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Electric Dreams Volume 03 Issue 03

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Published in 
Electric Dreams
 · 1 Jan 2021


Title: Electric Dreams, Volume 3 Number 3

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Richard at


Electric Dreams

Volume 3 Issue #3

20 April 1996


Electric Dreams on WWWeb:

-- Send dreams and comments on dream to:

Bob Krumhansl <>.

--Send general comments, replies and articles to:

Richard Wilkerson: <>

--For back issues and other access see




Editors Notes

<Dream Sharing Groups - sign up here>

Questions & Answers

!!! Dream up your OWN Web Page!!!

A Dream Story by Ewa

Dream Line : : the Natural Environment

and Our Dreams - by Christopher Hicks

Interview: Joe Tucker of Dream Archive

by Richard Wilkerson

Article: Dreaming Deep & Surfacing - Group Work with

Dreams in Cyber-Space by Jeremy Taylor

Article: Quantum notes on Castaneda's Dreaming Gates

- by Vilen Galimov

Dream Poem by Allison Eir Jenks

Article: The Lucid Dreamer's Manual

Part I by Lee Holmes


==== I N D E X ====





Oniros - EASD Association Francaise Pour L'Etude Du Reve









-->New York - April 28th

-->Washington DC - July 26-27, 1996

-->Kootenay Bay, British Columbia - Sept 6-8, 1996

-->Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA October 11-13, 1996


-> DREAM STUDIO on Compuserve-Donna LoCicero Campos <-






Comments on Dreams from Previous Issues:

Commentary on JJ's "Huecos" by Shadow (960229)

Commentary on Sarah's "Whale Dreams" by Shadow (960229)


New Dreams and Commentary Electric Dreams Vol. 3 Issue 3:

Dream: The Unicycle and The Silver Shadow by Shadow


Commentary from Nutcracker on "The Unicycle and the

Silver Lizard" by Shadow

Dream: The Raging Manistee by Shadow (960213)

Commentary on Raging Manistee by Cathy (960224)

Comments from Nutcracker on The Raging Manistee" by


Dream: "Sea Monsters" by Nutcracker (960214)

Commentary on Sea Monsters by Cathy (960222)

Commentary by Narcissus on "Sea Monsters" by Nutcracker


Commentary on Nutcracker's Dream "Sea Monsters" by Island


Dream: Mob Funded Airborne Shoppoing Aborted by

Shadow (960214)

Dream: Invalid Relation by Kenneth (960217)

Dream: Just Ducky! by Kenneth (960218)

Dream: Tracking The All Terrain Submarine by Shadow


Dream: Into The Mountain, Into The Future by Shadow


Commentary on "Into the Mountain, Into the Future" by

Shadow by Nutcraker

Dream: Golden Anhk by Shadow (9602XX)

Comments from Nutcracker on "Golden Ankh" by Shadow

Dream: History Of A Parasitic Quest by Shadow


Dream: "Monster Mouse" by Foiler (960222)

Comments on 'Monster Mouse' by Nutcracker

Commentary on 'monster mouse' by jay 96-02-24

Dream: Monica, My Monica by Shadow (960224)

Dream: Smoking Intimate Arrogance by Shadow (960226)

Dream: High School Cat by Kenneth (960226)

Dream: Romeo Road by Kenneth (960226)

Dream: "The Helper" by Nutcracker (960226)

Dream: "The Laundromat" by Nutcracker (960227)

Dream: Single Handed Seclusion by Shadow (960227)

Dream: Broadcasted Fool by Shadow (960227)

Dream: Found In Missouri by Shadown (960227)

Dream: The Old Man And The T-Cell by Shadow (960227)

Dream: Haunted Houses - Tue 27 Feb 1996 by Kenneth


Dream: "Gender Bender" by Myst (960227)

Dream: Mud Help by Kenneth (960229)

Dream: "The Dance of Joy" by Nutcracker (960302)

Dream: Countdown by Kenneth (960302)

Dream: Santa Cruz Mountains by Kenneth (960302)

Dream: UK Dreams by Rob2 (960305)

Commentary by Narcissus on FROM THE UK by rob2 (960306)

Commentary on Dreams From UK by Bob C (960311)

Commentary from Nutcracker on 'From the UK' by Rob2

Dream: Herman Munster by Kenneth (960305)

Dream: Mr.Dream Jeans by Mib: (960307)

Dream: Someone elses wedding by Mib (960307)

Dream: "Walk the Walk" by Blair (960329)

Dream: "Rickenbacker or Alembic?" by Blair (960330)

Commentary on "Rickenbacker or Alembic?" by Blair by


Commentary on Tampa Dream by Rosalie

Dream: Xfiles by JohnJ (960331)

Dream: Nutcracker by JohnJ (960331)

Dream: "My Dream of 2 Macs" by WriTinG (960405)

Commentary on dreams of two macs by Marta

Commentary on 2 macs by Cathy (960407)

Commentary on Dream of 2 macs by Rosalie (960416)

Commentary on Dreams of 2 macs by BobC (960413)

Dream: "> Topaz <" by ** Europium ** (960406)

Commentary by Narcissus on "Topaz" by Europium (960407)

Commentary on Topaz Dream by Bob C. (960413)

Dream: The Leap by Willow (960412)

Commentary on "The Leap" by BobC (960413)

Commentary on "The Leap" by Willow by Rosalie (960416)

Dream: The Twilight Zone by Nutcracker (960413)

Commentary by Narcissus on "The Twilight Zone" by

Nutcracker (960420)

Dream: "My Daughter, Justice" by Rosanna Lee (960414)

Commentary by Narcissus on "My Daughter, Justice" by

Rosanna Lee (960415)

Dream: "many cars and a lion dream" by mermaid


Commentary on "many cars and a lion dream" by Rosalie


Dream: "The Mother of all Domestic Disputes" by Shadow


Dream: "Run Away" by Milagro (960415)

Dream: "Left Behind" by Milagro (960415)

Dream: "Rigid Habits" by Rosalie (960416)

Dream: Water, Rats, Deer and Me" by Mary (960417)

Commentary by Narcissus on "Water, Rats, Deer and Me" by

Mary (960419)

Dream: Quincunx by Kenneth (960410)


Miscellaneous Comments


Selections from Nutcracker (Feb - Apr 96)



Editors' Notes

We have an extremely varied and wonderful issue for you

this month. Yes, it does seem that we have moved into a

monthly cycle rather than every two weeks. To respond to

this we offer a mail list for the submission and

discussion of dreams, and offer dream groups for more in

depth attention to individual dreams. See the DreamGroups

article below for more. Dreams and Cyberspace are rapidly

changing and as the new and old mix and transform we

struggle to understand and find our place in it all.

Electric Dreams continues weaving through older forms and

producing new ones. Philosophers will enjoy Vilen

Galimov's article on Quantum aspect of Castaneda. Artists

and Web creators will be interested in Matthew's offer to

add your own dream space/page to the Electric Dreams

site. Art lovers should also check out the Dream Comic

Site. If you are interested in the dream art Underground,

see my Dream Archive Interview with Joe Tucker. By the

way, I'm trying to develop some graphic cover pages for

back issue of Electric Dreams. If you would like to help

design covers, contact me. Those of you who are political

or theoretical or social in nature or like to discuss and

debate issues will enjoy the new ASD Bulletin board

announcement. What will be discussed? Well, how about the

fate of Dream Sharing on Internet, for one! To get you

in the mood, I suggest Jeremy Taylor's article on his

observations about dreamwork in Cyberspace. As a matter

of fact , we have large News section this month to catch

you up on ALL the latest issues in dreaming. Find

something missing? Send it in. If you are more literary

minded, I recommend Ewa's Polish Dream Story, a fabulous

dream use story. For the environmentally concerned, be

sure to check out Christopher Hicks Dream Line column on

dreams of the environment. How about those lucid dreams,

having any? Lee Holmes is providing a two part series on

his collection of info and techniques in lucid dreaming.

If this not enough, see the new LD Web sites and Mail


For those of you who are planning to attend the July ASD

conference in Berkeley, or those who are planning to

connect via Cyberspace, be sure to not only check out the

new sites with tons of information and schedules, but

also Linda Magallon's Dream Ahead Project where you can

participate in a communal dreaming project.

And of course, we have the most poetic, philosophical,

political, and literary events themselves, the dreams,

dreams, dreams, from all over the globe!

Richard Wilkerson

By the way, welcome to all our new subsribers from

around the globe, include Brazil, Poland, Russia, Italy,

Switzerland, Germany, France, Norway and the U.K.! Did I

miss your country? Send us an article on what's going on

in your country in dreams and dreaming and we will get

the word out.


Dream Sharing Group !!Starts week of April 21-27!!


Are you interested in more attention to your dreams? We

*do not* offer psychotherapy, but we do offer a forum in

which you can share and discuss your dreams with other

dream concerned individuals. While we maintain that each

individual must be the final authority on the meaning of

his or her dream, we also are aware that sharing dreams

with others increases the creative approaches one can

access to the dream imagery and enhances the intuitive

process surrounding these approaches. In other words, its

a lot of fun and everyone agrees its often very


For more information on joining, send an e-mail to

Richard Wilkerson at

And say "yes, I'm interesting in the next Dream Sharing

Group sponsered by Electric Dreams!"



Questions & Answers


Looking for Roman Catholics Experienced in DreamWork:

I am looking for some people who are experienced with

dream interpretation and are also from a Roman Catholic

background. I was sent here by Gillian Holloway to see

if I could get some help. Do you know of any people who

could help me by E-mail. This is very important to me.


have had help from other Christian denominations just

recently but have found the difference in doctrine can

make a difference in the interpretation. I sure hope you

can help me. I'm using my son's address here. My

address is WJPBR@AOL.COM.

Thank You & God Bless - Bill Richer


Electric Dreams is looking for a volunteer Questions &

Answers editor. Are you interested in looking up answers

to dream questions, posing questions and short teaching

columns, doing interviews with dream researchers,

dreamworkers and authors? If so, this may be the

position for you! We are still a free publication and

the tasks are done out of love- so there is no direct

money in this position, but the Electric Dreams staff

will assure that you are put in contact with some of the

most amazing people on earth! Also you will be free to

develop the section as you please as a co-editor of

Electric Dreams. Contact Richard Wilkerson


Dream up your OWN Web Page:


Do you have some ideas for the Electric Dreams Web Page?

Great! We would love to have you design an attachment

about your own dream perspective and *We'll put it up*.

That's Right - your own page. Just make it related to

dreams and dreaming.

Send that page in ascii/html to:

Also, Matthew is requesting that you add to the bottom

of the page:


<IMG SRC="graphics/cloud_line.gif"









<A HREF="<EM>Joe">"><EM>Joe


<EM> /</EM>



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A Dream Story, by Ewa


This is a dream story. I am sorry for the bizzare

language. It is not easy to translate from Polish into

English, these are quite different languages. Besides

this is an old text. I have not checked it up since the

time it was written. I hope my English got a little

better through this time.

I am walking down the park with Peter. There is an

autumnal sunny weather. On the ground and on the trees

there are host of leaves - yellow, orange, brown and

green. I see a beautiful magnificent building behind the

trees. There is also a place where a huge strange white

circle is located. People come up to this place lay down

their heads and hands on its surface to lose their

energy or to take it from the circle.

I also decided to go there. After taking some

energy, I am coming back to Piotr - to a cementery. We

are sitting on a grave together.

I had this dream just after my first meeting with

Peter, who - in a very strange way - was rousing in

myself a hope of enormous, eternal love, which would

exist above all limitations and psychological conditions.

I saw a wonderful chance to realize the idea of true

immortal love, which will last all over and let loving

souls and bodies to rise above the mundane existence,

and enter the ideal sphere of spirit.

Reported dream however brought me an anxiety state.

Why do I dream autumn at the very beginning of our

relationship? Why instead of admiring together the

magnificence and beauty of the light building, we are

sitting on the grave having to deal with death? Why do I

have to go to take some energy?

Peter was also dreaming of enormous love and - as it

turned out later - I roused the same feelings and hopes

in his heart as he did in mine. Consciously however I

tried to keep him at a distance. I felt he was very

sensitive, romantic and that he gained a big part of

so-called life wisdom. But first of all I saw a huge

never fulfilled need of love in everything what he was


At the same time however I was suffering because of his

cynicism, egocentrism, and selfishness. There was a huge

gulf between that what he was talking about and that

what he was really doing. I could not reconcile to that.

A certain night I dreamt the following image:

I had a very important aim to achieve, but was so ill

that could not move at all.

Then I saw a great red apple in my dream, but it was

rotten in the most part. Its pulp was made of

green-yellow spider's webs like. Peter was cleaning this

apple for me, but his hands were rotten in the same way.

He was ill. He disappeared somewhere and I was waiting

for him. I wanted him to come back to make this apple

eatable for me.

This beautiful rotten apple was for me an evident symbol

of the true real feeling lack, just as mine and Peter's

illness were the sign of impossibility for our love to

be born. But in spite of this I wished him (waiting in

the dream) to love me-to clean the apple for me.

Few times I had a dream that Peter was arriving at my

place very dirty and I allowed him to have a bath. He

was washing his cynicism and bitterness (which has been

a consequence of many disappointments) out having a bath

in my naivety and ever lasting belief in human being and

so-called higher values. But no longer I was able to play

a role of a purifying shower. It was really hard for me

to accept the fact that there exist such cynic and

cruel people who pay back to the quite innocent people

for the wrongs which somebody else did them in the past.

I decided to brake my relation with Peter off. I have not

had any meeting with him for a few months.

At that time I had the following dream:

I am attending a lecture with a strange teacher - master

who is going to teach us in a "different" way. He wants

us to feel the whole depth of poetry - that what is

included above words and content because the most

important message is in there. We are to experience

poetry very deeply and to gain its meaning through

intuitive understanding.

Here is the next part of the dream:

There is a blue emptiness and a fog like in the same

colour. On the right side there is a blue water enclosed

in carved marble of circle shape. It evaporates making

subtle foggy creatures from beyond which a shape of a

girl is appearing. First the head and then the rest of

her body. the girl is very resemble to me. She has dark

hair, naked arms, naked breasts and very strange, short

skirts. I think she does not suit to this surroundings.

She is too little delicate and of too strong

constitution. Her body is yellow. She is moving forward

as if she is swimming through the blue. The water

remains behind her. Now she is becoming delicate. She

has double blue wings of her arms. Now I know I am this

girl .

On the left side a small dark - haird boy is appearing.

He is wearing a black suit. He also has the double blue

wings. I know this is Peter. He is running towards me

very quickly.

I feel the presence of an invisible personage which is

saying :" Do not ring him up". The boy achieved me

however and infiltrated into myself. I

like soaked him addressing the personage who tried to

warn me: "It is too late. The boy is already inside me."

I woke up terrified. The boy's infiltration into my body

was an evident symbol for me. The whole of rational and

almost the whole of irrational part of my being I was

against this then. My inner evolution which this dream

revealed to me made me think, however. From a primitive,

immature girl I changed into a subtle winged being. What

is surprising, the boy was also soulful, but he remained

a running kid while I became a woman full of harmony and

peace. Is that so, because - inspite of his assurances -

he seemed a boy to me all the time? Will he remain such a

boy and I should accept this? Am I not to pay attention

to words and behaviour and to follow the voice of my

intuition, what the teacher from my dream was talking


After a few months I came back to him. But I still had

lots of doubts and fears. My dreams were reflecting them

in the nightmare forms:

I see an unusual building , like a very high tower .

Winding stairs lead up. I did not need to go at the very

top, but I really wished to see the view from that

point. Such a wonderful blue and brilliance reigned

above. The tower was almost reaching the sky. I climbed

up the top, but I could not stand in the open space and

freely look around, because a terrible woman appeared in

front of me. I thought it was death. She was tall and

thin. She had bony hands compressed into fists and some

black and brown stains on her skin. I was horrible

terrified. She noticed that and started to explain

herself saying that she is just after an illness which

destroyed her so. I apologized to her for my reaction.

I was saying I understood and...was going away in a

panic fear. Her gaze steadfast on me was horrific. She

was approaching me. I started to escape running down the

stairs in crazy speed. How long they were... I thought

there would be no end. The horrible woman is running

behind me, she is hunting me. Once is before me, once

behind. I do not know how it happens so. Finally I am

downstairs among other people. Here the woman is no

more dangerous. I enter the church and see that a bank

department is established there.

Did this dream contain any warning? I wanted to climb up

as high as possible to be above all what is mundane and

ordinary, to be all over the commoness which is down. I

wished to enter the world of ideas and... I found a

disease and death ( of all these ideal images?) instead

of. Perhaps I am this ugly, destroyed woman? And I am

afraid of myself like this, again and again becoming

her. But down there is also a disappointment - money is

important instead of Christian values.

I rationalised my fears. I tried to understand Peter, to

explain his behaviour with the emotional rejection which

he experienced many times of women's side (sometimes,

however, it seemed very symptomatic to me). My distance

to him was increasing, but I wanted to conquer myself.

Belief that I will finally overcome my feelings and will

be able to bring love and happiness into his life, was

setting my doubts in the shadow. The world of illusion

was slowly becoming my real world.

Finally I agreed to live with him. Then I noticed that

Peter was awfully rapacious and self - centred. He was

not rousing love in myself, but was forcing me to love

him and was tormenting me in this way. He did not agreed

to leave me when I implored him to, arguing that he did

not want to lose me. My feelings were not important to

him. I was sustaining tortures listening to the love

declarations. I was desperate, disoriented, psychically

and physically exhausted. Less and less I was

remembering my dreams. Magnificent and colourful visions

-which I used to have before - disappeared. Instead of

them I dreamt darkness every night., darkness like a

black hole which was my reality and which I could not

get out of.

I had more and more nightmares:

I noticed something was growing in my head, was bursting

it. I was afraid it was a cancer. I tried to believe it

was anything else, but deeply inside I felt I would have

to depart from this world. It was terrible! I did not

want to die yet! My head was already very big and my hair

were bulging in the place where the tumour was growing

bigger. I was looking for a doctor's help desperately,

but noone was in and each door was closed.

I started to act in a very strange way - improper,

insuitable. I was singing, dancing and saying very

strange words in the places where silence and

seriousness were demanded. People were looking at me

surprised or scandalized. Sometimes I was laughing

awfully and somebody had to calm me down. Finally during

a ceremony my mother said she was afraid of me and

worried about my illness.

- Schizophrenia? -I asked.

- No, cyklophrenia - she answered.

I stood up and went to the other room.

The state of my physical and mental health increasingly

got worse at this time. Except for many physical

complaints, considerable problems with my memory and

ability to concentrate notice begun to appear. I became

helpless and defenceless. I was not able to think

logically and to disprove baseless and simply stupid

arguments, which Peter was using while talking to me (

or during his monologues rather). I was mostly down and

was working really hard to get rid this depression of,

just to fall into the next one. Peter stated that I was

psychically and mentally - deficient and it would be

good for me to undergo some psychological tests.

My parents noticed something wrong happened to me. They

helped me. I managed to escape from Peter. I went for a

few months abroad. Peter was writing letters, calling me

up, missing and anxiously waiting for me. He was saying

he loved me. I decided to take a risk again.

The following dream reflected my hesitating very


I am in the States and in my beloved woods in Poland

at the same time. Peter is like near by me and like far

away. I want to write a letter to him using big

feathers as my note - paper. I am not sure, however, if

it succeeds and whether these feathers do not get lost

somewhere during mailing . But it turns out they will

go into one of my envelopes. Anyway I am still not sure

if I should put them into the envelope or stick the

stamps directly on the feathers. These are the biggest

and the most beautiful swan feathers I have ever had. One

is snow - white, the other one is darker. I do not want

to damage them (to make them dirty with ink), especially

the white one which I decided to write on. I am still


The swan is for me a symbol of love, loyalty and

affection. I chose the white feather - love. The second

one - darker (but also beautiful) - is friendship. I am

reflecting on the following: to give my love to Peter or

to strangle it deeply inside me (to put it into the

envelope)? I do not want to destroy this love with

needless words (to write on the feather), as well.

I came back to Poland, but there were no positive changes

in my relation with Peter. It was still vague and very

harmful for both of us. I closed the white feather in

the envelope.

In my dreams I was often escaping from Peter and he was

looking for me. In one of such dreams I bought some

chicken tights. Then it turned out that everything in

this shop is infected with an horrid disease -

trichinosis probably - which larvas develop in people's

muscles. With repugnance I threw this tights out on the

snow, near by the rubbish heap. I noticed then that they

were no tights. I knew it was a chicken, but in reality

it was a bullied, child size body of a very strange,

inhuman shape . It was skinny and naked. At the moment I

threw it away it started to cry. It was screaming

scridently. That was a heart - rending yell of pain and

suffering. It was derelicted on the snow in death throes.

I started to scream to call people to kill it off. I was

not be able to do this by myself, although I felt how

horrible it was suffering. I was also yelling heart -

readingly and I felt this shout proceeded from the bottom

of my heart.

At once I knew this poor, strange being symbolised my

relation with Peter. The feeling instead of finding the

breeding ground for its development inside us was thrown

away on the snow (the lack of feelings), and now it is

dying on - just as our relationship which I am no more

able to save. I also cannot break it of - kill the

suffering being . And may be Peter is this ill -

treated, derelicted body? He often feels so. All the

same, I have no more power. The immense love to Peter

would signify my death.

At this time I had few dreams about falling teeth. I

understood them as my inability of self - defence

(especially against Peter's attacks) and coping with

painful ,emotions. In one of these dreams my teeth fell

out, but their roots remained. It meant for me that

everything would be OK.

In the following dreams I found the confirmation of my


I am far away from my home. There is also our new car and

nobody of my family to drive it. I must go home but I

cannot leave the car. I cannot drive, I do not have my

driving -licence , but anyway I decide to go home

driving this car. I am driving! And I am quite good at

it! It is wintertime and the road is covered by ice.

Besides there are a lot of hills on my way. I have a

little fear. I have been driving downhill for along

time. I wonder which brake I should use: manual or

normal. I decide to use normal one because manual could

make my drive completely impossible. I am very glad that

drive uphill is starting and I will have to use the

brake no more.

There are woods all around, but I am not alone. There are

some other cars on my way.

Suddenly I am riding a bicycle, still home through the

woods and snow. A herd of koyots attacks me. I catch one

and throw it far away. Then it changes into a small dog

and I am a little sorry for it. I manage other animals,

too, and I see they are not so dangerous. Finally they

leave me alone.

My return to home is the return to myself - strong,

powerful and in good health. This also means my coming

back to the state of well - being and the feeling of

safety. I am able to control my emotions and situations

which I am involved in like I controlled the car. I am

happy that although it will be a little difficult

(uphill) I will not have to withdraw into myself (to use

the brake) and to block my emotions any more.

This is another dream:

Any big, black birds are coming to me. They cannot fly. I

see they have bandaged wings. I judge they are already

in good health. I am putting the bandages from their

wings away and they are flying high up to the sky. It

is beautiful around, a lot of green everywhere. I see a

marvellous meadow surrounded by the virgin woods. The

sky is blue. I feel like I am flying. I am surprised

that I am able to heal birds - I am the birds' healer.

Wonderful, I am recuperating! My joyful soul will be

flying like a bird again!

I am flying in another dream:

Golden sunshine enlightens the blue of the sky. It is

warm. I see and feel a huge surface. Down under me I see

a beautiful, colourful garden where a magnificent horse

is running.

Being full of energy and optimism after these dreams I

create a new hope for my future with Peter. I think we

both will undergo some positive changes and all will be

OK. After a peaceful day without any quarrels and

misunderstandings, full of wonderful plans for the

future, I had a dream in which Peter was a monster:

He tortures me so, that I do not know what happens to me

and all around. My father is defending me passionately.

This dream shocked me. I was really terrified after

waking up. But in few hours it started... Peter drove

me into the state of depression again. I was quite

helpless and defenceless.

In the evening I met my family. I found out that during

my absence they were talking about my relation with

Peter a lot. They advised me to brake it off. Especially

my father wanted me to do that. Anyway I made a decision

about my separation with Peter before the meeting with my

family. I had really heavy heart. It was not easy for me

to make this step. So many plans fell down. And then I

had a dream that I went to the fortune - teller. I had an

appointment with her (everyday there were crowds of

people and it was taking some hours to get the

possibility to see her). I was just about coming into

her room when I decided to escape. After all this is my

life, my future and I am the only one who can have the

best knowledge about this. Especially this horrible

woman can say nothing about me and what more to thrust

her opinion upon me.

I was a little down and sad trying to abide by my

decision. After all, inspite of having lots of friends I

feelt somewhat lonely. I was walking down the street

plunged in this blue mood. Suddenly an old woman with

cards caught me up. Instinctively I wanted to go away but

she overtook me saying that she would only like to talk

to me. Oh, yes -I think - and then you will start to

fool my money out or rob me. But on the other hand are

there really no people who want to talk to other man

only? She started to foretell my future. I was afraid

that she will rob me in a moment. I wanted to escape and

the thought from my dream: "I am the only one who can

have the best knowledge about my future" (especially such

a street woman cannot have!) was rumbling in my head. In

this state of hesitating - between the wish of escape

and belief in human honesty - I was completely robbed.


<================ DREAM LINE ================>


I would like to start this Dream Line with a short

relaxation exercise.

Imagine yourself in a beautiful forest with lots of

trees. Wait, most of the trees have been cut down. It

is still quite nice as you look down at the bubbling

stream. But there are empty pop cans and bottles and

paper scraps strewn around. Or maybe you are walking

along the beach at sunset. You stroll, bare footed, into

the water only to feel a thick ooze cling to your feet.

You look down to see thick, black oil clinging to your

feet and ankles. Okay, this isn't working. One of the

most traditional methods of relaxation, using imagery of

natural environments, ceases to be effective when the

reality of pollution and other environmental problems are

brought into that imagery.

In reviewing the responses to my request for dreams of

and relating to the environment I am reminded of the

rather broad definition of the word environment.

Webster's 9th New Collegiate Dictionary defines

environment as follows:

1: the circumstances, objects, or conditions by

which one is surrounded 2 a: the complex of

physical, chemical, and biotic factors (as climate,

soil, and living things) that act upon an organism

or an ecological community and ultimately determine

its form and survival b: the aggregate of social and

cultural conditions that influence the life of an

individual or community.

When making the request I was thinking in terms of the

natural environment, but Webster's definition reminds me

of the awesome thought that the environment is that by

which we are surrounded. How accurate that is! There is

no escape from the natural environment; it is all around

us. Our very existence is dependent on it. Despite this

fact the daily news broadcasts frequently report stories

environmental disasters. In just the two months I have

been collecting responses for this column I have seen a

month long fire at a local used tire processing facility;

two major oil spills; and a serious leak of a toxic

chemical from a train derailment. These examples come

from watching only a few minutes of news each day.

Upon some further investigation I have found many other

examples. My primary research tool has been the World

Wide Web. There are many, many web sites relating to the

environment and the various threats to it. Scrolling

through the web pages I have seen evidence of the

continued deforestation of rain forests all over the

world. It is not, however, just the rain forests. In

the United States the government routinely allows lumber

companies to come into federal land and parks containing

old growth forests to harvest the trees. In addition to

the continued loss of forests I have seen photos and read

hypertext describing pollution of the seas and oceans, as

well as both legal and illegal killing of endangered


If the number of responses I have received can be

considered an indication of the level of awareness most

people have, then the awareness is high. I received more

responses for this Dream Line than the previous two

combined. My request for dreams of the environment seems

to have struck a cord. I have reviewed the dreams,

comments, and other responses received. To mention them

all would expand this column far beyond the restraints of

my time budget. In that light I have chosen a few

examples that I believe represent the many responses.

One dream I have received involves the dreamer driving a

car along a rural road. She pulls over to the edge of

the road and gets out of the car. After walking about

one hundred feet away she stops and notices a large oak

tree across the road from the car. Just then this oak

tree shoots a bolt of lightning at the car, destroying

it. The dreamer sees that had she stayed in the car she

would have been killed. In corresponding with the

dreamer I have found that she sensed no intent on the

tree's part to hurt her. This dream can be seen as a

dramatic warning. The large oak, representing the

natural environment, is attacking the car, which may be a

symbol of our techno-industrial society that down plays

the significance of the environment for the sake of

profit and progress.

In another dream the dreamer comes upon a structure in

the process of being built. She describes several steel

beams and wooden planks. The bases of the steel beams

are in the ground with no concrete foundation or footers.

There is no man-made concrete, only dirt. "Sometimes",

the dreamer writes during our correspondence, "there are

people walking around the beams, other times they are up

high talking about construction." It seems to the

dreamer that the work will never be completed. In

corresponding with the dreamer I have found that she

relates this dream to the "new land" that is being born

in that realm William Gibson so aptly referred to as

cyberspace. The dreamer also relates this dream to the

not-so-evident dangers this cyber- environment could

present to the natural environment. "From the dream I

did conjecture that one unhappy outcome on the

environment could be in the value we place on cyberspace.

That is if we value the information highway to the point

that we forget it is a tool not a goal, we could become

less conscious, respectful and caring for mother earth."

This dream, and the dreamer's thoughts relating to it

have brought my attention to a potential danger that I

had not previously considered. Cyberspace may not pose a

direct threat, but as the dreamer wrote, it could be a

powerful distraction, thereby allowing further damage to

occur to the natural environment.

Yet another dream puts the dreamer in a dark place that

is outside of physical space. A shaft of light comes

down from above and reflects off the edge of a sword

laying on the ground at the foot of the mythical King

Arthur. The blackness falls away as a proud native

American approaches and embraces King Arthur. The two

turn and walk into the light of the world. They are

followed by other native Americans and King Arthur's

knights. In my correspondence with the dreamer he

associates King Arthur and his knights with a positive,

humanitarian force. The dreamer connects the native

Americans with the legend of the Rainbow Warrior, which

speaks of a time when the Earth is sick and the animals

disappear. According to the legend the Rainbow Warrior

comes to save the animals. Rather than warn us, this

dream seems to be offering hope in the image of two

mythical forces joining together to battle for the


A final example has the dreamer and his waking-life

associates on trial. An important waking-life detail the

dreamer mentions is that before going to sleep he had

heard something on the radio about the struggle of native

peoples in the Brazilian rain forests to make a living.

In the dream the dreamer and his associates are charged

with the mass extinctions of all the species that

occurred as Anglo-Europeans took over and destroyed the

old growth forests of the northern hemisphere. In the

dream the dreamer acknowledges his guilt. He and his

associates are sentenced to watch the destruction of

humankind because it is not fair to ask poor rain forest

nations to save their forests for the sake of the ozone

and the health of the environment when we (those of us

who are of Anglo-European descent) had thrown ours away.

In corresponding with this dreamer I have found some

amazing things. As a direct result of this dream he

began studying native peoples; conserving and recycling;

and, even more amazing, he has changed careers. He now

works to help organizations decrease the use of

non-reusable materials. What a wonderful example of

using dreams to make positive changes in the


The above dreams illustrate the ways in which the Dream

Time is communicating to us regarding the environment.

From the "Electric" warning found in the first dream to

the hopeful images of uniting forces in the third dream,

it is clear that the problems with and threats to our

natural environment are indeed serious matters. So often

our dreams guide our awareness to areas that demand

attention. This appears to be one such area. So, our

dreams have lead us this far. Where do we go from here?

A very natural and logical question. Unfortunately, many

people go nowhere. They watch the news stories and shake

their heads. Maybe they even talk with their friends and

family about how terrible the latest oil spill is. But

there has to be more! I am very glad to say that many of

the dreamers I have corresponded with do not fall into

this category. They care for the environment by

recycling, or volunteering for environmental groups, and

of course there is the dreamer who changed careers!

The dreamers have found actions to help protect the

environment that are right in their own lives. We all

must do the same. These problems with the environment

will not only continue, but will grow worse as the years

pass unless, that more people act, not only protect the

environment, but to begin to heal the wounds inflicted

thus far.

Let us all take the time to hear what our dreams might

say about the environment and what suggestions might be

offered. The range of what we can do is as great as the

range of different environmental problems. Recycling is

fast becoming something that many people must do because

their local and state governments mandate it. For those

of us who live in areas where this is not yet so we can

certainly manage at least this much. Simply being aware

of what practices occur in the work place is another

example of what can be done. If we see paper being

wasted or harmful chemicals being improperly disposed of

we need to voice our concerns. Many employers welcome

employee feedback and suggestions. Perhaps we could help

create new, more environmentally friendly policies. On a

larger scale there are environmental groups that take

more aggressive actions in protecting the environment. I

do not advocate violence or harmful destruction of

property, but most environmental groups do not engage in

such activities. Many such groups simply educate the

general public regarding the environmentally harmful

practices of businesses and governments. In some cases

these groups do take direct action in an attempt to

prevent the injury of animals. Considering these types of

actions forces us to explore where our beliefs and

convictions lead us.

The wonderfully exciting and sometimes frightening world

of dreams can be filled with messages of all kinds. Yet,

without action in the waking-world these messages may as

well fall on deaf ears.

Now, visualize yourself in a beautiful forest picking up

along a winding stream : )

--Christopher Hicks



The Dream Archive - An Interview with Joe Tucker


by Richard Wilkerson

Not for the faint at heart, nor for anyone under 18

years old, this five star Internet Underground site

inlcudes dream imagery and text under the following

categories: Wheels, Bodies, Boom!, Sundries, Nurses,

Water, School, Celebrations, Beasts and Home.

RCW: Joe, how did the idea for the site come about?

JT: I evolved a fairly intense sense of intrigue and

awe with respect to dreams in college at the University

of California, San Diego where I studied Psychology. I

helped start a group of artists called Z(sub zero) or

Z-not which was primarily concerned with creating art

of a surreal nature. We got into Steve LeBerge and his

lucid dream work at Stanford (one of us left to work

with him). We also got into sensory deprivation (there

were three available tanks in San Diego) and the safer

entheogenic compounds.

After graduation, many of us kept in contact via e-mail

and shared some dreams occasionally. I saved them all

and then got the idea for The Dream Archive when I

became the webmaster at Trilobyte. I began getting

dreams from all over the place and I've included as many

as I could.

RCW: What's your own relationship with dreams?

JT: I have a tremendous amount of respect for the amount

of data contained in the body which usually lies outside

the perception of consciousness. Most of what we do

happens regardless of our "thinking" about it. I've

played with meditation and biofeedback to alter some

"easy" biological mechanisms like pulse rate and

digestion and it's really very difficult -- it's

probably impossible for most of us to alter very basic

human functions like the ability to stay awake, clot our

blood when we're scratched, or withstand a great degree

of pain without reaction, but this probably for good


Besides this lack of control over our body by our

conscious mind, and the vast number of mechanisms that

interact with our environment outside the influence or

attention of our minds, it also true that our conscious

minds may also deceive us, especially in time of crisis,

either by active cognitive error or passively by

providing too confused or overactive an environment for

us to perceive our environment accurately.

I think dreams provide a way of more accurately

perceiving things about ourselves and our environment by

providing a portal to these methods of knowing contained

in our body outside the realm of consciousness. This to

me is of prime importance. I respect oneiromancy

(divination by dreaming), especially in times of crisis

when our conscious minds are often compromised, because

of this.

I'm less interested in fantastic voyages, visiting

past lives, or Jungian interpretations if they don't

first serve the purpose of helping people to understand

themselves and the more salient aspects of their

enviroments, like coping with the death of a loved one,

how to solve familial financial troubles, etc. Returning

to the source, or listening to the wisdom of what is

both internal (a part of the self) and external (outside

waking consciousness) and bringing those together is a

very human and rewarding benefit of dream observation. I

try to remain as sensitively human about them as


RCW: What do you think about dreaming in general?

JT: I guess you're asking about Dreaming with a capital

"D"? I think there's alot of positive work going in

this area. I believe Dreaming may be a place where

science will evolve a more complex form which is able

to incorporate and quantify the benefits of listening to


As always with dreams, there is also a great number of

"shamanic" practitioners. Generally, I can respect these

complex methods for doing this same kind of very human

listening. I'm into people improving their perception of

themselves and their environment regardless of method.

It does bother me, however, that a few of these shamans

can also be charlatans and perhaps hurt people. Then

again, there are scientists that might be misleading

people as well... ha ha!

RCW: How do you see the site evolving in the future?

JT: The design as it exists is only suitable for a

couple dozen dreams or so. I started it it when I was

very new to the web back in late 1994.

I'm thinking about improving indexing and my ability to

add new dreams by creating an index that works by using

a search engine. I'd be able to just plop new dreams in

and the engine would do the hard part.

I've got Excite!'s engine running our company's site

and it seems to work really well.

RCW: Is there an interactive aspect to the site - are

contributions accepted - if so, what considerations

should dream artists take into account?

JT: Yes! Please, send your dreams! I encourage quantity

because I think that the greater diversity of experience

people experience in reading about others'

interpretation of their dreams, the better they can take

an approach in interpreting their dreams which may at

first seem unorthodox, albeit more true to how their

whole self in perceiving reality.

Send to Joe Tucker



Dreaming Deep & Surfacing


by Jeremy Taylor


A little while ago, I was approached by "America On-Line"

(AOL) to host a regular, "live", real time, "virtual


group", Monday through Friday, starting at 9:00 am


Time. I agreed to give it try, even though it means that


have to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in front of my

computer at 6:00 am, Pacific Time, (which up 'til now has

not been my habit.)

Initially, I had some reservations about working dreams

through this distinctly "cool" and physically isolating

medium of the internet. When I imagined as carefully as I

could what it might be like, I was particularly concerned

that the "flat" and highly compressed computer

communication format might inhibit the flow of


relational intimacy, and mutual respect so necessary for

good dream work.

I decided to undertake a couple of "trial runs" before I

agreed to host the "show" for AOL. Barbara Viglizzo, a

colleague and former student of mine, offered to set up

trial "meetings" in cyber-space, and recruited several

interested, computer-competent dreamers. (Thanks,


As we all "met" in cyber-space and began to do "...if it

were my dream" style dream work, I was tremendously


and excited to discover that my fears were, if not

groundless, at least exaggerated out of all realistic

proportion. In fact, the emotionally and physically


format of simultaneous computer "chat" among people in

widely separated geographic locations appears to enhance

many important elements that make group exploration of

dreams so productive.

The fact that every participant appears on the


identified only by his or her "cyber-handle" means that


sense of safety and protected anonymity so necessary for

productive dream work is completely assured from the

outset. My experience also convinces me that the


of compressing our questions and comments into to


"sound bites" in order to send them to the communal


regularly serves to discourage needless verbosity. The

compressed computer screen format tends to draw us all


the work at a deeper level, more quickly than is


the case in face-to-face dream groups.

I am also very impressed with the sense of emotional

equality that is created by everyone's comments appearing

on the screen in the same bland type-face, with same

spacing and "inflection". In face-to-face dream work, the

comments of participants are always "weighted", to some

unconscious degree or another, by our responses to their

physical appearance and the timbre and quality of their

voices. Different people have different prejudices about

who they want to listen to and take seriously, and who


tend to "tune out" and dismiss. On the screen, all that


gently wiped away; all comments appear initially as

"equal", and all the participants are much freer to

discover the potential "aha" of insight for themselves in

the various remarks, without unconscious pre-judging of


person making the comment.

This egalitarian anonymity is simply a given when


work is undertaken through connected computers, and that

alone makes "virtual dream groups" in cyber space a

particularly good place to explore the multiple meanings


dreams that always lie below the surface of appearance


"manifest content." As in face-to-face dream work, the

different ideas and multiple perspectives offered by the

many different people who constitute the virtual dream

group, make it even more likely that many more of the

dream's multiple levels of meaning and significance will


touched on and explored in the work, than would be likely

to be touched working in solitude, or even working on-to-

one with a skilled dream worker.

I regularly find myself musing more freely and

"speaking" more openly as I sit comfortably in my


chair, sipping my morning coffee, physically much more

comfortable and relaxed than I sometimes am, (sitting in

metal folding chairs in drafty church basements), doing

face-to-face dream work. I can only imagine that this

"relaxation factor" has a positive effect on all the


participants as well. Presumably, we are all comfortably

ensconced in our own private, safe, comfy, computer


free from the judgement of others, and thus more able to

think and intuit creatively and sensitively about our own

imagined versions of the dreams being worked.

In the virtual dream group, people are free to come

and go as their interest and energy dictates, without

distracting or giving offense to other participants. By


same token, people are much freer to simply watch and

listen and generate their own "aha's" of insight without

participating directly in the work. (In the cyber-world,

such people are commonly known as "lurkers", and


is a perfectly acceptable activity in this context.)

In the virtual dream group, the "host" has even more

influence over the process than in a face-to-face group,

since he or she has the power to determine which comments

go to the screen for all to read, and which will be

"dumped". This has both positive and negative


All the usual problems of differing levels of

sophistication and seriousness among participants that

sometimes arise in face-to-face dream work still exist in

cyber-space, but the computer format allows the host to

keep people from interrupting each other, or "hogging"


space with ponderous monologues, as sometimes occurs in

face-to-face dream work groups. Balanced against this, of

course, is the problem of the host/ facilitator's


transference" issues. The unconscious biases and

assumptions of the host have even more influence over the

productivity of the group process than in face-to-face

dream work, precisely because the host has so much more

influence and control over the flow of communication


the participants.

Albert Einstein was fond of saying that "if you


explain what you are doing to an intelligent ten year


you probably don't don't know what you are doing..." This

principle of simplifying and clarifying even the most

abstruse and emerging intuitive understandings regularly

comes into play in computer connected dream work. Some of

the lyric poetry may be lost in the process, but the

"haiku" remain.

If you, or anyone you know, is interested in

participating in this fascinating new way of exploring


multiple meanings and possibilities of your dreams,


how you can pull the group up on your screen:

- log on to A.O.L.

- go to KEYWORD: HUB

- choose ENTER



- choose DREAM GROUP

The "dream show" also has a 24-hour "bulletin


where you can leave your dreams, comments, questions, and

what-have-you, at any time. I check the bulletin board

regularly for material to work with during the regular

daily "live" dream group.



Quantum notes on Castaneda's Dreaming Gates

by Vilen Galimov


Zum Thema des Traumrealismus im Geiste des Don Juan

gewidmet, beruehrt dieser Vortrag das Problem

populaerwissenschaftlicher Erlaeuterung der Erscheinung

kontrollbarer Traeume.

"Everyday life just a dream"

People are used to believe that a man, while living,

either sleeps or is awake. Such a duplex approach to

human nature reflects a tendency of going to extremes.

However, science of the twenties century gave up

gradually the hegemony of dualist logic. Dualist logic

was found incomplete in principle. (The discoveries by

such mathematicians as B. Russel, K. Goedel; also Grell-

ing and Nelson...) Thus everything points to the fact

that just as a grain of sand constitutes counterpart

together with the mother-of-pearl within the mollusc

conch, in a similar manner does the modern science no

longer regard the great paradoxes as something alien to

objective cognition. Latter-day science and paradoxes are

no longer incompatible. Hypothetically, all the

prospective Achilles' heels to be digested by modern

science should proceed to body of the latter sooner in

single file than in an avalanche...

One of the vividest examples of topical paradoxes as

regards modern science is so called lucid dream. The

phenomenon obviously connected with intrusion of the

attention a la Ouspensky into the course of an ordinary

delta sleep at the moment of acme of the latter. If to

substitute now Castaneda's term DREAMING for our one

"lucid dream" then, in a few words, DREAMING means to be

awake without awakening. If to deepen into subject then

DREAMING means to regain one's self-awareness along with

sober-minded memory when remaining under in- fluence of

vivid visions experienced as before. According to

Castaneda's book 9 there are seven qualitative stages of

DREAMING. Each of such stages got the name of the gate of

DREAMING. Thus, the first stage of DREAMING is the first

gate of the latter. Let's go now into some details

regarding situa- tion of the first gate.

DREAMING ( we'll try at first to see only Castaneda's

books' own point of view for the beginning) is a branch

of the ancient system of sorcery. Accordingly, there is

a kind of practical regulation with respect to line of

conduct in DREAMING. So, for instance, the first gate of

DREAMING stands for looking at one's hands after having

applied appropriate ef- fort of one's will. Hands are

being found against the background of a certain setting.

That is the setting of situation of the first gate of

DREAMING. The setting can include e.g. a picturesque

landscape, or an astounding technological equipment et

cetera... No doubt, phenomenon of DREAMING has a direct

connection with Quantum Mechanics. The author would

spend the whole night through watching how his hands (or

the other objects of his DREAMING) change their shape

under this lines' author's standing at gaze upon.

Similarly low-energy electron is shifted all along of

desperate endeavors of an experimenter who merely wishes

to determinate the particle's co-ordinates...

Another productive conception proceeding from modern

science, and which in regard to Question of understanding

the nature of DREAMING one cannot dis- pense with, is the

multi-universed interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, ac-

cording to which not only in like manner as the Russian

doll Matreshka are immeasurable worlds successively

inserted into each atom ( Anaxagoras) but also are the

three-dimensional metagalaxies being apart from each

other in Megaworld space. One of such metagalaxies is our

universe. ( Dr. Novikov from Moscow State University, and

his transatlantic colleague Prof. Thorne ...) It should

be noted, finally, that with regard to DREAMING there

proved to be utterly irreplaceable such scientific

discoveries as mathematical self- similar sets (of

elements), or, in other words, the fraction-dimensional

fractals, and so called "strange" attractors (of a

bifurcation), like those of Lozi, Lorenz and others. No

doubt, when DREAMING one can pretty easily leave one's

own metagalaxy. We need just to drop down a Black Hole.

Thus any Terran's body of DREAMING can overcome the

three-dimensional space of our universe and turn out

itself to be in another (parallel) world... As to

fractals and attractors, they must be then nothing but

Plato's Ideas&Forms. Or maybe even Kant's

things-in-itselves. Phenomenon of the attractors, on the

other hand, oviously transforms mathematics into physics.

Of the ob- jects of ultra-low energy (plasma of lowestest

densities). While the Lorenz attractor is a

saddle-shaped one, the other ones might be definitely

e.g. flower-like or even of a human being's shape.

Actually, that's what may be happening to all of us since

our universe's Big Bang. We are just "strange" attractors

of the thermodynamic plasma of a hypercolossal explosion.

The one whose process' kinetics is of 2O billion yrs

duration... It is not surprising that after all B. Russel

sided with Plato openly. Ultimately, any sort of an

abstract may thus turn out to be no less omnipotent as

any solids are. Dreamer cannot help taking these facts

into consideration. The phantoms of one's imaginary

world not necessarily and not always should be of a less

den- sity than so called gross-material objects of

everyday life. It seems, in the light of the latest

scientific discoveries, the criteria of what's sub-

jective and what's not are losing its strength. If so,

let me relegate then aside traditional way of

pro-scientific narrative in favor of para-scientific

interpretations. After all, somebody's insight (or any

plausible thoughts at all) obviously ought to be regarded

as noosphere's prerogative, or even a manifestation of

collective unconscious ...It is well-known that there are

in nature only four fundamental forces. There are no any

others. Neither any- thing beyond their (four forces')

influence can exist. 13 years ago the two of the four

above-mentioned forces got a unified status. And so, for

already 13 years Terrans live in very special conditions

...Three fundamental forces are: 1) meson interaction; 2)

electromagnetic interaction (the four quanta of the

latter are photon, W^+ boson, W^- boson, and Z^0 boson);

3) gravita- tional field. Now examine Einstein's formula

E=mc^2. One can see here that the equation is divided by

equality sign into two parts. Left side stands for full

energy, whereas right side contains the two other

components multiplied. Unitary Field (that was at

singularity time of our universe) now disintegra- ted

into three different fields as stated above. In my

opinion, meson inter- action is now the successor of

Unitary Field. As to DREAMING (if to draw in again

Castaneda's terminology), here "E" of Einstein's formula

means meson reality and the third attention respectively.

"m" stands for mass and the dark. "m" signifys female

principle. Finally, "c^2" means light. It is male

principle. Light (electromagnetic field) correlate to the

second attention and the main factor of DREAMING. In

other words, so called body of DREAMING is nothing but

body of light ( c^2 ) i.e. "electromagnetic body" (in a

modus sense). Besides the latter, each of us also has

another two bodies. That of the first attention is the

gravitational body (so called material one, where- as

"electromagnetic one" is respectively the astral body).

Meson body, in its turn, enables one to penetrate to the

third attention. Meson body is the true spiritual

body. ...In the 9th Castaneda's book there's no informa-

tion about the remaining three gate of DREAMING. As it

seems to me, the last gate of DREAMING is the actual

entrance into meson reality that is true ( Unitary

Field's) spiritual world (of purestest emotions). Meson

realty is a reality of no return. (And of no death at

all.) That's the third attention. As to the 5th & 6th

gate of DREAMING, I think they are respectively the re-

gulated & systematic dream-serial (look what everyday

life is), and (6th gate) the ability to have a lot of

bodies of DREAMING simultaneously... But such evidently

boundless themes obviously should be discussed in another

ar- ticle.


GPO Box 4424

Tashkent City 7OO OOO



Dream Poem by Allison Eir Jenks

Moons In My Head


>>A duel

of gingerbread voices

>>Crams up my sleep.


>>Faces powdered red

>>Dictating dimples

>>Blur the rough

>>Coral reefs


>>Where the water-filled

>>Skulls of Jericho

>>Scrabble like a port of

>>Grated tongues cleaving

>>Sunken oysters.


>>What is the moon doing

>>beyond those wintry places


>>Jaunting the center of the

>>Hairy, brassy lit sky


>>Luxuriating in

>>like a face of warm bread

>>Thickening late night rides


>>I left winter behind

>>Folded up those I loved into a

>>Map of white nights


>>Building claw marks up the air.

>>Hiking upright


>>Before the lustrous

>>bullets you stand behind.


>>What has manipulated you?

>>Have you been unsinkably free and

>>Angellic without a passable heart.

>>The most victorious thing alive.

>>Treasured from a distance

>>Immune and deafened from negligence.


>>Let me get there

>>to loot the light and

>>Weasel it into my eyes.

>>Parching this unchannelable distress.




The Lucid Dreamer's Manual

- Inducing Lucid Dreams -

A compilation of various Lucid Dreaming techniques.

by Lee Holmes (Holmes@Cycor.Ca)

(Part 1 of 2)


This guide is designed to assist both the novice

and expert Lucid Dreamer. It is designed to get to the

heart of the matter; if you wish to learn modern theories

on dreaming or the definition of a lucid dream, one of

the many Lucid Dreaming FAQ's will be better suited to

your taste. With the earth's population nearing 6

billion, it is obvious that no single method can

work for everybody. That is why I've made this manual

multi-faceted: each section outlines several techniques,

so you can choose the one best suited to you. If you

don't believe in a method, or it doesn't work for you,

don't use it!


Step 1: Improving your Dream Recall


The first step to becoming more proficient in

your Lucid adventures is to improve your dream recall. As

common sense dictates, "If you don't remember your

dreams, how can you remember your LUCID ones?" The other

reason for developing your dream recall comes from the

school of thought that if you learn to recognize the

material that makes up your dreams, you will tend to

recognize more often (while dreaming) that what you are

seeing is dream material. This step is one of the most

important ones, and it is often suggested that if you

cannot remember AT LEAST one dream per night, then

persist with this step until you can. One essential step

to dream recall is the analysis of these dreams

afterwards. If you notice that a certain "dreamsign" is

repeating itself in your dreams, you can use that

knowledge to cue lucidity the next time you see the


i) Make sure to allow yourself plenty of time to

sleep. If you are getting a good amount of sleep each

night, your mind will be more finely focused towards your

goals and intentions while you are sleeping. Secondly, if

you are getting plenty of sleep, you will not mind waking

up in the middle of the night as much to record your


ii) Be verbose! While honing your dream recall

abilities, an essential step is to write down every dream

you can remember, no matter how fragmentary.

iii) Plant an auto-suggestion. Before sleep, tell

yourself to remember your dreams. One method is to tell

yourself that "In the morning, I will remember all the

dreams which I have tonight so that I may write them

down". In the morning you would ask yourself before

anything else, "What did I dream last night? What was I

just dreaming?". Once you have recalled as many dreams as

possible, pick up your dream journal and write them down.

The only thing that should occupy your mind from the time

you wake up to the time you write down your dreams, is

the recall of your dreams! This method is advantageous

for those who find that they cannot wake up during the

night, or find that their dream recall is much better in

the morning than at night.

The second method is to tell yourself before

sleep, "After each dream tonight I will wake up so that I

may write it down." Each time you wake up at night think

to yourself, "What was I just dreaming?". After you have

remembered everything possible pick up your dream journal

and write the dream down, noting the time. When you wake

up in the morning, try to recall any dreams you may have

missed by saying, "What was I just dreaming? What did I

dream last night?". Write any new dreams down in your

dream journal. This method has several advantages. One

advatange comes from the fact that your brain is spending

a greater amount of time on the subject of lucid dreaming

than it would if it slept straight through the night.

This tends to enhance the chances of a lucid dream. A

second advantage is that your dream recall is much higher

and more accurate when you awake immediately from a

dream. Thirdly, this method lends itself to planting many

auto-suggestions per night, such as the "M.I.L.D" method

created by Stephen LaBerge.

iv) While recalling a dream, normally a sketchy

storyline forms in your head. In order to enhance your

memory, try remembering what happened "just before" the

part you can remember first, and build your dreams back

up in reverse order. Try to remember colors, smells, and

sounds as well. After the dream is as complete as

possible, write it down.

v) If, in the morning, you have trouble recalling

your dreams, try to prod yourself with phrases such as "I

was walking and..." or "I was just about to..."

vi) If, during the day, you recall more dreams,

write them down and transfer them to your dream journal

when convenient.


Step 2: Reality Testing


This technique sets up a critical frame of mind;

the more often

you question reality in your waking life, the more you

will question it in your dream life. The best way to

begin reality testing is to ask yourself, "Am I

dreaming?" whenever you think of it. If you ever find

that something seems "weird", or you find yourself

thinking about dreaming, or find yourself looking at your

"anchor", then do a reality test.

i) Set up an anchor. Pick something that occurs

often in your life, such as your pager going off, or

hearing your watch beep on the hour. When your anchor

occurs, it will be your cue to do a reality test.

ii) Do reality tests. Whenever it occurs to you, ask

yourself the question: "Am I dreaming?" The secret to

asking this question is to truly think about it. Look

around for anything out of place. Try to change something

(make your watch go backwards, for example.)

There are several ways to test your reality,

and here are two that work well:

"Past Recall Method", created by Lee Holmes

In this method, when you wish to do a reality

check, or suspect that perhaps you are dreaming, attempt

to recall your actions in the past few hours. I have

always found that I do not have a past in my lucid

dreams, or I've got a past that defies reality. (Ie: I

just got back from an alien convention) In normal life,

your past makes complete sense, so it is obvious that you

are not dreaming.

"Hand Breathing Technique", created by James L. Guinn

In this method, you test your reality by

attempting to breathe through your hand. Obviously, in

waking reality this is impossible if you attain a proper

seal. In dream reality, however, one CAN breathe through

their hand, even if a proper seal is attained. To use

this method, simply squeeze your nose between the sides

of your thumb and index finger, and cover your open mouth

with the palm of your hand. With a proper seal, the only

time you will be able to inhale will be when you are


"Control the Unchanging", created by Lee Holmes

The purpose of this method, simply, is to change

something that should not be alterable in normal waking

reality. Two tests I use are attempting to change the

sunlight (reverse night and day), and trying to stop my

heart. When stopping your heart, place your hand on the

middle-left hand side of your chest. You can feel your

heartbeat so try to stop it by force of will. Since it is

an autonomic process, you will only be able to change it

in your dreams.

iii) If you are SURE that you are not dreaming,

then ask yourself, "what would it be like if I were

dreaming?" and visualize yourself acting as though you

were dreaming. Visualize yourself bending a lamp post,

for example. Take this chance to mess around with reality

and visualize yourself doing other things as well.

iv) After your reality-bending, pick something you

would like to do in your next lucid dream. Visualize

yourself flying, for example. You must attempt to

visualize every possible detail; the wind on your face,

the trees beneath you, and the sky above you. Say to

yourself, "The next time I am (flying, etc), I will KNOW

I am dreaming."

One reality test that works particularily well is

the process of remembering your past. In most dreams, by

trying to remember what has occured over the last few

hours, you will realize that your memory of them is non-

existant. The realization of this will trigger lucididty.


Step 3: Adopt a Sleep Schedule


In recent research done by The Lucididty Institute,

it has been determined that certain patterns of sleep

are favourable for lucid dreaming. In their studies, they

found that altering your sleep schedule so that you wake

up an hour early, read for an hour, then nap for an hour

greatly increases your chances of having a lucid dream.

In their studies, they found that lucid dreams occured 10

times more often in the early morning "naps" then they

did in the preceeding night-time sleep. This may be

partially due to the increased amount of REM activity in

the latter portions of the night, but one cannot disagree

with favourable odds! As with waking during the night,

this method also lends itself to increasing lucidity

further. If, for example, the material you read during

your wakefulness is related to lucid dreaming, your

chances of having a lucid dream will increase as well.

Additionally, the M.I.L.D technique to be discussed in

Step 4 lends itself to this method (and is reccommended).

Another sleep schedule, reccomended by Seth

(through Jane Roberts), reccomends a 2/2/4 type shift.

The sleep periods are most effective when spread evenly

throughout the day, so this method lends itself almost

implicitly to the self employed or those between jobs.

When the sleep periods are distributed this way, it gives

you two benifits: one is that your dream recall is

increased (consistant with waking up after each dream at

night), and the second is that the Lucidity Institute has

found a greater chance of lucid dreaming during naps than

during normal night-time sleep. (As mentioned above.)

Next issue - Techniques for inducing Lucid Dreaming!





A joint project of Electric Dreams and The Novato Center

for Dreams, coordinated by the Wilkerson DreamGate, an

International Internet Dream Community Center (IIDCC)

project. Send all dream news to Richard Wilkerson,


==== I N D E X ====





Oniros - EASD Association Francaise Pour L'Etude Du Reve









-->New York - April 28th

-->Washington DC - July 26-27, 1996

-->Kootenay Bay, British Columbia - Sept 6-8, 1996

-->Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA October 11-13, 1996


-> DREAM STUDIO on Compuserve-Donna LoCicero Campos <-






Dream Discussions Fourm on WWW

The Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD) will open

their World Wide Web discussions fourm on Monday, April


There is a place to put ones private e-mail address when

one posts a message so that private replies are possible.

Please help us kick off this effort in community and

communication and post a message about something that you

would like to see discussed on this forum. Also pass

along to others the availablity of the board.

The rules of use for the bulletin board are as follows:

1. The topic of this bulletin board is night dreams.

2. Dreams are NOT interpreted but are certainly part of

any dream discussion.

3. This is not a commercial venue thus no advertisements

for products for

sale should be posted.

4. Postings are expected to be courteous and as much as

possible avoid


URL is:

(Source: Jayne Gackenbach)


Association for the Study of Dreams Conference XIII in

Berkeley, California July 9-13.

ASD Schedule now on WWW:

Join psychotherapist, scholars, artists, authors and

dreamworkers from all over the world for five days of

workshops, lectures, research presentations, art

exhibits, and performances that examine the nature of

dreams and the healing influence dreams present through

personal study, traditional and non-traditional

psychotherapy, and the expressive arts.

Who is going to be there?

Well, how about Deirdre Barrett, John Beebe, Fariba

Bogzaran, Robert Bosnak, Kelley Bulkeley, Gayle Delaney,

William Dement, Bill Domhoff, Patricia Garfield, Jayne

Gackenbach, Jill Gregory, Earnest Hartmann, Edward

Hoffman, Bob Hoss, Stanely Keleman, Johanna King, Milton

Kramer, Stanley Krippner, Barry Ktakow, Stephen LaBerge,

Barbara Meier, Linda Magallon, Robert Moss, Fred Olsen,

Roberta Ossana, Henry Reed, Joanne Rochon, Carol S.

Rupprecht, Linda Share, June Singer, Alan Siegel, Jeremy

Taylor, Robert Van de Castle, Richard Wilkerson, Fred

Allen Wolf and many, many more!

This year your can get 21 CE and MCEP Credits!

The conference site is the sumptuous Claremont Resort

which is complete with pool, tennis courts, and a newly

remodeled spa. The Claremont sits in the Berkeley Hills

like a white castle with a magnificent view of the Golden

Gate and overlooks San Francisco with its natural beauty,

cultural monuments and artistic diversity.

Special rates starting at $95.00/night on rooms if you

register before June 6, 1996. Claremont (800) 551-7266

For information or brochure, contact The Association for

the Study of Dreams


PO box 1600-P Vienna, VA 22183 (703) 242-0062 or (703)


ASD Conference XIII Hotline (510) 869-4066

(Source: Alan Siegel)


DreamLink in the News:

Here's an interview with Becky Hutchison

and others from The Medina County Gazette:

(source: Linton & Becky Hutchison)


Oniros - EASD Association Francaise Pour L'Etude Du Reve

(Loi 1901)

Siege social: BP-30 - 93451 ILE ST DENIS cedex France

Tel: (1) 48.20..21.36


L'histoire est fertile en recits et temoignages a propos

du reve: activite psychique dont l'humanite a toujours

reconnu la valeur.

Si au cours d"une longue eclipse, l'homme s'est coupe de

sa vie onirique, le courant qui s'amorce aujourd'hui

revele un besoin primodial de tirer parti des richesses

meconnues qu'elle recele.

Pour resnuer les fils unissant les deux faces de notre

existence - diurne et nacturne - it donner au reve sa

juste place au sein d'une vie a part entiere, en prise

avec ses sources profoundes, l'association ONIROS s'est

fixee comme but l'exploriation et la mise en valeur de

l'activite onirique, a savoir:

- Revaloriser le reve dans l'opinion publique, de meme

qu'au sein de la communaute scientifique;

-Partager regulierenent avec les membres de l'association

et le public nos decouvertes sur le reve et les

nombreuses facons de l'explorer;

- Mettre en oeurve un ensemble de projcts dt de

recherches sur le reve, dans une prespective

interdisciplinaire et dans le respect des droits de la

personne humaine et des animaux.


L'association ONIROS regroupe un large eventail de

personnes s'interessant ou se consacrant a l'etude du

reve, professionels ounon: analystes, arties, chercheurs,

educateurs, ethnologues, psycholgues, reveures lucides et

ordinaires, theraputes, ect.

Elle propose les activities suivantes:


formation a l'onirologie: connaissance eit maitrise des


-Groupes d'etude du reve (se renseigner aupres des

delegues/correspondants de l'associaton).

-Ateliers, seminaires, conferences (organises de maniere

ponctuelle ou dans le cadre de ses autres activities):

->Interpretation des reves (selon differentes techniques:

analyse de contenu, gestalt, analyse symbolique, ect);

-> Induction et maitrise des reves (les reve lucide);

->Le reve eveille dirige;

-> Psychophysiologie du reve (recherches en laboratoire);

-> Psychosociologie du reve (la valeur des reves au plan

social, les reves psi);

Psychotherapie onirique (le traitement des cauchemars et

autres troubles du sommeil);

-> Creativite onirique (generale et artistique).

-Service d'aide a l'interpretation des reves

(au telephone ou par ecrit)

-Congres bisannuel eurpeen de l"EASD

-Publication del la reve ONIROS

FF a l'orde d'ONIROS - BP 30, 93451 ILE ST DENIS Cedex,


(Source, Oniros #44 )


The Dream Links Project (not DreamLink)

A new graphic index to dreaming on the net. I found some

really nice sites here that haven't been mentioned



The Sandman has moved!

Who is Neil Gaiman, and what is "The Sandman"?

Well, Neil is a (fabulous, magical, wonderful) writer,

and "The Sandman" is his (almost)monthly comic published

by DC in their Vertigo line. Neil has done much more than

"just comics" - he has co-written "Good Omens" (with

Terry Pratchett), and "Angels and Visitations" a

miscellany of poems, short stories and other tidbits he

has done. It is available from Dreamhaven Press.





Greetings Electric Dreamers!

A fabulous weekly comic strip of illustrated dreams


Slow Wave on the web:

Jesse Reklaw has created illustrated interpretations for

the following

dreams from Electric Dreams 3.2:

"Headless" by Vittorio (4/6)

"Return to Sender" by Nutcracker (4/13)

"Prozac" by Kenneth (4/20)

(no dream chosen for 4/27 yet...)

"Return to Sender" is currently online for the week


I put a new dream up every week, and the month of April


contain all dreams from ED. If you want to just see the


illustrated from ED, wait until April 27 and go to:

(Source: : Jesse Reklaw <>)


The Dream Archive - Underground Delight

Not for the faint at heart, nor for anyone under 18

years old. This five star Internet Underground site

inlcudes imagery and text under the following categories:

Wheels, Bodies, Boom!, Sundries, Nurses, Water, School,

Celebrations, Beasts and Home.

See the Interview with Joe Tucker in the April 1996

Electric Dreams vol. 3 # 3




Just a little message for telling you that

anytime you want to discuss live on Jungian psychology,

you can reach the channel #jung-on-irc on irc. If you

want more info there is a web page about this group:

Jean-Francois Vezina ( President of the Jungian Circle

of Quebec)

Tel and Fax:(418) 688-JUNG

C.P. 38018, Co.P. M.Bourgeois

Quebec,Canada G1S 2N0

(Source: Jean-Francois Vezina)




A new, democratically formed and operated site on

lucid dream information just went online:

The On-Line Guide To Lucid Dreaming

The Web space is provided by The University of York

Psychology Society

From the


"These pages came about after a vote on the usenet

newsgroup alt.dreams.lucid that decided there should be a

central web site to collect, collate and make available

all of the useful bits of information that are generated

by the group, and to act as an FAQ by cutting down on

newbie questions on the group. The lucid dreaming mailing

list, run by this bloke, was created at almost exactly

the same time."

"Since I already maintained The Lucidity Pages (a small

set of pages which had lucid dreaming software available

for download) and I'd been on the group a while, I

volunteered to set something up and... well, here it is!"


The site includes: discalimer, Administrative

Information, FAQ, Methods, Things to Do In Lucid Dreams,

Scientific Research Papers, Psychological Research

Papers, Amateur Research

About alt.dreams.lucid Newsgroup Other Resources.

(Source e-mail from Phillip, )




(New York)

Dreams: An Introduction for Clinicians Who Would Like to

Use Dreamwork

Join Yoram Kaufmann, Ph.D. and Montague Ullman, M.S.

presenting an introductory overview of their approaches

to the use of dreams in clinical practice and

self-discovery. The meeting will be held on April 28,

1996 (Sunday), 1-4 PM, at the C.G. Jung Foundation, 28

East 39th Street, New York, NY 10016.


General Public $25

ASD Members $20

Students and Limited Income $15

For more information, contact Pia Wigren, Local Host, at

212-627-5112, Mon,

Tues, Thurs, 9-10 am or leave a message.

Or call the central

office at 703-242-0062.

(Source: Rita Dwyer, ASD home office)



Washington DC - July 26-27

Dreams, Mining and Minding their Meaning

co-sponsered with The Smithsonian Institution

for more information: Contact the ASD Central Office

703/ 242-0062


(source: ASD Newsletter 13(1))



September 6-8 1996

Dreams in the World's Family

Kootenay Bay, British Columbia

for more information: Contact Jayne Gackenbach


(source: ASD Newsletter 13(1))



Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA October 11-13, 1996

Co-sponsered with the Association for Research and

Enlightenment (ARE) and the Tidewater Jungian Society.

for more information: Contact the ASD Central Office

703/ 242-0062


(source: ASD Newsletter 13(1))


Daily DREAM SHOW with Jermey Taylor on America On Line!

Start your moring with cyberdreamwork!

Former ASD president Jermemy Taylor has expanded his AOL

dream show to Monday-Friday.

Show time 6:00 am Pacific or 9:00am Eastern. Share a

dream or tune into his comments about working with

dreams, If you can't be there in person, you can post

your dream on his electronic bulletin board.

Sign on to AOL, use Keyword: HUB chose Enter and to to

Channel Zero, go to Program Guide and pick DreamShow.

Sometimes the show is in the main auditorium. Go to the

main chat area, look in the program guide for daily

events and find the schedule of who is on.

Have questions? You can e-mail the Taylors at

(Source: ASD newsletter 13(1) and Jermey Taylor)




The Dream Studio is a live online discussion group in

Compuserve's New Age Forum. Hosted by Donna LoCicero

Campos and Paul TMB, the Dream Studio meets each Monday

night at 10:00pm Eastern Time and 7:00pm Pacific and

looks at a variety of dream-related topics.

This is a wonderful forum to get to know a wide variety

of dream personalities.

Donna LoCicero Campos


Monday, April 15: Honoring Dreams . . . with Therese

Monday, April 22: Dreaming . . . with Bob Krumhansl

of Electric Dreams

Monday, April 29: Lucid Dreams and Ethics

Monday, May 6: Waking Dreams . . . with moonglo

Monday, May 13: Reincarnation Clues in Dreams . . .

with ECL Robin

Monday, May 20: Janice Tells All She Knows About

Lucid Dreaming So

Try to Keep Up . . . with

Janice Christine

Monday, May 27: Memorial Day



Is the "real" news getting too unreal for you? Then try

this from DreamWorldNews instead: Plug-ugly Republicans

shower in gushing freon. Frank Sinatra drinks gasoline

from a measuring cup. And the Messiah is carted around in

a Chevy Impala.

DreamWorldNews reports real people's real dreams using

the same journalistic approach and style that mainstream

newspapers do. We don't make this stuff up--all articles

are guaranteed 100 percent dreamed. Read uncensored

ACTUAL DREAMS, reported in newsspeak. Send us your own

dreams, using our handy-dandy questionnaire. We'll write

them up and send them out in next week's edition.

No reputable news syndicate has dared apply to dreams the

harsh, cold light of objective journalistic

standards--until now. Our reporters plumb the depths of

drowse to make you feel the sandman's grit in your own




Click on "Today's Report" for hot-off-the-presses


Click on "The Dream Files" for more DreamWorldNews


Cub reporters: Click on "Report Your Own Dream" to have

your own dreams published. We want to get inside your

head. We know it's groovy in there.

Click on "Who Are the Editors of DreamWorldNews?" to meet

the editors.

Dream On.

Editors: Luke Jaeger and Shoshana Marchand

(source: Special interest group , AOL)




Have you heard one too many alien stories on

alt.dreams.lucid? How about

ten too many reincarnation theories? A hundred too many

GoodTimes posts?

Well, the answer is a mailing list for lucid dreaming;

and there's finally

one out there! To subscribe, simply send a letter to


giving me the general idea that you wish to subscribe.

(I'm not using any

mailbots or anything, so there's no need to talk to me

like I am :) )

(Source: Lee Holmes)



Van Eeden's Lucid Classic now Online

Frederik Van Eeden's classic article "A Study of Dreams"

is now available

at my Web page. Written back in 1913 (and therefore

public domain now), it

was in this very work that the phrase "lucid dream" was


I have typed and proofread this etext myself as my

contribution to the

alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid community. Enjoy, and

send me some fan

mail (or let me know if you find any typos).

See my signature lines, below, for the address.

Pleasant dreams!


Blake Wilfong Houston, TX DHT DOOM

Master Read my Chicken Ranch FAQ about a legal brothel

near Las Vegas

Plus: Lucid Dreaming Info & my Cool Cooperative DOOM Wads




Dream Ahead '96 Linda Magallon


Communal Magic is the name for this year's group dreaming

project of the Fly-By-Night Club. If you link your dreams

with those of your fellow dreamers, you can help the FBNC

incubate an upcoming waking state event and an ongoing

dream continuum as well.

Follow the suggestions in this newsletter and you will

aid in the preparation, seeding and watering of a special

field of dreams which will flower in the summer. The

culmination of our efforts will occur at the 1996 ASD

conference. The Association for the Study of Dreams will

be meeting at the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, California

from July 9th-13th. But you can play along, whether you

will be physically present at the conference or not!

Communal Magic has several phases.

Dream Ahead '96 gathers psychic and

create-our-own-reality archetypal dreams, prior to July.

In this newsletter are tips and goals to help hone your

incubation, precognitive and social dreaming skills.

The Magical Mutual Ballroom is the focus for shared

dreaming. The goal is to dream of meeting your fellow

revelers at the Dream Ball (which occurs in waking

reality at the Claremont Hotel Ballroom on Saturday

evening, July 13th).

The Flying Carpet will be a mural on the wall of the

Claremont Hotel conference Communal Dream Room. This

homebase will be the collection point of our social

collage, the framework for our group dream "painting."

And you help can "paint," literally, by contributing

pictures, drawings, and the like. Or you can "paint" word

pictures with written dream reports, poetry, comments and


The Flying Carpet will include the entire Dream Ahead '96

collection as well as dreams dreamt during the conference

period. Because there will be computer connections at the

Claremont, if you are at a distance, you will be able to

send in dreams via modem to

Bit and pieces will come together and form our visual

record of the gathering, before it literally happens and

while it is symbolically unfolding. It will be

interesting to see how much preconference dreaming

incubates the actual waking event. How much magic will we

invite into our lives?

Select dreamlets and artwork received from Dream Ahead

'96 will be published as a Dream Ahead '96 Sampler in

the Spring NightFlyer (newsletter of the Fly-By-Night

Club). A synopsis of the events, as well as corresponding

dream elements, will be published after the conference in

the Summer NightFlyer.

A title, date and your full name or pseudonym on your

dream reports will help distinguish each special dream.

Typed records are easiest for your fellow dreamers to

read. Remember-all dream-inspired artistic productions

are welcome, too!

Send to Dream Flights, 1083 Harvest Meadow Court, San

Jose, CA 95136 or to

The Two Dream Programs

Once upon a time in the future there was, is and will be

a communal gathering. This gathering takes place in that

creative region where intuition turns into imagery, ideas

become symbols and from which the known universe arises.

The communal gathering plays in the theater of dreams in

two forms. One is literal, the other symbolic. Both

programs feature celebration, social connection and

merrymaking in The Magical Mutual Ballroom.

Literal Dreaming

If your dreaming mind selects the program marked

"literal," then your Communal Magic dreams will

correspond to the actual event in the Claremont Hotel

Ballroom. In this case your magic will manifest itself in

those traditional psychic dreams called precognitive,

clairvoyant or telepathic. Because the Dream Ball is

already in the planning stage and because it already

exists in the minds of folks who will attend in the

waking state, the psychic blueprints are available now

for dream viewing. Your own dreaming self can serve as a

roaming reporter. Whether using video camera or still

shots, your dreaming mind can reveal one piece (or

several!) of the giant Dream Ball picture puzzle.

Perhaps you might picture a winning costume for the Dream

Ball. Or maybe you'll see a fellow reveler who will be

there. Or maybe you'll dream of the Claremont Ballroom


What happens at a literal Dream Ball? Music, dancing,

talking. Drinks and often food munching. The awarding of

ribbons for the dream telepathy contest and for the best

costumes. A social, fun gathering at the conference end.

Archetypal Dreaming

But do you have literal-mundane dreams all the time? Does

your dreaming self ever shape shift, scene shift, go

through walls or travel through time? Do you want to find

out? Then target the Magical Mutual Ballroom in the

archetypal conference.

If your dreaming mind selects the tape marked "symbolic,"

then you will unwrap the surface facade to reveal the

magic within. For symbolic dreamers, the hall does not

have to comply with physical attributes. The activities

or appearance of the dreaming selves are not limited to

what is possible in the waking state.

Other mutual projects have already provided a sneak peek

into this ongoing Big Dream communal gathering. A

synopsis of past archetypal dreams will be posted on the

Flying Carpet. Past projects revealed that each symbolic

dreamer paints an inner picture which is an individual

variation on the main theme. But over time, some elements

of this long-playing theater of the mind are found to be

held in common:

Scenery and props (color, furniture, hall attributes)

Characters (hair color, costume)

Story line (activities)

I'll give you a hint about one favorite activity at this

level of existence. The Magical Mutual Ballroom is where

the super selves gather. In the archetypal version of the

Magical Mutual Ballroom, it is possible to fly.

Dream Ahead Goals

These are suggested goals to give you the flavor of the

event. Try as many or few as you wish or come up with

some creative variations or combinations of your own. Do

them any time. (Consult your dreaming self for the best


#1: Invite The Dreaming Self To Step Forward

Ask your dreaming self, "Will you let your magic shine?"

This goal might give you some ideas for a literal outfit

to wear to the Dream Ball. But you can also use a

variation to preview either the costumes or inner selves

of fellow revelers.

#2: Dream Up The Magical Mutual Ballroom

Ask your dreaming self, "What's your favorite social

arena?" Use this goal to see if you picture shared space

similarly to fellow symbolic dreamers. Or incubate a

precognitive dream to preview the literal ballroom.

#3: Greet Your Dream Companions

Ask your dreaming self, "What type of friendly

interaction do we prefer?" Dream up a scene in which you

socialize with the folks in your dream. Say hello, hug,

shake hands, wave, smile, talk.

#4: Practice Flying!

Need we tell you why? Try dual flying or group flying for

a change.

ALERT! April 20th is the due date to send in your dreams

and drawings for possible publication in the NightFlyer

Dream Ahead '96 Sampler.

The Magical Mutual Ballroom: Dated Goals

Now that we've learned our parts and created the scenery,

costumes and props in the dream theater, it's time for

dress rehearsal. Mark these dates on your calendar.

#5: Dress Rehearsal of the Flying Dreamers: Saturday, May


This is the in-dream meeting at the Magical Mutual

Ballroom of the Fly-By-Night Club to practice antics for

the final event. What shall we do? Sing the FBNC anthem?

Dance in the air? Tell jokes? Discuss dreamwork? Nah, too


#6: Dress Rehearsal of the Participants at the

Conference: Wednesday, July 10th

This is the date when ASD conference attendees will be

first introduced to the Communal Magic group dreaming

project in a conference presentation at the Communal

Dream Room. They will view the Flying Carpet and be

invited to dream together that night. You can dream along

with them, too, if you wish.

#7: Grand Finale-Dream Ball at the Claremont Hotel:

Saturday, July 13th

Meet in the waking state; meet in the dream.

Dream Ahead Tips

Incubation Exercise

(This exercise is inspired by the work of Alan Vaughan

(author of The Power of Positive Prophecy, HarperCollins,

1991) and Marcia Rose Emery (author of Dr. Marcia Emery's

Intuition Workbook, Prentice Hall).

Write out or dictate on a tape recorder instructions such

as these before going to bed:

"Hello, dreaming self. Please show me a simple picture I

can understand. I will arise early in the morning with

the dream picture fresh in my mind. I shall be able to

remember it easily and write it down. Its meaning will

become clear to me. I will honor your opinion, dreaming


About Time Shift

Remember, time is loose in dream reality! You know about

precognitive and retrocognitive dreams. Also recall that

an incubation can take time to manifest a dream response.

Then realize that a dated goal is an incubation.

Mutual goal dates mean that on a particular night, group

intent will provide a strong synergistic shot of energy

to be "sent" out into the universe. But just as there can

be a time delay in receiving mail, so your own mind

receiver may not turn on and tune into the energy until

you are psychologically prepared to receive it.

So if you do not get a dream on a specified date, don't

give up! Try again. In mutual dreaming, the most

important question is not, did I time it right? Your best

clue is to ask yourself, does this dream have that

special social flavor? That's the dream you send in to

Dream Flights

1083 Harvest Meadow Court

San Jose, CA 95136

* Cynthia Pearson reports that the Friends In

Pennsylvania have agreed to write the lyrics to the

Fly-By-Night Club anthem! The melody, you already know.

It's the theme from the "Mickey Mouse Club." Tune up your

windpipes: the song should be ready for our first waking

state Fly-By-Night Club Meeting in July at ASD '96.

* There are plans for a Costume Creation and Assembling

event at the '96 ASD Conference in preparation for the

Dream Ball. It will take place in the Communal Dream Room

on Saturday afternoon, July 13th. Linda Lane Magallon is

collecting costumes, cloth and sewing material and art

materials for this event.

* For more information about the Conference, contact The

Association for the Study of Dreams, PO Box 1600, Vienna,

VA, 22183.






Electric Dreams is *free* and distributed via email about

twice a month. You can have ED delivered right to your

email box by sending a request to Richard

Submitting Dreams and Comments about Dreams: EASY!

Electric Dreams will publish your dreams and comments

about dreams you have seen in previous issues. If you

can, be clear what name you want or don't want. Most

people use a pen name. Please include a title for your

dream. Email to: Bob Krumhansl <>.

Submitting Articles, projects and letters-to-the-editor.

Electric Dreams is responsive and experimental. If you

have articles or suggestions on dreams, dreaming or

dreamers - including book reviews, movie suggestions or

conferences and meetings, we will publish them. I'm

especially interested in creative interpretive approaches

to dreams, including verbal, dramatization, and mixed

media approaches. Send to:

Richard Wilkerson <>


Thanks to Matthew Parry:

From here you will have access to information about

Electric Dreams, back issues, FAQ and other online dream





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Also available via Delphi and

America On Line:

Keyword: writer

\writers club library

\writers club e-zines

Available via Delphi

UK and both versions are

available on Dan P.'s BBS:

PsychoNautica BBS +44 0181 764 1446.

Thanks to ONIROS for mentioning ED in your Magazine in


Thanks to Compuserve New Age Forum for ED info Posts.

To access the New Age B Forum From CompuServe Information

Manager 1.4 :

1) In the CIM program, pull down the Services


2) Select Browse

3) On the Main Services Menu, click the Home

/Leisure icon

4) Then, Click: Special Interests icon

5) Then, Click: Religion option

6) Then, Click: New Age B Forum option (also

referred to as NEWBAGE)

7) Then, Enjoy.

Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine



Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in the

FAQ files at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid

Thanks to our many web links!

The Electric Dreams Staff:

Richard Wilkerson - Chief TroubleMaker

Bob Krumhansl - Dream and Comment Editor

Matthew Parry - Our Webmeister

Jay Vinton - Guardian Angel

Christopher Hicks - Contributing editor

Dane P. our UK distribution editor

+ The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue to

your dreams!

+ The generous authors of our articles

+ The delightful dreamers and commentators

+ Special thanks to Catherine Decker


All dream and article text are considered (C)opyright by

the writers & dreamers themselves. Anyone other than the

authors may use or reprint the text for non-commerical

use, but all other use must be with the permission of the

writer or Electric Dreams dream editor.


Electric Dreams is distributed via light to protect the


Dead Trees Don't Dream.


Electric Dreams is an independent electronic publication

not affiliated with any other organization. The views of

our commentators are personal views and not intended as

professional advise or psychotherapy.


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