Mortal Kombat tips part III

In this file I will be discussing individual strategies against human players and against the computer, as well as revised universal strategies.
Universal Strategies: these are strategies that work with every character.
- In Part II I gave some combinations against the computer to insure victory. Well, lately, since the places have kicked up the difficulty, I`ve been getting burned when I use them. For example, when I did the old standby of jump kick, sweep, knee, the computer just blocked the jump kick and sweep and then nailed me. So after first time this happens here`s what you do. After you come in for the jump kick, right after you press the kick button, hold defence. Then when the computer tries it`s move, most likely his\her fireball, you will be guarded and can give them an uppercut right afterwards. The computer will stop trying it`s fireball after a few of these, and then you can go back to the old combo.
- This move works against human players and NOT the computer. It`s really simple, but nobody uses it. You know those people who just crouch down and wait? Well, give `em a wake up call! Just move right in and throw `em! Walk right up to `em and continue to hold forward and press low punch. I use throws a lot, especially when scorpion or sub-zero does a close fireball attack and I defend it. Or when you block a sweep you can use it.
- This is another simple move that almost nobody uses. When your opponent is some distance from you start backing up. If he\she then jumps you can throw out your characters fireball and tag `em every time, and they cannot defend it. Think of what this could do for Scorpion and Sub- Zero! I`ve only tried this move against human players because the computer doesn`t jump unless it is within kick range.
Individual stratagies: these are strategies for and individual character.
Raiden: The easiest thing to do is to disappear, press low punch rapidly to get the fast punches going, and then dissapear to the other side and just keep it up. This works good against human players, but don`t do it against the computer. A really good move to use against the computer is whenever you knock the guy`s down, do a football tackle right afterwards. If you are quick enough you will get him every time. Another good move, but hard to do, is this : Jump towards your opponet when they jump and immediatly press a punch button. This move will beat any jump attack but sonya`s special fist.
Lu Kang: Lu Kang`s best combo against human players is to throw a fireball and immediately do the Charging kick. This will catch rookies and experts a like if you do not overdo it. A slight problem with Lu Kang is that his jump kick points straight out, and you have to hit your opponet with the end of your foot. Just that knowlage is important against the computer. A killer Lu Kang move is to use tips three to tag `em with a fireball, and then do the Charging kick. If you do it quick enough, there is nothing they can do! It does a lot of damage and is easy to do. An interesting way to do Lu Kang`s death scene is to get all the way back from them, and then do the death scene. He does his little kick thing, but does not hit them and does not do the uppercut. You can then do it again, and he will connect.
Scorpion: The best thing in scorpions arsenal is tip three up there. I mean, he has to press back twice to throw his fireball, and you are already moving back. What could be easier? Another pretty good move against human players is when the guy is reforming or getting up throw the spear. If they are not guarding they will get nailed, and if not, they have to be pretty damn fast to take advantage of the situation. Of course it also goes that in the mirror match with scorpion, don`t throw the spear at all. The computer IS fast enough to get you. And if you`re playing a human player Scorpion vs. Scorpion, and they are good, don`t throw it out unless you`re guarrenteed to get them. An overused scorpion move is keep disappearing and hitting the guy. That`s good to do if your opponent has never played or is no good, but any good player will duck down and defend, and then pop you with an uppercut. (You can use this one too if your opponent does it.)
Kano: Kano has several good moves to use against human and computer opponents alike, but they are hard to master. The best one to use is Kanos energy axe to stop a jump attack. Just wait for your opponet to jump, and do the axe. It takes a good deal of timing to get it off correctly, but it is a killer. Another good Kano move is to use the roll right when your opponet jumps for an attack. Also, if you are somewhat close and you block a fireball attack, do the roll right after. This is especialy good against Scorpion and Sub-Zero. A good move against a human player is do the roll, hold block, wait a bit, and then release block. You will get most rookies with it.
Sonya: Sonya has two good moves, but both of them apply to human players more than the computer. Sonya`s flying fist will beat any jump attack. Period. If all your opponet does is jump, just keep doing it. I`ve gotten a double flawless with just that one move. The worst "cheating" in the whole game is Sonya`s leg throw. Here`s what you do : When you catch the dude with the leg throw, just walk forward a bit to get to where the guy has landed, and do another one. Thats all! It takes almost perfect timing to block it, and no rookie has that.
Like I say its a real cheap move, but its your conscience.
Sub-zero: Sub-Zero has a couple of good moves. His slide, if done at the right time, can easly knock your opponet down. The best way to do it is to is to wait until you`ve blocked the dude`s fireball attack, if you`re not experianced enough to counter with the freeze, or are to far away. The slide will take them out at almost any distance. Also, use tip three up there for easy damage. If you`re Kombating a human player using Sub-Zero also, and he is inclined to throw freeze after freeze, just block the freeze, and if you are close freeze him back, or if you are far away, use the slide.
Johny Cage: Cage`s best game is on the ground. Here`s a good one : whenever an opponeNt sweeps you and you block, do the shadow kick. You`ll tag `em every time. Another excelent move is to wait for your opponent to do a jump attack. Hold down block and wait until right after they land, and ball punch them. You can then follow up with a throw. Cage also has that super-fast uppercut, which can knock jumping character`s out of the air better than any other Kombater. Cage can also use his shadow kick to hit Kano after you block his roll. If the guy you are playing isn`t that experianced a good move is just keep doing the shadow kick. They don`t expect the long range, and it usually get them. Don`t try this move against the computer, or the ball punch-throw combo now that I think of it.
Well, that`s it Kombaters! If I think of or notice any more moves or strategies I`ll write another file. L8R. Oh, to get the whole colection of Mortal Kombat tips call the White Knight BBS (304) 344-0223. FROST 18:3/5. Leading the way for the FROST 14.4 revolution!!! (If you don`t know what a BBS is then don`t call the number. It will hurt your ears.)