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Shadow Lurking Issue 04

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Published in 
Shadow Lurking
 · 5 years ago


\³ ³/
³³\ /³³
³³ ú the ú ³³
³³ ú S h a d o w L u r k i n g ú ³³
³³ ³³
³³ ð Vol.1 Issue 4 ð ³³
³³/ \³³
/³ ³\

"Lurking in the shadows, I found a friend. A
character full of a mysterious darkness. I asked
him what he wanted with me and he uttered these
words of wisdom... 'Follow, and we shall become one'
I followed, and now I am. Follow..."

-IamXTC [T$i]

ºº ³ ¡ï çô¡z ¡zzæä.. ³ ºº
ºº ºº
ºº úIamXTC's intro to life / by IamXTCú ºº
ºº ùÍÄÄÍÍÄÄÍù ºº
ºº ú"Arrogance Vs. Ignorance" / by Speedú ºº
ºº ùÍÄÄÍÍÄÄÍù ºº
ºº úDemented Thoughts of a Warped Mind / by various artistsú ºº
ºº ùÍÄÄÍÍÄÄÍù ºº
ºº úMore Credit Card Fraud / by Deadheadú ºº
ºº ùÍÄÄÍÍÄÄÍù ºº
ºº úWPRI - Pirate Radio Informer (Part one) / by IamXTCú ºº
ºº ùÍÄÄÍÍÄÄÍù ºº
ºº ú"Serious" / by Hacksawú ºº
ºº ùÍÄÄÍÍÄÄÍù ºº
ºº úParting Thoughts / by IamXTCú ºº

³³úIamXTC's intro to lifeú³³

Well, as you probally have noticed, unless yer high as all hell, I have
decided to drop the handle XsTatiC and just use the handle IamXTC. Some
people have been getting confused by my posts on the local boards, thinking
that I have a dual personality or that there are two of us using the same
handle. I just thought that I would clear that up. Let's start with some tSL

úù> tSL has finally decided to go entirely underground. My apoligies go
out to those who have only been able to get tSL from public sources.
(although, you won't have this issue to see me say I'm sorry!) tSL
will still have the dark and witty poetry and sometimes short stories
but will now include information files dealing with underground topics.

úù> In case any of you are wondering what happened to Speed, well, he now
writes for iDENTiTY. He has informed me that he MAY still write for
tSL now and then, and is always welcome to do so. Good luck to
iDENTiTY, you've got a great writter on yer staff.

úù> Neko's board, "Pay-No-Mind" [tSL WHQ] is back up. We are still
configing it, as he lost everything. To all past callers: You will
notice a slight change in the way things are run, this is only to
serve you better. Not everyone will have acs like last time, you need
to prove yerself first. The number is still the same.

úù> T$i has been upset with the news of people claiming to be T$i
membors (and in some cases, officals!) This shit better end!!! We
have decent ties and will retaliate!!! Let this be a warning!!! No
action has been taken yet but this will not be tolerated, and if he
keeps this up...well, I'll keep you posted.


ùÝÛúùSpeed's Corner of HellùúÛÞù

"Arrogance Vs. Ignorance"

Define Arrogance. To think you're better than someone.

Define Ignorance. To believe your arrogance to be true.

This sound like you? Or are you to arrogant to believe it?
That's a question never asked, usually cause your'e To ignorant
to ask yourself this. Now to prove my fact, Log on to any
Multi-Chat system and enter the tele. And say these simple words
"My penis is bigger than anybodies here, and My girlfriend is
Prettier than any female ONLINE here." Now if I'm correct you'll
see arrogance and ignorance fill your screen, you might even have
to back scroll to read it. And if it don't it proves to you ignorance
and arrogance are alive. What you just typed was both. People
today really take the English language and ripped it apart. These
use it to impress, when they are only bragging, use it to be
informative, only to make them self look better, and use it to be
painful, when they have low self esteem.

I for one will be the first to admit I fall into both of
these departments, although I do know I'm doing I don't give a
rats ass. Why? Well because why try and be perfect in an
imperfect world. You will only be smashed and bashed for it.
People don't want perfection, they want freedom of speech, people
don't want proper grammar they want a quick way to type
something. They don't want censorship, they want to say "FUCK
YOU" and be ignorant.

(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)gnore or (P)ound with a hammer?


Copyright 1994
Speedware LTD!


³³úú"Demented Thoughts of a Warped Mind"úú³³
³ ³
³ "Heartless" ³
³ ³
³ From Body and soul ³
³ I've lost control ³
³ It cannot be ³
³ It's unlike me ³
³ Through feelings of lust ³
³ And time's unjust ³
³ I no longer feel ³
³ The pain, it does heal ³
³ I can not be dazed ³
³ No longer amazed ³
³ I hold the knive ³
³ And laugh at life ³
³ ³
³ IamXTC [T$i] ³
"Crucifix Above"

The pain in my hands
And that in my feet
I will not admit
I've witnessed defeat
I will not relinquish
What hides in my soul
I've lived a full life
I am my saviour
And because of you
Lead me on and you lied
I'll die on this cross
In pain, crucified

- XsTatiC [T$i]

Silent Insanity

Living Waiting
Silent Contemplating
Forever Fearing
Calm Enduring
Thinking Madly
Crying Sadly
These are the ways you see
Of Silent Insanity

-Mutilatír [tSL]

Begining of Death

it is the begining of the end
my friend, my friend
but do not fear
though the end is near
for death has just begun.

-Mutilatír [tSL]

Two Sides to Every Story

The Antichrist and Jesus walk had in hand
Yet neither knows the other exists
One side of my mind is in a bind
and about to commit an evil crime...
Violent rumors in my head may cost me my life
Incipient thoughts steal my soul
I'm having a nightmare, my head is a hole
Buying time that has already passed
Nothing matters now, I/It has made up our mind
A comforting confusion steals over me
Strapped to a bed, but oh how my mind wanders...
We are so far gone that reality is surreal
They mindfuck inside my head, but which one is me?
He is dementia, and he has come to make me pay
Pay with my sanity, beg for disillusionment
Cry for pain, live for hatred...
And die for him.

Deadhead [T$i prez] [tSL]


ÝÛÞúùþ-Credit for Everyone!-þùúÝÛÞ

Credit Card Fraud

by Deadhead [T$i prez] [tSL]

This text is for informational purposes only <snicker>...

Welp, at times, money can be hard to come by, we all know this...
Would you like to make some money? Hmmmm....okay well your not exactly
>making< it, but this is even better. Unfortunately, there is only one
requirement: you must live in the southern half of the United States.
Now, the reason you have to live in the southern United States is
because a wonderful company called Chevron Oil Company almost monopolizes
the gas industry there. This is where you come in; yes, you, the one
vacantly staring at this screen; get off your ass, go to Chevron, pick up
a Chevron Gas Credit Card application. This worked magic for me. Unless
you are a total LaMEr, or you don't follow these instructions, or both,
it will work for you too.

Follow My Footsteps to a Great Credit Fraud!

When I lived in Tampa, FL with my fiance, I was a bit pressed for
money. We needed to get to Phoenix AZ, and fast. So, one fine day after
paying for gas at Chevron, I picked up an application for a credit card.
I lied on the application, falsified information, made it look like I was a
responsible upstanding citizen, and sent it in. Within two weeks, I had a
a letter of response with two credit cards (even one for my fiance!) "Dear
Mr. Deadhead," it said, "We were unable to retrieve much information on
your credit history. Therefore, we are giving you the benefit of the doubt,
and you now have a $200.00 credit limit." Phoenix, here we come!!! And
you know what it cost me? About 5 minutes of filling out an application.

Here's How You Can Do It:

Okay, first of all, you need the application. If you haven't figured
that out yet, stop reading now and shoot yourself. You are too fucking
stupid to continue.
Cool; you have the application now (or you are bleeding profusely
on your keyboard). The next step is to get a little information about
someone; this can be a neighbor, an ex-girlfriend, or Bob Retard. Whoever
it is, you are bringing them much bad credit, so choose carefully. The
single most important piece of information you will need is their social
security number.
You do need to spell their name correctly also, and the rest you can
basically make up. I would recommend that you put an age of at least
nineteen or twenty for this to work. It will also ask what profession you
are in, what bank you have an account at (this hardly matters...use the
name of your local bank). The whole idea is to make this look serious and
professional. No company is going to send you cards with a $200.00 credit
limit if they think that you will fuck them around. Send in the application.
They will almost definitly respond to you with the card(s). Once, you have
the cards, you can drive 2200 miles for free like I did, eating along the
way (I even stopped in Mexico on the way to Phoenix), and there are a great
many Chevron Gas Stations that are huge stores...we stopped at one that was a
fuckin >jewelry< store in New Mexico. If you wanted the cash, that would
be the way. Or sell gas to your friends. Here's a your
bills for a month or two, and they will raise your credit limit! Then you
can really phuck them over...I don't care. Just have a good time with it.
You deserve it if they are stupid enough to send it to you.

Credit Card Fraud: Be Careful, But Don't Worry

Welp, you have taken your roadtrip, or sold diamonds, or gas, etc. and
you are sitting at home looking through the mail when...wait...what's this?
It's a billing statement! You need not worry...throw it away or keep it for
memories. Although the card is comming to your address, it is not in your
name. They certainly will not send someone to your house, for I have checked
into this extensively. They will just send a bad credit report to whoever
you put on the card. Credit is directly related to your social securty number
and name. Just don't be obvious about it, and don't give them any information
as to how they can contact you except by mail. I hope you rip the shit out
of Chevron...have phun and happy frauding!


³þÞ\³/Ý WPRI - Pirate Radio Informer Þ\³/Ýþ³
³ÛÛ-ù-Ý A "How-To" on pirate radio Þ-ù-ÛÛ³
³þÞ/³\Ý (Part One - Introduction) Þ/³\Ýþ³

I'd like to start by introducing everyone to wonderful world of pirate
radio!!! This first installment of "WPRI" is basically just an introduction
and a short note to let you know what to expect in future installments of

Ever hear a pirate radio station or watch "Pump Up the Volume" and wonder
"How hard would it be to actually do that?" The answer is, "Not very hard at
all!!!" All you need is some general knowledge of electronics and someone to
guide the way. Well, I know you have the later of the two cuz here I am! I'm
going to teach the willing how to build and operate their own pirate radio
station. Sound cool? Well, read on...

This will cost a lil bit of money, but, Hey? who cares? You'll be able
to play ANYTHING and say ANYTHING you want over the airwaves!!! Since you are
on the air illegally, does it matter if you break a few more rules? NOT!!!
Just like Christian Slater said in PUtV, "So be it." But if you get caught,
yer on yer own thier, but I will include some pointers on what to do if you
are unfortunate in the last installment.

If you are wondering, "Does this guy know what he's talking about?" The
answer is "Yes". I've done this before in Austin, TX (Anyone remember KRUP?
"Corrupt Radio"?) and I will once again be building this with you
step-by-step and going on the air (as WPRI of coarse!) as soon as it's
compleated. I will be giving instructions on creating a simple (but
functional) 2,500 watt station. You can make it any size just buy "aquireing"
a larger (or smaller) transmitter.

And, of coarse I will want everyone who successfully goes on the air to
somehow get me a copy of yer freq. and playlist and will keep everyone
informed on who's going on where. (Basically, so that this department doesn't
die!) You can also submit nfo on shortwave stations that you hear and I'll
print them too.

Well, not that you've gotten to know me, I'll end this installment so
that I can get this issue out and have something meaningfull in the next.

-IamXTC [tSL] [T$i]


||º³úHacksaw's Worldú³º||

Seriously Screwed Up

By Hacksaw

One evening, about three nights ago... I found myself sitting in a
lonely restaraunt with an equally lonely crowd. People huddling over their
coffee, eating the shit that they call "Breakfast at midnight". If you ask
me, it looks a little bit more like slop on a plate. Cigarettes were burning
down to the filter, leaving an eerie smoke in the air. The waitress was
smacking her fat lips on an over-chewed piece of bubble gum that wreaked
of artifial flavors. I looked up at the clock and noted that it was a
quarter-till midnight.

Looking around the room, I noticed several people entering the
building, drunk off their ass, obviously not caring how they looked, and
obviously, having a better time than I. What did it matter to me? I was
pondering a deep thought, completely entranced by the beauty of being a
single man... No bitch to tell me when to get my ass in the house, no bitch
to call every night, no bitch... No bitch. Then when I realized that indeed, I
was "seeing" this woman, a truely fine woman at that... I slapped myself
across the face for forgetting to call her.

I stepped to the phone booth and deposited my second-to-last
quarter into the dirty, disgusting coin slot. Fingerprints from the previous
user were left on the buttons, and without a doubt in my mind, I could
make out the phone number dialed. Rather than being an asshole, and
pranking this poor individual, I dialed the phone number of the originally
intended person. When the voice echoed like the ringing in my ears after a
Nine Inch Nails concert, I immediatly responded by shreiking a cigarette
charred voice, "Hi, it's me." The strange familiar voice talked back to me.
This voice pursuaded me to use my imagination in ways that I hadn't in
two weeks... I thought about a fun night with a bed. Memories flew back in
my mind like the aftertaste of Bud Light. This was not a good time to talk
about sex because she of all people, including myself, was horny as hell.
Yet, for some mysterious reason, sex is what we were both thinking about.

I promised to smoke my last cigarette and finish off the ghastly
coffee in my mug, and head over to her house. Upon arrival, I found a
scarcely dressed figure greet me at the door. In an inviting movement, she
signaled that it wasn't against the law to walk through the door. I entered
her humble domain.

Although sex was on the minds of both of us, it was not brought up
until I mentioned how beautiful she looked this evening. She was in fact
the most beautiful woman I had ever touched. Her lips seemed like the
right thing to contact... They were. Lips lead to thieghs, thieghs lead to
breasts... Breasts... Brea--... Bud Light. It's quite funny... I hadn't been
drinking in over a month, so I said to myself, "Go for it man, what have
you got to lose. You have nothing left and your life sucks."

I woke up the next morning with a pair of pantyhose attached to my
shlong, some lipstick-imprinted lips on my cheeks, and some champaign
poured in my shoes. Motion lotion was rubbed on her arm, and she said that
she couldn't walk. I felt like pure shit. I looked around the cluttered room
and discovered that this was the same room that I entered last night...
Last night. I left my lighter at the restaraunt... Damn. I needed a cigerette.
I grabbed one out of my coat pocket after finding my underwear and pants...
Quickly ran to the stove, fired up the burner, and stuck that cigarette into
the blue-yellow flame until it was perfectly lit, burning the tobacco with
every joule of energy. This was in fact the most seriously screwed up
night I had experianced since Clinton was elected president.

What is the moral of this story, you might ask? There is no moral,
just one last word of advice... Don't leave your lighter at a restaraunt with
fat waitresses and filthy telephones.

Mentally yours,
Hacksaw [T$i] [tSL]


³³ùParting Thoughtsù³³

Well, here we are again. The end of another issue of tSL. >sigh< It was
alot of fun chasing everyone around for thier submissions but hey, I get to
start all over again for issue 5! I do have some closing news though...

úù> Pay-No-Mind is no longer running and WHQ has been transfered to
Visual Distortion. The number is located in the included list. That
means that the position of CeNTRaL HQ is now available. If you wish
to become a SiTE or HQ then leave mail to me on V.D. or any SiTE. I
no longer have that InterNet acs due to PNM going down. This is the
only way to reach me.

úù> Speed HAS returned for issue 4 as you can tell, and tells me that
he will do his best to submit for every article, but I understand that
iDENTiTY is his first priority so enjoi his work if it's here, if not..
then get the new iDENTiTY pack!!!

úù> iDENTiTY has released thier first pack and it DID kick ass!!! Good
job guys! Keep the quality up for the rest of the packs though, don't
get lazy, like so many other groups, just cuz you got yer name out
there! >Bow to all iDENTiTY members< (BTW, This is NOT an ass kissing!
You guys are on the cutting edge of groups and you desirve the credit!)

úù> You'll notice alot of new members showing up in the next issue and
I think that I've got everyone I need. Although, if you submit
something truly extrodinary, I'll include it as a guest writter.

úù> Now that I've got more time on my hands, I'm going to try and
release an issue every other week. That is, if my writers can handle
it! Also, I will probally start adding an original .MOD file in each
issue by a MOD writer yet to be determined.

úù> But most of all....Thanks go out to Malicious Intent of iDENTiTY!!!
For helping me with my questions and allowing Cell Block 4 to become
an 8i5 SiTE. I hope that now, tSL can get around the states like I
hoped for from the start...At least now I have something worth

úù> Read the TSL_SITE.NFO!!!!!!!

Until next issue, have phun and u/l this everywhere!!!!

-IamXTC [tSL] [T$i]

úùþ This issue is 25,894 bytes in length! þùú

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