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Electric Dreams Volume 03 Issue 02

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Electric Dreams
 · 1 Jan 2021


Title: Electric Dreams volume 3 no 2

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Richard at


Electric Dreams

Volume 3 Issue #2

19 March 1996


Electric Dreams on WWWeb:

-- Send dreams and comments on dream to:

Bob Krumhansl <>.

--Send general comments, replies and articles to:

Richard Wilkerson: <>

--For back issues and other access see




Editors Notes

Questions, Answers, Replies

Dreams, Censorship and the new Telecommunications Act

by - Richard Wilkerson

ASD Web Page - Information on Dreams and Dreaming

Update on DreamNetwork Journal - Roberta Ossana

Article: Gestalt Dream Technique - Rick Bouchard

Article: Hosting Your Dreams - from Henry Reed

Dream Studio Schedule at CompuServe - Donna Campos

!! Dream Ahead '96 - Must Read Dream Project!! Linda Magallon

--> Web Dream Class from Jayne Gackenbach <--

Bob's Dream Site of the Month


Deadline on Dream Art Show

--> Jermey Taylor on AOL <---

Dream Classes On Internet

Ken Kelzer Seminar

Jungian Meetings in Boston

Jungian Seminars

Jung On IRC

!!!! New Dream Web sites !!!!



Index To Dreams & Dream Commentary Sequence for EDv3n2

(Following the Title is the author and the date of the

dream/commentary or submission - in the format of



Commentary on Shadow's "The Good Shepherd" (EDv3n1) by Jay




Dream: "Jacking In" by Sarah (960131)

Dream: "Sinking" by Sarah (960131)

Dream: "Redemption" by Sarah (960131)

Dream: "Domestic Violence and Toilets" by Shadow (960122)

Commentary: "Domestic Violence and Toilets" by Jay (960124)

Dream : "Huecos" by JJ ( 960124)

Dream: "At The Foot Of A Mountain" by Kirk (960125)

Dream: "Free Falling" by Kittie B (960128)

Commentary on "Free Falling" by BobC (960122)

Dream: "Geotheanum" by Kenneth (960123)

Dream: "Little Green Apples" by Kenneth (960124)

Dream: "Scourge Of My Planet" by JJ (960124)

Dream: "At The Foot Of The Mountain" by Kirk (960125)

Dream: ".009" by Kenneth (960126)

Dream: "Dark Room" by John (960127)

Dream: "The Stadium" by John (960127)

Dream: "Crystal At The Center Of Time" by Carolyn


Dream Series: COMPUTER DREAMS by Felinoid

Dream: "The Cartoons and The Computer" by Felinoid


Dream: "Computers In The Snow" by Felinoid (960127)

Dream: "The Apple 486 XT HU? by Felinoid (960126)

Dream: "Champagne Wishes and Caviar Dreams" by Monkey Boy


Commentary on "Champagne Wishes ..." by BobC (960202)

Commentary on "Champagne Wishes ..." by Jay (960202)

Commentary on "Champagne Wishes ..." by Bill (960229)

Dream: "The Stand-In" by Marilyn (960131)

Dream: "Nostalgia House" by Kenneth (960201)

Dream: "Pool" by Kenneth (960201)

Dream: "Playwright" by Kenneth (960201)

Dream: "Recycled Youth" by Kenneth (960204)

Dream: "Eastern Fun" by Kenneth (960204)

Dream: "dreaming of dreaming" by Jay (960209)

Dream: "Headless" by Vittorio (960213)

Commentary on "Headless" by Jay (960214)

Dream: "Prozac" by Kenneth (960212)

Dream: "Ringworld" by Kenneth (960212)

Dream: "The Little Man In The Boat" by Kenneth (960214)

Dream: "Emotional Vortex" by lotus (93XXXX to 94XXXX)

Commentary: on Blair's dreams of (960225 & 960228) by


Commentary: on Nutcracker's Chased and Beaten dream by



Dream: "Mixing Pleasure With Business" by Nutcracker


Dream: "Get Off My Screen" by Nutcracker (960119

Dream: "Shopping Spree - Pt 1" by Nutcracker (960120)

Dream: "Shopping Spree - Pt 2" by Nutcracker (960120

Dream : "Get A Job" by Nutcracker (960120)

Dream: "Me? A Composer?" by Nutcracker (960121)

Dream: "Just Trying To Be Helpful" by Nutcracker (960121)

Dream: "Homeless Around The World" by Nutcracker (960122)

Dream: "The Hotel/Part 1: Inadequacy" by Nutcracker


Dream: "The Distress Call" by Nutcracker (960122)

Dream: "The Hotel /Part 2: Can't Find My Room" by

Nutcracker (960122)

Dream: "Let The Good Times Roll" by Nutcracker (960123)

Dream: "Please Release Me" by Nutcracker (960124)

Dream: "End Of The World" by Nutcracker (960124)

Dream: "Government Weasels" by Nutcracker (960125)

Dream: "Snoopy Guest" by Nutcracker (960125)

Dream: "UPC Code" by Nutcracker (960126)

Dream: "The Contest" by Nutcracker (960126)

Dream: ":-) " by Nutcracker (960127)

Dream: "Return To Sender by Nutcracker (960127)

Dream: "Cyber Thief" by Nutcracker (960128)

Dream: "Share & Share Alike" by Nutcracker (960128)

Dream: "Family Pets" by Nutcracker (960128)

Dream: "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" by Nutcracker (960129)

Dream: "Ms. Fix It" by Nutcracker (960129)

Dream: "Displaced Hostility" by Nutcracker (960129)

Dream: "Silly Me" by Nutcracker (960129)

Dream: "The After Christmas Sale" by Nutcracker (960130)

Dream: "Pass The Ketchup, Please" by Nutcracker (960130)

Dream: "Papal Visit" by Nutcracker (960201)

Dream: "B-B-Q Pigskin Anyone? by Nutcracker (960201)

Dream: "Editorializing" by Nutcracker (960201)

Dream: "Buy Something, Get A Date" by Nutcracker (960201)

Dream: "I'm So Confused" by Nutcracker (960201)

Dream: "New Currency" by Nutcracker (960202)

Dream: "The Toadies" by Nutcracker (960202)

Dream: "The Elevator - Part 1" by Nutcracker (960202)

Dream: "Obey Me" by Nutcracker (960204)

Dream: "The Elevator - Part 2" by Nutcracker (960205)

Dream: "The Party" by Nutcracker (960207)

Dream: "Ouch" by Nutcracker (960207)



Notes from the Editors


We have had a tremendous amount of new subscribers this

month and so I want to first of all welcome you to Electric

Dreams and Dreaming online in general. What is Electric

Dreams and what do we do here? It is really up to you. Or

us. We have generally been providing a free forum for

sharing and discussing dreams and dreaming and will

continue along that general guideline. But the specifics of

what happens are something we mutually choose together.

For those of you that are new, I want to mention that much

of what happens is not always visible from this monthly e-

zine. Besides the free forum (of which I will say more in

a moment) we also experiment with dream sharing and the

dissemination of dream information along wide variety of

online or Internet venues. But we are more of a

*community* than an information service. And I want to

welcome you to the community and connect you with the

projects that will best unfold your unique essence. For

some it will be sharing dreams and comments. For others it

will be sharing research and for still others it may be

discussion of vital issue in dreaming, dream art, dreams

and literature, movies, and philosophy. Whatever your

interests, drop us a line and we'll try to connect you with

that part of the community.

Please note that Electric Dreams is a free forum. By

this I don't mean that it's inexpensive, (though this is

still true) but that you are free to express your feelings

and ideas on dreams and dreaming without censorship. In

the next few issues, we will have more to say about what

this means in terms of our shared responsibilities and

joint commitments. For now, I just want everyone to

recognize that it is *you* who are the final authority on

the meaning and value of your life and dreams.

Richard Wilkerson

Leap Year!!

The month and a half since the last issue has leapt by me

faster than the blink of an eye. It's difficult realizing

that the common experience of a birthday every year does

not apply (technically) to those born on February 29th.

They only get to celebrate their real birthdays every four


There's some deep thought provoking philosophical gem

hidden in there somewhere. A dream-type mystery having to

do with cycles, adjustments, and balance. On that note, it

seems like it has been at least four years since our last

issue. Thanks for your patience. The next one will be out


Thanks for reading and sending in the dreams and


Bob K.


Questions, Answers, Replies, and Just Plain Fun


O.K. Top ten dream songs:

1) All I Have To Do Is Dream Everly Bros.

2) California Dreamin' The Mamas & the Papas

3) Bob Dylan's 115th Dream Bob Dylan

3b) I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine Bob Dylan

4) If I Can Dream Elvis Presley

5) Dream Lover Bobby Darin

6) Day-Dream The Lovin' Spoonful

7) Dreams Fleetwood Mac

8) I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night The Eectric Prunes

9) Golden Slumbers The Beatles (cheated)

10) Dream A Little Dream Of Me Cass Elliot

Well, that's all we can think of right now. How about you?

See you later.

Best, Nancy, Darryl, & Ronnie


Looking for volunteers! If you are interested in being

part of the Electric Dreams staff, drop us a line.



Dreams, Censorship and the new Telecommunications Act

By Richard Wilkerson


If you didn't realize that the new Telecommunications Act

of 1996 had any thing to do with dreams, you might want to

read this. While the Act mostly contains long overdue

reform that will increase global access options and make

for a better lifestyle, the tacked on Section 223 about

what is indecent and illegal in Cyberspace is so broad that

it covers online discussion of dreams that refer to not

only to sexual acts and body orifices but also to mentions

of abortion. The authors claim that the intention was to

protect children from pornography, but it technically makes

all online discussion in these topics a criminal act. Some

large commercial carriers have already blocked access to


Whatever your position on this historic Act may be, you can

find out more online. There is a resource guide available

at URL:

If you would like to join the Blue Ribbon Anti-Censorship

Campaign, check out the URL:

If you find that your service provider is blocking access

to the newsgroups on dreams and dreaming, you can bypass

this by :

1. Downloading one of the freely available Usenet readers

via the Web, such as FREE AGENT for the PC or


2. Via the Web, find an Internet site that offers public

access to Usenet. There is a list of these at

3. Establish a PPP connection to the Internet via your

commercial service or ISP provider. On AOL you will need to

download the Winsock program to allow this. (Keyword:

Winsock) On CompuServe they provide a CompuServe Dialer.

4. Start the Usenet reader program and point to the chosen

address. You will now have the option of reading the dream

newsgroups of your choice, be that alt.dreams,

alt.dreams.lucid or even the scandalous


Another approach is via e-mail. In this method you will get

a list of newsgroup posts to the newsgroup you selected,

and a new path associated with each post. To READ a post,

just send back the below commands with the path you want to


To Post



OR e-mail to :






Port =4324 (or 4320)

Path =nntp ls *put newsgroup name here, without asterisks* (or

And here is one I haven't tired, but found in the 1996

April _Internet World_ which suggests simply using a web

browser and going to


In the upcoming issue of Electric Dreams we will be

focusing more on your rights as an individual in Cyberspace

to share your dreams and other experiences.



ASD Home Page Update


The Home Page for the Association for the Study of Dreams

continues to grow. If the Journal section is not up by the

time you read this, it will be up shortly. While the

articles themselves will not be released, the titles *and*

abstracts will be available online. If you are interested

in any area of dreaming and want to track down the most

current research on this, try first locating the article in

the _Dreaming_ Journal. You will be richly rewarded by

authors who have gone to the trouble of going through all

the current journals on the topic and summarizing the

research and laying out the relevant points and counter



Dream Network Journal Update


As you know, the Dream Network Journal is now online and is

extending its ability to act as a voice for the dream

movement. Now, in the next upcoming issue, there will be a

special focus on Now, in the next upcoming issue, there

will be a special focus on *Dreams

and Community*. Be sure to get a copy of this issue!

To order a subscription, back issues or "The Art of

Dreamsharing & Developing Dreams Groups" booklet, call

(800) 861-3732 or drop by the Web site at:

What, you never heard of the Dream Network Journal!?!

From Roberta Ossana on the DreamNet Web Page:

Dear Dreamer,

Thank you for your interest in your dreams and in the

Dream Network.

As more of us awaken to the truth and value presented each

night in our dreams, it becomes increasingly desirable to

learn to understand dreams' unique language, the language

of symbol and metaphor. With the growing evidence of our

longing -- and *need* -- to comprehend the necessity of

mythology, it becomes evermore compelling to understand

*where* we lost it and *how* we can *reclaim the mythic


The _Dream Network_ is published to help in fulfilling

these intrinsic human needs. Initiated in 1982, the DN has

served as the ground upon which the foundation for the

growing 'dream movement' is building, internationally.

It is our purpose to demystify dreamwork so as to make the

meaning of our dreams more readily available to each of us,

believing every dream remembered desires to be understood

and each dream conveys information that is of positive

value toward our good health and well-being. Even our


Though we aspire to maintain a high level of scholarship,

_Dream Network_ is not an academic journal per se and is

not affiliated with any academic institution, organization

or theoretical disposition; rather, we remain eclectic and

open to all schools of thought and personal experience.

Together, we explore the mystery.

Our goal is to remain an interactive publication, actively

engaging readers and sharing our unique messages with an

increasingly interested readership. We enthusiastically

invite Responses/Letters, dream or myth related

manuscript/articles, poetry and art work.

Each issue of Dream Network contains sections on The Art

of Dream Sharing and Dream Education, the Mythic Dimension

and articles which respond to Questions posed in previous


In each issue, there is a listing of over 55

Networkers/Contact persons, available to provide

dream-related information, resources and assistance in

initiating a dreamsharing relationship or a dream group.

Our Classified section offers DNJ readers the opportunity

to network, learn and explore with other dreamers,


Please be openheartedly invited to join us in

reintroducing this deeply valuable, cross-cultural, common

human experience into your life/our culture. It is here,

now.... and it is about the Power of Dreams! <p>

Choose to explore the mystery with us!

To the wisdom and power of our dreams,

H. Roberta Ossana, Editor & Publisher

Phone: (801) 461-9003 for further information

or1-800-861-3732 for MC/Visa/AmEx Subscription Orders only,


Dream Network @PO Box 1026, Moab, UT 84532


The Gestalt Approach to Dreams - Rick Bouchard


One of the most simple and fruitful techniques for working

with a dream is the Gestalt Approach to Dreams. It takes

relatively little effort and usually renders results

instantly, which is the reason for its appeal.

Take the following snippet from a larger dream:

>I am looking out the window and noticing the


I am happy that the parade will not be rained on. <

Now, I will slowly re-read the dream aloud, but this time,

inserting the words "part of me" after each noun. The same

dream now reads:

>I am looking out the window, part of me, and noticing

the sunshine, part of me. I am happy. The happy,

part of me,

is glad that the parade, part of me, will not be

rained on

(or, will not experience the rain, part of me). <

One purpose of this technique is to help the dreamer

identify with the various aspects of the dream and,

therefore, the different parts of her/himself represented

by these dream images. In other words, why did "psyche"

choose a window, and not a door.....sunshine as

opposed to moonlight, and a parade, as opposed to a caravan

or convoy? As this technique comes more easily to you, you

can get more creative with which words, and, therefore,

which "parts" of you, that you suffix with the words, "part

of me."

Pleasant Dreams.<< Rick


Play Host to Your Dreams - an Aizenstat Procedure

From Henry Reed


Have you had dreams in which the energy from the dream

seems to stay with you all day? A new method of working

with your dreams specifically invites that energy. It

encourages you to allow the dream images to participate in

an active manner within your thoughts. The method is

called "hosting," as Dr. Stephen Aizenstat, currently

president of Pacifica Graduate Institute, developed it as

part of his teaching on what he calls dream crafting. The

purpose is to help the dreamer to more fully understand and

integrate the messages the dream presents. In his own


"Dream crafting is simply using your ability to hear deeply

the stories of the dreamtime; to see and wonder about the

figures of the dreamscape; and to let whatever is inside

the dream come out and live... To 'craft' a dream

imaginally is to experience the figures of your dreams as

guests. If you extend your hospitality to them --become

their host-- they will reveal their mysteries and their

messages with you."

There are eight basic steps to "hosting" a dream:

. . 1) Remembering --pay attention not only to the essence

or plot of the dream, but also to any particulars which

include all of the senses. What is the dream like

visually, auditorially, kinesthetically?

. . 2) Recording --express the dream in the present tense,

both in writing and in speaking the dream, and use whatever

methods of presentation feel important in sharing and being

with the dream. These methods may include writing,

painting, dancing, singing, working with clay, acting it

out, etc. Become immediately involved in the dreamscape.

. . 3) Listening poetically --become aware of the uses of

symbolic language, metaphors, puns, and rhymes.

. . 4) Becoming curious --notice patterns and allow

interaction with the energy of the images. What is new or


. . 5) Recollecting --recall events and waking-life

circumstances, making personal associations and

connections. However, use caution not to speak about the

images, but allow the personal information to speak through

the images.

. . 6) Exploring themes --investigate related myths, fairy

tales, or legends for any similarities, and allow these to

expand your encounter with the dream images.

. . 7) Listening --let there be some silence so that the

dream messenger may speak on its own behalf.

. . 8) Listening again and again --allow the dream images

to continue to communicate even after the "work" seems to

be complete. The important aspect of hosting is not to

interpret the dream, but rather to be with the dream.

Honor impressions, personal associations, and intuitive

knowing about the dream images as part of the whole dream.

Allow the dream images to have their own energy and notice

the impact that this energy has, not just on the dreamer

but to others who might hear the dream as well.

Hosting a dream image, especially dream animals, allows

the dream figure its own identity. This process takes those

images from being merely symbols of something in our lives

to energies unto themselves. An extremely valuable result

from this type of dreamwork is that we can learn about

troubled species or other elements within our world. We

can more fully realize that indeed we are all

interconnected. Once the initial hosting process is

initiated, an added benefit to this type of work is that

the dream figure's energy is invited to continue to

influence and affect the dreamer on an ongoing basis.

Hosting prolongs the life of the dream and continues its

effects into our waking life. For further information about

dream crafting, contact Dr. Stephen Aizenstat at 249

Lambert Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013. [Report filed by

Rosemary Watts-Dreyer, Atlantic University.]


Dream Studio Schedule


The Dream Studio is a live online discussion group in

Compuserve's New Age Forum. Hosted by Donna LoCicero

Campos and Paul TMB, the Dream Studio meets each Monday

night at 10:00pm Eastern Time and 7:00pm Pacific and looks

at a variety of dream-related topics.

This is a wonderful forum to get to know a wide variety of

dream personalities.

Donna LoCicero Campos


Feb. 5: The Art of Flying

Feb. 12: Dreams of Dolphins and Whales. . . with Trisha

Lamb Feuerstein

Feb. 19: Dream Analysis

Feb. 26: Mutual Dreams. . . with Linda Lane Magallon

Mar. 4: The Moon, the Planets and Dreams with

astrologer Tom Fox

Mar. 11: Dreamwork . . . with Angelxpert

Mar. 18: Precognitive Dreams. . . with the Premonition

Central Registry

Mar. 25: Dreaming with Computers . . . with the Applied

Dream Institute


Dream Ahead '96 Linda Magallon


Communal Magic is the name for this year's group dreaming

project of the Fly-By-Night Club. If you link your dreams

with those of your fellow dreamers, you can help the FBNC

incubate an upcoming waking state event and an ongoing

dream continuum as well.

Follow the suggestions in this newsletter and you will aid

in the preparation, seeding and watering of a special field

of dreams which will flower in the summer. The culmination

of our efforts will occur at the 1996 ASD conference. The

Association for the Study of Dreams will be meeting at the

Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, California from July 9th-13th.

But you can play along, whether you will be physically

present at the conference or not! Communal Magic has

several phases.

Dream Ahead '96 gathers psychic and create-our-own-reality

archetypal dreams, prior to July. In this newsletter are

tips and goals to help hone your incubation, precognitive

and social dreaming skills.

The Magical Mutual Ballroom is the focus for shared

dreaming. The goal is to dream of meeting your fellow

revelers at the Dream Ball (which occurs in waking reality

at the Claremont Hotel Ballroom on Saturday evening, July


The Flying Carpet will be a mural on the wall of the

Claremont Hotel conference Communal Dream Room. This

homebase will be the collection point of our social

collage, the framework for our group dream "painting." And

you help can "paint," literally, by contributing pictures,

drawings, and the like. Or you can "paint" word pictures

with written dream reports, poetry, comments and graffiti.

The Flying Carpet will include the entire Dream Ahead '96

collection as well as dreams dreamt during the conference

period. Because there will be computer connections at the

Claremont, if you are at a distance, you will be able to

send in dreams via modem to

Bit and pieces will come together and form our visual

record of the gathering, before it literally happens and

while it is symbolically unfolding. It will be interesting

to see how much preconference dreaming incubates the actual

waking event. How much magic will we invite into our lives?

Select dreamlets and artwork received from Dream Ahead '96

will be published as a Dream Ahead '96 Sampler in the

Spring NightFlyer (newsletter of the Fly-By-Night Club). A

synopsis of the events, as well as corresponding dream

elements, will be published after the conference in the

Summer NightFlyer.

A title, date and your full name or pseudonym on your dream

reports will help distinguish each special dream. Typed

records are easiest for your fellow dreamers to read.

Remember-all dream-inspired artistic productions are

welcome, too!

Send to Dream Flights, 1083 Harvest Meadow Court, San Jose,

CA 95136 or to

The Two Dream Programs

Once upon a time in the future there was, is and will be a

communal gathering. This gathering takes place in that

creative region where intuition turns into imagery, ideas

become symbols and from which the known universe arises.

The communal gathering plays in the theater of dreams in

two forms. One is literal, the other symbolic. Both

programs feature celebration, social connection and

merrymaking in The Magical Mutual Ballroom.

Literal Dreaming

If your dreaming mind selects the program marked "literal,"

then your Communal Magic dreams will correspond to the

actual event in the Claremont Hotel Ballroom. In this case

your magic will manifest itself in those traditional

psychic dreams called precognitive, clairvoyant or

telepathic. Because the Dream Ball is already in the

planning stage and because it already exists in the minds

of folks who will attend in the waking state, the psychic

blueprints are available now for dream viewing. Your own

dreaming self can serve as a roaming reporter. Whether

using video camera or still shots, your dreaming mind can

reveal one piece (or several!) of the giant Dream Ball

picture puzzle.

Perhaps you might picture a winning costume for the Dream

Ball. Or maybe you'll see a fellow reveler who will be

there. Or maybe you'll dream of the Claremont Ballroom


What happens at a literal Dream Ball? Music, dancing,

talking. Drinks and often food munching. The awarding of

ribbons for the dream telepathy contest and for the best

costumes. A social, fun gathering at the conference end.

Archetypal Dreaming

But do you have literal-mundane dreams all the time? Does

your dreaming self ever shape shift, scene shift, go

through walls or travel through time? Do you want to find

out? Then target the Magical Mutual Ballroom in the

archetypal conference.

If your dreaming mind selects the tape marked "symbolic,"

then you will unwrap the surface facade to reveal the magic

within. For symbolic dreamers, the hall does not have to

comply with physical attributes. The activities or

appearance of the dreaming selves are not limited to what

is possible in the waking state.

Other mutual projects have already provided a sneak peek

into this ongoing Big Dream communal gathering. A synopsis

of past archetypal dreams will be posted on the Flying

Carpet. Past projects revealed that each symbolic dreamer

paints an inner picture which is an individual variation on

the main theme. But over time, some elements of this

long-playing theater of the mind are found to be held in


Scenery and props (color, furniture, hall attributes)

Characters (hair color, costume)

Story line (activities)

I'll give you a hint about one favorite activity at this

level of existence. The Magical Mutual Ballroom is where

the super selves gather. In the archetypal version of the

Magical Mutual Ballroom, it is possible to fly.

Dream Ahead Goals

These are suggested goals to give you the flavor of the

event. Try as many or few as you wish or come up with some

creative variations or combinations of your own. Do them

any time. (Consult your dreaming self for the best


#1: Invite The Dreaming Self To Step Forward

Ask your dreaming self, "Will you let your magic shine?"

This goal might give you some ideas for a literal outfit to

wear to the Dream Ball. But you can also use a variation to

preview either the costumes or inner selves of fellow


#2: Dream Up The Magical Mutual Ballroom

Ask your dreaming self, "What's your favorite social

arena?" Use this goal to see if you picture shared space

similarly to fellow symbolic dreamers. Or incubate a

precognitive dream to preview the literal ballroom.

#3: Greet Your Dream Companions

Ask your dreaming self, "What type of friendly interaction

do we prefer?" Dream up a scene in which you socialize with

the folks in your dream. Say hello, hug, shake hands, wave,

smile, talk.

#4: Practice Flying!

Need we tell you why? Try dual flying or group flying for a


ALERT! April 20th is the due date to send in your dreams

and drawings for possible publication in the NightFlyer

Dream Ahead '96 Sampler.

The Magical Mutual Ballroom: Dated Goals

Now that we've learned our parts and created the scenery,

costumes and props in the dream theater, it's time for

dress rehearsal. Mark these dates on your calendar.

#5: Dress Rehearsal of the Flying Dreamers: Saturday, May


This is the in-dream meeting at the Magical Mutual Ballroom

of the Fly-By-Night Club to practice antics for the final

event. What shall we do? Sing the FBNC anthem? Dance in the

air? Tell jokes? Discuss dreamwork? Nah, too boring.

#6: Dress Rehearsal of the Participants at the Conference:

Wednesday, July 10th

This is the date when ASD conference attendees will be

first introduced to the Communal Magic group dreaming

project in a conference presentation at the Communal Dream

Room. They will view the Flying Carpet and be invited to

dream together that night. You can dream along with them,

too, if you wish.

#7: Grand Finale-Dream Ball at the Claremont Hotel:

Saturday, July 13th

Meet in the waking state; meet in the dream.

Dream Ahead Tips

Incubation Exercise

(This exercise is inspired by the work of Alan Vaughan

(author of The Power of Positive Prophecy, HarperCollins,

1991) and Marcia Rose Emery (author of Dr. Marcia Emery's

Intuition Workbook, Prentice Hall).

Write out or dictate on a tape recorder instructions such

as these before going to bed:

"Hello, dreaming self. Please show me a simple picture I

can understand. I will arise early in the morning with the

dream picture fresh in my mind. I shall be able to remember

it easily and write it down. Its meaning will become clear

to me. I will honor your opinion, dreaming self."

About Time Shift

Remember, time is loose in dream reality! You know about

precognitive and retrocognitive dreams. Also recall that an

incubation can take time to manifest a dream response. Then

realize that a dated goal is an incubation.

Mutual goal dates mean that on a particular night, group

intent will provide a strong synergistic shot of energy to

be "sent" out into the universe. But just as there can be a

time delay in receiving mail, so your own mind receiver may

not turn on and tune into the energy until you are

psychologically prepared to receive it.

So if you do not get a dream on a specified date, don't

give up! Try again. In mutual dreaming, the most important

question is not, did I time it right? Your best clue is to

ask yourself, does this dream have that special social

flavor? That's the dream you send in to

Dream Flights

1083 Harvest Meadow Court

San Jose, CA 95136

* Cynthia Pearson reports that the Friends In Pennsylvania

have agreed to write the lyrics to the Fly-By-Night Club

anthem! The melody, you already know. It's the theme from

the "Mickey Mouse Club." Tune up your windpipes: the song

should be ready for our first waking state Fly-By-Night

Club Meeting in July at ASD '96.

* There are plans for a Costume Creation and Assembling

event at the '96 ASD Conference in preparation for the

Dream Ball. It will take place in the Communal Dream Room

on Saturday afternoon, July 13th. Linda Lane Magallon is

collecting costumes, cloth and sewing material and art

materials for this event.

* For more information about the Conference, contact The

Association for the Study of Dreams, PO Box 1600, Vienna,

VA, 22183.


Web Dream Class from Jayne Gackenbach April 8 -> May 10



Unlock the Secrets of Your Dreams

Written by Jayne Gackenbach, Ph.D.

Offered on the Internet from Grant MacEwan Community



We need your help to test the beta version of a

noncredit introductory dream class designed for the

Internet. You will need access to the Internet (World Wide

Web), an e-mail address and 3 to 5 hours per lesson. There

is no cost to you for helping us refine this Internet

course. Each lesson is accompanied by an assignment. You

will learn to interpret and work with your own dreams both

alone and in an electronic group session.

Class starts April 8, 1996 and ends May 10, 1996.

You have one week to complete each lesson and assignment

before you are given access to the next lesson and

assignment. After you have completed an assignment you will

receive feedback on the assignment about a week later.

Enrollment is limited so please register soon.

Register at:

Lesson 1

Introduction to Dreaming

Importance of Dreams; Historical Views of Dreaming;

Basic Types of Sleep; Enhancing Dream Recall; Techniques

for Dream Diarying

Lesson 2

Most Peoples Dreams

Does Content Imply Meaning?; You Own Your Own

Dream; Sex Differences in Dream Content; Dream Reality

Lesson 3

Tools and Techniques

The "Aha" Experience; The Language of Dreams is

Metaphor; Why Are We Blank to Our Own Metaphors in Dreams?;

Dreamwork Techniques

Lesson 4

Dream Connectedness

Grassroots Dream Interest; Cree Dream Shaman;

Dream Research with Cree; Archetypal Dreams; Dream Diary of

a Catholic Monk; Lucid Dreams

Lesson 5

Selected Topics

Nightmares Following Trauma; Psychological Aspects

of Ordinary Nightmares; Childhood Sexual Abuse Nightmares;

Health and Dreams; Psychic Dreams

Biographical Statement: Dr. Gackenbach has authored/edited

five books on dreams and is a past-president of the

Association for the Study of Dreams. She has over 70

professional publications/presentations about dreams and

was invited to present her work on lucid dreams to the

Dalai Lama in India. Most recently she has been working

with a Cree dream shaman. One of her books was featured on

the cover of Psychology Today and she has appeared in the

media including the Donahue Show. Her Ph.D. is in general

experimental psychology and she teaches at Grant MacEwan

Community College.

Jayne Gackenbach, Ph.D.




A joint project of Electric Dreams and The Novato Center

for Dreams, coordinated by the Wilkerson DreamGate, an

International Internet Dream Community Center (IIDCC)

project. Send all dream news to Richard Wilkerson,


==== I N D E X ====







by Bynum








Original works in any medium that have been inspired by,

or are related to dreams are eligible to be exhibited at

the July 1996 Association for the Study of Dreams

Conference in Berkeley, California, USA.

For information on fees, sales, liability, shipping and

other issues, call ASD at 703-242-8888




Jermey Taylor, Dream worker extraordinaire, will be hosting

an early morning daily dreamgroup on AOL on Tuesdays and

Thursdays. There will also be a bulletin board available

for other times. This is all in the new AOL Keyword HUB

area along with DreamWorldNews.

The first of the shows were held in the People Connection,

the Odeon auditorium, but they may move to the special chat

room set up for the DREAM SHOW in the new HUB. See below

for connections.

Tuesday and Thursdays, 9:00 AM Eastern Standard Time


(or HUB)

Go to: Channel Zero

Go to : Program Guide

Choose : DreamGroup

To get to the Odeon Auditorium,

Keyword: Odeon

Select Center Stage menu

Select Auditoriums

Select from Today's Live Shows

JEREMY TAYLOR, a past president of the International

Association for the Study of Dreams, teaches at several

colleges, universities, and seminaries. He is the author

of "Dream Work" and "Where People Fly and Water Runs

Uphill--Using Dreams to Tap the Wisdom of the Unconscious."

Taylor has a regular column on dreams in "Creation"

magazine and has published in the

"Association for the Study of Dreams Newsletter," "Shaman's

Drum," "Lotus," "Matrix," and many other magazines and

journals. He was a featured guest on "The Power of Dreams"

series on the Discovery Channel, the "Secret World of

Dreams" prime-time special on NBC, and "Thinking Allowed"

on PBS, and has made many appearances on radio and cable

TV. He is a Unitarian Universalist minister and is

currently at work on a book about archetypes in dreams and

a book about Zen dreamwork. (source AOL & Jeremy Taylor)



Hi - Richard Wilkerson here and I just wanted to tell you

about the dream classes I have been offering online. The

class consists of two parts, e-mail correspondence and

interactive groups. The classes are a 20 set of fun essays

and information on dream sharing from ancient times to

Cyberspace and include online & offline resources for

going further in areas of dream sharing, dream science,

dream anthropology and many other topics, including Freud,

Jung, Perls, Adler, Modern Dreamworkers, lucid dreaming,

dreams and bodywork, much, much more.

Yes, there is a minimal fee of $10.00 which you can snail

mail to me. Money back if you come up with a better class

online or off at the same price! Includes at the end of

the class a free copy of my Dream Guide to the Internet,

worth the price of the class in itself!

If interested in the class drop me the following line

and I'll send you the registration address.

"Richard, please enroll me in your April 1st dreamclass and

send me the syllabus and registration address, thanks"


SEMINAR/WORKSHOP - Dreams: Meaning and Power Workshop

Ken Kelzer, author of _The Sun and the Shadow_, and Bay

Area psychotherapist has used dreams in therapy for over 25

years. In the meaning and Power workshop you will learn how

to increase and direct your dream recall, deepen

understanding of dream symbols, and use dreams to

strengthen your self-acceptance and positive personal

power. Actual work with participants' dream will be a major

part of the workshop. Journal keeping, Gestalt awareness

training, art media, placing symbolism in life contexts and

other methods to activate the natural healing energies that

come form dreams will be explored.

Santa Rosa, California

March 9th , Sat. 9:30am -4:30 pm 1596 Emeritus Hall SRJC

campus fee: $38.00

Call (707) 527-4371


From: (Carroll Bishop)

Subject: Post-Jungian Bible Study Group

Post-Jungian Bible Study Group

Four of us in Toronto have just started reading and

discussing the Bible, beginning with Genesis 1:1-5.

We met for the first time last week for lunch at Hart House

Great Hall at the University, and spent three intense hours

there. Jung, Elaine Pagels, Dante and D.H. Lawrence all

turned up in the conversation. So did the Creative Process

(was the pre-Flood Creation a First Draft?) -- and Harold

Bloom's theory that the Book of J (Yahwist) was written by

a woman, possibly Bathsheba! Milton's words from

_Areopagitica_, bordering the murals around the room,

seemed synchronistic in view of our new adventure, and the

sober, somber portraits of past U. of T. presidents

threatened to smile -- if we could only catch them quickly


Though we could have spent a year on the Creation,

we're moving right along and are reading for next time

(March 22) Genesis 1:6-19, which includes among others the

Tower of Babel, Noah and the Flood, and Sodom and Gomorrah.

We haven't determined what order we'll follow after

Genesis: the rest of the Pentateuch, the Gospel of Mark,

Paul's Epistles, and the Gnostic Gospels have all been

mentioned. I'm sure we'll return to the Creation -- don't

we all keep doing that?

At the least, we're acquainting or reacquainting

ourselves with one of the world's greatest books, both as

literature and as sacred text. We want the group and its

individual members to be comfortable in the process, and

we're talking about ways to ensure that is what happens.

If anyone is interested in participating in a

similar study group by e-mail or mailing list (lists?), let

me know by e-mail. In the meantime, you're of course

welcome to follow our reading schedule and post any

comments or discoveries to the address below. We'd love to

hear them!

Carroll Bishop ( )


announce its Public Program for Spring 1996. All events

are open to the public and will be held at the C.G. Jung



Lecture by Robert Bosnak, JD, IAAP

Friday, Mar. 8, 8:00-10:00 PM.

Dreaming is a reality surrounding us from all sides, while

we know absolutely nothing about the creation of dreams.

Dream worlds are true wilderness; unknown lands in

undiscovered continents. Dreamwork gives dreamers tracking

tools to reenter the dreaming wilderness and experience the

surrounding reality once again. This practical dreamwork

demonstration - work with a participant's dream - will be

framed by the presenter's conversation with an Australian

Aboriginal dream doctor.



Workshop by Edward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D.

Saturday, Mar. 9, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM.

In the traditional African perspective, family life and

dream life enfold one another. This perspective has

enormous clinical value not yet fully appreciated in

Western science and psychotherapy. This workshop covers

the history of dream interpretation in Africa, Europe and

Ancient America. It will explore, from the African

Paradigm, how dreams reflect individual and family

unconscious dynamics, including their somatic and

psychological expressions. Using this functional

understanding of family dynamics as a backdrop, the

practicing clinician will be able to use dreams to reframe,

restructure and intervene in family, couple and individual

therapy. A clinical demonstration will follow the

theoretical discussion.




Barbados, West Indies

March 2-8 Archetypes: Eternal or Evolving

March 8-12 Clinical Applications of Jungian Psychology

Faculty for the two separate but related seminars include:

Michael Conforti, Ph.D.

Mario Jacoby, Ph.D.

Aryeh Maidenbaum, Ph.D.

Mara Sidoli, Psy.A., L.C.C.

June Singer, Ph.D.

Conference site is the beautiful Tamarind Cove in St.

James, Barbados. One conference fee includes all

presentations and workshops, hotel, meals, ect.

Please e-mail or call/fax for more information as soon as


given the late date! Assisi Conferences and Seminars

802/348-6628 (v/f)

Source: David Oswald



Just a little message for telling you that anytime

you want to

discuss live on Jungian psychology, you can reach the

channel #jung-on-irc

on irc. If you want more info there is a web page about

this group:

Source: Jean-Francois Vezina ( President of the Jungian Circle

of Quebec)

Tel and Fax:(418) 688-JUNG

C.P. 38018, Co.P. M.Bourgeois

Quebec,Canada G1S 2N0




Sominal Times, the Mensa Dream magazine, now has a sight

online and you may want to check this out and find out how

to sign up for a subscription. Nice Graphics!

Sominal Times URL:


Labor is an art project developing from dreams. We will

hopefully have a full article on this project next issue,

but in the meantime, drop by at

Labor URL:


Scott Hughes, author of the dream book _Inner Light, Your

Fantasies and Dreams_ has provided you with a Web page

"Hues of Inner Light" at URL:


The Association for Research and Enlightenment

Dreams and Dream Interpretation

The Edgar Cayce readings tell us that dreams have been

given to us for our benefit.

Because we are spiritual beings, we have the potential to

experience many different levels

of awareness while in the dream state from which we may

gain insights about all aspects of

our life: physical, mental, and spiritual. Here is the Web

site with more dream information and links to other ARE



Hard-Headed Dream Context Analysis.

Bill Domhoff and Adam Schneider have launched a new dream

research site. The new site, _The Quantitative Study of

Dreams_, (QSD) brings to the Internet a whole tradition

dream research currently being taught the University of

California at Santa Cruz that going back to Calvin Hall's

work in the 1940's. Nice Graphics too.

If you would like to see a preview of an upcoming interview

with Bill and Adam about the site, get the article in the

DreamGate Gopher under Dream Cyberphile Spring 1996.




Dream Classes from Spectrum University

Spectrum university, an online Web campus, offers a class

on dreaming you may wish to check out.

There are four classes and some interactive processes -

really neat!

How to get there....

Select class 702: Dreams: Key to your Inner Self


Association for the Study of Dreams Conference XIII in

Berkeley, California July 9-13.

Join psychotherapist, scholars, artists, authors and

dreamworkers from all over the world for five days of

workshops, lectures, research presentations, art exhibits,

and performances that examine the nature of dreams and the

healing influence dreams present through personal study,

traditional and non-traditional psychotherapy, and the

expressive arts.

Who going to be there?

Well, how about Deirdre Barrett, John Beebe, Fariba

Bogzaran, Robert Bosnak, Kelley Bulkeley, Gayle Delaney,

William Dement, Bill Domhoff, Patricia Garfield, Jayne

Gackenbach, Jill Gregory, Earnest Hartmann, Edward Hoffman,

Bob Hoss, Stanely Keleman, Johanna King, Milton Kramer,

Stanley Krippner, Barry Ktakow, Stephen LaBerge, Barbara

Meier, Linda Magallon, Robert Moss, Fred Olsen, Roberta

Ossana, Henry Reed, Joanne Rochon, Carol S. Rupprecht,

Linda Share, June Singer, Alan Siegel, Jeremy Taylor,

Robert Van de Castle, Richard Wilkerson, Fred Allen Wolf

and many, many more!

This year your can get 21 CE and MCEP Credits!

The conference site is the sumptuous Claremont Resort which

is complete with pool, tennis courts, and a newly remodeled

spa. The Claremont sits in the Berkeley Hills like a white

castle with a magnificent view of the Golden Gate and

overlooks San Francisco with its natural beauty, cultural

monuments and artistic diversity.

Special rates starting at $95.00/night on rooms if you

register before June 6, 1996. Claremont (800) 551-7266

For information or brochure, contact The Association for

the Study of Dreams


PO box 1600-P Vienna, VA 22183 (703) 242-0062 or (703)


ASD Conference XIII Hotline (510) 869-4066


My Dream Site of the Month:

By Bob


Angie has done a superb job in linking dream related issues




Commentary on Shadow's "The Good Shepherd" (EDv3n1) by Jay


if this were my dream...

this seems to be a theme of my and others dreams, hanging

around churches. in this dream i show my animus how the

church i knew as a child has changed, or instead, perhaps,

how my perception and understanding of it has changed. it

used to seem so big and overpowering. now i see (as i

examine the floor in detail) how many different threads or

details there are in its structure, how rich and variegated

it is.

animus has different interests, however. he is interested

in camping out in the woods and pickup trucks with powerful








Hi Bob,

I met and spoke with Richard Wilkerson at a conference at

SFMOMA a few weeks ago. I work for the Center for

Electronic Art designing web sites. I have a web site right

now that has some of my dreams about whales on it along

with art work.

Richard suggested that I submit my dreams to your e-zine.

If you are interested I have included my dreams below. They

are they same ones as on my site which can be found at

Hope they are of some interest and that you can publish

them. Let me know if you do and if you need more






I dreamt I was on a plane that had been high jacked.

Looking out of the window, I watched the sea approach as we

flew out over the ocean. Down below a group of whales were

swimming in circles in the water, one over the other. Their

disorientation was disturbing yet it captivated me. I could

not believe how beautiful they were. The plane began to

lose altitude bringing us closer and closer to the whales

until the belly of the plane was almost skimming the water.

Unaware, the whales below us thrashed against the plane,

tearing a hole into it's body and bringing us down into the

water with them. I knew we would sink and join them.


I am on the bow of an enormous cargo ship in the middle of

the ocean. In a huge trench which is dug into the outer

perimeter of the deck, two small adolescent whales are

gleefully racing each other round and round the ship. I

watch them as they bound and jump playfully over each

other, completely absorbed in their game. In their

enthusiasm the whales leap up out of the trench into the

sea causing our boat to tip sideways into the water. Then

quietly, instead of righting itself, the boat slips into

the sea behind them. I begin to panic as we sink under

water fearing I won't be able to breathe, fearing I will

drown. My friend motions to me that we will be fine,

indicating we have an oxygen tank to share. I lose my fear

as she passes me a hit of clean air and I meld into the

silences of being underwater. Cutting through the green

filtered light above the whales swim by.


I stand on the stone bridge over one of the ancient pools

of some long forgotten spa tucked into a valley beneath

enormous mountains in South America. The pools no longer

empty, ring with the squeals of children playing and the

chatter of those watching over them. The water is not the

clear blue of the chlorinated pools of the YMCA but a dark

mineral green. A green so old that in its opacity one

could find reflected the primordial swamps, lakes and

backwaters of the ancient world, infinitely deep and

unfathomable. It is suddenly apparent that these waters

are teaming with life, all the ancient creatures of the sea

have taken refuge in these small baths in the midst of the

mountains. Larger that any whale, a huge fish with a

pointed nose swims by its radial fin just sweeping out of

the water. Below and around it the water moves with

mysterious dark life. The world oceans could fit in this

confined space and it makes sense. We do not belong in

this water and I rush to help a Hispanic woman and her two

babies up the ramp and onto the cool stone ledge. The

bathers do not seem to be aware of the life teaming these

waters, yet most have cleared out of their own accord. The

fish keep swimming.



Dream: "Domestic Violence and

Toilets" by Shadow (960122)

I am standing near the nurse's desk with some co-workers.

The unit is very active. There are many patients (men,

women, children). A six foot plus man comes walking from

the patient room end of the unit toward the day area. I am

not sure why, but I stand in his way and tell him that he

needs to stay away from the day area. I also tell him that

all the other patients need to stay down at the room end as

well. The man does not listen to me and pushes past me.

He looks very angry and I feel intense negative feelings in

him. I know that he and the other patients have grouped

together against us (staff). I hear a loud slap from one

of the rooms. I am angry. I run down to the room and

throw the door open. Inside there are many people. They

are dressed in old, dirty, torn clothing. I see the woman

who has been struck. I walk toward a man who I presume is

her husband. I realize, however, that he is not the one

who hit her. Instead it was her son, who is about two

years old. I grab the kid and take him down to the chart

room. There I try to ask him why he hit his mom. As I am

talking to him I notice that he is dirty and has not been

cared for very well. There are other staff members

standing around. They offer no verbal opinions, but I

sense that they think the child will not be able to

verbalize anything worth while. I stand up with the child

and leave the chart room. After a brief awakening I return

to sleep and to the same place, if not the same dream. I

am, again, at work. I go to use the restroom and I find

that it has been re-decorated. I like the new look, but

there is no toilet. I check a couple other restrooms and

find no toilets there either. This does not seem to bother

my co- workers at all.

commentary on 'domestic violence and toilets' by jay


In my resonate dream...

my unconscious is very active. an angry male aspect

attempts to arise from my unconscious into my

consciousness. i attempt to prevent him and other

rebellious parts of my unconscious from surfacing. i fail.

i am faced with unpleasant things from my past, when i was

just two years old. the anger comes from when i was two. i

feel my two year old self hasn't been well cared for,

either by others, or by myself. who slapped who? i lack

confidence in being able to verbalize this childhood issue.

after reentering my dream, i find that it may be related to

toilet training issues or that stage of life. if this were

my dream...




Dream : "Huecos" by JJ ==== 960124

A man who lived close by had come to my friend Oscar's

apartment to recover some things he left on the window sill

when he'd lived there previously. They were decorative

painted pottery and they looked like what are pronounced

"huecos" (holes) but are old Incan pottery. These were

obviously not authentic huecos. But the man said that it

was gold paint on them, and he wanted them back. This was

a little upsetting, since firstly they were obviously lead

painted (one even had a brass top which could not be

mistaken for gold) and secondly, I didn't think Oscar

should have to give them up.

This had all taken place outside of the apartment, on a

patio of some kind where I noticed there was also a bike.

But as I looked closer, it was not a bike, but a

motorcycle, and it needed some work. In fact, the wheels

were not on it, and the wheels that were near did not have

inner tubes.

I sent Oscar upstairs to turn on the 4th floor lights, or

ask whoever was living there to turn them on, because I'd

accidentally put something on the 4th floor window sill

thinking it was his apartment, and now I needed it back.

Oscar ran upstairs and turned on the third floor lights

first, and then went up to the fourth floor. I couldn't

remember what it was I'd put on the window sill, though.



At The Foot Of A Mountain by Kirk / 96-01-25

Here is a dream that I had about a week ago. I hope that

it inspires someone:

I was at the foot of a mountain, and I had heard that a

prophet was to speak at the top of the mountain. I saw him

standing by the road that led up the mountain, with a bear

on a leash. I started going up, but went slowly, because I

had a heavy backpack on. About halfway up, I looked at my

watch, and it was 6:29 am. I knew it was too late, that I

had to go and get my parents at the airport. There were

two men, who were discussing going down. They got on a bus,

and I followed. One of the men started driving, but I

realized he shouldn't be driving, that the real driver was

sitting in the back of the bus with other drives. I made a

sign to him, and he got up and went to the front of the

bus. He got the driver to stop, but with much struggle.

During the struggle, a girl with no legs fell off the seat

behind the driver. I got out of the bus and signaled to an

ambulance which had been following. I walked away toward a

crossroads to find another way.

Kirk/ France



DREAM: Free Falling - Kittie B.( 960128).

I am with 2 other friends on a slight incline. We are

preparing to leave the area. I get into my car alone,

they are going to follow me in theirs. The area we are in

is some- what like an island, there is only two ways out;

on a narrow street leading around a large black glass

building - one path leading around on the left, the other

on the right side of the building. The only way to exit

this area is on one of those two pathways. The building

itself takes up the rest of the area and blocks any exit.

Both the area around the front of the building and the

entrances to the pathways are strewn with what appears to

be construction litter and large rocks and boulders. At

first it appears both exits are block by this debris. I

slowly approach the front of the building in my car and

examine both exits, which still appear blocked. As I head

straight toward the building (moving very slowly) and make

the decision to go to the right. As I do I notice the

right exit is actually clear but the entrance is hidden by

a boulder. I veer my car slowly to the right and head

towards the right exit road. As I begin the slow curve

around the building I see the way ahead is as strewn with

construction type debris as the front of the building. I

also notice that on the right side of the pathway is a

shear drop off. The pathway looks like it can be navigated

although it is extremely narrow. I proceed forward. As I

am moving my car it seems to pick up speed even though I am

not on a decline. I apply brakes lightly because I do not

want to loose control or I will go over the edge into the

drop off. As I advance it becomes clear I am too close to

the edge and I feel my right front wheel as it slips over

the edge and I know the car is going over. As the car is

free falling over the edge of the road I release my seat

belt and realize I am, in fact, in a convertible. As I

release my seat belt I become unattached to the car and it

"slips" from beneath me and I and the car are now falling

separately. The thought comes to me to look for something

to grab along the side of the cliff. I see the car hit the

bottom of the valley and explode into flames. I realize

that I will probably hit bottom but know, even if I am

injured slightly, I will be okay. At this point I

experience that incredible feeling of falling (like on the

downward run of a roller coaster) and have both feelings of

great exhilaration mixed with slight fear. This feeling is

not only in my dream but is real - I physically feel it in

my sleep. The next scene is me walking along with a man

telling him of this experience. I remember this very

clearly because I remember how I looked, it was as if I had

seen myself in a mirror, I had on a plaid skirt to my knee

caps, white blouse, brown hair approximately shoulder

length and slender but the facial features were not mine.

I was

telling this man about this experience and then I

awoke. It is important to understand that the

exhilaration/fear of the sensation of free falling woke me

while I was experiencing it - this after image happened in

the split seconds between the sensation and the awakening.

I awoke with the feeling - that was a great sensation and

wouldn't it be something to do again.

Well - would love comments in whatever format is


Thanks for listening K

Falling dream commentary 960122 From: BobC

The beginning of the dream appears to indicate the dreamer

feels lonely. She is on an island (a symbol of isolation)

with friends, but they have separate cars. In trying to

get away from where she is (emotionally?) she has a big,

black building directly in front of her. This seems to

indicate an immovable obstacle. The dreamer must turn left

or right; that is, go back to the past (the known) or

gamble on the future. Both paths or options have obstacles

making the way difficult to negotiate, but the dreamer

chooses the right or future. Suddenly, the dreamer feels

things getting out of control. The car picks up speed

without her accelerating. She comes "too close to the

and goes over the cliff (is the dreamer under a great

deal of stress in her conscious life)? She realizes the

car is a convertible and she can separate herself from it

by taking off her seat belt (i.e. she can by her own

actions change or separate herself from her current

situation or dilemma). Once she separates from the car she

is in free fall; she is free to experience the

exhilaration of the moment, but she also feels some fear.

She has no control over the outcome of the fall. She

doesn't know how her experience of freedom will end. She

has faith, however, that although she will "hit bottom" she

will be alright. The dreamer's walk with a male stranger

while she is wearing a plaid skirt may be indicative of her

confusion if she allows herself to "fall free." She will

change the way the world sees her; "the facial features

were not mine."
Plaid is a "checkered" pattern, and a

person who has led a "checkered" life has experience many

changes of fortune. In summary, the dream seems to

indicate that the dreamer wants to be free from major

stress, wants change in her life, but fears loss of

control. Her dream mind seems to be telling her that if

she allows herself the experience of freedom there will not

be a single ending but rather many changes in her life. If

the dreamer disagrees with the above interpretation, then

it is wrong. Only the dreamer knows. Bob C



Goetheanum" by Kenneth/ Tue 960123

My female companion and I are caught out in the ocean,

and we have to figure out how to swim across the current to

get back to the coast. We manage to make it past some

fishing lines; one fishhook momentarily snags my bathing


We rest sitting on the benches by the cove. The woman

goes to look for a pay phone, but she doesn't find one. I

talk to a couple of cops, but they are not helpful indeed,

I've the distinct impression that they'd cite me for

sitting on the bench wrong.

We begin walking up the coast. We are in a place like

Pacific Grove where my grandparents lived, a place of many

happy childhood memories. We explore the levels of the

theater, a labyrinthine, curving place and another happy

place for a child, red and plush with many narrow steps and

passages. We work our way part way up counterclockwise.

Interpretation: At sea, level-headed, as with the

British couple in the recent Indonesian ferry sinking. I'm

not overanxious about minor snags after that!

The place is like the children's cove in La Jolla. We

can't reach help, and the civic order is of no help to us

either, and may even prove detrimental (if I don't show the

right poise, posture, etc.) [The phrase I'm looking for is

proper deportment."]

The Goetheneum-like theater is uterine, vaginal,

vulval. We start at or near the bottom and complete a

partial chord walking up an anticlockwise spiral__ but the

place, the feeling-space, is much more complex and

involuted than that. There are a few old people in the

audience, waiting for the show to begin.

From a blue sea to a dark red, serpentine proscenium

Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy. Old New Age, but birth




Little Green Apples" by Kenneth /Wed 960124

I check my e-mail at work and find to my surprise

77,777 messages! I decide to erase them sight unseen

(there'll always be more) but somehow manage to screw up

the computer's memory. Suddenly the store is full of

people and I am unable to swap back to Book Log! [I.e.,

the register program.]

I am fearful of causing more damage. The screen shows

a map as if on a transparent overlay running horizontally

and a floating pointer drifting back and forth which I

can't get centered; I don't want to erase the wrong


At one point the keyboard changes into little green

apples arranged in an egg carton, twelve of them, and I'm

pressing them.

Interpretation: I had the evening before tried from

work to check my e-mail, something I hadn't done in a long

while, but there was too much line noise. 77,777 is a

mystic number, or seemingly so; 7 is the number of the

end, eschatological. I was [later that night, at home]

deep in e-mail as some would be deep in their cups.

Erasing them all would be draconian, and that caused the

memory problem! [Ironic.] All or nothing.

Maps. Orientation. Turing's universal machine and

its tape. The stopping problem. You can't tell how or if

things will turn out; you need to run the process.

Why did God create Little green apples? [Old Bing Crosby

song] Eggs and apples, apples and eggs, Genesis and the

Babylonians. Immaturity? The knowledge of good and evil?

Magritte? Surreal, beginning things.

Also, Turing evidently committed suicide by biting

into a cyanide-laced apple. Shades of Snow White!



==== Dream : "
Scourge of my planet" by JJ

====== 960124

My manager had parked his van far from work, and I had

gone to move it. When I was in the van it was more like a

motor home, but it was a bit like an old person's motor

home, and it had pictures of old people on the wall. When

I was in one room of the motor home, I saw that it

overlooked a canal, much like the ones in Ft.Lauderdale.

The room had an opening that spanned the length of the wall

at its bottom. It was about two feet tall, so I sat on my

haunches to look out at the adjacent canal. It was then

that I saw a black man walking under water. I remembered

a radio bit I'd heard about people walking under water to

better surprise their mugging victims.

** I was somewhere in Harvard Square. A political

personage had organized a meeting of some kind, and I was

not sure I was in the right place. For one thing, it

seemed I was the first person from my organization to

arrive, and for another, it seemed like an independent

living group at Harvard. It had characteristics of my own

fraternity, and the people who lived there seemed to be

good friends.

As I was about to leave, the personage showed up. So did

Chris S., a brother from my fraternity, in crutches.

Everyone settled for the meeting to begin, and it began.

It was then that I learned the purpose of the meeting was

to introduce the brothers of the MIT chapter to those of

the Harvard chapter. But the Harvard "
chapter" was not

really a chapter, they had banned fraternities in 1951.

What was left of my fraternity at Harvard was more of a


Someone of significance in the Harvard organization began a

ritual. It was a very strange ritual and I thought it

suited the supercilious aura of the school very well.

Sitting at an end of a table, under lights, on my right (on

my left is my father) the person begins to smell brown

sugar out of a silver bowl. We are all watching. As he

inhales the vapor of the sugar, he smiles, then inhales

some more. I look at the sugar, and it is diminishing, but

in such a way that it might be burning. It even makes a

low volume sound.

As the man smiles and inhales more and more, people in the

room begin to chuckle. I am uncomfortable, but do not

interrupt the ritual.



.009" by- Kenneth / Fri 960126

Sean Connery is back playing James Bond, only he's .009

this time around or some such. He's scarcely aged.

At the very beginning of the film, first scene, he's

getting the crap beaten out of him by two thugs in a

hallway, and then he's thrown into a room to recuperate.

I wonder how he is going to, as usual, escape.

There are two or three henchmen laying down in the

room. They're nude. One is a woman who is masturbating

the black man, who is in ecstasy. I'm astonished that

they're showing male genitals and erections on TV! This is

new Interpretation: The woman is betwixt the two men,

laying in a tableau. "
Thug" comes from thugee, a devotee

of Kali... who cares about the sex lives of Ulysses's

crew? Yet here we have a /me'nage a` trois/, and

something approaching Jung's alchemical 3-into-four__ it's

extremely inimical at first. Hyper-masculine James Bond

is completed; 9 is as a friend says the number of

completion (though I'd thought it 7). (I'd recorded this

dream late; it might have been .008 as in the spy parody

Our Man Flynt.")

Two black men, one indistinct; one white woman being

active; and one white man /hors de combat/.

... Interesting stuff, particulary since I am

attracted to the animus in women and since I've a strong


So much for bondage!

============================ "
dark room" by John

---96-01-27 -------------------------

I am in a jet black room which has a shape resembling

that of a display set up in a mall [ie.. the electronics

department). Within the room are columns which rise to

waist line and flatten out-hexagonal in shape. On each

column is an object of significance, as if the objects were

modern art in an art show. I don't seem to pay any

attention to any object in particular. The only other

presence is my father, who I know has been deceased for two


He is holding one of the objects-a towel up to me and he

is showing me why it is important that it was designed

that way it was. The towel was also jet black, but

striped once red and once white on the far right side,


but the red is on the outside and the white is in the

middle. He explains why the colors were done in that

manner :

1) jet black for simplicity

2) Red and black on the outside-white in the middle

for balance

3) more than one color for variety

{At this point the dream is abruptly ended}




The Stadium"

by John -------96-01-27 ---------------------

This dream takes place in an open stadium. I am usually

very shy when around people, but in this case I feel like

I am not nervous at all. Under the bleachers is a

corridor, with one opening leading to a small room. This

is where I go first in the dream. The small room is like a

classroom with small tables placed around it-like desks.

There are some stairs on the opposite side of where I come

in. The steps lead up to a room that I can't see very

clearly due to the fact that so many people are in there.

So I go back down the stairs and up to the bleachers, in

some inspecific form or fashion. In the bleachers I see a

cute female and try to go through the crowd to her, but

somehow she disappears. A moment or two later I decide to

go back to the room again. This time she is down there on

her way up the steps. So I follow her up the steps.

After going up the steps, I could not find her anywhere.

She had disappeared again. The room, I noticed, had less

people in it than before as if they had all gone into

another room, that I couldn't see and I was left out. I

walk out to the bleachers again. The bleachers begin to

take a specific shape now. They are elevated-including

the bottom steps-a long distance from the ground. Echos

of everyone's words drown the metal seats. It seems like

less of a stadium now and more like bleachers facing an

infinite amount of space. I follow the slant of the

bleachers down to the bottom where several clear plastic

tubes are. Some tubes go up. Some go forward, backward,

left and right. They are curvy and straight, closed and

open. Its like a "
big kids playground". People are all

over the tubes flying through them and jumping down to

lower tubes. Now I begin to see that some of the tubes

are like elevators with doors. Everyone here is happy. I

am happy. I see the girl again, but she is in one of

the tubes. I see where I need to walk and fly through to

get to her and start going, but she keeps moving. Now

she's noticed I'm following her and she smiles. I smile

back. This chase continues on and on and when I am within

a few paces of her I wake up.



Dream "
Crystal at the Center of Time" by Carolyn /


I dreamed that I was there at the beginning of time, or at

least at the beginning of human knowledge. I was in a

temple or in some sort of secluded place where all the

knowledge of humankind was being stockpiled. It looked

like a huge, shimmering crystal, rather like the crystal

walls of a cave. I was wearing a robe I'd selected from a

number of others. It was in rainbow colors and flowed

softly. I was aware of time passing me by somewhere in the

outside world. At times I was the guardian of this

knowledge and sometimes I was just an observer - rather

like watching a movie. Over time the crystal grew and

grew. It pushed back the land and the water and just grew.

There seemed to be a designated end time, an appropriate

time for the last bit of knowledge to be added, but it

wasn't time yet. Someone came and wanted to add this

last bit of knowledge, but it wasn't time yet. I tried to

stop him, but he added it anyway and the whole thing came

tumbling down. But all was not lost. It seemed that the

crystal mass could be rebuilt, but it would take an

awfully long time. The inappropriate addition was a

definite setback. The whole dream was very intense and

vivid. So what do you make of it? Carolyn



==== Dreams: "
Computer Dreams" by felinoid ===96-01-27 =

I have a very nasty habit of NOT properly documenting my

dreams (or not documenting them at all) I am asleep and

spend the first few minutes of the morning committing the

dream to conscious memory (or I'll forget it once I am

totally awake) then interpreting (being in the same state

and the same mind the dream came from.. so the symbols have

exactly one meaning... the one the dream intended... and I

find I can't come up with meanings NOT related to the

dream). A set of dreams that apparently were read by me

incorrectly... they follow a very blatant theme...

First... The Cartoons and the computer...

It begins with cartoons doing various things (as if they

were real) The first part I can remember clearly is this I

am the coyote (Wile E.. from loony toons... the version

that doesn't speak) I am setting a trap for the road runner

(knowing it will fail but not admitting it to myself) I

think I see the roadrunner with one catch.. he is behaving

like the Tazmanian Devil (Taz)... he passes by and I

finish my trap...

The dreamscape changes and now I am myself... I come

apone the trap and it's a monitor on a mound of dirt with a

computer system half buried... it seems someone placed it

there (no longer the trap it was) and I ask someone to help

me pull it out. I intend to ask the owner (who seems to

have just recently been given it or something.. he didn't

seem interested in it and now it seems he buried it in

dirt) if he wants his system or if I can have it (in real

life my own computer is almost worthless it's just a

terminal for Internet now... I have to replace some parts

to make it useful again). I am concerned the computer

isn't going to work after this treatment... I am wondering

if the monitor is a VGA or an old out of date CGA. The

computer seems to be sleek top of the line but I am not

shure.... The computer case is a full Tower case about

5 feet tall... white... Looks up to date.... feels almost

as if a desk top super computer. I begin lifting the

computer with help carefully.... it feels heavy but I work

carefully to make sure nothing gets hurt... The computers

owner looks out the window at me with a total lack of

concern he goes and sits down... I lift and I think I can

feal it moving free of the dirt that held it.... I wake up


Second Dream. Computer in the snow....

I am in the snow... It has snowed bad. I walk up to a

door of people I know they have a computer sitting out in

the snow (I don't know why) I deliver a newspaper (I use to

be a newspaper carrier and customers would leave TIPS in

form of soda or cookies at the front door... I tended to

leave such tips alone unless a note was attached saying I

could take it) the friends open the door (a yellowish light

but no sight of who is inside) and tell me to take the

computer that it's a gift for me... and say "


Third Dream (last night 1-25-96) The Apple 486 XT HU?

I keep a lot of computer parts for my computer in case

it shuts down... But my hard disk controller burned out and

I don't have a replacement.

I'm tinkering around and there is this motherboard

hanging from a cord. That doesn't seem right so I decide to

identify the board and put it in storage. There is

something in one of the slots so it seems so I pull it out

and it breaks... It turns out that wasn't a slot but

instead a long package of parts installed where a slot

should be... and I broke it. I think about reattaching the

parts but first I want to know what I am fixing. I look at

the CPU... It says 486... I think if I had know I had THIS

I'd be using it instead of a 386dx33.... now it's broken...

This can't be right I KNOW I don't have a 486 (and I don't)

I check again and it's a 386sx... That's my mothers

computer what is it doing here? Oh shit I broke my mothers

computer. The I check again... it's a 486 clone CPU that

fits in a 386 socket... I checked closely and SX is just a

lot number.... Then I notice the CPU slides to unlock from

the socket then comes out... and it's a sleek white chip..

bulky for a CPU but sleek and new... Then I look

carefully... It has the Apple Logo on it.

My interpretation of the first dream... Someone is going to

give me a computer for a present... Second... (Same as

first) for Christmas.... (First two happened before

Christmas... and since then I did NOT get a computer at

all... I did get a C programming book... so I figured that

was it.. I've since then FTPed a C compiler that's small

enough to fit on floppy disk). Third happened after the

first two and follows the theme...apparently I don't know

what they mean.



== Dream: "
Champagne Wishes & Caviar Dreams" by MonkeyBoy


About 3 or 4 kids (8-10 years old) and myself were on some

lake when we ran across a hole left by some ice fishermen.

Well, don't you know, one of the kids jumps in and wants to

go swimming. Of course he couldn't swim with skates on so

we pulled him out. Well, he thought it was fun. So while

the rest of us are shivering, trying to keep warm, he jumps

in again, only this time he goes under. We all panic

because we can't see him - one of the kids skates off for

help; the other one starts crying. I know by the time help

arrives the kid will be gone with the flow so I stick my

head in the icy water and see him floating about 3 feet

from the hole. I tried grabbing him which only made him

float further away.

By now I'm really in a panic, but I know what I have to do.

So I say a little prayer and dive in (skates and all)

knowing I might not find that hole again and grab the kid

who of course by this time is not breathing. Somehow I

found an air pocket under the ice. I can see the hole

about 8 feet away so I scratch my way under the ice with

one hand while dragging the kid with the other and treading

water with my skates on (a miracle in itself, I'm


We make it back to the hole and I get the kid out and then

myself. No help has arrived yet so I start CPR. The kid

is a pretty color blue I think to myself. Kind of aqua,

but not a color I was familiar with. So I start CPR, over

and over, blowing into his mouth and his nose at the same

time. Finally the kid starts to puke out all of this

crushed ice. I keep breathing into him to melt the ice,

but it just keeps coming. He stops puking and opens his

eyes. His color is coming back and I can see help is on

the way. The kid looks up at me and exclaims, "
That was

fun," and tries to crawl back into the hole.

I grab him by the legs just as the rescuers arrive. They

wrap us in blankets and give us hot chocolate to drink. We

talk about what happened and I tell them the story. They

said, "
Oh, by the way, did you hear someone won the $87

million lottery? His name is J.K." I said, "My name is

J.K." They knew the name because we had to sign it when we

bought tickets. No one could believe it. It was truly a

miracle! (from their lips to God's ears)

Someone gave me a ride home, but I didn't have any keys to

open the door. "
That's OK," I said, "because I have my

lottery ticket." I put my ticket in the slot and the door

unlocks with this loud 'CLICK', like a bank vault, I think.

I go inside knowing I won the lottery, elated, but too

exhausted to care after what I had just been through. I

fall asleep on grandma's love seat by my front door with

the grapevine wreath hanging behind it. I'm awakened by

this rustling noise coming from the wreath and I'm

frightened. I can see this black thing (in the 2 o'clock

position) moving in the wreath. It looks like a bat, about

the size of a basketball or a little larger. In a panic I

spring up from the love seat and look at it. I reach out

to touch it and it's eyes open. I gasp! It looks back at

me and stretches out it's arms to me. Why, it's not a bat,

I think. It's a monkey!!! And cute!

So I take it in my arms and cuddle it, talking to it,

asking it how it got there. It started to make this

gutteral sound that sounded like T.P. I keep repeating

aloud, T.P? "
Do you have to go to the bathroom?" I say and

it nods yes. I take it to the bathroom. It stands above

the seat and takes a healthy dump. It starts to wipe

itself but is making a big mess, so I help. Yuck, I think

to myself. By this time I realize it understands me. Here

I've got monkey shit all over my hand, but had an itch so I

wiped my mouth. YUCK. Now I can taste monkey shit.

All of a sudden it starts talking. He told me he was

scared, but had to make sure he could trust me before he

started talking. Then he asked me where the baby was. I

said, "
What baby?" He wasn't alone. We looked around and

found the baby in the ficas tree in the dining room. He

said his name was Emblem, but didn't know how old he was.

We could tell he was older because he had some gray tones,

but the baby was a baby, about a week or two old. Her name

was Sara. We found some dish towels to make into diapers

(again with the monkey shit).

We fed Sara and put her down for a nap and talked. Someone

was after them and had killed Sara's mother, so they were

on the lam. He made me promise I wouldn't turn them in to

the zoo people. I said I would help. I told him I'd try

to get hold of Michael Jackson because he was rich and

could protect them. Then he turned to me and said, "

you're rich too. Why can't you keep us?" I said I would

and then I woke up. (960122)

Commentary on "
Champagne Wishes and Caviar Dreams" by Bob C


As the dream begins the dreamer is with a group of young

boys, one of which finds it enjoyable to jump into the

water through a hole in the ice. The second time the boy

does so he can't get out of the hole. The dreamer jumps

into the same hole, swims under the ice, manages to locate

the boy, and pulls him out. The boy appears lifeless, but

when the dreamer applies mouth to mouth resuscitation the

boy comes back to life and wants to jump into the hole

again. When the dreamer tells recently arrived rescuers

about the drowning incident, one of the rescuers tells him

indirectly that he won the $87.million dollar lottery. In

the dream wealth unlocks doors literally. The dreamer uses

his lottery ticket to unlock a door and falls onto a love

seat belonging to his grandmother. He notices a creature

that turns out to be a monkey above him. The dreamer next

involves himself in "
monkey business." He takes the monkey

to the bathroom and becomes involved a the messy business

of cleaning up monkey feces. It is so messy the dreamer

even inadvertently eats some of the feces. The dreamer's

dream mind seems to be telling him that becoming involved

in "
monkey business" obviously has unpleasant

consequences. The monkey then tells the dreamer his name

is "
Emblem" (obviously implying that he is a symbol in the

dream) and leading the dreamer to a real female baby named

Sara. The monkey says the baby's mother was killed, and he

is trying to keep the baby safe. He is trusting the

dreamer not to call the zookeeper (the authorities). The

dreamer suggests calling Michael Jackson for help because

Jackson was rich, and the monkey responded that the dreamer

was rich too and could help (keep him and the baby

together). The dreamer agrees to do so and wakes up. There

seems to be a sexual connotation to many of the symbols in

this dream. The boy going in and out of the hole (and the

dreamer following him) is one such symbol. The dreamer

giving mouth to mouth resuscitation to the boy until he

revives is another. "
Monkey business," "monkeying around"

and "
monkey with" often have pejorative sexual

connotations. At this point the dream mind seems to

editorialize, pointing out that if some desires, even

desires camouflaged in the guise of "
helping" someone

relieve themselves can get pretty messy, and leave a lousy

taste in one's mouth. The baby Sara is obviously female,

and also very vulnerable. The monkey wants to take care of

the baby. The dreamer suggests the monkey contact Michael

Jackson, another sexual symbol given the recent publicity

into Jackson's alleged sexual proclivities toward children.

The monkey responds in words to the effect that the dreamer

can be a substitute for Michael Jackson. It is possible

the dream symbolizes the dreamer's attraction toward same

sex children. In the dream the attraction is camouflaged

in several ways. He saves the young boy's life by going

into "
the hole" to rescue him and by using resuscitation to

revive the boy (symbolic kissing)? The monkey may be

symbolic of the dreamer's repressed homosexual attraction;

He "
helps" the monkey in the bathroom by trying to wipe the

monkey's anus, but the situation quickly turns, well,

shitty. The monkey then leads him to a vulnerable baby who

needs help. (Who or what is vulnerable in the dreamer's

conscious life)? The dreamer's idea of a helper for the

baby is Michael Jackson, an entertainer alleged to molested

children. The monkey tells the dreamer in effect that the

dreamer can be his own Michael Jackson, and the dreamer

agrees. The fact that the dreamer remembered this dream is

such detail may mean that the dreamer's repressive

processes are breaking down. If the dreamer disagrees

with the above interpretation, then it is wrong. Only the

dreamer knows.

Bob C.

commentary on 'champagne wishes & caviar dreams' by jay


if this were my dream...

it gives me a very good feeling, as we will see.

a young part of myself seems to enjoy diving down into the

realms of the unconscious. he really enjoys it. but it

does seem to freeze him up. when i retrieve him and warm

him up, he wants to dive right back in again. i become

very rich as a result of my efforts in dealing with the

effects of this diving down deep.

this new wealth or power gives me the ability to unlock

inner parts of myself where i discover another mysterious

bat/monkey aspect of myself. it reaches out to me and i

embrace and nurture it. when its messiness surfaces, and i

continue to deal with it rather than rejecting it, a bond

of trust is formed and we are able to communicate with each


in fact, i discover i have two monkey parts, an older male

part and a younger female aspect which i also nurture. i

realize that my new wealth will allow me to keep and

nurture these newly discovered parts of myself.

this dream has a very positive feel for me. thanks to the

dreamer for sharing it with us.




Commentary on 'champagne wishes & caviar dreams' by Bill


If this were my dream.

In my dream I am in a dangerously cold place and able to

let out some really playful parts of myself. One part is

completely fearless and can leap beneath the surface of

things into the cold depths without self concern. I will

sacrifice just about anything to save this youngster, and

do save him. Later I encounter more youthful aspects of

myself and again get into the shit that comes from

interacting with new things. Finding these new things is

like winning the lottery and finding the riches in those

parts of myself, the kid who fearlessly dives into the cold

depths, the animal self that is such a delight, and the

lotto resources I have to make this all so.

Thanks for the(real) winning lotto number - Bill

(These dreams form a tryptich. -Kenneth)

Nostalgia House" Thu (960201)

I am in a large rambling house which is a time traveling

house. Currently I am in the mid-70s section. I take off

my clothes, planning to frolic in the bath tub with my

girlfriend, but she doesn't arrive. I momentarily put one

of my hearing aid batteries in my mouth and then put my

two hearing aids on a safe place on the shelf.

History Tour"

I am taking a guided tour of a historical building. We're

in the basement or by the loading dock -lots of white

concrete, long hallways. A wire mesh gate separates us

from the outside. It's painted red. The tour guide says

yeah, they have problems with transients, but they seem to

exchange some civil words with some of them (whom we don't

see). Then we're in a group as for a casting call.


I am playing pool with some people; I compliment one woman

on her sharp nice dress.

Later there's an accident investigation on our TV show (?);

a big rig has jackknifed over a dirt embankment. As it's

towed away, much hinges on my asking my female partner how

she came by her estimate of how many inches the truck had

crumpled. It's like a Banachek mystery.

Interpretation (Fri 3 Feb): Interesting sequence. I'm

still not being laid, then I visit the past in a group,

and then a retro-reaction to mid-70s feminism. What was

that actress's name, the brunette who played the outfoxed

foil to George Peppard's character? The Banacheck

mysteries often relied on the insured object not being

stolen at the putative time and/or time. I.e., the hidden

mystery was solved, not the ostensible one.

A mansion in which one time travels; space becomes time, as

in Wagner's _Parsifal_. ("
My son, thou seest/Here Space

and Time are one.") Chronic cohorts. The lies of the

'70s (casual sex was something I'd only read about). So,

I'm stood up even in fantasy... Hearing battery as in the

Host? Eucharist symbolism under my tongue, hot tub as

failed alchemical retort or alembic... where's the wine,

the sacramental wine, the blood of the host of the

mansion? His mansion does have many rooms!

The history tour doesn't really resonate for me, though it

seems a necessary connecting piece. Behind the scenes, or

under them, in the works. An understanding with the

homeless despite the rhetoric. On with the show.

From pool to pool. Back on the dating scene. Sharp, nice

dress, compliments.

Nostalgia history pool.



Playwright -by Kenneth / 96-02-12

My play which is based on "
How to Succeed in Business

Without Really Trying" is well received. I'm complimented

afterwards on my success.

Interpretation: Hah! Work enables... what? Status?

Security? Love? I'm sick of magazines' and television's

noise. Neither medium addresses my life, and corporate

anything is not for me. Confessions of a crap artist.

So_ success through derivative satire??!



Recycled Youth - by Kenneth /Sun 960204

I am with a bunch of kids, teenagers, exploring the

carnival grounds after closing, this in Boise, Idaho. It

is night. We whoop it up on the hills and mounds of

discarded aluminum beer cans and try to calculate how much

money we'd have if we could take them home and recycle


Interpretation: The young all-male adult band of primates

dreaming dreams on the dregs of carnival. We're not even

drunk, but many many others have had their fill.



Eastern Fun - by Kenneth / Sun 960204

I am in the German army on the Eastern front. There is a

great concern about getting our tanks moved up a canal.

It is night, and there are nightclubs in the woods beyond

the embankment. Years from now we'll look back on this

exercise with a sort of nostalgia.

Interpretation: The circulation of water impresses me as

being important, and Nietzsche has a line somewhere about

pleasure wanting eternity,... deep, deep eternity! The

Germans come of my looking up Otto Strasser, he of the

socialist wing of the NSDAP, in several indexes, as well

as looking for Hitler's supposed visitation by a glowing

being of whom he was afraid. Occult, nihilistic action;

mindless frenzy; and behind the lines, nightclubs, R&R,

water of libido if not of love ("
tank" was a code-name).

This is in a sense a continuation of "
Lithuanian Monk,"

since there's an eastern movement and, for that matter,

the Lithuanians had a Medieval empire.

Rear Echelon Motherfuckers (and Rapid Eye Movement); war

ahead and support troops behind having a good time.... but

the land swallows them up.



Prozac - by Kenneth / Sun (960210)

I go into a psychiatrist's office and on my hands and knees

look up at the undersides of the three tables, not for

bugs but for something else. She comes in, an angular,

middle-aged redhead with a short haircut, and instead of

referring me to her receptionist we go out to the receiving

room. She inspects my eyes, lowering my eyelids, and asks

me if I get high from Prozac. When I tell her no, she

gives me a prescription for Prozac and (to my surprise)

makes an appointment for next week at 10:48 p.m

. The prescription costs more than $80 a week, which I'll

just be able to afford.

Interpretation: Necessary regression: a place to start.

The psychiatrist may derive from my first-cousin,

once-removed, a redhead. Prozac gives many people a

speedy feeling similar to that of LSD just as it kicks in

but before the hallucinations begin. Her question is

physiological, not implied-accusatory. -"
Does so-and-so

have such-and-such an effect on you?" was the thrust of

the question.

From being a baby to just being able to afford therapy.



Ringworld - by Kenneth / (960210)

A man is stuck upside-down high up in an amusement park

ride. I wonder what it would be like to be him. I wonder

what it would be like to be riding the rides in a business

suit. I rearrange the metal arms so I can sleep

upside-down without fear of falling through.

The campus breaks up into sexual groupings. I have to cut

through the lesbians' room quickly, where I am not

welcome. My female companion and I have been discussing

one of Larry Niven's books with great intensity. I tell

her I've read it three times and I settle down on the couch

which is strewn with outdated millennial prophecy books to

finish it up again.

Interpretation: I almost didn't record this, tired of

rehashing any business involving lesbians and my long

aftermath of [X's] coming out of the closet, but this

dream's telling a great and necessary story.

The Ferris wheel is the wheel of life, samsara, dharma,

whatever. I incarnate myself onto it. A business suit

means work, dharma, specificity, at work-play at life's

carnival. I don't actually wear a business suit, however.

An archetypal figure: the Fool, high up and upside-down:

too much vertical. I am stuck here; I wait it out,

guarding against a catastrophic fall.

A segue into sexual politics. UCSC was thick with leftist

feminism and lesbianism (but if everything personal is

political, nothing is personal. Thank God for Camille

Pagalia _a terrific antidote). Campus ---> hippocampus,

seat of? F.C. again -my initials reversed? Hmmm... I've

the good sense to cut through the lesbians' room quickly;

it's not my space, though on a psychic level I'm sweetly

envious of their hermetic closeness.

Niven's science fiction novel is _Ringworld_. Another

wheel "
Larger than Worlds," this one seen as being

oriented horizontally. Mandala elements. Thrice, four

times. 3:4, Maria's axiom.

Outdated, end-of-the-world prophecies. Ringworld's

civilizations' decline and fall and rise, round and round

she goes, where she stops nobaddy knows. Joyce.

Centaur/Puppeteer Nessus... now there's an intriguing

animal! Learned and violent as a race, Nessus's shirt

killed Hercules (who had subdued Amazons).

An intense discussion indeed!

More: Feris-wolf, Ferris wheel; carnivore, carnival.

Wedding ring, Ringworld.


headless by Vittorio 960213

Editors, I found your "
Electric Dreams" in a local BBS. In

Volume 3 Issue 1 (25 January 1996), you published the

dream "
Have I Lost my Head?" by Blair. Just the night

before I read that, I had a nightmare of similar things!

Feel free to publish or not to publish it and to correct my

English. HEADLESS DREAM (9 March 1996) I was in the

backyard of the villa where I lived until I was 12 (now I'm

23). SOMETHING (I can't remember that, but it was something

slim, with sharp teeth or beak) tears my head away. I have

no more eyes nor brain, so some way it takes me years to

find my head in the backyard. When I find it, it's coated

with a hard strata of earth. I break that shell, but it's

too late: my head has become mummified. The face skin keeps

stuck to that earth envelope, so my head is without eyes,

lips, teeth, nose. That's just a mask, without any

expression, just like this emoticon: (: |) Its color is

dark blue. I stick it again on my body, but I know that I

just can't walk away with such a face. So I keep in my

childhood's backyard, waiting.

My self-commentary is quite trivial: I had fallen in love

with a girl much more intelligent than me, but she was

only playing with me (my head is torn away). I spent an

year devoting only to study, but without any growth, any

project for my future (the headless years). Because the

stress, I developed a slipped disk, which made me unable to

walk for a month, and I had to undergo an operation. The

physical pain made me forget my "
forgotten love", but now

I can't run, jump etc.... Greetings for your interesting


I am Vittorio Barabino via Pola 29 00198 Roma (Italy)

commentary on 'headless dream' by jay 960214

if this were my dream...

it makes me want to leave my yard anyhow and let everyone

see my blue head, as unappealing as it is, or, construct a

new head for my body, one with warm colors and expressive


if this were my dream...




'dreaming of dreaming' by jay 2/9/96

i am watching a performance on a stage. the performer is

an older happy/sad looking man. he is standing on a step

ladder. he is holding a sheaf of big sheets of white

paper. he swings his hands in a great arc over his head

releasing the sheets of paper in an overlapping sequence so

as to form a large arch of paper suspended in the air over

the greater part of the stage. the effect is similar to

the effect i have seen where dancers swing poles with long

streaming cloth banners attached to them to create

beautiful yet insubstantial patterns in the air.

next, i am observing, through some sort of vaguely sensed,

partially obstructing barrier, an open, somewhat dimly lit,

perhaps grassy area, roughly the size of a room, with a

raised (a foot or two high) perimeter around it. arranged

along this raised perimeter, there are some rough wooden

painted model houses. i am thinking or voicing derisive

and disparaging comments about some of the houses, perhaps

on the right, dreamed of by someone else. or perhaps their

house was in the center, though i don't remember seeing any

in the center. i feel that some of the houses on the left

which i dreamed up, are much better, more detailed,

elaborate, creative.

then i am working with a women from work in a large darkly

lit kitchen sort of room. we are standing at a long

counter that runs along one wall. she is to my right. it

feels comfortable and friendly and relaxed. i am cutting

up some large pale raw vegetable, like large stalks of

celery or bok choy. i am cutting off the old brown parts.

the woman says something which i don't hear at first. then

i understand that she is telling me that she had the same

house dream that i just had. i tell her that i had it also

and that she is the person i was putting down in that dream





The Little Man in the Boat - by Kenneth / 960214 - St.

Valentine's Day

I walk past a series of bars and go into one almost at

random. It is night. There are a few people there; I'm

there to meet people, but instead go out and lay on my

back on the stone quay or baybreak to look up at the sky,

and I remember that this is the last bar on the street,

indeed the last building. The two security guards from the

Ralphs shopping center gently roust me. It takes me a

long while to get up and going again.

I am in a boat's pilot house in [my boss's] neighborhood

calling him on the phone about my work schedule. The sea

is high beyond the window. The water rises up the window

and then comes over the transom; the boat capsizes! I

worry that my hearing aids will get wet.

I am sliding down a vertical line of some sort through grey

chaos hand over hand looking down over my right shoulder.

I am quite safe doing this for the time being, but if I go

down too far I'll pass a point of no return, things become

more chaotic the further down I go. Grey angular shapes

whirl about.

I am in another bar, this time working out a scheduling

slip for payment. People know me and I know them.

Interpretation: An interesting sequence: bar-boat-bar.

It's no accident that what I thought I'd chosen at random

is the end of the line, that in fact I don't belong and

can't mingle, not at that stage. I lay down supine on the

breakwater, eyes on the sky. Tran and that older woman get

me moving again; my recovery is slow and protracted, moving

slowly away from unconsciousness. The breakwater's rocks

are grey angular shapes, a nice bit of foreshadowing.

Last New Year's Eve I was thoroughly and embarrassingly

lost in dense fog after dinner with my boss and his

family. Here yet again I am at sea. "
The little man in

the boat" is a description of the clitoris; orgasms can be

oceanic (overflowing) and even masturbatory fantasies.

Despite being overwhelmed I feel no fear, no panic. You

can't stop the inevitable, and in any case something shall

happen. Identifying myself with a clitoris metaphor, for

example. Over identification with my feminine aspect?

Then I'm going down (another sexual meat... metaphor) a

vertical line deep into but not too deep into chaos,

taking care and looking down -a nice switch from look up

apathetically at the grey sky. I am in dangerous

circumstances but I am in control, on the /qui vive/; I am

being very, very careful. My impression is that the chaos

whirls counterclockwise.

Then I'm in a place like the Greenhouse taking care of


Specie. Species. Money and reproduction; work and love;

rocks and water.



>The Stand In< by Marilyn 960131


In awake life, I am a male. ...I am currently SEEKING a

full-time job.

I am also overwhelmed and feel and think I have too much to

do in my life. I want to have less and less and less. To

simplify. To pare down. To live a simple, spiritual life.

I asked my dream center: What do I need to know or what

needs to shift for me in order for me to simplify, not feel

overwhelmed, and yet balance my MANY interests....I even

asked the dream center to give me the message in simple

form. Ha Ha ).

The following is the first dream I had after incubating: >

>>I am a "
stand in" for Marilyn Monroe. I am standing,

face away from the camera, standing sexy. I think that

there are some [on the set] that are envious of me.<<

If this were your dream"............. What would you


Suggestion: Before you read the following list of [my]

associations with the dream images, respond to the dream.

Then, if you wish, come back, read my associations and see

if that changes any of your comments:



High profile Substitute Temporary

Glamorous Replacement Pretty Not

the real thing Blonde Drag queens

Honored Sexy Anima Elvis

Shadow Dead (....both of them)

Maaaarrrrrrryyyyy!" (To be said to the tune of a whine)

Breasts (big breast) (...when I have played the role of a

woman, I loved having big breasts!) ;)

Hollywood (I want to leave all that I have here and move

to Hollywood and be a stand in or light person [I've been

told that's a person who sits under the lights all day for

the "
real actors" and steps out at the last moment only for

the real actor to step in with the lights all set for

them]......I want to explore an untapped part of myself

(shadow) and break into acting and television)

Woman in the Red Dress (standing over the grate, wind

flowing up her dress)






Emotional vortex" by lotus / > >Dream series 93xxxx to

94xxxx approximately

DREAMS: > I am sucked from the feet by a powerful energy

source, tornado like. Frightened, I say the chant my

mother taught me, "
nam mo a di da phat" like crazy. It

stops. One time, it simply shakes my body. It stops.

Gaining self confidence, I got cocky, when it happened

again, I was rude. It didn't stop. But when I say

politely "
please leave me", it stops. No more recurrence


POST-DREAM NOTE: > This kind of dreams occurred at the

frequency of a few months apart over the span of couple of

years. It occurred at home as well as at the hospital

where I napped during breaks from work. One time I barely

lied down after shutting off the light that it happened.

I used to wonder what kind of energy/entity that was,

whether it was good or bad. Whatever it was, it taught me

a valuable lesson about emotions. If I contain my

emotions, be it fear or disdain, through prayer, or action,

I am free. This idea is applicable in other areas of my

waking life as well.


Journal Vol 3 1 (2 of 2) 1/2

Feedback by lotus to Blair's "
Telling the Truth" (950225)

and "
The Big Interview" (950228), submitted 21:19 EST


Dear Blair,

The two dreams seem to be related, the time of

submission (year >end) indicates the end of an era of your

life. My impression of the dreams >is that you are a

gifted person (keeper of the rare, magical stone, like

superman) who is valued (interviewer sends driver right

away). You spent quite some time (11 Yrs?) in the Finance

business, which you felt was your true path, which is

solidly paved (suits, speech, etc.).

However, something tells you that you are no longer on

the TRUE path (wrong street). You find it difficult to

accept the "
new" truth (stumped radio host) even though the

stone shines no more (job not challenging; somebody from

somewhere else being your boss). May be perceived truth is

relative to time; e.g., today, you perhaps are in love

>only with "
Jane". Five years ago, you probably didn't

lie when you said "
I love you" to "Mary".

The something makes very strong (preacher, God, angels)

statement of change, which may be radical and

fear-provoking (Salim). It sounds like you are good both

with numbers ($) as well as art (clothes). Is fashion your

more enduring truth? Good luck, and please keep me posted

on your future course .



Feedback to Nutcracker, by lotus

Dear Nutcracker,

This is about the dream in which you were chased and

beaten. May I suggest a solution? Visualize yourself a

thousand times >larger than your adversary, while

awake/asleep, anywhere, anytime. You can smoosh him like a

cockroach under your shoes. Or you can make yourself twice

as big, hold him in restraint like an out-of-control child

until he calms down. You can then sit down, discuss and

solve problems together. good luck.

*****************NUTCRACKER SUITE


=== Dream: "
Mixing Pleasure With Business" by Nutcracker


I was at a meeting for COPS (citizens on patrol). There

were no men at this meeting, only women. The meeting took

place in the country, where they store all of the

repossessed items they take from criminals. A black,

female cop was asking if anyone had any suggestions on what

to do for a problem that another division was having. We

were outside. It was a warm sunny day. We were standing

near this large 8'h x 7'w x 3'd mint green, antique hutch.

There was a top cabinet held up by four pillars which

rested on a larger bottom cabinet. Both the top and bottom

cabinets had two doors each. The top cabinet doors were

windows, styled after an early Frank Lloyd Wright design.

The bottom cabinet was made of wainscoting. The paint was

chipped and peeling off, which only endeared the piece to

me all the more. "
Is this for sale?" I asked the officer.

Yes," she replied. "$2.00," she said laughing. "No,

really? Is it for sale?" I asked again. "Yes. $11.00."

I'll take it," I said. I had no idea how to get it home.

Even though it wouldn't fit in my van, I had a room at home

that was tall enough for it. Maybe I could dismantle it.

I wondered if my brother Jon was still in town with his

truck. I opened the doors to all the cabinets and found

them filled with more antiques. I squealed with delight,

slamming them shut before anyone could see what was inside.

The women rushed over to see what was wrong. "

whatever is inside come with it too?" "Yes." I couldn't

believe my good fortune! There were bird cages and old

metal kerosene heaters, to name a few items. I was

positively giddy. Then the officer said to me, "
You have

to take these other items too," and began piling stuff on

top of the hutch; files, clocks, a collectors set of

Rolling Stones CD's that had gone platinum. "
Oh," and she

said, "
You have to take that couch over there as well.

Just kidding!" (960119)

=== Dream: "
Get Off My Screen" by Nutcracker ===

We were in the kitchen making dinner. My mom was saying

that she wanted to see how the mail works. She wants to

see how the mail works? What is she talking about? Then

B. tells me she means e-mail. I go and turn on the

computer and decide to call my friend Nancy and have her

forward some mail to me so my mom can get an idea as to how

it works. There's an open program on the computer screen.

It's a kids program. What is it doing here and where did

it come from? It's like a cartoon (in slow motion).

There are kids in a room sitting at a table playing.

Every item in the room is marked with the name of the item

(i.e. dress, table, chair, shoe, pencil, etc.). I guess

this program is designed to teach kids how to read. Every

time I go to close the window/program, one of the kids

steps in front of the word CLOSE, making it impossible for

me to close the application. Annoyed, I yell (at the

screen), "
Damn kid, get out of my way."


=== Dream: "
Shopping Spree - Pt 1" by Nutcracker ===

I had gone into a store and was looking at some stones for

my altar at home. I picked up one that was light blue in

color and about 5 inches long. I put it in my basket.

Next I found a piece of turquoise and put that in the

basket as well. Then I picked up this really cool milky

white crystal carved like a totem pole. It had painted

Indian symbols on all sides of it. I wanted the piece, but

wasn't willing to pay the $16 they were asking for it. I

showed B., he looked at the price and put it back on the

shelf. Maybe he'll get it for me for my birthday, I hoped.


=== Dream: "
Shopping Spree - Pt 2" by Nutcracker ===

I was in this store just looking around when I spotted this

fabulous 3 carat oval diamond (loose, no setting) sitting

on a shelf in an open case. It was sitting in a melted

Italian ice. I put the diamond in my mouth and sucked it

clean. Then I set the diamond on a different shelf, more

or less hiding it. Then I did the same thing with a 10mm

pearl that had been next to it. I then left the store

grinning to myself, knowing they would think I had stolen

the gems, but myself knowing that I didn't. Besides, they

had no right leaving them out in the open like that. I had

some small throw pillows and was lying on the sidewalk

waiting for someone to come pick me up. A clerk from the

store was lying next to me. "
Here, have a pillow," I said,

tossing her a couple. I asked her what time the store

closed, 5 or 6? 6:30 she answered. (960120)

=== Dream: "
Get A Job" by Nutcracker ===

I had gone to work. It was a temporary one day job. I

really enjoyed working here and set about making myself

indispensable to the company. The next day I got a phone

call from Ms. Cramm. She said she had a job opening, but

not for me, for B. (960120)

== Dream: "
Me? A Composer?" by Nutcracker ===

(Bits & Pieces): Someone was telling me that they were

going to substitute my music for the originally planned

score, which I found hard to believe as I didn't think my

music was good enough. (960121)

=== Dream: "
Just Trying To Be Helpful" by Nutcracker ===

I was in high school. Kids were milling about the halls.

My friend set her things down and asked me to watch them

while she went to use the bathroom; the MENS bathroom. It

was just like her to be a rebel. I went to get a drink

from the water fountain. The water squirted out about five

feet further than it should have, getting the floor all

wet. Then it returns to normal so that I can drink from

it. The water is running over the bubbler and I wonder

what kind of disease I can get from that happening.

But I don't let that stop me and drink from it anyway, if

only for a brief second. There is a dispenser of paper

towels on the wall and I grabbed some to wipe up the water

on the floor. One of the administrators stopped to look at

me, as if I was wasting their precious towels. "

You'd rather have someone fall and sue the school?" I

asked. There was a parent/teacher conference going on and

there was a buffet set up in the hallway. The meeting was

over and I picked up some dishes to help clean up.

They had used purple paper plates. I stacked them onto

another pile of clean plates. (960121)

=== Dream: "
Homeless Around The World" by Nutcracker ===

My friend Rachel and I were in Israel. We parked the car

and got out. I told her we should put our valuables in the

trunk. She agreed. I went to open the trunk, but the lock

was broken. We finally got it open and put our things

inside and then we took a walk up the street. We passed

what looked to be a campground, but Rachel said that these

people lived her permanently (not in tents, cars or

buildings). There were compartments made from PVC pipe

with sheets hung over them. Each plot was about 6 x 10

feet. I could see people sleeping on mattresses. This was

their home and these were all of their belongings. Not

very far away one guy was playing his boom box extremely

loud. Just as I was wondering how anybody got any sleep

out here, he turned it off. (960122)

=== Dream: "
The Hotel/Part 1: Inadequacy" by Nutcracker


Joyce, Gail, Jane, Susie and I met at a hotel. Susie and I

were both wearing blue silk dresses, hers was Chinese. We

all got our room keys and went to our rooms. I was just

settling in when one of the girls came to my room to show

me what she was wearing to dinner (gray pants and a white

sweater set). I didn't have anything that nice to wear and

wondered if I had time to run down to the boutique and buy

something. (960122)

=== Dream: "
The Distress Call" by Nutcracker ===

I was on the phone with the electric company. There was a

knock on the door. I could hear someone calling out for

help. Before I can get off the phone, a lady and two kids

break into my house. I feel suspicious that their cry for

help is a ploy of some sort. (960122)

== Dream: "
The Hotel/Part 2: Can't Find My Room" by

Nutcracker ==

I'm in a hotel and this guy (no one I know, just someone

who checked in at the same time) and I are trying to locate

our rooms. I open a door. The room is half a floor lower

than the room I'm standing in. It's the wrong room. Now

I'm in the lobby which is very small (must be a foreign

hotel) and there is some sort of penguin display (with real

live penguins). Across the way I see Tom Hanks and he's

got two Fairy Penguins (from Australia) on his shoulders

and around his neck. (960122)

=== Dream: "
Let The Good Times Roll" by Nutcracker ===

I was at a restaurant (in a foreign city?) with friends.

We were having a great time. We had a table near a window.

A man came over and began talking to me in Italian. I

could only figure out about half of what he said, or should

I say, meant. The patrons near us were enthralled by his

blatant display of affection. He wanted me to 'come away'

with him and I replied that I didn't think my husband would

appreciate that. Not that I wasn't flattered. I said,

Bonjourno senore," to him as he left. After he had gone

we continued to get loud and rowdy ourselves. There was a

map of the city on the window (clear mylar - self

sticking). On a whim, I took a utility knife from my purse

and said to my dinner companions, "
I'm going here

tomorrow," as I cut away the map from around the spot I

chose to go to. Our waiter was beside himself as I did

this. A few tables away, the owner of the restaurant (a

handsome, middle aged Italian guy) said to our waiter

(several times no less), "
They'll be paying for that map.

" I scoffed. How much could it be? The others at the

table began grumbling (my foolishness causing their

distress). I could sense our waiters anguish at having to

charge us for the map. I got up and followed our waiter

who seemed to be avoiding me. I caught up to him and said,

Put it on our bill. I'm sorry." I then went back to the

table. The owner of the restaurant is now seated at the

table next to ours. I leaned over and said to him, "

needed to come down anyway, it was getting old." I caught

his eye, or did he catch mine? He seemed amused,

nonetheless. Then the maitre'd came over and began

discussing the cost of the map. Hemming and hawing he

began, "
It's printed on mylar, it's multi-colored and we

have to make numerous passes. The map will cost $100 and

the printer has just fired all of his help." I raised my

hand (as if I were in school) and said, "
I used to work in

a print shop. I'll help him." "Good. Now that that's

settled, you can work with him all next week." Then a lady

at the next table leaned over and said, "
Well, that was a

stupid thing to do." To which I replied, "What's the

matter with you? Don't any of you know how to have fun

anymore?" Just then the cook and his wife came out of the

kitchen. He was folding newspapers and she was unpacking

boxes of clothing. She took out some jackets. They were

made out of sweatshirt material and zipped up the front.

They began selling like hotcakes. The pattern was of koala

bears on a medium blue background. They were waving

Australian flags. The whole color scheme was red, white

and blue. I thought that they were probably for the

Olympics in the year 2000. They were adorable. I had to

have one. Someone at my table had gotten one and wore it

back to show us. "
I'm putting my Aussie patch on it," she

said. What a great idea. We can all do that. Then we

began pounding our fists on the table yelling, "

patch, Aussie patch, Aussie patch." (1/23/96)

Geez, I certainly hope this means I'm going to Australia

soon! lol

=== Dream: "
Please Release Me" by Nutcracker ===

I was back with my ex-fiancee (possibly married). There

was a four year old boy and a baby. My ex was making snide

remarks and insinuations that I must do as I'm told....or

else. He was very possessive. I told the four year old to

take the baby into the other room and that things would be

OK. I was lying in bed. The bed was four feet wide and

eight feet long and was made of gold brocade. I pulled the

covers back to one side, trying to divide the bed (one foot

for me, three for him) in the hopes that he wouldn't touch

me. The next day we were entertaining guests in the

parlor. Some of us gathered on one side of the room and

plotted my escape. (960124)

=== Dream: "
End Of The World" by Nutcracker ===

My friend Barb's dad had died and I went back home for the

funeral. My Aunt was there as was Diane Sawyer (TV

journalist). After the service we all met on the plateau

of a mountain. Diane walked to the edge and motioned for

me to join her so she could show me something. But I had

vertigo and could only get six feet from the edge. As I

looked out I could see stacks and stacks of metal shipping

containers that went on for miles. It looked almost

futuristic. Was someone taking over the world? (960124)

=== Dream: "
Government Weasels" by Nutcracker ===

B. and I were walking on our way to our lawyers office with

some papers. I looked across the field at his (the

lawyers) house and could see some people sneaking around

outside. "
We can't go there now. They're waiting for us."

Yet we have to get this package to him. We could mail it

as it was already addressed and

stamped - just in case of

an emergency such as this. A mailman was on the street

delivering mail. "I can take that for you," he said. Was

he a government spy? "F_ _ _ing postal workers,"

I said to him as we walked by. I found a mailbox a few

blocks away and dropped the envelope inside. We were

testifying against the government in a federal case, that's

why everyone wanted the papers we were carrying. (960125)

=== Dream: "Snoopy Guest" by Nutcracker ===

B. and I had been invited to Sharon's for a party. When we

arrived, there was only one other person there, Christine

Baranski (Maryann/Cybill). They were sunbathing in the

back yard. We sat down by them and Sharon went inside to

get us something to drink. She came back with some orange

and yellow drinks (orange and yellow in the same glass).

They looked inviting (cheerful and sunny). I took a sip.

The initial taste was sweet; the aftertaste was like

someone's used sweatsocks had been rinsed out in it

. Sharon then said it was time to put the food on the

grill and brings some huge steaks out of the house. God

they look great. I can't wait to taste them. I think to

myself that we should have Sharon over for dinner some

night, then worry that our back yard isn't as nice as hers

and I'd have to borrow lawn furniture from my neighbors,

Jack and Boots. Then a male friend of Sharon's joins us.

I go into the house for something, but end up snooping

around upstairs. From the balcony I can see everyone in

the back yard...except the man. He catches me upstairs.


=== Dream: "UPC Code" by Nutcracker ===

I came across a cereal display. There was a coupon to

order two different collectibles, but you had to have six

UPC codes from the cereal boxes. Great. A $1 piece of

plastic that's going to cost me $18 in cereal to get

'free'. Then I noticed they had some sample boxes of the

cereal (5 oz.) for less than $1. I sat down and tried the

cereal first to see if I liked it. It was tolerable. It

was shaped like small flat rocks and were vivid shades of

purple, yellow, green and red with a fruity flavor.


=== Dream: "The Contest" by Nutcracker ===

(Bits & Pieces): I was in some kind of endurance race and

had to do some rock climbing. I would climb up the rocks

and then run and jump back down from them. Some of the

cast members from Saturday Night Live were taunting me,

trying to make me fail. (960126)

=== Dream: " :-) " by Nutcracker ===

I'm in a field and a kid is throwing a boomerang to me (or

trying). It falls to the ground about twenty yards past

me. I curse under my breath that I am not going to spend

hours on end chasing this damn thing around the field. I

retrieve it and throw it at the kid, hitting him in the

head, after which the boomerang returns to me. (960127)

===Dream: Return To Sender by Nutcracker ===

I had forwarded some e-mail only to have it came back and

attack me (jump off the screen like electricity). I was

with three others and we tried to hide from it. We tried

to send it again, but it only kept returning to find us.

Finally, I told the others to hide and I would try to send

it again (third time's the charm, right?). I worked

furiously as I only had a slim window of opportunity in

which to send it. (960127)

=== Dream: "Cyber Thief" by Nutcracker ===

It was night and I was home alone. I had taken the car out

of the garage as I had to drop it off to be repaired the

next morning on my way to work. Which then started me

wondering who would pick me up if I dropped my car off?

Does anyone know where the place is? Or will the people

from the garage drive me to work? I parked the car on the

side of the house and fell asleep inside it. When I woke

up I put the second car in the garage in its place (if it

doesn't need to be outside braving the elements, why should

it?). When I went back into the house I noticed a light on

in the basement. Did I leave it on? I couldn't remember.

Then I thought I heard a noise down there. I left the

light on thinking if anyone was down there, I would see

their shadow across the floor. I went to my bedroom with

the intention of taking a shower. I was about to lock the

bedroom door when I again heard a noise. Quickly I looked

around the room for a weapon of some sort, deciding on the

fireplace poker. I came out of my room to find some

scrawny guy hanging up his laundry. I confronted him.

"What are you doing here. Get out of my house." He didn't

appear anxious even though I was armed, he just kept on

hanging up his newly ironed denim shirts, like he hadn't a

care in the world. He talked to me calmly as though this

was all 'matter of fact'. What was he up to? I jabbed him

with the poker, threatening him. "Get out." I glanced

around the kitchen for the phone. I ordered him to dial

911, but he dialed another number instead. "I said dial

911." He doesn't listen to me. I notice a yellow legal

pad on the counter, but it's upside down and I can't make

out any of the writing. I poke him again and tell him to

leave as I grab his clothes and toss them outside. Now

he's putting sodas into the refrigerator. I tell him to

take them with him as well (as his clothes).

I finally get a chance to look at the legal pad. There are

a bunch of URL's on it. I try to memorize them, but only

one sticks in my mind; So-o-o-o,

he's been stealing my online time. I need to get all of

the addresses so I can prove I didn't use them and get my

hours reinstated. I also think to myself that I must

remember to erase my password before I go out of town. I

poke the guy again and tell him to get out while he can,

before I call the police, but now a woman (Jessica Lange),

his cohort, has joined us. I grab a carving utensil from a

drawer (the two pronged meat fork). I'm threatening them

both to leave or else. The woman notices the legal pad.

She says, "Jesus, does he have to write everything down in

pencil?" I tell her I know what they're up to. Just then

a kid enters the room (Zachary/Picket Fences). He acts

like he knows them. I tell him that they're bad and I want

him to jab the woman with the meat utensil, "Like this," I

say, poking it a quarter inch into his arm. At all costs I

must keep the legal pad for myself. (960128)

=== Dream: "Share & Share Alike" by Nutcracker ===

I was sitting in a chair in the living room when a girl and

an older man came in. There was only one empty chair which

the man sat in. I told the girl she could share my chair.

It was one of those heavy, oversized stuffed types. She

sat down next to me. Even though both of us were thin, our

hip bones kept rubbing against each other, which I found

quite irritating. I then moved to the arm of the chair to

avoid this. (960128)

=== Dream: "Family Pets" by Nutcracker ===

I was in the living room with my family and we were

discussing the dogs we had as kids. I claimed that there

was only one dog, Gigi, a white toy poodle. But my younger

siblings said there were others; one a brown poodle named

Coco. My brother asked if I didn't remember the white mutt

he found. I asked, "Is that the one that looked like a

small English sheepdog only he was all white?" "Yes,

that's him. His name was Mookie." The name vaguely rang a

bell. As it turned out, they all wanted to get another

dog. In fact, my brother had already gotten it. It was a

miniature collie, red in color. It looked more like a fox

to me. My brother took it into the other room to feed it.

I went in to see what he was up to. He had the dog on his

lap and was feeding him swiss steak (eye of round steak in

a tomato sauce). The dog would eat some, getting tomato

sauce on his nose and then would kiss my brother (lick my

brothers lips) . At the same time I felt it was cute and

disgusting. A few times I tried to let him kiss me, but

chickened out. The thought of dog spit on my lips was too

revolting. I decided to play with him instead. I put my

hand out for him to sniff, but he bit it instead (not hard,

but he wouldn't let go). "OK, Joel. Make him let go now.

Make him let go!" I yelled over and over. (960128)

=== Dream: "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" by Nutcracker ===

I was in a small church with my brother and his wife (even

though it wasn't a church of their religion). The entire

inside was painted white. The pews were only about a foot

apart and we were very cramped. We were singing hymns, one

in particular a Christmas hymn (O Come, O Come Emmanual)

which I found odd as Christmas had come and gone. It was

one of my favorite songs so I didn't mind. (960129)

=== Dream: "Ms. Fix It" by Nutcracker ===

I'm in the living room and the attic stairs (which pull

down from the ceiling) are down. They are broken and we

need parts to fix them before we can raise it back up. I

can see the rafters in the attic from the living room. I

notice that the ceiling around the attic stair opening is

beginning to sag and pull away from the form that holds the

stairs in place. A while later I look back only to see the

ceiling has fallen another foot. There is no one in

authority at home. I go next door to my parents business.

It's a giant warehouse. I see some lumber in various

shapes and sizes lying off to one side. There are aisles

of wood, but the aisles are narrow and some can't even be

gotten to. I look first for a square board and then a

timber to pry the ceiling back into place with. The flat

board is to put on the floor so as not to ruin the carpet

with dirt and/or impressions from the timber. I see the

foreman (David Morse/St Elsewhere) and ask his advice. He

agrees with my assessment of the situation and helps me

look for a timber long enough to do the job. (960129)

=== Dream: "Displaced Hostility" by Nutcracker ===

I'm walking outside and come upon a woman and her two

daughters. The mother is barefoot. They are all dressed

in their Sunday church clothes. One of the girls has long

blonde curly hair and is wearing a blue patterned dress and

white patent leather shoes. Alongside the sidewalk is a

swampy marsh, not very deep, about 3-4 feet. The mother is

swimming in it. She has a bible in her hands, but the

pages don't get wet even though it's under water. As I'm

watching her, a giant grasshopper jumps on my chest.

I'm eye to eye with the creature. "Get it off," I scream

at the blonde girl. It seems like minutes have passed when

I finally flick it off with my finger. "When I say get it

off, I mean now, not one minute from now," I scold her.

The smallest girl chases after the grasshopper which had

jumped into the marsh and then elsewhere. The girl jumps

in the marsh after it. I said, "Well, it's gone now!"

perturbed by her inability to see that it had vanished.


=== Dream: "Silly Me" by Nutcracker ===

I woke up, got out of bed and wandered into the living

room. I noticed that the fax machine, answering machine,

TV cable box and the stereo receiver were without power. I

pressed the power button on the stereo and it came on.

Some god awful music was playing. I turned the dial

looking for 14.5, The Edge, but the same music kept playing

even though I could see the dial gauge moving to different

stations. Then I remembered we had two stereo receivers

and I was turning the dial on the wrong one. (960129)

=== Dream: "The After Christmas Sale" by Nutcracker ===

I had been visiting a friend (Christine Baranski/Cybill).

We had gone shopping and I found some collector Christmas

ornaments on sale. There were seven different designs. I

took my items up to the cash register and paid for each one

individually, holding up the line. As I stood there I

wondered if my friend wouldn't like a set also, but she's

rich - she can get her own I decide. In a cab on the way

home I look through my shopping bag, checking my ornaments.

The shopping bag is white and stuffed with teal and magenta

tissue paper. Each ornament is in a small box with gold

lettering stating the ornament number and the maker. I

take each one out of the bag and count them. "Here's 7,

4, 6, 5, 3, 1...where's 2? I'm missing 2. I wonder

to myself if when I get home, I can find the ornament I'm

missing at another store, but of course it won't be on sale

then. Back at the apartment I question how I'm going to

get them back with me on the plane. As it was, I had two

bags to check plus a carry-on.

While I'm in the attic looking for a box for the ornaments,

I think about borrowing a larger carry-on and trying to fit

the contents of all three bags into that one (also while in

the attic I have this sense of urgency - that I need to

hurry). As I look around the attic I find some other

ornaments that I had previously bought, but they weren't

like the new ones. These were three feet long and half a

foot wide and looked like stained glass. (960130)

=== Dream: "Pass The Ketchup, Please" by Nutcracker ===

I'm at a business dinner with two co-workers (one male, one

female) and a client (a very distinguished gentleman). For

some reason their food comes before mine and I sit in

silence and watch them eat. I leave the table for a few

minutes and when I return my dinner has arrived. I had

ordered a steak. It doesn't look too appetizing. It's a

bit pink and looks glossy. A waiter and the manager stop

by to see if we need anything. My co-worker gets up to use

the restroom and asks me to order some tea for her. I say

to the waiter, "Yes, could I please have some ketchup, a

baked potato and a Coke, please. Oh, and some tea for my

friend." The waiter goes to a nearby table (and I'm

thinking to myself, grab that ketchup bottle for me, as he

walks by it). He comes back to our table with a container

with three condiments; ketchup, sour cream and oyster

crackers. I reach for the ketchup and get sour cream

instead. I try again. Again I end up with sour cream. I

look around the table for a clean spoon and once again,

reach for the ketchup. Once more I get sour cream. I look

for yet another spoon. This time I get half ketchup and

half sour cream. Finally, in a rage I stand up and yell,

"Somebody hand me that f _ _ _ing bottle of ketchup over

there!" They bring me the bottle and I begin to pour it.

Ketchup comes out and then sour cream, then more ketchup

and just a little bit more sour cream. We all sit there in

disbelief. The men decide to retire to the bar for a

drink. My co- worker stands up and he's wearing a white

auto mechanics shirt with his name embroidered in red on

the pocket. The entire front of his shirt is soaked in oil

and looks transparent against his skin. My female co-

worker stays with me while I finish my dinner. (960130)

=== Dream: "Papal Visit" by Nutcracker ===

I was in a church for a wedding rehearsal. Some of the

people in attendance were: Elizabeth Hurley (Estee

Lauder), The Pope, a friend from school, my ex-husband

(JFK, Jr.) and myself. I was sitting about two-thirds back

from the front of the church and had to walk up to the

front, past the Pope. I was to acknowledge him, but wasn't

permitted to look directly at him. (960201)

=== Dream: "B-B-Q Pigskin Anyone?" by Nutcracker ===

I was telling my brother about a conversation I had with my

friend Nancy and how she wanted us to drive the Cowboys (in

our hubby's convertibles) in their victory parade next

week. I told her the only way a Cowboy would get into my

car was if it were on fire, in which case we'd be having a

Texas b-b-q. (960201)

=== Dream: "Editorializing" by Nutcracker ===

I had a manuscript that I wanted someone to read. I went

to his office only to find a sign on the door saying he was

in a writer's club meeting. The sign read: Yes we're in,

but you can't come in, and then their names were engraved

on a gold plaque with black letters beneath it: Kenneth &

Bob Krumhansl 829887 (960201)

=== Dream: "Buy Something, Get A Date" by Nutcracker ===

I was with Courtney Cox (Friends). We had gone into a shop

that looked like a log cabin. The shop sold mostly

clothes. I was in a wheelchair. We went through the store

looking at the clothes. "This is nice. This would look

good on you," I said to her, holding up a red plaid fitted

shirt for her to see. "I couldn't wear this fitted shirt

because I don't have a waist. I've never had a waist." At

the back of the store we came to a display selling leather

goods. There was a sign saying if you bought three leather

items (over a certain period of time), you could have a

date with a Dallas Cowboy. Or, for (minus) -$4 (I guess

they paid you $4) you could have some leather shoes.


=== Dream: "I'm So Confused" by Nutcracker ===

I was in a house, but I didn't live there. Suddenly, two

little girls (age 8- 10) come into the room to get me. One

of the girls lives here. The other girl is a friend of

hers from school. They take me to her bedroom where they

want to show me something. I see some pages on her dresser

and think, "Oh great, they're writing a book (and at their

age)," but then I realize they just want me to look at

their homework. Several sheets were typewritten and I

thought they had typed it themselves (another great

achievement), but it was something their teacher had given

them. One sheet was a poem, typed in italics. The other,

a normal typewritten page. I noticed only one mistake in

the girls homework; they had the word 'and' in a sentence,

where it should have just read 'a'. I was going to correct

them, but then thought that her mother would probably do

it. And besides, what if I was wrong? Then I noticed the

floor of her bedroom. It had grass growing from it. Why

hasn't anyone cut the grass I wondered, and then realized

it was my job to do so. The grass was almost to my knees.

It was top heavy and fell over, forming a ball or rounded

shape...mounds, if you will. Who's the fool that built on

this bedroom addition without putting a real floor down

first? "How can I mow it with all this furniture in here?"

I asked aloud. The girl told me that the bed used to be

against the wall which made it easier to mow. There was a

short hallway outside her bedroom door that led to a

breezeway to the garage. I supposed I could bring the

mower in through there. But I didn't like their mower (it

was too heavy to push) and I thought about bringing my own

mower from home. (960201)

=== Dream: "New Currency" by Nutcracker ===

I was at an outdoor market and came across some brand new

U.S. quarters. They were gold and square. Actually, the

center was round and centered in the square outside piece.

It was very ornate and distinctive looking and although

new, appeared aged. On the back of the coin was a former

president whose last name started with M. (960202)

=== Dream: "The Toadies" by Nutcracker ===

I was in England. I was walking outside with someone,

carrying on a discussion with them about their history,

mainly the Tories. But every time I intended to say the

word Tories, the word toadies kept coming out. Then to my

right I noticed there was a guy selling frogs. The frogs

were real, but looked stuffed. They were grass green and

glossy looking and he had each one dressed in brightly

colored clothes with accessories. (960202)

=== Dream: "The Elevator - Part 1" by Nutcracker ===

I was at work and it was near quitting time. My boss asked

me if I could stay late and practice my language skills on

the new office computer. "Sure," I replied. His secretary

was leaving and I questioned her on how to operate the new

computer. She said it was easy and gave me some

instructions. A while later my boss asked me if Sharon (a

co-worker) would be available tomorrow to talk to someone.

She had already left for the day and I had to call her at

home. I took the call in the other room and closed the

door. I apologized for intruding on her at home. I said,

"I know you're busy too, but I've got five things going on

here at once." I told her I was re-numeralizing the filing

system and that I hoped no one needed any files before I

was finished because I wouldn't be able to find them. I

had emptied all the filing cabinets and had just begun

returning files to the drawers. Each file had a new manila

folder with a baby blue file label. When I got off the

phone with Sharon, I had to take some files to another part

of the building. To reach the elevators I had to cross

this expansive lobby which was made of white marble. I

passed several men and their female co-workers. Some were

kissing and some were playing grab-ass. The lobby had

three levels, each connected by three steps. On the second

level were what I like to call SUITS (high powered business

men in suits). They were discussing their conquests in the

boardroom and the bedroom. I walked by, trying to steer

clear of them. I reach the elevators and press the button.

The doors open and I step inside. There are some people

coming down the hall and I press the 'open' button to hold

the elevator for them. The button, I find, is disgustingly

filthy and it pains me to have to touch it, yet I do,

nonetheless. The elevator is like a hotel room. There's

an unmade bed, dirty glasses and an empty champagne bottle

lying about. Some other people join us and several of them

remark about a party hat, saying it belongs to someone they

know. Finally, the last two guys I'm holding the elevator

for, get on. They're drunk. (960203)

=== Dream: "Obey Me" by Nutcracker ===

I stood up to go and do something and was told by a woman

wearing black fishnet stockings to sit back down. I obeyed

her. Her stockings appeared to be torn, but are they

really, or just made to look that way? Were there actual

holes in them or did they have flesh colored areas that

made them appear torn? (960204)

=== Dream: "The Elevator - Part 2" by Nutcracker ===

I go to the elevators and press the down button and wait

for an elevator to arrive. The doors open and I get in,

but it goes up instead. When the doors open I get off and

press the button for an elevator going down. And then I

wait. Around the corner are more elevators (an L shaped

bank of elevators). I see a man holding a stack of two

feet square by three feet high computer forms. He's

waiting for an elevator also. I call to him that here's

one going down. He starts to walk over. Then a man in a

suit comes and gets on the elevator as do I. The guy with

the computer forms doesn't get on and right before the

doors close, the man in the suit jumps off, leaving me

alone. The elevator starts to descend, only it doesn't

stop at the first floor. It continues down about six more

levels - levels that aren't indicated on the button push

pad. I get off and find I'm in an empty warehouse. In one

corner is a large metal box. I go over to look at it.

There's a screen or monitor at the top and a foot pedal

near the bottom. I step on the pedal and the monitor then

reads out the number of the floor you want to go to. I

step on it six times to get back to the first floor. I

notice some guy behind me working. Then all of a sudden

this James Bond type guy runs into the room and comes over

by us. I put my hands out to block him from stepping on

the pedal. "Don't touch this. I'm trying to get out of

here." (960205)

=== Dream: "The Party" by Nutcracker ===

There was going to be a party. I was sitting on a chair in

the garage, talking on the phone with B., only it seemed I

was talking to myself. "Hello, are you there?" I asked.

There was no response. After about a minute of listening

to myself talk, I hung up. As I sat there I looked around

the garage. This is where the party will be held. The

garage is painted white, but the paint is worn off in many

spots. The floor is dirt. The place is infested with

cockroaches. It's amazing the tiniest amount of space they

can crawl through. There was a tin bread box on the floor.

In the box were some greasy rags which had a coffee can

filled with dirt on top of them. I watched as one

cockroach squeezed himself between the rags and the coffee

can. How do they do that without squishing their guts out?

I took another glance about the garage. The place is

utterly disgusting. Cockroaches hang like wallpaper on the

walls and ceiling. I think to myself that I should start

moving some of this dilapidated furniture out of the garage

if we expect to party in here. I know Johnny Depp will be

arriving shortly. I then spot his two year old son (who

has white/blonde hair) across the driveway. I go over to

him. He's got his wagon. It's got a bag of ice in it, but

it's all melted except for two solitary cubes. He holds

the two cubes while I dump the melted ice out of his wagon.

"Come, let's go get some more ice before everyone arrives."

We start walking, but he takes off and starts to climb the

hill. Some adults are setting off fireworks on top of the

hill. I grab him and say, "We have to wait for your dad.

He'll be here any minute." As I carried him down, I saw an

amusement park ride on another hill behind us. (960207)

=== Dream: "Ouch" by Nutcracker ===

I was in the yard digging in the the grass and dirt with my

bare hands and got stuck by a needle. I pulled my hand out

to look at it. Between my right thumb and forefinger I

could see the puncture mark, it was more like a very small

hold that I could see inside. I was worried about getting

AIDS from the needle. I pulled the grass back to look for

the needle. (960207)


Date: Sat, 03 Feb 1996 23:14:35 >To: Bob Krumhansl

<> >

From: lotus

Subject: dream and comments

Dear Bob, Re: The long and short..

I cast my vote for limit on number of dream reports

submitted per subscriber. One or two, and no more, unless

they are short and related so that they must go together in

order to make sense.

> > My sympathy to you for having to read everything

submitted. Thank you. >




<ED: Thanks for your comments LOTUS, and thanks for your






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Dead Trees Don't Dream.


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