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Electric Dreams Volume 04 Issue 04

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Published in 
Electric Dreams
 · 1 Jan 2021


"I wake up in the morning

with a dream in my eyes"

Allen Ginsberg

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Volume 4 Issue #4

28 April 1996

ISSN# 1089 4284


Electric Dreams - on the World Wide Web


-- Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:

Bob Krumhansl <>

-- Send Dream Questions and Concerns to

Victoria Quinton <>

--Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:

Peggy Coats <>

-- Send Requests for Dream Groups to:

Chris Hicks <>

--Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:

Richard Wilkerson: <>

--For back issues, editors addresses

and other access & Staff see


at the end of this issue


Download a GREAT COVER for Electric Dreams 4(4)!

Cover by Richard Wilkerson



++ Editors' Notes

++ Help out Electric Dreams -

Be an Electric Dreamer!

++ Dream Airing Column - Victoria Quinton

- Dream Songs

- Students seek help in dream info

- Dream Programs for Mac?

- Dream Senoi controversy

- Tribute to Allen Ginsberg at DreamWave

++ Cyber-Dream Library!

By Richard Wilkerson

++ Article: Worlds Without War

By Anna Racicot

++ Interview : DreamThread: Unravelling the Mysteries

of your Dreams

An interview with Ariadne Green (RCW)

++ Column: Life, Art Dream : Crying

By Alissa Goldring

++ Guest Column: Stop Sleeping Through Your Dreams

Part VI by Charles McPhee

++ Article: Eternal Return by Eugene Marks

+ Reprint of Interview with EM

++ Topics in Dreamwork Series : Dreams and Surrealism

By Richard Wilkerson

++ Column: Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:

Dreaming Through the Houses: 4th House

G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats



- ASD Conference Update

- Electric Dreams -- Dream Library

- DreamWave Introduces Shareware Dream Diary

XXX Late Breaking News XXX

The Dream Study Institute of Ghent

Dream Message Site Now Open


- Volunteers Sought for Computer Room at ASD Conference

- Dream Songs and Music Project

- Dream Bibliography Project

- Waking and Sleep Experience Research Participants Needed


- An Invitation to Celebrate the Launch of DreamThread


- PowWow Get-togethers

- IRC Get-togethers



May 14, WED deadline for submission

FOR Next Electric Dreams vol4(5)



Editor's Notes


T. S. Eliot may feel that April is the cruelest month, but for
dreaming in Cyberspace its the coolest month. Programs in dreams
and dreaming are springing up everywhere and the choices of what
to do are endless.

In an attempt to organize these online dream offerings, we
have been continually updating the Electric Dreams Resource Page

and trying to make every entry annotated and categorized. Please
stop by and make sure your links are there and the quote you want
is up. Now, in an attempt to make the articles on dreams
available, the Electric Dreams Cyber-Dream Library has opened its

Here you can find the articles in ED backissues as well as tons
of other resources.

This month in Electric Dreams, we have a special guest
article from Anna Racicot, who wrote for Nightlife, a dream
sharing magazine (out of print) that we see as on of our
predecessors offline. In Worlds without War, Anna explores
alternative paths in lucid dreaming.

Ariadne Green has opened DreamThread, and is ready to lead
you through the labyrinth of urban shamanism and dreams. You can
learn all about this in an interview we conducted with her this
month as well as info in GD news.

Eugene Marks returns, eternally. In this article you will
explore the mysteries of modern dreamtime. I'm reprinting the
interview for those who would like more context.

Speaking of returning, Alissa Goldring continues her Life,
Art, Dream column, this month with "Crying". As usual, you can
visit her site and see the graphics that emerge from her dreams.

Charles Mcphee continues his chapter summaries of _Stop
Sleeping Through Your Dreams_, a lucid account of consciousness
during sleep. You can visit his site for back articles and
discussions with the author.

Topics in Dreamwork this month focus on how dreams and
surrealism fit together and what they still provide for us. Next
month will be Phenomenology and Dreaming.

Madame Aionia explores dreams astrologically related to
the 4th House and how they may benefit and serve us.

Also - be sure to read the Dream Airing column, help out
on our kids dream project, learn about the Senoi and send in more
dream related songs you know!

The Global Dreaming News this month includes several new
sites and dream projects. I'd like to especially draw you
attention to the ASD, Association for the Study of Dreams
conference that is just around the corner. If you can't be at
the conference, plan to visit the programs online. And if you
haven't joined ASD, I'd like to invite you to do so. Not only are
the discounts on the conferences just wonderful, but you get
*both* the ASD Newsletter DreamTime, but also the quarterly
journal _Dreaming_. And if you mention that you heard about ASD
here when you sign up, you get a bonus ASD pen or bag or
something like that.

I won't be at the conference in the flesh, but I do have an
online project - the History of Dreaming In Cyberspace web site
I'm putting together for the show. If you are not on the site and
feel you are part of the history of dreaming online, get a hold
of me at

-Richard Wilkerson

Highlights from this issue's Dream Section: More comments on
Recall and Memory surface. A "second" dream from Childhood still
lives on. How does one approach Death Dreams - ends or
beginnings? A couple Cult Dreams tackle the issue of leadership &
following. An End Of The World Dream is listed under the Water
Category. Relationship Dreams come to the top of the barrel this
month with several contributions. Mummies and Mommies and talking
statues appear under Religious Related themes. A question arises
on Music in Dreams. Tornado dreams reappear - Twisters live on.
Tracer Elements described in a previous ED inspire some Tracer
Element dreams under Communication. See the Writing section for a
Writer/Speaker dream. We also have several commentaries on Dreams
from previous issues. Enjoy! Bob Krumhansal


Help out Electric Dreams -

Be an Electric Dreamer!


Electric Dreams continues to offer a wide variety of free
dreamsharing venues and this means we log a lot of online time.
It is fun and we do this because we love it! But sometimes we
can't keep up with all the networking tasks and then the quality
is diminished in our programs.

And not everyone has the time to be a staff member (though if
you *do* have the time and desire, drop me a line!).

And so we would like to ask for ELECTRIC DREAMERS - volunteers
who can give just a few minutes every week or even once a month.
Here are some of the ED areas that Electric Dreamers might help

- Co-Moderate a dream group.

- Start a column on ED about your favorite topic in dreams.

- Post a few dreams to a few Newsgroups or Mail lists.

- Post an ad regularly to a Newsgroup you will "sponsor".

- Post an ad to a mail list you will "sponsor".

- Post an ad to a SIG at your commercial online carrier.

- Surf the net for new dream web sites.

- Surf Educational college sites for dream bibliographies

- Send in addresses of magazine departments that might like to
carry a story about dream sharing in cyberspace

- Send in local resources on dreams - groups, schools, lectures,
library resources, newsletters and new age papers.

- Check you Yellow Pages for schools and ask what programs or
classes on dreams and dreaming dreams are available.

- Many other projects available!

Be and Electric Dreamer, sign up today...

Note: If you have offered your time before and I haven't gotten
back to you, it is only because I've lost your request. Please

contact Richard Wilkerson


Dream Airing Column - Victoria Quinton


Do you have questions, answers, comments, replies? This is your
column to communicate with the rest of the Electric Dream
Community, so just send those email to me at

There is a special Tribute to Allen Ginsberg on DreamWave with
many dream quotes and links to other sites.

Allen Ginsberg

Born : June 3, 1926

Place of Birth : Newark, New Jersey

Died: the morning of April 5, 1997.

For Dick Mcleester's song list collection

O.K. Top ten dream songs:

1) All I Have To Do Is Dream Everly Bros.

2) California Dreamin' The Mamas & the Papas

3) Bob Dylan's 115th Dream Bob Dylan

3b) I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine Bob Dylan

4) If I Can Dream Elvis Presley

5) Dream Lover Bobby Darin

6) Day-Dream The Lovin' Spoonful

7) Dreams Fleetwood Mac

8) I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night The Electric Prunes

9) Golden Slumbers The Beatles (cheated)

10) Dream A Little Dream Of Me Cass Elliot

Well, that's all we can think of right now. See you later.

Best, Nancy, Darryl, & Ronnie


I was wondering if you knew if there are any dream journal
programs for

the MAC? All the ones I've come across are for PC only.


Hi NV : You are in *LUCK* . This month Dreamwave is offering a
shareware version

Also, look in the in the Electric Dreams Resources - Dan
Cummings has a program for the Mac, its not exactly just a dream
journal, but I think includes one.

select online resources and Dream Software

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm very interested in stuff about dreaming, and I'm now
doing a school

project. Would you please answer me the following questions?

1. What is dream? How do you define it?

2. Why do we dream? What are the causes?

3. When do people usually dream? Do we have dream everytime we

4. How long does a dream last?

5. Does everyone dream? Some people claim that they don't have
dreams, is it

really they don't or they can't remember?

6. What kind of people dream most? Why?

7. Why do we always can't remember our dreams even though we are
sure we've

dreamed of something that night?

8. Do external stimuli affect the dreams? How?

9. Do our dreams relate to our waking life?

10. Are the things we dream about true or not?

11. Why do we sometimes dream of the same thing over and over

12. Sometimes we wake at the middle of a dream, is it possible to
continue the

dream when we sleep again? If yes, how can we do so?

13. Do dreams predict our future? Is dream a fortuneteller?

14. What causes nightmares?

15. Can we share dreams with others?

16. Is there a reason for every dream we have? How can we
interpret our


17. Why do we usually cannot see ourself in the dreams?

18. Is it true that we will feel more tired the next morning if
we have more

dreams that night?

19. Is it possible for us to stop dreaming?

I will be appreciated if you can send me the answers of the
above questions

as soon as possible. Also, may I have your name? Would you please
tell me what

and where you work? What should I study in the university if I
want to have a

career about dream analysis?

My e-mail address is:

Thank you very much for your help.

Yours faithfully,

Vivian Yuen



My friend told me about a primitive tribe called the Senoi who
used to share dreams every morning and this kept the members of
the tribe from every being sick. Have you heard anything about
them and is there more information I can get about them? Sal

Hi Sal, here's may quick take on the Senoi situation:

The Senoi are one of the great debates in dreaming, and the
controversy has a long history and the still rages on at dream
gatherings and in dream texts.

The Senoi are (were) a Malaysian hunting and gathering tribe
brought to the attention of the West by Kilton Stewart. His
descriptions of this happy tribe, free of disease and mental
illness due to their morning dream sharing and techniques of
dream control, were first described in the early 1950's though
the research itself took place before the Second World War.

But outside of the isolated references by the dream content
psychologist Calvin Hall, the information was relatively unknown.
Then Charles Tart (or a friend of his - Charles can't remember)
rediscovered Kilton's writings and made them available at Esalen,
the experimental retreat center in Big Sur, California. The ideas
became part of a larger program to find the best in self
development and consciousness raising techniques which were to be
distributed into the mainstream education system. The program
floundered, but Tart and George Leonard, a journalist/educational
theorist, both wrote popular books that included information on
the Senoi.

With the growing frustration with urbanization, technology
and Western values arising out of the Vietnam War conflict, the
appeal of more earthy, simpler paths arose and with it the
valorization of native and primitive cultural patterns and living
styles. In the early 70's both Ann Faraday and Patricia Garfield
used the Senoi as models in their popular books and Garfield even
had a chance to talk with some Senoi that were working in a
hospital she visited in the area. The dreamwork principles are
summarized by Domhoff: (via Stewart and Garfield) (1985, pg 9)
and still valuable and worth repeating:

1. Always confront and conquer danger in dreams. If an animal
looms out of the jungle, go toward it. If someone attacks you,
fight back.

2. Always move toward pleasurable experiences in dreams, If you
are attracted to someone in a dream, feel free to turn the
attraction into a full sexual experience, If you are enjoying the
pleasurable sensations of flying or swing, relax and experience
them fully.

3. Always make your dreams have a positive outcome and extract a
creative product form them. Best of all in this regard, try to
obtain a gift from the dream images, such as a poem, a song, a
dance, a design, or a painting.

Later researchers could not find any evidence of that the tribe
practiced this morning ritual and by the early 1980's other
critics left the reality of the Senoi in question. The most
critical of these researchers was G. William Domhoff, and in his
1985 _The Mystique of Dreams_ he "debunks" the whole affair and
argues not only do the Senoi people show no signs of having
practiced these techniques but that the whole program as adopted
by Westerners only promotes the very control and manipulation of
the environment it ardently is meant to offer an alternative for
in the first place.

But the critiques have not caused much despair. Most have
felt that the Senoi are an important inner metaphor of our
desires and valid as such. For an example of this creativity, see
Strephon Kaplan Williams' Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork Manual, the
culmination of a myriad of wonderful approaches to the dream
inspired by Jung , the Senoi and his work in areas of healing and

Recently some, like Jeremy Taylor, feel the criticisms of
the Senoi to be exaggerated and feel that the evidence against
them came from the tribe after it had been destroyed by contact
with the modern world. They had been pretty much decimated by the
Japanese occupations of Malaysia.

The controversy continues, as is evidenced by the very heated
discussions found in 1996 issues of the Association for the Study
of Dreams (ASD) newsletters between Taylor and Domhoff. The
discussion continued in a 1996 panel discussion at the ASD
convention in Berkeley which included Allen Flagg. Flagg, who
married Stewart's wife after his death. Flagg has plans to bring
the work more into the public domain, following the lead of
Kilton and Clara Stewart who also taught classes on the Senoi
dream control techniques and talked about plans of creating an

For books and articles on the Senoi, Kilton Steward, Domhoff and
others, see the Electric Dreams DREAM BIBS Look under the
Richard Wilkerson collection


Cyber-Dream Library!

Richard Wilkerson


In a continuing attempt to organize all the material about
dreams and dreaming online, the Electric Dreams Cyber-Dream
Library is now open. Here you will be able to scan through all
those old Electric Dreams articles you wanted to find and leap to
other online dream articles. There are topical collections of
references & links to lucid dreaming, nightmares, mythology, Jung
and many other area. Or you can use the library to connect to our
main resources and bibliographic collections.

Featured Articles this Month:

How to conduct dream research on the Internet, Richard Wilkerson

And The Electric Dreams DreamWheel, Dream Sharing in Cyberspace,
by Chris Hicks.

What, you haven't visited the Resources or Bibliographies?

Dream Bibliographies:

Have you ever wondered what kinds of books are on dreams and
anthropology? Or how about finding a good book on the comparison
of different ways of interpreting dreams? And just where do you
go if you want a book to help you deal with children and

Dream Bib's is a pointer site that you can go to an quickly
access thousands of *references* to dream books and articles.
Some collections include the Association for the Study of Dreams
Recommended Reading List, the Novato Dream Library and Archive
List for Children's Books, Dream Network's article
list(temporarily down), the Henry Reed Collected Bibliography,
the personal publications of researchers like Ernest Hartmann and
Bill Domhoff, my own collection that includes chapters in books
as well as articles and a special anthropology bibliography - to
name a few! Search these online or make a copy for your own

If you find or have a collection that you would like added,
simple send either the URL to me or the Bibliography itself.

Dream Resources: Online:

This is a growing collection of the dream related sites on the
Net by category, including lucidity, dream sharing, dream
science, Jung, Freud, dream inspired art galleries, dream
telepathy, dream organizations, dream journals, and more. The
links are annotated and easy to use. Again, if you know a
missing link, send it to me, preferably with a annotation.
Longer reviews of sites can be sent to Peggy Coats to be
published in the Global Dreaming News.


Worlds Without War

By Anna Racicot

(Reprinted by permission: Volume 2 (1990), Issue 2 of Night


Of course, the war is unreal for us here.

...dreamed I was in school, in college. A group of us stood
outside near long, low maybe white buildings. Flatlands all
around. Then we see a mammoth army-green airship. It looks like a
bomb and I know it is loaded with bombs. We are afraid. Then we
see it gradually lift off, but just barely, and realize it's our
own bombs on the way to the enemy. After a while, another takes
off. This one too, so awkward and heavy, barely gets turned right
and gets off. A third one takes off, turns over, and falls to the
ground. No one is concerned because it's so far away and, anyway,
it's one of ours. Then I say, "No, we should run a little
further. It could blow up."

So begins a long, nonlucid dream mirroring perhaps what I
perceive as a singular short-sightedness if not outright lack of
awareness about our presence in the Persian Gulf. Like many
dreams lately, this one seems to be sticking its tongue out at
me, jeering: this is a dream! This is a dream! And still I don't
get it. Airships which are bombs which are as rotund as
skyscrapers taunt me with their unrealness, their dreaminess,
waiting for me to awaken.

I can't help feeling I'm missing a possibility here. I want to
rewrite this experience as if it had been lucid. I want it to be
a dream from which I will awaken, from which we will awaken, and
say, "This is a dream."

The green airship will shrink to normal size. And it shrinks.

The army-green will turn to plant-green. And it does.

The bombs will turn into flowers as they fall. And it is Easter
in the Persian Gulf. The lion lays down with the lamb.

The war is unreal for us here.

And, waking and sleeping in this great country of ours,
nonlucidity abounds. Yet the Gigantic Airship dream leaves me
with an unexpected feeling of well-being, like a seed planted in
the springtime. There is a new possibility for awareness. War is
the nightmare in which our fears can awaken us and we will say,
"This is a dream. No action has to follow the course which it
seems to be taking. We are free in this dream to try something
new. We are free to pursue peace, to love."

Perhaps in lucid dreaming there exists a possibility which we
rarely seize in waking life. Lucidity is often characterized by
its intensity of emotion and clarity of thought. I fly in a lucid
dream and I am inebriated with the feeling of flight. But all the
while there are new worlds to explore and I must not lose sight
of my destination as I fly. I am lucid. It is a precious moment,
like life itself, and I must not waste it. I remember a saying of
Mother Teresa's I saw the other day. It seemed to speak to me
about life in the lucid dream. It was, for me, in an unexpected
place -- at the base of s tick shift in a car I was borrowing,
impressing me as a dream sign in this world of maya. Mother
Teresa said, "A life not lived for others is not worth living."

In a lucid dream, unfettered, unencumbered by the requirements of
daily living, I am given this little jewel, consciousness. How
shall I use it? What is my choice?

Lucid dreaming is a relatively new area in Western psychology and
in my psychology also. (I am a novice lucid dreamer.) Lucidity
certainly is a subject not much addressed by the philosophy
branch known as Ethics. In the East, of course, there are other
traditions: states of samadhi not even imagined by our
understanding of consciousness, techniques for controlling dreams
so ancient among the Tibetans that our experiments look like
Kindergarten work. Yet, if we look closely at the mysteries
within our own traditions, often glossed over through
familiarity, we may find there is also a direction for lucidity.
In Christianity there is a saying, "Pray without ceasing."

What does it mean? For me it means that it is not "just
imagination" when I change a dream scene from falling to flying.
It is not "just imagination" when I want to change an army-green
airship to flowers. It is my prayer for peace.

In the lucid dream we are given a moment of intense
consciousness. How shall we use it?

I can see quite plainly the use which comes from following the
promptings of my dreaming self and the sometimes more elevated
intentions of my waking self. These two rare dreams point to two
possibilities: the world of adventure and exploration and the
world of inner work or yoga.

Flying to Tibet: I was dreaming I was reading an article about
the high sierras. The top of the snow covered peaks were
crisscrossed with skier tracks. I was disgusted. Suddenly, I was
there and as I was looking over the edge of the mountain, I
slipped and fell.

I thought, "I don't have to worry about this too much because
it's a dream and I can turn myself around in the air so I don't
get hurt." Then I thought, "Well, heck, if it's a dream I can
just fly back to the top."

That proved easy. I flew to the top and thought, "I'll just keep
on flying. I'll fly to Tibet."

I had a little trouble with this one. I kept losing altitude and
had to push myself through the air with swimming strokes. I
wasn't stroking very well and was having trouble. I saw my
husband in a room below and knew he'd have some advice on how to
make my swimming stroke better (he's a more accomplished lucid
dreamer) but I just went on doing it the way I was -- as I was
making progress.

Then I saw some houses at the foot of a mountain and as long as I
looked at them and aimed at them, I kept flying.

"But I don't want to get to some houses in California," I

So I closed my eyes and flew with my eyes closed. I said to
myself that when I opened them I would be to the houses, only
they would be houses in Tibet. When I opened my eyes I was in
Tibet and I was approaching some houses at the base of a
mountain. I went in one of the buildings. It was an inn. It was
very quaint and clean and was, surprisingly, build with a lot of
wood. There were two or three women in the inn and a girl. One of
the women spoke perfect English and the other one spoke English
fairly well, too. I told them I'd like to see the mountain. They
took me to a back room that was built almost right into the
mountain and had a big window facing it. I looked out. Part of
the mountain overhung the house. This was the end of the trail
for the pilgrimage to the mountain and there was even a flight of
small steps in wood coming off the mountain toward the inn. I
told the women I wanted to walk up the mountain. This seemed to
please them. I also thought, "I will write myself a post card and
see if it gets home, then I'll know if I was really here." I
thought I would do that even though it might not work because I
must be in my astral body.

In addition to this dream of an outer adventure in which
physical-seeming worlds can be explored, there are also dreams in
which the true adventure seems to happen in the inner worlds of
feeling, thinking, or, as in the following dream, speaking:

Power of Speech: I had dropped my friend off to play some sport
in a field. I was supposed to have a class at the College of
Santa For example, . I went there and it was all dark. I went
back to the car by the field and my friend wasn't there. I was
starting to feel a little upset. At first, I couldn't find my car
keys, then I felt them in my pocket. I opened the car door and
there were lots of keys on the seat. Everything seemed a little
bizarre and I was afraid. I realized, though, that I didn't have
to be afraid because I was dreaming. So I got in the car to drive
away. I had to pay close attention to driving because there were
about eight inches of snow on the road. I did remember my waking
resolution to pray for healing for my friend if I became lucid. I
couldn't remember the prayer I had been saying immediately so I
just said aloud, "__, I love you." It took a tremendous effort to
speak. The sound of the words when spoken aloud seemed to shake
the whole dream scene, myself included. It was as if some
positive and dangerously beautiful energy, like a lightning bolt,
was being released and shaking the elements of the dream.

Then I remember the prayer and I believe I got all the way
through it at least once even though it was so hard to speak. By
that time I'd come to a place on the street where the rest of my
family was. I got out and my husband and I were hanging up
laundry on a rack.

I slapped him playfully and said, "Wake up. This is a dream." He
didn't believe it was a dream so I said, "I'll prove it to you."
I jumped up intending to fly, but couldn't. When I came down,
though, I started sinking down into the earth. "See!" I said.

But I kept going down. I looked up. There above me on ground
level I saw a batman symbol. That frightened me. I would have
preferred to see Christ up there. So I started refocusing,
saying, "I love you, __." Again, it was hard to speak and an
unusual intensity accompanied the words.

I was awakened by my husband saying, "Wake up. You're dreaming."
He woke me because in my effort to speak I sounded distressed.

Both of these dreams, that of adventure and that of inner work or
discipline (the resolution to pray for healing for my friend)
are, of course valid -- one perhaps with no greater possibilities
than the other. My waking self ("ego" might be a more descriptive
word in this instance) tends to want to value more highly the
dream in which there is some effort made, some use of discipline
or will, to control the dream by focusing on some prescribed
prayer, mantra, or chant. But perhaps that which is so strictly
controlled by my dreaming self is also limited by it. Perhaps
there were hidden temples within that dream mountain in Tibet or
profound beings unknown to the confines of my education or
acquaintance with whom I could have conversed. Perhaps there were
halls of learning or seas of song and I could have opened their
books or joined in their choruses. This brings to mind a question
our culture advises we should not ask. What if there are whole
worlds, kingdoms, and existences unexplored by most of us and yet
quite as real as this our waking worlds? In his famous
_Chronicles of Narnia_, CS Lewis says of such a thought, "Nothing
is more likely." And what if lucid dreaming is a door we can open
to these magnificent worlds?

That is to say, what if dreams are not only the product of our
neurological make-ups or of our psychological complexities? What
if we exist within a greater reality of which dreams are a part
instead of dreams just existing within our finite brains?

Supposing the ancients were right. Supposing when we fall to
sleep at night we have a spirit which leaves our body and joins
other spirits in the spirit world? Supposing the whole premise
for modern Western technological thought, in which reality to be
real must have weight and breadth and depth, is an aberration, an
overcorrection for a more superstitious age?

Supposing we are really free beings and when we become lucid we
can really and truly walk through the door to another reality,
perhaps to a greater reality? And supposing we change things in
those other words, will that change things here? Is there
commerce between these lands? Supposing there's a healing in one
of those other words, there will be some reflection of it here
(IU have heard such stories and they are well worth the telling.)
And supposing there is a bomb stopped there or a peace table
filled with men and women of goodwill, will we see some
reflection of it here in the land of solid stuff? What is our
choice in this lucid land? If we can sit down with Ghandi with
his passion for nonviolence and Mother Teresa with her passion
for service, what would we choose to do? What are our


Unravelling the mysteries of your Dreams

An interview with Ariadne Green


Richard Catlett Wilkerson (RCW): Ariadne, your dream program is a
rich mix of public offerings, private classes, seminars and a
variety of products and services. Could you summarize your dream
program for us, especially the Cyber-space aspects?

Ariadne Green (AG): You're right DreamThread is rich with
content and services for those who wish to explore the vast
potential for personal growth through dreamwork. We have
unveiled phase I of three phases of the DreamThread InterActive
project. The average person who is wondering what their dreams
meant last night, can submit a dream right now through submission
script on the site and get back some intuitive insights, as well
as ways in which they can use those insights in their daily life.
We have two or really three services. A DreamNote, a
DreamReport and a DreamCourse. Soon they will be able to receive
the DreamNote and Dream Report in an attractive format through
software that we are developing. The DreamNote offers the
dreamer approximately four insights into the meaning of their
dream and ways that they can use the insights to further their
personal growth. The Dream Report offers numerous insights and
how the insights were drawn from the content of the dream
examining each scene, the outstanding symbols and dream action.
Techniques for further working with the dream are given as well
as other general information on dreams. The Dream Team are
intuitives and clairvoyants who have a wide range of
dreamworking skills and background in doing dreamwork personally
and professionally. Our aim is provide a quality service and to
encourage people to use their dreams creatively and consciously.
The DreamThread site can be likened to a Dream Temple in
Cyber-space. Surfers can enter our temple and be offered
insights and creative solutions to their problems and a look at
their attitudes, beliefs and feelings to further their
psychological and spiritual growth. They can also receive a lot
of interesting information on dreams, as well as participate in
dream telepathy and incubation experiments. The pilgrimage can
be made as frequently as they wish.

(RCW): How did the idea for the DreamThread Web site come about?

(AG): DreamThread was conceived over coffee, a muffin and
conversation as many creative projects are on Maui. I had many
requests from friends and students suggesting that I do a dream
interpretation hotline as I was looking for a way to creatively
turn the world on to the magic and wisdom of dreaming. But
frankly, I didn't like the hype and circus like promotions of
900 psychic lines. I was techno shy considering myself a
mystical purist who never thought that she would be joining the
technological world. However, after having my computer for only
a short time exactly 3 months, I saw the potential to take
dreamwork and shamanism out to the public through educational
software. Within 3 months, I had written content material for
a CD ROM that I had titled Dream Master and had begun looking for
production money. What I found was that to do a fully animated
CD ROM would become astronomical in cost and that the popularity
of CD ROMS was waning. I had met a lot of people in multimedia
production who encouraged me to put something out on the web and
to offer the content out there, through cyber-space, as well as
a service to people who would like to have some expert help with
their dreams. So I contacted the best web designer I knew to
design the site and 2 months later I asked Marka to be my
business partner. More recently Diane Warwick made a surprise
appearance on stage in my dream wearing an Elvis beaded jacket
reminding me that it was time to go public with what I was
passionate about -intuitive dream interpretation!

(RCW): Shamanism in anthropology has a rather strict definition
that applies to various aboriginal or native individuals
skilled, as Eliade writes, in healing through trance states. But
now the term has come to be used in a wider sense in popular
culture. Can you tell us a little about this and what shamanism
means to you, especially the term you use "urban shamanism" and
how this relates to dreaming.?

(AG): When I first began exploring shamanism it was a personal
journey that unfolded through some landmark dreams which opened
up my potentials as a shaman/healer. I soon was able to remember
how to access these dream states and dimensions by altering my
consciousness and connecting with the many guides and allies that
I encountered. It was a very natural progression and journey
that I surrender to each day cultivating my skills and
integrating information that I have been given. As I later
explored shamanism through research I did find that some of the
interpretations were narrow, but still helpful in looking how the
fields of anthropology and psychology viewed shamanism. The
question arose whether a psychotherapist from Vallejo California
could be a shaman or a lawyer from Washington? My definition of
a shaman is not that different from Stanley Krippner's
definition. I see the shaman as one who because of an initiation
experience or a call to shamanize and subsequent experiences is
able to contact non-ordinary reality at will traveling into
dimensions of consciousness to retrieve information and healing
potentials for others and the community as a whole. There are
many roles that a shaman can take and a shaman may serve several
roles at once or primarily only one. Some of the roles are as
psychotherapist, healer, seer, storyteller, and priest. One of
the most important roles of the shaman is as interpreter of
dreams and myth. And this is where my focus has been along with
the role of the healer.

I take a shamanic view of dreaming. Dreams assists us to
recognize dimensions in consciousness. Every night we let go of
our ordinary reality put on a shaman's suit and fly into other
dimensional realities or dreamscapes where we can access
information about ourselves and our relationship to the
collective, as well as information about the spiritual
dimensions. The aim of shamanic dreaming is to become
conscious of these experiences and use dreams for ones personal
transformation, the transformation of others and as a gift to
feed the culture.

In a recent dream circle the symbol of bread
synchronistically appeared and came to represent the dreams that
we could share with the world as sustenance, hope and
inspiration. Breaking bread is sharing the dreams which give us
spiritual truths. A dreamer dreamed that she was carrying loaves
of bread on the luggage rack on the top of her car to be
delivered to many on the journey. Dreamers in my shamanic dream
circles often dream for others bringing through information about
the state of another's health or psychological happiness. This is
one of the roles of an urban shaman, to be a community dreamer.
In modern culture, we are skeptical of those who proclaim to be
shamans and rightly so. There are charlatans or inexperienced
initiates out there. I use the term *urban shaman* to define
the shaman who can offer the shamanic perspective to urban
culture through unique methods that the culture can relate to.
Not everyone can go to the mountain fast and receive a vision. I
teach people to see the signs and messages in whatever
environment that they are in. I personally receive the answers
to my spiritual questions at a local grocery store called Furr's.
I make a habit of going there with an incubated question and
inevitably receive the answer either symbolically or directly
before I leave the store. Furr's is my mountain and I can be
seen there wandering around with nothing in my basket just to get
my messages. When I was a clinical therapist I might have
thought that behavior to be psychotic and a bit grandiose. Now I
see it as living in dreaming reality.

(RCW): Speaking of urban shamans, how did you like studying under
Stan Krippner?.

(AG): Stanley was first my mentor at Saybrook Institute where
I had been enrolled pursuing a doctorate in philosophy of
psychology. He has continued to be a friend and inspiration. He
is clearly a scientist and I am glad to hear you refer to him as
an urban shaman though he claims no such identity or authority.
Now as for myself, I tend to see myself as a mystic first and
scientist second. Stanley has certainly done more to unify
science and mysticism through his research on shamanism than
anyone I've met. I had a dream when I first started studying
under Stanley that he was driving a Rolls Royce and that I was
chasing after it. Well, I certainly was chasing after the best
and most prestigious teacher one could ask for. We had the
opportunity to have Stanley do two events on Maui while I was
still there. One on shamanistic dreamwork and another event
which I put together called Boundaries and Your Health: Issues
of the Mind, Body, and Spirit. In it we explored dreams around
the issues of emotional, physical and psychic boundaries. My aim
in hosting Stanley was to bring shamanism to light in modern
culture and to promote dreamwork and shamanism as methods which
individuals can use for their personal growth and apply in their
everyday lives.

(RCW): You have been promoting Shamanic Dreaming workshops and
now offer apprenticeships through the Art of Shamanism. Could
you tell us a little about what a person would go through in this
program and how long the program lasts?

(AG): The Art of Shamanism is a program that developed after
years of practicing and integrating shamanic methods into my
own psychotherapy practice. I developed the trainings to offer
those interested in stepping onto the path of shamanism as
healers a way to ground shamanic methods and practices into their
life and into their professional practice. I set up the courses
originally as five core courses designed to induct the individual
into the experiences of a shaman. The courses help them build a
solid shamanic practice and discipline. The first course is on
animal power acquisition, the second develops skills in shamanic
journeying, the third course teaches one methods for soul
retrieval, the fourth is on crystals and other shamanic tools,
and the fifth course is called Shamanic Healing and focuses on
diagnosing through the energy field, x -ray vision, and
journeying for shamanic healing. The courses build on each other
and offer a rich ground for those who wish to integrate the
spiritual dimensions into healing. Because the experiences are
initiatory and deal with integrating a great deal of energy and
shamanic power it is important that a student be prepared to
accept the responsibility and challenges associated with it, as
well as the commitment to use the methods to assist others. I
am offering the courses in two ways now. I offer one weekend
course a month in Taos and am offering two 4 day intensives to
complete the trainings for those who need to travel from a
distance. Some students complete the program in 6 months and
others have taken 2 to 3 years depending on their need and
approach to the material and experiences. Shamanic Dreaming is a
weekend workshop that offer when I travel and has been sponsored
in Europe, Canada, Australia, ,as well as nationally. Those who
would like information on the trainings or workshops can request
it through the site or by emailing me at

(RCW): What got you interested in dreams?

(AG): What got me interested in dreams? That's an
interesting question. I remember people telling me their dreams
and expecting that I had the answers as a teenager. I guess at
some point I woke up and realized that I was Ariadne and had been
given a thread to offer to others. My mother actually saw my
destiny named me Ariadne and then baptized me on the martyr saint
day of Ariadne quite by accident. If there is such a thing. I
think the universe force fed me dreams. It didn't even feel
like a choice or an interest that I took. It was my nature and an
expression of who I was. Anyway I think it was Dorothy Gail in
the Wizard of Oz who woke me up to the creative and magical power
of dreams when she sang "Somewhere over the Rainbow" and took her
journey into Oz. I recognized through that myth that our life is
a dream journey that we embark on and that the yellow brick road
of our dreams can take us to find what was always in our own

(RCW): What are your favorite books on dreams and dreaming?

(AG): I had probably worked with my own dreams for 10 years
before I read a thing. But since then I of course I've read few
or more like a hundred. I have some favorite books. One the
Kin of Ata Is Waiting For You , DreamWork: Techniques for
Discovering the Creative Power in Dreams by Jeremy Taylor,
Dreamtime & Dreamwork: Decoding the Language of the Night edited
by Stanley Krippner, and Shamanic Dreaming by Robert Moss. I
tend to take a shamanic perspective in approaching dreamwork.
Experience is the best teacher. I tell my students work with
your dreams for eight weeks before you read a thing.

(RCW): There is a page on DreamThread called DreamGathers, which
appears to be a global dream incubation project focusing on
collective events. Can you tell us more about this and to

(AG): Yes, we are really excited about this project. We consider
one of our roles to be the gatherer of dreams which are bringing
inspiration and information about the collective during this time
of planetary transformation. We have put out a call for dreams
over the next two months on the Halle Bopp comet and have posted
the dreams along with interpretations on the site. We feel that
this is a way that we at DreamThread can nourish culture and the
dreaming community at this time. Anyone can submit a dream to
DreamGathers using the dream submission script and noting that
the dream is for DreamGatherers. If anyone has a dream about
another event that they would like to send they can do so in the
same fashion and by noting what event the dream is related to.

On the DreamDiscover page you have an interesting division of
dreaming realms. The lower world being the place of deep
mysteries, the middle realm being our physical world and the
upper dreamworld being the spiritual realm.

(RCW): How did this model develop for you?

(AG): The model that I developed for looking at dreams in the
Dream Master material was drawn from the model for shamanic
journeying and was a natural evolution and integration of my
experience with my own dreams and my travels into the many
dimensions through shamanic journeying. Although, I believe
that there are many more dimensions that can be traveled in, the
3 world division is one that explains the shaman's movement
through worlds simply and also offers a way at looking at the
types of dreams, their source and the elements within them. I
sought a way to explain dreaming from a shamanic perspective and
a way for those learning about the nature and elements of dreams
a clear way to differentiate their dreams through adopting the
shaman's perspective. Surprisingly, when I met Stanley Krippner
he presented a similar model to what I had created for Dream
Master. A case of parallel creativity or dreaming. In the
design of the CD ROM I conceptualized a labyrinth with three
dimensions or levels to embark on an "edutaining" journey
through content on dreams. Dream Master is an animated shaman
like character who interacts with the dreamer on their journey
through the interactive experiences. He represents the shaman
within who holds the wisdom of the ages and the ability to
understand the nature of dreaming in a dreaming universe. The
Dream Master lives in each one of us. At the center of the
labyrinth is a dream journal program to assist the dreamer to
work with their own dream material. As I mentioned earlier, the
production of Dream Master will not planned until Phase III of
our multimedia plan, but I have made available a tidbit of the
content in our DreamDiscovery pages.

(RCW): What kinds of questions might a person ask to decide if
DreamThread is a program to pursue?

(AG): I think Dream Master would say something like, "Well its
about time. I've only been waiting at this dream temple tapping
my foot since 600 BC waiting for Ariadne to wake up on the island
of Naxos and to give you the darn thread. So take it. Journey
for yourself now. Then you decide if it was worth the trip"

You can email me at or ariadne@la

Snail medicine mail me at: Ariadne Green

Box 5844 NDCBU

Taos, NM 87571

Or call at: (505) 758-9356

Dreaming in the light,



Column: Life, Art Dream


by Alissa Goldring



Dreams often lead far beyond the image in the dream. Sometimes a
complicated story in a dream is a setting for one outstanding
dream experience which has profound implications. Here is an
example of such a dream, whose repercussions are opening up a
new depth of inner exploration.

The dream: ( 10 -21-96 )

In a dream of much confusion, loss, anxiety and desperation
I meet a lovely woman who opens her arms to me. I cry as she
holds me. I feel tremendous relief simply to be able to cry
and be accepted. She wears a peach colored form - fitting
gown, with glinting sequins. She is relaxed, gentle, strong
and understanding.

This is the first dream in which I cry.

Discovering a compassionate part of myself who could allow me
to cry, who did not feel threatened by opening up painful
feelings, marks a profound inner change, which was evident to me
the morning I woke with this dream.

A photograph of my grandmother has been facing me on my bedroom
wall for months. My eyes had rested on it frequently, but this
time I really saw it. I wondered about her and her life. I
experienced her feelings and I cried -- the accumulation of
tears, I am sure, from my earliest years, from my entire life.

Being able to open myself to my sorrow freed me to be able to see
-- not only this family photograph, but to experience the whole
spectrum of emotions I had numbed myself to. I realized that I
too, like Native American children kidnapped from reservations
to live with white families and attend white schools, had been
forcibly cut off from my heritage and from the warmth of family
traditions and family members.

I never had the opportunity to be close to any of my
grandparents. I miss this connection sadly and imagine them as
a source of comfort during childhood sorrows, as well as of
pleasure and learning. They exist in my mind in an idealized
world where there was time for parents and grandparents to be
with children as a natural, unhurried part of everyday life,
sharing chores and games, conversation, music and silence,
nature, picnics, and attics and garages filled with
"treasures." A world where, when you skinned your knee or someone
hurt your feelings, there was a comfortable lap and warm embrace
ready for you, and no one ever shamed you for crying or told you
you were too big to cry. A friendly world where, when you were
confused or frightened and made mistakes, you learned and cleaned
up your mess, with no ridicule or punishment.

There is a whole realm of feeling, vulnerability, tenderness,
acceptance, trust -- a life with deep human contact -- that I
longed for and lacked, somewhat in the way that full, true color
is absent for a color-blind person. The dress worn by this lovely
part of myself conveys gaiety and beauty. Yet she is also strong
and wise. This contradicts a peculiar prejudice I absorbed in
childhood -- that a lovely appearance goes with a superficial,
frivolous and unreliable nature, while nurturing, trustworthy
people tend to be plain and somewhat slow - witted !

I feel fortunate and grateful now to be re-opening that world of
genuine empathic connection and to have a second chance. This
dream both expressed and furthered my re-entry into my own
capacity for grief, joy and love.


The online version with graphics of Alissa's
work is at


Stop Sleeping Through Your Dreams

Part VI

by Charles McPhee


How does one become a conscious participant with the dream?

Charles McPhee assists anyone interested in finding out by
offering a step-by-step guide to mastering the techniques of
lucid dreaming in his book _Stop Sleeping Through Your Dreams_.
Charles has also offered us a Web site through which we can
discuss the issues of consciousness and dreams with him directly.
He has been visiting with us here for the last few months at
Electric Dreams, answering questions and giving us peeks into his
work on lucid dreaming

- Richard

For previous articles, stop by

Previously we began exploring just what we *are* aware of in
dreams and lucid dreams, a good first step in actually becoming
lucid. In Earlier issues we explored the phenomena of dream sleep
and consciousness. In ED 3(11) I continued to unfold the
investigation into whether or not we actually possess
consciousness in dream and what this can mean to our lives, as
well as exploring more deeply what consciousness is and what it
appears to be, and how conscious techniques like journaling can
bring about more lucidity and dream recall.

This month we explore the other side of consciousness and ways
of coming to terms with acting as though we are aware while all
the while being mostly unconscious.

CHAPTER 10: "Duality and Unity"

For more than fifty years we have known, or could have known,
that there is an unconscious as a counterbalance to
consciousness. Medical psychology has furnished all the
necessary empirical and experimental proofs of this. There is an
unconscious psychic reality which demonstrably influences
consciousness and its contents. All this is known, but no
practical conclusions have been drawn from it. We still go on
thinking and acting as before, as if we are simplex and not
duplex . . . It is frivolous, superficial and unreasonable of
us, as well as psychically unhygienic, to overlook the reaction
and standpoint of the unconscious. --Jung, THE UNDISCOVERED SELF


A third quality of our mind that we want to recognize is that our
conscious and unconscious abilities often exist in a relationship
of resistance to each other rather than in a state of harmony and
cooperation. The culprit in this antagonistic relationship is
the error of the conscious element's identification only with the
conscious (the ego). When the ego avoids recognizing feelings
and awarenesses that nevertheless exist within the being, the
avoided material is forced to remain unconscious. This is the
failure of the "simplex" identification process, which both Jung
and Freud, in the passages excerpted at the head of the chapter,
are addressing.

In this chapter we will focus our attention on the curious
defense mechanism of repression. What we find is that while
repression is often functional as a tool for coping with
difficult feelings and awarenesses, invariably it is also a two-edged sword. Repression is functional in extreme cases of shock
and trauma, when difficult experiences threaten to overwhelm our
ability for comprehension. It is functional in younger years as
well, when psychological sophistication and more mature
management skills lie beyond our grasp. But in almost all other
cases, the use of repression as a coping skill proves itself to
be powerfully dysfunctional. This is because repression succeeds
in an individual only by severely compromising that individual's
ability to perceive reality.

It is the negative consequences of repression that cause us to
pay it such careful attention. Repression divides our beings
into conscious and unconscious compartments of awareness. It
surrenders conscious management of our knowledge and awareness to
an unconscious mechanism. And repression causes us to
participate in unconscious behaviors of avoidance. This last
characteristic is perhaps the most damaging, as it has an
ultimately bewildering effect on our sense of personal validity.
For all of these reasons, a working knowledge of the defense is

I have one final thought before we embark upon our discussion.
Separation between conscious and unconscious awareness is really
an illusion. In all cases of repression, recall that we already
know what it is--what feelings or awarenesses it is--that we are
avoiding. The avoided feelings and awarenesses are already
inside us. We are already feeling them and are already aware of
them--unconsciously. Indeed, all dreams that reflect avoided
feelings and awarenesses show us that unconsciously we are
intimately acquainted with the material. In this light, the goal
of self-unification becomes a simple process--conceptually at
least--of training our mind and body to learn to listen to
themselves, and to identify, accept, and resolve nonintegrated
feelings and awarenesses. The knowledge and practice of this
simple triad of mental health skills is the path by which we
learn progressively to unify ourselves, to repair the duality of
awareness that exist between our conscious and unconscious minds.



Knowing the stages of the therapeutic process helps us locate our
position on the "therapeutic path." The integration process, we
may infer, will not always be an easy transition to effect. Put
another way, there is a reason why repressed material is
repressed. The integration of avoided feelings and awarenesses
into conscious understanding will invariably be accompanied by
some measure of pain. Accordingly, when we are in the midst of
the integration process, knowledge of the process itself is very
valuable. When our emotional moorings are cast adrift by some
difficulty experience, our confidence in the therapeutic process
occasionally is our only support. Dividing the process also is
useful because it serves to remind us that all stages are
necessary for successful assimilations of repressed material.
For example, it is not enough merely to be able to identify
problem areas in our lives. For integration to be successful,
both the cathartic experience of acceptance and the empowering
experience of resolution must be fulfilled.

CHAPTER 11: "Searching For Consciousness"

Of all of the minds who have attempted the great question of
consciousness in human experience, perhaps no one is more
intriguing to read than is the Russian philosopher Georgi
Ivanovitch Gurdjieff. His writings are not widely known, but his
discussions of consciousness invariably hold a ring of truth for
lucid dreamers. Indeed, anyone who has worked diligently with
the experiential development of the ability for consciousness
within himself or herself will find an immediate friend in

Gurdjieff is perhaps most distinguished from other philosophers
in that we was confident that he had identified and understood
precisely the meaning of consciousness, which he described as
self-remembering. As we saw in chapter eight, this concept of
self-remembering coincides precisely with the understanding of
consciousness we arrived at through our examination of lucid

Gurdjieff believed that the development of consciousness was the
foundation for all true psychological growth. Gurdjieff measured
psychological development not only by a person's intellectual
abilities but also by his or her experiential abilities--that is,
a person's abilities "to be" and "to do". Both abilities, said
Gurdjieff, require fluency and mastery, experientially, with the
ability for consciousness.

The goal of development consciousness, according to Gurdjieff,
was to create a new "center" within oneself, from which one could
self-observe honestly and objectively. It was through continual
work at self-observation, for the "perch" of consciousness
created within oneself, that one eventually could learn how one's
"machine" works. Consciousness afforded its happy possessor
self-unification, ever-increasing effectiveness in all pursuits,
and freedom from illusion. Without consciousness, Gurdjieff
said, humans were doomed to "mechanical," "accidental," and
"automatic" living. Life will happen to us instead of our being
able to control and create the events of our life.

I am including in this chapter a lengthy excerpt of Gurdjieff's
writing to introduce lucid dreamers to his work and because his
discussion touches upon some relevant themes. In the second half
of the excerpt, Gurdjieff admonishes his audience to be wary of
"charlatans and hucksters" in the field of self-development--those who promise simple paths to enlightenment. Even though the
excerpt is a transcription of a talk given in 1914, Gurdjieff's
words of admonition seem as applicable today as they were some
eighty years ago. Today our popular culture swarms with "vendors
of enlightenment," individuals who confidently assure us that
"the enlightenment you seek is just a phone call away" on the
Psychic Network Hotline or that by eating special candy bars and
"brain" foods and by adding doses of potassium to our diets, we
will veritably transform ourselves into enlightened beings by
tomorrow morning. No warranty is offered for these techniques,

course. The psychic hotline, we read in small print at the
bottom of the television screen, is "for entertainment purposes
only," and all miracle foods are ingested entirely at the
consumer's own risk.

Sensitives and psychics surely exist, and there is no question
but that informed diets are a foundation of good health.
Gurdjieff's admonition, however, really is directed against the
miraculous nature of these "solutions" to everyday problems.
Consciousness and empowerment, says Gurdjieff, are known
processes, but they require work--long work, hard work and
consistent work. Work on developing one's ability for
consciousness, development one's ability for discrimination and
uncovering and gaining control over areas of automaticity within
one's being. Woe indeed to the individual who thinks he or she
will eat a candy bar and tomorrow "be" anything--except, perhaps,
a bit more deluded. This, said Gurdjieff, is not the way.

Next month the search will end with suggestions on how to develop
a path that will lead you into conscious living.

If you can't wait, you can stop by my Web site for a Full Chapter
Summary of _Stop Sleeping Through Your Dreams_. If you would
like more on this, my book is published by Henry Holt and
Company, Inc. Publication Date: December 27th, 1995.
0-8050-2500-6 $22.50, cloth. Contact: Robin Jones, (212)

There is a Special Pricing Available if you act now! Amazon
Books Amazon Books is offering discounts on both the
hardback and paperback versions:

-Charles Mcphee



by Eugene Marks


Editor's Note: We printed the interview with Eugene in ED4(2) but
not the story of the Eternal Return. To contexualize the story in
light of dreams and dreaming, I am re-printing the interview at
the end the story - RCW

I'm telling this tale on myself to encourage folks to become
conscious of who they are and of their place in the universe. It
can be done. Each of us can be whole and living the life that
Spirit intended.

For most of my life, I've been two different people, but without
really knowing it. I was born as one person, as most of us are,
but, when I was a young seven year old boy, I almost died on the
operating table. This experience was so devastating to me, on
all levels of my being, that, when I came back to life then I was
a completely different person. Whoever I'd been before had died
on the operating table. Although I didn't know this until a long
while afterwards, until quite recently actually, the story of my
life has always revolved around the interaction between these two
beings within myself.

The young boy I'd been before, who seemed to have died during the
operation, lived on instead in my unconscious, wandering strange
and exciting paths alone in the darkness. In spite of all this,
he was still unafraid, foolish, physical, playful, loving, and
excited by life. He was a big, happy puppy dog with the makings
in himself of a wild and awesome cat. Wandering there, alone in
the dark, he found God--or rather God found him with a dream.

The boy who survived in the body was very different. For one
thing he had had polio, although no one had known it at the time.
For another, he was brained damaged (his motor area) and had to
learn to walk all over again, hanging onto the furniture and the
walls themselves, as he hauled himself around and around his
parents' living room, determined he was going to walk again. He
spent the rest of his time lying down in bed--he did this for
years--constantly reading books and listening to loud music,
trying always to drown out the voices he was hearing. He was
very scared.

The challenge of my life has always been to put these two sides
of myself together again, as they had been when I was a little
boy, before I almost died and became two separate and isolated

In all my experience and study, I've come upon only way to heal a
person with more than one personality. This is to introduce all
the personalities to each other and let them become one. I've
already done this before in my life. Each time, I've become
whole for awhile again, a union of that innocent six year old boy
and that scared eight year old boy I became after the
operations--and each time I've lost it because I hadn't really
been ready.

In my life, this coming together of these two sides of myself has
always involved a powerful and magical personality whom I have
come to know as Wanderer. He has already manifested himself
three times in my life, each time merging for a time with the
usually dominant ego consciousness and becoming part of a new
wholeness. The first time was back in the early forties when I
was that dying little boy, wandering lost in the darkness. At
that time, an older Wanderer traveled back in time, from his own
bodily existence in the early seventies, to help that younger boy
Wanderer stay alive and sane. He came back to give him a dream.
He was successful--I did live. I did stay sane--although, back
in those days, I would have been locked up for sure if anyone had
really known where I'd gone and what I'd seen when I'd died.

Wanderer manifested in my life for the second time in the early
seventies. I had just earned my PhD in Clinical Psychology from
UCLA. Soon afterwards, I dropped out, doing a lot of acid by
myself on the beach in Venice, and then moving on to Berkeley,
where I lived a free and high life in a communal house with other
acid hippies.

I began to backpack in the mountains then, mostly in the High
Sierras. I began to spend more and more of my time at a place
called Dinky Creek. I was doing more and more acid too, as much
as I could, especially whenever I was at Dinky.

Doing acid seemed to be leading me towards the light. For one
thing, it helped me to uncover an old mystery. I had always
dimly felt that the boy I'd been before my near death experience
must have been really different from the boy who survived and
then grew up to be me. Although I hadn't been able to remember
any of my life before that time of near death, certain very
strange and seemingly disconnected images kept reoccuring
throughout my life.

In one of these images, these three dark and hooded figures
standing around my bed. I wake up and see them there. In
another, I'm on a swing, and it's going higher and higher, until
it finally goes all the way over and I begin to fall into the
darkness. In yet another, I'm feeling blissed, floating through
space towards this beckoning white light. In a final image, I'm
falling through the darkness, on the edge of panicking, of
seriously losing it. A voice tells me then that there's no
bottom, tells me to turn the falling into flying. I calm down,
listening to that voice, and begin to enjoy the experience of

Doing acid at Dinky, I finally got high enough to understand that
these images, each of which had returned to me at different times
of my life, were all images from the experience I'd had when I'd
died and left my body on the operating table in the hospital.
They were all images of me dying, of me leaving my body and
falling into the darkness but then turning the falling into
flying and floating blissfully towards the white light and home.

This realization that these images had a common source triggered
something deep within me, and, later that same summer, I returned
to Dinky, this time alone, and spent three weeks there, letting
go of my ego and going through a spiritual transformation, a
death and rebirth experience.

One night, alone in those woods, I was visited by an older man.
He wasn't in his body, but he was certainly there. He told me
that I had to go back to that little boy's time, that I had to
tell him that there was no bottom and to turn the falling into
flying. I had to hold his hand too. He said I was ready, that I
had learned to fly myself from doing acid. He said he'd stay and
watch over me until I returned. He told me that he was who I'd
become if we were successful with the little boy.

Several nights later, I did peyote and stayed up all night,
visiting all the nine heavens and nine hells. I found the little
boy. He'd been marooned on this rock ever since the operations
and the near death experience almost forty years ago. He was the
boy who had lived before the illness. He was who I would have
become. He was still alive! He told me a dream he'd had when
he'd died and lost his connection with the body.

In it, he was walking through a cave. He came upon a giant Genie
with a huge sword, guarding a treasure. When the Genie saw him,
he told him that the treasure was now his to guard. Then the
Genie's face somehow dissolved, and he could see the clockwork
within the skull. He looked about then and found a niche in the
stone wall behind the Genie, and within the niche was a little
box. Within the box was a round rock. It was the rock he'd been
stranded upon for so long in the darkness. It was his now. As
long as he carried it, he would no longer be stranded, would
instead be free to wander as he wished.

That young six year old boy, the boy I'd been before the death
experience, had grown up in the darkness and become Wanderer,
living within me all this time, but always outside of
consciousness and the light. He told me he hadn't been able to
stay with the body back then, that to survive he'd had to live on
that rock, waiting for the body to grow and mature enough to come
and find him. He told me that he and I would become one again
now. Later, as I was falling asleep, he told me one more thing,
told me that in the morning, when I went down to the creek, I
should look for my rock, the one in the box in the niche behind
the Genie in the cave.

In the morning, I did look and a round rock was there. It hadn't
been there the day before either! I picked it up and felt its
energy. It belonged in my hand. I still carry it to this day.
It's my lodestar.

Wanderer and I did become one from this shared experience. We
were reborn as a whole person then, one who went on to become a
wild and wise and wandering acid hippie magician. Those days, I
spent as much time as I could at Dinky. I bought a van too and
traveled up and down the West Coast and throughout the Southwest
and the Rockies. One summer, I traveled across the country to
the East Coast and back. I home based in Berkeley, still living
with my acid family there. I was very high. I was getting a lot
of respect. I was on a roll.

However, several years and a long story later, I seriously
crashed, when my wife Karen had an affair and left me, taking my
beloved daughter Ariana with her. I lost Wanderer then,
somewhere in the midst of all that hurt and loss. Afterwards, I
thought I had learned something from the experience--vowing never
again to be so dependent upon a woman that I'd lose my center if
she left me. I thought I had it all figured out then, but I
still hadn't really learned anything yet.

I spent the next several years grieving my loss and working on my
head so as to allow for renewal and new growth. I went through a
long time of no confidence in myself, although I did take care of
myself and was gradually able to come back to myself. I knew I
had lost more than my wife and child. I knew I had really lost a
part of myself. I felt incomplete. I began to look around for
the rest of myself. I only dimly remembered Wanderer, as if he
had been only a dream, one barely remembered from long ago.

The third time that Wanderer manifested in my life was in the
early eighties. It began when two friends, Ramon from my old
gang and Drew from my later on days in Eugene, came back into my
life. They would each call me, often and always within days of
one another. Then they'd each come to visit me, again often and
within days of one another. They didn't know each other then,
but they had the same message for me--to do a lot of acid, high
dosing it, and to get out of my depression and back onto the

I did listen to my friends, and soon I was high dosing and
traveling again, this time with a gang of magical acid rainbow
hippies, traveling brothers and sisters from all around. Magic
had returned to my life, and I was Wanderer again.

One of the first things I did in my new life was to go out into
the world looking for new acid. At the rainbow gathering in
Idaho, I heard rumors of a man who was supposed to have good
acid. The folks I was traveling with and I went looking for him.
Ramon met someone who said he knew the man, but we just couldn't
seem to get any closer to the source.

Then one day, asleep in my tipi, I heard voices coming from just
outside. One man loudly called the other man by his name. That
woke me up. It was the name of the man we'd all been looking
for. Then the man himself started-talking about acid. I was
outside in a flash, thanking God and introducing myself to t`e
guy I'd heard" I told him that we'd all been looking for him but
that I had decided to call `im to me instead. He and I hit it
off then, an` I ended up buying acid from him for several years.

My gang and I tripped a hot together and traveled as much as we
could. We ended up home basing in two bag houses in the

mountains west of Boulder, Colorado. We partied a lot, and
traveling folks were always coming by in their school buses and
vans, stopping for a night or two. Folks began to see me as the
acid king. I did trip well.

During this time of my life, I was seldom alone. I usually
tripped with other folks. I was especially interested in the
magical group heads that would sometimes occur. I didn't visit
Dinky for years. I didn't backpack at all, except to a rainbow
gathering every once in awhile. I lived mostly with other people
and traveled as much as I could.

But, as I said earlier, I hadn't really learned anything when
Karen had left me. I thought I had. I thought not being
dependent on another person was the key. That's true enough, but
I should have learned the deeper and wider truth--that of not
being dependent on anything at all. In particular, I was still
completely blind to my dependency upon acid. I was still
vulnerable in my life, because I was still thinking of it as
responsible for my high, for how magical my life had become. It
wasn't really, no more than Karen had been earlier. It had
always been me and my connection with Spirit.

Thinking, as I was, that acid was responsible for my high, I put
more and more of myself into it, forgetting all about the rest of
myself. I'm also a gifted writer and dream interpreter, but I
completely neglected these sides of myself. I became one-sided
and lost my center again. I finally crashed, and Wanderer became
but a dream again.

Wanderer has already manifested in my life three times. The
first time he did so, in the early forties, I was a young, seven
year old boy, scared and dying on the operating table. Wanderer
came back in time then to help me stay alive and sane. The
second time, in the early seventies, in the high mountains of
California, I merged with Wanderer again and became a high and
magical acid brother. The third time, in the eighties--when I
was in my early fifties, living on the road and by my wits--he
came back into my life again, not to save my life or sanity as he
had the first time nor to show me that I was a true magician and
not some crazy loser as he had the second, but this time to merge
with me and bring our magical wholeness out into the world of

Wanderer is manifesting in my life again. This will be the last
time. This time, because I've let go of all my ego boosting
attachments, he and I will remain one. I'll be whole.

Wanderer is always who he's always been. He's that little six
year old boy who seemed to die when I almost died on the
operating table. Somehow he survived, hidden in that cave and on
that rock that I now carry. He's always been who I would have
become had I not had that scary and crippling experience of
almost dying. He's always been with me too, usually working to
help me from behind the scenes. Sometimes though, as I've said,
he and I have actually become one. We're about to do so again,
and this time, besides traveling on the roads and trails of life,
we're also going to travel on the world wide web, wandering out
onto the info highway itself, wandering everywhere and always
from one place of beauty to the next.

I dreamt recently of parking my van somewhere in the high
mountains, of using it for my base camp, as I wandered among the
high rocks around timber line, usually alone and always seeking
wisdom and beauty. That little seven year old boy always wanted
this--as did that younger version of myself from the seventies.

On the other hand, the rainbow brother from the eighties wanted
something else. He wanted people, family, and oneness for us
all. He believed in the power of the people. He knew we could
all be telepathic too, if only we would accept ourselves as we
are. In his time, he set out to convince everyone to be open and
to take care of themselves--he did this by example, always being
open and always taking care of himself--feeling that if we all
did so, there'd be no need for laws and government.

This is probably why, for this last time of Wanderer and I doing
our dance together and becoming one, I'm going to spend a lot of
my time wandering on the info highway. This way I can still be
alone as I like, here being creative at my keyboard or out
wandering the nearby mountain trails, yet I can still travel and
share wisdom and be family with open brothers and sisters from
all over this world.


Wanderer Interview

Some time with Eugene Marks


We printed the interview with Eugene in ED4(2) but not the story
of the Eternal Return. To contexualize the story in light of
dreams and dreaming, I am re-printing the interview at the end
the story

Eugene Marks has a unique story and comes from a gnostic-like
space of direct experience when talking about dreams, life and
spirit. His own spiritual path has been what I would call a
journey into authenticity, and no social or artificial barrier
has turned him back from this pursuit. Though drawn by the
deeper pulls of the inner soul, Eugene continues after six
decades being creative and giving in the outer world, as is
evidenced by his mix of storytelling and endless encouragement to
others on the path of discovery via the latest global technology,
the World Wide Web. Like many travellers through the 60's,
Eugene finds that while you can't ever come down, the trip is now
kinder and gentler, and intertwined with a variety of inner
personalities that occasionally come together in manifestations
that remind one of Jung's Self and which Eugene calls Wanderer.
Dreams seem to be an essential part of this new style, but the
direction on his compass is still the same, to the heart of the
lion, from the heart of the lion.

Richard C. Wilkerson (RCW): The first part of your life seemed to
be more about uncovering a sacred mystery, now you seem more
involved in the process itself of revealing. Kind of a shift from
content to process. Do you see this in your dream work as well?

Eugene Marks (EM): In my earlier development, when I was focused
upon uncovering and then becoming who I really was, my dreams
helped me to become conscious of all aspects of my psyche,
allowing each of them to merge together into a new being, the
person I really was. Nowadays, knowing who I am and focused
instead upon living out my life in the world with consciousness,
my dreams are helping me to steer my way. Several years ago, I
had a dream in which I was a pilot, steering my boat through a
watery maze, one filled with many dangers and obstacles, many
twists and turns--much as life really is. In my dream, I piloted
my boat through all this unerringly, without ever looking ahead,
standing there at the tiller of my life. I didn't need to look
ahead, my dreams themselves were leading me into my future.

(RCW): The theme of wise persons and guides seem important in
your journey. Do you find the renewed collective interest in
shamanism parallels this desire for inner journey theme? Are
there differences between your view of guides and shamanism?

(EM): I see this renewed interest in shamanism and the inner
journey as coming from our need for an individual experience of
Spirit. The shaman has always been the one with the direct
connection to Spirit. The shaman has always been the master of
the inward journey towards wholeness of being. I was greatly
influenced by Carlos Castaneda's earlier books--his compelling
image of Don Juan, the stern but loving teacher of wisdom.
However, it was my experiences with acid that led me directly
into shamanism. I came to see that magic really was alive. I
also came to see that, whenever I'd try to direct the magic, it
would turn against me, would leave me really--but that, whenever
I'd let go of my ego instead and let the magic flow through me,
with its own creative will, the whole world would become magical.

(RCW): The Boy and the Genie story seems to be a variation of the
Guardian at the Gates mythic cycles, except that the boy becomes
the guardian himself rather than simply getting past the
Guardian. He seems to offer all of us in that situation a clue,
picking up the rock where he was stationed and taking carrying it
with him. Could you elaborate on how that might work?

<EM): The Genie represented those automatic, clockwork, psychic
defenses that allowed me as a little boy to put my near death
experience behind me and go on with my life. Years later, in the
High Sierras, when I finally penetrated these defenses and became
conscious of that experience again, it became my job to protect
and cherish that hidden treasure, the rock that a part of myself
had been marooned upon for all those years, a rock that carried
all the feelings and images experienced by myself as that little
boy. It was all that he'd had to cling to. By picking it up in
his dream, by carrying it with himself always, he had decided to
become conscious of both the terror of falling and the wonder of
floating towards the white light. With the rock, he would never
forget what he had gone through. The I Ching, in the Hexagram,
The Arousing, says that "when a man has learned within his heart
what fear and trembling mean, he is safeguarded against any
terror produced by outside influences." My rock is a constant
reminder that by finally accepting fear, I have overcome it in my

(RCW): The theme of death and re-birth is prominent in your work
and experience. Do you feel this is a personal path or something
we must all deal with?

(EM): This is definitely the way that I've gone through change.
Perhaps, however, my life has been conditioned by my beginnings.
Not every little boy dies and is reborn before he is eight.
However, in my life today, I'm always striving towards an inner
centeredness, one in which I'm no longer identified with any
particular psychic structure but with only the ongoing process of
change, hoping that, from this centeredness, I might be able to
now flow towards the new within myself no longer needing the

(RCW): How might others needing rejuvenation find a re-birth
experience in a gentle way, or is there no Lamaze method when it
comes to psychic re-birth?

(EM): For me, rebirth has never been gentle, although, whenever
I've gone through my changes, I've always felt great love and
support from the universe. Once, lying in great fear and pain
upon the earth, beneath my favorite tree in the High Sierras, I
realized I was crushing some little flowers beneath me. I
started to get up when they spoke, telling me that they loved me,
that the purpose of their life was to give me joy and comfort,
and that they wanted me to lie upon them. I felt then that the
earth was truly my mother and I was at her loving and flowery

(RCW): You mentioned spending a lot of time on the psychic

backroads, perhaps what Jungians call Shadow-Work. Then, after
being abandoned by your wife, you realized there was more work to
do, perhaps what the Jungians call Anima work (that she leads us
to the Self, but we can't substitute Her for the Self). Was
there any indication that this work was coming about via your

(EM): My life definitely suggested that this work was to be my
next step. The reason I had crashed and burned after my wife had
left me, taking our daughter with her, was because I had
projected my anima onto her, rather than relating directly to
this side of myself. This problem remained with me for a long
while, however, because I was also projecting my anima out onto
acid and my wild way of life. It actually took until three years
ago, some twenty years later, for me to finally get the message.
I had a lot of high adventures and a good life in between, but my
spiritual development had by then grown stagnant. One night
though, I had a dream in which this crazy woman was visiting my
house, yelling and screaming at everyone and completely out of
control. My friends and I were all terrified by her. In my
dream, I didn't see how I could help her, although she kept
telling me that I was the only one who could. Waking, I was
blown away by this dream, and, because it was so powerful and
demanding, I listened to it. Eventually, I came to understand it
to be saying that if I didn't listen to my screaming and crazy
anima, really listen to what that side of myself was trying to
say, she would take me over, and I really would go insane myself.
These past few years, I have listened to her and I have come to
see how one-sided I'd become--and today, because of her
influence, I'm finally becoming whole and centered in a way that
will endure.

(RCW): Its clear that Jung was an early influence on your view of
dreams. Have you stuck with the Jungians on what the dream is, or
have other people influenced your ideas on the dream?

(EM): Jung was the major influence on my spiritual life in
general, certainly with respect to the dream. I've also been
influenced by my many patients over the years. However, my main
teacher has always been the dream itself. Each of our dreams
comes from a deeper, wiser part of ourselves, whom I call the
inner teacher; and, as in any relationship, as the relationship
between the dream and ourselves unfolds, it becomes unique, with
its own language and style. That part of myself that speaks to
me through my dreams and I are old friends by now, and we have
our own unique ways of understanding and relating to one another.

(RCW): The issue of who the authority is on a dream's meaning has
been prevalent the last few years. When you approach dream
interpretation, how do you decide who the authority is?

(EM): The dream itself is the only authority really, and if it
doesn't like how you've related to it, it will come right back at
you again, telling you so. Besides the dream itself, the person
having the dream is the only other who can really say what the
dream means. Because of this, when I listen to someone else's
dream, I try to stay out of it. Sometimes though, folks share a
dream with me, without sharing anything but the dream, and then
ask me what it means. I'm psychic, as we all really are, and so
I can usually give a good stab at understanding it. The other
day, however, my daughter told me a dream about a captive whale.
My understanding was that the whale represented her death and
rebirth potential (in the belly of the whale), it being all tied
up, caged. Her understanding however--and it was her dream after
all--concerned another aspect of the whale, one especially
important to her--it's primal and unifying song. She's a singer
herself, with a whale of a talent, and is having trouble
liberating her voice from its cage of fear.

(RCW): In Gestalt and much Jungian dreamwork, the images are
subjective, about the dreamer himself/herself. Other explorers
feel the imaginal realm is independent of the ego and these
personal dream images are only cloaked in personal garb, but
really live in the imaginal realm independent of the ego. Having
experienced many levels of the imaginal realm, do you have any
thoughts the ownership of the dream image?

(E): Consciousness itself owns all images. And consciousness is
a manifestation of the dance of energy that the physicists are
now calling the universe. Together, the consciousness and the
energy are what people have called God. John Sanford, a minister
and Jungian analyst, once wrote a book called, Dreams, God's
Forgotten Language. I guess you could say that God owns our
dream images.

(RCW): Another new trend is to move away from the interpretation
of dream imagery altogether. Lucidity has helped bring some of
this about, just playing and goofing around with dream characters
talking the place of the Journey. Do you find this is a cultural
move in general, that the journey of meaning and value is

(EM): Jung always said that it was more important to experience
the dream than to understand it, and what better way to
experience the dream than by being awake within it? Although I
agree with this, I do like to see the meaning in a dream too. I
know of no way besides the dream to see so clearly into myself,
and I'd be a fool to ignore the wisdom that results for doing so.
I've had only one waking dream myself, and that was just a short
while ago. I am interested in lucidity in dreams, but I have
almost no experience with it. I do think that this approach to
dreams is very important, knowing that one of our main spiritual
tasks today is to be at home again in the world of imagination,
able to live within this reality as fully as we now do that of
the senses.

(RCW): One of the last visitations of your deeper self, Wanderer,
that you mention is that of the rainbow brother, in which the
conjunction of the opposites of the one and the many are brought
together in the idea of talking care of oneself yet remaining
open. Can you elaborate on how this might be brought into
dreamwork and our lives?

(EM): With respect to dreamwork, I think we all need to be
responsible for relating in an open, conscious and healing way to
our own dreams, making sure that we understand and are
spiritually moved by their message. We all need to take care of
ourselves, and what better way than by being one's own teacher
and therapist. With respect to our lives, I think we all need to
remember that we won't need government and bosses just as soon as
we can take care of ourselves. As for being open in our lives,
it's one high that we'll never come down from. Being open seems
scary to most of us, yet it's so easy, once we've accepted
ourselves as we truly are. It's rewarding too. Our lives
become much easier and simpler, as we come to see that the truth
does indeed set us free.

(RCW): The Net is now allowing people from all corners of the
globe to share dreams with one another. Do you feel this will
change the way we journey to the essence of things and that the
essence itself might be changed.

(EM): I'm not sure the Net will change the way we journey, but it
will certainly change the pace of it. The more people share
themselves, the more people will share themselves. I'm hoping
that it'll be so much fun that we'll all be sharing ourselves
real soon. I'm not sure the journey will ever change, but I do
know that the essence itself will always change. For each of us
personally, the essence is always just what we're working on for
our personal and spiritual growth in the here and now. For all
of us together, the essence of things is always where we're all
going collectively--hopefully these days towards an open and
honest group head, a shared awareness that will let us finally
get past all our seeming differences to the oneness that we all
really share.


Dream Topics Series

Dreams and Surrealism

Richard Wilkerson


"Whoever wants to be creative in good and evil, he must first be
an annihilator and destroy values." - Friedreich Nietzsche

For many of us, when Surrealism is mentioned the image that
generally come to mind is the liquid melting clocks of Salvador
Dali. But In Europe, Surrealism was also a social , political,
and poetic human liberation movement that championed the dream.

"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains." -Rousseau
in _Social Contract_

Like the Romantics before them, the Surrealists saw that the
reasonable and rational held out a limited view for mankind, and
that rationality, reality and religion had so choked our options
for experience that all the marvels and significance of being
were missed. Andre Breton, the father of Surrealism within the
Modernist movement, drew together this Romantic spirit with the
new leftist politics and the discoveries of psychoanalysis.
"(Reality) revolves in a cage from which from which release is
becoming increasingly difficult." (Brenton as quoted by Kelly,

The solution was the development of practices that challenged
the old order and offered the new in the cast out forms of
madness, social anarchy, disobedience, the shocking and the
absurd. However, this anarchy was never anything more than a
temporary technique for merging the social and the aesthetic, the
dayworld and the nightworld the sane with the insane. Waking and
dreaming reality were to come together in Surreality.

In Surreality, the role of dreams was to usher in the astonishing
and open up to new possibilities. As Breton once said considering
the amount of time we spend in dreams and waking like, that
there is "disproportionate attention to waking life." (Kelly, pg
37) The dream is seen as offering a challenge in ushering in the
marvelous. The search was to be a synthesis of dream and waking
in Surreality, neither a compliance to conventional reality nor a
retreat into dreamland.

Sadly, Surrealism itself went the way of many Modernist
movements, it became formalized and choked in its own
institutions. Breton's contacts with Freud were not particularly
productive and Breton's analysis of his own dreams fail to bring
to bear the wonderful spirit of surreality offered in other

But the spirit of the movement has endured and has widely
influenced not only postmodern philosophy and practice in
Europe but offered itself as a kindred spirit of the human
potential movements in the Americas in the 1960's that also
began to see the reality being served by the mainstream culture
as limiting, repressive and dangerous.

How then can we approach the dream so as to liberate the
marvelous on one hand without sinking into complete unreality on
the other? Akhter Ahsen, a contemporary proponent of
Surrealism, offers some modern perspectives and techniques on
dreams and imagery that may begin to give up a clue to the
Surrealist Experiment.

From Ahsen in _New Surrealism, The Liberation of Images In
Consciousness_ :

"One gets up in the morning and the eyes are still heavy with
sleep. One opens up the eyes and the light comes in so strong
that one dives back into sleep to avoid the traumatic impact of
impassive reality.

The impassive reality can be so traumatic that the mind learns
to withdraw from it. The passivity of an unmoving reality is
anti-mind. When you look, the things stay there, nothing moves.
But the mind wants to move. That is the contradiction. And if the
mind has already been bombarded and constrained by replicas of
immovable mental objects, dogmas and frozen belief systems, then
where is the original movements of the mind manifested? Where is
the original face of reality and its strength revealed? Where is
the original face of reality and its strength revealed? How can
we get there?" (p118-119)

Exercise: Let us see how some of Ahsen's imagery exercises might
be applied to dreams to bring up back into contact with
surreality and contact this original face.

A. Look at something static in your room, a bookcase or door.
Watch it for about a half a minute and return your attention to
it if you drift. Note the dullness and umovingness of this outer

B. Now pick a dream.

1. Pick an image in a dream and hold it in your mind. If you
begin to wander, bring the image back again and again for about a
half a minute.

2. Locate the part of the image that pleases you the most and
repeatedly bring this part of the image back into you mind.

3. Note the place of the image within your awareness, and how the
image seems to be inside the mind.

4. Compare the image to the outer image you had. Which is more
pleasurable? The outside boring world or the new freshness of the
inner image?

5. Which part of the dream image gives you a feeling of beauty?
Explore for a moment the beautiful aspects of the image.

6. Which part of the image gives you a feeling of power? What is
the source of this power and how does the dream image reflect
this power? How might it be developed?

7. Now hold this dream image again in your mind a few seconds and
them look at the outside world. Has the outside world now
brighten up as a result? Note how attention on the inner
imagination can make the outer world look more interesting.

8. Experiment with bringing into your dream image various people
in your waking life. Note how bringing them into the image,
looking at them in detail and then viewing them again in the
outer world changes the way we view them.

Though Ahsen sees to miss the point that we are in the
imagination as much as the imagination being in us, his
delightful array of imagery techniques (this being but one of
hundreds he offers) still work to bring out the idea the we can
valorize dreamland imagery without getting lost it in, and that
there is place of exchange between the waking and dreaming world
that offers us tremendous sources of creativity and new
possibilities in creation of our own Surreality.

Surrealism is popular on the Net, probably due to the cross-categorical rebelliousness and free spiritedness. Here are a few
starter sites

The Web Directory:


Usenet: Newsgroups: alt.surrealism alt.postmodern


+Ahsen, Akhter (1992a). The Method of prolucid dreaming. Journal
of Mental Imagery, 16(1&2), Spring/Summer, 3-13.

+--------. (1992b). Prolucid dreaming: A content analysis
approach to dreams. Journal of Mental Imagery, 16(1&2),
Spring/Summer, 15-84.

-+-------. (1992c). Prolucid perspectives: Alternate
physiologies, myths as filters, and essences. Journal of Mental
Imagery, 16(1&2), Spring/Summer, 185-227.

+--------. (1991). Imagery and consciousness: Putting together
poetic, mythic and social realities. Journal of Mental Imagery,
15(1&2), 63-96.

+--------. (1986). Prologue to unvividness paradox. Journal of
Mental Imagery, 10(1), 1-8.

+--------. (1986). New surrealist manifesto: Interlocking of
sanity and insanity. Journal of Mental Imagery, 10(2), 1-32.

+Alcuaz, Marie de (1985). Contemporary idioms of surrealism.
Dreamworks, 4(1), 1984-85, 59-69.

+Bulkeley, Kelly (1994a). The Wilderness of Dreams: Exploring the
Religious Meanings of Dreams in Modern Western Culture. Albany,
NY: State University of New York Press.

+--------. (1993). Dreaming is play. _Psychoanalytic Psychology_,
10:(4), 501-515.

+David, Fredereick B. (1973). Three letters from Sigmund Freud to
AndrŽ Breton. American Psychoanalysis Association Journal, 21(1),


Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:

Dreaming Through the Houses: 4th House


Have you ever wondered how dreams and astrology are connected?

There are many ways we can connect dreams to astrology, and many
don't require that you know all about your Natal Chart. In this
column we will be exploring the symbolic rather than predictive
aspects of astrology. Symbolic astrology attempts to use the
images of astrological to give meaning to one's life and empower
choices rather than predict paths. We do this by imaginal
overlay. In this process we impleach, (poetically interweave)
dream, image, feeling, life and symbol in a way to evoke a felt
sense of the dream's imagery and its position in our life.

This year we are focusing each month on a different House. The
inner circle of the Natal or Birth Chart is divided into 12
distinct regions know as Houses. They relate to everyday
activates. One will be about physical appearances and
temperament, while another relates to possessions, for example.
Planets and signs fall within these Houses and influence the
areas of focus. We will be watching for images of planets, signs
and other celestial events and hopefully begin to see the
emergence of an astrological chart that dips into birth charts,
dreams, and our waking life.

This month we are focusing on the Fourth House, which
corresponds to Cancer and the Moon, is the domain of childhood,
origin, family and roots. Being at the base of the astrological
chart, it represents the base of the individual her/himself both
literally and figuratively. Literally we can talk about the kind
of dream houses we come from, and figuratively in terms of issue
of security and safety. Think for a moment about the emotional
atmosphere that surrounded you before you were old enough to make
choices about this. If you have a Jungian bent, this would be the
area of the personal unconscious, or behaviorally speaking, the
areas of early conditioning.

The Garden Grandchild

I am sitting in a rocking chair in my garden, rocking, knitting
and watching a small child who seems to me as well. The child
plays by the flower garden chasing butterflies and I think to
myself how the child lives in a vast world barely recognized by
adults, yet somehow very similar to my own. A parent shouts from
the house to call the child.

A New Room

While going down the hall in my house I discover a new room
that I had never seen there before. I look around to tell someone
but there isn't anyone around so I go in. It's like a pharaoh's
tomb, but with lots of childhood toys. I'm thrilled with the find
and completely confounded that I hadn't seen the room before.

Lost in the Alleyways

I leave classroom and head home, but can't recall how to get
there. I become more and more lost, wandering around in an old
alley system. Just when I think I'm close to home, the way is

When we give these dreams a forth house reading, the images we
foreground are enclosures which surround and protect. Notice the
circles of enclosures in the Garden dream, where the child is
surrounded by layers of circles, home, parents, grandparents(old
woman-watcher) garden, lawn, and even her own fantasy system.
Also, the Fourth House is seen as bearing on the attitudes and
abilities of the parents to fulfill their commitments, which is
seen in the call of the parents from the house. In the New
Room, the dreamer finds an unknown (unconscious) enclosure that
hints at being a tomb, but also a womb. Perhaps the dreamer has
tapped into problems or areas of childhood that were repressed
and never developed. The fourth House deals not only with the
home, but the beginning and end of life as well. There may be
some larger reconciliations in store for this dreamer. In Lost,
the dreamer is in search of a home and this indicates a
disruption with the person's sense of inner being in the Fourth
House. All searching for childhood, origin, family and roots may
be seen as 4th House issues. Issues in the fourth house, like
the personal unconscious, generally have to be discovered and
brought up to the surface before they can be dealt with
constructively. More existentially, anxieties, fears and
insecurities may be seen as being uncomfortable in the home of

Unknown houses and rooms, secret rivers and caves, lost homes and
apartments all are opportunities to explore lost areas of the
psyche. The Jungian M. L. von Franz used to say that the way Jung
taught us to distinguish between issue of the personal and
collective unconscious was by having people ask themselves "is
this something I lost and am now finding, (personal unconscious)
or is this leading me to something that I never knew and is
completely alien to me (collective unconscious)? There is always
a little of both in every exploration of the unknown, but the
question can help us here to generally distinguish between the
subterranean river that the Fourth House is about and the vaster
underground sea that is more about issue beyond the personal
home, and before and after the beginning and end of the personal
life. However, the personal aspect doesn't necessary mean it is
easier to approach. Many collective issues have been worked out
by the group (society, culture) and have entered into the shared
language systems. Personal issue may appear alien to us as well,
never having been given a voice.

There is a great deal of debate in astrology about whether
the 4th House is about the Mother or the Father. Usually the
arguments are about who provides the early atmosphere of security
and safety. I think we can be more sophisticated now and say that
earlier levels of the forth house are likely to spin around the
early caretakers, while later levels will have more to do with
other backbones in family system. This would traditionally locate
the mother as primary and father as later secondary, for example.

And so, there may be issues in 4th house dreaming of
intimacy. Early disruptions in security are not irreparable, but
do have a lasting effect on many people. Fouth house dream
issues may be seen in polarities, either a deep attachment to the
family and home, or an aversion. One might see obsessions about
family, or compulsions to collect large tracks of land.

However, I'm not trying to develop an astro-pathology here
and send us all on a hunt for neurotic images in our dreams.
Rather I just want to point to some of the less obvious areas
that can arise in dreams that wouldn't perhaps be seen as 4th
House issue. The possible range of response to 4th House dreams
takes in a project larger than psychology. Delightful, warm and
wandering in the Garden of Eden dreams are a pleasure in
themselves and can be enjoyed as such. If you feel particulary
Protestant or Evolutionary, you might consider tracking what your
dream maker produces in the realm of home-y pleasures so you can
expand and more easily return to these images. The possibilities
for Forth House Lucid dreaming are endless and rewarding. And as
mutual dreaming becomes more popular, we can have better places
to meet in dreamland.

Jung once viewed the house in his dream as a picture of the
psyche overall. There were earlier levels, social levels, and
deep in the cellar, collective unconscious levels. We can use
these dream houses as maps to (metaphorically) decide where we
want to live, where we want to play, where we want to work,
celebrate, make love, create and socialize. For those who do
feel the need to work on issue of security and trust, these
images offer the opportunity to develop an inner sense of
security and self acceptance that can not be shaken by small
movements in the outer world. The project of our parent's
commitment to us that may still be left undone can be picked up
and completed within the investigation of dreams within the 4th

Finally, a note about feelings and dreams and the 4th House.
The feelings we talk about in the 4th House are generally the
ones that *occur* to us rather that the ones we later *develop*.
And yet in dreams, this distinction may not always be clear.
Freud identified a level of dreaming where the feelings can be
for something altogether other than the initial stimulus
(displacement), and also may find themselves modified in other
ways, being more or less intense than intended, combined with
other feelings and absent altogether. Jung re-visioned this to
show how each of these novel occurances can lead us to a higher
functioning self. However we view these dream feelings, there are
there for us and create an immediate sense of relevancy. When we
cooperate with them consciously without fear or being possessed
by them, we report our lives being more connected and rich.
Emotions last over time and in doing so offer us the opportunity
to be in time/space in an embodied way that in many ways is
larger than we are. In this sense they are the atmosphere of our
home. When recording a dream, to record it's overall mood as
well. This can be the thread that will lead you through the
twisty maze of the 4th House.

If you have 4th House Dreams, send them in to M. Aionia and -next year we will include them when the Wheel turns 'round again!

Next Month: The Pets, Pleasures and Project of Dreaming in the
Fifth House!

M Aionia


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- ASD Conference Update

- Electric Dreams -- Dream Library

- DreamWave Introduces Shareware Dream Diary

- Late Breaking News

The Dream Study Institute of Ghent

Dream Message Site Now Open


- Volunteers Sought for Computer Room at ASD Conference

- Dream Songs and Music Project

- Dream Bibliography Project

- Waking and Sleep Experience Research Participants Needed


- An Invitation to Celebrate the Launch of DreamThread


- PowWow Get-togethers

- IRC Get-togethers





====Association for the Study of Dreams Conference June 17-21


Beneath the high peaks of the Craggy Range in the Blue Ridge
Mountains of western North Carolina lies a valley the Native
Americans called Swannanoa, "land of beauty". It is a setting
that has inspired community, creativity, learning and a sense of
harmony with the environment. It is also the home of Warren

Wilson College in Asheville and the setting for the Fourteenth
Annual International Confer-ence of the Association for the Study
of Dreams. With the conference taking place on a college campus,
ASD XIV will enjoy a return to our roots. We will once again be
able to eat, sleep, and dream in close proximity.

Here are some of the Invited Speakers for Asheville Conference

+Presidential Address: Our Dreams for ASD -Johanna King, Ph.D.

+president-elect Address: Feminine Fragments of a History of
Dreaming -

Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D.

+A Creative Approach to Transcending the Unconscious Paradox
-Wewer Keohane,Ph.D.

+Beyond the Myth of Dream Metaphor -Don Kuiken, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief of ASD's Journal, Dreaming

+Dreams and Violence Frances Menezes, Ph.D. -Director of the Tata
Management Centre in Pune, India

And some of the Invited Workshops:

+Connecting Sound with Dreams - Monique Tiberghien, Ph.D.,Belgian

psychotherapist and past-president of the European Transpersonal

+ Releasing the Spiritual Energy in Dreams - Patricia Berne,
Ph.D. & Louis Savary, Ph.D., co-authors of Dreams and Spiritual
Growth: A Christian Approach to Dreamwork

+ Panel on Dream Research: A blue ribbon panel will explore
"What's New in Dream Research" with Ross Levin, Ph.D., Monique
Lortier-Lussier, Ph.D., Milton Kramer, M.D., G. William Domhoff,
Ph.D., Mary-Therese Dombeck, Ph.D., and David Kahn, Ph.D.

Additional Topics: Symposiums, Papers, Workshops, and General
Events at the conference will address the clinical use of dreams,
lucid dreaming, laboratory studies of dreaming, dream-inspired
art, poetry & literature, gender issues in dreaming,
cross-cultural & anthropological studies, dreams & spirituality,
dreams & the body, telepathic & psi dreams, trauma & recovery,
and a sunset dream-sharing hike.

Registration: Attendees may pre-register through the ASD Central
Office or register on-site, on a space-available basis.
Registration forms are available from the ASD

Central Office (PO Box 1600, Vienna, VA 22183, USA;703-242-0062;
phone/fax 703-242-8888; e-mail Fees for the
conference are based on the following "packages:" (1) those
attending the full conference, five nights in campus housing
(double occupancy), with meals(Tuesday evening through Sunday
breakfast); (2) those attending the full conference, not

staying on campus, with meals from Wednesday breakfast through
Saturday dinner; (3) those attending the full conference with no
meals or campus housing. One-day rates are also available, with
and without meals. Housing single occupancy rates are available.
The Conference Package is wonderfully affordable including
lodging, meals, and full conference registration. ASD

members: $350.00 Non-members: $420.00 ASD Membership: To receive
the substantial reductions in fees available to ASD members, you
are invited to join at the time of the conference (or right now)
and receive all membership benefits, including four issues of the
ASD Newsletter and four issues of the professional journal,

For further information on travel and recreation opportunities in
the Asheville region contact the Chamber of Commerce to request
brochures or obtain answers to specific questions. Phone:
800-257-1300 e-mail: or via internet at:

====Electric Dreams - Dream Library ============

The ED Dream Library is a project to organize dream related
resources on the Internet from the perspective of a
cyber-reference library. Books, bibliographies, articles, news
and other texts your might find at a library are indexed and
referenced, with the focus on online resources. There are

topics on dreams and dreaming included with relevant references
as well.

Special Focus this Month: Electric Dreams *Articles* on Dreams

Electric Dreams has primarily been an dream sharing and dream
news venue, but we have also been publishing people's ideas and
thoughts on dreams and dreaming since 1994, and now have dozens
of articles. The Dream Library contains a hyperlinked Index to
almost all of the past articles we have published on ED for easy
access and fast loading. Many of these articles are now
historical documents that changed the face of dreaming on the Net

while others focus on more eternal issues involving dreams, lucid

dreams,interpretation, Jung, Freud, the collective unconscious
and many other topics.

Interviews with famous dreamworkers and pioneers are included.
The Dream Reference Librarian recommends downloading a copy of
the index to have at hand on your own computer.

==============Dream Wave Introduces Shareware Dream Diary


Dream Wave is pleased to announce its first production simple and
elegant dream journal and day diary which is now available off of
their site at

This shareware application can be downloaded onto either Mac
or PC platforms to become one's private dream

data base. If after use you would to own your own copy then all
you have to do is register it through the secure encrypted
process described. For those who haven't yet had an opportunity
to experience the richness and depth of

DreamWave's beautiful site (which combines symbolism, dreams,
poetry and

theatre) you're in for a treat -check it out at

================= Late Breaking News

++++ The Dream Study Institute of Ghent

The Dream Study Institute of Ghent was founded by David W.
Gordon, Ph.D. David graduated from Case Western Reserve
university in 1973 wit a degree in Cinical Psychology. Hi is a
member of the Association For the Study of Dreams and Board
member of the C. G. Jung Institute of Tidewater. After many years
of work as a provider of traditional psychotherapy, he became
increasingly aware that the work of healing, his own and his
clients, was greatly facilitated by learning how to listen to his
dreams and theirs. David began to read and attend workshops and
seminars. Above all, he began work with his own dream which led
to his developing the Dream Study Institute of Ghent... "a dream
long in coming."

DSI was founded to support the use of dreams as a resource for
creativity and problem solving in our daily lives. DSI will be
offering a variety of workshops, dream groups and individual
consultation opportunities.

DSI has a newsletter Dream study news, which is available as

DSI of Gehnt is located at 2200-12 Colonial Ave. In
Ghent/norfolk, VA, 23517. The founder of the Institute is David
W. Grdon, Ph. D. You can give David a call at (757) 625-0792, or
E-mail: to register work workkshops and dreasharing
groups. Next workshop May 10, 1997.

++++ Dream Meditations Site now Open

"Transform your life simply by recalling your dreams on a daily

that is to say, without interpretation or analysis."

The DM site is an electronically published version of "Dream
Meditation and the Divine Unknown," 1996 by D.Med.Div.Unknown, or

From G. K.

I believe that dreams a) are informative, b) contain wisdom, and
c)possess developmental efficacy, i.e., the power to change us.

However, I should warn you that my site is not simple or

The site is a mixture of religion, spirituality, psychology and
philosophy. I also seem to hold rather unusual beliefs.

I am against - the recording of one's dreams.

- the sharing or one's dreams.

- giving one's dreams to others for analysis or

- all forms of dream analysis or interpretation.

- the use of dream-symbolism books.

- lucid dreaming.

I believe that one should recall one's dreams daily and that
one should have the utmost respect for one's dreams. I believe
that we should "absorb" our dreams messages and insights rather
than trying to interpret them because our intellects are much too
weak to ever fully

understand them.

I also believe that one's dreams may in part refer to the divine.

Visit Dream Meditations at

++++ Montague Ullman Workshops and Lectures

Leadership Workshop

This three-day workshop will cover the underlying premises
and key principles on which Ullman's group dream work is based.
It will explore in depth the kinds of problems that occur at each
stage of the process as well as the techniques of leading a
group. Even if you have attended a Leadership Workshop before,
this is a good way to "fine tune" the process.

May 9th, 10th 11th For cost and location call (914) 693-0156

Lecture and Workshop in Omaha

Ullman will be giving a lecture and conducting a workshop in
Omaha, Nebraska, May 1-3 as part of a program sponsored by the
Association for the Study of Dreams and the Nebraska Methodist
College of Nursing and Allied Health. For more information
contact Nancy Amsier by phone at (402) 354-4936 or by fax at
(402) 354-2185




===============Volunteers Sought for Computer Room at ASD


The Host Planning Committee for the 14th annual conference of the

Association for the Study of Dreams (this year in beautiful
Asheville NC June 17-21) is looking for a few computer savvy
people to help set up and monitor a computer room for the
conference. This volunteer work could reduce your conference
fees. Please contact Earl Koteen (AKA Narcissus)

at if you're interested.

=====Dream Songs & Dream Music Project=========

I am currently collecting all the songs that I can find which are
about Dreams. Please send your suggestions to: Each person who sends in at least one
suggestion, will get back my list of over 60 such songs. I would
like to know: song name, artist, name of recording it®s on, date
if know. Warning: there are many songs with "Dream" in the title
or lyrics which are not REALLY about dreams, and many that are

about dreams that do not say so explicitly. So the challenge is
to locate the best ones that ARE about dreams. This is part of a
larger Dream Music Project. For that I am also looking for
"Dream-like" music. This can include instrumental music that
evokes the feeling of dreaming, or music that is dream-inspired.
Or music on topics that are only related to dreams tangentially,
or only for you. The broader question here might be something

like: "If you were dreaming of a long street lined with
theaters, bars, pet & pawn shops; different music in each one,
which kinds of music would you hear coming out of the nearest
three or four places? Which would you go into? What would the
music turn into after you got inside?" As you can tell, you can
really let you mind wander with this. Any thoughts you have are

appreciated. I hope for diverse perspectives. This project will
lead to written articles & perhaps compilation recordings. Send
to Dick McLeester at: VisionWorks, PO. Box 92, Greenfield, MA.
01302, email:

=========Dream Bibliography Project =========

I am currently working on the world's largest bibliography of
dream-related books. This is in conjunction with doing book
reviews for Dream Network Journal. The bibliography currently
has over 700 titles. In addition to the general section, it
includes special sections for Fiction/Literature, Children's
Books, Myth & Story, Cross-Cultural Dreaming, Dream Ecology,

Dream Songs and soon to be added: Dreams & Social/Political
Issues. If you know of titles that should be included, but might
be overlooked due to being from the small press or obscure, send
them on to me. Or if you'd just like to be kept informed on the
progress of this

project. I am working closely with the various
Dream Libraries, ASD and other dreaming bibliophiles.

Contact Dick McLeester at: VisionWorks, PO. Box 92, Greenfield,
MA. 01302,


==========Waking and Sleep Experience Research Participants


Research Participants for a research program comparing the
qualities of waking and sleep experiences- . This project is
being conducted by Dr. Tracey Kahan, Associate Professor of
Psychology at Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California,
and is part of a larger research program investigating the
relationship between waking and sleep affect, cognition,

and metacognition. prerequisites": Potential participants must
have regular sleep schedules, good dream recall (on average, 1
dream remembered upon awakening most days), and be willing to
have their sleep "disrupted" a total of four times over the
course of two weeks. Individuals will use a small piece of
equipment (the DreamLight, developed by Dr. Stephen LaBerge of
the Lucidity Institute) in their own home for data collection. A
mask worn over the eyes permits the detection of sleep stage and
the delivery of an alarm to awaken the sleeper for data
collection purposes. Qualified participants will be paid $50 for
completing the study (which includes completing four sleep
'samples' and four waking 'samples.') If you are interested in
more information, please contact: Dr. Tracey Kahan,, Associate
Professor of Psychology, Santa Clara University, phone: (408)
554-4812 . Email:




An Invitation to Celebrate the Launch of DreamThread!

We at DreamThread InterActive invite you to celebrate with us the
launch of DreamThread at Our mission
is to provide dream insight and interpretation services, dream
research, information and edutainment , and dream related
products to the global community for human development and the
evolution of consciousness through multimedia on the World Wide
Web and other media projects. Marka Lewis Smith and myself with

the support of many others have developed and launched this
project after 8 months of planning. We hope that you will find
it interesting edutaining and creative. We have a unique group of
on-line intuitives and dreamworkers providing dream insights and
reading interpretations through an e-mail system at present. We
are in the process of developing software for an html delivery.
We are developing our project in three phases and will be
updating the site weekly adding content, features and interactive
experiences. One of our primary focuses will be to gather
research on collective dreaming patterns and visionary dreams
which express the evolution of consciousness on the planet. So
visit us often, use our service and participate in our dream
experiments. We invite those of you who share our vision to link
with us. E-mail us at: or ariadne or Again, check us out at




<><<>> AOL Chat Room <<>><>

Rev. Jeremy Taylor - Hosts a "show" (an "auditorium", with
related services, including a 24-hour bulletin board) devoted to
exploring the multiple meanings in every dream. The show is
broadcast live, 5 days a week on AOL. All AOL members need do is
go to Keyword: <Dreamshow> and follow the

signs to get all the folders and screens associated with the
show. Show times - "mornings" - 6:00 - 7:00 a.m. on the West
Coast, 9:00-10:00a.m. Eastern Time... For more information,
contact DreamMC (

<><<>><<<>>><<<<>>>><< <<<>>>>><<<<>>>><<<>>>&l t;<>>

<><<>> MSN Chat Room <<>><>

Paranormal Chat on the Microsoft Network on Thursdays from 7-9 PM
PDT. To find the Chat room, go to "Classic MSN", and use the Go
to word...AlienChat.

Topics usually focus on lucid dreams, OBEs, or other paranormal

Also available are a number of practical, how to, handouts in the
Lucid Dreamer's Library(Go to word ..AlienDream) on topics such
as Lucid Dreams, OBEs, AAEs, Mutual Dreams, Healing Dreams,
Hypnagogia, and Incubation techniques. For more information,
contact Dr.Strange (

<><<>><<<>>><<<<>>>><< <<<>>>>><<<<>>>><<<>>>&l t;<>>

Do you have an online event you would like listed here? Send a
message to

Rob Childress ( Include the Date, Time, Name,

Description, and Contact Information.

So what time IS that? Visit the Time page to find some answers.

Need IRC, or PowWow? Visit the Programs for Cyberspace page.




May 6, 13, 20, 27

Orlando, FL

Orlando's "Dream Team", consisting of Dr. Jean Raffa and Mickey
Griffin M.S., will be presenting a series of classes titled "The
Spiritual Practice of Dream Work" every Tuesday night during the
month of May at the Jung Center in Orlando, from 7:30 - 9:30 P.M.
For more information, or to register, call (407) 339-3060.

May 2-3

Omaha, NB

"Exploring Our Dreams", a weekend workshop with Montague Ullman
and Milton Kramer at the Nebraska Methodist College. For more
information, call Nancy Amsler at 402-354-4925, or call the
College at 1-800-793-3965.

May 2-4

Charlotte, NC

Weekend Training Intensive with Jeremy Taylor at Hayden
Institute. Call Bob, 704-667-3000 for more information.

May 3

Albuquerque, NM

Shamanic Dreaming, a creative and expressive journey on applying
shamanic approaches to dreamwork. $89. Call toll-free
1-888-818-SEED for more Information.

May 3-8

Sonoma Valley, CA

"Harner Method of Shamanic Counseling Training". For more
information, call 1-415-244-0278.

May 9th, 10, 11

Leadership Training Workshop with Montague Ullman

Form more information call M. Ullman (914) 693-0156

May 10th

Ghent/Norfolk, VA

Dream Study Institute Workshop on Dreamsharing.

For information call David W. Gordon, (757) 625-0792

or email

May 18

Novato, CA

Bay Area Dreamworkers Group Meeting: Mary Trouba shares her
research on experiences of death in dreams at the Novato Dream
Library. Call Jill Gregory at 415-897-7955 for more information.

May 24

Gainesville, FL

"Dreamwork & Healing Touch" workshop, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Peaceful
location near Melrose Bay. For women who wish they had time to go
to an island or a monastery. Vegetarian lunch. More info contact
Gail Ellison, PhD

352-475-2220, or Charlotte Mixon, RN. 352-375-7545. E-mail

May 29-Jun 1

British Columbia, Canada

"Dreaming the Tantric Archetypes" with Jhampa Shaneman. Call
Hollyhock Retreat Center, 800-933-6339 for more information

June 7

Gainesville, FL

"Dreamwork & Healing Touch" workshop, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Peaceful
location near Melrose Bay. For women who wish they had time to go
to an island or a monastery. Vegetarian lunch. More info contact
Gail Ellison, PhD 352-475-2220, or Charlotte Mixon, RN.
352-375-7545. E-mail

June 8

Concord, MA

Dream Council meeting, convened by Nancy Gazells, from 7:00-9:30
pm, at The Dreamwheel, 191 Sudbury Road in Concord, MA.
508/369-2634. Cost: sliding scale $5-20.

Jun 17-21

Asheville, NC

14th Annual ASD Dream Conference. Contact ASD, 703-242-8888 or

== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V4 N4 ==

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **



Vol. 4 Number 4.

Highlights from this issue: More comments on Recall and Memory
surface. A "second" dream from Childhood still lives on. How
does one approach Death Dreams - ends or beginnings? A couple
Cult Dreams tackle the issue of leadership & following. An End
Of The World Dream is listed under the Water Category.
Relationship Dreams come to the top of the barrel this month with
several contributions. Mummies and Mommies and talking statues
appear under Religious Related themes. A question arises on Music
in Dreams. Tornado dreams reappear - Twisters live on. Tracer
Elements described in a previous ED inspire some Tracer Element
dreams under Communication. See the Writing section for a
Writer/Speaker dream. We also have several commentaries on Dreams
from previous issues. Enjoy!






# Commentary by Rosalie on Death Dream Commentaries (970327) #

# Commentary by Richard on Dream Recall by Maged (970327)#

# Commentary by Heratheta on Dream Recall(970327) #

# Lost Commentary by Island on Dream Memory(970211) #


= Commentary: PatG on Amish Tradition by Richard (970327) =

= Commentary: Heratheta on Amish Tradition by Richard (970326) =

= Commentary by Hermine on The Alien Threat by Stan (970408) =

= Commentary by Maged on Soup Dream by Eileen (9970327) =

= Lost Commentary by Island on Wearhouse Dream (970306) =

= Commentary by Heratheta on Uncomfortable Dream (970418) =


PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or
send them in before it happens, if you can]

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on
our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a
trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

* Dream: Gaye's Second Dream by Gaye (970413)*

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

* Dream: Free At Last by BobbyR (970410)*

= Commentary by Quiet on Family Death Dreams by BobbyR (970412) =

= Commentary by Heratheta on Family Death Dreams by BobbyR
(970411) =

= Commentary by Matthew on Family Death Dreams by BobbyR(970415)=

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]


AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

[This month brings us: Lions,foals, and a Dolphin/Shark. Can you
find them? ]

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

See George Segal and Remo (from Caroline in The City) under

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we
participate in]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

* Dream: Tracer Elements Dreams by Swampbird (970419)*

= Commentary by Swampbird on her Tracer Elements Dreams (970419)=

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

* Dream: Cult Dream I- Suburban Cult by Richard -1991 (970424) *

* Dream: Cult Dream II- Shalinar's Trap by Richard (970424) *

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left,
make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil,
cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions
carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the
path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

* Dream: Escape From Florida by Sasha (970423) *

FEAR [What scares us]

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS


HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue
of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves
the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

# Question & Commentary by Quiet on Music in Dreams #

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which
constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often
influencing how we relate to the outside world]

* Dream: The Pink Dressing Table by MVD (970331) *

= Commentary by Hermine on The Pink Dressing Table by MVD
(970403) =

= Commentary by Heratheta on MVD Dream (970401)=

*Dream: 'Me, Myself and ID' by AngstRidn (970416) *

=Commentary by AngstR on 'Me, Myself and ID' by AngstRidn

* Dream: Trusting My Instinct? by Hermine (970409) *

= Commentary by Brien on Trusting My Instinct? (970424) =

= Commentary by Heratheta on Instinct & Plane Dream (970424)=

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

* Dream: Looking For Mummy by C (970329) *

= Commentary by Hermine on Looking For Mummy (970407) =

= Commentary by PatG on Looking For Mummy (970329) =

= Commentary by Heratheta on Looking For Mummy (970329) =

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learnings trials]

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have
questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the
spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

* Dream: Tornado by Mike (970412)*

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or
imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

WATER [A magical earthly fluid]

* Dream: End of World Dream & Question by Quiet (970424) *

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

* Dream: The Wonderful Speaker by Rosalie(970226)*

== == == == == == == == == == == ==


(See the Cult Dreams)

== == == == == == == == == == == ==


Dream editing is much more an Art than a Science. A couple
comments have been recieved about the spelling & grammar which
are contained within our dream and commentary reports. I do
review the submissions for mispellings. However, we receive
messages from all over the world. Many contributors are using
English as a second language. This accounts for some of the
grammatical convolutions. Being bilingual myself, I realize that
many times the flavor of the original meaning can be best
captured in a more literal translation from one language to

Many of the submissions from British influenced areas contain
spellings common to the British version of English. I think it
would be unfair to alter the spellings which are correct within a
particular culture to fit US molds. Along with the knack of
dreams to turn mispellings and made-up terms into significant
keys for insight into the meanings behind the apparent, I have
chosen to submit the dreams as they are presented. A recent dream
referencing a Wearhouse instead of the "proper" term warehouse
pointed attention to a key element of the dreams message.

As Richard Wilkerson stated in a message recently: While it
looks a lot better to have consistent text, does dream text call
for a different editing standard? For example, when is a typo a
slip of the tongue? Another issue we have is that early Internet
culture got woven with a large group of writers who intentionally
refuse to capitalize. They see this as an editor's imposition on
the writer and it became a kind of "signature" of early Internet
writers to not capitalize anything. Stan K's dream are an example
of this and he asks directly that we don' t change this and
always add his name and address.

On the other hand, typos and inconsistent text make us look
messy and sloppy. A previous dream section editor, quit partially
in frustration around this issue, mentioning that ED typos and
inconsistencies drove her nuts and she wanted to professionally
distance herself from ED.

Richard concluded: I kind of sit in the middle. I like for
dreamers to present their text the way they want, but maybe (sp)
or something like that can be added for typos, and a short note
in front of dreams that the author requests the text remain in
the form it is presented.

Whadda you all think? - RW

As far as content, we have pretty much published all
submissions to date with the exception of "lost" email from time
to time, or repetitive commentary. We have also limited
selections from contributors of voluminous material. Yet, we have
still never reached a point where so much material has come in
during the month that we bypass most of the submitted material.

Even though some comments I have received point to a wish for
some higher degree of editorial discretion in deciding what to
include or not, it is my position that the dreams freely and
voluntarily submitted are part of an evolving body of dreams
rising to the forefront of our conciousness on a monthly basis.
They direct our attention to certain areas for the time being.

Let's enjoy the tour!


For those interested in dream Software tools, I received the
following message from DreamSoft, the publishers of DreamUp:

# From Dream-Up (970407)#

Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 12:04:09 -0600

From: Ferragut <>


Subject: Re: Thanks

Hello Bob, just writing to let you know that at last DreamUp is
available for purchase at:


And as promised, to give you the discount location of the
product. In case you might want to let your subscribers know in
the next issue of Electric Dreams or some other publication.

This location is meant for group purchases and publications. It
offers a 10% discount. Please let me know if you decide to use

Regards Xavier Ferragut DreamSoft, Inc.


As always thanks to the many dream contributors who generously
share their dreams and the commentators who share their dream

Wherever you are, thanks for reading, and come on join in the
fun. Send us a dream or commentary.

Bob Krumhansl


# Commentary by Rosalie on Death Dream Commentaries (970327)#

Thank you all who took the time to comment on my death dream. It
helped to keep it alive in my imagination. The message seemed to
come from the Roseanne Barr character. Even though my life seems
mundane and filled with knitty gritty concerns, this is the place
where the wedding between soul and spirit, the field of time and
the eternal is taking place. That gives me hope. Thank you so
much. I do intend to take more active part in commenting on other
people's dreams. But my husband just had surgery and I am
presently doing his work until he recovers.

So long


#Commentary by Richard on Dream Recall by Maged (970327)#

Hi Maged,

I haven't kept up with the science of dreaming for a the last
few years, but ...

I think the issues you mentioned do contribute to loss of
dream recall. I do want to make it clear that the current thought
(as current as a few years ago) on this is that we don't have
less dreams in these situations, but just recall them less.

The factors you mentioned - basically being preoccupied with
waking like - are important but can be modulated with basic dream
recall techniques. Another factor is age. It seems that its just
harder the older we get, the less recall we have. I think the
pre-natal period of 6 months is the highest REM. This drops off
as we get older. But its not clear that REM and dreaming are the
same. REM, as you may know, is rapid eye movement during sleep,
and when awakened from this state the chances are you will recall
a dream. Does this mean that its bio-chemically easier to
remember dreams during REM or that dreaming actually occurs more
during REM? No one knows, and often we recall dreams in non-REM
and Deep Sleep.

But all these factors can be influenced by attention to
dreams. See the resources below for dream recall suggestions.
I find the following "story" useful:

It seems that there is a bio-chemical process that makes us
forget dreams naturally. The empirical thinking on this is that
dreams help the mammal brain keep tuned at night and ready to
wake. When we first sleep REM is light, but it gets heavier
towards the end of the sleep cycle. The average is about 1 dream
of 20 minutes every 90 minutes of sleep - but more towards the
end. So, the mammal has these dreams, but what if a cat woke up
and recalled the dream of a mouse over the fence and jumped over
only to find Rover? Not very adaptive, so dream memory is not
coded into long term accessible memory. Then comes along human
beings. We develop (or was it given) a thing called language,
which among other things, allows us to represent experience from
the past, rehearse and replay it, and thus code it into long term
accessible memory. No conscious attention, no recall - generally.
Now it may still be in long term memory and we can't normally
access it - as new research on anaesthesia and surgery is showing
- but generally no waking conscious linguistic attention = no
accessible memory.

The key to this bridge with dreams seems to be in the first
few seconds of waking. Thus a few forward thinking thoughts about
what's going on that day, what I'm going to eat for breakfast,
what I'm going to wear, what my schedule is and poof- the dream
has evaporated. It doesn't take long for this to become a habit,
at least for me. There are exceptions. Some people seem to
recall dreams profusely without effort. My opinion is that its
the roll of the genetic dice. Most of us have to put some effort
into it.

Well, there must be a more humanistic way to express this -


Here are some Online resources:

See the Question and Answer Column on Self Help and Psychology:

Information on Recall form the Lucidity Institute:

DreamLink Recall help page

Dream Recall info by William Sharp and John Suler

Several issues of Electric Dreams deal with Recall - scan
backissues at

# Commentary by Heratheta on Dream Recall(970327) #

the humanistic approach i'm adding to my food diet for recall is
pears, wonderful so far and if you like a little wine I suggest
boone's farm's snow creek berry, it's a pear wine with berry

# Lost Commentary by Island on Dream Memory(970211) #

Subject: A resend of an E-mail on Memory that hasn't been posted

Bob, am I posting comments, etc., incorrectly? Here's another
what I thought would be posted comment that didn't make Electric

I don't know how old you are, but I know when I had reached my
late twenties, and believed at that point that remembering dreams
might be just the thing for me to, I realized to my great horror
that I had remembered only one or two dreams -- in years. What I
did then was to make firm commitment with myself to Record. My.
Dream. upon any slither of a recall. Months stretched between
dreams. That happened the first two or three years. What I
recalled could fill a thimble. I had to muster a great deal of
bottom (as Richard Rhodes says, in _How To Write_, "The English
use a homely word, "Bottom," to refer to the qualities of
physical and psychic endurance that Americans and Germans mean
when they talk of "willpower" or "will." Racehorses that stay the
course have "bottom"; so do boxers who get up and go on fighting
after they're knocked down....I like the word especially because
it corporealizes the Knickerbocker rule" -- and the Knickerbocker
rule, which is, according to Rhodes, simply "ass to chair." I
hope it is obvious why I have included this information, along
with advice on remembering dreams. You will not have begun at all
until you set pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, voice to mike,
which then requires transcription) -- a great deal of bottom, to
continue my original resolve. I'm glad I did. I've recorded
thousands of lengthy dreams since. There are many books and
further pointers on the topic available, and do peruse back
issues of Electric Dreams where you will find some hints and help



= Commentary: PatG on Amish Tradition by Richard (970327) =

Thank you Richard for sharing your dream. Our bodies only reveal
in dreams what we are ready to be present to. They have great

In your dream you mention "I was in a yearbook crew, and we were
looking through pictures. I saw a series of pictures of a man
(who I knew was Amish). The first picture showed only his face,
then next one a full bust, the next his whole body. The picture
after that showed him leaning on an axe, which had been stuck
into a tree stump. The few pictures after that one showed
another man in the background (all of these pictures were sepias
[brown and white, not black and white], and the man was wearing
logging clothes). The last picture included both men, next to
each other (I remember the other man to be wearing a suit, but I
think he changed later on)."

Pictures in our dreams often represent thoughts or ideas or they
may be a way of getting us to focus our attention on something in
our lives represented by the images in the pictures. You
actually have a series of "sepia" colored still life pictures as
well as a moving picture. I would invite you to spend time with
each of the picture frames. As a "member of a yearbook crew" you
may be receiving an invitation to reflect on major
events/experiences of this past year or your past in general.
Browns/sepia are earthy colors and can symbolize our instinctive
or sensuous nature. They could also represent the colors of
autumn which, depending upon your feelings about autumn can be
significant. I would invite you to take time to reflect on how
the "sepia" coloration holds meaning for you.

It could also be helpful to reflect on the Amish man in the
pictures (symbols of your Self or Shadow???). Is it someone you
know in waking life? Is there something about him you recognize
in you or would like to find in you??? What is your experience
with the Amish?

In the last section of your dream you mention "The last picture
also turned into a movie. After that, the suited man took the
axe, and started chopping at the Amish man. He continued until
the Amish man was all cut up (except for his head). The other
man then pushed the cut up part into a hole in the ground, and
made the head eat it. He said it was an Amish tradition."

It might be helpful for you to reflect on your feelings/emotions
during this aspect of your dream (tense, afraid, curious,
vengeful....etc.). What was happening in you? How were you
holding this image in your body - any bodily sensations or
felt-sense (legs ready to run, gut tight, sick to your stomach,
headache...etc.). What might you be "pushing into a hole in the
ground" (into your unconscious???) or what might you be trying to
take into your head (understand???)?

If this were my dream I would also want to spend some time
reflecting on the dream statement "it was an Amish tradition". I
have found that in my dreams remembered statements, songs,
questions, etc. have great power for revealing my unconscious to

These are just some of the aspects I would pursue, if this were
my dream. I hope this is helpful.

Peace, PatG

= Commentary: Heratheta on Amish Tradition by Richard (970326) =

to amish: avoid becoming something others are "made" to, and
thoughts thereof to just a dream: dreams are ghosts and so then
pictures of dying. some of us follow these ghosts some of avoid
their way. therfore you sometimes find them prophetic in a solid
form like the person who followed his dream while sometimes you
find only the ghost or hint of the dream of someone who did not
follow his or her dream. the latter event is often seen as a
doppleganger or vision.

= Commentary by Hermine on The Alien Threat by Stan (970408) =

Hi Stan, I don't know if it is still possible to react on your
dream but I just try. It was a long interesting dream and I was
amazed about your long-term memory!

If it was my dream: Title; "The thread of Ariadne" How I connect
to many other dimensions and come back again. I have friends who
teach me to use the portal/doorway so I know how to go there and
come back. It is an adventurous trip, sometimes scary like this
time. We keep contact by radio and computer. The aliens make
alterations im my patterns(way of live) when I interact with
them. I experience a flight and afterwards I share with a friend
what happened. I invite the aliens to visit my "world". They come
and give help to repair my "old family house" I realize repairing
the house costs a lot of money. I try to get back in reality and
leave the smell of the aliens. I will never live again in this
old apartment. My questions: ( I am also curious what "new
England"(house) means to you and "French "(doors )?) Do you
share your astral travels with Sheila? I remember another song of
Leonard Cohen: ( I used to listen a lot to this music in 1971) "
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye"

You woke up pleasantly rested....after doorways to....


Let me know how others reacted on your dream? Till the next

= Commentary by Maged on Soup Dream by Eileen (9970327) =

Hi, Eileen, I do not think you need to worry about your soup
dream. It is just a dream, it doesn't having to be explained,
and it doesn't have to have a meaning. May be it means you like
soup. Just don't worry, keep eating soup, and keep smiling.


= Lost Commentary by Island on Wearhouse Dream (970306) =

Subject: A dream comment I sent that somehow didn't make ED 4:3
(Resend of E-mail) I am inside a type of warehouse...some

I am inside a type of warehouse <<a storage building>>. I am
facing <<need to make a decision>> some sort of swimming pool
<<contained space for exploring emotions>>, although I am not
swimming in it. There is a man, a friend of mine (someone I
don't know in real life) and all of a sudden I am afraid of him.
<<Why am I afraid of a friend?>> I know he wants to hurt me.
<<Perceived as enemy>>. I begin to run away. He runs out of the
wearhouse and quickly speeds away in his car. I frantically put
on a yellow T-Shirt and blue shorts <<persona: casually dressed
with a suggestion of genderlessness>>. I am very frightened now!
I watch the car speed away, and I begin to run out of the
wearhouse. <<Observing the car speeding away lends impetus to my
running on my own speed out of a building where I have
stored/myself for, perhaps, quite some time>>. I have never ran
so quickly.

It is daylight outside <<gone from the darkness of the warehouse
to the light of open day>>. I pass street signs that are around
my neighbourhood, the signs read "Autumn St." and finally I make
a right turn on "Queen Street." <<Two markers suggest both
direction and a choice: I choose right on Queen -- what would
have happened on Autumn Street?>>. I am racing down the sidewalk
with cars rushing by. I am still running very quickly. <<I race
down a sidewalk while observing speeding cars rushing by--as both
are rushing, is there some comparison going on here -- between
moving through life on legs as opposed/compared to moving through
life in a speeding car?>>. I am still frightened. I have a
feeling that the man I ran from wants to hurt me. As I run, I
look back and I see a shed being blown up. <<Could the shed be
the warehouse now transformed into a shed? Could you somehow
gotten away from explosive feelings/thoughts contained/incubating
in the warehouse? >> I know that was meant for me.

I realize that the man I'm running from has a woman partner
chasing after me and wanting to hurt me. I know that they (the 2
chasing me) think that I will go into the next shed that I pass,
but luckily I don't because it too blows up into a fiery ball.
<<A new shed appears which explodes in a ball of fire>>. I twist
and turn around the side streets, trying to lose those 2
following me. <<It seems as though there might be something that
is urging reconciliation ...a bringing together of two opposing
points of views or attitudes... >>

I think of taking a train <<destiny>>, so I go down an escalator
and then up another escalator <<escalating emotions that go up
and down?>>. It is still daylight. The young man on my right
takes my ticket and the man on my left directs me to the train. I
know that the 2 following me are not too far away, so I must
hurry to catch my train. There is a short line to get onto the
train. I look at my watch and it is 12:58p.m.The woman driving
the train seems very nice and asks me to pay $2.40. <<There is a
small fee to board and I pay her>>. I take out my money and pay
her. I know the country I'm in is Italy, but I had better not
speak Italian so that it will be more difficult for the 2
following me to find me. So I speak to the woman driving the
train in English. (N.B. I speak both Italian and English
fluently.) <<How do I know the man and woman speak Italian and
not English?>> She sits me behind her. <<The female conductor
places me behind her: is there a suggestion that I will be
protected as I travel my destined route? Or is it emphasized
that, because I am so close to the female conductor, that I am
just one passenger removed from being in control of my destiny?>>

The interior of the train looks like a bus. I sit in the seat
right behind the driver. I am facing out the window. I am on the
left of the bus/train. I have my own steering wheel, gears,
speedometer, accelerator, breaks, etc... I notice that the man
sitting next to me on the left has all this as well, and so do
the rest of the passengers on the bus/train. I think this is odd,
but am thankful that the bus/train is leaving so the 2 following
me will not hurt me. <<Normally to my mind a bus would suggest
group attitudes, normative behavior. However, all passengers have
their own controls -- is this for real or merely an illusion of
control/self-direction? What are my attitudes/beliefs? How do
they go along with/deviate from those around me? For one thing,
I'm on the left -- intuitive/feeling side -- and to the left of
me sits a male passenger...>>

The man to my left tells me that the money I have on me (Canadian
Dollars) are not going to be worth anything at the destination.
<<Well, looks like I'm not headed for Canada>>. I am a little
concerned because that is the only currency I have. <<Have I
become too insular in my thinking? Do I need to grow a bit
more?>> I begin to think of ways of attaining money for me to
survive once I get to my destination (a country that begins with
the letter "A". It is a strange name, I can't remember it now.) I
think of how I could steal women's purses to get some money.
<<Why steal from women? Why not men?>> I am not scared anymore. I
don't know exactly how I am going to survive when I get to my
destination, but I feel safer now that I am sitting next to this
man and the friendly driver <<because they are my friendly
helper/guides? Or because they are aspects of myself that I am
now discovering? Did the enemy, the man and woman out to hurt me,
transform and become this male passenger and female train/bus

In conclusion, if it were my dream, seems like something might
serve as the impetus to get me out of a long standing holding
pattern -- once I'm out and into the broad light of day, choices
present themselves, which seem more to do about how I will choose
to move through life, how much control over the direction I will
assume, what environment (country) I am moving toward, and what
influences I choose to surround me and/or immerse myself in, but
I suspect I will want to dive into the swimming pool a bit before
venturing forth. I am happy to note that the original fear has
somehow been dissolved, and I feel safer now... I hope I have
added some thoughts/questions that will aid you as you continue
to work/play with your dream.


= Commentary by Heratheta on Uncomfortable Dream (970418) =

I agree that you are at an intolerable saturation point and
should avoid any thing "intolerable" or thought thereof until
your next dream especially. your efforts in the dream to avoid
the intolerable were admirable. staying lucid when you open your
eyes, and continuing the avoidance of the intolerable, which all
dreams represent, that's what lucidity and the essence of my tack
is. lucidity is a 24 hour a day eternal existence not just
something you do with a machine attached to your head while you
trying to catch a little shut eye.


PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or
send them in before it happens, if you can]

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on
our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a
trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

* Dream: Gaye's Second Dream by Gaye (970413)*

hello, my second remembered dream occurred sometime between the
ages of 3 and 4 years old.

I am at a family picnic on a grassy bluff over looking a river or
a lake. I am wearing a dress and enjoying spinning around and
making myself dizzy...(I am a little girl in this dream and I
like the way my skirt swirls around when I spin)

I wander away from my family and go to the edge of the bluff. I
am looking out over the water when a Native American man comes
and lifts me up, places me under his arm and dives off the bluff
into the water. then he is swimming with me underwater and I was
pleased to find I could breathe underwater. I looked at the way
my hair flowed in the water and how the suns rays came down
through the water. I felt very peaceful.

that's about it.

peace in our time!


ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

* Dream: Free At Last by BobbyR (970410)*

I often dream of my families death. Is this normal? In the
dreams I am usually very sad for a while but then I feel as
though my life has been set free and I become the worlds greatest
athlete, brain surgeon, etc... This dream keeps recurring. Am I a
bad person?

Is there something wrong with me?

= Commentary by Quiet on Family Death Dreams by BobbyR (970412) =

Everyone has disturbing dreams sometimes, it doesn't mean
anything's wrong with you. If this were my dream I would think it
was a sign that I felt something or someone, possibly my family,
possibly something else, was somehow holding me back, and I
wanted to be free from being restrained.

= Commentary by Heratheta on Family Death Dreams by BobbyR
(970411) =

your tolerance for death is very low at this time so don't
compound that stress with any "death" or thoughts thereof of your

= Commentary by Matthew on Family Death Dreams by BobbyR (970415)

The dream to me just seems to be saying that your family is
placing a restriction on your life. Whether you like the
restrictions or not it's a fact of life so I don't think it's so
unusual to feel that way about your family now and again. I
wouldn't worry too much about how dramatically the idea is played
out in your dream either, my dreams have a tendency to express
themselves in an extreme way too. I always just assume that its

If your more worried about the fact that it recurs then maybe
you should try and focus on the benefits of being a member of
your family.


COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]


AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

[This month brings us: Lions, Foals and a Dolphin/Shark. Can you
find them?]

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

See George Segal and Remo (from Caroline in the City) under

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we
participate in]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

* Dream: Tracer Elements Dreams by Swampbird (970419)*

In the DREAM TREK column by Linda Lane Magallon (ELECTRIC
DREAMS, vol 4, issue #3) I read the following concerning psychic

Some dreamers do use what the scientists have come to call
*tracer elements.* Tracer elements are special recurrent symbols.
Nowadays they tend to be the ones that feature equipment which
perceives or communicates, such as telephones, television,
telescopes and cameras. But they could be any image of personal

That night I had the following dreams:

April 14, 1997

A: In the annex to the library Roger has stacked television sets
and computers. I try to drape an old sheet over the stack like
Susan does, but there is a large hole in the sheet. I throw that
sheet away. I see some green sheets folded up, but I'm not sure
if I use them on my bed or not. There is also a large screen
television in the annex.

B: I look at the nail on my right index finger. It looks almost
normal, with pink main part and pearl grey nail. I suppose it
won't look so good when I take the nail polish off.


= Commentary by Swampbird on her Tracer Elements Dreams (970419)=

I believe my subconscious was having some fun with me,
stacking up those "tracer elements" in an "annex" of my mind
where my "extra" sensory powers might reside. The second dream is
the prophecy, but only if I can demonstrate sufficient will-
power. The nail on my right index finger was damaged by a
childhood accident, and I have kept it so by picking at it all my
life. About six months ago I made a concerted effort to let it
grow normally. I put nail polish on it to discourage my
compulsive meddling with it. The nail will eventually appear as
it did in my dream -- if I can leave it alone long enough!

I believe these dreams demonstrate two qualities of my

1. An ability for qualified prophecy.

2. A sense of humor.


COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

* Dream: Cult Dream II-Suburban Cult by Richard -1991 (970424) *

Suburban Cult by Richard -1991

I am investigating a cult with a friend. We go to a meeting
or religious service held at a suburban home. We are in the back

yard, its a one story house a few trees a lot of cement in place
of ground near the house and a small shaded swimming pool.

An evangelical preacher is on a raised area giving a sermon
with great verve. I feel there is something suspicious about him,
that he may be of the same species as Jim Jones. As he speaks a
man runs up toward the house, as if caught up in the spirit, and
then an astral body keeps going up and out of his body as he gets
near the house.

The projection runs/flies up to the roof and keeps running up

as if to the sky. Then, arising from the ground around the pool,
are spirits in the forms of beasts...vaporous and ghostly
serpentine forms. One I recall the clearest looked much like a 6
or 7 foot high cobra with open hood and bat like wings. There are
at least a dozen of them. My friend and I decide to leave the
back yard as I feel very threatened by the possibility I may be
noticed by these specters.

The next scene we find ourselves having been investigating
and looking around the house and have just entered a well light
basement. I seems to be a special chamber of some sort with a
thick submarine or pressurized door. I think to myself this must
be a sauna. But it turns out to be a trap. The room begins to
violently shake and I know that if this continues long enough it
will destroy my friend and me.

I go to a small raised alcove and see on a wall a gauge. I
can read the gauge and it has two sets of numbers, much like the
following: 001002000410 and 0101000018100830002.

I seem to know that they are indicators of how much rocking
a human and a monster can take. I see that Humans can take more
than monsters and realize we will survive. We escape through a
small raised window.

* Dream: Cult Dream II- Shalinar's Trap by Richard (970424) *

Shalinar's Trap (1993) by Richard

I'm at my childhood home(lived with my mother at her
parents). I'm with a 'new' family, we are going to convert a
basement into a study area/den. First the kitchen is remodeled.
I'm impressed by how this must be remodeled first. The rest of
the den will follow.

Uncle C. (Usually charming, selfish, sleazy) comes over.
Like me, he too has been exercising and dieting and is wearing
shorts. He asks "How do I look?". I am impressed and tell him how
fit he is looking, especially his legs. He tells me "Yes, I'm
especially happy with my legs."

Later I'm staying in a strange town and walk through the
slums to go to a church. I walk one street off the main path and
regret it. I hear young black men, muttering and questioning my
presence. I hurry along, not responding to them. I come to a
beach, its just before dawn and or after sunset. There are
several churches set up or preparing tents and bands. There man
be trouble. One intrusive group of large white men have set up by
the beach and have a much larger drum section than the other
groups. I decide to sit with another group that starting on the
hill. Several books, I suppose bibles or hymnals, are scattered
around. I'm carrying my own book, its thick and a book of perhaps
one by James Hillman.

People, a dozen or two, show up and things get cooking
fast. Music and drums are playing a fast moving cyclical rhythm.
The cult members form a circle on the ground. There are a few
holes in the circle, as if they were invitations, but I move down
a little outside the circle. One or two others do the same. I
wonder if they are new and shy like myself or larger combinations
and practices are allowed by the cult. Quickly the circle members
are in a push-up like position and circling to include me. I join
the dance on the beach, though it is quite complex, with cycles
within cycles. One guy moves especially close to me. He makes me
uncomfortable, but I stay close with him as I seem to be able to
follow his dance pattern. The dance ends. A robed man, I assume a
young priest, asks me if I will join him. I say yes and follow
him up the hill to a house. He has longish blond hair, a darker
mustache perhaps. He leads me into a beach house. We enter in
though a couple rooms to a central living room area. Its
decorated very busily, India/Chinese/middle eastern with an
American 60's furniture. There are contemporary TV and stereo
equipment. I have a paranoid thought, a remembrance of someone
taking about a cult leader that brings new members into his
house, locks the doors and programs/brainwashes the unsuspecting
persons. I think to myself I'm too smart for that. I have Hillman
and other mental abilities. Still, I try to remember the doors I
came in here from.

Shalanar introduces himself with a smile and asks how I am.
I tell him I felt a little uneasy in the group event. He smiles
and says my being there was fine. I feel complimented. I want to
hear the compliment again and state again my unsureness about
entering into their dance. I feel more uncomfortable and sit down
on the floor. When I look up, Shalinar is gone. The TV is playing
and says "He's in the stereo." and I am upset now. I don't like
this being tricked and played with stuff and head for the door. I
see another door too and peak in that one. It least so several
other doors. I retrace my steps, wishing I had better memorized
the layout of this joint. I go out another door I feel I came in
and this leads me to a locked door that is beyond my capacity to
open, like a meat locker door. I'm really frustrated and panicky
now. There are many possible routes inside this hall of mirror
house and I feel the exit is quite well hidden.

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left,
make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil,
cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions
carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the
path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

* Dream: Escape From Florida by Sasha (970423) *

My name is Sasha and last night I had a dream that I was in
Florida with a bunch of friends and lions were holding us from
going anywhere. All of a sudden they attacked but we escaped. I
was frightened and decided to leave early. Brendon gave me his
plane ticket and when I boarded the plane I found I was the only
passenger. I called home to tell about my adventures when my
friend, Shira heard my voice. All of a sudden a bunch of my
friends were with me. My ex-boyfriend, Connor was there also.
At one pt. I lost my retainer and Connor handed me one and I
asked where he found it. he said it was Shira's. It fit

FEAR [What scares us]

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS


HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue
of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves
the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

# Question & Commentary by Quiet on Music in Dreams #

Sometimes there is music in the background of my dreams, like a
soundtrack. It isn't coming from anywhere, & I usually don't even
notice it in my dream, but when I wake up I remember it, &
sometimes still have it in my head. It's not music I've heard
anywhere in real life, it just comes out of my head. I was just
wondering if anyone else noticed this in their own dreams.
Thanks. :)


NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which
constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often
influencing how we relate to the outside world]

* Dream: The Pink Dressing Table by MVD (970331) *

Hello there,

I have been reading and listening for awhile and learning about
how this list works. I admit I am a bit confused as to where I
am supposed to send any of my comments.

I would like to share a dream I had and would appreciate some
suggestions about dialoging with it. I have learned that my
dreams are speaking to me about my current situations and that
most of the time the people in the dream are some part of me.

I dreamed of a pink dressing table. It was in a space that had
the same atmosphere as my garage, dark (with the door closed)
damp, cold. I thought it was in my garage but it was different,
like a barn or somewhere else. I did not know what it was at
first. The dressing table was in light, luminated, no lamps or
lights. Pink was the color. Not a bright pink, the pink seemed to
come more from the light. It had a mirror, drawers. You could
sit at it. It was not the kind of dressing table with a skirt. I
thought I could use my mothers bench to sit at it ( I have a
bench that belonged to my mother that she had in front of her
vanity) I was excited to have it, the dressing table. I did not
know where I would put it and I was trying to figure out a place
to put it in our bedroom. I became afraid Dick (my husband) would
say there was no room and it is a piece of junk and dispel my
enthusiasm and excitement. I woke up wanting to keep my
excitement and enthusiasm.


= Commentary by Hermine on The Pink Dressing Table by MVD
(970403) =

Hi, If it was my dream, I'll ask myself the following questions:
The space/place dark, damp cold reminds me of? What does the
color pink to me? What is the importance of a mirror, drawers?
The atmosphere of my mothers house? The atmosphere of my
bedroom? I like to be excited and enthusiast ,despite reactions
of others?

"If it was my dream" Title: Pink(color) reflection I experience
sometimes an atmosphere which does not make me feel comfortable,
I like to change something in my circumstances/ situation to make
it more cosy and light, I have a good memory of my mothers
furniture ,which gives me good feelings like excitement and
enthusiasm. I allow myself to change something or make it
different than before so I feel comfortable again. ( it is more
related to a feminine part of myself)

= Commentary by Heratheta on MVD Dream (970401)=

total message was meant to read: tolerance for "dispelling" at an
unsafe level and thus compounding that "dispelling ", in the
dream, with any "dispelling" on your part for the next 24 hrs.
would not serve your best interests at least until your next
dream. all my opinions on dreams are intended to be for the time
following the dream in question until the dreamers next dream.

*Dream: 'Me, Myself and ID' by AngstRidn (970416) *

I got into my little red Datsun and drove to a nearby town to see
a movie. Not just any movie, a porno movie. I found myself a
seat and sat down. The place was virtually empty. The movie
began. Some guy came and sat two seats away from me. Then
shortly after another guy came and sat on the other side of me.
Uncomfortable, I got up and moved. It's getting more and more
crowded by the minute. Now I can't see the screen because the
guy in front of me's head is in the way. I try to peek around
either side of it, but it's hopeless. About ten rows in front of
me, there are two women playing cards (at a table). They're
talking loudly, disrupting our viewing. Everyone yells at them
to shut up.

After the movie I meet two men (George Segal and the guy who
plays Remo on 'Caroline in the City'). We go somewhere for a
drink. We spend a good part of the afternoon just chatting away.
I think Remo has a crush on me. I tell them that I must leave,
but I don't want them to see where I parked my car because I feel
Remo might write down my license plate number and that he
probably knows someone at the DMV who would give him my name and

I get to my car, only now it's a red sled (yeah, just like
Rosebud/Citizen Kane). I arrive home only to find my mom crying
(not my real mom). She's sobbing and sobbing. She sees me and
tells me I'm dead. I tell her, "No I'm not! I'm right here."
She tells me I drove head on into Remo's car.

Now I'm outside. It's like our house is on a mountain side.
The grass is green and the sun is shining. I'm sitting my
physical self, or an empty shell of myself on the mountain top.
I appear juxtaposed with a computer cpu and monitor (the monitor
is sitting atop the cpu). Myself, as the computer, is covered in
grime (from the accident). I get some window cleaner and spray
it, trying to wipe the dirt from it.

Back in my room, my soul is getting ready for my funeral. I'm
wearing a white slip, doing my hair and putting on makeup. I
removed some rollers from my hair. It fell in big fat curls
across my forehead. My hair is thick and shiny. I then dotted
some foundation around my eyes and let it set for a moment, so
it'll be less fluid. Then after a few minutes I blend it over my
entire face. My skin tone is even in color, my complexion
flawless except for a few flakes of skin which I brush away. My
skin feels like wax to the touch. But I look perfect. I
accidentally brush my right cheek with my hand and I find a deep
gouge there. Must be from the accident I surmise. I take a
tweezers and begin removing the dead skin that has collected in
the scar (but there is no blood). Then I reapply my makeup,
covering it up until it's flawless once again. In a certain
light I can see an abrasion on my face, like a scrape along one
cheek. I hope no one else will be able to see it. I want them
to love me, dead or alive. (4/15/97)


=Commentary by AngstR on 'Me, Myself and ID' by AngstRidn

Comments: I guess my going to the porno movie could be construed
as a sign of rebellion, something no one would ever think me to
do. My way of being 'naughty'. As for the car turning into a
sled, I'm uncomfortable with material possessions, especially
when others have far less than I. Case in point: I'm going on a
trip overseas and while I put that in a letter to my family, when
I talked to my sister on the phone (before she got the letter), I
didn't mention it. She called me after receiving the letter and
called me a snob for not telling her, when actually, that was the
very reason I didn't tell her.....I felt it was too much like
bragging. On to my funeral preparations; I guess that's me
trying to be perfect for everyone, even in death. Put on the
mask (makeup) and pretend everything's alright.

* Dream: Trusting My Instinct? by Hermine (970409) *

Hi Bob, My first dream to you! Wednesday April 9-1997,7.15

"Trusting my instinct?"

I am in a holiday park and I look for the cottage of my family. (
W (male) and the two children Jan and Gerben sons of 16 and 13
years old.) I don't know the number of the cottage and I realize
I lost my handbag with the number and also my bankcards and
important papers.

I try to orientate myself, to find out where I passed by before.

I find a restaurant meet people there but they don't know either
because I have no number of this cottage.(What's in a number?)

I walk further and am in nature, green meadows, a heath area,
trees and unexpected there is a herd of horses and foals, they
run to the right but suddenly in my direction, one foal lay down
on the ground and I kneel also and lay down next to this foal and
feel the touching of his nose, head on my body, I kiss this foal
and feel happy to be together.

When I stand up again there is the appearance of a lion. I don't
feel at ease, I move quickly back to a wall and turn my body in

another direction, there are two other people who also stay as
quiet as possible. I remember the best thing to do with lions is
don't move and no noise so I do. Nothing happens and when I look
up again the lion has gone.

With these people I go further because I still want to find my
children. I am in the water then and see canoes

around me, it's a
kind of contest, I have no canoe and keep my hands on a pile of
wood, I don't want to be caught by the stream who is strong at
that moment. I see a canoe with a baby in it and I am amazed that
even a baby can sit in a canoe completely free and going by the
stream so easily.

I come ashore again and enter a building. In this building I have
a kind of intercom or a sort of telephone, I can hear the
children talking, but they can't hear my voice. I feel happy I
found them and that they are safe.

Hermine (Female)

= Commentary by Brien on Trusting My Instinct? (970424) =

Sometimes a dream just speaks for itself! Wandering in the
wilderness, lost, confused, worried. Dealing with the animals and
the jungle that confronts each of us. The inner child is so far
removed from all of this that the ability to keep in motion is
not hindered in any way...maybe even enhanced somewhat. The
dream does seem to 'strip' you of the day-to-day worries and
possessions...leaving you to find your way without the creature
comforts. Even in the end this little voice is there to comfort
you...even if you are not able to actually be interactive with

Just my thoughts on-the-fly, Brien

=Commentary by Heratheta on Instinct & Plane Dream (970424)=

instinct, this dream tells me it's time to be available and at
the service of others and oneself until at least the next dream

airplane dream, obvious to me is the need to not make any sudden
moves at least until the next dream

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

* Dream: Looking For Mummy by C (970329) *

My father and I are looking for a very ancient original mummy. We
are in a church. Right in the middle, behind the altar, is a kind
of very nice looking coffin. I come closer and I realize that it
is made of recent commercial cheap wood. It is just show off, and
the mummy inside is 'not the real thing'.

On the left of the altar, there is a very rude, damaged coffin.
Without checking it, I know that at last we have found it. I come
closer. It is made of very old bamboo wood. I can see the feet of
the mummy through a hole. I am very excited. This is it. I can
feel my father's presence, and he is very excited as well. On
this coffin there is a statue. It is very straight. Almost white
in color, translucent. Suddenly the statue turns to me. Its (her
?) straight arms lift in a welcoming gesture. Its face is that of
a Buddha, very quietly smiling.

The statue talks directly to my mind : 'Won't you accept my
offer ?' I feel very quiet, and not ashamed or uncomfortable. I
look at the statue. And I answer directly to her : 'But I am so
afraid !'. She doesn't answer but I know that her offer is really
nice and unselfish. I feel good and it's for me to decide. The
statue's belly starts to glow with a red/white light, very warm.
the people in the church are surprised and look at me and at the
statue. But I am not surprised. I walk to the left, towards the
statue and embrace her. She is a bit rigid. Her cheek is a bit
hard and cold. But it feels healthy to embrace her.

= Commentary by Hermine on Looking For Mummy (970407) =

As a late reaction still present to send my impression:

If it was my dream: Title: "Finding unconditional love "

My father and I discover an ancient original mummy in an old
coffin at a sacred place. There is a statue of a Buddha on top of
it. In contact with this Buddha image, I receive unconditional
love and loose all my fear. My whole body starts vibrating again
and I recognize my own Christ energy in my heart. This makes me
feel good .

Some questions I might have for you are related to : -Your
relationship with your father? - Your relationship with your
mother? - How wood differs... The outside look and the inside
look? - The colours red and white what do they mean to you? ( If
it was my dream, I relate red with earth and white with heaven)

Thank you for sharing! Hermine

= Commentary by PatG on Looking For Mummy (970329) =

Greetings Dreamer, thank you for sharing this dream with us. So
much to reflect upon - so rich. What I focused on may not be of
help to you. It did invite me to be with some of my own stuff -
for that I thank you. If this were my dream I would want to
spend time with some of the following:

Mummy and Mommy are so close in sound - is this significant? Is
this dream an invitation to reflect on an aspect of my
relationship with my real mother? If I were a man, mother
symbols could represent the feminine (anima) side of who I am or
the unconscious; intuition; natural and instinctive life; the
source of nourishment and growth for the psyche. Is this dream
an invitation to reflect on any of these?

<Right in the middle, behind the altar, is a kind of <very nice
looking coffin. I come closer and I realize that it is made of
<recent commercial cheap wood. It is just show off, and the mummy
inside <is 'not the real thing'.

If this were my dream I might ask the question: What about my
feminine nature (anima if I were a man) is being hidden behind a
false facade? Or, what within my unconscious is feeling buried -
especially in a "commercial cheap wooden coffin" that's "not the
real thing"?

If this were my dream I would want to hold the image and
experience of: <On the left of the altar, there is a very rude,
damaged coffin. Without <checking it, I know that at last we have
found it. I come closer. It is <made of very old bamboo wood. I
can see the feet of the mummy through a <hole. I am very excited.
This is it. I can feel my father's presence, <and he is very
excited as well.

What feelings are held inside my body and how do I hold them? If
this were my dream I would take time with each aspect of this
scene of discovery - what do they hold for me? What is my
unconscious revealing to me? My father is excited as well. What
might that be about? I might dialogue with my father about "our"
experience of discovery.

As a final thought. If this were my dream, the presence of both
the "mummy ??? mommy" and "my father" could be an experience of
finding balance and wholeness within myself. I would want to
reflect on that invitation. Does it hold new information for me
or is it calling me to something???

Again, thank you for your sharing such a powerful experience.

Dream Well, Pat

= Commentary by Heratheta on Looking For Mummy (970329) =

looking at this dream's geographical location from my sleep site
I would seek to avoid "very" and thoughts thereof in myself and
others 90 degrees to the left or right if possible, until my next
dream. the deja vu of this dream is more likely to occur outside
of yourself in the above mentioned 90 degree vector and more
likely to be internalized if no avoidance technique is enacted.

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learnings trials]

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have
questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the
spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

* Dream: Tornado by Mike (970412)*

In my dream I was about 8 years old. I was outside in the garden
when a strong wind blew up. I was being swept away from the house
by the wind, I grabbed on to garden sticks but I continued to be
blown away. My dad came to try and get me but I couldn't reach

What could this mean?

I also had a second dream some time later. I was up on a hill
when the wind began. I was lifted off the ground. I tried to hold
onto the long grass, but it ripped out in my hands. As I was
lifted higher I held on to trees but the wind got stronger. Then
I lost grip and was carried higher and higher until the earth
seemed miles below me. Then I woke up.

Please could you answer my questions by e-mail. Thanks.


TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or
imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

WATER [A magical earthly fluid]

* Dream: End of World Dream & Question by Quiet (970424) *

I dreamed I was back at high school, but the day had just ended
and I was leaving. I was outside & it was light out. T came up to
me & told me excitedly that she'd finally convinced some girl
that she was a "real person." I asked who it was, & she said "The
girl who gives me roses everyday" and I saw this girl off across
the grass we were walking on. T told me what she'd had to do to
prove herself, and I thought whatever it was was a terrible thing
to do & became really angry at this girl for having T do this. I
ended up going into a room like the lobby of a movie theatre, to
wait for the school bus. N & C were there, & we were standing in
line when the girl T had told me about came in. She just stood
there looking at me, like she expected me to say something to
her. She knew I was angry at her. I adjusted the cream colored
socks that I was wearing over black & white striped tights or
something strange like that. Then for some reason, I said to the
girl sarcastically "Well, why don't you just (something..?) since
you're a witch?" So she asked me to define the word witch, & I
knew she didn't expect me to have an answer but I gave her one I
knew she thought was right. She said something else to which I
replied "I am not a witch." For some reason me, N & C found this
all rather humorous. We were on a school bus now, in the very
back. The girl was standing off to my right, and N & C were
sitting next to me on the right. We were backing out of a
building, & realized it was dark outside & raining very hard. I
said to the girl "Oh, just give me a hug or we're all gonna die."
And I did hug her, but she was a little too far away. I said in
her ear "There's enough negative energy between us to sink this
ship...or whatever it is...this bus." and by saying that I was
sort of admitting that I was a witch like her. But then the bus
was full of water, & everything was turning. I knew the world was
ending & I saw an image of the earth tipping over & water rushing
over everything. I was holding my breath, which was surprisingly
easy, and thinking "I can't die this way, I can't die now!" Then
I saw an image of myself, but I was a big dolphin or shark,
swimming straight up through the middle of this murky green

Sometimes there is music in the background of my dreams, like a
soundtrack. It isn't coming from anywhere, & I usually don't even
notice it in my dream, but when I wake up I remember it, &
sometimes still have it in my head. It's not music I've heard
anywhere in real life, it just comes out of my head. I was just
wondering if anyone else noticed this in their own dreams.
Thanks. :)


WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

* Dream: The Wonderful Speaker by Rosalie(970226)*

Feb 26: The Wonderful Speaker

The queen shows me the glass room overlooking the church or
gathering place. In the glass room are her children. I notice
especially the young son who will be the next king. She says that
he must train for his role as future king, while the other
children will have more freedom. That's why they are kept behind
glass where the people can see them, but they still have some
freedom. I say, "He will be a good King, because he has a
wonderful and wise mother." When I go out I think that my black
high heeled shoes have been stolen. Then I find them when I
remember where I put them near the stage.

On the stage is a writer and speaker. She spoke to an
audience on Therapeutic Touch or something. She is very loving
and caring toward her audience of women. She speaks from the
heart. Yet, one woman, Agnes L. says to her afterward, "you were
pathetic(etc.) Then when the speaker-writer wants to explain,
Agnes says to me about the speaker, "she is so-o smug." Andy, the
husband of Agnes is there too. I say to the speaker, "don't
listen to her, you were great. She just doesn't understand and
feels alienated because she doesn't understand." The
speaker/writer explains to me how she gets up early every morning
and writes. Later that same evening I am outside near the house
where Agnes lives. A woman phones me and says how thrilled she
is about the meeting and the idea of T.T. I am trying to figure
out who the woman is but she won't say. Then I see her high on
the catwalk talking into a cellular phone, same as I am. I am
thinking of going to comfort Agnes because I know what it feels
like when you don't feel as if you belong.


== == == == == == == == == == == ==


(See the Cult Dreams)

== == == == == == == == == == == ==

Hasta La Vista! See you Next issue!!

Bob Krumhansl





The Electric Dreams E-zine (issn 1089 4284)is *free* and
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SUBMITTING DREAMS and Comments about Dreams: EASY!

Electric Dreams will publish your dreams and comments

about dreams you have seen in previous issues. If you can, be
clear what name you want or don't want. Most people use a pen
name. Please include a title for your dream. Email to: Bob
Krumhansl <>


SUBMITTING ARTICLES, projects and letters-to-the-editor.

Electric Dreams is responsive and experimental. If you

have articles or suggestions on dreams, dreaming or

dreamers - including book reviews, movie suggestions or

conferences and meetings, we will publish them. I'm

especially interested in creative interpretive approaches

to dreams, including verbal, dramatization, and mixed

media approaches. Send to:

Richard Wilkerson <>


SUBMITTING NEWS and Calendar events related to dreaming. We
usually have a deadline at the 15th of each month. Send all
events and news to Peggy Coats <>

SENDING IN QUESTIONS, Replies and Concerns about dreams and
dreaming. We don't pretend to be the final authority on dreams,
but we will submit you questions to our network and other
Internet networks. Also, you are free to post special interest
requests. Send those to Victoria Quinton


JOINING DREAM GROUPS sponsored by Electric Dreams. If you are
interested in joining a group to discuss your dream with peers,
contact Chris Hicks <>

JOINING DISCUSSIONS ON DREAMING. Electric Dreams in conjucntion
with DreamGate support the Oneiro-Network, and you can join their
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Attach your own web page to Electric Dreams. Do you have an idea
for a dream page, but no web site? Send that page to Matthew
Parry. If you need help with creating the web page, contact
Matthew for about classes. <>


Thanks to Matthew Parry:

From here you will have access to information about Electric
Dreams, back issues, FAQ and other online dream resources.

NEED A COVER for your issues of Electric Dreams? We now provide
them and you can download them at

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available on Dan P.'s BBS:

PsychoNautica BBS +44 0181 764 1446.

Thanks to ONIROS for mentioning ED in your Magazine in France!

Thanks to Compuserve New Age Forum for ED info Posts.

To access the New Age B Forum From CompuServe Information Manager
1.4 :

1) In the CIM program, pull down the Services menu

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3) On the Main Services Menu, click the Home /Leisure icon

4) Then, Click: Special Interests icon

5) Then, Click: Religion option

6) Then, Click: New Age B Forum option (also referred to

7) Then, Enjoy.

Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine list:


Thanks to Todd Kuiper for listing us on his e-zine list:

Thanks for the listing in The eZines Database Collection:


Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the Electric
Dreams project.

Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in the

FAQ files at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid and for other Usenet
Newsgroups for allowing us to continually post messages.

Thanks to our many web links!


The Electric Dreams Staff


Peggy Coats - News & Calender Events Director

Earl Koteen - Dream Interpretation Mentor

Dane P -UK Distributing Editor

Chris Hicks - Dream Research & Group Moderator

Bob Krumhansl - Editor & Dream Editor

Matthew Parry - Web Master

Nutcracker - Dream Journals & Dream Reaper

Rob Childress (Rob Childress)


The Oneiro-Network

Victoria Quinton- Questions & Answers Editor

mermaid 8*)

Jesse Reklaw - Art Director & cover Designs

Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director

Alissa Goldring - Contributing editor

Cover this month by Jesse Reklaw

Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles & Subscriptions

+ The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue to your

+ The generous authors of our articles

+ The delightful dreamers and commentators

+ Special thanks to Catherine Decker & Jay Vinton


All dream and article text and art are considered (C)opyright by
the writers, artists and dreamers themselves. Anyone other than
the authors may use or reprint the text for non-commercial use,
but all other use by anyone other than the author must be with
the permission of either the author or the current Electric
Dreams dream editor.




Electric Dreams is an independent electronic publication not
affiliated with any other organization. The views of our
commentators are personal views and not intended as professional
advise or psychotherapy.



May 14, WED deadline for submission

FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 4(5)





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