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NULL mag Issue 08 27 Better access() mpy function

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Published in 
null magazine
 · 4 years ago


mystics mpy language has a function to check if an acs string is valid,
depending the current users level. while trying to use it, i think i
found an abnormal behavior... or at least, that the function is not
100% accurate implemented.

the problem was, that when you try to use the access() function, of
mpy, with an acs string like "g1s20", even if the user level is
greater than 20, it will return a false value. the reason is that the
function expects only a "s20" type string, with only the security
level code and not other acs codes.

so i wrote another function that can manipulate any type of acs
string. the function will only tell you about the users security level
and other types of acs codes, like if a user has chosen a specific
file/msg base etc.

the syntax is simple: isacs(useracs,otheracs)

where useracs, is the acs level of the user we want to check ex.20 and
otheracs is any type of an acs string ex."z1g2s40" etc. for example:

isacs('20','g1s40'), will return False cause 20 is less than 40.

the complete function is this:

def isacs(useracs,otheracs):
if otheracs == "":
return True
val = ""
inacs = False
s = otheracs
i = 0
while i <= len(s)-1:
if inacs:
if s[i].isdigit():
val = val + s[i]
if s[i] == 's':
inacs = True
i += 1

if useracs >= int(val):
return True
return False

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