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BAR - Yet Another File On Cheating Change & Soda Machines

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Published in 
Bad Ass Retards
 · 5 years ago


"Yet Another File On Cheating Change & Soda Machines"
a BAR file
"Bad Ass Retards"
by, Trillion

Atleast everybody has their own way of cheating soda and
change machines. Most of them hardly work. Here is one that I thought
up that is relatively simple and is very effective, as I tried it on many
machines. Welp, here it is:

Take a buck and put a piece of tape on the end of it about 3 or 4
inches long. Then, get an index card and cut it in half. Then fold it
in half, but don't make it stay closed. Next, tape the tape to the
center and middle of the fold on the index card. When you insert the
dollar, it should accept it, but it won't go down because the index
card will block it. Look at the diagram, it should explain it more:
________________ _____________
| | | Index Card| === - Tape
| Pres. ============+ |
| ============+ | + - Fold Of Index Card
|________________| |_____+_____|

It should be easy enough to do. You might want to use string
instead of tape, but I have never tried it. Well that about wraps it up.

This has been a Bar presentation. Thank you.

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