My first time in Digital Marketing
After having read and researched about the 4.0 revolution that is rapidly approaching and understanding the dimension of technological change that requires us to leave our comfort zone to evolve and insert ourselves into an increasingly digital world that would otherwise stop us from Besides, because the change will generate a radical polarisation of the economy with many professions and trades that will be carried out by machines and algorithms, I firmly believe that now is not the time to study for study or to obtain a degree.

The training of our young children and of us as adults must be oriented towards respect for new technologies, since by themselves the bad or the good is not based on the use we make of the technology that allows us to transcend, cross thousands of kilometers to be in contact with our loved ones, to know what is happening in any part of the world, to help others, to communicate being part of a huge digital and global community, so I decided to innovate and learn about digital marketing that I consider to be a wonderful way of doing business ethically and I am happy to have taken this first step to enter the world of digital marketing.