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LooZeR AsSh0lE MiDgEt EuNicHs Issue 01


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HoW 2 B aN oFFiCiAl HaCkEr by Lo0m

1. U HaV 2 TyPe LiKe DiS! If U DoN'T, U SuCk.

2. TeLL EvErYBoDy YoU HaVe aN InTeRnEt AcCoUnT aNd GiVe ThEm a BuLLsHiT NaMe

3. NeVeR TaLk VoiCe CuZ tHe OtHeR PeRsOn WiLL ReAliZe ThAt YoUr a l00zEr AnD
MaKe FuN oF YoU.

4. MaKe SuRe 2 aLwAyZ HaCk ThE SIeRrA NeTwOrK aNd Pr0diGy. UnIx aNd VaX/VmS
R 4 LaMe WaNNaBeZ. TSN iS FoR ReAl HaCkErS

5. RiP oFf SoMe LaMe GaMeZ FoR YoUr HanDlE, eXaMpLe- Lo0m, YsErBiOuS

6. UsE aS MuCh AsCiI ChArAcTeRs iN YoUr HaNdLe aS PoSSiBle. AlSo, iF YoU
WaNt 2 bE ExTrEmElY EliTe, WriTe YoUr MeSSaGeS iN HiGh EnD AsCiI. Ex.
Lo)m, L()()M, [_()()|\/|

7. EvErY HaCkEr HaS LoTz oF XXX GiFz BeCaUsE ThEy aRe iLLeGaL iF YoUr a
MiNoR LiKe mE. HheehheheheehEheHEEHEHEHEHEEheeHAhaHaheahahea.. ThErE GrEaT
FoR ReLiEvInG mY TeNsIoN.

8. iF SoMeOnE MaKeZ FuN oF YoU, YoU MuSt CaRd ThErE PhOnE LiNe. ThEy WoN't
MeSS WiTh YoU aGaIn. MuaHeheEHeHEEHEHeHee

9. NeVeR UsE *67 WhEn CaLLiNg PeOplE. It WiLL BloW uP YoUr PhOnE. uS PhReAks
HaVe TrIeD iT.

10. ReAl HaCkErZ UsE K-Y JeLLy FoR ThOsE LaTe NiGhT FeEliNgS, VaSoLiNe iS fOr

11. If U WaNt 2 Be aN oFFiCiAl HaCkEr, YoU MuSt HaVe a MiNiMuM oF 5 AnAl
FrIcTiOn bLiSteRS. If YoU NeEd AnY HeLp WiTh ThIs, CaLL mY BbS aNd ChAt. I
WiLL bE OvEr iN 30 MiNuTeS oR tHe NeXt BuT-RaPe iS fReE.

12. NeVeR ReAd aNy TeXtFiLeS, ThEy aRe ToO HaRd 2 UnDeRsTaNd.

13. BuY BiLLy IdOl'S Cd. YoU WiLL BeCoMe a ReAl CyBeRpUnK! GeT sOmE Co0l
CyBeRpUnK CloThEz aT AtTiVo aNd KmArT. ThAtS WhErE ReAl HaCkErS ShOp.

14. CoNsTaNtLy BuLLsHiT OtHeR WaNNaBe HaCkErS aBoUt HaCkInG StUfF, DoN't
FoRgEt 2 SuE ThEm iF ThEy TrY tO PhReAk YoUr BBS.


SoCiAl DiStOrTiOn 313-380-8024 LaMe WoRlD HQ
wE aRe HaCkErZ 313-666-6666 313 WHQ
BiLLy iDoL FaNcLuB 313-xxx-xxxx 313-xxx WHQ
MaLe BoNdAgE GiF HQ 800-6969696 ehh.. A nice bbs
AfTeRhHoUrS BBS 900-BiG-DiCk

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