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The Monster Playstation Cheat List

Before the "Now Loading" screen when the bird logo comes up, hold
R1 + () pressed. This will change the "Now Loading" screen to bouncing
CD's. You can then perform the following cheats:
Color Change
To change the color of your plane enter this code while the
CDs are bouncing: U D L R U D L R R1 To change the color of
your wingman's plane hold R and press ST. A small Namco character will appear
in the lower left corner to confirm the codes.
Hidden Game
"To play a short hidden game, the rules of which I have no clue,
Press Up, Left, Down, and Right. A small character icon will
appear in the lower left of the screen. Now the next time there is a loading
game, don't press the R1 and circle, and the game will pop up."
Ending Notes
To fight Sho who is the games REAL last boss, you must go
through the game without using a continue and you must be on
NORMAL difficulty or harder. Sho has the moves of Kayin and Eiji and then
some. You will receive the games real endings by beating Sho.
When you beat the game on a difficulty below NORMAL, you will only fight
Gaia. If you beat Gaia, you will recieve a "DESPERATION " move. If you
beat the game on a difficulty of NORMAL or harder and reach Sho by not
using any continues, and beat him, you will recieve a Secret Move. It is
alright to continue when fighting against Sho.
Play as Gaia
To play as Gaia, at the title screen when the words come sliding
from the sides onto the screen, press Down, Down + Left, Left
and hit Weak slash. Weak slash is the Square button by default. You will hear
the word "FIGHT!" confirming the code worked. Now on the character select
screen, hold up on Eiji and hit any attack button. You can now play as Gaia.
Play as Sho
First put in the Gaia code, let the game go to the demo, press
start on controller 2 to go back to the title screen, and as the
words come in, press on controller 2: L,R,L,R,L + square (weak slash). You
should hear "fight", and the text will turn blue. Then go to player select
screen, go to Kayin, push down and square.
Instant Secret Moves
After entering the codes to play as Gaia and Sho, wait
through the demo until the title screen comes up yet
again. Like before, as the options come in from the left, do DL + Weak Kick
on controller 1. You'll hear "Fantastic!" and the option text will turn
white. To utilize this feature change the control type to use L1, L2, R1, R2
as SPECIAL buttons. This can only be done on Easy or Very Easy. Now anytime
during a fight hitting L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + SL at the same time will unleash
the character's Secret Moves.
Config Select
After entering the "Instant Secret Moves" code, wait for the
demo to start (one more time!) Press Start, and when the title
screen appears, and the text is scrolling in from the side, press:
L, R, L, R, L + Square (Weak Slash) on controller 2. If done correctly, you
will hear the announcer say "Fantastic!" and the text on screen will be
yellow. This code allows you to use any control configuration on any
difficulty. (ie: you could use the A4 controller configuration on Normal and
higher difficulty levels.)
Camera Options
To change the camera angle as well as scrolling and zooming
the view, you need to select a control type that does not use
any of the top four L/R buttons (e.g. A2). There will now be a Camera option
called YOUR SELF. Go back to the control type and choose A5-G5. The top four
buttons will now control your camera angles.
While playing use the top buttons to change camera angle any time.
Pause the game. Hit all four circular buttons + the Select button. The
Options menu will disappear, but you can still control the camera angles.
Hit all four circular buttons + Select one more time. The energy gauges
and scores will disappear. The top four buttons now act as scrolling and
zooming features!
If you have a 2P controller in port two, the Select button can be used
as a frame by frame advance! If you have set the 2P control type to CAMERA,
you can use it to change camera angles while using the 1P controller to
NOTE: You can use the 2P controller to set the camera angle to view the
fight from *below* ground level. The floor will be invisible.
This particular camera angle can only be set while the game is paused, but
you can press Start at this moment to continue playing using this unique
Hit all four circular buttons + Select to get back the Options menu. Or
hit Start to play without the energy gauges and scores!
Instant Desperation Moves
Make sure that your controller is set with all four
buttons as special attacks (i.e. A4). Whenever your
character's energy gauge is flashing, hitting all four top buttons together
will execute the character's Desperation Move.
Desperation Moves are denoted by '**' They can only be done when your
energy bar is flashing red.
B = Back F = Forward DF = Down and Forward etc..
RekkuuZan D, DF, F + Slash
HishouZan F, D, DF + Slash
Ryuseikyaku (While jumping) D, DB, B + Kick or D, DB, B, UB + Kick
Shugekidan DF + Kick
Secret Move U, D, U, D, F, B, F, B + Hard Slash
** Hyakki Moshuu Ken F, DF, D, DB, B, DB, D, DF, F + Hard Slash
Sonic Slash D, DF, F + Slash
Deadly Rays F, D, DF + Slash
Scottish Moon (While jumping) D, DB, B + Kick or D, DB, B, UB + Kick
Leg Crush D, DB, B + Kick
Secret Move F, DF, D, DB, B, DB, B, F, B + (Weak Kick+Hard Kick)
** Hell's Inferno F, DF, D, DB, B, DB, D, DF, F + Hard Slash
Thunder Ring D, DB, B + Slash
Aurora Revolution F, DF, D, DB, B + Slash
Rattle Snake D, DF, F + Slash
Laugh Taunt F, DF, D, DF, F, B, D + (Hard Slash+Weak Kick)
Secret Move DF, D, DB, D, DF, B, F, D + (Hard Slash+Hard Kick)
** Call Me Queen F, B, F, B + Hard Slash
Fire Wave D, DF, F + Slash
Power Thrust F, D, DF + Kick
Batter Up F, DF, D, DB, B + Slash
Fire Strike D, DF, F, B + Slash
Secret Move UF, U, UB, B, DB, F, B, D + (Hard Slash+Hard Hick)
** Mega Fire Wave B, DB, D, DF, F, DF, D, DB, B + Hard Slash
Mystic Sphere F, DF, D, DB, B + Slash
Pagoda Kick D, DB, B + Kick
Sphere Burst (While jumping) F, DF, D, DB, B + Slash
Traveling Sphere B, DB, D, DF + Slash
Claw Slide D + Hard Slash
Small Fart F, UF, U, UB, B + (Weak Slash+Hard Kick)
Laugh Taunt F, DF, D, DF, F, B, D + (Hard Slash+Weak Kick)
Secret Move Weak Kick, Weak Slash, Hard Slash, Hard Kick,
B, F, B, F + (Hard Slash+Hard Kick)
** Do Do Don Pappa F, B, DB, D, DF, F, B + Hard Slash
Goriki Tenbu F, D, DF + Slash
Goriki Fujin B, DB, D, DF, F + Slash
Goriki Raijin (While jumping) D, DF, F + Slash
Shippu Tsuki/Jyodan D, DF, F + Slash
Shippu Tsuke/Gedan D, DB, B + Slash
Secret Move F, UF, U, UB, B, F, DF, D + (Hard Slash+Hard Kick)
** Choriki Daibutsumetsu: D, DF, F, D, DF, F, B + Hard Slash
Cyclone D, DF, F + Slash
Head Crush (While jumping) D, DF, F + Slash
Knight Strike F, DB, D, DF + Slash
Secret Move DF, D, DB, D, DF, D, B, F + (Weak Slash+Hard Kick)
** The End DB, D, DF, F, B + Hard Slash
Tornado D, DB, B + Kick
Flaming Crescent F, D, DF + Slash
Air Dance (While jumping) D, DB, B + Kick or D, DB, B, UB + Kick
Arc Slash (While jumping) D, DB, B + Slash
Ribbon Toss F, UF, U, UB, B + (Weak Slash+Hard Kick)
Secret Move DF, D, DB, D, DF, B, F, D + (Hard Slash+Hard Kick)
** French Kiss F, B, F, B + Slash
Full Steam B, DB, D, DF, F + Slash
Sea Slash F, B, DF + Slash
Arm Blast F, DF, D, DB, B + Kick
Secret Move: (Spinning Bastar): DF, D, DB, D, DF, B, F, D +
(Hard Slash+Hard Kick)
** Desperation Move F, DF, D, DB, B, F + Weak Slash (Square)
Sho Shinjo:
Double Rekkuzan D, DF, F + Slash
Shouzan F, D, DF + Slash
Angled Shouzan B,D,DB + Slash
Leg Crush D, DB, B + Kick
Ryuseikyaku (While jumping) D, DB, B + Kick or D, DB, B, UB + Kick
Scottish Moon (While jumping) D, U + Kick
Eiji's Throw (When close to opponent) B + Hard Slash
Kayin's Throw (When close to opponent) B + Hard Kick
Secret Move D, F, UF, U, UB, B, D + (Hard Slash+Weak Kick)
** Hyakki Moshuu Ken F, DF, D, DB, B, DB, D, DF, F + Hard Slash
BALLS Up - Adds Balls
Down - Subtracts Balls
L1 - Freezes screen when held down
Select - Quits Demo
DIFFUSION L1 - Changes from flat squares to ball
L2 - Toggles transparency??
/\, [], () and >< - Rotate object
Select - Quits Demo
RCUBE L1 - drops cubes on the ground (hitting L1
repeatedly bounces surface)
R1 - Seems to change cube colors (also restores
cubes after hitting L1)
L2 - Zooms out
R2 - Zooms in
Up - Rotates Cubes Up
Down - Rotates Cubes Down
Right - Rotates Cubes Left
Left - Rotates Cubes Right
/\ - Cycles cubes from solid, transparent,
goraud shaded? and texture mapped
[] - toggles black and white background
Select - Quits demo
MAT Up - Rotates Mat Up
Down - Rotates Mat Down
Right - Rotates Mat Left
Left - Rotates Mat Right
/\ - Adds creatures
>< - Subtracts creatures
Select - Quits demo
ODEN (After brief self running demo...)
/\,[],() and >< - rotate objects
L1,L2,R1,R2 & D-Pad changes RGB light source positions
Down - makes all 3 objects goraud shaded?
Right - puts brick texture map on cube
Left - puts brick texture map on sphere
Up - puts brick texture map on cone
Select - Zoom In
Start - Zoom out
Start + Select - ends demo
Various combinations of L1,L2,R1,R2 and /\,[],() and >< butt
ons change the
various light sources intensities.
MOVIE Select - quit
Texture Movie:
Down - removes video spheres
/\,[],() and >< - rotate video sphere
R1 - Zoom In
Select - quits demo
MANTA Start - Zoom In
Select - Zoom Out
/\,[],() and >< - rotate manta
Thumpab - move manta up down left and right
Hold R1 - Fish leave the area
Hold R1,R2,L1,L2 (all at the same time) and hit start - reset demo
Hold R1,R2,L1,L2 (all at the same time) and hit select - quit demo
DINO Start - Zoom In
Select - Zoom Out
Thumpab - move dino up down left and right
/\,[],() and >< - rotate dino
L1 - Move head left
R1 - Move head right
L2 - make Dino growl!
R2 - make Dino scream!
L1 + R1 + Up - Make dino stand upright and move up
L1 + R1 + Down - Make dino stand upright and move down
L1 + R1 + Select - Dino stops and just stand.
Note - In the above stop and stand mode you can also play with the
R1,R2,L1,L2 buttons (trying holding all 4 down at once while in this
mode! is this balloon
R1,R2,L1,L2,Start,Select (all at once) - Quit demo
Animation Select
At the title screen press U, U ,D, D, L, L, R, R and SELECT.
The word START will turn to ANIMATION.
Level 2 Password for Yenji: SPID
Level 3 Password for Yenji: STAR
Level 1: Hold R1+Forward [Claws Charge]
Hold R1+Square-Square [Lightning Kick]
Hold R1+Down [Roll Jab]
Hold R1+Square+Forward [Kick and Charge]
Hold R1+Eks [Cradle Kick]
Hold R1+Triangle+Down [Double Charge]
Level 2:
QCF+Square [Shuriken]
Jump, QCF+Square [3 Air Shuriken]
Hold R1+Tri [Multi-Cut]
Level 3:
Hold R1+Square+Down [Ground Dash]
QCF+R1 [Shuriken Chain]
Enemy Ships
To use the five enemy sleds, enter the following code at the
title screen: U, L, D, R, U, /\, U, R, D, L, U, (). Now listen
for an explosion to verify that the code worked.
Bonus Track
(Monastery Ruins) Start a Wreckin' Championship with the name
"REFLECT!" (without quotes). You can now select the track in
practise mode (and only practise mode). This track is the "reward" for
finishing 1st in the season.
Unlimited Damage
Enter "!DAMAGE!" as your name for unlimited damage
Number of Competitors
Entering "NPLAYERS" as your name will allow you to
select the number of competitors you race against.
Go to the track select screen (from the main menu) and after you select
the track, you will be able to select the number of competitors.
Time Cheat
Select Total Destruction on the game menu. As soon as you start
press the pause button and exit. You have to have 0secs on the
time. This puts your name on the scoreboard with 566.?? secs. A bit
pointless but it annoys your friends.
Act I
Rincewinds room: open the wardrobe, take the pouch
Arch chancellors room: talk to him
Closet: take the broom
R`s room: use the broom on the luggage, there's a banana in him already
Library: give the banana to the librarian and he'll get the book, take it
to the arch-chancellor you now need 5 objects, dragon breath, staff, an
imp, a hair roller and a frying pan
Dining room: swap the broom with windle-poons staff
Outside the UU: talk to the apprentice ? him. Get the frog. Double click
on the university door to open it.
You are now on the city map, run the mouse slowly around it to find: the
drum, palace,park, inn, unseen university(UU), Alley, Livery Stable(LS),
City gates(CG), Square and Street
Square: pick up a tomato, throw it at the tax-collector in the stocks,
pick up another tomato, search the floor for a worm. Talk to the street
urchin to learn the pickpocket and get some bloomers. Go into the
psychiatrists, leave, go in again, get the butterfly net.
Street: Toy shop: get a toy, and the string. use the string on the worm.
Fishmonger: get the picture. Barbers: look at the hair roller. talk to the
woman twice, talk to the barber, when he's daydreaming pick his POCKET to
get the hair-roller.
LS: get the corn from the sack
Palace: talk to the L guard-? him. enter the palace. in the bathroom take
the mirror
Alley: put the mirror into R`s inventory. there is a glowing flagstone on
the floor to catapult you onto the roof. On the roof look in the
background for the tower. Go there. Use the mirror at the tip of the
flagpole. use the mirror again to readjust it. It catches the dragons
breath. Go down to the roof again, move L until you see a ladder bridge,
click on the ladder and it will drop into the luggage. To exit
double-click on the window.
Alley: walk further down the alley, to the right. There is a door, go in.
Look at the box, push the shutter release, put the corn in the flask.
double-click on the imp to free him. He goes into the mousehole on the
right outside. Use the worm on the string to get him.
Drum: Talk to the scared guy. Talk to the barman. Get the tankard and
UU: go round the back of the university (Path), and take the fertiliser.
Put the butterfly net into R`s inventory. Use the ladder on the window.
Use the net to catch the pancake (easiest to catch it at the top of its
In the closet, use the matches with the shape, get the packet
Kitchen: Get the banana & Frying pan
Library: Look at the banana behind the sleazy guys ear, talk to
him about it
Arch-chancellors room: Give him the frying pan, hair roller, imp,
staff and dragons breath.
When the city map appears, move rincewind down and left, the
clicks get closer together as you near the dragon-its the dragon-detector
making the noise. When you find him you get to.....
Act II
Barn: go back in the barn and take the screwdriver
Library: give the sleazy guy all the treasure to get the gold banana
Inn: Get the sheet off the bed and bubble bath from the bath-room
UU: get the garbage can from behind the university
Kitchen: get the cornflour
Library: give the librarian the gold banana and he'll open L-space.... go
through and wait, a thief appears and takes a book. Later on you get the
opportunity to take this book. DON'T. If you take it then you cant pass
through L-space, a screen appears with death and friends on. Push the book
to open the bookcase and leave. The night-time city map appears. Follow
the thief to find the Hide-out.
Hide-out: double click on the L-hand drainpipe to adjust it. It will be
used later to listen in for a password.
Inn: go in the bedroom and use the sheet on rincewind. Double click on
the jewellery box. He ends up with a hammer. The scared guy didn`t tell
you this bit before...
Park: Use the frog on the drunk. Use the net to catch the butterfly (it
may still be in R`s inventory)
Street: Open the dunny door, and read the graffiti. Go to the corner and
use the butterfly on the lamp and get the pot on the windowsill.
Drum: Look at the picture behind the little guy, use his glass when he
turns to start a fight. Outside, use the ladder with the drum shingle to
get a drumstick. Go back through L-space (enter the hole by the UU to get
in the library)
Drum: Talk to the scared guy again for info on the hammer, look at the
drinks (counterwise wine) and ask the barman for a drink. Get the glass.
Street: Get the robe from near the dunny, get s hogswatch doll from the
Go back through
Let the thief steal the book again, but get to the hide-out before him.
When he arrives, use the glass on the right hand drainpipe to listen for
the password. Use the robe on rincewind. Watch the summoning etc...
Inn: Do the same as before with the sheet, this time you get the
Go through L-space
Dining-Room: use the drumstick on the gong. get the prunes outside the UU
Square: Enter the psychiatrickerists, talk to the troll, wait as its your
turn. Get the inkblots from the psychiatrickerist. Go in again talk talk
to the maid for a note. Get a donut from dibbler and give it to the
dunnyman. Talk to the street starfish.
Street: Give the barber the note, use the apparatus - you get a GOLD
City Gate: Open the crate, get a keg and fireworks. Give Carrot the
gate-pass. Go out of the city
Dark Wood: On the way get the cockatrice feather and egg. Fill the pot
with custard from the cauldron in nanny oggs house.
Edge of the world (look along the horizon): double click on the coconut
tree. Use the net to get the coconut, and the screwdriver to open it. You
can also take the lamp.
Fishmonger: Use string to get the octopus. Put it and the custard in the
dunny can. Exchange prunes for the fishmongers caviar. Get the belt with a
GOLD buckle from him.
Palace: use an inkblot on a guard to enter. talk to the peasant. Use the
garbage can with the fool. Use the bubble bath with the bath. Get the cap
with a GOLD bell.
Go through L-space
Shades: Go right, go to the house. Talk to big sal (You must have read
the graffiti by the dunny) and ask for a special. Give her the egg,
coconut and cornflour to get some yellow bloomers.
Go through L-space
Square: Give the urchin the bloomers to get a handshake and a bra. Use
the bra on the ladder.
Shades: Give the mason a handshake to get a GOLD trowel.
Go right and find the hovel. Use the muffled ladder to
cross. Try to take the key, Use the feather on the thief, Take the GOLD
skeleton key.
Alley: put the hogfather doll into R`s inventory. Go to the roof. Use the
doll with the chimney
Alchemists shop: use the keg in the fireplace, and then the
string with the keg. Exit, light the fuse hanging out of the drainpipe
with the matches. You get the GOLD brush.
Barn: You now have all the gold items, so give them to the dragon
Square: Talk to Nanny Ogg - ? her to get the carpet. Use sarcasm, she
wants a kiss, while she`s waiting, take the custard book from the stall.
Go through L-space
Library: Before the thief comes, Take the dragon book (Its safe this
time) and double click it on the custard book. This exchanges the book
covers. Put the dragon book (custard inside dragon cover) into the empty
UU: Kitchen: take the spatula. Arch-chancellors room: take the Hat
Drum: Look at the drinks (Klatchian cactus juice) talk to the barkeeper
twice. Take the worm from the glass and use string on it.
Hide-out: Knock to get a custard tart
Shades: Talk to big sal again. Hovel: open bag to get knife. Mural: (on
wall where the mason used to be..) use the spatula to get the soot
Street: take the barbers scissors, and appointment book
Square: Go into the psychiatrickerists twice, talk to the girl, use the
appointment book to get her autograph. You see the psychiatrickerist. Get
a bag of leeches from dibbler - open it. Use the knife on the rubber belt
on the dunny machine. Pick up an egg from the stall. Get the snake on the
floor. Use the fertiliser, then the starch on the snake. Talk to the
Woods: turn the crank, fill the pot from the bucket, use the screwdriver
to take the crank.
Palace: Use an inkblot or leech to get past the guards. Get the brush
from the bath. Go right, past the throne, go into the dungeon. Use the
worm on a string with the hole by the cells. look at and use the rat, it
turns into an imp. Use the crank on the rack to the right to get a sword.
Get a bone from the skeleton
Toyshop: Get a toy, use the bone on the gluepot
Inn: In the bathroom, fill the pot with soap. Outside, go right. Give the
bone to the dog. Talk to the sailor, then the innkeeper. look at the
sailors tattoo and talk to the sailor again.
Alley:talk to the alchemist when he leaves to get corn, take the camera
UU: dining room, swap the snake with windle-poons staff.
Edge of world: Use whistle on Rincewind. Light a firework and throw it at
polly. Use the broom handle (staff) to extend the net, and use it to get
polly. The whistle went over the edge. Look at the hat. Use the hat on the
fork. use the chain of handkerchiefs. On A-Tuin, look for the glint, take
it, use the hankies to get back to discworld.
Inn: give polly and the whistle to the pirate
Livery Stable: Use the brush with the soapy water. Use the brush with the
bumper bar. Look at the bumper, Look at the number plate, look at the
bumper sticker (Lady Ramkins now appears on the city map)
Alley: Put the knife in R`s inventory. Go onto the roof. Cut the ladder
with the knife. Go down to the alley and talk to the assassin. The donkey
is now in the square
Square: Cut the donkeys tail (=moustache) off with the scissors
Lady Ramkins: Use the knocker on her door. Go round the back. Look at the
molten pile, talk to her. Use the doorknocker again, when she appears, go
round the back and steal the rosette, leash,and nail.
City Gate: Talk to carrot about swords
Nanny Oggs: Double-click on the wool. Take the mallet from the wood pile.
Use the rosette on the sheep. Use the imp with the impsomatic camera. use
the camera with the sheep. Use the sheep picture with the octopus picture.
Go through the hatch. Look at the potions. Talk to Nanny about the
potions, use the custard tart on yourself to kiss her. Take the truth
Mine: use the sword on the swordsmith
Woods: Give the barber the appointment book
Street: Talk to the barber
Square: Talk to the street starfish
Alley: put the rubber belt in your inventory. Go up to the roof, then to
the tower. use the belt on the flagpole tip, and bungee to get the
Broken Drum: Use the nail on the beam. Hang up the sheep picture on the
beam. Talk to the braggart. When you have the tankards, use the truth
potion on them and continue the conversation, he'll tell you where the
temple of offler is. Ask the barman about elderberry wine. He should
mention foxes..
Inn: go into the bedroom and look at the door. unscrew the door. Talk to
the bogeyman (use the angry conversation)
Drum: Go down the trapdoor. Look for elderberry wine. Fill the tankard
with it. Put it in R`s inventory, otherwise the luggage drinks it on route
to the mine.
Mine: Give the wine to the swordsmith, then the sword
Gorge: get thrown off the bridge, then use the carpet on the monk. Enter
the temple. Take the bandanna (blindfold), use the leash on the luggage,
use the blindfold on rincewind. At the altar fill the pouch with sand and
use it on the eye.
UU: In the dining room talk to the lecturer of recent runes about hero's.
Library: search the library for a magic book (between where the
L-space door and sleazy guy were)
Square: Look for the key on lady ramkin and take it
Lady Ramkins: Use the key on the dragons door. There is a molten pile on
the floor. To get past this, use the magic carpet and click past. Take
Mambo the dragon.
Square: use mambo on the dragon. Give mambo a lit firecracker, use him on
the dragon again. To finish the game, use the love custard tart on the
Pause the game and enter the codes. Two of the codes are mentioned
twice. I don't have the game to test them, so until I get verification
I'll keep both to be sure.
All Weapons and Ammo ><, /\, L1, UP, DOWN, R2, LEFT, LEFT
Invincibility DOWN, L2, [], R1, RIGHT, L1, LEFT, ()
Map ALL /\, /\, L2, R2, L2, R2, Right,
Map ALL /\, /\, L2, R2, L2, R2, R1,
Map ALL plus OBJECTS /\, /\, L2, R2, L2, R2, Right, ()
Map ALL plus OBJECTS /\, /\, L2, R2, L2, R2, R1, ()
Free Stuff X, /\, L1, Up, Down, R2, Left, Left
Level Warp (Unverified) Right, Left, R2, R1, /\, L1, (), X
X-Ray Vision L1, R2, L2, R1, Right, /\, X, Right
DOOM Health Armor Weapons Password Title
Level 02 125% 200% All CR!3WDD3DB Plant
Level 03 200% 200% All 3JJCMK8W64 Toxin Refinery
Level 04 200% 200% All 03LTJ0Y!02 Command Control
Level 05 200% 200% All H33!1HFTHK Phobos Lab
Level 06 200% 200% All 04MSKZX9Z1 Central Processing
Level 07 125% 200% All YTTLCXXLXV Computer Station
Level 08 200% 200% All 09SMBY04YW Phobos Anomaly
Level 09 200% 200% All 7KKBLD7V53 Diemos Anomaly
Level 10 100% 200% All FM4217GSGJ Containment Area
Level 11 200% 200% All H!!3WDGLDB Refinery
Level 12 200% 200% All 07QPDW26WY Deimos Lab
Level 13 350% 150% 1234 6 WTXQ9C3W12 Command Center
Level 14 100% 200% 123456 RBR4G!LDLN Halls of the Damned
Level 15 300% 175% 123 6 WTXQ9C3W11 Spawning Vats
Level 16 50% 75% 1234567 548C7DFWYX Hell Gate
Level 17 100% 125% 1234567 JOC89DZPQS Hell Keep
Level 18 100% 125% 1234567 JGB9CT0NRT Pandemonium
Level 19 100% 200% All 9QLTKR0!02 House of Pain
Level 20 100% 200% All 78M63QX921 Unholy Cathedral
Level 21 200% 200% All S!61FHVQJG Mt. Erebus
Level 22 200% 200% All 33QHFTT6WY Limbo
Level 23 200% 200% All VBGQPJ!Y46 Tower of Babel
Level 24 200% 200% All ZYKTLW7V53 Hell Beneath
Level 25 200% 200% All 0DJSM4HW64 Perfect Hatred
Level 26 200% 200% All LS5YPTCRKH Sever the Wicked
Level 27 200% 200% All ZDJSMVRW64 Unruly Evil
Level 28 200% 200% All 1YKTX4QV53 Unto the Cruel
Level 29 200% 200% All XKF6R8LZ97 Twilight Descends
Level 30 200% 200% All DJX07Q4HTR Threshold of Pain
Level 31 200% 200% All C0W1!QNJQS Entryway
Level 32 125% 200% All VM!3V1D3DB Underhalls
Level 33 150% 200% All W394W2DMFC The Gantlet
Level 34 150% 200% All ZQ58ZKJRKH The Focus
Level 35 175% 200% All Z758ZKJ8KH The Waste Tunnels
Level 36 200% 200% All 5C2V3DQBNL The Crusher
Level 37 200% 200% All NCKBLX7V53 Dead Simple
Level 38 200% 200% All 1Q580FCRKH Tricks and Traps
Level 39 100% 200% All HTMSKZZ9Z1 The Pit
Level 40 200% 200% All WS58ZKCRKH Refueling Base
Level 41 200% 200% All CSNRG2W820 O of Destruction!
Level 42 200% 200% All WT670JBQJG The Factory
Level 43 200% 200% All DQLTJ1Y!02 The Inmost Dens
Level 44 100% 200% All 2N94VFFMFC The Suburbs
Level 45 200% 200% All CQLTJ0Y!02 Tenements
Level 46 200% 200% All WR492GDSGJ The Courtyard
Level 47
Level 48
Level 49
Level 50
Level 51
Level 52
Level 53
Level 54 200% 125% All 7L3!266DJK Redemption Denied
Level 55
Level 56 200% 200% All 3P67ZNBQJG The Military Base
Level 57 100% 0% 123 5678 JCGDNFL555 The Marshes
Level 58
Level 59 150% 25% All JCGDNFL556 Club Doom
Level 60
Ultimate Battle 27
At the title screen after the full motion video demo at
the title screen, press U, ><, D, (), L, L1, R, R1
You will hear a chime and more fmv then the title screen should read Dragon
Ball Z Ultimate Battle 27. Ultimate Battle 27 is the same as 22, but with
5 extra fighters.
[Note: I have also seen this code as: U, /\, D, >< , L, L1, R, R1 If you
find one or the other to work, please e-mail me. - Ed.]
DBZ Ultimate Battle 27 Moves
L1 = Dash Left R1 = Dash Right
L2 = Not Used R2 = Not Used
[] = Punch /\ = Fly
>< = Kick () = Ki Attack
Select = Not Used Start = (While playing) Pause
Hold down SQ or X or SQ+X to charge up your KI level.
Blocks: D DB B + () [hold ()] Blocks all KI attacks but costs energy
Tap B,B Dodges all KI attacks
[] + >< Knock away normal blasts
(can also be used as an attack)
Super Saiyajin Son Gokuh
Mini Combo: B + []
Ki-Oi-Hou: B(hold),F +()
Dash Elbow: D DF F + []
Kame Hame Ha: B D F + ()
KameSen Ryu Kakato Otoshi: F,B,F + ><
Chou Kame Hame Ha: D DB B,F + ()
Shiryu Retsu-Kyaku: B D F + ><
Super Meteo Smash: F D B,F + [] (close)
Jumping Knee Lift: DB,UF + ><
Shiyunkanitou Kame Hame Ha: D DB B,B D F + ()
Renzoku Energy Attack: D DF F + ()
Tai-Yo Ken: D,U + ()
Son Gohan (child)
Mini Combo: F + []
Ki-Oi-Hou: B(hold),F + ()
Jet Upper: D DF F + []
Ma-Sen-Kou: B D F + ()
Buku-Kyaku: Jump,F,D + ><
Kame Hame Ha: D DB B,F + ()
Dash Slider: B,DB,D + ><
Chou-Bakurestu Rush: F,B,D,U + >< (close)
Fly High Shot: D DF F + ><
Motion Cancell Chou Kame Hame Ha: D DF F,B + ()
Renzoku Energy Attack: D DF F +()
Son Goten
Mini Combo 1: B + [] (punches)
Renzoku Energy Attack: D DF F + ()
Mini Combo 2: F + [] (kicks)
Ki-Oi-Hou: B(hold),F + ()
Goten Attack: D,U + []
Kame Hame Ha: B D F + ()
Kai-Ten KicK: B + ><
Chou Kame Hame Ha: D DB B,F + ()
Jump High Kick: DB,UF + ><
Responce Rush: F D B,B D F + [] (close)
Dash Oshi-Barai: B,DB,D + ><
Super Goten Attack: D(hold),U + ()
Trunks (child)
Mini Combo: F + []
Sky Energy Ball: Jump,F,D + ()
Dash Elbow: D DF F + []
Ki-Kou Ha: B D F + ()
Rolling Savate: B + ><
Ki-Oi-Hou: D DB B,F + ()
One Step Kick: D DF F + ><
Sprit Rush: F,B,D,U + >< (close)
Flash Kick Attack: B(hold),F + ><
Dai-Kou Dan D DF F,B D F + ()
Renzoku Energy Attack: D DF F + ()
Mini Combo: F + ()
Seigi No Shinikami Triple Den: D DF F + ()
Ultimate Wild Boar Attack: Jump,F,D, + []
Shouri No Final Kame Hame Ha: B D F + ()
Super Miricale Punch: B(hold),F + []
Renzoku Shine-Shine Missile: D DB B,F + ()
Shin Damo Touzen Kick: D DB B + ><
Gekitotsu Ultra Renzoku Shine-Shine Super Missile: F D B,B D F + []
Great Kick Special: DB,UF + ><
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack: F D B,B D F + ()
Future Trunks
Throw: F + []
Energy Zen: B,DB,D + ()
Baku-Ken Ha: B(hold),F + []
Burning Attack: B D F + ()
Super Sliding Kick: B,DB,D + ><
Finish Buster: D DB B,F + ()
Down The Heal: F D B + ><
Burning Hells Slash: F,B,D,U + [] (close)
Rushing Kick: F,B,F + ><
Energy Rush: B D F,B D F + ()
Renzoku Energy Attack: D DF F + ()
Throw: B + []
Energy Flame: F.B.F + ()
Mistic (Throw): B(hold),F + []
Ki-Kou-Ha: DB,UF + ()
Baku-Kyuku: Jump,F,D + ><
Masenkou-Sappou: B D F + ()
Sonic Kick: F,B,F + ><
Kekiretsu-Koudan: D DB B,F + ()
Knee Upper: DB,UF + ><
Namek Ryu-Bukuretsu Ken: F,B,D,U + []
Renzoku Energy Attack: D DF F + ()
Makuu-Houi Dan: F D B,F D B + ()
Mini Combo: F + []
Kyaku Kame Hame Attack: B,DB,D + ()
Sen-Kuu Ken: D DF F + []
Tai-Yo Ken: D,U + ()
Reppu-Kyaku: F,B,F + ><
Kame Hame Ha: B D F + ()
Ga-Ryuu Kyaku: B,DB,D + ><
Kien-Zan: D DB B,F + ()
Raku-Ka Shuu Jump,F,D + ><
Kamesen Ryu GekiShuuran Bu: F D B,F + [] (close)
Renzoku Energy Attack: D DF F + ()
Kien-Retsu-Zan: B D F,B D F + ()
Mini Combo (head butt): F + []
Tai-Yo Ken: D,U + ()
Gaku-Ryu Ken: Tap [] rapidly
Suru-Sen Ryu Combanation: B D F + [] (durring Tai-You-Ken)
Cross Chop: F,B,F + []
Do-Don Pa: B D F + ()
Dash Knee Upper: D DF F + ><
Ki-Ko-Hou: D DB B,F + ()
Rezoku Energy Attack: D DF F + ()
Suru-Sen Ryu Combanation Attack: F D B,F + [] (close)
Kai-Kou Ken: DB,UF + ()
Shin Ki-Ko-Hou: F D B,B D F + ()
Great Saiyaman
Mini Combo: F + []
Great Saiya Cannon: B(hold),F + ()
Winning Upper: D DF F + []
Kame Hame Ha: B D F + ()
Super Hero Punch: F,B,F + []
Chou Kame Hame Ha: D DB B,F + ()
Baku-Kyaku: Jump,F,D + ><
Great Dancing Attack of Justice: F D B,F + >< (close)
Double Kick Of Justice: D DF F + ><
Great Kame Hame Ha: F D B,F + ()
Kai-Oh Shin
Throw: F + []
Wave Shock: B,DB,D + ()
Kien-Jin: F,B,F + []
Energy Thrust: B D F + ()
Crazy Rush: B(hold),F + []
Gekiretsu-Shinou Ho: D DB B,F + ()
Shiren-Jinou Kyaku: B D F + ><
Gekishin-Ou Ken: F,B,D,U + () (close)
Renzoku Energy Attack: D DF F + ()
Shin-Ouhoden Kien-Jin: F D B,B D F + ()
Ugoki-Fuuji: B (hold),F + () (blocking move)
Throw: F + []
Astro Fire Cannon: D DF F,B + ()
Dash Elbow: D DF F + []
Big Bang Attack: B D F + ()
Vegeta Sledge Hammer: F,B,F + []
Final Flash: D DB B,F + ()
Slash Down Kick: Jump,F,D + ><
Galic Vegeta Cannon: F D B,F + >< (close)
Slash Arrow Kick: DB,UF + ><
Big Bang Attach (penatrating): D DB B,B D F + ()
Baku-Hatsu Ha: D,U + ()
Vegeta Final Blast Bomb: Jump,F,B,UB,U,UF,F + ()
Mini Combo: F + []
Roses Eye Web: B,DB,D + ()
Violent Circle: D,U + >< (also while jumping)
Stardust Blitz: B D F, + ()
Shooting Star Combanation: Jump,F,D + ><
Chrusher Ball: D DB B,F + ()
Super Sliding Kick: B,DB,D + ><
Air Assult Terror Crush: F D B,B D F + [] (close)
Cosmo Energy Flash: D DF F + ()
Spread Balls: D DF F,B D F + ()
Throw: F + []
Recom Press Kick: Jump,F,D + ><
Recom Death Driver: F D B + []
Recom Fighting Bomber Attack: B D F + ()
Recom Crush Down: B D F + []
Recom Lazer Gun: D DB B.F + ()
Recom Sky Kick: DB,UF + ><
Recom Fire Guillotine Gun: B D F,F D B + [] (close)
Recom Kick: D DF F + ><
Ultra Fighting Bomber: F D B,B D F + ()
Mini Combo: F + []
Grand Energy Attack: B,DB,D + ()
Dynamite Punch: D DB B,F + []
Terror Smash: B D F + ()
Dash Tackle: B D F + []
Ginew Dynamite Attack: D DB B,F + ()
Bycicle Kick: F,B,F + ><
Ginew Great Attack: D DB B,F,DF,D + >< (close)
Ginew Throw Tackle: F,DF,D + []
Body Change: F,B,B D F + ()
Renzoku Energy Attack: D DF F + ()
Damage Body Change: B,F,F D B + ()
Throw: F + []
Ki-Oi-Ho: B(hold),F + ()
Mini Combo: B + []
Ki-Baku Ha: B,DB,D + ()
Freeza Crash Head: F,B,F + []
Freeza Death Ball: B D F + ()
Hell Down Attack: Jump,F,D + []
Freeza Mega Buster: D DB B,F + ()
Freeza Tail Attack: D DB B + ><
Freeza Death Psycho Kenesis: F,B,D,U + () (close)
Dangerous Cannon: D DF F + ()
Freeza Psycho Kenesis: F D B,F + ()
Artificial Human No.18
Throw: (punch) F + []
Energy Zan: B,DB,D + ()
Flying Head Attack: F,B,F + []
Energy Ball: B D F + ()
Spinning Shot: B,DB,D + ><
Energy Wave: D DB B,F + ()
Double Rose Bud: F,B,F + ><
Pretty Drive Attack: F D B,F + >< (close)
Pretty Kick: D DF F,B + ><
Flash Beam Press: F D B + () (close)
Renzoku Energy Attack: D DF F + ()
Artificial Human No.16
Throw 1: (head butt) F + []
Eye Beam: DB,UF + ()
Throw 2: B + []
Hyper Cannon: B(hold),F + ()
Power Shot: D DB B,F + []
Mega Energy Bomb: B D F + ()
Tackle Destroyer Crush: B,DB,D + []
Hells Flash: D DB B,F + ()
Rocket Punch: D DF F + []
Hells Flash Combonation Attack: D DB B,B D F + [] (close)
Renzoku Energy Attack: D DF F + ()
Thunder Rocket Attack: D DF F,B D F + ()
Throw: F + []
Energy Shot: B,F +()
Head Attack: F,B,F + []
Super Energy Wave: B D F + ()
Ground Slider: F,B,F + ><
Kame Hame Ha: D DB B,F + ()
Rushing Attack: DB,UF + ><
Perfect Cell Smash: F,B,D,U + []
Renzoku Energy Attack: D DF F + ()
Chou Kame Hame Ha: F D B,F + ()
Ki-Oi-Hou: B(hold),F + ()
Throw 1: (lightning) F + []
Devil Lance: B,F + ()
Throw 2: (fire) B + []
Energy Shot: F D B, + ()
Slasher Sword: D DF F + []
Shot Flame: B D F + ()
Jumping Sword Attack: F D B + []
Double Sword Attack: D DF F + ><
Death Barage lance: B,F,D,U + [] (close)
Saliva Shot: B(hold),F + ()
Death Flame: F D B,B D F + ()
Majin Buu
Botton Press: F(or B) + [] (close)
Energy Shot: B(hold),F + ()
Buu Head Butt: DB,UF + []
Oyatsu-Kousen: B D F + ()
Buu Zutsu-ki Special: F,B,F + []
Buu Breath: D DB B,F + ()
Buu Fly Kick: Jump,F,D + ><
Buu Barage Attack: B,F,D,U + [] (close)
Buu Drop Kick: B,DB,D + ><
Buu Bomb: F D B,F + ()
Bra-Bra Energy Attack: D DF F, + ()
Super Buu
Throw: F + []
Super Oyatsu-Kousen: B D F + ()
Shotsu-kaku no Hashi: B,F + []
Super Buu Breath: D DB B,F + ()
Crazy Elbow: D DF F + []
Dangerous Liquid Bomb: F D B,B D F + []
Buu Combonation: D DB B,F + ><
Chou Kaku-San Renzoku Energy Attack: B D F,B D F + ()
Broken Energy: D DF F + ()
Son Gokuh (child)
Throw: F + []
Jan-Ken Pa: B,F + ()
Hastu-Shu Ken: B D F + []
Kuchu Kame Hame Ha: Jump,F,D + ()
Niyo-Ibou Attack: B(hold),F + []
Kame Hame Ha: B D F + ()
Jan-Ken Ku: B,F + []
Giant Ape Trasformation: B D F,F D B + []
Jan-Ken Chogi B,F + ><
Yudou Kame Hame Ha: F D B,F + ()
Throw: F + []
Kyo-Sui Ken: D DF F + ()
Nidan Hizake-ri: F,B,F + ><
Ge-Dan Kiyo-Sui Ken: F,DF,D + ()
Kame-Sen Ryu Ken-Fu Shu: D DB B,F ><
Zan-Zou Ken: F,B,F + []
Tai-Ken Kame Punch: D DF F + []
Kame Hame Ha: B D F + ()
Tai-Ken Kame Kick: D DF F + ><
MAX Kame Hame Ha: D DB B,F + ()
Ge-Dan Tai-Ken Kame Punch: F,DF,D + []
Ma-Fuu Ba: F D B,B D F + ()
Ge-Dan Tai-Ken Kame Kick: F,DF,D + ><
Bankoku Bitsu Kuri-Shou: F D B + ()
Throw: F + []
Dynamite Kick: D DF F + ><
Base Ball Bat: [] + ><
Satan Tokusei Bazooka Hau: B D F + ()
Rolling Attack: B,DB,D + []
Tokusei Ultra Dai-Baku Dan: D DB B,F + ()
Vulcan Jab: D DB B + []
Tokusei Ultra Dai-Baku Dan Shitsu-Bai: D DB B,B D F + ()
Very Very Punch: D DF F + []
Champion no Ka-Rei Na Mai: F D B,B D F + []
Metta Uchi-Eiyuran Bu: F D B,F + []
4 Renzo Baku-Retsu Missile Lancher: F D B,F + ()
Super Saiyan 3
Mini Combo: B + []
Thousand Combonation: B D F + ><
Dash Punch: D DF F + []
Ki-Oi-Hou: B(hold),F + ()
Saiyan 3 Attack: F D B + [] (close)
Kame Hame Ha: B D F + ()
Slash Leg Down: Jump,F,D + ><
Chou Kame Hame Ha: D DB B,F + ()
Gail Shot: D DB B,F + ><
Shun-Kan Itou Meteo Crash: B,F,D,U + []
Gail Shot Reverse: D DF F,B + ><
Super Quick Kame Hame Ha: F D B,F + ()
Throw: B + []
Shun-Kan Itou Screw Drop: R1(or R2) + ><
Metro Attack: B D F + []
Ki-Oi-Hou: B(hold),F + ()
Gogeta Hari-Tobashi: D DB B + >< (close)
Ultra Super Dounuts: B D F + ()
Screw Drop-Kick: F,B,F + ><
Final Kame Hame Ha: D DB B,F + ()
Slash Down Kick: Jump,F,D + ><
Gogeta Genki-Dama: D(hold),U + ()
Shun-Kan Itou Slider: R1(or R2) + []
Gogeta Meteo Attack: B D F,F D B + [] (close)
Shun-Kan Itou Slash Down: R1(or R2) + ()
Quick Ultra Ball: D DB B,F D B + ()
Money Round
Pass through all the gates on a course and enter the bonus Cash
Course, which consists of $5 and $10 Gates!
Last Password
254, 071, 216, 094, 085, 085, 177, 113, 104
Will let you begin with only one race left (San Francisco)
Extra First Race Money
229, 013, 066, 016, 000, 000, 000, 000, 031
After you use this password, complete the first race
(Utah) using Paul Dillon. When you finish the race you will now have $1,110
At the "Instant Replay" screen, hold R1 and use the D-pad: (While holding R1)
Right/Left = Changes angle of shadow Up/Down = Changes length of shadow
Start a game, pause it (use the START button), select options, and
enter a code. You will hear a "click." Exit the options menu, going
back to menu with Resume Game as a choice.
Press S. You will get a secret options menu. Greyed-out choices
require another code. Use Left/Right on control pad to change
S=Square T=Triangle O=Circle X=X
Invisible Walls - XXXTSSST
Curve Ball - TSXTXX
Super Power - TSTTTTTTTT
Super Goalie - SSSSSTTTTT
Super Offense - SSSSSTX
Super Defense - TTTTTXT
Shootout - STSXST
Stupid Team - STXSTX
After entering the following codes (using the same method to
enter the above codes), go back to the Main Menu (you must quit
your game) and select OPTIONS to see new choices found at the
Formal - STXSTTXT - tuxedoes as uniforms
Federation - STXSTTXX - Data and Spock
Dynamic Duo - STXSTTTS - Batman and Robin (from t.v.)
Default Color Pallete - STXSTTTX - ?
Invisible - STXSTTXS - just hair, shorts, shoes,
Secret Codes
These tricks all require you to watch the opening demo
entirely. When the Title Screen comes up (with the title and
"PUSH START"), press and hold L1, L2, R1 & R2 buttons on controller 1, then
press SELECT. "PUSH START" will change to "SECRET CODE" with two letters
behind it. The letter at the left is changed by pressing up or down. The
letter at the right is changed by using the Triangle and X buttons.
Stage select: MA Stage 2 MK Stage 5
UT Stage 3 HT Stage 6
RH Stage 4
Special codes:
CM Makes character small. (does not alter hit check size)
QB Makes character huge. (does not alter hit check size)
MV Puts up smaller windows on the screen by pressing any button on
controller 2's face.
YI Start with nine bombs.
TY Axel/Ruka turn into one-hit wonders.
SS Weapon power-up time starts with 999 seconds.
Debug Mode
Set secret code to MA, press SELECT, then change code to SV and
press START. The following commands must be entered using controller 2.
Up Boosts weapon power to max. (10-second duration)
Down Voice mode on/off.
Left Gunlock type change.
Right Skips Area. (disengages invincibility)
Triangle Invincibility on/off. (falling will cause damage)
Circle Increases number of bombs.
Square Switches selected weapon type from Axel <-> Ruka.
X Increases weapon power up time in 30-second increments.
On the title screen, hold the four top buttons (L1,L2,R1,R2) and press
up or down on the Dpad to control the clouds' speed.
End Game Notes
When you finish the game, you will be able to play the levels
again, with objects added, moved, and/or missing. It will also be timed.
If you can manage to finish the game (not including extras) without
continuing you can play in "Super" mode which adds these extra controls:
* You can jump 6 times, instead of 3
* Pressing /\ will make you fall faster (and do more damage when landing on creatures).
* Pressing L1 or L2 will make you run fast (which will also make you jump farther).
Level Select At the animation before the title page, hold L2 + R1 + SELECT
------------ LEFT.
Extended Roster To access an extended roster for one of the teams, hold
--------------- Select and rotate the pad counter-clockwise a couple of
times while the team you want is highlighted during the select teams
Unlimited Credits After the game, at the count down, press select to keep
----------------- full credits.
ON FIRE: D, R, R, (), /\, L
BIG HEAD: Press in the following sequence [], ><, (), /\. Repeat 5 times.
MAMMOTH HEAD: Press in the following sequence: [], /\, (), ><. Repeat 5
BABY MODE: Press in the following sequence: [], (). Repeat 5 times.
HALF COURT DUNKS: L, R, ><, (), (), ><
QUICK HANDS: L, L, L, L, (), R
MAX POWER: R, R, L, R, ><, ><, R
HUGE MODE: Press in the following sequence: /\, ><. Repeat 5 times.
Secret Players Hold L1 and R1 while entering initials and dates.
Catling CAT JAN 2 Hutchinson BAR APR 9
Kirby CHR DEC 18 D Falcus DAZ AUG 6
Hodgeson HOG DEC 31 Tunnicliff SAT MAY 7
J Falcus JAS NOV 16 Jax JAX MAR 1
Mad Mike MUS DEC 24 McHugh BAA JUL 12
Gray ROB FEB 23 Higgins TOM FEB 19
Hill ZIG APR 7 Snake SNK JUN 15
J Moon JAY AUG 24 Chow Chow CHD MAY 5
Brutah GOW JUL 17 Weasel DAN JAN 2
Fumungus GUN JAN 11 Kabuki KUB APR 14
Max LIZ AUG 7 Magic Hair STH DEC 8
Sequoia SAW APR 10 Boo-Boo THI NOV 1
Pistol WAN JUN 10 Facime DEL OCT 19
Air Dog AIR JAN 21 Carlton CAL MAR 25
Divita DIV JUL 3 Goskie GOS JAN 6
Liptak LIP JAN 14 Rivett REV JUL 6
Turmell TUR JAN 31 Charles CHA MAY 4
Thomas FNK JAN 8 F Prince FRS FEB 2
Heavy D HEA JAN 9 H Clinton HIL NOV 6
Jazzy Jeff JAZ OCT 9 Benny BEN SEP 20
Blaze BLZ JAN 14 Hugo HOR JUN 12
Bird LAR JAN 15 Gorilla APE APR 2
Crunch WOL MAR 7 Clinton BIL JUN 3
Mike D M_D JUL 1 Adrock ADR APR 6
Renaldo REN FEB 4 Shelley SHY JUN 8
Moore MOE JUN 8
Codes Enter these as passwords from the memory card screen.
URNOTREDE Super tough computer
JUICE Super fast speed burst
PICK.CITY Easy interceptions
CANNON.ARM Easy throwing
STICKUM Easy catching
OFFENSE Better offense
DEFENSE Better defense
Level Select At the title screen, hit [] x 5, /\ x 7, () x 3.
Incinvibility Pause the game and press /\, /\, ><, ><, (), [], (), [], D,
------------- You should hear a sound, input the code again will turn it
Power-Ups Pause and enter U, U, D, D, D, L, R, L, R, ><, () You should hear
--------- a noise and when you unpause you'll have max power (apart from
shield). It only needs to be done once in two player mode and you'll
both be powered up. It works with the orignal Parodius as well and you get
a shield when you do it.
Saving After you've died, let the timer run out and go back to the title
------ screen. Choose "Save" at the bottom, hit START, and confirm the
Do the same thing with "Load" when you want to load an old game. It will
your button config as well.
Options Screen During gameplay, hold the top four buttons to bring up a
-------------- screen which allows you to adjust the resolution and move
screen around to your liking, in addition to several other features.
Unlimited Continues Press select during the Game Over countdown timer to
------------------- receive full credits.
10 Continues When you have three or less continues left, press U D R L
------------ on the continue screen (with the alarm clock).
99 Lives Enter X N B 9 F M ! Z 2 ? as the password.
TV Screen To turn on the TV window, pause then press and hold down R2 while
--------- you hit () () L () ()
Large Rayman Demo After the Ubi-Soft logo, press and hold L1, L2, R1, R2,
----------------- Keep holdingthem down untill the animation of the brick
wall and press and hold down start. When the screen goes black release.
Final Password 0 D 2 K V 7 W W M D--------------
Extra Cars Shoot all the Galaxians during load-up to chose from eight
---------- additional cars. Start shooting immediately to get off a couple
early shots.
Extra Tracks Finish all the tracks in first place to race track backwards.
Banner Effects Hold L1+R1 (L2+R2 will also work) then move the pad and
------ press the buttons to make the flag turn or get bigger and smaller.
The Start button will make it transparent.
Spinning Cars/Tracks During the car and level selects screens, hold down
-------------------- L1 or R1 to make them rotate.
Mirror Tracks At the start of a race, turn around right away and run into
------------- the wall behind the starting area at full speed.
Black Lambo To drive the Black Lambo, beat him in the Time Trial (TT)
Play Your Own Music First load the game up to the title screen, then remove
------------------- the Ridge Racer CD with the power ON, then put in your
own music CD.
Akuma At the select your character screen, press U, R1, D, L2, R, L1, L, R2
Options During the game, pause and press select to bring up a small options
------- menu
Moves: Blue Hadoken Projectile: D,DF,F,Punch
Red Hadoken Projectile: B,D,F, Punch (2 hits)
Dragon Punch: F,D,DF,Punch
Hurricane Kick: D,DB,B,Kick
Juggle Hurricane Kick: Charge any Kick,D,DB,B any Kick (release?)
Shadowed Sliding Side Kick: Charge Short release Short.
Inside Roundhouse: Charge Roundhouse (2 seconds) release.
Throws: Throw: B or F,Strong or Fierce
Flip: B or F,Forward or Roundhouse
Air Throw: Roundhouse
Interrupt Move: Slide Kick - B,F+Fierce
Counter: U,Strong
Slam Master: D,Forward
Get Up Attack: F,D,DF Punch
Comeback Move: Charge 2 Punches, then D,DF,F release.
(Multi Speed Hadoken's)
Combos: Jump Kick, Juggle HK, DP, Juggle HK, DP, Standing Roundhouse(12
Supers: Classic Blue Super (Burst Fireballs): D,DF,F,D,DF,F Punch
Red Super Uppercut: F,D,DF,F,D,DF,F,Punch
ReGen: Charge Fierce & Forward
Moves: Throw Mask: Charge Jab,Charge B,F,release Jab
Throw Claw: Charge Roundhouse,Charge B,F,release RH
(To pick up claw or mask roll over it.)
Roll: Charge B,F,Punch
Hang on wall: Jump and press forward
Wall Spear: Charge D,U,Punch
Flip Spear: Charge D,U,Kick
Claw Dive: Charge D,U,Kick,Punch
Back Flip: Tap all Punches
Back Attack: Charge all Punches then release
Throws: Suplex: B or F, Strong or Fierce
Air Throw: Fierce
Counter: U,Forward
Slam Master: D,Strong
Comeback Move: (full screen roll) Charge B,F,B,F,Punch
Get Up Attack: Jab
Combos: When opponent is jumping in, Jump, Fierce, Crouching Fierce, Roll,
Crouching Fierce (7 hits)
Supers: Classic Blue Super (Super Flip throw) - (close) D,DB,D,D,DB,D,Punch
Red Super (Gymnastic Flips) Charge B,F,B,F,Kick
ReGen: Charge Strong & Fierce
Moves: Sonic Boom Projectile: Charge B,F,Punch
Flash Kick: Charge D,U,Kick
Split Nut Crunch: Charge Fierce,release
Jump Crescent Kick: Charge Forward,release
Repeating JC Kick: Charge Forward,release,tap Roundhouse
Double Punch: Charge Strong,release
Double Foot Sweep: Hold D,Kick
Repeating Face Kicks: Roundhouse,tap Short
Handcuffs (As rumored): Charge ALL Punches, Ch B,F,B,F Release
Interrupt Moves: Front Kick - B,F+Roundhouse
Flash Kick - B,U+Short
Throws: Slam: F,Strong or Fierce
Suplex: F,Forward or Roundhouse
Counter: U,Strong
Slam Master: D,Forward
Comeback Move: Charge B,F,B,F,Punch then D,DB,B,D,DF
(F will explode the sonic.)
Combos: When opponent is jumping in, Split Punch, JC Kick, Flash Kick (7
When opponent is jumping in, Jump, 3 Jabs, JC Kick, Flash Kick(9 hits)
Crouching Roundhouse, JC Kick, Flash Kick (6 hits)
Supers: Classic Blue Super - (Super Flash) Charge DB,DF,DB,U,Kick
Red Super Van Damme Kicks Charge B,F,B,F,Kick
ReGen: Charge Short & Roundhouse
Moves: Tiger Shot High: D,DF,F,Punch
Tiger Shot Low: D,DF,F,Kick
Tiger Knee: D,DF,F,UF,Kick
Tiger Punch: F,D,DF,Punch
Evil Eye Patch: Charge all Punches then release
Super Tiger Shot: (2 hits) Charge Punch,D,DF,F,Release Punch
Interrupt Moves: Tiger Knee - B,F+Short
Elbow Rush - B,U+Strong
Throws: Slam: F or B, Strong or Fierce
Double Kicks: F, Short or Forward or Roundhouse
Counter: U,Roundhouse
Slam Master: D,Fierce
Comeback Move: (Double Fireball) F,D,B,F,D,B,Forward
Combos: Evil Eye, Tiger Knee, Standing Fierce, Tiger Knee, Standing Fierce,
Tiger Knee, High Tiger Shot, Low Tiger Knee (15 hits)
Supers: Classic Blue Super (Tiger Knee Uppercut): D,DF,F,D,DF,F,Punch
Super Tigers Fest (Multi tiger Throws): Charge B,D,DF,F,D,DF,F,
All Kicks
ReGen: Charge Short & Forward
Moves: Hadoken Projectile: D,DF,F,Punch
Dragon Punch: F,D,DF,Punch
Hurricane Kick: D,DB,B,Kick
Shadow Hurricane Kick: Hold Kick,D,DB,B,release Kick.
Hurricane Kick Double Jump: D,DB,B,Kick then Hold Up and all three
Flaming Upper Cut: Charge Fierce (2 seconds) release.
Interrupt Moves: Flaming Uppercut B,F+Fierce
Throws: Throw: B or F,Strong(3)
Flip: B or F,Roundhouse
Knee Grab: B or F,Forward
Counter: U,Strong
Slam Master: D,Forward
Comeback Move: Charge B,F,D,DF,F,D,DF,F Forward (Aimable)
Combos: Jump Kick, Flaming Uppercut, DP (5 hit)
Supers: Classic Blue Super (Flaming Dragons): F,D,DF,F,D,DF,F,Punch
Super Slam Knee Kick: Stand Close D,DB,B,D,DB,B,Kick
ReGen: Charge Jab & Strong
Moves: Sumo Head Butt: Charge B,F,Punch
Sumo Slam: Charge D,U,Kick
High Fly Sumo Butt Crush: Charge Kick, charge D,U, release Kick,
aim & land.
Quick Multi Slap: Charge Strong (2 seconds) release
Hundred Hand Slap: Rapidly tap Punch
Sumo Stomp: Charge all Kicks, then release.
One-Two Punch (2 hit): Close Jab
Ochido Body Throw: D,DB,B,Punch
Triple Ochido Body Throw: D,DB,B,D,DB,B,Punch
Throws: Overhand Pseudo: Close Strong or Fierce
Knee to Roundhouse Kick: Close Roundhouse
Counter: U,Fierce
Slam Master: D,Roundhouse
Comeback Move: Charge B,F,B,F,Kick
Combos: Sumo Slam, Quick Multi Slap, Sumo Headbutt (8 hits)
Supers: Classic Blue Super Torpedo: Charge B,F,B,F,Punch
Red Super: D,DB,B,D,DB,B, any Punch
ReGen: Charge Strong & Forward
Moves: Lightning Kick : Rapidly tap Kick.
Kikkoken Projectile: Charge B,F,Punch (Spirit Energy Bolt)
Spinning Bird Kick: Charge B,F,Kick
Spinning Air Kick: Charge D,U,Kick
Front Kick (2 hit): Close Forward
Face Slap: Charge Fierce,Charge D,U,release Fierce,
aim, then tap a Punch
Double Flip Kick: Charge Forward (2 seconds) release
Heel Stomp: Jump,Down (towards opponent) Forward
Wall Jump: Hold F or B when flying towards a wall.
Bracelet Toss: Charge Punch, Charge B,F,B,F, Release
Throws: Air Throw: Roundhouse
Body Slam: F or B, Strong or Fierce
Counter: U,Jab
Slam Master: D,Short
Comeback Move: D,DF,F,Punch Throw birds (VERY FAST)
????? Charge Roundhouse
Combos: Spinning Air Kick, Spinning Bird Kick (6 hit)
Supers: Birds Of Prey Super - Charge B,F,D,F,D,F,Jab
Super Lightning Leg - Charge B,F,B,F,Kick
ReGen: Charge Short & Roundhouse
Moves: Thrust Kick: F,D,DF,Kick
Cannon Drill: D,DF,F,Kick (Can be done in the Air)
Air Cannon Drill : Hold Kick,Jump D,DF,F,release Kick
Spinning Backfist: D,DF,F,Punch
Flying Roll: D,DF,F,UF Kick, Then Kick when close
Whip Choke: Charge Fierce,release
Throws: Neck Ride: F or B,Forward or Roundhouse
Throw: F,B,Strong or Fierce
Counter: U,Jab
Slam Master: D,Short
Comeback Move: Charge Strong,D,DB,B, Release Strong
Combos: Whip Choke, Cannon Drill (5 hits)
Supers: Classic Blue Super (Cannon Thrust): D,DF,F,D,DF,F,Kick
Red Whip Super: Charge Jab, (F,F) Release Jab (Must be very close)
ReGen: Charge Forward & Roundhouse
Moves: Atomic Drop Kick: Jump,D,DB,B,Forward
Axe Kick: D,DB,B,Kick
High Axe Kick: Charge Kick,D,DB,B,release Kick.
Katana Sword : F,D,DF,Punch (With Jab can reflect
Ankle Swipe : Charge 2, release 2
Back Axe Flash Kick: Charge D,U,Kick
Interrupt Moves: Slide Kick: B,F+Kick
Throws: Face Punch: F or B, Strong
Slam: F or B, Forward or Roundhouse
Counter: U,Strong
Slam Master: D,Forward
Comeback Move: D,DB,B,Strong
Combos: Axe Kick, 2 Standing Jabs, Jump, Fierce, RH, Stnding RH(7 hits)
Supers: Red Super Punch Katana: Charge Punch,F,F,release Punch
Axe Kick Super: D,DB,B,D,DB,B,Kick
ReGen: Charge Forward & Roundhouse
Moves: Dashing Upper Cut: Charge B,F,Kick
Dashing Punch: Charge B,F,Punch
Shoulder Charge: Charge D,U,Punch
Shadowed Dashing Punch : Charge All 3 Punches,release
Shadowed Uppercut: Charge all Kicks and release
(Longer you hold the more damage it does)
Multi Dashing Punch: Charge all Punches,release slowly one at a
Super UpperCut: D,DB,B Roundhouse
Repeating Standing Jabs: (1,2,Punch while standing) Tap Jab
Repeating Crouching Jabs: (1,2,Punch while standing) Tap Strong
Throws: Head Butt Hold: (close) B or F,Fierce
Ground Slam: B or F,Forward or Roundhouse
Counter: U,Fierce
Slam Master: D,Roundhouse
Comeback Move: Charge Short,F,F,release Short
Supers: Super Dashing Punch: Charge B,F,B,F,Punch
Moves: Throw Knife: F,B,F,Punch
Air Blade: Jump D,DF,F,Punch
Defense Blade: D,D,Kick
Diving Blade: Charge Forward,Jump,release Forward
Tazer: Charge Strong,release
Interrupt Moves: Kick: B,F+Short
Throws: Choke Move: Charge Fierce,F,release Fierce (close)
Slam: F or B, Strong
Counter: U,Strong
Slammaster: D,Forward
Comeback Move: Charge Forward,D,DF,F,Release Forward
Supers: Super Rotator Attack - Charge B,F,B,F,Punch
Rotating Foot Blade - D,DF,F,D,DF,F, Kick
ReGen: Charge Short & Forward
Moves: Torpedo (Psycho Crusher): Charge B,F,Punch
Electric Torpedo: Charge Punch,Charge B,F,Release Punch
Reverse Devil Punch: Charge D,U,Punch,Punch
Electric Arc: Charge Fierce,release
Scissor Knee: Charge B,F,Kick
Head Stomp: Charge D,U,Kick (tap punch after,get a
devil punch)
Slide: D,6
Interrupt Moves: Rushing Punch - B,F+Fierce
Throws: Slam: F or B, Strong or Fierce
Counter: U,Roundhouse
Slam Master: D,Fierce (3)
Combos: Electric Torpedo, Standing Fierce (8 hits)
Supers: Classic Blue Super Scissor Kick - Charge B,F,B,F,Kick
Red Head Stomp Mania - Charge DB,DF,DB,U,Kick
ReGen: Charge Strong & Short
Moves: Blue Hadoken: D,DF,F,Punch
Air Hadoken: Jump,D,DF,F,Punch
Red Hadoken: B,D,F,Jab for 1 hit
B,D,F,Strong for 2 hits
B,D,F,Fierce for 3 hits
Dragon Punch: F,D,DF,Punch
Hurricane Kick: D,DB,B,Kick
Shadow HKick: Hold Kick,D,DB,B,release Kick.
Charging kick: Charge Roundhouse,release
Forward Teleport: F,D,DF all Punch(long) or all Kick(short)
Reverse Teleport: B,D,DB all Punch(long) or all Kick(short)
(Teleports go through everything)
Interrupt Moves: Kick Back Dragon B,U+Strong
Throws: Slam: F or B, Strong or Fierce
Counter: U,Forward
Slam Master: D,Strong Combos: Jump, Forward, Charging Kick, HK, Standing
Roundhouse, Jump,
Roundhouse, Standing Roundhouse (8 hits)
Supers: Super Fireball - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,Punch
Red Super Punch Fest - Charge Punch,(close) D,DF,F,D,DF,F,
release Punch
ReGen: Charge Jab & Forward
Moves: Spinning Lariat: Tap all Punchs or tap all Kicks.
(Movable with joystick and goes thru
Spinning Pile Driver: Close F,DF,D,DB,B,Punch
Head Bite: Towards and Roundhouse (lots of blood)
Airplane Spin: Charge Fierce,F (close) Release Fierce
(makes opponent dizzy)
Green hand Spin: D,DB,B,Punch (Can reflect projectiles)
Throws: Face Bite: F, Fierce
Suplex: B or F and Forward or Roundhouse
Pile Driver: B or F and Strong
Double Suplex: F,DF,D,DB,B Kick
Counter: U,Roundhouse
Slam Master: D,Fierce
Comeback Move: Charge all Kicks,D,release Kicks
Supers: Classic Blue - F,DF,D,DB,B,F,DF,D,DB,B,Punch
or 2 circles towards, Punch(close)
Flying Airplane Crunch - D,DF,F,D,DF,F,Punch
ReGen: Charge Jab & Short
Playstation Picks Demo CD:
Attract Mode Trick Holding different directions on the controller will
------------------ the character for that player in demo mode. The exact
timing doesn't seem too important, so long as the direction is held before
demo starts to load.
Down Nina Up Kazuya
Left Yoshimitzu Right Law
Down/left King Down/right Paul
Up/left Michelle Up/right Jack
Full Version:
Galaga On the second controller, hold down /\ >< U L1 You will get a second
------ ship to play Galaga with. Press select to restart a stage. If you
restart the last stage, it will take you back to stage 1.
Devil Kayzua Beat all eight stages of Galaga and you will be able to pick
------------ Devil Kazuya in one player mode only. You can only 'restart' a
stage with Select once and not in the final round. You also may not use the
second ship code, listed above. You can, however, gain the second ship by
finishing the very first level VERY quickly. Highlight Kazuya in Arcade
and select him with the Start button.
Bosses You will gain access to the bosses once you defeat the mid-level
------ boss and Heihachi, weither you use continues doesn't matter. The
bosses will then be accessible to either the left of Yoshimitsu or the
of Michelle. You also may not change characters between fights.
To access Heihachi, you must defeat him and all the characters before him
without using continues, you may use any character in doing so. The
for Heihachi are all the mid level bosses, with his Boss being Devil
To access Devil Kazuya, you must defeat Galaga (see above) and while only
'Arcade' mode, position your selection on 'Kazuya' and press 'Start'
of a punch/kick.
View Options There are 3 different views to choose from during play. As
------------ as [Select View] appears, pressing 'Select' will change views
from a Side View to a 3/4 view, and then to an extreme overhead 3/4 view if
pressed again.
Names List If for some reason you prefer to look at a list of names to
---------- from in the Arcade mode instead of the portraits of each
you can do so by pressing both L1 and R1 on top of the controller
simutaneously before and while your selecting Arcade from the title screen.
Moves F = Forward LP = Left Punch []
----- D = Down RP = Right Punch /\
B = Back LK = Left Kick ><
U = Up RK = Right Kick ()
, = denotes an individual press
+ = designates these must be pressed simultaneously
tap = designates the keypad must be lightly tapped (not pressed)
crouch = signifies that your character must perform the move
after reaching a crouched position, the low-point of
their knee bend, then releasing D and continuing with
the button sequence
hold = designates that the last button should be held until noted
() = notates a grouping of simutaneous button presses
'stuns' = denotes this move stuns your opponent
Note: You can set the controllers to setting where the top buttons are
assigned tasks, this is accessible via the Title Screen/Test Mode/
Options Mode/Key Config/. You alter the settings by moving the keypad l/r
until all buttons are assigned w/ the Free Setting selected.
L1 = pressing LP/LK simutaneously
R1 = pressing RP/RK simutaneously
L2 = pressing LK/RK simutaneously
R2 = pressing LP/RP simutaneously
Recovery Attacks: (note: there are slight variations between characters.
Also if your character performs a move that makes them fall, you can
perform these moves as you get up)
Striaght Up: repeatedly tap U
Roll Forward: repeatledly tap F
Roll Backward: repeatedly tap B
Kick Up Attack: B + (LK+RK)
Forward Diving Roll: F + (LP+RP)
Back Roll and Forward Attack: B, F + (LP+RP)
Kazuya Mishima:
Throws: Double Kick hold: (LP+LK)
Hip Toss: (RP+RK)
Headbutt: F, F + (LP+RP)
Moves: Dragon Punch: F, D, DF + LP
Spinning Backhand: F + RP
Double Punch: LP, RP
Punch, Spinning Backhand: RP, RP
Double Punch Spinning Backhand: LP, RP, RP
Lunging Uppercut: F, D, DF + RP
Double Walking Uppercut: DF + LP, RP
Double Jab, Power Punch: LP, LP, RP
Somersault: UF(hold) + RK, LK
Axe Kicks: F, F + LK or F, RK 'stuns'
Double Axe Kick: D(crouch/or hold),(release D) RK, RK 'stuns'
Jump Kick: F, F, F + LK
Foot Sweep: F, D, DF + RK
Double Foot Sweep: F, D, DF(hold) + RK, RK
Jumping Roundhouse/Foot Sweep: UF(tap), RK, RK
10-Attack String: F, F(Hold) + RP, LP, RP, RP, LK, RK, RK, LP, RP, LP
Hard Pounce: Hopback Punch - UB/U/UF + (RP+RK)
Paul Phoenix:
Throws: Shoulder Throw: (LP+LK)
T-Flip: (RP+RK)
Rollback Toss: B + (LP+LK)
Forearm Smash: F, F + (LP+RP)
Moves: Hammer Fist: D + LP 'stuns'
Hammer Fist/Power Punch: D + LP, F + RP
Elbow Rush: D(crouch), F + RP
Ground Punch: D + RP
Punch, Sweep: RP, D + LK
Power Punch: D,DF,F + RP
Punch/High Kick: RP, LK
Double Jump Kick: U(tap) [or UF/UB(tap)] + LK, RK
Lunging Jump Kick: F, F + LK
Lunging Double Jump Kick: F, F + LK, RK
Lunging Double Jump Kick/Roundhouse: F, F + LK, RK, RK
Lunging Double Jump Kick/Sweep: F, F + LK, D(hold) + RK, RK
Forward Flip: F, F + RK 'stuns'
Foot Sweep: D + LK or D + RK
Foot Sweep/Elbow Rush: D + RK, RP
10-Attack String: LP, RP, LK, RP, LP, RP, LP, RK, RP, LP
Marshall Law:
Throws: Death From Above: (LP+LK)
Face Smash: (RP+RK)
Knee Bash: F, F + (LK+RK)
Moves: Punch/Backhand: RP, RP
Punch/Elbow/Backhand: F (hold) + RP, RP, RP
Punch/Punch/Elbow,/Backhand: F(hold) + LP, RP, RP, RP
Triple Head Kick: LK, LK, LK
Jump Kick: F, F, F + LK 'stuns if blocked'
Flipkick: D(crouch), U + RK
Power Flipkick: D(crouch), U + (LK+RK)
Lightening Flipkick: D(crouch), UU(tap) + RK
[NOTE: all flipkicks can use UB/U/UF]
High Kick/Lightening Flipkick: RK, U + LK (RK must connect)
Triple Roundhouse: RK, LK, RK
Low Kick/Triple High Kick: D + LK, LK, LK, LK
Low Kick/Head Kick/Body Kick: D + LK, F(hold) + LK, LK
10-Attack String: (tap)DF + LP, RP, RP, LP, LK, LK, LK, RK, LK, RK
Unblockable Attack: Dashing Fist - DB + LP + RP (tap U,U to abort attack)
Nina Williams:
Throws: Arm Throw: (LP+LK)
Reverse Toss: (RP+RK)
Handstand Toss: F + (LP+LK)
Elbow Strike: DF, DF + LP
Chin Bash: D, DF, F + (LP+RP)
-During Chin Bash:
a) Leg Scissor Arm Snap - LK, RK, LK, (LP+RP)
b) Sidestep Arm Snap - LP, LK, RP, LP
-During Sidestep Arm Snap:
a) Falling Arm Snap - RP, LP, LK, RK, (LP+RP)
b) Double Arm Snap - LK, LP, RK, (LP+RP), (LP+RP)
Moves: Chi Release: F, F + (LP+RP)
Punch/Roundhouse: RP, RK
Punch/High Kick: RP, LK
Punch/Low Sweep RP, D + LK
5 Punch Combo: LP, RP, LP, RP, LP
Flip Tumble: F, F + RK 'stuns'
Double Punch/Roundhouse: LP, RP, RK
Double Punch/ High Kick: LP, RP, LK
Double Punch/ Low Sweep: LP, RP, D + LK
Flying Kick: F, F, F + LK
Triple Kick: DF + LK, LK, LK
Mid Kick/Punch: DF + LK, RP
Mid Kick/Punch/Punch: DF + LK, RP, LP
Mid Kick/Punch/Roundhouse: DF + LK, RP, RK
Mid Kick/Punch/High Kick: DF + LK, RP, LK
Mid Kick/Punch/Low Sweep: DF + LK, RP, D + LK
Triple Kick/Punch: DF + LK, LK, LK, RP
Mid Kick/Roundhouse: DF + LK, RK
Triple Kick/Roundhouse: DF + LK, LK, LK, RK
Mid Kick/Spinning Chop: DF + LK, LP
Triple Kick/Spinning Chop: DF + LK, LK, LK, LP
Kick/Spinning Chop/Duble Punch: DF + LK, LP, RP, RP
Kick/Punch/Kick: DF + LK, RP, LK
Kick/Punch/Roundhouse: DF + LK, RP, RK
Hop Kick/Low Sweep/High Kick: UF + RK, LK, RK
10-Attack String: LP, RP, LP, RP, LK, LK, RP, LP, RP, RP
Unblockable Attack: Crane Chop - DB, LP + RP (tap U, U to abort attack)
Throws: Blanket: (LP+LK)
Lifter: (RP+RK)
Backbreaker: D, DB, B + RP
Piledriver: DB, F + LP
Moves: Sandwich Clap: F, F + (LP+RP)
Power Punch: B, DB, D, DF + RP
Punch/Elbow Rush: RP, LP
Double Hammer: DF + (LP+RP)
Reverse Hammer: D(crouch), B + (LP+RP)
Reverse Hammer/Double Hammer: D(crouch), B + (LP+RP), (LP+RP)
Double Slap: LP, LP
Double Slap/Hammer: LP, LP, LP
Double Uppercut: DF(crouch) + LP, RP
Triple Uppercut: DF(crouch) + LP, RP, LP
Crouch Double Slap/Uppercut: D(hold) + LP, LP, LP
Triple Windmill Punch: D(crouch), F + LP, RP, LP
Cop a Squat: D + LK + RK
Sitting Punches: LP, RP, LP, RP (4 max, while sitting)
Triple Drill Punch: DB + LP, LP, LP
Triple Drill Punch/Uppercut: DB + LP, LP, LP, RP (timed)
Mega Crouch Combo: D(crouch) + LP, LP, LP, RP, LP, RP
Triple Drill Punch/Power Punch: DB + LP, LP, LP, (B, DB, D, DF + RP)
Recover:Kick Up Attack: B + LK + RK
Forward Roll, Arm Swing: F + LP + RP (can be followed by
sitting punches)
Arm Swing: LP + RP (can be followed by sitting
10-Attack String: D + RP, LP, LP, LP, RP, LP, RP, LP, LP + RP, LP + RP
Unblockable Attack: Windup Punch - B, DB, D, DF, rotate controller
counterclockwise until Jack reaches the count of 5, then tap LP.
- if count isn't at 5, punch can be blocked
- if count reaches 5, it is an instant 1-hit kill
Hard Pounce: Cannonball - UF + (LK+RK) (can be followed with sitting
Throws: Knee Bash: (LP+LK)
Suplex: (RP+RK)
Piledriver: D, DF, F + LP
Hopping Piledriver: DF, F + (LP+RP)
Whirlwind Toss: DB, F + LP
Scissor Flip: DF(tap) + (LK+RK)
DDT: DB(tap), DB + (LP+RP)
Moves: Kidney Punch: DF(tap), RP
Hammer Elbow: DF, LP 'stuns'
Jumping Hammer: UF + (LP+RP)
Forward Dive: F, F + (LP+RP)
Bunch'a'Punches: LP, RP, LP, LP, RP
High Uppercut: F, F + RP
Low Uppercut: F, F, RP (hurts opponents on ground)
Crouching Uppercut: D, F + RP
Double Punch/Uppercut: LP, RP, LP
Big Boot: F, F + RK
Drop Kick: F, F + (LK+RK) 'stuns blocked'
Spinning Drop Kick: F, F, F + (LK+RK) 'stuns blocked'
Spinning Drop Kick/Dive: F, F, F(hold remainder) + (LK+RK), (LP+RP)
Triple Slide Kick: DF(crouch) + RK, RK, RK 'stuns'
10-Attack String: LP, RP, LP, LP, RP, RK, RK, RK, RK, LP, LK
Hard Pounce: Elbow Drop - UF [or U] + (RP+RK)
Knee Drop - UF + (LK+RK)
Throws: Flying 69 Slam: (LP+LK)
Trip Smash: (RP+RK)
Moves: Tornado Spin: B + LP (can be pressed up to 5x)
[NOTE: If done 5x, Yoshimitsu will become dizzy and colapse]
Tornado Sweep: DB(hold) + LK
[NOTE: up to 5x, dizzy on the 5th]
-The Tornado moves are interchangable (ex. 3spins/2sweeps)
and are best pulled off if you roll from B into DB
Twist Hit: F + RP
Knee Rush: F, F + RK
Roundhouse/Mid Kick: LK, RK(rolled)
Kick/Double Roundhouse: RK, RK, RK
Fwd. Cartwheel: F, F + (LK+RK)
Fwd. Cartwheel/Corkscrew: F, F(hold) + (LK+RK), (LP+RP)
10-Attack String: LP, RP, LP, RK, RK, RK, RK, LP, LP, LP
Unblockable Attack: Sword Slash - DB + LP
Sword Skewer - B, B + LP
Hard Pounce: Hopback Stomp - UF + (LK+RK)
Michelle Chan:
Throws: Bridge Slammer: (LP+LK)
Hook Slammer: (RP+RK)
Reverse Checklift: RP, B (RP must hit opponent) + (LP+RP)
Sky Uppercut: DF + RP, LP (RP must hit opponent)
Moves: 5 Punch Attack: RP, LP(rolled), LP, LP, RP
Double-Fisted Body Blow: F, F + (LP+RP) 'stuns if blocked'
Uppercut: D(crouch), RP
Uppercut/Hammer/Uppercut: D(crouch), RP, LP, LP
Roundhouse: D(crouch), LK
Vertical Kick: DF + LK
Power Vertical Kick: D(crouch), RK
Sleep Sweep: DF(crouch), RK
Sleep Sweep/Flying Kick: DF(crouch), RK, LK
Sweep Kick: D + LK or D + RK
Sweep Kick/Low Kick: D + RK, RK (holding D)
Sweep Kick/High Kick: D + RK, RK (D released)
Sweep Kick/Uppercut: D +, RK, LP
High Kick/Sweep Kick/Uppercut: F + RK, D + RK, LP
High Kick/Sweep Kick/Low Kick: F + RK, D + RK, RK (holding D)
High Kick/Sweep Kick/High Kick: F + RK, D + RK, RK (released D)
10-Attack String: RP, LP, LP, RP, LK, LK, LK, RK, RK, LP
Unblockable Attack: Running Uppercut B, B, B(hold till her left leg rises)
Tap LP as her leg is in the air to run/uppercut
Hard Pounce: Hopback Stomp - UF + (LK+RK)
Lee Chow Lang: (derivative of Law)
-------------- Throws: Neck Takedown: (LP+LK)
Face Smash: (RP+RK)
Knee Bash: F, F(hold) + (LK+RK)
Moves: Punch/Backhand: RP, RP
Double Punch: LP, RP
Double Punch/Elbow: F(hold) + LP, RP, RP
Double Punch/Elbow/Backhand: F(hold) + LP, RP, RP, RP
Double Punch/Double Backhand: F(hold) + LP, RP, RP, RP
Uppercut/Punch/Backhand: DF + LP, RP, RP
Backflip: B, B, B
Flipkick: D(crouch), UB/U/UF + RK
Power Flipkick: D(crouch), UB/U/UF + (LK+RK)
Lightning Flip: D(crouch), UB/U/UF(tap) (non-attack)
Lightening Flipkick: D(crouch), UB/U/UF(tap) + RK
High Kick/Lightening Flipkick: RK, U + LK (RK must connect)
Axe Kick: F, F + LK
Double Axe Kick: D(crouch), LK, LK
Low/High Kick: D + RK, RK
Triple Head Kick: LK, LK, LK
Triple Low/Mid Kick: D + RK, RK, RK, RK
Double Kick/Roundhouse: D + RK, RK, LK
Double Kick/Roundhouse/High: D + RK, RK, LK, RK
Double Jump Kick/Roundhouse: F, F, LK, RK, RK
Double Jump Kick/Sweep: F, F, LK, D(hold) + RK, RK
(for the above two moves, the dbl jump kick may be more
consistently pulled off by pressing F, F, F + LK)
Jump Kick: F, F, F + LK 'stuns if blocked'
High Kick/Roundhouse: RK, LK
High Kick/Roundhouse/High Kick: RK, LK, RK
Low Kick/Triple High kick: D + LK, LK, LK, LK
Low Kick/Head Kick/Body Kick: D + LK, F(hold) + LK, LK
Spinning Slide: F, F, (LK+RK)
Multikicks: D(crouch), LK, LK, D(tap), LK, LK... (repeat pressing)
(LK, D(tap), LK,... must be performed quickly to work)
The multikick will continue while you tap LK, while
doing so you can press the following for variations in
the move at any time while LK'ing.
- High Attack: hold U ( Axe kick, Mid Kick)
- Mid Attack: hold F [or neutral] (Mid Kick, High Kick)
- Low Attack: hold D (Low Kick, Mid Kick)
Unblockable Attack: Dashing Fist - DB + (LP+RP) (tap U,U to abort attack)
10-Attack String: (tap)DF + LP, RP, RP, LP, LK, LK, LK, RK, LK, RK
Kuma: (derivative of Jack)
----- Throws: Blanket: (LP+LK)
Headbutt: F + (RP+RK)
Bear Hug: (RP+RK) (note: will not work on another Kuma)
Moves: Sandwich Clap: F, F + (LP+RP)
Punch/Elbow Rush: RP, LP
Double Hammer: DF + (LP+RP)
Reverse Hammer: D(crouch), B + (LP+RP)
Reverse Hammer/Double Hammer: D(crouch), B + (LP+RP), (LP+RP)
Double Slap/Hammer: LP, LP, LP
Low Double Slap/Hammer: D(hold) + LP, LP, LP
Double Uppercut: DF(hold) + LP, RP
Triple Uppercut: DF(hold) + LP, RK, LP
Triple Windmill Punch: D(crouch), F + LP, RP, LP
Cop a Squat: D + (LK+RK)
Sitting Punches: LP, RP, LP, RP (4 max, while sitting)
Power Punch: B, DB, D, DF + RP
Mega Crouch Combo: (crouch) + LP, LP, LP, RP, LP, RP
Recover:Kick Up Attack: B + LK + RK
Forward Roll, Arm Swing: F + LP + RP (can be followed by
sitting punches)
Arm Swing: LP + RP (can be followed by sitting
Hard Pounce: Cannonball - UF + (LK+RK)
(can be combined with sitting punches)
10-Attack String: D + RP, LP, LP, LP, RP, LP, RP, LP, LP + RP, LP + RP
Wang Gin Lei: (derivative of Michelle)
Throws: Spin Toss: (LP+LK)
Backlash: (RP+RK) 'stuns'
Reverse Check: RP, B (RP must hit opponent), (LP+RP)
Sky Uppercut: DF + RP, LP (RP must hit opponent)
Moves: Palm Rush: F + RP
Hammer: DF + LP
Bolwer Smash: DF + (LP+RP)
Chi Release: F, F + (LP+RP)
Strong Uppercut: D(crouch), RP
Punch/Hammer: RP, LP
Punch/Hammer/Uppercut: RP, LP, LP
Uppercut/Hammer/Uppercut: D(crouch), RP, LP, LP
5 Punch Attack: RP, LP, LP, LP, RP
Sleep Sweep: DF(crouch), RK
Sleep Sweep/Flying Kick: DF(crouch), RK, LK
Sweeping Kick: D + RK
Sweep Kick/Low Kick: D + RK, RK (holding D)
Sweep Kick/High Kick: D + RK, RK (released D)
Sweep Kick/Uppercut: D + RK, LP
Jumping Foot Dive: F,F,F,LK (at least 1 B,B or F,F away)
Vertical Kick: DF(tap), LK
Power Vertical Kick: D(crouch), RK
High Kick/Sweep Kick/Uppercut: F + RK, D + RK, LP
High Kick/Sweep Kick/Low Kick: F + RK, D + RK, RK (holding D)
High Kick/Sweep Kick/High Kick: F + RK, D + RK, RK (released D)
10-Attack String: RP, LP, LP, RP, LK, LK, LK, LK, RK, RK, LP
Hard Pounce: Hopback Stomp - UF + (LK+RK)
Anna Williams: (derivative of Nina)
Throws: Arm Throw: (LP+LK)
Reverse Toss: (RP+RK)
Handstand Toss: F + (LP+LK)
Elbow Strike: DF, DF + LP
Chin Bash: D, DF, F + (LP+RP)
During Chin Bash:
a) Leg Scissors Arm Snap - LK, RK, LK, (LP+RP)
b) Sidestep Arm Snap - LP, LK, RP, LP
During Sidestep Arm Snap:
a) Falling Arm Snap - RP, LP, LK, RK, (LP+RP)
b) Double Arm Snap - LK, LP, RK, (LP+RP), (LP+RP)
Moves: Knife Strike: D(crouch), F + LP
Side Knife Strike: D(crouch), F + RP
Flipkick: D(crouch), UB/U/UF + RK
Lightening Flipkick: D(crouch), UB/U/UF(tap) + RK
Chi Release: F, F + (LP+RP)
Hand Sweep: DF(crouch) + RP
Triple Slap: B + LP, LP, LP
Flip Tumble: F, F + RK 'stuns'
5 Punch Combo: LP, RP, LP, RP, LP
Double Punch/Roundhouse: LP, RP, RK
Double Punch/ High Kick: LP, RP, LK
Mid Kick/Punch: DF + LK, RP
Mid Kick/Punch/Roundhouse: DF + LK, RP, RK
Mid Kick/Punch/Punch: DF + LK, RP, LP
Mid Kick/Punch/High Kick: DF + LK, RP, LK
Mid Kick/Punch/Low Sweep: DF + LK, RP, D + LK
Triple Kick/Punch: DF + LK, LK, LK, RP
Mid Kick/Roundhouse: DF + LK, RK
Triple Kick/Roundhouse: DF + LK, LK, LK, RK
Mid Kick/Spinning Chop: DF + LK, LP
Triple Kick/Spinning Chop: DF + LK, LK, LK, LP
Punch/Roundhouse: RP, RK
Triple Kick: DF + LK, LK, LK
Kick/Spin Chop/Double Punch: DF + LK, LP, RP, RP
Kick/Punch/Kick: DF + LK, RP, LK
Kick/Punch/Roundhouse: DF + LK, RP, RK
Hop Kick/Low Sweep/Kick: UF + RK, LK, RK
Flying Kick: F, F, F + LK 'stuns if blocked'
10-Attack String: LP, RP, LP, RP, LK, LK, RP, LP, RP, RP
Unblockable Attack: Crane Chop - DB, (LP+RP) (tap U, U to abort attack)
P. Jack: (derivative of Jack)
Throws: Blanket: (LP+LK)
One Arm Lifter: (RP+RK)
Moves: Punch/Elbow Rush: RP, LP
Lightening Hammer: D + LP
Lightening Hammer/Power Punch: D + LP, F + RP
Double Hammer: DF + (LP+RP)
Reverse Hammer: D(crouch), B + (LP+RP)
Reverse Hammer/Double Hammer: D(crouch), B + (LP+RP), (LP+RP)
Sandwich Clap: F, F + (LP+RP)
Double Slap: LP, LP
Double Slap/Hammer: LP, LP, LP
Double Uppercut: FD(hold) + LP, RP
Triple Uppercut: FD(hold) + LP, RK, LP
Lightning Hammer/Power Punch: D + LP, F + RP
Low Double Slap/Uppercut: D + LP, LP, LP
Triple Windmill Punch: D(crouch), F + LP, RP, LP
Cop a Squat: D + LK + RK
Sitting Punches: LP, RP, LP, RP (4 max, while sitting)
Winding Uppercut: B, DB, D, DF + LP
Power Punch: B, DB, D, DF + RP
Triple Drill Punch: DB + LP, LP, LP
Triple Drill Punch/Uppercut: DB + LP, LP, LP, RP(timed)
Triple Drill Punch/Power Punch: DB + LP, LP, LP, (B, DB, D, DF + RP)
Mega Crouch Combo: (Crouch) + LP, LP, LP, RP, LP, RP
Recover:Kick Up Attack: B + LK + RK
Forward Roll, Arm Swing: F + LP + RP (can be followed by
sitting punches)
Arm Swing: LP + RP (can be followed by sitting
10-Attack String: D + RP, LP, LP, LP, RP, LP, RP, LP, LP + RP, LP + RP
Unblockable Attack: Windup Punch - B, DB, D, DF, rotate controller
counterclockwise until Jack reaches the count of 5, then tap LP.
- if count isn't at 5, punch can be blocked
- if count reaches 5, it is an instant 1-hit kill
Hard Pounce: Low Cannonball - UF, (LK+RK)
(can be combined with sitting punches)
Armor King: (derivative of King)
Throws: Knee Bash: (LP+LK)
Suplex: (RP+RK)
- Ariel Piledriver: (while Suplex is performed, no later
than when your opponent is vertical) D, D, D + (LP+RP)
Piledriver: D, DF, F + LP
Hopping Piledriver: DB, F + (LP+RP)
Whirlwind Toss: DB, F + LP
Scissor Flip: DF(tap) + (LK+RK)
DDT: DB(tap), DB + (LP+RP)
Moves: Kidney Punch: DF, RP
Hammer Elbow: DF, LP 'stuns if blocked'
Double Punch/Uppercut: LP, RP, LP
Bunch'a'Punches: LP, RP, LP, LP, RP
Dragon Punch: F, D, DF + LP
High Uppercut: F, F + RP
Low Uppercut: F, F, RP
Power Uppercut: F, D, DF + RP
Crouching Uppercut: D, F + RP
Jumping Hammer: UF + (LP+RP)
Side Body Blow: DF(tap), RP
Forward Dive: F, F + (LP+RP)
Big Boot: F, F + RK
Drop Kick: F, F + (LK+RK)
Spinning Drop Kick: F, F, F + (LK+RK)
Spinning Drop Kick/Dive: F, F, F(hold) + (LK+RK), (LP+RP)
Triple Slide Kick: DF(crouch) + RK, RK, RK 'stuns'
Multi Slide Kicks: ??? 'stuns'
10-Attack String: LP, RP, LP(rolled), LP, RP, RK, RK, RK, LP, LK
Hard Pounce: Elbow Drop - UF [or U] + (RP+RK)
Knee Drop - UF + (LK+RK)
Ganryu: (derivative of Jack)
Throws: Cresent Throw: (LP+LK)
Shoulder Throw: (RP+RK)
Reverse Toss: B + (RP+RK)
Moves: Double Chop: LP, LP
Double Hammer: DF + (LP+RP)
Double Chop/Hammer: LP, LP, LP
Reverse Hammer: D(crouch), B + (LP+RP)
Reverse Hammer/Double Hammer: D(crouch), B + (LP+RP), (LP+RP)
Sandwich Clap: F, F + (LP+RP)
Punch/Elbow Rush: RP, LP
Double Slap: FD(hold) + LP, RP
Triple Slap: FD(hold) + LP, RP, LP
Crouch Double Slap/Uppercut: D(hold) + LP, LP, LP
Triple Windmill Punch: D(crouch), F + LP, RP, LP
Power Punch: B, DB, D, DF + RP
Sumo Palm Rush: D + RP
Double Palm Rush: D + RP, RP
Rising Palm: DF + RP
Hundred Hand Slap: F + LP, RP, LP, RP, LP, RP, LP, RP
(can also be started with RP)
Mega Crouch Combo: D(crouch) + LP, LP, LP, RP, LP, RP
Sumo Foot Stomp: D + RK
Recover:Forward Roll, Arm Swing: F + LP + RP
Arm Swing: LP + RP
Hard Pounce: Low Cannonball - UF, (LK+RK)
Kunimitsu: (derived from Yoshimitsu)
Throws: Flying 69 Slam: (LP+LK)
Trip Smash: (RP+RK)
Moves: Tornado Spin: B(hold) + LP (can be pressed 5x)
[NOTE: If done 5x, Yoshimitsu will become dizzy and colapse]
Tornado Sweep: DB(hold) + LK (up to 5x, then dizzy)
-The Tornado moves are interchangable (ex. 3spins/2sweeps)
and are best pulled off if you roll from B to DB
Twist Hit: F + RP
Knee Rush: F, F + RK
Roundhouse/Mid Kick: LK, RK
Kick/Double Roundhouse: RK, RK, RK
Fwd Cartwheel: F, F + (LK+RK)
Fwd Cartwheel/Diving Corkscrew: F, F + LK + RK, F, F + (LP+RP)
7-Attack String: LP, RP, LP, RK, RK, RK, LP
Hard Pounce: Hopback Stomp - UF + (LK+RK)
Heihachi Mishima: (derived from Kazuya)
Throws: Noogie Cracker: (LP+LK)
Piledriver: (RP+RK)
Headbutt: F, F + (LP+RP)
Moves: Hammer: D(tap) + LP
Hammer/Power Punch: D(tap) + LP, F + RP
Punch/Spinning Backhand: RP, RP
Double Jab: LP, LP
Power Punch: D, DF, F + RP
Double Jab/Power Punch: LP, LP, RP
Double Punch: LP, RP
Double Punch/Spinning Backhand: LP, RP, RP
Dragon Punch: F, D, DF + LP
High Uppercut: DF + RP [or LP]
Power Uppercut: F, D, DF + RP
Super Uppercut: F, F + RP
Double Walking Uppercut: DF + LP, RP
Back Sidestep Jog: B, B, B (always counterclockwise)
Somersault: D, UF + (LK+RK)
Jump Kick: F, F, F + LK 'stuns if blocked'
Power Mid Kick: F, D, DF + LK
Power Low Kick: F, D, DF(hold) + LK
Axe Kick: F, F + LK or F + RK
Double Axe Kick: D(crouch), RK, RK
Sweep, Roundhouse: D + LK, LK (2nd LK requires timing,
pressed when the first sweep is done, and before
Heihachi starts rising from a crouch position)
Triple Sweep: F, D, DF(hold) + RK, RK, RK,
Triple Sweep/Axe Kick: F, D, DF(hold) + RK, RK, RK, (release DF) RK
Jumping Spin Kick/Foot Sweep: (tap) UF, RK, RK
10-Attack String: F, F(Hold) + RP, LP, RP, RP, LK, RK, RK, LP, RP, LP
Hard Pounce: Hopback Punch - UF + (RP+RK)
Ariel Combo Killer: Running Uppercut -
(F, F + RP), Double Upper (DF + LP, RP), Power Punch (D, DF, F + RP),
and Pounce (U + RP) (timing is tricky)
Commercial Unknown to some there is a Crystal Dynamics commerial on the
---------- Total Eclipse CD. Just let the intro play once, then title
comes up again. After that the Commercial will play.
Stage Select came across a file called "KAIHATU.DOC" in
------------ the YAHHO directory. Viewed with a JIS Japanese reader, there
are author notes and this easter egg:
"After making a highscore of 573,000 wait until you're at the demo screen
princess Merora, then hold R1, L1, and you can use the arrow keys to select
the stages. If you score 1,000,000 or higher, you can repeat this trick
twice. You can have fun and do it at the easiest setting with 9 stocks,
save your game."
Level Passwords Warehouses () /\ [] () ()
--------------- Freeways >< [] [] () /\
River >< /\ [] () []
Suburbs >< [] /\ /\ /\
Rooftops [] /\ >< () ><
Hotel Find a pyramid on the rooftops and blast away at it for awhile --
----- it is destroyed you will drop down and drive around a hotel.
Codes Enter these as level passwords:
----- Invulnerability [] /\ >< () [Yes, with a space]
Infinite Weapons /\ [] () ()
Unknown /\ >< /\ /\ ()
* Helicopter () () /\ >< [Yes, only four]
** Fight For Your Life [] /\ () [] []
*** Fight Minion /\ >< () [] /\
* Arena level, but with an added view from the ceiling. Does not carry over
to the following levels.
** Arena level, but now with five cars against you!
*** And everyone else on rooftop at once.
Supposedly there is a bonus level only accessable if you win the game all
way through in hard mode -- perhaps without losing a life.
License plates Sweet Tooth ISKREEM Ice Cream
-------------- Warthog UESUVA U. S. of A.
Outlaw DOWNTS Donuts
Darkside STNSPWN Satan(s) Spawn
Hammerhead KILRGRN Killer Green
Yellow Jacket DRTOLMN Dirty Old Man
Road Kill TYMTRPR Time Trouper
Specter DHEDGIE Dead Guy
Mr Grimm SOLTAKR Soul Taker
Crimson Fury TRSTNOI Trust No One
Pit Viper GN4HYR Gun for Hire
Thumper DRYVBY Drive By
Endings This is the text printed after winning the game for each
------- vehicle.
All endings begin the same, a page of text which reads:
CONGRATULATIONS! You have won the 10th Twisted Metal Competition! Prepare
to meet Calypso and receive your prize...
This is followed by a picture of Calypso, over which the victory message
scrolls. Toward the end of the message, a background animation of your car
driving away down a freeway is shown (except for Outlaw and Road Kill).
The victory text always begins (except for Darkside):
You are the winner of the competition and are granted an audience with
Calypso, the creator of the Twisted Metal contest.
As you speed into his underground garage, you spot him, surrounded by
bodyguards and seated on a throne of broken car parts. His face is
burnt beyond recognition. His smile is hideous. He speaks:
The rest of the victory text for each character follows:
Sweet Tooth/Needles Kane
"As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request. But I am confused.
You are only asking for THIS?!?"
Calypso holds a crumpled up paper bag in his hands.
"I can offer you ANYTHING, Sweet Tooth! Money, fame, even power... you dare
INSULT ME!?!" Calypso screams.
But your mind is made up. Ever since you escaped from the mental ward 5
years ago, you have been searching for this bag. Because, in your own
twisted mind, this bag is much more than just a bag. Oh yes! It is...a
friend! YES! The bag is CRAZY HAROLD THE WACKY LUNCH SACK!!! And he has
come home!
Plunging one hand into the bag, placing the other hand on the wheel, you
speed off into the LA night searching for new victims... and looking for a
new life where you and your bag can be happy at last!
Yellow Jacket/Charlie Kane
"As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request."
You smile nervously and say: "I just wanted some information. I want to
know if my son is still alive. He disappeared twenty years ago and I
haven't seen him since..."
Calypso frowns, then gives you your prize. It is not good news.
It turns out that you saw your son this very night... He was the driver of
the Ice Cream Truck. For the last five years, he has been using the name
SWEET TOOTH, traveling the country, looking for victims. Up until tonight,
he was one of the country's most wanted serial killers. Now he is dead,
compliments of you.
As you speed off into the LA night, you are filled with a sense of anguish
and regret you never thought possible. Perhaps you'll compete in the next
Twisted Metal contest and ask Calypso to take away your suffering...
Darkside/Mr. Ash
["He speaks:" is replaced by "When he recognizes you, his face goes pale:"]
"NO!" screams Calypso. "He's mine! HE IS MINE!"
"He's not yours," you tell him. "He's one of my most powerful demons and
you stole him, USED him to gather up your prizes for this competition of
yours. Let's go BLACK, it's time to come home."
And with that, a shadowy figure on the back wall of the garage flies out of
the darkness and INTO your head, disappearing into your body! Calypso
screams in agony! You simply smile.
"He's coming back home with me," you say. Your contest, your 'vision,' is
over for good. See you in Hell Calypso... I'll be waiting."
You speed off into the LA night, searching for the expressway back to Hell.
You hear it is located somewhere near Hollywood...
Outlaw/Sgt. Carl Roberts
"As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request."
"I'm here for my prize," you say. "You know what I want."
You have requested that the Twisted Metal contest never be held again. You
want the streets to be safe, you want the children to feel secure. This is
your wish... this is your prize.
Calypso shrugs, then smiles at you. "While I disagree of course, I am bound
to respect your decision. Drive out of this garage officer, and enter a
world free of the pain and suffering you claim I cause... a world free of
Twisted Metal! You have my word..."
You tell Calypso if he's lying you'll be back. He says he highly doubts it.
Then, you race out of the garage only to discover...
[an animation of your police car tumbling weightless through the void is
the background for the rest of the text]
...that Calypso has tricked you. You have entered a world free of the
Twisted Metal contest... and of everything else! Just as Calypso has
promised! You float in space for all eternity!
"As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request."
"You know what I want," you tell him. "I signed your contract."
For the last 10 years you have searched for a way to turn your South
neighborhood into a place where people could feel safe. But nothing ever
worked. Every night is still the same: gang fights, drive-by shootings,
robberies. Tonight, all of this will change... IF Calypso will grant your
He does. He promises to stop the fights, to stop the violence. You say you
don't believe him. Calypso tells you to go home and see for yourself.
As you speed off into the LA night, your heart is pounding with excitement.
Could Calypso be telling the truth?!? Is your neighborhood safe? Was the
battle tonight worth it? All of the blood you spilled, in the end, will it
be justified? You drive at top speed, racing home omly to find... Calypso
was not lying.
Crimson Fury/Agent Stone
"As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request. And here is your
heart's desire..."
Calypso tosses you a heavy, iron box. It is a flight recorder box from a
downed airliner. "You're a lucky man, agent. The Commander in the Army
vehicle died tonight trying to keep you from getting that box."
You smile and in your thick British accent say, "Well, that's the US
governement for you. Always trying to keep their people in the dark.
Thanks Calypso..."
You speed off, racing into the LA night. One hand is on the wheel, the
other on the flight box. As you listen to the voice on the flight recorder,
you hear the sounds of an alien craft shooting down the passenger plane.
You have the evidence! You feel good that, soon, the people of the world
will know the truth... that we are NOT alone!!!
Pit Viper/Angela Fortin
"As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request. It says on your
contract you are asking for one million dollars in cash. That I can easily
You simply smile as he reaches for a briefcase filled with money. As he
does, you open fire, taking out the bodyguards, and then Calypso himself.
During the battle, you notice a black, shadow-like figure sneaking away
during the fught, but you let it go. You've gotten your man.
It turns out your real name is NOT Angela Fortin, but Agent Amanda X, a
freelance assassin who has been hired by the people of LA to take out
Calypso and end his brutal contest.
You speed off into the night, satisfied by a job well done. Oh yeah, you
take the million dollars with you. Hey, a girl's gotta eat.
Warthog/Commander Mason
"As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request."
"I won your contest," you shout in a gruff voice. "Now give me my prize!
Give me the box!"
Calypso smiles and tosses you a heavy iron box. It is a flight recorder
box from a downed aircraft. Listening to the recording on the box, you now
know why the government sent you to get it. It contains evidence that an
otherworldly craft shot down the airliner... evidence that we are NOT
As you speed off into the LA night, you are content... happy that the
government will get what is rightfully theirs. You also feel good knowing
that the people of the USA can sleep tight tonight, kept in the dark about
things they are not yet ready to know about.
Mr. Grimm/???
"As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request."
"I am the winner," you say. "And YOU are my prize!"
You point your hand towards Calypso, revealing that the arm under your
leather jacket is nothing more than dirty white bone. In an instant,
Calypso recognizes you.
"NO! NO! It's not time!" he screams.
But it is time, and you know it. Finally, after 100 years of trying, you
are able to capture the one soul that has eluded you since you took the
position as the Grim Reaper.
As you speed off into the LA night, you feel as good as a collector of
can feel. But the feeling is short lived. There is work to be done...
always more work.
Spectre/Scott Campbell
"As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request."
"Please, sir," you say. "I just want to... to be alive again."
For the last five years you have been a spirit, a ghost, a dead guy.
Stabbed by a maniac serial killer at a local circus, you were killed
instantly. Since then, your soul has been wandering the Earth in search of
a way to come back to life. Now you have your chance. As winner of Twisted
Metal, Calypso must grant you ANY wish you ask for. And he does.
In a flash of bright, white light, you are alive again.
You race off into the LA night, heading home to be with your wife and
little girl who was born three days after you died. Your heart is racing
and tears are streaming down your face. It feels great to be alive...
Hammerhead/Dave & Mike
"As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request. But I am confused.
It says here you are asking for a new set of treads. Exactly what is that?"
"You know man, tires," you reply.
Calypso is dumbfounded: "But you could have asked for anything! are you
sure that's all you want?"
"Hey dude, treads ain't cheap for a rig like this."
"Ah well," says Calypso, "It's your choice."
In a flash of light your monster truck is refitted with a brand new set of
metal crushing tires. You slam your truck into reverse and speed out of the
As uou race off down an LA freeway, heading into what has been the most
outrageous night of your life, you vow to enter Twisted Metal again.
Although, at the moment, you are having a hard time thinking of a better
prize than this...
Road Kill/Capt. Spears
"As you know, I shall now grant any prize you request."
"I was a captain in the Jungle Wars of South America," you tell him. "I
lost my entire platoon. I sent them straight into an enemy trap."
"And now as your prize you want me to send you back in time so you can save
them. I don't recommend it, Captain." Calypso tries to warn you about the
dangers of such a request, but you refuse to heed his advice. Realizing
your mind is made up, Calypso simply shrugs and agrees to grant your wish.
You should have listened to the guy. You are sent back in time, dropped
into the middle of a raging South American war. Before you have time to
save your platoon, you are shot at point blank range by an enemy soldier.
You die instantly.
[an animation of your car driving away down a dirt road is the background
for the rest of the text]
The next day, back in 2005, two high school kids find your car sitting in
the middle of a dirt field. They steal it, speed off, and vow to enter next
year's contest using your vehicle!
Secret Characters MR. TONKIN: When use normal mode, move the cursor to any
----------------- player, then press L2, L2, R1, R1, R1, D, /\ x 4, ().
MRS. TONKIN: Hold L1, R2, U, [], then press ().
= Space T = Triangle S = Square X = X O = O
Codes OOO XTXX = Warhawk A-La Mode (Infinate Weapons, Invincible)
----- TTOTSTTX = Infinate Weapons (Non-Invincible)
SOSSTXTT = Thor Mode (9999 Flash-Bombs)
XOOSXTOT = Kali Mode (Super Swarmers, Ultra-Lockons)
SS OSXST = Preview Epilog Text
S OSTXXS = Check Special Upgrades Text
TX OOXTS = Preview Movies
Passwords TSXTXXSS = Desert Level
--------- TSXTOSOX = Pyramid Has Risen
TOXTOOXS = Desert All But Done
OTTXOOSO = Canyon Level
OSOSXOOT = In Canyon with Amber
OTXSOOTT = In Canyon with Belle
OSTSTTTS = In Canyon with Crystal
OOOSTTST = Approaching Uma
XTXSSTST = Airship Level
XOTTOOOX = Post Transformation Airship
XSTOXTSS = Airship Rear Hanger Open
STXXXTOS = Volcano Level
SSXOTOST = Volcano Boss is Active
TOTOTXSS = Gauntlet Level
TOXTOXTS = East Gauntlet Boss
TOOSTOOX = West Gauntlet Boss
TOOTTXST = In with the Gatekeeper
TXTSOXOO = Stormland
TXXSOSOX = Above 1st Force Field
TXTTTXOT = Above 2nd Force Field
TXSOTXTS = Above 3rd Force Field
TXSTOSXX = Kreel's Door is Open
TXTSSSXT = Face to Face with Kreel
[W11] WINNING 11 [JPN]
Extra Teams When selecting teams, go to the right most teams. If you press
----------- L1, L2, R1 and R2 at the same time and press right, you'll have
another team to choose from. Works with both right-most teams.
Playstation Picks Demo CD:
Continuous Play Play the track as normal, when you almost get to the end,
--------------- slow down and stop, don't touch any of the buttons, after
about 5-10 sec the computer takes over. You'll see the the ship from
different angles. Just hit a button to play the level again.
Full Version:
Bonus Track To access the secret track called Firestar, highlight the one
----------- player option on the menu screen, press and hold the following
buttons: R1, L1 R ST () [] Once these are all held down, press ><
Rapier Class The Rapier class can be accessed by holding down:
------------ R2 L2 L ST SL Then press ><
Moves FF = Tap forward twice DF = Down/Forward diagonal
----- BB = Tap back twice DB = Down/Back diagonal
Power Throw- Press /\+(). Only a few characters possess this, they are
Bam Bam Bigelow, Yokozuna, and Lex Luger. It is non reversible if you
connect with it.
Hip Toss- BB []. An excellent move. Learn it and love it.
Shove- L1+[]. Good move to use when fighting multiple characters.
It basically free's some space for you.
Reverse Throw- Either FF [] or DD (). In my opinion this is the most
important thing to learn. When grabbed press in the motions listed
(careful, they differ with every character). You will then reverse there
attack and look really cool.
Power Up- Do two 360's away from the opponent. By doing this you will
enable a power up that will last for 5 seconds. All moves will then do 4x
damage, except for super combos.
Speed Up- Do two 360's toward the opponent. By doing this you will enable
turbo spped for around 5 seconds.
Throw- B+[]. This will throw your opponent when they are runnug at you.
----- Moves: The clapper B D F []. Press [] repeatedly to get four hits.
Joybuzzer Hold [] for three seconds then release it.
Happy Hammer FF (). Press X repeatedly to get up to four hits.
Boxing Glove [] rapidly.
Grabs: Head Slam FF /\.
Face Smash DD (). Press X repeatedly for up to four hits.
Backbreaker DD ().
Slam FF /\.
Combos: Links - (grab) F+[].
Initiators - /\,().
Mini Combo FF [], hold F and tap [] 4 times, then hit /\.
18 Hit FF /\, (), X, [], /\, ().
16 Hit FF /\, (), [], X.
16 Hit FF (), /\, X, [].
16 Hit FF (), /\, X, [], /\.
Moves: Quick Slice D DF F [].
Dashing Slice Hold [] for three seconds then release it.
Quad Slam FF X. Tap X up to 4 times. You dont have to grab.
Grabs: Razors Edge FF /\.
Slam DD ().
Uppercut DD /\.
Quad Slam same as above.
Combos Links - (grab)U+[] or (grab) D+[].
Initiators - /\,X.
Mini Combo Hold D and press [] 5 times, then press /\.
24 Hit FF /\, [], X, (), /\.
Moves: Neck Choke D DF F [].
Neck Breaker Hold [] for three seconds then release it.
Shadow Neckbreaker Hold [], run at opponent & release /\ when near.
Dark Ghosts D DF F X.
Light Ghosts D DF F X.
Tombstone Smash FF (). Press X repeatedly to get up to fo
ur hits.
Grabs: Uppercut DD /\.
Mystic Glove DD ().
Neck Twist FF /\.
Shadow Slam DD X. Press [] repeatedly for up to four hits.
Fiery Mystic Glove (neck choke) then press D+().
Combos: Links - (grab)F+[].
Initiators - X,().
Mini Combo Hold F and tap [] 5 times then press D+().
21 Hit FF (), X, [], /\,().
Moves: Quick Jabs D DF F [].
Salt Throw Hold [] for three seconds then release.
Belly Rush FF [].
Head Knocker [] (when close)
Body Slam FF () (when close)
Grabs: Power Grab /\+().
Leg Spin Throw (power grab) D+().
Body Slam FF /\.
Piledriver DD ().
Salt Throw D DF F [].
Combos: Links - ???
Initiators - [],/\.
Mini Combo Hold F and tap [].
14 Hit FF /\, [], (), X, [],/\.
13 Hit FF [], /\,(),X,[],/\.
Moves: Flying Snap Kick BB ().
Back Suplex Hold [] for three seconds then release.
Flying Drop Kick Charge () for three seconds then release.
Frankensteiner FF ().
Sliding Kick Toss FF X.
Sunset Flip FF /\.
Quad Speed Kick Press B D F X. Press X repeatedly for four hits.
Quad Stomp Run, and press X repeatedly next to opponant.
Grabs: Face Smash FF (). Press () repeatedly for up to four hits.
Arm Breaker FF [].
Back Suplex DD ().
Slam FF /\.
Kick Toss FF X.
Combos: Links - (grab) F+() or (grab) F+X.
Initiators - [],X.
Mini Combo (grab) Hold F, press /\ 5 times. 20 Hit FF X, (), /\, [], L1.
17 Hit FF [], /\, (), X, L1.
Moves: Fiery Fists Hold [] for three seconds then release.
Throw Hold /\ for three seconds then release.
Fire Throw Hold /\, run at opponent and release /\.
Flying Kick BB ().
Grabs: Power Grab /\+().
Piledriver DD (). Press /\ repeatedly for up to four hits.
Backbreaker (power grab) then press D+().
Combo: Links - (grab) F+().
Initiator - [],/\.
Mini Combo Hold F, and tap () 4 times then tap /\ once,
then press DD ().
19 Hit FF [], /\, (), X. [].
20 Hit FF /\, [], X, (), /\.
22 Hit FF [], /\, X, (), /\.
Moves: Rolling Uppercut D DF F /\.
Eye Raker D DF F [].
SharpShooter Hit /\ next to fallen opponents feet.
Dashing Uppercut DD [].
Lunging Kick BB ().
DDT Run and press /\.
Grabs: Face Slam B D F []. Press [] repeatedly for up to 4 hits.
Backbreaker DD ().
Slam FF /\.
Combos: Links - (grab) F+[] or (grab) F+X.
Initiators - [],().
Mini Combo (grab) hold F and tap [] 5 times, then press ().
16 Hit FF (), /\, [], X, ().
13 Hit FF [], /\, [], X, ().
LEX LUGER --------- Moves: Fist Smash Hold [] for three seconds then
release it. Fun Flail FF (). Press X repeatedly for up to four hits. Elbow
Girder FF []. Grabs: Power Grab /\,(). Suplex FF /\. Throw DD ().
Backbreaker (power grab) then press U+(). Combos Links - ??? Initiators -
(),X. Mini Combo (grab) hold F, () x 4 times, then press /\ once. 17 Hit FF
X, (), /\, [], (). 19 Hit FF (), X, [], /\, (), L1.
Top View Press start to pause the game, then press the start button again
-------- and hold for ten seconds, press L1 and start at the same time, it
will then change to the top view.
Side View If you want to change to side view, it is more or less the same,
--------- repeat the steps above for the top view (Pause, then hold start
for 10 seconds) but after holding the start button, press L2 and start
/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ [ZRO] ZERO DIVIDE [JPN] \_________________/
Bosses To get to Xtal.exe you must beat it on hard without lossing a round
------ using a continue. To keep him you must beat him [if your about lose
hit start on player two contoler. To get Zulu you must beat it on hard with
every character. To get Neco.exe you must then beat it with Zulu on hard.
Color Change To change color of your unit when you pick your unit, hold
------------ select then hit any button to choose your color. Colors vary
from char. to character, so same button that made you green as zero may or
may not make you green with draco.
Hidden Game Hold the start and select buttons of the second joypad before
----------- system boots until 'Bonus Game' appears on the screen. Then you
can play a shooting game called 'Tiny Phalanx'!
Moves F = forward B = back
----- HCF = half circle forward HCB = half circle back
>< = punch () = kick
[] = punch+kick /\ = punch+kick+block
R1 = punch+block L1 = block
R2 = kick+block L2 = block
Dodge left : D,D+block Dodge right : U,U+block
Throw#1 : ><+block {close} Running : F,hold F
Arial attack : U+[] [anywhere] Arial attack : U+>< [anywhere]
Crush attack : D+() [must be close]
'*' denotes the move will knock your opponant down.
ZERO Moves: * Uppercut D, F, ><
---- Charging knee F+()
* Jumpkick F+[]
Double kick (), ()
Charging elbow F, F, ><
* Charging slide F, F, ()
* Flipkick U/B, ><
Sidekick D, F, ()
* Strong kick B, F, ><
Combos: 2hit (), ()
4hit ><, ><, ><, F+><
4hit /\, /\, /\
6hit ><, ><, ><, D, F+><, D, F+><
TAU Moves: Flip attack HCB, ()
--- Charging finger F, +><
Low charging finger D+F+><
* Charging front legs F, F+><
* Charging side legs F, F+><
* Super sidestep (close)D, F, D, F, D, F+[]
* Overhead attack HCF, HCF+()
Combos: 2hit [], []
3hit ><, ><, D+><
4hit F+[], F+[]
?hit F+(), B+()
WILD3 Moves: * Low gun B, D, ><
----- * High gun D, F, ><
* Overhand attack []
* U0nderhand attack B, F, ><
* Dropkick D, F, ()
Charging sweep D+F, ()
Gunswipe F, F+[]
Combos: 3hit F+><, ><, ><
4hit ><, ><, (), ()
5hit F+><, ><, ><, D+><, F+><
IO Moves: Handstand attack F, F, ()
-- * Charging knee F+()
* Flipkick B+()
Reversal flip U+F+block
Sidekick D, F, ()
* Twohit kick D+F+(), ()
Shin kick ><+()
Overhand attack D, F+><
Side slash F, ><
Charging slash B, D+F, ><
Cat attack F+><, (), ()
* Throw #2 F, F+block+kick
Combos: 2hit ><, ><
3hit ><, ><, (), ()
4hit F, F+><+(), D+F+(), D+F+()
* 4hit [], [], F+[], D+[]
* 5hit ><, ><, ><, ()+><, (), B+()
EOS Moves: * Double fist B+><, F+><
--- Charging shoulder F, F+><
Spin kick F, F+()
Spinning elbow F+><
Low fist B+><
* Throw #2 B+block+kick
* Overhand attack F, F+[]
Toe kick D+F+()
* Powerkick D, F, ()
Handsweep D, F, ><
Combos: 2hit B+><, F+><
2hit F+><, D+><
3hit ><, [], sq
CYGNUS Moves: Side kick F+()
------ 360 swipe D, F, ><
Low kick D+F, ()
Jumping sword U, ()
Drop kick B, B, []
Sword lunge B, B, ><
Shoulder charge F, F, ><
Reversal flip U+F, block
Quick kick (), ()
Double low kicks D+F, (), ()
Strong sword D, B, []
Super spin attack [tap] D, D +[]
Combos: 2hit (), ()
3hit ><, ><, ><
3hit B+><, D+F+(), D+F+()
5hit F, F, ><, ><, ><
6hit (), (), ><, ><, D, F, ><
DRACO Moves: Up fireball U+><
----- Regular fireball F, F+><
Ground fireball B, D+F+><
* Overhead tail HCT+()
* Back crush U+()
Double tail F, F+(), ()
Head clap B, F, ><
Combos: 2hit [], []
4hit ><, F+><, ><, ><, ()
4hit /\, wait, F, F, ><
4hit /\, wait, F+[], []
5hit ><, ><, F+><, ><, ><
6hit /\, wait, ><, [], F+[], [], []
NEREID Moves: Arm swipe B+><
------ * Charging sweep []
Down attack D+F, ><
Chest attack F, F, ><
Slap D, F, ><
Turn kick B+()
Combos: 2hit ><, ><
3hit F+><, B+><, ><, ><
4hit ><, ><, F+><, ><
4hit B+(), F+(), ><, ><
ZULU Moves: Flip kick B+kick
---- Charging slide F, F+kick
Overhead elbow F, F+[]
Charging sholder F, F+><
Sidekick F+()
Uppercut D, F+><
Charging forarm B+><
Strong kick B, D, ()
Toe kick HCF, ()
Combos: 2hit (), ()
4hit ><, ><, ><, F+><
4hit /\, /\, /\
6hit ><, ><, ><, D, F+><, D, F+><
XTAL Moves: Roll attack D+><
---- Upper claw F+><
Lower claw D, F+><
Combos: 2hit ><, ><
3hit ><, ><, D+()
4hit ><, ><, (), ()
6hit F + [] + F + [] + F, []+F, []
NECO Moves: Heel click F, F+()
---- Slap F+><
Heel kick B+()
Rolling attack F, F+><
Toe stomp D+()
Combos: 3hit ><, ><, ><
4hit F+[], F+[], F+[], D, f+[]
4hit ><, ><, ><, [], or, ()
Key Guide Key presses are [usually] noted as follows:
U = Up on D-pad D = Down on D-pad
L = Left on D-pad R = Right on D-pad
/\ = Triangle
[] = Square ST = Start
() = Circle SL = Select
>< = X (For formatting)
L1 = Left Top R1 = Right Top
L2 = Left Bottom R2 = Right Bottom
Multiples of the same keypress will sometimes be represented with a
multiplication symbol "x". Example: /\x9 = press the Triangle button 9