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ACE 13

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Published in 
 · 28 Dec 2019


What are you doing here? :)
Type ACE to read da mag fool..


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REM ACE ú Num‚ro 13 ú November 1994
REM The magazine of new music
MAIN The Entering Spot (TNT)
MEMBERS ACE Members and sites (Staff)
DOC ACEreadR Documentation (Eerie)
REM ú ú--ÄÄÄÄ--ú ú
REM Columns
REM ú ú--ÄÄÄÄ--ú ú
EDITO Editorial (Eerie)
PHOTON Photon vs The World (Photon)
COMP The Compiler's Picks (Eerie)
PICKLIST Picklists (Staff)
REM ú ú--ÄÄÄÄ--ú ú
REM Reviews
REM ú ú--ÄÄÄÄ--ú ú
REVIEW Reviews
REVLIST Review list + Top 20
REM ú ú--ÄÄÄÄ--ú ú
REM Stuff
REM ú ú--ÄÄÄÄ--ú ú
STRUNG Strung Out interview (TE)
LAGWAGON Lag Wagon interview (TE)
SHOW Show Reports (TNT)
SONIC Sonic Trip (Eerie)
LYRICS Lyrics Reredux (TNT)
REM ú ú--ÄÄÄÄ--ú ú
REM Forms
REM ú ú--ÄÄÄÄ--ú ú
APP ACE Application Form
REVFRM ACE Review Form


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but major ass"Ûß Ü ßßÜÜ ÜÜ Ü ßÛ
we kick nothingproduced
 by eerie ² ÛÛÛÛÛÜ ßßþ²ÜÜÛÛ² Û²ÛÛ
ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ sonic ansi cover


@c . þ°²Üܲ° °ÜÜ Ü²Ü²°ÜܲÜÛÛÜÜ° . ²Üܲ °Ü²ÜÜÜ@8kts@*
@c °Ü²ÜÜÛÛß²Û°²ÛþÜÜß²Þ²ÛܲßßÛÛÛþ ÞÛÛÛÛ°ß² ܲÛßß°@*
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@c °ßßß²ßþßß ßßßß²ßß°ß²ßþß²ßßß°ßß°ß²ß ß°ß²ßßß°@833@*

@fTHE ENTERING SPOT The Naughty Tycoon@*


Welcome in the world of ACE!

As you have probably heard very little about us before, let's explain who
we are, what we do, for how long we've been there, what we'll eat for
dinner tonite, with whose dog Eerie fucks, etc.. <g>

ACE stands for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING SPECIAL. (I mean it stands for
what-you-want-it-to-stand-for, not for absolutely nothing special..
following me?) So you're free to give any comments about it, we probably
won't change, even if we know there are 50 ANSI groups outta here that have
that same name and I heard there's also a Home Hardware-type of store in
the US that's called ACE.. Anyway.

We've been publishing in french for more than a year now (12 issues in 13
months) and we thought it was time for a change. Like we had maybe 10
readers each month, so I guess you'll agree that it's a hell of a job for
almost nobody.. In fact, it wasn't exactly The Extremist's and Photon's
opinions (see later for what the fuck they're exactly making in ACE), but
it was an idea of Eerie and Young first, and I thought it would be cool. So
here it is!

During the first 12 issues, we've made about 15 bios, 5 or 6 interviews,
almost 250 album reviews, and so on. And I don't think we'll change
anything about that except the language aspect. Right?

Now here is the actual ACE memberlist:

Senior Staff:

Eerie (temporary editor while I wait for a new hard disk)
The Naughty Tycoon (me, myself and I, and also the not-so-editor)


Cool Hand
The Extremist

In the previous 12 issues, let's say Eerie's done 30% of the writing job,
Photon about 10%, 40% for me, and the others have done almost 20% (mostly
The Extremist and lately Yogui)..

By reading a couple of issues, you'll notice everyone's personnality,
Photon always being the first to complain about anything, and that's why he
can't always get a fair listen when we have internal problems because we
know he's gonna complain about that <g>. You all know Eerie, who just fell
in love with Sonic Youth (in March, 1995, he's gonna ask himself if he ever
really liked that band, just see..). Cool Hand is leaving, we put his name
in the memberlist because we want to thank him for all he's done for us,
especially for the 819 distribution.. Nirvana hasn't been able to write
anything this issue (he's been stolen his computer and he's gonna get a new
one soon), The Extremist is the one who always wonders if he's gonna get
the time to write his 2 reviews (approximately 10 minutes each), and next
thing you know, he's watching TV.. Yogui's the newest guy of the staff, and
you can bet that he's gonna stay there for a long time, he's doing like 10
reviews each month! Young is the only elite member of the staff, being
ex-Imperial and ex-Nation (for those who don't know, these are ANSI
groups.. you shouldn't really care if you're not from the so-called art
scene, but anyway). He's the "industrial" reviewer..

{note from eerie - TNT asked me to talk about Jaydee too, since that poor
fool forgot.. Well Jaydee's in the staff too, he's doing some ansis and
articles. He's supposed to do reviews some day but we're still waiting =)}

{another add-on from eerie - Damn, damn, damn jaydee was supposed to do
something for this month but haven't got the time due to homework and
stuff. As for Young, he's working on a biiiig KMFDM anthology so you'll
have to wait till next month to see something from him. I'd like to mention
that we would be VERY interested in getting SERIOUS members writing for

{other useless add-on from eerie - That's incredible how 5 persons can do a
magazine that's THAT big in only one month. (Mostly when you know that 90%
of what's in here is last-minute stuff =)}


In this issue, you'll find a show report of the biggest show Lagwagon ever
made, in Quebec City! They were with Strung Out, The Maze and Chixdiggit..
Anyway read the article, you'll see what kind of atmosphere we're able to
get here in Quebec City..

Also, an interview with members of Lagwagon and Strung Out.. Should be
interesting for anyone!

Then we've got a Sonic Youth bio by Eerie, and there are also a lot of
self-explanatory columns and chronicles in the magazine that you should be
able to find out easily..


In issue 14, you'll get band histories of Screeching Weasel, KMFDM and
probably REM! So stay tuned for more rock'n'roll..

@fIn this issue.. (Press [Esc] for the menu)@*

The Entering Spot The Naughty Tycoon *
Editorial: Speech for the defence of a Sub Puppy Eerie *
Backstage: What the fuck? The Naughty Tycoon *
Photon vs The World: Welcome frail world.. Photon
The Compiler's Picks Eerie *
Picklists the staff
Reviews the staff
Oldies the staff
Review list + Top 20 the staff
Strung Out interview The Extremist *
Lag Wagon interview The Extremist *
Show Reports: Lag Wagon/Les Secr‚taires Volantes The Naughty Tycoon *
Sonic Trip: anthology of the last years [1986-1994] Eerie *
Lyrics Redux The Naughty Tycoon *

A "*" indicates an article that has been written after the deadline. =) -33
(this is not applicable for those written by "the staff")


@f ACEreadR 2.3
@f Coding: (c)1993,1994, Eerie
@f Some VGA routines: (c)1994, Coluche
@f Logo: (c)1994, Jaydee
@f Layout: (c)1994, Eerie@*


This program has been made to read ACE, the magazine of new
music. To install it, just copy ACE.EXE into a directory where
your .ACE files are, and then type ACE. (Too hard? Go buy
ACEreadR for Dummies :)

System Requirements

All you need to run this program is good old DOS (even 2.0
works.) You dont need any special graphic card or stuff like
that. However, some special effects are available to owners of
VGA cards.

Important keys for ACEreadR

[Esc] (in the summary) Closes the magazine and returns to the
covers list.
(in an article) Returns to the summary.
[Alt-F] Prints all the magazine.
[Alt-P] Prints the article.

Add-ons for version 2.3

This proggie is now completely translated into the English
language. Also added some absolutely krad stuff you will never
ever notice. Changed some small things in the interface and
that's about it.


If you have any questions about this program or anything else,
just call Sarcastic Toaster (418)849-0121. Thanks for reading



ACE is a monthly electronic magazine, and its goal is to talk about new
music, or alternative music. To contribute, just send articles or reviews
by one of these ways:

1) Upload the file on the World Headquarters, Sarcastic Toaster, or on one
of our other Headquarters, and then tell the Sysop to route this file
to us.

2) On Internet, find _33 or TExT on IRC (try #acemag, #altmusic, #ansi,
#mist and #relic) and use /dcc to send us the file.

3) If you just cant reach us by any of these means, our mailing address is:
ACE, 24 Pierre-Curie, Loretteville (Quebec), Canada G2A 2H1.

To become an official ACE member, you must fill in the application form and
send it to the World Headquarters. Thanks for your interest.

@fSenior Staff@*

The Naughty Tycoon


Cool Hand (quitting)
The Extremist


Sarcastic Toaster @81(418)849-0121 Eerie World HQ@*
Rash Reflections @81(514)635-4043 Coluche Canadian HQ@*
The Heretic Asylum @81(404)947-2500 Jello US HQ@*

@fMember Boards@*

Noise Patch @81(418)tmp-down The Naughty Tycoon@*
TCC2 @81(418)657-4442 Young@*
The Pit of Webbs @81(418)pri-vate Photon@*
Myriad Synergy @81(418)tmp-down Jaydee@*

Thanks for reading ACE.


@f °
@f ° ÜÜ Ü Ü Ü Ü
@f Ü ± ÛÛ ß Û ß Û °
@f ² ² ÜÜ ÜÛß Ü ÛÜÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜ Û ±
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@f ß²ß ß ²ß ßßßß ßßß ß ß ßßßßß ßß²²ß² ß
@f ² e e r i e ß
@f ß

@fSpeech for the defence of a Sub Puppy.

I started listening to so-called alternative music at the wrong moment:
when Nirvana released Nevermind. Like a few zillions of teens, I ran bored
of the same old radio sound and wanted to know something else. I began with
the grunge thing, then tried some new punk, Epitaph, Fat Wreck, and mostly
Subpop and even cool stuff that was on major labels (oh! evil!) like

The mistake NOT to do. Eh. At one time, you were cool when you were buying
Subpop. I remember, the first album I ever bought from that label was
Afghan Whigs' Congregation. That was the first time I was buying something
I never heard on radio. I was so proud of me. (And the album was good,
too.) One of my friends copied me the latest Screaming Trees, then. (they
were on Subpop at one time.) And so on.. I liked that Subpop sound, cuz it
was new and stuff.

Then the Seattle Crisis came on. Groups from Seattle would do anything as
long as no one knows where they were coming from. Or say things like "eh,
sorry, we're from Seattle, please listen to us anyway."
Since that time you
can't really say you are a Sub Puppy without having zillions of eyes
pointed on you, saying "hohoho, Subpop like sucks!"

In a few months it's gonna be Epitaph anyway. It already began. People says
the latest Offspring sucks. But damn why? It's just as good as the previous
one. Same thing with NOFX. Hey! they are even heavier with Punk In Drublic
than their preceding White Trash..! So what?

It would be stupid to say people don't like them cuz they're playing
corporative music now. Think twice. They play the same thing they always
played. The major problem, in my opinion, is that the fans are bored to
hear about these bands.

Yea, think about it: when you "go underground", start listening to
alternative stuff, etc., all you want is to listen to good bands that do
something else that what you used to overlisten to because of radio, MTV
and stuff. But since everyone is listening to what you thought was
ultra-underground, totally unknown music, you spit on it saying it's just
corporate shit. Nonsense!

Ok, man, really go underground then, get some acid jazz or experimental
music. What? You're not interested? It's the punk that you want? Oooohh..
Sad, sad, how sad. Then live with it, buy a skate and large pants or
something, but shut the fuck up about what cool people must listen to if
they want to look even cooler.

And fucking let me be a Sub Puppy!


@f .__, ,__, ,__,
@f |@833@f|__,________|, |__,____|, |__,_________,___.
@f | __ |__ _ _ | |/ _ __/ ,__|__ _ __,' __ \
@f | | / __| |__| ,'___ `.~|__/ __| | | | _
@f _ | _ | _ | _ _ | __| _ |~ _ | _ __,'
@f |o___,\o__,|o__,o_|_,'o___,o___,\o__,'o_~ |o___|
@f b a c k s t a g e - - - |____t' n t

@fWhat The Fuck?

Oh well, some people here will say that I'm going too far, but I'm really
bored with that Green Day stuff. Just heard "Welcome To Paradise" today on
college radio; the DJ said it was from Dookie! Like if they hadn't released
it 2 years ago on Kerplunk.. And that was a DJ! Just imagine the normal guy
that just follows musical fashion..

I'd like to make a survey: How many people there know that Green Day have
once been on Lookout Records? Let's say, 10%? Okay. Now how many people
there know that the owner of Lookout Records, Lawrence Livermore, is a
40-year-old punk? 1%? And you're reading ACE, so you must be really
intelligent (well, it's not really an argument to get my point across but I
guess it's to do a little self-inflating so I'll feel like there's someone
else who thinks that way)..

In 1991-1992, during that big Metallica tour, radios throughout America
were yelling loud that the self-titled, 60 minutes of shit James and his
friends released was the FIRST ALBUM from Metallica! (And THERE WERE
10-year-old kids that believed that! Actually morons are everywhere..) So
what do you think about Green Day? It's the newest sensation (and don't
forget Offspring, I could say the same thing about that - how many people
reading me there know that Epitaph Records, the label of Offspring, is
actually an initiative of Brett Gurewitz, from Bad Religion?) in the
try-to-be-the-punkest world.. And these guys call themselves skaters. They
probably think that Green Day is from New York, and their songs are like
almost any other punk rock band from California.. Like if love songs had
a message! Wow.

That brings me to a subject that any punk reading this should be aware of:
The recent war between almost anyone and Maximumrocknroll about "what is
and "what ain't punk" (I hope it's over by now, I kinda got rid of
it). Looks like you should care about that? If you like a band, FUCK THAT!
No matter if they're punk or not, they are cool! Some people think Ministry
is punk because they are punks and they like Ministry.. What the hell is
that shit? If everything I listen to would be punk, we'd have to redefine
what's metal, what's hardcore, what's ska, what's funk and what's pop. And
what's fucken alternative..

(Speaking alternative, I'm proud to be the first music reviewer to give a
bad review to the latest canadian mania, Moist.. God, that album stinks
something really awful! Anyway..)

Reading back what I just have written. I just called myself a punk. So now
you must all be sheer of terror behind your glasses just by thinking about
what I should look like. And besides what I'm wearing as t-shirts, you
would NEVER EVER recognize me in a crowd. That's right, I probably have the
most ordinary look in Quebec City, but I say I'm punk because of the ideas
I have.. For example, I'm for the legalization of natural drugs, not
because it'd be easier just for anyone to fall into it, but because there'd
be less fusillades anywhere.. That's what I think is punk: Trying to
understand any question, and being wide open to any suggestion, and also
trying to get other people together even when they don't have the same
views on subject X or on subject Y. Why? Just to be able to build. Right
now, I give an ear to any project that goes on about just anything, just to
see if it's for something better. It seems idealism, but that's what punk
was supposed to be first..

Why am I writing this all to you? (Let's say 75% of you don't have any
fucking idea of what is punk rock and/or don't care about it) Because I
don't only wanna expose my point of views to people that think the same as
me, or are preoccupated by the same problems as me (altough "important"
people in the journalistic punk scene are connected to the Internet, ie.
Mykel Board from MRR), but I also want to wake up anyone that's not aware
of what the punk community really is.. It's not just Dr. Martens and
mohawks and ugly nonsense music (I know lots of you think that because I
was thinking that at first too), it's also people and messages behind

And most of all (everyone seems to think that here), SKINHEADS ARE _NOT_
PUNKS. Clear?


@f ,_ ,_
@f _,| \,'`\_| _.____ | \___.____._____
@f |\__ __ _ ,' _ _ `\ _ _ `\ _ `\
@f . | | | | | | | | _| | | | |
@f | __,' | _ | | ,' _ | _ | |
@f _ | | __ | | | | | | | | |
@f |@833@f| |__| | | _ | | | |__| |_
@f ,_ ~\| ~ |_,'`\__,'`\__,'`\__,' | _,|
@f _,| \___.__ _|____' _- v s -.____ |~\__|._|_. .____
@f |\__ _ ,' _ _ `\ | `\ ,'~_ _ `\ _ ._ ,' | _ `\
@f | | | _| | | | | | |/~| | | | | | | _| | |
@f . | ,' _ | | ~ _| | | | | | _ | _| |,'_ | |
@f | | | __ | ,' _ _ | | | | | |,'| | | | |
@f | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | _| |
@f |\__,' |_,'|\__,' `\______,|`\__,'~\| `\____|____,'
@f | ' | . | |
@f . | (dixit ben..) | .
@f . .

@fWelcome frail world, to face your greatest challenge yet!

Actually, i really have nothing to bitch about this month, which is what we
usually do here. Now, for all the english people just tuning in, Photon
(that's me) VS the World is my monthly column in ACE and is where i get my
opinions across. Oh, and i do make people mad also.

Just so you can know better and maybe understand a little more when i start
throwing shit around again next month, i'll just go ahead, waste your time
and talk about me.

So, this is it, i'm Photon, i live in Quebec, the we-wanna-separate part of
the land where ice was born (namely Canada), and i'm your normal 16 years
old computer hobbyist. No, actually i'm not, though i won't delude you in
saying i have the most exciting of social lifes, i can't say i'm stuck to
my screen either.

Anyway, what i mainly do is:

-Spending time in our inadequate education system.
-Working at my father's store on weekends.
-Working at a playground in summer.

Now, i could go and try to make you believe i have sex and do drugs all the
time, but that would not be true. I don't smoke, i do not do drugs and i
just recently stopped drinking like my life depended on it. But, don't
worry, i really don't care if you do any of these, after all who i am to

Mind wise, i'm kinda close to being a manic-depressive, meaning my humors
are like a see-saw, going back and forth and givin' me small outburts of
violence, though i am usually smart enough not to get in any fights.

Musically speaking? I love about all punk/hardcore music and i am also a
ska fan. In fact, the only groups i really hate are:

The Smashing Pumpkins
Pearl Jam
The Stone Temple Pilots
And basically any other commercial band out there who think they are part
of the underground scene.

What more? Well, i'm not a punk clothes wise nor a skater, you see i wear
jeans, a t-shirt and my ever-present-people-find-it-peculiar-but-i-don't-
give-a-damn red scarf around my wrist. I got rid of my glasses 2 or 3
years ago, a thing i encourage anybody to do.

Oh, and finally, i do believe in God. I'm a neo-christian, and no that's
not a new sect, it's just something i made up to sum up my beliefs.

Ok, your good, you read all of this and didn't fell asleep. You can now go
read something interesting for a change.

(like the reviews for instance)


Humm, what more?


@fThe Compiler's Picks Eerie@*

Ok, for those who don't know (yet), this is a monthly-or-so column where
one show us a home compilation he did. Funny no? =)

Well, since I'm in love with Sonic Youth (according to TNT.. duh..) let me
show you a compilation I did cuz I wanted to show him what's Sonic Youth.
There's nothing from their latest, Experimental Jet-Set.. cuz I don't have
it on me now, I gave it to Young a while ago and don't know if I'm ever
going to see it again =)


Title : Sonik Nation
Author : Eerie
Label : P. Records
Duration : 90 minutes
Description: Duh.. Everything's written in the intro. Why would you need
something else?

HCr Hardcore (Agnostic Front, Sick Of It All)
PCr Popcore (new Bad Religion, Green Day)
Pnk Punk (Ramones, Operation Ivy)
Rap Rap (Beastie Boys, MC _______)
SPk Skatepunk (old Bad Religion, No Use For A Name, Rancid)
??? Anything else

(hmm. since it's a Sonic Youth-only compilation, everything is gonna be
???.. so I'll just put it off, ok? =)

 Heavy, agressive, speed, etc..
! Heavy OR aggressive OR speed =)
. Slooow motion =)

PiŠce Groupe Album
Dirty Boots ! Sonic Youth Goo
100% ! Sonic Youth Dirty
Tom Violence . Sonic Youth Evol
Catholic Block ! Sonic Youth Sister
Eric's Trip ! Sonic Youth Daydream Nation
Sugar Kane ! Sonic Youth Dirty
Tunic (Song For Karen) . Sonic Youth Goo
Star Power . Sonic Youth Evol
Beauty Lies In The Eye . Sonic Youth Sister
'Cross The Breeze ! Sonic Youth Daydream Nation
Kool Thing ! Sonic Youth Goo
Providence . Sonic Youth Daydream Nation
In The Kingdom #19 ? Sonic Youth Evol
Orange Rolls, Angel's Spit Sonic Youth Dirty
Hey Joni ! Sonic Youth Daydream Nation
Mote . Sonic Youth Goo
Drunken Butterfly ! Sonic Youth Dirty
Shadow Of A Doubt . Sonic Youth Evol
Pipeline/Kill Time . Sonic Youth Sister
Cinderella's Big Score . Sonic Youth Goo
White Cross ! Sonic Youth Sister


@f ² Ü Ü
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Ok, who here doesn't know what's the incredible Picklists? Ohh there's lots
of people. =) Well, simply put, the picklists are just the list of the 10
albums the members listened the most to this month. Isn't that wonderful?
Yeah it is..

@4#=====------ - -
@4| @cEerie
@4#=========------ - -@*
Archers Of Loaf Icky Mettle
Eric's Trip Forever Again
Fastbacks Very, Very Powerful Motor
Lush Split
NOFX Stickin' in my tape (bootleg compilation)
R.E.M. lotsa stuff..
Sloan Twice Removed
Sonic Youth everything from 1986 to 1994 =)
The Breeders Pod
Weezer Weezer

@4#=====------ - -
@4| @cPhoton
@4#=========------ - -@*
Chixdiggit Humped
Dayglo Abortions Two Dogs Fucking
Lag Wagon Duh!
Les Secr‚taires Volantes M‚conium
NOFX White Trash..
Nirvana Bleach
Northern Vultures Tabarnak Hardcore
Offspring Smash
Pixies Bossanova
Slant 6 Slant 6

@4#=====------ - -
@4| @cThe Naughty Tycoon
@4#=========------ - -@*
Archers Of Loaf Icky mettle
Avail Satiate
Chixdiggit Humped
NOFX Fat remains (bootleg compilation)
NOFX The longest line
Pennywise Unknown road
Ripcordz Canadian as fuck
Screeching Weasel How to make enemies and irritate people
Voodoo Glow Skulls Who is, this is?
Weezer Weezer

@4#=====------ - -
@4| @cYogui
@4#=========------ - -@*
Bad Religion Stranger than fiction
Cadilac Tramps It's allright
Crimpshrine Duct Tape Soup
Furnaceface This will make you happy
Guttermouth Friendly People
No Fun At All No straight angles
Screeching Weasel How to make enemies and iritate people
Supersuckers The smoke of hell
Ten Foot Pole Rev
Weezer Weezer

{note from eerie - wow! this is the second time everyone has the same album
in their picklist! the last time it was Fastbacks/The Question is No. so
congratulations to Weezer for being such a damn good band.}


@f ² ² ²
@f ²Ü²ÜÜÛÜÜÜ²ß ß ß² @833@f Üß ß² ² Ü ² ÜÜ Ü ÜÛ Ü ²Ü
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@f ßßß ßß ßß r e v i e w s ! ß ßß ßßß ²ßß ß@*

@cf o r e v e r a g a i n
@fERIC'S TRIP @4(@csubpop@4)@f * * * * @8-@* woowoo! I was so excited to know that
there was a new @fEric's Trip@* album out.. So without hesitating a second I
just bought it. Well it was worth it. This album is longer, and has an even
more crappy production than their preceding, @fLove Tara@*, which is a pretty
good thing when you know the Eric's Trip sound. The Moncton quartet
is still as good, quite less heavy than before. They play their mellow punk
the way only them do it, and serve us with jewels of melodic noise with
songs like @fGirlfriend@*, @fAlways There@*, @fDecember '93@*, @fMy Bed Is Red@*, @fFeeling
@fAround@*, etc. The list would be too long in fact, cuz as always Eric's Trip
put something addictive in every song they do. However, I preferred Love
Tara =). But @fForever Again@* is still a really, really good album you like to
listen to again and again. -Eerie
18 Songs (41 min) Ability 2.5 Creativity 4.0 Diversity 4.0 Lyrics 4.0 Cover 4.5

@ch o w t o m a k e e n n e m i e s
@ca n d i r r i t a t e p e o p l e
@fSCREECHING WEASEL @4(@clookout!@4) @f* * * * @8-@* This is it, the new and the last
@fScreeching Weasel@*, and i love it. This album is more faster than @fAnthem For
@fA New Tomorrow@* and less than @fBoogada Boogada@*... @fDanny Vapid@* is gone but one
song is writen by him. The bassist on this album is @fMike Dirnt@* (for those
who dont know, he's the bassist for @fGreen Day@*) and he did a great job
because the bass is very present. If you never heard some Screeching
Weasel, it sounds like the Ramones (it's the only band that come to my
mind) but better. This is a very good album and it's their last, so buy it!
@f* * * * @8-@* This album is definitely NOT the best album from @fScreeching
@fWeasel@*. But it's a really cool one.. For those who don't know, Screeching
Weasel played (because they broke up last summer, just before the recording
of this album, that's why they needed a new bass player for the studio
sessions) funny, sing-along punk rock that's not hard to listen to. And
this last album, their sixth, is built that way. The best songs include @fI
@fHate Your Guts On Sunday@*, the more energic @fTime Bomb@*, the "Basket Case"
imitation called @fBurnout Girl@* and @fNobody Likes You@*, with its incredible
backup vocals.. I like that! Once again, it's not their best, but it's a
good way to start listening to Screeching Weasel.. -TNT
13 Songs (40 min) Ability 4.0 Creativity 3.0 Diversity 3.5 Lyrics 3.5 Cover 4.0

@cf r i e n d l y p e o p l e
@fGUTTERMOUTH @4(@cnitro@4) @f* * * * * @8-@* Five star, this album is ones of the best
I had listened to this month, and it really kicks ass. On this record,
@fGuttermouth@* changed one guitar player and changed their record label (they
were on @fDr. Strange@* records). They are less aggressive than before but more
melodic now. They sound like NOFX, mostly for songs like @fDerek@* and @fSummer
@fOver@*, but there's more like the song @fAsshole@* which talk about everything
that is stupid, from Pearl jam to roller-blades. Their song called
@fDisneyland@* talk about the destruction of the forest for building amusement
park. Liked i said one the best albums I listened to this month. It's worth
is price. -Yogui
13 Songs (26 min) Ability 4.0 Creativity 3.0 Diversity 3.0 Lyrics 3.5 Cover 4.0

@cw e e z e r
@fWEEZER @4(@cgeffen@4) @f* * * * « @8-@* WOW! That one is awesome. Ok, anyone here
doesn't know @fWeezer@*, or simply never heard their excellent @fUndone -
@fThe Sweater Song@*? Hmm, ok, let me explain you. Imagine the Pixies, playing
only rock 'n roll songs. You've got the idea? Well Weezer is just
addictive, loud and funny rock 'n roll, that's it, that's all. The album
would have been perfect if it wasn't for the 8-minute song at the end, @fOnly
@fIn Dreams@*, which is a bit too long. A must-absolutely-buy-today-or-die. -Eerie
12 Songs (45 min) Ability 2.5 Creativity 4.0 Diversity 4.0 Lyrics 4.0 Cover 1.5

@ci t ' s a l l r i g h t
@fCADILLAC TRAMPS @4(@cdr.dreams@4) @f* * * * @8-@* Wow, the new @fCadilac Tramps@* is
really good. This album is their third and the best, all the songs are
good. Really melodic, this band sounds like no one else. Well, maybe they
sound like a band I don't know. Anyway, this is a kind of punk-rock with
blues and rock and roll influences. When I was saying that all their song
was good i really mean from the first song (@fDon't ya know@*) to the last
(@fThey don't want Truth (They want radio song)@*). Even the ska song called
@fWaiting@* is good, this is a band you can't hate. -Yogui
12 Songs (38 min) Ability 4.0 Creativity 4.0 Diversity 4.0 Lyrics 4.0 Cover 3.0

@cm o n s t e r
@fR.E.M. @4(@cwarner@4) @f* * * * @8-@* Yay! The new @fR.E.M.@* is a good one. Well, nobody
has the same opinion of this album, for an obvious reason: R.E.M. changed
styles. May we call this an evolution? I don't know, maybe. Cuz I dunno, I
still feel the group's touch in all the songs. The only thing is that
there's much more noisy effects and heavy guitar in the songs, but they
stay as mellow as habitual. Some songs, such as @fWhat's The Frequency
@fKenneth?@*, @fBang and Blame@*, or @fCrush With Eyeliner@*, are simply delicious.
Tho, @fStrange Currencies@* is a fucking commercial slow just like Everybody
Hurts, but even with that the album doesn't fall in the radio-friendly
sound the band was doing in their two previous albums, @fAutomatic For The
@fPeople@* and @fOut Of Time@*. Great buy for all R.E.M. fans and others too.
12 Songs (50 min) Ability 4.0 Creativity 3.0 Diversity 3.5 Lyrics 4.0 Cover 4.0

@cn o s t r a i g h t a n g l e s
@fNO FUN AT ALL @4(@cburning heart@4) @f* * * * « @8-@* @fNo Fun At All@* is a band from
Sweden and it sounds like a californian band, mostly like No Use For A
Name, but a little bit faster. This album has a great quality, when you
listen it for the first time, you are totally fucked up, it's so good,
especially the first song @fBelievers@* and @fI know it wont be long@* which are my
favorites. One of the only bad points i found is that the beat is always
the same so it can become annoying if you listen too much to the album. So
this one is very great. If you liked No Use For A Name, you will love it!
15 Songs (36 min) Ability 4.0 Creativity 3.5 Diversity 2.5 Lyrics 3.0 Cover 4.0

@ct w i c e r e m o v e d
@fSLOAN @4(@cgeffen@4) @f* * * * @8-@* I was not sure the first time I listened to this
one, but now I know I like it =).. @fSloan@* is damn less heavy than with their
preceding @fSmeared@*. Good thing? Bad thing? Go figure. This album reminded me
Pavement. Same sarcastic voice, same sound. Well since I liked Pavement I
must like Sloan.. Excellent melodies, and good acoustic guitar. (there's
almost nothing else.) That's about it.. -Eerie
12 Songs (44 min) Ability 3.0 Creativity 2.0 Diversity 3.0 Lyrics 4.0 Cover 3.0

@cy o u ' l l b e m i s s e d
@fFLATSPOT @4(@cflatspot@4) @f* * * « @8-@* @fFlatspot@* is a group from Quebec and they
are quite good. On this demo there's 7 songs. The band has good guitar
rythm but the solos, argghhhh i don't like them too much. However, for a
demo it's not bad, I think this band will become very good. The first song
on this album is really good, the song is called @fEveryday all alone@*, and
i'm never tired of this song. @fDancing In The Garden@* is really not bad too,
but i don't like @fOlympic games@*, because they use some kind of cheap
keyboard with a cheap sound. If this demo is in a shop near you, take a
look at it. -Yogui
7 Songs (20 min) Ability 2.0 Creativity 3.5 Diversity 3.0 Lyrics 3.5 Cover 3.0

@cr e v
@fTEN FOOT POLE @4(@cepitaph@4) @f* * * * * @8-@* @fTen Foot Pole@* made their debut on
@fEpitaph@* with this great, good, amazing, perfect new album. Ten Foot Pole
resemble to Lag Wagon a lot. This album has good bass lines and guitar
riffs. The lyrics are cool and I think they like chicken, because on the
back of the cover you see a chicken and the last song his some chicken
yelling. I give 5 stars because this album is really good, and I am still
not tired of it since 4 weeks now (and I listen it constantly). This album
contain 13 songs (But the last, like i said, is some chicken yelling).
Liked @fFinal Hour@*, @fCo-Song@* and the excelent @fBroken Bubble@*. Oh, by the way,
if you want to see Ten Foot Pole live they are on touring with NOFX. So
check out if they come in your city and go get their new release you won't
regret it! -Yogui
13 Songs (43 min) Ability 4.0 Creativity 3.5 Diversity 3.0 Lyrics 4.0 Cover 4.0

@cs m a s h t h e c h o r d s
@fVARIOUS ARTISTS @4(@csubvision@4) @f* * @8-@* Ohhh well! Here is a compilation of
some alternative bands of Quebec City.. It's a really cool project that has
been organized by @fSelfish@* members (who also run @fSubvision Records@*), but the
project lacks one important thing: Diversity. I KNOW Quebec City's bands
are far more diverse than this, and what I can't understand is that there
are some bands that have been around for FAR LONGER than most of what's on
that CD.. Anyway, I liked the Selfish numbers (@fHighwayman@* in particular)
and @fCan You Give Me Your Hate?@* from @fTramps Waltz@*, a band that no longer
exists.. So you can still give it a fair listen, but don't consider that as
what is really happening in Quebec City now.. -TNT
Ability 3.0 Creativity 2.0 Diversity 1.5 Lyrics 3.5 Cover 2.5

@cs p l i t
@fLUSH @4(@c4ad@4) @f* * * @8-@* Gee. I don't know what to say about this album,
excepted maybe that it's damn long and that you can't copy it on one side
of a 100-minute cassette. (which sucks.) For those who see the @f4AD@* label
and say "duh, that'll be just like the Pixies, heh?" I say relax man, it's
not. No, in fact, it was the first time in my life I was listening to @fLush@*,
and whooosh, new-age keyboards, weird guitar and stuff, I was surprised I
even liked it.. Well. Almost. As I said above, it's too long, and in my
opinion it's impossible for a normal human being to listen it all without
doing anything else without dying from boredom. However, when you're busy
and want to listen to some stuff that will calm you down, well that could
be an idea. -Eerie
12 Songs (52 min) Ability 4.0 Creativity 3.5 Diversity 2.0 Lyrics 3.0 Cover 4.0


@f ÜÜ ÜÜ
@f ß ² ² ßß²ß ßßßß@*

@ci c k y m e t t l e
@fARCHERS OF LOAF @4(@calias@4) @f* * * « @4[@c1993@4] @8-@* I wanted to buy that one since a
few months, well, since I've seen @fArchers Of Loaf@* live with Nomeansno,
Bliss and Selfish, which was a pretty rad show. Well, that one is mostly
lots of moody noise, not lots of aggressive songs, that's pretty relax in
fact excepted the song @fSickfile@*. That's not bad at all, that's not
redundant, but.. It lacks something I guess. Don't ask me why. Damn, that
record has such good melodies and stuff though. But there's nothing
extraordinary in this, nothing that makes you wanna be an unconditionnal
fan. Bah. Buy it anyway, it's a good one =) -Eerie
13 Songs (37 min) Ability 2.0 Creativity 3.5 Diversity 4.0 Lyrics 3.5 Cover 3.5

@cp o d
@fTHE BREEDERS @4(@c4ad@4) @f* * * « @4[@c1990@4] @8-@* Ok, just wanted to know what were @fthe
@fBreeders@* like back in the time it was only Kim Deal's side-project. @fPod@* is
very different from their perfect @fLast Splash@*: less heavy, more acoustic
guitar, more raw (Not surprising when you know that @fSteve Albini@* produced
it.) Tho, it's not as good. Well, I guess it just lacks the damn fun pop
sound they have in @fLast Splash@*. Maybe that's because I've had already heard
9 out of 12 of the songs on a live bootleg, and that was really better. I
don't know. Whatever. Oh. Their cover of Beatles' @fHappiness Is A Warm Gun @*
is a masterpiece. -Eerie
12 Songs (30 min) Ability 4.0 Creativity 3.0 Diversity 3.5 Lyrics 4.0 Cover 4.0

@ch u m p e d
@fCHIXDIGGIT @4(@cindependent@4) @f* * * * * @4[@c1993@4] @8-@* Boy don't you like those days
when something new and unexpected drops itself in front of your big lazy
ass and leaves you with this wonderful feeling of joy? Well, it happened
to me at Lag's show in Quebec. @fChixdiggit@* juste came outta nowhere and
took me by storm. I just had to buy their record and lucky me, they were
selling it there so.. Anyway, let's cut the crap and onto the case,
Humped is a great though short punk rock album. It's funny most of the
time but they are instances that just make you think a lot and that's ok
too. Technicaly speaking the sound isn't that great and they aren't
virtuoses but hey, you ain't neither so, just shut up and buy it! -Photon
4 Songs (10 min) Ability 4.0 Creativity 4.0 Diversity 3.0 Lyrics 5.0 Cover 2.0

@cs l e e p w i t h t h a t ?
@fCRIMPSHRINE @4(@clookout!@4) @f* * * * @4[@c1988@4] @8-@* This EP from @fCrimpshrine@* is very
old. I think it's their first EP or something like that. Crimpshrine are
one of the greatest bands of @fLookout Records@* and they sound a little bit
like fifteen. This EP contain 4 songs and they are all very good especially
In my mind, an anti-racism song with very good lyrics. After that you have
the excellent @fTomorrow@* which was a instrumental song, but they put lyrics on
it with a very great result. It might take two or three listenings to be
hooked, but when you're hooked you can't live without it. If you find it
you should get it! -Yogui
4 Songs (10 min) Ability 3.0 Creativity 4.0 Diversity 3.5 Lyrics 4.0 Cover 2.0

@cd u c t t a p e s o u p
@fCRIMPSHRINE @4(@clookout!@4) @f* * * * @4[@c1989@4] @8-@* This album from @fCrimpshrine@* is
something you can still get in store with the @fSleep With That?@* EP and the
@fQuit Talkin Claude@* EP. But Duct Tape Soup is a kind of compilation of songs
from their other albums you can't get. You have @fWake up@*, @fClosed doors@*,
@fClosed minded@* and the excelent @fFucked Up kid@*. By the way this album is only
available in vinyl so don't try to find it on CD or tape. The album comes
with a nice booklet full of information and the lyrics, one interview with
the band member is also included in this booklet. All the profit from this
album goes to the Berkely Free Clinic and the Bay Area Food Not Bomb, this
is a proof that some bands do not make music for the cash or some stuff
like that. So great album, good lyrics and great music. Vinyl still rules
the world (Whoooo). -Yogui
16 Songs (45 min) Ability 3.0 Creativity 4.0 Diversity 3.0 Lyrics 4.5 cover 3.0

@cv e r y , v e r y p o w e r f u l m o t o r
@fFASTBACKS @4(@cpopllama@4) @f* * * * @4[@c1990@4] @8-@* Since I bought this album, I
use it as the first thing I listen to every morning. When you hear
@fFastbacks@* singing @fIn The Summer@*, you just can't resist, and if with this
you're not happy all day, then there's a problem somewhere. Ok. Generic
stuff now. This is an oldie, but if anybody out there is enlightened enough
to know the Fastbacks, they'll wanna know how does it sounds. Well it's
just like @fThe Question Is No@* (their best) or @fZcker@*: speedy drum shots,
cool guitar and stuff, lovely voices (even if the gals in that band doesnt
really look lovely.. HMMM..) However, what you have here is also longer
songs, with lots of jams, some interesting, some a bit boring cuz they're
too long. This is far from perfect, but it's a must-have for any decent
Fastbacks fan. -Eerie
12 Songs (46 min) Ability 4.0 Creativity 3.5 Diversity 2.0 Lyrics 4.0 Cover 3.0

@ct h e l o n g e s t l i n e
@fNOFX @4(@cfat wreck/epitaph@4) @f* * * * « @8-@* What a cool item here! At last,
after almost a year of telling to myself that I'd rather buy something else
than that, I got the tape from a friend. And besides the production
problems (some anormal hisses during the four last songs), this EP kicks
ass! @fThe Death Of John Smith@* is a cool opener, demonstrating that @fNOFX@*
are able to write complex melodies, in addition to their funny wimpy stuff.
@fThe Longest Line@* has been written on a pessimistic note that I like, but
it's rather new to NOFX, but it's still cool. @fStranded@* is undoubtedly the
most impressive song of the album, with its complex songwriting pattern..
And while @fRemnants@* is easily the worst one on the EP (altough it's got 30
tempo changes), @fKill All The White Man@* (mistake intended) is pretty funny
by its ska style that caracterized NOFX throughout the years.. Definitely a
great EP, it's worth the price! -TNT
5 Songs (12 min) Ability 4.5 Creativity 4.0 Diversity 4.0 Lyrics 4.0 Cover 4.5


@fReview list!@*

This is the list of the albums that have been reviewed in this issue of
ACE, from the best to the worse.

# Band/Artist Album Abi Cre Div Lyr Cov Apprec Total
1 Sonic Youth Evol 2.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 46.5
2 Sonic Youth Dirty 3.5 4.5 4.0 4.5 4.0 5.0 45.5
3 Ten Foot Pole Rev 4.0 3.5 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 43.5
Sonic Youth Goo 3.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 5.0 4.5 43.5
Sonic Youth Daydream Nation 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.5 3.0 5.0 43.5
NOFX The Longest Line 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.5 4.5 43.5
7 Chixdiggit Humped 4.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 43.0
8 Guttermouth Friendly People 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 42.5
9 Sonic Youth Experimental Jet-Set 3.5 4.5 4.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 41.0
10 No Fun At All No Straight Angles 4.0 3.5 2.5 3.0 4.0 4.5 39.5
11 Cadillac Tramps It's Allright 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 39.0
Eric's Trip Forever Again 2.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.5 4.0 39.0
Sonic Youth Sister 2.5 4.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 4.5 39.0
14 R.E.M. Monster 4.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 38.5
Weezer Weezer 2.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.5 4.5 38.5
16 Screeching Weasel How to Make Ennemies 4.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.0 38.0
17 Crimpshrine Duct Tape Soup 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.5 3.0 4.0 37.5
18 Crimpshrine Sleep With That? 3.0 4.0 3.5 4.0 2.0 4.0 36.5
Fastbacks Very, Very Powerful 4.0 3.5 2.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 36.5
20 The Breeders Pod 4.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 3.5 36.0
21 Sloan Twice Removed 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 35.0
22 Archers Of Loaf Icky Mettle 2.0 3.5 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 34.0
23 Flatspot You'll Be Missed 2.0 3.5 3.0 3.5 3.0 3.5 32.5
24 Lush Split 4.0 3.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 31.5
25 V/A Smash The Chords 3.0 2.0 1.5 3.5 2.5 2.0 22.5
# Band/Artist Album Abi Cre Div Lyr Cov Apprec Total
5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 50.0

@fTop 20@*

This is the all-times top 20 for ACE. Please notice that the complete list
of all reviewed albums of ACE can be found in the file ACEPHAME.DOX.

# Band/Artist Album Abi Cre Div Lyr Cov Apprec Total
1 Pixies Doolittle 3.5 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 47.5
2 Sonic Youth Evol 2.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 46.5
3 Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral 4.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 5.0 4.5 46.0
The Juliana Hatfie Become What You Are 4.0 4.5 4.5 5.0 4.0 5.0 46.0
Bad Religion Against The Grain 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 46.0
6 Sonic Youth Dirty 3.5 4.5 4.0 4.5 4.0 5.0 45.5
Pearl Jam Ten 4.0 4.5 3.5 4.5 4.0 5.0 45.5
8 Offspring Smash 4.5 4.0 4.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 45.0
NOFX Ribbed 5.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 45.0
The Breeders Last Splash 3.0 4.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 5.0 45.0
Nirvana Nevermind 2.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 3.5 5.0 45.0
12 Nine Inch Nails Pretty Hate Machine 4.5 4.0 4.0 5.0 4.5 4.5 44.5
Bad Religion Generator 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.5 3.0 5.0 44.5
Afghan Whigs Congregation 3.5 4.5 4.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 44.5
15 Supersuckers La Mano Cornuda 5.0 4.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 5.0 44.0
No Use For A Name The Daily Grind 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 4.5 4.5 44.0
17 Ten Foot Pole Rev 4.0 3.5 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 43.5
Sonic Youth Goo 3.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 5.0 4.5 43.5
Sonic Youth Daydream Nation 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.5 3.0 5.0 43.5
NOFX eThe Longest Line 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.5 4.5 43.5
# Band/Artist Album Abi Cre Div Lyr Cov Apprec Total
5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 50.0

@fTotal Calculation Method@*

Total = (Appreciation * 5) + Abi + Cre + Div + Lyr + Cov


@fStrung Out interview The Extremist@*

Recently (October 6), Lag Wagon, Strung Out, The Maze and Chix Diggit came
to Qu‚bec City, and after their incredible show, I did an interview with 2
of those 4 groups...

First part of the first interview, with Strung Out: (errr... Due to memory
problems from myself and due to last minute work on this, I don't remember
who I first interviewed, but I know he's the drummer in SO. Take your CD's
pocket and read carefully :])

ACE: What do you think about Qu‚bec City?

SO: Qu‚bec, that's the best show we've played so far; it was the biggest show
we've played and the best crowd.. I haven't got to see much of the city
yet, but from what I hear it's an incredible city. So far overall Canada
has been incredible, everyone treated us very really well and Canadians
are great!

ACE: Since how long Strung Out are together?

SO: For about two years we've been together. I've been in the band for about
a year. I used to play with Scaredsumthin [haven't understood well what
he said :)] who is now Ten Foot Pole and I left them about a year ago
and I threw in Strung Out, much better band.

ACE: Was it hard to find a label to record you or..?

SO: No, we got Fat Wreck Chords, they heard the tape and they liked it alot.
They decided to do an album with us and we'll be doing another one
probably in about 6 months. After this tour we'll go to Europe for
another month with Lag Wagon.

ACE: How was the people at Fat Wreck Chords?

SO: The people at Fat Wreck is very cool. Fat Wreck Chords is a great

ACE: When you say it was the biggest of this tour...

SO: This one!

ACE: ...what was closest to this one?

SO: Montr‚al was great. Montr‚al was very good. We've played many good
shows. The smaller ones are good also you know. But this is just the
biggest crowd and the biggest hall so.. alot of fun!

ACE: Do you like stage diving?

SO: Sure! I love it! I love when the crowd's going crazy. Get to see the
kids go up.

ACE: Why don't you stagedive?

SO: I do! I did last night at Montr‚al, look: [He then showed a big bruise
on his knee :)]

ACE: Do you guys will recommend to other bands to play here?

SO: Of course! Yeah.. There's other good bands that are trimming around
that are great you know. If you're a band, you travel wherever you can,
it's the best way to circulate your music so everyone can listen to it.

ACE: Thanks...


Second part of the first interview of Strung Out, with Jim, the base player.

ACE: Who are the members of Strung Out?

SO: The members of our band are Jim, Jordan, Jake, Jason and Rob.

ACE: So, who are you? :]

SO: I'm Jim, at the base, for Strung Out.

ACE: You've got what we call an "ampoule", in french.. [Ou182's friend was
showing Jim his blisters]

SO: An apple?

ACE: An _ampoule_

SO: So I've got lots of ampoules! I get them quite often... I get them this
big, they blew for days! I mean, for the first 3 days it's like you've
got no skin on your fingers at all.

ACE: Then you get used to it?

SO: No, you just play until the heal.. For the first week it hurts like
hell, you can't touch anything...

ACE: [many laughs] Since how long are you in Strung Out?

SO: Me, Jason and Rob started Strung Out like four years ago. We did another
record on another record label. It's very hard to find. We can't even
find it ourselves anymore. It's really cool. We just got signed to Fat
like about 6 months ago. We just have a good time since, we just got off
a tour with NOFX in Europe, we'll go back like 9 days to Europe with Lag
Wagon. Then we go home to work on a new record.

ACE: When do you think your next record should be out?

SO: Well, we're hoping to take a little longer on this record to write it
because we want to wait and make sure our songs are the way we want them
to sound, we don't want to set them and recall "Well, man I wish we would
have done that"
after hearing it on the CD. We're gonna take a little

ACE: Do you like working with Fat Wreck?

SO: Oh Yeah! Fat Wreck Chords is great. I've seen alot of labels. I never
really got a chance to see how Epitaph work, but Fat Wreck Chords is so
professionnal, they keep track of everything. They're really good about
it, and if you need something they're there to back you. Truthly, Fat
Mike is one of the greatest guys I've ever met. I more think of him as a
friend... You call him up, "Mike, this is Jim, we need this, that, that"
and you hear "Sure, it's there". We come halfway across the world, and
kids are singing our songs. That's got something to do with Fat Wreck
Chords. I know alot of bands that are alot like better than us and on a
smallers levels, and people never know they are.

ACE: So, Fat Wreck is surely the best way to spread your songs all over the

SO: I think so. I think Fat Wreck Chords is really good, they're not at the
level of Epitaph. Like, Epitaph are making millions and millions of
dollars a year of

bands like Offspring and you know, like the old Bad
Religion albums, they're still selling alot of that. Fat Wreck Chords is
got alot of bands on it, we still trying to not become a big corporate
rock thing Epitaph has become. It's another reason I like Fat.

ACE: You had another tape before "Another Day In Paradise"...

SO: It's really hard to find. It was recorded during the '92 riots in LA.
It's kind of a weak recording because it was our first. We were a bunch
of high school kids, we didn't really knew what we were doing it, we were
smoking crack while recording it. It didn't turned up well. The guy who
picked it up put it out, disappeared and we don't know what happened to
him, so it's really hard to get on that. I like have one copy and I
erased it because it came to close to a magnet. [lauhgs] When we go
home I might release it myself because I still have the master tape. So
if I do that I'll give it to Mike and he get it out of here..

ACE: Thanks Jim!


Those two first parts were done in the room where the bands performed, some
people were taking off the stage, cleaning everything, that type of things,
and there was alot of background noise. Later, I had sometimes great
diffculties to distinguish things these 2 cool guys were saying with the
noise. Add that I have some diffculties to understand spoken English, (I'm a
frenchie! :]) and you've got the perfect explosive cocktail for bad
interpretations. I tried to do my best to reproduce frankly what they said,
with some guessing from my part sometimes. But I'll send a copy of the zine
to Strung Out. If I ever receive feedback, I'll print it out here so you're
gonna see how bad my understanding was and is still :]

The second interview was done in a less noise-backgrounded place (hmm..). The
interview should be more like reality :]


@fSecond Interview - Lag Wagon - With Joey Wagon, singer. The Extremist@*

ACE: Since how long Lag Wagon exists?

LAG: The current line-up have been together for four years. But the drummer,
and I, and the tallest guy in the band [laughs], Chris, we've been
together for about 6 years.

ACE: So you were in another group before?

LAG: We were called Section 8. We kept the name also when we got Shawn, the
other guitar player, and Jesse the base player. When we signed with Fat
Wreck Chords, Mike just wanted us to change our name, because there are
several other bands named Section 8, and it was just alot of punk bands.
You know, we'd go play a show, some guy would come up to us before
playing, "Yeah man, I saw you guys in '82" and maybe like "hmmmmm... Nah,
you didn't"
[laughs] "Yeah, you have that song, it's called 'fat, drunk
and stupid'"
and were like "errr... Nah..." [still laughing :]

ACE: Did you made records while you were called Section 8?

LAG: No, we just had 3 demos. Well, we sure made a record, it had 12 songs.
Then we put out another demo that was 9 songs. So we actually had like
21 songs out that we sold on cassette at our show. We were kinda like,
you know Suicidal Tendencies? Our early stuff with Section 8 was more
like Suicidal. Still hardcore, but it was a little bit, you know...
We were more in the like bands like The Descendants, Bad Religion and
stuff, we just got sick of that.

ACE: Did Fat Wreck came to you or you went to Fat Wreck?

LAG: I was living in San Francisco and Fat Mike was here too. I saw him at a
show like four years ago. Section 8 had actually broken up. Someone
told me that Fat was starting his own label. I said myself maybe if he
signs us maybe we could get back on a new record. So I gave him the
tape, and he called the next morning. "I love it! I wanna sign it!" So
I called the band, "You guys wanna get back together?" and they were like
"alright!" So we did the record. Pretty cool actually, because we
weren't broken up...

ACE: Since then, how was the relation between Lag Wagon and Fat Wreck Chords?

LAG: [silence] Great. Perfect. I consider Mike to be a very good friend of
mine. They have they shit together business-wise, they're very
productive, but it doesn't have those overtones that alot of more
corporate business have. It's one in a small room in his house, him and
his wife, it's just cool! They're really cool people. Everything about
label is sort of against the grain of big corporations. Actually, the
label is getting pretty big now so they'll gonna have to start expanding.
We didn't really signed with Fat Wreck Chords, we signed to Fat Mike.
When we're in the studio with Fat Mike, we just talk about songs.
Everything is easy going. I really like him.

Err... I just talk to much.

ACE: Errr... We don't have any more questions... [feeling embarassed]

LAG: Lag Wagon: Are you guys vegetarians? [laughs]

LAG: Well, NO! We love meat! We eat some almost every day!

Strung Out's Drummer: YOU'RE A LIAR!

LAG: He has a psychological condition, he yells things out. He does it on
stage all the time. I dunno if you heard him tonight.. Well it wasn't
that bad tonight, he didn't too much. But the other, when we get him a
microphone, it was very funny. He doesn't stop signing "blarg blarg
blarg blarg blarg"

ACE: Since you released your first album, did it took many time to release
your second?

LAG: It took about a year. We didn't lag [I'm SURE the pun was intended :]
that bad. We're lagging alot more for this one. We have many new songs
we decided not to play tonight, because we played some new stuff and the
problem is when people don't know a new song, they just stand there. So
we play old songs people wanna hear. We have a split seven inch coming
out with No Use For A Name, on Fat. Our song is OK, but I heard the No
Use's song and it's great..

We're gonna do a new album _sometime_ at the end of the winter, maybe
spring. Not that we don't wanna do it right away, but we're seriously on
tour until like, mid march. We've been on tour, it's been like our 150th
show, we're on tour constantly until then..

ACE: Where have you been in your tour?

LAG: We've been to Europe twice, we've been in the United States, we've done a
little tour in the Western States, we've been across Canada now, almost
done. We'll go back cross the States, then we'll go to Europe again for
about two months. When we'll get home we're going to Japan.
Propaghandi is in Japan right now. There's a really good scene there..
NOFX went there and now there's tons of fans all of a sudden. When
we'll get back we're going on a Fat Wreck Chords Tour, with like 6-7
bands together, just in Western United States. Then we're going back
to Europe... Too many times. There's alot of Europe in our tour! And
then we're going back to Canada, here! in March, for the Snowboarding

ACE: Snowboarding World Cup at Mont St-Anne

LAG: March 8th to 12th I think.. Then we'll do the record.

ACE: When you're driving show at show, do you listen to Lag Wagon?

LAG: No no no no, we hear _way_ too much Lag Wagon every night. Maybe if we
have a new recording we will listen it a bit to see if we like it or not,
what we think of it...

ACE: So, what do you listen to?

LAG: We listen alot of rap music. I _hate_ it. But some of the guys in the
group like it. It's mainly gansgter, hardcore rap. We also listen to
some punk stuff, NOFX, Bad Religion..

ACE: Do you like other bands on Fat Wreck Chords?

LAG: Yeah, I _love_ Propaghandi, I think Propaghandi is great, they're my
favorite band. I really like Face to Face, No Use For A Name, I heard
their new album, it's _really_ great. They're great bands.

ACE: Thanks Joey!


Well, looks like Joey had some diffulties putting up a complete sentence
together sometimes, so I had to kinda guess what he was saying..

{note from eerie - ARGH! This was the last-last-last-minute article of the
magazine. I just finished adding it to the data file and tadah, it's released.
Cool, eh?}


@fSHOW REPORTS The Naughty Tycoon@*

I've been to two shows this month (that's what I can say an active month
for myself and what's generally happening here in Quebec City), and even if
we already brought you the interviews, I wanted to talk about what really
happened at these two shows, because talking with the band doesn't exactly
gives the atmosphere at one of their shows.. Anyway.

@8Headlining band: @fLAG WAGON
@8Supporting bands: @fTHE MAZE, CHIXDIGGIT & STRUNG OUT
@8Date: @fOctober 6th, 1994
@8Location: @fPatro Roc-Amadour, Quebec City, QC, Canada
@8Show organized by: @fGreenland & L'Importateur
@8Crowd: @fAbout 1000@*

First off, let's say that the atmosphere outside was really hot; I
personally had NEVER seen anything so original.. From bodysurfing to diving
from the bands' trucks, people who were there before the doors opened have
heard and seen almost any type of things.. The doors open at 9 o'clock (1
hour late) and at about 9:30, it's time for The Maze! They're coming from
Quebec City, and they play some really pessimistic punk/hardcore, for what
I've heard at this show.. A good opener; they're cool but not really
original.. They played "I Want Something More" from Bad Religion and "Who
Wrote Holden Caulfield?"
from Green Day..

After this 30-minute performance, here comes Chixdiggit! A totally unknown
band for everyone there (nobody even knew they were going to play that
night), they played some great old style punk rock (a clear influence here
is the Ramones).. Overall, their music hasn't been accepted as much as the
other bands because of its relative slowness, but you can bet that this
band coming from Calgary, Alberta, will make lots of heads turn soon..

Then Strung Out appears. They were not the headlining band, but a whole bunch
of guys came that night just to see them. They're on Fat Wreck Chords and
have an album out already (Another Day In Paradise), and they play some
incredibly fast and melodic skatepunk.. They played almost every song from
their album and also "I'm Not A Loser", a classic from the Descendents.. If
you like violent mosh pits, you should have been there, 'cause it was one
of the most violent ones I've ever seen..

To end the night, Lag Wagon, from Goleta/Santa Barbara, California, got on
stage.. For those who don't know them, Lag Wagon is like the reincarnation
of Rich Kids On L.S.D. (RKL): it's very technical punk rock. They have two
covers (also the hot spots of their show), which are "Brown-Eyed Girl" from
Van Morrison and "Bad Moon Rising" from CCR.. Everyone slammed during these
two songs, but I'll never forget people diving off the P.A. stacks and the
big amps each side of the stage during "Noble End"..

Chixdiggit said during their set it was their best audience ever, and Lag
Wagon's singer said it was the biggest show they've ever made.. So that's
just to tell you that it's not always the biggest places that get the
biggest shows, for example when No Use For A Name play in California, they
usually get 30-50 people each show, and when they came here in June they
attracted 450 fans!

@8Supporting band: @fLES PICHOUS
@8Date: @fOctober 13th, 1994
@8Location: @fCafe Wazo, Ste-Foy College, Ste-Foy, QC, Can
@8Show organized by: @fCOMSPEC Productions
@8Crowd: @f100-150@*

A smaller show from two local bands, one (LSV) have already an album out on
EnGuard Records and the other is almost a Pixies ripoff band.. I mean,
they're not bad, but they played "Gouge Away" from the Pixies and another
song from Frank Black and if I closed my eyes during their other songs, I
could easily imagine Kim Deal singing.. Well, I didn't know that band at
all and I still live without a tape from them!

The really interesting band at that show was Les Secretaires Volantes..
They're really funny on stage and they play their songs real well.. Their
energy and personality makes them the most promising act coming out from
Quebec City today.. From their first album "Meconium", they played almost
every song, and they played an acoustic song and some unknown covers too..
It's not the best show I ever went, but it was by far the funniest (and as
the jokes were in French, it wouldn't mean anything to you even if I'd
translate them..).

So, if you like good, original punk rock (I'd say they're punk, they're at
least rock'n'roll), just find out a place and invite them to make a show
for you and your dog.. You'll be impressed!


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@f anthology of the last years [1986-1994] by eerie

Ok, here am I to do some review stuff for ACE. In this article I'll just
talk about Sonic Youth, which is one of my favourite bands. As you probably
know, there are billions of fans of that group, and they influenced a whole
bunch of other groups (such as Nirvana.)

Would it be useful to say anything that haven't been said on them? So much
has been written about Sonic Youth, people were philosophing about the
band, surely alot more than the band itself. Some may not understand why,
I'd just tell them to listen to their albums. They speak more than the band
could do in their interviews.

What Sonic Youth did is one thing: they did what they wanted to do, they
never gave a fuck about what people were saying. But ask them, they'll also
tell you they never invented anything, they're only a "rock 'n roll band."
But they'll also agree to say that there's a Sonic Sound, something only
them do. Ohh well. Enough said. The folowing albums could be a great way to
start doing a Sonic Trip.

Anyway. It would be plainly impossible for the moment for me to give you a
complete anthology. You see, the band exists since 1979 and all I have is
the stuff from 1986 to today. Anyway, 1986 is some kind of important year
in the life of the group. That year they got their new drummer, Steve
Shelley, who replaced Bob Bert. "With him, said Thurston Moore in an
interview to Les Inrockuptible, a French magazine, the group got itself a
structure. From no-wave we became new-wave (laughs)."

However, I'll try to get myself some early Sonic stuff and write another
anthology as soon as possible. But for now, read this. =)

(A little notice. All those albums are available under David Geffen
records. However, for the first three it's because they're reissued. Evol
and Sister were originally on SST, and Daydream Nation was originally
recorded on a label called Enigma; this label dissolved a few times after.)

@ce v o l
@fSONIC YOUTH @4(@cgeffen@4) @f* * * * * @4[@c1986@4] @8-@* @fEvol@* (Love spelled backwards, if
you havent figured it out yet.) is, I'd say, the album that shows more how
Sonic Youth is "Youth". Evol is some kind of teenage trip. Not the 90210
teenage shit. Not the "let's talk about rape, aids and that stuff because
everyone does it."
Not that. Real teenage. What you live when you're young.
What you're thinking of. Love, mostly. And hate. And all that stuff they
call simple. With the first song, @fTom Violence@*, you can imagine nothing but
you, standing alone on the highway, escaping from your home, wanting to
discover life. "I left home for experience", says the song. If you ever
plan on killing your parents and leaving the state, Evol is the perfect
soundtrack for the trip. (Some'd say it'd be Goo because of what's written
on the cover, tho =) The best album I've heard in my whole life. Maybe one
of the only one I know where the music says as much as words. Enough?
10 Songs (39 min) Ability 2.5 Creativity 5.0 Diversity 5.0 Lyrics 5.0 Cover 4.0
(Tom Violence, Shadow Of A Doubt, Star Power, In The Kingdom #19, Green
Light, Death To Our Friends, Secret Girl, Marilyn Moore, Madonna, Sean and
Me, Bubblegum)

@cs i s t e r
@fSONIC YOUTH @4(@cgeffen@4) @f* * * * « @4[@c1987@4] @8-@* When you ask people which Sonic
Youth album is the best one, normally you get Sister or Daydream Nation.
(Sometimes you get Evol.) Lots of reviewers worship Sonic Youth because of
@fSister@*. I dunno. This album is good, really, really good. But it's not the
same deal as in Evol. Here, the songs are more interior, and there's not as
much diversity as in their preceding. On Sister, Sonic Youth preffered to
do something more acoustic, with less noise, less feedbacks.. It's like the
band worked more on their songs, to make them look better. That's far from
bad, of course. I still love the record.
11 Songs (42 min) Ability 2.5 Creativity 4.0 Diversity 2.0 Lyrics 4.0 Cover 4.0
(Schizophrenia, Catholic Block, Beauty Lies In The Eye, Stereo Sanctity,
Pipeline/Kill Time, Tuff Gnarl, Pacific Coast Highway, Hot-Wire my Heart,
Cotton Crown, White Cross, Master-Dik (supposed to be a bonus track))

@cd a y d r e a m n a t i o n
@fSONIC YOUTH @4(@cgeffen@4) @f* * * * * @4[@c1988@4] @8-@* Probably the all-times classic of
the band. How can I define it other than progressive noise, without the
pretention. Lasts 70 minutes, stays simple, you must listen to it from the
beginning to the end. This album is like Sister, with more creativity.
People wrote pages and pages about how this album is awesome and shtuph. I
won't do it I guess. It would be unuseful, cuz you can't really write
something that really explains what's @fDaydream Nation@*. Oh. There's even a
14-minute song on the record, called @fTrilogy@*. Simply extraordinary.
12 Songs (70 min) Ability 3.0 Creativity 4.0 Diversity 4.0 Lyrics 4.5 Cover 3.0
(Teen Age Riot, Silver Rocket, The Sprawl, 'Cross The Breeze, Eric's Trip,
Total Trash, Hey Joni, Providence, Candle, Rain King, Kissability, Trilogy)

@cg o o
@fSONIC YOUTH @4(@cgeffen@4) @f* * * * « @4[@c1990@4] @8-@* Another Sonic Era began with @fGoo@*.
You can even feel how the group changed when getting signed on Geffen. Not
in a bad way, tho, because Goo is still a must, but the sound is different.
That album reminded me Evol for some reasons, but really don't ask me why,
maybe that's because Evol is also a Era-beginning album =) Anyway, with
Goo, Sonic Youth sounds heavier, the electric guitars are brought back to
life, and songs are also more defined. More supported rythm, too. All songs
stand alone by themselves. In fact, apart from @fMildred Pierce@*, which is not
really constructive =) and @fScooter + Jinx@*, which consists only of guitar
feedbacks that resemble to motor sounds, there's only @fTitanium Expos‚@* which
is not as good as the others.
11 Songs (49 min) Ability 3.5 Creativity 4.5 Diversity 4.0 Lyrics 4.0 Cover 5.0
(Dirty Boots, Tunic (Song For Karen), Mary-Christ, Kool Thing, Mote, My
Friend Goo, Disappearer, Mildred Pierce, Cinderella's Big Score, Scooter +
Jinx, Titanium Expos‚)

@cd i r t y
@fSONIC YOUTH @4(@cgeffen@4) @f* * * * * @4[@c1992@4] @8-@* This is the heaviest Sonic Youth
since 1986. Remember 1992, remember the grunge thing and everything that
came with it. @fDirty@* was some kind of Sonic reply to this all. Everyone here
listened to @f100%@* or @fSugar Kane@* once in their life, I hope? Cool. Here, just
like Goo, all songs stand by themselves, and each song is good and
different from the other. Some reviewers hated that "wanna-be punk" album.
I personally love it, and would suggest anyone to get it. Who knows, maybe
it will become a classic within a few years.
15 Songs (50 min) Ability 3.5 Creativity 4.5 Diversity 4.0 Lyrics 4.5 Cover 4.0
(100%, Swimsuit Issue, Theresa's Sound-World, Drunken Butterfly, Shoot,
Wish Fullfilment, Sugar Kane, Orange Rolls, Angel's Spit, Youth Against
Fascism, Nic Fit, On The Strip, Chapel Hill, JC, Purr, Cr‚me Br–lŠe [sic])

@ce x p e r i m e n t a l j e t - s e t ,
@ct r a s h a n d n o s t a r
@fSONIC YOUTH @4(@cgeffen@4) @f* * * * @4[@c1994@4] @8-@* Ok, now here we are with their
latest. @fExperimental Jet-Set..@* is separated between heavy, Dirty-like,
songs, such as @fStarfield Road@*, @fAndrogynous Mind@* or @fWaist@*, and acoustic
ones, which sound more like those from previous albums. Though, it was like
the band was not sure which direction to take, and feel a bit stuck between
the Sister/Daydream Nation myth and the Goo/Dirty heavy sound. It's a good
album, but.. Hmm, it lacks something, something you can't really define
anyway. In my opinion we can expect something better in the years to come
from Sonic Youth.
14 Songs (45 min) Ability 3.5 Creativity 4.5 Diversity 4.0 Lyrics 4.5 Cover 4.5
(Winner's Blues, Bull In The Heather, Starfield Road, Skink, Screaming
Skull, Self-Obsessed And Sexxee, Bone, Androgynous Mind, Quest For The Cup,
Waist, Doctor's Orders, Tokyo Eye, In The Mind Of The Bourgeois Reader,
Sweet Shine)

So what? That's the end! Yay! Yay! Ok, chill out. If you have anything to
add to that anthology, go on, write it so I can know.. I am not a
Sonicologist after all =)


@fLYRICS VOLUME III The Naughty Tycoon

During the first 12 issues, me and The Skatepunk (a now long-gone member
<g>) have done two "lyrical sessions", where we'd just take songs that are
funny or have something interesting to say, and we print the lyrics there..
So now that you get the picture, I'll show you some of the bests I've found

The first one is from @fNOFX@*. The song is called @fLinoleum@*, and from what
I've been able to understand, it's about a guy who just does anything.
Anyway, read..

@4Possessions never meant anything to me
@4I'm not crazy ('cause I've got none)
@4Well that's not true I've got a bed and a guitar
@4And a dog named Dog who pisses on the floor
@4That's right, I've got a floor

@4So what, so what, so what?

@4I've got pockets full of
@4Kleenex and lint and holes
@4Where everything important to me
@4Just seems to fall right down my leg

@4And onto the floor
@4My closest friend, linoleum

@4Linoleum supports my head
@4Gives me something to believe

@4That's me on the beach side combing the sand
@4Metal meter in my hand, sporting a pocket full of change

@4That's me on the back of the trunk
@4That's me in the cell
@4That's me inside your head
@4That's me inside your head@*

So, isn't that better than "I Will Always Love You" from Whitney Houston? <G>

Let's follow on with.. emmm, some @fDown By Law@*! For every grunger here, read
this and shut the fuck up!

(from the song @fHaircut@*)

@4Pearl Jam clones are everywhere
@4Fuck that shit go cut your fucking hair
@4Seattle sound is all around
@4But where's the huevos in that sound?

..Wow! They also have another song called @fDrummin' Dave, Hunter Up@* that's
pretty cool for the lyrics too.. It's got a clear but non-constructive
message, but anyway.. :}

@4Retro sucks, retro sucks, everything about it sucks
@4Retro sucks, disco sucks, ohh ohh, fuck you
@4Retro sucks, retro sucks, ravers almost suck as much
@4Take those stupid mirrored balls, and smash them into bits!@*

..Hehe. Now on a more intelligent way, @fBad Religion@*. They write lyrics to
make people think, not necessarily act. And this next one, called @fI Want
@fTo Conquer The World@*, is going to demonstrate that..

@4Hey brother christian with yourhigh and mighty errand
@4Your actions speak so loud I can't hear a word you're saying
@4Hey sister bleeding heart will all of your compassion
@4Your labors soothe the hurt but can't assuage temptation
@4Hey man of science with your perfect rules of measure
@4Can you improve this place with the data that you gather?
@4Hey mother mercy can your loins bear fruit forever?
@4Is your fecundity a trammel or a treasure?
@4Hey mister diplomat with your worldly aspirations
@4Did you see the children cry when you left them at the station?
@4Hey moral soldier you've got righteous proclamation
@4And precious tomes to fuel your pulpy conflagrations

@4I want to conquer the world
@4Give all the idiots a brand new religion
@4Put an end to poverty, uncleanliness and toil
@4Promote equality and all of my decisions
@4With a quick wink of the eye
@4And a "god you must be joking"@*

..So what? I propose that every single lit writer reads a complete album
from Bad Religion before trying to tell others they're poets.. Right?

Now a song from a Montreal band called @fRipcordz@*.. They've got songs about
the Montreal Jazz Festival, Sonic Youth and the Generation X, but I took
out the first one of their @fCanadian As Fuck@* LP..

(the song's called @fReal Bands@*)

@4Real bands don't drink lite beer, ice beer, dry beer
@4They drink free beer!
@4And they certainly don't drink that American stuff!@*

..That's all! Hehe, sorry to you all Americans, you may be cool, but your
beer is just shit! <g>

I would have given you some Pennywise lyrics but it's more than 100 lines
so that's more than enough for now.. Till next time!


@f ACE electronic magazine application form

Wanna join ACE? Easy! This article looks just like an article, no? Well,
it actually is an infoform! In other words, on each line where there's a
question, just strike [Enter] and answer it. And when this is finished,
strike [Alt-P], then a file named ACE.APP will be created in your
directory. Then just archive it under the name XX-ACE.ZIP (The XX
represents your initials) and upload it on the World Headquarters,
Sarcastic Toaster, you will then receive an answer a few days later.
Good luck and thanks for your interest into ACE.

By the way, if you don't want to collaborate to ACE on a regular basis, you
would better not become an official member. However, your articles are
always welcomed, and if you want to do a review, just use the review form
you can find in the summary.

@cI. General Questions.@*

@4 Handle@*

@4 Real Name (Complete)@*

@4 Adress@*

@4 Phone Numbers@*
: Home -
: Data -

@4 On which nets could we find you?@*

@4 Years modeming@*

@cII. Less-General Questions.@*

@4 Describe the style of the mudic you listen to.@*

@4 Please notice that we only accept people who write about
@4 musical styles included in what we call "new music". If you
@4 consider that what you listen to is new music but you are not
@4 sure of our opinion, then try to convince us here: @*

@4 Which are your 3 favourite groups?@*

@4 If you had to bring with you five albums on a desert island,
@4 which would you choose?@*

@4 Do you want to have a mensual column? If yes, what would it
@4 talk about?@*

@4 How much articles are you planning to write every month?@*

@4 How many reviews are you planning to do every month?@*


That's it! Good luck!


This is the ACE review form. If you want to do a review for us, you can use
this form, which will explain you everything you need to know when
reviewing an album for us. Thanks to participate to ACE.

To fill this form, press [Enter] on the lines you wish to fill. When it's
all done, strike [Alt-P]. ACEreadR will create a file called ACE.REV, that
you're gonna zip up under the name XX-ACERV.ZIP (XX represents your

@cI. General Interest Questions@*

@4 Handle@*

@4 Real name@*

@4 Phone numbers@*
: Home -
: Data -

@cII. The album@*

@4 Band/Artist@*

@4 Title@*

@4 Record label (N/A if non available)@*

@4 If this album is an old one, please specify the year when it
@4 was first released. If you don't know, just specify that it's
@4 an "old album".@*

@4 Number of listed songs@*

@4 Running time, in minutes (Exact if possible, else just try to
@4 do a good approximation.)@*

@4 Please notice that we only accept people who write about
@4 musical styles included in what we call "new music". If you
@4 consider that this album is new music but you are not sure
@4 of our opinion, then try to convince us here: @*

@cIII. Rating@*

All cotations are on 5 points. Half-points are allowed. (I.E.

@4 Ability (/5)@*

@4 Creativity (/5)@*

@4 Diversity (/5)@*

@4 Lyrics (/5)@*

@4 Cover (/5)@*

@4 Personal evaluation (/5)@*

@cIV. Album description@*

Here I suggest you to save the form (strike [Alt-P]) and edit
the file ACE.REV using your favourite text editor. You must
give us a good description of the album, if possible between 8
and 20 lines. Be objective in your criterias. Talk about all
the details you can think of.


Thanks alot!

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