N64d (v0.2) - Tech specs on the N64dd

N64dd Technical Specifications
Compiled by Bandages of Denary Notation
Sources: Too many to individually mention
System specs:
Read/Write Capable magnetic Storage
Processing carried out via N64
3 3/4" front loading disk feed
2 megabyte expansion RAM pak
The benchmarks of the system are as follows:
150 milliseconds (ms) seek time
1 megabyte/sec data transfer
Note: As mentioned above, the N64dd reads data at a rate of about one megabyte per second. This is about the same rate as a 6X PC CD-ROM drive.
64dd game (disk?) specs:
64 megabytes of disk storage constituting:
20 megabytes of writable space
44 megabytes of read-only space
N64dd supports the same compression algorithm as the N64 console.
Note: The N64dd Disk gives the developer up to 64 megabytes for code and data (an increase of 52 megabytes over the previous maximum).
N64dd capabilites:-
The N64dd is a writable bulk data storage device. The essential idea is that it allows developers the capability to store large volumes of data on the N64 console. This is highly useful in games that rely on stats or bulk details. For example, it could be used to manage complex gaming worlds in RPGs or track stats in complex strategy, simulation or sports games. Basically, it will allow for greater depth and realism in video games.
In addition, the N64dd can be used to upgrade existing games by providing new levels or new scenarios.
A variable amount of the space on the Nintendo 64 Disk can be designated as either readable or writable. This can be achieved either by a two-way split or by having the entire disk read only (obviously it is also possible to have the disk 100% writable, but that really wouldn't be the most practical thing in the world!)
N64dd limitations:-
Because the N64dd sends data to the console in bursts, rather than by streaming it, full motion video or streamed audio output is not a real possibility. However, a good developer should be able to find methods of working around this.
Part of the N64d compilation of Nintendo64 documents.
1997 Denary Notation