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Electric Dreams Volume 04 Issue 12

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Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

Volume 4 Issue 12

Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

December 1997

Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

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Volume 4 Issue #12

22 December 1997

ISSN# 1089 4284


Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web




-- Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:

Bob Krumhansl <>

--Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:

Peggy Coats <>

--Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:

Richard Wilkerson: <>

--For back issues, editors addresses

and other access & Staff see


at the end of this issue


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++ Editor's Notes

++ Dream Airing Column - Victoria Quinton

Thanks to Jeremy Taylor

Responses to Robert Lewis

Dreams and the 4th Way

Dreams and Astrology

Update on Stephen H. Kapit

++ DREAM TREK :From Dream WORK To Dream PLAY

Linda Lane Magallon

++ Book Review :Sex, Symbols & Dreams by Janice Baylis, Ph.D.

Reviewed by Fae Richards

++ Interview: Donald Broadribb

by Victoria Quinton

++ Seminar & Book Exerpts: Dream Animals: "Now You See Them, Now You Don't:

A Conversation Between the Author and the Artist"

James Hillman and Margot McLean

Transcripts by Trisha Lamb Feuerstein

++ Mutual Dreams Research Survey Julie Keyser

++ Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:

Dreaming Through the Houses: 12th House

G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats

This Month's Features:

Live Internet Radio Broadcast

Scribe and Dream Journal

Winter Solstice Community Dreaming

"Dream Talkin'" Dream Video


Dreamwheel Announces Winter-Spring Programs


British Television Looking for Life-Changing Dreams

Diana Dreams Sought


John Locatelli's Lucid Dreams



Conference Events info online

Book shop now open

Web Message Board now open

Continuing Education


Dreams Needed for Dream TV Production

DreamGate Online Dream Class for January

BADG Party in Novato, Ca, USA

Robert Van de Castle offers Interpretations & Books

DreamMap now available in Windows & NT format!

Jeremy Taylor Online

DREAM CALENDAR for January 1998

== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V4 N12 ==

See Bob Krumhanls' Editors notes and sub-index in dream section.



JANUARY 16, WED deadline for submission

FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 5(1)



Editors' Notes


We are adding a USA Mirror Site for Electric Dreams. Some are having trouble getting through to the Australian site and we can manage the US site a little more closely. For now, the address is

We've had a very productive year in dreaming online with the rise of many capital adventures. Next issue we'll do a review of all these CD;s, Computer Programs, Classes, Seminars and other items for sale. For now, I just wanted to mention 1997 really saw the rise in sophistication of Web sites and products for dreams and dreaming.

After this long year of work, its only fitting to begin this month with an article by Linda Magallon on Dream Work and Dream Play. Perhaps we have been working way too hard and working our dreams way to hard. Take a holiday break and watch what happens.

Let's do it again. If you didn't get enough reading Linley Joy's review of Janice Baylis' _Sex, Symbols & Dreams_, maybe you would like to try the one by Fae Richards?

Speaking of Dream Books, did anyone read The Dream Story by Jungian Donald Broadribb?

Victoria Quinton has a special interview for you with Broadribb that will warm you soul.

Also read Victoria's Dream Airing Section, where reader feedback and last minute notes include a reply to Robert Lewis, dreams and astrology, dreams and the 4th way and more.

Trisha Lamb Feuerstein, who brought us the info on Dolphins and DreamTime, happened to be at the Hillman/Mclean Seminar and has some book Excerpts from Dream Animals. "Now You See Them, Now You Don't."

Included this month is a survey on Mutual Dreaming. Please help out Julie Keyser with her research, fill this form out and send it back in!

The Astrological Dreaming Series, Dreaming through the Houses, completes it's 12 month cycle this month. Being aware of what house your dream symbolism falls in is a great way to look at one's overall development in life.

The Global Dreaming News this month is chalk full of presents for you Holiday platter. And to boot, has a new look and organization that will help you with dream news, events, movies, parties, research, and many other dream resources.

To just mention a few items from the News, both Jermey Taylor and Robert Van de Castle have web sites online.

Roger Ripert has prepared a dream incubation night for the Winter Solstice: the night of the 20th to the 21st of December. Be sure to check out the details and participate. Get the latest information on the Association for the Study of Dreams. Help out with the research requests and find the dream CD of your choice for a Holiday gift. All this and more in the latest Global Dreaming News from Peggy Coats.

The Electric Dreams Mail Lists. We will be changing from IGC to BEST in Mountain View, California. I'll automatically change you, so you won't have to re-subscribe. The only difference will be that your email headings will be a little different and if you subscribe or unsubscribe yourself, the procedure will vary a bit. Other than that, there shouldn't be a problem. The mail lists effected will be the dream groups on dream-on, the ed-core list and the electric-dreams distribution list. The oneiro-net (dreamgroup-c) will disappear. I may open cyberdreams, but for now, I recommend we use the mail list for general discussion and chit chat about dreams.

Linley Joy is back to moderate the Dream Groups. See "Join the Next Dream Group" for more information. We are starting a new group this week!

Dreams. Bob Krumhansl will guide your through this month's collection of dreams and comments on dreams. Note: we do have a new form processor online for those who wish to contribute dreams anonymously at

Nest Month" A new year and New projects and products. Not only will we be including reviews of products and dream technology, but we will be exploring some of the projects that the online community will be considering. Send in ideas for online conferences, Web Rings, Dream Programs, FAQ ideas, and whatever.

Happy Holidays to you, I'm looking forward to some interesting dreaming in 1998.

-Richard Wilkerson


Join the Next Dream Group Online!


Join today to participate in a relaxed exploration of dreams via email!

If you are new to Electric Dreams, or the dream community online and would like to see a sample of a Dreamwheel in action, go to and take a look or read the article on email dreamgroups by Chris Hicks at

If you would like to participate, send a request to

Linley Joy

and say something like;

"Hi, please put me on the list for the next Dream Wheel Dream Group and send me instructions!"

The Electric Dreams Dream Wheel Dream Groups now have an automated mail list that makes joining and participating easy! By simply sending an email message to our automated system you are put on the list for the Dream Wheel. Once this is done all you need do is check your mail for Dream Wheel related messages!

And, when you are ready to directly participate by sending in questions for the dreamer or comments all you do is send them to a single email address. Any messages sent to this address are automatically *re-mailed* to everyone that has joined the Dream Wheel! Simple!

If you have any questions on how the Dream Wheel Dream Group operates or how to participate, please feel free to email Linley Joy


Dream Airing Column - Victoria Quinton



I am still looking to expand my children and dreams page:

and would welcome any ideas.

May you all have fulfilling dreams.

Victoria Quinton


Subject: Thanks Jeremy Taylor

From: Richard Wilkerson

I wanted to thank Jeremy Taylor for his recognition of the work that the Electric Dreams Community has put into developing online dream resources and dream sharing venues. Bob Krumhansl spends many hours each month putting together the dreams of Cyberspace in a coherent, interesting and useful format. . Peggy Coats collects dream news from around the world and networks locals events each and every month and DreamGate continues to be a major online information provider for EDreams, ASD, and other online dream concerned organziations. Many others contribute and the distributed nature of the e-zine is part of its essence, but its nice sometimes to recognize those putting in so much love and attention. Here are two comments from the Link page on his new site,



A premier dream resource site published by Richard Wilkerson. Between this site and Dreamtree you'll have all the resources you ever need! This address gets you to all his

resources including Electric Dreams, a growing collection of annotated links to groups involved in dream sharing, online ezines, dream and sleep science research, dream anthropology and sociology, lucid dreaming and shamanism, Jung, Freud, dreams and

film, dream inspired art galleries, personal journals, dream software, and a cyber-dream library, which is an attempt to organize material online for those interested in learning more about dreams, dreaming and dream events. An astounding resource.



Peggy Coates and Richard collaborate on bringing fantastic resources to the net. This magnificent site gives you the Global Dreaming News, published by DreamGate and directed by Peggy of DreamTree. Here, among many other things, you can get the monthly supplement to Electric Dreams (see which contains the latest scoop on dreams, new web sites, programs, seminars, conferences, reviews and much, much more. On top of all this it is a feast for the eyes - a beautiful site.


Julie Keyser

Comments on the paper:

To Subject Dream Analysis To Scientific Scrutiny

by Robert Lewis; and the post discussion between Lewis and Richard Wilkerson in the current issue of Electric Dreams: (see Electric Dreams November 1997 vol 4 issue 11)

Robert Lewis' theory that dreams correct waking time self-delusions may be a good start, but I don't believe one can say all dreams to this, or that all dreams have one purpose. Granted, I, myself, have dreams as he suggests, not necessarily to correct self-delusions, but rather to present facts I missed in waking time. But I also have many dreams that are pure memory - remembering times together with my deceased father or grandmother, dreams of friends I don't see often, etc. Then there are the dreams of pure entertainment, and the dreams linking or communicating with other people or other places (telepathy, precognition, remote viewing, mutual dreaming). And what of lucid dreaming and dream re-entry? These dreams may present facts, but not neccessarily correct any self-delusions.

Robert Lewis wrote concerning nightmares of which I'd like to


Robert Lewis:<The nightmare is perhaps the most noteworthy of dreams because its design (purpose) is such that, as a response, it deliberately affects the conscious, awoken mind; it's the tight-rope the dreamer walks between the subconscious and conscious. ... Therefor, children, in whom fantasy and unreality have been nurtured since birth, should experience more nightmares than adults - as a measure of their unhealthy reluctance to relinquish their fantasy life. If this can be scientifically verified, it follows that children raised in primitive cultures (or raised more realistically) should be less prone to night-mares than Disneyland's children?>

What about children who live real-life nightmares, who are forcedto accept that reality? I would imagine they'd have their share ofnightmares. Do their nightmares decrease then by creating a fantasyto protect themselves?

Richard wrote of Robert: <<Your thesis could be furthered by the workof Alan Seigel who did dream groups after the oakland fire where dozens of families lost their homes. The worst nightmares were with the guilty neighbors whose houses *didn't* get burnt.>>

These were people forced to face reality.

Richard:<<My guess on the kids with the most nightmares are the ones that 1.Don't differentiate well between concrete reality and imaginal reality I AGREE and 2. Have general feelings of helplessness in their family or lack of it. Note that kids have more animal problem dreams than adults.>>

Robert:<Probably because animals, as in stories or cartoons, preoccupy children more than adults.>

Robert's quote seems to suggest again that nightmares stem from a child's lack of differentiating reality and fantasy. It may just be that children don't understand (are unsure of/haven't learned) how to interact with animals in reality. Or, as Richard suggests (see#2)that the child may have general feelings of helplessness.

A child may be unsure of, or fearful of, a dog for example, and have nightmares of the dog attacking, when in reality the dog would be very gentle. How is that dream making the child face the truth? The child already knows he/she is fearful - the dream seems to make the situation worse.

I believe dreams are an extension of ourselves that we just haven't evolved enough to understand yet. Robert Lewis' theory is a good start toward understanding, and for that we must thank Mr. Lewis whole-heartedly. But we need to explain those "exceptions" that even he refers to, in order to have a plausible theory.

Thank you for letting me have my say. Julie Keyser


From: Becky Iness

Newsgroups: alt.consciousness.4th-way

Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 15:12:42 -0800

In Reply to Joseph and John in the question of Dreams and the value which may or may not be assigned to them:

In my understanding of what Ospensky says of dreaming, there are THREE types of dreaming, the ones which come from sense activation and a very chaotic and random sort of mind play, much like the ability of a good fiction writer to feed audiences what they crave in the area of moving center and lower emotional center. This is what I understand to be the risk which is taken if one were to follow this realm and try and find where it leads...this would be a dead end NO PUN my own opinion, so far. Of course, I don't spend any time reading fiction novels or imaginative stories penned by authors whose sole intent is to make a buck and share a few fantasies. This is mine and Ospensky's ideas...superemposed...after is the way we all understand..if Law of 3 is taken into account..not I versus I.

The dreams I have noticed in my study on dreams, of which I have kept a regular account of for a few years now, and only due to the 2nd and 3rd types.. which seduced or enticed me into following.. I shall break down the dreaming I pay attention to, into 2 more areas.

The 2nd description I shall call, by an excerpt out of Jung's observations, THE GOLDEN BEETLE one of his accounts with a patient. These I shall describe as dreams which are very involved and detailed and can be remembered easily upon awakening, have a few very domineering images in them, and somehow, during the daytime, an exact redoing of the dream occurs in our so called waking life. This used to just be a vague feeling of Dejavue in my earlier years, but as I started to take note and to keep it in a journal...I could go back to my writings, after the daytime event occured, and wah lah, there it is, word for word, feeling, moving and intellect all involved. Jung's studies on people and in his psychoanalitical note keeping helped him to take notice of this remarkable...SYNCRONISTIC occurance. This I too found to me quite compelling and I determined to follow these facts as far as I could to find what the meaning of this truly even, how can this be used to uplift and improve my life, and of waking to the real dreamer dreaming the dream.

The 2nd type of dream is one where, I will catch some sort of a teaching going on, it is done on a higher level than normal waking sense consciousness is envolved with. I recognize there is a deep meaning and much higher level to this communication and as soon as Itry to grab hold of it with my so called (lower mind) it escapes me, but now and then I catch a tiny bit of the meaning, and I can only describe this as something which permeates my being and broadens it in a sense which I cannot isn't envolved with sense, more with, a knowing, an understanding...not analytical or imaginary..but very very real. (Sometimes a riddle, which when retold to others..they too get the meaning, but in a very odd way!)

In studying the Work methods and looking into what may be meant by higher worlds..there is a very close resemblance to this dream #2, in my observations..which is strangely akin to being myself, yet not myself...a self which is highly intelligent and knows everything and understands me in my fullest sense. This is a very reassuring condition..and one which I value to a very high degree. That is why my defense of the question on Dreams and the Fourth Way.

Thank you for your replies, John, Eric and Joseph. I very much appreciate companionship in the search also Eric. In your reply to Joseph I saw myself too, many times over..and I am sure..will happen again, I am certainly sure I am a very slovenly observer most of the time, and you gave me a reflection well appreciated..and certainly not JUDGED!..Good Luck and keep it up..we all need each see the whole..(truth).

Becky Iness

PS...Names on this 4rth Way alternate news...mean much is the only way to see whom it is you are sharing with..No contenances, faces..gestures...or the sounds involved in the human, my naming whom I am replying to is of benefit to my keep a more personal..if possible on this type of communication...feeling.



From: Erin Sullivan <>

Subject: Re: Astrology and Dreams

Dear M. Aionia

Oddly, I have just published a new book through my Series with Arkana - the Contemporary Astrology Series. I am the commissioning editor for that series. It is a simple book, fiarly basic, but has some interesting material. It is called "Crossing the Threshold: The Astrology of Dreaming" by Linda Reid, Arkana Contemporary Astrology. 1997. You might get it at your metaphysical book store, or get them to order it. The Series is probably the best astrology list going.

Good luck!



From: "Stephen H. Kapit" <>

Subject: DreamTime Stocks Updated

The DreamTime stock charts have been updated. Go to

I've added new comments to most of them.

News Flash has been updated. Go to

Stephen H. Kapit

DreamTime Newsletter


Looking for the Writhing Woman Dreamer

Robert Lewis <>

I request the e-mail address of the person who dreamt Writhing Women, dream # 97030.


SleepWalkers only had two shows on NBC, here is a short article:

(Thanks to the Sleepwaker mail list)



By Linda Lane Magallon

From Dream WORK To Dream PLAY


It's one of those ironies of life. Back in 1985, together with Fred Olsen, I co-founded the Bay Area Dreamworkers Group. BADG is a group of people who do dream "work." Today I'm an advocate of dream "play." And my old colleagues just don't seem to get it.

BADG is a networking organization of people who live in the vicinity of San Francisco, California, USA. We are psychotherapists, artists, writers, educators, researchers, healers and community dreamworkers. In the public forum, we might host a dream group, hold workshops, present dream-inspired products or author a book. We are people who "work with our dreams," and the dreams of others. We usually do dreamwork at meetings. And that can be very heavy, very serious.

Fortunately, from the beginning, we've held the tradition that each meeting is also a pot luck affair. Everyone who attends, contributes something to eat. Sometimes the pickings are meager, othertimes quite hearty. But the break for eating is an opportunity to relax a bit and be sociable.

At least once a year, during the winter months, this sociability graduates into a formal event. And for our annual holiday party, "badge" members bring dreams, not to "work" with, but to hang on the tree. The holiday dreams are a gift to ourselves, to each other in BADG and to those who attend the waking state event.

Creating and packaging a dream gift may seem like a game of solitaire. But actually, the "gift of dreams" is a game you play, not just for partners, but with partners, too.

Primary partner is your very own dreaming self. Some BADG members write down their dream reports on paper, postcards or Christmas cards (that are clipped with a clothespin or attached with ribbon to the tree). Other dreams are converted into artwork-ornaments made of wood, ceramic or paper. Thus, these "badgers" retrieve a dream produced by their playful selves and make it into a creative product.

Other folks make a creative suggestion and the playful side of self responds with a dream. Those members don't contribute just any old dream of the month; they intentionally incubate a dream for the occasion.

There's something about the sociable nature of this process that inspires resonance. When you share a gift with others, you often get a gift in return, and not just from your dreaming self...from other people and other people's dreaming selves. Sometimes it's simply that your dream corresponds with another person's dream. The dreams have symbols or themes in common. Is this coincidence or not? No one seems to care. It's the synchronicity that's the delightful plum in the holiday pudding. Nevertheless, when I read the BADG dreams, I find psychic stars sparkling in the midst of the dream gifts. Perhaps one might be a precognitive dream of the party. Perhaps another dream will be telepathic of someone else's daily life.

But psychic or not, the themes tend to be upbeat and creative. Sociable dreams. Flying dreams. Dreams of music, art and laughter. Oh, yes, and punny dreams. In other words, the Bay Area Dreamworkers Group holiday dreams take a vacation from the usual conflicted fare that peppers therapeutic dreamwork. And this shift to dreamplay may be the greatest gift of all.

Now, I don't know about you, but I think it's very healthy to vacation, and not just once a year. Optimum health requires R & R at least once a week. Isn't that what weekends are for? I think my dreamworker colleagues are "Type A" managers. Sure, they'll party, as waking egos, in the waking state. But offer their dreaming selves the same favor? Ha! I mention "dreamplay" rather than "dreamwork" and they respond, oh, that's nice and turn around and talk about the "serious" stuff of life. You know, the "real" reason we're supposed to be paying attention to dreams: our heritage from Freud and Jung and all the spiritually motivated folks. But even Mr. God rested on the 7th day.

And, the fact of the matter is that our dreaming selves LIKE to play. But how often do we give them the chance? Not much opportunity if we presume that they're only supposed to serve us, as healers, advisors, problem solvers, ad nauseam. Yeah, some help we are. Slave drivers. Party poopers. So they have to sneak in playful dreams, when our backs are turned and our guard is down.

Well, I looked high and low to find a welcome mat for our playful dreaming selves. Yes, there are plenty of dreamworkers and authors who talk about games and play and creativity and even the Inner Child. But they're usually referring to art therapy and recovery from abuse and manipulative "games." Dreamwork in disguise. Like bringing your cellular phone and portable computer to the beach.

But where is that tropical beach in the world of dream where all your dreaming self has to do is hang out and have fun? Where she's not expecting you to translate her experience (via the "phone" of expression or the "computer" of interpretation) into something practical for you? (And where, if you do those things, you are MISSING THE POINT!)

I think dream play occurs when, instead of expecting that our dreams serve us, we turn tables and each other. And to our dreaming selves.

Well, I found no place on (or off) the Internet that supports this sort of dream play. That's when I knew I'd have to create it. Yeah, play founder again. Fortunately, there have been a few folks who joined me. Some are even dream-workers! We call ourselves the Fly-By-Night Club. I invite you to check us out. Your dreaming self will thank you. (Fly-By-Night Club)


SEX, SYMBOLS & DREAMS by Janice Baylis, Ph.D.

Reviewed by Fae Richards, M.A. Educ, Santa Ana Unified Schools


SEX, SYMBOLS & DREAMS by Janice Baylis, Ph.D. Sun, Man, Moon, Inc. 1997


What a delight. Sex, Symbols & Dreams is as entertaining as it is informative and scholarly. Thumbing through the book I first noticed all the little comic strips - over 50 of them. The delight was in discovering that Janice Baylis had found a connection, a definite parallel between the dream-mind's use of associative thinking and cartoonist's use of the same associative links.

For example dreams sometimes present pictures of idioms. Baylis presents a dream Carl Jung reported having in which a man was trying to jump on his back. Jung interpreted it as a picture of the German idiom 'you can climb on my back'; which means 'I don't care what you say about me.'. This is similar to our American 'Go jump in the lake'. Baylis also presents a DRABBLE comic picturing an idiom.

Penny, the daughter, asks, "Mommy can we all go to the water park today?" Mommy answers, "That's a wonderful idea. Why don't you put a bug in Daddy's ear?" "OK" says Penny. The final picture shows the little girl putting an actual bug in the sleeping daddy's ear. She is calling to her Mommy, "Now can we go to the water park?"

Sex, Symbols & Dreams goes on like this for seven chapters with dream examples from various sources - Artemidorus, Bible, Cayce, Delaney, Freud, Jung etc. - and coordinated comics ADAM to ZIGGY.

*Her premise, that the dream-mind operates mainly on an associative linking process methodology, is extremely well supported by her research through the dream literature.*

For each type of associative link Sex, Symbols & Dreams provides a coordinated dream using sexual imagery. For example in this dream the bed has sexual connotations. A twenty-three year old woman dreamt she was in bed with her step-father. She is facing him. He is dead and blue and wrapped like a mummy.

This step-father had sexually molested the dreamer when she was fourteen. Bad feelings from that experience had been in bed with her ever since, affecting her sex life. But now the feelings were finally dead. The "blues"/sadness are dead. The problem is "all wrapped up", an idiom for concluding a task successfully or striking the winning blow.

*That is how Part I of Sex, Symbols & Dreams is organized. This lesson plan is applied to seven symbol systems each with several elements. Idioms are an element in the Figures of Speech System. The other systems are Life Experiences - personal, cultural, universal; Qualities; Words; People; Family and Psychological. The Psychological takes three chapters, "Your Personality", "Personality Plus" getting the components into balance; and "Beyond Personality", the transcendent function connecting to higher consciousness.*

Part II focuses on sexual dreams including the Freudian kind. But, the other side of the coin, dreams with overt sexual imagery, are Baylis's special interest. There is a plethora of dream examples where sexual images function to represent or symbolize something non-sexual. For example the alcoholic woman's dream of being raped in a public bar to picture how her alcohol addiction was overwhelming and violating her body and her life.

Part III presents a case study of one young woman's dream series dealing with her self-esteem issues and her relationship to men.

Part IV gives the reader a set of summary charts for the elements in each symbol substitution system. There is also a mini-dictionary showing how the same image would have a different meaning in the different systems. The reader can apply this to images in their own dreams.

Perhaps the material should have been presented in two separate books. One book for the associative symbol systems and another book for the sexual symbolism might have been better.

I learned an enormous amount about the way the dream-mind substitutes images for related ideas/meanings. I enjoyed the studying. I agree with Rita Dwyer, she remarked, "Fascinating stuff!"

SEX, SYMBOLS & DREAMS is available at bookstores by special order; on Internet at or at 1-888-522-9547.


Donald Broadribb interview November 1997

Interview by Victoria Quinton


VQ: Hello Donald

DB: Hello Victoria,

I'd rather you called me Don, rather than Donald; the shorter form sounds better to me, (maybe because in Australian pronunciation it is identical with dawn and gives a nice feeling).

VQ: Do you subscribe to Electric Dreams?

DB: No; the reason is that I don't have general Internet access, only e-mail. I live in Beverley, which is a tiny tiny town in WA, and the long distance rates to any of the ISPs are too high for me to manage, except for the brief time periods necessary to collect and send e-mail once or twice a day.

VQ: Does the tiny tiny town enter your dreamscape too?

DB: Interestingly, no. It has never yet, to my recollection, been the locale in any of my dreams, in the three years I have lived in Beverley. My dream locales are almost always in a city, either Perth or some other city I have lived in, usually; or on a university campus.

VQ: I have found e-mail to be an ideal medium for interviews, as both parties can have their own "thinking space". have two young children ( a daughter who is 3 and a half now and a 6 month old son) and hence I often "type on the run".

DB:You are busy and on the run indeed, then!! My kids are grown up now (Cheryl 29, Peter 24) so I have peace in the house. But I love young children, and despite all the fuss, ages 3 and a half and 6 months are wonderful. (Of course, I'd say that no matter what ages the children are...)

VQ: Have you been interested in dreams for most of your life?

DB: Since my early teens. I came across Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams" when I was around 12 or 13, and I was very impressed by it though I found it next to impossible to apply. I kept going back to it, though, for many years.

My serious interest in dreams started when I was about 23, when I had a roommate who gave me a copy of Jung's "Modern Man in Search of a Soul ".

VQ: Have you a memorable dream fragment remaining from your childhood?

DB: Yes, and not at all a pleasant one. It's the dream discussed on pages 20-21 of "The Dream Story ", the one about floating in the bowl of a spoon. -- That's the only dream I remember from childhood.

VQ: Has any of your work dealt with children and dreams? (Don answered after reading copies of my earlier interviews on this topic.

DB: Only sporadically. There are various children's dreams in "The Dream Story ". I have had occasional child patients, but by and large the sessions have not involved dreams. My own kids are no longer kids, of course; but when they were, we used to talk about their dreams quite often. There never was any beginning to the process; my own experience is that children talk about dreams along with everything else they experience, from as soon as they start to talk. So I just talked about their dreams along with everything else. This is also true of the various small children I have met and talked with, in general.

If the child is too young to make any clear distinction between reality and dreams (even adults sometimes don't!), I just talk with them the same as about anything else they may say that is obviously made up. Which is to take it in the same way it is presented: jokingly if presented as humor, serious if presented as serious, etc. Whether a child says "there's an elephant on the porch" to fool me, or says "I saw an elephant on the porch, last night" as a dream, the response is much the same: to go along with what the child says and see what it leads to. Fun, in the one case; dream work, in the other case.

This is at least in large part because of my conviction that the content of a dream should be treated as if real, for the purpose of understanding the dream. I don't go in much for symbolism, most of symbol interpretation seems to me to be very suspect; I leave it to the last and usually ignore it altogether.

So I find Linton Hutchinson's comment (by the way, I found what he had to say quite interesting and thought provoking) that "Children seem to understand the feeling tone of the dream rather than the symbolic meaning contained in the pictorial icon represented by the dream. " to be true, but I don't find symbolic meaning contained in the pictorial icon represented by the dream to be of much value, very often - unless the word "symbolic" is stretched extremely wide to include emotional frameworks in general rather than specific "meanings". For instance, a dinosaur is probably not symbolic, in a child's dream, unless you mean by that it represents the possibility of a threat -- though many children, maybe most, do not feel dinosaurs as threats but exciting and to be learned about.

VQ: Is this your opinions about people's dreams at all ages or just of children's dreams?

DB: I have gradually come to feel that it is true of people's dreams at all ages.

I do have to point out that some of the matter may be conflict over what the word "symbolic" means. For instance, in an adult's dream the image of a white elephant could, perhaps, refer to the metaphorical meaning of "white elephant" = something useless, without value. I say "perhaps " because I don't remember ever having run into any white elephants in anyone's dream, though I certainly have found ordinary grey elephants in dreams. No doubt white elephants do turn up in someone's dreams...

I would distinguish between such ordinary metaphorical imagery and symbols proper (Freudian or Jungian) which I do not find a very profitable area for everyday dream interpretation.

This is not to say it is _never_ warranted, particularly in dreams of psychotic patients and in other highly disturbed states, and occasional though very unusual analytical situations.

VQ: And somewhere in between the individual dreamer may find a workable "interpretation", possibly in retrospect.

DB: Usually in retrospect. Discussion of a dream sometimes leads to great clarity immediately, but more often it is only when looking back on it that the "Aha!" experience comes. -- More often, it is more of an "Ah, yes" than an "Aha!", to be sure. That is partly because dreams are normally part of an on-going process, and like bricks in a building all the other dreams are necessary in order to see the overall significance.

Hutchinson comments: "Asking questions about the creation that the child is involved in can be beneficial to the child but only as a secondary function for working with the dream. How do you feel when you see yourself in your picture? If you could draw this dream again, what might you create to make you feel safe?"

Theoretically I agree with much of what he says in that paragraph, including this. But personally, I would try not to ask any questions. I would in a natural way just lead the child into a discussion of the dream. If a nightmare, "someone is trying to get in through the window ;, my natural reaction would be maybe , ;Oh! Maybe if the window is locked tight, they won't be able to get in. ; The child would respond to that, and we would discuss the dream event as if it were or could be real.

The focus would be to figure out between us, at the child's level of understanding, how such a situation could be dealt with in a way that would preserve the child's integrity and security. -- This same technique works well for adults with nightmares, too.

Similarly, it would generally not occur to me to ask someone, child or adult,

;how did you feel in the dream

;. My natural reaction to hearing a nightmare would be to pick up the dreamer's mood from the telling and say ";Gee, that was scary!" or "Oh my God!" or some such thing, or even "God, I'd hate to have something like that happen!" If I have somehow misfelt the mood of the dream, the dreamer will correct me; they always do, if my overall attitude is that I am ready to accept corrections without a fuss.

This seems to be different from Linton Hutchinson's method: "We usually reenter these dreams and rescript those dreams using helpers if the dreams too scary or creating ways of self-protection i.e., being invisible, being able to create millions of armies, becoming bionic etc...." That method involves a lot of non-real methods and "helpers";. I would stick to something realistic: what could really be done in the situation portrayed in the nightmare. But then, I have not generally found superheroes, being invisible, armies, being bionic, etc., necessary methods of dealing with situations that have turned up in children's dream I have personally encountered. I wonder if nightmares with such situations are really very common, or whether like "archetypal"dreams, they are in reality extremely rare. Unless, of course, the parent or analyst herself usually thinks in such "supernatural "terms, and conveys to the dreamer that that is they sort of dream that should be dreamed! (Parents and analysts do determine guise a dream takes quite a lot by the way they deal with dreams in discussion.)

John Suler's discussion of his daughter's "coonie" dream is well handled, though I would not put in the religious nuance that he does: "Coonie (God?) is not a single entity, but an all-surrounding presence." In the dream, she is immersed in the "oceanic oneness" that many mystics associate with God. I think that is going a bit too far, even for a theoretical analysis of her dream.

As a non-theist, I would more likely say that the mystics mean by "God" an "oceanic oneness " but I doubt that that particular dream had that in mind. More likely the equation would simply be: multiple "Coonies" = confidence in being able not to drown by now knowing how to swim.

VQ: I have just picked up "The Mystic Chorus :Jung and the Religious Dimension" from Robinson's ( a local bookshop) and have scanned some of the contents. I think it may be helpful to point out that your choice to categorise yourself as "non theist" was anything but an overnight decision.

You have looked at many organised religions "from the inside", as you mention in the introduction to "The Mystical Chorus" and in academic terms, have an M. Div from Union Theological Seminary in New York, a Ph.D from the University of Melbourne, where you taught comparative religions for ten years, and a Diploma in Analytical Psychology from the CG Jung Institute in Zurich.

Just by reading those first few introductory pages, I am reminded of my own recurring thoughts; that I am an "outsider " to all groups ,and feel both exhilarated and scared at the possibility of needing to take responsibility "just for myself " without expecting "something out there" to either rescue me or to be an emotional scapegoat.

Could;non theist; also be called humanist/humanitarian? I can feel the compassion of your approach to people.

DB: To a certain extent, though humanists etc. generally don't go in for philosophy much, and I do.

I have quite a strong background in philosophy; also my sister lectures in philosophy at the University of Florida (she's Marilyn Holly, who wrote one of the chapters in "The Mystical Chorus";) and we have quite a vigorous correspondence by e-mail on philosophical issues among other things.

I agree that " the possibility of needing to take responsibility 'just for myself' without expecting 'something out there' to either rescue me or to be an emotional scapegoat" can be very scary. It's not a feeling I have had myself, but I can understand it when it turns up in other people.

I guess my drift to being a "non theist" was too gradual to be much of a shock to me, if any.

Also, I can't remember ever taking God seriously as an emotional support or threat. Sort of like Santa Claus -- I early figured out that Santa Claus did not exist; I didn't connect God with the Santa Claus myth for many, many years, till I was an adult, but I seem to have put God in much the same category without realizing it. Except for one strange thing: all through my childhood I was convinced that if I appealed to God, God would keep the rain away while I was walking to or from school -- since it was an hour's walk to school, and rain protection gear was pretty poor in those pre-plastic days, my concern was very real. And strangely enough, I was convinced the rain did hold off for me! I can't remember when this all ended, somewhere by the time I was 16 and finished high school, definitely; and I don't remember ever trying to link it with my otherwise very vague notions about God.

Religious teachings were confined to church or Sunday School. Outside that one hour a week, the subject of religion never came up in my family. So I guess I sort of believed, but mostly could not understand, the strange adult talk about God, for the one hour of church a week, and put it out of my mind the rest of the time. I grew disgusted with Sunday School by the time I was 6 or 7, concluding (probably rightly) that I knew more about history and society than the Sunday School teachers did; so I made a deal with my mother that if I went to the church service instead, I could get off going to Sunday School. As for what was said about God, in church, it sounded like all the rest of the unfathomable stuff adults rabbited on about, nothing to do with real life. I had no reason to disbelieve it, because it didn't affect me one way or another.

I was taught to pray every night, and I did so for many years - again until the time I finished high school, or perhaps a few years earlier or later, I don't remember quite when. Then the nightly prayers gradually became more infrequent and eventually just faded away completely. I still prayed occasionally while I was at theological school, but I was rather doubtful about it much of the time.

I had read Plato a lot while in high school -- the interest had been strengthened by my sister, who, being five years ahead of me, was already formally studying philosophy at university. So I was familiar with the fact that there are very respectable different religious notions than the ones taught in church.

So the idea of accusing God, or shifting the blame on him, never came to me; nor the idea of supposing that God was behind anything good that happened, either. God was just a concept they talked about in church, no connection with everyday life. So I guess I never took seriously the idea of "something out there " and still don't.

Obviously a very different set of experiences than yours.

VQ Have you been more influenced by book theories or by word of mouth


DB: By and large I have not found books of any particular help in working with dreams.

I have read them till they sprouted out of my ears, but in the long run, other people's approaches to dreams never work for me. Approaches to dreams are too much a matter of the individual person's personality. Just listen to the dreamer, interact with the dreamer, be natural, try to avoid any methods or interpretative scheme, and almost inevitably in the course of the conversation the dreamer will come out with what has every appearance of being a resolution to the dream, whether it is an interpretation or meaning or something else. Eventually as you do this with many people, you will come to an approach that is uniquely you and very successful for you, even if not for somebody else trying to imitate you. VQ: I have had one or two dreams in the past where I have seen myself as an old wise MAN in a room full of books.

DB: Of course we are taught from birth to make that association.

VQ: So would it be reasonable of me to say that though you are a trained Jungian analyst, you are an individual first and aiming to help others on their way to individuation?

DB:I think that's a fair statement, yes.

Though I view analysis first and foremost as a therapy for mental disturbances, and only secondarily for individuation purposes as we usually think of them.

VQ: What is your opinion of email-based dream discussion groups?

DB:I have no experience at all of them. But, given that I have found in-person dream discussion groups very valuable, I should think e-mail based dream discussion groups would be equally valuable.

You comment: I guess I feel guilty about wanting to pursue largely solitary "intellectual pursuits" Our social tradition has traditionally accepted such a life for males and refused it to females -- with various spectacular exceptions of course-- and makes it extremely hard to buck the tradition. That is the meaning behind Jung's claim that the animus is "logos" (which in Greek meant intellectual pursuits), along with sex. Guilt feelings (In Freudian jargon, Superego) are one of the big clubs with which individuals are beaten into submission. How to deal with guilt feelings is one of the biggest problems anyone faces; and inevitably we have also gotten so involved in commitments to everybody under the sun that practical problems often become almost insuperable.

VQ:Don and I began a discussion about Active Imagination. I mentioned that I have a soft spot for my inner characters Sam the erudite snail and Esmerelda, the flying pig who becomes a flying unicorn if allowed freedom of thought.

DB: An excellent image for your feelings about yourself: the notion that you could be free seems to you about as likely as the notion that pigs can fly; but if you could, you would be a flying unicorn, which is a beautiful image, considering the history of the unicorn image in art.

VQ:It is hard to speak of talking to the characters without confirming anyone's suspicions that you are off your rocker...

DB:I guess the whole idea of AI is very foreign to most adults. Strange, because it is a natural part of every child's life and nobody much seems to be surprised or taken aback at it then.

I wonder if adult sheep, who do not dream, consider dreaming to be childish ("lambish") and look askance at those few adult sheep who do still dream??

(Lambs dream, but somehow they lose the ability when they grow up to be sheep. Or so the REM-researchers claim.)

Victoria Quinton



Dream Animals:

"Now You See Them, Now You Don't:

A Conversation Between the Author and the Artist"

excerpts from the conversation between James Hillman and Margot McLean that comprises the preface of their book (_Animal Dreams_, San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1997, ISBN: 0-8118-1327-4, $21.95), and from which they read Sept 18th in the Bay Area.


[begin excerpts]

. . jh: The inivisible is as important as the visible. And I see your paintings as also about what I call the invisible. The invisibles that have been forgotten and passed by. Perhaps we are learning what happens to our environment when we pass by the invisibles. If only we could look at the present-day situation from a completely different place. Perhaps the invisibles are doing exactly what is called for in the here and now, in this year of animal emergency. Perhaps there is intention in their vanishing. Perhaps there is a holocaust going on, or an animal sacrifice. Where have all the frogs gone, and why? The monarch butterflies? Perhaps they are withdrawing as the ancient Gods withdrew from an inhospitable, irreverent world. Are the reasons only scientific, environmental? Are they sharing a planetary misery, carrying more than their share of it?

mm: Well, the odds are certainly against them. I think they'd want us, above all else, to reach beyond the human as far as we can possibly go. Not just watch them on TV for entertainment, but respect them by allowing them their rightful "place."

jh: That's why our inside animals are not like those on TV, where they are put into human stories. You don't see a leopard just as leopard. It is put into a story of predators, of extinction, or "the wonders of mating." Or you are taught a lesson about motherhood, about how risky animal life is and how everything has to hide in camoflauge; or it's about big bucks competing for females. All _human_ stories. Moreover, those wonderful shows--and the photography is really amazing--keep the animal out there, in nature, more and more visible, even at night, when our cameras invade their privacy. We are astounded by those close-ups such as you can never see in life.

mm: I question our ability to remember that these animals really do exist, living on the earth, and not just on TV. It's odd, the shows that are supposed to bring us closer to animals by raising consciousness about their extinction are strangely making the actual animals unnecessary. There they are, right in our own living rooms, virtual icons with enhanced lighting, magnification, and detail. While they are over exposed and proliferating on TV, the are rapidly and silently disappearing from the planet.

jh: I don't think we will be able to rid ourselves of the inside animal. The animal spirit will not be eclipsed by TV. And it may come into our dreams in unforeseeable ways.

mm: Unforeseeable, like invisible?

jh: I meant unpredictable--animals as archetypal eternal images, as inhabitants of imagination, may die but not go away. All this fascination with dinosaurs and extinct or legendary species shows how animal images continue to breed in imagination. So what they do in the psyche is unforeseeable.

mm: You mean by keeping them only partly visible, we are allowing them their freedom to be outside human control. Unpredictable.

jh: I think it's easier to depict the vanishing animal than it is to write about this elusiveness. In your images the animals emerge or recede, they seem to be there and not there. They belong to both nature and imagination at the same time. I can't get that same presence or absence when I write about a pig or a polar bear.

mm: I'm not so sure. You hint at what the animal means, but you keep from saying it. You describe the nature of the giraffe or a mouse at the same time you somehow let the animals stay half-hidden . . .

jh: as metaphors, as they are in dreams. It's very hard to hold back the desire to interpret, to capture the animal into a meaning. [Hillman then introjected here, "If we know what an animal means, we don't need the animal anymore."]


mm: Scientific thought doesn't necessarily mean Cartesian thought. It depends on how you use science--"do science." The problem is we get obsessed with the literal facts that can block the imagination.

jh: Scientific method was designed for that very purpose--to reign in fantasy, and to correct the "fictions" of imagination with observed facts. But I think there are no objective facts without subjective fiction. Observation alone takes up only one half: the now-you-see-them half. Imagination involves that other half: the now-you-don't. In the nineteenth century wild animals were studied, hunted, collected as natural phenomena, facts.

mm: They were mostly painted that way too, and cast into bronzes; very detailed and naturalistic. You know, it's rare to see an animal in a painting during the great hundred years of modern art, from 1860 to 1960, say from Monet and Cezanne through Rothko. You see little dogs, carriage horses, and hunting scenes--and there are always major exceptions like Picasso and Franz Marc--but it's interesting how much animals have been left out.

jh: And now as they are disappearing, they have found their way back into the imagination. The secret of the imagination is the disappearance of the actual. So, what I am saying is their actual death is bringing them back to life, and depciting that "death," that absence, may be the best way to do "enough" for them. Gathering facts, symbols, fables, photographs, fossils, toys, slogans, carvings, the animal art books and bestiaries--all of it together can't do enough, can't fill that curious sense of obligation we feel toward them. We still feel something is left out.

mm: Something is left out, human humility.

jh: I envy you for painting. No matter how hard it is, at least you don't need to bring in all this material, all these references, to try to do justice to the animals.

mm: I try to escape from references. I want somehow to clear out all the junk about the animal. I want the mind to be quite quiet and not caught up by all that information. Once the animal has found its place in the painting it seems to take care of itself and one doesn't need all those references.

jh: Your backgrounds are very important, too. They both let the animal stand out from it and disappear into it. Again, it's so much like dream country: usually only bits of a dream stand out against a vague screen. Your vague backgrounds . . .

mm: Edward S. Casey, the philosopher, wrote: "Landscape painting not only locates things; it also _relocates_ them. It gives to things--concrete or abstract as they may be--_somewhere else to be_. Somewhere else than the natural world (if they are physical things) and somewhere else than the ethereal world (if they are objects of cerebration or contemplation). Somewhere else, in other hands, than the simple location in which they are 'originally' or 'appropriately' or 'for the most part' located. Another place means another life--a second life. Thus things (including experiences of things) are not merely represented or remembered in paintings; they 'sur-vive' there in the sense of living on, literally living _over_ their first, proper life. 'La vraie vie,' said Rimbaud, 'est ailleurs.'"

jh: A "somewhere else" for them to live on and over.

mm: But then I ask myself, is that enough--a "somewhere else"? What about an actual ecological benefit? Then I answer: The ecological benefit can happen only when our usual perceptions are challenged and we begin to "see" things differently, imagine things differently.

jh: That's right--if it changes our usual perceptions, frees them even a little from our interpretations, if it brings us to feel into the animals with more kinship. When you know that the tigers are going, are leaving the planet forever, and the elephants and the frogs, you begin to mourn and to look around you with a different eye. I see your paintings as ritual objects, asif you are mourning the animals' leaving by eliminating their full-bodied presence.

mm: That's half of it, yes. The other half is that in order to fully appreciate something, does it have to be fully exposed?

jh: Dreams do this all the time. That's why I speak of dream animals. I'm not doing a dream-book of animals, any more than you are doing naturalist paintings of animals. We are both struggling with the ghosts of the animal. Gaston Bachelard said the imagination requires absence and deformation. So I am always struggling with writing as much as I can about the dream and the animal and yet at the same time keeping it unclear, enigmatic, mysterious. I try to get them on the page and then encourage them to go away.

mm: Ha! I coax them into the painting and then encourage them to stay.

[end excerpts]

Trisha Lamb Feuerstein

If you would like to correspond about a cetacean dream or a cetacean encounter you've had, or make suggestions for additions to the bibliographies, audiography, or videography, please mail to me (Trisha Lamb Feuerstein) at Books written in languages other than English are welcome; just let me know if a title is fiction or nonfiction, and please provide a rough translation of the title and a brief description of the contents. I also have a special interest in descriptions of eye contact with cetaceans and in images associating cetaceans with the yin-yang symbol and would be grateful for references to either.



Julie Keyser



Dear Dreaming Friends,

Good day. I am in need of your assistance. I am currently doing research on the subject of psi dreams, in particular, shared or mutual dream occurrences. I am asking for volunteers to complete the following dream survey in the hopes of compiling the information dealing with the commonness of psi dreams.

Through scientific research and personal experience psi dreams have been proven. Spontaneous mutual dream occurrences however, are sporadic and hard to locate precisely. Through my study, I hope to record and pinpoint these occurrences a bit more.

Participation is completely voluntary and you may refuse to answer any questions you wish. Any and all correspondence is beneficial to my research.

I thank you sincerely for your help.

Julie Keyser



1. Name (or pen name if you wish)_______________________________

2. Address (e-mail or other)(optional)______________________________

3. Male/female ___________

4. Age __________

5. Marital Status _________________

6. Occupation ________________________________________

7. Education (highest degree attained)_______________________________

8. Number of children (if any) ____________


9. Do you keep a dream journal?_______________________

10. Do you discuss your dreams with others? If so, who?

(spouse,children, co-workers, etc.)____________________________________

11. That you are aware of, do you have any sleep disorder - Ex: sleep-

walking, insomnia, excessive talking in your sleep, etc.?______________


12. Is it easy for you to remember your dreams?______________________

13. Do you dream as an observer or a participant?____________________

14. Are you always yourself, or can you be different people in your


15. Do you dream that you know the thoughts of others, as well as

yourself, as though you are acting out all parts of a play for example?





16. Do you, or did you ever, have re-occurring dreams?

17. Do you have nightmares frequently?

18. Have you ever had telepathic experiences while awake?

19. If so, what was your relationship to the person you connected


20. Have you ever had subconscious contact between your dreaming mind

and your physical body? Example: You dream you are going to the

bathroom, wake suddenly, and realize you need to use the bathroom.

21. Have you ever incorporated waking noises, smells, etc. into your


22. Have you ever had a dream premonition? (Please include explanation

of waking event, and length of time lapsed from time of dream)

23. Have you ever shared, or had a mutual dream with another dreamer?

(I am most interested in events that are 'out of the blue', rather than predicted ones. By predicted I mean, mutual dreams such as: two dreamers dreamt of the movie they saw together that evening; or dreamers programming themselves to try to meet in a dream, etc.)

Let me give you a light-hearted example: I had a dream that I was making cookies and browines for Christmas with my daughters (dream was in June)

When I woke in the morning, my one daughter said, "That brownie you gave me last night was really good." I asked, 'what brownie?' since we didn't have any brownies in the house. She said, "The

one you made in my dream!"

24. If you have shared a dream with another dreamer, what was your

relationship to that other dreamer?

25. How often, would you estimate, do you have psi dreams?

26. Please include other mutual/shared dreams as well.

27. Do I have your permission to use this information for publication?

28.If this information is used, would you like to be credited for it, or would you prefer to remain anonymous? ( I would not use your address)

If you would prefer to mail your responses. Send completed survey to:

Julie Keyser

Rt. 1 e-mail:

Ferryville, WI 54628

Disclaimer: The researcher is not responsible for any potential

negative or disturbing memories or thoughts resulting from participating in this survey; and is not responsible for any counseling costs incurred.



Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:

Dreaming Through the Houses: 12th House


<hfile href="">

Have you ever wondered how dreams and astrology are connected?

There are many ways we can connect dreams to astrology, and many don't require that you know all about your Natal Chart. In this column we will be exploring the symbolic rather than predictive aspects of astrology. Symbolic astrology attempts to use the images of astrological to give meaning to one's life and empower choices rather than predict paths. We do this by imaginal overlay. In this process we impleach, (poetically interweave)dream, image, feeling, life and symbol in a way to evoke a felt sense of the dream's imagery and its position in our life.

This year we are focusing each month on a different House.

The inner circle of the Natal or Birth Chart is divided into 12 distinct regions know as Houses. They relate to everyday activates. One will be about physical appearances and temperament, while another relates to possessions, for example. Planets and signs fall within these Houses and influence the areas of focus. We will be watching for images of planets, signs and other celestial events and hopefully begin to see the emergence of an astrological chart that dips into birth charts, dreams, and our waking life.

Twelfth House: Pisces. At the end of the series of 12 Houses, it is the alpha-omega house of endings of one cycle and just before the beginning of the next. The next cycle can be a spiral upward or a spiral downward, or an octave higher or lower than the present one. But before moving to the next octave, the 12th House itself must travelled.

Dream: I am in an arctic sea aboard an 18th Century ship. I am in a cabin studying under a swaying light. I have been brooding for sometime and left my home to help others, but now just seem to live in this little cabin. I am looking at an oily fish design on the cover of the book, and thinking that the fish can get away by slipping deep below the surface.

In this dream we see that there is a struggle with the lower and higher self on a plane that seems isolated for the individual. There is the theme of self-sacrifice and the brooding loss of the old self set to sea, but also the possibility the individual may descend with the old self into the icy depths of the sea. At the center of this escape is the fish, which in this millennium is continually associated with the Christian notion of sacrifice to the higher self. And there is no negative judgement in the descent either. It could be a suicidal escape fantasy, or it could be the need to contact the deeper soul.

Dream: I am waking outside a kind of hospital. Its seems more like an sanitarium for tubercular patients from Thomas Mann. There is a maze of hedges and I find my way blocked by an altar with items laid out on it. No one is around and I see that the altar has clothes on it that I used to wear. I only remember two now, a set of clothes from childhood that used to be put on me when I played in the sandbox, and a business suit that was a favorite of mine to welcome new clients to my shop. I think it is odd that there isn't a priest around.

Before this dreamer is a way out, but a sacrifice of the whole past, all the personalities she previously wore, all that she has obtained in the first 11 Houses, must first be sacrificed. Will she recognize that she is the priest that must do this, or will she return to the hospital? Karma, in this sense, is not so much a fated curse but a way of seeing things that allows for new paths and growth.

Dream: I was playing with my army men toys but then I was one of them. People were shooting all around. I kept thinking that if they really kill one another, I won't have any more left to play with. I run over a hill to get away and see all the army men that have died in a pile. People are pulling them down and burying them in a graveyard nearby. I help them, but feel like I'm burying part of myself. My heart goes out to the soldiers, even though I know they are toys.

Dreams of the 12th House may be particularly difficult for the individual and this difficulty may be relieved by service to others. The gaining of a higher self by loss of an earlier one is painful. Helping others is also helping oneself, even when at the time this may not be fully realized. As some say, its not really a battle to be won, but a acquiescence and devotion.

Those who flee from the 12th House effects may find themselves in classical Shadow psychology, i.e. being chased by monsters and unforseen forces that threaten to undermine or destroy the self.

Also, dreams my compensate too much sacrifice. Many people feel the 12th House as a deep debt that must be paid in life and devote years to helping and ailing relative or seek religious solitude in a monastery, only to neglect their own development. This un-lived life may take on the shape of a monster or force threatening the dreaming.

So, if sacrifice and withdraw are the call of the 12th House that can lead to ruin, what is the productive solution? It seems that the solution is individual and can't be collectively spoken.

Inner peace, understanding and wisdom are as equal a possibility as despair. The desire for the inner oneness of all things unfolds a mystery that can be seen in our travel through all the Houses of the Cosmos. With each cycle we get another glimpse and opportunity to share and participate in the co-creation of the universe.

M. Aionia

This is the final installment of Dreaming through the Houses. If you wish to follow the full year of Houses, they will be available online at the Electric Dreams Articles Site:

Comments and additions to the set of articles will be added if you send them in to

M. Aionia at



December 1997 - January 1998


This Month's Features:


Live Internet Radio Broadcast

Scribe and Dream Journal

Winter Solstice Community Dreaming

"Dream Talkin'" Dream Video


Dreamwheel Announces Winter-Spring Programs


British Television Looking for Life-Changing Dreams

Diana Dreams Sought


John Locatelli's Lucid Dreams



Conference Events info online

Book shop now open

Web Message Board now open

Continuing Education


Dreams Needed for Dream TV Production

DreamGate Online Dream Class for January

BADG Party in Novato, Ca, USA

Robert Van de Castle offers Interpretations & Books

DreamMap now available in Windows & NT format!

Jeremy Taylor Online

DREAM CALENDAR for January 1998




Dreamwheel Announces Winter-Spring Programs


January 8 - Dreamwheel II. Ongoing Dream Group

March 12 Ramsay Raymond, MA, MHC. Thursdays, 7-10 PM. Meets in ten-week cycles. $400 each.

April 2- The ongoing group enables those who have taken Dreamwheel I (or its June 4 equivalent) to deepen the practice of dreamwork and cooperate with the guiding wisdom of the greater Self. We will explore the archetypal, mythic, and psychic dimensions of dreams, while honoring the gifts and challenges of incorporating our shadow and spiritual aspects into daily life. The focus is on experiential and creative work. New members may enter at the start of any cycle. Group limited to eight.

April 7- Dreamwheel I. Personal Transformation through Dreamwork May 26 Ramsay Raymond, MA, MHC. Eight Tuesdays, 7-10PM. $320.

Dreams provide direct access to our unconscious life and the guiding wisdom of the essential Self. As we learn to cooperate more closely with this source by understanding and experiencing our dreams and learning to "live" their offerings, we are better able to embrace the unknown or "shadow" aspects of ourselves, resolve inner conflicts, clarify personal or spiritual purpose, and open wellsprings of vitality and creativity. This course offers a safe place to learn or renew skills in recalling and recording dreams, as well as core techniques for discovering their meaning. Sessions will be supplemented by interesting "homework," readings, and creative projects.


January 4 Finding the Wisdom in Dreams

Jeremy Taylor. Sunday, 7-9:30 PM. $30. Spiritual intuitions and concerns underlie virtually all dreams, even when their content appears to be completely mundane, or even nightmarishly "unspiritual." Dream images that symbolize the spiritual function bring together the daily world of the waking self and the transformative energies of the greater Self. Dreams always come to serve our health and wholeness by bringing us closer to whatever elements of our whole being we have ignored. Come for this evening of talk and dreamwork with this well-loved figure, known for his passion for dreamwork.

February 14 Buried Treasure: Unearthing the Goddess. A Day for Women & Men eborah Rose, Saturday, 10AM-5PM. $80. This workshop provides a "next step" in response to popular interest in Deborah's fall series on Primordial Images of the Feminine. What buried parts of the feminine face of God long to be brought into the light? This workshop for men and women allows us each to explore archetypes of the Goddess that are alive within our own depths, and to help bring these forth to nourish, inspire, and inform us in our quest for personal and spiritual wholeness. Through discussion, dreamwork, guided meditation, drawing and clay play, we will dig like archaelogists to uncover ancient treasures of relevance to our lives and times.

March 7 Shamanic Journeying for Personal Healing - Part II Julie Soquet, MA, MIM. Saturday, 10AM-5PM $80. Shamanic journeying provides a way of entering the depths of psychic reality to directly encounter the healing and guiding forces of one's own nature. This workshop is for those who have prior experience with upper and lower world journeys who seek personal healing. You will learn techniques for accessing this potential on your own. Please bring a notebook, pen, blindfold, blanket, and drum or rattle.

May 1-2 The Council of All Beings

Ruth Rosenhek

Friday, 7-10PM & Saturday, 8AM-6PM. $125. The Council of All Beings is a series of rituals created by John Seed and Joanna Macy to help end the sense of alienation from the living Earth that most of us feel, and to connect us with new sources of joy, commitment, and inspiration that follow

from union with our planet. Through personal sharing, meditation and ritual, we will explore the depths of our concern and love for the Earth in this time of ecological and social crisis. Rediscovering our "deep ecology" - our interconnectedness with all beings - we find empowerment as social and environmental change agents. The central feature of the workshop is the Council of All Beings where we step aside from our solely human identification and let other life forms speak through us. As many in this work have discovered, alignment with our larger identity clarifies, dignifies and heals our personal conflicts. We see that the pain of the Earth is our own pain and the fate of the Earth is our own fate. The Council of All Beings empowers us to act on behalf of the Earth and gives us clarity and direction for this work.

The workshop will take place in a natural setting; location to be announced. A portion of the proceeds of this event will be donated to the Rain Forest Information Center in Australia. Work exchange is available for a reduced fee, based on need.

May 29 The Vision Quest: A Wilderness Rite of Passage

Sparrow Hart

Free Introductory Evening. Friday, May 29, 7:30-9:30 PM.

See August 17-27 for description of The Vision Quest.

May 30-31 The Sacred Warrior: Claiming Our Integrity A Weekend for Men & Women Sparrow Hart & Ramsay Raymond. Saturday & Sunday , 9:30AM-5:30PM. $160. Whether man or woman, we have all experienced what happens when the warrior role is separated from its spiritual integrity, becomes force without reciprocity, will without love, or when we have entirely lost connection with this source of inviolability within ourselves. This workshop allows men and women to explore, together and separately, the archetype of the warrior both in its worldly and its sacred aspects, to claim its role in our lives as it enables us face peril with equanimity, to stand alone, to act with totality in the face of the unknown.

While drawing on stories and myths, invoking ritual, and engaging in experiential exercises, we will explore the warrior's true relation to vulnerability as we continue our journey toward discovering that within each of us which is inviolable. A goodly portion of the weekend will be outdoors on beautiful land.

August 17-27 The Vision Quest: A Wilderness Rite of Passage

Sparrow Hart Free Introductory Evening. Friday, May 29, 7:30-9:30 PM. The Vision Quest is an ancient rite of passage belonging to all people. It can take place at any age or stage of life, and involves the heroic journey of leaving familiar surroundings to enter the wilderness, not only of nature but of our own interior, to encounter the self and obtain the support and counsel of the profound, vital forces that reside there. The purpose of the Quest varies for each person, but involves a search for guidance and renewal, an opportunity to let one's old life and self die to be reborn to a new identity or new life purpose. The eleven day Quest assists each person in making a meaningful, successful passage through a transition, crisis, or phase of life.

The first four days are spent in preparation for the Quest, including instruction in the phases of initiation, the four shields model of Self nd psyche, archetypes and allegories of the heroic journey, emergency and survival procedures, the dynamics of fasting, and instruction in self-initiated ceremony. During the Quest, each participant spends four ays and nights alone, fasting on the earth. The last three days include a celebratory feast, elders' council, and other rituals to ground and integrate the lessons gained.

Fee: Before June 15: $550; Before July 15: $650. Before August 15: $750. Request brochure for more information. A phone interview with Sparrow Hart is required. Ideally, participants should sign up a month in advance in order to prepare for the journey.

THE DREAMWHEEL seeks to foster appreciation and skills in the art and practice of dreamwork as a vital aspect of inner life, which may contribute to the balance, healing, and restoration of personal and societal well-being. We offer programs for lay people and professionals that help individuals and groups to cultivate dreamwork as a resource that may bring to bear a depth of insight and wisdom on all manner of problems and possibilities, and to recover a sacred way of seeing. Dreamwork is transformative, and so we offer programs with presenters who are skilled and mature in working with the subtle but powerful energies of the creative unconscious, and who honor the source of wisdom and choice that lies within each person. For more information, contact The Dreamwheel 191 Sudbury Road, Concord, MA

01742-3423. E-mail: Tel & Fax: (978) 369-2634

Live Internet Radio Broadcast

DreamThread InterActive and Ktao 101.5 FM, Taos, New Mexico announce a live internet radio broadcast spotlight called Ariadne's DreamThread Workshop Wednesday evenings from 6:15pm to 6:45 pm Mountain Time. The show offers answers to the most asked questions about dreams, as well as live radio audience participation. What else!! And just in case you miss the show we will be offering you archived shows to download at your convenience. And to celebrate, DreamThread has a new look and new features dded to their site, including opening a DreamThread Shop of gifts and dream tools. Everything from dream pillows to dream spirit rattles and the soon to be published DreamThread Guide to Conscious Dreaming. Be there when we open the shop doors in cyberspace. Http:// and or email

Scribe and Dream Journal

Dream Wave/Dross LLP

Are you ready for a visually intriguing and intellectually stimulating adventure into the realm of dreams? If so, then Dream Wave's Scribe and Dream Journal should more than fulfill your needs. Scribe is full of practical information on recording and interpreting dreams as well as stimulating exercises, beautiful illustrations and a searchable dream journal, all accessible in an easy-to-navigate format. In addition, Scribe is designed to be interactive with Dream Wave's website, for a truly spontaneous experience of dreamwork.

Scribe comes with a variety of intriguing and useful features including Dreamages (a poetic primer on remembering one's dreams), Scribe (the dream diary), Dreamings (dream themes with sample dreams and interpretations) and Temple (an online guide to uncovering the underlying tone of the dream, and developing tasks to carry it's message upward into waking life). Scribe, which can be used as either (or both) a dream journal and daily diary, is a feature-rich text editor and database, allowing the dreamer to format font styles and colors, and to conduct searches by keywords, titles or dates. Because it is a database, dreams or records can also be sorted and browsed with ease, making it simple to intuitively follow or identify dream patterns and themes. Scribe's "Help" feature is extensive and extremely helpful, providing step-by-step guidance for all aspects of the program.

DreamWave's website, which integrates seamlessly with Scribe software, is also a delight, full of compatible dream

activities and participatory dream games, all enhanced by a highly textural environment containing art, poetry, color and movement.

Scribe is an aesthetically pleasing, playful and practical product, available for both Macs and PCs. For more

information on obtaining Scribe, contact: Dross, LLP, 439 East Main, Bozeman, Montana 59715, Telephone 406.586.8158, email, or visit the website at

Winter Solstice Community Dreaming

Part of the project "Alcheringa 2000 - Let us dream our future !", the Planetary dream 97 will take place the night of the WINTER SOLSTICE (20th to the 21st of december). Theme of the sharing dream will be : THE GATHERING. To start this special event, the night-club TRANCE BUDDHA in Amsterdam is giving a didgeridoo techno musik party the 18th of december. To participate, you can email to ONIROS/EASD

( or get the information at the URL address :

"Dream Talkin'" Dream Video

A new dream video, Dream Talkin', sometimes known as the dream hht-line, is now available for a $l0 donation to Anthony Dubetz sometimes known as Heratheta. This 40 minute video includes two interviews, one with paintings illustrating the discussion of dreams as pictures of entropy which should not be imitated. Heratheta has been giving opinions on the ed-core of Electric Dreams for a year now so if you would like to see how he gets his opinions, here's your chance. For more

information, contact

Anthony Dubetz, Box 34934, Chicago, Illinois 60634.


Sky Systems

Sky Systems has recently brought out a new dream software program, Dreamer 1.0 for Windows 95, which is featured in an online tour at their website. The software includes a dream journal, extensive search capabilities, a symbol dictionary, the ability to associate themes and words with dreams, and attach notes or keywords to journal entries.

Assembled in a simple Windows graphic interface, Dreamer is quick to install, user friendly and simple to understand. The main window allows the user to navigate between the Tracker, the Dictionary, Help and Security, which provides options for password protection. Using Dream Tracker, new dreams can be recorded in a text window, and have keywords and notes associated for later searching and browsing. otes are especially helpful in providing context for the dream. The dream database can be searched by date, keyword, or text, making it possible to find similar characters, themes or settings with ease. The Dictionary is completely user-defined -- e.g., the dreamer creates the definitions and meanings for symbols which feels most powerful to him or her. This allows the dreamer to enter definitions based on personal dreamwork, as well as research which might have revealed meaningful content.

Included with the software is a user's guide, offering quick starts and simple tutorials to familiarize the dreamer with the system. For more information on this product, contact Sky Systems, P.O. Box 3673, Amarillo, TX 79116, or visit the website at


R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S


British Television Looking for Life-Changing Dreams

Channel 4 is making a series of documentaries on Dreams to transmit in the United Kingdom next Spring. The producers are looking to talk to people who have had dreams that have changed their life in some way or another. Specific areas of interest include: Are you interested / adept in lucid dreaming - have you used it to change your day to day life? Are your dreams specifically symbolic - how do you interpret/work with them - have they led you to change your life? Have your dreams had a negative affect on your life - have you ever followed a dream and then wished you hadn't? If your dreams have changed your life, please call Producer Polly Renton on (44) 171 915 5400 or email at

Diana Dreams Sought

DreamThread InterActive is still collecting dreams about the death of Princess Diana as part of a research project called Dream Gatherers and will through the spring of 1998. We have collected many dreams some of which are posted on our site at


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


John Locatelli's Lucid Dreams

Visit John Locatelli's new website and learn more about his new book, "Lucid Dreams".




Update from the Association for the Study of Dreams

Just in case you missed this:

We've Moved. ASD now has its own domain

Many thanks to the

GMCC server for housing us since 1995!

If you maintain a Web site, please update your links to


----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

Getting the latest information on the Hawaii XV ASD International Conference, 1998 is now EASY. Just stop by and select the

conference page

to get the latest information, pictures and more.

----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

New Online Book Shop

That's right, Dream Books, Conference Tapes, Videos, CD,

DreamWheels, all

available and ready to be sent to you or a special someone for a Holiday

gift. When you buy from the ASD bookshop you are supporting dream education

at the same time.

----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------


THE HAWAII CONFERENCE on Alan Siegel has a special request for programs and presentations that might qualify for the Continuing Education program

at the Hawaii Conference.


Dreams and Film - Its finally online! Deirdre Barrett Dream Videophile has been collected for you to search out your favorite dream movies or find one that you have never heard of before now. The Editor's Notes from Alan

Siegel are also being updated.


SEARCH the ASD web site. Pick a topic and the search function will return all the links on the site that have the keyword you are looking for. Try it out!


Links to Dreaming Online: Though ASD does not endorse any

particular online dream project, we do recognize that there are a wide variety of approaches to dreams and dreaming and acknowledge this with our link page to the cyber

community of dreaming.

----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

The Bulletin Board is now up and sometime running. Stop by and ask a question about dreaming or propose a topic. Host Ad Christiaensen

----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

Art Gallery 97 If you were having trouble getting your pictures to load when you selected the thumbnails - it was not your browsers fault. These pictures have now been fixed and are available for viewing. Most were working. Soon we will display a new art piece each month on the front page.

Art Gallery 1996. The 1996 Berkeley Gallery is now back. See the special selection again in all its glory.


If you have questions or concerns about the ASD Web site you can contact me, Richard Catlett Wilkerson, at





Dreams Needed for Dream TV Production My name is Dave Gardner and I'm writing a treatment for a television show dealing with dreams. The program will feature re-enactments of real dreams that Americans have had, followed by a dream interpretation session. I'm in need of finding people who would be interested in:1. submiting their dream(s) to me to be considered for use in the program 2. talking about, analyzing, and having analyzed a dream on-camera (if his or her dream is chosen).The show will focus on dream interpretation from many different angles...spiritual, scientific, psychological, etc. I would therefore be interested in talking with researchers about different approaches to dream interpretation. If you have dreams you are willing to share and/or you want to just talk about your research or perspective on dreams, please e-mail me

DreamGate Online Dream Class for January

The DreamGate Class taught by Richard Wilkerson now has an upgraded syllabus. This class covers the full range of dream work and dream sharing from ancient and anthropological sources through 20th century psychology and science and includes

lucidity, spirituality, psi events, mutual dreaming, and the new dream venues online in cyberspace. Dream groups provided with each class via email. $29.99

From Robert Van de Castle about the Class "Great!"

For more on the 10 week, 20 lessons course, stop by

Or contact Richard Wilkerson

BADG Party on January 3, 1998

Hello fellow dreamers and dreamworkers!

On January 3, 1998 from 6 - midnight, I will be hosting a party for anyone interested in dreams. It is a informal potluck with a guest musician and will be held in the Novato Dream Library & Archive. This party is an established Bay Area Dream tradition and draws many talented, interesting and well-known dream

professional. Come and meet dream artists, educators, therapists, researchers, authors, organizer, networkers, healers and dream explorers! For more info. e-mail Jill Gregory at

Robert Van de Castle Web Site

The author of Our Dreaming Mind and long time dream researcher and pioneer, Robert Van de Castle, is now offering two special offers at his new web site.

1. For over 30 years Robert has been been working with

individuals and groups exploring the meaning and value of their dreams. In a new program, you can send two dreams, answer a few questions about them and fill out some brief personality

surveys. What you will get in return is a 30 minute tape where R.V.deC will:

A. Integrate the dreams with the personality material.

B. Comment on the meaning and value of the dream.

C. Provide feedback and comments on the dream imagery & text. D. Send the 30 minute tape via mail to you.

Contact email

2. R.V.deC is offering for sale a *personally inscribed* hard cover copy of OUR DREAMING MIND for $25.00 (publisher's price) plus $3.00 to cover postage and handling. This book has been used as a text in many dream courses and was selected as a Book of the Month Club alternate selection . A recent newsletter of the Transpersonal Psychology Association said that there were over 1800 dream books in print. After reviewing a large number of dream books , the reviewer stated - OUR DREAMING MIND " the most comphresive overview of dreams in

print" . To receive a copy , send to :

Robert Van de Castle Ph.D, 2791 Barrsden Farm , Charlottesville VA. 22911

DreamMap : Computer Database & Journaling System - Download Free

The Dream Map is a database to help you record and store your dreams. Dreams can be typed into the database with the date and the title of the dream.

DreamMap now available for Win95 and NT platform!! See caveats below.

There is a big difference between the Dream Map and an ordinary text only database. The Dream Map uses a hybrid text and

graphical data entry method to assist the dreamer in

understanding the dream. The Dream Map consists of five "filters" or "layers" through which you can categorize, expand and explore the dream content. These layers put dream content analysis methods into a graphical, interactive form. The dreamer explores the Spaces in the dream, the Characters in the dream, the

Artifacts in the dream, the Moods in the dream, and the Insights or messages from the dream. The combination of graphical layers and icon placements allows you to record and see interesting aspects of one dream or emerging patterns in many dreams.

Daniel Cummings

Jeremy Taylor Online

This site introduces you to former ASD president, and founding member Jeremy Taylor, author of Dream Work, Where People Fly and Water Runs Uphill: Using Dreams to Tap the Wisdom of the

Unconscious, and Living Labyrinth: Exploring Themes in Myths, Dreams and the Symbolism of Waking Life. The site contains a bibliography of recommended books on dream work, as well as brief explorations of common dream themes, current events and lecture schedules, more.

Part of the project Alcheringa 2000 - Let us dream our future !, the Planetary dream 97 will take place the night of the 20th to the 21st of december.

Theme of the sharing dream will be : THE GATHERING.

To start this special event, didgeridoo techno musik will be played at the night-club TRANCE BUDDHA in Amsterdam.

To participate, you can email to ONIROS/EASD

( or

get the information at the URL address :




Jan-Jun 1998 in Carpinteria, CA

"DreamTending" -- a six-month professional training. For more information, contact Pacific Graduate Institute, 249 Lambert Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013. Phone: 805-969-3626. Fax: 805-565-1932.

Jan 2-4 in Rowe Camp, MA

Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Doug Wilson at 413-339-4468 for more information.

Jan 3 in Novato, CA

Bay Area Holiday Dream Bash, 6pm-midnight. Call 415-897-7955 for more information

Jan 9-11 in Boulder Creek, NV

Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Sharon DeSanza at 702-293-7500 for more information.

Jan 14 in Pittsburgh, PA

The Dream Workshop will be meeting at 7 p.m. at 4836 Ellsworth Avenue (Friends Meeting House)in the Shadyside area. Call 241-7885 for more information, or

log onto www/nauticom/net/www/netcadet/

Jan 15 in San Luis Obispo, CA

Ongoing dream group at 7:00 pm at the office of Information Press, 3436 Sacramento Drive, #A. Come share your dreams and the dreams of others in a safe dream supportive environment. Group size limited to 10 dreamers and cost to participate is $2.00 per week. Please call (805)466-4395 to register.

Jan 16 - Mar 27 in Santa Cruz, CA

Dream Studies Certificate Program, Twin Lakes College of the Healing Arts, 1210 Brommer St., Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (408) 476-2152

Jan 16-17 in Jackson, MS

Jean Benedict Raffa, Ed.D., author of Dream Theatres of the Soul, will lead a workshop on dreamwork at the Episcopal Conference Center. For more information, contact Joyce Simmons. Phone: 601-982-5287; Fax: 601-981-9335.

Jan 16-18 in Sacramento, CA

Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Shirley Hewitt at 916-421-3051 for more information.

Jan 28 in Pittsburgh, PA

The Dream Workshop will be meeting at 7 p.m. at 4836 Ellsworth Avenue (Friends Meeting House)in the Shadyside area. Call 241-7885 for more information, or

log onto www/nauticom/net/www/netcadet/

Jan 29 - Feb 19 in Portland, OR

Gillian Holloway is teaching a four week course called Active Intuition and Dreams at Portland Community College, in Portland Oregon.For information call: 360/694-0201 or

Jan 30-Feb 1 in Jacksonville, FLA

Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Ed Brock at 904-723-5523 for more information.

Jan 30-Feb 6 in the Caribbean

Dream Cruise to the Caribbean. Call Power Places Tours for more information: Outside California at 800- 234-8687; In California at 714-487-3450, or visit the website at



== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V4 N12 ==

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **



Vol. 4 Number 12 - December 1997.

Happy Holiday Season to all our Dreams Section readers, dreamers and commentators. Best Wishes for a New Year full of growth, positive developments, and memorable dreams. Highlights from this issue: A backstage mystery, the case of a murdered child, directional aids, the quiet of the Hospice, the discovery of Jorge of the Gorge, a curious ride into the land between the living and the dead, a tour of a cathedral, betrayal and entrapment, comments on Tornados, oceanic experiences and a work break puzzle. Enjoy your visit to the pages of Electric Dreams.


(None this month)



I can't believe that it's almost 1998. The turn of the Century is just around the corner. ELECTRIC DREAMS goes into year #5. Our E-Zine keeps growing an developing into a unique resource I look forward to every month with amazement and wonder. New Dreamwork software resources, seminars, groups and books seem to be multiplying rapidly. It's a boom time for dreamers. My deadline for this issue has come and gone. Yikes!! May this New Year bring happiness and prosperity on all levels into your lives.

Bob Krumhansl

Dreams Section Editor


Thanks to all the dreamers who share their gems with the Electric Dreams community, and the dream appreciators who share their insight. Join in the fun and send us a dream or comment for the next issue!



(Up all night? Can't go to sleep? Read one of the old issues and send us your commentary - what if it were your dream? What does it tell you? The issue might even help you go back to sleep!!)


PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]

(See the TORNADOS Section)

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]

** Dream: BACKSTAGE by Madoosa (971129) **

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BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]

========================================== ==========================================

AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another reality]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

[This month brings us: Dolphins in WATER, and PIGS ...well sorta]

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]


BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

(Can you find Ike and Tina??)

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or jokes]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

(Check out Colorado Jorge in JOURNEYS for a new type of monitor)

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South, East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

== Commentary by Heratheta on Mound Dream (971125) ==

== Commentary by Heratheta on smashing/colorado drms (971212) ==

== Commentary by Heratheta on mail/stage/girl dreams (971130)==

== Commentary by Heratheta on hopping drm (971204) ==

== Commentary by Heratheta on different levels dream (971205) ==

== Commentary by Heratheta on hospice ocean drms (971205) ==

== Commentary by Heratheta on Sudden dream (971221) ==

== Commentary by Heratheta on easy dreams-making nightmares pay by heratheta (971209) ==

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]

** Dream: Murdered Child Dream by Feedform(971204)**

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and destruction/transformation]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

** Dream: Colorado Jorge by Penesthelia (971211) **

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

(See PIG under TRAPPED)

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]

** Dream: Mikidnis by Feedback Form (971127)**

** Dream: Last Ride by Feedback Form (971204)**

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

** Dream: EDGES OF THINGS by Ed T. (971018) **

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

** Dream: My Love by M (971105) **

== Commentary by Conan on My Love (971212)==

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

** Dream: Smashing the Earth by Penesthelia (971211) **

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

** Dream: Tornado by Feedback Form (971218) **

== Commentary by Conan on Tornado (971218) ==

== Commentary by Heratheta on tornado drm (971220) ==

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

** Dream: PIG by Feedback Form (971220) **

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

** Dream: Flying Car by Feedback Form (971222) **

== Commentary by Conan on Flying Car (971222) ==

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

** Dream: Ocean by Quiet (971204) **

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

** Dream: Unordered Mail by Feedback Form (971127) **

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

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PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]

(See the TORNADOS Section)

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]

** Dream: BACKSTAGE by Madoosa (971129) **

I have this dream that really doesn't make sense to me. It is a bunch of images. I see the backstage of a play, except the whole place is empty. Then I see a small round table standing in an empty hall. Then I see the backstage again. Then I hear a lady running down a dark alley in high heels. Then it goes back to the table, except there are gloves on it, black ones, then back to the lady in high heels. Then it goes to the table again, but this time there is a gun on it. This sequence continues over and over getting faster each time.


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BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]

========================================== ==========================================

AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another reality]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

[This month brings us: Dolphins in WATER, and PIGS ...well sorta]

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]


BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

(Can you find Ike and Tina??)

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or jokes]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

(Check out Colorado Jorge in JOURNEYS for a new type of monitor)

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South, East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

== Commentary by Heratheta on Mound Dream (971125) ==

avoid the temptation to be " as though" in your thoughts and deeds and you will know the people and things which possess that "as though" quality as dangerous so travel to the right or left of the motel from where you dreamed of it; until your next dream.

== Commentary by Heratheta on smashing/colorado drms (971212) ==

smashing dream told me to avoid "seems" in my thoughts and deeds and others and to seek harmony to the right or left of the classroom, looking at it from where I dreamt about it, until my next dream. colorado dream told me to avoid "very" in my thoughts and deeds and others and to seek harmony to the left or right of the rustic places, looking at them from where I dreamt about them, until my next dream.

== Commentary by Heratheta on mail/stage/girl dreams (971130)==

mail dream told us "casual" was out for that day and staying to the right or left of work from where you dreamed the dream was important. at least finding a place at work that would allow you to face to the right or left as above would be helpful if you had to go to work, stage dream told us "empty and black" was out for the day and right or left of the stage would have been helpful the girl dream told you to stay from what you knew for the day to the right or left of the girl or other worldly things I would be interested to know how often dreams of yours or others take place in the east northeast or west southwest from the sleepsite.

== Commentary by Heratheta on hopping drm (971204) ==

avoid "suddenly" and seek that peace to the right or left of the bars from where you dreamed them. this dream reminds me of one fred nietzche had where he was at a banquet and there was a green frog on his plate. he said all of a sudden he bolted it down to the surprise of the other guests. there were a rash of "suddenly" dreams a while back on this forum and all you can do is try to be more deliberate in your actions.

== Commentary by Heratheta on different levels dream (971205) ==

avoid "something" peacefully to the right or left of the trailer park from where this dream was dreamt.

== Commentary by Heratheta on hospice

ocean drms (971205) ==

avoid "tall thin and shrouded" peacefully to the right or left of the outside of your college from where you dreamt this dream

avoid scaring yourself or others in thought or deed and seek this to the left or right of the ocean from where you dreamt this dream

== Commentary by Heratheta on Sudden dream (971221) ==

"sudden" in your thoughts and actions as well as others is best avoided to the left or right of the bathroom, that is, from where this dream was dreamt. otherwise conflict's name today is "sudden" .

== Commentary by Heratheta on easy dreams-making nightmares pay by heratheta (971209) ==

seasons greetings richard, chicago tony here asking if electric dreams ed-core or perhaps someone else would be interested in offering the booklet of mine in installments free of charge in the cyberworld.

you once said there wasn't any money in these efforts and I agree there isn't. offering my perspective but as a curiosity it might appeal to someone. my computer is junk so maybe an ad to the above offer is the best way for I have no scanner or know how. guess it's the holiday giving spirit floating around that's rubbing me, aye. heratheta

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]

** Dream: Murdered Child Dream by Feedform (971204)**

Something about a murder of a child. It had different levels of dream reality. Watching a movie (I argued with someone about not liking movies) reporting, understanding it was a dream, but then having one around it that I kept flashing back to.

So there seemed to be the dual plot about the movie itself. It was a remake of an old black and white. It had famous stars in their youth. Ike and Tina turned were on the movie poster, which I saw in my mind as someone described it as we drove by the trailer park I lived near when I was a child.

The murder took place some where near there. Vaguely wooded (sinister - this is partially my reading of the place and the dream transformation.) there was a male narrator. Every time he got close to describing the grizzly death (by strangulation of the child I would get so upset I would change the dream but it kept returning.) One change we were in the house I lived in Newtown. I was an adult but possible not as old as I am now and my father and Marylou (that's his real life asst. of oh almost 30 years now) are coming to visit. One time I am in the kitchen - this was before I knew they were coming and I have a thin blanket wrapped around my neck and face(my real life preferred sleeping posture) it is the middle of the night and I hear someone at the front door. Since there really weren't any walls on main room (just the enormous fireplace in the middle of it all) and besides I was in the kitchen where the door was - right next to the counter) there is someone fiddling with the front door. Its pitch black outside and I feel petrified. But I realize it's Claude. He comes in w/ML and I realize she is drunk or something. I say I will make her up a bed. And go upstairs (loft area) to do so. The room is a mess of junk, piles of books, chords, plants spilled dirt, I am just moving the junk around to try and set up her bed. She is talking about going shopping with Claude for down comforters.

The flip flop with the murder starts again. This time I can hear people discussing (as if it were a trial the death of the child) grizzly strangulation, something about learning capability and its teacher. I can see it hanging in a tree. There are very frightening criminal element people in the woods with me. It's both already happened and threatening to do so. It is the trial and the act simultaneously.

As it becomes more and more real I hear details, "get to know" the possible killer -- that's really creepy. Like a personality back ground on the child murderer. (at same time I suspect he might also be the teacher) I am increasingly frightened. And my most lucid brain just wants NOTHING to do with this sordid mess and finally I pull out of the dream slowly and painfully.

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and destruction/transformation]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

** Dream: Hospice by Quiet (971204) **

I'm at a hospice in a building that looks like a nursing home. The woman who babysat me when I was a young child is walking through the building ahead of me. She just looks like a tall thin shrouded figure. I go into the main room in this area of the building which has 3 beds in it. I see a person in one bed with a blue shroud over her face. I think I should talk to the people here but I feel awkward because Im carrying my brown sweater and head phones. I decide to go back out, put them somewhere, then come back. On my way out I pass an older man in a bed. He's the only person who has a face in this dream. He looks at me for a second then rolls over abruptly with his face to the wall.

He seems very unhappy. I go outside into what looks like the outside area of my college to put my things down. I realize I have to hide them or someone will take them. I finally get a chance to hide them. I go back inside. I walk past a room where the older man I'd seen before is in a bed.

My babysitter is kneeling by him. He's crying. For a minute I think I should go in and talk to him but I decide not to intrude. I go out into the other room think "THIS is hospice" and feel like there's nothing I can say to anyone here.

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

** Dream: Colorado Jorge by Penesthelia (971211) **

I'm hiking with Annette and her family into a small town. There's a general store with lots of flowers outside, very rustic. We go inside to shop, and now my brother's's here. There's also a female magician doing card tricks. Later, my family and I have hiked out to a gorge. There's an old man standing at the top of a waterfall, looking out at the gorge. It's as big as the Grand Canyon and is completely filled with water. The man is Colorado Jorge, and he discovered this area. Now it's the present, and the lake is gone, drained by California for drinking water. There are strange rock formations in the basin: flecked granite in the shape of giant vases. My mom and I wander about. The path is stony, and there are all these streams of water running over our feet. There's a viewscreen in the rock, and it's showing all the best Web sites. They look spectacular.

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

(See PIG under TRAPPED)

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]

** Dream: Mikidnis by Feedback Form (971127)**

I see a beautiful young woman who is crying and I know that name is Mikidnis (and that the "s" is silent). She is standing and facing me. She has an "other worldly" look about her.

** Dream: Last Ride by Feedback Form (971204)**

I dreamed that I was down town hopping from bar to bar, and having a really good time. All of a sudden I sense that my husband and children needed me at home. I had no car, and could not find a phone to call a cab.

My x- boyfriend shows up in a brand new convertible, and offers to give me a ride. I accept, because I knew him and knew that he would get me home without harming me. He says that he has to take a couple of friends home first, and I look in the back and see 2 guys that I have never met before, and they are really drunk. When he pulls out of the street, my x, whom I will call Bob, takes off at dangerous speed. I told him that he needed to slow down, and he comments on how I never used to want things to slow down. He just laughs, and revs the engine.

We finally pull into his friends drive way, but the drive way is on a steep hill, and when we get to the top, there is a drop of about 30 feet. Bob pulls up to quickly, and we go tumbling over the side. Instead of me falling to my death, I floated harmlessly to the bottom.

At this point I'm full of relief that we could survive such a horrible accident, and then I notice that Bobs friend has been trapped under the car, and that he looks dead. I started yelling for someone to call an ambulance, but no one will, because for some reason they are afraid they will go to jail.

Then all of a sudden, I'm standing in this huge wooden building, and I can't get out. There are all of these people standing around, but no one will speak to me. I'm asking everyone if they will tell me how to find my way out because I have a husband and children that need me at home. No one will help.

Then it occurred to me that this was no ordinary building. I was in a place between the living and the dead. I started to freak out, thinking that the car wreck had actually happened and that I was in surgery right now being operated on. This is where I was to wait until it was decided whether or not the doctors would save me.!

I started to cry, thinking of all the people that I would be leaving behind, and what a hard life that my husband was going to have trying to raise 3 little children all on his own, and how hard it was going to be on my children to loose their children at such a young age that they would barely be able to remember me, not to mention the fact that I didn't want to leave everyone yet. I was going to miss them all terribly. I was imagining that all of my friends and family were at the hospital right now, waiting to hear news from the surgeons operating on me. Then the most beautiful little boy that I had ever seen walked up to me. He appeared to be about 4 years old. He had the prettiest blue eyes and blonde hair that I had ever seen on a child. I asked him if he could show me the door out, because I had to get back. I explained to him that I had a family to take care of. He then took my hand and led me to a door. I remember being saddened that such a young and pretty child had died, so I asked him what had happened to him. He just smiled and said that he had never died, this is where he lived. I then asked him if I was going to have any permanent damage from the car wreck, and he replied that I was going to be fine. There was no car wreck. I had almost died in my sleep. I then walked out the door and woke up.

I just thought that someone might find this dream interesting. I thought that it was pretty wild.

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

** Dream: EDGES OF THINGS by Ed T. (971018) **

I am a priest or an acolyte or a person attending to prayer. I am in the nave of what looks like an old style cathedral like the old St J Cathedral or St. Patrick's in NYC or St PA's. The quiet interior is dark. The outlines of flutings and moldings of columns rise and the rows of pews fade horizontally into the dimness and quiet. I go to the front doors to close lock and exit the church.

One door remains unlocked there and I do not have the keys. I grope along the doors edge for a button set into the door's latch that can set the lock for that door. I find it and press the button setting it inward. Then I hear a creak behind me in the interior like an old building noise. Someone may be moving there in the dark.

I think to myself it must be a janitor and I close the door and hastily leave. I guess I am feeling some anxiety at what might be in the dark back there in the cathedral. When I exit I find myself at the side of the cathedral not the front after all. I descend a few stairs to a courtyard lined by the aging brownstone with a few trees with shrubs and flower beds like at the space between the church and the meeting center at St PA, but in my mind in the dream like the space between the old cathedral and its chancery. The light here is dim and muted; there is an out of doors stillness. At arriving at the lower courtyard I turn and walk towards the back.

The door opens above and behind me and Father Sherer emerges. He is an aging gentle man in black attire, balding, reserved and warm, his face is creased by soft lines of merriment and years of joy at touching the good and the light. I walk briskly towards the rear to be on my way and disengage from him, escape.

Father calls me and I halt, caught, and turn to him. He says that while I am on duty I must take care of the candles. I go back

with him and we gather the huge white candles that are in use and remove from them the drippings and strip them of the chips and blobs of wax that have run along their sides. Then we arrange the candles, thick as my arm and as long, onto the altar in an uneven pile. Mass is said over them.

While I pray or assist or con - celebrate this mass with the white columns shining on the alter, I am aware that I can be cleansed, healed in a special way by participating in this prayer/action. I can ask for and receive any reparation while saying this mass. And I may ask any of my friends, or those who have need for it, to attend and receive similar benefits of cleansing as well.

Thanks for reading my dream. Any questions or thoughts I would welcome. I am not a priest in waking life.

Yours very truly,

Ed T.

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

** Dream: My Love by M (971105) **

Type: Mystery Date of Dream: Nov.5, 1997 4:30am

I really like him. He is really short. IN my dream he is standing in front of my church where my ex-boy used to go. My best friend is in his face trying to kiss him which is extremely unlike her. He is getting taller and taller until he is out of her reach. He looks tall in comparison to her but is still my height. I never really see myself, it is like I'm in the background watching this scenario. I never get a resolution, I just wake up.


Comments by Dreamer I felt so betrayed Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

== Commentary by Conan on My Love (971212)==

What an interesting dream! Lots that can be interpreted in various ways here. Mine is only my own insignificant thoughts. Take them or leave them as you see fit. The "he" person, that is the new boyfriend, is actually a part of you, some part you really like, maybe your sense of independence. It begins small, maybe because it's something you never took very seriously, but grows as your best friend gives him, or maybe it's actually you, attention. The best friend could represent some aspect of yourself or life that you had always depended on for your sense of security; family, beliefs, some aspect of Self, whatever. As the object of your affection, which could be you, grows, it's eventually out of reach of the "best friend." Could be that you had always thought of the "best friend" as any part of you or of life that you had always considered dependable or comfortable, but now you realize that this OTHER object of your affection, is really all you need to depend on. What I mean is that this betrayal could actually be the anxiety about growth and independence, as what you had thought was dependable fades away to be replaced by your own abilities and knowledge. The church is interesting. Churches usually symbolize a place where all your spiritual growth or belief systems are encompassed. However, you were not actually INSIDE the church, which may suggest that you felt a kind of rift within yourself about what you had always held to be sacred or worthy of your faith, or it could represent your sense that you are unworthy to enter, you're too full of guilt. You may associate this sense of guilt or inadequacy with whatever the growth process it was you'd been going though on the "church" steps, causing you to stop depending on your "best friend" and instead depending on what ever the new love of your life represented, independence or a new belief structure. Ultimately, you should try to forgive yourself, or try to forgive whomever it is that is keeping you in a state of guilt for the simple act of growing up. My thoughts, and thanks for your time! -- Conan

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

** Dream: Smashing the Earth by Penesthelia (971211) **

I'm in a classroom, but it also seems to be the bridge of the Enterprise. I'm a being like Q (from Star Trek). There's a diorama of space in front of me, it's almost as if it is actually space and a representation of it at the same time. I have a hammer in my hand, which I use to knock out some of the lights/stars. Then I throw the hammer over my shoulder and smash the Earth. It's made of granite, and breaks into chunks. One chunk is still suspended by a thread, and I examine the shapes of the continents engraved in the stone. There's only one continent--Pangea.

Penesthelia (Could someone let me know where this name comes from?)

Thank you

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

** Dream: Tornado by Feedback Form (971218) **

I dream twice of a tornado and five days after, A REAL tornado came to life

== Commentary by Conan on Tornado (971218) ==

Hi everybody, I apologize for my long silence. I've just been busy with Stuff. Anyway, I couldn't resist this one. Tornados have a personal significance for me. They always symbolize death and transition. I have had many dreams where I was in a place under an extreme tornado watch. I usually spent most of the dream seeking shelter for myself and my loved ones. Eventually the tornado would strike in the form of several dozen very large, Steven Speilbergy twisters, towering miles into the sky, broad, black/gray and purple. The things usually kill me and anyone else nearby, and I end up in the Next Life, which is usually something like flying at hyperspace through the universe without a space ship; dark and lonely due to the vastness of the universe. There I usually meet someone of profound wisdom, although not always in the form I'd expected. Once it even showed up in the form of a small child. Anyway, as to precognition, I think the significance of this would have to do with what region you live in and if there had been mention of tornados on the news. If folks in your region had been warned that a tornado was likely, then a dream about tornados would be likely as well, and so the precognition would be more a form of anticipation. If you live in Tornado Alley, there again, a tornado wouldn't be the biggest of surprises. However, if you live in a region where tornados are rare and there had been no mention of tornados on the news, THEN I'd say "wow; precognition." Either way, tornados are a lot of fun dreamwize. A lot of us have the Wizard of Oz tornado nested somewhere in our subconscious. What did the Wizard of Oz tornado do? It transported the protagonist to a new world full of new experiences, discoveries and adventures; not such a bad thing. It could symbolize your own anticipation of some significant change or adventure. On a more subtle level, tornados can symbolize our own inner tempests, rage, hate or other strong negative or destructive emotions. Thanks for your time -- Conan

== Commentary by Heratheta on tornado drm (971220) ==

of course it's precognitive, all dreams are. but, how thick the fur will fly is another matter and how soon this will all occur is yet another matter still. people have been waiting for 2000 yrs. for a messiah 5 days for your tornado ain't bad. it's like seeing a train's light glimmering way down the tracks. you know its down there but exactly how far is not easy to tell and in what condition it finally arrives in time depends on whether it is delayed by whatever or if you will keep your position constant. it's light arrived and your knowledge of what that light was arrived that's for sure. how the dream affected you while you dreamt it you didn't say but whatever that affectation was would have occurred in a thinner way before the tornadoes 5 days later. you also didn't say where they came from geographically but if they were as most coming from the southwest a good prevention technique to avoid them would have been to travel northwest or southeast while not imitating their characteristics. thanks for a very interesting dream. lately i've been considering dreams to be scents and like animals being preyed upon by other animals its not a good idea to travel downwind of your own scent lest you walk into the belly of the beast who's sniffing you out. and traveling upwind of your scent does not always guarantee safety since a faster animal than you can catch you from behind. thus the sideways path 90 degrees away from your own scent is most logical for me. considering dreams to be a potpourri of scents, belies the sense of what you may be capable of smelling as an individual and how well you react to the aromas of life is your fate and position on the spiraling food chain we call cosmos. the amino acid phenoalanine is particularly aromatic and is outstanding in the grains and milk products which most grazing animals eat and create. we know where these ruminants end up, though caesar and ghandi couldn't laugh.

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

** Dream: PIG by Feedback Form (971220) **

On Saturday, December 20, 1997 at 13:26:11, the following data was submitted from

Dream Title : PIG Date of Dream: Dec./97- 6:00pm Dream

I'm in a washroom that I've never seen before and I'm in a stall. Beside me is another toilet and on it is my close friend Heather. We chat about things I can't remember and all of a sudden I'm in the shower. Seconds later, a bunch of guys ( some I know very well and some I've never seen before) come parading into the shower room and take me out of the shower. I'm naked. Some have my ankles and some have my arms, swinging me back and forward yelling things I can't remember. Outside is a pool and I'm there now in front of hundred's of people including the guys from the shower room. There's a microphone on a chair, so I grab it quickly. "PIG, PIG, PIG..." I yell at these boys from the top of my lungs. I'm not impressed with them at all. In my dream I'm not impressed with any guys at all. I hate them all. PIGS.

Comments by Dreamer: I've had three dreams where I've been naked in the past month.

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

** Dream: Flying Car by Feedback Form (971222) **

I dreamt that I was standing near my car and saw a stuffed dummy that looked like myself in the driver's seat. I felt the urge to get to my car, when it started flying away from me. The dummy was flying my car with one hand and waving goodbye to me with the other.

As the car flew out of view, I anticipated hearing it crash as it was being driven by a dummy, but I could not hear a crash and I cannot remember seeing my car or the dummy again.

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

== Commentary by Conan on Flying Car (971222) ==

These are just a few of my insignificant thoughts. Take them or leave them as you see fit. Generally a CAR represents your body or possibly your life or your Self. Under most circumstances, you are in the driver's seat, probably struggling for control, sometimes headed for a crash, but generally people drive their own lives.

In this case a dummy has taken over your CAR, or your life, and left you behind via actual flight. Now this is strange, because cars usually roll along on four wheels. The act of flight represents either escape from ourselves or the pursuit of higher, more spiritual or even "flighty" ideas.

What's also pretty hair-raising is that dummies are usually passive, inanimate objects for others to push around, but in this case, the dummy is in no way passive, actually coming to life, stealing your car and having the temerity to wave good bye to you! My guess is that the dummy is some part of yourself that you've disowned as "stupid," dumb or irresponsible. You deny that it's a part of yourself, even though it had the ability to take over your life and wave good bye.

Perhaps you feel that you've lost control of some aspect of your life, and you blame the dummy (that part of you that you don't like) for taking flight, against the compulsions of your generally more sensible self, in pursuit of some creative, silly or more spiritual fancies. You expect disaster, a crash, to come of this, because for some reason, you've allowed your less level headed side to take over, but no crash comes. Because maybe, whether you like it or not, the dummy IS you, you're still in control, and quite possibly, you need to stop, meditate on what's been going on, and take responsibility for your own actions. This isn't as negative as it sounds, because flight in dreams is usually indicative of something simultaneously positive and a little scary, so maybe whatever it is that's going on is too "out there" for your taste, and yet, hey, maybe it's also something pretty cool, spiritually speaking. Just my insignificant thoughts. Thanks -- Conan

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

** Dream: Ocean by Quiet (971204) **

I'm floating in the ocean with my mother. There are two ways to get back to land. In one direction I would have to swim over a giant wave. In the other the water just turns into a little river that goes up into the land. My mom jumps up out of the water like a dolphin dives down beneath the surface and starts to swim away. I'm afraid because I know she's going the direction of the wave

I can't swim well enough to go that way, but I don't want to go the other way alone. I try to grab her foot but she's already too far. I think of yelling after her but I know she won't hear me underwater. So I start to swim off in my own direction, but I have a brown sweater in each of my hands, which I know will slow me down too much.

I won't make it. I try to float on my back while I figure out what to do with them. I decide I should climb up on this ledge and put them somewhere until later, maybe hide them. Then I'm over on another ledge by the big wave. I'd swam back the way I was afraid of. My mother has turned into a guy I know and he says "I knew you'd make it" but it sounds like he's just rationalizing to himself that he left me out there.

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

** Dream: Unordered Mail by Feedback Form (971127) **

It is Saturday morning and I am at work -- it is a quiet time usually; no phone calls; a good time to get things done -- and there are others here too. We are casually dressed; I am wearing a white shirt but it is open at the collar (no tie) and the sleeves are unbuttoned and loosely rolled up. I am back talking to our office manager when someone tells me that there is a package of books on plants and gardening here which must be signed for. I start to walk to the reception area but see that the postal worker has wheeled a trunk into my office. I go in there and tell him (he is our regular mail deliverer) that I didn't order them -- that I suspect that one of our marketing people did -- and that, before I sign for them I want to see how much the cost is. I read the shipping documents and find that the cost is $37.50. I grin and tell the deliverer that, "I guess we can afford $40 if we have to pay it" and I sign the receipt.

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

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(None this month)

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Well, that's all for now Folks. Happy New Year!

See you in ED 5.1.

Hasta La Vista!

Bob Krumhansl

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media approaches. Send to:

Richard Wilkerson <>


SUBMITTING NEWS and Calendar events related to dreaming. We usually have a deadline at the 15th of each month. Send all events and news to Peggy Coats <>

SENDING IN QUESTIONS, Replies and Concerns about dreams and dreaming. We don't pretend to be the final authority on dreams, but we will submit you questions to our network and other Internet networks. Also, you are free to post special interest requests. Send those to Victoria Quinton


JOINING DREAM GROUPS sponsored by Electric Dreams. If you are interested in joining a group to discuss your dream with peers, contact Linley Joy

JOINING DISCUSSIONS ON DREAMING. Electric Dreams in conjucntion with DreamGate support the Oneiro-Network, and you can join their mail list by sending an e-mail


SUBJECT: Sub me (or anything, this line is not read)

In the BODY of the E-mail put only:

subscribe dreamgroup-c

In a short while you will receive a welcome letter and subscription acknowledgment.

Attach your own web page to Electric Dreams. Do you have an idea for a dream page, but no web site? Send that page to Matthew Parry. If you need help with creating the web page, contact Matthew for about classes. <>


Thanks to Matthew Parry:

From here you will have access to information about Electric Dreams, back issues, FAQ and other online dream resources.

NEED A COVER for your issues of Electric Dreams? We now provide them and you can download them at

or, if you have a black&White printer, you can in Netscape choose the "Print..." option while on the page you wish and get B&W copy that is adjusted to your paper size.

Backissue covers are available at:



or if you can't get through there, send your browser to:


Also available via Delphi and

America On Line:

Keyword: writer

\writers club library

\writers club e-zines

Available via Delphi

UK and both versions are

available on Dan P.'s BBS:

PsychoNautica BBS +44 0181 764 1446.

Thanks to ONIROS for mentioning ED in your Magazine in France!

Thanks to Compuserve New Age Forum for ED info Posts.

To access the New Age B Forum From CompuServe Information Manager 1.4 :

1) In the CIM program, pull down the Services menu

2) Select Browse

3) On the Main Services Menu, click the Home /Leisure icon

4) Then, Click: Special Interests icon

5) Then, Click: Religion option

6) Then, Click: New Age B Forum option (also referred to as NEWBAGE)

7) Then, Enjoy.

Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine list:


Thanks to Todd Kuiper for listing us on his e-zine list:

Thanks for the listing in The eZines Database Collection:


Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the Electric Dreams project.

Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in the

FAQ files at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid and for other Usenet Newsgroups for allowing us to continually post messages.

Thanks to our many web links!


The Electric Dreams Staff


Peggy Coats - News & Calender Events Director

Linley Joy - Dream Group Moderator

Bob Krumhansl - Editor & Dream Editor

Matthew Parry - Web Master

Nutcracker - Dream Journals & Dream Reaper

Victoria Quinton- Questions & Answers Editor

mermaid 8*)

Jesse Reklaw - Art Director & cover Designs

Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director

Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles & Subscriptions

+ The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue to your dreams!

+ The generous authors of our articles

+ The delightful dreamers and commentators

+ Special thanks to Catherine Decker & Jay Vinton


All dream and article text and art are considered (C)opyright by the writers, artists and dreamers themselves. Anyone other than the authors may use or reprint the text for non-commercial use, but all other use by anyone other than the author must be with the permission of either the author or the current Electric Dreams dream editor.




Electric Dreams is an independent electronic publication not affiliated with any other organization. The views of our commentators are personal views and not intended as professional advise or psychotherapy.


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