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f0rbidden knowledge keylog

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f0rbidden knowledge
 · 28 Dec 2019


(( Keyloging For Winbloz 9x - By CoLdBLood ))

NOTE: This works on winbloz 95 & 98 - c that little x ?

A while back I wos feeling the need for a keylogger for my winbloz box so i
decided to code one. The only problem wos that i had no winbloz compilers, so
i booted up pascal and let rip.

Why do you want a keyboard logger ? For schools pc's... passwords ... internet
dialups... about ANYTHING can be obtained with this method... whole essays...
papers... *whistles* :)

Now it may sound weird if i tell you this keylogger works in DOS and logs
winbloz keys right ? well not really if you think about it, for example
Himem.sys and Emm386.exe work very nicely in the background of windbloz so why
cant we have a keylogger sharing the fun ?

If you dont want to know how it works then go strait to point 6

(( How it works / How to do it ))

Well i dont wont to waist time on explaining every little freaking
detail on how i figured it out so ill get straight to the point.

1. Winbloz has files called .DRV files which are Device drivers. On my quest to
writing this app i found that this is winbloz answer to interrupts - instead
of using interrupts it only calls int 0x30 which contains code that executes
the correct code from these files. The file thats of intrest to us is the

2. Now this basicly means that our normal int's like int 0x15 (keyboard) wont be
of mutch help in winbloz... but we do know now, how and where winbloz uses
the code for its keyboard...

3. We need a plan here... We need too hook our little TSR (Terminate and Stay
Resident) proggie sothat it gets called everytime a key is pressed and then
our proggie can log... Hmm if winbloz doesnt call any other int's except
int 0x30 how the hell can we get the OS to call our little TSR ???

4. We can try to debug int 0x30 but ill rather go to hell before i go through
such "l33t" red tape. Lets boot up soft-ice (The best tool there is for
debugging and cracking softwear in REAL time while the CPU is executing the
code) and see what we can find out about the keyboard activities in winbloz...

5. First thing we will need to do is set up a break point on the keyboard port
(port 0x60) ... ok break point set now we just switch back to winbloz and
press a key... Violla ... whot is this ? looks like we have landed smack bang
in the middle of THE procedure winbloz uses EACH time u press a key... and
it look like this:

mov ax,0040
mov es,ax
in al,60 ; this is whot cuased the brake, this
mov ah,es:[0017] ; reads from port 0x60
cmp al,f0

yeah know thats very kewl but whot does this mean ? Well this means if we can
hook a interrupt at bootup whitout winbloz moaning about it we can MODIFY
this WINBLOZ code to call our INT ! and yes i said modify and winbloz code
in the same sentence. Now what int can we use ? any of you know that int 0x60
is an int that never gets used ? not even winbloz uses it so this makes it
perfect for too hook at runtime... Now to modify the code... the point here
is for the code to STILL DO EXACTLY the same thing BUT it MUST also call our
int 0x60. Lets take a look at the code again:

mov ax,0040 ;
mov es,ax ;
in al,60 ; if we can put our call to int 0x60 right after
mov ah,es:[0017] ; this would be ideal becoz it means winbloz does
cmp al,f0 ; the work for us and we get EXACTLY whot winbloz
; gets NEAT!

now the problem is we need to insert code - which means we need to get crafty
for a int call we only need to free up 2 bytes and we are in sooo...

mov ax,0040 ; this is 3 bytes big
mov es,ax ; 2 byes big

did i say we need 2 bytes ? viola

mov ax,0040 ; replace with - push 40 - which is 2 bytes big
mov es,ax ; replace with - pop es - which is 1 byte big

this as exactly the same effect just 2 bytes smaller ! how much we need ? 2!
so now we replace the code and insert our call to int 0x60 and viola we are
set !

push 40
pop es
in al,60
int 60 ; new code added whitout effecting the code -
mov ah,es:[0017] ; notice that the call is after the in al,60 ?
cmp al,f0

6. There we go now all you have to do is make a copy of KEYBOARD.DRV (which is in
your C:\windows\system dirctory) ex. KEYBOARD.DED and load the copy up in your
hex-editor and search for the
following : b840008ec0e460
and replace it with : 6a4007e460cd60
Then open a dos box and type: edit C:\autoexec.bat
now on the first line hit enter sothat a blank line apears at the top of the
file. Now hold down the ALT key and hit 255 on the key pad and then let the
alt key go. A blank space should apear... if it doesnt, keep on doing it until
you get a blank space... if you do get a blank space hit alt+f and press s
to save. Now copy the keylog.exe file to your windows\system directory and
([ALT+255] means hold down alt and hit 255 on the keypad and let go of ALT)
then type: ren keylog.exe [ALT+255].exe
Then go back to winbloz and select SHUTDOWN / RESTART in DOS mode. When you
are in REAL dos mode go to the winbloz\system directory and make a nother
backup of the KEYBOARD.DRV file then copy the backup file that u patched over
the the KEYBOARD.DRV file then simply reboot. All keys will be logged to the
windows\system directory in a file called KEYB.LOG

NOTE: If you patched and replaced the keyboard.drv file to call INT 0x60 and
the keylogger is not loaded at boot time your winbloz box will crash
every time you press a key! Hope u know why this happens...

Now i know most of u are saying LAMER method man but hey the source is there
all you have to do is make it append it self to the or sumthing
similiar... Anyhowz a nother neat thing is the only why you can c this proggy
in action is if you go into a dos box and type: /mem /c/p
you will see somthing really weird... in the list of all the programs there
will be a name "---------" apperantly mem uses the alt+255 code to make its
menus with - how confieniant :)
i HAVENT seen winbloz pick this up in anyway yet so its totaly invisible

So have phun kidz

Greetz: Depach & Jamie for the phile support

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