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Everything You Always Wanted To Know About GAME BOY

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Published in 
 · 25 Jan 2020

Everything You Always Wanted To Know About GAME BOY *

* but were afraid to ask

Written by Dr. -Pan-/Anthrox

Forward: The following was typed up for informational purposes regarding
the inner workings on the hand-held game machine known as
Game Boy, manufactured and designed by Nintendo Co., LTD.
All files found in this package are presented to inform
a user on how their Game Boy works and what makes it "tick".
Game Boy is copyrighted by Nintendo Co., LTD.
Any reference to copyrighted material is not presented
for monetary gain, but for educational purposes and higher

If you do not ask, you will not know - -Pan-/ATX
No askie, no learnie - someone must've said this...

1. What are the Game Boy's true specs?

The Game Boy really is a powerful machine! FAQ files on Game Boy can be
found on many Internet sites. Most FAQs contains wrong information.
Such as claiming it only has 8 sprites. Here are the correct facts:

The Game Boy uses a custom/updated/or modified Z80 processor. Comparing
the Game Boy's Z80 instruction set with a book on the Z80 (circa 1982)
shows that the GB Z80 has a few different instructions. Such as
LD (HLI),#$xx
LD (HLD),#$xx
SWAP A through L
LD A,($xx)

Screen Size: Physical screen: 160*144 VRAM screen image: 256*256
Screen scrolling is wrap around type; when a part of the image is off the
screen it will be shown on the opposite side of the screen.

Although the screen can contain 1024 tiles, only 256 of them may be UNIQUE.
Each tile may have up to 4 colors. You may change the color of the pixel
value. There are 4 shades of gray. You can select which shade you want
for that pixel value. However, when you change the color for that pixel value
EVERY tile that has a pixel with the same value will also be affected.
This is good for a routine which fades out the screen or performs a GLOWING
effect of some kind.
The tile graphics are 8*8 pixels, each pixel contains 2 bits of data to
create 4 numbers. Each number is the color value for that pixel.
The graphics are stored as as bitmapped tiles much like the SNES.
This is the confusing part for me. It is either like the
4 color SNES tile or it is INTERLEAVED.

SNES 4 Color Tile: A INTERLEAVED 4 Color Tile: A

.11111.. .11111.. <- first plane
11...11. ........ <- second plane
11...11. 11...11.
1111111. <- first plane ........
11...11. 11...11.
11...11. ........
11...11. 1111111. <- first plane
........ ........ <- second plane

........ 11...11.
........ ........
........ 11...11.
........ ........
........ <- second plane 11...11.
........ ........
........ ........
........ ........

You'll have to figure it out by yourself since I haven't gotten into it :)

Graphics vram location for OBJ and BG tiles start at $8000 and end at $97FF

Sprites: 40 Sprites! They may be 8*8 or 8*16.

Each sprite has up to 4 colors. There are 2 palettes to chose from

The sprites can be flipped on the X and/or Y axis

Sprite OAM ram: Location: $FE00->$FE9F

Each sprite data contains 4 bytes of info. They are:

Byte 1: Y screen position; 8 bits
Byte 2: X screen position; 8 bits
Byte 3: Character code; tile number $00-$FF
Byte 4: Palette, X, Y, Priority; Most Significant 4 bits.
First 4 bits are NOT USED!

Bit 7 - Priority
Bit 6 - Y flip
Bit 5 - X flip
Bit 4 - Palette number; 0,1
Bit 3-0 - NOT USED!

Display Ram size: 64k bit
Work Ram size: 64k bit

There are 2 Memory Bank Controllers (MBC) that can be used. MBC1 is the
standard that is used on most cartridges.
MBC2 is used with cartridges which need Save-Ram.
It controls extended Save-RAM banks.

Extended Ram may go up to 256k bit.

MBC1 - When controlling ROM only you may read up to 16 megabits! (2 MBYTES)
When controlling RAM only you may read up to 4 megabits (512 kbytes)
and read up to 256kbit RAM

MBC2 - Controls Back-Up Ram (Save-RAM) (512 * 4 bit) which can be extended
to 2 megabits (16 kbyte * 16) 256k byte

Sound: There are only 2 channels; left and right.
But there are 4 different ways to produce sound:
Sound 1: produces quadrangular wave patterns with sweep and envelope
Sound 2: produces quadrangular wave patterns with envelope functions
Sound 3: produces a voluntary wave pattern (samples can be possible
if done right)
Sound 4: produces white noise

You tell the channel which sound number you want to use and it
will produce the sound when you've set the according data.

Since I'm not a sound programmer I really can't get into the details
of how to create waves patterns and such. It would confuse you more
than me!

2. The Game Boy seems like a nice little system! But what are the registers?
And what about the memory mapping?

You can check out the memory mapping by viewing the 2 graphic diagrams
included with this informational tutorial. They are called:
Address1.IFF, Address1.PCX, Address2.IFF, Address2.PCX

.IFF is for Amiga users. .PCX is for PC users.

They will display how the memory is mapped out and how banking works.

The registers:

Address - $FF00
Name - P1
Contents - Register for reading joy pad info. (R/W)

Bit 7 - Not used
Bit 6 - Not used
Bit 5 - P15 out port
Bit 4 - P14 out port
Bit 3 - P13 in port
Bit 2 - P12 in port
Bit 1 - P11 in port
Bit 0 - P10 in port

This is a very strange way of reading joypad info.
There are only 8 possible button/switches on the Game Boy.
A, B, Select, Start, Up, Down, Left, Right.
Why they made their joypad registers in this way I'll never know.
They could have used all 8 bits and you just read which one is on.

This is the matrix layout for register $FF00:

P14 P15
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

This is the logic in reading joy pad data:

Turn on P15 (bit 5) in $ff00
Wait a few clock cycles
read $ff00 into A
invert A - same as EOR #$FF - just reverse all bits
apparently the joy pad info returned is like the C64
info. 0 means on, 1 means off. But logic tells us
that it should be the other way around. So to make it
less confusing we just flip the bits!

AND A with #$0F - get only the first four bits
By turning on P15 we are trying to read column
P15 in the matrix layout. It contains A,B,SEL,STRT

SWAP A - #$3f becomes #$f3, it swaps hi<->lo nibbles

store A in B for backup

Turn on P14 (bit 4) in $ff00
Wait a few more clock cycles
read $ff00 into A
invert A - just as above
AND A with #$0F - get first 4 bits
- By turning on P14 we get the data for column P14
in the matrix layout. It contains U,D,L,R

OR A with B - put the two values together.

turn on P14 and P15 in $ff00 to reset.

The button values using the above method are such:
$80 - Start $8 - Down
$40 - Select $4 - Up
$20 - B $2 - Left
$10 - A $1 - Right

Let's say we held down A, Start, and Up.
The value returned in accumulator A would be $94

Let's see this method in action!
Game: Ms. Pacman
Address: $3b1

0003B1: 0003B1: 3E 20 LD A,#$20 <- bit 5 = $20
0003B3: 0003B3: EA 00 FF LD ($FF00),A <- turn on P15
0003B6: 0003B6: FA 00 FF LD A,($FF00)
0003B9: 0003B9: FA 00 FF LD A,($FF00) <- wait a few cycles
0003BC: 0003BC: 2F CPL <- complement (invert) EOR #$ff
0003BD: 0003BD: E6 0F AND #$0F <- get only first 4 bits
0003BF: 0003BF: CB 37 SWAP A <- swap it
0003C1: 0003C1: 47 LD B,A <- store A in B
0003C2: 0003C2: 3E 10 LD A,#$10 <- bit 4 = $10
0003C4: 0003C4: EA 00 FF LD ($FF00),A <- turn on P14
0003C7: 0003C7: FA 00 FF LD A,($FF00)
0003CA: 0003CA: FA 00 FF LD A,($FF00)
0003CD: 0003CD: FA 00 FF LD A,($FF00)
0003D0: 0003D0: FA 00 FF LD A,($FF00)
0003D3: 0003D3: FA 00 FF LD A,($FF00)
0003D6: 0003D6: FA 00 FF LD A,($FF00) <- Wait a few MORE cycles
0003D9: 0003D9: 2F CPL <- complement (invert)
0003DA: 0003DA: E6 0F AND #$0F <- get first 4 bits
0003DC: 0003DC: B0 OR B <- put A and B together

The following routine is common on SNES as well. It clarifies that you've
only pressed the specified button(s) once every other frame. That way the
Joypad is less sensitive to wrong/bad/false movements.

0003DD: 0003DD: 57 LD D,A <- store A in D
0003DE: 0003DE: FA 8B FF LD A,($FF8B) <- read old joy data from ram
0003E1: 0003E1: AA XOR D <- toggle w/current button bit
0003E2: 0003E2: A2 AND D <- get current button bit back
0003E3: 0003E3: EA 8C FF LD ($FF8C),A <- save in new Joydata storage
0003E6: 0003E6: 7A LD A,D <- put original value in A
0003E7: 0003E7: EA 8B FF LD ($FF8B),A <- store it as old joy data

0003EA: 0003EA: 3E 30 LD A,#$30 <- turn on P14 and P15
0003EC: 0003EC: EA 00 FF LD ($FF00),A <- RESET Joypad?!
0003EF: 0003EF: C9 RET <- Return from Subroutine


Address - $FF01
Name - SB
Contents - Serial transfer data (R/W)

8 Bits of data to be read/written

Address - $FF02
Name - SC
Contents - SIO control (R/W)

Bit 7 - Transfer start flag
0: Non transfer
1: Start transfer

Bit 0 - Shift Clock
0: External Clock
1: Internal Clock


Address - $FF04
Name - DIV
Contents - Divider Register (R/W)


Address - $FF05
Name - TIMA
Contents - Timer counter (R/W)

The timer generates an interrupt when it overflows.

Address - $FF06
Name - TMA
Contents - Timer Modulo (R/W)

When the TIMA overflows, this data will be loaded.

Address - $FF07
Name - TAC
Contents - Timer Control

Bit 2 - Timer Stop
0: Stop Timer
1: Start Timer

Bits 1+0 - Input Clock Select
00: 4.096 khz
01: 262.144 khz
10: 65.536 khz
11: 16.384 khz


Address - $FF0F
Name - IF
Contents - Interrupt Flag (R/W)

Bit 4: Transition from High to Low of Pin number P10-P13
Bit 3: Serial I/O transfer end
Bit 2: Timer Overflow
Bit 1: LCDC (see STAT)
Bit 0: V-Blank

Address - $FFFF
Name - IE
Contents - Interrupt Enable (R/W)

Bit 4: Transition from High to Low of Pin number P10-P13
Bit 3: Serial I/O transfer end
Bit 2: Timer Overflow
Bit 1: LCDC (see STAT)
Bit 0: V-Blank

0: disable
1: enable

Address - XXXX (CPU instruction command)
Name - IME
Content - Interrupt Master Enable

To prohibit ALL interrupts use CPU instruction DI
To acknowledge interrupt settings use CPU instruction EI
DI - Disable Interrupts
EI - Enable Interrupts

The priority and jump address for the above 5 interrupts are:

Interrupt Priority Start Address

V-Blank 1 $0040
LCDC Status 2 $0048 - Modes 0, 01, 10
LYC=LY coincide (selectable)

Timer Overflow 3 $0050
Serial Transfer 4 $0058 - when transfer is complete
Hi-Lo Of Pin 5 $0060

* When more than 1 interrupts occur at the same time ONLY the interrupt
with the highest priority can be acknowledged.
When an interrupt is used a '0' should be stored in the IF register
before the IE register is set.


Address - $FF40
Name - LCDC
Contents - LCD Control (R/W)

Bit 7 - LCD Control Operation
0: Stop completely (no picture on screen)
1: operation

Bit 6 - Window Screen Display Data Select
0: $9800-$9BFF
1: $9C00-$9FFF

Bit 5 - Window Display
0: off
1: on

Bit 4 - BG Character Data Select
0: $8800-$97FF
1: $8000-$8FFF <- Same area as OBJ

Bit 3 - BG Screen Display Data Select
0: $9800-$9BFF
1: $9C00-$9FFF

Bit 2 - OBJ Construction
0: 8*8
1: 8*16

Bit 1 - OBJ Display
0: off
1: on

Bit 0 - BG Display
0: off
1: on

Address - $FF41
Name - STAT
Contents - LCDC Status (R/W)

Bits 6-3 - Interrupt Selection By LCDC Status

Bit 6 - LYC=LY Coincidence (Selectable)
Bit 5 - Mode 10
Bit 4 - Mode 01
Bit 3 - Mode 00
0: Non Selection
1: Selection

Bit 2 - Coincidence Flag
0: LYC not equal to LCDC LY

Bit 1-0 - Mode Flag
00: Entire Display Ram can be accessed
01: During V-Blank
10: During Searching OAM-RAM
11: During Transfering Data to LCD Driver

STAT shows the current status of the LCD controller.
Mode 00: When the flag is 00 it is the H-Blank period and the CPU can
access the display RAM ($8000-$9FFF)
When it is not equal the display ram is being used by the
LCD controller

Mode 01: When the flag is 01 it is the V-Blank period and the CPU can
access the display RAM ($800-$9FFF)

Mode 10: When the flag is 10 then the OAM is being used ($FE00-$FE90)
The CPU cannot access the OAM during this period

Mode 11: When the flag is 11 both the OAM and CPU are being used.
The CPU cannot access either during this period


Address - $FF42
Name - SCY
Contents - Scroll Y (R/W)

8 Bit value $00-$FF to scroll BG Y screen position

Address - $FF43
Name - SCX
Contents - Scroll X (R/W)

8 Bit value $00-$FF to scroll BG X screen position

Address - $FF44
Name - LY
Contents - LCDC Y-Coordinate (R)

The LY indicates the vertical line to which the present data
is transferred to the LCD Driver
The LY can take on any value between 0 through 153. The values
between 144 and 153 indicate the V-Blank period. Writing will
reset the counter.

This is just a RASTER register. The current line is thrown
into here. But since there are no RASTERS on an LCD display.....
it's called the LCDC Y-Coordinate.

Address - $FF45
Name - LYC
Contents - LY Compare (R/W)

The LYC compares itself with the LY. If the values are the same
it causes the STAT to set the coincident flag.

Address - $FF47
Name - BGP
Contents - BG Palette Data (W)

Bit 7-6 - Data for Dot Data 11
Bit 5-4 - Data for Dot Data 10
Bit 3-2 - Data for Dot Data 01
Bit 1-0 - Data for Dot Data 00

This selects the shade of gray you what for your BG pixel.
Since each pixel uses 2 bits, the corresponding shade will
be selected from here. The Background Color (00) lies at
Bits 1-0, just put a value from 0-$3 to change the color.

Address - $FF48
Name - OBP0
Contents - Object Palette 0 Data (W)

This selects the colors for sprite palette 0.
It works exactly as BGP ($FF47).
See BGP for details.

Address - $FF49
Name - OBP1
Contents - Object Palette 1 Data (W)

This Selects the colors for sprite palette 1.
It works exactly as BGP ($FF47).
See BGP for details.

Address - $FF4A
Name - WY
Contents - Window Y Position (R/W)

0 <= WY <= 143

WY must be greater than or equal to 0 and must be less than
or equal to 143.

Address - $FF4B
Name - WX
Contents - Window X Position (R/W)

7 <= WX <= 166

WX must be greater than or equal to 7 and must be less than
or equal to 166.

Lets say WY = 80 and WX = 80.
The window would be positioned as so:

0 80 159
0 | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |80 |
80 |-------------------+-----------------------------|
| 80 | |
| | |
| | Window Display |
| | |
| | |
| | Here |
| | |
| | |
| | |
143 |___________________|_____________________________|

OBJ Characters (Sprites) can still enter the window
So can BG characters


Address - $FF46
Name - DMA
Contents - DMA Transfer and Start Address (W)

The DMA Transfer (40*28 bit) from internal ROM or RAM ($0000-$F19F)
to the OAM (address $FE00-$FE9F) can be performed. It takes 160 nano-seconds
for the transfer.

40*28 bit = #140 or #$8C. As you can see, it only transfers $8C bytes
of data. OAM data is $A0 bytes long, from $0-$9F.

But if you examine the OAM data you see that 4 bits are not in use.

40*32 bit = #$A0, but since 4 bits for each OAM is not used it's
40*28 bit.

It transfers all the OAM data to OAM RAM.

The DMA transfer start address can be designated every $100 from address
$0000-$F100. That means $0000, $0100, $0200, $0300....

Example program:
DI <- Disable Interrupt
LD A,#$04 <- transfer data from $0400
LD ($FF46),A <- put A into DMA registers
LD A,#40 <- #40 is the value to wait for. we need to wait 160
Wait: <- nano seconds
DEC A <- decrease A by 1
JR NZ,Wait <- branch if Not Zero to Wait
EI <- Enable Interrupt
RET <- RETurn from sub-routine


Address - $FF10
Name - NR 10
Contents - Sound Mode 1 register, Sweep register (R/W)

Bit 6-4 - Sweep Time
Bit 3 - Sweep Increase/Decrease
0: Addition (frequency increases)
1: Subtraction (frequency increases)
Bit 2-0 - Number of sweep shift (# 0-7)

Sweep Time:

000: sweep off
001: 7.8 ms
010: 15.6 ms
011: 23.4 ms
100: 31.3 ms
101: 39.1 ms
110: 46.9 ms
111: 54.7 ms

Address - $FF11
Name - NR 11
Contents - Sound Mode 1 register, Sound length/Wave pattern duty (R/W)

Only Bits 7-6 can be read.

Bit 7-6 - Wave Pattern Duty
Bit 5-0 - Sound length data (# 0-63)

Wave Duty:

00: 12.5%
01: 25%
10: 50%
11: 75%

Address - $FF12
Name - NR 12
Contents - Sound Mode 1 register, Envelope (R/W)

Bit 7-4 - Initial value of envelope
Bit 3 - Envelope UP/DOWN
0: Decrease
1: Range of increase
Bit 2-0 - Number of envelope sweep (# 0-7)

Initial value of envelope is from %0000 to %1111

Address - $FF13
Name - NR 13
Contents - Sound Mode 1 register, Frequency lo (W)

lower 8 bits of 11 bit frequency.
Next 3 bit or in NR 14 ($FF14)

Address - $FF14
Name - NR 14
Contents - Sound Mode 1 register, Frequency hi (R/W)

Only Bit 6 can be read.

Bit 7 - Initial (when set, sound restarts)
Bit 6 - Counter/consecutive selection
Bit 2-0 - Frequency's higher 3 bits

Address - $FF16
Name - NR 21
Contents - Sound Mode 2 register, Sound Length; Wave Pattern Duty (R/W)

Only bits 7-6 can be read.

Bit 7-6 - Wave pattern duty
Bit 5-0 - Sound length (# 0-63)

Address - $FF17
Name - NR 22
Contents - Sound Mode 2 register, envelope (R/W)

Bit 7-4 - Initial envelope value
Bit 3 - Envelope UP/DOWN
0: decrease
1: range of increase
Bit 2-0 - Number of envelope step (# 0-7)

Address - $FF18
Name - NR 23
Contents - Sound Mode 2 register, frequency lo data (W)

Frequency's lower 8 bits of 11 bit data
Next 3 bits are in NR 14 ($FF19)

Address - $FF19
Name - NR 24
Contents - Sound Mode 2 register, frequency hi data (R/W)

Only bit 6 can be read.

Bit 7 - Initial
Bit 6 - Counter/consecutive selection
Bit 2-0 - Frequency's higher 3 bits

Address - $FF1A
Name - NR 30
Contents - Sound Mode 3 register, Sound on/off (R/W)

Only bit 7 can be read

Bit 7 - Sound OFF
0: Sound 3 output stop
1: Sound 3 output OK

Address - $FF1B
Name - NR 31
Contents - Sound Mode 3 register, sound length (R/W)

Bit 7-0 - Sound length

Address - $FF1C
Name - NR 32
Contents - Sound Mode 3 register, Select output level

Only bits 6-5 can be read

Bit 6-5 - Select output level
00: Mute
01: Produce Wave Pattern RAM Data as it is
(4 bit length)
10: Produce Wave Pattern RAM data shifted once to the
RIGHT (1/2) (4 bit length)
11: Produce Wave Pattern RAM data shifted twice to the
RIGHt (1/4) (4 bit length)

* - Wave Pattern RAM is located from $FF30-$FF3f

Address - $FF1D
Name - NR 33
Contents - Sound Mode 3 register, frequency's lower data (W)

Lower 8 bits of an 11 bit frequency

Address - $FF1E
Name - NR 34
Contents - Sound Mode 3 register, frequency's higher data (R/W)

Only bit 6 can be read.

Bit 7 - Initial flag
Bit 6 - Counter/consecutive flag
Bit 2-0 - Frequency's higher 3 bits

Address - $FF20
Name - NR 41
Contents - Sound Mode 4 register, sound length (R/W)

Bit 5-0 - Sound length data (# 0-63)

Address - $FF21
Name - NR 42
Contents - Sound Mode 4 register, envelope (R/W)

Bit 7-4 - Initial value of envelope
Bit 3 - Envelope UP/DOWN
0: decrease
1: range of increase
Bit 2-0 - number of envelope step (# 0-7)

Address - $FF22
Name - NR 43
Contents - Sound Mode 4 register, polynomial counter (R/W)

Bit 7-4 - Selection of the shift clock frequency of the
polynomial counter
Bit 3 - Selection of the polynomial counter's step
Bit 2-0 - Selection of the dividing ratio of frequencies

Selection of the dividing ratio of frequencies:
000: f * 1/2^3 * 2
001: f * 1/2^3 * 1
010: f * 1/2^3 * 1/2
011: f * 1/2^3 * 1/3
100: f * 1/2^3 * 1/4
101: f * 1/2^3 * 1/5
110: f * 1/2^3 * 1/6
111: f * 1/2^3 * 1/7 f = 4.194304 Mhz

Selection of the polynomial counter step:
0: 15 steps
1: 7 steps

Selection of the shift clock frequency of the polynomial

0000: dividing ratio of frequencies * 1/2
0001: dividing ratio of frequencies * 1/2^2
0010: dividing ratio of frequencies * 1/2^3
0011: dividing ratio of frequencies * 1/2^4
: :
: :
: :
0101: dividing ratio of frequencies * 1/2^14
1110: prohibited code
1111: prohibited code

Address - $FF30
Name - NR 30
Contents - Sound Mode 4 register, counter/consecutive; inital (R/W)

Only bit 6 can be read.

Bit 7 - Inital
Bit 6 - Counter/consecutive selection

Address - $FF24
Name - NR 50
Contents - Channel control / ON-OFF / Volume (R/W)

Bit 7 - Vin->SO2 ON/OFF
Bit 6-4 - SO2 output level (volume) (# 0-7)
Bit 3 - Vin->SO1 ON/OFF
Bit 2-0 - SO1 output level (volume) (# 0-7)

Vin->SO1 (Vin->SO2)

By synthesizing the sound from sound 1 through 4, the voice
input from Vin terminal is put out.
0: no output
1: output OK

Address - $FF25
Name - NR 51
Contents - Selection of Sound output terminal (R/W)

Bit 7 - Output sound 4 to SO2 terminal
Bit 6 - Output sound 3 to SO2 terminal
Bit 5 - Output sound 2 to SO2 terminal
Bit 4 - Output sound 1 to SO2 terminal
Bit 3 - Output sound 4 to SO1 terminal
Bit 2 - Output sound 3 to SO1 terminal
Bit 1 - Output sound 2 to SO1 terminal
Bit 0 - Output sound 0 to SO1 terminal

Address - $FF26
Name - NR 52
Contents - Sound on/off (R/W)

Only Bit 7, 3-0 can be read.

Bit 7 - All sound on/off
0: stop all sound circuits
1: operate all sound circuits
Bit 3 - Sound 4 ON flag
Bit 2 - Sound 3 ON flag
Bit 1 - Sound 2 ON flag
Bit 0 - Sound 1 ON flag

3. Ok, so the Game Boy runs on a Z80, and that's an 8 bit processor...
So how is it possible for an 8 bit processor to access 4 Mbits?

Simple! Bank switching! If you examine the graphic diagram
you will see some very strange stuff!

The Z80 can only work with 16 bit addresses $0-$FFFF

So to access the other data you must trick the machine into pointing
to another piece of memory.

ROM is located from $0000 - $7FFF, RAM is from $8000-$FFFF

All game programs are ROM so we know it is from $0000-$7FFF

But the Game Boy has a fixed memory area from $0000-$3FFF; when you
access it, it will always be BANK 0. It is called the FIXED HOME ADDRESS.

That means the only other ROM addresses available are $4000-$7FFF.

Bank 0 is read by the CPU as being at $0000-$3FFF
Bank 1 is read by the CPU as being at $4000-$7FFF
Bank 2 is read by the CPU as being at $4000-$7FFF
Bank 3 is read by the CPU as being at $4000-$7FFF

See the pattern? Only the FIXED HOME ADDRESS has it's own special

Banks and addresses starting at $4000 is called the CPU address.

CPU Address $014000 is actually Bank #$01 address $4000

CPU Address $014000 is equal to ROM address (offset) $004000

CPU Address $024000 is equal to ROM address (offset) $008000

CPU Address $044000 is equal to ROM address (offset) $010000

The CPU uses the CPU ADDRESS.

How to switch BANKS:

Using MBC1 (Memory Bank Controller 1)

Writing to ROM Address (CPU FIXED HOME ADDRESS) $2000-$3FFF
the ROM bank can be selected. The values are from #$01-#$0F

LD A,#$01
LD ($2000),A <- this selects ROM BANK #$01

Writing to ROM Address (CPU FIXED HOME ADDRESS) $4000-$5FFF
the RAM bank can be selected. The values are from #$00-#$03

LD A,#$03
LD ($4000),A <- this select RAM BANK #$03

Using MBC2 (Memory Bank Controller 2)

Writing to ROM Address (CPU FIXED HOME ADDRESS) $2100-$21FF
the ROM bank can be select. The values are from #$01-#$0F

4. The SNES and Genesis has an some cartridge information in the ROM.
Does the Game Boy have some info, too?

Sure, why not?!

The Internal Info block begins at $100 and it's format is as follows:

$100-$101 - 00 C3 (2 bytes)
$102-$102 - Lo Hi (Start Address for Game, usually $150 it would be written
as 50 01)
$100-$133 - Nintendo Character Area, if this does not exist the game
will not run!

000100: 00 C3 50 01 CE ED 66 66 CC 0D 00 0B 03 73 00 83
000110: 00 0C 00 0D 00 08 11 1F 88 89 00 0E DC CC 6E E6
000120: DD DD D9 99 BB BB 67 63 6E 0E EC CC DD DC 99 9F
000130: BB B9 33 3E

$134-$143 - Title Registration Area (title of the game in ASCII)
$144-$146 - NOT USED
1 - ROM+MBC1
5 - ROM+MBC2

$148 - ROM SIZE
0 - 256kbit
1 - 512kbit
2 - 1M-Bit
3 - 2M-Bit
4 - 4M-Bit

$149 - RAM SIZE
0 - NONE
1 - 16kbit
2 - 64kbit
3 - 256kbit

$14A-$14B - Maker Code - 2 bytes
$14C - Version Number
$14D - Complement Check
$14E-$14F - Checksum HI-LO (2 bytes in Big Endian format, high byte first)

5. Are there any public development tools available for the Game Boy?

I don't know of many Z80 cross-assemblers available, or if they support
instructions like SWAP A, or LD (HLI),A.
It could be possible to use a generic Z80 assembler and to write
the non-standard instructions by entering the op-code as a Declared Byte.

The only publicly available disassembler I know of is the one I made
for the Amiga. It is included in a SNES 65816/SPC700 disassembler
and supports non-standard Z80 op-codes. The multi-processor disassembler
is called Super Magic Disassembler, it's current release version
is 1.4 and can be found on bulletin boards world-wide.

6. Are there any Game Boy Emulators available?

NO! NO! NONONONO! The only SO-CALLED Emulator was on the AMIGA but was
a BIG FAKE! If you got it to work, it only played TETRIS.
It did NOT emulate a Game Boy. It was just a version of Tetris
played in a graphic rendition of a Game Boy.
According to some FAQ floating around the Emulator is called Toy-Boy
and it was made by Argonaut Software. Come on! Argonaut has 1 Amiga,
which was used for graphics.. but since they've gotten a Silicon Graphics
Workstation I highly doubt they use it anymore!

7. What about Super-Game Boy info? What are it's Specs?

What am I, Master Brain of the World? I don't have info on everything! :)

8. Wow! This was some cool info! Now I can sleep at night!

Yeah! Now you can stop bugging me with all your questions!

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