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NULL mag Issue 09 22 Fire demo textmod

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
null magazine
 · 4 years ago

this is a fire effect demo for text mode! compile it with turbo pascal 7 inside DOSBOX. remember to extract the FASTCRT unit, from this issue also, which is needed for the program to run.

the code is not mine, i found it in an old CDROM with various TP7 goodies i had and remember it again, while searching some old stuff.

the thing is, that after looking in the net, i found many more text mode demos, with AWESOME graphics and effects. i mean... it's unbelievable what those guys did in text mode, back then...

it's almost depressing that all these things (source code, demos) are lost in history and no one knows about them any more. very sad... :(

Program FireDemo; 
Uses fastcrt;
i,x,y : Integer;
FirePos : Array[1..80,1..50] of Byte;
FireDiv : Real;
BEGIN { Main }
{ Randomizing Š Fire routine :) }

mov ax, 1112h
xor bl, bl
int 10h

{ Changing palette colors }
For i := 1 to 5 do
Port[$3c8] := i;
Port[$3c9] := i*11; Port[$3c9] := i*3; Port[$3c9] := 0;
For i := 6 to 12 do
Port[$3c8] := i;
Port[$3c9] := i*5; Port[$3c9] := i*5; Port[$3c9] := 0;

{ Calculating 1st 2 rows of the fire routine. }

{ Start of Routine }
While not KeyPressed do
Begin { while loop }
For y := 49 to 50 do
Begin { y }
For x := 5 to 75 do FirePos[x,y] := Random(8) + 5;

For y := 50 downto 10 do
Begin { y }
For x := 10 to 70 do
begin { x }
i := Random(5) + 1;
Case i of
1: FirePos[x,y] := FirePos[x-1,y+1];
2: FirePos[x,y] := FirePos[x+1,y+1];
3: FirePos[x,y] := FirePos[x,y+1];
4: FirePos[x,y] := FirePos[x,y];
begin { else }
FireDiv := Int((FirePos[x+1,y] + FirePos[x-1,y] +
FirePos[x,y+1] ) / 3.1) ;
FirePos[x,y] := Round(FireDiv);
end; { else }
end; { case }
{Mem [$a000:x+(y*320)]:=FirePos[x,y];}
end; { x }
end; { y }
End; { While loop }

{ Set Text mode 3}
mov ax,0003h
int 10h

END. { Main }

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