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Electric Dreams Volume 05 Issue 02

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Published in 
Electric Dreams
 · 4 years ago


When I look at constellations,
I can see what your dreams are.
You'll have one million thoughts a month,
but you only get five stars.

Epic Dewfall

Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

Volume 5 Issue 2

Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

February 1998

Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

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Volume 5 Issue #1

28 February 1998

ISSN# 1089 4284


Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web



-- Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Bob Krumhansl <>

--Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

--Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>

--For back issues, editors addresses
and other access & Staff see
at the end of this issue


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++ Editor's Notes
++ Dream Airing Column
Victoria Quinton
++ Column: Dream Trek:The Persistent Affirmation
Linda Lane Magall¢n
++ Easy Dreams: Making Nightmares Pay (Part I)
Anthony Dubetz
++ Column: Divine Messages:divine Destiny and the Trinity
Dr. D

G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats

February-March 1998

Interactive Dream Group Beginning
An Invitation to Join Email Dream Classes
CYBERDREAMS - The new dreaming-related discussion list, for
ANYONE interested in dreaming.
Dream Intensives with Robert Bosnak
Video Games and Dreams Questionnaire
Dream Art Exhibition
ASD Conference Highlights of Upcoming Events

Paranormal Research
Moon Dreams
Need Help with Interpretation of Dreams
Dreams and Recovery

DreamScape has moved
Spiritwatch Update

ASD Art Exhibition: Deadline Moved
Jungian Dream Conference in Chicago

DREAM CALENDAR for March 1998

Indexing and Editorial by Bob Krumhansl (For ED V5 N2)

MARCH 20, WED deadline for submission
FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 5(2)


Editor's Notes


Linda Lane Magallon continues her Dream Trek to find the
undiscovered territories of dreaming outside of the traditional
conflict resolution models. The uninterpreted dream may be like
an unopened letter, but the interpreted dream may feel the same
despondency as an interpreted friend.

A more interpretive, but not so traditional approach is offered
by Anthony Dubetz. Author of EASY DREAMS and founder of the Dream
Hot line in Chicago (312) 589-2471, Tony has been helping
puzzled by dreams for several years and now is making his dream
wisdom available to readers of Electric Dreams and will be online
answering questions about ideas and particular dreams on the ed-
core mail list. Be sure to read the first installment of Easy
Dreams here or get the whole text online and discuss the work on
the ed-core mail list.

Dr. D. returns this month with "Divine Destiny and the concept of
the Trinity". Last month Dr D discussed the Divine Origin of
dreams, while this month the spectral telescope is turned in the
other direction to see where our dreams are trying to lead us...
which Dr. D. feels is our Divine Destiny!

Linley Joy, who moderates the DreamWheel Dream Groups, is now
offering a discussion list on dreams and dreaming, For more on how to join this
discussion, see the info below on Cyberdreams.

The Global Dreaming News, from Peggy Coats and
comes this month with a whole array of news, activities and
events. Catch up on the Association for the Study of Dreams June
Conference in Hawaii, fill out a survey for Jayne Gackenbach or
join in one of many research projects on dreams. If you feel you
would like more education in dreams and dreaming, take a class,
or join a dream group or catch a seminar. Be sure to check out
the dream events in *your* area!

Bob Krumhansl, who organizes all the dreams and comments sent in
every month has some special words for you all about dreams and
their interpretations and the effect on the community as a whole.
Be sure to catch the dream section and see what other people are
saying about dreams. Send in your own dreams and comments as



Cyberdreams is a new list available to those who would like to
ask questions and discuss dreaming-related topics.
It is *not* a place to send specific individual dreams for group
exploration (if you would like to do this, send an email to
Linley Joy at: and say "Please send me information about
the online Dream Groups.)

Cyberdreams is an informal place, and is open to anyone that is
interested in dreams and dreaming. It is an experimental and
flexible list, and over time will hopefully evolve into a rich
and interesting online environment.



What is dreaming?
Is dreaming an alternate reality?
Why do we dream?
How can dreaming relate to our waking lives?
Can dreaming be *utilised* in any way?
How do dreams relate to culture, psychology and language?
How can we interpret our dreams?

What would YOU like to discuss?



Subscribing to the Cyberdreams list:

There are two ways to subscribe to the list. (See below) The
DIGEST sign-up
means that you will receive one email a day with all the
collected messages Or...
If you want to receive single messages every time they are sent
in, then the
SINGLE MESSAGE sign-up is the one to go for.
The choice is yours.

Heres what you do:



Send a mail to:
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If you would like to sign-up anonymously heres what you do:

**********Help....Richard??? What do they

To UNSUBSCRIBE to the list, follow the instructions above, but
'unsubscribe' and 'unsub', followed by your email address.



Cyberdreams is like most open discussion lists online, basic
courtesy to
others is the number one rule.

It is intended that Cyberdreams be a democratic list, open to the
wide range
of opinions offered on dreaming. Questioning and debate will be


** Personal attacks, flaming and extreme language will not be
tolerated. If
you find that you are receiving disturbing mail, or are worried
about any
aspect of the list, then email:

Linley Joy (temporary host) at:
Richard Wilkerson (List Owner) at:

** It is also common courtesy to request permission from the
author of a
particular post before re-posting or copying their post elsewhere


See you there!

Linley Joy
(Temporary Cyberdreams Host)


Dream Airing
Notes, letters to the editor

Thanks to Epic Dewfall for the dream intro quote this month. If
you get a chance to stop by his lucid dream art gallery, I highly
recommend it.

When I look at constellations,
I can see what your dreams are.
You'll have one million thoughts a month,
but you only get five stars.

Epic Dewfall

Many thanks to Robert Ossana for her continuing support of the
online dream community and mentioning Electric Dreams in issues
of the Dream Network bulletin. What, never heard of this?

A Journal Exploring Dreams & Mythology
Roberta Ossana, Publisher/Editor
1337 Powerhouse Lane, Suite 22/PO Box 1026
Moab, UT 84532-3031
435/259-5936 Voice Mail/Subscriptions: 800/861-3732


By Linda Lane Magall¢n

The Persistent Affirmation


Repeatedly I ran, chased down dark corridors. Or helplessly I
slipped sideways towards the edge of a cliff, unable to control
the car. Yes, my recurring dreams were nightmares, and that's the
norm: some sort of struggle or strife that occurs over and over

Carl Jung thought repeating dreams indicated unresolved
psychological conflict. Robert Van de Castle describes it this
way, "It's as if the psyche serves as a benign bill collector who
patiently sends statements about an unpaid debt until the account
is settled."1 Most dreamworkers assume the conflict is from
either childhood or current life.

Still others stretch the time limit a bit. They factor in the
repeated dream that comes true as a case of precognition. Or they
acknowledge the recurrent dream that doesn't come true, because
the dreamer acted to avoid the problem, and call it a warning
dream. Some few will even consider that the conflict may have
occurred in a past life.

From future, present, near or far past, dreamworkers have
developed a host of techniques to resolve the implied conflict.
Gestalt dialogue, dream re-entry, dream definition analysis,
lucid and Senoi dreaming: I tried all these and more to resolve
my repeating dreams.

But eventually I started to wonder. If a dream life full of
non-repetitive nightmares can change to a dream life of neutral
or positive non-repetitive dreams, what about the repeating ones?
Do all recurring dreams have to be the result of unresolved
conflict? At first I saw no evidence among my own dreams, so I
looked elsewhere.

Fellow dreamworker Will Phillips is the author of *Every
Dreamer's Handbook*2 Will also writes a dream column for "The
Tallahassee Democrat." He provided me with this dream of one of
his readers. She told him that she'd been having her dream for
about a year. Although it was always a little different each
time, she said she really enjoyed each variation on this main

"I find myself flying above the earth, about as high as the space
shuttle flies. When I look down, I can see the continents below
me, and just by thinking about it, I'm actually able to change
their shape. The feeling is just fantastic."

Will advised the dreamer that she might review what had been
happening in her waking life over the past year. Among other
comments, he suggested that the dream might be evidence for
"something going on in your life that is enabling you to feel in
control of your world." That bit of wisdom hit home. She wrote

"As soon as you asked what I've been doing differently during the
past year, I realized that it was just about a year ago that I
first started taking my freelance writing seriously. Before that
I was still treating it like a hobby while remaining primarily
dependent on my work for the government. And yes, now that I'm
getting regular freelance assignments on my own, I do feel like I
have more control over my destiny than ever before!"

No, this dream series did not signify an unmanageable conflict.
Quite the contrary: it indicated something precious, new and
special for the dreamer. It was as if the dream were saying,
"Good for you! Good for you! Good for you!"

Hey, now that's the sort of cheer that needs no resolution. And
isn't it great to know that, instead of only sucker punches, our
psyches have the power to give us positive strokes, too?
1 Van de Castle, R. L. Our Dreaming Mind (NY: Ballantine Books,
1994), 341.
2 Phillip, W. Every Dreamer's Handbook (NY: Kensington, 1995).

Easy Dreams:
Making Nightmares Pay (Part I)
Anthony Dubetz


Its just around the corner and you have no place to hide. It
knows where you are, follows you relentlessly and reads your
mind. eeeek! And then you wake up. It was a nightmare and now you
really would like to talk to someone. Who to Call?

Anthony Dubetz, author of EASY DREAMS has a special phone line
just for you! the Dream Hot line in Chicago (312) 589-2471 has
been helping those puzzled by dreams for several years.
"the Main thing is what your think about your dream", he says, "
That is, what you must eliminate the next day." Overused parts
of the personality leave other parts neglected. "Maybe your dream
is actually telling you that you've reached a burn-out level in
your personality. the dream might be getting a little scarier
every day - it may be shouting at you."

Now Anthony is making his dream wisdom available to readers of
Electric Dreams and will be online answering questions about
ideas and particular dreams on the ed-core mail list.

If you would like to see the whole text complete,

1. you can
get Tony's text, _Easy Dreams- Making Nightmares Pay_, a 41 page
booklet fully explaining The Dream Hot-Line method available for
$6.00 send to Anthony Dubetz, P.O. Box 34934, Chicago IL 60634

2. Or visit his site at

3. Or keep reading Electric Dreams over the next few months!
Note: Page numbers kept in place that correspond to the
Printed book. Re-print permission by Anthony Dubetz.

Easy Dreams: Making Nightmares Pay :

You're out of your element. That's what we believe happens
in a dream. Part of your soul, spirit, aura, etc. leaves your
body (element) while you sleep and interacts with the collective
spirit of your environment.

The part that leaves is your weakest part. Therefore, when
you see it you've got a good idea of what you should avoid
becoming when you wake up. If you can avoid becoming like your
weakness, you will be strong. Also, your dream travels ahead in
time toward the direction of your momentum. Because of this
you have at least 24 hours notice of your own future. The next
day you will be in for a close encounter with that future.
Remain the way you were in your dream and that encounter will
be deja vu.

Now that you know why we recommend you avoid becoming like
your dream but instead remain the way you were in your dream,
you're ready to read the method. When you've discovered your
dream's momentum and you'd prefer to travel your own path
instead, I've personally taken to trying the path out to the
right or left of my dream's geographical location (from where I
dreamt the dream.) For example, if my dream was of a place North
of where I slept, I find myself feeling stronger to the East or
West. Good deja vu to you and pleasant dreams.



Easy Dreams may be a revolutionary approach to understanding
your dreams. It is not about dream interpretation as much as it
is about how to interpret your dreams. It is not a fast read; it
is a learning process Anthony Dubetz shows you how to find the
middle of your dream, its impression, the message and steps in
or- der to act on that dream in your daily life. Stress is a
common problem in today's society and distress "from friends,
clergy, physicians, psychiatrists, druggists, travel agents, and
prayer. Seldom do they seek help from dreams. Yet dreams are the
most effective help because they are a part of your totality;
they have a personal stake in your well-being and happiness. Then
too, your dreams are always available." You have your own answers
within, if you will take the time and effort to access them.

Mr. Dubetz talks about the dEja vu experience as a a means of
transforming one's personality. He doesn't mention precognitive
dreaming as such, but I think this is what is implied here.
Precognition is the ability to sense something that will happen
in the future. It has been determined in spontaneous case studies
that ESP material is more frequently obtained through dreams than
in the waking state. We can seek out our potential and abilities
through such material. In fact, precognitive dreaming is the most
commonly reported ESP experience in our society. In other words,
at present, we are most comfortable with an unconscious ability
displaced into the future. If we practice the techniques
described in this booklet, we may be able to verify this
experience and bring our precognitive ability to consciousness.

Dr. J.L. Mitchell Author, Out of Body Experience



How many times have you fallen from a cliff and survived to tell
about it? How many times have you flown without wings? How many
times have you been killed and lived to speak of it as if nothing
really happened? Never, I'll bet, in this reality. But all of us
have experienced these things in the other reality called dreams.
Imagine this is your dream.

You're in a trench in World
War I. An explosion oc-
curs nearby and the earth
upheaved by that explosion
comes down on you and
buries you alive. You are
about to suffocate to
death when you awake
from the dream.

You have awakened from the dream but find yourself in a trench
just like the one in the dream and the fear of dream is rested.
Everything you see before you is what in a trench just like the
one in the dream and the fear of suffocation from your dream is
still so strong you scream at your fellow soldiers in the trench
to get out. You warn them that a bomb is going to explode any
second very near the trench and that it will bury you all alive.
They think you're crazy and so you give up trying to save their
necks and you climb out of the trench as fast as you can. No
sooner do you climb out before a huge explosion occurs nearby
which covers the trench with the earth it blasted away. All of
your comrades are buried alive in the trench. Because of the way
you escaped this death, you now think you are divinely chosen for
a great purpose. The earth that tried to suffocate you in your
dream represents all the inferior peoples of the world. They must
be eliminated before they bury the rest of your comrades in the
trench. You have interpreted a dream and it is your inspiration.
You will never forget it. This dream saved your life and ordained
you a knight. Your name is Adolph Hitler and nothing will stop
you from your world crusade

Anyone can see the power and influence of this dream and the
calamity that can come from misreading the messages of dreams.
Read correctly with me along the way of dreams and your dreams
will strengthen your life instead of causing doubt, anxiety, or
possibly destruction. Dreams properly read will lead you to your
destiny. They will show you where not to tread and which path to
avoid on the road to life's fulfillment. You need to know two
things about the dream in order to be advised by it. You need to
know the middle and the impression of the middle. Read chapters
one and two carefully and try the examples along the way with me
so you may be adept at finding the middle and the dreamer's
impression of that middle while he dreamt it. Good luck and lots
of money I can't guarantee but comfort in your own well-being I
can begin to show you. Look at it this way, the message in your
dream is like a flash of light from a lighthouse on a foggy
night. A captain knows this light is telling him that rocky
shores are ahead; stay clear - you're heading in the wrong
direction. An adventurous child who got caught in the fog on a
boat he stole for a joy ride might think he was real smart and
head straight for the beacon of light. Right straight into the
rocks, right straight into the hereafter. Hitler took the course
of the child and instead of sailing away from the light of his
dream, he headed straight for that light, wrecked his soul and a
ship with millions aboard. His childish fears and delusions of
grandeur coupled with the power he held was a recipe for
disaster. Read this book and learn how to sail away from the
lighthouses in your dreams and live to sail on and on and on.


I. The Middle

I use the term "middle" to denote the strongest impression you
get from your dream and because this strongest impression is
usually the middle ground between two different spatial
references like up and down or right and left. Between right and
left there is a middle ground as there is between up and down.
The horizon line is the middle between up and down and the area
between your right eye and your left eye is also a middle ground.
A borderline between two countries is a middle ground between the
two countries. The important thing to remember is the concept of
middle. That way you do not have to look in a dream dictionary to
find out whether a particular symbol is the middle of a dream.
Instead, you decide for yourself which symbol best fits the
definition middle as I described it. The middle may be an idea
that is the difference between two opinions expressed in a dream,
so don't let ideas pass by your scrutiny because they are not
seen, heard, felt, or thought, but it must be in the middle.
Here's an example of what I mean:

You're dreaming now and creeping up on
your husband while he sleeps in the bedroom.
You're bashing him over the head
with a softball bat. You're bashing him
to death.

Let's find the middle symbol in this dream. There is the husband
sleeping, the softball bat, and the husband being beaten. There
is you, the dreamer, also but unless you actually see yourself or
a part of yourself in the dream, you should eliminate yourself
from the search for the middle symbol. I'll go into more detail
later about when you might consider yourself as a middle symbol.
Getting back to the dream, I mentioned the husband, in two states
- the state of sleep and the state of injury. If the symbol
changes appearances or mood you have an easy way to find the
middle because

between the two states of before and before and after there is
always a middle state. In this dream the state between sleep for
the husband and his deadly state that followed was the state of
assault with the softball bat. The softball bat was the middle of
this dream be- cause it was between the husband's sleep and death
and because it created the strongest impression, an example so
strong it can kill. Here's another example:

You're dreaming you're in a parking
lot and you are swinging a long piece
of chain over your head, making the
people near you jump. You like this
and don't stop because it feels so good.

Review the above dream by yourself now and see if you can find
the middle symbol. I have been using the word "symbol" because we
do not consider the things and people in our dreams to be real.
We call them symbols because they are too real to be forgotten
and too unreal to be remembered. Symbol is as good a word as any.
If you have now reviewed the dream and made your choice for
middle symbol, let me show you my choice. There is a parking lot,
the chain and the people; the state of standing and the state of
jumping. So between these two states there has to be some middle
state. The chain swinging dangerously close to them created the
difference between the two states. The chain is my choice for the
middle symbol. The chain also created a strong impression. Here's
another dream.

I dreamed I saw a narrow gulley with
running water. A small dam was in
the gulley and it was in shaky condition.
I was worried it was coming
apart. I awakened.


Using the method we used in the first two dreams, see if you can
find the middle symbol. What will you choose? Did you choose the
dam? The dam was the middle symbol because it created a strong
impression of worry and it was the middle ground between the two
sides of the gulley. Now we now the middle ground of your dream
is between different sides and creates a strong impression. The
soft- ball bat created the ground between life and death; the
chain created the difference between jumping and standing still,
and the dam created the difference between one side of the gulley
and the other. Going back a little farther, the dirt that filled
the trench in Hitler's dream was the differ- ence between the
explosion and the trench he was in and it certainly, along with
the other middle symbols we have looked for, created a strong
Here is a dream that might be a little more difficult.

You dream you heard a prowler outside
your unlocked door. You go to the door,
lock it, but it still seems loose and you
feel that the prowler is getting close and
the door won't hold. Now you awaken.

In this dream there are two strong impressions created by a
prowler and the door. You might not be sure which of the two
symbols, the prowler or the door, best fits the middle symbol's
quality of creating two different sides. Is it now the prowler or
the door? If you picked the door, you are correct. The door
creates the safety on your side and the danger on the outside.
The door is therefore, the middle. The middle has the magical
quality to hold different things in common as well as creating
differences between things or people. Now we know that the middle
creates differences and unites or holds these differences in

Here's an example of the middle's ability


to hold differences in common. You're dreaming again and...

You see a large black and white
bird flying overhead. The bird
makes you smile broadly.

What's the middle symbol in that last bird dream? Did you pick
the bird? The bird is the middle symbol because it holds the
colors black and white in common and it created a strong
impression in the dream. The bird, because it was flying also was
the middle ground between where it came from and where it was
flying to. Try another dream.

A man dreamt he say his por-
trait turning more and more
ugly before his very eyes.

What is the middle symbol? The portrait is the middle symbol
because it holds the ability to make different appearances, to be
the difference between before and hold both these state together.
Although a symbol of the middle is not too often a self-portrait
or image of the dreamer himself, it can be the strongest
impression you will ever get from a dream. What is the
middle in the following short dream?

Two men are chasing you for revenge.

There seems to be nothing separating the two men or creating a
middle ground between them but there is something that holds them
in common and that is that they are both chasing you. The chasing
is the middle, and come to think of it, a chase is the middle
ground between where the men came from and where they are chasing
to. This is a very good example of a dream that has a middle
symbol that fits all three qualifications the middle might have.
The chase creates a strong impression; the chase holds both men
in common,


and it also is the ground between where the men were and where
they want to be. You should be getting pretty good at finding the
middle of dreams, or at least have a pretty good grasp of how to
look for the middle. I'm going to give you three dreams in . a
row now without telling you what I think the middle is until all
three dreams are read. So, you're on your own now for a little
while. Don't peek ahead to see if you chose correctly. Wait until
you have decided what the middle is in each of the following
three dreams

I dreamt I was in a cafeteria and I
was offered a choice of dessert be
tween cherry or banana cream pie.
I immediately chose the banana
cream pie, but on second thought
remembered I had been disciplining
myself not to eat pies at all.
What is the middle?

You are sitting in a majestic throne
in a large cathedral. A man and a
woman of nobility kneel before you
and on your head set the crown of
the realm.
What is the middle?

There was a train station I was sur
prised to be in and a train with a
large light approaching. I was sur
prised when it passed me by without
even stopping.
What is the middle?

You should have the middle symbol of each of these three dreams
now figured out. Here are my three choices


for the middle symbol. In dream number one, a decision between
one pie and another had to be made. The decision was the middle
between the two pies. In dream number two, the dreamer is sitting
in a cathedral. Two people are kneeling in allegiance to the
throne of the land. Between the throne and the two people
kneeling is the crown which the dreamer wears. The crown is the
middle. In dream number three, there was a train station which
was ap proached by a train and passed by the train. Between the
approach of the train and its passing was the station. It was the
middle symbol. The three middle symbols were a decision, a crown
and a station. How do your choices compare with mine? Two out of
three isn't bad. Do three in a row again; in fact, let's try
four. Write down in the margins of the book your choice for
middle symbol this time so you can't hedge on what you chose when
we compare.

A man held a paper I had writ
ten and pointed to it. He said he
thought there was too much
expounding in it. I agreed.

You are in Switzerland and
about to leave for home when
you remember you haven't seen
the Alps. Some people told you
if you go to the end of a certain
pier you could see them, the Alps.
You have two hours to spare,
so you decide to take their
suggestion and go out on the pier.
From the pier across the lake
you see the Alps. They are very
pretty and you begin now to
head for the airport and home.

I'm being chased by a crowd of
people but I am confident I know
exactly where I'm running to. I
see a mansion I have never seen


or been to before but I feel I
lose my pursuers. I enter and
run with great confidence
through the corridors and al
ways know exactly which turn
to take. I'm out the back door
and the people chasing me are
nowhere in sight.

You see a large diamond with
a round top and a point on the
bottom. It has a gray sheen over
it but you think this is some
thing unclear in your vision
and not something wrong with
the diamond.

Did you remember to write down in the margin or on a piece of
paper your choices for middle symbol? Compare them now with my
choices. In the first dream what the man thought about the paper
was the middle between the paper and himself. His thoughts were
what separated himself from the paper. The thought is the middle.
In the second dream the pier was the middle symbol, because it
allowed you the time spent between what you thought was the end
of your stay in Switzerland and the actual time you had to leave.
The two hours between your original thoughts of leaving and when
you actually left were spent on the pier seeing the Alps. That is
the middle symbol. The third dream in which the dreamer was
chased by a crowd of people has a mansion between the dreamer
being chased and the dreamer losing his chasers. The mansion is
the middle symbol. And, in the fourth dream of a large diamond
with a grey sheen, the middle is the grey sheen. That greyness
was the difference between the diamond's true clear char acter
and how the dreamer actually saw it.

How's your batting average so far? You should give yourself
plenty of time and not try to rush your


decisions on the middle choice. Remember you are only be ginning
and some of these dreams are pretty tricky. Try a few more; take
your time, and though I have picked dreams which I'm quite
certain about, don't be hesitant to disagree with my choices.
Maybe we'll be in more agreement as the book progresses. Listen
to these dreams.

I was walking at night when fly-
ing saucers appeared in the sky.
One of them came down right in
front of me, but I stood my
ground and stared it right in
the eye. The next thing I knew
I was in a hospital room and
two of my friends were asking
my sister how I was doing. She
facial burns from the saucer and
told them I had received severe
I then realized my face was ban-
daged though I could not see it.

Here we have the dreamer walking at night and later bandaged
in a hospital room. What happened in between these two settings
is the middle of the dream. What was that middle? Do you
remember? The saucer, the flying saucer was the middle of the
dream. It was the difference between health and hospitalization.
Let the next dream's middle symbol be entirely your choice.

She was walking in a valley
when she saw a corral full of
sheep. She walked up to the
corral and opened the gate
and led all the sheep away
up the mountainside. ,

I'm not going to give you my choice for the middle symbol because
I'd like you to begin becoming inde pendent in your decisions.

Try this one with only a few hints from me as


to where you should not look.

I'm looking out onto an hori-
zon at sea. The sky and the
water are almost exact in
color and hard to distinguish
one from the other. A whale
in technicolor moves now
from left to right across the
horizon grinning and mumb-
ling threats at me. I'm
frightened and run for help.

Make a choice on your own now. Which is the middle symbol? Here
is a clue. It's not the sea. This is an easy one that follows,
and you can use a dream we did together a little while ago to
clue you into the middle.

You see your pet parakeet is
gone from his cage and find
him in the snow outside. He
is not his normal color but is
instead all white in a mudlike
snow that is all black. Despite
the cold temperature the bird
stretches his wings as though
he were in a Florida garden.
I think about his strange color,
all white with black eyes.

The middle here is not the mud or the cold. Check back to a
similar dream if you're not sure. This is the last one I will ask
you to do on your own for a while. We'll do the rest in this
chapter together.

My grandfather and I are sur-
rounded by young women dressed
in matching jogging suits, some
yellow and some red. They were
very threatening. I grabbed my
grandfather's arm and said,


"Look, my grandfather and I
have not seen each other
twelve years. We are trying to
get to know each other again.
We don't need people bothering
us." The girls apologized and
went away crying.

Here I immediately seize the term "surrounded." Sur rounded
implies a middle. That middle was the dreamer and the
grandfather. The dreamer is usually eliminated so that leaves the
grandfather surrounded and an easy middle symbol to find. Is that
the one you would have chosen?

I dreamed that Bruce had spent
the night at my house and had
gotten up and left before I woke
up. I saw that the house was
a wreck. He had destroyed
everything, broken it all and
strewn it around. Then Bruce
came in and began shouting
and shrieking in that scary,
cynical way Bruce had. He
suspected me of having an af-
fair and was very hurt and it
came out like this. I kept
thinking all he was saying
and doing was not in his
temperament, or was it?

What was the middle symbol in this dream? Here's how I had it
figured. There was a before and after con dition in this dream.
There was the peace of sleep before and the scene of destruction
after. Between these two conditions there was Bruce who caused
both the peace and the destruction and who seemed to engender two
different personalities. Bruce was the middle symbol because he
was dividing a relationship and uniting two different moods.
I think we're beginning to work together well now.
Let's do one final dream before we go on to chapter two.

I am visiting some rich people's
house. I go in the bathroom to
take and shower and wash my
hair. A commuter train goes
through the house for the con-
venience of the rich people.
Once I get to the bathroom,
every time I start to step into
the shower I'm interrupted by
people coming into the bath
room to talk to me and deliver
my breakfast. I'm naked but
don't really care.

Here is a dream with two middle symbols. I'll do one and you do
the other. If you don't mind I'll go first and you do the one
that's left. The difference between the dreamer's intention to
take a shower and her actually get ting into the shower is the
constant stream of interruptions by people wanting to talk with
or give her breakfast. These interruptions are a middle symbol.
The other middle symbol in this dream comes before the
interruptions. When there is more than one middle symbol, which
most often is the case with dreams of some length, there is a
very close similarity in them. This allows you to cross-check
them and make sure you've got the right symbol for the middle. If
they match in similarity you know you have chosen correctly.

The similarity is not visual, and in fact, two middle symbols can
look completely different and still be similar. For example, in
the dream we have just done together, I picked the people
interrupting the dreamer's shower to be one middle symbol, and
you picked the train that ran through the house to be the other.
People and trains don't look alike, so how could they be similar?
Here's how. The commuter train was giving the dreamer the
impression it ran through the house. The impression it gave was
convenience for one side but not necessarily for the rest of the
train line. The other middle symbol, the people interrupting the
dreamer's shower, gave the dreamer the impression that these
people were doing their thing, that is getting their
conversations in


the dreamer and keeping their breakfast schedule on time, but at
the inconvenience of the dreamer. She said she didn't care about
the inconvenience. The two middle symbols we chose are similar
because they both give the impression that they are convenient.
Thus, from two middle symbols we receive one similar impression,
which is convenient. The impression is the step that leads us
from the middle symbol to the actual message of the dream. So let
us get on to that step called the impression.

To subscribe to ed-core and discuss dreams with Tony, send
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NEXT month: The Impression. To make the dream work for you in
waking life, you will need a good sense or impression of this
dream. Tony will explain this concept and show how to practice
and bring this into your waking life.




Dr. D

Divine Destiny and the concept of the Trinity by Dr. D

In last month's column, I briefly exposed the Divine
Origin of dreams... and consequently in this article, we shall
look in the opposite direction in order to see where our dreams
are trying to lead us... which is obviously towards our Divine

Sounds very complicated.... but actually, it is very

You see when the Creator, invented the dream mode, it was
to pass guidance and instruction... not only in regards to what
we should do, but also to give us a good idea about the Other
Eternal Spiritual World to which we all aspire... unless some of
you would rather decrepit instead of profiting of the Eternal
Life... the blissful state of Immortality!

In order to reach this Spiritual state, one must be well
informed in regards to Celestial Knowledge...and be fully
convinced...which implies to believe, in full "Seeing" faith, in
the existence of the Spiritual World!

So, usually, the processes to life eternal begins by
realizing, from the messages contained in certain dreams, that we
never really die, because we rebirth all the time, until we come
to the definite point of realization that we also exist, in
permanence, in the Other World, in beautiful immortal
bodies...and that there is no need to undergo the sempiternal
cycle of mortal and painful "life and death" continuously, all
the time!

Therefore, in a first step in this unfoldment of our
Destiny, we shall see to the abolishment of the misconception of
Death! Secondly, in a second step, we shall proceed to the
recognition and the strong establishment of the Spiritual Realm
... not only in Heaven, but also on Earth! And, thirdly, in a
third step, we shall see to liberate the old guiding souls which
will have duly accomplished their long missions and allow them to
remain in the Spiritual Realm, because they won't be needed down
here anymore, and the earth will continue to serve as a school to
the young souls in their own maturing process towards the reward
of their own Immortality.

So, today, we shall begin to explain the logical concept
of the immortality of the soul, by explaining the meaning of the
word "Resurrection of the Dead".... which is accomplished in
dreams, as stated in the Bardo Thodol, or the Tibetan Book of the
Dead .... and please read these lines carefully...

"O ye Conquerors and your Sons, abiding in the Ten Directions,
O ye Ocean-like Congregation of the All-Good Conquerors, the
Peaceful and the Wrathful,
.....lead us along the Path.

May the Gurus of the Inspired Line lead us,
Along the bright light-path of the Mirror-like Wisdom,
May we be placed in the state of perfect Buddhahood.

Along the bright light-path of the Wisdom of Equality,
May the Bhagavan Ratna-Sambhava ( King Jewel-Born...(the
Jewel=Horse ))...lead us,
May the Mother, She-of-the-Buddha-Eye (The Horse) be our

Along the bright light-path of the Wisdom of Reality,
May the Mother of Great Space (our Spirit) be our rear-guard,

Along the bright light-path of the Simultaneously-born Wisdom,
May the heroic Knowledge-Holders lead us,
May it come that the Realms of the Buddhas be seen,

Grasping the True nature of dreams,
May I train myself in the clear Light of the Miraculous
May I recognize whatever appareth as being my own Spiritual
May the Trinity be realized.

O ye Conquerors, exercising the power of your Compassion,
Let it come that the Gloom of Ignorance be dispelled,
Let it come that the Conquerors may dispel the Miseries,
Let it come that I see with the celestial eyes of Bright Wisdom.

Let it come that all sentient beings...
Without jealousy, obtain birth on the higher planes.

Obtaining the power of being born anywhere, for the good of
Let it come that I obtain the perfect body, adorned with signs
and the graces,
Obtaining for myself the body of a male (which is) the better***
Let it come that I liberate all who see or hear me;
Allowing not the evil karma to follow me,
let it come that whatever merits (be mine) follow me and be

Wherever I be born, there and then,
Let it come that I meet the Conquerors,
Being able to walk and talk as soon as born,(spiritual birth)
Let it come that I obtain the non-forgetting intellect and
remember my past lives.

Let it come that I be able to obtain mastery merely upon hearing,
reflecting and seeing;
In whatever place I be born, let it be auspicious;
Let it come that all sentient beings be endowed with happiness.

Ye Conquerors, in likeness of your bodies,
And in likeness to the goodness of your divine name,
Let it come that I, and others, equal your very selves in all

And by the gift-waves of the wholly pure Reality,
Let it come that whatsoever be wished for be fulfilled here and
Let the radiant glory of auspiciousness come to illuminate the


Ok! from this excellent revelation from the Guru
Padma-Sambhava, we can isolate the main lines...

"Along the bright light-path of the Mirror-like Wisdom,
May we be placed in the state of perfect Buddhahood.

Along the bright light-path of the Simultaneously-born Wisdom,
May the heroic Knowledge-Holders lead us,
May it come that the Realms of the Buddhas be seen,

Grasping the True nature of dreams,
May I train myself in the clear Light of the Miraculous
May I recognize whatever appareth as being my own Spiritual
May the Trinity be realized.

O ye Conquerors, exercising the power of your Compassion,
Let it come that the Gloom of Ignorance be dispelled,

Wherever I be born, there and then,
Let it come that I meet the Conquerors,
Being able to walk and talk as soon as born,(spiritual birth)
Let it come that I obtain the non-forgetting intellect and
remember my past lives.

Let the radiant glory of auspiciousness come to illuminate the

....and, what this text says, is very simple. Someone
will come, the
reincarnation of the great Gurus, the Great Conquerors of the
past, who from his dreams, will realize his Trinity and will have
the intellect to remember his past lives... a faculty which is,
just like dreams, inherent in all of us... and will illuminate
the whole World, in this regard. That's all!

Similarly, Jesus said... "I am the Light of the World"
John 8,12 and 9,5... and "I tell you the Truth, except a man be
reborn, he cannot see the Kingdom of God." John 3,3 and again
..." You should not be surprised at my saying, "You must be born
again." John 3,7. This is very easy to understand and very
clear... and I strongly recommend that everyone should read the
whole of John least up to 3,22.

Also, in the same divine perspective, one should read
...I Corinthians 15, 24 to 26...which last prophetical sentence
" The last enemy to be destroyed is death."
...which goes along with the beginning of the 21rst of
Revelation which says among other things...
" And I saw a new heaven and a new
" Behold the tabernacle of God is with
men, and he will dwell with them, and he will dwell with them,
and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them,
and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their
eyes; and there shall be no more death...."
...and of course ..."Every eye shall see Him...even those who
pierced Him (1970 some years ago!)..."

This is very clear and very simple...and cannot
be interpreted otherwise... and if you don't believe in
this...too bad so sad...if you don't realize that what is really
at stake is your own access to the eternal realm! So, keep them
eyes open, as we dream for a special reason!

Now, to illustrate, how it works...let's take a

On the field of glory

Posted by G. Frilund on December 04, 1997 at 15:17:50:

Hello, this dream really fascinated me:

I was standing in the first line of a Napoleonic unit marching
forward to battle. My friends in the unit were dying like flies
all around me as the enemy opened fire at us, we were quite close
to them , so the fire had a bloody effect. As we approached them,
we halted and returned fire, I also fired my musket at one of the
enemy soldiers. Napoleonic rifles had to be reloaded after one
shot, and we did not have the time for that.

An enemy officer was riding in front of the enemy lines a bit to
the right. The enemy then engaged us in melee, and I remember
almost panicking, as they were coming towards us with their
bayonets on. The fear made me want to run away, but I couldn't;
the formation had to be maintained at every cost. The bullets
were flying all around us and my mates in my unit were falling
and dying all around me. I felt left out, alone in the field of
battle. Then I panicked, and started running, almost flying,
between the lines of the fighting units towards the enemy officer
to the right. That was when I died, probably shot to death
between the front lines.

I flew away like an angel, watching the battlefield from above, I
felt secure now. Before I went away, I had to say goodbye to one
of my friends who was serving in the same army as myself. He was
on a hill, just behind the main battle, and was obviously a high
ranking officer. He was very happy to see me and smiled to me as
I went away to heaven, or wherever.

I'm very interested in Napoleon and his era, therefore this dream
was not unpleasant, instead it was entertaining. The fear I felt
as the enemy was approaching was something very special, and the
need to keep calm, not to break the formation. Also, the units on
the battlefield looked like icons in a computer wargame I have,
only the warriors were real.

There. Exciting, huh? :)
G. Frilun

So, having had similar dreams myself, my reply to Göran was
very simple... so I told him that his soul was or actually is
immortal and that he was there... and that the soul often
remembers how it's flesh carcass died in previous lives... and he
could not see any better logic than that! So simple, that this
truth could make a guy like Carl Jung cringe with embarrassment!

But these dreams of ghosts of previous lives often get
complicated... because every single time that we come to birth a
new ghost is born from the lines of the new incarnation... so, as
a result the more times that you came ...the more ghosts that you
have. In my personal case, I came so many times...that when my
ghosts decide to take me out... we have to take a train! This is
true! Let me try to illustrate with an example....which goes
along with a little background stated in Luke 9, 18 to 27, when
Jesus asked the following question to his disciples....

" Who do the crowds say I am ? "...." They replied, " Some say
John the Baptist ; others say Elijah ; and still others, that one
of the prophets of long ago has come back to life." " But what
about you? " he asked. " Who do you say I am? " Peter
answered, " The Christ of God."

(The very interesting part was ...."One of the Prophets of
long ago who came back to life... like Eli, for example!!!)

In reply, Jesus strictly warned them not to tell this to
anyone. And he said, " The Son of Man must suffer many things and
be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law
and he will be killed...but he will raise to life (eternal)."
" For whoever wants to save his life will loose it, but
whoever looses his life for me will save it."
" If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous
and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when
he comes in his Father's Glory with the Holy Angels. I tell you
the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before
they see the Kingdom of God come in power." ( some details from
Mark 9, 1 )

And 6 days later Jesus took his friends for a little
communal dream experience to show them who he was in his
previous lives.... as in those days it was fashionable to sleep
in bunches underneath trees and in grottos... in order to be part
of the same dream... and to be able to see the same things....

" Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but
when they became fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men
standing with him." ( Luke 9,32)
" ...the appearance of his face changed, and his
clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men Moses
and Elijah appeared in Glorious splendor, talking with Jesus."(
Luke 29 -31)
" There he was transfigured before them. His face
shone like the Sun, and his clothes became as white as the
light." ( Matthew 17, 2 )
" Then appeared before them Elijah and Moses who
were talking with Jesus." ( both in Mark 9, 4 and Matthew 17,
3 )
..... and a voice was heard.... Elijah or Moses spoke and in
either case..."The Lord of Before" said.....
" This is my Son, whom .... I have chosen (Luke 9,
35)....I love, with him I am well pleased. (Mat. 17, 5 ) Listen
to him! " ( Luke, Mark 9,7 and Matthew)

" When the disciple heard this, they fell face down to the
ground, terrified." (Mat. 17,6)
" They were so frightened." ( Mark 9,6) .... and this is
very normal and the reason why he is at times called the " Great
King of Terror".

" As they were coming down from the Mountain, Jesus gave
them orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until the Son
of Man had risen from the dead. They kept the matter to
themselves, discussing what "Rising of the Dead " meant." Mark (
9, 9 - 10 )

So, all of this to show that "Reincarnation" or
"Resurrection of the Dead" is exactly the same thing! Bingo!
Transfiguration means "Changing Figure" and transmigrating into
our different bodies...

" Adam...his soul passed by transmigration into
David...his soul transmigrated into the Messiah!"
(extract from the Talmud, as exposed in Hershon's "Treasuresof
the Talmud" p.242)

...... which explains the mysterious phenomena
of Rebirth...which is prevalent in all faiths!

But, there is one more thing, which is revealed in
some other much rarer type of dream....a Trinitarian dream, which
is called the "Baptism", and which is a revelation of the
Individual Guardian Spirit of an Individual. It is the Mother in
the Trinity... the essential and eternal body..... let me
illustrate...with a few dreams...

Alpha Wolf Initiation

Posted by Demetrios on September 20, 1997 at 00:24:18:


I am in a rural area...very remote...up in mountains..not rocky
but tundra-like. It is night, no moon, only the stars for
illumination, yet it is very clear and very bright. I am in a
small house. Outside there are trees and a meadow. Out in the
middle of the meadow there is a small couch. I walk to it and sit
The couch has been placed here as an observation point to watch
for Spirit wolves. I sit down and relax and wait. From the edge
of the forest at the far side of the meadow I see movement.
Several animals are rapidly approaching. They look like shadows
and yet have distinct form. As I watch them their number
multiplies as they run and now there are about 8 or 9 of them.
They are wolves but do not appear to be solid. They begin to run
in a very wide circle around the couch I am sitting on. I can see
them very clearly in the starlight. As I am watching them run, I
am surprised by the presence of a wolf directly behind me. At
first I am only aware of its deep, heavy breathing. I sit very
motionless, waiting to see what it will do. It gives me a little
push with its nose, as if to test my reaction. I remain
absolutely still. The animal walks around in front of me and
stops, staring intensely into my eyes. I sense that it is a male
wolf, in fact it is the Alpha wolf of the pack I have been
watching. He is a magnificent animal. He weighs about 200 pounds
and has exquisite silver and black markings in his face and fur.
There is very focused and inquisitive intelligence in its' eyes..
He begins to bump me again with his nose..wanting my to touch
him. I slowly reach up my hands and begin to scratch his head,
carefully controlling my actions so as not to scare him off. My
scratching evolves into stroking as I begin to outline his
beautiful facial features with my hands. He is very responsive to
my touch and demonstrates acceptance and affection at my
caresses. I put my arms around him and begin to hug him in close.
For a moment I feel fear as I remember that this is a predator
who could do me very serious damage if he turned aggressive. But
I let that thought pass and trust the integrity I feel from the
animal I now am holding in my arms. Sensing my own acceptance and
surrender to vulnerability, the wolf responds in kind and begins
to shower me with affection, pawing and pushing and rubbing
against me like an eager little puppy. I am shocked at the great
strength of the animal. Though he is only playing and being
affectionate with me, he is pushing me around as if I were a
small child. I become aware that the other wolves have now joined
us. They sit in a closed circle watching what is happening.

Suddenly, the wolf in my arms pulls away. He moves back from me
and stares intently into my eyes. All the wolves are staring at
me, none of them are moving. The big wolf turns and unexpectedly
"sprays" me like a cat, covering me with a sticky, smelly liquid.
At first I am repulsed, but control my urge to duck the
discharge, and sit quietly while the spraying continues. And then
it stops and the big wolf turns to me and stares again for a
moment, than he is all over me nuzzling, gently nipping and
licking me. The other wolves join in, all demonstrating extreme
affection and closeness. I realize I have been initiated into
their pack by the spraying from the Alpha wolf. I now "smell"
like one of them. The display of affection is intense. All the
wolves are trying to get in to nuzzle or lick me. I am aware only
of fur and faces and paws pushing, prodding, making contact with
me. I think in the dream that under different circumstances I
could be an animal this pack has hunted down and this frenzied
activity would be what would occur during their "kill", except it
would not be play but death the wolves were intent on. I am
almost exhausted from all the activity when the big wolf pulls
back and the others follow. They all again stare at me with
acceptance and intensity. And than they are gone. Just disappear.
I get up and walk back to the couch, euphoric and somewhat in an
altered state. I go into the cabin and Patty is there. She
immediately reacts in a negative way to my smell and I awake
before I can explain to her what has happened.


Follow Ups:

Individual Spirit Initiation ? Gerald 06:39:57 9/21/97 (0)


Dear Mr. Demetrios,

this is a most wonderful and
revealing dream and thank you for sharing it with all of us.
Dreams come in a wide range of categories.... guidance,
instruction, warnings.... but this particular one applies to the
personal identification section. Personally, I call these dreams
as "Trinitarians" and I base my assumptions on the Root Verses of
the Bardo Thodol or Tibetan Book of the Dead which state....

" Grasping the true nature of dreams may I
train myself in the Clear Light of the miraculous Transformation
.... May I recognize whatever apareth as being my own Spiritual
forms.... May the Trinity be realized...." Urgyan, circa 750 A.D know ...."realize" in "I see
something and realize that it is ..."

It is very well known that among Amerindian
cultures, and not among them alone the acquisition of a Guardian
Spirit, which may be lodge in an animal or a plant.... is the
essential content of the initiation ritual.

Your individual Trinity consists of three
bodies, all of them being animated by the same unique soul or
mind.... namely...

#1..... "Alpha" the wolf...who is your individual eternal
Guarding Angel.... your own individual Spirit of which you are
the earthly manifestation. ( Knowing of similar experiences, I am
quite certain that when you hugged the Wolf, when your heads got
close together, there was a certain form of telepathic exchange
between you and the Beast.)

#2..... is You.... the mortal dreamer

#3.... "The Lucky Demetrios dancing with the Wolves" , the
one in the dream getting licked by the whole pack.... who is not
the same as Demetrios who is sleeping in his bed ....while this
one is outside getting kissed by wolves. This particular one is
of the same nature as the eternal Spirit and shall have no end.

Just for fun, this is not a rule but often the
Spirit chooses to manifest at times determined by Astrology.
Would you, by any chance, be born the Chinese year of the Dog?

Would you like to hear about similar dreams?
...or get more info on anything revolving around this " special
mind-expanding theory ".... feel free to ask. My pleasure.

In any case, nice meeting you Mr.Wolf
and again congradulations!

Cheers, Gerald


follow-up to Gerald

Posted by Demetrios on October 01, 1997 at 00:47:19:

In Reply to: Individual Spirit Initiation ? posted by Gérald on
September 21, 1997 at 06:39:57:

Thank you for your insight into my dream psyche.

Yes, I was born in the Chinese year of

the dog.

Sirius is my home, but that is another story.

Wolf has come to me many times in both the sleep cosmos and in
what we recognize as the "waking" state.


........and look at this one....

Ouroboras & snakes

Posted by Shana on November 25, 1997 at 12:52:38:

The following dream came to me on the first night that I
reluctantly began taking lithium for manic depression :

My bed was full of squirming snakes of every description. They
weren't biting eventho my legs were covered with them. Circling
my bed was a snake with it's tail in it's mouth, rolling like a
hoop - around and around and around...

That's when I woke up. I've since learned that the hoop snake is
called an Ouroboras and I've read several different
interpretations of it's appearance and it's symbolism.

What do you think?


The Ouroboros, the symbol of reincarnation itself, circling
around her bed in a dream.... this is her own Spirit.... and may
be I should show you own individual Spirit... a Spirit
which is very famous around the World....

The Winged-Horse Dream

During the Night of Saint-John the
Baptist of 1981, I had a very strange "Lucky Feeling Dream".
After the usual traditional Celebrations of our "National"
Patron, I peacefully fell asleep in my "customized" bed... in my
school bus...which was my nomadic house at the time...which was
then parked under a large Willow tree, on the farm of a friend of
mine, located some 25 miles N.E. of Ottawa. It was one of those,
thunder and lightening hot humid summer night....this is why I
call it the "Spirit in the Sky".

In the dream, when my soul, my
mind, my consciousness, my anima woke up.....I was without
body.....floating outside of my school the almost total
obscurity of the Night. As in real life it took a while before my
eyes got adjusted to this minimal intensity of light condition.
Yet, I wasn't feeling any alteration of consciousness.... seeing,
feeling, smelling and hearing everything as usual.

Once my vision got accustomed to
darkness and could discern things, I expanded my scope (of
vision) and saw directly in front of me, at may be 30 feet
distance... an "Illuminated" human form, standing alone immobile,
"radiating" in the darkness.

To my utmost surprise, I soon
came to realize that this "Ghost", which was dressed in jeans,
Afghan long shirt and sandals, looked exactly like myself at the
Then, as I was wondering in my
mind ...if this shining body was really me?...and if so, what was
I doing alone immobile in the darkness of the night?.....
a very strange happening occurred. My soul transmigrated in the
head of this luminescent "Speculum" or "Spectre" or "Mirror" of

For a short laps of a moment,
it was obscurity in the New Body, but opening my eyes ....I could
see through my orbits...closing either eyes the luminescent tip
of my nose. Then, bending my head and raising my hands...I
observed that my hands as well as the rest of my body was
luminous to my own view...and touching hands then other parts of
my shining body...I realized that it was feeling the exact same
as the other one of my body....the one which I am more familiar
with which was sleeping in the Bus.

So, I said to myself..." Holy
Smoke! What is this?" I did not know what to think. Was I Dead?
Is this Death or After Life? In any case, I felt good, and still
myself in this New Condition....and couldn't care less about the
rest...but I only thought that this was only one of these
OOBE.... Again, just as in the previous stage, there was no
alteration, whatsoever, of consciousness and I was still feeling
exactly as myself in my own skin. However, I was again
questioning myself as to the logic reason and purpose of my
presence in this state....and yet had some strong intuitive
impressions that something was just about to happen.

Suddenly, in the calmness of the
Rainless Moment, among remote and sporadic Thunder and
far-sighted Lightenings, I began hearing some constantly
increasing strange unfamiliar noises originating from high above.
I looked at the Zenith...trying to locate the source of these
sounds....but the calm, yet dense, low clouds whitened by the
Moon's Glow were preventing such immediate observation of this
approaching thing whatever it was.
It appeared to me that these
sounds were very similar to those made by large fluttering those created by a large bird in verticular descent
to the nest. But what I heard among them was very totally
incredible....because these already strange noises were
accompanied by occasionnal "Neighings"....yes..."Neighings of a

As the noises were constantly the strong indication that this thing was
getting obviously closer every eyes were riveted to
the point in the clouds where I thought they were coming
from....wondering if my dream was going to end before I would see
this thing which was taking a long time to far it
was coming from.

To my unashamed
incredibility, finally, in a spontaneous "Whirlwind"...the dense
clouds opened up...straight above...exactly where I was reveal an unbelievably majestic "Winged
Horse"..."Pompuos Hippous Ass first" ...mightily beating the air
with its large wings, in order to slow down its rapid and
straight vertical descent to the Earth... straight above me. From
my position, I felt the major air displacements created by such
Beast and was able to recognize through them the distinctive
characteristic smell of Horse's Sweat!!!

The Incredible Flying
Horse was, just like my New Self, also luminescent in darkness,
and carrying its trajectory, finally landed ....touching the
ground hind legs first, immediate to me, slightly rubbing my
right side ...flank to flank.

A most remarkable detail
was to notice an unexpected feature of this magic Horse was the
presence of a trio of super thin translucid dancing flames, about
a feet high and located at the shoulders and junction of the
wings...surrounding on 3 sides, except the front, what appeared
to be a natural saddle spot of different hair colour.

Then, the Winged Horse,
turning its head backward, fixed me straight in my eyes with its
most intelligent eyes ....and telepathically invited me in a very
charming way to mount Him!!!

Again, one more time,
I could not believe my eyes, but still it seemed obvious that He
was evidently there for the specific purpose of carrying me
somewhere with Him.

As you may fully
anticipate, knowing me a little, it was with both pure joy and
honour, and without any reserve of hesitation that I, alone in
the darkness, solemnly mounted It and proudly sat between the
electro-magnetic flames...ready for anything.

Then the "Horse of
Fire", walked a few steps, ambled then started to gallop..then
galloped briefly...then stretched its wings...and we were
air-borne....and flew ... in the sky. I felt the wind in my face,
as we , I mean the Horse , rapidly ascended. For a few moments,
as I was wrapping my arms around his warm neck, in a moment of
pure exaltation, I only remember seeing the lights of the small
sleeping village as we entered the clouds...I had the most
sincere impression of being extremely lucky of getting the rare
privileged of living something else than our miserable earthly

Then, for another
time, I wondered but this time as to the identity of the Horse...
who am I was answered ... who he was(my ghost) was answered, but
who was It (Horse) was not yet answered...and again,
surprisingly, as in any other similar times in this
mind again transmigrated in the Head of the Horse... which I
know, now , to be my own Spirit, but which I did not know
then...and carried on through the clouds.

From then on, we were in the realm
of the 3 times...everything from the past, present and future
became instantaneous.

Firstly, I found a daily vision, in Bodnath, in the Kingdom
of Nepal, as far as, 8 km from Kathmandu, and only 20,000 km from
my actual sleeping spot, at the base of a semi-hemispherical
mound known as the "Temple of the Eyes of the World"...the
"Maguta Chorten" ...or "Temple of Bodnath".

In another flash, I found myself in a "red brick
paved yard", where an Older Lama, was surrounded by a few little
long hair dogs, which I immediately recognized as Lhasa Apsos.

In my mind it was saying..." You know what are
these dogs....then, you will find them there, ...and you will do
everything necessary to protect them... then you will know...."

Then, in another flash, I spotted myself at
the foot of the Highest Mountain in the World. I had no idea
then, but by looking at some pictures, I soon came to realise
once again that it was Mount Everest. And in my mind it was

" Do you need a Signature?"

Then, again surprisingly, as to indicate
that I was having a revelation, in a "zap", I was standing in
front of an hospital bed , in a canadian style hospital room, in
which I was talking to a good friend of mine, who had just
recently lost his right arm, sectioned off at the biceps level!!

In this vision....I asked him..
" How did this happen?".....and he replied..." An accident...I
should have listened to you...and paid attention."

So, when I woke up that memorable morning,
I narrated to all my friends present or in passage, the
incredible "Flight in the Night" experience which I had just
dreamt....I had the impression that it might be related to my
Astro....and around 1PM of the same day, I was visited by Brian
Burke of Buckingham and told him my dream and told him that he
looked very much like the victim in my dream.

I was more or less surprised to learn the
same day that this premonitory vision would fulfill itself,
within hours, before the SunSet of the same memorable day!

Around 7 PM, we received a phone call, from
the Civic Hospital in Ottawa, from Brian's Mother, telling us
that her Son, had lost his right arm in the in the Sellers' Wood
Chipper where Brian was working!!!

The following evening I visited Brian, and
it was a "Déjà Vu" exactly like in the dream with the same
conversation. So, this was the first time, for me for something
like this! Food for thought, in any ways!


.........and by far the most interesting thing about
this dream is the fact that this dream is generally known in many
faiths as the Ascension".... and all the above mentioned
personages... Buddha, Adam, David, Eli, Moses, Jesus....and so
many more...well over a hundred of them ... have all flown on
this Horse, in a dream, as stated in the case of Mohammed... and
of Bellerophon, in Ancient Greece, was this particular dream was
correctly interpreted as an Allegory of the Immortality of the

So, if you don't mind, we will pay attention to
dream of "Revelation" posted earlier in ED...and we will try, in
the next ten issues to investigate the logic behind the some 100
human manifestations in the flesh of this Angelical Winged-Horse
Spirit....and those who have a strong and anxious spiritual
appetite are most welcome to visit a new born Site...

....which exposes all the data about the Divine



February-March 1998


This Month's Features:

Interactive Dream Group Beginning
An Invitation to Join Email Dream Classes
CYBERDREAMS - The new dreaming-related discussion list, for
ANYONE interested in dreaming.
Dream Intensives with Robert Bosnak
Video Games and Dreams Questionnaire
Dream Art Exhibition
ASD Conference Highlights of Upcoming Events

Paranormal Research
Moon Dreams
Need Help with Interpretation of Dreams
Dreams and Recovery

DreamScape has moved
Spiritwatch Update

ASD Art Exhibition: Deadline Moved
Jungian Dream Conference in Chicago

DREAM CALENDAR for March 1998




Interactive Dream Group Beginning
Group Dreaming is when several people attempt to dream about a
pre-arranged topic or location. Group Dreaming has ancient roots.
It has always occurred naturally: people who are linked closely
sometimes have the same dream, or dreams with strikingly similar
elements. Group dreams can be an indication of psychic
connection. Group dreams are often very interesting, meaningful
and helpful for the dreamers. Join Ann Klein in a unique
interactive group dreaming project by gathering via e-mail co-
creating Group Dreams on specific topics. To participate, visit
Interactive Dreaming's Group Dream website at and sign up by email . Once a month
everyone will receive an intention statement by email to help
focus the group dream . All participants will use the intention
statement and a special graphic placed at the website to focus
dreams intensively for the first seven days of the month.
Everyone will log any dreams that lean in the direction of the
group intention, plus intuitive hits on their significance .
Dreams and comments will be emailed to Ann Klein, the
coordinator, and she will compile all of the submissions and post
the results to the website. Then, she'll e-mail a synopsis of the
month's results, along with the Group Dream intention statement
for the next month.

An Invitation to Join Email Dream Classes

Dear Dreamers,

We invite you to join our email classes and expand your knowledge
of dreams. All course work is distributed via email and self-
paced. New classes start every month. *Psychic-Creative Dreaming*
and *The History of Dream Sharing* by Linda Lane Magall¢n by
Richard Wilkerson. $20.00/16 lessons $29.99/20 lessons + Dream

Thank you,
Linda and Richard

*Psychic-Creative Dreaming*

To discover the world of deliberate dreamers and become
knowledgeable about leading edge exploration, you are invited to
take the *Psychic-Creative Dreaming* email course. The course
includes well-researched information and Dream Aerobics
exercises. This is the second year it is being offered to
dreamers, in a new, up-to-date version.

When you finish the course, you will have a strong understanding
of intentional dreaming, psychic dreaming, social dreaming and
the creative nature of dreams. You will be ready to join the fun
with other dreamers in the proactive dreaming community at the
Fly-By-Night Club web site. Fly-By-Night
Club hosts individual experiments and group dreaming projects.
Folks who participate may have their dreams posted at either of
the sites that support such dreams: (Fly-By-Night
Club) (DreamPsi

For further information about fees, prerequisites, course
contents, author data and Internet backup, please see the Fly-By-
Night Club web site or email Linda Lane Magall¢n at

*From Ancient Thrace to Cyberspace, The History of Dream Sharing*

This course will trace the fabulous development of dream sharing
and interpretation from aboriginal cultures through postmodern
Cyberspace. Participants will be given tools in each class to put
variations of these techniques to work in partner and peer
relationship settings. These techniques may also be used for the
exploration of the meaning and value of the participant's own
dreams. Each approach will open a different window on the dream's
meaning and add to the spectrum of the participant's interpretive
exploratory skills in general.

Find the dream secrets under Sigmund Freud's couch, participate
in Carl Jung's path to wholeness and healing, break through the
mundane with the Surrealists, act out the dream dramas with
Gestalt, understand the science as well as the spiritual aspects
of dreaming, uncover the past and the use of dreams in ancient
and aboriginal cultures, step into the ability to have lucid
dreams, get the scoop on the dream movement sweeping the country
and globe, learn the newest techniques in dreaming and how they
are unfolding on the Internet in dream sharing communities.

For further information about fees, prerequisites, course
contents, author data, Internet backup and on-line registration,
please see Or email Richard Wilkerson at

++++++++++++REMOVAL NOTICE++++++++++++

*Fly-By-Night Club* supports proactive dreaming under Partnership
Paradigm values. Our projects highlight mutual, psychic, group,
lucid and creative dreams. *DreamGate* acts as a resource center
of dream information and a "gate" to the myriad opportunities
available in dream cyberspace.
*Fly-By-Night Club* and *DreamGate* provide announcements of
dream projects and experiments and other dream information as a
public service to the dream community. If you prefer not to
receive our mailings, please accept our apologies. You will be
promptly removed from our mailing list by contacting

Thank you,
Linda Lane Magall¢n
Richard Catlett Wilkerson

CYBERDREAMS - The new dreaming-related discussion list, for
ANYONE interested in dreaming.
Cyberdreams is a new list available to those who would like to
ask questions and discuss dreaming-related topics. It is *not* a
place to send specific individual dreams for group exploration
(if you would like to do this, send an email to Linley Joy at: and say "Please send me information about
the online Dream Groups".) Cyberdreams is an informal place, and
is open to anyone that is interested in dreams and dreaming. It
is an experimental and flexible list, and over time will
hopefully evolve into a rich and interesting
online environment. For more information, email Linley Joy at

Dream Intensives with Robert Bosnak
Interested in working with the consciousness techniques of dream
author Robert Bosnak ("Tracks in the Wilderness of Dreaming")?
Two intensives are coming up in Sudbury, Massachusetts April 16-
19, and May 7-10 and are open to anyone interested in dreamwork.
These intensives, by means of actual group dreamwork, will
provide the participants with tools for an engagement with
dreaming. The groups will explore ways to: identify patterns of
resistance; use self-observation by the dreamworker to assess
atmospheres in the dream; understand thematic developments in the
dreams of groups ; increase abilities to contain paradoxical
emotions; stimulate awareness outside of the boundaries of
habitual consciousness, and explore ways to incubate dreams so
they may respond directly to issues participants wish to work on.
12 participants maximum. For more information, contact

Video Games and Dreams Questionnaire

Dear Friends,

I am currently writing a chapter for an edited book on the
psychology of the internet. In this chapter I am theorizing about
the potential relationship between virtual reality experiences
with varying degrees of
immersion and the development of higher states of consciousness.
I would like your cooperation with a preliminary research study
examining the relationship between video game playing and a
variety of experiences of altered states of consciousness
especially lucid dreaming. Please fill out
the questionnaire below and e-mail it to Dr. Jayne Gackenbach at I will send you a brief essay
summarizing what I think the nature of the relationship is by
return e-mail.
There are three components to this questionnaire. In the first
part I ask you some basic demographic information while the
second part has a variety of questions regarding your video game
playing history/experiences. The last part of the questionnaire
regards your dream and related altered
states of consciousness history and experiences. All information
will be kept confidential with no specific names or identities
mentioned. Please pass this along to anyone who you think might
be interested in participating in the study. Thanks for your

Jayne Gackenbach, Ph.D.
Curriculum vitae is at
On-line papers related to higher states of consciousness are at:

Part 1. Demographic Information

1. Sex:

a. Male
b. Female

2. Age:

a. less than 16 years old
b. 16 to 19 years old
c. 20 to 29 years old
d. 30 to 39 years old
e. 40 to 49 years old
f. 50 to 59 years old
g. 60 to 69 years old
h. 70 to 79 years old
i. 80 or older

3. Primary Relationship Status:

a. Married
b. Divorced/Separated
c. Widow(er)
d. Engaged
e. Living With
f. Have a boy/girl friend but relationship does not fit in one of
above categories
g. Single (currently not in a relationship)

4. Number of children:

a. none
b. one
c. two
d. three
e. four
f. five
g. six or more

5. Education:

a. did not/have not completed high school
b. high school diploma
c. some technical training/two year diploma
d. in first two years of college/university
e. in last two years of college
f. finished a college/university degree
g. some graduate study/currently enrolled
h. craftsman/craftswoman
i. masters degree
j. doctoral degree
k. professional degree

6. Occupation: __________________

7. Primary Ethnic Background: _______________________

Part 2: Video Games Habits/Experiences

1. How many days in a week do you typically play video games?

a. less than once a week
b. one
c. two
d. three
e. four
f. five
g. six
h. seven

2. If you typically play less than once a week, please estimate
frequency of your play per month; otherwise go on to question #4?

a. less than once a month
b. once a month
c. twice a month
d. three times a month

3. If you typically play less than once a month, please estimate
frequency of your play per year, or go on to question #4?

a. less than once a year or never
b. one to three times a year
c. four to six times a year
d. seven to nine times a year
e. ten or 11 times a year

4. How long is your typical playing session?

a. less than 15 minutes
b. greater than 15 minutes but less than an hour
c. one to two hours
d. two to four hours
e. four to six hours
f. six to eight hours
g. eight to 10 hours
h. over 10 hours

5. Please list your five favorite games? _______________________

6. Which setting do you most typically play in?

a. arcade
b. home
c. friends house
d. computers in an internet cafe/gaming store
e. other ______________

7. Who do you typically play with?

a. alone
b. alone but on the net or by modem with others
c. with a friend near by who may or may not be playing but is
involved in
the activity to some extent

8. How many different video games in any formats have you played
to date?

a. none
b. one
c. two - five
d. six to ten
e. ten to 20
f. 20 to 50
g. 50 to 100
h. over 100

9. How old were you when you played your first video game?

a. before kindergarten
b. kindergarten to grade 1
c. grade 2 to grade 4
d. grade 5 to grade 6
e. junior high school
f. high school
g. young adulthood/post secondary school
h. middle adulthood (30 to 50 years old)
i. late adulthood (over 50)
j. never played a video game

10. How old were you when you hit your peak frequency of video
game play?

a. before kindergarten
b. kindergarten to grade 1
c. grade 2 to grade 4
d. grade 5 to grade 6
e. junior high school
f. high school
g. young adulthood/post secondary school
h. middle adulthood (30 to 50 years old)
i. late adulthood (over 50)
j. never played a video game

Part 3. Dream and Related Phenomena Habits/Experiences

1. How many dreams do you recall on the average per MONTH?

a. less than 1
b. between 1 and 2
c. between 2 and 4
d. between 4 and 10
e. between 10 and 20
f. between 20 and 35
g. between 35 and 70
h. more than 70 per month

2. Have you ever kept a dream diary/journal?

a. yes
b. no

3. If yes, for how long?

a. less than a year
b. between 1 and 2 years
c. between 2 and 5 years
d. between 5 and 10 years
e. over 10 years

4. Check one of the following regarding your experience with and
in prayer.

a. no experience, no interest
b. no experience, moderate interest
c. no experience, very interested
d. some experience, no interest
e. some experience, moderate interest
f. some experience, very interested
g. currently regularly praying

5. Check one of the following regarding your experience with and
in meditation.

a. no experience, no interest
b. no experience, moderate interest
c. no experience, very interested
d. some experience, no interest
e. some experience, moderate interest
f. some experience, very interested
g. currently regularly meditating

6. How important is religion/spirituality in your life?

a. very important
b. moderately important
c. mildly important
d. not at all important

For the remainder of this part of the assignment you will be told
about a
variety of experiences of consciousness during sleeping and
waking. You
will be asked to estimate how frequently you have had them, when
your first
experience occurred and then to give an illustration of each
experience. If
you are unsure, just give your best estimate.

SLEEP EXPERIENCE 1: Most of us don't realize that we are dreaming
until we wake up. Some people, however, do realize that they are
dreaming while still in the dream. You might, for example, dream
that you are visiting a home of a friend. Suddenly the dream
becomes "lucid" and you are aware of the fact that you are
dreaming while you are still in the dream. You do not
wake up, but attend to your surroundings with curiosity. You may
be able to exert some control over what happens in the dream such
as changing the setting or deciding to fly or make a scene

Total number of such experiences in the last year:

a. less than 1
b. between 1 and 2
c. between 2 and 4
d. between 4 and 10
e. between 10 and 20
f. between 20 and 35
g. between 35 and 70
h. more than 70

Age of first experience _____ years old.

Please give an example below of a lucid dream:

SLEEP EXPERIENCE 2: A nightmare which is bizarre, irrational and
disturbing that you can recall clearly and in detail upon
awakening. Negative emotions are associated with this experience.

Total number of such experiences in the last year:

a. less than 1
b. between 1 and 2
c. between 2 and 4
d. between 4 and 10
e. between 10 and 20
f. between 20 and 35
g. between 35 and 70
h. more than 70

Age of first experience _____ years old.

Please give an example below of a nightmare:

SLEEP EXPERIENCE 3: An experience at night where you awake in a
state of
panic, without recall of a dream or the memory of having
awakened. This is most likely to occur in the first hour or two
of the night and is called a night terror.

Total number of such experiences in the last year:

a. less than 1
b. between 1 and 2
c. between 2 and 4
d. between 4 and 10
e. between 10 and 20
f. between 20 and 35
g. between 35 and 70
h. more than 70

Age of first experience _____ years old.

Please give an example below of a night terror:

SLEEP EXPERIENCE 4: Occasionally people have dreams that carry a
sense of importance, awe and fascination. They may be reminiscent
of mythology, or fairy tales, or be felt to have a
religious/spiritual significance. This type of dream may still be
remembered years later. Such dreams can carry with them a deep
sense of significance to one's life either on a personal
level and/or on a broader level.

Total number of such experiences in the last year:

a. less than 1
b. between 1 and 2
c. between 2 and 4
d. between 4 and 10
e. between 10 and 20
f. between 20 and 35
g. between 35 and 70
h. more than 70

Age of first experience _____ years old.

Please give an example below of this type of dream:

WAKE EXPERIENCE 1: Occasionally people may experience a sense of
being above their body and looking down on it from a different
vantage point.
This experience could be fleeting, or it could continue for some
time and has been called an "out-of-body" experience.

Total number of such experiences in the last year:

a. less than 1
b. between 1 and 2
c. between 2 and 4
d. between 4 and 10
e. between 10 and 20
f. between 20 and 35
g. between 35 and 70
h. more than 70

Age of first experience _____ years old.

Please give an example below of an out-of-body experience:

WAKE EXPERIENCE 2: During waking you may experience a sense of
oneness and
unity in all things, along with experiences of awe, bliss, and/or
Sometimes this involves a sensation of melting or fusing with
surroundings, feelings of being overwhelmed by a sense of love or
compassion. Some of these experiences can be very hard to put
into words.

Total number of such experiences in the last year:

a. less than 1
b. between 1 and 2
c. between 2 and 4
d. between 4 and 10
e. between 10 and 20
f. between 20 and 35
g. between 35 and 70
h. more than 70

Age of first experience _____ years old.

Please give an example below of this experience:

WAKE EXPERIENCE 3: During waking you may experience knowledge of
someone else's thought or actions at a distance. You have no
possible rational explanation for how this is possible, or
precognition: that is, knowing what will happen in the future but
with no possible basis in ordinary anticipating. This might
include seeing unusual phenomena, which other people may not be
able to see.

Total number of such experiences in the last year:

a. less than 1
b. between 1 and 2
c. between 2 and 4
d. between 4 and 10
e. between 10 and 20
f. between 20 and 35
g. between 35 and 70
h. more than 70

Age of first experience _____ years old.

Please give an example below of this experience:

Dream Art Exhibition
The annual dream art exhibition at the ASD conference is seeking
submissions. Original works in any medium inspired by or related
to dreams are eligible for entry. Deadline for submissions to the
Juried Art Show is March 31, 1998. Contact Richard Russo for an
entry form. E-mail, or write 835 Peralta Avenue,
Berkeley, CA 94707-1818.

ASD Conference Highlights of Upcoming Events
More detailed information on the upcoming ASD conference in June
1998 in Hawaii can be found at and Some of the exciting
speakers, workshops and events include:

Presidential Address
Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D.
Masculine Fragments of a History of Dreaming. The Last Dreams of
Socrates. The counterpart to last year's address, Feminine
Fragments of a History of Dreaming, will focus on the fascinating
dreams of Socrates.

President-Elect Address
Patricia Garfield, Ph.D.
The Universal Dreams
Dr. Garfield will discuss how, despite variations, certain dream
themes exist across time, and what their motifs mean for our
personal dream life and the ASD.

Tore A. Nielsen, Ph.D.
Stimulating Dreams
This presentation will cover new results from a study of dream
content which used an innovative home dream experimentation

Jayne Gackenbach, Ph.D.
Dreams and Non-Local Consciousness
This wide-ranging presentation will refer to aspects of
lucidity/witnessing, Native Americans, UFO's, and chaos theory as
theoretical connectivity.

Michele Stephen, Ph.D.
Dreams and Creativity in New Guinea and Bali
Dr. Stephen, an Australian anthropologist, will present
reflections from several years of field work in New Guinea and
her last four years in the Balinese Pengosekan Community of
Artists where she studied how dreams are used in this culture's
creative pursuits.

Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Tibetan Yoga of Dream and Sleep
Tenzin is a Tibetan Lama who is a master of the Bon Dzogchen
tradition, and founder of the Ligmincha Institute for the Study
of Religions and Cultures of Tibet. His presentation will discuss
how sleep
and dreams are viewed in his culture.


Luh Ketut Suryani, DSJ
Meditation as a Technique for Self-Healing in Dreams
Dr. Suryani, is a physician and psychiatrist who maintains a
strong connection to her former practice as a traditional healer.
She will discuss her interesting theory about sleep and
personality and demonstrate the mediative approach she uses to
provide connections to special spiritual and healing states in

Henry Reed, Ph.D.
Dream Divination:
The Synchronicity and Parapsychology of Interpretation
Dr. Reed, the "grandfather of the popular dream movement" created
Sundance: The Community Dream Journal. He will demonstrate a
method of dream divination and interpretation in which the
unconscious communication among participants may be considered to
represent intuition, synchronicity, or parapsychological events.

The program is filled with a magnificent array of topics
reflecting the diversity of presenters from India, Tibet, Korea,
Bali, Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada, England,
Scotland, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Finland, and

There will be a total of 52 papers divided into the following
eleven groupings: Content Analysis Studies; Sleep and Dream
Patterns; Dreams and Physical Trauma; The Dreaming Brain; Using
Computers for Personal Dreamwork; Applied Aspects of Group
Dreamwork; Cross-Cultural Studies of Dreams;
Significant Dreams; Interface Between Dreams and Society;
Twilight Zone of Dreams; and Psychoanalytic Interpretation of
Specimen Dreams.

A total of 35 workshops will be presented with such topics and
techniques as: color in dreams; number symbols in dreams;
connecting with spirit; hypnotic journeying; graphopoetic
dreamwork; photography; dance; body mapping; drawing; psycho-
drama; mandala drawing; collage; music; and special sounds
including Tibetan bowls and drums. A variety of theoretical
approaches using methods from Freud, Jung, Adler, Perls, Ullman,
and the Senoi will be offered.

There will be two symposia presentations: one dealing with
Resolving Adult Nightmares and Related Trauma, and another
dealing with Nightmares and Childhood Trauma. There will be a
panel discussion on Long Term Journaling, Meaning and
Significance, and Predicting Dreamer's Life Circumstances.
Among general events will be a creative art project on the
beach, a documentary film on the Senoi, a viewing of Star Trek, a
slide presentation of body imagery and dreams, a presentation of
humor as a resource in a Congressional dream group in Washington,
DC, and demonstrations of computer programs for indexing dream

Commercial Products: The display, distribution, and selling of
all dream-related commercial products will be coordinated by ASD
Main Office, P.O. Box 1600, Vienna, VA222183 Phone: (703)-242-
0062 Fax:(703)-242-8888 All questions and requests for display
should be directed to Kellee by April
1, 1998. ASD prefers that individuals bring their own products.
Some exceptions will be made in the case of books.


R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S


Paranormal Research
Are you having dreams that fall into this category? Your
experiences are needed in the fields of UFO Sightings,
Abductions, ESP, Near Death Experiences, Miracles and all other
like fields of the paranormal. Your Experiences will be recorded
and many will be published will the completion of this research.
We are asking that you write down your experiences in great
detail and mail them to Research, P.O. Box # 6, Shoreham, N.Y.

Moon Dreams
I am doing a project on the way the moon affects how we dream. I
need participants to tell me exact dates on when you had your
dreams and also an exact recount of what happened. Also whether
there were elements of fire, earth, air or water in your dream,
and the way you felt. Any dreams can be sent, I just need input,

Need Help with Interpretation of Dreams
I am writing a persuasive report on the interpretation of dreams
and their meaning(s). I would be appreciative of any information
you could send me on the subject. If it is not possible, please
write, for I do not have access to Internet very often. Thank you
for your help and understanding. Write to West Salem High
School, C/O Andrea Glick , 405 East Hamlin, West Salem, WI 54669

Dreams and Recovery
My name is Steve Pilgram and I am doing some research on Dreams
and the recovery process. I would like to hear from any person
involved in addiction recovery who can contribute dreams, pieces
of dreams, whatever that for them is attributed as being
connected to the practice of their addiction or associated with
their process of recovery. I would be interested in any comments
and/or interpretations of how the submitted dream is related to
their addiction although this is not a requirement to submit a
dream. I would also be interested to know if anyone in the
recovery process at any stage would be interested in answering a
questionnaire I'm working on involving the identification of
recovery themes in dreams.


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


DreamScape has moved
DreamScape has a new address at:

Spiritwatch Update
Spiritwatch has just opened a discussion area and have posted 20
articles from the 10th anniversary issue of Lucidity Letter. The
name "Spiritwatch" is used to speak to the theme of this site
which is a watchfulness focused on experiences of a spiritual
nature. This watchfulness is in many of the papers a function of
the scientific method or classical scholarship but not always.
Sometimes it exemplifies the watchfulness of the observer. This
can be from careful first person accounts, from a cultural
perspective, or from the perspective of the development of higher
states of consciousness.




Jungian Dream Conference April 23-26
The Sphinx's Simile:
Plumbing the Mystery of the Dream

Presenters include:
Michael Meade
Robert Van de Castle
Robert Bosnak
J. Allan Hobson
Ann Belford Ulanov
Marion Woodman
June Singer
Susan Hecker
Kennieth James
Julia jewett
Nancy Dougherty
And many more!

C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago
1567 Maple Avenue, Evanston, Illinois 60201 USA

847.475.4848 - 800.697.7679 - FAX 847.475.4970

847-475-4848 /800-697-7679




Mar 6-8 in Houston, TX
Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Barbara More at 713-
524-8253 for more information.

Mar 9 in Grand Island, NY
"Dreams, Stress, and Spiritual Healing" with Kelly Bulkley,.
5:30-7:30 pm Daemen College. For Information Call (510)-773-9586.

Mar 11and 25 in Pittsburgh, PA
"The Dream Workshop", 7:00 pm, 4836 Ellsworth Avenue (Friends
Meeting House). For more information, call Cynthia Pearson at
241-7885 or email

Mar 29 in
Lafayette, CA
"Working with our Earliest Childhood Dreams" , 10 am-4 pm
Association for the Study of Dreams Regional Meeting with Alan
Siegel and Kelly Bulkeley, authors of Dreamcatching: Every
Parents Guide to Understanding and Exploring Children's Dreams
and Nightmares. For Information Call (510) -528-0226)

Mar 25-Apr 3 in Mexico
Mayan Dreaming Retreat and Shamanic Training In the Yucatan with
Ariadne Green. For more information call: (800) 839-3317 or
(505) 758-9356 or email:, or write to
DreamThread InterActive, Box 5842NDCBU, Taos, NM 87571.

Mar 27-29 in Long Island, NY
Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Barry Andrews at 516-
627-6560 for more information.

Mar 28 in San Jose, CA
"Gateways to Self Discovery: Dreams and Shamanic Journey"
(facilitated by Gina Pearlin, Masha Fellman, and Deborah May),
10:00am - 4:00 pm. For information and registration, contact The
Center for Spiritual Enlightenment. Phone: (408) 244-5151. E-

31 Mar
Deadline for submitting entries for the ASD's 15th annual
conference Dream Art Show. Contact Richard Russo for an entry
form. E-mail, or write 835 Peralta Avenue, Berkeley,
CA 94707-1818.

Apr 1 in Santa Rosa, CA
"Know Yourself Through Dreams" -- a lecture by Betty Bethards at
The Luther Burbank Center East Auditorium, 50 Mark West Springs.
For more information, call 707-765-2200.

Apr 2 in San Francisco, CA
"Know Yourself Through Dreams" -- a lecture by Betty Bethards at
First Unitarian Universalist Church, 1187 Franklin at Geary. For
more information, call 707-765-2200.

Apr 4-5 in Portland, OR "Dreaming Insights," a two-day dreamwork
intensive with Gillian Holloway , offered at Marylhurst College.
College credit available. For information call: 360-694-0201

Apr 7 in Walnut Creek, CA
"Know Yourself Through Dreams" -- a lecture by Betty Bethards at
Heather Farm Garden, 1540 Marchbanks Drive. For more information,
call 707-765-2200.

Apr 7- May 26 in Concord, MA
Dreamwheel I. Personal Transformation through Dreamwork, Ramsay
Raymond, MA, MHC. Eight Tuesdays, 7-10PM. $320. For more
information, contact The Dreamwheel 191 Sudbury Road, Concord,
MA 01742-3423. E-mail: Tel & Fax:
(978) 369-2634

Apr 8 in Marin, CA
"Know Yourself Through Dreams" -- a lecture by Betty Bethards at
Marin civic Center Showcase Theater, Avenue of the Flags. For
more information, call 707-765-2200.

Apr 9-20 in Portland, Oregon
"Active Intuition and Dreams" a four week workshop is being
offered through
Portland Community College. Facilitator: Gillian Holloway For
information call: 360-694-0201 or email

April 15 - 26, in Bali
"Dream work Amid the art and culture of Bali" -- For more
information call or fax Dr. Ingegerd Hansson at +46-650-13188 or
Wendy Pannier <>c/o Dream Appreciation.

Apr 16-19 in Sudbury, MA
Dream Intensive with Robert Bosnak. For more information, contact

Apr 26 in Tiburon, CA
"Working with our Earliest Childhood Dreams" with Kelly Bulkeley.
1-4 pm, Tiburon UCC Church . For more information, call 510-528-


== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V5 N2 ==

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Vol. 5 Number 2 - February 1998.

Hi there amigos! This month starts off with a lengthier
editorial than usual which touches on dreams and their meaning.
Many comments on previous issue dreams are included this month.
There are several new repetitive dream examples, several dreams
which show traces in Waking reality, a shared dream, multiple
birth dreams, death dreams and complex relationship stories. We
even have feedback from a reader on a dream related waking
reality Presidents day experience. This issue also marks the
first time we have more text on commentary than for the dreams
themselves. What a great opportunity to learn about dreams. The
down side is that much of the commentary is coming from one
person with a rich background in dreams and symbols, but whose
approach and ultimate theory of the meanings of dreams the
readers may not agree with.

In Electric Dreams we strive to give all dreamers and
commentators a chance to share their dreams and insight with
others. An opportunity to expand the exposure of dreams or
comments to enrich the lives of all involved is part of our
mission. We don't want this ezine to become a one person vehicle
or a crusade for a particular belief. In fact, one political
personal crusade submitted as a comment on a museum picture with
dream like images did not make this issue. Its focus was not on
dreams, but on a political agenda. As long as the messages have a
predomonantly clear relationship to dreams and dream knowledge, I
think it's appropriate to include a submission. There has been
some grumbling on our Ed-Core list about the length and tone of
the recent submissions from DrD. I am sure many of you will find
some commentary too lengthy, complicated and biased; however, for
this issue at least, an already abridged version of a unique
point of view is at your disposal. If you don't like it, you have
the choice not to read it. If paper is at a premium, consider
reading through this section online before printing it or print
just selected portions. Send me an E-mail if you have strong
feelings or thoughts on this issue one way or another.

DrD's [not a medical Dr., nor dispensing prescriptions endorsed
by ED] comments express his point of view and should be seen in
that light. We are dream appreciators of a vast panorama which
includes divergent points of view. Want to see a different slant
next month? Send in your dream or commentary on a dream by the
15th of March to or to the
dream temple area.

Enjoy your visit to the pages of Electric Dreams.






== Commentary by BrienH on "If it were my dream" (980221)=
== President's Day 1998=


== Commentary by Brien H. on Third Eye Dream - then I said "what"
by BrienH (980202)==
== Commentary by DrD on Third Eye Dream (980213) ==
== Commentary by DrD on Worped! (980211)==
== Commentary by DrD on Twos and Threes by Sequence (980211)==
== Commentary by DrD on Pregnancy (980211)==
** Dream: The Woman and The Dog by ??**
** Dream: The Woman, The Dog and The Horse by ??**


PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or
send them in before it happens, if you can]

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

** Dream : Three Repetitive Dreams by Thea (980203)**
** Dream: reoccurring dreams by ? (980205)**
== Commentary by DrD on Thea's and Reoccurring Deaths Dreams'
** Dream: "If I only had a brain!" submitted by corpus jean on
** Dream: 3 Symbol Dream by E (980211)**
== Commentary on 3 Symbol Dream by the Dreamer E (980211) ==
== Commentary by DrD on 3 Symbols Dream (980211) ==
** Dream 1: "On the field of glory" Posted by GF (971204) **
== Commentary by DrD on Field of Glory ==
** Dream 2: Entrance to Tibet (XXXXXX) **
== Commentary by DrD on Tibet ==
** Dream 3: "Father of the Other World" by (XXXXXX) **
== Commentary by DrD on Father of Other Worlds ==

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on
our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a
trace on our physical reality?]

** Dream: Radio noise awakens dreamer by (80210)**
== Commentary by DrD on Radio noise awakens dreamer (980210)==
** Dream: Auditory Dream submitted by flyingeagle (970502)**
** Dream: 'Foaming at the Mouth'by Monster (980209)**
== Commentary by DrD on Foaming at the Mouth (980222)==
** Dream: from DrD- white horses Posted by Marina (980105)**

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to

** Dream: mother and daughter share bad dream by VQ (980212)*
== Commentary by DrD on Victoria's "Shared Dream"==

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


BIRTH [Starts]

** Dream: Buddha Baby by IO (980202)**
== Commentary by DrD on Heavenly Lucky Charms of the Buddha Baby!
== Commentary by Heratheta on buddah dream (980204) ==
** Dream: Wind&Baby Posted by LV (981106)**
== Commentary by DrD on Wind Baby (980222)==

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

** Dream: "Killings" Big Shot(980204/05)**

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]


AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

** Dream: this dream is weird by ? (980216)**
== Commentary by DrD on Weird Dream (980221) ==

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

** Dream: I was abducted by barney by ? (980219)**
== Commentary by DrD on Barney Dream (980222)==
** Dream: Pins and Needles Posted by Tracy (970629)**

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another reality]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

[This month brings us: deer, and white and black horses, ]

** Dream: Deer Social by Nutcracker (980218)**
== Commentary by DrD on Deer Social.... Big "Trinitarian" ==
== Comments by Nutcracker on DrD on 'Deer Social' (980221)==

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we
participate in]

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or jokes]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left,
make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil,
cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions
carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the
path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

==Commentary by Heratheta on norway drm sex drm, chopped off
dream, &broadcast drm (980212)==
==Commentary by Heratheta on weird drm & deer drm (980219)==
==Commentary by Heratheta on wave&picture dream,car thief&movie
dreamer (980206) =

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]

(See Foaming at the Mouth under DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE)

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and destruction/transformation]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

(See Yard Sales...under NUDITY)

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue
of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves
the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

**Dream: What does yard sales have to do with being naked? By ?

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which
constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often
influencing how we relate to the outside world]

** Dream: Not-at-Work sex ? (980210)**
== Commentary by DrD on the Not at work sex affair (980224)==
** Dream: the man from the basement by StanK (980215)**

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

== Commentary by DrD on Supple-mental "Transfigurations" Tai-Chi
** Dream: "Father of the Other World" **

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have
questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the
spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or
imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

= = = = = = = = = = = ==


(None this month ...unless you consider the DrD commentary as a

= = = = = = = = = = = ==


(None this month)



Dreams remain a source of mystery and wonder in our lives.
There are many theories and approaches to dream appreciation and
dream interpretation. They range from the belief that dreams are
insignificant and have no meaning whatsoever to their having
complex multilevel meanings not only for the dreamer but for
those who the dream touches in one way or another.

I received the following message this month which I will use
as the basis for this months Editorial:

Date: Tue, 03 Feb 1998 16:52:17 -0500
Subject: Caesar's Dream:

Greetings Bob Krum:

Could I prevail on you to analyze the following dream.
Before Caesar crossed the Rubicon, he dreamt that he slept
incestuously with his mother. What is the meaning of this dream?

Thanking you in advance for your interpretation,
Rob Lewis

Well, what a simple request. However, as is true in some
dreams and many waking life experiences, the context and unstated
implications of the request are of far greater interest and
meaning than the question or event itself.

First of all, I am honored by the fact that someone might
want to have my opinion on a dream. I have been studying dreams
since my childhood and have tried to learn as much about the
topic as possible within the context of my life journey. I enjoy
sharing what little I know with interested parties. However, the
authority on any persons dream and their personal meaning is the
dreamer and only the dreamer. Others can contribute different
perspectives and help the dreamer expand the possibilities of
meaning for the dream. The individual dreamer is the only one
who can accept or reject any suggested messages or meanings their
dream might generate as a commentary on the dreamer life.

However, there is another issue involved. The issue has to
do with relationships and the interconnectedness of life. Our
actions have consequences that by the very nature of our social
existence have an impact beyond the mere confines of our physical
bodies. Our lives are involved with our partners, our family, our
neighborhood, our schoolmates, our workmates, our churchmates and
those of activities who share common interests with us. An action
we take certainly has meaning for us, but also has meaning which
may be different in degree or kind to those whom our lives touch.
A negative comment or a positive gesture often have ripple
effects of far greater significance in others life than they
carry in our own. Thus an action has a different meaning for a
person depending on where that person fits into the broader
picture of the action and its context.

An event from this year illustrates the point somewhat. The
fact is that Princess Diana died after being involved in an
automobile accident. This event produced a series of other
related events that touched people in different ways. Does this
mean that Diana's life or death was significant or insignificant?
As with most things in depends. It depends on your
knowledge, closeness to Diana physically or emotionally,
perspective on life and life conditions. For someone in a remote
area of the world with no awareness of the rest of the world, it
would seem that the event has no meaning whatsoever. For Diana's
children, the meaning is deep, intimate and unforgettable. The
point is that just because there was a major impact to one
persons life by an event, that does not preclude the possibility
that it might impact the lives of others nor does it mandate that
every life be affected.

What would the dreamer have said about this dream? How do we
even know about it? Well I did some research and found that
Plutarch in his Lives of *Famous Greeks and Romans* is the source
for this story. I am quoting the source in the following
paragraphs to help the readers draw their own conclusions. The
excerpt starts a paragraph or so before the story and concludes a
paragraph after the story:

Quote from PLUTARCH:

There were not about him at that time above three hundred
horse and five thousand foot; for the rest of his army, which was
left behind the Alps, was to be brought after him by officers
who had received orders for that purpose. But he thought the
first motion towards the design which he had on foot did not
require large forces at present, and that what was wanted was to
make this first step suddenly, and so to astound his enemies with
the boldness of it; as it would be easier, he thought, to throw
them into consternation by doing what they never anticipated than
fairly to conquer them, if he had alarmed them by his
preparations. And therefore he commanded his captains and other
officers to go only with their swords in their hands, without any
other arms, and make themselves masters of Ariminum, a large city
of Gaul, with as little disturbance and bloodshed as possible. He
committed the care of these forces to Hortensius, and himself
spent the day in public as a stander-by and spectator of the
gladiators, who exercised before him. A little before night he
attended to his person, and then went into the hall, and
conversed for some time with those be had invited to supper, till
it began to grow dusk, when he rose from table and made his
excuses to the company, begging them to stay till he came back,
having already given private directions to a few immediate
friends that they should follow him, not all the same way, but
some one way, some another. He himself got into one of the hired
carriages,and drove at first another way, but presently turned
towards Ariminum. When he came to the river Rubicon, which parts
Gaul within the Alps from the rest of Italy, his thoughts began
to work, now he was just entering upon the danger, and he wavered
much in his mind when he considered the greatness of the
enterprise into which he was throwing himself. He checked his
course and ordered a halt, while he revolved with himself,
and often changed his opinion one way and the other, without
speaking a word. This was when his purposes fluctuated most;
presently he also discussed the matter with his friends who were
about him (of which number Asinius Pollio was one), computing how
many calamities his passing that river would bring upon mankind,
and what a relation of it would be transmitted to posterity. At
last, in a sort of passion, casting aside calculation, and
abandoning himself to what might come, and using the proverb
frequently in their mouths who enter upon dangerous and bold
attempts, "The die is cast" with these words he took the river.
Once over,he used all expedition possible, and before it was day
reached Ariminum and took it. IT IS SAID THAT THE NIGHT BEFORE HE
FAMILIAR WITH HIS OWN MOTHER. [BK- Emphasis added to dream

As soon as Ariminum was taken, wide gates, so to say, were
thrown open, to let in war upon every land alike and sea, and
with the limits of the province, the boundaries of the laws were
transgressed. Nor would one have thought that, as at other times,
the mere men and women fled from one town of Italy to another in
their consternation,but that the very towns themselves left their
sites and fled for succour to each other. The city of Rome was
overrun, as it were, with a deluge, by the conflux of people
flying in from all the neighbouring places. Magistrates could not
longer govern, nor the eloquence of any orator quiet it; it was
all but suffering shipwreck by the violence of its own
tempestuous agitation.

The most vehement contrary passions and
impulses were at work everywhere. Nor did those who rejoiced at
the prospect of the change altogether conceal their feelings, but
when they met, as in so great a city they frequently must, with
the alarmed and dejected of the other party, they provoked
quarrels by their bold expressions of confidence in the event.
Pompey, sufficiently disturbed of himself, was yet more perplexed
by the clamours of others; some telling him that he justly
suffered for having armed Caesar against himself and the
government; others blaming him for permitting Caesar to be
insolently used by Lentulus,when he made such ample concessions,
and offered such reasonable proposals towards an accommodation.
Favonius bade him now stamp upon the ground; for once talking big
in the senate, he desired them not to trouble themselves about
making any preparations for thewar,for that he himself, with one
stamp of his foot, would fill all Italy with soldiers. Yet still
Pompey at that time had more forces than Caesar; but he was not
permitted to pursue his own thoughts, but, being continually
disturbed with false reports and alarms, as if the enemy was
close upon him and carrying all before him, he gave way and let
himself be borne down by the general cry. He put forth an edict
declaring the city to be in a state of anarchy, and left it with
orders that the senate should follow him,and that no one should
stay behind who did not prefer tyranny to their country and

The consuls at once fled, without making even the usual
sacrifices; so did most of the senators, carrying off their own
goods in as much haste as if they had been robbing their

Could this dream of the prohibited by social mores have had
any relation to Caesar's politcial and military plans where the
boundaries of the law were being trangressed? Was it mere
coincidence that the dreamer was torn by conflicting emotions and
thought while so close to taking action of historical
proportions? The crossing of the Rubicon into Italy on January
19, 49 B.C. marked the beginning of civil war, and of Julius
Caesar's ultimate sole possession of the leadership of the Roman
Empire - years before his famous "Veni,vidi,vici" (I came, I saw,
I conquered) expedition to Egypt. What do you think?

What if we knew nothing of the context of this dream viewing
it as an outsider? Did the fact that he had this dream of
intimacy with his mother lead inevitably to the crossing of the
Rubicon and the conquest of empires? I don't think so. It was
one within a series of events which surrounded a complex decision
- reflecting the dilemmas of the moment and the circumstances of
the period in a metaphorical way. Was not the Rome of the
conquest Caesar's *motherland* of sorts?

Now what if this dream was dreamt by Caesar my uncle, or
Caesar Romero, or Cesar Chavez, or Caesar from the office next
door or the Ceaesar in me? What do mothers represent? Where do we
come from? What values might be represented? What is sexual
intimacy? What are laws? What are traditions and taboos? Would we
challenge them if the opportunity arose? Do we want to challenge
them? What aspect of the dreamers life could be related to these
images? What would Freud think of this imagery? Jung?

I think it's not stretching the limits of logic too much to
conclude that the same dream would have a different meaning and
impact to each person, though some themes would be common and
related. A gift of $200.00 has vastly different meaning for a
baby, a young child of 10 years, a teenager, a homeless person,
someone needing $200.00 to be able to afford a lifetime ambition
and a person who is already a millionaire. The $200.00 does not
change, but what the $200.00 can do for each person depends on
their circumstances. Attempting to assign a fixed meaning on the
value of something which can have multiple meanings and values in
other ways is an exercise doomed to failure.

Rob, by limiting a search for meaning to one rigid
fundamental message of equal value to all, you seek the useless.
In essence, physically we are just a collection of atoms and
molecules, the same atoms and molecules arranged slightly
differently according to our genetic inheritance, yet we are not
identical to other humans or to other life forms. By studying
the implications a dream of another would have if it were ours,
exploring the areas it stimulates, and possibly sharing ideas on
the problems and solutions uncovered with others, our life and
those of others become enriched. Our horizons are expanded as we
continue our journey through the mystery and wonder of this gift
called human life in all its shapes and forms.

I believe that we live in a world of relationships internal
and external of infinite complexity. Yet, from outer space, the
globe of the Earth is one round object floating in space. Are we
one or are we many? This is a question tackled by many
philosophies and religions. By our very nature we(or a special
part of us) are part of something else, and everything we contact
becomes a part of us directly or indirectly. May the voyage of
discovery continue!

Bob Krumhansl
Dreams Section Editor


Thanks to all the dreamers who share their dream gems with the
Electric Dreams community, and the dream appreciators who share
their insight. Join in the fun and send us a dream or comment for
the next issue!


=Commentary by BrienH on "If it were my dream" (980221)=

"If it were my dream..."

This has been the long standing major inclusion in reference to
the ed-core dream list.

We know and understand that in an attempt to present ones self as
the one with all the answers we have opportunity to rob, and most
times do rob, the person looking for answers of any ability to
correct or live with the issue.

One of the main guiding "rules" we have here at the Mobile Crisis
HelpLine, which I have been a volunteer with for 2 years now, is
to "not" give advice. People have questions but quite often
already know the answers, it is up to them to listen to the ideas
in their mind to unravel the problems, but they do need to talk
to "hear" the story before it can make any sense.

We cannot fix what is broken according to our life, our life is
different, one to the other, and is not a mirror of the person in

So it is with dreams. My social standing, belief structure, age
and the impressions of the "object" will skew my dreams directly
to me. They are personal and sometimes historical and often
spiritual in nature. But the impressions are most certainly mine
and are a product of my experience.

While I appreciate DrD and the skillful, if not zealous, attempts
at controlling his immediate environment and inflating personal
opinion of himself, I am of the opinion that the type of
speculation that is being presented to the ed-core group is
counter productive. I am also not of the opinion that the list
should be used to grandstand or to intimidate the nervous or
concerned dreamer. Opportunity exists for both to happen and in
fact evidence shows that it is already happening.

I have been with this list almost from its beginning three - four
years ago and enjoy it. It would be a shame to see it unravel due
to the guide lines not being enforced and it does seem that some
boundaries are being stepped over.

If I have misinterpreted the goings on of the list I am truly

Brien H

=President's Day 1998=

From: "Rob MacGregor"
To: "Bob Krumhansl"
Subject: Presidents' Day
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 09:59:32 -0500

On Presidents' Day, Trish and I were asked to address a group of
library patrons in our hometown. To my surprise, 180 people
showed up, mostly senior citizens from the area condos. We were
invited to talk because we write books, mostly novels for a
living. I'm not sure what they expected on Presidents' Day, but
I don't think it was a talk on dreams and dreaming.

When I saw the crowd, I began editing my talk.Most were women in
their 60s and 70s with a few husbands dragged along for the
luncheon. I was the only male under fifty and the only guy
without a tie. Before we reached the podium, I mentally
eliminated the part of my talk that dealt with sex and dreams. We
had been doing a lot of late night radio talk shows since our
book--The Everything Dreams Book--was published last October and
had gotten used to questions about sexy dreams.

We had also gotten comfortable with the radio talk-show format--a
friendly chat with the interviewer via telephone while we sat at
our desks with our notes spread out before us. No need for eye
contact, no need for any physical presentation of ourselves. But
Presidents' Day was a different matter. While we've found that
people who call into radio talk shows are generally frank and
personal, we sensed that this crowd would not respond in the same
way. But then again, everybody dreams.

I began with my usual spiel that Trish and I are not psycho-
therapists or clinical psychologists, that we are not laboratory
researchers, but writers with a long-time interest in dreams. I
explained that we have recorded and interpreted our dreams
regularly since we met in the early 1980s, and that we've talked
with our friends about dreams in informal gatherings that began
with the publication of an earlier book on color divination. I
told the audience that our book was intended to be accessible to
a general audience, that we didn't bog the reader with academic
material on dreaming. In fact, if another particular publisher
had bought our manuscript, it might have been called Dreaming for
Dummies. They liked that line.

As I talked, I sensed that this group wanted to be entertained.
They wanted to laugh. They wanted to be awed by stories. They
would not care to hear about repressed sexual urges, reservoirs
of animalistic drives, or archetypes and the individuation

So I told them Fox Muldar's definition of dreams, that 'dreams
are the mind's way of answering questions you haven't asked.'
Keeping with the X-Files scenario, I told them that where there's
a Muldar there's also a Scully nearby who says that dreams are
simply the brain's way of processing the day's information. But
why couldn't both explanation be true? I asked. Why couldn't
dreaming serve a neurological purpose and as a storehouse of
neglected information about ourselves? They seemed interested.

I moved on to some history of dream interpretation, mentioning
that the firs recorded evidence of dream interpretation was
found in the 6,000-year-old Sumerian epic chronicles, Gilgamesh,
when the hero's mother interprets a dream he has before a battle
with his enemy Enkidu. I moved ahead a few millennia to the
first dream interpretation book, which was written on papyrus
3,500 years ago by the ancient Egyptians. They liked the example
I used from the book, that when you dream of losing your teeth,
it meant that your relatives were planning on murdering you. Then
I compared that interpretation to a modern one--that losing teeth
in a dream might relate to a concern about loss of power in some
aspect of your life. I added that if you dreamed of losing your
teeth in a workplace setting, it could mean that you were in
danger of being fired. So the ancient Egyptian interpretation
wasn't really so different from a modern one.

I also talked some about the ancient Greeks' dream temples, where
people went to be healed, about the Greek soothsayer
Artemidorous whose skillful analysis of dreams was admired
centuries later by Freud. I noted that while the ancient Greeks
believed that dreams could heal physical ailments, Freud believed
that they could cure emotional disorders.

As a final historical note, I pointed out that while we think of
the Renaissance as a flowering of knowledge, it was also a time
when dreaming was ignored and dismissed as mostly meaningless by
the rationalists, and it wasn't until the late 19th century that
dreams were taken seriously again.

I finished with the mention of a couple of prophetic dreams--
Lincoln's dream of his death, and Bishop Joseph Lanyi's dream
that his former student, the Archduke Francis Ferdinand of
Austria-Hungary, would be assassinated. The bishop, we are told,
tried to warn Ferdinand, but failed and the archduke's death led
to World War I.

Trish followed up with a talk on how to interpret your dreams and
added a few of the classic stories of inventors and scientists
who had made breakthroughs as a result of dreams. Trish had
warned me that she was also going to talk about her pet subject--
dreams and reincarnation. I figured she would drop the subject,
but she boldly plunged right ahead. I don't think there were many
in the crowd who believed in past lives, and later Trish admitted
that the subject didn't seem to resonate.

A few people asked questions, like the lady who wondered if you
could program a dream to come up with the winning lottery
numbers. Trish assured her that it was possible. Her comment was
met with laughter as if she'd just been joking with them. Two
days later, the top story in the local paper was about eight
people--all employees of a grocery store in town--who had hit the
lottery and a share of $16 million. So I'm wondering if the old
folks in the condos are busy programming their dreams and waiting
for the next lottery.

Rob MacGregor


(Up all night? Can't go to sleep? Read one of the old issues and
send us your commentary - what if it were your dream? What does
it tell you? The issue might even help you go back to sleep!!)

==Commentary by Brien H. on Third Eye Dream - then I said "what"
by BrienH (980202)==

To me, I am principally addressing myself to the dreamer of
the "Third Eye", this dream does not indicate any conflict
between different parts of yourself, but is rather a simple
message clearly indicating that you received an immense present
in the form of a special supra-normal organ.

The inherent danger in dream interpretation is when the one
involved in "interpreting" the dream assumes they are more
qualified to tell the dreamer what is going on and to dismiss the
dreamers personal ideas, whether based on Joseph Campbell ideas,
Carl Jung,s or divine insight.

Just for an example, "if this were my dream" I would say that the
two women represent conflicting issues and that I might "need"
the gift of third sight to resolve it. There is also the always
present temptation to press individual morality into another's
dream sequence.

If dream clips can be thought out or felt out by the dreamer then
it requires complete attention to the dreamer and has nothing to
do with my ability to "see" into the dreamer.

Often people will allow themselves the opportunity to discover
insight into an others dream sequence, when what they are really
doing are revealing their own special needs and concerns. It is
not my opinion that dreams are always spiritual in nature are
that they have significant meaning, each and every one.

There can well be a little of each in a dream, but often this is
not the case.

More often, my experience, you will find a continuing "theme"
over months and years that is presented in dreams. The trick is
to not isolate one dream without first having historical data as
a reference. The person in question has to develop a good
understanding of their own self. And having kept a record of
dreams, feelings, actions, reactions gut feelings and anything at
all that matters *to the dreamer* then the dreamer as well as the
one involved in "interpreting" can have a map, so to speak, to
work with.

Dreams are continuing and often overlapping themes that don't see
the light of day just because I have heard them, but the dreamer
hears and says "A-ha!"

At the point we decide "Yea I know what your dream means" we
lose all insight, not only to others, but to ourself as well.

== Commentary by DrD on Third Eye Dream (980213) ==

Dear Mr.H,

sorry for my delay to reply... I really appreciate
your profound comments in regards to my interpretation of the
"Third Eye" dream... and respect your theory... but I don't
really see it all that way.

You see, by stating that it should be basically left
to the dreamer himself to interpret the meaning of his own
dream... suggests that the dream comes from the person himself
who had the dream! If it was the correct perspective, then I
would certainly feel more comfortable with your down-to-earth
"Early Jungian" approach to the understanding of dreams.

However, in my point of view, which is very
heretic... I get to perceive the nature of dreams in a very
different way...which tends to prove that some "gifted"
individuals may be able to interpret basically all dreams... and
I prepared, a few weeks ago, a little article in this
regard...which is due to appear in the next issue of ED.

Actually, for me, Sir, the most important thing about not the interpretation of them...but, by far more
important, to realise where we are when we dream?!

Unfortunately, for unknown reasons to me, this new
issue is "tarding", if I may use this term, to show up, which
kind of affect my planned coordination which I am trying to
orchestrate in harmony along with my interpretations.

Therefore, I am presenting to you and the people on
the Core... this article which exposes the basics of my theory...
and would again appreciate your comments on it.

In the meantime, I will try to find the time to
briefly interpret the dreams which came along with your comments.

Thanking you for your attention.

==C ommentary on Dreams by DrD " DIVINE MESSAGES "==

Specific Title: " DIVINE ORIGIN "
Author: DrD

It was believed, in the past, that dreams were of divine
origin. This profound belief persists, still today, in many
places around the world, but, generally, in the Western world,
dreams have long lost their divine character.

In a remote past, the Assyro-Babylonians, the Egyptians,
the Celts, the Greco-Romans and many other civilisations beleived
that dreams were "Divine Messages". The Greeks, well known for
their rational logic, often considered them to be messages from

Elsewhere, in India, the holy scriptures also describe
dreams to be "Divine Messages." In the same area, Chinese
wisemen, similarly to the Ancient Egyptians, beleived that dreams
occured when the soul, the "hun", was momentarily separated from
the body and could then enter in direct communication with
spirits, ghosts of the deads and gods.

Furthermore, up to the present day, all the so-called
primitive civilizations, whether Amerindians, African tribal
nations or Aborigens of Australia and the Pacific, all agree
about the importance of dreams, which they beleive to be
adventures of the soul, when this one leaves the body during
sleep and often attribute them to be messages from their

Closer to us, in Islam, where dreams are considered with
highest respect, the Prohet Mohammed makes of them "a
conversation between Man and God"... an ideology which he clearly
defines in his most famous words....

" He, who does not believe in the true dream, does not
believe in Allah nor in the Day of Reckoning."

....and carries on saying that, furthermore, dreams are
glimpses of the Other World to which we aspire after death!

" Now Allah has created the dream not only as a means of
guidance and instruction, I refer to the true dream, but he has
made it as a Window on the World of the Unseen. "

And finally, over here in the West, where Christianity
and Judaism are predominant, it was also believed that dreams
were also "Divine Messages", as clearly indicated in many places
in the Old Testament of the Bible....

" And He said, " Hear now my words: If there be a prophet
among you, I , the Lord, will make Myself known to him in a
vision, and will speak unto him in a dream."
Words of the Lord of the Universe, Himself... revealed to
Moses, Aaron and Miriam.... and preserved in Numbers 12.6

" In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep
falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then he openeth
the ears of men, and sealeth their instructions."
words of Elihu, in Job 33.15.....Holy Land, sometimes B.C.

" For the Days of the Lord are coming..... . And it shall
come to pass afterward, saith God, that I will pour out my Spirit
on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see
visions. Even on my servants and handmaidens I will pour out, in
those days, my Spirit; and they shall prophesy."
Words of the Lord himself revealed to the prophet Joel
preserved in Joel 2.28-30 in the Old Testament and, due to their
crucial importance, repeated in the New Testament in Acts

Very unfortunately, there came at the turn of the
5th century a guy, by the name of Saint Jerome, who brutally
reversed this trend. Troubled by the fact that some dreams " said
to be difficult" which appeared to go against christian ethics,
Jerome decided that dreams were messages of the Devil and
consequently, condemned them.

(In 383 Pope Damasus asked Jerome to translate the Greek
bible into Latin, the so called Vulgate Bible. A terrrible (for
dreams) mis-translation occured. Jerome translated the Greek "You
shall not practice augury or witchcraft." into "You shall not
practice augury nor observe dreams." Dreams interpretation became
classed with soothsaying and witchcraft. Since Jerome himself was
led back to the Church from paganism (or study of the "classics"
like Cicero) by a dream vision, this act is more difficult to
understand. Whatever the reason, the Latin Vulgate translation
would eventually lead to the people (usually women) being accused
of witchcraft for dream sharing, and clearly set the practice of
dream sharing on the side of pagan practices, even though dreams
and visions through dreams were a deep part of the
Hebraic-Christian tradition. ( Courtesy from RC Wilkerson and
referenced from Morton Kelsey's work.))

Most unfortunately, since, the Church followed in declaring
that dreams had to be ignored..... but, if you look carefully,
this was exactly in contradiction with the thruthful words of God
himself which were clearly written in the Bible... a most awfull
decision which plunged all Christians in total darkness for nealy
1700 years... by preventing God to freely communicate with the
children of his own Creation!

"Divine Messages" is a new monthly column, whose main
purpose is to restore the original status of Dreams....and I am
your host " Dr. D." ... and those who wish to get in contact with
me directly, to pass their pertinent comments or even insults, or
preferably to share their dreams, if they relate to this
controversial issue, are most welcomed to do it by ... Don't be shy!


OK! in this first monthly presentation, we will
rapidly try to answer two main questions in regards to
dreams...actually two mysteries....

===="Why do we dream and where do dreams come from?"====

During the last century, many individuals have tried to
answer these questions... and a person who came very close to
discover the key to this enigma is Carl Jung, who without any
method, still analysed some 2,000 dreams per year and made a
discovery about what he calls the "Collective Unconsciousness"
.....which has, at times, in the past, been also called, by the
Ancient Egyptians, the "Mind of the Universe"... or God's Head by
Regardless, it is in a book entitled in
french..."L'Homme et la decouverte de son anime"... which should
be entitled in english somethinglike "Man in quest of the
soul"... that Carl developed the idea that "Big Dreams" came from
the most profound depths of the Collective Unconsciousness. There
is a paragraph in this book, of which I have the french
version... which I will try to translate....for now, until
someone provides us with the original english translation.

" If we could personnify the unconscious, we could
make of it a collective human being, who would have the
characteristics of both sexes and who transcendating time, life
and death and having an experience of two million years, would be
considered almost immortal. If this being would exist, he would
be intemporal.... his dreams would be secular and his unestimable
experience would make of him a wonderful...DREAM INTERPRETER. He
would have lived a 1,000 times the experience of all individuals
and would possess a living sense of the rythm of growth,
blossoming and decrepitude. Unfortunately, or rather fortunately,
this Being DREAMS...."

You see, this is extremely interesting, because what
Mr.Jung is saying tries to indicate that a certain Being seems to
envellop the whole Collective Unconsciousness! Most impressive
isn't it? But again why would that be?

The answer, is quite childish and so simple once we think
of it.... but in order to understand we must go back very very
far in the past. Let me briefly explain...

Prior to the material Creation of the Universe.... only
one single entity prevailed in the whole Universe.... namely the
Primordial Soul of the Creator. That's all!

In this regard, many scriptures exist, and for instance
in the "Taittiriya Brahmana", on may read....

" In the beginning this World was nothing at all.
Heaven was not, nor Earth, nor Space. Because it was not, it
bethought itself : "I will be."

Also, in the "Brihadaranyaka Upanishad,1.4.1-3, one may
also read...

" In the beginning, this World was Atman (
Primordial Soul) alone in the form of a Being. Looking around, he
saw nothing else but himself. He said first: "I am."....

Also, in Tao Teh Ching, XXV, Lao-Tzu says of it...

" There was something formless yet complete,
That existed before heaven and earth;
Without sound, without substance,
Dependent on nothing, unchanging,
All pervading, unfailing,
One may think of it as
the Mother of all things under heaven."

As stated in the the Egyptian Book of the Dead where God
is the "breath of Life"...

" He did not bring me forth from his mouth, nor conceive
me in his hand, but he breathed me forth from his nostrils."

The important point here to make, is not to find out what
God, or the Creator, if you prefer the term looked liked at that
time, although we will get to that during the next months... but
rather to put emphasis on the fact that "He" thinks and
dreams.... and to realise that ....because He made us to his
image ...this is the reason why we, his children, therefrom,
also think and dream just like Him! Because to think and to dream
are two different forms of expression of our immortal souls,
respectively in both the conscious and unconscious modes!

Let me explain better. The Primordial Soul or Primordial
and First Anima, the Life Principle of the Universe, created
everything including everything that exists and lives in the vast
Universe, in both the material and spiritual domains, of the
whole of Creation. Therefore, every animated living being, which
exists in the flesh or in the spiritual nature, is originally
issued, when we go back countless generations to the same and
unique Primordial Soul.

Interestingly enough, once this Being, managed to exist in
the flesh, it found ways to multiply itself. For example, from
the union of a man and a woman, can occur the miracle of life,
which can be transmitted by flesh into a greater number of
individuals, called children, which in turn with the parents
create a family, the smallest group in society... which through
time expanded into much larger groups called nations and
civilizations which united together form humanity as a whole.

So, this is the reason why, generally speaking, we can
surely affirm that we are obviously all issued from the same
original soul....and this is also why we all think and dream the
same, besides giving a logical foundation to "unifying principle"
of the phenomena of inter-activity existing between all souls in
the dream realm.... and, finally and most importantly, this is
also the simple reason why souls are immortal because they are
directly linked in this unique perspective to the Eternal
Primordial Soul from which they cannot dissociate!

However, it must be understood that even if new individual
souls may be created everyday... that some others, obviously the
ones which dream of very ancient archetypes, may be much older
than other newer ones! Acknowledging the fact that an individual
soul which may have been in existence for Ages, will be stronger
than a new-born one, it may decide to occupy this new
incarnation, another mystery which is linked to the mystery of
Reincarnation.... "

I held that when a person dies
His soul returns again to earth;
Arrayed in some new flesh-disguise,
Another mother gives him birth.
With sturdier limbs and brighter brain
The old soul takes the road again."
( John Masefied, A Creed )

.... this may sound bizarre at first...but an
hierarchy exist among souls, a certain seniority, from which
young souls benefit from the presence and experience of older
"guiding" ones, who have undergone, many times, the cyclical
processus of Life and Death!

Also, in this respect, a disciple of C. Jung, by the
name of Erich Neumann, who carried the research of Jung quite a
bit further in this field, made some interesting discoveries in
regards to the individuals, who are animated by "very old souls"
and which he refers to as "Great Individuals"... which we shall,
among ourselves, call "G.I.Joes".

In his terms, the Great Individuals....
(which he attempts to describe, with more or less success, in a
chapter entitled " The Group and the Great Individual" of the
appendices of his book called " The Origins and History of
Consciousness", in pages 421 to 435....from which the following
might be some of the best extracts....(we have to remember that
this book is a translation from a 1949 german text.))
.... are very special human beings....

" The phenomenon of the guardian spirit is particularly
interesting because in it we can observe, in collective form, the
act which was normally the experience of the Great Individual

" Not only is the spirit alive and active in the group
psyche, that is, in the group's unconscious, but these spiritual
phenomena of the collective unconscious manifest themselves in
revelations which are perceived by particularly gifted
individuals who, precisely because they become revelatory bearers
of the transpersonal, prove to be Great= Individuals.
The collective unconscious of the group manifests itself by
taking possession of the individual (who is in the process of
becoming a G.I.), whose function is, as an organ of the group, to
convey to this group the content of the unconscious." (423)

" We have, therefore, a whole hierarchy of phenomena
revealing the deep layers of the psyche, and a corresponding
hierarchy of revelation bearers who appear as Great
Individuals." (424)

Very interesting, Mr.Neumann, your theory of

"The G.I., ...., is characterised not only by the
fact that the unconscious content has him in its grip, but by the
fact that his conscious mind also has an active grip on the
content (of the universal collective unconsciousness)." (426)
... in simpler terms, he is saying that the
G.I.Joe is a form of victim of the Dream Realm which has him in
its grip...but, even more surprisingly, his "Will Power" also has
a grip on this Collective Unconsciousness. In other words, he may
appear in dreams of many individuals, if not all, if he wishes
it. Incredible isn't it?

" For the group member, the GI is primarily the
carrier of projections. The unconscious psychic wholeness of the
collective is experienced in the person of the GI, who is at once
the group self and the unconscious self of each member." (428)

So, this is the main reason why, he is supposed to be a
good dream interpreter...

And for those really interested about dreams it may be
good one more time to stress the fact that God or the Mind of the
Universe also dreams and it has been known by many old
civilisations that when this being comes in the flesh, it does
among many other things... interpret dreams!! For instance, take
the words of Joseph, as stated in Genesis 40,8, in reply to the
cupbearer and baker of the Pharaoh....who could not find anyone
to interpret their dreams.

" Do not dreams' interpretations belong to God?
Tell me you dreams."

.... and can teach or approve the divine art of
dream interpretation, because many others who have this talent
can also do it !

" The GI who breaks away from the anonymity of the
primordial collective is, on the heavenly plane the god-figure,
while on the earthly plane he is the medicine man, chief and

" The King now turns into a worldly ruler....and
this is accompanied by a process in which every individual
acquires an immortal soul, that is, becomes (just like him)
Osiris..." (429)

.... a very profound theory, which indicate that indeed
the presence of these G.I.Joes may have a very powerful and
benevolent effect on the younger souls of other individuals and
as such of humanity in totality!

Actually, to simplify Mr.Neumann's profound words, the
"Top GI" which is our Old Primordial Soul.... which is extremely
active in the dream realm.... and many people happen to dream of
Him who is the King of this realm. Just like the Druids who could
see the future king in their dreams.... any dreamer can also do
that ... and this is where the fun really begins with dreams....
because with our dreams we do not only get to know ourselves
better... but we also get to know God, the Creator... who
surprisingly comes in the flesh, cyclically, and more often than
we may think, in order to preside to the completion of his

" Adam...his soul passed by transmigration into David...his
soul transmigrated into the Messiah." - The Talmud ( Hershon's
"Treasures of the Talmud", p.242 )

" And He said, " Hear now my words: If there be a prophet
among you, I , the Lord, will make Myself known to him in a
vision, and will speak unto him in a dream." Numbers 12.6
" For the Days of the Lord are coming..... . And it shall
come to pass afterward, saith God, that I will pour out my Spirit
on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see
visions. Even on my servants and handmaidens I will pour
out, in those days, my Spirit; and they shall prophesy."
Jo=EBl 2.28-30 and Acts 2.16-18.

So, in conclusion, not that you know why you dream and
where your dreams come from... when God decides to come in the
flesh... he warns people " in dreams" about his coming in the
flesh.... and for those who would like to know his numerous human
incarnations have usually been known as Avataras, Christos,
Messiahs, Celestial Messengers or simply Covenants or Prophets of
God! That's all!!!

So, finally, this is the reason why lately, so many
people make different dreams about the actual Advent!

For example, the "Revelation" Dream of Angst Ridn,
exposed in last Nov.'s issue of "Electric Dreams".....

==Commentary by DrD on Worped! (980211)==

First of all, we will take a look at the 2 "School"
dreams... which I am putting in their chronological order of

Dream Title Worped! Dr_blitz
Date of Dream 11-23-97
Time unknown


I had just waken up (In my dream). I did my normal
thing of getting ready for school. I took a shower, got dressed,
brushed my teeth. I grabed my bag and headed to the door, when I
noticed that noone was around. Normally my mother or my father
would be awake to take me to school. I thought nothing of it and
walked out the door. When I walked out the door the only light I
could see was shining quite bright from a full moon. This of
course was strange because it was about seven thirty in the
morning. The sun was normally up by now. My house used to be
surrounded by orange trees. For at least a mile I could see
nothing but old-facioned crosses.(The kind they would use to
crusify people back in the dark ages.) On the crosses I saw
people I knew. I was parents on some, friends on others. As soon
as I aproached the school I saw normal light, trees, and people.
I then woke up.

Comments by Dreamer I hope this dream does not offened
anyone. But as commonsence would tell you, It was just a dream.
What could this dream mean?

Comments I would be glad to have this posted where ever.


To begin,

I would like to say ...

Dear fellowmate Dr. Blitz,

that is a very good dream which essence can
be extracted in the following words ...."Guess who will be
teaching what at the School of the Rising Sun at the end of the
Crosses' Road.?"

An excellent dream...beyond all
imagination there. Thank you! I am almost jealous...

This dream indicates that no matter what you will happen
around you, you keep on going .... just to see the end of the
day...which begins by the "Rising of the Sun"...the source of all
earthly life!

Your mission is to go to School, no matter what...your
destiny is to get up and go for matter what. Your
whole little world could suddenly collapse around you.... just as
depicted by all your loved ones hanging on Crosses on the dark
road leading to the school of the Rising Sun...where you are
enrolled...and would still be going to... no matter what!

There is to some extent a little analogy which exists
between this dream and the Christian Church tradition of the
"Holy Crosses Road"... in which the devotee goes through some 15
stations...which visualisy take him from the washing of the hands
of Pilatus, through the Calvary and Crucifixion... to the
Resurrection of the Dead (Jesus). Very powerful!

I believe that I don't need to remind you that a little
while back, this Jesus who was the manifestation of the
Primordial Soul... or the Creator in the Flesh...if you far, the best of all friends, in any cases, ended up
the same way as your dear friends and relatives in your
dream...simply because people were too stupid to recognise him.
Thinking of it... it is a really sad story which has left a good
part of the world in total darkness for quite a while.

Talking about that... do you remember one of the last
questions which he answered to his "coward" disciples?

"Tell us when will this happen and what will be the signs of
your Coming and of the End of the Age?" Matthew 24,3...

But the old version, in which there was a translation error
was very scary as instead of the End of the Age... it was End of
the World... a good thing that they finally discovered that one!
Oh! those stupid translators!

In any cases, Jesus replied many things..." The Sun will be
darkened...and bla-bla-bla ..." but the best signs of his coming
at every occasion when the Lord decides to come in the
flesh...which we call the "Days of the Lord"... always unfolds
the same way...and these signs are always revealed in DREAMS...

" For the Days of the Lord are coming..... . And it shall
come to pass afterward, saith God, that I will pour out my Spirit
on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see
visions. Even on my servants and handmaidens I will pour
out, in those days, my Spirit; and they shall prophesy."

Words of the Lord himself revealed to the prophet Jo=EBl
preserved in Jo=EBl 2.28-30 in the Old Testament and, due to
their crucial importance, repeated in the New Testament in Acts

This is just to say, that it was like that in the time of
Jesus, and before when he was Adam and Abraham and Noah and
etcetera... and now too, as his coming never changes... He always
come the same way...a way which is perceived and confirmed the
language of the souls of both believers and disbelievers alike!

He comes as depicted by the "Revelation Dream" ... in the
Chariot of the Sun...the Horse of Fire...if you prefer.

So, this is why it is stated in so many places that he will
come as a "Thief"!

"But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and
you will not know at what time I will come to you." Rev.3,3
"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says..." Rev.

" Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays
awake..." Rev.16,15

" Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to
write to you, for the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in
the night." 1 Thessalonians 5, 1-2 ... and further along ..."He
died for us, so that (we may realise) whether we are awake or
asleep, we may live together with him."

So, dear Dr.Blitz... do you understand what I am talking
about...this Great Being which we call the Messiah or the Master of Dreams...and he may come as a thief
as in your which he took all your dearest ones and put
them on of his favourite and most powerful
symbol... so that you may understand that he is back! That's all!

Ain't He Great?

But, in any regards, the Sun begins to radiate of his
"Orange Light", which radiated in the Trees, the Trees of Life...
and now let's get into the school just to a glimpse of what "He"
the New World Teacher will teach us... as it is so well expressed
in the 2nd school dream....


== Commentary by DrD on Twos and Threes by Sequence (980211)==

Title Twos and Threes by Sequence
Date of Dream 1/22/98

This is actually a series of three dreams from
the same night. In the first I am in a school and I go into the
restroom. In the restroom there are 3 stalls only the middle one
has a door. In the two open ones, there are identical twin girls
proably about 7 years old. The restroom is dirty and there is a
soiled blanket or sheet in one of the stalls. I ask if that is
theirs, they say no and playfully change stalls. I never see the
person in the third stall.

In the next segment I am again in a school in a darkened
classroom. The class seems to be watching a movie. The teacher
has given me keys to unlock a small compartment in the wall and I
am doing that. To open it, I must set down what I am holding in
my hand which is a bottle of asprin. I open the door and inside
are two more bottles of asprin. I was going to take a couple of
those, but there is cotton in the opening of the bottles and I
get frustrated and put them back in the cabinet, lock it and
leave the room, taking my original bottle of asprin with me.

In the third part I am sitting on a pier (?) with someone - I
don't know who, there is a third person in the background and
I'm not sure who that person was either. The person who is
sitting with me on the pier has a big box of cans and I know
that they are cans of tuna fish. We are to open some to feed
some people and I know that we are to open 3 cans and put them in
the bowl. I tell this person that we have to do it this way:
"one, two, three squeeze" to get the water out and then put the
tuna in the bowl. We open two of the cans, put the contents in
the bowl, but the third hasn't been added yet when I wake up.

Comments by Dreamer I was amazed that there were three dream
segments and in each one there were 3 items and 2 were able to be
together but the third was always alone. So many twos and

Comments I don't have a pen name yet, please feel free to
assign me one.


Dear Student!,

this is also an excellent dream! How much did
you have to pay to get this one? Can I have another one like this
one too?

OK! I don't want to appear ridiculous but your dream
calls for fun, pleasure and security...and kind of follows the
lines of the previous one!

The message of your dream is... "Attending School...I
saw...!" Your dream is obviously reminescent of the Mysterious
Duality and Trinity of our souls. It would be too long for now to
get into this right now, but we will come to this a little later
down the line.

In the first segment, in the shitty rest room.... who do
you think is the person in the only stall which has a door. To me
this person represents authority in the school... a little bit
like the heads of the government who always do their crap behind
closed doors... but they see everything we do even the number of
times we go for a "Poo-poo"! But, here since we are in a dream,
the person here, which represents authority, is the "Main
Teacher" of the school or "Director" if you prefer, who has been
found to full of it...and is undergoing the "Purgatory
Treatment"... but I am afraid that He/She did not have time to
reach the bowl in time... and will not dare to appear in front of
the sudents in the unusual "Adam and Eve" costume. So, this
person will stay there until the end of the ashamed this
person is from this poor performance... in regards to dream

Now, the little girls, the identical "Twins"... well they
seem to be some of the children of Zeus, you know the
Geminis.... there were 4 of them!

The story is that Zeus, in the form of a Swan paid a
little friendly visit to Leda who later on gave birth to 2
Eggs... from the first one came out Pollux and Helen and from the
other Castor and Clystemnestre. every body knows about "Castor
and Pollux" , their exploits as Warriors...and the story of the
two flames which descended from Heaven and rested on their
heads... the origin of the St-Elms Fire which still indicates to
the sailors the end of the storms... and they call for
hospitality towards stangers and new comers.

The role of the feminine Geminis, is obviously more
delicate, but again call for hospitality and greet the new
comers...and their innoffensive and playfull behaviour indicates
that we will get into something fresh, pleasant and joyfull...
with the New Head Teacher, which happens to be their father, in
the School of the Rising Sun! It appears that they will be
responsible to keep the place clean... and will make sure that
the "Director" will stay in the can... because nobody wants
stinkers in classrooms because only the smell can melt the
concentration away. Don't underestimate these two beautiful
little girls...they are very tricky!

In the second segment, the New Teacher is giving a
teaching, by showing a Movie...most likely "The Wave"....of the
"Ocean of Notions in Motion" a Motion Picture...which will
show the amazing story of the more than a 100+ different lives of
God in the flesh on the Earth during the last 10,000 years or so,
the same person in so many different bodies, at different times
and places.... always coming the same way...a truly fabulous
story...quite childish actually and yet... so smashing and
mind-blowing that it will give a few headaches to a few at suggested by the presence of Aspirins. By the way,
don't get upset by the fact that you left the classroom because
the teaching will be the same tomorrow and through the whole
course....which will be very similar to the Sermon on the

And finally, at the end of the day, we (our souls) will
be well fed (spiritually), as it was similarly done a couple
thousands years ago, and there will be plenty of food!

== Commentary by DrD on Pregnancy (980211)==

Dream Title Pregnancy KM
Date of Dream 1/23/98 1/15/98 12/1/97 12/3/97
Time All at night

My Girlfriend and I have had dreams of having a child. It gave us
feelings of a strong warmth and love. Our friends have had
similer dreams also, but the outcome was diffrient. In both of
their dreams I was killed by my father in some way. What is this
saying abour our future,past or present?

We are not twenty yet so it is a little scary to think of this
topic now. Would appreciate your thought or imput to this odd and
some what scarry dream.

Dear Young Persons,

Actually, lately, many people have dreams about both
schools and babies....and because all our dreams come from the
same and unique "Divine Origin"...who is trying to pass the same
message to everyone...because something very important is coming, without going any further let me have the pleasure to
interpret these dreams!

this dream calls for the present... and lately many
people dream about babies...all kinds, it is a real
some of them people take good care of the baby...and in others
people try to kill the baby...and others watch this baby in

This dream actually announces the spiritual birth of
a God on Earth... and it would be to explain, but tell yourself
that Jesus was over 30 years old when the Magis visited him! So,
your dream is very similar to the dream of Mother Mary and Father
Joseph who were the first ones to recognise Jesus as the
Sun-Child or Sun-God if you prefer. I can explain the whole story
if you want to .... but a little later if you don't mind. But,
still for your own fun, Mother Mary, the Virgin Mary was not
Jesus's physical Mother...but simply an Israelite Nun, who was
looking for the reincarnation of David... while Father Joseph was
I believe an Egyptian Brother of some sort... and they were both
Dreamers... just like the Magis of Persia...who visited the 3 of

In real life Jesus was rejected by his physical
mother, brothers and his whole family... because they thought
that he was a crazy fool!

"While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his
mother and brothers stood outside wanting to speak to him." ...
but he didn't want to even speak to them... as related in Matthew
12,45... actually he came from a large family which included even
sisters...and even if his physical Mother was also named
Mary...she was not the same as the other who recognised him!
...and you may wish to read about this in Matthew 13,53 to 58
....where it is clearly stated that his family did not have any
faith in him... and he told these profound words...

" Only in his home town and in his own house is a prophet
without honour." 13,57... when the people were taking offence at

Now, in regards to the part of your dream which really
bothers you... in which you get killed by your own father... this
is very normal and another sign of his Coming!

If you look into Matthew again from 10,32 down you will
know what it means...

"I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have
come to turn a man against his father, a daughter againsy her
mother a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law,a man's
enemies will be the members of his own household.

Anyone who loves his father or mother more than Me (The
Creator), is not worthy of me...etc."

If you take the time to read this good, you will notice
that Jesus is making allusion to the gift of life eternal...
which comes to those who recognise him when he comes in the
flesh! That's all!

Therefore, your dream definitely relates to the
Coming and the essence of it is...

"This is the Immaculate Conception of God in the Souls of

For your kind observation, here are a few other dreams of similar

The first one is from a friend of mine...which he dreamt quite


I'm now going to tell you about two dreams I've had these last
days, the first one was last night, and the last one was tonight.

The first one was not so strange, but the main person in the
dream figures also in the second one, so it has some relevance.
Here it is in short.

** Dream: The Woman and The Dog by DrD **

My dream features a woman, of oriental/japanese looks. She had
just come over from Japan or some country and we were going to
get married, I was arranging for our marriage as I remembered
that I had forgotten to walk the dog. Then as I was going outside
to walk the dog, she emerged with the dog so the dog and she was
one person; the two beings that I love most, was one. As we
walked over the bridge in the little "rathole" where I live
she/dog fell into the river and drowned; everything I loved fell
into the river and was lost! :(

** Dream: The Woman, The Dog and The Horse by DrD**

The second one is more pleasant and features the same woman and
the same dog (my little Papillon frequents my dreams, you know!).

In this second dream the woman had turned into a real Hollywood
hero, and I watched the first part of it as a viewer. A murderer
was loose in my hometown and he was going to burn down the art
school to which I go. As fire set loose, she ran into the
building and fought desperately to get all animals out of the
house, yes animals (you probably think us finns are really
strange now -- animals inside the houses?? -- but that was just
in my dream), but which animals?? Note!!!! My dog and a HORSE.
She was successful in her mission and finally got the two animals
out of the burning building, then suddenly I was not a viewer of
the dream any more, I was turned into the woman herself and sat
there on the ground showing my affection for the two rescued
animals. The Police and fire department came around and suddenly
we all were safe. But the murderour was still on the loose.

Now I was "transformed" a third time, I wasn't the woman any
more, I was myself now and I took care of the two animals while
she showed me her own apartment, we left the horse outside, so he
could eat from something that looked like a japanese tree, and he
liked it. Me, my dog and the woman went into her apartment still
afraid that the murderour was after us...there on her bed, lay a
small child, probably just newborn...My dog liked the small child
from the very instant and lay down to sleep beside it and I put
the dog to guard the child, my most treasured and beloved dog,
saying "now the child will be safe".

I then asked the woman what the name of the child was...she
replied -- and she obviously thought it was very important I know
this word from beyond sleep -- she said the name over and over
again, so I surely would remember, " Cendkakelse, is his name, we
named him like that just for the hell of it!" (note -- as =E4
does not exist in English, it should be pronounced like -e- or
rather -ae- pronounce like endkaakelsee with the two aa=B4s
representing a "long A"). All I love had been born anew :)

(As you may have noticed there is a Horse and a Baby in this


PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or
send them in before it happens, if you can]

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

** Dream : Three Repetitive Dreams by Thea (980203) **

I would very much like some answers to my dreams. - Thea

l. the first i have had for about 25 years, it is about huge
waves, that get bigger and bigger and I am either on a steep
beach, with someone usually someone i am trying to protect. Or
in a building which eventually has the waves crashing through the
windows. The dream always starts of really nice like i have just
acquired a lovely new beach house, and then things go wrong.

2. I dreamt about my mother 3 months after she died, she died
very suddenly 3 years ago aged 60. My Grandmother came to stay
with me . I had had no prior dream of her . On this night it
was almost like a photograph of her just her head and shoulders,
and she said that everything was ready for my Grandmother. My
Grandmother died 1 week later. Then I dreamt about a month later
my grandmother and mother were together also as if in a
photograph, my grandmother said that it was very painful to
getto where they were, and that it was hard leaving people
behind, she said that i was to be ready in 6 months time. Boy
it really spooked me. But in 6 months time nothing happened. As
my husband had cancer at that time i thought maybe it would be
him next. I often wonder if this meant 6 years time

3. The other is a dream that i have very often, I return to a
house that i lived in 25 years ago (my first home) and i am with
my children , we dont quite belong there, but are very tired and
sleep in our old house but we dont belong there and the people
come home and i feel awful. Sometimes i am in front of the house
and everything is quite different new houses have been built. It
could be that i wasnt happy there and divorced my husband after
leaving there. And since have remarried and am much happier.

** Dream: reoccuring dreams by ? (980205)**

Dream Title
Date of Dream 2/4-5/98,
Time both occur between 4-7 am

I keep having these reoccuring dreams that I am either being
killed or I am responsible for someone else's death. Last night,
I dreamt that someone was trying to steal my car and in my
attempt to get out of the car, I was shot in my chest. At this
point, I woke up.

The night before that I dreamt that I was at the movies
with an unknown man and during the movie we had an argument. He
had a knife in his hand and in my struggle to get him away from
me, I made him stab himself in the chest. He was dying in my arms
and he died while I was waiting for the ambulance. The paramedics
were able to successfully revive him...What does all of this

==Commentary oby DrD on Thea's and Reoccuring Deaths Dreams'

First of all Thea,

thank you for your wonderful Trio here. They come right
in time for the teachings...and the first two relate to the same
....very interesting the 3 of them together... 2 small
ones and a Big One, because the dreams of the Departed are always
Big Ones... but it stands pretty between the other two.

The meaning of these dreams... is " Between...Ephemeral
Materialism and Everlasting Spiritualism!"

In the first dream, you get to learn that you should not
invest all yourself into ephemeral material properties which are
doomed to destruction or erosion...just as your own flesh
carcass for example which is doomed to decrepitude when the waves
of the Sea of Death comes knocking at the door...or go through
the window...

Dream the Big One here... and from it I see that you come
from a nice looking "Materialistic Tradition". No
problem there!

You see we get rewarded after life according to our deeds...
and both your Mom and Granny were only "Looks"... all their
lives! For them, what counted was their picture or the image
that they made of themselves while they were on, this
is their reward. They are Pretty Pictures!

They were harmless... and believed in God, a little...but
the main thing was their image... they most likely went to church
and never did anything wrong in, they did not get
punished... but the reward was so small that they are simply
waiting to return "Home" as soon as possible...they are sitting
pretty and waiting. They do not know better and they will have to
come backuntil they understand what life...spiritual life is all

"If men who have been warned by heavenly messegers have been
indifferent to them, as regards religions, they suffer long,
being born in a low= condition."

"If virtuous men who have been warned by celestial messengers in
this World, they do not neglect them and investigate and profess
the Holy doctrines. Seeing the danger of attachment, which is
the cause of birth and death, they have in this life
extinguished the miseries of existence by arriving at a
condition free from fear, happy and free from passions and sins."
( Anguttara Nikaya, Eka Duka and Tika
Nipata (Galle, Ceylon,1913 pp.160-5, translation by

And the 6 months...may mean different things... may be that one
of them was her time to rebirth because as says the Buddha....

"The cause of life is death!"
....and thir whole desire is
focussed on coming back... and so they surely will! Was there
any child born in your close environment at that time? You see,
this could be a possibility... or may be it was just a
"joke".... to scare you a little and intended to make you pay
attention to the fact that you do not know when you shall leave
this world for the other. So, it is always better to be ready
than sorry!

There is lots to say about this "BIG" dream...because it
gets us in the dreams of the Departed and by the same occasion
into the dreams of the Afterlife!

Personally, I have met my 3 out of 4 of my own
a few occasions!!!

One of them, my Irish Grandma... was in life, very similar
to your own Mom and Grandma. She was afraid of death and was a
"Couch Potato"...sorry Grandma... and when I saw her she was
exactly as usual in her couch...complaining as she used to do
all the time! And she would attend church... and would always
worry about what the neighbours would think...

However, her husband my Granddad, he was an outgoing guy who
loved life and animals...and who believed in Afterlife... because
he was well travelled man... who had lived along with very
Spiritual Amerindians (1920's)... and was not scared of dying...
and he was foreseeing a good life on the other side.

Well, last fall, I dreamt of them both... and while my
Grandma (sitting in her couch)...complaining... was also
wondering where her husbang was...and asked me to do an
investigation to see where he was. So, I went... and at a
certain moment I entered the lounge of an Inside Mall or
something like that and I was in between the two sets of doors
which you normally find at the entrance. Suddenly, someone, who
came to me from behind, "tapped" on my left, I
turned around and shook hand with my Grand-Father...who said to
me laughing...

"Hey! Gerald, your Investigation did not take too

"Geewiz! Grand-Pa, nice to see you...Hey! you look
really good." is true, he looked great...and we talked a little and
at a certain moment he swiftly grabbed me a the throat with his
index and thumb on my jugulars...and it was choking me!!!

So, I pushed him away saying something like..."
Hey! you old crazy fool, what the hell do you think that you're

And do you know what he replied? ...

because this is really
good, he said...
" I am only checking to see if you are ALIVE! "

Can you imagine something like this? Being asked by a Dead
Person...if I am alive? Wow! What a Punch!

He also added... "Why don't you do like me and go out to
meet the people...look at all them nice women... bla...bla..."

So, I decided on that day, to wake up and go and meet the, I went out to buy a computer on credit...some 15
months ago... and had to learn how to operate it and began
interpreting dreams in public about 10 months ago.

With my other Grandma, she is also having a greater time
on the other side than she had in real life. She was in a dream
along with my own Mother...Claire who is alive as of today...and
who is her own daughter...and in the dream both were preparing
me to go to school as if I was going to school. Anyways, my
Grandma, was wearing a pink jogging suit along with running
shoes...which was kind of funny because during her earthly life
as a farmer's wife was always dressed in conservative types of
practical one piece dresses...but in the dream she was in prime
shape.... and cooking hambergur patties on the BBQ inside the
kitchen at my Mom's actual place. She was cooking them...for my
lunch...a couple dozens of them patties on which she was writing
with "Mayonnaise", with one of the plastic sqeezer, different
answers to questions for my examinations which were going to be
held at school.

However, the problem was that during the cooking the
mayonnaise was melting on the patties and I could not read
anymore the answers she had written... but she told me, with a
big smile in total assurance, as she was piling them in my school
back pack... in which kids normally put books...

"Don't you worry, because these answers will naturally come
out... in due time as you will eat them!"

...and when I woke up, I remembered a passage from
Nostradamus who= said...

"The word of the occult prophecy will be in my stomach

In any case, you can see from these dreams of the
Departed... that we can go and meet them in the other world in
dreams... and that they were rewarded according to their deeds
and beliefs!

And Thea, finally your last dream... is a dream which
indicates to you, that you have a spiritual ghost body...that
lives independently from your material body... although it is
animated by the same soul. This phenomena has been discussed
before... so, I will not repeat myself on this.

However, the soul likes to revisit places which it was
familiar with....places of births of previous lives...or
deaths...or where main events of ones life happened...for you
here the place where your most likely born! I will illustrate

I hope that this will be of some help to you... and hope
that you will have a greater time than your own Mom and Granny
when you get to the other side?!

Thank you...

Dear Thea,
I thought that perhaps you would like to see what
happened to your Mom and Granny during their transition to the
other world... by using other dreams to illustrate....

You see, I have been interpreting dreams for quite
a while...and discovered a few things...some theories... so I ran
some interactivity experiment in order to verify!

So, in order to do that I had to find someone who
would, in a case of partial believing...the case I will show you
is the case of a woman who was asked to verify who believes in
the Buddha...but not in God...and who realise that the Buddha
was a manifestation of the Primordial Soul... therefore of the
Creator himself...when he comes to earth, in the flesh.

So, this woman was asked to become a Verificator.... and
this is what she replied... in the same attitude of your Mom and
Granny. Watch this...

Verificator disclaimer

This entry submitted by Corpus Jean on 5/6/97.

Dear Gerald, the 'monastic games' would certainly be a challenge!
But i think we'd automatically lose for several reasons... one is
that Liz was never strictly a student of "Tibetan" Buddhism as
far as i know. The other problem is that in the universities, the
students are trained and coached and rehearsed by their teachers
for years and years before they ever stand up in the contests.
They have perfected their craft of debate before going to the
real test; practice, practice, practice and a most thorough
knowledge of the materials to be debated.

Besides, i have participated in a similar type of "game" for the
past seven years for my postgraduate studies, and i become deaf,
dumb, blind and ignorant for several minutes every time someone
asks me a question in testing my knowledge! I crumble under the

Now, to all readers, i offer this dream as evidence of my
paranoic subconcious mind working on the topics proposed by
Arcturian in the Stream:

----I'm being led through portions of a modern building, there
are a few others ahead of me. I'm saying "OK guys, this isn't
funny, i'm conscious, i know what's happening, you guys better
knock me out quick!!" You know, talking with my mind. Then we're
led into a spacious work area, and dispassionate workers are
taking each of us and placing somekind of cotton in front of our
faces, the bodies go limp and we are placed onto steel tables
and racks. Then the bodies are removed from our necks. My head,
along with many others, is stacked up in the racks. I'm partly
observing, partly in my head, flicking back and forth, all the
while fussing at these folks and telling them that they've
screwed up! Damnit, i'm awake and i can see *everything*!! Then
one of them leans behind my head and "says" into my left ear,
"You are already dead". HHMMMMMMMMMM. Next thing i know our heads
are being packed for shipping (cardboard boxes, no less!!), and i
see a map of our destination. I'm told it's "Jamaica" (we've been
talking about going back for another visit, my family and i, so
it's contextual to our real life drama). But this map is like a
real-time video image, and it ain't Jamaica, shoot, it isn't even
planet earth!!!!! So i holler out at the packers, "you guys
better give me a nice set of tits and ass when i get there!!"
Then i woke up! HA! I have the feeling this is going to be a
weird day.....

Love to all!


So, I felt sorry for her to be so lazy.... and I wondered why
had God given her legs with whom she could get to universities
and locate them books and with them hands flip the
read the I sent her some encouraging letter....
Dear Silent dreamers,

we had a fresh and most vivid dream
which appeared this morning on this Forum, in the bracket
"Verificator Disclaimer" which our friend Corpus Jean had
her poor "Corpus", corpse...cut into pisces....sorry pieces.
Would anyone be kind enough to help me stich these seperated
parts together?
This dream is a very strong and powerful
in its guidance and instruction and again another indication
that all our dreams are inter-related. Actually, it is super
I have noticed that people here express
a certain form of reluctance in the aspects of religion touching
dreams.....and this dream gives us one of the rare opportunity
to investigate the field of reincarnation from a totally
unattached ancient point of view.

Actually, there is in the records of
history, such similar incidence of such case where a person was
dismembered the very same and identical way. But, let me tell
you Jean, we are not going to see Jamaica, but going to see "The
Myth of Transformation" in Egypt. Wrong destination but plenty of
Sunshine mind you and don't worry about the luggage as everything
is a courtoisie on the "Trans-Universal Express" and as the
controller says so well...."All aboard!" "Welcome aboard....and
please make yourself at home during our celestial Back to the
OK, we all want to help Jean get her
body back together, can help by reciting the following words
which magically worked in the past, as a remedy for such
ailment. It this phrase the name of Jean replaces Osiris....

" Rise up, O Jean, thou still hast thy backbone,
O Still Heart, thou hast the ligatures of thy neck and back. O
Still Heart, place thyself upon thy base."

( The dead man is promised that he shall become a perfected
spiritual being, a khu, and that at the New Year festival he
shall join the attendants of Osiris....chap.155)

The reuniting of the head with the body, for the
purpose of producing a whole figure and nullifying the
disemberment, is one of the main features of the Osiris cult...
in which he gets his body hacked to in Jean's dream.
History is speaking once again. Actually, a chapter in the
Egyptian Book of the Dead is entitled "The Chapter of Not
Letting the Head of a Man Be Cut Off from Him in the Underworld."
And unfortunately, this is exactly what happened to Jean as it
happened to Osiris...a few years back....something like....x
Back to the dream, Jean eventhough beheaded
stays alive....she thinks that she is going to die, but she is
surprised that she can still see and hear....but she gets
informed that she is already dead. This indicates that our souls
are immortal, whatever can happen to the Corpus.

And this little mind or head or heart or mind
of Jean was going to be packed in a box wether she liked it or
not and was going to be shipped to a place....she saw in a map earth plan which...which is like a real-time video
image....which isn't even planet earth...

I honestly think that you saw exactly your final
destination which is a transformation of the earth into the
ever-changing Universal Spirit known as Gaia, Mother Godess
Earth and her divine plan.

So, this was a formal invitation by your true
I hope that you can see this but the Universal Spirit is
trying to talk to you and is making a promise to you and just as
she does so well for everyone. As we read in the Pyramid Texts:

" Thy mother has come to thee,
that you may nost perish away; the great modeler she is come,
that thou mayst not perish away. She sets thy head in place for
thee, she puts thy limbs for thee; what she brings to thee is
thy heart, is thy body."

And do you know why Mother Earth speaks to you like
this Jean?.... the text carries on....

" So dost thou become he who presides over
his forerunners, thou givest command to thy ancestors and also
thou makest thy house to prosper after thee, thou dost defend
thy children from affliction."

OK, now the surgery is about over, as she had
her head restored to her by the Mother Goddess....and we read in
the Book of the regards to Osiris, but applicable to
"I have knit myself together; I have made
myself whole and complete; I have renewed my youth; I am Osiris,
the Lord of Eternity."
So, my Dear Jean, thank you
for the wonderfull dream and I hope that you will get what you
wished your future life...and don't worry Mother Earth
is very generous.

" Hey! you down there....Yah! you...put a double
portion of those things she asked for in her boxes...."

" OK! Mom...but we only have some of the huge
sizes left....What do I do?"

" Don't worry about little details... a little
more is better than not enough.... and what some have to much
makes the pleasure of others.....Give her the package and don't
forget to put the "Handle with Care " sticker on her boxes...
along with her name she (Disclaimer) may easily claim her the other end of her journey. And don't forget our
motto..."A little jar of Ambrosia in every Envoice."

"Thy material liveth in Dedu-Nif Urthet
(Mother Earth) and thy soul liveth in Heaven each day."

"Sweet Dreams are made of this...."
Plugged In Solid


......anyways, she never took my free advice, thinking it was
to cheap to be any good....and her spiritual condition kept on
degenerating. I could show a few of her dreams...but at the end
she was totally brainless....

**Dream: "If i only had a brain!" submitted by corpus jean on

Well, this morning as i awakened, i had Scarecrow singing to
me... "If you only had a brain"...

Then the two previous nites, i was dreaming that i was dressed
only partially, both times in large elegant hotels at
conferences (at which i was to speak), and everyone looked down
on me because i was either barefoot or wrapped in a hotel towel
on the elevator, that kind of thing. My humility was only
partial, though, because i only felt ashamed for their own lack
of acceptance!! HA!

So, quick interp, i'm really on my way to work in 5 minutes and
still naked...

I scrambled up Tess's intro the other day, and Scarecrow,
brainless guy that he is, reminded me that it was TinMan who was
missing a heart, and received a watch instead; Lion needed
courage, so he got a peice of paper; and Scarecrow, well, even i
remembered that part right off. I'm having similar problems over
in the Mystery School online, listening to the Odyssey on tape.
Who the hell can keep track of all those Gods/Goddesses and
mortals?!!? I'm mixing them all up, feeling way out of my league
(thus the partially dressed dreams).

Thus, i dub myself Mistress of Mangled Myth and Mixed Metaphor!
We can see a movie one weekend, and by two days later, i've not
a clue about the content or plot... it's kinda nice, cause
everythings' pretty fresh for me... until i get about 3 minutes
into it, and then i remember the highlights.

Call it all Selective Memory...

signed, Mistress of MM&MM, your formerly corpse-less and now
brain-less Talking Head, jean


.... and yet, she did not yet understand eventhough she was
running one of them so-called Mystery School.

Finally, Thea,

...believe in these words....
"Then his flesh is renewed like a child' is restored
as in the days of its youth..." Job 33,25.

The Fountain of Eternal Youth! Thea!....

....and as a reminder, here is this dream...once

Dream of the Week of 11 January, 1998
**Dream: The Ramadan Dream**

During the holy month of Ramadan, I was awake and praying during
a very holy night behind the Imam and several lines of people in
my wheelchair. Suddenly while I am totally awake I saw the
following, (as a vision):

I came foreward and took the place of the Imam and he took my
place in the prayer. I am seeing myself as a completly healthy
person performing the prayer. I was leading the prayer with
several hundreds of people.

In front of my face was the holy almighty Allah Chair. Light is
coming out from that place only and all other things are darker.
The chair is suspended in air. On my front left side I saw
winged angels. They all looked like giants.

The Prophet Mohammed is coming under the Almighty chair from my
right back side. I, looking very happy, stopped Mohammed, asking
him to ask the God to forgive me if I did any thing bad and
asked Him for guidance to win the heavens. He smiled and tapped
on my shoulder and asked me to do it myself, speaking directly to
the Almighty. He pointed out that Allah can hear me and see me
and that He will do it. As for the guidance, He told me to read
the Koran more and stick to prayers.
................................. see because of his faith, this guy will get a better
body in the Other World! But you don't have to be a Muslim for
that...simply believe in your own dreams and try to figure out
the message from an immortal soul point of view!

** Dream: 3 Symbol Dream by E (980211)**

Ok my dream. Its not so much a dream, but rather some
re-occurring common symbols that I am having difficulty
unpacking. The symbols are the number 3, a nightclub, and an
ex-partner of mine. let me give u a brief example of a dream.

I am at my parents house, speaking to my mother and she states
that her and my biological father( they are divorced in real
life) were getting back together. I was distressed at that news
and told her how could you after all he has done (my father was
extremely abusive towards us all). She said, well we have worked
things out.

I realise that I am about to have my Tiachi Lesson (in RL I do
Tiachi) and that my instructors would arrive soon. A big black
limousine pulls up in my drive way 3 Tiachi Instructors get out.
I realise that they are drunk and have been out to a nightclub
all night and I worry about what my genetic father would think of

The instructors come in and bring 3 mats with them, which they
tell me to place in a very specific way. I do so and am sure to
iron out the wrinkles, so that the mats look perfect and are
aligned in the way my instructors want me to. I then begin my
Tiachi routine from left to right around the mats.


== Commentary on 3 Symbol Dream by the Dreamer E (980211)==

I have worked out some of the family related issues in the dream,
but I was impressed in how strategic and precise I had to be in
this dream. I drew a picture of the room and the mats as a way
of accessing unconscious materials. I was stunned, because the
picture revealed a giant H which I immediately associated with my
ex-girlfriend. Her name was Helen.

so as you can see, the 3 symbols are represented here in this
dream, I must in one format or another dream about those symbols
once or twice a week. Another common theme is that my
ex-girlfriend is begging me to give a relationship between us
another go. this is inconsistent with realise, I have not talked
to her for over a year and have no intention of doing so.

the other point of interest, is the synchronicity involved in
waking life associated with the number. I was born on the 3rd,
live at house number 3, I have 3 places of work and they all
begin with 3, the list is endless believe me. Helen, also has
the same things going on in her life, she was born on the 3rd,
lives at 3, works at 3 etc. the coincidences between us were
absolutely staggering.

Another thing that has begun to happen of late, is that I have a
dream, and then the second dream will interpret the first for me.
This is always in relation to Helen, again with the theme of her
returning into my life. The only reference I could find about
dreams interpreting dreams came from edgar Casey, in which he
states that the interpretaion is always correct. That is
something that does not sit well with me, so I was wondering if
you had any ideas.

==Commentary by DrD on 3 Symbols Dream (980211)==

Dear "E",

thank you for this absolutely wonderful dream... which
interpretation will certainly help a few... in regards to the
correct understanding of the true nature of dreams.

.....which is as you say purely symbolic. I love them
symbolic dreams!

By the way, one thing which I totally agree with you is the
fact that very often a dream will interpret or give clues about
the meaning of others... therefore, I can really see that you
have an excellent sens of observation.

"Aren't our dreams the best Instructors?"

OK! I also appreciate the fact that you don't agree with
uncle Edgar...about every interpretation being correct.... which
is obviously false...because a dream cannot have a 1001 correct
interpretations....and very rare are the ones who can give the
correct interpretation.

For instance, take the words of Joseph, as stated in
Genesis 40,8, in reply to the cupbearer and baker of the
Pharaoh....who could not find anyone to interpret their dreams.

" Do not dreams' interpretations belong to God? Tell me
you dreams."
Now before we begin, I have to tell you that this will be a
big "Breath of Life Training Exercise" work-out.... of Oriental
nature...into which we will cross the Bridge over Time...
starting from left to right...from the past towards the future
which is now the present....demonstrating the immortality of the

" I am Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, and I have the
power to be born a second time ; I am the divine soul who
created the Gods." (OHC,= p.228)

Now, this exercise will be executed along the best lines
of the "Bardo Thodol"....the very famous "Tibetan Book of the
Dead"... which no one seems to understand. Here they are....

"Grasping the True nature of dreams, May I train myself in the
clear Light of the Miraculous Transformation. May I recognise
whatever appareth as being my own Spiritual forms, May the
Trinity be realised. O ye Conquerors, exercising the power of
your Compassion, Let it come that the Gloom of Ignorance be
dispelled, Wherever I be born, there and then, Let it come that
I meet the Conquerors, Being able to walk and talk as soon as
born,(spiritual birth) Let it come that I obtain the
non-forgetting intellect and remember my past lives.
Let the radiant glory of auspiciousness come to illuminate the
....and this shall be lots of fun as we will soon see
who has a little bit of non-forgetting intellect around here and
who can remember their past lives...from the messages of your

So, without waiting any longer....let's begin your

Well, obviously your dream deals with the Concept of
Trinity.... 3 instructors, 3 carpets and your familial
Trinity...the Mother, Father and Son.

You see, your dream begins with the reunion of your Father
and your Mother. Don't worry it has very little chance of
happening in real life... but here this symbolic metaphoric
transposition represents the reunion of the different bodies of
an Immortal...

" I have knit myself together; I have made myself whole and
complete; I have renewed my youth; I am Osiris, the Lord of
Eternity." Book of the Dead, chapter 69

The Son... being the new image...the Son of Man...the image
in the flesh and the Son of God...the spiritual analogous body
the "ghost"...such as the one you were in your dream...while
your flesh body was sound asleep.

The Father is the ghost or ghosts of the previous life or
lives....and the Mother, is the everlasting Individual Spirit of
an individual person.

" The apocryphal "The Gospel according to the Hebrews"
makes the Lord speak of "my Mother the Holy Spirit who took me
by one of my hairs and carried me to the great mountain Tabor"
(traditionally the Mountain of the Transfiguration)."
(Dictionnary of Angels p.142)=20
But, in todays expose we will not deal with the Mother or
Spirit only with the Father... which represents the ghost of a
previous life or the plural of the same... and this is what we
will deal with.

OK! and then a big limousine pulls up in your driveway....
and three VIP come out of the Limo... totally drunk... having
spent their evening at the Night Club... with a carpet each...

Now, this is loaded with symbolism...

1- the Limo obviously means that something, somebody very
important is coming to your own place... between your two
" In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep
falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then he openeth
the ears of men, and sealeth their instructions." (words of
Elihu, in Job 33.15.....Holy Land, sometimes B.C.)

2- three "Training" Instructors come out.... three Dreams...

3- Drunk.... which is the symbol of Spiritual
Transformation.... "Grasping the True nature of dreams, May I
train myself in the clear Light of the Miraculous

....for the fact that drinking intoxicating liquor, has been
associated in ancient cultures with the concept of (spiritual)
Transformation....and the following are a few words which
explain this...
( This is an extract from "Origins and History of
Consciousness" on p.239...)

" A question which cannot be answered at present is
whether the significance of grain in its many permutations,
particularly as a symbol of spiritual transformation in the
mystery religions, may not originally have= been connected
with the phenomenon of fermentation and the brewing of
intoxicating liquor. For Osiris is not a Corn God only, he is
also a Wine God: moreover the Feast of Epiphany, on Jan.6, when
the changing of the water into wine at the marriage of Cana is
commemorated, is also the anniversary of the water-wine
transformation performed by Osiris (Gressman, Tod und
Auferstehung des Osiris).

Intoxicating spirits... (I would use the word minds
instead)...and fertility orgies were always associated with one
another in the ancient world, and still are, in primitive
societies. Indeed, the transformation of grain into spirit....(
I would have said " Something which alters conciousness or
mind", instead of spirit)...must have struck mankind everywhere
as one of the most astonishing instance of natural change. The
basis of liquor, whether it be grain, rice, maize, tapioca,etc.,
is invariably a fruit of the earth, an "Earth Son" who occupies
a central place in fertility ritual. Through its strange
transformation this earthly product acquires an intoxicating
spirit ...(mind)... character and becomes a sacrament, mediating
revelation, wisdom, redemption. This age old symbolism of the
mystery is still transparent, not only in the Dionysian and
Christian wine symbolism, but wherever sacramental intoxication
plays a part. It would be surprising if the secret doctrines of
transformation which flourished in the ancient world right down
to the time of the Alchemists were not connected with this
elementary phenomena. The "prima materia" as the dead body, its
sublimation and the ascent of the spirit...(on the spirit),
liberation of the spirit...(soul)... from the body,
transubtantiation, etc., are all processes which have their
places in the mystery of intoxication and illustrate at the
same time the spiritual history of the Earth or Corn Son, so
that these images may well be the symbolic prototypes of
spiritual transformation...."

So, you see, "E", its a rather long story, which kind of
explain why the Catholic Priests drink wine at every mass... in
respect to Jesus who was doing the same while saying...
" Drink, this is my blood..."

4- From the Night Club.... the Night Club... obviously
means the Dream Realm... where we can all meet at Night when we

5- And the 3 carpets of the 3 instructors... referring to
something down to earth, our magical dreams... because in
Islamic Lore, the very special dream of Mohammed...his Ascension
on the Winged-Horse Burak...occured when he fell asleep on the
carpet at his cousin's place... which subsequently gave rise to
all those legends regarding the "Magic Carpet Rides"....

So, I will now give you 3 dreams....and you can place them
into an "H" position... and see if you can find your own "Breath
of Life" working your own "Kata" around them...

** Dream 1: "On the field of glory" Posted by GF (971204)**

Hello, this dream really fascinated me:

I was standing in the first line of a Napoleonic unit marching
forward to battle. My friends in the unit were dying like flies
all around me as the enemy opened fire at us, we were quite
close to them , so the fire had a bloody effect. As we approached
them, we halted and returned fire, I also fired my musket at one
of the enemy soldiers. Napoleonic rifles had to be reloaded after
one shot, and we did not have the time for that.
An enemy officer was riding in front of the enemy lines a bit to
the right. The enemy then engaged us in melee, and I remember
almost panicking, as they were coming towards us with their
bayonets on. The fear made me want to run away, but I couldn't;
the formation had to be maintained at every cost. The bullets
were flying all around us and my mates in my unit were falling
and dying all around me. I felt left out, alone in the field of
battle. Then I panicked, and started running, almost flying,
between the lines of the fighting units towards the enemy
officer to the right. That was when I died, probably shot to
death between the front lines.

I flew away like an angel, watching the battlefield from above, I
felt secure now. Before I went away, I had to say goodbye to one
of my friends who was serving in the same army as myself. He was
on a hill, just behind the main battle, and was obviously a high
ranking officer. He was very happy to see me and smiled to me as
I went away to heaven, or wherever.

I'm very interested in Napoleon and his era, therefore this dream
was not unpleasant, instead it was entertaining. The fear I felt
as the enemy was approaching was something very special, and the
need to keep calm, not to break the formation. Also, the units on
the battlefield looked like icons in a computer wargame I have,
only the warriors were real.

There. Exciting, huh? :)

G. F

So, having had similar dreams myself, my reply to GF was very
simple... so I told him that his soul was or actually is immortal
and that he was there... and that the soul often remembers how
it's flesh carcass died in previous lives... and he could not see
any better logic than that! Let's say that he has the intellect!
"Grasping the True nature of dreams, May I train myself in the
clear Light of the Miraculous Transformation. May I recognise
whatever appareth as being my own Spiritual forms, Let it come
that I obtain the non-forgetting intellect and remember my past

** Dream 2: Entrance to Tibet (XXXXXX)**

"I dreamt I entered Tibet via a tunnel going under the great wall
of China. In the tunnel I met four people: three Tibetans and
one Dane. I had this dream on 8 March 1996 when I was 34 years

I didn't write down the dream until the evening, so parts of it
is undoubtedly lost.

I am standing in a hilly landscape before a stonewall which
resembles the great wall of China. I know there's a hole in it,
but that hole is covered with snow which I am removing with a
shovel. The hole is only about 50 cm in diameter, so I must
crawl to get through it.

Inside is a square room, about 3 m on each side. There is a large
opening in the wall to the right, about 2 m wide (leaving about
50 cm wall on each side of it). Looking in that direction I am
initially startled as I discover the presence of two people in a
similar room, a child around 10 and a woman around my own age.
The woman is wearing a headscarf (white?). I withdraw from the
first room because of my fright, but decide to reenter.

The second time i discover two other people. Immediately to the
right of the first two sits an elderly man (he is in his
sixties), and to his right a man around my own age. The latter
greets me heartily with a "Well, someone having fun there, eh"
(meaning me). The "other room" is in fact only the start of a
long tunnel extending from the wall, perpendicular on it, and
way ahead.

[A diagram showing the relationship between the participants in
the room and tunnel was grabled in the transmission]

(The numbers 1-4 refer to the people I meet in the tunnel. 3 is
the old man and 4 is the young man, but I don't remember the
order of the woman and the child).

The guy who greets me is Danish like myself, so we can
communicate in Danish. His name is Henrik, I think (I am told
somebodys name, either his or the old mans). The other three are
Tibetan. The old man is the leader of this little group; in fact
he is a high-ranking something -- not Dalai Lama, but some local
leader (or in charge of some area). He is crowned with something
which resembles the adornment of native Americans, about a half
meter high or more, and made of large brown feathers, each about
25 cm. long and 10 cm. wide.

I understand that the tunnel is part of a gigantic underground
complex through which one can enter and leave Tibet as one
pleases without anyone (read: the Chinese) knowing anything
about it -- only Tibetans know of the tunnels existence.
Farther, much farther on through the tunnel there is a
connection to a kind of labyrinth (?) in the left side of the
tunnel, and via the labyrinth a way out into the open -- inside
Tibet. The tunnel extends way beyond this labyrinth, however.

I have no recollection of walking through the tunnel, not even of
being told all this in words. It's just something I know or
learn. Only spoken words are Henriks initial greeting.

I end up walking downhill with a woman (perhaps the one with the
headscarf?). I think we are talking together. I don't know where
we came out of the tunnel, and I don't know whether we are
inside or outside Tibet.

When I woke up, my feeling was that "my wall" was situated
between Tibet and the "free world", i.e. between Tibet and India,
Nepal or Bhutan. Besides, the great wall of China is up
somewhere in the north towards Mongolia, whereas Tibet is down
in the southwestern part of China, so the great wall couldn't
possibly be on the border of Tibet, right?

Well, I have been reading up on Tibet. What the Chinese have
decided to define as Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) covers only
about two thirds of the area where Tibetans live inside China
(in fact, more Tibetans in China live outside than inside TAR).
The traditional Tibetan province Amdo extends to the northeast
from TAR almost to Mongolia and the great wall.

Some additional information which may be relevant for any

1.The Tibet National Uprising Day is 10 March; I believe I have
most likely picked up some information about this event (without
really noticing), and modelled my dream over it. I may have read
something in a newspaper, watched a news flash on television, or

2.The day before the dream I had been watching a movie in Aarhus
Studenternes Filmklub ("Miller's Crossing", if you know that
one). On the way home I had to go through a TUNNEL to cross a
street to take a bus home. Someone called for someone: "Come on,
HENRIK" (or another name).
3.I had a boss by the name Henrik some years before the dream (I
am not sure the dream-name is Henrik).

4.In the dream I first see the child and the woman walking in
from the tunnel, and then I withdraw. The second time I enter
the old man and Henrik have apparently come about too, and all
four are sitting down with their legs crossed.

5.The woman and the child are looking in the direction of the
tunnel (1 and 2 on the drawing). I don't see them clearly,
because they are partly covered by the small piece of wall to
the right of the opening between the room and the tunnel (plus
one is partially covering the other).

6.I have a direct view to the old man and Henrik (3 and 4 on the
drawing). They are looking at me, and I am looking at them. I
think Henrik raises his right hand as he greets me. He is quite

7.I don't remember anything about illumination. All I can say is
that I am able to see.

8.The old mans adornment reminds me of someone in another dream,
but it's a bit too long to recite. This fellow is about 45, and
has an adornment of inverted broomsticks (brushes pointing
upwards), with in-laid scissors, bayonets, pistols and
revolvers. Yes, I know these are phallic. Also, he is German,
but he understands what I say (I am discussing his appearance
with a girl).

9.In the end, when I'm with a woman, I think we are inside Tibet,
because there is no snow (as there was outside the entrance).

10.I would say the child is probably a boy (66,7% probability).


Well, now it's your turn! Do you have any suggestions as to what
my dream means?


I know that this dream sounds very complicated... but why
would someone have such a dream... but it is very easy once we
know that these dreams are theatre pieces from the past... or of
past lives.

The clues in this one are....Tibet, Henrick, Tibetans,
German, revolvers and fright...
You see among all the Occidental foreigners which ever entered
Tibet, prior to the Chinese Invasion, which number was very
small... only two persons managed to speak Tibetan fluently...
Austine Waddell who was in Tibet, for some 20 years, sometimes
between 1875-1895 ... and "Herr Heinrich Harrer" a prisonner of
war, who escaped from the British and escaped to Tibet, where he
spent 7 years, during which he became, because of his knowledge
of the tibetan language, the tutor of the actual Dalai Lama of you can still read in his very famous book..."Seven
Years in Tibet"!

During these 7 years in Tibet, Heinrich, who speaks German,
French, English and a little bit of other european languages,
only met a few foreigners during his 7 years stay in Tibet.

After reading the remnants of this dream...and realising that
the only Henrick who ever spoke Tibetan (besides German also)
could be no one else than Heinrich Harrer!

So, I read the book... and came to the conclusion that this
Danish guy ... could only be the reincarnation of someone who
met Heinrich Harrer sometimes between 1944 and 1951... and
reading his book, I tend to pinpoint this Danish guy, of 36 years
old, by the name of Griebel in this life, could have been a White
Russian by the name of Vassilief who was part of a caravan who
had been allowed to enter Tibet... but unfortunately, the Tibetan
government messenger was late in arriving at the spot where the
caravan was to cross the border and consequently...3 persons
were killed...Machierman, the American Consul, and two White
Russians... but Vasilieff was only wounded and a young American
by the name of Bessac who was tall as a bean pole was unhurt.
This would explain why he was scared in the dream...until he met
with jolly Heinrich.

You know, the only person who could tell about the accuracy
of this dream is HHH himself, namely Herr Heinrich Harrer... who
is now 85 years old and apparently still in good shape, living
in Austria...and Liechtenstein... and he might even have some
pictures of this guy, in the Heinrich Harrer Museum in
Huttenberg, Austria.

So you see, dear "E", in the New Age of Aquarius...we shall
learn about the fact of the immortality of the soul...and one of
the best prooves will be when older people recognise the
reincarnations of their old gone dear friends and
their dreams and the dreams of younger ones!

Amazing n'est-ce pas? But, this is what will happen.... as
everyone will know what is the true meaning of the words
"Resurrection of the Dead"... "Rebirth" and "Reincarnation" and
anything in regards to the immortality of our souls... and
understanding that we always rebirth and as such we will see the
destruction of the misconception of our powerful
"past-telling" dreams!

" I held that when a person dies
His soul returns again to earth;
Arrayed in some new flesh-disguise,
Another mother gives him birth.
With sturdier limbs and brighter brain
The old soul takes the road again."
( John Masefied, A Creed )

With a Brighter Brain the Old Soul takes the Road again!
How well said!

You see this Law of Rebirth is closely related with the Law of
Evolution... so this is the reason why somethings which wrere
hard to understand in the past finally get to be understood
centuries down the line.

A last little point to notice, there are 3 days between the
8th and 10th of march...another analogy to the time it takes
between Death and the Rising!

Anyways, let's terminate this workout with a last but not
least dream of vey simple nature. Actually, you will be able to
see why the instructors came by Limo...

** Dream 3: "Father of the Other World" by (XXXXXX) **

" When my mind woke up to its senses, I was walking down the
street with my pack-sack on my back, in the center of a big
Downtown, a concrete Jungle of Sky-scapers, somewhere. It was
dawn, when everything is still misty and obscure and I was aware
that the Sun was just about to rise. I was alone on the street,
as the City was still asleep and there was in the air a
distinctive seaside smell.

Suddenly, my eyes were attracted by a greenish light emanating
from a little window, located at knee level in the thick
concrete foundation wall of one of these tall Scrapers and
located at the far end of a narrow Dead-End alley. So, I walked
to the window and once there bending down, I saw at eye level,
through a portion of the window, where the dirty glass was
broken and missing, (lower left section) a familiar looking ball
which was radiating this magical green irradiant light. Then,
observing carefully, I came to realise that it was the Earth!!
While the continents were dark, the Water of the Oceans were
generating this luminescence which was lighting this dark cave.
Gradually, I began to be able to discern other forms in the the
dark and soon saw that the earth was tied to a gold chain
attached to the North pole and was going straight up in the cave
of this large building. Then, I saw a hand....a right hand,
holding this Earth from above and pulling down on it, against
the chain, which was passing between the major and index finger
of this hand.

Then, I slowly began to see the person who was pulling down
against the chain.( This person was standing right up with the
right arm right up too, and was right under the Earth.)
Stretching my neck, I looked down following the bare right arm,
which was covered by an ample sleeve, which would have normally
covered the whole arm, but in this position it had slipped and
covered only from the elbow downward to the shoulder.

I soon saw that he was wearing a white "Djelabah" type dress with
a hood covering his head, but still I could see his face from a
poor angle...and it seemed as if he was sleeping.

Actually, besides the angulation of his head, he was exactly in
the position of Helios in the Statue of Liberty in New-York
City....and besides a few little details such as the radiating
torch in his right hand and the hood over his face ....he really
looked like it.

Anyways, stretching my neck even further, in the hope of getting
a better look at his face, I leaned in the in the broken corner
of the window. At this point, I could see the lower rim of my
left eye's orbit. Finally, I was able to get a good look at his
face and as soon as I did, I immediately recognised him.
It was a shock. Rubbing my eyes, I looked twice or thrice just to
make sure. Still, I could not believe my eyes, but yet I had to
face the facts and the face....and reality. There was absolutely
no doubt and to my utmost surprise He was verily on all angles
the Great Person known as Jesus of Nazareth. I simply could not
imagine such a scene like, and sincerely, it was the very last
thing that I could expect.

His head was in the familiar position as He is usually
represented on the Cross,...and His eyes were closed. For a
while, I wondered if He was dead, but yet, since He was holding
on to the Earth, by His obvious will....He was therefore well
alive and at the most merely sleeping!!

Nevertheless, He was there, hanging on, in total resignation, as
if His only way out would be when someone would go in
there....inside this cave of materialism...where He was held break this Gold Chain of Materialism...and thus
release the Christ and free the World, at the same time. ""One
rock two birds!""

In my mind it was saying...."Help Him...Help Him...Help
Him....Someone Help Him!" In a rush, I felt a strong urge
rising into me. I sincerely wanted to help Him...I personnaly
wished to help the Christ....give Him a hand...give Him a
break...but did not know how to get in.

Suddenly, my soul, in the flash of an instant, transmigrated in
the head of the spiritual Holy Ghost body of Jesus. I
transfigured with Him, from my own present ghost body, my soul
transmigrated into His Holy Ghost body ... (which just happens
to simply be another ghost body of a previous life of our unique
immortal soul! )

And then, the Earth held in my right hand got brighter and
brighter and its lighting effect spreaded to my whole body which
also began to radiate a strong luminescence and soon the whole
City at my feet was totally illuminated...and then gradually the
Eastern States were brightly enlightened and then the whole
North-American Continent....and soon the whole World was in the
Light." (End)

Now, I would like to ask you, if you think that it may be
possible, that Jesus could have had an eternal soul...which was
able to transmigrate from time to time in different flesh

" Adam...his soul passed by transmigration into David...his
soul transmigrated into the Messiah." - The Talmud ( Hershon's
"Treasures of the Talmud", p.242 )

Secondly, do you think that he could possibly illuminate the
whole world this time if he was to come back?

"Grasping the True nature of dreams, May I train myself in
the clear Light of the Miraculous Transformation. May I
recognise whatever appareth as being my own Spiritual forms, May
the Trinity be realised.

O ye Conquerors, exercising the power of your Compassion, Let it
come that the Gloom of Ignorance be dispelled,
Wherever I be born, there and then, Let it come that I meet the
Conquerors, Being able to walk and talk as soon as
born,(spiritual birth) Let it come that I obtain the
non-forgetting intellect and remember my past lives.
Let the radiant glory of auspiciousness come to illuminate the
Finally, "E" the meaning if the big letter "H" is.... for Hero!

" Every culture-hero has achieved a synthesis between
consciousness and the creative unconscious. He has found within
himself the fruitful center, the point of renewal and rebirth
which, in the New Year fertility festival, is identified with
the creative divinity, and upon which the continued existence of
the world depends.

Only as one twice-born is he the hero, and that
conversely anyone who has "suffered" the double birth must be
regarded as a hero. (148)

The hero is always a light-bringer and emissary of the
light. The new light and the victory are symbolized by the
illumination and transfiguration of the head, crowned and decked
with an aureole. Even though the deeper meaning of this
symbolism will only become clear to us later, it is evident that
the hero's victory brings with it a new spiritual status, a new
knowledge, and an alteration of consciousness." (160-161)
(extracts from "Origins and History of Consciousness" by

So, hoping that a few will be thinking about these words...

"Grasping the True nature of dreams,
Let it come that I obtain the non-forgetting intellect and
remember my past lives."
...and actually, since we have 3 Instructors and 3
Magic Carpets, if you don't mind working out a little
intellectual sweat...we will flip these carpets around and
repeat these Taichi Katas with 3 dreams of the "Transfiguration"
type and follow with 3 dreams of the "Ascension" type!

In the meantime, thank you again for this truly wonderful
dream... and please feel free to come again.

Let's do it again,


DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on
our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a
trace on our physical reality?]

** Dream: Radio noise awakens dreamer by (80210)**

Three times I have awaken in the night to hearing a radio
playing. There is no radio on. But I hear a "broadcast",
people talking. After I wake up to hearing this, I know there
isn't a radio on. What am I hearing?

thanks for you input.

==Commentary by DrD on Radio noise awakens dreamer (980210)==

Dear Dreamer,

this is very interesting because I also heard in a dream a
broadcast lately on Jan.19th... and wrote down what I remembered
from it the morning and send it to a friend....

" The Military Peace Forces of the United Nations were
holding a War Game practice in some apparently wild forest or
jungle somewhere.... and among the participants was this single
Tank Crew which decided to go, AWOL (Absence With Out Leave)on a
Joy Ride...and were believed to be lost by Head Quarters...and
after a dual fight with a real ennemy Tank... they conquered
some real ennemy territory....around 800 km from Berlin!"

It was a very funny and surprising broadcast... and
then they kept on talking on the radio...with the guys in the
Tank...the Headquarters...back and forth and so on... talking
about the whole know getting into details.

Is this what you heard too?

In any case, to my knowledge this "Celestial
Dream-Radio Station" came on to my knowledge at a precise
date....when a dream interpreter began arguing with me about our
capabilities in the other realm... and I told her that she did
not have any control on the situation on the other side... in a
very funny way. But, she did not believe me...and had a few days
later the following dream...

**Dream: Auditory Dream submitted by flyingeagle (970502)**

Anyone have this experience? While dreaming, hearing loud music,
and being driven while in a dream state to wake up and turn down
the music? I've been dreaming, heard a music I'd never before
heard, blaring in my ears, my mind wanting to wake up and turn
it down, unable to awaken. Driven to regain body control, but
unable to move my body, feeling as though I am awake, but can't
get a grip on my body. Thinking if I could only bring my hand up
to my eye and physically open my eye lid, I could snap out of
this state of limbo. Frustration building inside me, not able to
move my hand to my eye, extreme effort now, like in the first
flying dreams I had in childhood. All of a sudden and with a
gasp, sit straight up feeling totally attached to my body, and
alive, the instance this happened, no music, dead silence. Any
thoughts anyone? I welcome all interpretation, sharing of this
type of experience, or questions for clarification. Peace and
Love see wanted to turn the music down...which
meant the Radio or Sound System!!!

So, you can understand that she had her first
lesson... about who had the control in there and I sent her a
peply saying so... and to laugh a little I sent her this little
extract in my reply...
" Look, the feeling you describe
has already been described in Greek Mythology....

" Hermes, (the Messenger of the Greek Gods)...had
in his hand the beautiful gold wand which he used, to his own
will and pleasure, to shut the eyes of humans or to put them out
of their sleep... With his wand, he would lead the troup, and
the little souls were following, releasing small little piercing
noises. In the profound cavities of a grotto, the bats were
taking off with little cries when one of them was detaching
itself from the bunch suspended to the rock." .....(Odyssseus,
XXIV,1 )

Blind like a bat, paralysed and tormented by
unfamiliar noises! "

This is what I told her... and the Radio has been on
since then...and if you pay will notice that the
first thing that came out of this Heavenly Radio.... is a blast
of Trumpets.... does that tell you anything?

Revelation 8 something... but it starts really in
Revelation 6.... and if you read that you will get the picture
which comes with the heavenly voices.

In any case, stay the broadcasts will keep
on coming... but, next time... try to remember what they say....

Thank you for your dream.

**Dream: 'Foaming at the Mouth'by Monster (980209)**

>From the alt.astrology newsgroup

I had a strange dream. First I can tell you that I am a 24 year
old man from the Western Norway. Maybe some of you can tell me
if the dream was astrological or not. I am not sure. In my
dream I stood up, I was sure I stood up from my bed, but I
think I must have been outside my body. Everything in my house
was exact like in the real. This was NOT an "usuall" dream. I
went down to the bathroom, looked at myself in the mirror. As I
was staring myself in the face, my eyes started bleeding, my
face went all white/grey, my mouth opened and some white stuff
(like foam or something) was coming in large portions out of my

This "dream" was soon interrupted by myself. I found
myself screaming in the bed. I was screaming for someone to call
an ambulance. This day and the days after I felt very sick.
Can somebody learn me more about astrology? I know much
psychology. Please answer me.

==Commentary by DrD on Foaming at the Mouth (980222)==

Dear Sir,
what a remarkable dream. I had at a couple occasions
drems where I had some strange stuff in my mouth.... like once I
was forced to eat some old carpet and that taste stayed a long
time in my mouth.

I would be interested to know what this foam tasted
like?... because there are only two possible explainations to
you dream.... which is not related to astrology...although some
dreams are and I could tell you about them, if you wish.

However, since you admit knowing much about
Psychology...and consequently, having been mislead by garbage
modern Psychology... no wonder that you are so confused! You
haven't realised yet that when you dream... you are not in your
flesh body... but in your mirror-like spiritual "ghost" body the
one which you will have after death.

You see, Sir, our animas are immortal and often
remember how the material carcasses died in previous lives...
and you see from the stuff coming out of your mouth, I thought
that perhaps that you were vomiting the shitty porridge the SS
were occasionnaly serving them poor and starved Jewish
people.... when they were getting rid of them in the gaz
chambers... where you might have died then.

Otherwise, if this is not the case, since you say that you
are well versed in Psychology, you might have simply fed your
now really sick soul... lots of garbage...way too much
much that your soul is so sick that even your ghost body is
getting sick from it!

Thank you for your dream.

**Dream:from DrD- white horses Posted by Marina (980105)**

To G:


My mother is having the same dream for few nignts. She is being
stamped by white horses with black hooves. When she wakes up she
has black and blue marks on her body. What could it possibly

Thank You.

So, I replied and I asked a few questions and received this

Hello, G

Thank you for the quick response. I am worried about my mother's
mental health. She is seeing very strange dreams and is affected
by them all day. My mother was born in 1935. There are a lot of
horses in her dream, but I don't know how many. She is lying on
the ground and the horses are just stamping her.

When she gets up in the morning she has black and blue marks on
her legs.

The other part of her dream, or she wakes up and goes back to
sleep is: her mother (who died of cancer in 1975) is sitting in a
chair with a huge hole in her body. The cotton is "stuffed" in a
hole and blood coming out of it. She is calling my mother to come
to her with the strong - ruling voice. My mother doesn't go and
wakes up. Right now my mother is the same age as my grandmother
was when she died. Sure enough my mom is saying that it is "her
time now".

Is there any meaning to all this?

Thank you very much. Your help is greatly appreciated. Marina.


So, knowing what was the problem I, in turn, replied a message
from which this is an extract...

So, your Mom's dream also relates to this event known as
the Advent....or the Coming of the Lord in the flesh.... the Lord
of the Resurrection of the Dead... and if she believes in him
everything will be just fine....

In my point of view, the wrath of the Lord is on your Mom
because she doesn't believe in the Lord nor in the Resurrection
of the Dead....such as her own Mom who has her womb openly
bleeding because her own progeny which came out of there does not
at this point beleive in the Lord... the (Eternal)Life Giver.

I know that it sounds totally crazy, but tell your Mom to
read the following biblical passages which relate to her own

" At the noise of the stamping of the hooves of his
strong Horses,.... the fathers (mothers) shall not look back to
their chidren from feebleness of hands;..." (Jeremiah 47, 3

Also, you may wish to read Ezechiel 26 in full but at
least from verses 7 to 12. And then you will begin to
understand the seriousness of her dreams.

I think that the message means that your Mom should begin
to believe in God...


..and this is the unexpected reply that I received....

Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 16:17:02 -0500
Subject: Re: I am truly Sorry But...!

Dear G,

I just got your message. Thank you so much. I am not afraid of
her dreams. I am worried about her state of mind. For someone
who grew up in a country where religion was banned and outlawed
would be difficult to start believing in God. At least she
believes in alternative medicine and doesn't see doctors as
"Gods". We will take your advise and do our best.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks again.


So, you see, no matter what, if you believe in the right
thing... your dreams will be really nice. Take it easy!

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to

* Dream: mother and daughter share bad dream by VQ (980212)*

Last night both Emily and I had similar dreams, which I hope are
not precognitive!

She dreamed that her little brother was in a lolly(candy)cupboard
and chopped two fingers off(one on each hand). She refers to a
cupboard in which we store bags of food and she took me to it.

I dreamt of someone's finger being jammed in our front door, from
the outside - so that I could only see the fingertip from the
inside of the house. The door was closing and I didn't want to
watch the finger being severed so I "switched off" the dream.

==Commentary by DrD on Victoria's "Shared Dream"==

we have again some very good dreams...and here are
again some of Dr. D's unusual and totally different
interpretations and a few questions...but first of all the dreams
for our convenience....

Dear Victoria,

of course the dreams are related.... but they don't
appear to be of precognitive nature... not in my point of view
anyways. Let me explain...

Emily's dream relates to an accident which occurs to a
person inside the house...and how can someone cut two
fingers...from two different hands, at the same time. Accidents
do happen...but these cases one hand serves to shut
the door while the other is found to be at the wrong place.

In your case, the person who gets the finger cut in the
door, is an unknown person... and who is shutting the door...
yourself pushing on it or this person itself... pulling the door
close and leaving you a small visiting card present?

Personally, I get the distinct impression, that this
dream which is of the guiding type relates to spiritual food...
because of the function of your cupboard.... and I think that the
kid gets both fingers chopped because the outsider got his finger
severed in your main door!

You see what happened to the Stranger...was repeated
with Emily's brother, a little innocent angel in your own

I think that the message here in regards to interactive
dreams which originate from the same unique source... is simply
that you have to recognise that dreams come from outside the
person... and not from the inside, as per the theories of Carl
Jung... which everyone calls the father of Modern
Psychology...when it should be rightfully called "Dark Ages

The message is very simple Victoria.... keep your door open
to the "Outside" origin of dreams.... and once you understand
this... pass on this spiritual food to your own kids... and you
and your children will have better dreams... instead of these
repeating terrifying warnings...

So, one more time, read carefully... Job 33,15 down... and
pay attention to the pain of the bones that were not seen stick
out... and especially 33,23... which begins by..."If there be a
messenger with him, an interpreter...." ....a real interpreter of

By the way, I realise that you haven't pay much attention
to what I said so far...or may be it is because you find my way
to see things a little frightning... but, I get the distinct
impression that your next dreams will decide for you of what type
of "Spiritual food" should be good for you ....and equally
importantly to your children also.

So, read what I send you... on don't let that outer-inner
door of yours close one more time on that stranger's finger....

" Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing
some people have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews
13, 2.

Thank you for your dream.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


BIRTH [Starts]

* Dream: Buddha Baby by IO (980202)*

I am teaching a writing and art workshop with women- while they
are busy with an assignment, I have leisure time and go upstairs
in my house. I find there Tody, a health care worker who has
surprisingly had a baby. The baby is very beautiful and in an
ornate gold carved box. She tells me that the baby is afraid.
But as I look at the baby, I don't think so. I feel it is very
peaceful. "Its a Buddha Baby! I declare. Then I find myself
walking outback, going down a sloping hill. At one point I look
up and am amazed to see the vibrant, glowing top of a glistening
gold and white mountain. "Come look, Come look! ", I cry,
calling to my right to my partner up in the house, sensing that
she is coming to see. Then, I spot something high in the sky to
my left, a dot. There is a shift, and suddenly it is closer,
whirling toward, me, so close I can see what it is. It is, to my
astonishment a brightly colored green and pink box of the cereal,


== Commentary by DrD on Heavenly Lucky Charms of the Buddha Baby!

Oh! Ione,

"The Buddha Baby"! Who?! What a wonderful dream! How
come I was not the lucky one to get this one?

Such a wonderful dream! I guess that you were the
Destined One to get this one! Must be a reward for your deep
listening efforts! Everything pays off....on the long run! Looks
like your Karma is working fine!

This is very interesting for the fact that here again
we get the school directed towards "Arts" obviously the
baby is the new Teacher for the school...a real gift...for a
Teacher...every thing that she ever wanted may be.

However, there is one thing which I don't seem to see
exactly like you. You see, from the words that you wrote and from
the behaviour of the Baby Buddha....I don't get the impression
that you picked up the right Mother?! your own lines....and tell me where is the

I have leisure time and go upstairs in my house. I find there
Tody, a health care worker who has surprisingly had a baby. The
baby is very beautiful and in an ornate gold carved box. She
tells me that the baby is afraid. But as I look at the baby, I
don't think so. I feel it is very peaceful. "Its a Buddha Baby!
I declare.

....You, in your own house...have a Buddha Baby...who is
scared afraid into the hands of a strange "health care worker"...
but, when he looks into your eyes... he is not scared anymore?
And besides, you know him! You see, I get the sincere impression
that the Baby is a present from Heaven...that you should look at
very closely...because he has chosen you to be his do you
say ....Mother!

" Buddhist Godly Birth ".... a very fascinating episode in
the lives of the Soul of the Universal Monarch in the flesh! One
of the best ones ....actually! This is what is written about the
Birth of Baby Buddha...

So, here it goes....


( from " Buddhism and Lamaism of Tibet, pages 86,87 & 88 )

"Godly Birth. The God is born at once "fully
developed" within a halo of glory from a lotus flower.- the
oriental symbol of immaterial birth and is provided with the
special attributes of a God, viz, (1) a lotus-footstool, (2)
splendid dress and ornaments, (3) goddess-companions (Apsaras,
celestial nymphs- the "houris" awarded to heroes.), (4) a
wish-granting Tree, which instantly yields any fruit or food
wished for, and bends to the hand of the gatherer, its leaves
yielding luscious food, its juice nectar, and its fruit jewels,
(5) a wish-granting cow which yields any drink wished for, (6)
self-sprung crops (usually painted as Indian corn or maize),
***** (7) in a golden stall... a jewelled Horse-of-foreknowledge
which Pegasus-like carries his rider wherever wished, through-out
the worlds of the past, present, and future,***** (8) a lake of
perfumed nectar or ambrosia (Skt., Amrita) which is the elixir
vitae and the source of the divine lustre. The cup-bearer is
Dhanwantari, the Indian Ganymede. Shining is a peculiarly divine
attribute, and the etymology of the word "divinity", is the root
Div, "to shine", the parent of the Skt. Deva and latin Deus."....

and there is also this passage...

The following extract " The Seven Gems"comes from "Buddhism and
Lamaism of Tibet" ( pages 389-390 )by A.Waddell, 1897....

" THE SEVEN GEMS". These are the attributes of the
Universal Monarch, such as prince Siddharta....Buddha. They are
very frequently figured on the base of throne, and are:-

1. The Wheel. The victorious wheel of a thousand
spokes. It also represents the symetry and completeness of the
Law. It is figured in the early Sanchi Tope.

2. The Jewel. The mother of all gems, a wish
procuring gem. Cintamani. ( This is an interesting one for all of
you who like say "Om! Mani Padme Hum!....Om! The Jewel in the
Lotus" Hum! because this Mani is an attribute of the universal
Monarch. Sanskrit Ratna and Tibetan Norbu.

3. The Jewel of a Wife. "The Jasper-girl" who
fans her lord to sleep, and attends him with the constancy of a
slave. Skt, Stri....T. Tsun-mo.

4. The Gem of a Minister, who regulates the
business of the Empire. Skt. Mahajana...T., Lonpo.

5. The Elephant. The earth-shaking beast, who
as a symbol of universal sovereignty the Buddhist kings of Burma
and Siam borrowed from Indian Buddhism. It seems to be Indra's

***** 6. The Horse. It seems to symbolize "the
Horse-Chariot of the Sun", implying a realm over which the sun
never sets, as well as the celestial Pegasus, which carries its
rider wherever the latter wishes. *****

7. The Gem of a General, who conquers all
enemies. ...

So, my dear Ione...thank you for looking into the Eyes of the
Buddha and have some "Lucky Charms."

== Commentary by Heratheta on buddah dream (980204) ==

thanks for the peace that had lain to the right or left of where
the "leasure" time happened, looking at that leasure time from
the site where you dreamed this dream.

**Dream: Wind&Baby Posted by LV (981106)**

Last night I had this dream: I was in some strange place, I think
near the sea. On the distance, I see a Hurricane. There is a lot
of wind everywhere. I don't know how, but somehow the hurricane
creates a baby made of wind. This is a very strange baby, its
made of wind, it is translucent. Me and many other people are
watching this wind-baby. the baby is laughing, and seems to be
very happy and jolly. He creates, with the wind of his body, and
that surrounding him, windy figures(glasses, vases, etc.).

PLEASE HELP ME. What does this dream mean?.

==Commentary by DrD on Wind Baby (980222)==

So, this Baby is the Modeler... the Modeler of Men!...and
in many places the Lord is said to appear as a Whirlwind...!!!

And finally, welcome to the School of the Rising Sun and
give a chance to the Baby ... and give it the warmth and love
that he needs...!

Thanking you for your dreams....


CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

**Dream: "Killings" Big Shot(980204/05)**
both occur between 4-7 am

I keep having these reoccuring dreams that I am either being
killed or I am responsible for someone else's death. Last night,
I dreamt that someone was trying to steal my car and in my
attempt to get out of the car, I was shot in my chest. At this
point, I woke up.

The night before that I dreamt that I was at the movies with
an unknown man and during the movie we had an argument. He had a
knife in his hand and in my struggle to get him away from me, I
made him stab himself in the chest. He was dying in my arms and
he died while I was waiting for the ambulance. The paramedics
were able to successfully revive him...What does all of this

.........which are reoccuring death dreams....which are
excellent to demonstrate the undying immortal properties of the
Spiritual Bodies!

" Spiritual Bodies never die... unless God would decide

You see Sir Big Shot,

you get killed one night... from a Big Shot in
your attempt to protect your material possession... but the
following night you are in top shape and fighting with an
adversary... just about a movie...and he dies in your hands from
a serious wound... but with a little help... he is rapidly
revived! So, Sir, what do you think happened the previous night
after you were shot? The same thing... as what happened to the
other guy.

I had plenty of dreams in which I got shot or stabbed and
killed all kinds of ways...but after I figured out what they
meant...I was moved to something else!

And Sir, this reminds me of Aries/Mars the famous God of
War... who gets killed often in many different combats... and
then he is rushed to Mount Olympus, where he is healed by Zeus
himself... because a God never dies! (Illiad V, 590 sq.)

Finally, Sir, I think that you are a very brave man and
your friends from the OtherSide are only trying to teach you that
you are an Immortal in your spiritual form and once that you
realise that... you will have a great time in your
the Dream Realm...which is the Other World.

About your agressors, Sir, I tend to believe that they
are ghosts from your previous lives... and compare your story
with Jacob's...

One of the best example of this type of encounter of the third
kind is preserved in the pseudepigraphic "Prayer of Joseph", an
Alexandrian apocryphon, commented on by Origen and Eusebius and
quoted in part by Ginzberg in "the Legends of the Jews"
V,310....which relates to the physical wrestling of the patriach
Jacob with Uriel.

In this story, it is said that once Uriel had put Jacob to the
ground, Uriel told him these puzzling words....." I have come
down to the earth to make my dwelling among men, and I am called
Jacob by name." !!!....The meaning of the foregoing is puzzling,
unless Uriel turned into Jacob after wrestling with the
Patriarch at Peniel ; but the incident as related in Genesis 32
suggest a different interpretation! ( Integral text, DA, p.298
see Uriel)

Do you see what I mean? In other words, Uriel said to Jacob...."
I am your Father of the Underworld and the Ghost of our soul's
previous incarnation.... you are me and I am you?"

Apparently, Jacob finally managed to understand because further
along in the same story occurs this passage...." He who speaks
to you, I, Jacob and Israel, am an angel of the Lord and a
principal archikon(Spirit)" and elsewhere in the same he
says..."I am Israel the archangel of the power of the Lord and
the chief tribune among the sons of God." Further along,
Jacob-Israel clearly identifies himself as Uriel, which
definitely indicates that Jacob entered earthly life from a
pre-existent state. (DA, p.151, see Israel.)....( Unfortunately,
the Pope and his Deacons could not understand this reincarnation
story, defended by Origen, and declared Christianism to be a
non-reincarnationist faith.)

Also, in Ginzberg, "The Legend of the Jews" V,307,
Israe l is designated " Jacob's countenance in the Throne of
Glory"....(same 151) " And the Angel of God spake unto me in a
dream, saying "Jacob": and I said, "Here am I. ......" words of
Jacob, in Genesis 31.11....31.16

Unless God decides otherwise, Sir, you will never die!

Thank you, Sir!

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]


AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

**Dream: WARNING:this dream is weird by ? (980216)**

i'm in a large shopping mall with jada pinkett (told you so) and
suddenly that scream guy ( mask and black cape on) jumps out ,
grabs her from behind and starts stabbing her ( yeah just like in
the movie)I couldn't move but I could scream. Then once he's
killed her (she's still standing) he grabs me from behind and
starts stabbing me. there are people everywhere but no-one is
listening. I'm screaming but still can't move anything. then I
wake up.

Comments by Dreamer told you it was weird. it was really
freaky and i was so scared i stayed up for the whole night. does
anyone know what it means??????

==Commentary by DrD on Weird Dream (980221) ==

...which is basically of the same nature as Mr. Big Shot
Dream...posted in n020 and already interpreted in n.024(5)... in
which you get to learn that your spiritual ghost body, which is
your greatest reward is immortal or deathless if you prefer.

However, in this dream, we get to meet a very powerful and
terrifying personnage , a master of disguise, who, in this dream
wears a cape. Now, I do not know if you are of Germanic origin,
but this guy, that you described, appeared in a few different
dreams of other people over the last 8 months or so... and to my
knowledge he appears to be no one else than the Teutonic
chtonian God Odin.

I deduce this from both his disguise and his ability to
paralyse people in dreams while he does whatever he wants with
the defenseless people... simply to terrify them enough in order
to awaken them to the true nature of the Reality of the Other
World! Only that!

Unfortunately, not knowing who is Jada Pinkett, I don't know
the reason why she serves in the demonstration...but I get the
impression that she must not exactly know who and what God is all
about?... which is the same, in your regards, obviously.

So, again, if you have an Old St-James version of the Bible,
you will read that God likes to terrify people in dreams, as
clearly stated in Job, 33:15 down... in order to prevent them
from falling down in the bottomless pit. That's all!

And Odin was one of the numerous manifestations of God
himself in the flesh...and he had this wonderful magical flying
Horse named Sleipnir... anyways, you can read about this God in
different books, such as the Encyclopedia of Mythology... and you
will see that he is a Master of Disguise...but it is said that
when he comes in the flesh...he never appears in the splendour
of his divinity... as he usually appears as a simple traveller.
Apparently, he likes to mingle in the affairs of men... which he
does very often.

Anyways, if I were you, I would consider myself lucky to get
visited by one of the Ghosts of the Chief God himself... which
shows that he cares about you.

You will also read that he paralyses people in any form of
combat...even the most powerful adversaries. As the Lord of all
Spirits you may wish to read about him in the Maccabeus... if
your Bible contains this book you may read about him as Judas
Maccabeus in the 2nd book of the Maccabeus... chapters 2, 3, and
10... and 3,24 down is very suggestive.

In any case, it appears to me that you believe in God to
such an extent... and all you need is to get to know him
better... that's all and then you will get very good dreams.

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

**Dream: I was abducted by barney by ? (980219)**

Date of Dream 2/18/98 11:15 pm

It was at my school but it didn't look like my school I was
running done the halls it seemed to be night time even though
there were no windows the lights were off nobody were in the
halls then i saw Barney he stared chasing after me he grabed he
and a beam of light shot through the ceiling we both stared
floating to the sky then I saw a space ship we went into the
space ship and he stuck a needle in my leg then I woke up.

Comments by Dreamer strange I wonder what it means

==Commentary by DrD on Barney Dream (980222)==

judging from it, you don't seem to pay enough attention to the
courses given in the School of Dreams ... or School of the Rising
Sun... and your buddy Barney is having a little inflence on you,
because he stuck that needle into your leg... which is the
behaviour of Spider people... who try to prevent people to see
the Light.

In order to explain this, let me show you another
dream...where someone had needles pinned to her legs...

**Dream: Pins and Needles Posted by Tracy (970629)**

I dreamt that I was at a unversity and I was presented with a
plaque on behalf of my boyfriend and I for our writing
achievements. I ended up taking off my shoes and putting on a cap
that said FLASH. Soon everyone was leaving so I left with them.
But I did not go home, instead I went out to the back field. Lots
of kids were dancing, and my friend Carlos was playing on the
drums. My other friends Nicole and Alex decided to sing and we
had a crowd around us. After the performance, Alex hugged me and
told me I'd always be his best friend. Then a lady next to me,
supposedly the mother of a man named David, started to touch my
shoulder. It was late and I wanted to go home. She said she'd
give me a ride. I almost forgot my shoes and the FLASH cap. I get
into the car and she says, "I didn't see you at Eve's..." and I
explained that I wasn't there. Then she starts throwing needles
at me. She is explaining that she has committed some horrendous
crimes, but I am not listening, I am looking at the ck ads on the
highway. Then she turns and inserts the pins into my flesh. I
scream in pain and try to kick her away, but she wraps a cloth
around my legs with the needles attached. I scream and I don't
remember how I got out of it.

.... and you can go to the Tiger's Nest Dream Interpretation
Board and look for a very funny posting of mine dated about that
time... entitled "Spiders, Pins and Needles, Dead Babies and
Larry Hagman".... and you will know everything in this regard of
the needle in your leg.... Actually, may be I should post it here
also, because it is quite interesting for people who get this
type of Spider and Witches Dreams... and you will see what I do
with them.

So, don't let yourself be influenced by Barney's Rubble!

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another reality]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

[This month brings us: deer, white and black horses, ]

**Dream: Deer Social by Nutcracker (980218)**

I saw a herd of deer. The deer had deer bodies, but human heads
with antlers. They were dancing around, almost as if they'd been
choreographed. They danced in front of a large square shaped
chromatic backdrop. There were four squares inside the large
square and many squares inside each of the four, all in
graduated shades of pink (like some art form from the 60's).
(2/12/98) MISC.

==Commentary by DrD on Deer Social.... Big "Trinitarian"

Dear Friends,

I apologize for the jam I've caused the other night
with the Transfiguration dreams' exercise .... but for those who
stretched these brain muscles a little... we now going going
dancing for a change... because for the first time, since I am
here, although I've only been here a couple weeks, that we get
to the wonderful opportunity to see an extremely rare "Number
One" type of dream,... a Great Trinitarian Dream!

Be very careful now, this is the "Eternal Name
Baptism Dream"... and once you have this dream, which you get in
every single of your lifetimes, in which you meet your own
Guardian Individual Spirit... and what is amazing about these
Dreams is the fact that once you know who is your Essential
Spiritual Mother.... your Eternal Spiritual Body and once you
know its identity you can tell your Immortal Name and once you
know that you will automatically know who you were in many
As Milarepa, said so well....

" Thy Individual Spirit (Dharma-kaya) of thine own mind thou
shalt see;
And seeing That, thou shalt have seen the All-
The Vision Infinite, the Round of Death and Birth and the State
of Freedom."
Jetsun Kahbum, XII (Lama Kasi Dawa-Samdup's Translation.)

So, I have a wonderful present for my friend the dreamer of the
Revelation Dream.... because he will know that he is truly going
to Heaven, because he is there already. Just open your ears and
eyes....and watch this....

Deer Social by Nutcracker

I saw a herd of deer. The deer had deer bodies, but human heads
with antlers. They were dancing around, almost as if they'd been
choreographed. They danced in front of a large square shaped
chromatic backdrop. There were four squares inside the large
square and many squares inside each of the four, all in
graduated shades of pink (like some art form from the 60's).
(2/12/98) Misc.

WoW! The Message of this dream is clear....

"Deer Sir! See for yourself...You are the Lord of the
.......and this is who you are.

Actually, Sir, you are very famous all over the world,
because you left traces of your passages at countless
occasions... but possibly the best testimonies of your most
glorius past comings are preserved in Celtic Mythology.

The following are a few extracts of "Celtic Mysteries" by John
Sharkey... from pages 84-85... where you can also see
illustrations of your glorious self...

" The Stag God is one of the few Animal Spirits for whom we
have a name, known from a unique inscription : Cernunnos, the
Horned One or the Lord of all the Stags."

... and this can still be read under a relief of Cernunnos
exhibited in the Museum of Cluny in Paris. Actually, I think
that this relief was found underneath the foundations of the
Cathedral of Paris which was built right upon one of your Celtic
sanctuary... and the funny thing because of your horns you were
immediately associated with the Devil by priests of the
Christian Church!

Also, another very good relief, of Cernunnos, believed to be
of the 2nd century AD and exhibited in the Museum of Reims in
Marne, France... this time shows the Lord of all the
Stags,...(who, the book says, is often associated with the
Greco-Roman Pan?? who is part of the cortege of Dionysos, on his
chariot pulled by Centaurs! although I would be careful with
this one because Pan is usually represented as a Ram!)... sitting
on his throne supported by Deers, having on his lap a bag of
coins which expresses his perennial function as a provider and
as a God of prosperity and good fortune.

Very interestingly, Cernunnos, in this last mentionned
relief, is flanked by both Apollo and Hermes... who are two of
the Riders of the Chariot of the Sun-God... or Pegasus, if you
prefer. So, this is again a link between your Revelation Dream
and this Deer Social Dream!

OK! Now you may wonder why them Celestial Deers had human

This is very simple to explain... and this phenomena occurs
when the ghost bodies "unite" themselves with the Spirit body...
when they have reached the highest level of knowledge in regards
to previous lives! The realisation of the Trinity!

"Grasping the True nature of dreams,
May I train myself in the clear Light of the Miraculous
May I recognise whatever appareth as being my own
Spiritual forms,
May the Trinity be realised." (Root verses of the
Tibetan Book of the Dead)
" I have knit myself together; I have made myself whole and
complete; I have renewed my youth; I am Osiris, the Lord of
Eternity." (Egyptian Book of the Dead, chapter 69)

To explain this composite Deer with Human Face Holy
Creature,... the prophet Mohammed flew on the back of a
Winged-Horse and eventhough he is at most times represented as
such as a human riding the Horse ... Muslims believe that he was
the Horse himself and often represent him as the Winged-Horse...
but with his human face! This is to show that his ghost body
which sat on the Horse during the Ascension united itself with
the Horse or his individual Spirit, if you prefer...

But this ancient knowledge about the ghosts finally uniting
themselves with the Spirit to form these composite spiritual
bodies have been known by ancient civilizations for a very long

For instance, in the Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davidson,
on page 86, you will find the following...

"Cherubim (Kerubim)- in name as well as in concept, the
cherubims are Assyrian or Akkadian in origin. The word, in
Akkadian, is "Karibu" (Caribou!)and means "one who prays" or
"one who intercedes," although Dionysius declared the word to
mean knowledge. In ancient Assyrian art, the cherubims were
pictured as huge, (at times) winged, creatures with animal or
human faces with bodies of bulls or sphinxes, eagles, etc. As
Angels of light, glory and keepers of the celestial records, the
cherubims excel in knowledge. (Ref: Lidsay, "Kerubim in Semitic
Religion and Art".)

These Animals are wearing all kinds of names in different
religions and mythologies...such as Seraphims, Angels, Spirits,
Chalkydris, Hayyoths, Chariots of Gods... but generally
speaking they are known as Holy Beasts or Heavenly Beasts!

Sounds bizarre?,... not really, you only have to go into
Egyptian Mythology and you will see that all Egyptian Gods and
Goddesses all have their own individual animal Spirits or Sacred
Animals if you prefer... such as Hathor and her Sacred Cow, Hapi
with his Dog, Anubis with the Jackal, Thot with his Monkey,
Sebek and his Crocodile, Sekhmet with her Lion, Mut with her
Vulture...and etc.... and not only there... everywhere!

And these Gods can be represented in different ways,
sometimes as humans, sometimes as their own sacred animals
without any human features, sometimes as humans riding their
individual sacred animals and sometimes in composite figures of
two types...some with the animal body and the human
face(s)...and others with human body and animal face. In other
ways also, like above sitting on a throne supported by Holy
Animals...or holding a Scepter of the Particular Divine
Animal... and etc.

In the last option, I think that there is a good
representation of yourself in the second shrine of Tutankh-Amon
(1375 BC) a relief incised into gold foil in thin layers of
gesso... called "Gods of the Underworld" where we can see a Deer
headed God! You can see this representation in the "New
Encyclopedia of Mythology" by Larousse on p.32)
You can also see yourself, on page 386 of the same book, in
the Chinese Mythology section... mounted on your Deer Spirit...
where you are remembered as Lu-hsing, the God of Salaries...
which is similar to the Celtic God with the bag of Coins! There
is a beautiful representation of you as Lu-hsing in the Guimet
Museum in Paris!
Now, Deer Immortal Lord of all the Stags... from your Dream,
I get the divine impression that your Individual Spirit is very
happy of you to dance in front of you in that beautiful
choreography.... and all them human faces that you saw ...were
your own faces that you had in your numerous human incarnations
on earth!
Do you have any idea on how many deers were out there?
So, in conclusion Sir, welcome to the Eternal Dancing Spirit
How about a little Square Dance....with Pegasus ....
" Over the left and in the corners All...
Make lots of Wind in my Cover-Alls!"
Thank you one more time for this second absolutely
Divine Dream!
And I cannot see why all them Stags would happily
dance in your sight if you were anyone else than the Lord of all
the Stags! Did you see anyone else around?
Your "Very Old" Nutcracker Friend,
Dr. D

==Comments by Nutcracker on DrD on 'Deer Social' (980221)==

In a message dated 98-02-21 06:40:04 EST, you write:
<< And I cannot see why all them Stags would happily dance in
your sight if you were anyone else than the Lord of all the
Stags! Did you see anyone else around? >>

Dear DrD:

Thank you ever so much for the very enlightening and detailed
dream interpretation. I can't wait to check out the references
you were kind enough to list. FYI, no, there was no one else
around. Just me and the dancing deer. (there were
approximately 2 dozen deer)

Would it change things knowing that I'm a 'Deer Miss', rather
than a 'Deer Sir' ?

Nutcracker (who's obviously much older than she realizes)

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we
participate in]

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or jokes]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left,
make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil,
cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions
carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the
path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

==Commentary by Heratheta on norway drm sex drm, chopped off
dream, &broadcast drm (980212)==

norway dream - i have heard that jupiter entering pisces is
particularly strong now and that influence makes all our
efforts seem difficult. since jupiter will be intensifying
dreams back drafting our own luminesscence and its orbit is so
slow compared to ours i suspect bearing down and not giving up
is more important than ever. i had a dream in which an entity
carved a line in my face waking up. the entity was drawing the
life out of me. that lead me to the mirror after the dream to
find the line there and still there after 15 years. sex dream-
badly was not your strongest suit following that dream and so a
more controlling attitude of yourself and your partner might have
made things more pleasureable rather than an obvious yearning.
the recent movie kama sutra was about this kind of control
needed above though only until the nest dream which is not like
the movie. chopped off dream-yes, quite a coincidence, and
surely as all dreams are premonitory. i believe you have it
there with those "'s, i love it. you have enquoted the danger of
this premonition and so now what did you do to avoid it?
broadcast dream-would it have been difficulft to have found quiet
following this dream and to have kept your own talk to less than
broadcasting? the enquoting i find very encouraging, dreamers.
the asking of how you dealt with those quotes is rhetorical for
your privacy.

==Commentary by Heratheta on weird drm & deer drm (980219)==

weird drm- indicated a day away from "suddenly" to the left or
right of the MALL, looking at it from where this dream was
dreamed, would have served dreamer's personal peace . deer
dream- see above but substitute "almost" for "suddenly" and the
SQUARE location for the mall.

==Commentary by Heratheta on wave&picture dream,car thief&movie
dreamer (980206) =

i wish to thank all these dreamers for showing us the peace which
had lain to the right or left of the conflict represented in the
"huge" waves, the "almost,as if don't quite" pictures , the
"trying" car thief,and the "made to" knife parts of their
dreams. in knowing there was a way out of the burden these
enquoted conflicts are i am even heartened rather than depressed
by them showing the way out and as i listen now to the olympic
opening ceremony in the background as i type this message
beethoven's ode to joy singing out around the world, i am in my
way of life praying for that peacefully soulful way with joy
while walking in its momentum of serenity.

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]
(See Foaming at the Mouth under DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE)

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and destruction/transformation]

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

(See Yard Sales...under NUDITY)

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue
of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves
the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

**Dream: What does yard sales have to do with being naked? By ?

Date of Dream 2/19/98 - 3 am?

I was asked by my boss to go to a yard sale and to meet her at
the ship. (I guess in my dream I knew what ship) I met her
there and we were on board this big cruise ship. Many people
were there having mini yard sales in each corner. The boat was
full of them and there was no space for anything else. I was
walking up the stairs (those grate kind) and went from one sale
to the next. All of a sudden I was near my old house where I
grew up. I was down the street a bit on someone's front lawn.
My boss walked into my old house, then I realized I was naked (I
mean naked!). As I heard cars coming down the street I ducked
and tried to hide under a big piece of cardboard. Then I woke

Comments by Dreamer I don't understand it. I really like my
boss. I like yard sales but it's winter here. And being
naked???!!! What does all this mean?

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which
constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often
influencing how we relate to the outside world]

**Dream: Not-at-Work sex ? (980210)**

Dream Title Not-at-Work sex affair...
Date of Dream 2/5/98

I had a dream that I wanted badly to sleep with this guy (who is
fairly good looking) that works at my work (not in the same
department). And, through-out the foreplay and dream I kept
repeating "I have a boyfriend" (in fact I do, and we're very
much happy). Then, as we are about to have sex...He turns me
down and says he can't.

==Commentary by DrD on the Not at work sex affair (980224)==

Dear Mademoiselle,

this is a very interesting dream which indicates
that you can make a good platonic friendship with this guy who
will respect the fact that you are together with a boyfriend you
love. I think that you should discuss openly with him in regards
to dreams as I get the impression that he is a dreamer too.

However, there might be some surprises for never know... because it interesting that you have
this particular type of dream... which means that this guy is
your dream guy. You see, when I have these dreams...they are
usually with women that I do not know. But, you,... you know
this guy!!! Ouch!

Could that mean that you were lovers in a previous
life? I don't know, but in any case your soul...although it
respects the fact that you are happy and satisfied to be with
your boyfriend which it likes a lots...also loves the soul of
this guy!

Have fun, but beware of the Zippergate affairs,
Dr. D

**Dream: the man from the basement by StanK (980215)**

[note: stan requests that his name and address remain with the
dream text.] (stan kulikowski ii)
DATE : 17 fed 1998 06:28
DREAM : the man from the basement

=( got home in the pouring rain from teaching last night. i
had not drank my usual jolt cola during lecture as the caffiene
has been keeping me wound up all monday nights after class, but
not productive. so i drank a regular coke during class, and had
trouble keeping awake on the hour drive home. got stopped by a
cop for having a purple neon light around my license plate which
is now illegal i guess. just a warning though. watched ally
mcbeal with mom at the 23:00 west coast downlink, then piddled
around on the computer until 02:00. it felt rather early to go to
bed, but i got to sleep as i could not concentrate on the words
in _the decline and fall_. )=

billie had never been a particularly bright boy, just an average
kid from an average family in a typical town. this summer he had
been staying with his aunt janey while his folks were away at
some dull training institute related to their jobs. the start of
the summer had been fine with the new town to explore with his
cousin, ... his cousin, named ... um, there was a problem here
remembering his cousin. who was no longer in the family because
... um, his cousin who everyone knew except just now because this
cousin was ... not here because ...

the logic was circular and inescapable. his cousin just could
not be recalled in any particular, just generalities. aunt janey
had a son, but he was not here in the family just now, and
exactly when or how he became missing was not something one could
think about directly. it was bothering billie, this gap in
cognition, more than it seemed to be bothering his aunt.

then there was this strange man who showed up every evening
after sunset. just came up from the basement as if he owned the
place and spent the entire night with them, telling tales of far
off european villages in far off times. an hour or two before
sunrise he and aunt janey would retire to her bedroom for some of
those private moments that adults take away from the company of
their children, and billie would sit in front of the dark
television, staring at it in lingering fascination. after a
while the man who seemed to have no name would come out from the
bedroom looking fresh and rosey. he would tell billie to go up
to bed now. the man would thoughtfully descend into the cellar.
the boy and his aunt would sleep most of the day away.
but inactivity and circadian rhythm was slowly reasserting
itself on billie's metabolism. each day now he had been waking
a hour or two before sunset to wander the house and notice
things, like the hole in his mind about his cousin's name. or
the identity of whoever was sleeping in the basement. or the way
the family dog now guarded the basement door, preventing his
inquiry into its occupant during the daylight hours. still,
everything seemed to settle into place once again when evening
came and aunt janey came out from her bedroom, each day looking a
little more tired than the day before. then he came up the

tonight was special. the early hours after sunset, there was
an antique show in the center of town. a hullabaloo involving
the local dealers and television crews as experts from the
national public broadcast stations came in to appraise the local
treasures brought in by the common folk of the area. the three
of them were going to go see the goings on. not that aunt janey
had any family heirlooms to display. the stranger wanted to see
who was bringing what. he seemed to like old things, objects
from prior simpler times. his stories at night lingered on odd
details of how things used to work. mechanical principles or
details of texture: qualities seemingly missing in modern
technology which is governed by hidden mircocircuitry and the
flow of unseeable electrons.

the crowd of people in the school gymnasium was dazzling. all
the lights for the video cameras and the special glow that seemed
to radiate when the myopic cyclops of video transmission turned
their baleful lens in your direction. somehow the stranger
always avoided the gaze of national television. it was in one
of those moments of broadcast focus that billie and his aunt got
separated from each other just far enough to escape the odd
attention of the man from the basement. he was turning his back
to the cameraman scanning their way, and aunt janey went right
while billie went left. they continued on their aimless
wandering while the stranger was fixed avoiding the glare of the
camera and the anchor woman prattled on about some rickety

then billie remembered his cousin hector. four nights ago.
something happened. this part was still difficult to remember,
but not because of the depressive mesmerism of the stranger, but
because his mind did not want to recall. the blood and the
stink. that was it. the horrible sharp smell of hector's guts
and gastric juices bubbling out over the floor. how could he
have forgotten about his best friend in the basement with that
man? it had seemed so natural just not to think about it. but
he had seen it, or parts of it from the top of the stairs while
the dog growled and hackled at his presence so near the
underground sanctum.

the camera lights clicked off for a commercial break. the
anchor woman immediately deflated to become normal human again,
and the cellar man turned back to recover his companions. billie
could feel his search to locate them. sort of a twinge when aunt
janey was clicked back in. she was just standing by a display of
flow blue dishes and bowls, not wanting to remember her private
times with the stranger.

billie looked around in frantic haste as he felt the scan
searching for him pass over his head. in a corner of the alley
just outside the double doors of the gym was a polished oak
coffin. it had been used by the illusionist david copperfield as
one of his tricks. billie quickly jumped in and fumbled with the
false bottom to hide himself. the stranger and his aunt were
now coming his way. "hector help me, hector help me, hector help
me" was his mantra going over and over in his mind. not that his
cousin had any restorative powers, it was just that by keeping
the forbidden name foremost in his mind, he could fend off the
dulling influence of the stranger as he passed near the stage
coffin. it was odd, but the stranger seemed to abhor the coffin
as one of the few modern collectibles at the show, here for its
curiosity sake rather than its antiquity.

=( i awake 05:45 feeling refreshed after sleeping straight
through most of the night. this is fairly rare for me now, as i
usually work through the wee hours. i think about going to
faculty meeting with the navy contractors at 08:00 but i am not
expected due to the hour. usually i would be nonfunctional.
but i go over the details of this dream to get them straight for
writing in the log. there was some bit about billie cleaning up
the blood in a child's swimming pool where hector had been
killed, but i can not seem to place that in the context of this
dream while writing it. the man appeared in the dream to be as
faceless as he was nameless, but i could not really describe this
adequately. probably something to do with his mental powers of
unnoticeability. )=

== qui non est hodie cras minus aptus erit
| | who not is today, tomorrow less suitable will be
--- -- Ovid _Remedia Amoris_ i 94

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

==Commentary by DrD on Supple-mental "Transfigurations" Tai-Chi

Dear Dreamers,
I classify dreams in possibly 10 categories...
from which this "Transfiguration" type would be the second most
important being the "Trinitarian".

Regardless of which one should be regarded as the
most important category...this type indicates who you were
precisely in a or possibly even more or lives.

To begin, we will play with the magic carpets... and
show a few VIP dreams which will be our Teachings... and the VIP
guys in the dreams will be our Instructors. This will be short
and sweet! But, keep yourself warm, hold on to your internal
hat, and be willing to exercise those athrophiated brain muscles
of yours, because this following exercise is a real mind
bender... and during the structural expansion, these stiff
muscles will obviously stretch a little. ( You might still feel
it tomorrow too, but don't worry as it is all part of the
natural spiritual growing process.)

Retaining the "H" formation....on carpet "A"... we
start with a famous Celtic "Transfiguration"...the one of Cu
Chulain... as extracted from the " Celtic Mysteries " by
J.Sharkey p.10 & 11...

" The great epic Tain Bo Cualgne, "The Cattle Raid of
Cooley", shows the warrior hero Cu Chulainn single-handedly
defending the Northern Province against "the Men of Ireland". In
one episode, when the champion is badly wounded and needs a
respite, the Sun-God Lugh of the Long Arm himself appears ....
walking unconcernedly through the carnage of the battle.

"Who are you?" Cu Chulainn asks the Ghost

" Your Father from the Outerworld am I,...Lugh of
Enthliu. Sleep a while, Cu Chulainn," says the Radiant Warrior,
" and I will oppose all during that time." He examines each
wound so that it becomes clean. Then He sings him "men's low
strain" so that Cu Chulainn falls asleep."

" The Ghost Warrior from the Sidh, "a man born not of a
woman" tells Cu Chulainn to sleep, " for they have no power over
your life at this time". In the bardo state the Hero is neither
dead nor awake; like Arthur asleep below the hillside, he is
"once and future king"- ritually bound as a cosmic embodiment of
the Ancient dream state."

You see, this normal oneiric phenomena, which has
been called by some as "Transfiguration".... a universally
well-known phenomena when a ghost of a previous life, a
Spiritual Father of the Otherworld, appears for guidance and/or
instruction. Striking parallels can be found, once again, in all
civilisations in this regard....for instance in Genesis 15,1,
when the Lord appeared to Abraham in a vision of the night...

" Do not be afraid, Abraham, I am your shield and your exceeding

Anyways, we can easily understand why Cu Chulain had no
problem in subjugating alone all the Men of Ireland.....who
fastly understood that he was the reincarnation of the
Sun-God.... Lugh of the Long Arm.*

*( Lugh of the Long Arm, whose name has affinities with
the Latin Lux...Light...and many places in Europe like Leyden in
Holland or Carlisle (Caer Lugubalion) were named after him...the
Greatest Warrior of All, the Sun-God himself, the victor of the
eternally renewed battle with darkness..... who in that
particular life was the King of the Tuatha De Dannan. Besides
being a Warrior, he was also a wiseman, a magician, a musician
and master of all techniques.)


On carpet B... we put one of the numerous
"Transfigurations" of Lord Buddha... and this particular
segment called "Buddha's Sermon on What is the Greatest

"On a certain day dwelt the Blessed One at Srivasta, at the
Jetavana monastery, in the Gardens of Anathapindaka. And when
the night was far advanced, a certain radiant celestial being,
illuminating the whole of Jetavana, approached the Blessed One
and saluted him, and stood aside, and standing aside addressed
him with this verse:

"Many gods and men yearning after good have held divers
things to be blessings; say thou what is the greatest blessing?

1. To serve wise men and not fools, to give honour to whom
is due, this is the greatest blessing.
2. To dwell in a pleasant land, to have done good deeds in
a former existence, to have soul filled with right desires, this
is the greatest blessing.
3. Much knowledge and much science, the discipline of a
well trained mind, and a word well spoken, this is the greatest

You see again here we have the same phenomena where a
ghost from a previous life of Buddha came to teach him as well
as many others some knowledge... and every body that was sleeping
and dreaming there at the Jetavana monastery saw this.

On carpet C... we put the Greco-Roman "Transfiguration" of
Bellerophon with Athena....

Bellerophon, was a haunted personnage, who flew on the
Winged -Horse in a dream and subsequently killed the
Chimera.....Apparently, question of apparitions, Athena appeared
STATEMENT..... and gave him a gold bridle thanks to which he was
able to tame the Horse Pegasus.(***Encyclopedia of Mythology,
english v., p.108 , french v., p. 102.***)

In any case, Athena, it is said " became equal to her
Father (Zeus)... in both strenght and prudent wisdom."
....Theogony, 896.... and is represented wearing a head-dress
which is flanked by two Winged-Horses, one on each side... as in
the gold and ivory sculpture of Phidias Vth century B.C. (FM)

What she wishes to teach to humans is thatit is "the
Metis, the magical intelligence, and not the strength, that makes
a good Man." Iliad, xv,412.

Let's go around one more time... starting again on
carpet A...with another Rider of the Winged-Horse... namely
Perseus... but this time we make things more difficult as a few
Ghosts of the past come and assist him in his fight against the
forces of Darkness....

Perseus, everyone knows that he is a good guy, he flies
on Pegasus and destroys the Gorgon ... taking her head as a
present to Athena....which becomes her Egid.

There is no need to expand on this world famous story
which is a landmark in the Mysteries of Mythology, which explains
the presence of an illustration of Perseus on the magical Horse
Pegasus on page 1 of the Encyclopedia of Mythology, english
version, for example.

In any case, Perseus, in the accomplishment of his divine
mission, is helped, in this regard, by a few of the ghosts of
the ancient riders of the magical Horse of the past....namely
Hermes, Hades and Athena.


Now, let's get a bit more serious...and put on carpet B...
the Transfiguration of Jacob, the Patriarch who was also known
as Jacob-Israe l and who is well remembered by his most
memorable Dream, " The Stairway to Heaven"...preserved in
Genesis 28, 12+

" And he dreamed, and behold a Stairway was set up on
the earth, and the top of it reached Heaven ; and behold the
Angels of God were ascending and descending on it. And behold,
the Lord stood above it, and said..." I am the Lord God of
Abraham...and the God of Isaac : the land on which thou liest,
to thee I will give it, and to thy seed..."

So, this deformed story of Jacob in the Land of
Dreams, is a powerful indication that he also ascended on the
Angel of the Lord.... but Jacob, "The Deceiver" is not only
remembered for that.... but also for his special and very funny
Transfiguration...during which he wrestled all night with God,
as badly reported in Genesis 32, 24....

One of the best example of this type of encounter of
the third kind is preserved in the pseudepigraphic "Prayer of
Joseph", an Alexandrian apocryphon, commented on by Origen and
Eusebius and quoted in part by Ginzberg in "the Legends of the
Jews" V,310....which relates to the physical wrestling of the
patriach Jacob with Uriel.

In this story, it is said that once Uriel had put Jacob to
the ground, Uriel told him these puzzling words....." I have
come down to the earth to make my dwelling among men, and I am
called Jacob by name." !!!....The meaning of the foregoing is
puzzling, unless Uriel turned into Jacob after wrestling with
the Patriarch at Peniel ; but the incident as related in Genesis
32 suggest a different interpretation! ( Integral text, DA,
p.298 see Uriel)

Do you see what I mean? In other words, Uriel said to
Jacob...." I am your Father of the Underworld and the Ghost of
our soul's previous incarnation.... you are me and I am you?"

Apparently, Jacob finally managed to understand because
further along in the same story occurs this passage...." He who
speaks to you, I, Jacob and Israe l, am an angel of the Lord and
a principal archikon(Spirit)" and elsewhere in the same he
says..."I am Israe l the archangel of the power of the Lord and
the chief tribune among the sons of God." Further along,
Jacob-Israe l clearly identifies himself as Uriel, which
definitely= indicates that Jacob entered earthly life from a
pre-existent state. (DA, p.151, see Israe l.)....
(Unfortunately, the Pope and his Deacons could not understand
this reincarnation story, defended by Origen, and declared
Christianism to be a non-reincarnationist faith.)


Now, on carpet C... we put the "Transfiguration" of

You are all aware of the Transfiguration of Jesus, which is
described in Luke 9, 28 -34, Mark 9, 1 -10, and Matthew 17, 1
-11,... when he was seen in a dream( Luke 9,32 ), by Peter, John
and James, talking with Moses and Elijah, two of the previous
Horsemen of the Winged-Horse ...who had been dead for numerous

" Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but
when they became fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men
standing with him." ( Luke 9,32)

" ...the appearance of his face changed, and his
clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men Moses
and Elijah appeared in Glorious splendor, talking with Jesus."(
Luke 29 -31)

" There he was transfigured before them. His
face shone like the Sun, and his clothes became as white as the
light." ( Matthew 17, 2 )

" Then appeared before them Elijah and Moses who
were talking with Jesus." ( both in Mark 9, 4 and Matthew 17,
3 ) ..... and a voice was heard.... Elijah or Moses spoke and in
either case..."The Lord of Before" said.....

" This is my Son, whom .... I have chosen (Luke 9,
35)....I love, with him I am well pleased. (Mat. 17, 5 ) Listen
to him! " ( Luke, Mark 9,7 and Matthew)

" When the disciple heard this, they fell face down to
the ground, terrified." (Mat. 17,6)

" They were so frightened." ( Mark 9,6) .... and this
is very normal and the reason why he is at times called the "
Great King of Terror".

" As they were coming down from the Mountain, Jesus
gave them orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until the
Son of Man had risen from the dead. They kept the matter to
themselves, discussing what "Rising of the Dead " meant." Mark (
9, 9 - 10 )

And this goes along with a little background stated in
Luke 9, 18 to 27, when Jesus asked the following question to his
disciples.... " Who do the crowds say I am ? "...." They
replied, " Some say John the Baptist ; others say Elijah ; and
still others, that one of the prophets of long ago has come back
to life."

So you see once again the appearance in dreams of these
ghosts of previous lives or them "Transfigurations" as I like to
call them apparitions explains the Mystery of the
Let's carry on back to carpet A... with the Transfiguration
of Padma-Sambhava...

The Wizard Padma-Sambhava the founder of Lamaism, in
keeping with the divine attributes with which he has been
invested as "Saviour of a suffering World"...also flew on the
Magical Horse stated on page 32 of "Buddhism and Lama=EFsm
of Tibet" .....

" He was envelopped in a Glorious Rainbow-Halo, within which
appeared the great Heroes of the World, who assisted him in
mounting the Celestial Horse-Car in which he was now borne away
in the Sky..... attended by the Heroes and a host of Fairies
amid heavenly music and showers of flowers."

By the way, Padma-Sambhava, is the author of the very
famous "Bardo Thodol"... and these are his favourite words as
stated in the "Root Verses" of this book.

"Grasping the True nature of dreams,
May I train myself in the clear Light of the Miraculous
May I recognise whatever appareth as being my own Spiritual
Let it come that I obtain the non-forgetting intellect and
remember my past lives."

Now, back to carpet B... let's put the "Transfiguration" of

Mohammed ( 570- 632 A.D.) .... in the year 621, at the age
of 51 years old, IN A DREAM, flew on the magical Winged-Horse
of Fire which he called Burak, which means "Thunder-Lightning".
The full version of this most memorable dream has been preserved
in "The Bokhari" ( Vol.15, p.3615 ) one of the Holy Islamic
Scriptures. The beauty of the Muslim Scriptures resieds in the
fact that they still remain in the language in which they have
originally written.

The story of the Ascension of Mohammed,
known as "Miraj", or "Stairway to Heaven" began when Mohammed
fell asleep on a carpet at his cousin's place and became the
inspirational source of different "Stories of the 1001 Nights of
Arabia" involving "Magic Carpet Rides". The following is a
resume of this fabulous DREAM....

" Mohammed had gone to rest at dusk. He slept deeply on the
carpet of his cousin, Mutem ibn Adi. Suddenly, the silence was
broken and a voice as clear as a trumpet called :

" Awake, thou sleeper, awake!" And Mohammed saw in front of him,
dazzling in darkness the shining Archangel Gabriel who was
inviting him to follow him outside. Before the door stood a
Horse as dazzling as Gabriel. It had wings, glittering wings of
an immense eagle. Gabriel presented the Horse to Mohammed, saying
that it was "Burak" the Horse of Abraham. Burak whinnied and
allowed Mohammed to vault on its back.

Then, drinking the wind, it galloped to the street and as it
came to the walls of the sleeping city, it spread its wings and
soared into the starry night.

First of all, they went to the summit of Mount Sinai, at the
very place where Jehovah had given the stone tables to Moses.
Then, they flew on and went to Bethleem at the exact place where
Jesus was born. And finally, depending on the different versions,
they went to Heaven, or into a Holy Temple in Heaven, where
Mohammed met with many of the Holy Land's previous Horsemen...
Adam, Noah, Enoch (apparently, known by them as Idris?), Moses,
Isaac, Elijah, Jesus and a few others!! (A most interesting case
of Transfiguration.)

And these guys spoke and told him : " We salute you,
you the first and the last, O Gatherer of men." ...and Gabriel
added : " We salute you, O you the first, because you will be
the first person who, on Resurrection Day, will come out of his
grave ; and the last, because you are the Sceal and the last
prophet. You are a gatherer of men in the meaning that it
belongs to you gather everyone for the resurrection and as such
the whole community will resurrect."

So, this is basically, the dream...some parts were taken from
" The Messenger, the Life of Mohammed" by R.V.C. Bodley,
Greenwood press, N.Y., 1946 while the last paragraph comes from
"Apocalypses et Voyages dans L'Au-Deli" by Angelo Piemontese.

And finally, for tonight's little intellectual work-out
we could end... back on carpet C... with the Great Roman Emperor
August who dreamt of Jupiter(Zeus)...or Julius Ceasar who dreamt
of Alexander the Great... or of Abraham who dreamt of the
Lord...or the meeting of Mithra with Varuna...or of Osiris with
RA... or Lord Krishna and Indra...or etc... but, for a change I
will put the same dream as yesterday....because this dream being
a relatively fresh one.... really shows the undoubtfull Spiritual
Succession... or the Transmigration of an Immortal Soul inside
its different Spiritual Bodies.... which is the Ultimate Max in
regards to "Transfigurations"...

**Dream: "Father of the Other World" **

" When my mind woke up to its senses, I was walking down the
street with my pack-sack on my back, in the center of a big
Downtown, a concrete Jungle of Sky-scapers, somewhere. It was
dawn, when everything is still misty and obscure and I was aware
that the Sun was just about to rise. I was alone on the street,
as the City was still asleep and there was in the air a
distinctive seaside smell.
Suddenly, my eyes were attracted by a greenish light emanating
from a little window, located at knee level in the thick
concrete foundation wall of one of these tall Scrapers and
located at the far end of a narrow Dead-End alley. So, I walked
to the window and once there bending down, I saw at eye level,
through a portion of the window, where the dirty glass was
broken and missing, (lower left section) a familiar looking ball
which was radiating this magical green irradiant light. Then,
observing carefully, I came to realise that it was the Earth!!
While the continents were dark, the Water of the Oceans were
generating this luminescence which was lighting this dark cave.
Gradually, I began to be able to discern other forms in the the
dark and soon saw that the earth was tied to a gold chain
attached to the North pole and was going straight up in the cave
of this large building. Then, I saw a hand....a right hand,
holding this Earth from above and pulling down on it, against the
chain, which was passing between the major and index finger of
this hand.

Then, I slowly began to see the person who was pulling down
against the chain.( This person was standing right up with the
right arm right up too, and was right under the Earth.)
Stretching my neck, I looked down following the bare right arm,
which was covered by an ample sleeve, which would have normally
covered the whole arm, but in this position it had slipped and
covered only from the elbow downward to the shoulder.

I soon saw that he was wearing a white "Djelabah" type dress with
a hood covering his head, but still I could see his face from a
poor angle...and it seemed as if he was sleeping.

Actually, besides the angulation of his head, he was exactly in
the position of Helios in the Statue of Liberty in New-York
City....and besides a few little details such as the radiating
torch in his right hand and the hood over his face ....he really
looked like it.

Anyways, stretching my neck even further, in the hope of getting
a better look at his face, I leaned in the in the broken corner
of the window. At this point, I could see the lower rim of my
left eye's orbit. Finally, I was able to get a good look at his
face and as soon as I did, I immediately recognised him.

It was a shock. Rubbing my eyes, I looked twice or thrice just to
make sure. Still, I could not believe my eyes, but yet I had to
face the facts and the face....and reality. There was absolutely
no doubt and to my utmost surprise. He was verily on all angles
the Great Person known as Jesus of Nazareth. I simply could not
imagine such a scene like, and sincerely, it was the very last
thing that I could expect.
His head was in the familiar position as He is usually
represented on the Cross,...and His eyes were closed. For a
while, I wondered if He was dead, but yet, since He was holding
on to the Earth, by His obvious will....He was therefore well
alive and at the most merely sleeping!!

Nevertheless, He was there, hanging on, in total resignation, as
if His only way out would be when someone would go in
there....inside this cave of materialism...where He was held break this Gold Chain of Materialism...and thus
release the Christ and free the World, at the same time. ""One
rock two birds!""

In my mind it was saying...."Help Him...Help Him...Help
Him....Someone Help Him!" In a rush, I felt a strong urge
rising into me. I sincerely wanted to help Him...I personnaly
wished to

help the Christ....give Him a hand...give Him a
break...but did not know how to get in.

Suddenly, my soul, in the flash of an in stant, transmigrated in
the head of the spiritual Holy Ghost body of Jesus. I
transfigured with Him, from my own present ghost body, my soul
transmigrated into His Holy Ghost body ... (which just happens
to simply be another ghost body of a previous life of our unique
immortal soul! )

And then, the Earth held in my right hand got brighter and
brighter and its lighting effect spreaded to my whole body which
also began to radiate a strong luminescence and soon the whole
City at my feet was totally illuminated...and then gradually the
Eastern States were brightly enlightened and then the whole
North-American Continent....and soon the whole World was in the
Light." (End)

And now, I will leave the magic carpets free just in case
you would like to use the room for some "Transfiguration" dreams
of your own...
.... and don't worry no one will laugh at
you and anyways I will execute another type of Kata tomorrow...
the "Ascension" type! This will be fun!

In the meantime,... train this "past lives remembering
intellect" and stay tuned.,

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have
questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the
spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or
imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

= = = = = = = = = = = ==


(None this month)

= = = = = = = = = = = ==

Well, that's all for now Folks. See you in ED 5.3.

Hasta La Vista!

Bob Krumhansl
= = = = = = = = = = = =





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Thanks to our many web links!

The Electric Dreams Staff

Peggy Coats - News & Calender Events Director

Linley Joy - Dream Group Moderator

Bob Krumhansl - Editor & Dream Editor

Matthew Parry - Web Master

Nutcracker - Dream Journals & Dream Reaper

Victoria Quinton- Questions & Answers Editor
mermaid 8*)

Jesse Reklaw - Art Director & cover Designs

Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director

Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles & Subscriptions

+ The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue to your
+ The generous authors of our articles
+ The delightful dreamers and commentators
+ Special thanks to Catherine Decker & Jay Vinton

All dream and article text and art are considered (C)opyright by
the writers, artists and dreamers themselves. Anyone other than
the authors may use or reprint the text for non-commercial use,
but all other use by anyone other than the author must be with
the permission of either the author or the current Electric
Dreams dream editor.

Electric Dreams is an independent electronic publication not
affiliated with any other organization. The views of our
commentators are personal views and not intended as professional
advise or psychotherapy.

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