidden village north of the mountains. Villages are never shown on the game map; they are only shown in the map/menu screen in the game.
In the village, you will find Kosama. He will tell you that you need three companions to defeat Terarin. These three of ancient lineage can help you, but their true warrior selves all lie dormant. When you locate an ally, you must cast the magical spell, "AWAKE, GIANT!" to waken the person's warrior self from slumber. Kosama will also tell you that your first ally is in a town which prays to the sea god.
After finding Kosama, the information given by the Travelers and Merchants will change. They will now tell you things like: find a Mask of the Beast before venturing into the caverns; to awaken your first companion, you need the sword of a warrior; and there are two towns in Marula. You might also be asked if you have collected 300 fangs.
Around this time you might also meet a White or Black Monk. Flee from any Black Monk you find, but talk to the White Monks. If a White Monk calls on fate to guide you, stick around: he will heal you and any companions with you to full life energy.
South of Austel is a footbridge over the river into Marula. A little more to the south, you will find a town. Go in and you will learn: the town is called Oruk (not Orcho, as listed in the map); there are nine towns in the Five Lands; one town was lost to the forces of Terarin; and you should not go into the woods to the southwest by yourself. The town head (if you pay him) will ask if you have received the arms of legend.
Directly south of Oruk is a forest on the coast. Beware the Sesaig monsters there. You will find a hidden castle in the forest. This is the castle of the king of Marula. If you have 300 fangs when you enter this castle, the king will take them and reward you with Iris, Iason's battle axe. This weapon is stronger than any blade you can buy.
If you have at least 13,000 guilders, visit the Oruk blacksmith. He'll tell you that he was fired by the master smith, and for 12,000 guilders, he'll journey with you. Do not accept this offer unless you have 13,000; it is most unwise to leave yourself broke and unable to afford healing or herbs from the town healer. When you have enough money, pay the smith and he'll join you. The smith never fights, but he keeps your armor and weapons in tip-top shape at all times.
The Great Lion monsters outside Oruk have lots of cash, so kill as many of them as you can to build up lots of money. A few Lions will let you buy a Mask of the Beast in the Oruk armory. When you have a Mask, you can go into the monument in Julus province. The mask will allow you to see one square in each direction; without a Mask you can only see the square in which you are standing.
You will find 100 fangs and a magical helm in the dungeon. The helm enables you to read magical runes on the wall of a dungeon. In Julus you will find writing that tells you to help your friends with Iason's arms. This means that the White Monks, being the good fellows they are, have crafted magic arms for all three of your companions and placed them in special locations.
When you have the Iris Axe, you will be ready to awaken Guy. Be careful to avoid the forest in Kokalos north of the Kadmos peninsula. In the Baton province, you will find a hidden town not shown on the map. The people will tell you the following: The town is called Kadia, and its people honor a god of the sea; many people have been killed by Terarin's forces; and some villages may refuse to admit you if your fame is too small. You will also be asked if you found the helm in the cave. The town head (if you pay him) will say that to get a ship, you must defeat the knight in the south woods.
Where is Guy? Fortunately, you will know him when you see him because his normal body exudes an aura of power. Visit the Kadia healer, shout "AWAKE, GIANT," and he will become his true self: the mighty warrior Guy.
Guy carries one portion of an ancient scroll that will point the way to the Gorkis Shrine when it is completed. Guy also knows that your next ally is in a town to the far south.
Buy some armor and a shield for Guy. If you don't have 300 fangs, buy him a knife or sword also. Hunt some more monsters to build up more strength. Remember that Guy will only gain in strength when he fights; if Fssa does all the fighting, Guy will not become stronger.
After you have Guy, the Merchants and Travelers will change their advice. They will now tell you the following: Your second ally can open any lock; to awaken your second companion, you must "put them in armor and then cast a spell"; the sacred nut and staff of earthquakes are valuable in combat; magic items are used to fight strong beasts; and a crystal lets you see far in the caverns.
With Guy at your side, you should now know where to find a special village. Deep in the mountains in Penteus (due south of Austel), there is a hidden village where you can resurrect any member of the party who was slain (if at least one member is still alive to get there, of course!). It will cost 30,000 guilders, so try to avoid needing to use the village!
Time to go to Apheidas, the next country in the Five Lands. When you reach the Dirke mountains, go to the north part of them, and you will locate the hidden castle of the king of Apheidas there. The king's family has custody of a special weapon; if you have 300 fangs, he will take them and give the weapon to Guy. The weapon is called Turos; it is a mighty sword that can overpower the forest of curses. This will become important very shortly, so remember it when you acquire the sword.
Find the town near the river. In this town, you will learn that the town is called Minos, and you should not face the desert beasts alone. You will be asked if you trained with the King's sword in the village by the desert. The town head (if you pay him) will tell you that the knight's curse will fail when you have the sword from the Apheidas castle.
You should know of three more places in Apheidas, even if you don't make use of them. One is a village in the Hierax province, on the edge of the Gorphonos desert. You won't be admitted you unless you have 1,500 fame points or more. For the whopping cost of 60,000 guilders, you can train in the King's sword here. This increases your attack strength by 4 points.
The other two places are both found in the peninsula off Kallipolis Gulf. Cross the mountains carefully to find a hidden cave and a town just a few hexes away from the cave. Don't go into the cave yet; first, go into the town and talk to the people.
You will learn the following in this town: the town is called Menos; you will gain ill-repute if you slay any creature native to the caves; and the Liphants in Arukas eat sacred nuts. If you pay the town head, he'll tell you that a staff found in Eratos will help you kill the creatures guarding the Armor of Legend.
At this point in the game, you should be able to build an appreciable sum of guilders quickly when you require them. So, you should be able to spare the money needed to buy a feather or two whenever you need one. When you have some feathers, you can use one to teleport you instantly to any town that sells them, but only if the town's name is known to Fssa, not just you. This means you must visit the person in each town who tells you the town's name for the feather to take you to that town. So far, you have found two towns that sell feathers:
Garia and Minos.
There are two more tasks you must perform in order to awaken Medi. They can be done in either order. Get ready to do these two steps so you may rouse your second companion from slumber.
At this point in the game, you should be all set to do the two things necessary to wake Medi. First, you must obtain a ship; second, you must get the Armor of Legend.
"Put them in armor and cast a spell" means that you must have the Armor of Legend. You should know by now that the cave near Menos has this armor, and a powerful creature guards it. You must kill this creature to obtain the armor, even though you will lose precious fame points as a result.
The creature is called a Senpi and it is very powerful. It's a good idea if both Fssa and Guy have received training with the King's Sword before trying to fight it. Also, try to get as many Sacred Nuts as you can; kill Liphants in the Arukas forest (where the castle is) to get them. You will get three nuts at a time; after you have nine, use one to kill the next Liphant. You can carry a maximum of 11 nuts; so, if you kill a Liphant and get three more nuts while you already are carrying nine, you will not be allowed to pick up the extra nuts.
After you kill the Senpi, you will find the Armor of Kronos which was worn by Iason. When Fssa puts it on, his defense strength will go up 5 points. Unfortunately, killing the Senpi will cost you 500 fame points.
You must also get a ship which means you must go to Kadmos. The Heap monsters in the forest you'll have to cross have a high resistance to weapons, so Fssa will not be able to inflict heavy damage on them. If Guy has the Turos sword, however, he can hit for heavy damage; the Turos sword overpowers the evil curse.
Just as you begin to walk across the isthmus which separates Marula from Kadmos, you will meet a skeleton. The skeleton is the knight of the woods; it takes almost no damage from Fssa's weapon (even the Iris Axe), or even from a Sacred Nut. The Turos Sword, however, can bring the skeleton down in about three or four swings. Be wary of the skeleton, however; it hits hard.
When you reach Kadmos, you will find a village in the center. It will cost 30,000 guilders to get a ship in this village. There is also a cave nearby, but a lock on it will bar your entry.
The ship, Argo, can sail along the light blue sea squares, but NOT on the dark ones. These dark squares are the storm-tossed seas which can only be navigated by a special ship.
Sail south and you will reach Eratos. You will occasionally have to cross mountain and/or forest squares; try to cross as few of them as you can. There are two towns in Eratos which you should definitely check.
In the first town, you will learn the following: the town is called Torif, and great storms rage around Areos. If you pay the town head, he will say that he remembers seeing youths with crystals going into misty caverns. You can buy feathers in Torif, so be sure to see the town dweller who will tell you the name of the town.
In the other town, you will learn the following: the town is called Doris; the stone of protection blocks enemy magic; and a magic mantle is hidden in a nearby cavern. If you pay the town head, he will tell you (just in case you haven't found it yet) that the armor of Iason is located in the mountains of Apheidas.
You will find a dancer inside a blue house in Doris. Sensing an aura about her, you will know immediately that Medi lies dormant in her body. Shout "AWAKE, GIANT" to awaken her.
Medi has a portion of the scroll, and she knows that your final companion has been changed into a beast by the Black Monks. Buy Medi a shield in the armory; if you have enough money, you may want to get her armor as well. If you don't have 300 fangs, buy her a sword.
When Medi is awakened, the Merchants and Travelers change what they say to you again. They will now tell you things like the following: your final companion is trapped in a shrine in a lake; pirate blood runs in the veins of your final companion; beasts in a cavern hold a shield that protects against black magic; and Odysseus's shield is kept in the far south.
West of Torif is Elatoria castle. The royal family has been entrusted with a weapon crafted by the White Monks which "suits not a man's hands." When Medi is with you, the king will give her the sword; it will cost another 300 fangs, of course. The sword is called Eros, and when Medi is armed with the weapon, she can execute a special crushing attack which will do extra damage. Unfortunately, the chance of Medi's attacking in this manner is random. She may use it several times in a row, or not even once in several dozen swings. When she does use it, however, it is very potent.
Medi can also open the locks on the caves in Phrixos province and at Kadmos. Before doing that, however, try to get another strength increase for everyone. While you're at it, explore the monument found just above the Silvius desert.
In Silvius, you will find the mantle you heard about. When you locate it, you will no longer encounter most of the weaker creatures you met when you started the game. You will also find some writing on the wall telling you there is a crystal there. Pick up the crystal, and you will be able to see two hexes instead of just one. This will make it easier to find your way around.
East of Phrixos is an isthmus leading to Iphis province; there's a hidden village in Iphis that sells the Stone of Protection for 50 fangs per stone. Try to get several since they do not always work. South of Torif, in the Karme province, is the village which sells the Staff of Earthquakes. Each staff costs 10,000 guilders, you may carry only four, and you must have a minimum fame of 2,000 to be admitted to the village.
Now, you're set to enter the two caves at Phrixos and Kadmos. Be sure to get some Stones, Nuts, and Staffs before going into the caves to take some of the sting out of the Senpi monsters. In Phrixos, you will find the Armor of Athena, which the monks made for Medi; in Kadmos is the Armor of Titan which the monks made for Guy. Alas, the price you must pay is the loss of 500 fame points for each Senpi you kill to get these items.
You probably saw the island in the lake near Iphis on the game map, and guessed that the shrine with Treo in it is there; however, you will not be able to awaken Treo because the spell that changed him to a beast is too strong.
Get as many Sacred Nuts and Staffs of Earthquakes as you can, and several Stones of Protection. You will find a hidden cave among the mountains of Ikaros island. A Hanj monster is in the cave. It's more powerful than the Senpi, so you'll need as many Nuts and Staffs as you can carry, as well as the special armor for Guy and Medi, which boosts their defense strength by 5 points. Finally, be sure to get Medi her training in the King's Sword in the desert village before taking on the Hanj.
Kill the Hanj, and you will lose 1,000 fame points (ouch!), but you will get the Shield of Ulysses which was used by Iason. Fssa will get another increase in defense strength (5 points over a normal shield) when he puts it on. The shield will protect against black magic, so you may now enter the lake shrine, and awaken Treo by shouting, "AWAKE, GIANT."
Treo will complete the ancient scroll so you may read it. Treo also knows where the arms crafted for him by the White Monks are: they are hidden in a monument among the mountains north of the shrine (just south of Garia). To enter the shrine, you must call out, "TREO HAS COME."
Get as many herbs as you can carry in Garia, go to the monument, and save the game just outside. You will save 11,000 guilders if you don't buy Treo a normal armor or shield; of course, Treo will have little protection from enemy attacks. So, try to run from any monster encounters except Barbeela monsters (it's almost impossible to get away from them). On the left side of the dungeon you will find Treo's arms: the Halberd of Babel, the Armor of Kaos, and the Shield of Kimaira. You will also find nine Sacred Nuts.
After Treo is awake, the information of the Merchants and Travelers will change once more. Now, they will tell you things such as the following: You are only about half as big as Iason; the south wind carries the sweet and fresh scent of spring; Iason was two times as fast as a normal man and of great stature; "face not dawn" means moving west; three keys are needed to enter Gorkis Shrine; and rumor says a marvelous ship can be found inside a village in the desert. You might also be asked if you found the armor and shields in the caverns yet.
Go hunting some more to build up Treo's strength, and get enough guilders to buy him King's Sword training at the desert village. Then, restock your magic items for the next step.
There is another cave hidden in the mountains just west of Garia, and one other cave among some mountains north of Gorphonos desert. Now that Treo is with you, the Hanji in those caves should be a bit easier. You will lose 1,000 fame points for each Hanj, but in the cave west of Garia, you will get the Shield of Celene for Medi; in the cave north of Gorphonos, you will get the Shield of Hector for Guy.
North of the Gorphonos mountains is a lake with a small island. There is a village on the island. If you find this village before awakening Treo, the village head will tell you they have a ship sturdy enough to sail the stormy seas, but only one of pirate stock is able to sail it.
Since Treo has the blood of pirates in his veins, he can sail this ship. So, go there and the village head will give you the ship, gratis.
Your party is complete, everybody now has King's Sword training and their maximum armament, and you have a seaworthy galleon capable of sailing the stormy seas. Get ready for the final step: Areos island.
You can sail to Areos either from the west coast of Eratos or the southern coast of Apheidas. Several beasties in the stormy seas are pretty tough, so attack them with caution. The Sea Dragons are probably the strongest. You get 56 fangs, and if you're lucky enough, a Potion of Restoration that will restore your life meter back up to full. Be careful, though: it's hinted in the game that it's really a potion of resurrection, but it will not work on a character that's been slain. You should also take care when attacking the Sea Dragons since you'll lose 100 fame points for every one you kill.
Several creatures in Areos are strong, even those in the open plain. Also, Areos is mostly desert where you'll find the most powerful creatures on the surface. Check the map carefully to find your way to the town.
You will learn the following from the people: the town is called Tegea; Sea Dragons have restoring potions; Magic Spheres are found in a village in the desert; and Iason's monument is found somewhere in the desert. You won't get any useful information from the town head; he'll just caution you to beware the evil hordes' traps. Make certain you visit the person who will tell you the name of the town since you can buy feathers in Tegea.
There is one last town you should go to in the Five Lands. You will find a lake in the Kerberos desert; there is a town on the lake. Go in and talk to the people even though the information there is not very useful. The people will tell you that: the town, called Eratea, is in ruins due to them; and creatures howl like the wind late at night. The town head will tell you to fight all evil leaders to prevail.
It's time to use the ancient scroll. The scroll reads as follows:
"Hearken, COME, IASON: For eight days from Saria calls spring's sweetness. Eight days, face not dawn; journey north five days, west three days to Dokia. View the sacred shrine; yea, the gates below are, for fools: Hell's Gates."
Merchants and Travelers say that the south wind carries the sweet smell of spring and that "face not dawn" means to go west. So, from Saria, you must go eight moves (squares on the map) south, eight west, five north, and three west. You are also told that Medi's town was once called Saria.
Here's where the biggest problem is in the game. It is Tegea -- not Medi's town of Doris -- which was once known as Saria. You will find a monument to Iason at each of the turning points, as well as at the end of the path you follow. In the first three monuments, you hear a voice all you around saying, "He who hesitates is lost!" When you enter the fourth monument, you'll find a monster called a Basailz. This beast is not too hard to kill, but beware of its sleep spells: taking a Stone of Protection or two is a good idea.
When you kill the Basailz, you GAIN 1,000 fame points, which can be a real help in regaining the fame you lost when you had to kill the three Senpis and the three Hanji. You'll open a container, a voice will call you fools, and tell you that the seal is not here. Every member of the party will take a hit, and you get a message that you have badly injured the Black Monk and his retainer. Check your list of items (the blacksmith has been killed). This isn't too much of a problem, however. You can kill the Basailz one or two more times (there is a new one there any time you reenter the monument), then hire a new blacksmith in Tegea or Eratea.
So, what's going on? The scroll seems to be misleading. It is, but the Merchants and Travelers give you the hint you need to see how. Iason was twice as fast as a normal man, and of great stature; you're only about half as big as Iason. This means when you travel eight moves, eight moves, five moves and three moves, you must take IASON-SIZED steps. Since you can't do this, you will have to travel double the distance that Iason would. This means sixteen moves to the south and sixteen moves to the west, ten moves north, and six moves west.
Sixteen moves south of Tegea, you'll find a desert hex surrounded by the Agenor mountains. On this hex is the first shrine; shout "COME, IASON" to enter. Take as many herbs as you can (you can carry up to 24, meaning you must buy 20, use one, then buy five more) into the shrine.
The monsters in the Areos shrines are probably the strongest of all; it's a good idea to map the place so you can find your way back out. You will find a chest in the southwestern portion of the shrine. Heal everyone with the herbs before you open it because when you do, a Rokhod pops out. This beastie doesn't hit too hard, but its life meter is very long; a few magic items (Nuts and Staffs) will help. Unfortunately, you'll lose 1,000 fame points for killing the Rokhod. It's the price you must pay for getting the Key to Heaven, one of three keys you were told you need to enter Gorkis Shrine.
Sixteen moves west of this shrine is the next one. In fact, this second shrine, is only a few moves southwest of Eratea. You'll find a Sehod with the Key to Earth in a chest there. After you get it, the third shrine is ten moves north. In the east area, you'll find a box with an Ohod; the Ohod has the Key to Hell. The Sehod and Ohod, when killed, cost you 1,000 points of fame each.
Six moves west of the third shrine is the Gorkis Shrine. Like each of the three shrines before it, you enter by calling out "COME, IASON," but you're not quite ready to enter yet. You must be very, very strong to conquer the Dark Lord
I have found that, even with all four characters with maximum armament and King's Sword training, I had to have the following numbers in attack and defense strength before I was able to defeat Terarin:
For FSSA: Attack 35, Defense 42
For GUY: Attack 32, Defense 40
For MEDI: Attack 29, Defense 38
For TREO: Attack 26, Defense 36
Building up to these levels can get to be very long and tedious. To make it less boring, you can experiment in different ways of fighting different monsters, finish mapping any dungeons you didn't map, etc.
When you're ready to face Terarin, go to Arukas and kill enough Liphants to acquire 11 Sacred Nuts. Buy 4 Staffs of Earthquakes in Karme, and a Stone or two in Iphis. You can carry up to 3 Restoration Potions; kill a few Sea Dragons to get them.
There's one more item to pick up. Go to the Kilix plain between the Dione and Kerberos deserts. From the left end of the mountain range, move seven moves up, and you'll find a village.
You must have a minimum fame of 4,000 to be admitted to the village; if you don't have 4,000 fame, you can get it by killing the Basailz a few times. Save up 1,000 fangs when you can get into the village, and you can acquire the White Sphere. This item contains infinite magic power to crush foes. Unfortunately, you can only carry one Sphere at a time. After getting the White Sphere, pick up a few feathers in Tegea in case you take a licking in Gorkis, and need to return to town for healing.
Your item list should now include the following: 2 or 3 Feathers, the Helm, the Mantle, the Crystal, a Mask, the Pirate Ship, a Blacksmith, the Scroll of Iason, the Keys of Heaven, Earth, and Hell, 11 Sacred Nuts, 4 Staffs of Earthquakes, 3 Restoration Potions, a Stone of Protection or two, and the White Sphere. Also take 24 herbs.
Go to Gorkis Shrine and save the game just outside. It's important to map this dungeon because this shrine has three levels, and on the second level there are three false gates which will teleport you to the Julus monument, Kallipolis Gulf or the Itys Sea. Only one of the gates will take you to the bottom (third) level.
There's a container with extra herbs and a gateway into the chamber of the Dark Lord Terarin on the third level. When you find the gate, heal everyone up to full life energy with the herbs before entering.
When you meet Terarin, use the Stones first to create an anti-magic barrier. Then, attack with the Sacred Nuts until you've used them all up. Next, use the Staffs, and finally the Sphere. You will knock out about a fourth of Terarin's life meter.
Now, have Fssa engage Terarin in hand to hand combat, one on one. Learn how close to dying Fssa can come without actually being killed. When he is one blow away from dying, use a Potion of Restoration to bring his life meter back to full. Repeat until all three potions are gone. When all of this is done, it's just a toe-to-toe slugging match between Terarin and your four Miracle Warriors. If you're powerful enough, you will conquer her and get to watch the closing sequence. While MIRACLE WARRIORS' closing sequence is nothing outstanding, it is reasonably good for a two-mega SMS game.