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Hack This Zine Issue 09

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Published in 
Hack This Zine
 · 1 Sep 2020


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Issue 9: Winter 2010

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* anti-(C)opyright 2009 *
* *
* This zine is anti-copyright: *
* You are encouraged to Reuse, Reword, and Reprint everything in this *
* zine as you please. *
* *
* This includes: *
* Printing your own copies to distribute to friends and family, *
* copying and pasting bits of text in your own works, mirroring *
* electronic copies to websites and file sharing services, or anything *
* else you can think of... *
* *
* ...Without asking permission or apologizing! *

= Table of (Dis)Contents =
| 0x00 Introduction |
| 0x01 Pirate Bay Launches Private Proxy (VPN) Services |
| 0x02 Hate Social Networking? |
| 0x03 German 'Fleshmob' Takes on Full-Body Airport Scanners |
| 0x04 Anonymous Pwns Australian Government in Operation Titstorm |
| 0x05 Fugitive VoIP Hacker Pleads Guilty to Stealing 10 Million Minutes |
| 0x06 Manchester Police Computer Systems Shut Down by Conficker |
| 0x07 Even if you clear your private data, how track able is your browser |
| 0x08 See You in the Bay! |
| 0x09 Social Change Within The Hacker Movement... By Dave U. Random |
| 0x10 Autonomy and a New High Tech by Cloacina |
| 0x11 Can't Stop The Signal by the March Hare Collective |
| 0x12 Comcast Watch |
| 0x13 Fighting the Fascists using Direct Action Hacktivism by thoughtcriime |
| 0x14 Guardian Project |
| 0x15 Little Brother Review |
| 0x16 Ronin: Badger! Badger! Badger! by Evoltech |
| 0x17 Upcoming Con's and Events |
| 0x18 A Final Word... |


Things have been busy around the HB network up-links recently mostly in
preparation for the SF @ bookfair / 8 days of anarchy / BASTARD conference.

While HB has had a presence at the bookfair for at least the past 4 years,
it has mostly been in the free table section outside. This is where various
members could be seen milling around handing out copies of the zine and sharing
lock picking techniques and tools.

We started talking about having a more established presence after last years
bookfair with a table inside, a scheduled presentation of sorts, and a new
issue of the zine. We are excited to bring you the ninth issue of HTZ, see
you at the "Digital security for and by Anti-Authoritarians" workshop at
Noisebridge, and catch up with you at the bookfair.

From my perspective the drive for this change in presentation is a result of
change of focus with in the group and our desire to collaborate and be
accountable to a larger community of anarchists. We have spent the past year
working on the zine, building our skill-sets, writing communications tools, and
attempting to improve the availability of our online presence and tools.

This recent drive and work has resulted in some new relationships, questions
about future plans, and fair amount of meeting time spent talking about our
role in the anarchist community. The articles of issue 9 reflect this work with
the exception of an article regarding our participation in a community
remediation process with Jeremy Hammond. While we were not able to get this
article in for this issue we hope to have it for you by next issue and would
like to point out that Jeremy has not been involved with HB since his
sentencing a number of years ago.

As always we want to hear from those of you reading this zine online or in
print, those of you crushing on us, drawing the HB logo in your notebooks with
hearts around it, and those of you hating on us starting flame threads on the
Internet. We are always accepting articles for the next issue, looking for new
projects to give exposure to, and can always use letters to publish that
do not involve requests to hack your ex's facebook account, or offers on deals
for medicine to make us better lovers or tools to make us more attractive.

With monitor tan, love, and solidarity!
The Hackbloc Collective <>

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0x01 - Pirate Bay Launches Private Proxy (VPN) Services, Promised Logless,
Encrypted Privacy - 01/21/2010

According to TorrentFreak, The Pirate Bay has finally launched its public VPN
service ( is allowing anybody to get an
account. This allows citizens around the world high-speed "anonymous" internet
access for only $7 a month. The way it works is that your computer establishes
an encrypted connection to their VPN service (in Sweden) and then your web
traffic, BitTorrent, etc. is sent from there. Anybody looking to find out your
real identity will be stopped once they realize it's coming from an IPREDATOR
server which doesn't keep logs. As an added benefit of the encrypted connection,
your employer, people on your wireless network, and your internet service
provider won't be able to see what you're doing online, only that you're
connecting to this proxy service. Since Sweden's laws are more supportive of
privacy and free speech than those in most countries including the USA, having
internet access from there can be very useful. If you leak files or do
journalistic work through IPREDATOR, you gain extra protection under Sweden's
source-protection laws which make it illegal to investigate the source of a
leaked document used for journalistic purposes. This is one of the many layers
of defense that organizations like Wikileaks provide. If you are looking for a
different VPN service, check out Relakks.

"For only 149 SEK (that's about 15 EUR / 21 USD) per 3 months you will get safe,
encrypted communication between you and the internet, with no logging of the
data transferred. It's of our utmost concern that you can use the network
without anyone deciding what you're can communicate about.

Ipredator is not only another VPN-service. It's also a statement. Right now
we're developing a new tool to make it harder (or impossible) for the government
of Sweden to tap into their citizens traffic. Our goal is making people have the
ability to use their democratic rights, without a fear of repression.

So, the more people that actually use the service, the better. We will get funds
to build more tools and at the same time the users clearly show that they want
to be anonymous. It sends a very clear message to the politicans!

Please invite your friends if they need a service like Ipredator, and tell
people about the reasons why they should be allowed to communicate without a
third party listening to their conversations... The most important thing is to
actually make people aware of the situation."

0x02 - Hate Social Networking? Commit Suicide. - 01/14/2010

Hate your online social networks? Sick of acquaintances who barely know you
eating up hours of your time and rating how attractive you are compared to
others? Want to get to know real people? Want to kick the habit? Kill
yourself... online that is!

Since the launch of the Web 2.0 Suicide Machine (,
over 800 people have cathartically killed their online identities, de-friended
over 50,000 friends, and removed over 200,000 tweets. Even Facebook got in on
the action, sending a baseless legal threat ( to the group which was posted
to the whistleblower site Cryptome.

The site will quickly delete all of the content on your accounts at Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, and MySpace. Better yet, you can watch it do this live and
enjoy watching your online demise which is as close as you'll get to an out of
body experience without risking your health by fasting or taking drugs.

Why stop there though? These sites make money using their user's information
(which is never really deleted anyways) to sell advertising. Give them something
they'll love: more information for their hungry databases. Fill it with junk,
join random groups, send meaningless messages, and friend request people you'd
never even be remotely interested in back when you had your online identity.
Poison the machine!

0x03 - German 'Fleshmob' Takes on Full-Body Airport Scanners - 01/13/2010

A 'fleshmob' of Pirate Party sympathizers in Germany confronted the new full-
body scanning devices at the Berlin-Tegel in Germany. This new scanning
technology allows scanner operators to see beneath the clothes of people walking
through them, providing great opportunities for voyeuristic pleasure. In a study
at Hull University, researchers found that one in ten women were targeted for
such purposes by surveillance camera operators.

More at

0x04 - Anonymous Pwns Australian Government in Operation Titstorm - 02/12/2010

///Update Feb 13th 2010: List of websites taken offline: Australian Parliament +
Stephen Conroy (,, . They
have been down for two days now and anonymous said the attack could continue
"for months". Interview with "spokesperson" for anonymous at

The hacktivist group Anonymous has launched a wave of successful attacks against
websites of the Australian government. As many hackers are aware, Australia has
proposed mandatory internet filtering at the isp level for all citizens. During
the trial runs where the effectiveness of such a hypothetical system was
measured, several whistleblowing, commercial, and otherwise "normal" or
political sites were blocked.

According to a member of anonymous, "No government should have the right to
refuse its citizens access to information solely because they perceive it to be
unwanted". The website of the Australian Parliament was getting 7.5 million hits
a second. Government offices involved were also hit with "a shitstorm of porn e-
mail, fax spam, black faxes and prank phone calls to government offices." The
porn consisted mainly of "extreme" porn and female ejaculation, both of which
are proposed to be banned.

Based on reports, the main wave of attacks is through but low-intensity fighting
continues. If the past actions of anonymous are anything to go by, another wave
or two of attacks are expected in the next month. It's worth noting that
Anonymous declared war on Australia several months ago.
More info from the press at:

0x05 - Fugitive VoIP Hacker Pleads Guilty
to Stealing 10 Million Minutes - 02/04/2010

Edwin Andrew Pena, a hacker who stole over 10 million VoIP minutes by routing
them through a botnet, has pled guilty to several felony charges, facing up to
25 years in prison. After posting bond, he fled to Mexico to avoid charges but
it looks like he's in the clutch of the law once again. He allegedly banked over
a million dollars over the course of two years selling VoIP minutes at almost a
quarter of their original price. All of this was done from one cable connection
where he spent most of his bandwidth scanning for new botnet additions.

More at The Register

0x06 - Manchester Police Computer Systems Shut Down
by.... Conficker - 02/04/2010

In an epic security fail, the criminal lookup system used by the Manchester
Police was disabled when it was discovered it had been infected with conficker.
Their computer network had to be isolated from other police departments to stop
its spread. Apparently somebody doesn't run basic anti-virus... or hasn't
updated it in a few years.

One has to wonder what lax security like this means. Some script kiddie with a
exe patcher could probably do a big rm -f * on everything.

More at

0x07 - Even if you clear your private data, how trackablee is your browser?
- 01/29/2010
Even if you disable cookies and clear the private data on your browser, you
still might be just as trackable. Why? Browsers give lots of information to the
sites you visit including the browser version (called the user agent), what type
of information it can view (flash, videos, audio, etc.), the ability to store
flash cookies, your screen/window size, your color depth, and much much more. In
fact, by changing only one aspect of your browser's information to protect
your privacy such as a user agent, you might be making your browser easier to
track. In some cases, your browser's 'fingerprint', which is all the data it
gives every website it views, may be completely unique.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has released a tool called Panopticclick
which compares your browser's fingerprint to thousands of others and tells you
how 'unique' yours is in addition to what makes it unique.

It is worth mentioning that TorButton, which is commonly bundled with the Tor
software has protected against this type of tracking for years. There's a post
at their blog for those looking for more on these attacks.


0x08 - See You in the Bay! Submitted by on 02/12/2010
A group of us from Hackbloc will be in the San Francisco Bay Area enjoying 8
days of anarchy, the BASTARD conference, and the sf anarchist bookfair. We are
helping organize a workshop Friday March 12th from 6pm - 9pm called Digital
Security and Tactics For (and By) Anti Authoritarians at Noisebridge, the local
hacker space. Hope to see you there, it'll be a blast!

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0x09 - Social Change Within The Hacker Movement by Dave U. Random

Most people who live in communities that are targeted for harassment and
persecution by the powers that be adapt to fight that targeting. Every group has
a different reaction, but the most common and effective one is adopting a
culture of non-cooperation. In hood culture, where people see their families
torn up by unequal crack/cocaine laws, tainted evidence, racist juries, and
targeted police patrols, there's the 'stop snitching' movement. Traditionally,
the phrase 'snitches get stitches' describes the situation pretty accurately. In
activist culture, the policy of non-cooperation works similarly where those who
assist police are immediately outed publicly and exiled from the community
forever. Snitching is the ultimate betrayal, attempting to trade your friend's
freedom for yours.

Hackers are another targeted community. We've even got ideology on our side.
Hackers, in general, determine rules by ourselves. We bend them, break them, and
when we get caught? We laugh because it took them so long. We're against state
surveillance, the police state, and government control over our lives. We're
against censorship, for free speech, and staunch advocates for privacy. The
Streisand effect[1] is made possible on our connections and piracy is rampant
because we seed till we bleed. We dumpster dive, snoop on open wireless, and
social engineer our way into locked-down corporate offices. We support whistle-
blowers, truth in media, and the inherent political statements in the Wikileaks
experiment, Freenet, and the Tor project. We're educators, happy to share our
knowledge with others even when it's inconvenient to some big corporation or
government agency. Even when it could mean our freedom.

When we get caught, we really get thrown in the shithole. The FBI and the Secret
Service knock down our doors and confiscate everything that uses electricity.
We're denied bail for fear of what we might do if we get out. We're so dangerous
that some of us are banned from using computers, even those that aren't
connected to the internet. We're thrown in jail on charges like 'fraud',
'conspiracy', and other charges - many of which stem from the idea that thinking
about committing a crime or talking about its possibility is the same thing as
committing it.

So why then, has our reaction as a community been anything but complete
resistance to the current system? When the police come knocking, most hackers
just roll over. Why do we tolerate cooperating in our communities? Why is it
that when Jeff Moss [2] works for the Department of Homeland Security, we all
look at him as helping out society instead of what the reality of the situation
is: he's working for a section of a government that is responsible for tearing
apart families because somebody along the line broke immigration law, operating
a national surveillance network that watches hackers, journalists, and
activists, and is constantly pushing the idea of a surveillance state. He's
fixing their security problems so they can do their work with less
interruptions. Jeff Moss is an ally of those who we despise and everything we
despise; of those who try and frame people on the basis that they were using
encryption and must have been 'trying to hide something'.

While I couldn't see many of the folks who read this zine specifically engaging
in these acts, I can see the rest of 'the community' doing it and I can see our
readers tolerating it. I know Emmanuel Goldstein [3] would never turn anybody
in, even if he had some type of personal vendetta against them. Neither would
Julian Assange, [4] The Mentor [5], Bernie S. [6], Peter Sunde [7], or any of
the other hackers I look up to. Whatever we think about the acts of another, we
can all agree that putting them in a cell isn't going to solve or change much of
anything. The antithesis of the hacker is the white-hat, a corporate sell-out
who never breaks the law , wants to make sure the corporations and governments
stay one step ahead of even your run of the mill cypherpunk, and who thinks that
the movie Hackers was a portrayal of wayward teens who committed irresponsible
acts. I know many of you are reading this, shaking your heads. I know some of
you are doing this because you're down - you're down with most of what I'm
saying and you don't think hackers are like this. The rest of you are probably
white hats or maybe you're a real hacker too, but you've started to get sucked
into the mainstream rhetoric that encourages you to abandon the hacker ethic and
your friends.

This world isn't what it used to be. Everything is connected to everything and
the choke point is the wire. When the wire breaks, when the server goes down,
when the digital infrastructure doesn't work it takes more than a repairman to
fix it. We hold the power to make some real change, to strike at the heart of a
beast. To directly stop 'them', whoever that might be.

So here's my proposal, follow it if you want or not. Publicly out all those who
cooperate with the state or inform on hackers or pirates, support those who
don't and ostracize all that do. When you out them, do it right -- pictures,
phone numbers, personal histories, everything. And when our friends get locked
up, like when Bernie did, we need to stand by them in unconditional solidarity
-- not because they're hackers or we agree with that they did or are accused of,
but because they're being targeted by the state - an evil beast that is
targeting us all. If you like what I wrote, here are some potential
sites you may enjoy:,,,,,,

[1] The Streisand effect is a primarily online phenomenon in which an attempt to
censor or remove a piece of information has the unintended consequence of
causing the information to be publicized widely and to a greater extent than
would have occurred if no censorship had been attempted.

[2] Jeff Moss, also known as Dark Tangent, is the founder of the Black Hat and
DEF CON computer hacker conferences.

[3] Emmanuel Goldstein, pen name of Eric Gorden Corley, editor of the hacker
magazine 2600: The Hacker Quarterly.

[4] Julian Assange is a public spokesman of Wikileaks, an internet based
whistle-blowers site, from Australia. While often being refered to as founder of
Wikileaks, he himself denied that.

[5] Loyd Blankenship (a.k.a. The Mentor) (born 1965) has been a well-known
American computer hacker and writer since the 1980s, when he was a member of the
hacker groups Extasyy Elite and Legion of Doom.

[6] Bernie S, real name Ed Cummings, is a computer hacker living in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He participates in the WBAI show Off the Hook with
Emmanuel Goldstein from 2600 Magazine.

[7] Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi (alias brokep) is best known for co-founding The
Pirate Bay.

0x10 - Autonomy and a New High Tech by Cloacina
The Russians launched dogs into space because dogs are gullible. Laika was a
model Soviet: a liberated female taking a leading role, subverting her own
interest to that of the State. Obedient, loyal and unquestioning, she was
asphyxiated, dying hungry and alone in a windowless steel can mounted atop a
ballistic missile. Her true mission was naive deception, a scientific veneer
over the technics of atomic apocalypse. Spacecraft now carry more luxuries for
their crews -food, air, water, and re-entry systems- but the safe return of
human beings does not mean that the forms of spacecraft have changed. They are
still repurposed weapons systems first and human habitats second. Going to
space has been an aesthetic and muscular display of energy concentration and a
proving ground for power fantasies. Our contemporary technology owes much to the
rigor harsh space environments place on machines.

We live in the space age: everything is designed to exist in an eternal vacuum,
with no thought to objects' beginnings or endings. Zipping planetesimals
formed the planets, and our collapsing consumer devices are crushing the earth.
But space can be a wonderful goal: living in space means self-sufficiency, whole
systems thinking, and closed resource cycles. Even in a low energy future,
space is still the place to test our concepts, and the narrative of space a
framework for re-imagining our world.

So we'd like to outline what a low energy space program would be about. A
space program about soft, slow, objects teaming with life. By adopting the
professed goals of military-industrial air-superiority and subverting the
iconography of force projection, we can redefine technological progress from
power and industry to biology and information.

Lichens may have been the dry earth's first colonists; tiny efficient guilds
of interrelated organisms mixing fungi, algae, and bacteria. Lichens construct
themselves mostly out of atmospheric gasses, efficiently replicating the
structures necessary to their own survival. They are a small example of
autopoiesis, autonomous self-sustenance and replication. These symbiotic
organisms attain efficiencies far beyond our own creations; algae's solar
efficiency is greater than 80%, more than twice the best human-made solar cells.
Our solar cells require high energy and rare-earth minerals- Lichens absorb
their materials from the atmosphere and uses a quantum-mechanical system to
absorb sunlight, all at room temperature. Evaluated on performance criteria,
our creations aren't nearly as high-tech as lichen.

The autopoiesis of lichen offers a model of freedom. True autonomy can come
only through the knowledge that one can grow and be sustained on one's own
resources. Despite the difficulty of complete autopoiesis (even lichens need
the atmosphere) all who hold autonomy maximizing ideologies aught to seek
support systems approaching autopoiesis.

Each part of the lichen system supports the others; bacteria fix nitrogen, algae
fix solar energy to carbohydrates, and fungi construct a environment for both
while supplying algae with CO2. Experiments with integrated greenhouse
aquaponics mirror this approach, with animals and plants held in equilibrium
through human action.

But collecting information about the environment and transforming it into
actions has traditionally taken massive inputs of expert observation and effort.
Computerized information systems present an opportunity for significant labor-
savings and performance improvement in constructed autopoietic food systems.
Mutual aid and information exchange between autopoietic groups can shift
expertese away from technical specialists and towards a network of autonomous
communities. Keeping the harsh limits of life in space focuses lightness,
efficiency, and escape from industrial dependence.

State-of-the art near-space craft are materially identical to plastic
greenhouses, constructed from the same thin film plastics, PET & LLDPE. NASA
floats multi-ton payloads over the north and south poles, suspended beneath
superpressure balloons for months, holding steady 20 miles up. Autopoietic
habitats on earth create the skill base for space.

Balloons, loping and directionless, huge and soft, are not a physical threat to
the state the way missiles are. They are the spore of the idea that the state
can be escaped, proof that high-energy industrialization has lost its edge.
Sending fairly autonomous ecosystems into long-duration missions around the
earth challenges state power in its own environment, on its terms of supremacy.
It is a symbolic expression of statelessness and freedom, claiming the high
ground for biology and information systems.

0x11 - Can't Stop The Signal: Creating a Radical Communications Network...
by The March Hare Collective
How can we know what is going on and fast when we take to the streets? An
effective communication system is the life-blood of any skirmish, uprising or
revolution. Timely information can provide nourishment and animation to all other
aspects of a resistance project. Without the ability to communicate with our
comrades we would become isolated and will not be able to effect real or
substantial change. In this essay we will look at the sociological and
technological underpinnings of various communications systems that have been
used when we gather to take our resistance to the streets. We will examine the
shortcomings of previous models and see how they can be improved upon to create
a system that allows us to employ fully the passion of our dreams and resistance.

In the anti-globalization era, the radical dissent movement used to be
at the forefront of communication and technology innovation. Many of
us remember the early days of Indymedia, and the huge impact its model
had both within our movement, and as an important meme breaking down the
barriers and professionalization of information gathering and
broadcasting. Today the type of 'journalism' or open participation in
media production that was the foundation of Indymedia is ubiquitous in
all sorts of mainstream sites, blogs, etc. while Indymedia itself has
actually declined as a source and locus for sharing ideas and news.
The sharing of information in general has sped up tremendously in recent
years and real-time communication is the name of the game. It seems that our
creativity and knack for innovation has abandoned us lately, and we still
cling to old, tested and failed models of both organizing and communicating.
In mass mobilizations, many still rely on old school radio/walkie-talkie
communications, cell phones, or just word of mouth, when there are so many
tools out there we could be adapting and using to better effect.

Today, when communications are even discussed in mass mobilizations,
the conversations revolve around the technical aspects, or the means of
communications to be used (should it be radio, walkie-talkie, SMS text,
phones, etc.) while the end or principles of communication are most often
overlooked or taken for granted. We believe that a closer look at
the principles or goals of communication is the first step to innovation
that can keep us ahead of the curve and the forces of oppression.

Ten principles of communications we think are fundamental when developing
an effective street-based communication network for radicals.
These principles could be used to guide us in creating new forms of
communication, and new technical tools that can enhance our
effectiveness while keeping us safe on and off the street.

1.Speed of Information is a primary goal of any useful street communication network.

Law enforcement has spent billions of dollars on dispatch systems, radios and
city-mapping software to maximize its ability to respond to events in real-time
and so must we. Anyone who has been to a protest knows that seconds matter.
Information is only useful if it is timely. We have become accustomed to the
power of nearly instantaneous information sharing from instant messenger to
texts from cell-phones to e-mail. Any communication network needs to replicate
this speed of transmission to be a truly effective tool on the street. Nothing
ages as poorly as information. Our contemporary communications systems have
adhered to this principle well. Using hand held walkie-talkies, Nextels, and
even bull-horns has allowed information to be updated quickly providing
contemporary information. Any new system would have to be equally as fast in its
information distribution and hopefully more sophisticated.

2.Truthfulness is another principle that directly impacts the effectiveness of
the overall information network. Accurate and understandable information is at
the foundation of effective action and informed autonomous decision-making. Too
much information on the street is not much better than too little. During the
last two National Republican Conventions we have seen that the amount of text
messages sent overwhelmed users to the point they often stopped reading them.
We also have seen how inaccurate information and rumors can poison tactics
disarming our resistance and in some cases putting us in peril. We have all
heard about mass arrests only to later find out such reports were false, while
the rumor has dampen or even ended a vibrant action. It is difficult to judge
the veracity of any piece of information one hears while on the streets and thus
we sometimes have to make decisions about the truthfulness of anonymous sources
of perhaps crucial data. Any usable system needs to find a way to verify
information to ensure its trustworthiness and that will allow people on the
street, over time, to build trust in the message because they messenger.

3.Security of information is also an important factor. While most communications
in a mobilization will have to be open, in order to allow for senders and
receivers to participate, we obviously do not want to expose participants to
more risk than they already run by simply being on the street, and expressing
dissent. This means that certain messages or pieces of information may be
inappropriate to share, and the systems needs a way to filter such messages.
Additionally, the personal safety of those receiving and sharing information is
a consideration both on the ground and in later persecution. In fact, this type
of accurate information could be used by people fighting bogus charges by the
authorities similar to how video has been used in recent cases. The information
can also provide a more objective global view for those wishing to analyze the
event after the fact and not wishing to rely solely on first person accounts.
Finally, system itself must be secured from sabotage by outside forces that may
wish to disrupt the flow of information or send misinformation to users.
Verification and other procedures could seriously limit reactionary forces from
undermining a communications system thus limiting there damage by using self-
correcting mechanisms.

4.Cost is a self-evident principle. Most radical groups and individuals have
limited resources especially when compared to the State's bloated budgets for
communications. We need to find do-it-yourself (DIY) ways to level the playing
field and allow the best communication system our limited monetary resources can
provide. At first it might seem absurdly naive to believe that a DIY
decentralized system could ever out perform the zillion dollar gizmos of the
authorities, but the world has changed in recent years. It is no longer simply a
matter of who has the best hardware but more who has the best system for
delivering and filtering information. Open source collaborative communities have
for decades shown that their shoestring (or no) budget programs are just as good
, if not better, than those developed by big governments or multi-nationals. So
it will not be easy and will require a lot of sweat but it is not out of the
realm of possibility. Cost considerations are not just for those setting up the
system but for end users. Most likely we will continue to use already ubiquitous
technologies out there like radios and cell-phones.

5.Accessibility is a key component to any system that hopes to be used by a
diverse group, common at large demonstrations. Any communications system needs
to be easy to use and have a very short learning curve because unlike in the
anti-globalization days, today people spend very little time in preparatory
skill-shares and workshops at large mobilizations. Now most people tend to
arrive the day before a protest for better or worse so the system must be
learned (or preferably be already self-evident) in a very short time or before
the protest using web-sites, zines, etc. This has more to do with the users end
but also could apply to the operator/developers end. During the Republican
Convention in New York (2004) textmob (a version of sms sharing predating
Twitter) was introduced but because it was unfamiliar and required some mastery
of simple commands many people who had applicable cell-phones still did not use
it. In fact less than eighty people used textmob during the week-long protests
that drew tens of thousands. Indymedia on the other hand was so easy and
replicated on many other internet sites that it was almost instantly used by
thousands in the first week of its launch.

6.One overlooked component of an effective communications system is how it
filters data not just for veracity (see point 2) but allow for effective pattern
recognition. Textmob and live streaming of police scanners suffer from providing
the user so much information that it can quickly become distracting noise. The
difference between noise and useful information is usually a problem of
filtering. A communications network, if it is receiving data from a large number
of sources must find a reliable way to provide information in sizes that people
can digest. Ideally the patterns revealed would allow users to have a more
global picture of what is going on and be able to make decisions about their
actions based on this understanding. Traditionally we use linguistic models
(verbal or text) for transmitting information into communication but there may
be other useful models for doing this. The visual recognition areas of the human
brain are 13 times larger than the language centers and are some of the most
developed aspects in the brain. By using pictures, symbols or similar visual
representations it is possible to take large sets of data and turn them into
usable patterns. By moving away from strictly language based systems a
communications system can be used by a more diverse groups and in different
geographic locations.

7.Virulence of both the system and the users is a necessary aspect of a sound
communications network. The effort that goes into outreach/training is often
underestimated. It is quite time-consuming and difficult to get people to adopt
new ways of doing things especially if they are complicated or poorly
understood. Viral growth allows peoples' natural networks to take on the bulk of
this work and do it more effectively than any outreach working group could
achieve on its own. The system used has to be easily implemented and shared by
others. The best way of achieving this is by allowing a great deal of
adaptability in the system. Indymedia started out as a way to report on the
Seattle protests but was quickly adapted to other purposes including event
announcements, sharing theoretical writings and even organizing protests. The
actual implementation of the software was more complicated and relied on a small
group of Johnny Appleseeds that went from city to city and country to country to
set up Indymedia nodes. By 2001 the software and hardware had become stream-
lined enough to allow anyone with some computer skills and access to moderate
priced equipment to set up their own Indymedia site. Most of the communication
systems used during protests are created on a disposable model, meaning they are
used just once. This one-time use interferes with the virulence of the system
because it needs to be rebuilt and often relearned with each new event. Ideally
a system would be developed that could be use and expanded upon by anyone and
spread by existing social networks.

8.It should be clear from the previous principles that flexibility is a highly
desirable characteristic of an effective communications system. By flexibility
we mean a system that can easily function at various scales of both geography
and size. A communications system should be able to tell us what is going on
around the corner or across town while at the same time letting us connect with
thousands or just our affinity group. The network should work equally well in
Boston, Bogota and Beijing. It should allow the user to customize it so they
can get and share the information they want at a particular time and place. This
type of flexibility will dramatically improve the value of a communications

9.As anarchists we seek to create a communication system that is non-
authoritarian. That means that the information is controlled by the users on
both ends, and doesn't rely or allow some self- or otherwise selected 'cadre' to
use information in order to manipulate or direct participants without their
active agreement. A horizontal, non-authoritarian system is also much more
powerful and protected from oppression, arrests, or sabotage. We also believe
that non-authoritarian systems require more participation and thus draw on the
strength of many making it a more powerful tool that reflects our politics.

10.Seeking to create a sustainable system, we are looking to a model that will
not become obsolete by next year or next month for that matter, a model that is
flexible enough to grow and evolve as new needs, ideas, and technologies arise.
Another aspect of sustainability is the need to develop a model that can easily
be replicated and doesn't depend on a small group of highly specialized people
for its functioning. Food Not Bombs is a good example of a sustainable model,
while a small group of people can make an effective FNB anywhere in the world,
the actual participants can easily change while the project continues to exist.

There are of course other attributes that go into making an affective
communications network but these ten principles create a foundation for
thinking about and developing any such network. We feel that an
effective and radical communications network for mobilizations and
protests can provide an important tool in the overall radical project.

A system that maximizes the ten principles can create a new model for
our resistance on the streets. Our hope is that such a communications
system would allow a real-time emergence of collective action, shared
knowledge and intelligence that could counteract the State's ability to
contain resistance and oppress us. The tired old chant of 'the people
united can never be defeated' might become a reality if tens of
thousands of people have the ability to draw upon not only the 'wisdom
of the crowd' but also its passion. The courage, skills, intelligence,
desire and commitment of the participants in our mobilizations is not in
doubt; the goal is to create an information-sharing system that
encourages all of these diverse people to act in concert without relying
on some centralized decision-making body and soul crushing discipline.
Flash mobs, internet organizing, political prisoner support web pages,
etc. have all suggested that technologies can be harnessed to multiply
our strength. Imagine if we could create a communications network that
encouraged all the passions on the streets to emerge naturally into a
tidal wave of real and radical change. If we could build a system that
unites us while keeping our individual autonomy of action intact then we
would truly be unbeatable.

March Hare Communications Collective, Inc. (MHCC) is a volunteer mutual
benefit corporation that is dedicated to promoting emerging communications
technology for the use of public organizing of grass-roots groups and non-
governmental organizations. The focus of the March Hare Communications
Collective, Inc. is to develop new, secure and open software to be used with
existing technologies that will aid community and grass-roots coordination,
social networking and organization specifically using mobile technologies. In
addition March Hare Communications Collective, Inc. seeks to provide
educational materials and trainings on how to use mobile technologies in a
safe and effective manner that meets the needs of the user groups. March Hare
Communications Collective, Inc. seeks to be a repository of both technologies
and information regarding the innovative use of mobile technologies to promote
social justice in the US and internationally by grass-root/community groups.

As of March 2009 MHCC is still pulling its self up from the bootstraps. Some
of the initial research the collective will be doing is looking into
contributing to an extending the Ushaidi project [1], and repurposing the
Tapatio project. To keep up to date with progress of the group and it's
projects visit


[1] The Ushahidi Engine is a platform that allows anyone to gather distributed
data via SMS, email or web and visualize it on a map or timeline. Their goal is
to create the simplest way of aggregating information from the public for use in
crisis response. This is very similar to the goals of the Tapatio project but
managed to get a larger development team off the ground and was able to make due
with out using twitter on the backend by leveraging Font Line SMS (, and hardwired cell phones.

[2] Tapatio is intended to be a communications resource for the radical anti-
authoritarian community. They have developed a system that can be used in mass
direct action scenarios to gather tactical information, categorize that
information based on type and urgency, rate the information for reliability, and
then dispatch reliable information to individuals in the streets based on the
criteria they request (for example, maybe the user only wants information about
legal updates, or maybe they want to hear about police mobilizations and medical

0x12 - Comcast Watch

FCC rules Comcast guilty of throttling P2P traffic in Class Action Lawsuit


December 25th 2009: Comcast has settled to pay up to $16 million dollars to
eligible class members not exceeding $16.00 each. You can apply online at or
read the text of the agreement at
Comcast has since filed a legal appeal.

Comcast is using Sandvine, commercially available traffic shaping services -
controversial because it designed to violate Net Neutrality principles.

The FCC is demanding that Comcast "ensure compliance with a proscribed plan to
bring Comcast's discriminatory conduct to an end" and within 30 days of release
of the Order Comcast must "disclose the details of its discriminatory network
management practices to the Commission, submit a compliance plan describing how
it intends to stop these discriminatory management practices by the end of the
year, and disclose to customers and the Commission the network management
practices that will replace current practices"

An open source project called Glasnost was put together to gather data on
various ISPs to demonstrate BitTorrent traffic shaping patterns and have
published their results at
Amongst their findings was that Comcast (also Cox and StarHub) was blocking bit
torrent upstream traffic.

Comcast, General Electric and NBC

December 3rd, 2009: Comcast has purchased a controlling majority of NBC
Universal (NBCU) further positioning itself as a media monopoly. Comcast will
take a controlling 51% stake in the joint venture, and GE will control 49%.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the $30 billion merger "represents the
first significant merger review for the Obama administration, and regulators are
expected to undertake an exhaustive review.' As of January 6th the Department of
Justice antitrust division and the Federal Communications Commission are
currently reviewing the merger.

Digital rights and free speech advocates who claim that the merger would
consolidate too much media power into the hands of the nation's biggest cable
company and ISP.

"How the FCC might stop the Comcast-NBC merger"

"Justice Dept. will join FCC in review of Comcast-NBC Universal deal"

If you work at Comcast consider joining or starting a Union:

Ryan Harris busted by FBI for selling hacked cable modems
Ryan Harris("DerEngel") was indicted by the grand jury on August 16th 2009 for
conspiracy, wire fraud and computer fraud but was not arrested until late
October. Harris founded TCNISO which according to the indictment "develop,

and sell cable modem hacking software and hardware products." In
November 2008, FBI agents purchased via TCNISO's website pre-hacked cable modems
and the book "Hacking the Cable Modem" written by Harris.

The indictment also involved three additional unindicted co-conspirators: a
software developer for TCNISO who lived in Kentucky, the vice president of
TCNISO who lived in California, and "DShocker" who lived in
Massachusetts(According to Wired, DShocker was previously busted for DDos and
Swatting attacks and received an 11 month sentence).

The dangerous precedent being set with this case is that the FBI is not alleging
that Harris personally used hacked cable modem to illegally steal internet
access, but that TCNISO sold technology that possibly could be used by others to
do so.

"Feds Charge Cable Modem Modder With 'Aiding Computer Intrusion"

Ryan Harris indictment

Thomas Swingler was busted for nearly the same thing in January 2009 for running
the website


Three Charged for Hacking DNS Account
November 19, 2009: Three were charged in federal court for the May 28th, 2008
hijacking of's DNS account at, temporarily
sending Comcast visitors to their own page which read "KRYOGENIKS Defiant and
EBB RoXed COMCAST sHouTz to VIRUS Warlock elul21 coll1er seven."

Christopher Allen Lewis (EBK), James Robert Black, Jr. (Defiant), and Michael
Paul Nebel (Slacker) are being charged with conspiracy to commit computer fraud
Title 18 Section 1030. The indictment explains that they had gained access to
Comcast's account through a series of phone calls and social engineering.
Comcast claims that the website was down for more than five hours allegedly
costing the company over $128,000 in damages

Some reports have speculated that the hackers were retaliating for Comcast's
recent sabotage of BitTorrent traffic; Defiant and EBK say that's false: they
just hate Comcast in general. "I'm sure they hate us too," says Defiant.
"Comcast is just a huge corporation, and we wanted to take them out, and we did,"
he says.

"I was trying to say we shouldn't do this the whole damn time," said Defiant
last year. "But once we were in," added EBK, "it was, like, fuck it."

"Feds Charge 3 With Hijacking"

0x13 - Fighting the Facists using Direct Action Hacktivism by thoughtcriime

The past few months have manifested a number of internet attacks on white
supremacist organizations ranging from destroying websites to releasing internal
communications. Let's analyze what happened to further discuss what tactics are
appropriate and effective in our movements.

The most recent incident in December involved the release of mysql database
dumps for ten neo-nazi websites and forums including private messages, emails,
password hashes, everything. For anti-racist activists and researchers, there is
a bottomless goldmine of information available in these databases.

You may find information such as pictures, phone numbers and home addresses for
affiliated white supremacists in your area who would probably very upset if you
make and distribute posters in their neighborhood. You may also find that some
are involved with more mainstream conservative organizations such as the
Republican Party or the Tea Party Patriots who would also be very upset having
their Nazi affiliations exposed. You may also find out when and where white
power groups are organizing meetings, and pass that along to anti-racist groups
who could shut the event down and/or get the jump on em.

(Example: A quick look at the database dump for
reveals that Andrew Yeoman of the Bay Area National "Anarchists" attended the
Althing white power gathering in Missouri - and that his phone number is
415.309.7863. Give him a ring!)

Our only criticism is that the scope of these recent attacks seems rather narrow
in only attacking white supremacists when there are other perfectly suitable
targets such as anti-immigrant vigilante groups like the Minutemen(see, Third Position nationalists, or groups like the Tea Party.

Furthermore there are other tools that can be utilized and some of the best are
not surprisingly developed by the government. From the 60s to today, counter-
intelligence programs attempt to identify and exploit weaknesses and divisions
in progressive movements by infiltrating organizations and/or making false
accusations about movement leaders. We could be using similar tactics to
dismantle white supremacist movements by creating fake profiles on nazi forums
to gather information or set up nazis to fight against each other.

Free Speech for Who?
While these attacks are very disruptive and embarassing to fascists, some white
hat "hackers", right wingers and even some rich liberal types are often quick to
criticize such actions in that they violate "free speech". (Nevermind the fact
that everywhere the Nazis go the police are there to protect them while cracking
down on the leftists). The oppressors already have their stage; the mainstream
media bombards us with racism and sexism every day, creating space for more
blatent neo-nazi groups who if they are not exposed and confronted with militant
action they will continue to grow and thrive. The tactics used by Anti-Racist
Action have proven to be effective in driving out white supremacist and other
racist organizations and individuals. The ARA Network has this to say about
free speech:

"We think that hate speech, turning people into scapegoats and targets for
hateful action, is an abuse of free speech and that people's lives are more
important than the right of someone to publicly encourage others to target
certain groups for a campaign of murder, rape, assault, genocide, ethnic
cleansing and terror. A cross burning, for example, is not free speech or the
free exercise of religion -- it is an act of racist terror and intimidation."

The purpose of these actions is not to defend the free speech rights of racist
scum - it is to disrupt and dismantle white supremacist organizations. The idea
of direct action itself is not about appealing to politicians or police to solve
our problems or to attempt to win any sort of ideological battle - it's about
taking matters into our own hands and wrecking what wrecks us. By breaking into
their computer systems, exposing their correspondence, and shutting down their
communication systems we hope to make it more difficult to spread their hate,
recruit new members, or organize on the internet at all.

Direct Action Hacktivism

Bashing the Fash on the internet is one campaign that we can draw some lessons
from and apply it to other struggles. Let's suppose the goal of direct action
hacktivism is to cause the target organization enough stress and damage that
they can no longer perform their services, individual members will quit and/or
turn against each other, and even collapse entirely. What kinds of tactics are
most effective, and why? Here are some points to measure how effective an action

* Creating a financial burden for the target - making it costly in terms of
money and labor to return services to normal (such as having to buy a new
server, or having to put hundreds of hours in to rebuild)

* Causing loss of irreplacable data - the trashing of site content, databases,
and backup files making it difficult if not impossible to ever restore
services (such as deleting site content, customer records, research files,
backups, etc)

* Bringing attention to the atrocities and injustices committed by the target
- articulating your message clearly so as not to be dismissed as petty vandals
or criminals, and ensuring that those reading about the action understand it
and dig it

* Exposing harmful or embarassing information - uncovering internal documents
that if released would turn the general public against the target and possibly
be incriminating (such as posting personal email correspondence, internal
policies or research, personal information such as phone # and addresses on
individual members)

Following these points should help ensure an action is significantly damaging to
an organization and will hopefully cause it to collapse entirely. But it can all
be for nothing if:

* The cost/benefit ratio isn't worth it - that it might bring legal heat down
on you or other allied organizations, or (warning, some liberal bullshit
right here) there is public backlash against your choice of tactics because
it "makes you look as bad as them".

* The action is not in synchronicity with already existing campaigns and
movements with well defined goals and demands. Hacktivism is not ever a
substitute for on-the-ground community activism.


Recent Timeline of Internet Actions Targetting Fascist Organizations

Late 2008

Anti-fascist hackers calling themselves "Daten-Antifa" (data-antifa) broke into
the nazi forum Blood & Honour and released complete database dumps of tens of
thousands of members including names, emails, passwords, private messages and
other internal information. The information was uploaded to a variety of torrent
websites and was described by the hackers as a "laboriously prepared cloak-and-
dagger operation".

August 2009

Private emails belonging to a chapter of the National Socialist Movement(NSM)
were released to WikiLeaks. The contents of these emails include personal
correspondence, information on other accounts the user had access to, and the
contents of the NSM's internal discussion email list.

November 2009

The websites of holocaust denier and Nazi sympathizer David Irving were defaced
by "Anti-Fascist Hackers" who released private email correspondence, secret
locations of his speaking tour, and detailed information on people attending his
events which included members from various white supremacist organizations. This
information was also posted to WikiLeaks.

December 2009

In possibly the best score yet, mysql database dumps of ten white supremacist
and neo-nazi websites were released to WikiLeaks. The information is 54MB
compressed and contains usernames, email addresses, password hashes, and private
messages belonging to the following websites: International), Nation), Front),
East White Pride), Revolution), Stand Records),, Coast White Unity), & Honour, updated
version!), and Movement, formerly World Church
of the Creator).

The filename is ten-neo-nazi-sites-plus-2009.tgz and is available on various
torrent websites. Much work is needed by hackers to parse this information,
crack giant password hash lists, and publish the information in human readable

0x14 - Guardian Project

While trying to answer the question, "What is the future of the Tapatio
Project?", I ended up getting in touch with a number of different people
who have worked on anti-authoritarian communications teams as well as a few
who are actively developing the next generation comms tools. Nathan Frietas
is working on the the Guardian project, an attempt to bring useful tools for
political activists to mobile devices. The target platform is android and
while there are a number of ambitios goals, progress is being made and more and
more people from the community are taking note and getting involved. The
general idea of the project is to create a suite of tools, each providing
a discreet feature that collectivly meet the requirements of a communications
team with scouts, medics and their dispatchers, reporters and their publishers,
all of whom may be deployed to a hostile environment.

The public description of the Guardian Project along with a plug for the
android platform on the project site
( is:

While mobile phones have been heralded as a powerful new tool for political
activists, human rights advocates and public health initiatives around the
globe, they are a step backwards when it comes to personal liberty, anonymity
and safety. Google Android's open-source mobile telephony platform provides a
foundation on which a new type of phone that cloaks its user and their data,
both on the device itself and as it communicates around the world.

Nathan was kind enough to meet up with me and give me the low down on getting
involved with the project and agreed to talk a bit about the Guardian project
as part of an interview with HTZ.
evoltech: What tools / components of the Guardian project are currently ready
for use?

Nathan: Orbot, the Tor port for Android, is where the initial bulk of our labor
has been placed. Through this work, we've not only gotten Tor working, but have
solved the basic problems of controlling the flow of all packets in and out of
an Android device. Our goal with Orbot is that you can use it to blacklist or
whitelist all network-enabled application, as well as select which ones you wish
to route via Tor. In addition, Orbot can route all DNS queries through Tor, so
that there is no leakage into the mobile network, at all, and you can be assured
there is no targeted MITM attacks happening within the carrier network. With
Orbot fully enabled on your device, every networked application is anonymized.

Beyond that, there a number of third-party open-source applications we have
begun testing for inclusion on our distribution. One of this is SIPDroid, which
is a SIP/VOIP client which can connect with an Asterisk server to provide IP-
based voice communication over 3G or Wifi. We have tested SIPDroid over a VPN
connection (PPTP or OpenVPN) and it works very well. With this configuration, if
you have multiple users with Android phones and SIPDroid, you can have a secure
voice communications network. This is the type of "telecommuter" configuration
that corporations with Cisco-powered infrastructures have been running for ten
years - we've just figured out how to do it with open-source and on Android

Finally, Beem Project (XMPP chat with SSL), RemoteWipe (SMS-based remote device
eraser), DroidTracker (SMS-based authorized GPS tracker) and DroidWall
(iptables-based firewall) are some of the other applications we are working to
optimize and integrate. Some version of this code is available either through
the Android Market, or via their project pages and code repositories.

evoltech: Which of the Guardian tools is seeing active development right now?

Nathan: The big focus now is porting GPG. K9Mail is the best open-source
IMAP/POP client on Android, we'd love to provide integration with it to support
all the features you need to sign and encrypt mail, as well as basic key
management. The apps would end up looking very much like what you have on a
desktop - Keychain Manager, GPGDropThing, and so on. We are using the same
approach we did with Tor - native cross-compile of the GPG codebase, wrapped in
Android Java code to provide the glue and user interface.

There are a few other side efforts going on around encrypted SMS and ZFone (Phil
Zimmerman's end-to-end voice encryption), and I am trying to get those efforts
linked in a bit better into Guardian.

We are also trying to get our first complete Android firmware MOD built, so that
you can simply flash a rooted device, and have a complete secured distro. We are
building our working up on the CyanogenMOD project, which has shown great
success in providing an alternate firmware with enough ease-of-use that even
mainstream users are switching to it.

evoltech: Can you describe were you see this project a year down the road?

Nathan: We have some pretty tangible goals:

- Availability of the core applications (Tor, GPG, in the Android Market and
via direct download of the APK files in multiple languages/locales

- Availability of MOD firmware distribution with bundled apps with support for
major devices on the market

- A small but vibrant developer community with the ability to respond to bugs
and feature requests as they arise

- Direct sale (at cost) and conversion service of Guardian-enabled Android

- An grant/donation-funded program "One Mobile Per Activist" to get devices into
the hands of the groups that need them the most

evoltech: The communication team deploying tapatio 3 years ago at the RNC in

Minneapolis had a difficult time teaching people how to use twitter from their
phones. It was totally foreign to people. Less then a year later the service
had become so ubiquitous that every one already knew how to use it. Right now
to use some of the guardian project tools you have to have a hacked android
phone which is probably out of reach for most activists. Can you speculate as to
when the use of mobile applications like this will become accessible to
activists? Do you think it is important for it to be accessible, or do you
think that work should be focused on building tools that can installed,
contributed to, and managed by a tech-capable crowd?

Nathan: When Orbot is available in the market (next week?!), you will see that
it is very, very easy to use. Literally one-tap was our goal. We then want a
number of applications (browsers, IM chat, photo upload, etc) to be marked as
"Tor-enabled" or "Tor-certified" so that users can just install those and be on
their way. The goal of Guardian is not so much new concepts or functionality,
but trying to secure all of the existing activities that users do naturally on
their mobile devices.

Ultimately, since the work on Guardian is open-source, I would hope that for
specific events, mobilizations, campaigns or days of actions, a group could come
together and build a custom app just for that effort. It might tie together
different pieces of Guardian, while providing a very, simple set of
functionality... a one-click picture + upload + GPS that is all done over a
secure, anonymous channel, for instance.

I can also see specialized configurations of hardware and software deployed by
the more serious teams. For instance, having Guardian phones pre-configured with
voice networks, safe GPS tracking, remote wipe, etc. in the hands of a comms or
media teams would allow them to do their job without compromising those around

evoltech: Can you describe some of the Guardian project tools that you imagine
to be well suited for a comms team? How do you imagine these tools being used
in a comms deployment?

One feature that is a bit controversial is GPS tracking. It is funny that this
is one of the biggest paranoias of activists - that your position is being
tracked, or that your phone could be controlled or activated remotely. However,
this same capability could be very useful for a comms team. I have been in many
days of action where you spend half of your energy talking on radios trying to
figure out exactly where everyone is located. The vision then, would be to allow
an authorized, encrypted stream of your GPS to be sent our to just your team,
while also giving you precise control to turn that on or off. I could also
imagine this all flowing into a private server and having
the GPS data map onto OpenStreetMaps... a complete, private, secure open-source
social/location awareness stack.

In addition, the ability to erase a phone's call or messaging history remotely
if you know a team member has been detained is also critical. I have heard a
number of stories about activists being popped, then having their call log used
to track down everyone they'd been in touch with. I also have direct experience
with this happening with a group of media activists in China, where their texts
and twitter messages to each other were used as evidence to hold them for a

The work on SIPDroid that I mentioned earlier would also provide a better way to
call people (via names or x1234 style extension) as opposed to exposing their
actual mobile phone number.

evoltech: On you talk about being able to use this
suite of tools on the windows mobile platform, is this currently possible?

Natahan: Not yet, but our work on porting Tor has already inspired similar
efforts on the Nokia N900 and other Linux-based mobile platforms. Windows Mobile
(and not Windows Phone 7) is such a completely different environment, that it
will take a different set of skills that we currently have on board. The
Crytophone product out of Germany is based on Windows Mobile 5/6 and we have
begun discussing more collaboration with them. The problem is that with Windows
Mobile, you really don't get to see inside of the OS, to truely understand what
is happening beneath the application layer. Android, Maemo and now Symbian OS,
all give you that insight and ability to patch at a very low-level.

In the end, we have to balance the practical value of Guardian-style features
being available on every phone on the market, with our commitment to supporting
true open-source platforms and tools.

evoltech Do you have any announcements or other things you want to say about the
Guardian project in HTZ?

Nathan: First, I really appreciate your coverage of our work, and want to openly
solicit feedback and criticism for your readers. We are of the transparency
school when it comes to building great security software, fully realizing that
while we are clear in our passion and ability, we would never claim to know
everything or consider every possible vector of attack.

With that in mind, we are launching our new website
( shortly, and that will include all the information
you'll need to get in touch with us. We're building a knowledge base on general
mobile security, and will be creating some webcasts, as well, documenting our
work, and featuring some of the applications I mentioned earlier.

You can also join our mailing list there to keep abreast of developments. Our
site and lists are hosted and managed on, a progressive, technology
cooperative located in Brooklyn, NY. You can be assured that we will keep your
information private.

0x15 - Review of Cory Doctorow's _Little Brother_

Warning: contains spoilers

The thesis of Little Brother is the feasibility of asymmetric digital
resistance, a sort of "open-source insurgency". The novel portrays technology as
a neutral medium, utilized by both the state and insurgents. While Little
Brother is a story of a fight against the state, and is sympathetic to
anarchism, it fails to reject the state and capitalism and ends on an explicitly
statist note.

The novel opens with a "terrorist" attack on the Bay Bridge. In the immediate
aftermath, the protagonist and his friends are arrested by agents of the
Department of Homeland Security, black-bagged, and shipped off to the novel's
Guantanamo stand-in, an island facility off the coast of San Francisco. The
protagonist initially refuses to cooperate with interrogators, and they single
him out for rough treatment, eventually breaking him and extracting passwords
for his Pirate Party-provided email account and encrypted mobile storage. After
he is released, the protagonist organizes a resistance movement based around the
fictional anonymity network Xnet, and a psuedonym he builds up, 'M1k3y'. The
insurgency is essentially online fight club - M1k3y posts blog entries detailing
how to fight some surveillance technology, and his followers engage in actions
based on the targets he singles out. Eventually this becomes a mass youth
movement. Around this time, the protagonist decides to break his own anonymity
and tell his story to a mainstream media reporter, abortively goes into hiding,
begins ordering his insurgents to stand down, and gets captured by the DHS
again. As he is being tortured, the cavalry arrives and rescues him, and the
novel abruptly winds down with a call for reform, urging concerned citizens to
dissent at the polls.

The insurgency of Little Brother uses anonymity networks based on wireless mesh
networks to organize a decentralized fight against the state. Inexplicably, the
novel includes few references to existing privacy-enhancing technologies -
instead of using Pidgin[1] and OTR[2] for encrypted, authenticated instant-
messaging, Doctorow invents "IMParanoid"; instead of using Freenet or GNUnet for
anonymous, censorship-proof filesharing, the rebels use Xnet, a mesh-network
powered by Microsoft XBoxes running a variant of GNU/Linux[3]. The novel does
use OpenPGP as a central device, explains it comprehensively and in great
detail, and spends the bulk of a chapter describing a key-generating and key-
signing party. However, Doctorow abuses the notion of a web of trust,
transforming it from a device used to verify the authenticity of a public-key
into an expression of one person's trust in another. Since the novel is released
under a Creative Commons license, these mistakes could be fixed, but since the
license Doctorow chose prohibits commercial distribution, it's unlikely such a
remix would ever exist in a printed form.

The structure of the insurgency is depressingly centralized. While actions are
carried out by affinity groups with no formalized connections to any other
groups, they take instruction from M1k3y. There seems to be no hub of revolution
more important than M1k3y's blog, and ideas for new actions, news events, and
everything else, is emailed to M1k3y and maybe blogged later. This is an
artifact of the speculative fiction - if there was no Supreme Leader, readers
couldn't fantasize about being it.

Little Brother goes disappointingly halfway in its look at existing power
structures. While it decries the surveillance state, it is not against states,
and while it points out oppressive systems of race, gender, and age, it seems to
mention these things only as an afterthought. The potent message of youth power
expressed by the insurgency is undermined by the Deus Ex Machina intervention
from adults at the close of the novel - indicating that revolution is a fun
game, but just a game, and one that needs cleaning up. The novel fails to
mention capitalism in any sort of negative light, although it does favorably
mention anarchists, and to lesser extent, anarchism.

While possessed of an enjoyable story and some valuable technical information,
as well as an interesting model for computer network-centric insurgency, Little
Brother fails to stick to reality where it matters, and fails to question the
elephants in the room.


0x15 - Ronin: Badger Badger Badger by Evoltech

"Badger hates Society, and invitations, and dinner, and all that sort of thing."

- Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows, Ch. 3

Last issue we gave a general review of ruby, Ronin, Ronin overlays, and
released a WordPress password brute forcing tool. Since then, Ronin
has started to under go some changes, and the word press brute force tool has
been revised. In this article we will go over some of the changes happening
with Ronin and the smart brute forcer.

## Ronin is growing up

As the Ronin project is maturing design decisions are being made to simplify,
standardize, increase accessibility, and improve internal integration.

Some code is getting completely cut from the code base such as the SQL DSL
(Domain Specific language) for generating SQL in Ronin::Code::SQL [1].

The website is getting re-written to make use of Jekyll [2],
"a simple, blog aware, static site generator" as opposed to the custom xml based

This is being done because the tool is getting a lot of use by other
developers, it is being actively supported, it supports blog post generation,
and handles markdown syntax [3] (being used by,, and
nearly every other web application written in ruby) to aid user contribution to
documentation. It also integrates nicely with ruby's WEBrick [4] for
live testing. Another standardization project outside of Ronin, but also from
postmodern and related to exploit development, is ruby-yasm [5], a ruby
interface to the YASM assembler [6]. This will make it easy to generate
shellcode for multiple different architectures file formats on the fly while
developing payloads.

The obvious downside for strong integration with other projects is when project
maintainers become unresponsive. The upside, aside from having someone else
maintain the dependency, is that it strengthens other projects through mutual
aid and creates tangible human relationships within the software development
community. As anyone who has worked on a campaign that has existed for more
then a short period of time will tell you, sustainability depends on a shared
feeling of community and belonging.

Integration is not just happening with external libraries but with internal
ones as well. There are a few places in the Ronin code base where there
is duplicated effort. The prime example here is the ronin-php library which
provides access to rfi and lfi vulnerability testing which really belongs in
ronin-exploits. There is also planned integration of ronin-scanners, the
library for integrating with external tools like nmap [7], nikto [8], into

ronin-int [9], the Ronin intelligence tool.

The Ronin intelligence gathering library is an exciting addition from the
perspective of software based campaigns. Security being the ever morphing
nightmare that it is can leave computers vulnerable to attacks one day and
secure the next. A campaign, especially when being contributed to by multiple
developers, will need a way to collect and share information and notes on all
relevant assets of the campaign's targets. Metasploit uses sqllite (not easily
shareable) and can possibly make use of other DBMSs but would require a bit
of custom hacking, and CANVAS is totally inaccessible do to licensing price and
it being closed source. Ronin-int has been around for a while, but will really
become the red team Intranet blog in the next couple of months when it gets
integrated with ronin-scanners. Contributions to the ronin-int database can
be added by humans (comments on hosts or services, references to relevant
propaganda, or individuals and contact information related to the campaign's
targets) or can be programmed (the output of an nmap or wikto scan possibly from
multiple sources to pin point location based filters). At a recent talk with
postmodern there was a good deal of discussion about how centralizing this type
of data is a liability as a single point of failure if the central source is
deleted, lost, or stolen. To address this issue ronin-int could make use AMQP
[10] (a messaging protocol like XMPP (think Jabber / Google Talk) with PubSub
built in allowing notification of events (intelligence in this case) to all
subscribed parties) [11].

The Ronin exploit library, ronin-exploits, has also been around for a while now
but will have had a major overhaul by the time this goes to print.

Another postmodern creation, code name badger, roninRat, and libBERT, will
provide a rpc interface to computers it runs on. This project will allow a
standardized way to connect and add commands to Ronin instances running on a
server. Badger is installed (dropped) on a server, will use ffi for arbitrary
system library / file
inclusion, can connect back, or listen locally. This component will handle
running commands, and accessing the local FS (essentially remote shell) using
BERT as the serialization mechanism.

## Misc update and fails

There was a bit of work done to show off some of the exploit generation
functionality of Ronin, but it did not get finished in time for this issue
so your just going to have to wait till the next issue. There was however a
feature added to spidr, a ruby web spidring library, that now allows for
spidering of sites being served as vhosts but without public DNS records. If
you remember from last issues article we wrote a "smart" word press password
brute forcing tool leveraging Ronin and a library call wordlist. Wordlist
uses spidr on the backend. Another side effect of this is that we can spidr
a server using the IP address and domain name without leaking dns requests
through the spidr library. Run this all through privoxy and tor and you have
a properly anonymous password auditing tool [12]:

smartBruteForceWP.rb -v -s -hh -px localhost:8118

[1] Ronin SQL API reference -

[2] Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator -

[3] Markdown syntax is a meta language for a meta language (HTML), but it is
a bit simpler then HTML -

[4] Gnome's Guide to WEBrick. The best WEBrick documentation in existence,
albiet with a few to many "So, <computer_programmer_explanation>" phrases.

[5] A Ruby interface to YASM -

[6] YASM -

[7] NMAP is a feature rich port scanner -

[8] Nikto is a web server vulnerability scanner -

[9] ronin-int -

[10] AMQP is an open Internet Protocol for Business Messaging

[11] If you have ever had to program lisp and that last sentence just
gave you flashbacks, Im sorry.

[12] smartBruteForceWP.rb -

______ _ _ __ __ _
/\ | ____(_) | | \ \ / / | |
/ \ | |__ _ _ __ __ _| | \ \ /\ / /__ _ __ __| |
/ /\ \ | __| | | '_ \ / _` | | \ \/ \/ / _ \| '__/ _` |
/ ____ \ | | | | | | | (_| | | \ /\ / (_) | | | (_| |
/_/ \_\ |_| |_|_| |_|\__,_|_| \/ \/ \___/|_| \__,_|


0x17 - Upcoming Con's and Events

* The Next HOPE (16 July 2010, 18 July 2010) *
HOPE (Hackers On Planet Earth) is a conference series sponsored by the hacker
magazine 2600: The Hacker Quarterly. There have been seven conferences to
date: HOPE, Beyond HOPE, H2K, H2K2, The Fifth HOPE, HOPE Number Six, and
The Last HOPE.
The Next HOPE is scheduled for July 16-18, 2010 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New
York City.

* DefCon 18 (29 July 2010, 1 August 2010) *
DEF CON is generally in the last week of July or first week of August in Las Vegas.
DEF CON 17 will be held July 31 - August 2 at the Riviera Hotel & Casino in Las
Vegas. Many people arrive a day early, and many stay a day later.

0x18 - Final Words

If we didn't get a chance to use your submission now, we will get it into the next
issue. We are always looking for more content, and we thank everyone for helping
with the zine, not just by submitting content, but by also giving of your time,
we can use all the help that we can get! We couldn't do it without you!

Have you ever had a dream, that you were so sure was real? What if you were
unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the
dream world and the real world?

Hackbloc Staff:

Zine Staff:

Questions? Comments? Article Submissions? Get a hold of us at:
e-mail: staff [at] hackbloc [dot] org
our website:

Electronic copies of the zine are available for free online at the hackbloc

There are two versions of the zine: a full color graphical PDF version which
is best for printing and also includes all sorts of extras, as well as a raw
TXT version for a more readable and compatible format. Having the zine in your
hands is still the best way to experience our zine. If you can't print your own
(double sided 8.5x11) then you can order copies of this issue and all back
issues online from Microcosm Publishing ( who are based
out of Portland.

If you live in The San Francisico Bay area, you can find us at the SF Anarchist
Bookfair, March 13-14 2010. More info will be found on our site closer to the
time of the event!

We are seeking translators to translate Hack This Zine into other languages,
if you are interested send an email to staff [at] hackbloc [dot] org.

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