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NULL mag Issue 05 08 Free the Net

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
null magazine
 · 26 Dec 2020


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| free the net |
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before even begin reading the text below, go read this:

if you don't agree with that, then don't continue. its not worth it.

what we learned so far? there is no free net... treat the net, as you
would like to treat society! there are not two different things! there
are the same thing! people don't realize it, but governments do!!! so
its time for us to realize it also.

when an organization or government censorships the net or put laws
that restrict it or even slightly control it... they control society
us well. lets take for example gdpr. what is gdpr? is a set of
regulations for the net! which none of us asked about it and the eu
forced to us (the users, the people) just to accept them!!!! we didn't
have a choice or just the slight participation on creating/writing
these rules. and those rules, applied almost to the whole net, not
only the eu part of it, as many global web sites, had to apply them,
just to be ok with the eu, even if those websites, had users from usa,
africa, asia etc.

is gdpr good? honestly... we shouldn't care... we should be skeptical,
on how they forced it to us and who the fuck gave them the permission
to do so? in this case, a set of gov/nts applied laws to a free medium
like internet and no one cared about it. and thats one example... want

remember the new zealand shooting? with the guy that published the
video on the net via facebook? after that, govs. and companies said,
that they should restrict such content, by applying "artificial
intelligence" algorithms, to check if a video is like that or not. a
program will decide which video will be uploaded or not! and who tells
us, that other videos, not so cruel like the one from nz, will be
censored or not?

another example... youtube and amazon, as other companies too, will
delete/restrict the uploading of videos, books, websites that are in the
"anti-vaccine" movement! i don't care what the anti-vaccine movement
says... or even the flat earth society... this is cencorship to the net
and free speech!!! and no one cares.

govs. use situations like these, not to trully protect the people, but
to manipulate and control the net! they don't care about the people,
if they did, they should have give us a proper health care system, for
decades now... or a good education system... or even solved the
problem of hunger in some countries, poverty, trafficking etc. in such
serious matters govs. can't agree on anything... but when its about
the internet, they agree and pass laws, that are controlling it. you
think that they want to control just the net? no... control of the
net, is control of free speech.

internet is the last "line of defense" of people, against a hidden
global tyranny. they control television, they control radio, in ham
radio you can't say anything that is not technical, newspapers are
also controlled and own by big companies... so whats left? the

the funny thing is... that we are fooled, to believe that someone
should control the net and "save" us, from the anti-vacciners, the
flat earthers, terrorists who upload videos etc. all these, are not
the problem... its just one side of the problem. the real problem is
created by governments, companies, global criminal organizations etc.
but because "they" don't want or can, to control those... they choose
to control the net.

internet should be free! all opinions should be able to be heard and
everyone choose for himself. you/we are grown ups, we don't need
"others" to protect us. if you can't hear an opposite opinion, how you
will be informed, make criticism. when you "filter" free speech in a
democracy... then you no longer have a democracy.

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| | | . | _| | -_| _| | | | _| . | | . | 8 888888 8
|__|__|_|_|___|_| |_|_|___|_| |____/|_| |___|_|___| 8888888888
DoNt Be aNoTHeR DrOiD fOR tHe SySteM 88 8888 88
/: HaM RaDiO /: ANSi ARt! /: MySTiC MoDS /: DooRS '88||||88'
/: NeWS /: WeATheR /: FiLEs /: SPooKNet ''8888"'
/: GaMeS /: TeXtFiLeS /: PrEPardNeSS /: FsxNet 88
/: TuTors /: bOOkS/PdFs /: SuRVaViLiSM /: ArakNet 8 8 88888888888
888 8888][][][888
TeLNeT : [UTC 11:00 - 20:00] 8 888888##88888
SySoP : xqtr eMAiL: 8 8888.####.888
DoNaTe : 8 8888##88##888

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