Installing the Independence Exploit Using Codebreaker
A simple guide to making and installing a custom Independence Exploit saved game file using the Pelican Codebreaker cheat disc.

Installing the Independence Exploit Using Codebreaker
By: BadServo
Step 01 - Obtaining Supplies
You will need the following Items:
- PS2 Console (Not Slimline)
- PS2 Memory Card
- Codebreaker Game Cheating Software
- Original PSX Game (Nearly Any)
- USB Flash Drive (Nearly Any)
- Included RAR Archive File (Download here)
Step 02 - Extracting the Archive
- Firstly, you should be able to do this with no problem. If you don't know how to complete this step without assistance from me, you have no business attempting a console mod.
- You should extract the archive with FULL PATHS enabled. This will preserve the folder structure.
- Within the main folder will be a .CBS file with is the native format for Codebreaker saved-game file. There us also a secondary folder called EXTRAS. This folder contains addition ELF files that you may choose to add to your memory card during exploit installation. Also, folders will be included that contain the SAVE BUILDER, IDGET, and TITLEMAN FRONTEND applications.

Step 03 - Obtaining Your Disc ID
- There are many ways to achieve this. Some may argue that there are far simpler ways. But I am presenting you with an easy method, broken into steps, that always works well for me. It is up to the reader to supplement their own favorite method. ^_^
- Insert your original PSX game disc into the CD/DVD drive of your PC. This will be your "Trigger Disc," and will be referred to as such from this point forward.

- Run the IDGET utility. Select the drive letter containing your Trigger Disc. Click on the GET button within the utility.
- At this point, you will be presented with a disc ID code. You may copy this code elsewhere, or simply leave the IDGET utility's window open on your desktop. There is no harm in doing this.
Step 04 - Creating a TITLE.DB File
- Run the Titleman Frontend application. A warning box will pop up concerning the initial creation of a TITLE.DB file. Just ignore it and click the OK button to clear it away. You will then be presented with the main interface.
- From within the main interface, click on the CREATE TITLE.DB button. You will receive an info box telling you that the file has been created of overwritten. Click the OK button to clear the message and continue.

- Using the pull down box in the lower-left portion of the main interface, change the displayed four letter code to match the code given by the IDGET utility. Then enter the numerical value given by IDGET into the entry box to the immediate right of the pull down box.
- After entering the code data, click on the ADD EXEC button.
- At this point, you can click on the LIST CURRENT CONTENTS OF TITLE.DB button. This will present you with some text in the main interface that will read similar (but not exactly) to the image below:

- Close the TITLEMAN FRONTEND application. You newly created TITLE.DB file will be in the same folder from which you ran it.
Step 05 - Customizing Your Exploit File
- Run the Save Builder application. Open the included EXPLOIT.CBS file.
- The main interface will now display the contents of the file in the left side of the window. This interface supports drag and drop.

- Drag your newly created TITLE.DB file into the left of the Save Builder window to add it to the list of files.
- Now, you may choose any number of the files contained in the EXTRAS folder to also add to the exploit file. Their filenames and uses are listed below.
- Be aware that the more files you add to the exploit, the more space on your memory card will be consumed. Free up addition space if necessary before the final step.
- After you are satisfied with the contents of the file list, save your new file with a unique name or overwrite the original EXPLOIT.CBS file. The filename doesn't matter, provided it's extension is .CBS.
Step 06 - Transfer Your Exploit File to Your Flash Drive
- Again, if you own a USB Flash Drive, you should know how to operate it. Just copy the EXPLOIT.CBS file to it.
Step 07 - Transfer Your Exploit File to Your Memory Card
- Insert you original STORE-BOUGHT copy of Codebreaker into the PS2 and start it.

- Insert your PS2 Memory Card into Slot 1 of your PS2.
- Insert your USB Flash Drive into USB Port 1 of your PS2.
- From the main Codebreaker screen, select DEVICE MANAGER. Then Select the USB Flash Drive icon.

- You should now be presented with a screen that lists any .CBS save files on the flash drive. Unless you've been backing-up your games saves to the flash drive with Codebreaker before now, there should be only one file listed.

- Select the file with the X button, and then press the TRIANGLE button to select an action. Choose copy, and select the Memory Card as your destination.
- Before the copy process begins, you may be presented with a confirmation warning that you are about to overwrite your system settings. Ignore this warning and proceed.
- Once the copy is complete, you are finished. ^_^
Step 08 - Testing the Exploit
- At this point, if everything has been done correctly, you should have successfully installed the exploit.
- Insert your chosen Trigger Disc into the PS2, with your chosen Memory Card in Slot 1, and start the PS2.
- After a moment, you should be presented with the PS2MENU screen.
- PS2MENU is a program not unlike the Windows File Manager. It will allow you to run/copy/delete and files present on your Memory Card, Hard Drive, or CD/DVD. Using PS2MENU, you will be able to launch any of the EXTRAS that you included in Step 05.
- As stated above, there are many ways to obtain the disc ID and many ways to generate a TITLE.DB file. Everyone has their own preference. If you so choose, you can utilize the TITLE.DB Generator at to make your TITLE.DB file and skip steps 03 and 04.
- If Codebreaker fails to recognize your USB Flash Drive, it may be formatted in the wrong manner. Place the USB Flash Drive into your PC's USB port and copy any data into a temporary folder. Then Right-Click on the drive in Windows Explorer and choose FORMAT. Make sure to select FAT as the file system and not FAT32. Then copy the EXPLOIT file back to the USB Flash Drive and try again.
- If you choose to, you can include several different disc IDs in your TITLE.DB file. But for the vast majority of people, this is unnecessary and simply creates more busy-work.
- The original EXPLOIT.CBS file included in the archive is set to start PS2MENU immediately. If you have no use for this application (i.e. just use HDLoader) or prefer an alternate file manager, simply rename the ELF file you wish to have start by default to BOOT.ELF (capitalization matters), and replace the one in the EXPLOIT.CBS file with your new one.
- If you have and internal hard drive installed in your PS2, you can copy any of the files you include on your Memory Card to the hard drive to save space. This can be done using PS2MENU. You can use the included DMSFORMAT utility to create a partition specifically for this purpose.
· CD7BET52 - CD Loader – Used for disc swapping to play backup games.
· CSL – Cog Swap Loader – Same as above.
· EXECFTPS – ExecFTP – Server Software allowing one to FTP into the PS2.
· FAP_SRV – Faplink Server – Allows one to install games to HDD over network.
· HDDFRMT – DMS HDD Format Utility – Manages PS2 HDD Partitions.
· HDLOADER – HDLoader – Allows one to copy games into internal HDD and play.
· LAUNCH – LaunchELF – Associates button presses with ELF files to launch.
· PS2KL04 – Similar to LaunchELF.
· PS2MEDIA – PS2 Reality Media Player – Plays DivX & MP3s.
· PS2MENU – PS2Menu – File Manager and Launcher.