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Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol 03 Issue 30

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Published in 
Scandinavian Indie Digest
 · 5 years ago


Scandinavian Indie Digest Tue Jun 25, 1996 Volume 3 : Issue 30

There are 45 messages totalling 1249 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

1. Finnish Tape: thoughts and expressions
2. Hultsfred
3. Sin's Music on the Radio [24-Jun-96] (2)
4. To The one with Tape #3 Right Now!
5. Monostar
7. UK/US Indie Lists
8. Gus Gus
9. Doris Days
10. Scandinavian Music in Hong Kong
11. Sive
12. Tape #3 - Group Information
13. Sin's Music on the Radio (4)
14. Oops.. that guy in Canada...
15. Tape #3 - Last People on the chain list
16. Swedish tape
17. red sleeping beauty (2)
18. Silver Bullet
19. Tape #3 - another newcomer to the list
20. Swedish Tape Chain (2)
21. Smashing Pumpkins P} Melody/Hovet? (2)
22. HendriX
23. Mazzy Star (non-SCAN)
24. Review: New Eggstone single
25. Tape #3 - another addition
26. Sin's Music on the TV [14-Jun-96]
27. Jocke on "Nattoppet"
28. ticket to roskilde for sale
29. A Presentation
30. Luck in Record Store
31. The Cardigans in L.A.
32. Non-Scan: Mazzy Star
33. Cardigans live on the radio
34. Help!!!
35. Tallin Rock Summer (2)
36. Sin's Non-Scandinavian Demo Reviews [June (1/2) 1996]
37. Sin's Demo Reviews [June (1/2) 1996]


Date: Mon, 10 Jun 1996 17:01:04 +0200
From: Ulf Harnhammar <>
Subject: Finnish Tape: thoughts and expressions

It's Monday afternoon, and Ulf is home from work 'cause he doesn't feel too
well. To cheer me up, I decided that it was time to listen to and copy the
Finnish Indie Tape that had arrived in my mailbox a few days earlier.

Ulf is a pretty busy young man, so now I'll do something which is never a very
good idea: I'll state an opinion about some songs after only having heard them

I like the Finnish tape. My favourite songs on it so far are those performed
by Kitchen Sink, Poverty Stinks, Aknestik, Laika & The Cosmonauts, Good Evening
Manchester, Cessna and The Bee Meeting. Shadowplay has a cool singer and a
really good intro, but the song itself didn't make a huge impact on me on the
first listen. Coo sounds like Finland's Pearl Jam copies, which is not the way
to reach into my heart.

I had heard some of the names of those groups before and in a few cases one or
two songs (or even more, in the sole case of Poverty Stinks), but this music
gets very little attention in Swedish media, so you have to really look out for
it and do a lot of work yourself if you want to live in Sweden and still keep
up with the Finnish scene.

But it seems to be a good music scene, with a lot of diversity. And perhaps
there's slightly less copying of ideas directly from English bands if we com-
pare with the Swedish pop scene. This will be probably sound very prejudiced,
but I think that some of the bands on this tape kind of captures the Finnish
national character on CD really accurately (consciously or unconsciously).

To sum it up: the northern lights DO shine bright. Indeed.

Now I'll log onto the ABC club and send this mail to all you people, and then
I'll go to the real world post office and mail the tape off to Marten, who is
the next person to be chained.



Date: Mon, 10 Jun 96 17:37:57 +0200
From: (Marten Sahlen)
Subject: Hultsfred

Just curious... how many on the list are going to Hultsfred this year?
I'll stay at the youth hostel in Mariannelund, and I'll certainly not
miss the camping area.

The program is set now, check it out on
Damn, there will be some clashes... like Sanctum and Bjork already on Thursday
night. Oh well...

Looking forward to get the Finnish tape from Ulf, but I won't have time
to listen to it until I get back from Hultsfred.


Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 00:32:24 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Sin's Music on the Radio [24-Jun-96]

Scandinavian Indie MUSIC ON THE RADIO Scandinavian Indie

June 24th -> June 30th

Day Date Artist Recorded
--- ----- ------------------------------------ -----------------------------
Mon 24/6 Toto Lulea, Delfinen 03-Feb-96
Tue 25/6 Four Men & a Dog 1996
Wed 26/6 Mayomi, Big Knoah (R) Sundsvall, Karen 30-Sep-95
Thu 27/6 From the Hultsfred Festival Hultsfred, Live
Sun 30/6 Tambureens, Kurten, Smooth & Greedy Kronoberg, Live

This list covers the Swedish National Channel P3's "Live" - always at 21.03
(R) = Rerun
This list is also available on the Scandinavian Indie WWW pages

//Erik (


Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 10:55:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: Chris Forsberg <>
Subject: Re: Sin's Music on the Radio [24-Jun-96]

On Tue, 11 Jun 1996 wrote:

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Scandinavian Indie MUSIC ON THE RADIO Scandinavian Indie
> June 24th -> June 30th
> Day Date Artist Recorded
> --- ----- ------------------------------------ -----------------------------
> Thu 27/6 From the Hultsfred Festival Hultsfred, Live

IMPORTANT QUESTION: Is there anyone planning on taping any of this??? Cos
I would LOVE to get the live Bjork, and probalby a few other bands as
well. Anyone? Anyone??



Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 00:09:48 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: To The one with Tape #3 Right Now!

Okay, could the person who's got the Swedish Indie Tape (#3) please add
the guy below to the address list that is sent with the tape. Add him
as number 31 (that is, last on the list). Thanks!

//Erik (

------------------------------- info to add --------------------------------

Marc Xavier LeBlanc
15 Gaston crescent
Moncton, New Brunswick
E1A 5A2



Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 00:10:52 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Re: Monostar

On Fri, 24 May 1996, (Jan Sundstrom) wrote:

>>> Hey! Anyone joining me at Tanto (Stockholm) tonight for the Monostar gig.
>>> I can't remember, but someone told me they were good... ;)
>>I would have if I had known about it about a day earlier. :-(
>>How was it?
> OK, they're four young indie guys, i think the singer is from Gotland ;)

Heh heh, of course he is. _All_ of them are from Gotland, except Carl
Silver (I think) on bass. Actually, some of you might remember me posting
a great deal about them when they were called Midnight Moses, as I am
from Gotland myself, and this band was/is the only band from the island
worth listening to - not to mention that they are all friends of mine. :-)

> Anyway, they played some melancholic but still powerful indie, guitars
> somewhere between Catherine Wheel and Slowdive, some of the melodies are
> Oasis but played in minor chords.

Whoa! They must have changed drastically since May 6th when I saw them
last in Visby! They have _never_ had a Catherine Wheel / Slowdive / Oasis
sound before. I remember someone who saw them in Stockholm last year
said they were "boring" and Ludde compared them to Bruce Springsteen/U2
on this mailing list, and that is the most common comparison I hear,
though I don't quite agree with that myself. U2 okay but not Springsteen.
They have actually appeared kind of often in the "Selected News" lists
this year as well (next band to be signed by EMI etc etc.)

//Erik (


Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 00:10:13 +0200 (MET DST)


My Internet provider "Lysator" is moving their equipment around the last
week of JUNE - that's right, in about two weeks. This means the following:

1. All email sent to me or any of the mailing lists at Lysator will _not_
be distributed (not to me, or the mailing lists) before Lysator is back
up again at their new location.

2. All email sent to me or any of the mailing lists at Lysator will be
_saved_ on another server, and held there until Lysator is back up
again at their new location - and _then_ distributed (to me and to
the mailing lists).

3. This means that there are no problems sending mail to me or to the
lists, only that a slight delay (only a couple of days, I hope) will
occur before the mail is distributed.

4. I guess we all will notice when this happens, and when everything is
back up again (can you say "flooded mailboxes"...)

Oh and the WWW servers will of course also be down during this time.

Stay tuned...
//Erik (


Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 00:10:33 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Re: UK/US Indie Lists

On Fri, 24 May 1996, (Jan Sundstrom) wrote:

>> Does any1 know address of uk-indie mailing digest ???
> Mngr: **ana** <>

Ana said about a week before this was posted that he/she would not be
there to add/remove people to/from the UK-Indie list from about the
middle of May, so I think one will have to look elsewhere. Where I
don't know, but a good idea would probably be to post a question about
it to the UK-Indie mailing list directly (at: if my
memory serves me right.

//Erik (


Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 00:11:08 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Gus Gus

Some news about the Icelandic group "Gus Gus" signed by 4AD (taken from
the 4AD-L mailing list):

> GUS GUS, new signings from Iceland, are still very new to 4AD so it
> should be expected that an actual first release from them will be a
> little further down the road. We'll just have to be patient on this one!
> A promo 12" was scheduled to be issued but tracks have yet to be
> decided. Also, one 4AD release schedule DID mention a September
> release date for their 4AD debut album but that was not confirmed in
> my conversation with the label staffer.

I have still to go through the Blue-Eyed Pop mailing list digests to find
out more about this band though...

//Erik (


Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 00:11:29 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Re: Doris Days

On Wed, 29 May 1996, (Bo Stefan Lundquist) wrote:

> The debutalbum "
Live in Poland" by Doris Days from Stockholm is now
> recorded and will be realesed in September.

Any chance of getting some more information about Doris Days? I have
never heard them, and am of course interested in what they sound like,
who the members are, if there are any singles/demos/promos out that
one might find somewhere?

//Erik (


Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 00:11:54 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Re: Scandinavian Music in Hong Kong

On Wed, 29 May 1996, Joakim Naeslund <> wrote:

> A short report about Swedish indie abroad. Under my visit in Indonesia
> I heard both Wannadies and This Perfect Day on the radio. But I didn't
> find any releases in the record stores. On my way home I picked up two
> Wannadies singles in Hong Kong I had not seen before.
> The Wannadies - You and me song (Indolent records) BMG

This one is the UK release (I think it is the second version released
there) that was released on April 8th.

> The Wannadies - How Does It Feel ? (Indolent records) BMG

That is the second UK release of the "
How Does It Feel" CD5
(both versions, one +3 and this one +4, released on February 22nd)
I believe.

Just being informative...
//Erik (


Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 00:12:10 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Re: Sive

On Thu, 30 May 1996, Martin Eksten <> wrote:

> Bob Hund; Mejeriet, Lund, Sweden; May 28, 1996
> A band called Sive opened for them. They only played about five songs, but
> sounded quite ok to me (though my friends thought they really sucked).

Your friends have an extremely good taste when it comes to music. :-)
When they played here together with Busty, most of the audience went
into a state of shock, or just stood there with their mouths open,
probably as amazed as me to how bad it did sound. The girl on bass was
extremely friendly and nice though, but I realise that that has nothing
to do with their sound. :-)

and on Thu, 30 May 96 03:06:19, replied:

> Yeah, your friends were right indeed. Pathetic! As Sound Affects put it in
> their latest issue (#30): "
As a really lousy Bob Hund, but in Stockholmish.
> And then I mean REALLY lousy. 1 out of 5 stars. "

When I read that I couldn't help but laugh. It is such a good review, and
probably one of the first I agree with (when it comes to Ninni).

> The fact that EMI picked them up is worth to mention, don't you think!?
> When will Magnus Nygren (A&R) learn about life???

Yes that fact is certainly worth noticing. I talked to Magnus (he was with
them here in Linkoping), but he seemed to be a very nice young man actually,
so I wonder if it is his "

//Erik (


Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 09:04:03 +0200
From: (Jan Sundstrom)
Subject: Re: Tape #3 - Group Information

>Fireside - "
Al Tonno Q" is taken from the AWSF compilation CD "We're All
>Part Of A Family" released 1994.

I recently found this comp. at Ginza mailorder for 29 SEK ($4), excellent
buy, considering it contains 21 tracks, all by swedish indie bands.

Jan Sundstrom


Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 23:10:04 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: re: Sin's Music on the Radio

On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Chris Forsberg <> wrote:

>> Thu 27/6 From the Hultsfred Festival Hultsfred, Live
> IMPORTANT QUESTION: Is there anyone planning on taping any of this??? Cos
> I would LOVE to get the live Bjork, and probalby a few other bands as
> well. Anyone? Anyone??

I will probably tape it - I will listen to it at least, but if you want me
to tape it, I will. :-)

//Erik (


Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 23:10:21 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Oops.. that guy in Canada...

Oops - about that guy in Canada I asked the one with the tape to add to the
chain, please change his Email address to:

//Erik (


Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 21:10:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Scott Carpenter <>
Subject: Tape #3 - Last People on the chain list

>If you want to be added or removed from now on - please send your request
>to the mailing list ( - and the person who's
>got the tape currently can make the changes to the list that is sent with
>the tape.

Damn you guys are organized! I'm amazed! I like the web site.
I would very much like to be added to the chain. I'm not on the sin
list, but I just read a digest. I'm in the US so I should be added at
the end of the chain, I think.

Scott Carpenter
5240 38th Ave NE
Seattle WA 98105

PS you can trust me-I have traded with my pals :) Albert S. and Chris F.


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 14:29:47 +0300 (EET DST)
From: (Kimmo Saaskilahti)
Subject: Re: Swedish tape

* The list of what is on the Scandinavian Indie Tape #3 - Swedish Indie:

And it looks great! Can't wait to get to hear this...but I'll have to

* Artist/Group Song Length Label
* Red Sleeping Beauty Stay (2.01) -none-

* Please note that the labels listed are the labels the bands are signed to
* now, and perhaps not when the song was recorded/released

Yes, RSB aren't signed per se to any label (as far as I know, which
isn't always that far...), but in case somebody is interested the
above mentioned song was released on the US label Grimsey, if memory
serves. Correct me if I'm wrong, I forgot to check this...

back from the north


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 15:40:37 +0200
From: (toby)
Subject: red sleeping beauty

ok i'll spill some beans...

it looks like red sleeping beauty are signed to the spanish popsters at
siesta nowadays, anyway rsb are going to record a fullength for siesta
which is set as a fall release (probably). but as usual, things do happen
and i wouldn't be too surprised to see red sleeping beauty releases on
different labels in the future. as it should be in the indie-world....

see ya..


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 18:43:52 +0200
From: (Jan Sundstrom)
Subject: re: Sin's Music on the Radio

>On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Chris Forsberg <> wrote:
>>> Thu 27/6 From the Hultsfred Festival Hultsfred, Live

There's live broadcast all of the days during the festiv. I listened to a
bit today, but i had no time to standby for all the hours...

I don't know what they'll be sending, but normally there's some exclusive
stuff that they don't reprise.

Jan Sundstrom


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 18:48:28 +0200
From: (Jan Sundstrom)
Subject: Silver Bullet

OK, SB are playing tonight at Hyndans Horna, Gamla Stan Stockholm. Sorry
for the late note, but i just saw it yesterday.

I might be there, wearing a white hooded Front 242 sweater.

See ya
Jan Sundstrom


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 19:03:50 +0200
From: Robert Cumming <>
Subject: re: Sin's Music on the Radio (Jan Sundstrom) writes:
> >>> Thu 27/6 From the Hultsfred Festival Hultsfred, Live
> There's live broadcast all of the days during the festiv. I listened to a
> bit today, but i had no time to standby for all the hours...

And there's going to be continuously updated reportage from Hultsfred
on Dagens Nyheter's web-pages. Check

Robert, just updated his music pages btw...


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 23:45:58 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Tape #3 - another newcomer to the list

Phew... well, could the one with the Swedish Tape add this guy below
to the list (last of course) - Thanks!

32. Alcides H. Junior
R. Itajai, 58 - Jd. Platina
06270-000 - Osasco/SP

//Erik (


Date: Thu, 13 Jun 1996 23:52:23 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Swedish Tape Chain

By the way... who's got the tape right now? Any progress?

//Erik (


Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 00:49:11 -0500
From: Erik Rosenlund <>
Subject: Smashing Pumpkins P} Melody/Hovet?


Jag letar som en galning efter Smashing pumpkins konserter ifr}n
Lund 1992, Melody 1993, Hovet 1996 p} band.
Jag vet att Melody konserten gick p} radion, Om nu n}gon har
den och kan s{lja/byta en kopia till mig vore jag tacksam.

Tack p} f|rhand

Erik Rosenlund


Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 08:31:21 +0200
From: (toby)
Subject: red sleeping beauty

ok i'll spill some beans...

it looks like red sleeping beauty are signed to the spanish popsters at
siesta nowadays, anyway rsb are going to record a fullength for siesta
which is set as a fall release (probably). but as usual, things do happen
and i wouldn't be too surprised to see red sleeping beauty releases on
different labels in the future. as it should be in the indie-world....

see ya..


Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 11:55:22 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Roberts Galvans <>
Subject: re: Sin's Music on the Radio


> "
All i wanna say is that
> they don't really care about us" guess who? :) - ''

Fucker Jackson.....
I guess :)



Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 11:57:07 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Roberts Galvans <>
Subject: Re: Swedish Tape Chain


> By the way... who's got the tape right now? Any progress?

I wanna know it too ...... :)



Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 12:01:15 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Roberts Galvans <>
Subject: Re: Smashing Pumpkins P} Melody/Hovet?

Hullo !!

Quite interesting,but I can`t uderstand anything :))

May B we`ll keep this mailin' list more international.... I mean to write
in English ....



Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 12:27:05 +0200 (METDST)
From: P{r H{ggblad <>
Subject: HendriX

I just wantet to say that there is going to be a Jimi Hendrix
documentary on TV4 23.55 SAT. This is ofcours a message to
all peolpe that can tunin TV4 in SWEDEN.

Pop on.


Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 17:32:14 +0200
From: (Jan Sundstrom)
Subject: Mazzy Star (non-SCAN)

Umm, sorry to tell you but the Mazzy Star gig in Sthlm is cancelled. Don't
know why. Are they still playing in Roskilde, or any other scandinavian

Jan Sundstrom


Date: Sat, 15 Jun 1996 00:58:10 -0700
From: (Henrik Engstroem) (by way of
Subject: Review: New Eggstone single

I'm surprised that no one on Scan-Indie has mentioned this yet. Here's
Henrik's post, redirected from the Indie-pop list. We'll forget about my
response for the moment. But I do have a question. Does anyone know if
this is really Eggstone's new direction? After all, these songs were
actually released at the end of '94 in Japan on a Trattoria compilation. I
thought that Eggstone were continuing to succumb to the rocker tendencies
of Sommersault.


* * * * * * * *

Yep. The first sign of life from Sweden's finest pop connaisseurs since the
rocky Somersault album. What could one possibly expect?

A few months ago, the band had completed recordings of what might have
become their third album. But, as I dutifully reported from deep inside,
they weren't happy with it, and scrapped most of the recordings made. Now,
however, they are finished and the album will surface in Autumn. This
single, "
Summer and looking for a job"/"Brass" is the summery taster.

And it is a taster made for summer, indeed. Laid-back, breezy, strumming
accoustic guitars, horns supporting in the background, this single brings
back the feel of Shooting Time and the In San Diego album rather than
Somersault. It is unmistakeably Eggstone. It's nice. As my friend in the
record shop called it, a real lemonade drinker, perfect for the garden.

But, risking to permanent my reputation for being a whining old fart always
putting things down, reality is still there after 3 minutes and 40 seconds
later. The magic never quite enters. "
Summer..." could be called flat in
all its niceness. Not much of a hook. Stroll-along-music. It's, in short, a
light weight. And the fact that it's being released now, in the early
summer, brings up suggestions of speculation. It does sound awfully
summery, almost like you'd expect a summer song to sound. And I never did
like songs that brings shivers of calculation.

On the other hand, I'm being unfair. "
Summer..." is classic Eggstone, which
is always good, and I suppose that if they would like to they could make a
lot poppier songs than this. Just to get a hit ie. Perhaps I should keep my
conspirational theories to myself.

The B-side, "
Brass", might very well be a rerecording of the "Italian
Brass" song released in Japan. Alexander will have to bring light on this
matter. Anyway it's....nice.

But, and this is reason enough to buy this single, the sleeve is gorgeous!
Not the imagery, which is a rather plain photo, but the paper. Remember
those old eps, 45 rpm, that you find when visiting your grandparents'
record collection? The shiny, laminated ones? The Eggstone single is the
first CDs I have seen with that kind of gloss. Beauty is too weak a word.

By the way, the Monochrome Set home page now features an almost complete
set of lyrics. Get a glimpse of the outstanding wit at this URL:



Date: Sun, 16 Jun 1996 01:20:32 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Tape #3 - another addition

In a neverending stream they come.. :-) Anyway, could the person currently
holding the Scandinavian Indie - Swedish Indie tape add the following to
the list that is sent with the tape:

34. Olli Sotamaa
Pyhajarvenkatu 6 D 86
33200 Tampere
Email: <>

I hope everything is correct on that list now by the way.. we have added
four people since it was sent out.. could the person holding the tape
contact me please? Thanks!

//Erik (


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 1996 01:21:02 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Sin's Music on the TV [14-Jun-96]

Scandinavian Indie MUSIC ON THE TV Scandinavian Indie

June 14th -> June 20th

Day Date Artist/What TV Program Channel Time
--- ----- ---------------------- ------------------- ----------- -----
Fri 14/6 -
Sat 15/6 Denis Leary Unplugged MTV Europe 22.30 R
Bj|rk Unplugged MTV Europe 23.00 R
Bad Religion Artist ZTV 00.40 R
Sun 16/6 -
Mon 17/6 -
Tue 18/6 Alternative Nation Alternative Nation MTV Europe 00.00
Wed 19/6 West Side Jocke Natt|ppet SVT 2 22.10
Bj|rk Unplugged MTV Europe 00.00 R
Thu 20/6 West Side Jocke Natt|ppet SVT 1 16.55 R

R = Rerun

This list is also available on the Scandinavian Indie WWW pages

//Erik (


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 1996 01:21:21 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Jocke on "

I hope you all noted that Joakim Wallstr|m (Jocke) (the owner of
A West Side Fabrication) is a guest on the TV program "
on wednesday next week. He will be there together with Stuart Ward
from Export Music Sweden (and others) to discuss the swedish music

//Erik (


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996 14:05:09 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Per L}ngstr|m <>
Subject: ticket to roskilde for sale

although a few good bands are comming to roskilde this year (sebadoh,
tortoise, jesus lizard, spain, silkworm (maybe) etc) i am not planning on
going. the problem is that i am sitting on a ticket that i have no real
interest in so now i am wondering if any one of you would like to be
interested in buying it. i am not out trying to make a profit on selling
the ticket, but if there are two or more people interested in getting in,
the higher bidder gets it. so if you are interested, simply mail me and
we'll work something out, ok?

per <>

ps. and as for scan-indie content: the new starmarket ep is good.


Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996 15:08:31 +0200
From: Jonas <>
Subject: A Presentation


I've just joined this list and I've been asked to do a brief presentation
So here goes..

My name is Jonas and from Falun/Sweden and right now I'm unemployed.
I'm a hardcore Sebadoh(and all related projects)fan but I also think The
Mountain goats, Franklin Bruno, Pavement, Beat happening(and the rest of
Calvins projects on K-records)are something everybody should experience.

Well thats enough I think, but I could mention that I've singed up for a
being a host of a Sebadoh Release party(here in my parentshome in Falun)for
their new record "
Harmacy" but I'm not sure if it will happend, but if this
is something you would like to attend you could always mail me and I will
keep you informed.
Oh I almost forgot if you or your friend has made some Kassett/Demotape mail
me and I will se if its something I would like to buy, Why you might wonder,
well I've started a demolibrary and I would like something to put there, and
if you're lookin for some band you could mail me and I will see if a can
find or if I have any tape with them. This letter is to long.......

Bye jonas.

|Jonas Linden
|Fagar|v{gen 6
|791 53 Falun
|Sweden Please visit my DemotapeHomepage
|+46-(0)23-26861 Http://


Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 00:23:26 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Luck in Record Store

I just have to tell everyone that I accidentally stumbled into a record
store on Gotland (the island almost between the swedish mainland and
the Baltic countries), where I am from originally, and where I have never
found anything worth mentioning (except a Charlatans import once) and
what did I find now you ask?

Daybehaviour - "
Cinematic" CD5 (NONS)
Daybehaviour - "
Hello" CD5 (NONS)
Milky - "
Love" CD5 (The Record Station)
Punnet - "
The Way Things Are" CD5 (Ginko)
The Wannadies - "
Might Be Stars EP" CD5 (Soap) (w/the Depeche Mode covers)

all for 5 SEK each....

And if that wasn't enough, I also found the Soap sampler "
Now I'm Home"
for 75 SEK ( so I have Eggstone's "
My Trumpets" now.. :-)).

Though the people working there had not even heard about the latest
A West Side Fabrication compilation CD "
Give Ear!" - anyone get this yet?
It is worth every penny just for the Backfish (yes, the spelling has
changed - check the next Selected News for the .. short story) and
Carpe Wade songs!

This is going to be a great summer!

//Erik (

I smoke Lucky Strikes" - Eggstone


Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 01:52:45 -0700
From: Christer Nilsson <cnilsson@binky.ICS.UCI.EDU>
Subject: The Cardigans in L.A.

A little report from The Cardigans' trip to the states:

The El Rey theatre was packed when The Cardigans went up on stage after
the openers Papas Fritas and Sugarplastic. The guest list was big and fat,
a LOT of industry people. Still, the audience was really into it and the
venue is not that small, so it was a pretty cool thing. The Cardigans have
been embraced by L.A.'s biggest public radio station KCRW, they had a dj
introduce them (and this morning they are doing their first American live
radio performance there). They put up a solid, professional performance
and got the most cheers and dancing when playing Carnival and Rise and Shine.
The guitarist (Svensson?, man does this guy has nice equipment or what?)
was all punk jumping around and the bass player(?) tried hard to look
cool. Nina stole most of the attention though with a daisy-patterned
skirt and a black top kind-of-thing.

The Cardigans are doing really well here, their albums are on display
at places like Tower and Virgin and they get some airplay here and there.
The El Rey concert sold out really quick, but I guess a lot of tickets
went to industry people.



Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 15:54:38 +0200
From: (Jan Sundstrom)
Subject: Non-Scan: Mazzy Star


>Svar forts. : Hela Europaturn=E9n =E4r inst=E4lld.

Sad news, the whole European tour is cancelled... :(

Jan Sundstrom


Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 14:16:25 -0700
From: Christer Nilsson <cnilsson@broadway.ICS.UCI.EDU>
Subject: Cardigans live on the radio

The Cardigans played three songs live on the show `Morning becomes
Eclectic' on KCRW, Santa Monica thia morning. It was their live radio
debut in the United States. They sounded fine and the band mentioned
that their new album is recorded but they still have some mixing to do.
It's scheduled to come out in Europe in September.

Oh yeah, a Swedish television crew was at the studio filming the
radio thing, so keep your eyes open for that one.



Date: Wed, 19 Jun 96 01:03:46 +0100
From: "
Jens Agren" <>
Subject: Help!!!

Anyone who taped Alternative Nation this Tuesday?
I have to have SWALLOW by My Bloody Valentine...

Please help me!

Jens -


Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 13:40:45 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Albert Svan Sigurdsson <>
Subject: Tallin Rock Summer


Can someone tell me when this festival is, how much it costs, what bands
are there, and perhaps some Estonian contact persons that could help
arrange things ? Is there a Rock Summer homepage somewhere ?

Is anyone else from this list going there ?



Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 14:24:34 +0300 (EET DST)
From: Roberts Galvans <>
Subject: Re: Tallin Rock Summer


> Can someone tell me when this festival is, how much it costs, what bands
> are there, and perhaps some Estonian contact persons that could help
> arrange things ? Is there a Rock Summer homepage somewhere ?

Time : 12-14th July

Place: Tallinn and Riga

I can mention bands that would be in Riga (I guess the same will be in

Bands : ZZ Top,Status Q,East 17,Bjork,Midge Ure,Babylon Zoo...
Shaggy*,local Estonian bands*

Price : $45


* - only in Tallinn


Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 04:23:16 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Sin's Non-Scandinavian Demo Reviews [June (1/2) 1996]

Scandinavian Indie NON-SCANDINAVIAN DEMO REVIEWS Scandinavian Indie
June 21st, 1996
by Erik S|derstr|m (
Never paid, always honest."
The Now Defunct Dead Squirrels - "
My First Demo"

* The Now Defunct Dead Squirrels - "
My First Demo", 1996, Time: 14.50
1. Country Love Song
2. Friday Night Alone
3. Drive To Memphis
4. Missing You (The Spleen Song)
5. As Of Yet Untitled Theme Song

Scandinavian Indie Review: This american band is based in Virginia and
according to themselves, play southern rock and countryesque pop. Something
I definitely agree with. They are using an organ (in several ways.. heh),
a fiddle, electric and acoustic guitars and of course, drums. A very
professional demo, I must add, because it doesn't sound like a demo at all.

_Country Love Song_ is almost exactly what the title says. A slow, country
beat with a fiddle, an organ and an acoustic guitar make out the country
part. Almost exactly, you now ask? Well, it is because the lyrics do not
really make out a love song in the normal sense. They are more in the
ironic "
I'm glad that it is over" area.

_Friday Night Alone_ starts out with a carnival feeling through the organ,
single guitar and a basic drum beat. When the fiddle joins in, it all moves
towards country again. I have to mention the vocals here though, because it
sounds somewhat like a mix between _J. Mascis_ and _Tom Petty_ - that is to
say that it sounds great!

If you're looking for the track with the most rock sound, then you better
tune in _Drive To Memphis_. I'd say that this is basic rock, actually with
a feeling of _Tom Petty_, not only because of the similar vocals and backing

_Missing You (The Spleen Song)_ actually has a true story behind it
involving an accident and a removal of a spleen! It is actually a love song,
for the lost spleen.. Fiddle, organ, electric guitar and a basic drum beat,
somewhat like before, but it sounds a hell of a lot better than the the rest.
The lyrics sounds so honest, even though it, of course, is ironic, and the
music really sounds worked through. The fiddle fits perfectly together with
the organ, and during the chorus, I'm singing along. This is the best song
on the demo, and of course, my favorite. And it is definitely a radio hit
too. "
I broke my spleen and they took it away, I never knew it anyway.
Now it's gone, what can I say. Guess this wasn't christmas day."

_As Of Yet Untitled Theme Song_ is just a chorus, though it wraps this demo
up pretty good, because, according to the band, they only recorded the chorus
in order to save time (and money).

June 1996 Review by: Erik Soderstrom (

Contact: JAMeS Moore, P.O. Box 5151, Cresaptown, MD 21505, USA

All Demo / Tape reviews are available on the Scandinavian Indie WWW:

//Erik (


Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 04:23:45 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Sin's Demo Reviews [June (1/2) 1996]

Scandinavian Indie DEMO REVIEWS Scandinavian Indie
June 21st, 1996
by Erik S|derstr|m (
Never paid, always honest."
Sandy Lyle - "
Wimbledon" and "Ginger"

* Sandy Lyle - "
Wimbledon", 1995, Time: 07.29
1. Cornflakes (2.43)
2. Mr. Anderson (2.32)
3. Postman (2.14)

Scandinavian Indie Review: I had not heard anything about this band before,
so it was a completely new acquaintance. Wimbledon is their first demo
and when you compare it to their second one, Ginger (that came on the same
tape - see review below), you could tell. The recording is a bit too sharp,
too much treble and not enough bass.

Moving from the recording quality to the songs themselves, I have to say
that I love both _Cornflakes_ and _Mr. Anderson_, but I have a hard time
with _Postman_. Why? Well, _Cornflakes_ starts out with a beautiful wall of
noise. The electric guitars just melt down my brain and make me think of
_Lush_ in the _"
Spooky"_ era or perhaps early _Breeders_, and what's even
better, this wall comes back again and again throughout the song, together
with even more beautiful "
La La Laaaa" duet-vocals from _Anna Graan_ and
one (?) of the male members of the band (though it does not say anywhere
who it is! Tell me!). The pieces between the walls are a bit thin, but
I'd say that it is because of the recording.

_Mr. Anderson_ must have the most addictive drum beat I have heard - I can
not help tapping my feet to it! It has got that _live_ sound that I am in
love with. And the slight stereo-delay on _Anna_'s voice works wonders! Her
voice follows the sharp, yet sometimes fuzzy, electric guitar threads.
Mr. Anderson, he lives by himself, when people asked about his loneliness
he laughs, and says hmm, I like it pretty good." Definitely my favorite on
this demo!

_Postman_ does have those _Lush_ guitars (I'm sorry, but I can't remember
what they're called - steel stringed?) and a drum beat that works together
with them, but it sounds like the vocals have been recorded in somewhat of
a hasty manner, and with that, without feeling. Something both previous songs
have a lot of, which makes them sound like they were made with joy. Not so
here. Even though there is plenty of male-female duet-vocals, it is out of
time sometimes, and perhaps it is because they have so much to say?

Anyway, the first two songs bring this demo to my top five, though I would
love to hear these songs re-recorded with more bass, or live, so tell me when
and where they are playing next, and I'll be there!

June 1996 Review by: Erik S|derstr|m (

Contact: (Rami Nihlawi)


* Sandy Lyle - "
Ginger", 1996, Time: 11.21
1. Lovely (4.11)
2. Waking Up Alone (2.45)
3. Dirge (4.25)

Scandinavian Indie Review: The latest demo from Sandy Lyle reveals a
couple of changes. Starting with the sound quality - it is much better!
Which of course makes me extremely happy because it is not sharp at all,
only very soft and pleasant to listen to. Another thing that strikes me
immediately when listening to the first song, _Lovely_, is that the bass
(_Rami Nihlawi_) has received much more attention. The bass line _is_
the red thread in this song, and I am not sure if I even heard the bass
on their previous demo! I also hear something I believe to be a synthesizer
here, though no one is credited for playing one.

_Anna Graan_'s voice on this demo is a treat - I believe the band noticed
that the slight vocal stereo-delay on the previous demo was a great idea,
because it is used on all the tracks on this demo. Together with the
improvement in sound quality, _Anna_'s voice sounds great. I am not sure
how to put it, but it sounds a bit naive, and it is probably that that makes
it simply gorgeous. She steals my heart during the chorus in _Lovely_, where
her voice is a bit rasping, which makes it so attractive. On the down side
though, the electric guitars does not have the _Lush_ sound anymore. In fact,
they have been put in a corner with the volume turned down to a minimum. I
can only hear them in the background during the song.

The same goes for _Waking Up Alone_. Instead, the wah-wah and acoustic
guitars together with a piano steals the show. The male-female duet vocals
during the chorus are okay, though nothing special. This makes me sad,
because I normally love male-female duet vocals. And the end, where the
song fades out in an evergrowing room with echoes, does not say anything
to me.

_Dirge_ starts off sounding like _Oasis_(!) with an acoustic and a lonely
electric guitar, but when _Anna_'s voice fills the room, the Sandy Lyle
sound is back, and better than ever. This is a great song! My confidence
in the band is back! The male-female duet vocals during the choruses are
fantastic, both using their voices to really _tell_ the story. The male
vocals are confident and strong, yet soft together with the female. It
just sounds really really good. The electric guitar has been moved from
the corner, the volume turned up, and together with the acoustic guitar,
it all sounds perfect. Even professional. "
And in the middle of the darkest
night, you can hear her lonely tears, falling like stones to the ground,
and suddenly disappear." I'm not sure about the long "La la la"'s though...
But. This one can definitely be a radio hit, and it is my favorite song on
this demo.

Overall, I have to say that I was a bit nervous after the first two songs,
but then came _Dirge_ and really made my day. If I may be so bold to suggest
something, it would be to continue to use the vocal stereo-delay, bring
forward the electric guitars again, and with them, some of those walls of
noise. And hold on tight to _Anna_! Her voice sometimes reminds me of
_Cranberries-Dolores_ and sometimes of _Sinead O'Connor_, and together with
(whoever it is of the guys who is singing) that male voice, it sounds really
good, especially in _Dirge_!

June 1996 Review by: Erik S|derstr|m (

Contact: (Rami Nihlawi)

All Demo / Tape reviews are available on the Scandinavian Indie WWW:

//Erik (


End of SI Digest #3.30

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