Boot Playstation Backups on your Playstation 2 without the need for a modchip

Copyrighted 2001
Materials needed ...
- GameShark 2 with the bonus Gameshark Ps one cd
- Favorite Psx Backup
- Knife (plastic if ya can)
- CD copying software
First thing ya need to do is disconnect everything except power cord from ps2.
Then power on the ps2 and open then tray. When ya do that power off the ps2 leaving the tray open. Take the knife or small screw driver and pry off they face plate of the tray.
Don't worry if ya break the tabs no big deal you can always glue them on later if and when u buy a non swap modchip. Next look at the bottom of the ps2 cd tray and u will see a little L shaped groove that is where the little white pins is located. It runs on that track. Once u have seen all this close the cd tray and lift it up a little bit and u will see the little white pin. When the cd tray is closed it is located to the upper left and when it is open it is located and the back right. Ok Ok enough of that i think u get the point now on to the Psx booting.
I used an original Psx game (FF8) and made a copy of disk one using Disc Juggler 3.5 and just make a strait cd to cd copy. Funny thing to me (for all you who do the swap on ps2 will know what i mean) that TOC of FF8 cd is over 69 min. and the TOC of the Ps one Code Archive is a little over 33 min from what i have figured out it doesn't matter the size of TOC when booting psx backups.
Next thing to do is load the Gameshark Ps one cd up and and use it like u are gonna use the codes with a regular game except select play without codes. once u have selected that it will ask u to swap with the game cd this is where ya gotta use the knife and little white pin. Take your knife (i would use something plastic and thin) and locate the little pin and move it to the right when it is to the right as far as it can go you should be able to pull tray strait out. Be carefull not to strip the gears. Once you have the disks swapped then push the tray in as far as ya can then using the knife slide the pin to the left as far as it can go. then click the X button and guess what your playing your backup.
For Further information on swaping methods try They have really great pictures and may explain it better then i have. Good luck and happy gaming.
Please let me know what games will work and will not work i would really like to see. If you have any other questions please e-mail me at or look for CiRuS on #efnet.
thankx guys