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29A Issue 03 03 05

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Published in 
 · 28 Dec 2019


; 18-01-98 23:40:15 1.00 begin to write program, file io procs alredy created
; 19-01-98 02:37:30 IT WORKS !!! (unpacking) - avp9708.avc unpacked
; 19-01-98 08:32:39 unpacking .AV5 files
; 19-01-98 22:00:29 adding checksum
; 21-01-98 16:47:03 1.01 .AV5->.L16,32, AV6->OBJ - skipped 1st 8 bytes

; ===========================================================================

; max size of packed/unpacked datablock in addon

MAX_PACKED equ 2097152 ; 2 MB
MAX_UNPACKED equ 2097152 ; 2 MB

; ===========================================================================
; .avc file format:
; 00h DBx64 kami_copyriht
; 40H DBx64 author_copyright
; 80H DBx46H avc_header
; xxx ??x36 datablock headers *** aka SUX ***
; yyy ?? (compressed) datablocks
; ===========================================================================

avc_header_size equ 46h

avc_header_struc struc
avc_id dd ? ; EK.8 00 01 02 03
avc_ver dw ? ; 3 04 05
avc_bits db ? ; 06
; bit0 = 0: made in kami, compressed
; bit0 = 1: warning(not in kami), not compressed
avc_unk1 db 5 dup (?) ; ? 07 08 09 0A 0B
avc_filesize dd ? ; 0C 0D 0E 0F
avc_sux_offs dd ? ; 10 11 12 13
avc_sux_count dw ? ; 14 15
avc_unk2 dw ? ; ? =0 16 17
avc_unk3 db 32 dup (?); ? 18 ... 37
avc_unk4 db 6 dup (?) ; ? 38 ... 3d
avc_author_cs dd ? ; 3E 3F 40 41
avc_header_cs dd ? ; 42 43 44 45

sux_size equ 36

sux_struc struc
sux_id dw ? ; 0/1/2 / 100H 00 01
sux_id2 dw ? ; sub-id 02 03
sux_dataoffs dd ? ; 04 05 06 07
sux_datasize dd ? ; compressed data size 08 09 0a 0b
sux_realsize dd ? ; real data size 0c 0d 0e 0f
sux_unk2 dw ? ; ? =1 10 11
sux_recsize dw ? ; record size (or 0) 12 13
sux_recnum dd ? ; records(stamms) 14 15 16 17
; or lines(names)
; or files(objects)
sux_data_cs dd ? ; 18 19 1A 1B
sux_unused db 8 dup (?) ; ? 1C ... 23

; ===========================================================================

.model flat
locals @@

; ===========================================================================

extrn ExitProcess:PROC
extrn MessageBoxA:PROC
extrn GetCommandLineA:PROC
extrn CreateFileA:PROC
extrn SetFilePointer:PROC
extrn ReadFile:PROC
extrn WriteFile:PROC
extrn CloseHandle:PROC

; ===========================================================================


msgbox_title db 'Information',0
initmsg db 'AVPX AVP eXtender 1.01 (c) 1998 Z0MBiE',0
syntaxmsg db 'Error in cmdline: See AVPX.DOC for help',0
badcmd_msg db 'Unknown command',0

cmd_unpavc db 6,'unpavc',0
cmd_unplib db 6,'unplib',0
cmd_packavc db 7,'packavc',0
cmd_packlib db 7,'packlib',0

cmd dd cmd_unpavc, unp_avc
dd cmd_unplib, unp_lib
dd cmd_packavc, pack_avc
dd cmd_packlib, pack_lib

unpackedavc_msg db '.AVC database unpacked',0
;packedavc_msg db '.AVC database created',0
packedavc_msg db 'THIS FUNCTION IS NOT IMPLEMENTED IN 1.1',0

unpackedlib_msg db '.LIB file unpacked',0
;packedlib_msg db '.LIB file created',0
packedlib_msg db 'THIS FUNCTION IS NOT IMPLEMENTED IN 1.1',0

error1msg db 'Too big compressed datablock size [increase "max_packed"]',0
error3msg db 'Too big real datablock size [increase "max_unpacked"]',0
error2msg db 'Error unpacking database [please report to Z0MBiE]',0
error4msg db 'Too big object size in .AV5 [increase "max_(un)packed" OR internal error [please report to Z0MBiE]]',0

__cprkami db '_kami.hdr',0
__cprauthor db '_author.hdr',0
__hdr db '_header.hdr',0

suxN equ 7
suxnum equ byte ptr $+4
sux_hdr db '_sux????.hdr',0
sux_unk db '_unk????.unk',0
sux_l16 db '_lib????.l16',0
sux_l32 db '_lib????.l32',0
sux_obj db '_obj????.obj',0
sux_nam db '_nam????.nam',0
sux_sta db '_sta????.sta',0
sux_iii db '_iii????.iii',0

; id id2
suxxxx dd sux_iii, 0000h,0000h ; indexs?
dd sux_sta, 0000h, -1 ; STAmms
dd sux_l16, 0001h, -1 ; 16-bit lib
dd sux_l32, 0002h, -1 ; 32-bit lib
dd sux_nam, 0100h, -1 ; NAMes
suxxxx_num equ ($-suxxxx)/8

bytesread dd ?
byteswritten dd ?

command equ paramstr1
avcbase equ paramstr2

paramcount dd ?
paramstr0 db 128 dup (?)
paramstr1 db 128 dup (?)
paramstr2 db 128 dup (?)

count dw ?


cpr_kami db 80 dup (?)
cpr_author db 80 dup (?)
h avc_header_struc ?
sux sux_struc ?

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
bits dw ?
len db ?
next_byte_ptr dd ?
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------



; ===========================================================================


lea edx, initmsg
call msg

call parsecmdline

cmp paramcount, 2
jne showsyntax

lea ebx, cmd
@@2: lea esi, command
mov edi, [ebx]
movzx ecx, byte ptr [edi]
inc edi
rep cmpsb
jne @@1
jmp dword ptr [ebx + 4]
@@1: add ebx, 8
cmp ebx, offset cmd_end
jb @@2

badcmd: lea edx, badcmd_msg

error: call msg
call ExitProcess

; ===========================================================================

showsyntax: lea edx, syntaxmsg
jmp error

error_1: lea edx, error1msg
jmp error

error_2: lea edx, error2msg
jmp error

error_3: lea edx, error3msg
jmp error

error_4: lea edx, error4msg
jmp error

; ===================== cmdline =============================================

parsecmdline: call getcommandlinea
mov esi, eax

lea edi, paramstr0
call getparam

mov paramcount, 0

lea edi, paramstr1
call getparam
lea edi, paramstr2
call getparam


; parameters: <sometext>
; <"some text">

getparam: mov ecx, -1
@@1: lodsb
or al, al
jz @@4
cmp al, 32
je @@1
dec esi
@@3: lodsb
or al, al
jz @@5
cmp al, '"'
jne @@2
not ecx
jmp @@3
@@2: jecxz @@3
cmp al, 32
jne @@3
sub [edi-1], al
@@5: inc paramcount
@@4: ret

; ===================== msg =================================================

; input: EDX=msg

msg: push 0 ; MB_OK
push offset msgbox_title
push edx
push 0
call MessageBoxA

; ===================== hi-level file io ====================================

; input: EDX=file name
; EBX=file pos
; EDI=buf
; ECX=bytes to read
; output:bytesread

load: pushad

push edi
push ecx

push ebx

call fopen

pop edx
call fseek

pop ecx
pop edx
call fread

call fclose


; input: EDX=file name
; EBX=file pos/__create/__eof
; EDI=buf
; ECX=bytes to write
; output:byteswritten

__create equ -1
__eof equ -2

save: pushad

push edi
push ecx

cmp ebx, __create
je @@1

push ebx

call fopen

pop edx

cmp edx, __eof
je @@3

call fseek
jmp @@2

@@3: call fseekeof
jmp @@2

@@1: call fcreate

@@2: pop ecx
pop edx
call fwrite

call fclose


; ===================== file io =============================================

; input: EDX=file
; output: EBX=handle

fopen: push 0
push 0 ; attr
push 0
push 0
push 80000000h + 40000000h ; GENERIC_READ + GENERIC_WRITE
push edx
call CreateFileA
xchg ebx, eax

; input: EDX=file
; output: EBX=handle

fcreate: push 0
push 0 ; 0
push 1 ; CREATE
push 0
push 0
push 80000000h + 40000000h ; GENERIC_READ + GENERIC_WRITE
push edx
call CreateFileA
xchg ebx, eax

; input: EDX=position
; EBX=handle

fseek: push 0
push 0
push edx
push ebx
call SetFilePointer

; input: EBX=handle

fseekeof: push 2
push 0
push 0
push ebx
call SetFilePointer

; input: EBX=handle

fclose: push ebx
call CloseHandle

; input: ECX=bytes to read
; EDX=buf
; EBX=handle
; output:EAX=bytes read

fread: push 0
push offset bytesread
push ecx
push edx
push ebx
call ReadFile

; input: ECX=bytes to read
; EDX=buf
; EBX=handle
; output:bytes written

fwrite: push 0
push offset byteswritten
push ecx
push edx
push ebx
call WriteFile

; ===================== unpack avc ==========================================

unp_avc: lea edx, avcbase ; read kami cpr
mov ebx, 0
lea edi, cpr_kami
mov ecx, 64
call load

lea edx, __cprkami ; write kami cpr
mov ebx, __create
lea edi, cpr_kami
mov ecx, 64
call save

lea edx, avcbase ; read author cpr
mov ebx, 64
lea edi, cpr_author
mov ecx, 64
call load

lea edx, __cprauthor ; write author cpr
mov ebx, __create
lea edi, cpr_author
mov ecx, 64
call save

lea edx, avcbase ; read avc header
mov ebx, 128
lea edi, h
mov ecx, avc_header_size
call load

lea edx, __hdr ; write avc header
mov ebx, __create
lea edi, h
mov ecx, avc_header_size
call save

mov count, 0

process_sux: movzx ecx, count

; generate file names
call gen_sux_names

; calculate offset of sux header
mov ebx, ecx
imul ebx, sux_size
add ebx, h.avc_sux_offs

; load sux header
lea edx, avcbase
lea edi, sux
mov ecx, sux_size
call load

; write suxheader
lea edx, sux_hdr
mov ebx, __create
lea edi, sux
mov ecx, sux_size
call save

mov eax, sux.sux_realsize
cmp eax, max_unpacked
ja error_3

; read sux data
lea edx, avcbase
mov ebx, sux.sux_dataoffs
mov ecx, sux.sux_datasize
cmp ecx, MAX_PACKED
ja error_1
lea edi, PACKED
mov PACKED_SIZE, ecx
call load

; unpack sux data

cmp ecx, sux.sux_realsize
jne error_2

; save sux data

lea esi, suxxxx
mov ecx, suxxxx_num
@@2: lodsd
xchg edx, eax
xchg ebx, eax
cmp bx, sux.sux_id
jne @@3
cmp ax, -1
je @@1
cmp ax, sux.sux_id2
je @@1
@@3: loop @@2
lea edx, sux_unk
mov ebx, __create
lea edi, UNPACKED
mov ecx, sux.sux_realsize
call save

inc count

mov ax, count
cmp ax, h.avc_sux_count
jb process_sux


lea edx, unpackedavc_msg
call msg

call ExitProcess

; ===================== subprograms =========================================

; gen_sux_names =

; input: ECX=number
; output: filenames

hexchar db '0123456789ABCDEF'

gen_sux_names: pushad
lea edi, suxnum
mov dl, 4
@@1: rol cx, 4
mov eax, ecx
and eax, 15
mov al, hexchar[eax]
i = 1
rept suxN-1
mov byte ptr [edi-1 + 13*i], al
i = i + 1
dec dl
jnz @@1

; --------------------- UNPACK_SUX ------------------------------------------


UNPACK_SUX: ; 1st pass -- UNXOR

lea esi, PACKED
mov ecx, PACKED_SIZE
xor eax, eax
unxor: xor [esi], al
inc esi
inc eax
loop unxor

; 2nd pass -- UNPACK (optional)

test h.avc_bits, 1 ; check bit 0
jnz exit_unpack_sux

; --------------------- unpacking -------------------------------------------

inbuf equ PACKED
outbuf equ UNPACKED

mov next_byte_ptr, offset inbuf
lea edi, outbuf
call avp_unpack

sub edi, offset outbuf

; --------------------- end of unpacking ------------------------------------

exit_unpack_sux: ret

avp_unpack: call getbyte
push eax ; CODE XREF: 0000:0CE3j
call getbyte
pop ebx ; CODE XREF: 0000:0D02j
mov ah, bl
xchg ah, al
mov bits, ax
mov len, 16

loc_0_D20: call get_bit ; CODE XREF: 0000:0D4Cj 0000:0D51j 0000:0E15j 0000:0E37j
or ax, ax
jz loc_0_D53
call getbyte
mov [edi], al ; CODE XREF: 0000:0D36j
inc edi
cmp edi, offset outbuf + MAX_unpacked
jne loc_0_d20
jmp exit

loc_0_D53: call get_bit ; CODE XREF: 0000:0D25j
or ax, ax
jnz loc_0_D8F

call get_bit
shl ax, 1
mov si, ax
call get_bit
or si, ax
add si, 2
call getbyte
or ax, 0FF00h ; CODE XREF: 0000:0D78j
mov dx, ax

jmp loc_0_E19

loc_0_D8F: call getbyte

loc_0_DAD: mov ah, 0 ; CODE XREF: 0000:0D9Ej
mov dx, ax
call getbyte

mov ah, 0 ; CODE XREF: 0000:0DC0j
mov si, ax
and ax, 0FFF8h
mov cl, 5
shl ax, cl
or ax, 0E000h
or dx, ax
and si, 7
add si, 2
cmp si, 2
jnz loc_0_E19
call getbyte

loc_0_E08: mov ah, 0 ; CODE XREF: 0000:0DF9j
mov si, ax
or si, si
jz exit
cmp si, 1
jnz loc_0_E18
jmp loc_0_D20

loc_0_E18: inc si ; CODE XREF: 0000:0E13j

loc_0_E19: ; CODE XREF: 0000:0D8Cj 0000:0DE8j
add edx, edi
jmp loc_0_E33

loc_0_E21: mov ebx, edx ; CODE XREF: 0000:0E35j
mov al, [ebx]
mov [edi], al
inc edi
dec si
inc edx
cmp edi, offset outbuf + MAX_unpacked
ja exit

loc_0_E33: or si, si ; CODE XREF: 0000:0E1Fj 0000:0E2Ej
jg loc_0_E21
jmp loc_0_D20

exit: ret

getbyte: push ebx
mov ebx, next_byte_ptr; CODE XREF: 0000:0C8Cj
mov al, [ebx] ; CODE XREF: 0000:0CDEj
pop ebx
inc next_byte_ptr

get_bit: mov dx, bits; CODE XREF: 0000:0D20p 0000:0D53p 0000:0D5Ap 0000:0D61p
and dx, 1
mov al, len
add al, -1
mov len, al
jnz shr_XXX

call getbyte
push ax ; CODE XREF: 0000:0E66j
call getbyte
pop bx ; CODE XREF: 0000:0E85j
mov ah, bl
xchg ah, al
mov bits, ax
mov len, 16
jmp c1

shr_XXX: shr bits, 1 ; CODE XREF: 0000:0E55j

c1: mov ax, dx ; CODE XREF: 0000:0EA3j

; ===================== pack avc ============================================

pack_avc: ;; not implemented

lea edx, packedavc_msg
call msg

call ExitProcess

; ===================== unpack lib =========================================

unp_lib: xor ebp, ebp
mov count, 0

@@1: lea edx, avcbase ; .av5
lea edi, TEMPDWORD
mov ecx, 8
mov ebx, ebp
call load

cmp bytesread, 0
je @@exit

add ebp, 8

lea edx, avcbase
lea edi, PACKED
mov ecx, TEMPDWORD
ja error_4
mov ebx, ebp
call load

inc count
movzx ecx, word ptr count

call gen_sux_names

lea edx, sux_obj
lea edi, PACKED
mov ecx, TEMPDWORD
mov ebx, __create
call save

add ebp, TEMPDWORD

jmp @@1

@@exit: lea edx, unpackedlib_msg
call msg

call ExitProcess

; ===================== pack lib =========================================

pack_lib: ; not implemented

lea edx, packedlib_msg
call msg

call ExitProcess

end start

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