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Beef13 emag
 · 4 years ago


indexz.txt - pour s'en servir cherchez dans l'index un maucle
==================== ARTIKL SUR LE HACK, CRACK, PHREAK ================
index general

derniere MAJ : 19/06/98

disclaimer : nullement, personne n'est responsable de quoi que se soit.

********************* HACKING (d'un site) *****************************

FAQ du Alt.2600 | Anglais | top kewl !!! | genial truc
01. How do I access the password file under Unix?
02. How do I crack Unix passwords?
03. What is password shadowing?
04. Where can I find the password file if it's shadowed?
05. What is NIS/yp?
06. What are those weird characters after the comma in my passwd file?
07. How do I access the password file under VMS?
08. How do I crack VMS passwords?
09. What can be logged on a VMS system?
10. What privileges are available on a VMS system?
11. How do I break out of a restricted shell?
12. How do I gain root from a suid script or program?
13. How do I erase my presence from the system logs?
U 14. How do I send fakemail?
15. How do I fake posts and control messages to UseNet?
16. How do I hack ChanOp on IRC?
U 17. How do I modify the IRC client to hide my real username?
18. How to I change to directories with strange characters in them?
U 19. What is ethernet sniffing?
20. What is an Internet Outdial?
21. What are some Internet Outdials?
U 22. What is this system?
U 23. What are the default accounts for XXX ?
24. What port is XXX on?
25. What is a trojan/worm/virus/logic bomb?
26. How can I protect myself from viruses and such?
27. Where can I get more information about viruses?
28. What is Cryptoxxxxxxx?
29. What is PGP?
30. What is Tempest?
31. What is an anonymous remailer?
U 32. What are the addresses of some anonymous remailers?
33. How do I defeat copy protection?
34. What is
35. How do I post to a moderated newsgroup?
U 36. How do I post to Usenet via e-mail?
37. How do I defeat a BIOS password?
N 38. What is the password for <encrypted file>?
N 39. Is there any hope of a decompiler that would convert an executable
program into C/C++ code?
N 40. How does the MS-Windows password encryption work?

LAMERZ GUIDE | Anglais | sava! | sava!
A little word from the author...
What is a hacker and how can I become one too...
What is a phreaker...
What are these security rules...
How can I find those modem carriers...
How can I connect to another computer...
How can I guess their password...
The default password list...
What can I do when I'm on the system...
Learning Unix...
What does phreaking, mailbox, PBX, mean...
About secured lines...
Special features for french people...
What about the Windows 95 security options...
How can I bypass Windows 95 system restrictions...
How can I listen and/or tape phone conversations...
Why does France Telecom change the phone numbers...

+ lisez aussi l'"Admin" emag (us) ki e tres tres bien

World Net (intro oac)| roman | mouais | Neuralien/CoreDump
Pick System OS | tech | pas gras | Neuralien/CoreDump
Prime OS | tech | pas mal | Neuralien/CoreDump puis dans NoWay#3
Multics OS | tech | tres bon | Neuralien/CoreDump puis dans NoWay#3
Dynatech's Pads | tech | ok | Neuralien/CoreDump
x25 network | disperse dans le mag | Neuralien/CoreDump
UX-Pass avec Jack | sava | c ok | Kraken/Hack25 #3
Mails anonymes SMTP | ok | bon | Kraken/Hack25 #1
Mails anonymes | ok | ok | Bootleg/Beef13 #1
Hacking at the eotu | roman | zoli dessin aski | NoWay #1
Bull DPX en rezo X25 | tech usfr| kewl | Neuralien/NoWay #1
Tip-Ex (akmalfoutu) | zero | mouof | (null)/NoWay #1
ControlDataCorpNetwrk| tech | bien foutu | NoWay #1
Sat MEGAPAC | tech | kewl | Neuralien/NoWay #1
Explication du X25 | tech | kewl | (null)/NoWay #1
Novell Hackers Guide | tech | impec | NoWay #2
Telsat 8x50 Satelcom | tech | ok | NoWay #2
NUI | ok | ok | NoWay #2
Playing hide 'n' seek| ok | long! | NeurAlien/NoWay #3
Social Engineering | ok | marrant et utile | NeurAlien/NoWay #3
Breaking IntoYourSite| angle :( | kewl! | D. Farmer & W. Venema/NoWay #3
Plaisanter sous Unix | kewl | telnet, truks.. | NeurAlien/NoWay #3
Du cote d'Internet | oke | bordel fourni | NeurAlien/NoWay #3
Votre acces de base | secumag | kewl | Koel Serveren/NoWay #4
Know YouR NeIGhBorh0D| ipfind | oke | HotCode/NoWay #4
Delire au milieu de nulle part | roman feuilleton | The French Possee/NoWay #4
Spoofing av/ CIPS | oke+util | interessant | Wolverine/NoWay #4
Van Eck monitoring | roman | long - qq infos | Telluric et Icathar/NoWay #4
Pournepacefairechoper| ok | ok | Spritsringen/NoWay #4
Hacking pour newbies | tech | bien foutu | Rewt4/NoFutur
root=disquette boot | tech | c ok | Busybee/NoFutur
Infonie et les lamerz| ok | qq pass de lames | N3XT/NoFutur
programmation espion | ok | bof | VagaboN
Fak-Hak | ok | pour aker sa fac..| s0RC3Ry/NoRoute #1
Un probleme d'Inetd | ok | pas mal d'infos | s0RC3Ry/NoRoute #1
dOOm blaster | ok | hack avec doom:) | s0RC3Ry/NoRoute #1
Notions d'exploits | ok | exploits de hack | s0RC3Ry/NoRoute #1
Ring Fence crack | ok | ok | Pixel4/NoRoute #1
Hack Satan+Sun | kewl | kewl | Dan Farmer+Cod4+Mikasoft/NoRoute #1
TCP/IP | ok | ok | Kewl/NoRoute #1
NFS | ok | ok | Cod4/NoRoute #1
Programmation ing | netprog | ok | hOtCodE/NoRoute #2
Spoofin' Overview |suite nr1 | ok | Kewl4/NoRoute #2
NIS ta mere | unixtruc | ok | CoD4/NoRoute #2
L'US Secret Service | a ete | hacke (n°vmbs..) | Rex Mundi/NoRoute #2
SPHP | truc secu| perso importantes | Larsen/NoRoute #2
Security HOLE in CGI | KEWL | kewl! | Kewl4/NoRoute #2
Discours de la method| hackstuff| kewl | CoD4/NoRoute #2
Secure Your System | secu offi|cial | (un mec :)/NoRoute #2
Houhou! Mr Hacker | ok | ok | (un mec :)/NoRoute #2
Da ICMP World (spoof)| no pb | kewl | CoD4/NoRoute #3
Hacking with XWindows| ok | ok | ByPaSS/NoRoute #3
Hack Conseil General | ok | ok | AIGLE Cracker'S/NoRoute #3
ConseilGeneral.Update| ok | ok | LeVagabon/NoRoute #4
HaK | ok | KEWL! | DEFkor/NoRoute #3
Detournement d'Trames| ok | maran | CoD4/NoRoute #3
BND, Hackin'&SpyIndus| ok | muof | LaRsEn/NoRoute #3
Secure Your System | ok! | ok | Kewl/NoRoute #3
Intro aux Firewalls | ookk | ok! | LordFrog/NoRoute #3
Intrusion | oookkk | ok!! | CoD4/NoRoute #3
SnIfDantrATHErthanC0k| kewl | kewl (cpa2lasnouf)| v0x/NoRoute #3
Datadissimulationtech| ok | ok | Arscene/NoWay #3
PGP v2.2 | ok | cryptage des data?| ALLIGATOR427/MJ13 #1
Rumeurs sur PGP | ok | ok | ?/NoRoute #3
Hack with a Mac! | ok | ok | Patapouf/NoRoute #4
krosoft's net Info | ok | ok | m0sfEt/NoRoute #4
Lehackingpournewbies | ok | ok | TK4/NoRoute #4
NIS | ok | ok | K0RtEx/NoRoute #4
Reconnaissance de os | ok | ok | LaRsEn/NoRoute #4
Hacker becane 95/NT | ok | ok | Pixel & WD./NoRoute #4

********************* PHREAKING ***************************************

FAQ du Alt.2600 | Anglais | pas mal du tout | genial truc
U 01. What is a Red Box?
02. How do I build a Red Box?
03. Where can I get a 6.5536Mhz crystal?
04. Which payphones will a Red Box work on?
05. How do I make local calls with a Red Box?
06. What is a Blue Box?
07. Do Blue Boxes still work?
08. What is a Black Box?
09. What do all the colored boxes do?
10. What is an ANAC number?
U 11. What is the ANAC number for my area?
12. What is a ringback number?
U 13. What is the ringback number for my area?
14. What is a loop?
U 15. What is a loop in my area?
U 16. What is a CNA number?
17. What is the telephone company CNA number for my area?
U 18. What are some numbers that always ring busy?
U 19. What are some numbers that temporarily disconnect phone service?
U 20. What is a Proctor Test Set?
U 21. What is a Proctor Test Set in my area?
22. What is scanning?
23. Is scanning illegal?
U 24. Where can I purchase a lineman's handset?
25. What are the DTMF frequencies?
26. What are the frequencies of the telephone tones?
U 27. What are all of the * (LASS) codes?
28. What frequencies do cordless phones operate on?
29. What is Caller-ID?
30. How do I block Caller-ID?
31. What is a PBX?
32. What is a VMB?
33. What are the ABCD tones for?
N 34. What are the International Direct Numbers?
N 01. What is an MTSO?
N 02. What is a NAM?
N 03. What is an ESN?
N 04. What is an MIN?
N 05. What is a SCN?
N 06. What is a SIDH?
N 07. What are the forward/reverse channels?

+ lisez le "phrack" mag (us) : plin de news (on dirait le journal tv)

Phreak info 04/96 fr | ok | ok | Kraken/Hack25 #1

30BOXES.ZIP | Liste de (presque?) toutes les boxes (us) / Contour
BeigeBox | ok | ok | Bootleg/Beef13 #1
BlackBox | ok | ok! | Kraken/Hack25 #3
BlackBox | ok | mouof | Bootleg/Beef13 #1
How-2-BlueBox | ok | pamal! | JFF/NoRoute #3

Les numeros Transpacs| liste | ok | Alligator427/MJ13 #1
Serveurs minitel free| liste | ok | Alligator427/MJ13 #1
Cdrwin 3.0a, Tracage.| soft phrk| ok | Dongle killer+Alligator427/MJ13 #2
Tel - Trixx | trucs en general... marran | NeurAlien/NoWay #3
ecoutes telefonikes | ok | ok | bLoRp/NoFutur
Les tels cellulaire | ok | ok | Norace/NoFutur
Fuck a Cellular | ok | ok | SaRace/NoRoute #3
FT secret... | kewl | ok | CoD4/NoRoute #2
Phreak Telecom | ok | ok | PhOSTE/NoRoute #3
Les Repartiteurs FT | ok | ok | PhOSTE/NoRoute #3
FT n'a rien a fout...| ok | ok | anonymous/NoRoute #4
Coms non-doc.USRVoice| o k | ok | m0sfEt/NoRoute #4
Les n°verts+couts | ok | ok | m0sfEt/NoRoute #4
Transmvocal/fibroptic| ok | ok | m0sfEt/NoRoute #4

PABX Alcatel 4400 | ok | ok | SaRace/NoRoute #3
Scan des 0800 | liste | kewl | NeurO,N3XT,bLoRp/NoFutur
Phreaking on PBX | impec | tres bon | Easyhacker/NoWay #2
PaBX Again' ! | ok | ok | CoD4/NoRoute #2
Piratage des PABX (1)| impec | impec | Operator TDF/NoWay #3
Hacking Pabxz+VMB | ok | kewl | Cod4/NoRoute #1
VMB's sur Memory Call| ok | ok | NoWay #2
Breaking PBXz | ok | ok | PhOsTe/NoRoute #4
Intro aux systel+PABX| ok | ok | m0sfEt/NoRoute #4
Transffichiers /VMBs | ok | ok | m0sfEt/NoRoute #4

CellularTelefonManagi| ok | ok | Neuralien/NoWay #2
InternatioFree Number| ok | ok | NoWay #2
Telecom Information | ok | ok | NoWay #2
Comment s'amuser a...| ok | ok | NoWay #2

Cartes Telephoniques1| tech | ok | D. O'Connell/NoWay #3
TelecartesII | tech | c ok | bLoRp/NoFutur
Telecartes | encore! | ok... | bLoRP/NoRoute #3
Telecartes (chap 2) | ok | ok | BusyBee/NoRoute #4
TELECART.ZIP | plein d'infos sur les telecartes !!! / (anonym?)

******************** VIRUS ********************************************

(rien) | Kraken/Hack25 #2 | tech+exemple asm
Virus, exemple! | UnK MnemoniK/MJ13 #2 | oke
Virus batch | DarK BirD/MJ13 #2 | oke
Initiation au viru| UnK MnemoniK/MJ13 #2 | oke
Get a ViRii maker | yawnalm^pqn/NoRoute #3 | muof

******************** CRACK (logicielle) *******************************

Installation de Win-Ice pour les neuneus | neuneuteuxteu | PhaNTom/MJ13 #1
Cours de CRACKS | mouais | SaMSoN/MJ13 #1+2
Les fichiers BAT | pas mal | MAD666/MJ13 #1
Crack sous Soft-ice de NeoPaint | pas mal | JLB53/MJ13 #1
Vous debutez en crack? Que choisir? | mouais | SaMSoN/MJ13 #2
40Hx (truc bien foutu mais english) | bon nivo | 40Hx

********************* NEWS ********************************************

08/97 | CoreDump | kewl
08/97 | NoWay #4 | sava!
04/97 | NoRoute #2 | muf

********************* MISC (bronxeux) *********************************

PlAY With thA RAtP | ok | oke | Octag0n/NoRoute #1
Unlock the kadenaslock | ok | ok | NoWay #2
Frauder EDF et mourir | dialog | ok | CB/KB NoWay #1
E-D-F ou comment E-conom| roman TF1| c ok | ALLIGATOR427/MJ13 #1
Hacker les Satelites | kewl | pas mal! | PhaNTom/MJ13 #1
Cartes magnetiques | ok | ok | TheStripe/NoWay #4
Bye la Macrovision (K7) | tech | c ok | MAD666/MJ13 #2
intro a macrovision | ok | ok | rHACKham/NoFutur

TransactbankerTranspac1 | ok | truk code-barre | hOtCodE/NoRoute #4
Carte Bancaire VISA | ok | tres bon | NoWay #2
Societes de credit | roman | ok | ALLIGATOR427/MJ13 #2
Trash & Carte Bleues | oke | oke | Field/No Way#3

Les ondes en Hollande | radio | oke | Merlin Le Brouilleur/NoWay #4
Dec. du spectre hertzien| radio | oke | Larsen/NoRoute #1

Let's WinNuke Together | techkool | ok | HotCodE/NoRoute #3
Cours 2 language machine| ok | pamal! | GonE/Beef13 #1
Instructions ASM | liste | bof | alligator427/MJ13 #1
Trouvez des warez !!! | tech | kewl+pratik | Shybe/MJ13 #2

French Scene=bof ? | ok | ok | Neuralien/NoRoute1 + Phrack 46
L'UnderGround Musikal Fr| muf | muf | CaRtOUche/NoRoute #3
L'Underground Fr=bof ? |discours | ok | NeurAlien/NoWay#3
La conscience d'unHacker|playdoyer | muof | The Mentor/NoWay#3
Censure et Liberte | sava | c ok | Neuralien/NoWay #1

Sex & SiCK File | figaromag| mouais | Sickalien/NoWay #1
Loisirs et Dentente | muf | qq pass (paessaye)| Darth_/NoRoute #3
Acces pour des sites X | ah!! | oke | Darth/NoRoute #4

Oncle Sam Super Dealer |discours | muof marrant | Mister X./NoRoute #3
Histoire du Canabis | ok | ok | SomeCool/NoRoute #4
NicolaleJardinierplante.| ok | ok | m0sfEt/NoRoute #4

Spiral Tribe elenomades | roman | mouououof | Neuralien/NoWay #1
Meeting a Washington DC | ok | meeting 2600 | Neuralien/NoWay #1

L'explosif? Tientient | boum | sava! | Inlandsis/NoWay #3
BOOUUMM ! | waaa! | c'est la revolutio| Anarchia #1 et +

Rave Revolt(Tolbiac) | news | oke | NeurAlien/NoWay #3
Tekno: TUNE ON ! | roman | mouof | Neuralien/NoWay #1
Underground musikal fr | ok | ok | kartouche/NoRoute #3

FairesescoursesaCarefour| ok | truk code-barre | m0sfEt/NoRoute #4
Fercecouse a la FNAC | ok | truc service aprev| Def Bond/Beef13 #1

DST : (les V retournent)| ok | mouofou!! | Locksmith/NoWay #1
Echec aux pions (DST) | discours | interessantvsbust | NoWay #2
Busted |plin2truk | pas mal | Macrobio
Fin de PhE | Cod4 bust| ctrist! | HotCode/NoRoute #3
Writing-for-NoRouteHOWTO|modemploi | sava | hOtCodE/NoRoute #4
N0Way Renaissance | ah ? | akan le n°5?? | hOtCodE/NoRoute #4

********************* SITES *******************************************

- 2600's ftp et http /pub/lps/sysadmin/ /pub/usenet-by-group/alt.2600/ /pub/jcase/ /pub/rtfm/usenet-by-group/alt.2600/ /users/nitehwk/phreak/
- MJ13 https :
- NoFutur https : (ca n'a aucun rapport avec nofutur mais c pa grav) (neurO)
- defkor (NoRoute) :
- NoRoute :
- Kraken (Hack25) :
- Beef13 :


notes :
- si vous vous faites chier lisez toujours le daubesque journal (
mais bon vraiment rien sur le hack/phreak, c'est de la true bouse.
( j'ai failli gerber sur mon ecran en voyant ca )
- derniere version de l'index sur
- email :
- parfois y'a pas le nom de l'auteur c'est paske g pa eu le ten.
- les titres ont parfois ete reduits parce qu'ils ne rentraient pas :(
- les .zips sont telechargables sur notre site
- extrait de NoFutur : NE HACKEZ PAS CHEZ MYGALE
mygale a commence a faire le menage dans les pages h/p, et la premiere
disparue est celle de NeurO, plus de 11000 visiteurs deja, ca n'est vraiment
pas cool du tout de la part des webmasters de mygale d'avoir fait ca .C'est
sans doute une reaction normale apres les 15 pages ki on ete hackees par
M...., franchement ne hackes poa mygale, c'est le seul truc francais
intelligent en matiere d'internet alors c'est pas le moment de faire passer
les hackers pour des terroristes :(
(note : ils nous ont vire 3x alors qu'on ne les hacke mem po...)

et mefiez-vous des busts (DST fucks) !!!

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lostcivilizations's profile picture
Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
6 Nov 2024
Thank you! I've corrected the date in the article. However, some websites list January 1980 as the date of death.

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5 Nov 2024
Crespi died i april 1982, not january 1980.

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