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Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol 03 Issue 29

Scandinavian Indie Digest Tue Jun 11, 1996 Volume 3 : Issue 29
There are 15 messages totalling 962 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. It's ooooh so quiet
2. shoort personal report/komeda at hyndans (3)
3. Sin's Music on the Radio [17-Jun-96]
4. Sin's Selected News [07-Jun-96]
5. Sin's Music on the TV [07-Jun-96]
6. P3 Live change
7. Tape #3 - Last People on the chain list
8. Tape #3 - Addresses
9. Tape #3 - What's on the tape
10. Tape #3 - Group Information
11. Tape #3 - How the tape chain works!
12. Tape #3 - Label Information
13. Tape #3 - Unfair?
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 96 14:31:01 +0200
From: (Ludvig Borgne)
Subject: It's ooooh so quiet
> Hey! What's the silence? Didn't anyone go to the Pop Dakar festival? We
> want reports!
Short report follows...
Got there 8-ish, saw 1 song by Busty (a lot better than expected, but still
not really good), a not-so-inspired Starmarket gig, and three completely
useless songs by Cloudberry Jam. Then we went home.
Well, it was free at least...
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 1996 01:30:17 +0200
From: John Boqvist <>
Subject: shoort personal report/komeda at hyndans
Saw Komeda at Hyndans tonight. Never really listened to them before,
but it was an entertaining show, on a carpet down in the 1500th
century(?) vaults ast Hyndans Hörna.
Sort of a mix between some TV3 action rerun theme and a Trattoria
showcase. Goood Luck in Japan... It was really entertaining, with a
cool-posed Hofner-bass-player and some Cyber-sorrt-of-Jenny-Medin
(who by the way looks like a marxist "slöjdlärare") wailing along.
The flattest drumkit I've seen.I have to say that the girl who
played the keyboard was THE coolest. Lounging at her chair, beneath
an old Yamaha monster, patching and twiddling her knobs and switches
like she done nothing else and at the same time delivering all the
extra that was needed, all while just smiling, singing and looking
so cool. She made me smile.
All in all it was good fun, and I suspect this was one of the better
ways to experience them live. Don't think it would have been that
catchy on 10m distance from a ordinary rock-n-roll stage...
Otherwise the audience looked like some National encyclopedia of
(primarily norhtern) indie, with Seashells, Celeste, Bear Quartet,
Salt (Nina with her girlfriend (i suspected)), Smart, Snapcase (i
think), Cinnamon among others.
Prisoner on the TV.
good night,
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 12:08:17 +0200
From: (Jan Sundstrom)
Subject: Re: shoort personal report/komeda at hyndans
>Salt (Nina with her girlfriend (i suspected)),
^^^^^^^^^^ whoooops!!! That's news to me!
Jan Sundstrom
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 18:41:01 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Sin's Music on the Radio [17-Jun-96]
Scandinavian Indie MUSIC ON THE RADIO Scandinavian Indie
June 17th -> June 23rd
Day Date Artist Recorded
--- ----- --------------------------------- --------------------------------
Mon 17/6 Bill Champlin Harnosand, Parkaden 20-Apr-96
Tue 18/6 Nordman Malmo, Olympen March-96
Wed 19/6 Fugees Stockholm, Gino 22-May-96
Thu 20/6 Backyard Babies (R) Ljungby 23-Nov-95
Sun 23/6 tba
This list covers the Swedish National Channel P3's "Live" - always at 21.03
(R) = Rerun
This list is also available on the Scandinavian Indie WWW pages
//Erik (
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 18:41:40 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Sin's Selected News [07-Jun-96]
Scandinavian Indie SELECTED NEWS Scandinavian Indie
June 7th, 1996
by Erik S|derstr|m (
"Remember where you heard it first"
aBLe, Beat Butchers Contest, Cloudberry Jam, Daybehaviour, Fidget, Fireside,
The Merrymakers, Skylten.
aBLe - (H.Lime) are in Linkoping again to finish the recording of their
debut album, and will mix it all from saturday to wednesday next
week. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)
Beat Butchers - the record label have opened yet another contest on their
web-pages! This time it is a "Definitivt 50 Sp{nn 5"
contest, where you can win copies of the mentioned CD.
The contest closes July 20th, so check out the new Beat
Butchers contest page on the Web at the address:
(Source: Scandinavian Indie)
Cloudberry Jam - (NONS) will record two new songs and re-record two older
ones ("Elevator" being one of them) for a compilation CD
that PolyGram will release soon. PolyGram will also handle
more and more of the band's business, through the deal
they have with NONS. A single with the two new songs
will also be released. The band is on the rise in
Australia as well, and will probably go there in the
very near future. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)
Daybehaviour - (NONS) released an EP in Japan tuesday this week. The
songs on the EP are taken from the two singles released
in Sweden before. They are thinking about going to Japan
as well. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)
Fidget - will announce what label they have decided on around the time of
the Hultsfred Festival. The band played at Underground in Gothenburg
on May 26th and got a good review for it in paper Goteborgs Posten.
Last friday, the band also went in as newcomer in the "best right
now" list in the Gothenburg edition of evening paper Expressen.
If you want to see the band this summer, you will be able to do so
at the Angelholms festival, Emmaboda festival and Lollipop festival.
(Source: Scandinavian Indie)
Fireside - (StartRec) are going on the Lollapalooza tour in the US. They
will be on the tour between July 15th and August 3rd.
(Source: Luger Booking Agency)
The Merrymakers - (CNR) will perform a "roof-concert" in the middle of
Stockholm on saturday (June 8th) starting at 11.00. The
address: Hagagatan 23, which is the Medborgar school
building. This is part of the On Stage festival, also
kicking off on saturday. That festival is held in the
Vasaparken, where The Merrymakers will play as well,
but at 16.00. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)
Skylten - the venue here in Linkoping have a small festival for the younger
audience tonight (June 7th), held outside the venue, at the same
time as Starmarket and Kent are playing at the University. Bands
playing outside Skylten include Cloudberry Jam, Flakes, Chickenpox,
and Outlast. The Pusjkins and Broder Daniel will probably also
show up. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)
All news always at:
Quote the source, _and the link_, if Scandinavian Indie is the source!
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 18:40:22 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Sin's Music on the TV [07-Jun-96]
Scandinavian Indie MUSIC ON THE TV Scandinavian Indie
June 7th -> June 13th
Day Date Artist/What TV Program Channel Time
--- ----- ---------------------- ------------------- ----------- -----
Fri 7/6 Shredhead, Flying Gre. Pop Tv Live ZTV 16.00
Centralen Centralen SVT 2 21.00
Sat 8/6 Loosegoats, Ola H... Soda SVT 2 14.10 R
Pop & Indie Pop & Indie ZTV 14.00 R
Toppen Toppen ZTV 17.05 R
Shredhead, Flying Gre. Pop Tv Live ZTV 00.44 R
Sun 9/6 Cure Artist ZTV 14.30 R
Mon 10/6 -
Tue 11/6 Alternative Nation Alternative Nation MTV Europe 00.00
Wed 12/6 -
Thu 13/6 -
R = Rerun
The reason nothing is on is that summer-TV starts...
This list is also available on the Scandinavian Indie WWW pages
//Erik (
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 18:40:43 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: P3 Live change
Note: that the P3 Live radio broadcast on June 13th has changed!
----- Backyard Babies will _not_ perform. Instead - you will hear
_Pitch Shifter_ from Stockholm, Studion. Recorded May 20th, 1996.
//Erik (
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 00:57:33 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Tape #3 - Last People on the chain list
This is the last version of the "people on the Scandinavian Indie
Compilation tape #3 - Swedish Indie, tape chain" list. If you have
no idea what I am talking about, please do not hesitate to ask (by
sending email to me at I have passed on the
tape to Joacim Carlsson <> today, who is the
first person on the list.
If you want to be added or removed from now on - please send your request
to the mailing list ( - and the person who's got
the tape currently can make the changes to the list that is sent with
the tape.
Complete information will be posted in a minute to the mailing list.
That includes the chain list (so you can see where you are, and to
whom you will send the tape to). That list is also sent together with
the tape, so don't worry if you lose the posted message. Short information
about each band. What is on the tape. Information about each label.
Mo Holkar <100745.3625@CompuServe.COM>
Andreas Kierst <>
Stephen Wood <BMOEM112@SIVM.SI.EDU>
Christer Nilsson <cnilsson@binky.ICS.UCI.EDU>
Jan Sundstrom <>
David M|llerstedt <>
Joacim Carlsson <>
Par Haggblad <>
Rami Nihlawi <>
Martin Eksten <>
Elin Olson <>
Marten Sahlen <>
Chris Forsberg <>
Jari H Hilden <>
Johan Jeppsson <>
Christoforos Kakkos <>
Ludvig Borgne <>
Ulf Harnhammar <>
Magnus Johansson <>
Johan Helmstad <>
Nicolas Moch <>
Petter Edstrom <>
Robert Cumming <>
Roberts Galvans <>
Sean Kyle-Price <>
Albert S. Sigurdsson <>
Siri Ahmed <>
Kimmo Saaskilahti <>
Sami Rouhento <>
Alexander Bailey <>
//Erik (
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 00:57:54 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Tape #3 - Addresses
[List not included in the Digest version]
//Erik (
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 00:58:11 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Tape #3 - What's on the tape
The list of what is on the Scandinavian Indie Tape #3 - Swedish Indie:
Artist/Group Song Length Label
------------------- -------------------------------- ------ -----------------
Fidget Semi-naked (3.03) -none-
Shallow Soundwave Hyper (3.47) -none-
Lousy Downer (2.25) -none-
Aquadays June (4.07) -none-
Bob Hund 15 Ar Bakat Och 15 Ar Framat (3.00) Silence
Hardy Nilsson Det Blir Aldrig Battre (3.25) AWSF
Cloudberry Jam Elevator (2.44) NONS
Fireside Al Tonno Q (3.02) StartRec
Bear Quartet Carsick (3.35) AWSF
Honey Is Cool Georgia (5.55) MVG
Kent Kram (2.44) BMG
Loosegoats Small Planet (2.08) StartRec
Blissful To Freshville (4.31) AWSF
Melony Mirror On The Freeway (3.24) Soap
Mouth Cracks (2.00) Telegram
Artist/Group Song Length Label
------------------- -------------------------------- ------ -----------------
Salt Honour Me (3.55) MVG
Yvonne Drifter (3.53) Energy
Puffin While You're Gone (3.14) AWSF
Cardigans Black Letter Day (4.32) Trampolene
Eggstone Have You Seen Mary (2.36) Soap
Popsicle A Song Called Liberty (3.06) Telegram
Wannadies My Home Town (3.24) Soap
Red Sleeping Beauty Stay (2.01) -none-
Komeda Rocket Plane (3.32) NONS
Waterbug The Stallion (2.43) AWSF
Popundret I'm Going Out She Said (3.21) AWSF
Sonic Surf City Another Day In The Sun (2.36) Trampolene
Puffin Hard To Quit (2.41) AWSF
Cloudberry Jam Direction Still Unknown (3.27) NONS
Sindy Kills Me Still (3.38) Energy
No one helped out with these, so they are not included on the tape:
Mazarine Street - Get It On (?.??) ##.## FineTone
Smash Hit Wonders - Sell It To Spielberg (?.??) ##.## Sun Spot
This Perfect Day - Headache (?.??) ##.## Soap
Please note that the labels listed are the labels the bands are signed to
now, and perhaps not when the song was recorded/released (as in the case
of the Fireside song - they were signed to AWSF, Loosegoats were signed
to Bad Taste, Honey Is Cool were signed to Sun Spot, and Yvonne were not
signed at all, for example.)
//Erik (
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 00:58:26 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Tape #3 - Group Information
Info about the groups on the Scandinavian Indie Compilation Tape #3
- Swedish Indie:
Fidget - "Semi-naked" is taken from their promotion CD (reviewed on the
Scandinavian Indie demo reviews page) made 1996 which also got them
(soon) signed. The band is from Gothenburg, and fronted by Nina Natri -
the girl with that special voice. People say that the band had a very
different sound before this "demo" came out. Hopefully they are signed
with a record on the way by the time you get the tape.
Shallow Soundwave - "Hyper" is taken from their first and only (yet) demo
(also reviewed on the demo reviews pages) put out 1995. The song will
also appear on the Dorian Records CD compilation (that should have been
in my hands right now). The band is also from Gothenburg. Complete info
about the band can be found on the Scandinavian Indie pages at
Lousy - "Downer" is taken from their "unofficial demo" put out (and
reviewed you-know-where) in 1996. The song will not appear on the
Sappy Records (Canada) single, planned to be released in about a
month. The reason why I chose this song is basically because I like
it a lot, and for another more secret reason (!). :-) The band is
from Tenhult and you can find complete info about them on the
Scandinavian Indie pages at
Aquadays - "June" is taken from their second demo called "Ultramarine"
put out 1995. This song has appeared on several of their demos,
including an unofficial 1996 recording, and it has been different
every time, but I feel that this version is the best of them all.
The song will also appear on that Dorian Records CD compilation.
They will release their debut album on Dorian Records as well,
sometime in July-August. Minty Fresh in the US (Cardigans, Komeda)
called the band after having checked out their pages on Scandinavian
Indie - we're all hopeful! The band is from Gothenburg, and you can find
complete information at
Bob Hund - "15 Ar Bakat Och 15 Ar Framat" (can be translated to "15
Years Back And 15 Years Forward") is taken from their self titled debut
album released 1994 on Silence Records. It was recorded at Tambourine
Studios and produced by the band, Eggstone and Zqaty. The band has
recently released a new EP called "Istallet For Musik : Forvirring"
which can be translated to "Instead Of Music : Confusion" and their
second album is just about to be released. The band is from Stockholm,
and you can find out more about them on Silence's web-pages or at:
Hardy Nilsson - "Det Blir Aldrig Battre" (can be translated to
"It Never Gets Better") is taken from their EP "Gud I Mikrofon"
(can be translated to "God in the Microphone") released on AWSF
1994. This band is also Tommy 16 (on AWSF), where they only sing
in english, and it is actually pretty different. The band is from
Cloudberry Jam - "Elevator" is taken from their MCD "The Art Of Being Cool"
released on NONS 1994 (the band's second release ever). After that they
have released two albums and one single. They have played in London, UK
and toured Japan, and will go back again this summer. If you have any
questions to them, please feel free to contact me. They are from Linkoping,
and you can find out more on their own homepage at:
Fireside - "Al Tonno Q" is taken from the AWSF compilation CD "We're All
Part Of A Family" released 1994. The band released two CD5s and a CD on
AWSF (even though everyone everywhere is refering to their recently
released album on StartRec as their debut album, strangely enough).
Currently one can describe their music as a crossover between pop and
hardcore, which has proven to be a very successful combination as they
have a US record deal (American Recordings), and will go on the
Lollapalooza tour there this summer. The band is from Lulea, and
You can find more information about them on StartRec's Web-pages.
An interview has been made, but not yet typed in unfortunately.
Bear Quartet - "Carsick" is taken from their third CD "Family Affair"
released on AWSF 1993. This song is typical for the "old" BQ that
one can hear on all their records released before "Everybody Else"
(1995). Alarming guitars, an experimental feeling and so on. Today,
the band (I feel) has taken a more softer approach to their music.
The singer Matti also writes poetry, though he does not want to talk
about it, so beware. :-) They are from Lulea, and you can find out more
about them at: or
on AWSF's Web-pages. An interview should also be available, but time
has not yet allowed me to type it in.
Honey Is Cool - "Georgia" is taken from their debut MCD "Focky Focky
No Pay" released on Sun Spot Records 1995. This band was hyped over
their heads a year or so ago, and got signed to this small label
in Gothenburg. Recently though, the label lost the band (they say
because the label never promoted the band or their MCD) to MVG. The
band is from Gothenburg and you can find out more about them at: (the band's own page)
or, and probably pretty
soon on MVG's pages too. A Scandinavian Indie Interview is also
Kent - "Kram" is taken from their single "Kram (Sa Nara Far Ingen Ga)"
(can be translated to "Cream (So Close Can No One Come)") released 1996
on BMG. The single is an in-betweener between their debut CD (self titled)
released 1995 and their new CD "Verkligen" (transl: "Really") recently
released. This song describes the band pretty well, though I would have
selected another song myself. The band recently had some trouble with the
law, but this does not stop them from playing here in Linkoping on June
7th. :-) They are from Eskilstuna, and you can find out more here:
Loosegoats - "Small Planet" is taken from their debut MCD "Small Lesbian
Baseball Players" released on Bad Taste Records 1995. The band was
recently signed to StartRec, and released a CD5 in may. Another CD5 will
be released in August apparently, but no word about an album yet (that
I know of). They are from Lund and you can probably find out more about
them on StartRec's Web-pages. You can also check out the Scandinavian
Indie Interview.
Blissful - "To Freshville" is taken from the AWSF compilation CD
"the 23 enigma" released 1995. A new album will be released in September,
and they have released CD5 one MCD and one CD - everything on ASWF.
Currently they are heading for distribution outside Sweden, and hopes
are high about Germany, UK and Japan, where the band seems to be popular.
You can find out more about the band on AWSF's Blissful pages at:
Melony - "Mirror On The Freeway" is taken from their debut EP
"Skycracker" released on Soap Records 1996. This is one of the bands
that people are talking about when they say that major record labels
sign bands, put out a single, and then forget all about them. But,
apparently, the Soap people have listened, and recently released
another CD5 "Wearing Shades On Rainy Days". The band will also play
at this year's Hultsfred Festival. One of the members produces
Pineforest Crunch and another Sive. They are from Stockholm and...: You can also check
out the Scandinavian Indie Interview.
Mouth - "Cracks" is taken from a US promo copy of their debut CD
"Hole Of Your Head" released on Reprise/Kinetic Records. This band
actually has an extremely "own" sound, which I trust you can hear
in this song, and it took me quite a while before I was converted
to a fan, so give the song a chance. The band has been successful
in the US, played a couple of times in New York (CBGB's) and have
made a couple of videos there as well. Nothing has happened for a
while though, but hopefully it will soon. They are from Stockholm,
and you can read more in the Scandinavian Indie Interview if you like.
Salt - "Honour Me" is taken from their swedish debut CD5 "Salt"
released on MVG 1995 (it also appears on numerous other records).
A favorite band of mine, growing and growing in the US, and are
going on their third US tour in June (with Screaming Trees). They
are not as popular in the UK though, but according to the band,
it is only a problem for Island UK and not for themselves. The band
appears on the soundtrack to the summer blockbuster movie "Mission :
Impossible" with the song "So", though it is not played during the
movie. I saw the band in New York in March this year, and then they
played at least two new songs, so hopefully we'll see something new
released after the summer. Front-woman Nina Ramsby is going to be
married this summer. They are from Stockholm and you can of course
find out more here:, or
at PolyGram US at: You can also check out
the Scandinavian Indie Interview.
Yvonne - "Drifter" is taken from the compilation CD "Kittenish"
released on Ceilidh 1994. This was before the band was signed to
a label, and it is probably the only song where the "indie pop"
can be heard from the band. Today they have more of an industrial,
experimental sound (I think), and rumors say that they have left
their label Energy Rekords, though these rumors are not yet
confirmed. The band is from Eskilstuna and you can check out the
Scandinavian Indie Interview for more information about them.
Puffin - "While You're Gone" is taken from their EP "Medium Cool"
released on AWSF 1994. The sound of this song describes the band
well before their latest CD "In Red And Yellow" (1996), where their
experimental feeling has received free hands (and I love it!).
Other than these two, they have released two CDs. They are from Umea,
and you can find out more on a pretty old Scandinavian Indie page at: (it must be updated
some day), or check the Scandinavian Indie Interview.
Cardigans - "Black Letter Day" is taken from their debut CD "Emmerdale"
released on Trampolene 1994. The band was discovered by Ola Hermanson
at Ceilidh. I guess everyone knows the rest, but anyway, the band has
released two CDs and a number of CD5s. They are extremely popular in
the UK and Japan, and somewhat in Canada as well. They are going on a
short tour in the US in June, followed by a tour of a bunch of european
festivals. Their new album will be released worldwide in September
this year. They are from Jonkoping, and you can find out more here: You shoud also
have been able to read an interview, but I have not had the time
to type it in yet.
Eggstone - "Have You Seen Mary" is taken from their debut CD "In San Diego"
released on Soap 1992. Another band that is successful in Japan and
apparently in the US as well. They have released a couple of 7"s, a
bunch of CD5s and two CDs, as well as been included on numerous
compilations. A new CD5 is released any day now, and their next CD
will be released after the summer. They will play at a couple of
festivals in Sweden this summer. They are from Lund, and you can
find a discography at:
Apparently, they are also working on their own homepage on Tambourine
Studio's server at: Other than that,
you will find more on Soap's Web-pages as well.
Popsicle - "A Song Called Liberty" is taken from their second (I believe)
CD "Lacquer" released on Telegram/AWSF 1992. Kind of an interesting story
lies behind this band's label-history. They were first signed to AWSF
and released an MC and a MCD on that label before they went their own
way to Telegram, but not without some fine print in the contract between
the two labels giving AWSF a percentage from the band's profits. I think
it is some kind of publishing agreement. Anyway, you all know a lot about
this band anyway, so I will only mention that they released their latest
CD in december last year, and a CD5 is due any day now. More info can be
found at their own homepage:, or the un-
official one at: An interview
should have been available, but the band was too tired to talk to anyone,
and had a party the rest of the night instead.
Wannadies - "My Home Town" is taken from their debut CD "The Wannadies"
released on Soap 1990. This band started on AWSF as well, though they
only released a 7" before the band went their own way and signed with
MNW. This time though without involving AWSF, which created some bad
feelings, though by now, they are all friends again. :-) The Wannadies
are extremely popular in the UK, and it seems like they live there
these days. They have released a bunch of CD5s in Sweden and in the UK,
and three CDs, and a new one will be released sometime this autumn - the
time depends on how successful they are in the UK - the more successful,
the later they will release it. They have toured the UK together with
Sleeper, Frank Black and by themselves. The band is from Skelleftea,
and you can find out more on Soap's Web-pages.
Red Sleeping Beauty - "Stay" is taken from a split 7" (with Benito) on
Grimsey Records in the US. The band formed in 1989, and have released
a bunch of 7"s and CD5s on different labels in Japan, Germany and the US.
Apparently they have a debut full-length CD on the way on Marsh Marigold
in Germany. And I think they are from Stockholm. That is about all I can
say about the band. I know, I know, but I had never heard them before I
got a tape with a bunch of songs from Kimmo, so that's about it from me.
If you want to know more, you can check the Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.3
Issues #04, 18 19 and 20, where there are lengthy discussions about the
band. If you like the Sundays, RSB is definitely something for you.
Komeda - "Rocket Plane" is taken from a compilation CD called "Nonsvol2"
on NONS 1996. The band started 1989 and have since then released one EP
one single and two CDs. They have also been included on four compliation
CDs, one in Japan. They are pretty popular in Japan and in the UK. Recently
they got signed to Minty Fresh in the US, which means that a single will
be released there in June/July, and their latest CD in August. The band
also plans to go to the US in the future. A new CD is planned to be released
in about a year from now. They are from Umea and a Scandinavian Indie
Interview is currently on the way.
Waterbug - "The Stallion" is taken from their latest CD "Monday Morning
Quarterback" released on AWSF 1996. The band has released two CDs and
one CD5. Before they released their latest CD they said that if this
one would not break, they might as well just quit. They are from Gothenburg,
and you can read more about them in the Scandinavian Indie Interview.
Popundret - "I'm Going Out She Said And How Would I Know" is taken from
their latest, debut, and only CD "Montmartre 15 40" released on AWSF 1996.
Yet another band successful in Japan, and with Magnus "Ekan" Ericsson
(A Shrine) in the band plus the wonderful voice of Magnus Nilsson, one
can't really be surprised. They have only released two CD5s before.
The band is from Skelleftea, and you can hopefully get more information
on AWSF's Web-pages, though nothing was there at the time I wrote this.
Sonic Surf City - "Another Day In The Sun" is taken from their latest
CD "Surf Don't Walk" just released on Trampolene 1996. It is fair to
say that this song does not describe their ordinary sound which is more
something you would expect if you bought a Beach Boys album. But this
song is my favorite on it, so I included it. The band is fronted by
the now (to Scandinavian Indiers) famous Ola Hermanson. Ola lives in
Linkoping at the moment, but I guess one ought to say that the band
comes from Norrkoping. Web-pages for the band is on the way.
Puffin - "Hard To Quit" is taken from their latest CD "In Red And Yellow"
released on AWSF 1996. And here you can hear the difference I wrote about
above. Other than that, you know it all.
Cloudberry Jam - "Direction Still Unknown" is taken from their latest CD
"Providing The Atmosphere" released on NONS 1996. I only included the
song to show how much the band has developed since 1994. Check the other
description for more info.
Sindy Kills Me - "Still" is taken from their self titled debut CD
released on Energy Rekords 1996. The band started 1992, and have
released two MCDs and a 7" before. The CD is produced by Fredrik
Norberg from Popsicle, but I'm not sure one can hear that here...
:-) The CD will also be released in the UK, Germany and the US.
The band will play at a couple of festivals this summer. They are
from Stockholm.
If you're interested in any or all of these bands, you can always check
out the Selected News
where news bits about all bands are posted now and then.
//Erik (
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 00:59:10 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Tape #3 - How the tape chain works!
The way the Scandinavian Indie Tape #3 - Swedish Indie tape chain works:
1) When you have the original tape in your hands - please copy the tape
as quickly as possible, and send _the original tape_ to the next
person on the list (after yourself) together with _the pieces of
paper_ that it comes with (info like this and the list of addresses).
2) The last person on the list (Alexander Bailey) sends the tape back
to me (or maybe we can work something else out by that time).
Email me if there are any problems.
//Erik (
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 00:58:46 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Tape #3 - Label Information
Label information for the Scandinavian Indie Tape #3 - Swedish Indie:
A West Side Fabrication (AWSF)
Box 183
931 22 Skelleftea
Phone: +46-910-776222
Fax : +46-910-778900
Scan-Indie: Label Discography
Bands: A Shrine, Backfisch, Bear Quartet, Blissful, Blithe, Blue, Boolteens,
Carpe Wade, The Drowners, Hardy Nilsson, Mufflon 5, Penguin, Popundret,
Puffin, Sludgefeast, Stardog, Tommy 16, Waterbug
Under: MNW Records Group
Energy Rekords (Energy)
Vastergatan 23
211 21 Malmo
Phone: +46-40-306313
Fax : +46-40-306336
Bands: Blue For Two, Cat Rapes Dog, Devoid, Elegant Machinery,
Pouppée Fabrikk, S.P.O.C.K., Sindy Kills Me, Yvonne
FineTone Recordings (FineTone)
Vaktmastaregangen 9
413 18 Goteborg
Phone: +46-31-7757378
Fax : +46-31-417440
Bands: Mazarine Street
MNW Records Group (Soap, Silence)
Box 535
183 25 Taby
Phone: +46-8-6301033
Fax : +46-8-6301034
Extra: A West Side Fabrication, Amalthea Records, Dolores, MNW Dance,
MNW Zone, Moonshine Records, MVG, Resource, Silence, Soap, Xource
MVG Records (MVG)
Box 19003
104 32 Stockholm
Phone: +46-8-6128220
Fax : +46-8-6123086
Bands: Clawfinger, Drain, The Fleshquartet, Honey Is Cool, Mary Beats Jane,
Mental Hippie Blood, Peace Love And Pitbulls, Salt, Teddybears Sthlm
Under: MNW Records Group
North Of No South (NONS)
Haradshovdingegatan 13 B
Box 119
901 03 Umea
Phone: +46-90-775576
Phone: +46-90-130899
Fax : +46-90-129963
Bands: Cloudberry Jam, Colonel Blimp, Daybehaviour, Honeymoons, Komeda,
Pinko Pinko, Ray Wonder, Seashells, Shredhead, Trio Lligo
Silence Records
Fax : +46-571-15070
Bands: Bob Hund, Hedningarna, Kenny Hakansson, Ulf Stureson, Urban Turban
Under: MNW Records Group
Soap Records
Bands: Cam, Cinnamon, Easy, Eggstone, Melony, Scents, This Perfect Day,
The Wannadies, Whipped Cream
Under: MNW Records Group
StartRec (StartRec)
Sodermannagatan 54
116 65 Stockholm
Bands: Fireside, Loosegoats, Refused
Stockholm Label Group (Trampolene)
Box 20504
161 02 Bromma
Phone: +46-8-6296820
Fax : +46-8-6270864
Bands: Cardigans, HappyDeadMen, Naked, Riviera, Sonic Surf City
Extra: Polar, Sonet, Stockholm Records, Trampolene Records
Info : This group of labels represents PolyGram Sweden's local repertoire
Sun Spot Records (Sun Spot)
Box 47126
402 56 Goteborg
Bands: Smash Hit Wonders
WEA/Warner Records Sweden (Telegram)
Fax : +46-8-7529650
Extra: Telegram
Bands: Mouth, Stina Nordenstam, Papa Dee, Popsicle, Red Shift, Souls
//Erik (
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 01:01:54 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Tape #3 - Unfair?
I realise that those on the tape chain in the US feels a bit sorry for
the fact that they are last on the chain - the reason we all know,
because I have picked the most simple way.
To make it a bit easier to cope, I promise to start the next chain
in the US and end it in Sweden (ie. the other way around).
//Erik (
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 1996 09:20:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: Chris Forsberg <>
Subject: Re: shoort personal report/komeda at hyndans
On Fri, 7 Jun 1996, John Boqvist wrote:
> Saw Komeda at Hyndans tonight. Never really listened to them before,
> but it was an entertaining show, on a carpet down in the 1500th
> century(?) vaults ast Hyndans H=F6rna.
> Sort of a mix between some TV3 action rerun theme and a Trattoria
> showcase. Goood Luck in Japan... It was really entertaining, with a
> cool-posed Hofner-bass-player and some Cyber-sorrt-of-Jenny-Medin
> (who by the way looks like a marxist "sl=F6jdl=E4rare") wailing along.
Is it possible to give a description of Komeda by comparing them to some
other bands? Do they sound like anyone else at all? I ask because I can't
tell the style from the information here, probably cos I'm in the US and
I'm not familiar with what's on TV3. Any descriptions are welcome!
End of SI Digest #3.29
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