How to convert a Playstation 2 CD to a Playstation 2 DVD

Without a load of long-winded bullshit about the pros and cons of having your PS2 read dvdrs over cdrs, here's the low low on what you need to do to put your cdr games on dvdrs, and save your laser an unnecessary amount of work.
You will need:
- Isobuster (get it yourself)
- DVD Scanlite
- Nero (get it yourself)
Getting started... First, either extract your compressed iso or bin-cue image somewhere on your hdd, or make sure the cdr sized PS2 game you want to convert is in your favorite drive.
Open ISOBUSTER. Highlight all the files and choose EXTRACT FILES to:

Go find a location you'd like to put the files where you can work with them in their own folder.

Click OKAY and wait while Isobuster dumps all the files into your designated location.
When it's done, LEAVE ISOBUSTER OPEN. Go open DVD Scanlite and choose DVD

Select FILE and go find your directory where you dumped all your files from Isobuster.
Highlight everything but not the folders. You are going to scan all system files first, then
you can go back and open each folder and select all the files in that folder and scan them.
Highlight and then choose OPEN.

DO NOT PANIC!!! If you see the message below, it's because you are attempting to scan a file that's not going to be needed. Select NO.

The program will run through a series of checks and do some patching as needed.
When you've scanned and patched everything, go ahead and close the program.

Now open NERO and select DVD > UDF-ISO then select NEW.

Find the directory in File Browser where you dumped your files from Isobuster.
Go back and compare your Isobuster file setup to Nero. This next step is extremely important!!!
You must drag and drop EACH FILE from File Browser over to your new ISO exactly as they are setup in Isobuster.
FOLLOW THE EXACT FUCKING ORDER GUY!OMFG NERO ISN'T PUTTING TEH FILES IN TEH ORDER OMFG MOMMY WTF SPAZ! Wrong. Nero remembers the order you dragged and dropped the files so even though they look like they are out of order compared to your Isobuster order, they are right.

Congratulations! You've either successfully converted your loud, slow-loading
cdr PS2 crap to quiet, faster loading dvd-rs, or you've wasted a dvd-r because
you are a retarded jackass. I haven't had any burns NOT work yet. Have fun.
Successful conversions so far:
- ICO (usa)
- Everblue 2 (usa)
- Trizeal Shooting Love (jap)