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29A Issue 02 02 08

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Published in 
 · 28 Dec 2019


Compression engines
Super/29A and Vecna/29A

Words from Super...

Nowadays, more and more people need and ask for a compression engine for
their viruses. Thinking about the matter, it really seems to be a good (at
least useful) idea to include one of those compression engines inside a vi-
rus... of course it's not interesting if the engine itself is about 7k long
for instance :) But if we're talking about a tiny engine (about 500-600 by-
tes), it's worth to spend a little amount of time thinking on the new ways
it opens for us, such as...

- Including compressed images in graphic format for a cool payload
- Carrying a VxD dropper compressed inside our code, thus not mattering its
size, and then being able to implement many more things in it
- Compressing the files we infect, resulting in some times (especially with
Windows 3.1 NE files) in a size decrease after infection... now go and
tell many AVers to change their description on what a virus is :)
- Compressing disk sectors! so free disk space won't be a problem anymore
- And so on... everything depends on your imagination :)

These all reasons drove me to write STCE (Super Tiny Compression Engine), a
program whose name is self-explanatory... i did not use any Huffman-alike
rule, as STCE is based just on repeated byte sequences. It's pretty optimi-
zed (413 bytes only!!!), so you can include it in any virus you want with-
out experiencing any notorious increase in its size.

Now let's explain how it works.

To compress code
- Input:

AX -> holds the number of bits to encode not-repeated bytes with (when
the repeated sequence is not two-byte, but maybe one-byte long,
so we can't compress anything - just store).
BX -> holds the maximum number of bits dedicated to encode the relati-
ve offset of the repeated sequence. With "maximum" i mean that
STCE will not accept relative offsets with a higher number of
bits (it wouldn't help in order to compress!).
CX -> holds the length of the data we want to compress.
DX -> holds the number of bits to encode the value which indicates us
how many repeated bytes there are in the code we're compressing.
DS:SI -> holds the address of the data we want to compress.
ES:DI -> holds the address where we want STCE to put the compressed data.
Take special care on having enough space for this, otherwise
your virus may hang after having overwritten certain data!
BP -> holds the minimum number of bits dedicated to encode the relati-
ve offset of a repeated sequence. And with "minimum" i mean that
if the number of bits to encode the offset is below the value
held in BP, then the number of bits which will be used will be
this last one (BP), instead of the one in BX, which is larger.

I suggest the following values:

AX=0000h CX=****h DS:SI=****h BP=0006h
BX=0009h DX=0204h ES:DI=****h

At least they're ok in order to compress sectors.

- Output:

CX -> holds the length of compressed code.

To decompress code
- Input:

CX -> holds the *decompressed* size of the data we want to decompress.
(so, if u compress with cx=200h, to decompress must use cx=200h)
DS:SI -> holds the address of the data we want to decompress.
ES:DI -> here's where we want STCE to put the decompressed data.

Note! AX, BX, DX and BP *MUST* hold the same values which were previously
used when having called the "compress" routine.

- Output:

ES:DI -> address of what you asked STCE to put there ;)

Structure of AX, BX, DX and BP
When we want to encode a value in one of this registers, we may use two
different ways: either by picking a fix number of bits or by means of this
little table, for low values:

Bits Number which represent
0 1
10 2
110 3
[...] [...]

AH and DH hold variable values (depending on if this value is less than 3),
while AL and DL hold fix ones, which, being added to the previous ones, ha-
ve to be as result the value we want to use in the compression routine. A-
bout BX and BP, just note that their high part MUST be zero (otherwise STCE
won't work ok), while the low one is used to encode the relative offset
where the repeated-byte sequence is found.

Anyway, the best thing is to do some tests with several values until STCE
satisfies your needs or viral instincts!!! ;)

And now, here you have the code for STCE itself...

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;** **;
;** ======================================= **;
;** Super Tiny Compression Engine (STCE) **;
;** ======================================= **;
;** Made by Super/29A **;
;** **;

.model tiny
public compress
public decompress




; [BP-14] = not repeated-bytes counter
; [BP-12] = max address
; [BP-10] = min address
; [BP-0e] = max number of bytes of rerpetitions
; [BP-0c] = max number of bytes of not repetitions
; [BP-0a] = CX
; [BP-8] = bit counter
; [BP-6] = where to write bits
; [BP-4] = where to write bits
; [BP-2] = ES = output buffer segment
; [BP+0] = BX = 0x0x
; [BP+2] = BP = 0x0x
; [BP+4] = DX = 0x0x
; [BP+6] = AX = 0x0x
; [BP+8] = DI = output buffer offset
; [BP+0a] = CX = length of data to compress
; [bp+0c] = SI = input buffer offset

push si
push cx
push di
push ax
push dx
push bp
test al,05bh ;
push bx ;
push sp ; executable text: '[STCE]'
inc bx ;
inc bp ;
pop bp ;
push es
push di
inc di
push di
mov di,08h
push di
push cx
mov al,[bp+di-2]
xchg cx,ax
jcxz j2
inc dx
rol dx,cl
mov cl,[bp+di-1]
add dx,cx
push dx ;push this value on the stack
dec di
dec di
jnz j1
push di
jmp [bp+0eh]

call save_regs
mov bl,1 ;indicate the bit we are reading
mov di,[bp+08h]
call read_bit
jb decompress1 ;if bit=1, that means a repeated sequence of bytes
mov ax,[bp+06h] ;else read the number of bytes stored
call read
push cx
rep ;
movsb ;write these bytes
jmp decompress4
mov cx,[bp+02h]
jcxz decompress2 ;jump if we only use one fixed number of bits
call read_bit ;else read one bit
jb decompress3

;if that bit=1, then we use a number of bits specified in "bx" parameter
;else we use the number of bits specified in "bp" parameter"

mov cx,[bp+00h]
xchg cx,ax
call read ;read these bits
push cx ;this value will be the rel.offs. of repeated sequence
mov ax,[bp+04h]
call read ;now, read the number of bytes that do repeat
inc cx
pop ax
push cx
push si
mov si,di
sub si,ax
rep ;
db 26h ; copy repeated sequence from es:si to es:di
movsb ;
pop si
pop ax
sub [bp-0ah],ax ;have we finished?
jnz decompress0 ;jump if not
mov sp,bp
pop bx
pop bp
pop dx
pop ax
pop di
pop cx
pop si
inc sp
inc sp

dec bl
jnz read_bit1
mov bh,[si]
mov bl,8
inc si
shr bh,1

sub cx,cx
inc cx
dec ah
js read3
call read_bit
jnb read1
add cx,dx
sub al,1
js read2
call read_bit
rcl dx,1
jmp read3

call save_regs
push ds
pop es
sub bx,bx
mov [bp-14h],bx
inc si
mov cx,si
sub cx,[bp+0ch]
cmp cx,[bp-12h]
jb ok1
mov cx,[bp-12h]
mov di,si
sub di,cx
jcxz compress1
mov ax,[si-1]
jcxz compress1 ;jump if not found
cmp [di],ah
jnz find_more2
xchg cx,ax
mov cx,[bp-0eh]
inc cx
repz ;
cmpsb ; compare to see who many bytes are equal
dec cx
xchg cx,ax
sub ax,[bp-0eh]
neg ax
sub si,ax
sub di,ax
cmp ax,bx ;have we got more bytes than previous times?
jb find_more1 ;jump if negative
mov bx,[bp+0ah]
cmp ax,bx
ja too_far
xchg bx,ax
mov dx,si
sub dx,di ;store the relative offset
jmp short find_more1 ;try to find larger sequences of rep.bytes
neg bx
jb compress3 ;jump if number of bytes repeted>2
inc word ptr [bp-14h] ;increase the counter of non-repeated bytes
dec word ptr [bp+0ah]
jz compress2 ;jump if last byte
mov ax,[bp-14h]
cmp ax,[bp-0ch]
jb find_more0 ;jump if we can put altogether more non-repeated bytes
inc si
call store_data ;just do it
cmp [bp+0ah],ax
jnz find_more ;jump if there remains any byte
mov ax,[bp-06h]
sub ax,[bp+08h]
mov [bp+0ah],ax ;calculate size of compressed data
call write_bit ;align bits, so as to be able to decompress
jns align_bits
jmp load_regs

dec byte ptr [bp-08h]
jns write_bit1
mov byte ptr [bp-08h],7
push word ptr [bp-06h]
inc word ptr [bp-06h]
pop word ptr [bp-04h]
les di,[bp-04h]
rcr byte ptr es:[di],1

dec si
mov cx,[bp-14h]
jcxz store_data1 ;jump if there r no stored bytes
call write_bit ;write bit=0, because cf=0
push cx
xchg cx,ax
mov cx,[bp+06h]
call write ;write number of bytes stored
pop cx
sub si,cx
mov di,[bp-06h]
rep ;
movsb ; store those bytes
mov [bp-06h],di
neg bx
jnb write3 ;jump if no repeated bytes
call write_bit ;write bit=1
lea si,[bx+si]
sub [bp+0ah],bx
cmp [bp+02h],cx ;cx=0
xchg dx,ax
mov cx,[bp+00h]
jz store_data3
cmp ax,[bp-10h]
jnb store_data2
mov cx,[bp+02h]
call write_bit ;write bit to select from "bp"/"bx" number of bytes
call write ;write relative offset of repeated secuence of bytes
dec bx
xchg bx,ax
mov cx,[bp+04h] ;and now, write the number of bytes repeated
dec ax
dec ch
js write1
sub ax,1
inc ax
jb write_bit
call write_bit
jmp write
mov ch,0
jcxz write3
ror ax,cl
shl ax,1
call write_bit
loop write2


end start
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->8

And now words from Vecna...

It's a casuality. When I joined 29A, I was working in a compression routine
for my Win32 virus, so here's this little extension for Super's article, in
which I will show two other engines. They're generally worse than STCE, ex-
cept in some files. Objects are less compressed, but they are smaller. The
first engine, CRUNCH/UNCRUNCH, is 321 bytes long, while the other one, the
PACK/UNPACK routine, is 67 bytes only!!!

CRUNCH/UNCRUNCH works better with text files, because they use a reduced
set of ASCII codes, and the PACK/UNPACK routine works nice with VxD code
and other stuff with lots of zeros.

This engine consists on a simple zero-repeat compression. It copies code
from the source buffer to a destination buffer, checking for zeros. When it
finds one, it starts counting the number of zeros which follow that initial
zero, and then stores that value. So, all the zeros will be followed by the
number of times we need to repeat them. Pretty simple, as you see.

This routine is based on the premise that not all possible ASCII codes are
used in a given text. Some letters, for instance in portuguese or spanish,
like a, s, c, or e are more used than others, like k, y, w, t, etc. Other
codes, such as the high ASCII ones, are almost never used! So this routine
works in two steps. First it scans for the most used codes, creating two
tables, each of them with the 15 most used characters. Then it starts com-
pressing the file. If the character in the source buffer is present in the
first table, the engine will put its offset in the table. Else, it will
look for that character in the second table, and if it's there, will put a
zero to mark a table change and put the offset of the character in that se-
cond table. Finally, if the character is not present in any table, then the
engine will put a zero and the plain ASCII code. The 15 characters, which
are the max number in our table, can be represented in a nibble, so we may
gain space. So, it will work this way:

* Codes in 1st table -> 1 nibble
* Codes in 2nd table -> 2 nibbles (one 0 and the offset)
* Codes not found in any table -> 4 nibbles (two 0 and the ASCII code)

This compression engine is especially useful in order to compress, for ins-
tance, the text of a payload in a virus, the names of the APIs used in a
Win32 PE infector... in general, any plain text you would like to compress.

Note: these engines were written based on a idea of Reptile/29A.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->8

; CRUNCH compression engine, by Vecna/29A
; Entry:
; CX = number of bytes to compress
; SI = points to the code to compress
; DI = buffer where to put the compressed code
; Exit:
; CX = number of bytes to save
; DX = buffer to save

public CRUNCH
call init
push di
push cx
mov di, offset dictionary
mov cx, 15+256
xor ax, ax
rep stosw
pop cx
mov di, offset frequency_table
mov bx, ax
shl bx, 1
cmp word ptr cs:[di+bx], -1
je overflow
inc word ptr ds:[di+bx]
loop count_loop
mov di, offset dictionary
mov cx, 15*2
push cx
xor bx, bx
mov si, offset frequency_table
mov cx, 256
cmp ax, bx
jb lower
mov bx, ax
mov bp, si
sub bp, 2
loop scan_table
mov word ptr [bp], 0
sub bp, offset frequency_table
mov ax, bp
shr ax, 1
pop cx
loop next_char
push si
mov si, offset dictionary
call copy30
pop si
push di
push cx
xor ax, ax
push di
mov di, offset first_table
mov cx, 15
repne scasb
pop di
jne try_table_2
mov ax, 15
sub ax, cx
jmp found_in_table
push di
mov di, offset second_table
mov cx, 15
repne scasb
pop di
jne no_table
mov al, 0
call add_nibble
jmp calculate
push ax
xor ax, ax
call add_nibble
call add_nibble
pop ax
push ax
and al, 11110000b
shr al, 4
call add_nibble
pop ax
and al, 00001111b
call add_nibble
pop cx
loop next_byte
pop bx
mov cx, di
sub cx, bx
add cx, 30
pop dx

; Init variables

init proc
mov byte ptr [up_down], 0
mov byte ptr [compressed], 0
endp init

; Add nibble in chain
; Entry:
; AL = nibble to add

add_nibble proc
cmp byte ptr [up_down], 0
jne down_byte
shl al, 4
mov byte ptr [compressed], al
inc byte ptr [up_down]
or al, byte ptr [compressed]
dec byte ptr [up_down]
endp add_nibble

; Read nibble
; Exit:
; AL = nibble

read_nibble proc
cmp byte ptr [up_down], 0
jne low_nibble
mov byte ptr [compressed], al
and al, 11110000b
shr al, 4
inc byte ptr [up_down]
mov al, byte ptr [compressed]
and al, 00001111b
dec byte ptr [up_down]
dec cx
endp read_nibble

; Copy 30 bytes

push cx
mov cx, 30
rep movsb
pop cx
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->8

; UNCRUNCH decompression engine, by Vecna/29A
; Entry:
; CX = number of bytes to expand
; SI = buffer to expand
; DI = buffer for expanded code
; Exit:
; CX = number of expanded bytes
; DX = buffer of expanded bytes

call init
push di
mov di, offset dictionary
call copy30
pop di
push di
sub cx, 30
xor ax, ax
call read_nibble
cmp al, 0
je maybe_second_table
mov bx, offset first_table
jmp do_calc
call read_nibble
cmp al, 0
je store_full
mov bx, offset second_table
add bx, ax
mov al, byte ptr [bx-1]
jmp store_this
call read_nibble
push ax
call read_nibble
pop bx
shl bl, 4
or al, bl
or cx, cx
jnz unpack_loop
pop dx
mov cx, di
sub cx, dx
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->8

; PACK compression engine, by Vecna/29A
; Entry:
; CX = number of bytes to compress
; SI = offset of code to compress
; DI = buffer to put compressed code in
; Exit:
; CX = number of bytes to save
; DX = buffer to save

public PACK
PACK proc
mov dx, di
xor bx, bx
or al, al
jnz nextbyte
inc bx
loop nextta
or bx, bx
jz nada
push ax
mov al, 0
mov ax, bx
xor bx, bx
pop ax
jcxz quit
loop nextta
mov cx, di
sub cx, dx
endp PACK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->8

; UNPACK decompression engine, by Vecna/29A
; Entry:
; CX = number of bytes to expand
; SI = buffer to expand
; DI = buffer for expanded code
; Exit:
; CX = size of expanded code
; DX = buffer of expanded code

public UNPACK
mov dx, di
or al, al
jnz nextbit
sub cx, 2
push cx
mov cx, ax
xor ax, ax
rep stosb
pop cx
loop nexttat
jcxz quitta
loop nexttat
mov cx, di
sub cx, dx
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->8

; Variables for the engines

up_down db ?
compressed db ?

dictionary label
first_table label
db 15 dup (?)
second_table label
db 15 dup (?)

frequency_table label
dw 256 dup (?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->8

Super/29A & Vecna/29A

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