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Can you find me now? - Unlocking the Verizon Wireless xv6800 (HTC Titan) GPS

0. Abstract

In August 2008 Verizon Wireless released a firmware upgrade for their xv6800
(rebranded HTC Titan) line of Windows Mobile smartphones that provided a number
of new features previously unavailable on the device on the initial release
firmware. In particular, support for accessing the device's built-in Qualcomm
gpsOne assisted GPS chipset was introduced with this update. However, Verizon
Wireless elected to attempt to lock down the GPS hardware on xv6800 such that
only applications authorized by Verizon Wireless would be able to access the
device's built-in GPS hardware and perform location-based functions (such as
GPS-assisted navigation). The mechanism used to lock down the GPS hardware is
entirely client-side based, however, and as such suffers from fundamental
limitations in terms of how effective the lockdown can be in the face of an
almost fully user-programmable Windows Mobile-based device. This article
outlines the basic philosophy used to prevent unauthorized applications from
accessing the GPS hardware and provides a discussion of several of the flaws
inherent in the chosen design of the protection mechanism. In addition,
several pitfalls relating to debugging and reverse engineering programs on
Windows Mobile are also discussed. Finally, an overview of several suggested
design alterations that would have mitigated some of the flaws in the current
GPS lock down system from the perspective of safeguarding the privacy of user
location data are also presented.

1. Introduction

The Verizon Wireless xv6800 (which is in and of itself a rebranded version of
the HTC Titan, with a carrier-customized firmware loadout) is a recently
released Windows Mobile-based smartphone. A firmware update released during
August 2008 enabled several new features on the device. For the purposes of
this article, the author has elected to focus on the embedded Qualcomm gpsOne
chipset, which provides assisted GPS facilities to applications running on the

With the official firmware upgrade (known as MR1), the assisted GPS support on
the device, which had previously remained inaccessible when using carrier-
supported firmware, was activated, albeit with a catch; only applications that
were approved by Verizon Wireless were able to access the built-in GPS hardware
present on the device. Although third-party applications could access an
externally connected (for example, Bluetooth-enabled) GPS device, the Qualcomm
gpsOne chipset embedded in the phone itself remained inaccessible. Coinciding
with the public release of the xv6800 MR1 firmware, Verizon Wireless also began
making available a subscription-based application (called "VZ Navigator"),
which provides voice-based turn-by-turn navigation on the xv6800 via the usage
of the device's built-in GPS hardware.

There have been a variety of third-party firmware images released for the
xv6800 that mix-and-match portions of official firmware releases from other
carriers supporting their own rebranded versions of xv6800 (HTC Titan). Some
of these custom firmware images enable access to the gpsOne hardware, albeit
with several caveats. In particular, until recently, assisted GPS mode, wherein
the cellular network aids the device in acquiring a GPS fix, was not available
on Verizon Wireless's network with custom firmware images; only standalone GPS
mode (which requires waiting for a "cold lock" on three GPS satellites, a
process that may take many minutes after device boot) was enabled. In
addition, installing these custom firmware images requires patching out a
signature check in the software loader on the device. This procedure may be
considered dangerous if one wishes to retain hardware warranty support (which
may be desirable, given the steep unsubsidized cost of the device).

Furthermore, should one install the official Verizon Wireless MR1 firmware
upgrade, the gpsOne hardware on the device would remain locked down even if one
switched to a currently available third-party firmware images. This
is likely due to a sticky setting written to the firmware during the carrier
provisioning process at the completion of the MR1 firmware upgrade. As the
presently available third-party ROM images do not wipe the area of the device's
firmware which seems to control the GPS hardware's lockdown state, it becomes
difficult to unlock the GPS hardware after having upgraded to the MR1 firmware
image. A lengthy process is available to undo this change, but it involves
the complete reset of most provisioning settings on the device, such that the
phone must be partially manually reprovisioned, as opposed to utilizing the
over-the-air provisioning support.

Given the downsides of relying on custom firmware images for enabling the
built-in GPS hardware on the xv6800, the official firmware release does pose a
reasonable attraction. However, the locking down of the GPS hardware to only
Verizon Wireless authorized applications is undesirable should one wish to use
third-party location-enabled applications with the built-in GPS hardware, such
as Google Maps or Microsoft's Live Search.

Verizon Wireless indicates that third-party application usage of the GPS
hardware on their devices is subject to Verizon Wireless-dictated policies and
procedures [1]. In particular, the security of user location information is
often cited [2] as a reason for requiring location-enabled applications to be
certified by Verizon Wireless. Unfortunately, the mechanism deployed to lock
built-in GPS hardware on the xv6800 provides very little in the way of true
security against third-party programs (malicious or otherwise) from accessing
location information. In fact, given Windows Mobile 6's lack of "hard" process
isolation, it is questionable as to whether it is even technically feasible to
provide a truly secure protection mechanism on a device that allows
user-supplied programs to be loaded and executed.

While there may be golden intentions in attempting to protect users from
malicious programs designed to harvest their location information on-the-fly,
the protection system as implemented to control access to the gpsOne chipset
on the xv6800 is unfortunately relatively weak. This is at odds with Verizon
Wireless's stated goals of attemting to protect the security of a user's location
information, and thus may place users at risk.

2. Overview of Protection Mechanisms

There are multiple levels of protection mechanisms built-in to both the MR1
firmware image for the xv6800, as well as the GPS-enabled subscription VZ
Navigator software that Verizon Wireless supports as the sole officially
sanctioned location-based application (at the time of this article's writing).
The protection mechanisms can be broken up into those that exist on the device
firmware itself, and those that exist in the VZ Navigator software.

2.1. Firmware-based Protection Mechanisms

The MR1 firmware provides the underlying foundation of the built-in GPS
hardware lockdown logic. There are several built-in software components that
are "baked into" the firmware image and support the GPS lockdown system. The
principle design underpinning the firmware-based protection system, however, is
a fairly run of the mill security-through-obscurity based approach. In
particular, GPS location information obtained by the built-in gpsOne hardware
(specifically, latitude and longitude) is encrypted. Only programs that
understand how to decrypt the position information are able to make sense of
any data returned by the gpsOne chipset.

Furthermore, in order to initiate a location fix via the built-in gpsOne
hardware, an application must continually answer correctly to a series of
challenge-response interactions with the gpsOne chipset driver (and thus the
radio firmware on the device). The reason for implementing both a
challenge-response mechanism as well as obfuscating the actual GPS location
will become apparent after further discussion.

The firmware-based protected gpsOne interface has several constituent layers,
with supporting code present at radio-firmware level, kernel driver level, and
user mode application level.

At the lowest level, the radio firmware for the device chipset would appear to
have a hand in obfuscating returned GPS positioning data. This assumption is
logically based on a strings dump of radio firmware images indicating the
presence of AES-related calls in GPS-related code (AES is used to encrypt the
returned location information), and the fact that switching to a custom
firmware image after installing the MR1 update does not re-enable the plaintext
gpsOne interface).

Between the radio firmware (which executes outside the context of Windows
Mobile) and the OS itself, there exists a kernel mode Windows Mobile driver
known as the GPS intermediate driver. This module (gpsid_qct.dll) provides an
interface between user mode callers and the GPS hardware on the device. It
also provides support for multiplexing a single piece of GPS hardware across
multiple user mode applications concurrently (a standard feature of Windows
Mobile's GPS support). However, Verizon Wireless has broken this support with
the locked down GPS logic that has been placed in the xv6800's implementation
of the GPS intermediate driver.

Beneath the GPS intermediate driver, there are two different interfaces that
are supported for the collection of location data on Windows Mobile-based
devices [4]. The first of these is an emulated serial port that is exposed to
user mode, and implements a standard NMEA-compatible text-based interface for
accessing location information. This interface has also been broken by the
GPS intermediate driver used by Verizon Wireless on the xv6800, for reasons
that will become clear upon further discussion.

The second interface for retrieving location information via the GPS
intermediate driver is a set of IOCTLs implemented by the GPS intermediate
driver to retrieve parsed (binary) GPS data from the currently-active GPS
hardware (returned as C-style structures). User mode callers do not typically
call these IOCTLs directly from their code, but instead indirect through a set
of thin C API wrappers in a system-supplied module called gpsapi.dll. This
interface is also broken by the GPS lockdown logic in the GPS intermediate
driver, although an extended version of this IOCTL-based interface is used by
GPS-enabled applications that support the locked down mode of operation on the

Verizon Wireless ships a custom module parallel to gpsapi.dll on the xv6800,
named oemgpsOne.dll. This module exports a superset of the APIs provided by
the standard gpsapi.dll (although there are slight differences in function
names). Additionally, new APIs (which are, as in gpsapi.dll, simply thin
wrappers around IOCTL requests sent to the GPS intermediate driver) are
provided to manage the challenge-response and encrypted GPS location aspects
of the gpsOne lockdown system present on the xv6800. Through correct usage of
the APIs exported by oemgpsOne.dll, a program with knowledge of the GPS lock
down system can retrieve valid positioning data from the gpsOne chipset on the

Applications that are approved by Verizon Wireless for location-enabled
operation make calls to a library developed by Verizon Wireless and Autodesk,
named LBSDriver.dll, which is itself a client of oemgpsOne.dll. LBSDriver.dll
and its security measures are discussed later, along with VZ Navigator.

2.1.a. Application Authorization via Challenge-response

In order to activate the gpsOne hardware on the xv6800 and request a GPS
location fix, an application must receive a challenge data block from the
gpsOne driver and perform a secret transform on the given data in order to
create a well-formed response. Until this process is completed, the gpsOne
hardware will not attempt to return a location fix. Furthermore, a
location-enabled application using the built-in gpsOne hardware must
continually complete additional challenge-response sequences (using the same
underlying algorithms) as it continues to acquire updated location fixes from
the gpsOne hardware.

The first step in connecting to the GPS intermediate driver to retrieve valid
position information is to open a handle to a GPS intermediate driver instance.
This is accomplished with a call to an oemgpsOne.dll export by the name of
oGPSOpenDevice. The parameters and return value of this function are analogous
to the standard Windows Mobile GPSOpenDevice routine [5].

__in HANDLE NewLocationData,
__in HANDLE DeviceStateChange,
__in const WCHAR *DeviceName,
__in DWORD Flags

After a handle to the GPS intermediate driver instance is available, the next
step in preparing for the challenge-response sequence is to issue a call to
a second function implemented by oemgpsOne.dll, named oGPSGetBaseSSD.
This routine returns a session-specific blob of data that is later used in the
challenge-response process. In the current implementation, the returned blob
appears to always contain the same data across every invocation.

__in HANDLE Device,
__out unsigned char *Buf, // sizeof = 0x10
__out unsigned long *BufLength, // 0x10
__out unsigned short *Buf2 // sizeof = 0x10

Next, the GPS intermediate driver must be provided with a valid event handle to
signal when a new challenge cycle has been requested by the driver. This is
accomplished via a call to the oGPSEnableSecurity function in oemgpsOne.dll.

__in HANDLE Device,
__in HANDLE SecurityChangeEvent

After the session-specific blob has been retrieved, and an event handle for
new challenge requests has been provided to the GPS intermediate driver, the
next step is to receive a challenge block from the GPS intermediate driver and
compute a valid response. The application must wait until the GPS intermediate
driver signals the challenge request event before requesting the current
challenge data block. Once the driver signals the event that was passed to
oGPSEnableSecurity, the application must execute one challenge-response cycle.

Challenge data blocks are retrieved from the gpsOne driver via a call to a
routine exported from oemgpsOne.dll, named oGPSReadSecurityConfig. As per the
prototype, this routine takes a handle to the GPS intermediate driver instance,
and returns a blob of data used to generate a challenge response.

__in HANDLE Device,
__out unsigned char *Buf // On return, 0x4 + 1 + 1 + Buf[0x6] (max length 0x1c total)

After the challenge data blob has been retrieved via a call to
oGPSReadSecurityConfig, the GPS lockdown-aware application must perform a
series of secret transformations on it before indicating a companion response
blob down to the GPS intermediate driver. The transformation function consists
of some bit-shuffling of the challenge blob, followed by a SHA-1 hash of the
shuffled challenge blob concatenated with the session-specific data blob. This
process yields the bulk of the response data less a two-byte header that is
prepended prior to indication down to the GPS intermediate driver.

The process of sending the computed challenge-response is accomplished via a
call to another function in oemgpsOne.dll, by the name of

__in HANDLE Device,
__in unsigned char *Buf // 0x1C

The GPS intermediate driver will continue to periodically challenge the
application while it requests updated position fixes from the gpsOne chipset.
This is accomplished by signaling the event passed to oGPSEnableSecurity, which
indicates to the application that it should retrieve a new challenge and create
a new response, using the mechanism outlined above.

2.1.b. Location Information Encryption

Without passing the challenge-response scheme previously described, the GPS
intermediate driver will refuse to return a set of position information from
the gpsOne hardware. Even after the challenge-response system has been
implemented, however, a secondary layer of security must be addressed. This
security layer takes the form of the encryption of the latitude and longitude
values returned by the gpsOne chipset.

While this second layer of security may appear superfluous at first glance,
there exists a valid reason for it. Recall that the GPS intermediate driver
multiplexes a single piece of GPS hardware across multiple applications. In
the implementation of the current GPS intermediate driver for the xv6800, the
challenge-response scheme appears to map directly to the gpsOne chipset itself.

Thus, once a single program has passed the challenge-response mechanism, and as
long as that program continues to respond correctly to challenge-response
requests, any program on the system can call any of the standard Windows Mobile
GPS interfaces to retrieve location data. This presents the obvious security
hole wherein a Verizon Wireless-approved GPS application is started, and then a
third-party application using the standard Windows Mobile GPS API is loaded,
in effect "piggy-backing" on top of the challenge-response code residing in the
approved application to allow access to the embedded gpsOne hardware.

For reasons unclear to the author, the designers of the GPS lockdown system
did not choose to simply disable GPS requests not associated with the program
that has passed the challenge-response scheme. Instead, a different approach
is taken, such that the GPS intermediate driver encrypts the location
information that it returns via either serial port or gpsapi.dll interfaces.

In order to make sense of the returned latitude and longitude values, a program
must be able to decrypt them. While the GPS intermediate driver provides the
decryption key in plaintext equivalent to any program that knows how to request
it, this information is not available to clients of the standard Windows Mobile
NMEA-compatible virtual serial port or gpsapi.dll interfaces. Aside from
latitude and longitude data, however, all other information returned by the
standard Windows Mobile GPS interface is unadulterated and valid (this includes
altitude and timing information, primarily).

Thus, the first step to decoding valid position values is to call an extended
version of the standard Windows Mobile GPSGetPosition routine [6]. This
extended routine is named oGPSGetPosition, and it, too, is implemented in
oemgpsOne.dll. The prototype matches that of the standard GPSGetPosition,
although an extended version of the GPS_POSITION structure containing
additional information (including a blob needed to derive the decryption key
required to decrypt the longitude and latitude values) is returned.

__in HANDLE Device,
__out PGPS_POSITION GPSPosition,
__in DWORD MaximumAge,
__in DWORD Flags

Decryption of the latitude and longitude information is fairly straight-
forward, involving a transform (via the same transformation process described
previously) of the challenge data returned as a part of the extended
GPS_POSITION structure. This yields an AES key, which is imported into a
CryptoAPI key object, and then used in ECB mode to decrypt the latitude and
longitude values.

Once decryption is complete, a scaling factor is then applied to the resultant
coordinate values, in order to bring them in line with the unit system used by
the standard Windows Mobile GPS interfaces.

2.2.b. VZ Navigator (Application-level) Protection Mechanisms

While many parts of the GPS lockdown system are implemented by radio firmware-
level, or kernel mode-level code, portions are also implemented in user mode.
An approved Verizon Wireless application accesses location information by
calling through a module developed by Verizon Wireless and Autodesk, and named
LBSDriver.dll. In an approved application, it is the responsibility of
LBSDriver.dll to communicate with the GPS intermediate driver via
oemgpsOne.dll, and implement the challenge-response and position decryption
functionality. LBSDriver.dll then exports a subset of the standard Windows
Mobile gpsapi.dll (with several custom additions), for usage by approved
programs on the xv6800.

Additionally, LBSDriver.dll implements a user-controlled privacy policy on top
of the gpsOne hardware. The user is allowed to specify at what times of day a
particular program can access location information, and whether the user is
prompted to confirm the request. The privacy policy configuration process is
driven via a dialog box (implemented and created by LBSDriver.dll) that is
shown on the device the first time an application runs, and subsequently via
a Verizon Wireless-operated web site [7]. Privacy policy settings are
obfuscated and stored in the registry, keyed off of a hash of the calling
program's main process image fully-qualified filename.

Because LBSDriver.dll is a standard, loadable DLL, it is vulnerable to being
loaded by untrusted code. There are several defenses implemented by the
LBSDriver module which attempt to deter third-party programs that have not been
approved by Verizon Wireless from successfully loading LBSDriver.dll and
subsequently using it to access location information.

The first such protection embedded into LBSDriver.dll is a digital signature
check on the main process executable corresponding to any program that attempts
to load LBSDriver.dll. This check is ultimately triggered when the
GPSOpenDevice export on LBSDriver.dll is called. Specifically, the calling
process module is confirmed to be signed by a custom certificate. If this is
not the case, then an error dialog is shown, and the GPSOpenDevice request is
denied. This check is based on calling GetModuleFileName(NULL, ...) [8] to
retrieve the path to the main process image, which is then run through the
aforementioned signature check.

Additionally, LBSDriver.dll also connects to an Autodesk-operated server in
order to determine if the calling program is authorized to use LBSDriver.dll.
In addition to verifying that the calling program is approved as a GPS-enabled
application, the Autodesk-operated server also appears to indicate back to the
client whether or not the user's account has been provisioned for a
subscription location-enabled application, such as VZ Navigator. A program
hoping to utilize LBSDriver.dll must pass these checks in order to successfully
acquire a location fix using the built-in gpsOne hardware.

The Autodesk-operated server also provides configuration information (such as
Position Determining Entity (PDE) addresses) that is later used in the assisted
GPS process. However, this configuration information appears to be more or
less static, at least for the critical portions necessary to enable assisted
GPS, and can thus be cached and reused by third-party programs without even
needing to go through the Autodesk server.

3. Opening gpsOne on the xv6800 to Third-party Applications.

Understanding the protection mechanisms that implement the locking down of the
built-in GPS hardware is only part of the battle to enable third-party
GPS-enabled programs to operate on the xv6800. Undocumented functions in
oemgpsOne.dll with no equivalent in the standard Windows Mobile gpsapi.dll, and
various quirks of Windows Mobile itself preclude a straightforward
implementation to unlock the GPS for third-party programs.

Furthermore, third-party GPS-enabled programs are written to one (or commonly,
both) of the standard Windows Mobile GPS interfaces. Because these interfaces
are disabled on the xv6800, a solution to adapt third-party programs to the
locked down GPS interface would be required (in lieu of modifying every single
third-party application to support the locked down GPS interface). As many of
these third-party applications are closed-source and frequently updated, any
solution that required direct modification of a third-party program would be
untenable from a maintenance perspective.

The solution chosen was to write an emulation layer for the standard Windows
Mobile gpsapi.dll interface, which translates standard gpsapi.dll function
calls into requests compatible with the locked down GPS interface.

3.1. Examining gpsOne Driver Interactions

The first step in implementing a layer to unlock the gpsOne hardware on the
xv6800 involves discovering the correct sequence of oemgpsOne.dll calls (and
thus calls to the GPS intermediate driver, as oemgpsOne.dll is merely a thin
wrapper around IOCTL requests to the GPS intermediate driver, for the most
part, with some minor exceptions).

The standard way that this would be done on a Windows-based system would be to
run VZ Navigator under a debugger, but there exist several complications that
prevent this from being an acceptable solution for monitoring oemgpsOne.dll

First, the assisted GPS functionality of the gpsOne hardware requires that the
device be connected to the cellular network, and operating with it as the
default gateway, as a connection to a carrier-supplied server (known as a
"Position Determining Entity", or PDE) must be made. The PDE servers that are
operated by Verizon Wireless are firewalled off from outside their network, and
in addition, it is possible that they use the IP address assigned to the user
making a request for location assistance purposes.

Unfortunately, the debugger connection to a Windows Mobile-based device, for
all the Windows Mobile debuggers that the author had access to (IDA Pro 5.1 and
the Visual Studio 2005 debugger) require an ActiveSync link. While the
ActiveSync link is enabled, it supersedes the cellular link for data traffic.
Even when the computer on the other end of the ActiveSync link was connected to
the cellular network via a separate cellular modem, the GPS functionality did
not operate, due to an apparent check of whether the cellular link is the most-
precedent data link on the device.

This means that observing much of the oemgpsOne.dll calls relating to position
fixes would not be possible with the standard debugging tools available. The
solution that was implemented for this problem was to write a proxy DLL that
exports every symbol exported by oemgpsOne.dll, logs the parameters of any such
API calls, and then forwards them on to the underlying oemgpsOne.dll
implementation (logging return values and out parameters after the actual
implementation function in question returned).

While potentially labor-intensive, in terms of creating the proxy DLL, such a
technique is relatively simple on Windows. The usual procedure for such a task
would be to create the proxy DLL, place it in the directory containing the main
process image of the program to be hooked, and then load the real DLL with a
fully-qualified path name from inside the proxy DLL.

Unfortunately, Windows Mobile does not allow two DLLs with the same base name
to be loaded, even if a fully-qualified path is specified with a call to
LoadLibrary. Instead, the first DLL that happened to get loaded by any process
on the entire system matching the requested base name is returned. This means
that in order to load a proxy DLL, one of two approaches would need to be

The first such option is to rename the the proxy DLL itself, along with the
filename of the imported DLL in the desired target module, by modifying the
actual desired target module itself on-disk. The second option is to rename
the DLL containing the implementation of the proxied functionality, and then
load that DLL by the altered name in the proxy DLL. Both approaches are
functionally equivalent on Windows Mobile; the author chose the former in
this case.

Through disassembly, a rough estimate of the prototypes of the various APIs
exported by oemgpsOne.dll was created, and from there, a proxy module
(oemgpsOneProxy.dll) was written to log specific API calls to a file for later
analysis. This approach allowed for relatively quick identification of any
arguments to oemgpsOne.dll calls which were not immediately obvious from static
disassembly, despite the lack of a debugger on the target when many of the
calls were made.

3.2. Implementing a Custom oemgpsOne.dll client

After discerning the prototypes for the various oemgpsOne.dll supporting APIs,
the next step in unlocking the built-in GPS hardware on the xv6800 was to write
a custom client program that utilized oemgpsOne.dll to retrieve decrypted
location values from the gpsOne chipset.

Although one approach to this task might be to attempt to disable the various
security checks present in LBSDriver.dll, it was deemed easier to re-implement
an oemgpsOne.dll client from scratch. In addition, this approach also allowed
the author to circumvent various implementation bugs and limitations present
in LBSDriver.dll.

Given the information gleaned from analyzing LBSDriver.dll's implementation of
the challenge-response and GPS decryption logic, and the API call logging from
the oemgpsOne.dll proxy module, writing a client for oemgpsOne.dll is merely an
exercise in writing the necessary code to connect all of the pieces together in
the correct fashion.

After valid GPS position data can be retrieved from oemgpsOne.dll, all that
remains is to write an adapter layer to connect programs written against the
standard Windows Mobile gpsapi.dll to the custom oemgpsOne.dll client.

However, there are inherent design limitations in the locked down GPS interface
that complicate the creation of a practical adapter to convert gpsapi.dll calls
into oemgpsOne.dll calls. For example, a naive implementation that might
involve creating a module to replace gpsapi.dll with a custom binary to make
inline calls to oemgpsOne.dll would run aground of a number of pitfalls.

Specifically, as oemgpsOne.dll depends on gpsapi.dll, attempting to simply
replace gpsapi.dll with a custom module will break the very oemgpsOne.dll
functionality used to communicate with the GPS intermediate driver, due to
the previously mentioned "one dll for a given base name" Windows Mobile
limitation. In addition, it is not possible for two programs to simply
simultaneously operate full clients of oemgpsOne.dll, as the challenge-response
mechanism operates globally and will not operate correctly should two
applications simultaneously attempt to engage it.

The most straightforward solution to the former issue is to simply rename a
copy of the stock gpsapi.dll, and then modify oemgpsOne.dll to refer to the
renamed gpsapi.dll. This opens the door to replacing the system-supplied
gpsapi.dll with a custom replacement gpsapi.dll implementing a client for

3.3. Multiplexing GPS Across Multiple Applications.

The GPS intermediate driver supports multiplexing the GPS hardware present on
a Windows Mobile-based device across multiple applications. However, as
previously noted, the locked down GPS interface breaks this functionality, as
no two programs can participate in the full challenge-response protocol for
keeping the gpsOne hardware active simultaneously.

Although the first program to start could be designated the "master", and thus
be responsible for challenge-response operations (with secondary programs
merely decrypting position data locally), this introduces a great deal of extra
complexity. Specifically, significant coordination issues arise relating to
cleanly handling the fact that third-party GPS-enabled programs are typically
unaware of each other. Thus, work must be done to handle the case where one
program having previously activated the gpsOne hardware exits, leaving any
remaining programs still using GPS with the problem of selecting a new "master"
program to perform challenge-responses with the GPS intermediate driver.

Given the difficulties of such an approach, a different model was chosen, such
that the replacement gpsapi.dll acts as a client of a server program which then
mediates access to the locked down GPS interface on behalf of all active GPS-
enabled programs. Although there exist synchronization and coordination issues
with this model, they are simpler to deal with than the alternative

3.4. Caveats.

While the resultant GPS adapter system supports third-party programs that
utilize gpsapi.dll, any programs using the virtual NMEA serial port interface
will not operate successfully. Unfortunately, the same approach towards the
replacement of gpsapi.dll is not feasible with the APIs utilized in
communication with a serial port, by virtue of the sheer number of function
calls present in coredll.dll that would need to be forwarded on to the real
coredll.dll via a proxy module.

4. Bugs in the Verizon Wireless xv6800 gpsOne Lock Down Logic

Few programs designed to lockdown portions of a system via security through
obscurity are bug-free, and the GPS lockdown logic on the xv6800 is certainly
no exception. The lockdown code has a number of localized and systemic issues
pervading the current implementation.

4.1. Thread Safety Issues

There are a number of threading related issues present throughout the locked
down GPS interface.

- The GPS intermediate driver does not properly synchronize the case of
multiple simultaneous callers using the extended IOCTLs not present on a
stock GPS intermediate driver implementation.
- LBSDriver.dll utilizes a dedicated thread for performing challenge-response
processing with the GPS intermediate driver. However, there is no
synchronization provided between the challenge-response thread and the thread
that retrieves and decrypts GPS position data, leading to a race condition in
which it might be possible for decryption to return garbage data.

4.2. API Mis-use

In several cases, LBSDriver.dll fails to use standard Windows APIs correctly.

- LBSDriver.dll performs dangerous operations in DllMain, such as loading
other DLLs, despite such operations being long-documented as blatantly
illegal and prone to difficult to diagnose deadlocks (particularly on a
device with extremely limited debugging support).
- When LBSDriver.dll performs the AES decryption on the latitude/longitude
values returned by oemgpsOne.dll, it creates a CryptoAPI key blob, in order
to import the derived AES key into a CryptoAPI key object (via the use of the
CryptImportKey routine). However, the length of the key blob passed to
CryptImportKey is actually too short. This would appear to make
LBSDriver.dll seemingly dependent on a bug in the Windows Mobile 6
implementation of CryptoAPI. Specifically, the key blob format for a
symmetric key includes a count in bytes of key material, and the data passed
to CryptImportKey is such that the key blob structure claims to extend beyond
the length of bytes that LBSDriver.dll specifies for the key blob structure
itself. It might even be the case that this represents a security problem in
CryptoAPI due to apparently non-functional length checking in this case, as
key blobs are documented to be transportable across an untrusted medium.

To illustrate second issue, consider the following code fragment:

// Initialize the header.

BlobHeader = (BLOBHEADER *)KeyBlob;

BlobHeader->bVersion = 2;
BlobHeader->reserved = 0;
BlobHeader->aiKeyAlg = CALG_AES_128;

// Initialize the key length in the BLOB payload.

*(DWORD *)(&KeyBlob[ 0x08 ] ) = KeyLength;

// Initialize the key material in the BLOB payload.

memcpy( KeyBlob + 0x0C, KeyData, KeyLength );

// Generate a CryptoAPI AES-128 key object from our key material.

if (!CryptImportKey(
KeyLength, // BUGBUG: Should really be KeyLength + 0x0C...

Contrary to the Microsoft-supplied documentation [9] for CryptImportKey, the
third parameter passed to CryptImportKey ("dwDataLen", as "KeyLength" in this
example) is too short for the key blob specified, as the length field in the
blob header itself describes the key material as being "KeyLength" bytes.
Thus, the LBSDriver.dll module would appear to depend upon either CryptoAPI or
the default Microsoft cryptographic provider on Windows Mobile not validating
blob header key material lengths properly, as the supplied blob header claims
that the key material extends outside the provided blob buffer (given the
length passed to CryptImportKey).

Microsoft-supplied sample code [10] illustrates the correct construction of a
symmetric key blob, and does not suffer from this deficiency.

5. Suggested Countermeasures

Although several attempts were made throughout the GPS lockdown system on the
xv6800 to deter third party programs from successfully communicating with the
integrated gpsOne hardware, the bulk of these checks were relatively easy to
overcome. In fact, the principle barriers to the GPS unlocking projects were
a lack of viable debugging tools for the platform, and an unfamiliarity with
Windows Mobile on the part of the author.

Nevertheless, several improvements could have been made to improve the
resilience of the lockdown system.

- Deny assisted GPS availability at the PDE if the user's account is not
provisioned for GPS, or if the privacy policy configured time of day
restrictions are not met. Because the security and lockdown checks are
implemented client-side on the xv6800, they are relatively easily bypassable
by third party applications. However, if the device is capable of performing
a standalone GPS location fix, blocking assisted GPS access will not provide
a hard defense.
- Require code signing from a Verizon Wireless CA for all applications loaded
on the device. Users are, however, unlikely to purchase a device configured
in such a matter, as expensive smartphone-class devices are often sold under
the expectation that third party programs will be easily loadable.
- Moving enforcement checks for operations such as time of day requirements for
the user's desired location privacy policy into the radio firmware and out of
the operating system environment. The radio firmware environment is
significantly closer to a "black box" than the operating system which runs on
the application core of the xv6800. Furthermore, if the software loader on
the xv6800 were secured and locked down, the radio firmware could be made
significantly more proof against unauthorized modifications. One could
envision a system wherein the radio firmware communicates with the carrier's
network out-of-band (with respect to the general-purpose operating system
loaded on the device) to determine when it had been authorized by the user to
provide location information to applications running on the device.

The client-side checks on the GPS lockdown system are likely a heritage of the
fact that VZ Navigator and LBSDriver.dll appear to be more or less ports from
BREW-based "dumb phones", where the application environment is more tightly
controlled by code signing requirements. The Windows Mobile operating
environment is significantly different in this respect, however.

Additionally, the author would submit that, from the perspective of attempting
to safeguard users from unauthorized harvesting of their location data (a key
reason cited by Verizon Wireless with respect to the certification process
needed for an application to become approved for location-aware functionality),
a hardware switch to enable or disable the GPS hardware on the device would be
a far better investment. In fact, the xv6800 already possesses a hardware
switch for 802.11 functionality; if this was instead changed to enable or
disable the gpsOne chipset in future smartphone designs, users could be assured
that their location information would be truly secure.

6. Debugging and Development Challenges on Windows Mobile and the xv6800.

Windows Mobile has a severely reduced set of standard debugging tools as
compared to the typically highly rich debugging environment available on most
Windows-derived systems. This greatly complicated the process of understanding
the underlying implementation details of the GPS lockdown system.

The author had access to two debuggers that could be used on the xv6800 at the
time of this writing: the Visual Studio 2005 debugger, and the IDA Pro 5.1
debugger. Both programs have serious issues in and of their own respective

Unfortunately, there does not appear to be any support for WinDbg, the author's
preferred debugging tool, when using Windows CE-based systems, such as Windows
Mobile. Although WinDbg can open ARM dump files (and ARM PE images as a dump
file), and can disassemble ARM instructions, there is no transport to connect
it to a live process on an ARM system.

The relatively immature state of debugging tools for the Windows Mobile
platform was a significant time consumer in the undertaking of this project.

6.1. Limitations of the Visual Studio Debugger

Visual Studio 2005 has integrated support for debugging Windows Mobile-based
applications. However, this support is riddled with bugs, and the quality of
the debugging experience rapidly diminishes if one does not have symbols and
binaries for all images in the process being debugged present on the debugger
machine. In particular, the Visual Studio 2005 debugger seems to be unable to
disassemble at any location other than the current pc register value without
having symbols for the containing binary available. (In the author's
experience, attempting such a feat will fail with a complaint that no code
exists at the desired address.)

Additionally, there seems to be no support for export symbols on the Windows
Mobile debugger component of Visual Studio 2005. This, coupled with the lack
of freely-targetable disassembly support, often made it difficult to identify
standard API calls from the debugger. The author recommends falling back to
static disassembly whenever possible, as available static disassembly tools,
such as IDA Pro 5.1 Advanced or WinDbg provide a superior user experience.

6.2. Limitations of the IDA Pro 5.1 Debugger

Although IDA Pro 5.1 supports debugging of Windows Mobile-based programs, the
debugger has several limitations that made it unfortunately less practical than
the Visual Studio 2005 debugger. Foremost, it would appear that the debugger
does not support suspending and breaking into a Windows Mobile target without
the Windows Mobile target voluntarily breaking in (such as by hitting a
previously defined breakpoint).

In addition, the default security policy configuration on the device needed to
be modified in order to enable the debugger to connect at all (see note [3]).

6.3. Replacing a Firmware-baked Execute-in-place Module

Windows Mobile supports the concept of an execute in place (or XIP) module.
Such an executable image is stored split up into PE sections on disk (and does
not contain a full image header). XIP modules are "baked" into the firmware
image, and cannot be overwritten without flashing the OS firmware on the
device. Conversely, it is not possible to simply copy an XIP module off of the
device and on to a conventional storage medium.

The advantage of XIP "baked" modules comes into play when one considers the
limited amount of RAM available on a typical Windows Mobile device. XIP
modules are pre-relocated to a guaranteed available base address, and do not
require any runtime alterations to their backing memory when mapped. As a
result, XIP modules can be backed entirely by ROM and not RAM, decreasing the
(scarce) RAM that must be devoted to holding executable code.

It is possible to supersede an XIP "baked" module without flashing the OS image
on the xv6800, however. This involves a rather convoluted procedure, which
amounts to the following steps, for a given XIP module residing in a particular

- First, rename the replacement module such that it has a filename which does
not conflict with any files present in the directory containing the XIP
module to supersede.
- Next, copy the renamed replacement module into the directory containing the
desired XIP module to supersede.
- Finally, rename the replacement module to have the same filename as the
desired XIP module.

Deleting the filename associated with the superseded XIP module will revert the
device back to the ROM-supplied XIP module. This property proves beneficial in
that it becomes easy to revert back to stock operating system-supplied modules
after temporarily superseding them.

6.4. Import Address Table Hooking Limitations

One avenue considered during the development of the replacement gpsapi.dll
module was to hook the import address tables (IATs) of programs utilizing

Unfortunately, import table hooking is a significantly more complicated affair
on Windows Mobile-based platforms than on standard Windows. The image headers
for a loaded image are discarded after the image has been mapped, and the IAT
itself is often relocated to be non-contiguous with the rest of the image.

This relocation is possible as there appears to be an implicit restriction
that all references to an IAT address on ARM PE images must indirect through a
global variable that contains the absolute address of the desired IAT address.
As a result, there are no relative references to the IAT, and thus absolute
address references may be fixed up via the aid of relocation information. It
is not clear to the author what the purpose for this relocation of the IAT
outside the normal image confines serves on Windows Mobile for non-XIP modules
that are loaded into device RAM.

Furthermore, the HMODULE of an image does not equate to its load base address
on Windows Mobile. One can retrieve the real load base address of a module on
Windows Mobile via the GetModuleInformation API. This is a significant
departure from standard Windows.

Due to these limitations, the author elected not to pursue IAT hooking for the
purposes of the GPS unlocking project. Although there is code publicly
available to cope with the relocation of an image's IAT, it appears to be
dependent on kernel data structures that the author did not have a conveniently
available and accurate definition for these structures corresponding to the
Windows Mobile kernel shipping on the xv6800.

7. Conclusion

Locking down the gpsOne hardware on the xv6800 such that it can only be
utilized by Verizon Wireless certified and approved applications can be seen in
two lights. One could consider such actions an anti-competitive move, designed
to lock out third party programs from having the opportunity to compete with
VZ Navigator. However, such a reasoning is fairly questionable, given that
other carriers in the United States (particularly GSM-based carriers) typically
fully support third party GPS-enabled applications on their devices. As
consumers expect more full-featured and advanced devices, locking down devices
to only carrier-approved functionality is becoming an increasingly large
competitive liability for companies seeking to differentiate their networks
and devices in today's saturated mobile phone markets.

Furthermore, Verizon Wireless's currently shipping location-enabled application
for the xv6800, VZ Navigator, remains competitive (by virtue of features such
as turn-by-turn voice navigation, traffic awareness, and automatic re-routing)
even if the built-in GPS hardware on the xv6800 were to be unlocked for
general-purpose use. Freely available navigation programs lack these features,
and commercial applications are based off of a different pricing model than the
periodic monthly fee model used by VZ Navigator at the time of this article's

A more reasonable (although perhaps misguided) rationale for locking down the
gpsOne hardware is to protect users from having their location harvested or
tracked by malicious programs. Unfortunately, the relatively open nature of
Windows Mobile 6, and a lack of particularly effective privilege-level
isolation on Windows Mobile 6 after any unsigned code is permitted to run both
conspire to greatly diminish the effectiveness of the protection schemes that
are implemented on the xv6800.

Whether this is a legitimate concern or not remains, of course, up for debate,
but it is clear that the lockdown system as present on the xv6800 is not
particularly effective against blocking access to un-approved third party

Future releases of Windows Mobile claim support for a much more effective
privilege isolation model that may provide true security from unprivileged,
malicious programs. However, in currently shipping devices, the operating
system cannot be relied upon to provide this protection. Relying on security
through obscurity to implement lockdown and protection schemes may then seem
attractive, but such mechanisms rarely provide true security.

As mobile phone advance to becoming more and more powerful devices, in effect
becoming small general-purpose computers, privacy and security concerns begin
to gain greater relevance. With the capability to record a user's location
and audio and environment (via built-in microphones and cameras present on
virtually all modern-day phones), there arises the chance for a serious privacy
breeches, especially given modern day smartphones have historically not seen
the more vigorous level of security review that is slowly becoming more common-
place on general purpose computers.

One simple and elegant potential solution to these privacy risks is to simply
provide hardware switches to disable sensitive components, such as cameras or
embedded GPS hardware. Keeping in mind with this philosophy, the author would
encourage Verizon Wireless to fully open up their devices, and defer to simple
and secure methods to allow users to manage their sensitive information, such
as physical hardware switches.


[1] Verizon Wireless. Commercial Location Based Services.; accessed October 10, 2008

[2] Verizon Wireless. LBS Application Questions ("What can I do to ensure that my application is accepted, and to ensure a smooth certification process?").; accessed October 10, 2008

[3] Daniel Álvarez. Debugging Windows Mobile 6 Applications with IDA.; accessed October 10, 2008

[4] Microsoft. GPS Intermediate Driver Reference.; accessed October 10, 2008

[5] Microsoft. GPSOpenDevice.; accessed October 10, 2008

[6] Microsoft. GPSGetPosition.; accessed October 10, 2008

[7] Verizon Wireless. LBS Application Questions ("Can the user change their privacy settings?").; accessed October 10, 2008

[8] Microsoft. GetModuleFileName Function (Windows).; accessed October 10, 2008

[9] Microsoft. CryptImportKey Function (Windows).; accessed October 11, 2008

[10] Microsoft. Example C program: Imprtoing a Plaintext Key (Windows).; accessed October 11, 2008

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