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SNES and GB sprite storage formats, ver 0.0

By FDwR on 5-28-98

Nintendo's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 years ago

For anybody who wants to have some fun editing the images in their games, exporting their favorite characters to separate pictures, or just learn about Nintendo graphics, this doc will explain how they are stored. It expects that you at least already know what bits, bytes, and pixels are.

  1. Tiles intro
  2. Bitplanes
  3. All known formats listed
  4. What viewers support them
  5. Problems finding sprites
  6. Thanks, credits, and sources

1. -- Tiles Intro --------

If you have already read through some other docs about how sprites are stored in the console itself, you will likely be a little familiar with this; however, this doc explains how they are stored in the ROM cartridge, not in the console's Video RAM during gameplay. Most of the time, sprites are stored exactly the same in ROM as they would be in VRAM for simplicity, but sometimes to save space, they can be arranged quite differently in various compressed formats. Theoretically, they could be stored in any way as long as they were eventually translated into the standard 1, 2 or 4 bit tiles the two PPU's (Picture Processing Units) understand. To view or edit these tiles in the ROM though, we need to know how they are arranged in their compressed formats too.

For those that have not already read the documents by Yoshi or Dax about the sprite formats, here is a little intro. Unlike computer game images which are composed of hundreds of individual pixels, each one drawn by the software itself, console systems (including the NES, Sega, GameBoy, & SNES) build up all their scenes from larger blocks called tiles, which are all automatically handled by dedicated graphics chips. For the all the Nintendo consoles at least, each tile is always 8x8 pixels. Although the number of colors can be variable, the dimensions are always the same. Larger blocks like 16x16 are actually composed of smaller 8x8 tiles, four to be exact. 32x32 sprites would be made of sixteen tiles. Why does the SNES draw everything with these building blocks instead of little pixels? For one it's just simpler, and for another reason, it saves a lot of space. Instead of having two copies of the actual 256 pixels for two 16x16 blocks on screen, you only need one copy of the tile and then two tile numbers to specify which ones to use. There are also of course some disadvantages, like not being able to plot single pixels with as great of ease, but apparently the benefits outweigh the downsides.

Instead of storing the full pixel color values, only the few colors used in a sprite are stored. The color compressed scheme cuts the size requirements in half for most sprites and allows for easy palette rotation effects. Each pixel 'color' is actually an index into that sprites palette of used colors, which then translates to a true RGB value. The average character does not even use more than 10 colors, so why store a full 8bit, 256 color value? To store the normal 16 colors for a sprite, 4 bits are needed per pixel. For 8 colors, only 3 bits per pixel; and for monochrome (two color) images, it only takes a single bit to represent one pixel.

If you have ever noticed the same enemies with just different colors, or on many games that bright white flash when you attack an enemy, it is achieved very simply by just changing the palette for that sprite. Another advantage of color compression is the game does not need to change the value of every single color in the tile, only the associated RGB values to those color indexes. Bty, just for correctness, the color values are actually stored in the palette as BGR with red as the lowest five bits instead of blue (Japanese designers decided to reverse the standard order for some reason??). That does not change anything though.

2. -- Bitplanes ----------

Except for mode 7 which is different from everything else, each tile is arranged from right to left (reverse order), top to bottom. Each byte represents one row of eight pixel bits (not complete pixels). The number of bytes needed for a single complete row depends on the color depth, or actually the number of bits needed to represent that many colors. 1 bit tiles would need 1 byte (8 bits) for a single monochrome row; 4 bit tiles would need four bytes (32 bits). Unlike most PC graphics formats though, instead of all the bits of each pixel being stored next to each other in the same byte, they are stored with parallel bits of other pixels in the same row. The the first bits of a complete eight pixel row are stored in the first byte; all eight of the second bits are stored in the second byte, third bits in the third byte, and so on it goes for as many bits as it takes to express the necessary colors needed for that tile (from 2 colors to 256). All of the parallel bits of an entire tile is called a bitplane (bpl). Note that screen planes and bitplanes are totally different things. To make a whole pixel, all the split bits of a single pixel are ORed until the desired bit depth is achieved.

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ------- bitplane 3
3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ----- bitplane 2
3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 --- bitplane 1
3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - bitplane 0
3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Notice how the bitplanes
3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 are always zero based.
3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

For example, if a complete row of 4bit (16 color) pixels had a sequence of 4,0,2,7,6,10,15,0 it would be stored like this:

As pixels: Then rearranged into bitplanes:

0123 01234567
⁄ƒƒƒƒ≈≈≈¥ ⁄ƒ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈¥
0 ƒ≈ 4 0100 0 ƒ≈ 00000110 byte 0
1 ƒ≈ 0 0000 1 ƒ≈ 10011010 byte 1
2 ƒ≈ 2 0010 2 ƒ≈ 00111110 byte 2
3 ƒ≈ 7 0111 3 ƒ¡ 00010010 byte 3
4 ƒ≈ 6 0110
5 ƒ≈ 10 1010
6 ƒ≈ 15 1111
7 ƒ¡ 0 0000

Notice how the vertical column (parallel bits) become the horizontal rows of each bitplane, and how adding another byte to the bitplanes would essentially add an extra bit to each of the eight pixels (to make 32 colors). If the tile above was part of a background which need to first be upped to 8bpl tiles, four extra bytes could simply be added to the first four to make 8. Do you see how much easier for games to convert one bitmode to another if it does not need to do a lot of bit shifting and only mess with whole bytes. Many times, SNES sprites will only need 8 colors and be stored with 3 bits, but since the PPU only supports native 4bit sprites, they need to have an extra empty bitplane added to them. Simply adding an extra byte to every three sure beats a lot of tedious shifting and oring. Bty, since SNES sprites (independant moving objects) can only be 16 colors, all other bitsize tiles are blit directly to the VRAM as static images.

Remember that for any sprite, each pixel value is an index into its 16 color palette page. The 6 means to plot the absolute color value at index 6 in the current palette page - that RGB value could actually be anything. I heard that there are 16 palettes of 16 colors each in the total 256 color main palette, but only 8 of those can be used by sprites? It seems like a severe limitation, but somehow those palette masters make the most out of it and manage to make the games look like they have more colors than they really do.

Unfortunately the example I gave above is actually more perfect than the tiles really are. The bitplanes are not all nice and neat, with one coming directly after the previous one. Some are by themselves, while others are interleaved with each other. This extra convolution really does not help us in finding graphics, but it is easy enough to compensate for.

3. -- All known formats listed --

There are six common modes used by SNES games to store graphics. Four are color compressed modes that use 1-4 bits to express a single pixel value. The other two are both 8bit modes that use all 256 colors (meaning no palette pages). One of them is the famous mode 7 we were all so impressed by in 1991 (and it's still cool). The GameBoy uses the exact same 1 & 2 bit formats that the SNES uses, except that instead of pixels translating to colors, they only translate to shades of grey. There are also two formats (1bit,2bit) used by just a few games that have 8x12 tile sizes.

Three of the familiar formats (1,2,4) I learned from various docs. The other three (3,7,8) I figured out myself with some trial and error. Modes 3 & 7 nobody knew about and no docs previously existed on them - that's partly why I wrote this. The only doc on 8bpl wasn't even right.

Each mode has a few positions in games where you can find an image in that mode. They are all fairly common games, with the positions given as you would find them in SMCs with the 512 byte header (for a pure ROM without a header, subtract those first 512 bytes). Since the first byte is always one when working with file records in Qbasic, all of the positions are one-based (instead of zero-based).

Along with the format info, there is also a little sample letter 'A' for each mode.

Bty, you can easily figure a tile's size the formula (h x w) * bits \ 8. In the case of normal size tiles, the eights cancel and you only need use 8 * bits.

-- 1bit bitplane 8x8 --
2colors, 8 bytes: Used most commonly for monochrome fonts

This is of course the simplest one, with just 1 bitplane, each row coming right after the previous one. It was learned from the Yoshi doc.

No examples (can't remember any right now)

Byte 0| Row 0| Bpl 0| 00011000 0 /-- <====Bitplane 0
1| 1| 0| 00111100 1 |--
2| 2| 0| 01100110 2 |--
3| 3| 0| 11000011 3 |--
4| 4| 0| 11111111 4 |--
5| 5| 0| 11000011 5 |--
6| 6| 0| 11000011 6 |--
7| 7| 0| 11000011 7 \--

-- 2bit bitplane 8x8 --
4colors, 16 bytes: Used in lots of places in SNES and GB

Zelda: 459265-FamiliarFont
ZeldaGB: 196609-StartOfGraphics,252929-MoreStuff
Metroid 3: 865283-MapPieces

Gameboy uses this mode for its sprites, with 4 shades of grey. The SNES usually does not use it for sprites, but more commonly text and things that needs more than just 2 colors. It is similar to 1bpl in that the rows comes sequentially, except that it is made of two interleaved 1bpl bitplanes. This one was explained in the Pan doc, and the VileWrath source code.

Byte 0| Row 0| Bpl 0| 00011000 0 /-- <=====Bitplane 0
1| 0| Bpl 1| 00000000 | --\ 0 <=Bitplane 1
2| 1| 0| 00111100 1 |-- |
3| 1| 1| 00000000 | --| 1
4| 2| 0| 01100110 2 |-- |
5| 2| 1| 00000000 | --| 2
6| 3| 0| 11000011 3 |-- |
7| 3| 1| 00000000 | --| 3
8| 4| 0| 11111111 4 |-- |
9| 4| 1| 00000000 | --| 4
10| 5| 0| 11000011 5 |-- |
11| 5| 1| 00000000 | --| 5
12| 6| 0| 11000011 6 |-- |
13| 6| 1| 00000000 | --| 6
14| 7| 0| 11000011 7 \-- |
15| 7| 1| 00000000 --/ 7

-- 3bit bitplane, 8x8 --
8colors, 24 bytes: Used a lot in RPG games to save space

Zelda: 553473-Weapons
FF2: 295425-Enemies,374041-Characters,407745-MoreCharacters

When sprites need more than 4 but not quite 16 colors, this is usually the format they choose. It is not a native format of the SNES though, so games must translate them into 4bit sprites first. The GameBoy does not support this mode since the GB PPU only displays 4 shades of grey. The first 2 bitplanes (0,1) are interleaved like 2bpl and the third (2) is a single 1bpl that comes at the end of them. Why didn't anybody else find out about this one before me, since it is used in so many games? Well technically, the SNES programmers 'discovered' it long before I even knew about emulation (it was simply 'rediscovered' :-). So far, I only told one person about this precious mode and only his viewer supports it (Magnus Runesson's SMC-Ripper). That may change though as soon everybody else gets a fair chance at it and this doc is released publicly.

Byte 0| Row 0| Bpl 0| 00011000 0 /-- <=====Bitplane 0
1| 0| Bpl 1| 00000000 | --\ 0 <=Bitplane 1
2| 1| 0| 00111100 1 |-- |
3| 1| 1| 00000000 | --| 1
4| 2| 0| 01100110 2 |-- |
5| 2| 1| 00000000 | --| 2
6| 3| 0| 11000011 3 |-- |
7| 3| 1| 00000000 | --| 3
8| 4| 0| 11111111 4 |-- |
9| 4| 1| 00000000 | --| 4
10| 5| 0| 11000011 5 |-- |
11| 5| 1| 00000000 | --| 5
12| 6| 0| 11000011 6 |-- |
13| 6| 1| 00000000 | --| 6
14| 7| 0| 11000011 7 \-- |
15| 7| 1| 00000000 --/ 7
16| 0| Bpl 2| 11100111 0 /-- <=====Bitplane 2
17| 1| 2| 11000011 1 |--
18| 2| 2| 10011001 2 |--
19| 3| 2| 00111100 3 |--
20| 4| 2| 00000000 4 |--
21| 5| 2| 00111100 5 |--
22| 6| 2| 00111100 6 |--
23| 7| 2| 00111100 7 \--

-- 4bit bitplane 8x8 --
16 colors, 32 bytes: The native format of SNES sprites

Zelda: 524801-Link
Mario AllStars: 1820687-Mario3,Almost anywhere else
FF2: 852481-Characters
Metroid 3: 467969-Zebes,885249-Samus

This is the actual native format used by the SNES for sprites. Often times games will store them in this format because the sprites require nearly all 16 colors, it is just easier, or they are not concerned about storage space and do not want to be bother with conversion. For example, while most images in Zelda are compressed (annoyingly) because of the small ROM size, the ones in Super Metroid can afford to be expanded. That game have so much space (3MB), it can even afford to waste some space. 4Bpl is like two 2bpl tiles together, with the first 2 bitplanes (0,1) in the first 2bpl tile and the last 2 bitplanes (3,4) in the second 2bpl tile. The Corsair doc is surprisingly the only accurate one I've seen on this so common mode.

Byte 0| Row 0| Bpl 0| 00011000 0 /-- <=====Bitplane 0
1| 0| Bpl 1| 00000000 | --\ 0 <=Bitplane 1
2| 1| 0| 00111100 1 |-- |
3| 1| 1| 00000000 | --| 1
4| 2| 0| 01100110 2 |-- |
5| 2| 1| 00000000 | --| 2
6| 3| 0| 11000011 3 |-- |
7| 3| 1| 00000000 | --| 3
8| 4| 0| 11111111 4 |-- |
9| 4| 1| 00000000 | --| 4
10| 5| 0| 11000011 5 |-- |
11| 5| 1| 00000000 | --| 5
12| 6| 0| 11000011 6 |-- |
13| 6| 1| 00000000 | --| 6
14| 7| 0| 11000011 7 \-- |
15| 7| 1| 00000000 --/ 7
Beginning of the second 2bpl tile
16| 0| 2| 00000000 0 /-- <=====Bitplane 2
17| 0| 3| 00000000 | --\ 0 <=Bitplane 3
18| 1| 2| 00000000 1 |-- |
... ...
29| 6| 3| 00000000 | --| 6
30| 7| 2| 00000000 7 \-- |
31| 7| 3| 00000000 --/ 7

-- 8bit bitplane 8x8 --
256colors, 64 bytes: Used for title screens and detailed images

Mario AllStars: 33280-TitleScreen,1409551-SelectionScreen
Official SNES Test ROM: 164353-MarioFlying

When there needs to be a colorful picture like an opening screen or part of a story, this is the one to use since it makes use of all 256 colors. It can not be used for sprites, so any parts of the picture that need to move or be animated (usually they don't move though) must be changed manually by the game code. It is just four 2bpl tiles, one after another (or you can think of it as two 4bpl tiles). The first two bitplanes (0,1) are followed by the next two (2,3), then the fixth and sixth (4,5), and lastly the seventh and eighth (6,7). Only two viewers support it. Despite the fact that no documents explained this mode, it was easy enough to figure out.

Byte 0| Row 0| Bpl 0| 0 /-- <=====Bitplane 0
1| 0| Bpl 1| | --\ 0 <=Bitplane 1
2| 1| 2| 1 |-- |
... ...
13| 6| 3| | --| 6
14| 7| 2| 7 \-- |
15| 7| 3| --/ 7
Beginning of the second 2bpl tile
16| 0| 2| 0 /-- <=====Bitplane 2
17| 0| 3| | --\ 0 <=Bitplane 3
18| 1| 2| 1 |-- |
... ...
29| 6| 3| | --| 6
30| 7| 2| 7 \-- |
31| 7| 3| --/ 7
Beginning of the third 2bpl tile
32| 0| 2| 0 /-- <=====Bitplane 4
33| 0| 3| | --\ 0 <=Bitplane 5
34| 1| 2| 1 |-- |
... ...
45| 6| 3| | --| 6
46| 7| 2| 7 \-- |
47| 7| 3| --/ 7
Beginning of the fourth 2bpl tile
48| 0| 2| 0 /-- <=====Bitplane 6
49| 0| 3| | --\ 0 <=Bitplane 7
50| 1| 2| 1 |-- |
... ...
61| 6| 3| | --| 6
62| 7| 2| 7 \-- |
63| 7| 3| --/ 7

-- 1bit bitplane 8x12 --
2colors, 12 bytes: Used in just a few games to save a little space

No examples (have not found any yet)

This mode is very rare, but since this doc aims to cover all formats, it is in here with all the others. It is used whereever tiles need to be taller than 8 pixels but not quite 16. In the ROM, it saves about 25% more space than it otherwise. Of course, a height of 12 is not a natively supported tile height, so before using them in VRAM, the game must convert them into two 8x8 tiles - with the first eight rows in the first 8x8 tile, the last four rows in the second tile, and four blank rows to complete the second tile. The format is exactly like 1bpl 8x8s except with 12 rows. I have not yet seen any tiles in this mode, but they are explained in the doc by David Timko. So far, no major viewer specifically supports it, although is is possible to still edit these tiles using the more common 1bpl mode.

Byte 0| Row 0| Bpl 0| 00011000 0 /-- <=====Bitplane 0
1| 1| 0| 00011000 1 |--
2| 2| 0| 00111100 2 |--
3| 3| 0| 01100110 3 |--
4| 4| 0| 01100110 4 |--
5| 5| 0| 11000011 5 |--
6| 6| 0| 11000011 6 |--
7| 7| 0| 11111111 7 |--
8| 8| 0| 11111111 8 |--
9| 9| 0| 11000011 9 |--
10| 10| 0| 11000011 10 |--
11| 11| 0| 11000011 11 \--

-- 2bit bitplane 8x12 --
4colors, 24 bytes: Used in just a few games to save a little space

FF3: About halfway through
ChronoTrigger: At the very end

A variation of previous mode that just uses two 1bit 8x12s to make a single 2bit tile. This mode is also used where tiles need to be taller than 8 but less than 16 pixels, and saves about 25% more space than two 8x8 tiles would. This has not been personally verified yet, so the format written below might not be right. Again, I got it from the informative doc by David Timko.

Byte 0| Row 0| Bpl 0| 00011000 0 /-- <=====Bitplane 0
1| 1| 0| 00011000 1 |--
2| 2| 0| 00111100 2 |--
3| 3| 0| 01100110 3 |--
4| 4| 0| 01100110 4 |--
5| 5| 0| 11000011 5 |--
6| 6| 0| 11000011 6 |--
7| 7| 0| 11111111 7 |--
8| 8| 0| 11111111 8 |--
9| 9| 0| 11000011 9 |--
10| 10| 0| 11000011 10 |--
11| 11| 0| 11000011 11 \--
Beginning of second 1bit 8x12 tile
12| 0| 1| 00000000 0 /-- <=====Bitplane 1
13| 1| 1| 00000000 1 |--
14| 2| 1| 00000000 2 |--
15| 3| 1| 00000000 3 |--
16| 4| 1| 00000000 4 |--
17| 5| 1| 00000000 5 |--
18| 6| 1| 00000000 6 |--
19| 7| 1| 00000000 7 |--
20| 8| 1| 00000000 8 |--
21| 9| 1| 00000000 9 |--
22| 10| 1| 00000000 10 |--
23| 11| 1| 00000000 11 \--

-- 8bit mode7 8x8 --
256colors, 64 bytes: Used wherever cool effects are needed

Zelda: 803329-ScalableMapPieces
So far Zelda is the only game I have really looked for Mode 7 graphics in. A game like ActRaiser probably has lots of map pieces in it. Mario Kart might also be a good source.

This mode is very different from all the others. Instead of messing with bitplanes and palettes, all bytes represent a single pixel that corresponds to a color in the main palette. The difference between this format and 8bpl, is that this mode can be used (with the help of some great hardware) in awesome scaling, parallaxing, and rotation. The image data is stored almost exactly the same as in VRAM, except in VRAM each pixel is byte interleaved with other data. In the ROM, the bytes are contiguous. I feel silly for not getting it right for so long, since it is so simple. So far, at the time this document was written, no major viewer supports it. Because it does not use bitplanes, it is a lot simpler to view, edit, and explain!

Bytes 0-7 | Row 0| ---HI---
Bytes 8-15 | Row 1| --MYNA--
Bytes 16-23| Row 2| -ME--IS-
Bytes 24-31| Row 3| DW----AY
Bytes 32-39| Row 4| NEANDILO
Bytes 40-47| Row 5| VE----TH
Bytes 48-55| Row 6| ES----NE
Bytes 56-63| Row 7| S!----:)

-- The unknown mode --
? colors, ? bytes

Sailor Moon: 137139
Metroid 3: 829985,1868289 (this spot is bugging me)

This space is for the future modes not figured out yet, many of them in Japanese ROMs. How do I know there are undiscovered modes remaining? When looking through certain games, all of the graphics simply are not accounted for. They must be in there somewhere though, stored somehow. Then there are those areas that just have to be to graphics, but are just slightly messed up somehow (like 3pl used to be). According to Pan, there may be another format of storing 2bit tiles where they composed of two 1bpl tiles, but that has not been verified anywhere. Although these are all the common modes, I'm always on the lookout for new ones while browsing through ROMs. If you have any not yet listed please do tell. This list won't be complete until we have every single format used by every game.

4. -- What viewers support them --

The most common modes (1,2,4) are supported by any self-respecting editor. The other three (3,7,8) have apparently never been figured out before or something, because in the past six years that info on the SNES has been around on the net, editors have only had those first three modes (except X-char which had 8bit :-). Mode 7 is still not supported by any viewer (except in a little BASIC program I wrote for the sole purpose of discovering these modes). The last two 8x12 modes are irregular, but could easily be supported by viewers if somebody would only make it.

Viewer: Author: Modes:

Nagav L. Bontes 1 2 4 Fastest
X-char Planet X 1 2 4 8 Confusing
Visor Lord Esnes 1 2 4 Slow
SMC-Ripper Magnus Runesson 1 2 3 4 8 Great GUI and easy editing
SpriteView FDwR 1 2 3 4 7 8 Good tile finding features

All of these viewers are available on the net. There may be some others I've simply not come across. There is no editing in SpriteView, just viewing, since it's purpose is to discover new graphics modes. If you want to edit tiles, try one of the other viewers.

5. -- Problems finding sprites --

Programmers use a variety of techniques to save space (they only have a max of four megabytes to cram all of their into) and since graphics usually use the most of that space, they will come up with all kinds of clever ways to fit more in less, most of which I never thought of before. Sadly these 'wonderful' compression techniques can also make it hard for us to find/edit the images, so some of them are explained below.

-- Symmtetrical Reduction --
Any symmetrical object is the same on one side as it is on the other, so why not just store the left side (or the right side) and flip a copy of it to make the other side of it? This also works with objects vertically symmetrical. Some objects can even have radially symmetry, and need to flipped four directions for complete repiecing. So do not bother looking for the other side is when an object seems to be cut in half, or just a quarter. When you edit one side, you also affect other(s). Try Mario Allstars at 1696783 with a wrap width of 1 for an example of half tiles.

-- Tile crowding --
This technique makes use out of empty space, duplicate tiles, or tiles of a single solid color by storing other tiles in there. That means you can actually find pieces of one sprite inside another. There is nothing you can do about it, just remember that is why the tiles look so scrambled. You can see a little bit of this in AllStars at 1663503.

-- Row stripping --
Similar to tile crowding, instead of storing the entire rectangular picture of an irregularly shaped image, only the significant sections are stored. Most of the time, images are kept as a whole in their rectangular frame for simplicity, but when they become too large, the blank space on either side of the object really adds up, so it is simply not stored. If an object is wide at the top, strips long enough to hold that entire tile row are stored. Then as the object becomes skinnier towards the base, the length of the strips becomes shorter and closer together. You can see a lot of this in DKC (take a look at 289483), and it is really annoying. To see the images as they are supposed to look, you just need to change the wrap width until the strips align (oddly none of the existing viewers supported this).

-- Color compression --
Color compression was already explained above, but I just wanted to mention again that because what is stored (except in 8bit modes) is actually color indexes rather than RGB values, so the colors will look all wrong when viewing images. It really helps to load the right palette and see them in their true colors. Most of the time, it makes finding images easier. You can get the color palette to any image in the ROM by simply playing the game and exporting a snapshot of it to a PCX file (GIFs are no good because they rearrange the palette colors). Games do dynamically change their palette though as the player moves from title screen to map screen, underwater level to desert level, so be sure to grab a snapshot from the scene that the desired image is a part of. As of the time this doc was written, no other viewer can load snapshot palettes, but SMC-Ripper will soon!

-- Bitplanes out of phase --
This is not a compression technique, but it is commonly a problem. When the base byte position is not aligned to the first bitplane of row 0, the bitplanes will be out of phase. That means the wrong bitplane will be in front and because the tile starts at the wrong place in the pattern, all of the images will look funky - sprites with inverse coloring, part of one sprite mixed up with another. You might be able to see the generic outline of the object there, but something about it is not quite right. To fix this, just adjust the base byte position until it looks right (meaning the bitplanes are in phase and the pattern starts out on the right row). For most viewers, the '+' and '-' keys are used for this purpose.

Sometimes you will encounter some data that looks like graphics, but is really just something else. You might simply be looking at it in the wrong mode, or the bitplanes could be out of phase, but there are also other repetitive data structures stored in ROMs that could be fooling you. The most common thing to look like graphics is level grids. Then again, who knows, maybe you are actually looking at a new mode and just don't know it.

6. -- Thanks, credits, and sources --

That should have explain enough about graphics and tile formats to satisfy the most curious of you, and even tell enough to make your own viewer if you want. If you want to write a viewer yourself and have any questions, or have modes not already in here, please mail me a letter. Please send other questions though like how the SNES works, how to use any of the above listed sprite editors, or anything else to the right people. :-)

Why in the world did I just sit down and write this long doc? Because I love the SNES and its games, and want to add my favorite characters to my own games or have fun messing with them in their own game. This was written for anybody else out there that might want to do the same. This version should do it for a while, but as soon as any more modes are discovered, I'll be sure to add them to a later one. ;-)

Here are some people that without knowing it helped with this doc:

  • Yoshi for his informative docs about everything on the SNES
  • Dax for the helpful, but innacurate info on screen formats
  • Corsair+Kari for the SNES 4bpl mode
  • Pan/Anthrox for the GameBoy information
  • VileWrath for writing the easy to understand BASIC source code
  • I did not actually understand bitplanes until then
  • Savoury Snax for explaining how one bitmode is converted to another
  • David Timko for his doc about 8x12 tiles
  • Magnus Runesson for making his SMC-Ripper
  • Everybody else who made a tile viewer and wrote a doc too
  • All of you who care to read (and hopefully add to) this

Lots of good sources to find more information or get utilities:
Emulation Programmer's Resource - docs on various systems
SMC-ripper's official homepage - the best tile viewer
EMU News Service - the latest emulation news
SNEeSe HomePage - some good source code for an emulator
SNES Designers, developers corner - lots of SNES docs
Node99 System Documents - docs on various systems
SNES Programming - docs
Alamak! SNES Emulation! Generation EX - docs
SNES File Library - utilities
Patent Pending: Utilities: Super Nintendo - utilities
NES Emulator Documents - NES docs
Anime SNES Roms - for those rare Japanese ROMs
Welcome To The Snes Emulation Centre - docs - my first doc site
Zophar's Domain - docs
Harry Mulder's Gameboy Development - GB docs
Jeff Frohwein's GameBoy Technical Page - GB docs
The Holy Sector of Nintendo Emulation

Some links may be old - have not checked up on them all. Just check all the sites, each one is good and has a little bit the others might not.

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