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Published in 
Bad Ass Retards
 · 5 years ago


(fun revenge, or just plain fun!)

Hey dudes, here are a couple of cool ways to have fun or get
revenge by messing with someone's car. Check it out!
First method: Take some un-popped popcorn kernels and shove
them into the tailpipe of someone's car. When the driver goes, the
tailpipe gets hot enough to pop the corn inside the muffler.
Totally funny! However, be sure to get the kernels way inside the
tailpipe to make sure that they don't fall out. To make the
popping better, squirt some corn oil in there too. This not only
helps the popping, but acts as a form of glue (sticky) to ensure
that the corn kernels stay inside the pipe. Image someone's
surprise when they see popcorn coming out of the car in front of
them. And imagine the stress it would cause to the cars owner.
Wee, fun!
Second method: Place large nuts inside the hubcaps of a car.
When the car drives, the nuts bounce around and make an annoying
sound. However, when the driver stops to see what is wrong, he
won't see anything because it is not visible. Hopefully it will
take sometime to figure out what is going on. Pretty funny, clunk
clunk, clunk clunk!
Third method: Pull out the rubber blade part of the
windshield wiper. Most drives won't notice that the rubber is gone
until it is too late, then s-c-r-a-t-c-h! Metal against glass!
OOH, very mean!
Fourth method: On Mercedes and other cars where they have
headlight wipers. Take some thick painters paint, the kind that
comes in a toothpaste-like tube, and put a nice thick strip of it
on top of the blade. Then, when the driver goes to wipe the
headlights, it gets covered with the color of your choice, blocking
out the light. Neato!
Fifth method: Over inflate the left side tires and deflate
the right side tires. This will cause the car to pull to one side!

Look for more cars stuff 2 do by á’â!

A á’â. release
Courtesy of Irie Man

First method concept and idea by Vortex.

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