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Intro to 3D Graphics Programming (Volume 2)

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Demo News extra
 · 16 Oct 2019

=------------------------------[Intro to 3D Graphics - Volume 02]--[Kiwidog]-=


Welcome back everyone,

It's time for the second article in the 3D series, in which we cover
another basic element of a 3D system... something seen in nearly ever demo
for the past few years that involves vectors at all. Rotation. Whether
it be that nice texture-mapped stone from Valhalla's "Solstice", or just a
flat-shaded cube from a 4k intro, things rotate almost constantly. So it's
time to start performing some rotations on our own. :-)

I'm going to keep this article relatively short (along with the subsequent
ones)... after all, Snowman has more to put in DemoNews than my constant
rambling, and I can't keep sucking up all the space like this. ;)
Nonetheless, I hope you find this article useful, as we continue our drive
toward learning 3D graphics.

Ready? Well like it or not, here we go! :)

_____Section One - 2D Rotation

Before we can get more sophisticated 3D rotations going, we need to try it
in two dimensions first... because 3D rotations are just based on three 2D
rotations, but combined.

So how do we rotate something in 2D? How do we take any 2D point, give it
an angle to rotate by about the origin, and get it correctly to its new
position? Well this is where that Trig knowledge from the first article
comes into play.

Everything about rotation involves Trig. Sine and Cosine are very much
your friends here. And it's not that complicated, really... you can rotate
in one plane with only 4 multiplies (other optimizations come later as well).

So how do we go about this? Well, let's take it piece by piece. First, I'll
assume the XY plane (the real one, where Y goes up) for this, as we try to
take a point and rotate it.

A lot of docs, when trying to explain rotation, will give you the simple
equations for it but give you no clue as to how those equations came about.
Several people have asked me, "Hey, if and when you ever do a 3D tutorial,
tell me how the heck you get those rotation equations, cuz I have no idea
where those came from and why they work."

Well, I can't quite tell you where they came from at first (like who thought
of them), but I can replicate the ideas here and show you what makes sense
to me. If it makes sense to you to, then I guess it worked. :-)

Here's the idea...

Get out a piece of paper. No, don't worry, this isn't a quiz. ;)

On the paper, draw a pair of conventional XY coordinate axes, and then
lightly sketch a large circle on it. Make sure the circle is light; you
don't really need it for much except placing a couple points.

After you draw the circle, put a point at about, say, 30 degrees (assuming
0 degrees is to the right and the angles go counterclockwise). Then put
another point at about 70 degrees, in the same fashion. We're going to
pretend that the first point is our original point, and that we're trying
to rotate it to the second point, our destination... a rotation of 40
degrees about the origin. The actual accuracy of the points doesn't matter;
if you're a bit off, it's fine.

Now with each point, draw a triangle for that point. Each triangle's three
sides are the X axis, the the line from the origin to the point, and the
line from the point straight down to the X axis. What you should have now
are two right triangles in the upper right quadrant of your XY plane, one
being pretty upright (the destination point's), and the other a bit more
wide than tall.

Time for some labels... okay, for each triangle, label the line going from
the origin to the point as "R" (for radius). Since it's the same length
for both triangles, we use the same label. Now, on the first triangle (the
short, wide one), label the side along the X axis "X", for that length.
Likewise, label the line from the X axis up to the point as "Y" for that

For the second triangle (the tall one, for the 70 degree point), label the
X length and Y height as "U" and "V", respectively, in a similar fashion.

Finally, we need two angles. In the angle between the X axis and the first,
lower R side (30 degrees), label it Ì (called Phi). Then label the angle
between the lower R and the higher R (the one at 70 degrees) as È (called

There we go... we've got our drawing. :-) If my little walkthrough in
drawing this has confused you to no end, either try it again from the
beginning, or look at the PCX in this supplement, with an image of the
same diagram I'm describing.

Okay, so we have this drawing. Basically, what we know in the beginning is
that we have this initial point at an unknown angle (we know it's 30 degrees
in this example, but normally, you won't know that for arbitrary points),
yet we know it has Cartesian coordinates (X,Y). What we want to do is pump
X and Y through an equation or two, along with the angle we want to rotate
by (which we labeled as Theta, and in this example is 40 degrees), and find
out its new coordinates, called (U,V). So what equations do we use?
Let's find out...

There are several convenient identities in Trigonometry that you can find
in pretty much every math textbook with Trig in it.... one of those
identities is called the "Law of Sines", which goes like this...

Sin(‡) Sin(·) Sin(‚)
------ = ------ = ------

Where A, B, and C are the lengths of the sides of a triangle, and ‡, ·, and
‚ are the angles _directly opposite_ those sides...

C / |
/ |A
/ |
/ |
/‡ ‚|

It doesn't have to be a right triangle; it works for every triangle there is.
Granted, for our purposes, we _will_ be using our right triangles, and this
will help us out.

Now if we use our first right triangle, the short one, and pretend that R
is our "C" of the triangle, by the fact that this is a right triangle, we
know that ‚ is 90 degrees. And the Sine of 90 is 1, which gives us one very
nice piece of math meat.

We only need to use one other side of our Law of Sines formula in this
example, in this case, the A-‡ side. In our case, "A" is the same as Y,
and ‡ is the same as Ì. So we have a little mini-formula,

Sin(90) Sin(Ì) 1 Sin(Ì)
------- = ------ which means --- = ------

Then, if you multiply each side by Y, it moves the Y to the left side, so

--- = Sin(Ì)

This should all make sense so far, I hope. If you're looking at the diagram
as you read this, it should clear things up a bit.

Okay, so we can see the relation between the angle Ì, and the sides Y and R.
Well since Ì is across from Y, shouldn't we be able to have the same kind
of relation for the other triangle, with V and R? The angle across from V
is just Ì and È added together, so shouldn't that work?

Sure does. :-)

--- = Sin(Ì+È)

Okay, time for another nifty Trig identity (BTW, if you don't have a math
book with all these identities in it, let me know... if enough people ask
for a listing, I'll type up a quick reference list with identity equations
that you can use. Just email to the address at the end, if you think you'd
like that :)

Anyway, another nice identity is that for any two angles ‡ and ·,

Sin(‡+·) = Sin(‡)*Cos(·) + Cos(‡)*Sin(·)

So we sub that into our previous thing, and we have

--- = Sin(Ì)*Cos(È) + Cos(Ì)*Sin(È)

Multiply by R now, to get V (the destination point's X value that we've been
trying to find), and it's

V = R*Sin(Ì)*Cos(È) + R*Cos(Ì)*Sin(È)

Welp, last identity.... this one, taken from Polar coordinates. If you've
had algebra, you've used Polar coordinates before. Well if you remember
the way to convert a polar point to Cartesian (I doubt you do, so I'll
remind you... it's gonna take a while before you end up memorizing all these
darn formulas, trust me :) those conversions are

X = R*Cos(Theta) *** Don't confuse these with our R, X, or Y!
Y = R*Sin(Theta) They're just conversion equations ***

Well look at our V equation above... notice anything? We know Phi is an
angle in the triangle that deals only with X and Y, which we know (since
they're just your first point and all). So can we drop those R*Sin(Ì)
and R*Cos(Ì) parts and just sub in X and Y like you would do with Polar?
You betcha.....

V = Y*Cos(È) + X*Sin(È) *** FINAL V EQUATION!!! :) ***

That's all we need! Hooray! :) We know X and Y, since we started with
those. And we know È, since it's the number of degrees we want to rotate
by (in our example, 40 degrees). So if we use this equation, we get the
V value, which is the Y coordinate of the FINAL point. :)

Now we still need to get U (the final point's X coordinate). Luckily, the
series of equations is the same almost, except one identity is different.
I won't work out the whole thing again, you can do that if you want. But
here are the differences that you'll see. One, since we're doing the
horizontal element instead of vertical,

--- = Cos(Ì+È)

Now's Cosine's Sum of Angles formula is a little bit different than Sine's,

Cos(‡+·) = Cos(‡)*Cos(·) - Sin(‡)*Sin(·)

which will end up giving us that subtraction instead of addition in the end.
If you keep working the equations the same as we did before, but with this
new identity, you get the U equation too! :)

U = X*Cos(È) - Y*Sin(È) *** FINAL U EQUATION!!! ***

Summing up those equations into nice, happy, 2D rotation form.....

NewX = (OldX*Cos(Theta)) - (OldY*Sin(Theta))
NewY = (OldY*Cos(Theta)) + (OldX*Sin(Theta))

And there we have it! Note that I made it very clear as to the difference
between the "Old" and "New" values. It's important that you do this, too.
You don't want to just use a value "X", for example.... because if you
calculate the "new" X and end up using that instead of the "old" X in the
second equation (for NewY), you don't get the right rotation.


Once you have the final new X and Y values, _THEN_ replace the old pair
with the new pair, and go on your way. Make sure to keep the values
separate until that time.

BTW... As you look back at how I derived these rotation formulas, don't
feel bad if you feel like you couldn't have derived them yourself...
especially if you're just beginning. I know I ran on these formulas blindly
for over a year before I ended up losing them and was forced to recreate
them again in this fashion. I couldn't have done it earlier. It takes
time, so if you feel like you're still in the dark... don't. Eventually
you'll get the hang of it all. :-)

Any more to 2D rotation? Nope, that's the whole of it. Before you try out
3D rotation (explained in the next section), test out the above principles
in some of your own code, by plotting a few pixels here and there and then
rotating them about the origin. It's not hard at all to turn the above
formulas (formulae?) into code. Also, if you need some help or are just
plain curious, I've got some example source (in both Pascal and C, just
like last time) in this supplement, demonstrating this stuff. Feel free
to check it out. :)

Okay, well, enough of this planar stuff.... on to 3D rotations! (And relax,
there's not much more; you've done the bulk of the work already....)

_____Section Two - 3D Rotation

So what do we need to turn our rotations into 3D rotations? Not much,
actually. There are many ways to do rotations in 3D, some simpler than
others. The simplest (and most common from what I've seen) way is to do
it by using three 2D rotations, one for each axis.

The 2D rotations we did in the last section are on the XY plane. But as
you think about the XY plane in terms of 3D, the rotation takes on another
meaning... it was also a rotation ABOUT the Z axis. Meaning that we have
the Z axis, and whatever Z values the points may have, they stay the same,
as we are rotating around that axis itself. The only values that change
in a rotation about any axis are the values of the two OTHER coordinates.

So a rotation about Z will affect X and Y, a rotation about X will affect
Y and Z, and a rotation about Y will affect Z and X. It's just one big

So if we want to do a full all-axis 3D rotation, we just arrange three
back-to-back 2D rotations, one for each axis, like this...

NewY = (OldY*Cos(ThetaX)) - (OldZ*Sin(ThetaX)) ** X axis rotation **
NewZ = (OldZ*Cos(ThetaX)) + (OldY*Sin(ThetaX))

(Copy NewY and NewZ into OldY and OldZ)

NewZ = (OldZ*Cos(ThetaY)) - (OldX*Sin(ThetaY)) ** Y axis rotation **
NewX = (OldX*Cos(ThetaY)) + (OldZ*Sin(ThetaY))

(Copy NewZ and NewX into OldZ and OldX)

NewX = (OldX*Cos(ThetaZ)) - (OldY*Sin(ThetaZ)) ** Z axis rotation **
NewY = (OldY*Cos(ThetaZ)) + (OldX*Sin(ThetaZ))

(No copies needed, since we're done)

The reasons for mid-copies are like I said; for each axis rotation you need
to keep using the old values until both the new ones are done. But each
axis's rotation is independent of the other two... so after each pair, you
need to update all the values before going on to the next axis. You don't
want to use one axis's old values when going into rotating about another
axis; that would be bad.

Once you've done all three axes, you should have your new point, completely
rotated about each angle as you wish (ThetaX, ThetaY, and ThetaZ).

One important point... the order in which you do these axes DOES make a
difference. Rotating in an X-Y-Z sequence will not give you the same results
as rotating in a Z-X-Y sequence, etc. Now, for your engine at this point,
all you're probably concerned about is looks, i.e. that your object is
rotating and you can see it rotating. Since that's the case, it really
doesn't matter for the moment which order you do things in. It's the
appearance that counts. But later on, when you get into more complex issues
that involve more things than just a set of points, you'll want to keep
your rotation order consistant. I just use X-Y-Z because it's pretty
natural. :-)

I'm not going to get into optimizations of this rotation material until
another time, but I can give you a hint or two now... first, you'll notice
that right now it's at 12 multiplies for a full rotation (4 for each axis).
But it turns out you can reduce it to at least 9 multiplies, by
precalculating a few values at the beginning of each frame and getting a
final 3x3 matrix for the actual point rotations themselves (if you don't
know what I mean by matrix, don't worry about it at the moment; we'll get
into matrices later on). It's something to look into, if you're curious
and feel like tinkering with the math a bit.

Also, once again, this method of rotation is only one way to rotate. There
are other ways, sometimes involving other coordinate systems, that can be
more efficient on occasion as well. You'll discover those in time (and
probably in some of the later articles :) But for now, this I think is the
simplest way to begin... get these concepts down first, and drill them
into your brain. You'll know when to switch gears when the time comes.

Well, looks like the end of another article! I've got some sample source
in this supplement, as well as a PCX of that 2D rotation diagram, if you got
lost in all of this mess. :-) Take the time to look at the code, see how
it relates to the math used in here, and most importantly, DO SOME
EXPERIMENTATION ON YOUR OWN. This kinda stuff isn't learned by reading,
it's learned by doing.

Now go forth, plot some dots, get them spinning, and have fun! Keep
watching, though... 'cause it's only gonna get better. :-)

See you next time...

Chris Hargrove
a.k.a. Kiwidog, of Terraformer & Hornet
Coding & Organization
email: <>

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