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The Adventures of Cookie & Cream - USA RIP tutorial

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Playstation 2 tutorials
 · 5 years ago
The Adventures of Cookie & Cream Playstation 2 USA front cover.
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The Adventures of Cookie & Cream Playstation 2 USA front cover.

DVD-RIP Tutorial Written By: Angelfly


The game has all it's music and all but one movie ripped. I've tested it using GS2 1.3. This might not work for 1.0 users because the size increases when patched and with this game if the iso is big it messes up. But as I said I've only used it with 1.3. So I'm not sure of how much the size will increase.

Tools Needed:

Dreamcast dummy file maker
Hex Editor (preferably Hex Workshop)

Step 1:

The first step is as always to copy the file to a folder on your PC. Make it something like C:\ps2. Also don't forget to remove the "read only" attributes from the files.

Step 2:

Now it's time to downsize. Go into the MOVIE folder. Replace ALL the movies using the "stage6.pss" file. Now open up the dummy file maker and create a 25Mb dummy file. Rename it "DUMMY.OUT" and replace the original DUMMY.OUT.

Step 3:

Now for the dvd checks. Open up the SLUS in your hex editor. The dvd checks are at offsets 000ACFBC and 000ACFF8. You change 0200 0204 to 0100 0204.

Step 4:

Were almost finished now. Open up CD/DVD Gen. Select new project, cd master disc. Click the volume tab enter SLUS 20170 as the disc name. Now click the directory tab. Arrange the files in this order:
\LB\DT2\LB2 .DT2

Step 5:

Now export the IML. Next use IML2ISO to convert the exported IML into an ISO. Then burn it using CDRWIN. Select CDROM XA,Mode 2, closed session and post gap then click start.

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