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Keef the Thief: A Boy and His Lockpick (Walkthrough)

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computer games walkthroughs
 · 16 Sep 2019
Keef the Thief: A Boy and His Lockpick (Walkthrough)
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1 Introduction, General Tips
2 Homes, Palace, Treasury
3 Jungle, Caves, Land's End, Eggs, Hut, Hall of Wisdom
4 Mem Santi, Maze
5 Tel Hande, Contest, Skull
6 Tel Empor, Abyss, Endgame
7 Information, Items, Artifacts Armor, Weapons, Traps
8 Reagents, Spells



When you first boot KEEF THE THIEF, you are treated to two neat graphic screens, each with its own music; cute, but time consuming.

When you finally get going (by pressing the spacebar) you are presented with your first adventure: a rather sadistic card game. Your hand consists of three face cards, and you must select the proper fourth card to complete the hand. Your list of possible choices is at the bottom of the screen, and the correct choice is listed in the black on burgundy pages bound in the center of the manual. Yes, dear adventurer, this is the copy protection.

With the theme music from KEEF playing in the background, you are dealt the following sample hand:

You draw a primary card of Mem, a secondary card of Mem, and a tertiary card of The Prophet.

At this point you shuffle through the burgundy rule book and find that a hand of Mem, Mem, The Prophet equals The Lord of Mercon, which you quickly select from the menu at the bottom of the screen (the music is making you crazy and your eyes are beginning to fail you already).

You find you are correct; however, you have been dealt another hand. This time the cards are a primary of Mem, secondary of The Prophet, and tertiary of The Magician King.

Shuffling through the rule book once more, you find that Mem, The Prophet, The Magician King equals The Prophet, which you select.

Ah, finally! You can just see the edge of the Same Mercon Bridge, and the gate to the city. It is said that this is a swinging city for bold, brash, hungry adventurers. Search your initial location and you will find that you are no longer weaponless!

Before dashing off to see the town, check out the information available on your screen. The three bright green and one gray squares indicate the state of your health and of your fortune, respectively. The letters over the squares indicate Sleep, Food, Health, and Gold. Click on any of the four squares to see your current status.

The squares will change from bright green to bright red (with lots of colors in between) as you go from alive and kicking to kicking the bucket. Your fortune square should progress towards bright yellow as you gain in gold.

You have just been ostracized from an unnamed town by the Council Elder. You have an attitude, boy, and a little self-examination wouldn't hurt! You click on yourself and find a list of things you will frequently need to know about yourself (Status, Abilities, Inventory, Score), and you also find a way to rest. Do so now, and watch your status change.

Now that you have rested, you can shuffle off to Same Mercon, to the sounds of the "Same Mercon Shuffle." Or you can shuffle off in silence if you click on the FILE and click off the MUSIC. Each time you select the NEW GAME option, your statistics will change. Keep selecting until you have as much gold, hit points, and magic points as you can get. You may also want to click on FEWER MONSTERS and EASIER MONSTERS. You are, after all, a thief and a bounder, and you're ready to take advantage of every edge!

Click on ENTR and you will find yourself outside the gate at Same Mercon. Ignore the tourists and the soldier, and ENTR the city. Directly to the South is the palace -- a good place for conversation and meeting girls. Later in the game your powers of seduction will allow you to find and loot the Treasury, but that's for the big boys.

HINT: Before you ask anybody anything, save the game, then reboot. Take notes, then load the game you just saved. Talk is not cheap in Same Mercon!

Excuse yourself from the Palace (or just leave), and wander off to the east where you will find the Nasty Dude, the local outlet for "Weapons R Us," and the neighborhood pub. The Drunk'n Dragon Pub is the only place where you can eat and get the all-important room for the night which has, as part of the accommodations, the ability to restore both health and spell points. Directly south of the pub are the Herb Shop and the Book Store.

Moving north to the north end of the Bazaar, then south to the shops several times, will restore your health and spell points.

If you are able to defeat an opponent in combat, save the game, pace back and forth in the bazaar until you are well, then save the game again. Occasionally you will acquire new weapons or armor during battle: always check your inventory afterward and switch to the most potent item. Every time you succeed in stealing something, save the game. Each successful theft will enhance your abilities.

Eventually, you need at least one of every item from all the shops and stores, but your first item should be the Scroll in the book store. Steal the Scroll (if at first you don't succeed, try, try, again). Use the Scroll of Unity. When you have read the scroll, go into the herb shop and buy some peppermint and narcissus to use in your first spell mix, Bandus Aidus, which costs three spell points to use, and which must be mixed in the Circle.

After you have acquired the scroll and the suggested herbs, the next object of your larceny should be the Jungle Map. If you have the patience, steal everything in the shop now, or explore between thefts.

Use the Scroll of Unity to discover the powers of the Circle, then go buy or steal the items required to mix the spells.

HINT: For most of the game, it is best to use your gold to buy reagents for spells. You can steal your food and steal the room for the night, but stealing all the reagents you will need is time consuming and boring!

Mix as many Bandus Aidus spells as you can afford. Steal some Dragon Drool and Glow Grass so you can mix some Flickus Bickus spells for indoor use a little later. Remember to keep an eye on your health points during battles and cast "Ba Ai" when you need to keep fighting.

Steal all the books in the book store, and pay very close attention to the text of both the "Book of Swords" and the "Antique Book." Charles can be found in Same Mercon, and all the treasures described in the Antique Book can be stolen from the homes in Same Mercon. The sling is available for sale by one of the barflies in the Drunk'n Dragon.

Eventually, you _must_ have one of everything sold by the Nasty Dude outside the pub. So, go out into the Jungle and get some money by fighting, or start to steal from the homes of Same Mercon. Neither way is easy, but both offer nice payoffs.

The items that will net you a fortune are described in the Antique Book, and the person interested in these items hangs out in a different pub across town.

Most of the people in both pubs can sell you information. Your best bet is to cheat. (Save the game, ask for the information, and take notes. Then, load the saved game which will reset the money.)



Go south from the herb shop to reach Tel Road, and wait for the guard to pass. You will notice that the screen will flash in unison with his footsteps and light up solid (the color will vary depending on the computer version you're playing) when he is on the scene. You have the amount of time between the guard's strolls to break into a home, remove any traps before you exit, and reenter to steal something.

The first house on the right is an empty building. The Cheaps live in the middle home. The Neopsaws have a dog, but not for long if you are good at what you do! North of the Neopsaws dwell the Telopars, after whom the street is named, but who have little to offer the thief. The Lekihams have a goblet worth stealing, and do remember to pick up the toothbrush in the Tikitan household.

When you have a few of the items listed above, visit the Pink Dragon Pub in the West Town Square. Feel free to steal a horse or two. Also, no thief is worth much without an art collection!

Show the dog to the merchant for 700 gold. Show the goblet to the collector for 300 gold. Show the plate to the collector for 100 gold.

Save your game, ask everyone about everything, take notes, and load the game you saved. Your funds will be restored and you will be a much more knowledgeable thief!

Take your gold back to the Bazaar and purchase some goodies from the Nasty Dude. In fact, now is the time to stock up on one of everything in his inventory. Also, purchase as many lock pick sets as you can afford.

Return to the street of Same Mercon and do some more housebreaking: Much treasure awaits the cautious thief!

Taking the Tikitan toothbrush is difficult, but keep trying. You can make three quick steal attempts, then exit, walk around to heal, then reenter as soon as the guard passes to give it three more tries. You are hurt each time you fail to steal something, so pay close attention to your hit points.

Stealing the painting from the Samsongs' wall is not a song, but it will rev your motor. The Porsche sketch will net you 150 gold, and the toothbrush is worth 400 to the collector. Spend the money on reagents, food, and lodging.

Return to Mem Drive and steal CHARLES from Telfan's house and be sure to USE CHARLES: You will raise your weapon effectiveness to 65//40. Pass up Kell's residence until you are more practiced in the art of removing traps.

Go all the way to the beginning (north end) of Marble Street and enter the Smythes' residence. Steal the necklace and sell it to the collector for 500 gold. Then, head for the Nodels' where a nasty trap awaits your removal before you can steal anything.

HINT: Whenever you get the message "Forgive this trap for killing you," you have selected the correct trap disarming method, but the effectiveness of the method depends on your skill and random selection by the computer for success.

This is perhaps the most frustrating aspect in KEEF.

In the Nodels' home you can remove the trap from the teapot by keeping the teapot from spilling. Exit the house, save the game, wait until the guard passes, be sure you are healed, then return to the house and steal the teapot. Show the teapot to the collector who will part with 50 gold to obtain it.

Go next door to the Megtans and steal the ruby necklace. Take the ruby necklace to the collector, who will reward you with 600 gold.

Skip the Olfers and the Ten Tuks.

Continue down Marble Street and enter Benrey's ivy-covered door. You can remove the trap from the candle by removing the candle from the wall. (The music you hear as you attempt to disarm traps is "Flip the Wrist," a variation on "Flop the Klutz.")

This is the first time in the game that you are sure to be entertained by the "Reaper's Dirge" as presented by the cross-eyed demon of death. Enjoy the show! Once you have succeeded in removing the trap, exit immediately, and save the game. You can reenter and steal the glove without having to remove the trap again. Steal the glove -- a legendary piece of armor called "The Tortoise" which, like its name, is useless unless coupled with "The Hare" which you will find later in the game.

You may be skilled enough by now to remove the trap in Kell's, but don't waste too much time there. Remove the fireplace trap by brushing the embers back into the fire. This option is on page two of the Choices Menu: You must click on the folded corner of the scroll at the bottom of the screen to see this choice.

The well-rested thief will have better luck at removing traps everywhere in the game. Select REMOVE then SLEEP before you click on your selected option. Exit Kell's, save the game, wait until the guard passes, then reenter and steal the gems. Several attempts may be needed. The successful theft of the gems will add 500 to your gold without further action on your part.

Return to the Drunk'n Dragon and steal a meal and whatever accommodations you need to get your stats up to 100%. You should be wielding CHARLES, wearing Dragon Hide (or better armor if you have stolen some), carrying as many sets of the 11 herbs (reagents) as you have been able to steal or buy, and able to use the Circle of Perfect Unity to mix the four basic spells: Bandus Aidus (Self and Healing); Flickus Bickus (Light and Fire); Emmus Exesus (Hatred); and Nudus Bunsus (Focus, Self, and Opening). There are three other scrolls that you will find, each leading to a higher level of magic.

At this point you should be sneaky enough to have stolen the entire inventory of both the book store and the herb shop. If you haven't, do so before you leave town. Be sure you have a long bow or a crossbow in your inventory.


If you are in the mood for a little dalliance, visit the princess, and impress her with the most expensive flower you can find. This little gesture will garner you some cutesy gestures from her highness, and give you access to the treasury area of the palace, just behind the throne. You are not yet strong nor wise enough to attempt to sack the treasury, but it is nice to know you can do so when you're ready to.

You can test your readiness by proceeding south. You are now in the hallways of the Palace. You will be met immediately by foes; run or vanquish them. Use Flint and Steel or flick your BIC and look around. (NOTE: Four magic points are required for Flickus Bickus.)

Proceed east, south twice, and west. (You will have to fight or run every step of the way.) Turn north and search the wall. A hidden door will appear and a scissors cursor will replace the arrow cursor. Click the scissors on the door or click on the lock until you successfully slip the lock pick into the lock and release it. Step north into the palace treasury. The wise thief will back out to the palace reception area and save his current position.


Click on RMV to see what traps await you. There are seven traps; five of these must be removed, and two must be left undisturbed before you can attempt to steal the goodies (see the chart in Part 7 of this walkthru).

Once you have removed the five traps, exit the treasury, return to the palace reception area, and save. Take a walk back to the Pub for dinner and a few good nights' rest. Then, return to the Palace and the treasury so you can loot the joint!

Take these treasures first: Scroll of Force (Cube of Irresistible Force Spells), Shard of Mem (critical item), Yang (half of a Sword Set), Arm of Wealth (critical artifact which raises your luck stat to 100%). Leave the gold and go save yourself; return after you've healed to steal the gold.

When you have honed your thievery skills and progressed to level 5, go to Weapons R Us and steal a long bow or a crossbow. The price of an item is a good indication of its power. Go to the Drunk'n Dragon and practice stealing rooms and meals. Go to the Herb Shop and practice stealing reagents. When you are proficient, go to the West Town Square and steal a BIG FOOTED HORSE (the Clydesdale) and a HOMIN HORSE if you get the chance. While you are in the square, be cool, and rip off the artist, too.



You can practice your trap removal tactics and increase your skills by climbing the tree at the End of the World, which is in the far southwest corner of the Jungle. Ah, yes, the Jungle....

Just the place to earn your keep, Keef! Get out among the natives and swish, slash, smash, bash, leer, sneer, and grab the loot. The most productive moneymaker in this country is the successful highwayman. Prowling the Jungle to the tune of "Lost in the Jungle," the master thief can earn his keep in battle -- smashing and bashing to the tune of "Blood Haze."


Leave Same Mercon by heading north from the open gate. Go north from the Same Mercon Bridge. Your musical accompaniment will change from the "Same Mercon Shuffle" to "Lost in the Jungle." Go west, then north twice. You are now looking at the only bridge in the country that does plastic surgery. Save your game and attempt to cross the bridge to get a real nose job. Too bad, booby! Oh, well. Load the game again, and this time, try using the "Other" option when you meet the Tel Hande Guard on the bridge. Search the body and find a scroll. GET THE PAPERS. You now have in your possession the one thing that will get you into Tel Hande: a passport!

When you can see the body of the Tel Hande Guard you are in the middle of the Tel Roca Bridge. Face north, then go north, and save your game so you won't lose the passport.


Turn west, then go west five times. This brings you to the western limits of the country, overlooking the Abyss. Click on the MAP option (this will only be available if you were a good thief and have the Jungle Map in your inventory). Turn north, go north, turn east, and go east. You are now at the foot of a tree lift that will take you to Mem Santi. Check the map again so you'll know where this place is located. The west//north//east approach is the only way to get to this location.

To get from the tree lift to Mem Santi, go up and north. To get from the tree lift to the Jungle area near the falls, go north twice. Then, turn and go east to the waterfall where you meet the Mermaid. Ask her about everything she can tell you (the Falls, her Tale, and the Waterfall) since this conversation is cheap and essential.

The Waterfall is the only accessible body of water in the game and is the hiding place of Neptune's Trident. You must cast the Huvius Vacuumus spell to find the hidden weapon. Click on the Waterfall, and you will enter the caves.


Go north from the cave entrance to the end of the hall. Turn east and go east to the end of the hall. Then, turn south and search for the hidden door in the south wall. Pick the lock. Enter to find three Sorceresses and a Witch guarding MOE, the ultimate helmet. Vanquish the girls, search the room, and get the helmet. Remove all other armor except ACHILLES, and your stats will be 100//100 for armor.

Exit the room of the helmet and go west twice, north twice, then east. Search the east wall for the hidden door. A battle with three Witches and a Sorceress yields nothing except experience. Exit the room, go west, and you will find a locked door on the north wall of this corridor. Pick the lock, enter the room, and fight four more rotten ladies. When you have vanquished them, search the room and get the ring. This is it: the Mermaid's Ring! Exit the caves and show the Mermaid's Ring to the Mermaid. Return it to her, and she will open the doors of love for you.

Return to the cave. Go north, east, north, then east (you see the door of the useless fight room). Turn and go north, then west into the alcove where you find a locked door. Pick the lock, and enter the Chamber of Love. Remove the Pedestal by sliding your knife under the pedestal. Any of the three options for disarming the torch results in OWIES, but any of them will disarm the trap enough to allow you to steal the arm. This is the fabled Arm of Love, which raises your Constitution stat to 100%.


Turn south. Go south five times, west twice, south twice, west, south twice, west, south twice, then turn west, and you are facing the real edge of the world! Go west again, young man, and discover Land's End. Go east and save the game. Get some rest, get your hit points up to maximum, and go back west.

Go up the tree and remove the egg trap. Get some sleep. Select CAREFULLY TAKING THE EGG. This is a very chancy activity. It will be a long time and take you many tries before you succeed. But every time you do succeed in disarming this particular trap, you increase your disarming skills by 3%, which is just what you need to defeat the rest of the traps in the game. It takes a long time, but you can get your skills up to 100% by just practicing on the egg trap. Stealing the eggs will help you gain in thief points and will provide you with a supply of Phoenix Eggs: the Infinite component for spells. You get five eggs every time you succeed in a theft.


Exit the base of the tree to the east, and click on the map to see the location. Go east, north, then east, and you will be in the Jungle near the Hut. This is the hut of Al Handratta, mentor of used car salesmen and dispenser of food for a price. Face north, and save the game. Go north, and talk to the man. Buy some dinner, ask him some questions, and show him the Clydesdale. Al will hand you his Hermit's Key in return for your gift of the horse. If you continue north, you will enter the hut, a place that is bigger than its outside dimensions. Retrace your steps to exit the hut, and return to the tree to practice your skills. Check the map so you'll know how to return to the hut which houses many secrets.

After you have saved the game, enter the Al Handratta's Hut by clicking on its door.


With the door of the hut to the south, go north, turn west, and go west through the hall door. Go south through the other door, and you'll enter Al Handratta's Library. Search and you will find a scroll. Get the Scroll of Power. Use this scroll to mix the spells of the Pyramid of Directed Power.

Exit the hut and save the game so that you don't lose the scroll. At this point, you may wish to build up your skills and stats before returning to the hut to find Wisdom and the route to Telloc's Library through the hidden Half Door.


Talk to Al, and buy a good meal. To win the battle against the Hydra and enter the Hall of Wisdom, you must have traded the Clydesdale for the Hermit's Key. Enter the hut and go to the end of the hall. Turn east and unlock the door by picking the lock. Go through the door and continue east, then south to the end of the corridor. There is a locked door on the west wall that leads to a ladder going down. Do not use it yet. Turn around and look east; you can see the door to the Hall of Wisdom. What you can't see is the bunch of hoodlums that await you behind it. Go east and first kill the body, then the three heads of the Hydra. Now, pick the lock and enter the Hall of Wisdom. Steal the Gem of Wisdom and the Glove. The Gem is one of the quest items and gives you 100% in your Wisdom stat. The Glove is "The Hare," the weapon that complements "The Tortoise." (Yin Yang is much more powerful.)

You may wish to return to Same Mercon to build up your magic points again before attempting to locate the entrance to Telloc's Library.

From the entrance, go north, then through the door on the east wall. Continue east, turn south, go to the door on the west wall and enter. Go down, and you find yourself in a vast, leaky stone hallway. Head east, south, and east until you come to a locked door. Pick the lock and enter. You have arrived at the West Double Door. The East Double Door can be reached from the Tel Empor dungeon on level 4. Use the Key of Koran. You have opened half the door. You must now go to Tel Empor and open the other half before you can gain entrance to Telloc's Library. Return to the entrance the way you came in.


Return to the Jungle to earn more money and to locate Tel Hande. Go north from the gate, and cross the Tel Roca Bridge. From the north end of the bridge, go north, west three times, and north. You are now in the Jungle near the falls. Check the map to note this location since it is a very important spot. Go west, north twice, east, north three times, and east three times. Turn north and you are facing the dread black gate of Tel Hande.


Go south from the gate to the Jungle near the River. Check the map, and you are just able to see the tree lift location on the west, Tel Hande on the north, and the north end of the Tel Roca Bridge's pylons. The fastest way back to Same Mercon is to go west, south, east, and south over the bridge.


Go west twice, north twice, east, north three times, east, north twice, east twice, north twice, and east twice. You are now at the north end of the Tel Roca Bridge. Going south three times, east, then south again brings you to the Jungle by Same Mercon. Go into town, "steal" yourself well, then come back here and continue the journey to Tel Empor.


Leave Same Mercon and enter the Jungle. From the Jungle by Same Mercon location, turn east. Go east four times, south twice, east, south twice, east, south three times, west twice, south, and west. You are now at the gates of the ruins of Tel Empor. Sleep and heal yourself and get ready to seek glory, weapons, and strength! Save the game before you enter because you cannot save again until you return to the Jungle.


At the entrance to Tel Empor, turn around, face east, go three steps east, then search, and you will find a really gross pit of slimy ghouls. A sword is hidden at the far end of the pit...just follow your nose. You must fight extraordinarily nasty monsters at every step.



Follow the directions to get to the tree lift in Part 3. Save your game, then go up the tree lift to arrive in a fairy tale city suspended in the treetops. Uh, don't let the swaying bother you: You'll get used to it!

From the top of the lift, go north, and enter the Temple Foyer. Speak with the Curator (you need at least 350 gold to ask the Curator anything). As soon as you have the information, load the save you made at the base of the tree lift and return to the foyer. There is a very visible door on the north wall which leads to the halls of Mem Santi.

Mem's Second through Seventh have rooms in that area of the building, and the halls also lead to the Mem Santi Treasury. Behind the tapestry on the wall is a hidden door which leads to the Mem Santi Maze. Mem's First has a room down in the Maze, and you must fight him to get the Artifact of Mem.

If you go west from the foyer, you will find yourself on another tree bridge that leads to the Naughty Dog -- a nice place to visit, but not essential to the game.

Talk with the Curator and show him the Shard of Mem (acquired in the Palace Treasury). He will thank you for the return of the relic, and tell you that the guards at the stairs hold "robes blessed by Mem himself." (The stairs are behind the tapestry at the entrance to the Maze.)

You must fight to get the robes, but they are worth the trouble. Search the foyer, and you will find the hidden door behind the tapestry. Go through the door and you are on a tree bridge that leads to the stairs to the Maze. Go east and you will be attacked by the guards. They are vulnerable to crossbow tactics.

When you have vanquished the guards, heal yourself, then search. You will find some armor. Click on GET, and you are the proud possessor of ACHILLES. Go into your Inventory and double-click on ACHILLES; your armor stats will rise to 90//85 if you are also wearing the OGRE SKULL. Continue to use CHARLES as a weapon, and wear the SPIKED GLOVES to raise your weapon stats to 75//25.


Go north from the foyer, and you will find yourself on the first floor of Mem Santi. Cast a big light spell and proceed north to the door on the east wall of the corridor. Go east through the door which leads to a corridor. Follow the corridor to the end of the hall and turn south. Go south through the door, and you are in the Guard Room. There is a tough battle to get through, but nothing of interest is in the room at this time.

Exit the Guard Room, return to the short corridor, and from there, go back to the main corridor. Go north through the door in the end of the entry corridor. There is a ladder leading up to Floor 2.


From the top of the ladder, go north all the way to the wall and search the north wall. There is a hidden, locked door here. Leave it. If you turn west, you will be able to see three doors in addition to the one you have just located. Ignore them for the moment. Turn all the way around and go east to the end of this corridor. At the east end of the corridor, turn south and search. The hidden locked door leads to a short corridor and a ladder going up.

At the top of the ladder is a narrow room. The door at the far end leads to the Mem Santi Treasury. The guards here must be vanquished, and they are very fast on their feet! A crossbow is better than CHARLES if your aim is good. Before you enter the Treasury, it may be a good idea to go back outside to the Jungle, and save the game. Chances are high you will die more than a few times before you succeed in sacking the joint.

If you want some variety, get your remove skills up over 50% and remove the traps in the first part of the treasury. Then, go back to Land's End, and get your skills up to 100% before you return to tackle the real treasure part of the treasury.


When you come down the corridor leading from the ladder you climbed to get up to Floor 2, turn west and go to the far end of the hall where you will find the room of Mem's Second. Enter the room and fight the foes you find there. When the battle is through, search Mem's Second's room, and you will find YIN, the blade to complete YIN YANG. This weapon will raise your stats to 90//90 for weapon, and your armor stats can be raised to 95//80 if you are wearing GAUNTLETS, ACHILLES, and the OGRE SKULL.

The other rooms have difficult opponents too. You can fight the clergy with YIN YANG, but the crossbow is needed to catch Mem's men if they get away from you in hand-to-hand combat.


Exit the foyer to the east (through the door that was hidden in back of the tapestry). Cross the tree bridge and you are at the top of a ladder that leads down to the Maze. Go down, cast a big light spell, then down again.

Go east, south, and east at the first corridor. There is a hidden door on the east wall of the alcove at the end of the corridor. Pick the lock, go through the door, and you will find yourself in another part of the maze.

There is another door on the north wall of an alcove that takes you to Mem's First's Room. When you attempt to go down the ladder, you find that you can only get the Artifact of Mem over First's dead body, so fight. When you win the battle, you can go down. This automatically gets you the Artifact and brings you back up to Mem's First's Room.

Exit north, then go north, east, south, and east, which brings you back to the door on the east wall of the alcove. Retrace your steps to get to the hole in the ceiling and go up twice. The Maze is tricky and practically impossible to map. Left and north will get you out sooner or later.

When you return to the foyer, you will notice that the "pants" are missing from the pedestal. You are now the proud owner of Mem's Artifact, and your speed stat has increased to 100%.

Now that you have YIN YANG, ACHILLES, and a 100% speed stat, you are ready to compete in the contest in Tel Hande, and fight for BRUCE.



Follow the directions from Part 3 to get to Tel Hande from the Jungle. Use the passport, go north to enter, and cast Biggus Litus to illuminate the entire dungeon.


Go west to the end of the hall, then north to the ladder. Climb down to the Basement. In the Basement, go south to the end of the hall, then go east and turn north through the door. Continue north to the end of the hall, then go west to the ladder, and climb up to Floor 1. Face the north wall of the tunnel and search. Go north through the hidden door.

Turn and go east to the end of the hall, go south and east to the ladder, then climb up to Floor 2. Go east to the end of the corridor, south, east, and south to the ladder, then climb down to Floor 1. Exit south through the door, go south, face east, and search. Go east through the hidden door, then down the ladder to the basement. Turn and go north to the end of the corridor, and west to the ladder.

You have reached the entrance to two very important locations: the Tel Hande Library on Floor 3, and the home of the evil Mage on the roof of this tower. This trip is for scroll collection only, but you can explore the roof if you like. You are not yet strong enough to deep-six the Mage and his pet dragons!

Go up twice, use the flint, and go up again. Cast the Flickus Bickus spell, search the north wall on Floor 3, then go north. You have discovered the library of the Magician King. Cast Huvius Vacuumus and you find a scroll. Get the Scroll of Infinity. You now possess all of the powers of the kingdom. You need only the wisdom to use them. Your next big adventure is to find your way out to the jungle. Retrace your path to the entrance on Floor 1. Good luck!

When you reach the exit, exit to the Jungle. Sleep and then cast Makus Foodus, save the game (so you don't lose the scroll), and return to Same Mercon for rest and practice.


One at a time, you've had the chance to battle and defeat many types of warriors that have appeared elsewhere in the game; I hope you have been studying your winning tactics! Your last opponent is the Gruk you met in the Pink Dragon Pub. Hit him a few times or so with mega-magic, and he will be putty on your sword.

From the entrance, go one step west and one step north. Enter the contest waiting room. Proceed north to the contest...if you dare!

Your opponents -- in order of appearance and difficulty -- are Fluffy, Sugarpie, Sweetheart, Babycakes, Honeybunch, Drufus, The Captain, and a wily Cleric. Your final contest opponent is the Gruk.

Two Killus Deadus should do in the Gruk. Search and get the sword, BRUCE. BRUCE will raise your weapon stats to 100//100. Exit Tel Hande so that you can save your game (and BRUCE!) in the Jungle. Now, go back to Tel Hande and search for Telloc's Skull (which must be tossed into the Abyss), and the Orb of Power, currently in the possession of the Magician on the fifth floor of the tower you climbed earlier to get the Pentagram Scroll.


Enter from the Jungle, turn and go west to the end of the hall, north to ladder, and down to the Basement. Go south to the end of the hall, east, turn south, and go through the door into a room. Step forward and search. Get the Skull. The Skull is the one that was carried to the north on a pole: Telloc's Skull. It must be thrown into the Abyss in Tel Empor.


Take exactly the same path that you followed to get to the Magician's Library on Floor 3 of the tower. Continue up two more floors and search the north wall for the door to the roof. Go through the door and to the roof, where you are met by two blue dragons and the Magician King. Search, and you will find a globe in one of the Magician's pockets. You must fight and defeat the Magician and the two dragons. Before you kill them, ask the Magician all you can. Battle tactics consist of killing the dragons with Wastus Em spells, and killing the Magician with your sword. When these villains have finally bitten the dust, search and get the Globe. You now possess the Globe of Power which has raised your charisma to 100%. Retrace your steps to get out of Tel Hande and go back to Tel Empor.



From the Jungle, go west, and search. You find that there is a dank and gruesome hole in the ground. Yippee! Go down and cast Biggus Litus to illuminate the entire dungeon, or Generus Elektus to light the entire level of the dungeon.


From the entrance go down, east, south, and west. Turn north and search to find the hidden door. Pick the lock, go through the door to the north, and you find a ladder leading down.

To get to the East Double Door (Telloc's Library) from Ladder Room 2 (via the north wall on level 1), enter level 2 into a long narrow room with another ladder (leading down) in the south end. Go to the south ladder and go down to level 3 where you find another narrow room.

Go east, pick the lock on the east wall, turn south, and search the south wall.

Pick the lock in the hidden door on the south wall, then enter the south door to the next room. Turn north to see a blank wall, search the north wall, and pick the lock so that you can see the door through which you entered the room. Turn south once again, and pick the lock on the door.

Go south into another room with a ladder leading down, and go down to LEVEL 4. Cast a light spell if you can't see. Go north to the door and through it. As soon as you do, it will disappear. Continue north, turn and face east, and you will see a door that will take you directly to level 1. Do not use it just yet or you will have to retrace your path to this location.

Turn and go west as far as you can, turn north, then follow the corridor all the way to the end (several turns). When you reach the northwest corner of the corridor, search the west wall. Enter the room and you will find the East Half of the Double Door. This door may be opened with the Key of Koran which you found in the Mem Santi Treasury. The other half of the door can be reached through the Hut.

When both halves of the door have been unlocked using the Key of Koran, you will be free to enter Telloc's Library. Cast the Huvius Vacuumus spell and you will find a scroll. Get the scroll and you will have Telloc's Log which contains the magic word "TUNA," and the combination of Artifacts and Reagents required to win the game.

You can exit Telloc's Library from either the east (which takes you back through Tel Empor), or the west (which takes you out via the Hut). Once the door has been opened, you are free to travel between the Hut and the Tel Empor underground.


Exit the Library to the east, then go east again. You are in the long stone halls of Tel Empor on level 4. Follow the hall all the way back to the door on the east wall (just past the alcove where you entered level 4). Going through this door will return you to an L-shaped room on level 1. Exit the room, turn north, and follow the corridor to the exit which is two steps away (north and west). Exit up, then east to the jungle, and save the game.

Reenter Tel Empor's ruins and click on OTHER. Click on SPEAK THE WORD "TUNA," and a staircase will materialize. Go on up and look around! You need all six artifacts to complete the image, and to cast a spell to end the game. The parts are listed in Telloc's Log, as are the spell ingredients. You can mix the spell at any time, but casting it will only work at this location, and only if all six artifacts are present in your inventory.


Go east, south to the wall, turn east, and go east to the door on the south wall. Pick the lock, then enter the room to find a ladder leading down.

To get to the Hall of Strength from Ladder Room 1 (south wall on level 1), enter level 2 from the ladder. Look north, and you'll see three doors.

The east door leads into a long corridor. Follow the corridor in a spiral path until you reach a ladder leading down. Go down to level 3 where you find a very long narrow room. At the far end of the room is a door hidden in the south wall. The door leads to a room that contains a ladder leading up.

Halfway to the far wall is a ladder leading down. Go down to the Pit. Search and you will find a door in the south wall of the Pit. Go through the door into another room with another ladder leading down. Go down to level 5, and south to the door. You can enter each door on the south wall and fight it out. At the far end of the corridor on the east wall is a hidden door. Pick the lock, enter, search, and you'll find the sword, ST. GEORGE. All the doors on the north wall lead back to level 4, into the corridor outside the Half Door entrance to Telloc's Library.

From the room where you found ST. GEORGE, walk down the hall to the second door on the south, turn south, and pick the lock on the door. Go south, then turn west, go through the door to the west into a room with doors on the west, north, and east walls. Unlock the door on the west wall, go west, turn south, and search to find a hidden door.

Pick the lock and enter a room with a ladder going down. Go down to level 6, then go east and north. Turn east and search the east wall for a hidden door. Enter the door, go three steps east to the end of the room, turn south, and search for the hidden door. Go south through the door and search for another hidden door on the south wall. Pick the lock and go south. Search south again, pick the lock, go south, turn east, and search. Pick the lock and go east.

After a vicious battle you can search the east wall again and find a hidden door. You can cast Dranus Liqus to open this one! Ta-da! You have found The Hall of Strength! A good move would be to return to Same Mercon, restore yourself to max points, return to this location, then attempt to remove the traps and steal the Plate of Strength.

Take the path of least resistance first: Go straight north through the end door, then search the walls for a hidden door. There is a hidden door in the east wall. Go east into a corridor, and continue east to the door at the end of the corridor. Pass through the door, continue east, and turn north. You will see that this is a long, narrow room with three doors on the east wall. Use them all.


You enter level 2 from a ladder. Look north and you'll see three doors.

The east door leads into a long corridor. Follow the corridor in a spiral path until you reach a ladder leading down. Go down to level 3 where you find a very long, narrow room. At the far end of the room is a door hidden in the south wall. The door leads to a room which contains a ladder leading up.

Go up and north through the door. Turn, go east, and you are at the Abyss. Click on OTHER, and select the THROW SKULL INTO ABYSS option. The response you get is not worthy of a family walkthru! Face north and go through the door on the north wall. You are in an L-shaped room on level 2. Exit the door into a small room and continue west. You are in a short corridor with three doors on the east wall, and one door on the west wall. Continue west through the next door too, then turn south, and go through the south door. Go south one more step, then up the ladder to level 1.

Exit the room to the north, go west twice, north twice, west, then up, and you are back at the entrance, at the foot of the stairs to Telloc's Lab.


Go up to Telloc's Lab and cast Elmus Pastus to enter the Winner's Circle. Read of your rewards, then weep, Keef, weep!




Old Man: Telloc's head was taken to the NORTH on a pole.

Soldier: There is a MIGHTY WEAPON in a PIT to the SOUTHEAST.

Guard: Same Mercon is NEARLY thief-proof, there is a PATROL.

Vijay: Uses a 386 to do IBM versions of KEEF. Suggests an ADVENTURE in TEL EMPOR in the SOUTHEAST.

Barmaid: Gives STRAIGHT AHEAD directions to LOVE.


Nasty Dude: This is a juicy town for thieves, houses to the WEST are loaded; watch out for the guards.

Nick the Nose: Buy a map for the Jungle. Magical Bird Eggs can be found if you "go climb a tree." The guy from far away is from LAND'S END.


Artist: Porsche greatest artist; some would kill to own Porsche art.


Barkeeper: Evil.

Collector: Pick up a copy of her book (ANTIQUES). Interested in all sorts of stuff; show and will pay.

Barmaid: Telloc's main squeeze is broad whose tears form a river; no man, even a semi-immortal wizard king, is worth that.

Historian: Wrote book, available at bookstore, tells of Telloc.

Merchant: Deals in unusual pets.

Gruk: BRUCE is the prize in the CONTEST at TEL HANDE. Recites poem: "If perlee eyed venturerer be schly, An' wannabe helluvaguy, Schrop back to da easchy, Wroot uv sussess iz actin' unschleazy, Horn floweth wisch spansch fly!"


Merchant King: Watch where you put your hands, "Stumpy."

Princess: Her men must bring her EXPENSIVE gifts, her size.


Curator: GIFT OF MEM on the pedestal, spirit of Mem himself within. Shard of Mem was part of pedestal, return for reward.

Mem's First: Can get ARTIFACT over his dead body. Tells of origin of Mem's Gift. Tells about the ARTIFACT.


Mermaid: Tells of her love, Telloc. Gives quest to find her ring. Gives access to LOVE when ring is returned.


Al Handratta: (Ask what to fear) "BEWARE" key user must face 3-headed hydra. (Ask about the Key) Wishes for Horse with big feet. Key guards treasures. Is in his pocket. (Ask about Wisdom) WISDOM offers HERMIT'S KEY (show Clydesdale to get KEY).


Magician King: Gimmie gimmie pieces of idol; killed Telloc for them. (Ask about his plan) Use power of the globe to bring rest of idol.


The following items are critical to solving the game successfully. Their locations are in parentheses:

Jungle Map: Needed to use the map option (Book Store)

Scroll of Unity: Needed to use Circle of Unity Spells (Book Store)

Scroll of Force: Needed to use Cube of Irresistible Force (Same Mercon Treasury)

Scroll of Power: Needed to use Pyramid of Directed Power (Library in Al Handratta's Hut)

Scroll of Infinity: Needed to use Pentagram of Infinite Conveyance (Magician's Library, on Floor 3 in Tel Hande)

Hermit's Key: Allows you to fight HYDRA to enter WISDOM (Al Handratta himself)

Flower of Mem: Needed impress the Princess and access Treasury (Reagent Shop)

Gift of Mem: Holds the spirit of Mem himself (on pedestal in foyer, Mem Santi. Must find and fight Mem's First).

Shard of Mem: Used to impress the guardian at Mem Santi (Same Mercon Treasury)

Clydesdale: Trade for the Hermit's Key (West End BMW Dealer)

Crossbow or Long Bow: Used to kill Tel Hande guard on bridge (Weapons R Us)

Passport: Required to enter Tel Hande (body of Tel Hande guard on bridge)

Telloc's Skull: Must be thrown into the Abyss in the ruins (search in the corridors of Tel Hande)

Mermaid's Ring: When delivered to the Mermaid, will get you into LOVE (cave behind the waterfalls)

Used Scrolls: Read these for Library locations (Mem Santi Treasury)

Key of Koran: Unlocks both EAST and WEST half-doors to Telloc's Library (found in Mem Santi Treasury)

Telloc's Log: Defines the endgame magic and secret word (found in Telloc's Library in Tel Empor)


The following Artifacts will increase your stats to maximum. Their locations are in parentheses:

Arm of Wealth: Increases Luck to 100 (Same Mercon Treasury)
Gem of Wisdom: Increases Wisdom to 100 (Hermit's Hut Hall of Wisdom)
Arm of Love: Increases Constitution to 100 (Mermaid's Cave)
Plate of Strength: Increases Strength to 100 (Ruins of Tel Empor)
Artifact of Mem: Increases Speed to 100 (Maze at Mem Santi)
Orb of Power: Increases Charisma to 100 (Tower at Tel Hande)


Locate and get the following armor and weapons as soon as possible:

Tortoise: "Glove" in Benrey's House, Same Mercon
Achilles: Mem Santi Maze entrance
Moe: Cave behind the Waterfall
Neptune's Trident: In the Waterfall
Sling: Soldier in Drunk'n Dragon Pub
Blood Blade: Weapons R Us
Charles: Telfan's House, Same Mercon
Nischtarr: Pit of Fiends outside Tel Empor
St. George: Level 5, Tel Empor
Hare: Hall of Wisdom (Hut)
Yang: Same Mercon Treasury
Yin: Mem's Second's Room, Floor 2, Mem Santi
Bahb el Buhd: Mem Santi Treasury 80//90
Yin Yang: Will be automatic when you have both YIN and YANG 90//90
Bruce: Contest in Tel Hande 100//100, 12 feet


Tripping traps is no way to win! The following chart should help you remove the traps:

----------------- ----------------------------------------------
LOCATION: The Homes in Same Mercon
Teapot Keeping the teapot from spilling

Candle Removing the candle from the wall

Fireplace Brushing embers back into the fire

LOCATION: Same Mercon Treasury
Walls Waving your weapon ahead of you (Option, pg. 4)
Ceiling None: do not remove
Floor Tapping the floor carefully (Option, pg. 2)
Gold Pile None: do not remove
Right of Pedestal Sticking your knife in the hole (Option, pg. 5)
Back Wall Twisting the upright sword (Option, pg. 3)
Front of Pedestal Pushing in the front panel (Option, pg. 1)

LOCATION: Tree at Land's End
Egg Carefully removing the egg

LOCATION: Mem Santi Treasury at the entrance
Floor Using knife to jam spikes (Option, pg. 4)
Right Wall Using knife to jam panel (Option, pg. 5)
Ceiling Squirting oil in cracks in ceiling (Option, pg. 5)
Left Wall None: do not remove

LOCATION: Mem Santi Treasury one step into the room
Floor None: do not remove
Right Bench Squirting oil in hole
Scepter Crushing top of scepter (Option, pg. 2)
Gem Removing Gem from stand

LOCATION: Chamber of Love
Pedestal Sliding knife under pedestal
Torch All available methods cause OWIES

LOCATION: Ruins of Tel Empor in the Hall of Strength
Leaking Brick Slipping knife under brick (Option, pg. 5)
Ceiling Using rope to secure loose rock (Option, pg. 2)
Pedestal Pushing buttons 1 and 3
Torch Pulling torches forward
Floor None: do not remove
Left Wall None: do not remove

Part 8


Collect the following reagents to cast your spells:

Dragon Drool: Fire
Black Pearl: Focus
Scorpion Tail: Hatred
Peppermint Leaf: Healing
Phoenix Egg: Infinity
Glow Grass: Light
Kiki Root: Magnification
Rhino Horn: Opening
Wart Weed: Power
Skunk Juice: Protection
Narcissus Root: Self
Owl Eye: Sight


-- ----------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------------------
3 BANDUS AIDUS Self Healing Restores hit points
4 FLICKUS BICKUS Light Fire Light local area
3 EMMUS EXESUS Hatred Attack 1 enemy
1 NUDUS BUNSUS Focus Self Opening See for yourself!


-- ----------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------------------
7 GENERUS ELEKTUS Light Fire Sight Lights entire floor//level
25 HUVIUS VACUUMUS Sight Focus See hidden things//doors
6 CYNUS ARCENUS Hatred Focus Attack 1 enemy
10 AGENUS ORANUS Hatred Magnify Attack many enemies
6 RITEUS GARDUS Self Protect Shields Keef
20 MAKUS FOODUS Heal Self Power Feeds Keef


-- ---------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------------------
15 TAKUS TYLENUS Self Healing Power Restores hit points
20 DRANUS LIQUUS Focus Opening Unlocks doors, secrets
15 QNUS ARUDES Focus Power Hatred Attack 1 enemy
20 NAPUS ALMUS Magnify Power Hatred Attack many enemies
15 MUTUS OMAHAUS Power Protect Self Shield Keef better
12 BIGGUS LITUS Power Light Sight Light whole dungeon
20 GOODAS NEWUS Heal Self Infinite Restores all hit points


-- ---------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------------------
15 USUS CARUS Light Sight Infinite Increase charisma (temp)
20 PIZAUS COLDUS Focus Hatred Infinite Attack 1 enemy
18 KILLUS DEADUS Focus Hatred Fire Attack 1 enemy
25 OLUS GAYUS Magnify Hatred Infinite Attack many enemies
20 WASTUS EM! Magnify Hatred Fire Attack many enemies
20 LYODUS LONDUS Self Protect Infinite Shield Keef best
30 BARBUS RUBINUS Self Hatred Infinite Increase weapon percent
35 PHONUS HOMUS Self Sight Infinite Teleport to Same Mercon
99 ELMUS PASTUS Power Focus Infinite Put Artifacts together

KEEF THE THIEF is published and distributed by Electronic Arts.

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