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Northern Phun Co Issue 15

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
Northern Phun Co
 · 11 Oct 2020


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: : : :
askee &
shit by

úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú

N O R T H E R N P H U N C O .

N U M  R O Q U I N Z E ú P R E M I E R A V R I L 9 4

Dans ce quinziŠme num‚ro de NPC:

³ +:SUJET:+ ³ +:AUTEUR:+ ³
³ Table des matiŠres / Disclaimer ³ -=ThE PoSSe=- ³
³ ditorial de NPC #15 ³ Atreid Bevatron ³
³ The postman always quote twice ³ Votre Courrier ³
³ NFS Primer ³ Kermit ³
³ CONSPIRATIONS … la Machiavel ³ Blitzkreig ³
³ Fiction: ESCORT ³ -=ThE PoSSe=- ³
³ Miscellaneous shits about diverters ³ Blitzkreig ³
³ Fiction: ZEITGEIST ³ -=ThE PoSSe=- ³
³ Quand un CRAY 2 est trop lent... ³ Gurney Halleck ³
³ Fiction: LIVING ON THE EDGE ³ -=ThE PoSSe=- ³
³ Unix d‚ficel‚ de ses cordages ³ Pawa ³
@³ BlaBlaBla of some sorts... ³ -=The Posse=- ³
³ Read the news... ³ -=tHe pOsse=- ³
@³ HEXcalibur: ZE Hex editor ³ -=thE poSse=- ³
@³ Toneloc 0.99á ³ -=tHe posSe=- ³
@³ €a magouille fort au CRTC! ³ -=The possE=- ³
@ Renferme un programme uuencod‚ |

NPC are: Officiers Collaborateurs

diteur:-Atreid Bevatron- Paranoid
Kermit Pawa
Santa Claus
The SubHuman Punisher
Gurney Halleck
Crime Lord
Mental Floss


Ce magazine n'est pas recommand‚ aux gens qui portent un
Pacemaker, aux ƒmes sensibles, et aux moralisateurs. Tenez-vous
le pour dit, et abstenez-vous!

Ceci va probablement ˆtre le disclaimer le plus long de
l'histoire des magazines underground car, sur les conseils de
gens g‚n‚ralement bien vers‚s dans le domaine (vous savez que les
avocats r‚clament 150$ de l'heure? Chi‚!) une mise au point
exhaustive doit ˆtre faite avant de vous permettre de poursuivre
votre lecture (et non pas de poursuivre Northern Phun Co.: vous
ˆtes pas dr“les!).

1) Tous les articles de ce magazine ne sont publi‚s qu'… titre
d'information. L'application de une ou des technique(s)
expliqu‚e(s) dans ces pages peuvent entraŒner la mort, des
blessures s‚rieuses, l'impuissance, la perte de votre virginit‚,
des poursuites judiciaires embˆtantes, le bris de votre
ordinateur, la nomination de Camil Samson … la tˆte du Parti
Lib‚ral ou, pire encore, vous pourriez devenir comme vos parents!

2) Northern Phun Co., qui est un organisme … but non-lucratif,
avec une vocation quasiment philanthropique, ne sera en aucun
temps tenu pour responsable de l'irresponsabilit‚ des auteurs qui
publient des articles dans ces pages. L'entiŠre responsabilit‚,
et la preuve de la v‚racit‚ desdits articles, revient aux
auteurs. On est mal parti, l…, les enfants...

3) Les officiers clairement identifi‚s de Northern Phun Co. sont
seuls habilit‚s … parler au nom du groupe, et NPC ne serait ˆtre
tenu pour responsable de la conduite (ou de l'inconduite) des
collaborateurs de NPC sur les babs de la planŠte Terre. De plus,
seuls les textes des officiers de Northern Phun Co. sont v‚rifi‚s
pour leur exactitude.

4) La lecture de Northern Phun Co., quoique r‚jouissante, peut
entraŒner aussi des problŠmes de sant‚ mentale et des cas de
pilosit‚ manuelle.

5) Northern Phun Co accepte, … priori, de publier tous les textes
touchant au H/P/C/A/V-et-le-reste qui lui seront soumis. NPC
refusera, par contre, tout texte encourageant la discrimination
d'une ou des personne(s) en fonction de leur origines ethniques,
de leur religion ou de leur sexe. Si vous voulez bouffer du
nŠgre, engagez-vous plut“t dans la police...

6) Northern Phun Co. tient … rappeler … ses lecteurs qu'il faut
soigneusement se brosser les dents aprŠs chaque repas. Et
n'oubliez pas la soie dentaire!

Est-ce que ‡a suffit l…?

O— nous rejoindre?

D– … la nature "volatile" de notre produit, les babs qui nous
supportent le sont tout aussi. Ceci dit:

Vous avez toutes les chances de pogner un des officiers de NPC
sur les babs PUBLICS suivants (on pousse la perversion jusque

Light BBS : 418-651-5664
Black Palace : 418-831-1602
The Cannibal Cookhouse : 418-657-4442
Terminus (Baie-Comeau ) : 418-295-2854
OverBoard (Sherbrooke) : 819-569-7239
Utopian Refuge (Montr‚al) : 514-279-6465 (login :ae)

Et un petit gros bien bon nouveau, un bon copain hollandais
recrut‚ par Gurney:

Arrested Development (Hollande!) : +31-77-547477

Un beau fou de Drummondville nous a consacr‚ son babillard.
Ouvrez grands vos yeux! Si vous savez compter, ‡a fait -7- nodes!

La Station: 819-474-8010

Il y a aussi un bab qui vous offre une messagerie anonyme pour
NPC, comme au bon vieux temps de M‚dic!

The Inferno: 418-647-2731

Si votre babillard public (hors 418) d‚sire ouvrir une section
NPC, n'h‚sitez pas … nous contacter. C'est gratuit!

Nous sommes aussi (naturellement) sur les boards pirates de
Qu‚bec. En fait, sur Workshop, il y a tous les officiers de NPC
qui prennent un bain de soleil... C'est comme qui dirait notre
H.Q. underground.

Nous ne publions plus de numero de VMB. D‚sol‚, mais on les
perdait … mesure qu'on les publiait, alors... Un coup des coches,
je suppose...

Nous avons aussi une adresse Internet pour e-mail:

Vous pouvez trouver NPC (ze magz) sur plein de boards Internet.
Par exemple, faites un ftp sur:

Et allez dans la section /pub/Zines/NPC

Et si malgr‚ tout ‡a vous n'ˆtes pas capable de nous rejoindre,
appelez l'Arm‚e du Salut, et demandez Roger...


úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú


C'est vous le doc Doc...



Atreid Bevatron

GUTENTAG! WIEGEHT ES DIR? WI... euh... ooops... Ugh en ce
beau moment de parution de NPC#15 (qui sort enfin...;[ )

Ce mois-ci, Gurney s'‚narve avec un article ‚tablissant une
liste de tous (ou plut“t plusieurs) supercomputers connect‚s sur
INTERNET. Kermit s'amuse sur son Unix et nous explique un peu
comment fonctionne NFS. Pawa enfile ses plus belles plumes pour
nous d‚cocher une flŠche unixienne des plus appr‚ciable, le tout
accompagn‚ d'une salade de fiction avec une petite sauce
uuencod‚e des plus int‚ressante...

Comme, d'ailleurs, j'en avais assez qu'on me demande les
settings pour le vieux toneloc 0.97, j'ai d‚cid‚ de carrement
inclure la plus r‚cente version que j'ai entre les mains, soit la
0.99b-1, avec laquelle vous ne devriez vraiment avoir aucun

J'ai aussi inclu un petit programme que Blitz m'a refil‚,
qui paraŒt-il fera la joie de plusieurs petites gens: HEXcalibur,
un ‚diteur hexad‚cimal.

Le CRTC nous magouille dans le dos … ce que j'ai
l'impression et je ne crois pas que ce soit une stupide rumeur.
Il semble qu'il veut obliger l'obtention d'un permis pour runner
un bbs, dans le genre d'une lisence de radio, avec des prix comme
500-3000$! Vous imaginez ‡a? Moi pas! Enfin, le mieux que vous
pouvez tous faire, au moins, c'est de lire et de souscrire …
l'espŠce de p‚tition qui est dans le fichier uuencod‚.

Aussi, une petite section des plus int‚ressante:
CONSPIRATIONS, qui raconte certains faits ou rumeurs ‚tranges et
inqui‚tantes, insolites et glaciales...

Nous avons notre channel IRC maintenant. Alors le rendez-
vous est bel et bien lanc‚! C'est pas bien difficile, le nom du
channel est NPC, je vous y souhaite le meilleur s‚jour...
En passant Messercshmitt, d‚sol‚ que Kermit t'ait bump‚, il
ne savait pas que t'‚tais un collabo... ;-)

Une autre petite section emmˆl‚e, Blablabla of some sorts,
o— vous y trouverez pleins de trucs dont un .VOC uuencod‚
immitant le bruit d'un quarter, pour red boxer... Pourquoi ne pas
garder OMNIBOX? Ah gardez-la, mais selon l'auteur de Quarter.voc,
omnibox n'est pas totalement fiable c“t‚ son, enfin bref...

Je vais vous souhaiter bonne lecture, tout en vous disant
que LLC risque d'ˆtre ouvert lors de la sortie du prochain NPC,
alors je vous laisse tous saliver de plaisir en vous lan‡ant un
v‚h‚ment AOUS WIEDERSEHEN bien juteux!

C'‚tait Atreid, … Issoudun.

Rave On, Rave Hard!


úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú




-=ThE PoSSe=-

Une seule lettre vaut la peine d'ˆtre quott‚e ce mois-ci, les
autres ‚tant plus souvent qu'autrement de vieilles questions
souvent pos‚es...

Section Priv‚ Message #1453
Date : 23-03-94 02:23 (Re‡u le 25-03-94 15:39)
De : Malboro man
Sujet : eeeehhh

Bonjour Monsieur NPC...

Mo‚ chu new ou presque et j'veux vous dire que vous faite dla
maudite de bonne jobe!!!!!!

Jme demandais moi comment faire exploser un pont...
Je voudrait connaitre les meilleures marque d'explosif et commen
les placer en dessous du pont...

SVP reponder-moi c pas une joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Malboro Man!!!


[Atreid- Quoi? T'es s‚rieux en plus? Bordel! Si tu veux faire
sauter quelque chose, fait pas sauter un pont imb‚cile, fais
plut“t sauter le parlement!]

[THX 1138- T'as qu'… prendre un pack de dynamites de marque
CRAFTMAN mais prends pas de la BLACK&DECKER parce qu'elle explose
un peu trop vers la droite, … monter en haut du pont Pierre
Laporte. L…, tu sautes en bas et tu attends de voir ce qui va se


úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú


NFS primer

by kermit

NFS, secure? Here i'll try to give you some ideas on what is nfs, and
what to do with it, based on my own experience. First, you need to be root
somewhere on the 'net. And you need to understand the unix directory
structure in general. I'll explain that briefly. Unix, unlike dos,
works with a single directory tree. It means that there is no a:, c:, etc..
To illustrate that, here is the output of the df command (df, diskfree)

Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/sd0a 7519 5309 1458 78% /
/dev/sd0e 163047 77920 68822 53% /usr
/dev/sd0f 71782 49544 22238 69% /tmp
/dev/sd1e 170023 75476 81546 48% /var/tmp

As you see, we have different filesystems mounted on directories. sd0a
means scsi device 0, partition a. And it's mounted on /, and that is the
root directory. Now lets suppose we have a new scsi drive of, say,
250megs. SCSI permits up to 7 devices on the same bus, and I want to have it
on /tmp. All I have to do is to connect the drive to my box, with an
unused device number, and mount it on /tmp. Say i use 3 as the device

mount /dev/sd3g /tmp {don't forget you need root to mount device}

g is my partition, 3 is my device number. Why g? It depends on how you
do your partitions. The b partition, in bsd, always represents swap space.
The c partition represents the total disk space used by your filesystems,
and d represents the entire disk.

# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
a: 15680 143920 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 257 - 284)
b: 30800 159600 swap # (Cyl. 285 - 339)
c: 384160 143920 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 257 - 942)
d: 528640 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 943)
e: 337680 190400 4.2BSD 1024 8192 16 # (Cyl. 340 - 942)

NFS means network file system. Let's assume we need more place on our box,
called, and we have another box on the same network with
some free disk space, called NFS allows me to mount the disk of
that other box on my machine, and it will work like if this disk was actually
in my box, exept, of course, for speed. The mount syntax for NFS mounting is
easy. For our example, it would go like

mount /tmp

to mount the /freedisk directory from, to the /tmp directory

Now that you know the basic syntax of mount and NFS, lets have some
phun with it.

There are 7000000 ways to get access with that, and i'll give you just
one exemple to get you started. The command showmount, with the -e
argument, will show you the exportable drives of the targetted host.
This is the typical output of the showmount command.
export list for

/home (everyone)

You could try to mount the drive containing the user's home directories, and
put a .rhosts there. To get write permission in that directory, you need
to have that user's uid. And since you are root, having that uid is
easy: just add an unpassworded account in /etc/passwd, and su to it.
Don't forget to remove that account when it's done, and go take a look
to /var/adm/messages, too.

Short and effective, i guess.


úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú


Conspiration … la Machiavel


Les derniers moments de Challenger

Mythe ou r‚alit‚?

par Blitzkreig

Ce mois-ci, sur Internet, il y avait plusieurs discussions
sur un certain texte, qui serait la retranscription EXACTE des
conversations … bord de la navette Challenger, au moment de son
explosion. Vous vous rappelez probablement du 13 novembre 1993.
La version officielle de l'enregistrement se terminait avec le
pilote de la navette, Michael Smith, … T+1:14, qui disait: "
Uh-oh! "

Apparemment, ILS ne seraient pas morts sur le coup. Des
gens ont capt‚ les messages radio. Les voici, sous toutes

T+1:15 (H) What happened? What happened? Oh God, no - no!
T+1:17 (F) Oh dear God.
T+1:18 (H) Turn on your air pack! Turn on your air...
T+1:20 (H) Can't breathe... choking...
T+1:21 (H) Lift up your visor!
T+1:22 (H/F) (Screams.) It's hot. (Sobs.) I can't. Don't tell
me... God! Do
T+1:24 (H) I told them... I told them... Dammit! Resnik don't...
T+1:27 (H) Take it easy! Move (unintelligible)...
T+1:28 (F) Don't let me die like this. Not now. Not here...
T+1:31 (H) Your arm... no... I (extended garble, static)
T+1:36 (F) I'm... passing... out...
T+1:37 (H) We're not dead yet.
T+1:40 (H) If you ever wanted (unintelligible) me a
miracle... (unintelligible)... (screams)
T+1:41 (H) She's... she's... (garble) ... damn!
T+1:50 (H) Can't breathe...
T+1:51 (H/F) (screams) Jesus Christ! No!
T+1:54 (H) She's out.
T+1:55 (H) Lucky... (unintelligible).
T+1:56 (H) God. The water... we're dead! (screams)
T+2:00 (H) Goodbye (sobs)... I love you, I love you...
T+2:03 (H) Loosen up... loosen up...
T+2:07 (H) It'll just be like a ditch landing...
T+2:09 (H) That's right, think positive.
T+2:11 (H) Ditch procedure...
T+2:14 (H) No way!
T+2:17 (H) Give me your hand...
T+2:19 (H) You awake in there? I... I...
T+2:29 (H) Our Father... (unintelligible)...
T+2:42 (H) ...hallowed be Thy name... (unintelligible).
T+2:57 (H) You...over there?
T+2:58 (H) The Lord is my shepherd, I shall...not want. He maketh me
to lie down in green pastures... though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil... I
will dwell in the house...
T+3:15 to end. None. Static, silence.

[Atreid- Merde moi ‡a me pogne les tripes...]


[Atreid- Une autre petite chose qui pourrait vous int‚ress‚]


Impeach Clinton
by Rev. P. Lamborn-Wilson,
M.O.C., U.L.C., etc., etc., The Deanery, Chatsworth, NJ
Feb. 14, 1994
(no copyright--please reproduce freely)

Clinton first came to the attention of the ILLUMINATI when he
saved the asses of Grand Master Oliver North & Past Master G.
Bush (the Freemasonic Messiah) by quashing the investigation
into Mena Airport in Arkansas. We can use this cracker, they
thought. Another Southern Democrat whose name starts with "C."
The Konspiracy may have to lay low for four years & this yuppie
redneck'll fill the Bill. Sure enough, Bush loses
it--bigtime--openly proclaims the Novus Ordo Seclorum--bombs
Babylon in a vain attempt to destroy Illuminati archives--etc.,
etc. The CFR/Bilderbergers declare:--Bush must "lose." The
Pres. of Japan (an inner-circle member) dons his special
Medici-ring & sits next to Bush at sushi-time:--the whole world
gawks as Bush pukes in the lap of this unsmiling samurai--Who's
losing face? Who's losing _lunch_? Lloyd Bensen (32-degree)
takes hick Clinton to Bilderberg Konklave in Baden-Baden 6
months before the "election." Ushered into the inner sanctum
Clinton hears the Offer from a hooded figure mit a Cherman
accent und Harvard manners. "Look, Bill, all zis can be yours:
real estate, blow-chobs, Sviss bank account, revenche, your
name in 'History.' All you haff to do is serve Us for four
years. Betray 'Liberalism' for four years. Stab in the back
all those mirities who will vote you in:--Blacks, queers,
women, the poor. Always you vill say 'compromise'--but holding
a dagger in your schleeve. Betray Haiti. Betray homosexuals
(and alienate the military!), betray Christians & burn their
children, betray peace-lovers--bomb Iraq _again_! (we'll think
of some lame excuse); betray women--transform them into their
own oppressors. As for the poor, I have a great plan,
Bill:--you will fund poverty programs by _taxing food stamps_.
Hilarious, eh? Environmentalists? Talk green, dump chemicals
in the wetlands. We will spread rumors about your use of 'pot,'
Bill, so all the drug-fiends will vote for you--then we'll
_intensify_ the 'War on Drugs.' You see? Beautiful concept,
_nein_? In four years they will _beg_ us to return to power.
The 'Liberals' themselves will vote for Quayle & Noriega in
'96! Ha ha ha! Und zen, ve shall enchoy anuzzer tvelf years
of Undiluted Power! Perhaps a war in Mexico? Hmm, let me
think. Here, Bill, here's a million dollars for your 'election'
campaign fund--that's just for starters, Bill. Now, sit here on
this throne while this naked starlet sucks your crank, Bill.
Promise them anything! I know! I've got it! Promise them
_health-care_. Outlaw all herbs, vitamins, everything like
that--we can't allow the unwashed swine to prescribe for
themselves, can we now? Tsk tsk dear me no. Promise them
health-care--& then raise their taxes! Give them SHIT, Bill.
Eh? How do you like it? That wife of yours (sorry, Bill)--she
can pose as an angel of mercy ... while you--tinpot JFK--pure
simulation--first 'virtual' president--bumble toward Armageddon
like some sinister clown. Power--the great aphrodisiac, eh
Governor? Or should I say ... _Mr. President_???"


úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú


-=Fiction & Compagnie=-



From: (David J. Altman)

It was two a.m. and I had already put down six hits of
Chrome, three Jack Daniels, and a pack of Sky cigs. The local
turbochix had already given up on me. I wasn't working the
speed circuit... I was just an escort.

I felt his eyes on me without having to look. He was
appraising me, trying to figure out what my life was worth. He
was definitely The Man. A corper. He had the arrogant walk.
After weighing me in his mind he walked up and waited. No point
in being coy. I acknowledged him with a nod. He was wearing
roadgear. Black synthleather covering armor plates, shades, .50
Desert Eagle in an underarm holster. Very rough looking. He sat
down next to me and ordered a drink from the 'tender. Then he
lit up. "You're Stinger... I got a job for ya'"

I waited for the punchline.

"We want you to escort a five-tonner from Pheonix to L.A."

"When, what, how much ?" I asked.

"Forty-eight hours from now. Ten K."

I noticed he didn't answer the what part of my question. I
took another drink and frowned... It was an expected part of my
performance. "What ?!" I asked again, more firmly. If he told
me I knew that his employers were desperate.

"Fuel grade volatiles. Two tons. L.A. had an accident, they
need an emergency shipment, otherwise the city is without

Shit! This was major. Fuel grade volatiles. No wonder no-
one else wanted the job.

"I want twenty K in triple A Chevron corp scrip and ten
micrograms of volatiles"
That should set me up with cash and
fuel for a few months. I waited to see how he reacted.

"Pal, you gotta be joken. Your so off target, you just landed
in SkyPalace"
he replied, adding an insincere smile to the lie.

"Fuck off then. You and I both know that every ganger, raider,
anarch, and megalomaniac within a thousand miles of here is
going to be over this thing like a flyhigh to chemstims. You
want me to shave my ass so they can shoot at it - and you want
me to do it for friggin' ten K !"
I was trying to play it on
the edge. I wanted, needed, the job. But I also realized that
everything I had just said was true. I was willing to take this
job because if I made it, I'd be in the big leagues. But no way
was I going to do it for standard compensation.

"The shipment's a secret . ." I didn't wait for him to finish.
I got up to walk away.

"Alright, how 'bout fifteen K, ten micros ?" He wasn't looking
desperate. In fact, he was looking satisfied. After thinking a
moment I realized why -- he had appraised me correctly, he was
giving me what he thought he'd have to pay me. Fucker.

"I'll take it." Nothing more to really say. He smiled again,
finished his drink, and got up to leave.

"'ey! Just one thing" I called to his back.

"Yeah what ?"

"Don't even think about sticking me with a decoy truck. That
roller better have volatiles on it . . . Or else I'll come back
and kill your ass. I don't mind going on suicide missions for
the right pay, but I'm not going to be a sucker for a corper"
rumbled. I'd seen "Mad Max" a hundred times. I felt him smile
and keep walking. I finished my drink and picked up the DataPak
he had left on his barstool. I walked out of the "Steel Wheel"
a few hours later, feeling like shit - and not just because of
my stim binge.


She was there, matte black, looking like a viper about to
strike. "Gina" was a Dodge Skorpius 90z UltraEscort. Her curves
were wicked. Everything about her said deadly functionality.
She was called the "Black Mamba" by the roadraiders. They
hated and feared her, I loved and feared her.

After remotely switching off the security system, I got
inside. The cockpit was spherical and covered in displays,
readouts, buttons, and the humming thrum of her systems. Gina
was always on. Turning her off would be a pain. I'd have to
reboot all her systems. Consequently, Gina had two states:
active and passive mode, but you never turned her off. The
PhormaSeat adjusted automatically. I decided to go active. A
quick syscheck told me all was max, so I hit the codes and
switches and she came to life. Her motor came to life with a
jet-like roar. Then I turned on the HUD display. Info quickly
poured into my field of vision like wine, intoxicating me. I
revved the motor. It made me feel like a master of the
universe. Gina was Power. Once I felt The Flow, that magical
feeling when you become part of the car, I got going.

East. Phoenix. Here I come assholes.

I wasn't sure if I meant the roadraiders or the corps.


Reflected neon light rolled over Gina's curves like
colored mercury rivulets. It was bitter cold, gusts blew with a
howl. I rolled into Phoenix with my chrono reading 42:39:10...
Thats how much time I had before my life changed. I steered
Gina toward the southwest part of Phoenix. I was heading to
"Blood Row". Blood Row was a zero level zone. No cops, no laws,
according to the law it was not even zoned for development.
Several years ago the roaders got together enough cred to bribe
the city comptroller, ever since then Blood Row has been "The
for roaders and other shadowy types.

I passed several bars, with their garish neon signs. A few
buildings were dark. Usually these dark buildings had no
windows and looked like they were made out of solid granite.
These were the mod shops. These places were the shrines of
roaders. Any mod, to any vehicle, any time -- given enough
untraceable creds.

I took a sharp left at a narrow, dark alley. After a few
blocks I see it. The club looks like a dingy strip place on the
outside. Only thing that betrays its true essence is the neon
'vette sign and the rides in the lot. Everyone of which had the
barracuda elegance of a combat vehicle.

I parked Gina, went to the club - whose name only the
patrons knew because it wasn't advertized on the outside. I
wasn't worried about Gina: trying to vandalize or steal a car
out of "The Speed Daemon's" lot was about the stupidest thing
anyone could do.

The place was the same as when I was last here, flashing
laser lights, hip-hop music, VR booths flashing away, lotta
roaders sporting their jackets with combat patches.
Occasionally you'd see a professional autoduelist arrogantly
wearing his kill patches on his left sleeve, and Association
rank patch on the right.

I went up to the bar and ordered another Jack Daniels from
Devil Dan, asked him where Jester was while I was at it. He
pointed to a booth on the other side of the club.

I walked up and clapped Jester on the back. He gave me a
smile, then a big bear hug. Jester was the old man of roaders.
He started as an Escort, then moved in Speed Circuit Autoduel.
Three time Autoduel Champion and quintuple ace. 25 kills --
amazing that after 15 years it would be so low.

I sat down and we started chatting. I realized just then
that I had purposefully come here to seek his help. My job just
smelled to ratty to be true. Jester knew everything and
everybody - maybe he could help me out.

I was just about to broach the subject when Cara Yoshiro
showed up to lounge on Jester's lap. She was half Jester's age,
a Nippon-American. She was slinky as a viper, looks of a model,
cunning as a fox. I hated her.

Cara was using Jester as all young beauties used older,
more powerful men. She fairly fussed over him - like a
daughter. She had him wound real tight.

I hated her. I hated her because she took the express
route to the speed circuit - three years on the roads then BAM!
She hitches up with Jester, goes right to speed circuit. I
hated her because after her first year in the Association she
was a double tourney champ, and an ace to boot. That really
galled me. Five kills, most of them totally unecessary. The
kills were missile shots she took from the lead, just for

But mostly I hated her for what she was, an ex-Hunter. She
worked as the roader equivalent of a contract hitman. While
guys like me were stuck guarding ten ton rollers, she was
waiting down the road in ambush. She made her living killing
Escorts. We had to stay with the cargo, while she zoomed in and
out for the kill. The bitch was good at it too. She was good at
spilling blood. I couldn't understand how Jester could stand
her. He was thinking with the wrong head. "Hi, whaz going on ?"
She asked in her bright innocent manner. "Nothin' much. Same
old roader stuff for me. Got a new job"
I tried to be

"Oh yah, thats cool. We don't see you enough 'round here. Good
to have you back for awhile"

"Thanks. Whats going on with you ?" I wasn't sure I wanted to
hear her answer. I knew she was doing well in Association
standings. "Same ole same ole. Jester has been prepping me for
my next race. Mostly I'm devoting time to my new car"

"New car . . . Tell me what you got" I really was interested.
Cara's old car, "The Dark Summons", was a scary monster.
Escorts knew that car's silhouette from nightmares. Its was
edge-tech. I wondered what she was going to do for an encore.

"Sorry, its a secret. Even Jester doesn't know. Right honey?"
This last was directed at Jester with a petulant smile.

"Cara, could you give Jester and me some time ?" I asked.

She nodded, and then glided away.

"Well ?!" Jester rumbled at me. He wanted to know what I was
really here for. I told him the whole story. Every little
detail. He mulled it over like chewing tobbacco. After a while
he said that I was right to come to him. This job was a cracker
passing itself off as a sweetdeal. "What can we do? I need info
ultrafast. You got a source ?"
I asked.

"As a matter of fact, I got someone who can definitely do the
dig. I'll contact him right now. He'll give us a price and a
time. If we give him the go, we'll know everything there is to
know about this job"
Jester responded.

I gave Jester the nod. He went off to the combooth. I
noticed that Cara had just beaten her fifth opponent at VR
Autoduel and walked over to talk to Jester. After a few words
she left the club. Jester came back several minutes later. In
the mean time, the flashing, strobing lights, the pounding
music had all combined to hype me up. The danger upcoming added
an edge. Whatever was happening, it was certainly bigtime.

Jester gave me a look and asked if I had a place to crash.
I shook my head in the negative. He took out his house remote
and gave it to me. I gave him a thumbs down, but he pressed the
remote into my hand. I took it finally. I started to walk out,
I felt his hand on my shoulder. He said "Son, you gotta take it
easy for a spell."
The son part he meant literally. Jester was
my dad. I can never really bring myself to think of him that
way. How can you call someone dad when they contributed to your
childhood deliquency from afar ?

I said "Thanks dad." Nothing else to say.


úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú


Pr‚sent‚ par Blitzkreig

Diverter's galore

I found these in my archives the other day, and thought they
might be useful. I have one of the boxes described by the first
set of plans, and it is still functional. I see no reason why
the other one wouldn't work right now either.


Diverter 1992. An alternative to the DARK BOX.

Design: Mavicon M.D., The Ear, and 2 that shall remain

Plans: Mavicon M.D.

Diverter Plans

Parts List:
Everything can be obtained at your local Radio-Shack. As much
as i hate that store, they are convenient...

RLY1 DPDT relay

T1 1:1 audio transformer

D1 1N914 or similar diode

D2 large LED

LMP1 neon lamp

R1 10 k

R2 photocell

R3 22 k

R4 47 k

Q1 2N2222, 2N3904, 2N4401, most any other NPN switching

1 nine volt battery. The negative terminal goes to ground on
the schematic. Positive terminal to +9 volts.


The best way to assemble the design is to grab one of those
small copper lined perfboards from Radio-Shack. They are nice
to work on, and can easily be trimmed down to a minimum size
once everything is soldered in. The process is the same as any
other. Solder all the parts in per the schematic. The
photocell must be in a position so that the light from the neon
lamp(LMP1) and the LED(D2) both shine on it. All the polarity
must be observed. Whichever direction you put the led in, you
must remember (color code your wires, green is positive, red is
negative, yellow is positive, black is negative) the negative
side of the line must go to its negative side. The same goes
for the transformer. The positive side of each line has to be
connected to the correct pair on the transformer. On the Radio-
Shack transformers, put positive of both lines on the Red and
Black pairs, The negative on Yellow and White. Our prototypes
have reached less that 1" x 1" in size.

NOTE: The entire thing MUST be wrapped in black tape. It must
be light tight or you will have a relay that turns on with the

Theory of Operation:

The diverter works on some basic electronic principals. Step by
step. The phone rings. The neon lamp is activated by the high
voltage(88 p-p) ac and flashes. This light shines on the
photocell, decreasing its resistance. When this happens, the
positive voltage flowing through the photocell and the 10k
resistor exceed the breakdown voltage of the base of the
transistor and switches that transistor on. Once the
transistor is on, current flows freely from emitter to
collector, energizing the relay. The relay's two sets of
switches connect both lines to the 1:1 audio transformer,
effectively taking both lines off the hook and coupling any
audio signals from either line to the other one. Once this
happens, current is now flowing through the transformer, relay,
led loop. This current lights the led and that light shines on
the photocell. This is what keeps the device latched. The light
from the led keeps the photocell resistance low enough to keep
the transistor on. Now, you make you call and get on with your
business. You hang up. Now, the local CO keeps current flowing
through the indial line for about 5 seconds, at which point it
drops down for a second or so and then goes back up. This is
the signal the device uses to determine when you've hung up.
When the current drops down, there is no light, and the
photocell resistance raises enough to turn the transistor off
and delatch the entire system.


The applications are relatively obvious. Hook it up to two
unused lines and make free calls. Hook it up to two payphones,
and red box calls. The only thing to watch out for is ringing.
If you hook it up to a residential line for the indial a small
(maybe 1/8) of a ring occurs when you call, tipping off people
inside the house.

| | o +9V
| L1+ T1 | |
| o-------wwwww----------| | |
| | | |
| L1- | | |
| o-------------| | | o--------|
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| L2- | |---l----------l---------l--| _____
o-------\ LMP1 | | | \| | | w | /^\ D1
R4 47k * | | | | |\ | w | /---\
--\/\/--/ | | | | | | | w | |
| | |-l----------l-----------l--| |
| | | RY1 | | |
o L2+ |------| | | |
| | o---------
| | |
| | ----|
| D2 | /
| |\ | T1 | /
|----------| >|-----wwwwww---------- /
|/ | 000
|--------- 000 Q1
| 000
oooo | \
o o 10k | \
o-------o-/\/\/o------------/\/\/---| \
+9V o o R2 \ R1 |
oooo / 22k -----
\ R3 ---
| -


úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú


Fiction & Compagnie



[ Author was Olsen Lance ]

They send in the underfed girl, thirteen years old, maybe
fourteen if you really stretch your imagination, bald except
for that filthy yellow Plughead tassle dangling from her
forehead, to pull off the final-dining.
Only the camera fails to record her as it spirals down through
the darkness toward the white flash of stage below in the
Royal Albert Hall on one of the hottest nights of the year,
almost thirty degrees C and here it is November 30, atmosphere
gray and close and damp. The camera fails to document her
elbowing toward the nearest bodyguard like some little
expressionless animal, canister cradled in her arms.
Instead it chronicles the radiant sense of promise spreading
over these people, a sheet of flames over a pool of jet fuel.
They stand in aisles. Perch on seats frothing foam rubber.
Teeter on friends' shoulders, waving at the lens recording
this event, making it part of global memory.
They're used to being filmed from above, these people, earth
from the space shuttle or GSA station, riot scenes from police
VTOLs, football throngs from low-gliding blimps. The guy
lapping air, diamond stud flickering on his tongue. The
couple, lawyers from nine to five, sporting lilac Aramis head-
injury makeup, spinning in some magical private dance down
front. The woman with two black eyes, a human raccoon,
hoisted between two tall thin boys dressed as late-stage AIDS
victims, laughing and rolling back her gray-knit t-shirt to
reveal the startling alabaster scars of her cosmetic

Post-verbalists primped in golden nose rings and prosthetic
neck burns toast the camera with Dixi-Cups of warm brown
lager. Techno-goths tricked out in crimson contacts and white
sunscreen, SPF 65, swig whiskey from plastic bottles smuggled
in strapped to their ankles. But those in the know realize
pills are the future. Shiny pills in fluorescent colors and
useless shapes. Lime triangles. Poppy-red hexagons. Lemon
squares. Passed from palm to palm in a chain of secret
handshakes. So you can see, actually see, every note float
into being at this concert, feel each one clap your eardrums.

Everyone's talking at once, a rumble of language through the
crammed auditorium as the electrical crew crisscrosses the
stage, checking the relays, checking the computer terminals
and projectors. As bodyguards gather in the wings, plump hairy
arms folded across chests, black teardrops tattooed at
eyecorners. As bobbies in plastic-visored helmets, flak
jackets, and 50,000-volt stunguns on their belts line the back
of the hall by the main doors, legs slightly apart, hands on
hips, fifty ominous reminders of what can always happen.

The huge ventilation system convulses, shivers on, a monstrous
fan stirring up soggy heat, tangy perspiration and urine,
fruity perfume teenage girls wear, strawberry and cherry,
diesel exhaust drifting in from Kensington Road, moist hair,
alcohol vapors.

These people are the faithful. TheyUve tubed from the
Docklands. Hitchhiked from Birmingham. Trained from
Newcastle. They've stayed awake the last seventy-two hours
straight through a series of crashing headaches, bouts with
low-grade hunger-nausea, chemo-fatigue, oil-scented rain
clattering on the upper decks of ferries and car bonnets,
making connections from Amsterdam, Berlin, Corfu, finagling
credit from strangers, finessing rides from acquaintances
who've owed them favors for years now and never thought they'd
have to pay up this time around.
They're a nation for which it was never a question of if they
would make it, only how. In a sense theirs is a journey
thatUs been underway for months. They are the unwavering,
working nowhere jobs to eke out a small line of credit,
cleaning tables in a Camden Town pub, collecting fares on an
Edinburgh bus. They've been part of this process for so long
it hardly seems believable they've finally arrived, they've
finally stood in the last queue, passed through the last gate,
collected with others in this one prodigious body. They're
finally where theyUve been imagining themselves all this

And they're ready. Hooting, whacking their hands together,
stamping their feet.

The camera flies in, unable to capture the stark density of
this congregation, the neophilic energy swarming at its
center, the passion, the manic vortex, the bright suspense.

And then the stage goes black.

Impulses are coded, transformed into a gray haze of electricity
and computerized garble, shot into the sky. They leap toward
the Hendrix I, satellite for Air Pyrate Muzzik rotating in
geosynchronous orbit twenty-two thousand miles above Nairobi,
capitol of the United States of Africa, hurtle down into wide-
screen HDTVs across the world. Midafternoon into Toronto, sun
glistening off cool cobalt blue towers, pith of the financial
district. Past midnight into an arid village thirty minutes
outside Milan, not a drop of precipitation in the last five
years, stars and space debris busy in the night. Late morning
into Mexico City, stagnant sulfurous fog already brutally hot,
businesspeople in respirators crabbing down streets jammed
even on this Saturday in November, lungs aching, telltale
pollution sores sprinkled around their nostrils and on their
tongues. Excited electrons teem. Cathode-ray tubes oscillate.
Video amplifiers fire. Circuitry scintillates, decodes,
transfigures white noise into pattern and shape, chaos into
cosmos. Snowstorms bloom across screens. Ghosts flare and die.
Double images roll, stabilize, wed.

Twenty-five meters above the stage the holounit unfolds
marvelous forms and applause lurches through the hall.

A beautiful naked woman with dark red hair and pale freckled
skin, sixteen meters tall, the mad Pre-Raphaelite dream of a
haunted Rossetti, floats over the crush. Two delicate
batwings, blanched flesh and cartilage, extend from her
shoulders. She lifts her right hand, opens the palm in which
blinks a crystal blue eye, surveys her surroundings.
The eye closes. Her palm folds. Lowering her head, hair
spreading over her shoulders like wind, she curls into
herself, rotates, loses age and size, dissolves into a fetus,
becomes a plant with short parrot-green stems and swollen wet
flowers shaped like the plum-colored lips of a vagina. These
separate slowly and release a swarm of tiny transparent fish
with blueblack wings and scarlet hearts pumping rapidly in
their chest cavities. Thousands of tiny orange bubbles swell
from their gills. They morph into copper snakes, purple
geckos, angels with monkey faces, transparent fish again, and
then a young man in an olivesheen business suit and derby
sitting in the lotus position under a banyan tree.
He is speaking to a naked tanned boy with white hair and four
arms who sits across from him, also in the lotus position.

"The black box represents the small secret moments, a sense of
peace, a sense of wonder,"
he says.

Around the man and boy grow Venus flytraps, ferns speckled with
diamonds. With the slender fingers of his third hand the boy
toys with what appears to be a ruby hose on the ground.

"The dream works like this," he says in an Indian accent. "You
hold a cat on its back in your arms. Its head wobbles and
falls off. You stoop, pick up the head, try to attach it.
But it falls off again. This is a process. You are part of
this process. This is how the process functions."

"The end of the world is a temple," the businessman says.

The hose is an umbilical cord connecting them. It pulses
softly like the tentacles of an anemone.

The tanned boy with four arms squeezes it.

Rich blood surges.

The first computer-enhanced chord reverberates, numbing as the
blast from a tactical nuclear warhead.

A spotlight zaps Tango Deltoid, lead guitarist for Dr. Teeth,
who launches into a speed riff. The holounit throws his image
far above the mob, cuts to his right hand sheathed in the
Fender electronic glove that metamorphoses his gestures into
complex synthetic sounds. Cycla Propain, female
percussionist, kicks in with a power roll. Right behind her
come bassist Kupid Zitch and keyboardist Rheum Goldbug.

The decibel level soars like fourteen military jets taking off
in unison in a one-room flat, shakes like the LA Shudder on
Black Tuesday.
People don't hear Dr. Teeth. They feel them. They lean into
the shockwaves, surrender to the tempest of static bursts
slapping their spleens.

And they send up a great unified howl.

Begin to ululate into soundjolts.

And then she appears.

First as a sixteen-meter head levitating over the multitude,
blond hair teased like MonroeUs, features dipped in shadow
like the Virgin's.
Then the face tilts up, huge and glaucous as a geisha's, to
reveal the black-and-blue splotches around her browless
methyl-yellow eyes, across her left cheek, the dried-blood
look at the corners of her carmine lips, and that world-famous
patented smile aglitter with teeth filed to wickedly sharp

The clamor increases.

The gigantic mouth opens and a thirty-meter-long gold-leafed
cobra springs across the ceiling. Slithers down a wall.
Disappears into the audience as on stage the real Kama
Quyntifonic swoops in with the vocal, part primal-scream, part
haunting melody, part tribal chant, camera riveted on her
spectacular lingerie, raven corset rimmed in red, on those
shiny Mylar thigh-boots, real nazi, that brass chastity belt
with the medieval lock and that sexy nail-studded dog collar
that just cries out Wake up you Quayles, I'm a marketing
strategy! while caving in the heart of every male and every
third female in the place.

Dancers in tattered army pants and body suits, shoeless, skin
blotched with ersatz scabs, flood around her, crawling on
their knees, wriggling on their bellies, hobbling on wooden
crutches, and Tango Deltoid, velvet hangmanUs noose around his
neck whipping crazily back and forth, blue hair spattering
sweat-beads, leads into the chorus with a compu-guitar solo
electronically altered to sound more like frightened rapidfire
human cries at two a.m. on some mews in the East End than any
musical notes anyone on this planetUs ever heard.

Burn this place
Burn your face
Burn this case
Cuz I donUt care
I don't care
Cuz I been here
and I been there

Rotten has left the building
Buddha's forgot to pray
My melanomaUs spreading
And IUm not even gay

Fans charge the stage, throw themselves at the bodyguards who
now begin doing their work, unused to the sheer numbers of the
devout, the sheer concentration of their zeal.

They catch torsos in midflight and catapult them back into the
rabble thatUs become a living version of a stuntmanUs air
mattress, but the fans keep coming, they keep massing in.

Some carry brass knuckles, some sand-socks, some offerings --
jewelry, credit slabs, cans of mace -- and they scrabble over
each other, dive from each otherUs shoulders, cast themselves
headlong at the strong-armed men who are breathless,
nonplussed, increasingly agitated in the face of this assault.

At the rear of the auditorium bobbies shout into two-way
radios, secure those flak jackets, lower those plastic visors,
adjust those chin straps.

The holounit zeros in on the woman dancer whose eyes seem to
have melted into myriad epicanthic folds, the scrawny Arab guy
in seizures on the floor, then (keep the camera on the credit,
keep the camera on the credit) Quyntifonic again whoUs begun
shoving her way through these invalids, pushing them onto
their sides, kicking their crutches out from under them while
she begins the bridge to 'Happy Daze' and behind her a ten-by-
fifteen-meter screen drops and a black-and-white film, shaky,
deliberately amateurish, loops images from Epidemics Hostels
around Britain. Rows upon rows of beds. Skin stretched
mummy-like over skulls of the dying. Arms the thickness of
pencils. Legs the thickness of cricket bats. Specters in
wheelchairs. IVs pumping in the morphine, keeping the flow
heavy and steady. Quick cuts to the South American war,
military jets defoliating what'd been left of the rainforest,
tunnels of napalm seething. Remains of LA the morning after
the Shudder, megalithic shards of concrete and steel and cable
heaved into smoky streets, flames from ruptured gas lines
blooming around public housing projects, water spewing from
fractured mains, shirtless people in ragged jeans staring into
the camera as they stagger through the radioactive wreckage,
muddled and embarrassed at what has gone on around them, at
what part they took in all this, not even beginning to figure
out yet things only get worse after this.

But the camera fails to record the underfed girl, thirteen
years old, maybe fourteen if you really stretch your
imagination, bald except for that filthy yellow Plughead
tassle dangling from her forehead, eyes the color of Wedgwood,
right ear vangoghed, hovering at the corner of the stage, just
a meter away from the nearest bodyguard, an Iraqi who's
struggling with another girl whoUs trying to shinny over him
and deliver a cluster of artificial roses to Kama
Quyntifonic's feet. He's holding her by a fistful of lavender
hair as she writhes and snaps at his face like a Diacomm
Doberman-tiger chimera. The underfed girl cradles the canister
in her arms, some metallic doll, rocking it gently, scanning
the situation around her, patiently taking stock as the
lavender-haired fan bites down on the bodyguardUs hand,
fiercely, for the count of three, seven, and when he screams
she bursts by him and almost attains her goal. Four more
guards sweep her over their heads before she can reach
Quyntifonic, and they toss her into the free-for-all in the
orchestra pit. The camera catches her body spin awkwardly
through the smoggy air and land at an unnatural angle on a
suddenly bare patch of concrete.

Quyntifonic's holographic head releases a ten-meter-long rat.
A bat.

A scorpion.

These creatures dive at the spectators, who send up a communal
shout of delighted horror, and then engage in fierce battle on
the vaulted ceiling, stinging, gnawing, sucking, while the
film keeps looping images of destruction behind the authentic
Quyntifonic standing among staged corpses and carving crosses
and circles into her right arm with a dagger.
Dr. Teeth's in a frenzy.

Tango Deltoid's sunk deep into soundfields reminiscent of the
mumbles and fumbled words you hear during the hypnagogic span
just before sleep.
Cycla Propain and Kupid Zitch're pounding out an electronic
seizure, wet hair slicked to temples.

And the temperature in the hall is rising, the air thickening,
and Rheum Goldbug's zipping along the keyboard in rill after
throbbing rill of sick sonics thatUre just pure clicking mega

The thirteen-year-old twists a valve at one end of the
She eyes the spectacle before her, raises the bullet-shaped
capsule above her head.


Thin blood zags down QuyntifonicUs right arm and Dr. Teeth has
never played better than right now, this very second, and a
Virus BabyUs upper torso loops on the screen (it'd fit
comfortably in a shoebox, silently opening and closing its
mouth like some goldfish) and the bobbies enter the rabble to
retrieve the lavender-haired girl with the injured spine and
the dancers lie motionless at Quyntifonic's feet and a line of
gas jets opens at the rear of the stage freeing a hundred
plumes of brilliant combustion.

Burn this place
Burn your face
Burn this case
Cuz I donUt care
I don't care
Cuz I been here
and I been there

WeUre talking situation zero
Nothing more to lose or gain
WeUre talking Krishna's left the disco
And my progens gave me AIDS

And then: the silver glint wobbling like a football in the
fracas of laser lights, halting at the apex of its flight for
the shortest period of time you can imagine, revolving, then
plummeting among the dancers and musicians, mist from its
nozzle spraying a wide white V and, just like that, a vast
wave of people rolls back from the stage and Quyntifonic's

Kupid Zitch and Rheum Goldbug too.

Tango Deltoid's twitching, grand-mal-style, hugging his guitar,
his glove generating a brain-splitting screech, coiled into
himself like worms when you touch them with something hot.

Cycla Propain sprawls forward into her drumset.

The dancers try standing but are flat and still all at once.
The bodyguards and roadies go to their knees. The holounit
shuts off. Deafening feedback shoots through the speaker

For three heartbeats the audience falls silent.

Then a colossal animal sound of fear rises into the hot
atmosphere, and the stampede begins.

The bobbies barely have time to lift their stunguns before the
mass belts into them, the momentum kicking them back, someone
on the PA system pleading for calm. Feedback rams through the
hall. Shouts for help go up everywhere. The press of wild-
eyed fans slams against the exit doors. A Datacidist wearing
small nails through her ears trips and her ribcage implodes;
her loverUs elbows crack as he bends to wrestle her up. A guy
in LA Gear desert camouflage propels into a wall and hears his
own lower jaw disengage; a disoriented boy yanks on the
complicated blue scarab-and-iron jewelry jangling around the
downed guyUs neck. An berthrasher whoUs just lost her tongue
attempts clambering over a hill of people but slips back into
the fray. Some suffocate in the immense army of bodies surging
forward. Others lose fingers to the dying who struggle to the
very end, only dimly aware of the explosion somewhere above and
behind them as the gas jets on stage touch the screen, and the
screen ignites and touches the holounit, and a cloud thick as
burning tar churns along the ceiling, flames tonguing fuschia
and tangerine, the sprinkler system cutting in only to make
the smoke thicker, like inhaling battery acid, like drinking

And all across the globe dead-channel ash rains on television

If anyone's interested, and if I'm not overstaying my cyber-
welcome, let me know, and I can post more over the course of
the next few months.
Or, if you'd like the hard-copy version, you can order it
direct from my indie publisher:

Permeable Press
47 Noe Street #4
San Francisco, CA 94117-1017
ISBN 1-882633-04-0, $11.95
192 pages, paper

Distributed to the trade by:
Bookpeople (800) 999-4650
Inland (800) 243-0138


úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú


Des gros PCs ?
Quand un Cray 2 n'est pas assez rapide


Gurney Halleck

Bienvenue dans le monde du supercomputing! Notre quˆte incessante
d'information et de puissance de calcul nous a ammen‚ … "visiter" des
centres de calcul un peu partout dans le monde. Vous n'avez pas v‚cu
avant de runner un crack sur un Cray. Vous me demanderez: "pourquoi il n'y
a pas de Cray 2 dans ta liste?"
Tout simplement parce qu'ils n'‚taient pas
assez rapide pour faire mon palmares! Par contre, … ma connaissance, les
29 Cray 2 produits sont encore tous en fonction. Au fil de mes voyages, je
me suis mont‚ une liste de sites trŠs int‚ressant. Je l'ai remise en forme
pour votre amusement dans le magazine de ce mois-ci. Alors amusez vous bien.

L‚gende: 1) le premier champ contient le modŠle du supercomputer
2) le deuxiŠme, sa puissance (Bas‚ sur le ratio d'un Cray Y-MP/1
sur le NPB BT benchmark de la NASA. Donc: 3.48 BT d‚sign‚ un
supercomputer qui a la puissance de 3.48 Cray Y-MP/1)
Un chiffre pr‚c‚d‚ d'un ~ , d‚note une approximation avec un
benchmark ‚quivalent. Un chiffre suivi d'un ? d‚note une
approximation bas‚e sur le ratio de GFlops de pointe de iPCS/860
3) le troisiŠme champ contient la puissance par processeur.

National Aerospace Lab,Chofu-shi,Tokyo,Japan
1) NAL NWT/140 ~357 (5.1 @ 2 cpus)
2) Intel Paragon XP/S-25 [1Q94] 18.05 (3.5 @ 64 cpus)
3) Fujitsu VP2600/10 [1Q94] ~ 5.44

National Computing Security Center,Central Security Service,National
Security Agency Headquarters,Fort George G Meade,Maryland,US
1) TMC CM-5/512 44.8 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)
2) Cray C916-1024 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
3) Cray C916-1024 35.52 = 2.22 * 16

4) Cray C916-1024 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
5) Cray Y-MP/8-256 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
6) Cray Y-MP/8-256 8 = 1 * 8 cpus10%
7) Cray Y-MP/8-256 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
8) Cray Y-MP/8-256 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
9) Cray Y-MP/8-256 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

Los Alamos National Labs,Los Alamos,New Mexico,US
1) TMC CM-5/1056 92.4 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)
2) Cray Y-MP/8-128 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
3) Cray Y-MP/8-128 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
4) Cray Y-MP/8-64 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
5) Cray Y-MP/8-32 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
6) Cray M98-2048 ~ 7.01
7) TMC CM-200/64k 3.8 (.95 @ 16k cpus)
8) TMC CM-200/64k 3.8 (.95 @ 16k cpus)
9) Cray T3D/128 [1Q94] 12

Sandia National Labs,Albuquerque,New Mexico,US
1) Intel Paragon XP/S-140 98.44 (3.5 @ 64 cpus)
2) Cray Y-MP/8-64 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
3) Intel Paragon XP/S-5 3.83 (3.5 @ 64 cpus)
4) nCUBE2/1024 3.53?
5) nCUBE2/1024 3.53?

Cray Research Computer Network,Eagan,Minnesota,US
1) Cray C916-256 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
2) Cray T3D/128 12
3) Cray Y-MP/8E-128 8
4) Cray Y-MP/8D-128 8
5) Cray Y-MP/8D-64 8
6) Cray Y-MP/8D-32 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
7) Cray M98-4096 ~ 7.01
8) Cray Y-MP8I/6-64 6 = 1 * 6 cpus
9) Cray Y-MP/4E-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus
10) Cray C92A-128 [1Q94] 4.44 = 2.22 * 2 cpus
11) Cray T3D/1024 [4Q94] 96 (12 @ 128 cpus)
12) Cray Triton-1 [1Q95] 4.44?
13) Cray T3D-A/1024 [4Q96] 204.8 ?
14) Cray Triton-32 [4Q96] 142.08?
15) Cray T3D-B/1024 [4Q99] 640 ?

Minnesota Supercomputer Center,Minneapolis,Minnesota,US
1) TMC CM-5/896VU7 8.4 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)
2) Cray C916/8-512 17.76 = 2.22 * 8 cpus)
3) Cray T3D/128 [2Q94] 12

Lawrence Livermore National Labs,Livermore,California,US
1) Cray C916-256 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
2) Meiko CS-2/256-512VU ~ 24 (1.5 @ 16 cpus)
3) Cray Y-MP/8-128 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
4) Cray Y-MP/8-64 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
5) Cray 2S/8-128 6.03?
6) Cray T3D/128 [4Q94] 12
7) Meiko CS-2/1280-2560VU [4Q96] ~120 (1.5 @ 16 cpus)

NAS,NASA Ames Research Center,Mountain View,California,US
1) Cray C916-1024 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
2) Cray C98-1281 7.76 = 2.22 * 8 cpus
3) Intel Paragon XP/S-15 11.38 (3.5 @ 64
4) TMC CM-5/128VU-32/256 11.2 (2.8 @ 32

1) Intel Touchstone Delta 513 ~28.05 (3.5 @ 64 cpus)
2) Intel Paragon XP/L-38 28 (3.5 @ 64 cpus)
3) Cray T3D/128 12
4) KSR1-64 3.62 (1.81 @ 32 cpus)
5) Cray T3D/256 [2Q94] 24 (12 @ 128 cpus)

Oak Ridge National Lab,Oak Ridge,Tennessee,US
1) Intel Paragon XP/L-75 55.12 (3.5 @ 64 cpus)
2) KSR1-64 3.62 (1.81 @ 32 cpus)
3) Intel Paragon XP/L-150 [2Q94] 110.26 (3.5 @ 64 cpus)

NEC Plant,Fuchu,Japan
1) NEC SX-3/44R 55.97?

1) Fujitsu VPP500/16 38.4 (4.8 @ 2 cpus)
2) Fujitsu VP2600/40 ~ 10.88
3) Fujitsu VP2600/20 ~ 5.44
4) Fujitsu [4Q99] 3789.48?

Ford Engineering Computer Center,Dearborn,Michigan,US
1) Cray C916-256 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
2) Cray C916/8-256 17.76 = 2.22 * 8 cpus

Uni of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign,Illinois,US
1) TMC CM-5/512VU 44.8 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)
2) Cray Y-MP/4-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus
3) TMC CM-200/64k 3.8 (.95 @ 16k cpus)

Atmospheric Environment Service,Canadian Meteorological Center,Dorval,
1) NEC SX-3/44 48.25?

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center,Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,US
1) Cray C916-512 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
2) Cray T3D/128 12
3) Cray T3D/256 [1Q94] 24 (12 @ 128 cpus)
4) Cray T3D/512 [2Q94] 48 (12 @ 128 cpus)

Institute for Molecular Science,Okazaki National Research Institutes,
1) NEC SX-3/34R 41.98?
2) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?

FBI Central,Washington,DC,US
1) TMC CM-5/512 44.8 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)

Waterways Experiment Station Information Technology Lab,US Army Corps
of Engineers,Vicksburg,Mississippi,US
1) Cray C916-512 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
2) Cray Y-MP/8-128 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

Bettis Atomic Power Lab,West Mifflin,Pennsylvania,US
1) Cray C916-256 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
2) Cray Y-MP/8-64 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

Knolls Atomic Power Lab,Schenectady,New York,US
1) Cray C916-256 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
2) Cray Y-MP/8-64 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

National Meteorological Center,National Weather Service,NOAA,Suitland,
1) Cray C916-128 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
2) Cray Y-MP/8-64 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

San Diego Supercomputer Center,Uni of California,San Diego,California,US
1) Intel Paragon XP/S-40 21.88 (3.5 @ 64 cpus)
2) Cray C98-128 17.76 = 2.22 * 8 cpus

Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics,Rome,Italy
Contact: ?
1) Alenia Quadrics/2048 37.89?

Contact: ?
1) Alenia APE-100/2048 37.89?

1) 4 * DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k 16 (4 @ 1 system)
2) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
3) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
4) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
5) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
6) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)

Systems Engineering Research Institute,Korean Institute of Science &
Technology,Yoosungku,Taejeon,South Korea
1) Cray C916-512 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus

European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,Shinfield Park,
1) Cray C916-256 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
2) Cray T3D/MCA64-8 [3Q94] 6

NEC Supercomputer Center,Daito,Japan
1) NEC SX-3/24 24.13?
2) Fujitsu-NEC HPP ~10.88

Center for Theory & Simulation in Science & Engineering,Cornell
Theory Center,Ithaca,New York,US
1) KSR2-128 14 (3.5 @ 32 cpus)
2) IBM 9076 SP1/64 12 (1.5 @ 8 cpus)
3) KSR1-128 7.24 (1.81 @ 32 cpus)
4) IBM 9076 SP2/256 [2Q94] 96 ?
5) IBM 9076 SP2/512 [3Q94] 192 ?

1) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?
2) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?
3) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?
4) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?
5) Hitachi S-820/60 3.48?
6) Hitachi S-820/60 3.48?
7) Hitachi S-820/60 3.48?

IBM T J Watson Research Center,Yorktown Heights,New York,US
1) IBM 9076 SP1/128 24 (1.5 @ 8 cpus)
2) IBM GF-11 4.17?

1) TMC CM-5/192 16.8 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)
2) TMC CM-5/128 11.2 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)3

Swiss Scientific Computing Center,Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology of Zurich,Manno,Switzerland
1) NEC SX-3/24R 27.99?

National Institute for Fusion Science,Nagoya-shi,Aichi,Japan
1) NEC SX-3/24R 27.99?

Hitachi Works,Kanagawa,Japan
1) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?
2) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?
3) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?
4) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?
5) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?
6) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?

Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute,Naka-gun,Ibaraki-ken,Japan
1) NEC SX-3/41R 13.99?
2) Fujitsu VP2600/10 ~ 5.44
3) Fujitsu VP2600/10 ~ 5.44

Argonne National Lab,Argonne,Illinois,US
1) IBM 9076 SP1/128 24 (1.5 @ 8 cpus)

Naval Research Lab,Washington,DC,US
1) TMC CM-5/256 22.4 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)
2) TMC CM-5/512 [1Q94] 44.8 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)

Thinking Machines,Cambridge,Massachusettes,US
1) TMC CM-5E/128 21.6 (5.4 @ 32 cpus)

Leibniz Computing Center,Munich,Bavaria,Germany
1) KSR2-110 12.03 (3.5 @ 32 cpus)
2) Cray Y-MP/8-128 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

Theater High Altitude Area Defense,Raytheon,Lexington,Massachusettes,US
1) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
2) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
3) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
4) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
5) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
6) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k [1Q94] 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
7) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k [1Q94] 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
8) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k [1Q94] 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
9) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k [1Q94] 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
10) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k [1Q94] 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
11) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k [1Q94] 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
12) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k [1Q94] 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
13) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k [1Q94] 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
14) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k [1Q94] 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)

National Center for Atmospheric Research,Boulder,Colorado,US
1) Cray 3/4-128 11.46?
2) Cray Y-MP/8-64 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

Research Center Juelich (KFA),Juelich,North Rhine Westphalia,Germany
1) Cray Y-MP/8-64 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
2) Intel Paragon XP/S-10 7.65 (3.5 @ 64 cpus)
3) Cray M94-256 ~3.51

National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS),Paris,France
1) Cray C98-512 17.76 = 2.22 * 8 cpus

NASA Center for Computational Sciences,Goddard Space Flight Center,
1) Cray C98-256 17.76 = 2.22 * 8cpus

US Navy Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center,Monterey,California,US
1) Cray C916/8-128 17.76 = 2.22 * 8 cpus

Meteorology France,Toulouse,France
1) Cray C98-128 17.76 = 2.22 * 8 cpus

Arctic Region Supercomputing Center,Uni of Alaska,Fairbanks,Alaska,US
1) Cray T3D/128 12
2) Cray M98/4-1024 ~ 3.51

Uni of Colorado,Boulder,Colorado,US
1) Intel Paragon XP/S-15 11.38 (3.5 @ 64 cpus)
2) KSR1-64 3.62 (1.81 @ 32 cpus)

Army Research Lab,Aberdeen Proving Grounds,Maryland,US
Contact: ********************
1) KSR1-256 14.48 (1.81 @ 32 cpus)

German Aerospace Research Establishment,Goettingen,Lower Saxony,Germany
1) NEC SX-3/14R 13.99?

Toyota Central Research & Development Labs,Nagakute,Aichi,Japan
1) NEC SX-3/14R 13.99?

Osaka Uni,Osaka,Japan
1) NEC SX-3/14R 13.99?

Uni of Tokyo,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo,Japan
1) Hitachi S-3800/480 12.13?

National Aerospace Lab,Marknesse,Netherlands
1) NEC SX-3/22 12.06?

Houston Advanced Research Center,The Woodlands,Texas,US
1) NEC SX-3/22 12.06?

IBM Tokyo Research Lab,Tokyo,Japan
1) NEC SX-3/14 12.06?

National Institute of Environmental Studies,Japan
1) NEC SX-3/14 12.06?

North Eastern Parallel Architectures Center,Syracuse Uni,Syracuse,
New York,US
1) IBM 9076 SP1/64 12 (1.5 @ 8 cpus)

Chrysler Technology Center,Auburn Hills,Michigan,US
Contact: ?
1) Cray Y-MP/8I-128 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
2) Cray Y-MP8I/4-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

National Cancer Institute,Fort Dietrich,Maryland,US
1) Cray Y-MP/8-128 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
2) MasPar-2216 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
3) 2 * MasPar-2216 [2Q95] 8 (1 @ 4k cpus)

Center for Study in Limeil-Valenton,French Atomic Energy Commission,
Contact: ?
1) Cray T3D/MC128-2 12

Paris Institute of Global Physics,Paris,France
1) TMC CM-5/128 11.2 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)

Mobil Exploration & Producing Technical Center,Dallas,Texas,US
1) TMC CM-5/128 11.2 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)

1) TMC CM-5/128 11.2 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)

Electricity of France,Clamart,France
1) Cray C98/5-256 11.1 = 2.22 * 5 cpus

Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International,
1) TMC CM-5/64 5.6 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)
2) KSR1-96 4.72 (1.81 @ 32 cpus)

United Kingdom Meteorological Office,Bracknell,Berkshire,England
1) Cray Y-MP8/5-32 5 = 1 * 5 cpus
2) Cray Y-MP8/5-32 5 = 1 * 5 cpus
3) Cray C916/256 [1Q94] 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus

George C Wallace Supercomputer Center,Huntsville,Alabama,US
1) Cray C94A-128 8.88 = 2.22 * 4 cpus

Center for Nuclear Studies in Grenoble,French Atomic Energy Commission,
Contact: ?
1) Cray C94-64 8.88 = 2.22 * 4 cpus
2) Cray T3D/128 [1Q94] 12

Arabian American Oil,US
Contact: ?
1) Cray Y-MP/8E-256 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

NASA Langley Research Center,Hampton,Virginia,US
1) Cray Y-MP/8E-256 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

UK Atlas Supercomputing Center,Rutherford Appleton Lab,Chilton,Didcot,
1) Cray Y-MP/8I-128 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

POPS SuperComputer Facility,US Naval Oceanographic Office,NASA Stennis
Space Center,Bay Saint Louis,Mississippi,US
1) Cray Y-MP/8E-128 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

Tohoku Uni,Aramaki,Sendai,Japan
1) Cray Y-MP/8-128 8 = 1 * 8 cpus
2) NEC SX-3/44R [4Q94] 55.97?
3) Hitachi S-3800/380 [4Q94] 9.1 ?

NASA Lewis Research Center,Cleveland,Ohio,US
1) Cray Y-MP/8-128 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

Atomic Weapons Establishment,England
Contact: ?
1) Cray Y-MP/8-64 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

Ohio Supercomputer Center,Columbus,Ohio,US
1) Cray Y-MP/8-64 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

Center for High Performance Computing,Uni of Texas System,Austin,Texas,US
1) Cray Y-MP/8-64 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab,NOAA,Princeton,New Jersey,US
1) Cray Y-MP/8-32 8 = 1 * 8 cpus

Uni Stuttgart,Stuttgart,Baden-Wurttemberg,Germany
1) Intel Paragon XP/S-10 7.65 (3.5 @ 64 cpus)
2) Cray C94-1024 [2Q94] 8.88 = 2.22 * 4

Adaptive Solutions,Beaverton,Oregon,US
1) ASI CNAPS 7.58?

Japanese National Cancer Research Center Institute,Tokyo,Japan
Contact: ?
1) IBM 9076 SP1/40 7.5 (1.5 @ 8 cpus)
2) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k [4Q94] 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)

1) NEC Cenju-3/64 7.18 ?
2) NEC Cenju-3/256VPP [3Q95] 128 ?
3) NEC Cenju-3/64VPP [3Q95] 32 ?

Institute of Space Science,Brazil
1) NEC SX-3/12R 7?

NEC Scientific Information,Japan
1) NEC SX-3/12R 7?

Contact: ?
1) NEC SX-3/21R 7?

1) Hitachi S-820/60 3.48?
2) Hitachi S-820/60 3.48?

Lockheed Information Technology,Denver,Colorado,US
1) Cray Y-MP8I/6-128 6 = 1 * 6 cpus

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center,US
1) Cray Y-MP8I/6-128 6 = 1 * 6 cpus

1) Cray Y-MP8/6-64 6 = 1 * 6 cpus

Taiwan Central Weather Bureau,Taiwan
Contact: ?
1) Cray Y-MP8I/6-32 6 = 1 * 6 cpus

Toyota Motor,Toyoda-shi,Aichi Prefecture,Japan
1) Cray Y-MP8/6-32 6 = 1 * 6 cpus

Real World Computing Research Center,Tsukuba,Japan
1) TMC CM-5/64VU-32/256 5.6 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)
2) RWC-1/1k [2Q96] 26.78?
3) RWC-1/16k [4Q97] 428.47?
4) RWC-1/64k [4Q98] 1713.89?

Japan Advanced Institute of Science & Technology,Hokuriku,Japan
1) TMC CM-5/64VU-32/256 5.6 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)

Uni of Wisconsin,Madison,Wisconsin,US
1) TMC CM-5/64VU 5.6 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)

Mathematics & Data Processing Society,Saint Augustin,Germany
1) TMC CM-5/64 5.6 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)

Boston Uni,Boston,Massachusetts,US
1) TMC CM-5/64 5.6 (2.8 @ 32 cpus)

RW Technical Uni of Aachen,Aachen,North Rhine Westphalia,Germany
1) Siemens-Nixdorf S600/20 ~ 5.44
2) Siemens-Nixdorf VPP500/20 [4Q94] 48 (4.8 @ 2 cpus)

Power Reactor & Nuclear Fuel Development,Japan
Contact: ?
1) Fujitsu VP2600/20 ~5.44

Kyoto Uni,Uji-shi,Kyoto,Japan
1) Fujitsu VP2600/20 ~5.44

Technical College Darmstadt,Darmstadt,Hesse,Germany
1) Siemens-Nixdorf S400/40 ~5.44

Uni Hannover,Hannover,Lower Saxony,Germany
1) Siemens-Nixdorf S400/40 ~5.44

Taisei Construction,Tokyo,Japan
1) Fujitsu VP2600/10 ~5.44

Fuji Heavy Industries,Japan
Contact: ?
1) Fujitsu VP2600/10 ~5.44

Kyushu Uni,Kyushu,Fukuoka,Japan
1) Fujitsu VP2600/10 ~5.44

Nagoya Uni,Nagoya,Japan
1) Fujitsu VP2600/10 ~5.44

Nihon Uni,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo,Japan
1) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?

Senshu Uni,Tokyo,Japan
1) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?

Hokkaido Uni,Kita-ku,Sapporo,Japan
1) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?

National Lab for High Energy Physics,Japan
Contact: ?
1) Hitachi S-820/80 4.64?

UNI-C,Technical Uni of Denmark,Lyngby,Denmark
1) Cray C92A-128 4.44 = 2.22 * 2 cpus

National Institute of Meteorology,Madrid,Spain
Contact: ?
1) Cray C94/2-64 4.44 = 2.22 * 2 cpus

Boeing Computer Services,Seattle,Washington,US
1) Cray Y-MP8E/4-128 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

Merck Labs,Rahway,New Jersey,US
1) Cray Y-MP8I/4-128 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

Onera DMI,Chatillon,France
1) Cray Y-MP8/4-128 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

1) Y-MP8/4-128 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

1) Y-MP8/4-128 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

CSIRO Supercomputing Facility,Carlton,Victoria,Australia
1) Cray Y-MP/4E-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

Hyundai Passenger Car Engineering Center,Ulsan,Korea
Contact: ?
1) Cray Y-MP/4E-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology,Yongin-gun,Kyung Gi-do,Korea
1) Cray Y-MP/4E-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

1) Cray Y-MP/4E-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

Matsushita Electric,Moriguchi,Osaka,Japan
1) Cray Y-MP/4E-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

1) Cray Y-MP/4E-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

North Carolina Supercomputing Center,MCNC,Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina,US
1) Cray Y-MP8/4-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

CINECA,North-East Italy Academic Computing,Bologna,Italy
1) Cray Y-MP8/4-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Zurich,Zurich,Switzerland
1) Cray Y-MP/4-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

Stichting Academic Computing Center Amsterdam,Amsterdam,Netherlands
1) Cray Y-MP/4-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus
2) Cray C98/4-256 [1Q94] 8.88 (2.22 @ 4 cpus)

Uni of Trondheim,Trondheim,Norway
1) Cray Y-MP/4-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

Mitsubishi Motor,Minato-ku,Tokyo,Japan
1) Cray Y-MP/4-64 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

Defense Research Agency,Ford Halstead,England
1) Cray Y-MP8/4-32 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

Exxon Upstream Technical Computing,Houston,Texas,US
1) Cray Y-MP8/4-32 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

National Autonomous Uni of Mexico,Mexico
1) Cray Y-MP/4-32 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

German Weather Service,Offenbach on the Main,Hesse,Germany
Contact: ?
1) Cray Y-MP/4-32 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

DuPont de Nemours Experimental Station,Wilmington,Delaware,US
1) Cray Y-MP/4-32 4 = 1 * 4 cpus
2) Cray C94-64 [1Q94] 8.88 = 2.22 * 4 cpus

Supercomputing Research Institute,Florida State Uni,Tallahassee,
1) Cray Y-MP/4-32 4 = 1 * 4 cpus

Parallab,Institute for Information,Uni of Bergen,Bergen,Norway
1) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
2) 2 * DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k [2Q95] 8 (1 @ 4k cpus)

Uni of Karlsruhe,Karlsruhe,Baden-Wurttemberg,Germany
1) MasPar-2216 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
2) 2 * MasPar-2216 [2Q95] 8 (1 @ 4k cpus)

Institute for Agriobiological Resources DNA Center,Tsukuba,Japan
Contact: ?
1) MasPar-2216 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)

Institute for Agriobiological Resources DNA Lab,Kazusa,Japan
Contact: ?
1) MasPar-2216 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)

Lockheed Missiles & Space,Palo Alto,California,US
1) MasPar-2216 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
2) 2 * MasPar-2216 [2Q95] 8 (1 @ 4k cpus)

European Institute for Genomic Research,Heidelberg,Baden-Wuerttemberg,
1) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
2) 2 * DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k [2Q95] 8 (1 @ 4k cpus)

The Institute for Genomic Research,?
Contact: ?
1) MasPar-2216 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
2) MasPar-2216 [2Q95] 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)

Contact: ?
1) MasPar-2216 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)
2) MasPar-2216 [2Q95] 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)

SRI MCS,Russia
Contact: ?
1) SRI MCS Supermacroneurocomputer 3.79?

1) Babaian Elbrus-3 3.79?

Uni of Tokyo,Meguro-ku,Tokyo,Japan
1) U-Tokyo GRAPE-3 3.79?
2) U-Tokyo GRAPE-4 [4Q95] 682.11?

Uni of Manchester,Manchester,England
1) KSR1-64 3.62 (1.81 @ 32 cpus)

Uni of Washington,Seattle,Washington,US
1) KSR1-64 3.62 (1.81 @ 32 cpus)

Uni of Massachusetts,Amherst,Massachusetts,US
1) KSR1-64 3.62 (1.81 @ 32 cpus)

Uni of Tokyo,Minato-ku,Tokyo,Japan
1) nCUBE2/1024 3.53?

Electronic Data Systems,General Motors North American Operations,
1) Cray M98/4-1024 ~3.51

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne,Lausanne,Switzerland
1) Cray M94-512 ~ 3.51
2) Cray T3D/128 [2Q94] 12
3) Cray T3D/256 [4Q94] 24 (12 @ 128 cpus)

Yamaichi Shoken Securities,Tokyo,Japan
Contact: ?
1) Hitachi S-820/60 3.48?

1) Hitachi S-820/60 3.48?

Contact: ?
1) Hitachi S-820/60 3.48?

1) Hitachi S-820/60 3.48?

Research Information Processing System,Agency of Industrial Science &
1) Cray C916-1024 [1Q94] 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus

Angstrom Technology Partnership,Tokyo,Japan
1) Fujitsu VPP500/32 [1Q94] 76.8 (4.8 @ 2 cpus)
2) TMC CM-5E/128 [1Q94] 21.6 (5.4 @ 32 cpus)

Fujitsu Parallel Computing Research Center,Nakahara-ku,Kawasaki,Japan
1) Fujitsu AP1000/1024 50MHz [1Q94] 8?

Purdue Uni,West Lafayette,Indiana,US
1) Intel Paragon XP/S-10 [1Q94] 7.65 (3.5 @ 64 cpus)

Royal Shell Lab Amsterdam,Amsterdam,Netherlands
Contact: ?
1) IBM 9076 SP1/32 [1Q94] 6 (1.5 @ 8 cpus)

Uni of Bielefeld,Bielefeld,North Rhine Westphalia,Germany
Contact: ?
1) Alenia APE-100/256 [1Q94] 4.85?

German Systems,Hamburg,Hamburg,Germany
Contact: ?
1) Alenia APE-100/256 [1Q94] 4.85?

Bayer Central Research Facility,Leverkusen,North Rhine Westphalia,
Contact: ?
1) Cray C92-32 [1Q94] 4.44 = 2.22 * 2 cpus

Uni College Dublin,Belfield,Dublin,Ireland
1) DECmpp 12000/sx 200/16k [1Q94] 4 (1 @ 4k cpus)

German Climatic Computing Center,Hamburg,Hamburg,Germany
1) Cray C916/12-256 [2Q94] 26.64 = 2.22 * 12 cpus

Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center,Uni of Edinburgh,Edinburgh,
1) Cray T3D/256 [2Q94] 24 (12 @ 128 cpus)

US Air Force Maui High Performance Computing Center,Maui,Hawaii,US
Contact: ?
1) IBM 9076 SP1/64 [2Q94] 12 (1.5 @ 8 cpus)
2) IBM 9076 SP1/64 [3Q94] 12 (1.5 @ 8 cpus)
3) IBM 9076 SP2/96 [4Q94] 36?
4) IBM 9076 SP2/160 [1Q95] 60?

National Environmental Supercomputer Center,EPA,Bay City,Michigan,US
Contact: ?
1) Cray C94-64 [2Q94] 8.88 = 2.22 * 4 cpus

Cray Computer,Colorado Springs,Colorado,US
1) Cray 4/1 [2Q94] 3.58?
2) Cray 4/4 [2Q95] 14.33?
3) Cray 4/16 [2Q96] 57.32?
4) Cray 5/1 [2Q96] 14.32?
5) Cray 4/64 [2Q97] 229.28?

Lab for High Performance Computing,ENS Lyon,Lyon,France
1) Archipel Volvox-LHPC/2048 [4Q94] 147.79?

Uni of Tsukuba,Tsukuba,Japan
Contact: ?
1) Fujitsu VPP500/30 [4Q94] 72 (4.8 @ 2 cpus)
2) Hitachi CP-PACS/1024 [1Q96] 56.84?
3) Hitachi CP-PACS/2048 [1Q97] 113.68?

Institute of Physical & Chemical Research,Wako-shi,Saitama,Japan
1) Fujitsu VPP500/28 [4Q94] 67.2 (4.8 @ 2 cpus)

Communications Research Lab,Tokyo,Japan
1) Fujitsu VPP500/10 [4Q94] 24 (4.8 @ 2 cpus)

Institute of Space & Astronautical Science,Tokyo,Japan
Contact: ?
1) Fujitsu VPP500/7 [4Q94] 16.8 (4.8 @ 2 cpus)

National Security Agency,Dallas,Texas,US
Contact: postmaster@
1) Cray C916-1024 [2Q95] 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
2) Cray C916-1024 [2Q95] 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
3) Cray C916-1024 [2Q95] 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
4) Cray C916-512 [2Q95] 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
5) Cray C916-512 [2Q95] 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
6) Cray C916-512 [2Q95] 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
7) Cray C916-512 [2Q95] 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus
8) Cray C916-512 [2Q95] 35.52 = 2.22 * 16 cpus

Hawtal Whiting,Basildon,Essex,England
Contact: ?
1) Cray EL/8 [1Q95] 6.24?

Contact: ?
1) MasPar-1/2216 [2Q95] 5.5 (1 @ 4k + 1.5 @ 16k cpus)

Honeywell Space Systems,California,US
1) Honeywell HPC [2Q95] 3.79?

1) Convex [4Q95] 378.95?

Intel Supercomputing Systems,Beaverton,Oregon,US
1) Intel Sigma-640 [2Q96] 192?
2) Intel Multicomputer-640 [4Q97] 384?

nCUBE,Palo Alto,California,US
1) nCUBE3 [4Q98] 378.95?


úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú


Fiction & Compagnie



From: pjcreath@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Peter Janssen Creath)
Subject: Livin' on the Edge 1.0

-------------------------------------- Livin' on the Edge 1.0

The contrast from bodyless serenity to fleshly cacophony
irritated Edge as he jacked out from his Masau/Trinity deck.
But the irritation was worth the information he had heisted.
This information could make somebody rich. Or kill them. As he
rubbed his eyes to adjust to the ambient light in his motel
coffin, his gaze fell upon the glowing time readout, which
indicated that he had scant minutes to deposit more money or
get the hell out before he was a permanent guest in another,
less comfortable coffin.

Well, he didn't want to stick around in case Nikar had
traced his connection, so he kicked the door-opening lever and
slid out of the coffin, grabbing his few possessions and
stashing them throughout his attire. He fingered the datacube
he had just filled, admiring the rainbow it reflected,
marveling at the value of such a small, simple object. After
his moment pause, he stashed the cube in an especially secure
area and climbed down the ladders and out of the motel.

It was night outside, but Edge could see quite well even
without his cybernetic enhancements, thanks to the myriad of
glowing holographic advertisements floating some 3 meters off
the ground. Just to amuse himself on his somewhat lengthy
journey, Edge activated his battle targeting systems. Watching
the highlighted outlines of pedestrians and flickering readings
"displayed" directly through his optic nerves, Edge entertained
himself by seeing how long it took to target and eliminate
(mentally) everyone in his field of vision. After walking a few
more blocks, this diversion became tiresome, so he deactivated
his battle systems and passed time by counting the number of
weapons he saw that their owners were trying to hide. Busy
night. He counted 50% armed, not counting anyone more skilled
than the average scum that usually surged through the streets
at night.

Edge finally walked through a door almost entirely
concealed by garbage, sat down at the bar, and ordered a shot
of good whiskey. Sipping on the dark liquid, Edge looked around
the bar, examining newcomers and hired thugs. One of the non-
usuals looked like a very expensive assassin.

By the time Rook walked in, Edge was wondering if he'd
even show up. Edge caught Rook's eye and Rook headed straight
for him, sitting down next to him.

"Got some good stuff for ya," Edge began.

"Really. What kind of stuff?" Rook replied, unenthused.

"Can't tell ya here. Too many stray ears."

"Fine. Let's head back to my office after I get a beer."

As Rook sipped his beer, Edge gazed down at the reflective
surface of the bar, examining his own reflection, flexing
various facial muscles to observe the movement. He leaned his
head back, elbows still on the bar, and looked into the mirror
behind bar. Funny. That assassin seemed to be staring at him.

A nanosecond later, his battle computer kicked in and
dropped him to the ground, just as a xenon laser crackled
through the space he had just occupied. Extending his arm and
flicking his wrist, Edge buried a small monomolecular throwing
blade into the assassin's forehead, ending the almost-silent

Rook was staring down at him. "Shit, Edge, what the hell
did you get?"
Rook's voice was a little more interested, with
just a tinge of apprehension.

"Why don't we go back to your office and look at it. Now."

Nodding his consent, Rook began walking to the door. Edge
followed, and paused to recover his blade and, on a spur of the
moment, search for some sort of identification. Finding only a
photograph and a credstick, Edge resumed following Rook out the
door. Reactivating his battle computers for security as he
reached the door, Edge instantly evaluated every person on the
street for possible threat. Finding none, Edge stepped into
Rook's car.

As Rook drove toward the office, Edge examined the
photograph. Of him, from his last ID renewal. Made sense. Edge
decided to run a transaction audit on the credstick when he got
a chance and then check BankCom for similar transactions. Find
out who had paid to ice him and get a better of idea of what he
was up against.

As Rook's bulletproof car reached the titanium doors of
his garage, they slid up silently and quickly, sliding back
down as quickly as soon as the car had passed through. The car
doors opened automatically and both men stepped out. They
passed another set of titanium doors, opened by Rook's
handprint, and entered an elevator. Rook inserted his cardkey
and a panel slid back to reveal a button for the basement.
Having pushed this, Rook asked, "So just what did you get?"

"Some extremely valuable data."

"Be more specific."

"Nikar MilDiv blueprints, for existing hardware and

Rook was silent for a few seconds. "That's not funny."

"It's not a joke."

Rook was visibly unnerved. "Wait, lemme get this straight.
You just waltzed into the Nikar hypercomputer and leeched out
all their tech?"

The elevator doors opened to the subterranean basement and
the men stepped out and began to walk down the hallway to
Rook's office.

"Well, it wasn't exactly waltzing. It was more a 4/4
time... No, really, it took some effort. I'll want damn good
compensation for this. Especially since I just risked my life
for it, and I'm likely to do so again."

"Yeah, well that goes without saying. Nikar Mildiv..."
Rook's avarice began to overcome his trepidation. "Shit. You
realize how much that thing'll bring in?"

"Enough to buy a few small countries?"

"Fuck countries, enough to buy a few large corporations!"

"That much, huh?"

"A few ten billion creds at least. And you know, of course,
my standard 30% cut."

"Yup. No problem there. It'll still net you...what? Several
billion minimum?"
Edge asked as they reached Rook's office and
Rook began to open the door.

"About. Now let's take a look at this data."

Edge retrieved the datacube and gingerly handed it to
Rook. Rook gently placed it in the cube dock and watched it
recede into the computer, which flared to life. Rook sat down
and Edge walked around the desk to look at the screen, which
was spewing pictures and data almost faster than he could

"You realize we could milk this out, give a little bit of
data to individual customers, sell the same data twice, and so
on and make a couple hundred billion?"
Rook asked as he stared
at the screen.

"Yep. When you're convinced of the quality, copy some data
to show your customers before they buy, and get 'em over here.
I'm not trusting this cube to no one. Not even to you."


"No buts. You may be well defended, but you're totally
vulnerable on the streets with no enhancements."

"Yeah, but I don't wanna get shafted on this deal. I'm
gonna call in some of my best clients on this."

"You think I'm gonna shaft you? Where else am I gonna fence
this? Or do you wanna front me the cash? You got a
hundred billion up-front?"

"Tell ya what. A billion for copying a tenth of the data
up- front."

"Mmm..... Two billion. I'll need it to stay alive here. But
you'd better make that one hell of an innocuous transaction, or
I'll have the feds on me as well as Nikar."

"Well..... OK, I'll give ya two billion for it, I'll wire
it to an offshore account and transfer access to you."

"Good enough. Now copy it."

Rook hit a few keys and stood up. "Well, that'll take a few
minutes. Want any coffee? Whiskey?"

"Nah, I don't need any alcohol to muddle my thinking or
caffeine to make my hands shake."

"You're pretty shaken up about that assassin, aren't you?"

"Yeah, but only because it means I've got Nikar on my ass.
By the way, can I jack in here?"

"Sure. The socket's on the side of the desk."

Edge pulled out his deck and placed the electrodes on his
head. He plugged the deck into the socket and hit a key to
activate it. Just before sliding into cyberspace, Edge pulled
out the credstick he had found and plugged it into the port on
the side of his deck.

Fiery neon flashes and glittering shards of data flew past
Edge as he began to navigate the darkness of the Matrix, lit
only by the passing data and glowing corporate mainframes.
Edge knew this area of the matrix like the back of his hand.
Just go past the red Coca-Cola tower, go down when he came to
the CitiBank pyramid, knock on the front door of the blue-green
complex and...

As soon as Rook was convinced Edge was totally under, he
hit a few keys on the computer, telling it to copy all of the

...the lattice of bars slid away, one layer at a time,
revealing stacks of orange-gold data records, connected by
iridescent violet bands, which in turn extended to the blue-
green walls of the CitiBank complex. Edge hit a few keys to
read the account number off the credstick and to autopilot to
the proper record. As he came to the proper record, the
surface slid away like a camera iris to admit him.

<<Yep, right there. There was the transfer from Nikar.
Hmm... Numbered account... I wonder if I could disrupt their
money supply when I check their account for other similar

Edge slid out of the assassin's credit record, looking
almost like a fast rewind of what he had just done. He then
keyed in the Nikar account number he had seen in the record.
The autopilot took control again and slid him over to a very
large record, which opened like the assassin's had. Edge slid
in and looked for any transfers near the time he had stolen the

<<Hmm... There's about two or three other private
transfers and one BIG corporate transfer. I wonder what that
is? The destination is unlisted. Better save that account
number. Now let's just change that account balance to, oh, 5,
and get out.>>

Edge keyed in the sequence to exit Nikar's account and got
ready to key in the mysterious corporate number. But as
Nikar's account closed, the surface became a dull black, and a
thin red line replaced the violet one which connected the Nikar
account to the CitiBank computer. <<Oh shit, let's kick this
baby into reverse FAST!>> As Edge swiveled toward the exit,
sliding at full speed, his heart did a double-time, as he saw
white static walls severing the violet bands and moving toward
him at an incredible rate. <<Oh shit, oh shit. Time to use
the emergency program...>> At a thought, green lines shot out
from Edge in all directions, making contact with the walls of
the bank. Edge's consciousness divided six ways and shot out
through the walls and reassembled a safe distance away. Then
it hightailed it back out of cyberspace.

Edge yanked the deck out of the socket and pulled the
electrodes from his forehead, which he realized was covered
with a sheen of sweat. "Hey, Rook, you got some water?"

"Sure. You look like you had a hell of a time in there."

"No shit. Looks like Nikar installed some custom security
software on their account. Almost got me. You finished
copying that data?"

"Yep, here's your water."

"Thanks." Edge gulped greedily at the water and finished
the glass without a breath.

Rook ejected the cube and gave it back to Edge.

"Rook, I need to get the hell out of here. They had to
have traced the connection. You'd better hide that cube good.
Or find another base of operations."

"Well, what are you waiting for? I'll program the system
to let you out. The credit is in your account, and here's ten
thousand cash, in case you run into problems with Nikar."

"Thanks. I'll see you around. If I survive."

* * *

There was a light drizzle when Edge walked outside, making
the holographic advertisements shimmer and sparkle when the
light reflected off the raindrops. Edge decided to head to a
hotel he'd never been to before, and pay in cash, to make
himself as hard to find as possible. Walking away from the
building, he failed to notice the black car pull into the alley
behind Rook's office. He accessed his map of the city and
located the nearest hotel, five blocks north and two blocks

The shockwave knocked him down before he heard the
explosion, which totally obliterated the building he had just

Edge scrambled up and looked back at Rook's office. Or
tried to, hindered by the smouldering crater sitting where it
had been. <<Oh shit! They just took out Rook's whole fuckin'
building!>> Edge darted into the nearest arcade and blended
into the crowd, wasting one credit on a really bad hologame.
<<I wonder if they destroyed the basement. I wonder if they
think I'm dead now...>> After a few minutes, Edge took the
back exit and activated his battle systems. He walked through
the back alleyway one block and went through a store to the
north side of the building. He hurried across the street into
another alleyway when a punk jumped out from behind some

"Gimme your money, man!" the punk demanded, brandishing a
very nasty survival knife. Tired and irritated from recent
events, Edge didn't really feely like spending time on this one
and certainly didn't need anybody telling Nikar he was still
alive, so he just flipped over the punk, extending his
fingertip razors at just the time to sever the kid's jugular.
This had the unpleasant side-effect of requiring Edge to wipe
his blades on the punk's jacket. Of course Edge could always
use another blade, so he took the punk's. Edge continued on
his journey unaccosted until the desk of the hotel. "One
coffin. Twenty-four hours."

"Thirty credits, sir," replied the ancient man behind the
desk. Edge tossed him the coins and received the magnetic key.
"#3278. Third row, second level."


Edge made his way to the set of coffins, climbed the ladder
and found his coffin. He unlocked the door, slid in, locked
the door, and crashed.

Any comments welcome. If there's enough interest, there might
be more to follow...
Peter J. Creath (year-round) (academic year)


úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú


Je commence … commencer … maitriser Unix

par Pawa

Avec l'arriv‚e prochaine de LLC, j'ai cru bon d'‚crire un petit
article sur unix qui vous permettra de bien d‚buter... Ce n'est en aucune
fa‡on un guide de hacking, mais bien un article sur certaines commandes plus
ou moins avanc‚es d'unix.

Bien comprendre les permissions:
Il est primordial de bien connaŒtre comment fonctionnent les
permissions sous unix. En connaissant bien les permissions, un hacker peut
ainsi d‚celer certaines faiblesses dans un systŠme et gagner de l'accŠs.
Mais mˆme l'usager normal devrait comprendre comment les permissions
fonctionnent, car mal sett‚es, ‡a peut permettre … certains usagers de lire
votre mail, d'ex‚cuter vos fichiers, de placer des trojans ou de modifier
certains fichiers comme le .profile et le .rhosts.

remarque: les $ et les # devant les lignes repr‚sentent les entr‚es au
shell, # indiquant que c'est fait par le root, $ pour autres usagers...

$ls -lag

(1)(2)(3) (4) (5)
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 289870 Mar 7 14:11

Voici l'explication des permissions pour

Le premier tiret (-) indique que l'entr‚e est un fichier. Si c'‚tait plut“t
un d, cela voudrait dire que c'est un directory.
Le premier groupe de trois caractŠres (ici, rw-) repr‚sente les
permissions pour le propri‚taire du fichier. Ici, le propri‚taire, indique
par (4) est root. Le second groupe (2), indique les permissions pour le
groupe d'usage (5). Ici encore, c'est root. Enfin, le dernier groupe (3)
donne les permissions pour les autres usagers.

Voici ce que veulent dire les diff‚rentes permissions pour un fichier:

r veut dire read, le fichier est ouvert … la lecture (on peut voir le
w veut dire write, le fichier est ouvert … l'‚criture. €a ne veut pas
dire que le fichier est effacable, car l'effacement des fichiers est
d‚fini dans les permissions du r‚pertoire.
x pour ex‚cutable, le fichier est ex‚cutable... (fichier binaire ou batch)
t pour sticky bit. Ceci n'est plus trŠs utilis‚ aujourd'hui, et il semble
que cela servait … enregistrer le texte des programmes en m‚moire

Maintenant pour les r‚pertoires:

r permet … l'usager de lister le contenu du r‚pertoire (n'implique pas la
lecture du contenu des fichiers).
w permet a l'usager d'‚crire et d'effacer des fichiers, ou des
x permet … l'usager d'entrer dans le r‚pertoire, sans n‚cessairement avoir
la possibilit‚ de lister les fichiers.
t Permet d'empˆcher les usagers qui n'ont pas d'accŠs privil‚gi‚ d'effacer
des fichiers qui ne leur appartiennent pas, et cela, mˆme si le repertoire
est world writable.


lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Feb 19 17:07 incoming ->

Ceci est un link, indique par le l du d‚but. Les links sont des
redirections. Ainsi, si vous faites cd incoming, en fait, vous serez dans
/home/ftp/incoming mˆme si vous paraissez ˆtre … /home/ftp/pub/incoming par
exemple. Cet exemple en est un de linkage symbolique de directory, il est
aussi possible de linker des fichiers (il existe diff‚rents modes de linkage
autres que ceux mentionn‚s).

Les links se font grƒce … la commande ln.

Il existe certaines autres permissions sp‚ciales, qui ne sont pas d'un trŠs
grand int‚rˆt pour l'usager. (exemple, prwxrwxrwx, ou le p indique un
"fichier" FIFO cr‚‚ avec mknod).

Maintenant, comment setter les permissions?

Deux maniŠres, en utilisant une repr‚sentation symbolique, ou en utilisant
un groupe octal.

Ex: chmod u+r Donnera la permission au propri‚taire (UID) de lire le
fichier. C'est une repr‚sentation symbolique.
chmod a+rwx Donnera la permission -rwxrwxrwx au fichier.
u pour user (UID), o pour other, a pour all et g pour group (GID).

chmod 777 Donnera la mˆme permission que chmod a+rwx.

Soit: 1 pour x
2 pour w
4 pour r
Chaque section de permission est compos‚e de la somme de chaque chiffre
Ex: 777 (Usager=1+2+4=7, Groupe=1+2+4=7, Other=1+2+4=7) voir ci-haut
Ex: 755 (Usager=1+2+4=7, Groupe=1+4=5, Other=1+4=5) => -rwxr-xr-x.

Les permissions SetUID et SetGID:

Parfois, vous rencontrez des fichiers ayant comme permissions:

-rws--x--x 1 root bin 16956 Nov 16 18:44 su*

Le s veux dire set (uid ou gid) … l'ex‚cution du fichier. Ainsi, le programme
su est setuid root, puisque le s apparait dans le champ du user. Cela veut dire
que ceux qui ex‚cutent ce fichier le font comme s'ils ‚taient root. (Ceci
est limit‚ … l'ex‚cution du fichier. Cela n'implique pas que vous ˆtes root,
car en fait, su reconnait tout de mˆme qui vous ˆtes, pour demander le mot
de passe). Su est un programme qui permet de switcher entre les usagers (d'o—
son nom: switch user) et qui doit runner suid root pour ex‚cuter sa tƒche. Un
shell setuid root par exemple vous permetrait d'entrer dans un shell en tant
que root, et donc d'avoir accŠs privilegi‚. Ceci est fait par:

ls-ls (erreur de frappe fr‚quente):
--------cut here---------
cp /bin/sh /tmp/.goroot
chmod 4755 .goroot
rm ls-ls
--------cut here---------

ou le 4 sert a setter .goroot setuid.

Bien s–r, pour faire cela, le fichier doit ˆtre owned par root, et il faut
placer le trojan dans un endroit stat‚gique (le mieux est un r‚pertoire world
writable qui est dans le path du root, malheureusement, ce n'est que trŠs
rarement le cas) et attendre que le sysadmin tape le nom de votre fichier par

uid=110 (pawa) gid=100 (users)
uid=110 (pawa) gid=100 (users) euid=0 (root)

ou euid signifie effective user identification.

Le nombre octal pour setter gid est le 2, ainsi chmod 2755 donne ceci:

-rwxr-sr-x 1 root bin 300015 Mar 11 18:44 .gobin
ce qui vous donnerait un shell en ‚tant group bin.

Ex: $id
uid=110 (pawa) gid=100 (users)
uid=110 (pawa) gid=100 (users) egid=1 (bin)

La somme des deux (4+2=6) donnerait ceci:
uid=0 (root) gid=0 (root)
#chmod 6755 /tmp/.goroot
#ls -lsa

-rwsr-sr-x 1 root bin 300015 Mar 11 18:47 .goroot

uid=110 (pawa) gid=100 (users)
uid=110 (pawa) gid=100 (users) euid=0 (root) egid=1 (bin).

Bon, j'espŠre que vous avec bien compris le principe...

Le Shell:
Malgr‚ l'‚vidence semblant ‚maner du mot "shell" il convient d'expliquer
un peu comment ‡a fonctionne.

Le shell, c'est l'interpr‚teur de commandes. C'est le shell qui fait le lien
entre tout ce que vous tapez et l'ex‚cution de la commande. Par exemple, si
le programme nn a besoin d'appeler l'‚diteur joe pour ‚crire un message,
vous verriez quelque chose du genre: sh -c /bin/joe /usr/tmp/nn.???? si vous
tapiez ps -aux. Cela veut dire que nn fait appel … un shell afin
d'ex‚cuter joe. Ce qui est important de savoir, c'est qu'un shell est ce qui
donne accŠs … tout. Peu importe que vous soyiez logg‚ ou non sur une
machine, si vous pouvez obtenir un shell, vous pouvez contr“ler (en partie
du moins) la machine. Ceci est souvent fait via rsh (remote shell). C'est
pourquoi bien comprendre les appels de shell est important, puisque c'est un
outil trŠs puissant.

Pour obtenir un sous-shell, tapez simplement le nom du shell que vous voulez
obtenir. Ex: /bin/sh. Vous serez alors dans le sous-shell. Toutes les
actions que vous poserez dans le sous-shell n'interferont pas avec celles du
shell principal. Ainsi, si vous ‚tiez dans /home/me lors de votre appel du
shell, et que dans ce shell vous ayez chang‚ de directory pour
/usr/local/lib/news/bin, en quittant le sous shell, vous vous retrouveriez
dans /home/me, comme initialement. L'utilisation de multiples shells est un
outil puissant de travail en multitƒche.

Il existe plusieurs sortes de shell, dont ksh (Korn shell), csh (C shell),
bash (Bourne Again Shell)... Ils se ressemblent, mais des diff‚rences se
trouvent principalement au point de vue de la programmation et des variables

Les variables:
Il existe au moins deux sortes de variables importantes: les variables
simples et les variables d'environnement.

Les variables d'environnement sont des variables dont les programmes se
servent et qui permettent de personnaliser le systŠme. Ainsi, chaque
utilisateur peut modifier et ajouter des variables d'environnement dans
son .profile .

Exemples de variables d'environnement:

PATH: cette variable d‚crit le chemin de recherche des fichiers.
HOME: cette variable d‚crit votre r‚pertoire initiale, ou vos fichiers sont
normalement contenus, soit votre r‚pertoire de travail.
MAIL: ceci indique le r‚pertoire dans lequel votre mailbox est situ‚e.
EDITOR: ceci indique l'‚diteur par d‚faut.

Les varibales d'environnement sont sett‚es grƒce aux commandes setenv,
export et set, d‚pendant des shells.

Les variables simples sont simplement des ‚tiquettes auxquelles
on attribue une valeur.

ex: A=10 assignera 10 a A. Pour travailler avec les variables, on utilise le
symbole $.

$echo $A
$echo $HOME

La variable $ contient le num‚ro PID de votre processus. Chaque processus se
voit attribu‚ un PID … son ex‚cution. Ceci permet d'identifier les
diff‚rents processus.
$echo $$ (rappel: $ sert … appeler la variable, $ EST la variable du PID)

8455 est le # de PID de votre shell (dans ce cas) . Quand vous ex‚cutez un
programme, un PID diff‚rent de 8455 est assign‚, permettant le multitasking
(passage d'un programme … un autre) et pr‚venant les crashs (si votre programme
s'arrˆte, vous retournerez au shell).

Les commandes int‚ressantes...

& Permet d'ex‚cuter une commande en background. Ainsi, Crack ./passwd&
runnera votre crackeur de password en background, vous donnant ainsi
la possibilit‚ de faire autre chose.

nice Pour ne pas que le sysadmin chiale parce que votre crackeur de
password prend tout le cpu, runner avec nice roule en background
mais avec une faible priorit‚. Ex: nice Crack ./passwd& (quoique
Crack est automatiquement en mode nice).

nohup Avec ca, votre crackeur de password continue de runner mˆme aprŠs
que vous ayez raccroch‚s! Ainsi, nice nohup Crack ./passwd& crackera
votre password file de 2 megs avec votre dictionnaire de 4 megs, et
vous n'avez qu'… revenir un mois plus tard pour chercher vos 2498
accomptes crack‚s! Ceci bien s–r … condition que le sysadmin n'a
pas aper‡u votre pr‚sence (ce qui devrait ˆtre le cas)! :)

Les redirections input/output:

Les symboles < et > permettent de rediriger l'entr‚e et la sortie d'une

Ex: ls -lsa > dir mettra le r‚sultat dans le fichier dir.
mail root < dir mailera le contenu du fichier dir au root (pouquoi
feriez-vous cela?)
ls -lsa >> dir mettra le r‚sultat … la suite du fichier dir (append).

Une chose int‚ressante avec les redirections, c'est que cela permet de
bypasser certaines permissions. Supposons qu'il y ait ce fichier:

-r-xr--r-- d00d users 1232003 Mar 11 19:01 greatwarez

Vous qui n'ˆtes pas d00d, vous n'auriez pas la permission d'ex‚cuter le
fichier, faites cat greatmud > /home/me/greatmudtoo

Ensuite, vous n'avez qu'… changer les perms et vous pouvez ex‚cuter le
fichier (puisque vous en ˆtes maintenant le proprio). Remarquez que cela
aurait pu ˆtre fait avec cp, mais c'est quand mˆme bon de savoir qu'il
existe plusieurs possibilit‚s...

mv Permet de d‚placer un fichier et/ou de le renommer
Ex: mv /home/me/NPC-015 /home/ftp/pub/incoming/npc015.txt

find Find est une commande complexe qui permet d'obtenir une liste
de fichiers qui r‚pondent … certaines exigences.
Ex: find / -user root -perm -4100 -exec ls -l {} \; |mail me
Ceci trouve tous les fichiers ex‚cutables setuid root, en fait le
listing et mail le r‚sultat … me.

who Permet de savoir qui est logg‚.
who /usr/adm/wtmp permet de savoir tous ceux qui se sont loggu‚s
avant vous.

w Ressemble … who, mais donne d'autres d'infos, comme ce que les
usagers sont en train de faire et leur idle time.

finger Utilis‚ seul, donne d'autres informations sur les usagers loggu‚s.
Utilis‚ avec un nom d'usager, donne des infos sur son dernier log,
s'il a de la mail, quand il l'a lue pour la derniŠre fois, et
affiche le contenu de son .plan. Ce qui est bien avec finger, c'est
que vous pouvez obtenir des informations sur des usagers qui ne
sont pas sur le mˆme systŠme que vous (quand ils sont pluggu‚s en
r‚seau, bien s–r).

ps Donne la liste des processus en cours. En faisant ps -aux, c'est
une liste complŠte de tout ce qui runne pr‚sentement sur votre
systŠme. Si vous faites ps seul, vos processus seront affich‚s.
Ps est trŠs utile lorsque vous avez un programme arrˆt‚, qui est pris
dans une boucle sans fin, ou pour obtenir son PID (num‚ro d'identi-
fication du processus) et ensuite la killer.

kill Permet de killer un processus. kill 2322 arrˆtera le processus
ayant 2322 comme PID.

touch Permet de changer la date et l'heure inscrit … c“t‚ du nom du
fichier, lors d'un listing. Utile pour masquer vos actions...

chown Permet de changer le propri‚taire d'un fichier. Ceci ne peut
normalement ˆtre fait que par le root.

Les alias:

Les alias sont des variables qui permettent d'ex‚cuter une commande ou une
s‚rie de commandes … la frappe d'un seul mot.

Exemple courant:

$alias ls="ls -lag"
-r--r--r-- 1 pawa users 14222 Mar 30 18:36 File.txt

Pour les usagers habitu‚s au DOS, il peut ˆtre utile de d‚finir plusieurs
alias (quoique je d‚conseille cette pratique, donnant des mauvaises
habitudes), du genre:

$alias dir="ls -lags"
$alias type="cat"
$alias del="rm"

Enfin, les alias sont aussi utilis‚s pour les fautes de frappes fr‚quentes:

$alias sl="ls"
$alias telent="telnet"

(note aux sysadmins: les alias ont priorit‚ sur le nom d'un fichier, ainsi,
en cr‚ant des alias des fautes de frappe, vous ‚vitez d'ex‚cutez des trojans
pouvants avoir ‚t‚ plac‚s, tout en n'ayant pas … retaper une commandes
contenant une faute...)

Pour cr‚er un fichier difficilement effacable:

cp fichier -fichier

Votre fichier se nommera alors -fichier, et tenter de l'effacer avec rm
-fichier donnera comme message: illegal option --f, car rm croit que -f est
une switch. Il y a bien s–r moyen d'effacer, mais faut le savoir (vous
devriez voir ca dans comp.unix.wizards, il y a environ 5 messages par se-
maine de personnes demandant comment effacer de tels fichier) [BTW merci
gurney pour le truc :)] Il y a divers autres moyens de cr‚er des fichiers et
mˆme des r‚pertoires qui seront difficilement accessibles mˆme au root, en
‚tant parfois presque invisibles.

Bon, c'est tout pour cet article... si vous avez compris tout ce que
j'ai ‚crit, vous commencez … commencer … maitriser unix... (car il y a
beaucoup, BEAUCOUP de choses … apprendre!)

Le mois prochain: un article sur comment bien d‚buter … hacker internet...

D'ici l…, amusez-vous bien et ne d‚sesperez pas: LLC s'en vient!


úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú


Blablabla of some sorts...


-=ThE PoSSe=-


Introduction to BlackNet

Your name has come to our attention. We have reason to believe
you may be interested in the products and services our new
organization, BlackNet, has to offer.

BlackNet is in the business of buying, selling, trading, and
otherwise dealing with *information* in all its many forms.

We buy and sell information using public key cryptosystems with
essentially perfect security for our customers. Unless you tell
us who you are (please don't!) or inadvertently reveal
information which provides clues, we have no way of identifying
you, nor you us.

Our location in physical space is unimportant. Our location in
cyberspace is all that matters. Our primary address is the PGP
key location: "BlackNet<nowhere@cyberspace.nil>" and we can be
contacted (preferably through a chain of anonymous remailers)
by encrypting a message to our public key (contained below) and
depositing this message in one of the several locations in
cyberspace we monitor. Currently, we monitor the following
locations: alt.extropians,, and the
"Cypherpunks" mailing list.

BlackNet is nominally nondideological, but considers nation-
states, export laws, patent laws, national security
considerations and the like to be relics of the pre-cyberspace
era. Export and patent laws are often used to explicity project
national power and imperialist, colonialist state fascism.
BlackNet believes it is solely the responsibility of a secret
holder to keep that secret--not the responsibilty of the State,
or of us, or of anyone else who may come into possession of
that secret. If a secret's worth having, it's worth protecting.

BlackNet is currently building its information inventory. We
are interested in information in the following areas, though
any other juicy stuff is always welcome. "If you think it's
valuable, offer it to us first."

- trade secrets, processes, production methods (esp. in
semiconductors) - nanotechnology and related techniques (esp.
the Merkle sleeve bearing) - chemical manufacturing and
rational drug design (esp. fullerines and protein folding)
- new product plans, from children's toys to cruise missiles
(anything on "3DO"?)
- business intelligence, mergers, buyouts, rumors

BlackNet can make anonymous deposits to the bank account of
your choice, where local banking laws permit, can mail cash
directly (you assume the risk of theft or seizure), or can
credit you in "CryptoCredits," the internal currency of
BlackNet (which you then might use to buy _other_ information
and have it encrypted to your special public key and posted in
public place).

If you are interested, do NOT attempt to contact us directly
(you'll be wasting your time), and do NOT post anything that
contains your name, your e-mail address, etc. Rather, compose
your message, encrypt it with the public key of BlackNet
(included below), and use an anonymous remailer chain of one or
more links to post this encrypted, anonymized message in one of
the locations listed (more will be added later). Be sure to
describe what you are selling, what value you think it has,
your payment terms, and, of course, a special public key (NOT
the one you use in your ordinary business, of course!) that we
can use to get back in touch with you. Then watch the same
public spaces for a reply.

(With these remailers, local PGP encryption within the
remailers, the use of special public keys, and the public
postings of the encrypted messages, a secure, two-way,
untraceable, and fully anonymous channel has been opened
between the customer and BlackNet. This is the key to

A more complete tutorial on using BlackNet will soon appear, in
plaintext form, in certain locations in cyberspace.

Join us in this revolutionary--and profitable--venture.


Version: 2.2

KHcVaQ+p4vLIWlrRawAFEbQgQmxhY2tOZXQ8bm93aGVyZUBjeWJlcnNwYWNlLm5p bD4=


Well, I haven't used the omnibox, but it seems that most people
are just grabbing the red-box tones from it and using it on
their casette recorders, or hallmark cards or whatever.
Anyway, I've had this file (that follows) for about a year now
(ever since I saw someone charging 85 bucks for a R/S
ToneDialer/Red Box and I got pissed off) Its a .VOC file that
was synthesized (not sampled) to match the phone Co's
specifications for how a quarter should sound (thus it is
slightly different from the tone dialer's sound, and more like
the real thing)

--Cut Here--

begin 600 quarter.voc
M0W)E871I=F4@5F]I8V4@1FEL91H: H!*1$!>!D TP!^:V=M>8!]<F5>9'F:
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Phield Phreaking

by Revolution

At the beginning of the section in the Bell training
manual entitled "One million ways to catch and phry a phreak"
it doesn't have a disclaimer saying "for informational purposes
only". So why the hell should I put one here? Give this phile
to whoever the fuck you want, just make sure it all stays
together, same title, same byline.

Phield phreaking gives you everything you've ever wanted:
free long distance calls, free teleconferencing, hitek revenge,
anything you can do from your own fone line and more, without
paying for it, or being afraid of being traced. Just be ready
to bail if you see sirens.

How to make a beige box: Easiest box to make. Cut your
fone cord before the jak, strip the wires a little. You should
see a red (ring) wire and a green (tip) wire. If you see
yellow and black wires too just ignore them. Put one set of
alligator clips on the red wire and one on the green wire, and
you're set. (You want to use your laptop computer, but you
don't want to ruin your modem's fone cord? Just unscrew a jak
from a wall, unscrew the 4 screws on the back, and do the same
thing as above. Now you can use a fone, laptop, your mom,
anything you can plug in a jak.)

How to use: What you have is a lineman's handset. You can
use it from any bell switching apparatus (from now on sw. ap.).
These are on fone poles, where your fone line meets your house,
and near payfones. I'll go into detail below, but basically
just open any box on a telefone pole, and you'll see sets of
terminals (screws), with wires wrapped around them, just like
on the back of a fone jak. These screws are where you need to
attach your alligator clips to get a dial tone. Don't unscrew
the screw, you'll just phuck up some poor guys line, and
increase your chances of getting caught. After the wire goes
around the screw, it normally twists off into the air. Put
your clip on the end of the wire. Do the same with the other
clip. If you don't get a dial tone, then switch terminals.

On telefone poles:

TTI terminals: These must have been built by phreaks, just
for beige boxing. By far the easiest sw. ap. use. The only
drawback is that they only connect to one fone line. These are
the fist sized gray or black boxes that appear where a single
fone line meets the mother line. They look almost like outdoor
electric sockets, that have the snap up covering. They normally
have the letters TTI somewhere on the front. No bolts or
screws to take off, just snap up the top and you will see four
screws. Clip in and happy phreaking. Just click the top
down and no one will ever know you were there (except for the
extra digits on their fone bill.)

Green trees: just about the hardest sw. ap. to beige from
(tied with the bell canister) but if its the only one you can
use, go for it. These are the 3 foot high green/gray metal
columns that are no wider than a telefone pole (which makes
them different then the green bases, see below), that say "Call
before digging, underground cable," or the real old ones just
have a bell sign. Usually green trees are right at the base of
fone poles, or within a foot or two of them. These normally
have two 7/16 bolts on one side of the column, which have to be
turned 1/8 a turn counterclockwise, and the front of the base
will slide off. Now you will see a sheet of metal with a few
square holes in it, that has a bolt where the doorknob on a
door would be. Ratchet this one off and the metal sheet will
swing open like a door. On one side of the sheet will be a
paper with a list of #'s this tree connects to. Inside you'll
see a mass of wires flowing from gray stalks of plastic in sets
of two. The whole mass will have a black garbage bag around it,
or some type of covering, but that shouldn't get in the way.
The wires come off the gray stalk, and then attach to the
screws that you can beige from, somewhere near the ground at
the center of the tree. These are on a little metal column, and
sometimes are in a zig zag pattern, so its hard to find the
terminals that match in the right order to give you a dial

Green bases: The gray/green boxes you see that look just
like green trees, except they are about twice or three times as
wide. They open the same as trees, except there are always 4
bolts, and when the half slides off, inside is a big metal
canister held together with like 20 bolts. I wouldn't open it,
but with a little info where two underground fone lines are
spliced together. Also inside is either pressurized gas or
gel. Pretty messy.

Bell canisters: attached to fone poles at waist level.
They are green (or really rusted brown) canisters about a two
feet tall that have a bell insignia on the side. They will have
one or two bolts at the very bottom of the canister, right
above the base plate. Take the bolts off and twist the
canister, and it'll slide right off. Inside is just like a
green tree, except there normally isn't the list of #'s it
connects to.

Mother load: Largest sw. ap. A large gray green box, like
6x4, attached to a telefone pole about three feet off the
ground. a big (foot or two diameter) cable should be coming
out the top. Somewhere on it is a label "MIRROR IMAGE CABLE".
It opens like a cabinet with double doors. Fasteners are
located in the center of the box and on the upper edge in the
center. Both of these are held on with a 7/16 bolt. Take the
bolts off, and swing the doors open. On the inside of the
right door are instructions to connect a line, and on the
inside of the left door are a list of #'s the box connects to.
And in the box are the terminals. Normally 1,000 fones (yyy-
sxxx, where yyy is your exchange and s is the first number of
the suffix, and xxx are the 999 fones the box connects too).

On houses: follow the fone line to someone's house, and
then down there wall. Either it goes right into there house
(then you're screwed) or it ends in a plastic box. The newer
boxes have a screw in the middle, which you can take off with
your fingers, and then put the box back on when you're done,
but the older ones are just plastic boxes you have to rip off.
Inside are 4 terminals, yellow, black, and red and green, the
two you need. Find the Christmas colors, and phreak out.

On payfones: follow the fone line up from the fone, and
sometimes you'll find a little black box with two screws in it.
Undo this, and you'll find a nice little fone jak. You don't
even need your beige box for that one. If there's not one of
those, follow the wire to a wall it goes into, and sometimes
there'll be a sw. ap. like those on houses (see above).
Payfones are normally pretty secure now though, and you
probably won't find any of those.

Phreaky things you can do: Jesus, do I have to tell you
L/-\m3rs everything? Anyway, free long distance calls should be
pretty easy, and get teleconferencing info from somebody else,
just make sure you ANI the # you're calling from before calling

Hitek revenge!

Possibilities are endless, you have total control of this
lamers line. Most of you guys are probably way to 3l33+ for
this one, but you can disconnect his line by loosening a few
screws and ripping his wires at any sw. ap. but here's
something alot better: Get the faggots number, and then find
the mother load sw. ap. it connects to (not the sw. ap. on his
house or on the telefone pole in his drive way, the
_mother_load_) Find his # in the terminals, and then connect
the two termianls with a paper clip, alligator clip, even your
mother's pussylips! His fone will be busy until ma bell
figures out what the hell is going on, and since the last place
they look is the mother load, this usually is at least a week.
Then, of course, is the funniest prank: Beige box from a major
store, like Toys R Us (that's my favorite) and call up ma bell
"Yeah, I'd like all calls to this number forwarded to
(asshole's #)"

Fuck the police. And hurt people if necessary.

- Need Somebody to talk to? Call -


Enough for this time........................


úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú




-=ThE PoSSe=-

Quoting from the Feb. 24 News-Gazette of Champaign-Urbana,

"UI student arrested for e-mail threat to Clinton"

URBANA -- A University of Illinois student has been
arrested for threatening the life of President Clinton, U.S.
Attorney Frances Hulin announced today.

Christopher James Reincke, 18, of Townsend Hall, Urbana,
allegedly sent an electronic mail message to the White House on
Dec. 4 threatening Clinton, Hulin stated in a press release.

The message read: "I am curious, Bill, how would you feel
about being the first president to be killed on the same day as
his wife ... It would be best, I think, to not continue with
your immediate plans. Perhaps a vacation. You will die soon.
You can run, but you cannot hide."

The message was signed "Overlord" and purported to be from
"Allmighty@Never.Gonna.Catch.Me." Reincke appeared before U.S.
District Judge Harold A. Baker in Danville today and was
released on his own recognizance. Hulin said the charge
resulted from an investigation by the Secret Service and the UI

Investigators determined the message originated at the UI,
and a computer trace identified Reincke as the apparent author,
Hulin said. While being questioned by agents, Reincke admitted
he had sent the message, according to the press release.

- 30 -

From March 3 edition of "The News-Gazette"


"URBANA - Christopher Reincke still isn't talking about the
computer message he allegedly sent to the White House
threatening to assassinate President Bill Clinton.

But former teachers, still baffled by the news, speculate it
was a joke that got out of hand. 'He was a very bright kid,
near the top of his class,' said Ben Reymond, Reincke's former
soccer coach at Dundee Crown High Scool in Carpentersville. 'I
think it turned out to be more of a joke that exploded on him.'

Reincke, 18, a freshman studying computer engineering at the
University of Illinois, is from Sleepy Hollow, a mostly
residential suburb of about 3,000 people northwest of Chicago.
He graduated from Dundee Crown, a high school of about 1,500
students, in May 1993. Teachers there described Reincke as
smart and popular, a computer whiz and an excellent soccer

Principal Jim Wilbrandt said Reincke was a member of the
National Honor Society. 'He was no discipline problem in high
school of anything,' Wilbrandt said. 'My guess is he just did a
dumb thing. He's a pretty intelligent young man.'

Reincke was charged last Thursday with knowingly and
willfully making a threat on the life of the president. He was
released on his own recognizance and will appear in court again
on Monday. He is accused of sending an electronic-mail message
via a computer to the White House on Dec. 4. The message read:

'I am curious, Bill, how would you feel about being the
first president to be killed on the same day as his wife... It
would be best, I think, to not continue with your immediate
plans. Perhaps a vacation. You will die soon. You can run, but
you cannot hide.' It was signed, 'Overlord.' Reincke had signed
on as ''. He told authorities he
used the sign-on 'just to be cocky,' according to a court
affadavit filed by a federal agent.

The message was traced to the computer laboratory at the
Illinois Street Residence Halls in Urbana, where Reinecke
lives. Questioned at his Townsend Hall dorm room earlier this
week, Reincke refused to discuss his reasons for sending the

'I'm sorry, I can't answer any questions,' he said.

Several of his friends also declined comment, saying Reincke
had asked them not to talk to reporters. 'I'm just not going to
comment,' said freshman Brian Etscheid. 'He's my friend, and I
don't know what's going on yet.' Other students on the floor
said they believe Reincke's action was a prank that got out of
hand. 'It's probably just a joke,' sophomore Melvin Ni said,
adding he doesn't know Reincke that well. 'It doesn't seem
serious to me. He doesn't talk about anything radical.'

News of Reincke's arrest last week spread quickly throughout
Dundee Crown High School. 'We were surprised,' said Reymond,
who coached Reincke for two years. 'I don't think anyone in
school, including the staff, would expect it or think that he
would do it. Everybody just sort of figured it was a gag.'
Reymond described Reincke as an excellent soccer player and a
'computer whiz' who took private classes after school. 'He was
on the computers all the time,' Reymond said. 'He knew
computers backwards and forwards. Basically, he was all
academics, and soccer was the only sport he played.'

Teachers, some of whom don't want to be quoted, said Reincke
was never in trouble in high school. 'I don't think he had a
write-up in the dean's office the whole time he was there,'
Reymond said. 'He had a lot of friends at school. He was very
popular,' Reymond added. 'He was a just plain good kid and a
good scholar at school. I don't know what brought this on.'"

- - -


"URBANA - While death threats are a rarity, the University
of Illinois handles numerous complaints each year about e-mail

'Misuse of electronic mail is a pretty common thing among
students,' said George Badger, head of the University of
Illinois Computing and Communications Services Office.

The Secret Service electronics crimes bureau contacted
Badger's office about 10 days after a threatening e-mail
message was received at the White House on Dec. 4. 'We were
able to determine fairly quickly then who the suspect was,'
Badger said. He declined to elaborate.

Most students who are misusing electronic mail don't
understand that they're doing something wrong and readily agree
to stop, he said. But the number of complaints has risen in the
last few years, and about one e-mail message each month is
serious enough to be referred to the UI's student discipline
system, he said. 'A lot of it is sexual stuff that they'll send
to girls on the network,' he said.

Students are getting more adept at computers, and e-mail is
a new opportunity for most of them, Badger said. 'You can
suddenly send things to anybody on campus real quickly. It's
very tempting,' he said. 'There's a real education process that
has to go on to get them to behave using electronic things like
they would behave if they were going to send mail or call
people,' Badger said. 'It hasn't matured yet.' 'Harassing
people who are using this, or threatening them, is just like
threatening them in other ways, and it's going to be taken
seriously if you do get caught,' Badger said.

The average computer user probably can't trace an anonymous
'e-mail' message, Badger said. But those who operate campus
computer systems can usually spot identifying marks that go
with every e-mail message, he said. 'It depends a lot on what
mail system you used and how it originated,' Badger said. 'In
every piece of e-mail there is an identification of the user,
and it's relatively well-known by students how to forge that.'
That's what UI freshman Christopher Reincke allegedly tried to
do when he changed his computer sign-on and sent a threatening
message to the president in December.

'It's easy to trace if the students are sloppy, but not if
they're clever,' Badger said. 'They frequently are sloppy. If
it's important to figure it out, then we can do it. But the
receiver can't do it.' Burks Oakley, a UI professor of
electrical and computer engineering, said he has received
objectionable messages from students 'who thought they were
being anonymous. It's always easy to track who they are.'
Oakley said e-mail messages can easily be forwarded to entire
groups of people. 'I always assume anything I write in an e-
mail note will be read by my boss, or by the chancellor,' he

He called Reincke's alleged message a 'stupid mistake. I
would say sophomoric, but I guess it's freshmanic. But it's a
serious matter. It's not something you joke around with.'

- - -

- 30 -

Attention, cet article est un virus
par Steeve Laprise

ParaŒt qu'on exagŠre, nous les journalistes quand on parle des
virus. "Vous faites peur pour rien", nous … dit l'un de nos
interlocuteurs. Les virus informatiques seraient-ils une
invention de m‚dias en manque de sujets? Ou des
extra-terrestres? Cherchez donc … savoir. Nous avons discut‚
de cette d‚licate question avec quelques sp‚cialistes.
Peut-ˆtre nous ont-ils menti. Peut-ˆtre ne sont-ils que des
robots mutants contr“l‚s par... qui d‚j…? Ne vous sentez
surtout pas oblig‚s de les croire.

Eric Garceau est sp‚cialiste logiciel, Groupe des systŠmes
personnels chez IBM Canada … Montr‚al. A ce titre, il
travaille en ‚troite collaboration avec les grands comptes.
"Tous les trois mois environ, l'un de nos clients nous arrive
avec un problŠme de virus" dit-il. Incidemment, au moment de
l'entrevue, la brigade antivirus IBM venait d'enrayer un virus
chez l'un de ces grands comptes. Le malheureux s'‚tait
retrouv‚ avec plusieur dizaines de postes contamin‚s, sur
lesquels les employ‚s ne pouvaient mˆme plus travailler.
"C'est un cas extrˆme: notre client a perdu beaucoup de
donn‚es, et des heures et des heures de travail." L'entreprise
en question (‚videmment, nous ne dirons pas de qui il s'agit)
n'‚tait pas prot‚g‚e.

Le produit d'IBM d‚tecterait plus de 2000 virus. Compris
dans DOS 6.1, ce logiciel peut ˆtre install‚ … partir du
r‚seau local, comme certains autres produits concurrents. La
responsabilit‚ d'installer le logiciel incombe alors au
gestionnaire du r‚seau, et ne d‚pend donc plus de la bonne
volont‚ de chacun des utilisateurs. "Je pense que c'est un
point fort de notre produit, dit M. Garceau. Demander … chacun
de ses employes d'installer un antivirus sur son ordinateur,
c'est un peu comme leur demander de faire des copies de s–ret‚.
Tout le monde est d'accord avec le principe, mais qui le fait

Qu'est-ce qu'un virus?

Heureusement, les virus ne sont pas tous de m‚chants
destructeurs de donn‚es. Certains, plus anodins (si l'on peut
qualifier un virus d'anodin), vous feront peut-ˆtre mˆme
rire... Enfin, si vous trouvez dr“le qu'une nymphette en tenue
d'Eve apparaisse sur votre ‚cran pendant une r‚union avec votre
patron. Si vous trouvez dr“le que votre ordinateur sifflotte
la Marseillaise ou le dernier succŠs de Madonna. Chose
certaine, cela vous prendra par surprise.

Les virus informatique sont des programmes trŠs courts
(environ 5 ko) qui se greffent sur des cibles comme
l'interpr‚teur de commande du DOS ou le secteur de d‚marrage
des disques durs. Leur fonctionnement est relativement simple.
Pendant une p‚riode de temps variable, le programme malvenu
duplique le code dont il est compos‚ … l'interieur des autres
programmes. Rien ne s'y voit. Et pourtant, dans le disque
dur, quelque chose se pr‚pare.

Puis, un jour d‚termin‚ par son cr‚ateur, le vilain,
bien accroch‚ aux programmes, se d‚clare. Commence alors le
travail de destruction, ou si vous ˆtre moins malchanceux,
survient le gag informatique.

Cela n'arrive qu'aux autres
"Les virus, c'est un peu comme la maladie ou un accident,
on pense toujours que ‡a n'arrive qu'aux autres", dit Robert
Gillelan, repr‚sentant pour l'Est du Canada chez Symantec, l'un
des principaux fabricants de logiciels de d‚tection et
d'‚limination de virus avec McAfee, RG software, Frisk
Software, Thunderbyte, Microcom et quelques autres. Les trois
principaux logiciels antivirus de Symantec (Norton Anti-Virus,
SAM et Norton Anti-Virus pour Netware) figurent parmi les
meilleurs vendeurs de l'entreprise et sont mis … jour plusieurs
fois par an.
M. Gillelan explique que les plus r‚centes versions
comprennent un programme r‚sident que guette s'il se passe
quelque chose d'anormal sur le disque dur. Le cas ‚ch‚ant, un
boŒte de dialogue affiche un message du genre: "attention, il y
a quelqu'un qui essaie de formater votre disque dur"
"Beaucoup de gens pensent qu'ils sont prot‚g‚s avec la
vieille version du logiciel antivirus achet‚e il y a deux ans,
dit M. Gillelan. Mais, ils ne le sont pas. De nouveaux virus
sont fabriqu‚ tous les jours, un peu partout dans le monde.
C'est s‚rieux. On ne sait jamais quand ils frapperont."
Les antivirus sont des programmes intelligents qui
identifient les codes communs aux diff‚rentes souches virales.
Car il faut bien comprendre que si l'on ‚value … plusieurs
milliers le nombre de virus existants, il s'agit en fait de
mutations, de variations qui d‚coulent de quelques grandes
Plusieurs souches virales sont actuellement connues dans
le monde. Elles portent des noms de codes plus ou moins
‚tranges tels que Stealth, Stoned 3, Lucifer et Enigma.
Certaines sont c‚lŠbre pour avoir d‚fray‚ les manchettes:
Jerusalem, Michael Angelo, Friday The 13th. Chacune a de
multiples variantes, souches secondaires et sous-classes.
Mˆme si la plupart des nouveaux logiciels de d‚tection
comportent des programmes r‚sidents qui, grƒce … des
algorithmes complexes, d‚tectent non seulement les virus
existants, mais aussi les nouveaux virus, la bataille semble
sans fin. Comme l'explique M. Gillelan: "Les cr‚ateurs de
virus s'acharnent … d‚jouer les logiciels de d‚tection. Les
virus sont de plus en plus complexes, certains sont des mutants
qui changent constamment leurs codes, ce qui en rend
l'identification difficile."

Et pourquoi pas l'abstinence
Autre son de cloche chez Novell Canada … Montr‚al, o—
Fran‡ois Jett‚, directeur des comptes corporatifs nous dit:
"Virus? C'est dr“le que vous m'en parliez. €a fait sept mois
que je suis chez Novell, et c'est la premiŠre fois que
j'attends prononcer le mot." Vous voulez dire qu'aucun de vos
clients n'a eu de problŠme de virus depuis sept mois? "Non, ce
que je dis c'est que cette question ne les pr‚occupe pas. Je
pense que les grandes entreprises sont davantage concern‚es par
l'espionnage et le piratage. Les banques, par exemple, se
pr‚occupent trŠs s‚crieusement de la s‚curit‚ de leurs
systŠmes." Pourtant, les r‚seaux sont souvent point‚s du doigt
comme l'un des principaux moyens de transmission. "Vous savez,
r‚pond M. Jett‚, nos r‚seaux sont complŠtement administrables.
Vous pouvez barrer l'accŠs … tout le monde si vous le voulez.
C'est le meilleur moyen de nme pas avoir de problŠme!"

Sylvain Dumas, repr‚sentant chez Banyan, ne nie pas que
les virus puissent ˆtre transport‚s par les r‚seaux.
"L'avantage d'un r‚seau comme le n“tre est que le serveur est
bas‚ sur plate forme Unix, et ne peut donc ˆtre affect‚ que par
les virus Unix. C'est une sorte de barriŠre, mais cela
m'empˆche pas de conseiller … mes clients d'acheter un logiciel
antivirus. Ceux qui existent sur le march‚ sont trŠs

Mieux vaut pr‚venir
Il en va des maladies informatiques comme des maladies
biologiques, de saines habitudes et un comportement responsable
limiteront les risques de propagation des virus. Les logiciels
antivirus sont mis … jour plusieur fois par an. Ce n'est pas
pour rien. Certains fabricants proposent des abonnemenets …
des prix avantageux. Une fois achet‚es, encore faut-il penser
… les installer. Partout.
Les environnement les plus … risques, sont bien entendu
ceux o— les informations circulent beaucoup, du bureau … la
maison, en passant par les babillards ‚lectroniques et les
Il faudrait aussi parler des s‚quelles psychologiques des
victimes... Comment r‚apprend-on … faire confiance … son
ordinateur lorsqu'on vient de perdre toutes ses donn‚es? Au
fait, existe-t-il des psychoth‚rapeutes sp‚cialis‚s en

- 30 -


úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú


HexCalibur, the hex editor with find/replace hex as well as
insert/delete, and some other neat features....

begin 644




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section 1 of uuencode 4.21 of file TL99B1.ZIP by R.E.M.

begin 644 TL99B1.ZIP




úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú


section 1 of uuencode 4.21 of file CRTCINFO.ZIP by R.E.M.

begin 644 CRTCINFO.ZIP




úAú úPúRúEúVúIúOúUúSúLúYú úUúNúKúNúOúWúNú úLúIúFúEúSúTúYúLúEú


; ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ> ArReStEd DeVeLoPmEnT +31.77.547477 H/p/A/v/AV/? <ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ

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