ICTARI -The ATARI programmer's user group

8 Denmark Road, Reading, Berks, RG1 5PA. England.
e-mail augeas@elis.demon.co.uk
ICTARI is a self-help group for Atari programmers. Every month a disk-zine is produced containing articles, tutorials and requests for help from the group's members. The term member has become a little blurred since ICTARI became available on the 'Net. The membership list contains disk-based subscribers, but the magazine is available to everyone. There is always room for discussion about all Atari-related matters. The people who contribute are the people who get the most out of ICTARI. In general, if you tell the group your programming problems, one of the members will solve them. Requests for help are just as welcome as articles. ICTARI has been going for a long time, and has had two previous editors. I don't intend to be the last !
Important !
ICTARI is totally dependant on submissions from it's readers. Don't just grab all the back issues and leave it at that, help the 'zine to survive ! Any contributions will be considered. It would be great if you could write an article or tutorial on some aspect of programming, but smaller submissions are very welcome too. Can you answer one of the queries in the latest issue ? Do you have a question of your own that can stimulate discussion ? Have you written something you are proud of, or could you do with some contructive criticism of your code ? Even general comments on the Atari scene are published. Go on, you know you want to !
Giles Greenway 6/6/97