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Jun scoby and starter (green tea and raw honey)

AniphaeS's profile picture
Published in 
 · 4 years ago

Do you enjoy an healthy lifestyle?
Do you care about what you eat?

So why don't you care also about what you drink!

Have you ever wished to brew your own green tea and honey known as Jun?
Today you can easily easily easily doing it!
I am here for that!

You only need a little colture for starting and then you can't stop it!

For everyone that don't know what Jun is, here's a little description.
Jun is a beverage coming from the Kombucha family and known as the Champagne Kombucha. It is a ancient probiotic, healthy drink made brewing green tea with sweet part that in this case is raw honey, all together with a colture of bacteria and yeast ( scoby+ starter liquid).

All natural ingredients only!

Its probiotic qualities are certified by millions of scientific studies.
It helps me with my digestion and since I'm drinking kombucha or Jun, I haven't get sick anymore.

How to make Jun?
You put all ingredients together and you wait a few days ( Jun is faster than Kombucha and it's perfect for this cold season). When the first fermentation is over, you can flavour your drink which whatever you wish, fruit or herbs doesn't make any difference.

I love it also raw, but I believe my favourite flavours are
- peach
- blueberries
-raspberry, ginger and lemon

The overall process tooks about 1 weeks in wintertime.

Let's start today your brewing with colture in offer only at 8£ per one little and 12£ for making 2 littles.

All my ingredients are organic, no worries! I use high quality italian raw honey and finest quality japanese green tea.

Collection in London in Hammersmith or during working days I'm available also in tower hill.

For other London areas, we can discuss it and see if we can arrange a comfortable location and time for both!

Enjoy your evening opening one bottle of your own Jun Champagne!

Enjoy your healthy lifestyle!
Enjoy your life!

Enjoy your moment!

#jun #kombucha #colture #starter #health #greentea&honey #greentea #honey #junscoby #junlondon #juncolture #Brewingyourownjun #brewingathome #probiotic

Hello everyone,

I am selling my colture ( scoby + starter) of my Jun Kombucha made of green tea and sweet organic honey.

This culture is to prepare homemade your own Jun beverage full of prebiotic

Price is
8 pound to produce one little
15 pounds to produce 2 littles

Collection in London E1 Stephen Green
Flexible hours

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