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Electric Dreams Volume 06 Issue 02

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Electric Dreams
 · 4 years ago


"As a doorway, dreams present to each of us our own individualized invitation"
Henry Reed

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Volume 6 Issue #2


ISSN# 1089 4284


Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web


Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Bob Krumhansl <>

Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>

For back issues, editors addresses
and other access & Staff see
at the end of this issue



++ Editor's Notes
++ Dream Airing: Notes, letters to the editor
Is there significance in a poststructural dreamwork?
conversation with Robert Lewis and Richard Wilkerson
++ Column: Dream Trek: Flying Wires And Other Mysteries
by Linda Lane Magall›n
++ Q&A: Watch Your Dreams + Investment Tips
by Nancy Huseby Bloom
++ Interview: with Andy Griffiths
by Victoria Quinton
++ Interview: with Jane Anderson
by Victoria Quinton
++ Article: Dreamworking in Metaphysics
by Jeri Noble

G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats

This Month's Features:

- Favorite Practical Dream Contest
- Introduction to Dreamwork: 11 Feb -- 18 Mar 1999 in London,
- ASD Regional Conference 27 Feb
- DreamJourney Circles
- Dream Facilitator's Email List
- Call for your dream journeys
- Results of Winter 1998 Planetary Dream
- Shamanic Dream Circle
- Intuition Network Crisis
- Book Update: Doing Internet Research
- Buy Dream books Online at The dream Tree

- Hag Dreams

-Interactive Dream Tree
-The DreamLink
-Electric Dream Covers
-Dream Updater
-Daily Analyst
-A Journey within the Mystery of Being
-A New Gypsy's Dream Place
-Dreams and MSN
-Dreams and the Genetic Code
-Ian Wilson's Web Update
Dreaming with Eyes Open
The Somniloquy Circle
Henry Reed
-Nashville Dream Awareness Circle

DREAM CALENDAR for February 1999

FEBRUARY 12, FRI deadline for submission
FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 6(3)

The millennium year begins - send in dreams


Editor's Notes


I didn't really have a sense last month of what this year was going to be about for dreaming in Cyberspace. Visions, like dreams, are for me like a kind of animal. One gets a sense of them, other times they are elusive. My original project was to connect the experiences we had of Princess Diana and dreams to the Millennium. That is, amid all the media hype and mass hysteria, the sharing of dreams seemed to slow the process down enough for a deeper, more profound connection.

I would still like to see this continue, and would like to hear from people about various ways we might approach the task. Roger Ripert in Paris has been providing us annually with some preparation in the Planetary Dreaming exercises. We recently tried on the Electric Dreams DreamWheel groups a technique to integrate dreams together, moderated by Jaye Belbo, and this may lead us to some processes that will further using dreams to transition into the Twenty First Century.

But something else is emerging as well. In a dream recently: "I was returning from a hike in the mountains where I had been camping and I saw crossing the path the most amazing thing. There was a kind of stream or river in the air, and 6 and 9 foot fish, like slow trouts, were crossing the path in the air-stream and swimming over the hill top."

Besides the personal meanings, the image captured for me a couple of collective images. The first was the end of the Age of Pisces, the fish swimming by and headed over the hill to greener pastures. The second, more cyber-dream oriented take had to do with the flow of dreams in cyberspace. As you may have known, the ed-core eList was changed to This is the place where all the dreams that are sent to us are entered into the community before Bob Krumhansl organizes them. Comments can be added, interpretations discussed. Each month we include from 30-100 pages of these dreams. (See Bob's comments, editorial and the dreams themselves in the Dream Section).

In previous years, we have seen the Internet as a medium of communication. This year the image can include the Cyberspace as a kind of animal itself and I plan to study more the effect of dreams *on* Cyberspace as well as between people in Cyberspace. How dreams circulate, how they linger, how they inspire, how they flow. Besides study, there will be creation, just as in leaving the 20th century we are already creating the 21st. I would like to see how we can circulate dreams on the Net in new ways, to stir up the digital domain and infuse the Internet with a Dream Flow.

On of the ways of finding new flows is by breaking free of old molds.

Last month's article on poststructural dreamwork brought on some interesting comments. One particular dreamworkers and I had a discussion about the dangers and problems of opening up dreamwork in a postmodern universe where morals and ethics and significance seem to all be relative. Robert Lewis and I encourage you to join in this conversation and perhaps help save the universe form collapse into chaos and anarchy! Be sure to read "Is There Significance in a Poststructural Dreamwork?"

Another part of breaking the mold and creating new flows is by confronting the Wizard of Oz. If you would like to take a peek at the structure of dreaming that occurs behind the veil of the dreaming, Linda Magallon offers a suggestion on how to find the grids and what they mean to dreaming in general in her Dream Trek Column, Flying Wires And Other Mysteries.

New flows are created though education and learning. We know this on a global scale now. We can raise the standard of living by education. How does this happen? Education creates new opportunities that were before un-imagined. Dream and dreaming information projects are in the flow this year. The Association for the Study of Dreams is working on a large frequently asked questions document(FAQ). Individual dream sites, like Dream Tree, DreamGate, and many others offer ever more information. I would like to include this year a Dream Emergency Room online. This would be a hyperlinked project where people new to dreams and dreaming could go for quick resources, and resources that fascinate and encourage dream sharing.

If you have dream questions you would like added to these FAQ'a, send them in. These can include questions about working with dreams or dreaming in general, such as dream science, dream anthropology, dream literature, dream arts.

Speaking of questions and answers, Nancy has been responding to dreamers for some time. Ever had a dream about investing the in the stock market? Be sure to get your investment tips from Watch Your Dreams with Nancy Huseby Bloom.

Victoria Quinton explores the serious and humorous sides of dreaming in two interviews with Australian personalities
Andy Griffiths and Jane Anderson

Are you tired of the reality you are living? Jeri Noble has some suggestions on using pre-sleep intentions in conjuction with post-dream interpretations to remove those obstacles to your better life in "Dreamworking in Metaphysics".

Peggy Coats has been gathering all the latest information on dreams and dreaming from the Net and around the world and offers this fabulous resource in the Global Dreaming News. This service comes to us each month from the Dream Tree
which has recently added forums for dreams sharing and conversations on dreams and dreaming. The Dream Tree also offers the Electric Dreams community updates on dream web sites, the latest events and conference schedules as well as research in dreaming which we encourage you to participate.
I would like to especially call your attention in this month's news to the crisis at the Intuition Network. Intuition has provided an ongoing eList for dream discussions for sometime and could use your support. Also, the Association for the Study of Dreams is having a Regional Conference on Dreams and the New Millennium in Orinda CA.

There are many other dream workshops and events, see the list for the events in your area.

Let's get the Dream Flow really going!

Richard Wilkerson


Dream Airing
Notes, letters to the editor
Send to


Is There Significance in a Poststructural Dreamwork?
A conversation with Robert Lewis and Richard Wilkerson

The following conversation took place in late december 1998 between Robert Lewis and Richard Wilkerson. It began as a response to an article I published on Electric Dreams volume 6 issue 1 entitled "Delirium, Desire and Deleuzioguattarian Dreamwork"
Which is available for reading online at
Or via the Electric Dreams Backissues dreams

Robert and I both agreed that by putting the conversation out here we might open this area and its conflicts up to the general public and draw more discussion. Please feel free to write in and join the conversation.

Robert(1): = Robert's first comments
Robert(2): = Robert's second comments
Richard: = Richard's Comments

Greetings Richard:

I found your article very thought-provoking, if only from an adversarial perspective, disagreeing with the general direction down which you are trying to take dream analysis.

Robert(1) : You refer, Richard, to the organizational straight- jacket of interpretation, that too much emphasis is placed on the meaning of the dream, and offer reasons why and suggest ways to break free from these, by and large, arbitrary social restrictions/structures.

Richard: I think this is fairly said, though I would make a few modifications. Interpretive acts are organizational acts, this I would agree with. And that organizational acts territorialize libidinal flows,
this I feel is true. Arbitrary is a difficult word for me. I would say that interpretive acts are highly motivated rather than arbitrary. They are often done for various reasons that come before the act of interpretation. They are often an extension of a pre-existing system that is attempting, in the case of dream interpretation, to bring the dream into alignment with theory. I have a theory of wholeness, and I read the dream for signs of this. I have a theory of underlying sexuality and I read the dream for signs of this. I have a theory the dream is saying things about my waking life, and I read the dream for signs of this. These interpretive acts bring the dream and its meaning into the realm of the theoretical bias.

"Meaning" is another difficult word for me. It's just come to mean so much. And so it comes into question and I wonder if we can avoid some unconscious assumptions by avoiding the term. Saying dreams are meaningless or meaningful is part of the same game. I have two questions, who gets to control the meaning (my suspicious side) and what kinds of meaning can we attribute to the dream that free it from the "just as dream" syndrome (my productive side)?

ROBERT(2) : By arbitrary, I meant the methods (and their unconscious assumptions) used to interpret are unproven, that one method can be substituted for another in the absence of proof.

Robert(1) : It seems that you would ideally like to open up the field so that a dream can mean anything to anybody including nothing at all, that inter-disciplinary cross- fertilization knows no bounds.

Richard: I feel this is already the state of the dream field. We have Nobel Prize winner Crick saying that dreams are not only meaningless, but dangerous and counterproductive physiologically to recall. We have Freud saying that the manifest dream is just a obstruction of truth. We have groups that feel dreams are messages from God. Others feel that dreams are attempting to heal us and lead us to wholeness. Other groups feel dreams are reflections of dayworld concerns. Some feel that dreams are an attempt to draw us into the unhuman and beyond human. I think we have reached a point where we have a full spectrum of attributing meaning to dreams and dreaming. My question is which approaches are the most productive, the most profound, the most moving and transformative?

ROBERT(2) : These are indeed the axis questions, which raise questions in and of themselves. What do we mean by productive, unless it means positive/productive for the dreamer - and by extension his society. The word 'transformative' could be viewed as a goal and/or conclusion. Playing the devil's advocate, why is transformation desirable? I assume that what you mean by the best approach refers to the unraveling of the meaning of the dream, and that the dreamer will be transformed by this new knowledge. I guess my question is this, Richard. How do you propose we go about determining which approach is most productive/transformative? I suspect that you, and others, want to open up the field because the old approaches have not solved the problem. I certainly do not subscribe to the notion that the meaning of a dream, as a representation unconnected to life, is an acceptable goal. Transformation, as in becoming more self- aware, is precisely the goal, to better and more vitally connect with the flow of life, and dreams, as a source of self-awareness can facilitate this life-long progress. But uncritically extending the field interpretation to more possibilities will only encourage "uncritical" transformation when I think what we both seek is positive transformation.

Richard2: When I say "productive" in the Deleuzian sense, I mean that the approach breaks through repressive forms of authority and creates new channels for desire. And here I am speaking of a productive desire, not a negative one that just seeks absent objects. I hesitate to say this is in service of the dreamer and his/her culture, except in a general sense. A "dreamer" might be construed as an ego, in the psychological sense of identity that has seen its day and is a culturally fixed little thing. Ego, and Ego Psychology, Ego Strengths, Ego Transcendence these are all part of a game where one "adjusts" to culture, or doesn't and gets adjusted by culture.

Transformation is also just a word, but one which moves away from representations rather than piling them up. We need only use it until it begins to use us. Even the most transformative words can lead us back into a representational system. Why is transformation preferable to neurosis? I'll have to say the answer to that question is outside the limits of the notion I am proposing, to find new liberating channels for dreamwork.

When you say that I feel old approaches have not solved the problem of the meaning of dreams, I would agree, but say this is not really my issue. There are wonderful and intense and provocative and amazing approaches to dreams that have been developed. I would prefer to say that each old approach to dream still have some productive lines that can followed. I would question the attempt to have a unified field theory of dream meaning, that would concern me. That is, if one approach were to begin territorializing all of dreaming.

Thus the notion of unraveling the meaning of the dream abstractly needs to be abandoned, (in non-representational dreamwork) not the particular approaches themselves.

Robert, when you say this: " Transformation, as in becoming more self-aware, is precisely the goal, to better and more vitally connect with the flow of life, and dreams, as a source of self- awareness can facilitate this life-long progress. " I agree with the vital connections, but would like to move away from the self-awareness game. It has its benefits, but also its pitfalls. The "self" has become like god, and who-ever has the highest image of how the self can actualize has the moral ground. Hey, the self is an imaginary concept, not a natural thing we have to argue about "what it really is."

I'm not sure how to respond yet to your main thesis: "But uncritically extending the field (of) interpretation to more possibilities will only encourage 'uncritical' transformation when I think what we both seek is positive transformation."

If positive transformation involves dissolving neurotic bonds and subverting repressive authorities, I would agree that is what we both seek. I'm not sure what the uncritical extensions are? I would like to extend dreamwork. If I were to put out a theory, it would be that each morning when we wake up we are able to unfold the tendencies of each particular dream.

Robert(1): You speak of organizations or organizing principles forcing outside events to 'selfishly' conform to an arbitrary inner logic, as if whatever restriction the principle imposes is undesirable simply because it's a restriction. I suppose it's true, that when we go to the supermarket to do our shopping, we are limiting ourselves if we restrict our purchases to the food on the shelves. In theory, it would certainly be more liberating if we would consider purchasing the shelves themselves, or the tiles on the floor, or if I were to run into your in aisle #3, I could put in a bid to purchase your shirt. But if in going to the market our objective (I assume having an objective in life is acceptable) is procuring nutrition, the greater the freedom your argument proposes does not necessarily advance our nutritional gains?

Richard: It may be that the use of the word "selfish" is causing the problem here. Its implies a personality with a motive. I intended more an impersonal structuring. I see that once a supermarket opens it begins to do everything it can to stay open. The lure is nutrition, but I see the profits of the supermarkets in my neighborhood being from liquor, cigarettes, potato chips and cookies, and that's what fills the shelves. Addictive substances make better customers and the stores can then better.
// some cut //

---ROBERT(2) : The analogy is apt here. You would like dream study to open up its horizons, to be more elastic and inclusive in its methods in both the unraveling of the dream and connecting the dream and dreamer to his life and life in general. If the supermarket's goal is profit, it will open its doors to liquor, tobacco etc. But if our goal (qualitative) is nutrition, and we do not have a shopping philosophy or objective to help us with our purchases, we will include in our basket items that may not be nutritious. In respect to dream study, multiplying connections with other fields and methods of investigation will not help us in our quest (which is always a narrowing down) unless there is a goal, an endgame: to finally be able analyze (with some certainty) the content of the dream. But I agree that we should not be tyrannized by theory: i.e. dreams of snakes are, as a theory, sexual, therefor I will force my snake dreams to have a sexual meaning. Phenomenology is helpful here. "To the thing itself," says Husserl. So when we ask what is the essence of a table, we take away everything possible (the table cloth, the varnish, the bowl of nuts etc), until we reach the point where if we remove its top, for example, it is no longer a table. So in respect to the dream study's methods of investigation, and its reaching out into other disciplines to acquire new perspectives/tools etc., a phenomenological approach (getting to what is essential in the task) would eliminate much of what you would like to include if the goal is to unravel the meaning of the dream. Now of course, if the goal is to connect better to the flow of life, to the coax the dream to play a more vigorous role, you'll get a different phenomenological result. Ultimately this reduces to the big question: why do (we) dream and to what purpose? And if we don't ask these questions, there are no limits to what dreams can mean and how they can be (productively) incorporated into our daily lives like a grand unifying theory of (dream) consciousness.

Richard /cut / control the flow and circulation of desire and capital. Federal standards
have attempted to limit the putrid meat, rotten vegetables, sales of liquor and nicotine and aspirin, but stores see these as restrictions on their own game. Federal agencies are little better, with their own organizational self-interests and expansionism.
The really liberating act here is finding alternative flows, breaks in the flow. Farmers markets, barter, direct purchase. Any organization that gets together, does it thing and then disperses. I've noticed that the city planned Farmer's Market here in San Francisco has now turned into an
outdoor yuppie fair.

Richard2 : Ah yes. I am a fan of the existential/phenomenological approach you mention, but it too is a perspective and has no privileged claim to truth. The fantasy of finding truth by "bracketing out" finds things different than other methods, but they can't be said to be more true, just more phenomenological.

In the Market analogy, we would like to agree that stores should be set up that focus on nutrition in a way uncontaminated by profit, but I see the best of health food stores finally give in to pill manufacturers and brand name teas. Same with dream theories. Over time they accumulate so much stuff and are used more to promote this or that theory, protect this or that school of thought than to help anyone or cause something really novel to occur. I prefer the Farmer's Markets over having a plan at Safeway. No matter how good my nutritional plan, their tomatoes are still tasteless.

Robert(1) : There are people in this world with major psychological problems, and for these people, not only are their dreams meaningful, but the meaning of the dream, as a plausible source of self-awareness, could be the difference between life and death, happiness or unhappiness, or the old (unfulfilled self) evolving into to a newer self: 'transformation', not for its own sake, but with the view of rendering the person healthier and happier. To use a one-dimensional term word that has fallen out of favor with the times: 'goal oriented' in this case would mean toward well-being.

Richard: You are saying quite a bit here. Let me see what I can sort out.
I don't feel that you are trying to say that because there are people with psychological problems we have to be careful to interpret all dreams in a particular way,

Robert(2): Definitely, categorically, absolutely not. Whatever works is fine by me. The question, still unanswered, is what works, if anything, or what works best. And how do we determine, in the absence of reliable methods of verification, what works best.

// richard: but there is a hint of this your statement. I feel different contexts call for different approaches. I wouldn't recommend stealing or diminishing the meaning of a person's dream in any context (unless the meaning of the dream involved acts on the dreamer's part I wish to resist).

I feel that there are approaches to the dream that are quite profound and lead towards well-being. But by using this term, "well-being" we displace the issue. We will all argue about just what this means. The same for healthier and happier. I don't know that I want dysfunctional families being healthier and happier, I want them to stop being dysfunctional and this may require they are less happy, less healthy.

Robert(1) : By your logic, the dream should be able to connect to all things, (above and beyond conventional representation and territoriality), where all aspects of the dream are of equal, relative value/source of enrichment.

Richard: Connecting to all things would not be what I'm after here. By moving with the dream we can connect with new flows. Dream-connecting will in each case be very particular and specific. The goal is not to move beyond conventional representations. The goal is to move beyond representationalism itself. That is, to avoid becoming abstract, to live rather than represent living. Too often the dream becomes a representation of something else.

---ROBERT(2) : I agree here. Knowledge, any kind, in the abstract, that does not inform life, as live lived, has no 'practical' purpose. If I don't act upon the knowledge that stealing is wrong, it could be argued, as a practical consideration, I don't even possess that knowledge, other than as an abstraction. The representation, or meaning of the dream is the starting point: material for the dreamer to incorporate, as knowledge, into the very marrow and tissue of his life. As for "connecting to new flows" I would just caution that new flows for the sake of new flows may not be productive. Like going to the supermarket without a philosophy of nutrition, there will be more in the basket than you bargained for.

Richard: // These representations may be very useful to our projects, but they can also lead away from the dream-becoming back into some other becoming, becoming whole, becoming wise, becoming well.

Robert(1) : True as it may be, that by opening up the field, as you characterize it, the dreamer will be offered an endless "marvelous" horizon of possibilities, but will it connect him to the problem his dream might be addressing?

Richard: Here you say dreams represent displays of problems the dreamer is having in life. This is a noble viewpoint that can be very productive, but it is unfair to characterize all dreaming in the service of problem solving.

Robert(2): . How do we know that all dreaming isn't in the service of a problem, or means we (humans) employ to correct our illusions? Your use of 'unfair' assumes dreams serve other purposes?

Richard -// Or put else-wise, using dreams for problem solving is one of many uses of the dream.

Robert(2): I'm not saying that we must always use dreams to solve our problems. I'm only saying that I believe that we dream for reason, and ask why, to what purpose, and what does the dream mean. It doesn't mean that we can't use that same dream for our imagery in art (a la Dali) or as an idea for a short story (Borges) or whatever.

Richard : I'm suggesting that if you treated your friends this way, (Billie is useful for lending me money, Sally is useful as my therapist) they wouldn't for long be your friends. They would start becoming things that got you something else, somewhere else and they would begin to resent this, or start charging you. That is, they move from being real to being a service, a representation, and abstraction. We all struggle with this with our intimates, its not like there is a relationship free of
user-used, but by treating friends (or dreams) as only representing something else, we miss something quite special.

Robert(1) : And how does your push for greater freedom help the dreamer narrow the possibilities that directly concern his well- being? Why should I empathize with, or emulate Jim dragging himself through the muck, if not to help him or be a part of the process of solving the meaning of his dream?

Richard: The whole notion of narrowing possibilities to arrive at the meaning of a dream is based on the notion that the dream is disguising something from us, a truth, which we must discover, uncover, reveal. This is a noble path, but tends to shift the creation of meaning into an abstract realm and the authority of the interpretation on a theory outside the dream.

Robert(2): I would say the authority is the meaning itself, if it's the correct one. And it's only abstract if the dreamer doesn't incorporate into his vital labors. In other words, at some point the dreamer has to take responsibility for the meaning of the dream. Also, because dreams are never self-interpreting, like a word can never be self-interpreting, the interpretation must always lie outside the dream, supplying the defect of knowledge between the dreamer and his dream.

Richard: Imagine a fellow playing a flute by the side of a road. We can stop the musician (dream) and ask what he's playing and if he refuses or can't say we can tell him it sounds like a mix of 1920's Mississippi Blues and Preservation Band Jazz. We can say how this kind of Blues moves us and how his particular rendition will contribute to our day and make us feel good. These are all fine approaches. What I'm suggesting is that when we find this music happening we pick up an instrument and begin to play along, we begin to sing, to dance together and then bing , a mutual improvisational event may occur, a new channel, perhaps a new form of music.
Richard: Jim's liberation, his push for greater freedom, his seeking meaning and healing in his life can be a puzzle to solve or an encounter which transforms his identity and original project. In the first approach the dream carries a meaning which Jim can then apply to his behavior and life. In the second, Jim's meaning and the dream's meaning lean against one another as they both move forward into something unexpected. That is, they dream asks of Jim, "What do we do now together, how do we move from here?". They form a Jim-Dream becoming.

----ROBERT(2) : I agree with this entirely: the merging of the meaning of the dream with the dreamer's goals or life projects. But I suppose the question will always be: is this what the dream really means. Jim, plowing through the muck, might have had this dream because in his waking life, he has convinced himself that he's progressing, advancing, whereas the dream is telling him that he isn't!!

Robert(1) : Much as you would like, there is no escaping our fascination/quest or the meaning of the dream. And why should we? If our dreams were completely known to us, as understood, there would be need of a field of (discipline of) dream study.

Richard: Well, I'll agree that we can't fully and forever escape our desire to make the dream represent things outside of itself. We often desire our own repression too. The mind sees things in terms of representations.
Language itself is a representational system. But we don't have to give in to these dictators.

Robert(2): Like with music, sometimes we just want to bask in the sound and be damned with whatever it's supposed to mean.

Robert(1) : The root of this kind of thinking derives from Post Structuralism,or deconstructionism as it is used often in literature. It's a philosophy(derived and misapplied from phenomenology) that ultimately allows literature to mean whatever you want it to mean. It takes the work, deconceptualizes it, frees it from all of its debilitating contexts (historical or binary straight-jackets that impose time-place prejudiced meanings on the work), and opens it up to any and all interpretation.

Richard: Well, I would push the roots back a little farther than just this last century, but these are definitely part of the stream of postmodern thought informing the article..
Rather than saying it is a mis-application of phenomenology, I would prefer to say it doesn't quite achieve the status of philosophy at all. Rather this collection of texts you refer to, both post-structural and deconstructive, provide tools with which to explore and rework our world. That it forces us to consider the politics and unconscious assumptions behind our meanings and displays of interpretation aligns it very closely with dreamwork.
I'm not quite clear what your complaint is about being able to use these tools to make meaning. I thought you liked meaning?

ROBERT(2) : My complaint is that these post-structural investigative methods, in examining the work itself, (now de- prejudiced re. time-place), allow the work (the dream) to mean almost anything liberating, yes, helpful, very doubtful.

Richard : If you had a special hammer that allowed you to build anything you wanted, this seems like a good tool. No? I think we all have the freedom in the most actualized parts of our Western society to make the meaning we want. Whether we can get ourselves or others to believe that our meanings are believable or worthy is another story altogether.

Robert(1) : The crisis of relativism that has catastrophically undermined literary criticism is symptomatic of the crisis of values that plagues our greater society.

Richard: Surely you are not blaming the crisis of relativism on the messengers?

ROBERT(2) : Absolutely not.

Richard: I don't agree with you about literary criticism being undermined. The demand that the meaning of a text is held by the author or someone other than the reader is being undermined. The demand that the text must have a particular meaning and if you don't agree with this interpretation you are wrong is being undermined.
I see the ability of the new literary critics to be able to draw upon any field of thought as an improvement. Its so much of an improvement that critical essays now have the same status as the literature they respond to, and are creating social change, activism and a new left, a far cry from the days of the height of literary critic getting a nice little article in the New Yorker magazine.

Robert(2): Yes, indeed. Sometimes the critic deserves more attention than the art he is reviewing. For ex., critics that wax ecstatic over minimalist works, or installation art, are usually much more interesting than the works themselves, with the pleasing result that they have rendered the minimalist work unnecessary, superfluous. And I have absolutely no quarrel with critics drawing from unrelated fields of thought in the quest of new meanings from a work perhaps gone stale. When I propose (I'm not alone here) that literary criticism has been undermined by post-structuralism (deconstructionalism), what I mean is that in their evaluative capacity, the critic, as the custodian of our culture, has, as a consequence of phenomenology (to the thing itself), has taken 'to the thing itself' all too literally, and has abandon what is required to give a fair evaluation of a text, or an author's work. For example, a couple of years back in the New Republic there was a review of the work of Graham Greene. By the time you got through that well written, well-informed piece, you would have to conclude that GG was one of the greatest writers who ever lived. The reviewer supplied selected quotes evincing Greene the philosopher, Greene the humanist etc. This review typified what some have come to view as the crisis in criticism. The review never asked why GG never won the Nobel prize, it didn't compare his works to his contemporaries, or if he resolved a particular problem more or less effectively than writers from the present or past. The reviewer stuck to 'the thing itself,' made Greene mean whatever he wanted to, and, by my reckoning, performed a disservice to all those readers who look to critics for guidance. Phenomenology can be very helpful in all fields of investigation, but its present authority is unwarranted: it is merely one of many tools responsible critics should employ in their interrogation and evaluation of a work, or a dream. Surely, unless it's purely for fun, when a dream interpreter offers an interpretation of a dream or critiques a dream, the dreamer is seeking his guidance. Most of us read reviews of a film we haven't seen, for guidance?

As you might have guessed, Richard, I see dream study in the throes of a crisis, having thrown all caution and discipline to the wind, reveling in new found freedoms where everything is permitted. Perhaps this is a necessary tribulation, an adolescent phase that will one day incorporate more science into its mad methods.

Robert(1) : And now, dream analysis wants to get hip and open up and expand its field of operations. Which begs the question: as a development, should this be encouraged without considering if it may or may not be helpful to the dreamer. (assuming dreams are purposeful and help the dreamer to connect to or evolve a healthier alternative self). I think the flaw in your argument is equating greater freedom with greater insight merely because you multiply the possibilities. True as it may be that if we were granted unlimited freedom, we would end up doing most of the things we do in dreams: fly, walk through walls, jump over buildings etc., but to what purpose? Descartes writes that to be free is not to be able to do what one wants but to want what one can. In deciding what to include in its vital labors, dream analysis might profit just as much from looking back as looking ahead.

Richard: I don't want to multiply the possibilities, I want to end them. Possibility is an unactualized state of abstraction that refers to many things that might be but are not. If someone is helping a dreamer, I want to know what this help looks like. Helping is always motivated by a particular model of heath. If you can get the government to see you are quickly putting people back on the assembly line, your vision of heath and therapy will get lots of funding. Much of the dreamwork found in native cultures is in the service of bringing the person back into the fold of the culture. Psychoanalysis functions in this way as well, and dream analysis here is in the service of tying the libido up in the past, in mommy, papa, me. What does it mean, it means I felt this way about mommy, this way about daddy. For Jung, the libido is tied up in the future. The dream teleologically points the way. There is of course more to Freud and Jung that transcend this simple characterization, but my point is that we can become swamped by our representations of reality and miss the real flow of life. This flow is not in more possibilities, but more intensities.

ROBERT(2) : Again, I would just say, "intensities" but to what purpose?

Richard: Deciding the purpose before the trip is like deciding what kind of marriage partner one wants and then looking for them. It's a great way to control, but the objects will soon begin to accumulate all around you and feel quite empty.

ROBERT(2) : I agree here, and leave the last word to you, Richard. This has been both fun and informing.

Richard: Thanks to you Robert for this continued exploration on the edge of dreamwork. There is obviously much more that can be said about the issues raised. You clearly have, for me, a deep concern for dreams and dreaming, and the dreamer as well. The question of whether poststructural thinking will open us up to more profound dreamwork or simple scatter meaning to the wind remains open. Perhaps in self reflection upon what we fear losing, we will find what we want most to liberate.


By Linda Lane Magall›n

Flying Wires And Other Mysteries


I once awoke from a dream of an oil rig platform. The skyline of the buildings on the platform was eerily familiar. I just knew I had seen it the day before. So I walked around the house, looking for a clue. I finally found it out in the garage: it was the electric table saw. The outline of the machine was exactly the same as the platform.

Now, one could argue that I took a memory clip of the table saw and transmorphed it into the oil platform. I prefer to think that my astral body was cavorting around on the table saw during the night. (Interesting enough, to do this, my dream self would have had to shrink to a smaller size, like Alice in Wonderland did.) Perhaps because it was during dark of night, perhaps psychic sensing is not as vivid and coherent as physical eyes, my dreaming self could only "see" the outline and not all the identifying details.

In either case, memory clip or astral trip, my dream psyche was acting like a child with a coloring book. She took the outline as is, and filled in the blanks. She "colored" the structure with ideas from her own imagination. This dream-creating process is quite similar to how remote viewing is reported to work. The "best" RVers are considered to be those that fill in the blanks closest to the literal picture. Dreaming selves are much more artistic.

When dreams are compared with original stimulus in telepathic experiments, the items that "come through" the best are the simple elements and outlines. That is, it's far easier to pick up via psychic means: general theme, primary colors, shape and form than say, whole sentences, pictorial detail or identifying object. It's the strong edges that tend to get perceived, rather than the subtleties. Because this is demonstrable in terms of physical objects, I highly suspect that the same process is operable in terms of non-physical "objects."

Dreams don't use physical eyes. They use psychic sensing. Thus, they not only have the ability to tune into the physical world, they can also perceive on the inner planes: what's been called astral, ethereal, etc. In general, this level has been perceived by psychics in terms of light, mist and color. For those folks (like lucid dreamers and dream incubators) who focus attention for extended periods of time, I believe that the mist can coalesce and form structure. This may or may not include the infamous astral chord. The astraland ethereal levels respond to thought and tend to create what we anticipate beforehand.

However, underneath the variegated imagery, there does seem to be consensus.It's as if we all produce different computer programs on the Star Trek Enterprise holodeck, but the gridwork underneath is similar for all of us. Our gridwork is the physical body and brain as well as the bodies of the non-physical level.

I created this theory as a result of viewing my own dreams and hundreds of dreams dreamt in groups. I think few folks actually perceive the grid system as is; most are entranced by the holodeck program which overlays the grid like the white paint on Tom Sawyer's fence. But sometimes the fence peeks through. One of those instances, is, I believe, the case of the wires that have been found in so many flying dreams. They might be seen singly, in multiples or as part of a mesh.

The typical dream goes like this: I am flying; I encounter wires; I try to fly underneath them. Sometimes the dreamer gets caught in the wires; sometimes the wires form an insurmountable barrier. Some dreamers climb the wires; others walk the wires like a tightrope.

Another variation is wider than the wires. It's the window or mirror. Trying to go through glass, dreamers can get stuck, half in-half out or wrapped up in the material. I'm not the first to hypothesize that this sort of experience is the dream equivalent of astral separation.

Besides similar form, the common bond seems to be kinesthetic. We may not all see the same details, but the visual outline plus tactile sensations can alert us to the fact that, underneath the covers, we are having the same sort of dreaming experience. (Fly-By-Night Club)


Watch Your Dreams
with Nancy Huseby Bloom


Week of 2/21/99
Dear Nancy,

I am an investor for a large corporation and have been heavily involved in the stock market, both here in New York and in Hong Kong. I had this dream in late August, when the market was fluctuating wildly and the prospects for profits grim. This dream was extremely vivid, clear and had strong emotions. Could this be a precognitive dream? Philip

"I am with a friend at a restaurant and I'm in a panic to find out how much the Dow Jones has fallen since I last checked. I rush to a stranger at a table who is carrying a beeper that shows stock quotes. I ask him urgently how the Dow Jones is doing. I fully expect it to have dropped dramatically. Instead, the stranger says to me calmly that the Dow is at 9,900. I am in shock and total surprise."

Dear Philip,

Your dream makes me want to run out and invest in the Dow!
Because of your letter, I've been watching the market myself. It hasn't hit 9,900 yet but we have had record highs since the time of your dream.

Throughout the ages, one of the greatest gifts of the dreamworld has been the gift of prophecy. Our intellectual defenses retreat when we sleep and our natural intuition and perception is more available to us. This is a completely normal phenomena. Nearly everyone has dreams that are precognitive, and although they seem extraordinary, they are not uncommon.
Usually, the information we pick up relates to our own personal issues and the people in our lives. But information that is associated with world events, both positive and negative, can also filter into our dreamworld. You might have had this dream due to your interest in the performance of the stock market. Strong connections seem to provide a "psychic pathway" for the intuitive information to come through.

So, my friend, how do we know if your dream is a precognitive one? Currently there is no true test for this, but there are some guidelines to evaluate the dream.

Studies show that there are some specific indications that a dream may be foretelling the future. Very often, these dreams have extremely vivid imagery, often mixed with intense emotions. People who record their dreams on a regular basis learn to recognize these precognitive dreams by their particular clarity. But the best answer is in the dreamer's own mind. What is your "gut" feeling about this dream?

I'll be watching the Dow, and when it reaches 9,900, I will pour myself a glass of wine in your honor and make a toast to the dreamworld.


INTERVIEW WITH Australian Comic Teacher, Andy Griffiths
by Victoria Quinton


VQ: Do you remember having vivid dreams as a child?

AG: Yes, all the time. I had a recurring one where I was swallowed by a giant black cat. It would just materialise out of nowhere and I'd be drawn into and engulfed by this enormous enormous black mouth. In another dream all my playmates shrank into Lilliputian like figures and ran away all babbling in high pitched voices. Usually when the dreams became too unpleasant I would become aware that I was dreaming and I had a technique where I would shut my eyes tight to wake myself up. Sometimes it would take a couple of shots but I could always do it. Occasionally I would be in a normal dream and become aware that I was dreaming and try to consciously direct it but this usually just ended by waking myself up. I had two particularly vivid dreams: one where I and my two sisters are left alone in a car and the car starts up and starts driving round and round an oval. Another where I and my sisters hitch a ride on the back of a garbage truck up to this tiny little shoe store and the owner pulls a gun on us. To this day one of my sisters claims to have had exactly the same dreams, whereas I am positive that I had them.
We still can't agree on this.

VQ: Do you feel that you do utilise your dreams in your writing and teaching?

AG: Dreams have been very important to me as a writer. In fact before I began writing formal short stories by simply recording my dreams in an exercise book. I did this for a long time before I tried to create my own. It has always fascinated me that the dreaming brain can just come up with all these amazing situations and scenarios so effortlessly, whereas when I consciously try to write a story it's much harder. I love the unpredictablity of dreams, dream logic, dream humour, transitions from one piece of action to another and it's certainly an effect I strive for in my stories. I have always been inspired by Alice in Wonderland and the stories of Franz Kafka--the dreamlike state they evoke seems much more real to me and closer to how we really experience the world than attempts to portray the world in an 'natural' linear fashion. I think our waking state is much closer to a dream state than we realise. I read recently a quote on writing by on Jon Luis Borges which I can't quite remember but went something like, 'A story is nothing more than a guided dream in the reader's mind.' You can take people on little rides and go anywhere you like. I've also been reading a version of this idea in a book called 'You'll see it when you believe it' by Wayne Dyer who goes further and suggests that the whole of our waking life is actually a dream created by us--we consciously or unconciously create the situations in which we find ourselves--we attract certain people and ideas into our lives according to our ideas about ourselves. Whether you believe this literally doesn't matter--it's still a very powerful metaphor that makes us aware of how the thoughts in our brains affect the world outside us and how that in turn influences our thoughts. The more I write stories the more interested I
become aware of my ability to write my own life.

To find out about Andy's work
go to
The new book is called JUST STUPID and follows on from JUST TRICKING and JUST ANNOYING.


author, broadcaster, scientist & dream interpreter



VQ: Were you interested in dreams as a child?

JA: I was captivated by the dramas, colours, senses, emotions and strange'other wordliness' of my dreams as a child. As a small child (under the age of 5) I had recurring dreams of wolves massing to kill me and of my bed being full of snakes. At the time I thought the scenes were past life memories. As an older child (5 - 10) the recurring themes changed to water scenarios, where I would either be able to see the beauty of a lake's hidden depths or I would experience water being drained from swimming pools the instant it was my turn to jump in and have fun. By that age I had grown into a natural understanding that my dreams were metaphors reflecting my waking life, though I also sensed them as being great adventures and preferred to enjoy (or suffer!) them as such instead of facing their meanings. As an adult, looking back, the picture is so clear. This is something which intrigues and amazes me about children's dreams: that they reveal a child's sophisticated(unconscious) wisdom of his or her situation.

VQ. Have you had a web site for long?

JA: No. It was published in May 98. I was very sure that I would never have a web site. I resisted for a long time until a series of dreams changed my mind. I then had to re-convince my family that this was indeed a great and worthy idea (one worth spending time and money on!), which was pretty tough as I had done such a wonderful job of convincing them to the contrary in previous years!

When my publishers, Random House, moved the publication of my third book, "The Shape of Things to Come", from February 98 to July 98 I was impatient. Following this news the web site dreams started and I realised I needed to organise the web site and have its address printed inside the book cover. Naturally the timing was perfect in the end! My domain name came through the day before the 'due date' for final alterations and I needed the extra time before the book launch and pubicity rounds to learn the right skills and establish the web site.
My dreams have continued to fine tune the site in both creative and business terms.

VQ. Do you find that the Internet has any influence on your own dreams?

JA: Before the web site dreams I was a bit of a technophobe, especially in relation to computers and the Internet - and a bit of a luddite too. To put the dreams into action I had to learn heaps!!!! As my dreams have helped to create the ideas behind and within the web site, I would have to say that my struggles and learning in these areas have been reflected in my dreams and that resolution has been found within my dreams.

When I have had a heavy day on the site, the first few hypnagogic images as I settle for sleep can annoyingly be those little blue envelopes with yellow exclamation marks popping up beside them! Or perhaps I've just taken the symbol on as a sign of the messages about to be discovered in my night's dreaming!

VQ. Has it affected the way you interact with others?

JA: The web site has obviously increased the number of people I interact with through my work, but basically I feel it has just added an extra means of communication. My dream (and precognition) work is disseminated through a number of media and my enjoyment of the different forms of media is an important part of both my life and work. I have my book writing, my radio (which I love!), my public speaking .. and now my website as my main means of communicating my work and ideas. So the website (rather than the Internet - I don't spend much time on the Net) has enabled me to interact with more people in both a mass sense and a one-to-one sense. I have been greatly warmed through many of the contacts I have made through the web site, but in-the-flesh meetings are always infinitely richer, for me. (I could write a book on this question- but that's probably enough!)

VQ. Can intuition be accommodated into a "scientific approach" to dreams?

JA: Read my book! It depends what you mean by 'scientific approach' to dreams. If you mean 'Are dreams explicable in scientific terms?' - then I'd say 'yes' and 'no'. If you mean 'Can a scientific method of study be applied to researching dreams?' - I'd say 'yes' and 'no', with different qualifications! If you mean 'Can a scientist reconcile a scientific education with dream interpretation including intuitional approaches?'then I'd say "Well, I do!". It's also important to distinguish between
traditional (relatively mechanistic) science, and modern (relatively holistic and non-causal) science.

VQ: So you think that a more holistic approach is gaining mainstream acceptance now, by "scientists at large"? Or is it still a left-braindominated field.?

JA: I'm not sure that scientists can be identified as a generalised group anymore. Those working in or interested in areas such as quantum physics and ecosystems, for example, work with the basic premise that all things are inter-connected and inter-dependent, and that the whole can be perceived as having different qualities from a sum-total of its constituent parts. In quantum physics, for example, it is agreed that it is impossible to objectively observe a subatomic particle because the behaviour of the particle is linked to the end perceptions of the watching scientist. The scientist and the particle are inter-connected and linked in an holistic way.

Even in every day traditional physics and biology (the kind we all learned at school), an holistic understanding lurks below the surface of many of the facts. The human eye is like a camera. In a camera, light rays from the object you are photographing are turned upside down by the camera's lens, forming an upside-down image on the film at the back of the camera. When we look at an object (a tree, for example), light rays from the tree are turned upside-down by the lens in our eye, forming an upside-down image of the tree on the retina at the back of the eye. Nerve impulses then carry the upside-down image of the tree to the brain.

Luckily in infancy we all soon learn that although things look upside-down we feel (through our other senses) that they are not, so very early on our brains learn to turn the images up the other way again. When you buy a new alarm clock you hear it ticking loudly, but as time goes by you don't notice the tick any more.
Again the brain changes the incoming information to suit its overall perception of what the world is. We all sense the world in accordance with what our experience tells us we should sense, rather than what may or may not be true. Our brains take an HOLISTIC assessment of all the incoming information, compare it with past experience and 'decide' on the view to be taken. Our brains deal in holistic perception. There are still many people whose brains are deciphering the world according to their school-taught experience that the world is a non-holistic, logically-explicable place where time ticks by and events occur due to cause and effect. My brain tells me this is not so!

There are many scientists who have not educated themselves beyond their specialised fields, and if these specialised fields centre on traditional approaches to science then they can be vehemently protective of their left brain dominant territory. By the same token, creative experimental design involves right brain input and many scientific discoveries have been due to insights gained from dreams. The question is not so much right versus left brain, perhaps, but holistic versus mechanistic-reductionist.

VQ: Does your six years of full time dream research have a differentmental weight or colour to earlier six year "blocks" of your life?

JA: It's been mentally much tougher in an intellectual 'work' sense. Dreams, precognition and reality have been extremely difficult subjects to research, especially as I was searching for a fresh understanding. While I do now have my understanding, communicating this through my books, radio and presentations in a way which is accessible to a wide range of people can be mentally demanding too. Until I learned to just get on with my work and state it as I find it, there was the extra mental burden of 'swimming against the tide'. On an everyday level, working as a dream interpreter on radio, for example, the mental workout is akin to doing a cryptic crossword without pause for thought, as you cannot broadcast silence!

My life has been infinitely more colourful in every dimension and perspective since I have been doing this work and the mental rewards can be exhilarating. My personal world is a wonderfully rich and satisfying one, partly because I enjoy my work, but mostly because it has taught me what I need to know about this dream which is my life.

Jane Anderson
Milton BC, Qld 4064, Australia

Dreamworking in Metaphysics

By Jeri Noble
December 28,1998

In this article I use the term "metaphysics" in the sense of using some kind of mental or spiritual technique to create a desired reality. The desired reality can be losing 10 pounds or finding our life mate. This metaphysical technique can include prayer, mental affirmations and treatments, and various rituals. The prayer, "Please, God" is a metaphysical technique. It goes on from there.

In my opinion, a powerful tool in manifesting one's reality is
Dreamworking. Dreamworking is the conscious effort to utilize the unconscious forces of the heart, mind and spirit. It includes dream interpretation and techniques to induce lucid dreaming. There are many different forms of dreamworking and they're all valid. One's dreams are intensely personal, and the only possible barometer of a form of dreamworking, is whether it works for you. What follows is a list of possibilities that you can try.

Discovering blocks to manifestation Inducing dreaming to strengthen motivation Acting Out manifestations Discovering blocks to manifestation of your reality:

Increasing the power of our manifestations is generally considered
to be a good thing in metaphysics. There is always the little "trip wire" in the works however, which is that we can only deal with what our conscious mind knows. We may consciously desire a particular outcome of something with, what we think, is everything in us. If the outcome isn't occurring, there is only one reason for it. Although we may deny it, the truth is that is that there is something within us, which is reluctant to have that outcome occur. This is a proven metaphysical principle, which is easily rationalized away, because the practice of metaphysics is such a subjective experience. We needn't rationalize however, if there is a way to overcome the apparent limitations of ordinary, waking consciousness.

Adding the power of our unconscious mind can give an additional boost to the process of manifesting our preferred reality. Frequently the real "heart" of the matter is in our deepest feelings, desires and instincts. It's not unusual that these forces are more knowledgeable about our real needs and wants than our conscious mind is allowed to be. There can be innumerable reasons for this, most of them having to do with early conditioning. So many of the restrictions that we place on ourselves were relevant to a 5 year old child, but have nothing to do with who we are here and now. Getting more of that knowledge conscious can add another dimension of fulfillment to our lives, enriching them.

Sometimes, it's just trash in the unconscious, but that can be helpful as well. Let's say that you just cannot seem to manifest that new job. Wouldn't it be helpful to realize that you would have to cross a railroad track in your commute and that you hate railroad noise because you heard it when you hurt your foot at age 3? That's the sort of thing that can throw a major monkey wrench into your plans, and you would have no idea why. The unconscious is a storehouse for everything; the good, the bad and the ridiculous. There are definitely pearls amongst the garbage though.

If we are working on a specific metaphysical treatment, prayer or ritual, our attention is clearly focused. Since many metaphysical activities rely upon repetition, those concepts embed themselves deeply in the mind. That's what we want. The more deeply embedded the fulfillment of our metaphysical activity is, the easier it becomes for Universal Energy to move into alignment with it. Whether this is working or not, your mind is full of it. This focus inevitably shows up in dream content, as does anything that you pay a lot of attention to in your day. For this reason, it can be very helpful to interpret a dream in the context of the metaphysical activity you're working on.

In this dream for instance:

"You're walking down a crowded city sidewalk. Inexplicably,

you keep having these rough encounters with others; you trip and bump into someone, somebody else steps on your toes, there's an elbow to your chin, you just can't seem to make it even a full city block without someone getting hurt. You finally retreat to the doorway of a small shop and huddle there, breathing hard. You're relieved to be out of all that chaos, yet wondering why it was so difficult. Are you always this clumsy? Are people always this rude?" You wake up.
What reality are you trying to manifest at this time? Let's look at two interpretations for the same dream, but within the context of different people with different metaphysical goals. We'll call Joe's goal, "Getting Ahead in Life". The dream clearly indicates that he feels some opposition to his progress. However the possibility exists that a lack of coordinated activity may be the cause of it. Was he trying to move against the flow? Is the dream trying to inform him that there is a better route to what he wants?

Jane's goal is "Preparing for a Committed Relationship". Evidently, Jane senses competition. There's a struggle involved as well. Would she have made it through the crowds with greater ease if a partner accompanied her? Is the dream telling her that she needs additional protection?

You can easily see that the interpretations would be quite different, but either has the potential for enlightenment. Either Joe or Jane could have a clearer idea of their unconscious messages to the environment and what they were doing that was inhibiting gratification.

Inducing dreaming to strengthen motivation for fulfillment:

Self-hypnosis for dreaming is a powerful technique. If you place yourself in a light trance as you're going to sleep, you can give yourself a suggestion to dream on a specific topic. Dreaming for enlightenment is an ancient tradition, used in many belief systems. Self-hypnosis or a purposefully generated trance state is also used in many mystic and shamanistic traditions. The trance state is directed to practical use in dreamworking as well, providing an additional outlet for visions, omens and signs.

For metaphysical purposes, you can work out the pros and cons of an important manifestation, like changing jobs. In the dream state, the entirety of the mind can be used to evaluate an important decision. This is also a beautiful method for strengthening your connection with the Divine. Working out any "spiritual communication blocks" in the dream state can bring about lasting gain. Since most traditions rely upon a Higher Power of whatever definition, increasing your personal certainty of being "tuned in" can't help but be good. Something else that can be done is to induce lucid dreaming, wherein you know that you're dreaming during the dream. This is considered desirable in every dreamworking system I've heard of. The greater the frequency and quality of lucid dreaming you experience, the better off you are health-wise, in relaxation and metal clarity.

All of these techniques have been tested and most people take about 3 nights to get them to work. Depending on your personal inclinations, these or some variation on them, should certainly strengthen your inner motivation. This isn't the place for a treatise on self-hypnosis, but there are tons of books on the subject and probably many resources available on the net.

Acting Out manifestations

An affirmative suggestion would be "I'm experiencing all the positive benefits of (my current metaphysical treatment) in my dreams tonight. I can feel, hear, taste, touch and smell all the activities of this new part of my life in my dreams tonight and I clearly remember all of it." This creates a situation known as "embodiment". To embody a metaphysical goal, you need to experience yourself within the goal, living it. Dreams are great for that. Lucid dreams pretty well guarantee manifestation.

This suggestion may also bring up unconscious barriers to the fulfillment of the manifestations. We may find ourselves living out a situation that is uncomfortable for us. Personally, I appreciate that, because then I can work out whether it's a valid objection to manifestation or not, and consciously work with it from there. Perhaps there's a modification required in my goal to make it completely fulfilling. This "rehearsal" provides an opportunity to work out potential "bugs" in the plan.

Most practicing metaphysicians (of any belief system), sometimes find it necessary to overcome inner inhibitions, obsolete beliefs or negative habit patterns. Additional tools that lead to the speedy resolution of these barriers to manifestation can be very helpful.

Just a suggestion, of course.

Jeri Noble
Circles of Light



January -February 1999


This Month's Features:

- Favorite Practical Dream Contest
- Introduction to Dreamwork: 11 Feb -- 18 Mar 1999 in London,
- ASD Regional Conference 27 Feb
- DreamJourney Circles
- Dream Facilitator's Email List
- Call for your dream journeys
- Results of Winter 1998 Planetary Dream
- Shamanic Dream Circle
- Intuition Network Crisis
- Book Update: Doing Internet Research
- Buy Dream books Online at The dream Tree

- Hag Dreams
- Animal Dreams

-Interactive Dream Tree
-The DreamLink
-Electric Dream Covers
-Dream Updater
-Daily Analyst
-A Journey within the Mystery of Being
-A New Gypsy's Dream Place
-Dreams and MSN
-Dreams and the Genetic Code
-Ian Wilson's Web Update
Dreaming with Eyes Open
The Somniloquy Circle
Henry Reed
-Nashville Dream Awareness Circle

DREAM CALENDAR for February 1999




If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at

>>>>>Favorite Practical Dream Contest
SUN, MAN, MOON, INC, Publishers is announcing a "FAVORITE PRACTICAL DREAM CONTEST". Here's how: 1) submit your favorite practical dream from history and tell why it is your favorite. For example - Pharoah's dream of seven fat and seven lean cattle followed by seven fat and seven lean ears of corn could be yourfavorite because it saved an entire nation from starvation during drought conditions. 2) Submit your favorite practical dream from your personal experience. For example - you dreamed you reached up over your head and took a notebook off a shelf. When you pulled it down, several small and three large black widow spiders came with it. They landed on the floor except for one large one which landed on your bare arm. You brushed off the large one and began stomping on the ones on the floor. A man appeared behind you and stomped out all the spiders. End of dream. That morning at work the Big Boss asked you to work on a report that had been submitted by your immediate boss. He felt it had some mistakes you could correct. This was like reaching up over your head into the area of your immediate boss's work. You did it. When she, your immediate boss, found out, she "jumped on you" about it. This was like the large, poisonous female on your arm. Her two best friends/co-workers joined her in protest. Then the Big Boss backed you up and stomped out all opposition. You had found her report to be a mess and made necessary corrections.
The dream gave you warning and confidence about following orders and co-worker relationships.

All over 18 are eligible and welcome. Deadline for arrival of entries is May 31, 1999. Send entries to: Sun, Man, Moon; Box 2914; Seal Beach, CA 90740 or by email to:
PRIZES: First prize - Complete works of Janice Baylis, PhD. $100.00 value. These are - Books: Sleep On It! The Practical Side of Dreaming, Personal Dream Journal and Light-in-the-dark Pen, Dream Dynamic and Decoding:An Interpretation Manual and Sex, Symbols and Dreams. Audio tape - Sex as Symbol in Dreams
Videos - The Genius of the Dreaming Mind, The Slanguage of Dreams, Psychic Dreams. Two Second Place prizes: $30.00 value: Books - Sex, Symbols and Dreams, Personal Dream Journal and Light-in-the-dark Pen.

>>>>>Introduction to Dreamwork: 11 Feb -- 18 Mar 1999 in London, England
Dreams are the most personalised form of the Oracle, and often the most miraculous, in that they are created-each night
-specifically for every one of us. One function of our dreams is
to point out our blind spots and correct narrow or one-sided viewpoints; because of this it helps to tell them to a sympathetic listener who can provide objective insight and feedback. Using symbols and metaphoric imagery, dreams employ a language that-with a little help and practice-anyone can learn. In fact, the very act of working to understand your dreams is usually supported and rewarded by the Oracle, who seems to respond when it knows that acts messages are being heard. Although much goes on in your dreaming life that is not meant to be interpreted, working with dreams over time is an excellent way to connect with a sense of meaning in your life.

Nora Leonard will be running a 6 week course in dreamwork
beginning 11 February 1999 in West Ealing (London, England).
The course runs for 6 weeks, two hours per week, and covers such topics as: keeping a proper dream diary; learning to ask
the right questions of a dream; how dreams portray our current
situation in metaphoric terms; the need to bring in individual
associations and amplifications to dream imagery; recognising
and dealing with mythological motifs; how dreams often picture
our own inner dynamics as outer relationships and situations-
for example using our own parents in dreams as images of how we
"mother" or "father" ourselves. Theory will be translated into practice using dreams brought to the sessions by course participants. The classes will be kept to 6-7 participants so that each member gets a chance to present their dreams.

The cost will be 60 pounds sterling for the 6 weeks. Please phone 0181-998-2366 or email
for further details.

>>>>>>>> ASD Regional Conference - Dreams and the New Millennium

A one day event co-sponsored by the Department of Consciousness
Studies, John F. Kennedy University and the Association for the Study of Dreams. Featured Speakers include Patricia Garfield, Ph.D. The Universal Dreams; Stanley Krippner, Ph.D. Shamanic Dreamtime, Lessons for the New Millennium; Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. The Future of Lucid Dreaming. Presentations, Seminars and Workshops include Loyd Auerbach, M.A. Precognitive Dreaming and its Relation to Time. Fariba Bogzaran, Ph.D. Unfolding the Spiritual Dimensions in Dreaming. Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D. & Alan Siegel, Ph.D. Exploring Childhood Dreams and Nightmares.
Daniel Deslauriers, Ph.D. Integral Approach to Dreamwork.
Ray Greenleaf, M.A., MFCC and Mary Hull Webster, M.A. Archetypes,
Alchemy, and Dreams. Shirley Coburn and Chuck Coburn Shapeshifting Reality: Redreaming the Past to Change the Future.
Amit Goswami, Ph.D. and Laurie Mikulasek, M.A. A New Science of
Dreams:Presentation by JFKU Dream Studies Students and Alumni
Marilyn Fowler. Dreams, Problem solving and Decision making: A New Paradigm for Business. Nancy Lund. Tibetan Dream Yoga: Lucid Dreaming and Beyond. Julie Knowles, M.A. Dreams: Mirrors of Conscious Evolution.

Dream Art Space
Accomplished performing artists from JFKU will create a dream theater and express their artistry by bridging dream reality into waking. Artists: Seth Hunter Eisen and Gloria Lamson and Diane Sherman, M.A. and Charles H. Trapolin and Mark Wagner M.A.

Dreams and the New Millennium, Conference Coordinators
Program Chair: Fariba Bogzaran, 925/258-7322
Assistant Chair: Nancy Lund, E-mail:
Program Assistant: Marylin Fowler, 925/258-7326

February 27, 1999, 9:00 am - 6:30pm 9:00am.
Location: John F. Kennedy University (Village Campus, Room 201)
12 Altarinda Road, Orinda, California(East Bay, Hwy 24, Orinda/Moraga exit, left at traffic light,right at next light (Santa Maria) that becomes Altarinda. Campus at the right)
Cost:$110 General $65 Students Registration: 925/254-0105
Information: 925/258-7322, E-mail:

checks payable to John F. Kennedy University, Dream Event
John F. Kennedy University Graduate School for Holistic Studies
12 Altarinda Road, Orinda, California 94937

Co-ed group meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month.
Women's group meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month.
Both are open to new members and meet in Emeryville.
The cost is $10-40 sliding scale per circle. Each group features a workshop on shamanic dreaming, a dream sharing circle, intensive dream exploration and shamanic ritual.

>>>>>Dreamwork Facilitators Mailing List
Recently, I established an e-mail list exclusively for use by those currently engaged in the facilitation of dreamwork groups especially those of us centered in the Southeast United States, but not restricted to any particular area. Interested facilitators and group leaders can find out more by writing This is not really a dream-sharing list. Many very fine such lists already exist. The primary purpose of this list is to facilitate networking and the sharing of ideas regarding the actual responsibility of forming, organizing and facilitating an ongoing group.

Anything truly important is worth doing to the best of our ability. For all the training we may receive, all the books we read, all the experiments we try in our own groups, who would not jump at the chance to improve our leadership skills by association with others engaged in the same work. Together we can swap ideas, trade "exercises", provide feedback to each
other, or, if our groups are reasonably close to each other, even plan joint projects. There is great potential for such an association.

Pleasant Dreams,
Tom Goad
Nashville Dream Awareness Circle

I am writing a book on spiritual dreams, "Dreamjourneys: A Shamanic Path to Healing and Spiritual Awakening." You are invited to submit for possible inclusion in the book descriptions of dreams that featured a powerful spiritual message or journey. Types of dreamjourneys include: SOUL JOURNEYS, CREATIVE DREAMS (and their art!), HEALING DREAMS, PRECOGNITIVE OR PSYCHIC DREAMS, POWER ANIMAL (TOTEM) DREAMS, ANGEL DREAMS, DREAMS OF SPIRIT GUIDES, AND SHAMANIC INITIATION DREAMS. This dream probably felt like "more than just a dream." This is an opportunity for you to share your dream with many other people who validate your incredible experience, and the telling of it may help you or other readers. Please send a typed description of your dream to (e-mail preferred) or to Taylor Kingsley a.k.a. Sage Healing Wolf, Dreamjourneys Project, 1678 Shattuck Ave. #275, Berkeley CA 94709. Please include any background information you feel may be relevant to the dream, and tell how it changed your life and/or spiritual life. There is nomonetary compensation, but you may be credited by name if you so desire. Please state whether you wish to be credited by name, pseudonym or anonymously. Include your name, mailing address, email and/or phone number so the author may contact you if there are any questions. Many thanks, many blessings, and sweet dreams... - Taylor Kingsley/Sage Healing Wolf

>>>>>Results of Planetary Dream Project

Night of the winter solstice, 20th to 21st of December 1998

To celebrate the Planetary dream 98, a ® FLYING PARTY¯ took place in Paris the night of the 18th of december. Then around the world dreamers put the intention in their minds to have dreams of flying (transcendence). The dreams are now online at the Oniros/EASD site. The Planetary dream 98 is part of the project ®Alcheringa¯ which will lead us in the year 2000 to the aboriginal australian land, at Uluru (Ayers Rock), in the center of Australia. The cyberspace, link between the real world and the dream world, will serve as main support for the exchanges which will go with the project via ø mailing lists like ®onirama¯.
ø the program IRC (mIRC), channel ®oniros¯ (network or other Undernet server). ®Flying instructors¯ will help you if you have difficulties to fly in your dreams...

You are invited to join a circle of dream adventurers which meets weekly in Emeryville and enjoys retreats in the Sierras for vision questing and dreamjourneying. This group focuses on dreams as spiritual journeys and messages but also honors Jungian and other psychological dreamwork techniques. The Shamanic Dream Circle features educational workshops on dreamjourneys (led by Sage Healing Wolf, author of Dreamjourneys: Dreams of Spiritual Awakening), dream sharing, and shamanic ritual to honor the Dream spirits and incubate dreams of healing, guidance and empowerment. Far more than the usual "talking" dream sharing group, we utilize multicultural shamanic ritual, soul retrieval and power animal retrieval, as well as dream re-entry, dream theater, dream art and many other powerful experiential dreamwork methods to catalyze your dream life and your waking life. For more information, call Taylor/Sage at (510) 653-7293 or email to

>>>>> eList - Crisis
Dear Dreamers,
For some years now, the Intuition Network has been providing a service to the consciousness community by sponsoring our e-mail discussion groups, at no cost to the users.

Now, however, we are in a new situation. The foundation grant that has supported our work expired several months ago. It is up to us to generate other sources of revenue.

Our intention is to continue the operation of our computer conference system for as long as possible. However, the cost of doing so is not negligible. Internet costs, telephone costs, and computer support staff (not counting my own time which is now donated) amounts to about $1000 a month. Each month now, our limited cash reserves are dropping; and unless steps are taken to change this situation, the time will come when we will have to unplug the computer conference system. Instead, we should be upgrading!

So the time has come when I must request volunteer donations from those of you who are using this system and feel so moved. Do not hesitate to be generous. Your donations will all go to keeping this system alive.

If you would like to help us keep this system running, please send a check to Intuition Network, 369-B Third Street, #161, San Rafael, CA 94901. Make your check out to Intuition Network, and mark on the check "computer conference".

Thank you for your support.

Warm regards,
Jeffrey Mishlove
President, Intuition Network

>>>>> Book Update : "Doing Internet Research: Critical Issues and Methods for Examining the Net" edited by Steve Jones (1999, Sage, paperback, 299 pgs.). It includes 13 chapters and an introduction to conducting social-scientific research online.

Introduction: Forests, Trees and Internet Research
1. Studying the Net: Intricacies and Issues
2. Complementary Explorative Date Analysis: The Reconciliation of Quantitative and Qualititative Principles
3. Recontextualizing "Cyberspace": Methodological Considerations for On-Line Research
4. Studying On-Line Social Networks
5. Cybertalk and the Method of Instances
6. Configuring as a Mode of Rehtorical Analysis
7. From Paper and Pencil to Screen and Keyboard: Toward a Methodology for Survey Research on the Internet
8. Measuring Internet Audiences: Patrons of an On-Line Art Magazine
9. Analyzing the Web: Directions and Challenges
10. There is a There There: Notes Toward a Definition of Community
11. Researching and Creating Community Networks
12. Beyond Netiquette: The Ethics of Doing Naturlistic Discourse Research on the Internet
13. Thinking the Internet: Cultural Studies Versus the Millenium

Order info UK (14 GBP): ber

Order info USA/Rest of World (US$20): rA/

>>>>>Buy Dream Books Online and support the Dream Tree
The Dream Tree is now an official associate of What does that mean? If you want to buy quality dream books and videos, you can do so directly from The Dream Tree's website! For each book you buy as a result of linking through The Dream Tree, Amazon will credit The Dream Tree with a small referral fee. Help support your online dream resource center!


R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S


>>>>>Hag Dreams
I am writing an article on what is commonly known as "Hag Dreams" or "Old Hag". It is the sensation of feeling paralyzed yet awake. I am trying to get others experiences with this and was wondering if you have ever or would consider adding this as one of your categories? Or if you could direct me in any way as to where I might find some more info on this subject. Thank You,

>>>>> Animal Dreams
I am collecting dreams of fish, worms, wolves, cats and salamanders, and also numinous dreams of any kind.
Series of any of these would be especially interesting. Please tell your dream(s) and then a little about what that symbol means for you. If you wish to show the work you have done, including drawings, to arrive at that meaning(s),that would be great, too, though not necessary.
Several meanings for a particular symbol are OK, since dreams are many-layered. I would also like to know how old you were when you had each dream. Thanks so much for sharing your dreams. Pat Patricia Kampmeier


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


Do you know of interesting new websites you'd like to share with others? Or do you have updates to existing pages? Help spread the word by using the Electric Dreams DREAM-LINK page This is really a public projects board and requires that everyone keep up his or her own link URLs and information. Make a point to send changes to the links page to us.

The Dream Tree, an online resource center for dreamers and contributor of Electric Dreams' monthly Global Dreaming News, is pleased to announce it's newest features for your cyber- convenience and networking:

Online Bulletin Board with five different dream-related forums, including dream sharing; dream books, film and art; and dream groups. The bulletin board is free, and a great place to discuss dream stuff with other oneironauts online.
Guest Book drop by and let others know what you think and where you're from!
Buy Dream Books Online -- The Dream Tree is now an official associate of What does that mean? If you want to buy quality dream books and videos, you can do so directly from The Dream Tree's website! For each book you buy as a result of linking through The Dream Tree, Amazon will credit The Dream Tree with a small referral fee. Help support your online dream resource center!
New site map (just click "Site Map" on the home page at will show you graphically or in outline form, all the pages at The Dream Tree.
New navigation tools to make it easier to find your way around.

>>>>>The DreamLink
Byron Smith, author of the upcoming book "The DreamLink", talks about his work, and offers dream analysis to visitors at his website.

>>>>>The New Gypsies Dream Place - Dream Poetry and Essays
Jade Wind Woman developed an interest in dream work, neo-Jungian style, before and after doing recent graduate work in psychology. She also did a Native American-style vision quest a decade and a half ago, guided by an Apache Medicine Person. Her poetry and dream influenced writings have been coming together over the years, with a recent focus on connection with
others who appreciate the messages for our lives the dreams offer.

>>>>>A Journey Within the Mystery of Being
A collection of thoughts on dream interpretation, symbolism and how to use both for spiritual growth. Many nice graphics. "A Journey within the Mystery of Being"

>>>>>DreamWork at MSN
The New Age Communities at MicroSoft Network offers a discussion board on dreams and dreaming. Stop by and post a dream. Newsgroup format.

>>>>>Dreams and the Genetic Code
A paper presentation by Bradley York Bartholomew. This paper is part of a degree project for Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus, Queensland, Australia. He would be most interested to hear from you concerning your thoughts about this theory, whether positive or negative. Please e-mail

>>>>> The Daily Analyst
Dutch psychoanalyst Willem Linschoten hosts a somewhat private feeling discussion list on dreams and their meanings. Heavy topics and deep sharing and personal revelations create an interesting reflective mood.

>>>>>The Dreams Page updater
Sirley Marques Bonham has added articles on dreams and lucidity, spirit and other dream topics.

>>>>> Electric Dreams Covers
Did you know that you can get Illustrated Covers for Electric Dreams? Some of our cover art goes back years. Be sure to stop by the gallery, find your favorite issues and download a nice looking cover!

>>>>> Ian Wilson's Web Update
Ian Wilson focuses on the "experience" of dreams and the range of experience, especially lucid and oobe. He offers a dream and information page as well as an online book/course on consciousness where dreams and dream states are discussed and enhancement techniques are offered. Special focus on Mutual, Lucid & Psi dreams, mixing the research of such noted
dream theorists as Linda Magallon and Jane Roberts (Seth) and Ian's own experiences. Ian Wilson email

>>>>> The Nashville Dream Awareness Circle (NDAC)
The Nashville Dream Awareness Circle (NDAC) practices a gentle form of dreamwork designed to help dreamers explore the themes and issues in our lives that have been highlighted by our nightly dreams. Through our "No Dictionary" approach, each dream is explored on it's own terms, not made to fit a pre-existing theory. The methods are chosen from most appropriate methods developed by psychologists and dream researchers worldwide, yet
they can easily be learned and practiced by anyone whatever their background. . This is not psychotherapy, and they are not affiliated with any other organization. They are a circle of everyday, ordinary people who have discovered the great value of working toward their potential in this extraordinary way. They welcome new people.

>>>>> Somniloquy Instutitute Dream Picture
If you missed the very funny and cute picture put up for the holidays by the Somniloquy Institute, you can still view this photo online.

SUNEYE Ultimate Out-of-Body and Lucid Dream Guide
There has always been a debate about how much of out of body experience is really lucid dreaming. Here is a site that examines the full range of these experiences and offers various induction methods. There is also an invitation to join the experiments. Many of the suneye techniques require a fairly arduous schedule (getting up and reading a hour during the night) but are based on fairly well tested research from other lucid dream
studies. Other parts of the site include testimonies, examples, and other help.

>>>>> DREAMS: Art of the Collective Unconscious
New additions to the gallery make this site especially wonderful. This site takes dreams, illustrations and interpretations. Beautiful collection of artistically rendered dreams by Gail Bixler-Thomas "DREAMS: Art of the Collective Unconscious" invites dreamers to connect with their dreams by creating art and through self-interpretation. Artwork and interpretations (of real people) are shared on this site. The dream project was developed to raise general consciousness of the importance of dreaming via an Internet web site. Verbal invitations and email were used to gather volunteer participants. The following instructions were given: Record in writing a recent or recurring dream, in first person and present tense. Express the dream with a drawing or other art form. Record the emotions associated with the dream. Study the dream-inspired artwork and provide a written interpretation. Provide first name, age, occupation and
geographic location. Dreams were collected, digitized, formatted and made available on the Internet. Supporting materials B including historical information, dream theories and a summary of new research B were also prepared and placed online.

>>>>> Dreaming with Eyes Open
This site not only includes special editions of Electric Dreams in PDF format for easy viewing, but also hosts a wide variety of other topics, including music, poetry and philosophy. If you haven't seen Electric Dreams Illustrated in PDF format yet, you are in for a treat.

>>>>>Henry Reed
Henry Reed is one of the Dream Titans, part of group of dream inspired pioneers who formed the early grassroots dream movement and revived many of the ancient dream techniques for contemporary use. Henry has recently added to his site an interview from DreamNet and new collections to his fabulous dream art gallery, which chronicles a lifetime of artistic inspiration.

>>>>> DreamCatching was originally a book announcement site but has now grown into a great resource site for dreamers that specializes in children and dreaming. The original book by Alan Siegel, Ph.d. and Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.d. _Every Parent's Guide to Understanding and Exploring Children's
Dreams and Nightmares_ is still available, but has been augmented by many other articles of the authors, including Creative Ways of Exploring Children's Dreams , Welcoming the Dream, Sharing Dreams Is Sharing Feelings, How Your Dreams Can Enhance Your Parenting Skills, Nightmare Remedies and The Natural Playfulness of Children's Dreams.



February 1999


Feb 4-May 13 in Berkeley, CA
Dream Class with Jeremy Taylor, 2-4:30pm. Call 415.454.2793 or visit the website at

February 6 in Melrose, FLA
DREAM THEATER at the Whole Health Library. Preregistration required. For further information, call Gail Ellison, PhD, at 352-377-8230. E-mail is

Feb 5-7 in Denver, CO
Weekend Workshop with Jeremy Taylor
415.454-2793 or visit the website at

February 6 in Saratoga, NY
"Dreaming at Midwinter: Learning from Native American Traditions" workshop with "Dreamgates" author Robert Moss. Call (518) 587- 4967.

Feb 9-May 11 in Oakland, CA
Univ. of Creation Spirituality "Theory Class" with Jeremy Taylor, 7:00-10pm (open to auditors)510.835.4827 or visit the website at

Feb 10-Mar 24 in Oakland, CA
University of Creation Spirituality
"Dreams Class" 7-10pm (open to auditors)510.835.4827 or visit the website at

Feb 12-14 in Omaha, NE
Weekend Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. 402.593.1810 or visit the website at

Feb 19-21 in Menlo Park, CA
Weekend Dream Workshop at Vallombrossa Center 650.325.5614 or visit the website at

February 26-27 in New York City, NY
"The Healing Art of Dream Theatre" workshop with "Conscious Dreaming" author Robert Moss. Call (212) 753-3835.

Feb 27 in Orinda, CA
Dreams and the New Millennium. An ASD Regional Conference. 925.258.7326 or visit the website at

Feb 26-28 in Ventura, CA
Weekend Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. 805.654.0686 or visit the website at


== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V6 N2 ==

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **


Vol. 6 Number 2 - February 1999

Hello dreamers! This month we have approximately 46 pages worth of dream enriched material touching upon the living and the dead, the known and the unknown, the safe and the dangerous, the familiar and the strange, the old and the new, the waking logic grasping with the dreaming images.

Enjoy this months ED.



Thanks to those who have shared their dreams and commentary with our community.

Enjoy your visit to the pages of Electric Dreams.

Bob Krumhansl

= = = = = = = = = = = ==



== Commentary by RL on Necrophilia by Red Raven(981220) ==
== Commentary by RL on A Pleseant Occurrence at Work (981220) ==
== Commentary by LM on Cemetery (990121) ==


PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

** Dream Messages from Christ by MV (990105) **
** Dream: Ditched while Dreaming by AU(990113) **

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

** Dream: "The Illusion of Control" by Brad (990120) **

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]

** Dream: heart net by M (990109) **

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

** Dream: the end by ? (990114) **

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]

** Dream: Phone the Deceased (990111) **


AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another reality]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

** Dream: Fish Hooks by ? (981215) **
** Dream: Funeral by Suzie (981028) **
** Dream: Alligators, water, busy streets by Amanda (981221) **

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BOOKS (Extensions of our memory and imagination, our permanent records)

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

** Dream: THE SPACE-TREE by D****(990105) **

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]

** Dream: "Chilli Tubes" by M (981227) **

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or jokes]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

== Commentary by Heratheta ==

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

** Dream: Flying Fish by Dreambat (990108) **

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

** Dream: Getting My Feet Wet by Dreambat (981229) **
** Dream: Fishing Rod Mermaid (990116) **

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

EVENTS [The activity defines or dominates the story - a convergence of people at a place and time for a special purpose]

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]

** Dream: Faceless Man- Immortal Beloved (990110) **
** Dream: Big Eye by M (990115) **

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and destruction/transformation]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

** Dream: train and old house dream by M (990107) **
== Commentary by GDA on The Train is Coming! (990109) **

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

** Dream: Immortal Chase by Jordan (990117) **
== Commentary by Dr.D on Immortal Chase (990119) ==
** Dream: landslide by frank (990118) **

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]

** Dream: Lotto by Mike (990111) **
== Commentary by GDA on Mike's Lotto's Dreams (990113) ==

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]

** Dream: avoiding janeen by StanK (990121) **

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

** Dream: Girl newguy (990108)**
== Commentary by GDA on Girl newguy (990114)==
** Dream: silk by Sim (990114)**

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

STRANGERS [Who and what we don't know yet]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

** Dream: Car Crash by Ldel(981227) **
** Dream: "Testing the Road" by dreambat (990104) **

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

** Dream: GOLDIE by ? (990108) **

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

= = = = = = = = = = = ==


** Dreams: G‚rald's 3 King Dreams of 3 Kings Day!(990113)**


Farewell for this month.




== Commentary by RL on Necrophilia by Red Raven(981220) ==


I am walking in a desolate beach. A man who I have never met before approaches me and says " I know you always wanted to meet a necrophiliac". I say "yes". He tells me that he knows one and asks me to follow him. Then I see this 10 year old boy standing on a sand dune.I find myself thinking that he can't be one. He hears my thoughts and says "I am really a necrophiliac. I eat my own dead flesh". Then he starts biting his fingers and tears the flesh off. He shows me his hands. I can see his bones covered in blood. I feel disgusted.

Comments by Dreamer: My desire to punish myself as a child, feeling quilty about my survival of parental neglect, the need for my pain to be acknowledged by my parents.

Hello Red Raven:

A necrophilias is someone who is erotically attracted to corpses. What have I been refusing, in my waking life, to admit to myself that would cause me to have this disturbing dream/nighmare? Perhaps I have been convicing myself that there is someone in my life, to whom I believe I am attracted, or admire; or it might be a child of a friend/ relative/or my own who, in reality, is sick/perverted/ self-destructrive. Or, perhaps I have been trying to downplay the effect of being neglected as a child (trying to put a positive spin on my parents' remiss) and the dream is telling me that they are indeed responsible for what I am (mentally very disturbed), or already, at an early age, 10, I was a very disburbed/sick person. The dream is emphatically forcing me to come to terms with truths that I am refusing to ackowledge in my waking life. Dreams of this intensity should be taken heed of.

Without knowing anything of your life, I can only very roughly speculate on how this is directly related to your life. Thank you for sharing this very interesting dream with us. Rob Lewis

== Commentary by RL on A Pleseant Occurrence at Work (981220) ==

- Dream: A pleasant occurrence at work by Magnolia(981124)**

ended at 6:00 a.m. November 24, 1998 I was working (perhaps taking notes) in my boss's office (someone I admire a lot). He took off his pants in order to relax, and put his arm around me to continue working with me. I was filled with a sense of relief and gladness, and anticipation -- perhaps this meant that it could go further at another time. But mainly that he must indeed like me.

Hello Magnolia:

Merely adding to Bob K's informed and a propos observations, I would say that if this were my dream, it was dreamt it because I am perhaps a person who, as a defense mechanism, always anticipates or expects the worst case scenaria, to cushion or pre-empt disappointment. In my waking life, in order to protect my thin ego, I have convinced myself that this man whom I am romantically/sexually interested in, isn't interested in me. The dream is categorically (if not explicitly) telling me otherwise. Thanks for sharing this dream, Rob Lewis

== Commentary by LM on Cemetery (990121) ==

This is my first response to Electric Dreams so I hope that it gets through.

I like the idea of re-incarnation being expressed as a part of the dream. However, what struck me as an important part of the dream is the way that the dreamers purpose is explicity addressed by the dream figure at the cemetary. From the Jungian perspective, to get a clue about the true purpose of the Self is extremely helpful. It's what we're here for. To fulfill our "purpose".


PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

** Dream Messages from Christ by MV (990105) **

Date of Dream: 1983 Dream

I would like to share my dream with the experienced dream community. This I have experienced way back in 1983.


CHRIST has appeared in my dream, Pulled out a Page from Bible and passed it to me through an Angle.

1996 CHRIST has appeared in my dream and has given Vermilon to apply on my Mothers forehead.

People coming towards me with A big cross ( Almost 6 feet height made with balckwood )with a big procession.


6 Godesess appeared in my dream, They were sitting in a row. beaneth them two soothsayers are sitting and they were talking something and passed on a Coconut with some prayer articles like Red and Yellow power plus some flowers and a cheese Ball - which my father-in-law has pressed on my head asif he is preparing me to take a headbath.

Comments: I wanted an expert to interpret my dream. Thanks in Advance.

People can share my dream and can send their comments.

** Dream: Ditched while Dreaming by (990113) **

Ditched while Dreaming

It seems that I have the same dream over and over. It's not always the same but the massage is loud and clear. My best friend and I are very close and I always have dreams of abandonment from her. She ditches me for a new friend or she tells me that she no longer likes me or she uses personal insecurities about myself to hurt me in some way. In my heart, I dont think she would ever do anything to hurt me or to leave me, but my dreams must mean something. I'm incredibly confused. If you can help me understand what these dreams means somehow or recomend a book or website you would help me out a great deal .. thank you for your time.


DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

** Dream: "The Illusion of Control" by Brad (990120) **

[Hi, my name is Brad. I actually would not mind having my e-mail address posted for feedback, from either the readers or from you. "The Illusion of Control"]

1/20/99- betweem 1 and 5 a.m.

I was actively dreaming when I came to the realization of what I was doing- I consciously recognized I was in a dream (or so I thought). The moment I could see myself in my own dream I immediately found myself in my bed, where I grabbed the pencil off my window sill and began taking notes of my dream- on my bed sheet (?). I was slowly loosing touch of my actual dream while I was writing, so I decided I'd just continue dreaming instead of trying to record it; I'd rather be in my dream than in my bed, I thought.

Comments by Dreamer: When I awoke I looked on my window sill, there was no pencil. I then looked at my bed sheet, there was no writing. I realized that I was dreaming the whole time! In my dream I realized I was dreaming, and I actually thought I woke up to record it while it was going on. I realized how little control I actually had on my own dream.

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]

** Dream: heart net by M (990109) **

6am Sat 9 January 1999

I was visiting my Mum's place, to console her neighbour Grant after the death of his German Shepherd dog, Ellie. We were having some wine and planning to have a late night game of chess.

Valerie, the blonde neighbour from the house on the other side of Mum's, was there too and came into the room to give us the message that my husband's father had telephoned to say the lawnmower had been dropped off at Hartnett Drive to be fixed.

*** Next dream snippet:

Then I went off with my brother and father to a beach. They had fishing rods ready and I went with them to look at available boats to hire. They chose one that was a freshly repainted mustard yellow colour. It had a name on the side in burgundy letter, which I can't remember now. The three visible portholes also had burgundy surrounds.

While they went out fishing, I stayed on the sand, near vegetation and got out my birdwatching gear, in the hopes of seeing sufficient numbers of birds to fill out an Atlas form. (see

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BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

** Dream: the end by ? (990114) **

1-13-99 2:00

It has to do with the end of the world and the united states fighting with iraq and the whole world dead except for some who are all coming to my house, including a priest who put a cross against a man all dressed in black who transformed into a pale white face and with a lot of blood who his name i dont remember.

Comments by Dreamer: tell me what its aBOUT

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]

** Dream: Phone the Deceased (990111) **

i called a friend who has recently died. i was suprised when he answered the phone. he later came over and told me he was okay and explained what was going on. it was very real. i actually woke up about 3 times and fell back asleep to the same dream. the last time i was in my room with him and he said he had to go. i then had a completely different dream. i spoke with him and he told me he was okay. it was just like reality. he tried very hard to prove it was really him. i dont know it was just a very strange dream and i know it meant something.

Comments by Dreamer: i just wish that dreams really do mean something.


AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another reality]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

** Dream: Fish Hooks by ? (981215) **

Date of Dream: 12-15-98, 4:00 a.m.

I was at the house of someone. All three of my pets, Marley --a black lab, Winnie -- a boxer, and Sam, the cat, were there. Sam approached me, and I discovered there was a fish hook with line on it embedded in his mouth. I tried to remove it but couldn't. I was very upset. Then the two dogs came up, and both of them also had fish hooks with line attached in their mouths. However, I removed the hooks fairly easily from both of their mouths. Then I saw Sam again. I gently began to maneuver the hook, worked and worked, and finally removed it!

Comments by Dreamer: I have researched my dream books and can find nothing relating to this. Any thoughts or comments would be welcome.

** Dream: Funeral by Suzie (981028) **

My sister and I were in a church-like setting. There was a large group of people in front of us. We were standing at a judge's bench. Then the "judge" called my last name. My sister and I moved up to stand before the "bench." They ushered us up a short set of stairs (three, I think), where we were on a podium (like in church). She and I sat down in a "mini pew, a two-seater." There were people, chairs, flowers, etc. We were told we were seated on the wrong side. My sister poked me in the side, rather hard. We moved to the other side. We sat down side-by-side in a corner, and I pushed my sister to pay her back for poking me. Someone was performing a service. There was a mini casket on a pedestal. A priest was to my right, clothed in a white, wooden robe with intricate, colored flowers carved on the sleeves. I was admiring it. Someone prayed. I did not feel sad or any emotion whatsoever.

After we left the service, we were running down a field (on rock gravel road). I was running really fast! I think I was trying to hide from a car that was trying to catch me. I went in a house. I saw two cats I knew, only one was a dog in disguise. They were friendly. I was still "miffed" at my sister over the funeral episode.

Comments by Dreamer: Strange, huh?

** Dream: Alligators, water, busy streets by Amanda (981221) **

I have reoccurring dreams with the same theme (same places)....

1. I'm usually trying to avoid the water or a busy street. 2. I am being chased. Not Frightened.
3. Alligators are trying to eat me. Still not frightened. 4. Whenever I AM frightened, it is without cause.

I am a 16 year old female. Can you offer any advise?


BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BOOKS (Extensions of our memory and imagination, our permanent records)

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

** Dream: THE SPACE-TREE by D****(990105) **


Important encounter with C.G.Jung in lecture room of a celebrated restaurant in Tubingen University. I am sitting next to C.G.Jung at "presiding table" in front of big audience full of reverence for the great man. Jung presents me with a voluminous edition of his works. He looks healthy, fit and youngish, a cultivated 70 year old gentleman irradiating spiritual force. He lectures on The Symbol of the SPACE-TREE ["RAUM-BAUM"]. I am very proud and flattered when, in his lecture, he mentions as an aside: "The father of Mr.D**** also worked much on the tree symbol", and, turning to me: "is not that so?". I reply: "Yes. But that was not yet the space-tree, of course!" (The SPACE-TREE is a new concept, only recently developed by C.G.Jung.) I keep talking to Jung, asking: how can one "get at" (achieve, make real [verwirklichen]) the space-tree? Jung's answer consists of a single, incredibly deep and meaningful, word: "by OMISSION".

I understand. This is the idea of the human individual as, when untended, a tree of "infinite ramification", growing wild and too complex, too crowded,confused, opaque, at cross purposes and often self-stultifying. It is only by ommission, i.e. by cutting and eliminating many of its branches, that this tree can turn into the slender and clear, tall, transparent and beautiful space-tree - the consummation of the individual.

The discussion lasts deep into the night. The haughty headwaiter once accosts me and reprimands me for not wearing a tie. I wave this off lightly, saying casually "Even Mr. Jung himself does not wear a tie!". Jung hears this remark and smiles. He pulls his high-necked white knitted pullover down a little, and beneath it can now be seen a perfectly starched white shirt with an elegant slender tie. [1998]

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]

** Dream: "Chilli Tubes" by M (981227) **

5am 27 December 1998

Somebody outside told me to watch out for the "chilli tubes". I could hear my daughter outside and didn't know whether the warning was for me or for her. I had put on a dress, as I felt that it was nearly time to go out to a party. When I looked in the bathroom mirror the dress was inside out. It was a long black dress with tiny white dots on it.

[It had been raining and windy outside in real life overnight]

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or jokes]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

== Commentary by Heratheta ==

girl new drm-peace had lain to the right of the train station if you had avoided becoming something you or others "go down on"

peaches drms-peace had lain to the right of your friend if you had avoided "hurting yourself or others"

another drm-peace had lain to the right of the caravan if you had avoided becoming noticed

silk drm-castle-guess big eye drm-eye-like the end drm-house-transforming : above dreams peace had lain to the right of the word after the first dash if you had avoided becoming the word after the second dash

more at

it's nice to see gerald using his own words more than references

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

** Dream: Flying Fish by Dreambat (990108) **

I'm hiking back down from a mountain. Its a nice trail, pine forest. There was some kind of large camping event. On the way down I notice enormous fish swimming across one of the hill tops. I think to myself that this mountain lake sure has big fish. Then upon closer inspection, I see they are swimming in air! They are huge, yard long trout like fish, but swimming very slowly like at the bottom of an ocean. They seem to be going together over the hill, like an invisible stream held the flow. I'm quite amazed and head down the hill, (a little afraid or maybe awed as well). I'm hoping to find someone to tell about this.


DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

** Dream: Getting My Feet Wet by Dreambat (981229) **

I'm on my way home an stop by a neighborhood where a famous dream author, Patricia Garfield, is having an all night dream party. There are small, intimate projects going on all over the house, like dream incubation, dream sharing, sand-tray work and a very interesting room with water. I go in the water room. Its on the ground floor and there is about 3 inches of warm, spa like water.

** Dream: Fishing Rod Mermaid (990116) **

We were returning from a holiday in a caravan. As we were unpacking, I noticed that somehow my daughter had managed to secrete a cobwebby fishing rod, that usually stayed at the holiday place, and brought it into our house. It didn't work to inspire me to go fishing though.

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

EVENTS [The activity defines or dominates the story - a convergence of people at a place and time for a special purpose]

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]

** Dream: Faceless Man- Immortal Beloved (990110) **

1-5-99 late at night- unsure exactly

I remeber very little of this dream except a feeling. Danger, and fear of something that seems likely to occur. the cause of this is a Man I see. I don't remember anything else but this about him: He has dark hair His presence frightens me He says nothing, only reaches out for my hand, as if asking me to take it and His face- I can't see anything. like he has no face, just darkness and something unrecognisable. He stands there and I feel overcome with fear.

Comments by Dreamer: Can anyone help me figure out what this was about. It left me frightened the following morning. Expecting something terrible would happen. I don't know where this came from, and I'd like any help you can provide

** Dream: Big Eye by M (990115) **

1am 15 January 1999

Last night, I dreamt I was getting closer and closer to a fish's eye that was like a human's - with a dark, almost black, iris and white around it. It was so big that it was trying to suck me into it. I was holding on tightly to my children on the sandy ground behind me; to protect them and in the hope that they would help me too.

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and destruction/transformation]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

** Dream: train and old house dream by M (990107) **

7 January 1999 6am

I was on a trip with my family - at least I know my father was with me and I had lost my train ticket back. I looked in every pocket, and had looked through my handbag to no avail. I didn't have enough money with me, so went back to my childhood home, which, in my dream, was near the train station. Everyone there had gone to bed, or didn't want to be disturbed. I knocked on all the closed doors, until finally, my former bedroom door opened and a friend, Debbie with red hair, whom I haven't seen for years, opened it and was happy to see me. She found some coins in her bag, which were enough for me to catch the train home again. She had to come with me though, as the ticket machines were broken, and the girl and the boy (each about 17 and with the look of having a "holiday job") were too busy writing up an elaborate report of the day. This reporting was a new Government initiative, which benefitted the travelling public little. Debbie convinced them to get me a ticket, so I was able to get the train in the nick of time. It seemed more like night time at my "old house" but afternoon at the train station.

== Commentary by GDA on The Train is Coming! (990109) **

Gooday M -

how are you doing? It's been a long time that I haven't heard from you. Would you like to hear a bit about the train which is coming or gone your way? Personaly, I call this train the Trans-Universal Express... the Magical Dream Train... and several people dream of this Train and being on it and which I have also been on myself at several occasions... but first of all your dream of anticipation of its Coming...

or did you ride on it... or ever ridden on it?...

OK! just watch this now...

>Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 17:38:41 -0700 (PDT)
>From: linda
>Subject: Another Dream.

> >Hi Gerard : >this is Linda L:

>This is my personal E-Mail please use this one o.k..
>Like a week ago I had this dream:

> >I was on a train going somewhere with my Church and the train stoped >at the train station and we all got out,
My pastor was standing in the train station and suddenly He fell down and was dyeing and I was holding his hand for comfort I told him He would be with the Lord soon! Then He disappeared. People were disappearing everywhere! And I was like a comforter helping people.

> >I looked outside and the people that were disappearing were reappearing outside in a line, The line ran up a hill all the way to the top. And the people were froze and when I walked outside >they started moving again. then I felt like I was floating in the air and the others followed!


So, I replied to her and told her this....

Dear Linda,

I know about this train...but can I ask you if you remember about the Locomotive, because there was this old one before...which was an old steam engine type and looked like these old Choo-Choos in cowboy films... but, lately a New Modified kind of very aerodynamic nearly silent with a super engine which sounded like a big "running like a clock Turbo which would almost whistle... and has so much power!! A beautiful streamlined Aluminum type elongated Locomotive... very impressive and all the tracks seemed to join together to give way to it.

I have been on both Locomotives and on the Train that they pull(ed) and know of a few people who have been on board... a perfect place to meet with dearly departed persons... who might be in transit?...

From Jo:
Subject: Re: How are you making out?

Time Rider, Hi,

> Actually, I'm not feeling too great right now. Doctor says it's walking pneumonia, but I sure don't feel like walking. Admittedly, I haven't had a chance until today to sit upright and read anything, and I think I'm going back to bed.
> Did have one thing to add...a dream that I actually >remembered....happened a couple of days ago, and although I don't remember what the whole point of it was, it's more who was in it....there were two people I know who have just recently suffered personal losses of their spouse, I remember being at the house of one of them and both were there. Then all of a sudden I was on a train trying to sleep in a bed and I felt someone's arms around me holding me tight and I looked over and it was my adopted Mother. She was alive but already dead. She smiled at me, but I tore from her grip and was terrified. Then it ended.

> >Be in touch soon, > >Jo >


You see, Linda, that's the Train you are talking about!

Take care now and talk to you tomorrow,



.... and she, Linda, replied this...

Thank you for your great interpretation of my pearl dream It was very insightful . And yes please send me the information you were talking about.

The train you are talking about YES I did dream of that one but it was floating like it was a future train- There were many people I saw on it they were nice to me I also dreamed in the train that I had super human strength and I was trying to save people on the train from a bad man with a gun. it was a very cool dream!

Thanks again: Gerald


and the following day, dear V, I sent her this...

Dear Linda,

about that train.... please compare your dream... the frozen people and what happens to me in this dream of mine... because something of this nature occurred in my dream and I think that we were both at the same place on that night...but this is strange because the time frame is different, but there is no past no present and no future in the timeless dream zone.... or perhaps this is always what happens when this Trans-Universal Express comes along...??!!

This is what I wrote last year... except the second portion about the new locomotive I had to re-write because I could not find it... but this is all true. The first portion was posted at Tiger's Nest around the first of July 97.

>Dear Dreamers,

> > this site seems to be a lot of fun. I only read a few postings and see that mine seem to be somehow related to many of yours!!! I have not read all the postings.... but I will surely do within a short while.... and see what I can come up with.

> > The Subway Trains... the last posting from very interesting as I have also been on the same Train also.... many times....during a period of about 3 to 4 years... so I would Iike to say that it is not a Subway Train.... but it does travel in this Tunnel.... and there is a station in it, as you describe.... and further in the Tunnel....on the right hand side there is this smaller tunnel again in solid concrete.... and the branching of the tracks, from the main line... is nearly square.... and nearly impossible to take.

> > It would be too long to tell, all my mind bothering dreams on board of this Train.... but on the particular trip that you spoke about.... I was in the locomotive.... and old Steam one..... often feeding the fire of the kettle.... and having passed there at many occasions... a few of us wanted to try taking the little tunnel... because the main line was going to a certain Jail South-America somewhere.... and were tired of always landing on that particular trip....I dragged my body on the side of the the very front of it order to push on the standing lever, located on the left hand side of the main tunnel to operate the branching device.... and succeeded.

> > There was a big "Clang" , as the locomotive squarely changed tracks and entered the second tunnel.... I thought for a while that we might have lost the front buggy wheels.... and had all the problems in the world hanging to the side of the Locomotive and was trying to avoid the concrete wall....and Opps! it went down fairly abruptly and left at the same time and I was able to regain the cabin of the Locomotive. And then, we landed in the most gorgeous place.... a real Paradise of some kind.... and everyone happily got out of the Train....and we had a wonderful time together partying.... nothing was missing.... beautiful drinks.... nice people everywhere.... playing, dancing, swimming....everything.

> > It was the last time that I saw that train,..... but quite recently, I had a dream where I was in the middle of nowhere and in front of me were about 10 sets of different tracks.... all of them of different sizes... and all running parallel to each other.

> > Then, I saw a large "Cargo" train pass....full speed on the first set of tracks....and as it went by I noticed that it was swaying dangerously, as if the tracks were all loose.... and I said to myself ..." how come it does not derail? ".... and then on the last set of tracks.... I saw a little train going full blast ...of a much smaller size.... with an older type locomotive....and the wagons were having some problem following....and it eventually lost two wagons... the tail wagon left the tracks...but the wagon before it, a blue one....which appeared to be about the size of a single bed...stayed on the middle of the track in a perpendicular position....with the wheels off the track on both sides.

> > Then, I saw another Train.... about the same size....with the conductor sitting well exposed from the waist up, as on those kids' train rides, you know..... and it was flying and it kind of slowed down when "he" saw the wagon across the tracks.... but a little too late and it collided ....and I saw the head of the operator hit on the top of his locomotive as it climbed above the other wagon and remained in a slightly vertical position. I could not help laughing when I saw the "Conductor" step out of his small train to exchange some rough words with people from the previous train who must have been in the Tail wagon. At that time, I wondered if another Train was coming.... and I thought about the old Train which I had been on before..... but it did not come. Not during that night .....

> > A few weeks later, in the first week of May 1997, I had another dream related to this one. At the beginning of the dream I was visiting along with my brother in an apartment a young couple and we were discussing about psycho-spiritual matters and the young woman was very impressed by my teachings and her boyfriend did not mind that she expressed some satisfaction hearing what I had to say.

> > Then, we left, me and my brother and walked through town, wherever that was and after a while going west we were walking westbound inside some kind of corridor which was boarded by wood planks which had some wide space in between as in corrals for horses, or something of that type... and looking through the planks, I could see the same railroad tracks as I had just seen previously in my "trains" dream...about 10 sets of them, but this time it was different, because there was a station... with people on the deck apparently waiting for a train and there was this single older type luxury coach which was standing alone a little bit further from the station... and no one could board on it.

> > At this particular moment, it began snowing out of nowhere, and I was not really dressed for that...and then suddenly appeared coming from the West, apparently heading for the station and traveling at great speed, this amazingly beautiful streamlined Aluminum type elongated Locomotive, extremely aerodynamic and nearly silent with a super powerful Turbo engine which sounded like a big "running like a clock" and which nearly whistled when it spun its huge propelling wheels backward to come to a dead stop, a couple hundred feet from the Station.

> > I was petrified, looking at this mechanical wonder which had come to a nearly silent stop and could enjoy for a moment the beautiful lines of this incredible machine which was ultra-modern but had kept some ancient style with the big wheels as on the older trains.

> > Then, it proceeded to make a 3 point turn, in order to change direction and eventually back up and go and attach itself to the wagon... and what really surprised me is the fact that all the different sets of tracks which were parallel, began twisting and bending themselves together in order to let that locomotive run totally perpendicular to their order of turn its heading direction around... and then it backed up and went to attach itself to the single wagon.

> > And then, the Locomotive advanced in front of the station, and stopped and the conductor came out, he was dressed in blue with his normal cap and walked ahead of the locomotive with his older type square faced lantern in order to guide the Locomotive in order to bring the wagon to the proper place to embark the passengers.

> > At that time, I had jumped the fence and walked a little closer, to get a closer picture of this most impressive dream machine... and when the conductor approached, I recognized him as he was the conductor of the previous old Locomotive which had haunted my dreams for a couple years back in 1992 or so....and therefore I understood that this was the a New Improved Successor of the Old Midnight Express.

> > Then the old friendly conductor came to me and said... "Hey! Gérald, I heard that things coming good with the dogs... and that you're gonna move some to Europe!" Boy! was I ever surprised of what he said and replied... "How come you know that?"

> > "Oh! News go fast around here!"... he replied smiling and giving way to the Locomotive which was now advancing very slowly. (Hey! I shipped 3 dogs to France some 3 months later!!... anyway back to our Train Story!)

> >At that particular point, I was standing on the left of the front of the Locomotive... and suddenly the snow began falling at an incredible rate and piling behind me many feet high and forcing me and pushing towards the side of the Locomotive... and as it was slowly advancing I was afraid that I would fall under the wheels and I was resisting as much as I could against the snow pressure bracing my feet against the track and sliding my hands on this heavy skirt of metal which stands above the large wheels....but the snow was keeping on building pressure and once the last big wheel had passed I bent down and slid underneath that side portion of the locomotive and was forced to rapidly climb up on the Locomotive when the gap between it and the wagon appeared over my head. I could not go anywhere else... that was the only thing that I could do. Was I ever relieved! Woof!

> > Then, I went into the Engineer-Operator Driving compartment of the Locomotive and sat down and got acquainted with the operational gear and had fun playing with the horns, the little tune of the movie "Encounter of the Third Kind" .... and after a while the Train departed from the station to an unknown destination in the darkness of the night.

So, I will let you think on this one for a while.

Best Regards,



So, you see, Victoria, this is the Train on which was sleeping Jo and Linda was helping people... now the good things are...

.... #1 I drive that Train of the Dead... or of the living Ghosts of the Departed... as well as the Ghosts of the Living and they appreciate that I give them some nice rides, at least I recognize that they exist and they like me for that...

My twenty minutes are up! :-)

Take care, and talk to you soon I hope, but V, I get the impression that you don't believe in the Other World... because you're afraid of Ghosts!

Are you? or is just because you don't want to discuss about them?

Anyway, I'll ask a few of them to go and pay you a nice and friendly visit just for you to finally acknowledge their presence... if you haven' done so yet.

How is that?

Best Regards, you're friendly Buddy,

The Train's Engineer

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

** Dream: Immortal Chase by Jordan (990117) **

I was talking w/ my friends in a grocery store getting a pop and then all of a sudden this man, (Who looked in his sixties) started to chase us. Then it became dark. I was in a land like none ever I had seen. I spotted a rounded bush and very leafy a green and hopped in it hoping that the man would not find me.

After of what seemed to be months in the dark bush, I found myself outside of it a cemetery. At this ordinary looking cemetery, A middle aged man said to me," aren't you this man on this tomb stone, and he brought me to it. Then I realized it was! It said several dated of when I died, that queried me very much. It accrued to me that I could be an immortal. Than I stumbled across the man who I had been ran after by and I asked me if I was. He said yes u were one of the chosen ones to look after the world as it grows, as for me and some other people like him. The person he pointed to was one of my best friends.

Then I was about to go on a quest that I cant exactly remember what for but something that had to do w/ finding all of the other immortals.

== Commentary by Dr.D on Immortal Chase (990119) ==

I would like to thank you for posting such wonderful guidance dream which comes right in time to discuss about dreams and reincarnation!!!

What do you think my friends? Can't this dream be more indicative that it is really through dreams that we get to learn about our previous lives? Woah!

"Grasping the True nature of dreams,

May I train myself in the clear Light of the Miraculous Transformation.

Let it come that I obtain the Non-Forgetting Intellect and "remember" my past life (or lives)."

And these words of the Winged-horse Rider, in a previous life as the Guru Padma-Sambhava are the essence of the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Doesn't that dream remind you of the famous words of Krishna to Arjuna?...

"Many lives, Arjuna, you and I have lived, I remember them all, but thou dost not." (Bhagavad Gita, IV,5)

... and you know that Science of the knowledge of Previous lives is the foundation of the Higher Knowledge referred to as the Enlightenment... such as stated in the Teachings of the Buddha...

The Buddha's Remembering "In recollection, all former births passed before His Eyes. Born in such a place, of such a name, and downwards to his present birth, so through many, hundreds, thousands.....all His births and deaths he knew." (Ashvaghosha's "Life of the Buddha", Samuel Beal's Translation)

"This was the first stage of his knowledge; his ignorance (as regards prior births) hath vanished, and his knowledge(as regards prior births) hath arisen: darkness hath departed, and light hath arrived." (Anguttara Nikaya, Eka Duka and Tika Nipata (Galle, Ceylon, 1913, pp.188-189 and pp.273-274, translation by E.R.J.Gooneratne)

... because there is definitely something there for people to see!!!

And again, talking about tombstones, it was in fashion, a long time ago, to write things in regards to reincarnation on tombstones in many places, such as this one in Rome...


"How gladly will Divine Mother receive you, returning to this world" (Something written on the funeral stone of a young man in Rome)

Anyway, what a great and most revelatory dream that one was. Wow!

I loved it!!!

Thank you Jordan,

Dr. Deus

** Dream: landslide by frank (990118) **

I was walking around in a field across from a high school that I used to go to. The ground started shaking and I was buried alive underground with hundreds of other people. we were under ground like the earth had swallowed us. I was keeping alive under ground with 6 or 7 other people, we had just enough space to sit around. we were eating little dirt patties for food. I finally dug my way out from underground and walked up to the school.

seven or eight years had passed since I was buried. I asked a passer-by where some people that I knew were, and they were all gone off in other places. they had all moved away. I walked home and saw my dad sitting in a recliner watching the television. I started talking to him and told him that I was alive and well. He barely noticed that I was there, and his attention quickly turned back the television in front of him. It was like he didn't really care. I walked out onto the street in front of my house, and was very confused about the logic of this whole thing, then I woke up.

Comments by Dreamer: this dream was very depressing

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]

** Dream: Lotto by Mike (990111) **

I had a dream last night that I had won the lottery. Previously, about 6 months ago, I had a dream in which 6 winning numbers were given to me. What could be the meaning of this ? I am aware that many times dreams mean the opposite of what one may think.....


== Commentary by GDA on Mike's Lotto's Dreams (990113) ==

Dear Mike,

thank you for posting your dreams which I'm repeating for ease of reference and convenience...

I had a dream last night that I had won the lottery. Previously, about 6 months ago, I had a dream in which 6 winning numbers were given to me. What could be the meaning of this ? I am aware that many times dreams mean the opposite of what one may think..... Mike


Hey! what is this Freudian garbage that you're talking about? Do you believe that your dream are only your imagination playing tricks or what?

Listen to this, a few years back, I heard on the radio that woman somewhere in the States had this dream in which she was into some Casino in Reno or Las Vegas and I can't recall exactly where, but what I remember though is that she had dreamt of winning a Million$ in a slot machine and, Mike, she was obviously smarter than you because she believed in her dream and began packing to get there and her husband saw her doing that when he entered the house and ask her what she was doing... and she replied that she was getting herself ready to go to the Casino... and she or they went... and you know what, she found the Casino in question and won 1 Million $US in a slot machine exactly as she had dreamt!!! Yes! This is true!

Well, if I were you, I'd smarten up and would become an instant millionaire because the magic combination and everything else was given to you.

So, why don't you wake up and stop putting your naive confidence in Freudian or Jungian garbage and realize that dreams are Divine Messages and become smart and rich instead of remaining poor and stupid.

What are you waiting for ? If you were smart enough to write that magic combination down which was divinely given to you... go play it and win!

Good Luck! Mike and become a Winner instead of a Looser... and please for your own sake stop believing in all the popular crap which is being thought in these present dark days about dreams.

Once Again Good Luck you poor sleeping indoctrinated miscreant... not your fault mind you if everybody in this idiotic world love to kiss Carl Jung's ass!!

Wake Up and Good Luck!

Dr. Deus

PS: Don't forget to send me my cut! :)

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]

** Dream: avoiding janeen by StanK (990121) **

<note: stan requests that this name and address be kept with the dream. - R

DATE : 21 jan 1999 07:53

DREAM : avoiding janeen

stan kulikowski ii <<>

=( last night was a Wednesday, I spent the early part setting up the videophone for net meeting software and testing it out in preparation for a web site project. the late night was curriculum design, a lesson on CGI perl which is not going very well and I cannot tell why. the content is simple and direct, but it seems to be taking me forever to get it done. went to sleep around 03:30 feeling more unproductive than tired. )=

"flaps down." I say into the mask microphone. I look over my right shoulder at springfield massachusetts below us, a sprawling city of concrete and highways.

"flaps down." confirms mark littlefield. he is flying second seat behind me in the small jet. we bank over and quickly come down onto the city street in an open patch of traffic. "braking" he reports once the wheels are down. I steer the jet, now an automobile, into a side street and find a double parking space to park in. the canopy pops upward with a hiss and a jet of steam as I climb out. our vehicle is the lotus sst, a small two seat version of the concorde which integrates with street traffic so it can be driven as a car when not in the air. ours is black which model is known to have a slight heat problem when it breaks the sound barrier while still on the ground.

I pull the black helmet off and toss it in the front seat. mark says he will wait here and maybe get some shut eye while I go get the groceries we stopped for. we are due back in germany in a few hours and had promised his wife that we would pick up some supplies for dinner before we left this country. mark is always a little jet lagged these days it seems with all his jet set lifestyle.

after I have gone about two steps, unexpectedly, janeen comes up to me and hands me two slices of cold pizza. "stan, just the person I wanted to see" she says. "I want to talk with you." she is still long and thin after all these years, beautiful to look at, untrustworthy to hold. we were once a matched set, but one of us changed. as expected, there is a man waiting for her a few paces away.

I toss the pizza in back of the sst to mark and start to walk away. "sorry, the feeling is no longer mutual." I tell her, trying to get away. it is not difficult to see what I once saw in her. she has an attraction for sure, but she always said that all relationships were temporary, on borrowed time. ours ran out and that was the natural order of things. for her, at least.

I turn several corners and she keeps following me. "stan, will you wait?" no, I want to be too busy for this. I step into a small corner diner and she follows me in with her present man in tow. I finally stop and turn to hear her out.

"I have finally sold one of my paintings." she says to me in triumph. I did not know she ever painted, but then as a secretary in the art department at a large university, she was always hanging out with the art students and faculty.

"which one?" I ask, pretending that I am interested.

"I am not certain," she says with a shake of her thin blonde hair. "somewhere between number 51 and 56. the man who kept those back in 1976 would have those numbers to resell to someone. I just found out about it yesterday. the deal is not quite made, but I will get 10% residual on resale." I did not know that art sales worked that way, but I suppose performance artists like television actor get kickbacks on syndication, so it may be possible for media artists to have similar expectations.

I start to say something half hearted in an attempt to terminate this, but before I do, her current man starts addressing the people in the diner in a theatric way, "yes, sir. that is my girl here. she stands to make a lot of money." janeen turns toward him and says "oh, alan."

he continues his expansive broadcast. "yes, she been mine from the first time I took out my gun and marked her across the ear with the barrel."

that is it. I do not want to hear anymore. I quickly leave, hoping she is paying attention to the jerk and not me so I can get away unnoticed. forget the supply stop, I am just leaving.

but alan, the jerk, follows me out with janeen coming along behind. "now wait a minute there. janeen wants you to come to our party celebrating the sale of her painting." I am not interested and keep on going.

he pulls out a very shiny, silver plated pistol from his jacket and waves it at me. "I said you stop." I don't recall him saying that, but I keep on going. janeen would not allow him to hurt me, surely.

with a kablam, the gun is discharged with a blast that I feel at this close range. it is very large caliber. but the bullet whistles by is front of me, clearly intended for effect. I do not even flinch as I knew he would not aim to injure me. my honest lack of concern obviously shakes his bluster. if he is going to really shoot me, now would be the time as he is showing through a coward, and I do not even care. janeen grabs him by the arm and makes a gesture of annoyance. he makes an extravagant reply of resignation. I wonder where that bullet hit in a crowded city like this.

I step into the small front cockpit of the sst. it is so small that it seems a wonder that I can squeeze in at all. mark is lying in the back fuselage behind the second copilot seat. he has turned a yellow green color, the same as the one remaining piece of pizza lying beside him. I wonder if she had given me a poisoned treat for some reason, but I am glad that I did not touch it. mark moans a little, enough to see that he is not seriously ill despite the color change. better get back to europe, will pick the groceries in Nuremberg.

I slip down into the pilot seat, strapping on my black helmet. I do not pay attention to whatever she is saying outside as I lower the canopy and fire up the engines. the exhaust blasts back her hair and clothes, showing those fine bone structures that I used to cherish as often as I could. now, I can not hear anything she is earnestly trying to tell me with the engines running even in taxi mode. what might have been if either of us had been better than what we were. when I hit the big kick thrust for takeoff the entire scene is washed away in regret and afterburner.

=( I awake at 07:12 feeling surprisingly well rested for so early a wake up. this dream seemed to have a natural ending to it. I seem to recall many of my dreams of janeen have a similar theme, her with other men and me trying not to care. that is how our relationship dissolved from her side, and I have not been able to get beyond it even in dreams. just replay of how little I want to see her and yet something inside keeps attached. if that is so, I wish I could get back to the times I was happy and content with her, rather than these separation but hanging on connections. I was never civilized enough to pretend to be a friend after being a lover. obviously, it is my failing that is showing through. )=

=== qui non est hodie cras minus aptus erit | | who not is today, tomorrow less suitable will be
--- -- Ovid _Remedia Amoris_ I 94

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

** Dream: Girl newguy (990108)**

The first thing I remember about being in this dream is being in a friend of mines car and we were driving along a train station and down the ramp where you catch a train. Then at the bottom of the train station(which I now know to be my hometowns train station) there are two tough looking people there one had a gun pointing at Edwin(one of my best friends brothers) and I don't know where edwin went after this but the other guy that didn't have a gun was in the drivers seat (formerly where edwin was).

Next thing I know, me and Edwin and the two tough looking guys are out of the car and on a train station I have never seen and they are telling edwin to teach me a lesson (Edwin seems to be long time friends with them now) , but Edwin doesn't want to hit me cause he is a good friend but I miss interpret what these two tough guys have said and I thought he wanted me to fight back. So Edwin swings and I block it and throw him down a set of stairs to which the other guy say what the ! ! hell are you doing and I said "I though you wanted me to have a fight with him", but it seems they just wanna give me a black eye or bloody nose. Edwin then hits me in the head and I feel all dizzy.

I don't know if anything happened in between this, but if it did I can't remember cause I am on another train station ready to catch a train with two people who I cant really see or can't remember and another two tough guys who seem to be on my side and are starting fights with some people who get off the train. The train then comes and we get aboard and right in front of me is this girl and one of the tough guys if touching here and it isn't making me happy so I touch her as well (in an un gentlemanly type way) and ask her to sit down in some vacant seats which she does but she sits on another red headed girls lap(I also have red hair). That is when I notice the most beautiful girl I have every seen (not just beautiful I know this girl is meant for me by the way she is looking at me and she can see the same thing in my eyes and I ask their names but I can only remember their initials for some reason and I think (Im not sure but I can remember something along the lines) that the people I am with try to pick her up(chat with her so she likes them better) but she only wants to speak to me. She then asks where the toilet is and her red-headed friend tells her and when she is gone I am frantic that she won't come back, that is when I look towards the front of the train and see the train driver laughing and saying something about where the toilets are and I start to look but I then see the course he train is taking and it was like a really mild roller-coaster with lights but for a train it didn't look safe. Shortly after this we are at the train station and we all get off (I am still looking for this girl whose name starts with "C" or "K" and the redheaded girl tells me she should be waiting on the train platform for us.

I see her first as she is getting out of the train and I say something to her about how she is the most prettiest glamourous hottest etc. , girl I have ever seen and she says she wants to go somewhere quiet , and I tell her I am not from around this area and ask here to find a place before our friends catch up (I wanted to be alone with her) I look over the other side of the platform and see one of those African looking trains that have people in every place possible even on the roof of the train but I take no notice. We walk up the stairs, before my friends and her red headed friend see us, towards a town that looks pretty old(I know the name of the town started with a "D" and seemed like a familiar town to me. We walk up what I think is the main street and go into a old apartment building (all the time talking like we have know each other for years) when we get upstairs there is a row of about 5 or 6 doors, and she tries the first 3 or 4 and I look in to see some Indian! ! s (from India not Native Americans) sleeping. When she gets to her door unusually she pulls out a key to get in(all the other doors where open) and I see several people sleeping she asks me to wait from 1 minute. When she is inside it doesn't make me happy that she isn't in my presence and I look persistently through the keyhole but I cant see nothing that is when I realize what sort of building I am in, it looks like something out of an american movie where drug addicts live , it is late at night and I can hear children running amok and adults yelling. She comes out of her apartment wearing her pyjamas looking absolutely stunning and she tells me she cant go out tonight cause her brother is in town and she is not allowed out for the rest of the night but she can come out tomorrow night. I think I get her phone number and then that's all I remember till I wake up (In my dream still not in real life) and there is two friends at the door who I know as Dashmir and Rod but I cant rem! ! ember them on the train , and with em is that red-headed girl they are talking about what a good night last night was ,that is when I look for her phone number but the name is there (I still can't remember her damn name) but the number has been torn off and I ask the redhead if she see's her much which she does . The redhead is best friends with her and looked at the paper I had and gave me her phone number that's when I woke up.

My name is T, I am an 18 year old Australian who is currently unemployed and I am very unlucky in relationships. Not that I am ugly, just every girl I meets just wants a few weeks or days together then we break up. Well, the reason I am writing this is because if I had a choice, I would stay in that dream because in all my life the girl in the dream is actually "THE GIRL OF MY DREAMS." I cant seem to get her out of my mind for the last week or more, and because of that dream I have changed my views on life e.g. I wake up early now to look for work instead of sleeping till lunchtime. I have been a heavy drinker since the age of 16 and stopped abruptly. I was also a chronic pot smoker since 15 and have tried to quit many times and I think since this dream, I won't smoke again. I have done all this just in case I might meet a girl just like the one in my dream. And I am trying to work out the name of the town in my dream cause if it is a town I am gonna go there and see for myself if what happened in my dream is actually there. I will see if I can find her.

This might sound stupid, but I bet no one has reacted like I have to a dream like I have, because I really think somewhere in this world is the GIRL IN MY DREAMS just waiting for the right man, me.

PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!

I know this might be a pretty long description of what happened but I thought if I left anything out it might portray a different message to the reader.


One more thing, I am sure I have seen this girl somewhere before and we may have even met but I cant for the life of me remember where or when.



Comments by Dreamer: I really would like an interpretation cause it is really bothering me every female I look at doesn't compare.

== Commentary by JayV on'girl newguy' (990115) **

if 'girl newguy' were my dream...

I would also think it is very important and precious and I would feel very good about it and treasure it.

in my 'girl newguy' dream, I get a glimpse of the possibility of a new way of life or being or part of myself which attracts me greatly and gives me the motivation to make big changes in my current life. wow.

== Commentary by GDA on Girl newguy (990114)==

OK! Tim,

this is a good dream. Yes! If I were you, I'd go for her. You've been on the train... it's train distance. Town with a D... like Darwin or something like that. Train distances are short... 100 to 500 miles??

I'd seriously investigate this. I've gone to Nepal from Canada to go look for some dogs and found them exactly as in dream. You know, there are good chances that this girl may have also dreamt about you.

Yah! Do like the aborigines of your country and prepare for your hunt and go hunting for the girl of your dream and send me a postcard when you find her.

Follow your intuition and go for her... have a great trip.

Dr. Deus

** Dream: silk by Sim (990114)**

Date of Dream: feb,13,97

Kinda weird or cool how ever you look at it. But first, I have to start at the beginning. This was back the day before I went into basic training. I had just come back from N.Y visiting my mom after I had just returned from Hawaii and was spending time with my dad in Missouri right before I went into the service. So it was around four in the morning when the seargent (can't remember his name) picked me up to take me to Kansas City. We got there around 5 and had to wait until 6 before meps opened. So I decided to take a nap while we were waiting in the car.

Now here's the weird/cool thing. On the radio a long December by counting crows is playing over my dream. So anyway I'm in first person view and there's lots of silk drapes I guess hanging in the air because I don't remember there being a ceiling. The floor and the walls were all in stone, you know kinda like the old style castles. There are also candles in brass or gold holders. And a king sized bed in I think red velvet with I don't know what you call them I think a canopy.

It's empty and I notice on the left one of the most heavenly women I've ever seen gliding towards me. It was her face that I noticed the most. Her face is right by mine and she's whispering words that I can't understand and at that time all I remember was the most content feeling I've ever had. So I asked her if she liked the counting crows song playing which I was hearing over the car radio. I said do you like this song but I said it out loud and I woke me and the seargent up.

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

STRANGERS [Who and what we don't know yet]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

** Dream: Car Crash by Ldel(981227) **

I was driving & the roads where very slippery & I slid into another car & I believe the person in the car Died!!!!

** Dream: "Testing the Road" by dreambat (990104) **

Dream: I'm at a sleep and dreams conference, and I take a ride on a vehicle like a roller coaster only it goes on a public street. Its also wider than a roller coaster and several other people are with me, maybe six. After we go over a bump, I feel lifted a bit out of my seat and think this is odd to happen on a regular street. I begin to wonder if I am dreaming. To test, I think to myself that I will try and make the car fly. Then I worry. What if it isn't a dream and I make the car fly, this could be dangerous! (dream logic) I can't think of anyway of testing reality without flying. I'm afraid to turn right or left from this forward moving dreams as it might disrupt the dream. (dream logic). So I decide to compromise and just try to hover the car without really flying. I think this happens but I'm not sure....dream fades.

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

** Dream: GOLDIE by ? (990108) **

22/12/98 nightime ?????

I find myself skipping down this dark aisle full of life bounce higher and higher I realize that it is a supermarket I used to work in (packing bags) ie walkway after checkouts and I see GOLDIE (a drum/base dj) standing there very cool and calm as I look in his eyes (I am scared by his strong stance) and turn right instantly. THE END

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

= = = = = = = = = = = ==


** Dreams: G‚rald's 3 King Dreams of 3 Kings Day!(990113)**

Dear Dreamers,

hey! I don't know if you've noticed but in my reply to the Dreamer of the Phone of the Deceased, I mentioned about a dream of late in which my Grand-Pa was behaving the exact same as this desperate Ghost of that Departed. So, I might as well finish what I started and put that dream on, just in case, someone would try to "SHARE" comments or even interpret... but I get the impression that if I would like an interpretation, I may as well make one myself, if I don't want to be still waiting in the year 2525!! That will most likely be faster!!! :)

Anyway, it's not because that we've never seen something... that it means that we'll never see it. :)

In either cases, (12 or 24?), I haven't bothered putting many of my dreams here yet, simply for the fact that nobody makes any comments about dreams except Tony who at least says something. I fail to see why people take the time to even write "YES! SHARE COMMENTS" when nobody, except rare exceptions like Tony or myself again, makes any. To be honest with you, I get just as much feedback from you people than from the Cows of my neighbor grazing in the field... which, curiously enough, often look to the right and sometimes to the left. Hey! Tony, have you been speaking of your theory to my neighbor's cows? Hey! I'm joking, you can think whatever you want, it doesn't matter, I'm not segregationist and have nothing against cows, and besides, myself when I'll die, I'll put in my will that all my favorite animals be killed and burnt next to my decaying body on the pyre, just all the smart people did in the past. Oh! Yah! that's the way to go... we used to that in Egypt, in Assyro-Babylonia, with the Celts and everywhere else, where people believe in the right thing... it was in fashion in those days to go into the Other World, in good company! :)

People today are so bad today that they get dragged by the hair into the other world instead of proudly walking into it.

Anyway, changing subject, just to show you that I dream at occasions... (like as much as 6 dreams in one night which is very natural for Nutcracker or some other people, but which is more than what some people dream in one year or even during all their lifetimes)... here are my 3 King Dreams of 3 Kings' Day.... #1- "Firebirds and Live Radio".... #2- "Self-Sprung Crop".... and... #3- "Train Hoppers"....

"Firebirds and Live Radio"

"It began when a friend showed up with this brand new Wine Red Pontiac Firebird... 4 doors mind you... but he had only some older style metal spoke wheels, as you would find on old farm equipment... with no tires and I offered him a hand to change his wheels. Looking into the engine compartment I was surprised to see that everything was of the wine red color except the chromed parts.

As I was jacking the car from the front, the car was raising faster than I could because there was a ghost guy jacking it from behind and he was lifting it so high that I thought that the car would flip to its side. Anyway, we managed to change the wheels in a record time.

Then as we had just finished, another car exactly of the same model and color, with only two rubber tires at the back turned the corner of the street... making an awful noise and was kind of out of control and came to a stop. I recognized the guy, as a fellow by the name of Big John, and I was surprised that he was able to afford a brand new car... because he could not even buy himself a tooth brush on credit... so good his financial situation is.

This time as we changed the front wheels, again with the same ghost as before who was faster on the jacking than we could even get the jack in place, I noticed that the wheels were of a type that would have been perfect for rail road tracks of some kind.

Then other cars, all the same, showed up... and I was supplying them with tires and wheels from the local gas station garage. Actually, we fixed up so many vehicles that I was wondering if I should not have some grooves done in my driveway to prevent the cars from going back and forth once jacked up?!!

Afterwards, when I went home, I found next to my bed, a plastic bag in which I found an old bizarre radio along with two old beaten up mismatched speakers... with a little note that it was a present for me from Michael (the Garage Owner's 12 year old Son)... and a warning to be careful because the radio was "Live"! Humm!

I took the radio in my hand and it looked like an alarm clock... cranking type. It was off-white color and from the plastic radio station scroll or whatever was partially twisted and deteriorated as if it had overheated at a few occasions. I also noticed that the antenna which was removable and attached from a wire to the radio was made out of wood!!!... like one of these shish-kabob skewers.

I flicked it on to see if it was working but it only made some sqweeches... and I tried to turn the dial but nothing was moving. However, my friend Ernie, who was there, took it in his hand and said to me... "There is no battery in that thing... only springs... but as he played with a bar handle on it... the radio began picking up all kinds of stations by itself!! A Live Radio of some kind... playing music even disconnected to the speakers and we soon noticed that if we would put it close to any source of electricity that it would short everything up... didn't matter if the source was a car battery or live wire. It would make the Ark jump!!

Then, amusing myself with that crazy radio... I took it along with me... and we went out for a pic-nic or something and I was at a table with some people preparing some veggies for cooking while talking to the father of Michael, a man by the name of Carol... and putting that little radio close to an electrical cord... the radio shorted everything... and the antenna caught in fire!! I shut it off... and poured water on the antenna but that wasn't sufficient as it would keep on burning from inside... and dipped it in the water-filled pan next to me, in which I was washing the veggies in... and that got it extinguished for good.

Then, because I was afraid that I might have roasted the radio, because of the amount of electricity that had gone through it, I flicked it on... and it was still working and began playing music again.

Also, as all of this was happening... my grand-father who has been dead for several years was having some trouble convincing some people that he was alive... and just like a little kid to whom you try teaching something that he will eventually learn to do for the rest of his life and gives up saying... "Oh! I'll never be able to do it"... my grand-father was mumbling and grumbling and saying funny desperate things which were making everybody laugh... like...

"OH! They never understood nothing and they'll never understand. Might as well eat my shorts... because there just too stupid and we'll never be able to make them understand anything!"

...and everybody was laughing."

(End of dream)


My Grand-Father was a good guy and he liked to laugh and make jokes like that but it would encore the young ones to try harder and persevere... and the Ghosts have begun speaking lately and the phenomena will now increase in intensity... and don't worry that's a Live Radio, plugged directly in the Other World and can catch every station from there... even this old R.C. guy here...

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <> Subject: my father's funeral Date: Thu, 05 Nov 1998 12:55:59 -0800

Dream Title my father's funeral Date of Dream December 27, 1993/4-5a.m. Dream After my father died all my family said that they felt my father would come to me in a dream to let us know that he was okay. The first night that he died, I did not dream and neither the second night. On the third night, the day before his funeral I had a dream in which I woke up crying (I was 29 years old at the time). In the dream, we were at my father's funeral which was at our parent's home. It was an open casket which was in my parent's bedroom and all the visitors were in the front room and kitchen. I was in the room with my Aunt Betty (his sister in law) while she was viewing my father. For some reason she decided that she would try to climb in the casket. Now if you knew my Aunt Betty, she is a sizable lady with a good sense of humor. As a result, the casket fell over with her and my dad rolling out of the casket. When she stood up, she asked me what were we going to do to put him back in the casket. As we were trying to figure it out, my dad opened his eyes. Both of us were surprised. He asked me to go get my brothers and my mother so that we could talk. Once they came in the room we closed the doors to their bedroom and he told us that he was okay. He kept saying it over and over, "I'm okay." We said what were we going to tell everyone since they all here for his funeral. He said to not tell anyone and go along with the funeral. He said that it would be our secret. When I asked him what he was going to do with himself while he was hiding out, he said that he would be a ham radio operator (I think that is how you spell ham?). As he said this we could hear a ham radio squawk with some different people saying "breaker one, two, R.C. (that was his nickname) can you hear us. We are ready to party." At this point I woke up crying. I let my family know that Dad was okay and he actually had gotten himself a job in heaven. My Aunt to this day does not understand why she had to be the one to dump him out of the coffin. The funny part about the day was my uncle (his brother-not married to my Aunt Betty) came to me at the funeral to let me know that during a dream he had about my father that my dad told him to tell me that it was all right. My father was and is the apple of my eyes. Comments by Dreamer Can dreams be a connection to the after life and/or other spiritual things? Permission to Comment yes_share_comments


...but people never cared to make any comments about this dream... so, who could care less than the dreamer himself... and regardless, without mentioning this fact, here is dream #2... and this is an easy one to interpret...

"Self-Sprung Crop"

"I had gone to Berthier Simard's Farm, most likely to get some dog food, because he is and has been my supplier for 4 years now. Berthier's farm is ideally located on the South-Westerly long and gentle slope stretching at the base of the Round Mountain, which is a geographical landmark in this neighbourhood... and apparenly the remains of an old volcano. His farm is in full sunshine all day long. For your info, I live straight across at about 3 miles distance to the North-East of his place. Anyways, I had driven there with my 1978 Dark Brown Chevrolet Malibu Station Wagon (I had this car for 3 or 4 years from 1988 to 91)... and got into his warehouse where I met a young male universitarian who had just begun working for Berthier Simard, for the whole summer holidays and I asked him if he liked working there on his farm, to which he replied that he liked it very much. To me, it appeared that it was the last week of April or the first week of May, because that's when the Universitarians finish school and go on the work market to make money for the next University year. I told him that the Simard people were very nice people and that it was a good and heathy place to work. I also asked this young man who hair was rather long and thin... about what he was doing on the farm and he told me that right now he was helping Berthier in the experimental corn field... and as soon as he had finished tying his boots and served me with dog food we both walked across the road into the most amazing fully grown large Self-Sprung Corn or Maize Field and met smiling Berthier there who with his Sunglasses was attending this miraculous field which still needed to be cared and attented for best and early results and it was growing right there on the top of the old mountains and the earliest cobs were already being harvested (at the end of April... when the gardens are not even started yet... and the snow barely gone!!!) Every single stalk was to produce anywhere from 20 to a 100 cobs... and the grains were huge, finger or even thumb size and there were no more than 7 rows of them on the cobs. Right next to each stalk was an aluminum heat and steam generating rod and Berthier was explaning that these stalks had been growing all winter protected by black plastic. (Interestingly, eventhough this area is very cold, the ground never freezes in winter, at least once it is covered and insulated by snow and amazingly carrots ans certain salads grow all winter if if covered with insulating straw and snow.) Anyways, since I was there, Berthier gave me he job to go and post a pile of "Corn Cobs for Sale" paper signs all around the area... in order to sell this abundant all "summer long" crop! The production would be big enough to feed the whole region's populace and the prices were to be good since no one else would have any other corn to sell for at least three months. I remember loading the paper signs and Berthier gave me firstly a dozen cobs as a sample to taste them and then added four more cobs which were all put in the same black plastic garbage bag and he also gave me a few pamplhets of some informative litterature for dairy farmers to pass along, and these which had several pages and were about one quarter inch thick had the drawing of an Holstein Cow on the cover and were cut-out in the form of a Boot or Half-Bell, like those X-Mas decorations which spreaded open all the way around make little bells and placing all this carefully in the back cargo area of the old station I gently closed the tail-gate and headed towards the village of St-Hubert-de-Témiscouata in order to post a few signs!" (end of dream) (Jan 6th, 1999)


Very good dream... what do you see in there and "YES SHARE COMMENTS"... let's go search you heads a little... and if you ever find them let me know what you see inside... most likely a black hole in the cosmos... and, regardless even if this where you'll be landing after death, here is dream #3...

"Train Hoppers"

"A couple athletic young women of Asiatic? origin were hopping on and off a long freight train in motion trying to escape from a male rapist who was determined to get either one of them. As soon as he would get near one or the other... the one to be caught would jump off and hop back on a few wagons later in between wagons... and the rapist was doing like them... and it went on like that for quite a while... climbing and running on top of the train, climbing down and jumping off... and at the end when the first of the women hopped off... he immediately followed and was running after her and as he got really near to catch her, the second woman, who was hanging on the front side ladder handles of a coming wagon, kicked him on the head, right in his face with her boot while passing by... which blow made him fall backwards on his ass... and the other woman was able to run away from him still in direction opposite to the travelling of the train and managed with lots of efforts, because she was getting quite exhausted, to hop on the last freight wagon... but not the end caboose... and the guy tried to do like her, as this wagon came up to him, but... by the time he arrived, she had already climbed to a safe height and was able to swiftly step and dance on his fingers while he was desperarely trying to catch her leg as she was doing so... and finally, because he could not raise higher to set his feet on the wagon's ladder bars... he finally, drained of any strenght, dropped right between the wagons... and right underneath the wheels. And the girls saluted each other... slightly hanging off the side!!" (end of dream) Jan 6th, 1999.

Well done girls! Good Girls... working in solid cooperation!


Any comments will be appreciated... let's go. Try to see if you can understand that when you dream you are hopping on the Other Side. Also, if nobody interacts in sharing dreams and comments, what is the point of mentioning "Sharing"? When someone says "yes share comments" or even asks for an interpretation, one, I mean the person who asked for something should at least acknowledge reception.... because if you ask for something and you receive something, politeness implies that you at least respond to the comments or interpretation in regards to your dreams... since sharing means go back and forth. Otherwise say "No" I don't want to share comments and nobody will expect any. Yes! Why lie to everybody?

That would be most kindly human of you... if you could at least learn to say thank you.

Just watch it goes like this,

"Thank You!"... and the other one replies "Oh! My pleasure!" :)

Now, that's sharing... and really if it's always the same one giving then I don't call that sharing... but feeding the poor. :)

Thank You,

Gérald "The Dreamer who has and is a dream"

aka Dr. Deus "The Dream Decryptor"


Well, that's it for this month. See you next time in
March 1999. Hasta La Vista!





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