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The Ontarian Hackers Association 01

|TOHA=--=TOHA=--=TOHA=--=TOHA 11/12/95 TOHA=--=TOHA=--=TOHA=--=TOHA|
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| Ghost <prez> |
| Mr.Gree <v-prez> |
| Laser |
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| HAK PAK 1 |

Welcome to the TOHA(The Ontarian Hackers Association)HAK PAK 1!We hope that this premier issue has enough info to keep you hackers, phreaks, anarchist, etc. busy for awhile(at least until HAK PAK 2!). As we gather more information, we will keep compiling it to write more HAK PAK’S and uploading them to BBS’s all over Ontario.

The Ontarian Hackers Association is proud to present this first ever HAK PAK. First and foremost let it be stated that we at TOHA assume no responsibilities for any misuse of the information presented in this publication.


We at TOHA take no responsability for your actions due to this freedom of the press. We do not encourage you to do anything that we demonstrate in this HACK PAK. In other words, if you get caught, we will be getting away clean while you will be in prison getting fucked up the ass every night by some queer.




3.1 - THE CO2 BOMB
3.3 - THE B-BOMB





How to be a real Phreak

In the phone phreak sociaty there are certain values that exist in order to be a real Phreak. Many people think of phone phreaks as slime, out to rip off Bell for all she’s worth. Nothing could be further from the truth! Granted, there are some who get their kicks by making free calls; however, they are not true phone phreaks. Real phone phreaks are <Tele-communications Hobbyists> who experiment, play with, and learn from the phone system. Occasionaly, this experimenting and a need to communicate with other Phreaks (without going broke), leads to free calls. The free calls are but a small subset of a >true< phone phreaks activities.

The Phone Phreaks Ten Commandments

  1. Box thou not over thine home telephone wires, for those who doest must surely bring the wrath of the chief special agent down upon thy heads.
  2. Speakest thou not of important matters over thine home telphone wires, for to do so is to risk thine right of freedom.
  3. Use not thine own name when speaking to other Phreaks, for that every third Phreak is a police man.
  4. Let not overly many people know that thy be a Phreak, as to do so is to use thine own self as a sacrificial lamb.
  5. If thou be in school, strive to get thine self good grades, for the authorities well know that scholars never break the law.
  6. If thou workest, try to be a employee and impressesthine boss with thine enthusiam, for important employees are often saved by their own bosses.
  7. Storest thou not thine stolen goods in thine own home, for those who do are surely non-believers in the Bell system security forces, and are not long for this world.
  8. Attractest thou not the attention of the authorities, as the less noticible thou art, the better.
  9. Makest sure thine friends are instant amnesiacs and will not remember that thou have called illegally, for their cooperation with the authorities will surely lessen thine time for freedom on this planet.
  10. Supportest thou and joinest TOHA, as it thine key to success, and without it, thy work will be far more limited.

Well, I think that this >brief< Phreaking tutorial will give all of you a good idea what a phone Phreak really is. It will also give newcomers to our society a good head start to phone phreaking, and should also refresh the memories of veteran phone phreaks. Next issue, we will take a look at CN/A numbers(customer name & address), a very helpful tool to phone phreaks.


2.1 The Assassin Box

This box will really appeal to all the anarchists and phreaks out there who enjoy terrorizing people through the phone. Many months ago, we decided on this design as the "sure" thing to scare, or even injure your enemies. The plans are simple, and easy to follow. Make sure you read through once before you start.

Well, we always go out phreaking on weekend nights. After using dayglo (bud, wire tap, test kit,etc.) boxes, we were bored and decided to move on to telephone terrorism. There are many ways you can hurt people through the common telephone, or cause havoc in the night. The following designs suggest a few, and as always, they are ready for you to improve upon.

Materials needed for construction of an Assassin Box

1 - One[1] common car battery or battery of equal voltage, must be portable

2 - At least eight(8)feet of tough copper wire, preferable insulated

3 - An AT&T test kit, or a splitter box connector (alligator clips, etc.)

4 - A gunny sack, or leather bag to put battery in

5 - Wire stripper, or raw telephone cord- Grade "G" AT&T manufacture There might be some extra stuff, I'll mention it in the construction

Construction of an Assassin box

Step 1:

First, take the test kit and strip it of any overhanging wire or extra
material. You might want to clean it off. Now get out that battery and your copper wire. You'll see two terminals on the test kit, look like this:

* *

Where A=positive tip, and B=negative tip. Now take about 4 feet of copper wire and wire the A terminal to the positive bolt on the battery. Make sure you've grounded yourself, and you should be wearing some kind of protection against electricity. Next wire the B terminal and the negative bolt with another four feet of wire. Don't cross wires, and let it hang down (test kit) over the side of a table, with your battery on the table. Wrap all connections with electric tape, or solder them if you want to.

Step 2:

This is the important part. You now just about have a working box. Put it all in the bag or sack, and carry it with you (along with your supplies) to your victim's house. Go to the back of the house, or on the side where the Lighting & Power register is (metal box). Now near that you should find a little black, grey, or green, sometimes white, box with a pop-off lid. Slide your hands underneath and pull the cover off. Note: I've seen boxes where you have to unscrew it first. Almost all of them have the BELL telephone logo on them. This is the connection box, or trunk connection, that connects your house to Ma Bell's network.
Inside you will find four terminals...although some have five. Here's how I label them.

* *


* *

Got it? Good... now look at the terminals closely. The ones for your use
will be C and D. Also, B and D might come in handy. The C terminal should be connected to a red wire coming out of the house. The D should have a green. If they don't, see which ones do. When you find them, get out your assassin box (battery and test kit). Now take the two prongs (alligator clips) and attach the red one to the terminal with the red wire connected. Next take the green (or black) prong and slip onto the terminal with the green wire connected. You now have an operating assassin box. Just lay it down there, or bury it in the ground (that's why it's in a sack).

Step 3:

This final step is just a bunch of helpful things to do to hide your great new box.

  1. If you haven't buried it, put grass all over and atop it. Make it look like it's just a clump of grass, or a bush.

  2. IF it's buried, try to tape the wires together (Note: If they're not insulated, don't worry about this part. Make sure the battery is well covered and moisture cannot get to it. This might call for wrapping it up in some form of cellophane or plastic cover-all.

  3. Put the cover BACK on the connection box, or close the door. If it has a screwable cover, don't screw it back in. Just make sure it looks like it's closed and secure.

  4. Now stand back about ten feet, and see if it's visible. If it is, then do what is feasible to protect it.

Well, thats just about it! You now have a fully functioning Assasin Box. The plans will be effective, unless you build it wrong, and I shouldn't be blamed for your total lack of electronic skills.

Line-surge injuries with the Assassin box

The whole point of making an Assassin Box is to scare, or hurt your enemy. No better way to do this than a shock of electricity right in the ear. Now the box will send extra voltage through the line when your victim picks up the phone (call coming through). Note: this box sometimes causes funny effects, like ringing a phone automatically (voltage surge), or messing up a call. But most of the time it is effective.

Some sample scenarios

  1. He (your victim) picks up the phone to dial. He might notice a tingling vibration in his hand. Dial tone might be filled with static. As soon as he dials, the earpiece will fill with static, and voltage will be applied to the reciever and earpiece of the phone. This usually results in a bad shock.

  2. This is more common. He will pick up the phone, and touch the keypad. The KEYPAD will shock him. Now when a line goes into the phone, direct current is applied for your call, while alternating current rings the bell in the phone. Your 120 or so applied volts will most likely stay resident in the bell or keypad area. When a button is pushed, it will come in contact with the extra voltage, thus shock.

  3. Other things are always possible, like the destruction of vital circuitry in the phone, which results in the defilement of the instrument.

2.2 The Razzor Box

So you want to be James Bond eh? So you want to be a private eye eh.
Well here's your chance to pick up some very important clues or ideas using your neighbors telephone line. Forget about climbing a telephone pole this sort of boxing can be done on the ground.

The purpose is to tap your neighbors line without your neighbor knowing it. You can also make FREE (let me repeat that) FREE!! Phone calls to your favorite TOHA distro site.

Materials needed for construction of The Razzor Box

1 - Line Man's headset (no you can't buy one that's why we're making one you IDIOT)

2 - Alligator clips (clips is Plural so you need Two)

3 - A phone (preferbly one of those one peice kind that like the ones with the numbers and the thing the hangs up on the ONE phone piece)

4 - A Telephone wall jack box or whatever they're called

5 - Some green and some red wire

6 - Some intelligence (very Much needed)

Construction of The Razzor Box

First hook up your one piece phone to the wall jack box. Then take the
alligator clips and attach red wire to one and green wire to the other one. You should have 2 alligator clips with wire attached. Now strip the wire and open the Wall jack box you have and attach the red wire with the red screw on the box and the green wire with the green screw on the box. Your stuff should look like this:

| ... | <--one peice phone
| ... | __________________
| ... | | | <--oversize box to
| 123 | | | to show the
| 456 | | (*)r--- (*)b | detail
| 789 | _| | |
| *0# | ()()()|_ | |
| ... | () | ---- | |
|_______| () | (*)g| | (*)y |
() () |_______| |________|
() () green wire--> | | <---Red Wire
()() | |
| |
\/\/\/ /\/\/\
\/\/\/- Green wire Alligator clip
/\/\/\- Red Wire Alligator Clip

Using Your newly made device

Now that you have made or created your little Razzor Box you are ready to go outside and do your stuff. First go to a neighbor's house and find the black telephone wires. They should look like Example #1. Then cut off a bit of the plastic covering so the alligator clips go in easier and you now stick the alligator clips one on the right and one on the left side of the plastic wire as shown on the diagram. The Black plastic wire should look like the diagram. You should get a dialtone. If you do not then switch the alligator clips around till you do. Remember your neighbors can hear you as well so get one of the phones with the MUTE option so you can plug into theres quietly.


| || |
| || |
| || | <<<----black wire
| || |
\/\/\/||/\/\/\ <<<---alligator clips.
| || |
| || |


The Tron Box works when the electrical load in your house is low, like at night. It reverses the phase on the line, canceling out the opposite phase. The voltage and frequency remain the same, so everything operates as normal, just with a reverse phase. The reverse phase, in effect will cause the electric meter to run slower, and at a very low consumption times, even backwards. But remember to turn the thing off once and a while, and don't leave it on while in Hawaii... or you'll be getting a 'Visit'.

Materials needed for construction of The Tron Box

1 - Three .47UF Electrolytic Capacitators rated at a minimum of 50V

2 - One 1/2 Watt resistor, 20-30 ohm (Radio Shack 271-005)

3 - One 120 volt fuse or cicut breaker, Amp rating - 1/2 total house current or less to protect your circut breaker (RS 270-1310 2A Circut breaker - if it keeps blowing, use higher amp.

4 - One 120 volt SPST switch, rated at total house current (RS 275-324)

5 - One power cord - a cut off extention cord, with plug and wire

6 - One spool of at least 20 ga. stranded wire or cut up power cord for house current (RS 278-1304 or 278-1305)

7 - One PC-board (optional) (RS 270-291, includes box, below)

8 - One insulated Electrical Box


! ! ! !
! ! ! +--A/C
! ! ! +--Source
! ! ! !

| Legend |
| (=) - Capacitators |
| /\/ - Resistor |
| <-> - Fuse |
| [/] - Switch |

Construction of the Tron Box

Wire the circut as shown in the diagram, with the three capacitators in
parrallel, using wire capable to handle 120 volts - at least 20 ga. stranded or solid (if you can work with it). Put the resister, fuse, and switch into the circut serieswise. Secure project into the insulated box, connect the power cord to the leads and plug into an A/C source. Set the switch to on.


Hello and welcome to the first edition of the anarchist’s corner. In this edition we will discuss how to make and use a co2 bomb, the B-bomb and the piss bomb. These are all simple, tiny and powerful bombs that are widely used by many anarchist and pyrotechics around North America for tacking out mailboxes, toilets and blowing out locks. They can also be used in conjunction with other items such as rockets and nut busters (show in a later article) or as a blasting cap for larger bombs (propane or other natural gases. They can also be used for crowd control or killing (if shrapnel is added).

3.1 - THE CO2 BOMB

Materials needed for the construction of the co2 bomb

1 - An empty co2 canister
2 - Gunpowder or something smilar
3 - A hole puncher
4 - Cannon fuse
5 - A thick piece of paper
6 - Shrapnel (optional)

Construction of the co2 bomb

1. Use the hole puncher to widen the already pierced hole at the neck of the cartridge. Widen it as much as you can (usually about 3mm wide)

1.1 - You have the choice of putting a tiny bit of shrapnel in. Not to much, just about 1/8 full should do it.

2. - Either fold the paper in half and direct the powder down slowly into the neckof the cartridge by the crease or use a funnel. The idea is to fill the cartridge with powder.

3. - Insert the fuse, preferably 6 inches because you want to be no where near this when it goes off.

4. - Presto! You are now ready to light your newly made co2 bomb. Watch out! After the bomb has been thrown, run like hell!!!


Materials needed for the construction of the piss bomb

1 - Nitric acid
2 - Urine
3 - Filtering material
4 - Aluminum powder
5 - Heat source
6 - Measuring containers
7 - Water
8 - Tape
9 - Steel pipe with end caps
10 - Cannon fuse...or your prefered detonator

Construction of the piss bomb

1 - Boil the piss (alot of it, about 10 cups) to approximately 1/10 of it’s volume.

2 - Filter the piss. Pour the piss in a contener through the filtering material to remove impurities.

3 - Slowly add 1/3 cup of nitric acid to the filtered urine and let it stand so that the urea nitrate chrystals will collect on the paper.

4 - Wash the urea nitrate chrystals by pouring water over it.

5 - Remove urea chrystals fromthe filtering material and allow to dry for 24 hrs.

How to use your piss bomb

Spoon the chrystals into an iron steel pipe with and end cap on one end. Thread the cannon fuse throught the hole of the other end cap then screw it on. The mixture will be more powerful if it mixed in a 1:4 ratio ( 1 cup urine to 4 cups chrystals).
One could light the fuse and throw it into a populated area of ass holes and do this world a favor, but I would not reccommend this kind of behavior <heh, heh). You see, this article was written to make these brews althought I do not wish to instigate anyone to take them.

3.3 - THE B-BOMB

Material needed for the construction of the B-Bomb

1 - A METAL (must be metal) box of bandaids
2 - One tissue
3 - One paper towel
4 - Two lighters (We suggest Bics. Nice and cheap and disposeable)
5 - One can of aresol carbonator OR choke cleaner
6 - Some rubbing alcohol

Construction of the B-Bomb

Soak the paper towel in choke cleaner for a minute. Then soak the tissue in alcohol. Open the bandaid box and remove all the bandaids (can’t blow them up, you might need them). Place the box on a flat surface and position one of the two lighters in the dead center of the box as illustrated:

| (
| «%» )
| (

| | |
| «%» | BIC LIGHT |
| | |
| ( | |
| ) | Box opening|
| ( | |
| | |

Place the tissue on the right side of the lighter then place the paper towel on the left side and close the box untill the top touches the edge. Then put a piece of ripper paper or string or anything that can be burnt inside but let it also be hanging outside for lighting and let the box top stay! Light he paper and don’t stay too close!!!


Here are some ways to get even with your enemy...

  1. Trash his clothes, get a water gun (best is those big Super Soakers that can shot upto 20 feet away)). Get some very stainfull liquids such as bleech or iodine, make a solution (harder to clean) and place it in the water gun. Remember, always shot from a distance. Even if the guy your shooting is punny, he’ll have friends. If you shoot him with bleech, it will really fuck up a black shirt, and try to get him when he’s got an expensive, brand name shirt.
  2. Get some tweezers, a lighter and a quarter and hold the quarter with the tweezers, and cook it with the lighter. Now start walking ahead of someone you really hate, then just drop it on the ground and the fuckhead will pick it up and really look ike a dick.
  3. Find someones drink and when he’s not looking, drop a 9-volt battery in it (the battery should be a new one) and zap! The dick you did it to is ready for a shock.
  4. Get a zippo light and some lighter fluid. Pour the lighter fluid all over the lighter then wait about ten minutes till it drys. Now, give the lighter to someon. The dick will light the lighter and the flame will ignite the gas. It’ll burn his hand and hurt like hell!
  5. Don’t you just hate those BBS loosers. If you know where he lives, go to his house and slash all the rubber around telephone cables so there’ll be just the wire. Do it in a few area’s. It’ll cause major line noise, effect all his d/l’s and u/l’s and it’ll be a mess up in time and he’ll have a hard life.
  6. Go to the telephone box and pour a bottle of ink in the money return slot. There will be ink stains for days.
  7. Pour lighter fluid all over an ashtray, around the ashtray and all around the area. When someone put the hot ash in the ashtray, It’ll ignite into a big fire. Do it somewhere were it’ll effect alot of people like an arcade. It’ll get them in alot of trouble.
  8. Get a paper bag and find some dog shit. Put the shit in the bag and then swing the bag and let it fall in a car’s window.
  9. Get a mustard bootle wich you find around fast food places. You squize it and the mustard comes out. Now make a mixture of the worst smelling thing you can find, like og shit, Tiger Balm, ater to make it runny, and then wait a Friday night after school (if your still in school). Go up to the assholes locker and squise your mixture through the air holes. Let it sit for the week-end, and Monday morning that locker will smell worse then your grandma!
  10. Get some lue and put it all over the place like in a roll of toilet peper, telephone books and anywhere else that’ll cause problems.


Here’s how to make timed fuses for ANY kind of bomb that uses a cannon fuse. If you of a friend smoke, light a cigarette and break off the filter. Then place the unlit side into the cannon fuse until it is weged on bet still an inch or two away from the lit part. Then place it somewhere(a trash can in a public place, etc.) and wait between five and ten minutes.


Okay! I’d just like to thank all the team (Mr.Gree, J.F, Laser)and I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read this magazine. I’d also like to ask you to take a look at the JOINING.DOC document for information on becoming a part of The Ontarian Hackers Association. See you in HAK PAK 2!

sending ...
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