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Electric Dreams Volume 05 Issue 09

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 · 1 Jan 2021


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Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

Volume 5 Issue 9

Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams


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Volume 5 Issue #9


ISSN# 1089 4284


Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web


Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Bob Krumhansl <>

Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>

For back issues, editors addresses
and other access & Staff see
at the end of this issue



++ Editor's Notes
++ Dream Airing: Notes, letters to the editor
++ Column: Dream Trek: A Call To Expand Dream
Linda Lane Magall›n
++ Q&A: Watch Your Dreams + Tips
Nancy Huseby Bloom
++ Special Section: edited by Richard Wilkerson
===> A Short History on the Rise of Dream Sharing in
===>A Transcript from an Online Dream Group 'Coins of Life'
August 1998 DreamWheel


If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at

This Month's Features:

Nightmare Workshop in Portland, Oregon
- Spiritual Direction and Dream Training in the Jungian
Mystical Tradition

- Life-Altering Dreams for Television Pilot
Male Bereavement Dream Series
- Dreams, Visions and Their Effects on Art

-Dreamwork on AOL
-Sol y Luna Voyager A Lucid Dreaming Dreams:
-The Bridge Between the Ego and the Subconscious
- New Additions to the ED Dream Links Site

DREAM CALENDAR for October 1998

Editorial BY BOB K.

OCTOBER 16, FRI deadline for submission
FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 5(10)

Send in Nightmares and Articles on Nightmares!


Editor's Notes


Its been a couple of years since we have published a full
transcript of an online dream group, and so most of this
issue will be devoted to this. But first...

Have we been missing out on much of dreams significance by
our focus on psychological interpretations? Linda Magallon
calls for a new approach that will take a wider group of
perspectives into account in her Dream Trek Column, A Call
To Expand Dream Interpretation.

Nancy Huseby Bloom gives a healing interpretation to a dream
in her Watch Your Dreams Column, and includes dream tips.

Peggy Coats has an extensive network of dreaming news which
is kept at the and shared each month with
Electric Dreams in the Global Dreaming News. Here you can
find conferences, online events, new web sites and other

There is a last minute note I wanted to mention for those
of you who are members (or would like to be) of the
Association for the Study of Dreams: There is a special
members deal from Patricia Garfield. In October, the
membership price will go up, so get in now!

Need a cover for your issues of Electric Dreams? You can
visit our Electric Dreams Covers Gallery and download the
cover of your dreams. Acutally, we have several galleries.
You can access them via

You may have noticed that the art for Electric Dreams sites
has improved dramatically in the last few months. All thanks
to Bryan Smith. Be sure to visit his site and see even more

Bob Krumhansl bring you this last month's dreams that have
come into the Electric Dreams community as well as notes on
dreaming and comments. Be sure to read the Dream Section and
Bob's editorial.
By the way, the dream section takes a lot of time to put
together and Bob would love some help. If you can devote a
few minutes each month and would like to join the Electric
Dreams Staff, drop Bob a line at

The Online Dream Groups. A few years ago we started the
DreamWheel and it has been a pleasure for everyone who has
participated. What is it like to have a group of people
focus on your single dream for two weeks? Quite intense,
very insightful and always a delight. This month on Electric
Dreams we are reprinting a full transcript of a dream group
(anonymously) that took place this August. Be sure to read
"The Coins of Life".

Besides satisfying your curiosity about what goes on in
these dream groups, we also would like to open them up for
other to join, or for you to try out your own groups online.
We have no desire to possess the process and are more
interested in the best ways to use the Net for dream
sharing. An so the instructions are also included, though I
would recommend you try out one session with us.

Where did these groups come from and how did they evolve? I
am including a short history of dream sharing on the
Internet. If you have had groups and meetings online, we
would be very interested in publishing your accounts here.
Send them to
Richard Wilkerson

Also, if you would like to join a DreamWheel, drop me a

NEXT MONTH: Halloween! It's time again for a focus on
Nightmares and Scary Dreams. So get out all those night
frights and send them in for publication. I'd also like to
see the online FAQ's on Nightmares expanded and some book

There will also be a annual Halloween Swarm, where we
travel around the Internet, visit old dream haunts, update
with friends and deliver our scary dreams! Watch on Usenet
alt.dreams and other places for more information on the

See you all online,

Richard Wilkerson


Dream Airing
Notes, letters to the editor
Send to


Review of Electric Dreams.

Reviewed by Patrick M., [09/10/98]

I've been an avid admirer of Electric Dreams for about two
years now. Having worked in a Sleep Lab for 2 and a half
years, and being interested in the whole area of altered
states of consciousness all my life, I looked long and hard
at the various "associations" out there on the web and I can
tell the first time visitor that ANY question you have, from
helping interpret a puzzling dream, comparing dreams with
others and discussing similarities/differences, to visiting
others while in REM, to even those experiences that fall
into the "paranormal" category, you will find your answers
here. R. Wilkerson and the rest of the staff and
participants in Electric Dreams have no motivation other
than helping each other (and you) with understanding this
fascinating aspect of our lives more fully.

Want Electric Dreams Illustrated?

Get this issue with graphics by subscribing to
Put in body of email only:
subscribe your-email
-------------- ---------------- --------------------- ---

I experience "Awareness during sleep", and "Old Hag"
(paralyzing nightmares). I wonder if you could give me any
info on "Hynogogics"?
Thank you,

Reply from Keith

The word "Hypnogogic" comes from the Greek word meaning
"leading into sleep," and occurs right before sleep onset.
During REM sleep or when you are dreaming, the body becomes
temporarily paralyzed to prevent movement.

Sometimes a person can awake, and the paralysis continues.
This "sleep paralysis" can be frightening, and the person
can experience things like "attacks from spirits," "UFO
abductions," "vibrations," and other strange feelings.

Keith Garcia
The Lucidity Institute, Inc. * tel: 650.321.9969 * fax:
650.321.9967 * *

Hi Richard,

A while ago you had sent me an email asking me where my
online webzine column "Sea Of Dreams" was located. A couple
weeks ago, my editor/publisher asked me to return again, and
this time I decided to return and we are also offering a
contest for people to submit their dream entries to win a
free dream interpretation. I thought you might enjoy the

G21 Webzine:
Sea Of Dreams:

Thank you,

- - Cyndi Russell - -
*Dream Interpretations Nightmares Sleep Disorders*
~ Dream Emporium ~
~~ ~~


By Linda Lane Magall›n

A Call To Expand Dream Interpretation


My husband recently had a dream. In it, he was driving a
large black foreign car through the corridors of a large
building and out into a parking lot. He eased the wheels
past a set of metal spikes and thought that he had managed
to avoid them. But as he continued down the road, suddenly
all four tires went flat.

What does this dream mean?

To unlock its significance, dreamworkers might use the
method called "if this were my dream." Using free
association, they could quickly hone in on the Jungian
shadow inherent in the foreign and black-colored automobile.
Freudians could have a field day finding sexual metaphor in
the flat tires. It doesn't matter if dreamworkers amplify
the metal spikes into the archetypal Pearly Gates, play
punning games with the parking lot or have a Gestalt
dialogue with the wheels. The end result highlights the
personal psychological parameters or spiritual explanations
for the surface imagery of the dream.

And that's not enough.

In this case, the usual interpretation approaches leave out
three crucial underlying elements: the physiological, the
out-of-body and the psychic.

Let me continue my story. First, please review the dream,
paying close attention to the car, the corridors and the

Physiological: My husband awoke from the dream with the
sharp pains of indigestion. Yes, in this case, the old saw
that "a dream is the result of what you eat" had some truth
to it. Personally, I think the sharp pains initiated the
image of the metal spikes.

Out-of-body: As he finished telling me the dream, my husband
commented, "I was the car." This comment requires a bit of
explanation. Many traditions support the idea that we go
out-of-body during the night. For astral projectors, their
traveling vehicle is an astral body similar to the physical
version. Remote viewers are more apt to travel without a
body, as a spark of consciousness. Shamans hitch a ride on
another body, whether it be fish or fowl. They travel
empathetically, as the other body. They become one with the
bird or beast.

The common idea is that consciousness travels beyond the
physical body. But the truth is, consciousness can travel
anywhere...outside or inside. My husband recognized that the
foreign car winding its way through the corridors of his
dream was equivalent to the foreign matter winding its way
through his intestinal track. "I was the car," he said. His
consciousness was an empathic spark of awareness taking part
in the events driving through the innards of his body.

However, this was not a literal view of the inner event. He
did not dream the interior of his intestine. The actual
activity was overlaid with fanciful imagery. Why? One reason
could be witness inhibition. When direct awareness of the
literal event is too disturbing, the psyche creates an image
buffer. (Yes, Dr. Freud, I agree that the psyche can be a
censor, but rarely for the reasons you thought!) Another
reason is virtually the opposite: the literal event is too
boring, so the psyche creates a more exciting and creative
variation on the original theme. My husband is an artist.
After consideration, he agreed that both "cover-up"
explanations were plausible.

And why would his psyche choose that particular set of
cover-up symbols? First clue came from day residue known to
him. The night before, my husband had been a guest at the
house of a married couple. There, he was witness to an
argument between them over what car they would purchase. It
was the strongest emotional event of the evening and "set
him up" for the use of whatever car imagery would most
closely resemble the indigestion event he was bound to
experience later on. The imagery could have been a memory
pulled from his past. But it wasn't.

Psychic: Second clue came from day residue unknown to him.
When my husband told me his dream, it felt like a replay of
the Action Jackson movie I'd seen on TV the day before. At
the climax of the movie, Jackson drives a car up a flight of
stairs and through the hallways of a mansion. Both he and
his car are hit by gunfire. That sequence was the strongest
picture of the day for me. I had not told my husband about
it; I was nearly asleep when he returned home from his
visit. This is not the first time that my husband has
"picked up" MY day residue and translated it into HIS dream.
Our psychic auras "rub off" on each other continuously.
Maybe because we sleep in the same bed.

There are plenty of interpretation techniques that honor the
psychological and spiritual. But do they routinely ask, "Is
this dream psychic? Is this dream an out-of-body (or
in-body) experience? Is this dream the result of
physiological influence?" No. I know of no such method.

How about we invent one? And if so, what would we call it?


Watch Your Dreams
with Nancy Huseby Bloom


Dear Nancy, Week of October 4, 1998

This dream felt so real that I haven't been able to get
it out of my mind. I had it over a month ago and still
think about it daily. Can you help? Marie

"I am a member of a group called 'Freedom Fighters.' My
people are being persecuted and we have to be very careful
about the resistance. I am building two bridges over a
river or crevasse. I am using strong, new lumber. These
bridges will lead my people to safety and freedom. I have
completed one bridge. I enter a cafe and order a cup of
coffee but the waitress is afraid to talk to me because of
the persecution all around. I whisper to her, 'The second
bridge is almost complete.' I head back to a small room in
the back of the cafe where all the planning has taken

Dear Marie,

The purpose of dreams is to give us healing and insight
into our lives. When we are making major life changes,
dreams often show us where we are in the process.

Are you fighting for freedom in some part of your daily
life? How are you being persecuted? When we spoke on the
phone you shared with me that your husband can be extremely
demanding and controlling and that you have been in an
ongoing struggle with him for years regarding your own
personal freedom to honor your own thoughts, ideas and

The strong new bridges that you are building in your
dreams are very positive symbols. Bridges often represent
transition, of movement from one way of being to another.
Your bridges will lead your people (all the different parts
of yourself) to freedom.

Is there a need for you to be building these bridges in
secret? What are the bridges in your waking life? A plan
of escape, shelter, perhaps money stashed away?
Are there two bridges because you are hoping your
husband will find his way to freedom too? The need to
control is just as oppressive to the spirit as being

Your dream shows that this planning is all going on in
"the back room." Perhaps you are just now willing to
consciously face this situation and make this change. Your
bridges are nearly complete. Freedom is at hand. Good
luck, Marie.


Although nightmares and other disturbing dreams that
show oppression or cruelty can illustrate the people and
situations around us, often they show us how we are treating
ourselves. It is easy to blame others for our pain but when
we look at ourselves honestly, we can often see that our
abuser or jailor is inside of us.

By exploring your dream with this idea in mind, you can
ask yourself questions to uncover the essence of it. Is
your dream 'bully' an oppressive spouse or boss or your own
inner critic? Is your dream 'jailor' someone in your life
or are you holding yourself back?

'Shadow' characters who show up in our dreams as
tormentors, thieves and thugs are usually the parts of our
personalities that we have disowned and swept under the
proverbial rug. When they show up in our dreams it is time
to face up to them, to bring them out into the light of
consciousness. Often we find that they have their place and
purpose for being there. It is a humbling experience to see
these images as parts of ourselves but it is also incredibly
valuable as a tool for inner knowledge and growth.

Nancy Huseby Bloom

The Electric Dreams Dream Groups: A special report


A Short History on
the Rise of Dream Sharing in Cyberspace

Richard Wilkerson


(For a transcript of a group, see below 'Coins of Life')

When USENET became popular among the USA University crowd in
the late 1980's, the idea of the Regional Bulletin Board was
expanded nationally (and in some cases, internationally) and
the discussion of dreams could be found in various Usenet
Newsgroup topic boards.

Usenet was organized like a real bulletin board, where one
could post a note and others could read and post replies.
Group discussions may them develop over time. Because of the
popularity of BBS's, the Usenet bulletin boards were called
"Newsgroups". By the 1990's all but the most wild of the
Newsgroups were accessible via the Internet, and it was
clear that dreams needed their own Newsgroup. "alt.dreams"
was formed (3).

The Newsgroup alt.dreams was originally suggested by Jack
Campin as a way to study contemporary culture. He wanted a
snapshot of dreams in the late 20th Century much in the same
way that The Third Reich of Dreams (4) gives a snapshot of
the society in Nazi Germany. But it was soon apparent that
the real appeal of alt.dreams was to share dreams and
discussions about their significance and meaning.

Although alt.dreams provided a global gathering spot and
spawned other related newsgroups like alt.dreams.lucid and
alt.dreams.castaneda, the un-moderated venue lacked
something essential for those used to face-to-face dream
sharing. Individuals that did want more formed smaller
private e-mail groups away from the alt.dreams newsgroup.

Electric Dreams and other Dream Communities

One of these groups distributed a collection of the dreams
and comments between the subscribers and then published the
comments and replies in a weekly format. When I found the
community in the fall of 1994 they had grown to about 60
members and the dreams and comments were shared in a
bi-monthly E-zine, (an electronically distributed magazine
via E-mail) which they called Electric Dreams. Interest in
this format grew and Electric Dreams grew from 60 to 500
subscribers in the following year and added news, articles
and experimental dream events, but remained primarily
focused on dream sharing in cyberspace. Concerns about this
free speech forum now include a). the potential abuse of
interpretive authority (anyone can comment and pretend they
are someone they are not and some feel that *any* comment is
abusive), b). lack of support for dreamers who submit dreams
(what if a dream interpretation unlocks psychological
instability?) and c). context or set & setting confusion (5)
(What if someone thinks this is psychotherapy, what if
children joined a group with adults? ).

Another of the problems faced by the Electric Dreams
community was the two week delay in the dream being
presented and the return comments. A solution was found when
I met John Herbert and participated in his ALL SeniorNet
Dream Bulletin Board. John Herbert's groups used a variation
of some of the Ullman/Zimmerman techniques (10), which he
had worked out on the WELL and AOL. A dream was selected,
the group asked non-interpretive questions, then each person
took the dream as their own. During the process, the dreamer
could respond or reply as he or she chose.

The process was modified for e-mail and the first Electric
Dreams Dream Circles (6) were created. A dream was passed
around in round-robin style from one e-mail address with
questions and replies added by each participant. The ED
Dream Circle was great for sharing dreams, but an
administrative nightmare. Jay Vinton suggested we use a Mail
List style approach and the problems seemed to disappear. In
a Mail List approach, all the members send all comments to
everyone in the group, even if the comment is directed to
just one individual. This process creates a feeling of group
identity and cohesion.

These new mail list dream groups, the Dream Wheels (No
connection with the Ramsay Raymond Dreamwheel), have evolved
in several new creative directions. Generally the process
has been refined and newer sharing and distribution methods
have improved (For more on the technical aspects of Mail
Lists, see the Dream Cyberphile pg 26 in the ASD newsletter
1996 13.1, 26-27.). However, while the technical &
methodological procedures have developed quickly, the
resolution of concerns about the safety and appropriateness
of dream sharing online seems to be taking a little more

Cyber-Dream Sharing Goes To School and Gets International

Both Jayne Gackenbach and I felt that combining education
with the experiential groups represented an advance over
just offering experimental groups. Several projects
followed. Jayne developed a program with Grant MacEwan which
now includes e-mail classes and bulletin board dream
sharing.(8) . When I expanded the DreamGate classes to
include the community beyond Electric Dreams subscribers, we
incorporated many of the safety features that Jayne created
and implemented in her classes including the post-session
questionnaires and the pre-session clarifications about the
context and rules of group.(9)

But the best safety-net seems to be education itself.
Armed with a wide array of interpretive techniques, and
individual is less likely to fall prey to an harmful single
approach or person. I suggest finding classes and books with
a full array of information. To correct the modern bias,
studies of aboriginal cultures from around the world and
from various ancient civilizations are recommended. The
effect of axis religions on dreams is important. The full
range of psychological schools from Freud to Jung, to
Gestalt and Humanistic Existential approaches need to be
explored. Many of the new trends, such as lucidity and
mutual dreaming are recommended as well as the history of
investigations into psychic dreaming. I feel that dreaming
science should be included as well, to give the person a
perspective not often included with most dreamwork but
essential for an eclectic understanding of the field.

When the Dream Cyberworld Project for the ASD XIII
conference was proposed, the ASD executive board
foresightedly accepted and supported the project. The only
concern was that dream sharing via computers at the
conference might be confused as promotion or endorsement
when in fact we were all still wondering as a group just
exactly what it really was. The Conference XIII programs
thus provided no online dream sharing, but did provide
plenty of examples and samples, giving interested
individuals a chance to see the spectrum of possibilities .

During the Berkeley Conference XIII, I asked Sarah Richard's
to bring together in a panel the many of the more active of
individuals involved in online dream sharing, including
Jayne Gackenback, Jeremy Taylor, John Herbert and myself.
Fred Olsen and Linton Hutchinson also participated in
sharing their collective experiences. Not one of these
people reported any problems with online dream sharing in
any of the groups or sessions. There were some who were
confused about the procedures at times, and some who didn't
participate who didn't like the *idea* of what was
happening, but no reports of unhappy participants or
incidents requiring crisis intervention. In fact, everyone
was wildly excited at the time about the possibilities of
the Net and Dream Sharing.

Still, the concern persisted about people confusing
dreamwork with psychotherapy and being vulnerable to abuse.
The idea of dream sharing on the Net continues to bring to
peoples' minds a myriad of possible disasters. Why haven't
these disasters shown up?

Herbert's study suggests that online dream sharing provides
more insight than face-to-face dream sharing. His results
were not statistically significant but reveal an observation
that in the cooler, non-confrontive atmosphere of writing
e-mail at one's home computer, the responses and questions
to and from the dreamer are more reflective and less
emotional. This also points to a weakness in e-mail dream
sharing scheme for those who like more emotional interplay.
It appears then, that while dream groups online may not yet
be appropriate for many psychotherapy, they do provide a
safe and anonymous venue for adults to meaningfully explore
meaning and value.

As these dream sharing groups evolve and more studies are
done, we will have a better picture of the scope, range and
relevancy of e-mail and bulletin board style dream sharing.
Peggy Coats will be the Chair for an ASD panel discussion of
these topics again in Santa Cruz, 1999.

In the meantime, DreamGate, Electric Dreams and other
organizations continue to educate the public about the
variety of approaches to dreams and dreamwork that can take
place outside of the therapeutic container. It is
recommended that these groups make it very clear from the
beginning that they are not offering psychotherapy and
rather focus on the peer or partnership paradigm.

Richard Wilkerson


(1) Dream Phone services have been used, for example, by the
Delaney & Flowers Center for the Study of Dreams, Fred
Olsen's Reentry line and the Hotline of Tony Dubetz, among

(2) Herbert, J.W.(1991) "Human Science Research Methods in
Studying Dreamwork: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of
Face-to-Face and Computer Dream Work Groups" Unpublished
Manuscript, Saybrook Institute, San Francisco,
<> (25 Nov.

(3) Herbert, J. W. (1991). "Notes on the creation of
alt.dreams." In "Human Science Research Methods.. (see
above) <>
(28 Oct. 1996)

(4) Beradt, Charlotte (1966). The Third Reich of Dreams.
Translated by Adriane Gottwald. Chicago: Quadrangle Books

(5) Richards, Sarah (1996, April 22). "RE: Dream
Interpretation: The significance of set and setting." ASD
Web Bulletin Board.
ad.dbm&threadid=171&messages =26#373>(25 Nov. 1996)

(6) Wilkerson, Richard C.. (1995). "Dream Circles: A Sample
Session of Dream Sharing using E-mail Round Robin.".
Electric Dreams.
<>(28 Nov.

(7) Wilkerson, R. & Hicks, C. (1996). "Dreamwheels: a Sample
Session of
Dream Sharing Using Mail List Formats."
<>(28 Nov. 1996)

(8) Gackenbach, Jayne (1996). Unlocking the Secrets of your
Dreams. Grant
MacEwan Community College.
<> (25 Oct. 1996)

(9) Wilkerson, Richard C. (1996). From Ancient Thrace to
Cyberspace: The History & Practice of Dream Sharing.
DreamGate Classes. <>(28 Nov. 1996)

(10) See Herbet's paper for the similarities and differences
between Ullman and Herbert.

-------------------------- ---------------------------- ----


The Coins of Life:
Transcripts of an Online Dream Sharing Group

Richard Wilkerson


Electric Dreams has been experimenting with dream sharing
online since the spring of 1994. Many of us have tried
various forms of dream sharing online before that time.
We still have several forms, from direct publishing, to
informal comments to special projects. But the process that
has made the deepest impression on the participants has been
the DreamWheel. Included below are the full transcripts
from an Electric Dreams DreamWheel dream sharing group that
accord the summer of 1998.
I was the moderator for this group and though the
participants will remain anonymous, I want to thank them all
for their generosity in opening up this group for the
public. It is our hope that others will be able to use this
dreamwork process in their own groups.

For an more extended history of the evolution of the
DreamWheel, see Wilkerson, R. A Short History on the Rise of
Dream Sharing in Cyberspace. (Above)

The following group formed from announcements in Electric
Dreams, alt.dreams Usenet Newsgroup, and also included
students from the DreamGate 'History of Dream Sharing'
Class. All members subscribed to the Electric Dreams dream
group email list and each member was asked to send all e-
mail to the group list, and not to send private notes.

The process followed should be clear in the moderator's

---------------------------- -------------------------------
--- -----------------------------


Dream 'The Coins of Life' by Tom

For those of you who are already familiar with the process,
please scroll down to the bottom of the page and read the
new dream, and send in your questions to tom at (the group

If you can, put in the subject line something like "
Questions on 'Coin Dream' "

I'm estimating we will be exploring this dream for about a
week- week and a half, then move on to the next dream sent
in. You can still send in a dream for the group to explore
at Richard

OK for those of you who are ~new~ to the dreamwheel, here is
the short and long of it:

The moderator, ( picks a dream at
random and sends it to the group. The group may ask
*clarifying* questions only. (see below for more on this).
Then the dreamer may or may not reply to these quesions.
They may answer them individually, or wait and answer then
all together, as the dreamer chooses.

Then the participants get to take the dream as if it were
their own, and comment. I'll have more instructions on this
when that time comes. If you are interested you can see a
sample session at

ASKING QUESTIONS of the dreamer

In this phase of the process you may ask the dreamer
questions about the dream that may clarify the image of the
dream. Do not ask questions that call for interpretations.

Example: DREAM: "He turned around and grabbed Bill's jacket
away from me"

Hi Dreamer, thanks for sharing your dream with us. I was
1.Who is "he" that grabbed the jacket - did you know him,
what did helook like?
2.Are you related to Bill or is he a friend?
3.Were you scared when he grabbed the jacket away?
4.What kind of jacket was it? Dark leather, green

Some questions you *DON'T* want to ask:

Why do you think he grabbed your jacket? (though you
might ask if any reasons went through your head *during* the
Did you know that Jackets represent symbols of appearance
Do you often have men grabbing your clothes in dreams?
What does standing behind someone mean to you?

And to the Dreamers-

If and when you reply to the questions, do so only to
clarify the dream. Try to avoid interpretations at this
point. If it is not clear from the dream how to answer a
question, simply say it was not clear. Usually the dreamer
waits until several members' questions have been mailed to
the group to begin answering.

The Dream

Dream 'The Coins of Life' by Tom

Dad has come home from the hospital from heart surgery. I
go to hug him and welcome him home, but I must do so very
carefully and gently, so as not to hurt him by accident. We
are living in a split level house, and this scene is taking
place in an upstairs bedroom. The entrance hall to this
house is elevated, and I must go up a short flight of stairs
(about 5 stairs) from the den to reach it, and the attached
living room.

We have recently put new floors in the house, and they have
been placed right over the old ones. As a result we are
somewhat nearer the ceiling than before. The new floors are
a blonde hardwood, and heavily acquered - almost plasticized
in appearance. I think they are very attractive, in their
way, but feel uncomfortable walking on them to avoid marring
the all-too-perfect surface.

In the entrance hall, the bottom half of the door is
evidently blocked by the raised flooring. Likewise the
bottom half of the windows are below floor level, and as
such, invisble to me.

In this second scene, I am in the den. I hear a loud sound
in the living room, and go there to discover the cause. A
young asian woman in chinese style black silk pajamas is
digging at the floor with a staff she holds in her hand.
The floor is deeply scarred and the wood is coming apart and
turning fiberous. She has dug into the floor about five or
six inches deep.

Although the woman appears real, she resembles Mulan - from
the Disney film that I have not yet seen.

I rush at her and shout that she must stop and go away. She
lashes out at me with the staff to keep me away. Presently,
she runs away. I don't know why, I feel as if I finally
frightened her away. I am very smugly satisfied with
myself, as I watch her flee. From the window I can see her
running away from the house.

Suddenly the scene changes, and I see thousands of Chinese
coins with holes in the center. They are all floating in
air before me - a curtain of beautiful coins. They are not
strung together by string or wire, although in such a
curtain they would be. They are simply floating and
individually revolving from "heads" to "tails" . The whole
effect is very beautiful and delightfully unexpected.

A man's voice comes from "above", but not like the voice of
God, more like a narrator in an educational film. The voice
says "There is only one life, and it is lived in many
simultaneous, but brief periods."

This is the end of the dream.
_______________ ___________________ __________________
Questions on 'Coin Dream

I only have a few questions.
1. Did your father have surgery in reality? (if this is too
personal you don't need to answer)
2. How did you feel when you saw the woman digging?
3. What did her staff look like?
4. Where were you when you saw the coin "curtain"?

_______________ ___________________ __________________
Hi Dana. Thanks for the questions.
1. Yes, my father did have heart surgery, he passed away in
the "recovery" room. That was in '91.
2. When I saw the woman digging, I felt both panicked and
outraged. She was ruining the floor, she was an intruder,
and her motives were unknown.
3. It was an ornately carved staff of a golden colored
wood. It's kind of like the one Mulan has in the previews
of the movie, and like the Mulan - Secret Warrior doll has.

4. When I saw the curtain, I was watching the woman through
one of the windows in the living room. She was running
across the lawn. Suddenly the curtain descended before my
field of vision. It was not part of the decor of the room -
I don't know where it came from. Pleasant Dreams, Tom
_______________ ___________________ __________________
Questions on 'Coin Dream

Hi are a few questions...

1...Is this a description of an actual house or one created
within your dream?.
2...Do you live alone in this house with your Dad or are
there others?..
3...Are you the age you are now through out the dream?..
4...What time of day did you notice the Asian woman?...
5...Were you outside or inside during the curtain of
6...In retrospect was the voice familiar?..

Thanks Tom.....Don
_______________ ___________________ __________________

Hi Don.
1. The house was a pastiche of three houses I lived in
while I was a child. In the first scene, the house was like
the one in which my mother still resides. I lived there
from 6th grade through a couple of years after college. The
second scene was like a split level house we lived in
briefly when I was in 5th grade, except for the bit about
the stairs and the floor, and the view from the window was
similar to the first house I remember, the one in which I
lived from birth through the 4th grade.

2. Mom, Dad and I live in the house. Mom and Dad are not
in the second scene. There are several visitors in the
first scene, to welcome Dad home - my sister,
brother-in-law, assorted neices and nephews.

3. Looking back on the dream, I wasn't really aware of
being any particular age, so -- yes, I guess I was the same
age as now - 40, 41 next month.

4. It seemed like early afternoon. The sun was shining,
and when I looked out the window everything was bright. I
don't remember any long shadows.

5. I was inside when I saw the curtain. I was looking at
the fleeing woman through the livng room window.

6. No, the voice was not especially "familiar" it was more
"generic" like a TV or radio news person. It really
reminded me of one of those out-of-date Black & White 16mm.
"educational" films I watched in school in the 60's and
70's. (but the films were from the 40's and 50's.) It was
male, but neither high nor low pitched. No accent was
discernable. It wasn't like a Divine Announcement, it was
dry, factual and "informative".

Pleasant Dreams,

_______________ ___________________ __________________
By the way, Dana, thanks for asking if the question was too
personal. Obviously, it wasn't, but thanks for your
courtesy. I think it's important that the person sharing
the dream be allowed to determine the level of engagement,
and should be periodically reminded that it is their
privilege and also their responsibility to do so.

Thanks again for extending this courtesy to me. Pleasant
Dreams, Tom
_______________ ___________________ __________________
Questions on 'Coin Dream

Hi Tom
Thanks for sharing your dream. i was not able to pay too
much attention to the last one, but here I am. I have some

1. Do these Chinese coins seem familiar to you?
2. Do you have any contact with ancient Chinese culture?
3. Do you know the I Ching and the way you ask questions to

Greetings, Emiliano
_______________ ___________________ __________________

Hi Emiliano. Here are the answers to your questions.

1. In waking life I have few associations with the coins
except, as noted below, as a way to consult the I Ching. In
the dream, the coins have no further meaning to me, except
as they seem to relate to the girl in the dream, and also
vaguely to the concept of "Eastern wisdom". When I look at
them in the dream, I am primarily aware of their beauty and
unexpectedness. The main emotion I feel is one of delight.

2. No, I have no contact with Chinese culture, ancient or

3. Yes, I know of the I Ching. One of the tasks I
performed in connection with my initial work with this dream
was to consult that oracle. The lower trigram was Chen, and
the upper trigram was Li. The hexagram seemed to relate to
some aspects of the dream. I do not customarily consult the
I Ching, and did so only because of the curtain of coins in
my dream.

I hope these are the answers you need. Pleasant Dreams,

_______________ ___________________ __________________
Hi dreamwheelers,

Usually this process takes much longer, but with so many
people and the dreamer being on top of the questions, we are
zipping right along. Let's start the comment phase!

I've included the dream below, as well as instructions for
those not familiar with the process.

- Richard

DreamWheel - Comments Phase

In this part of the process, you may comment on the dream.
While you are welcome to make any comments you wish, what
we are teaching in this group is non-defensive style
developed by John Herbert (Montague Ullman stage II
variation) modified for email.

This segment is the one in which each group member takes
the dream as if it were his or her own and shares feelings
and thoughts about the dream and what it might mean in each
members life situation.

Making the dream your own:

1. At the beginning of all comment files or e-mail we
generally write : "If this were my dream..."

This sets up the general subjective attitude and works
as a reminder to the commentor that they are not telling the
dreamer what they think the dream means to the dreamer, but
rather what the dream might mean if we had that dream.

2. To further this point, use 1st person singular, present
tense. "In my dream..."

EXAMPLE: Dream: "I'm looking at my mother walking down a
long hall towards an open window."

I might comment "In my dream the nurturing mother has
found a new way to escape me."

In my comment, it is *my mother*, *my hallway* and *my
dream*. This may or may not provide insight to the initial
dreamer, but its surprising how often this non- defensive
approach does lead to new insights for both the dreamer and
the commentor.

3. Send the comments in to the whole group.

4. The DREAMER may or may not respond as they wish.
_______________ ___________________ __________________
Comments on 'Coin Dream'
Hi Tom,
Thanks for sharing this dream with us.
If this was my dream, the house would represent the many
aspects of myself. The raised flooring has made it
impractical yet beautiful. I can't see out the windows as
much as I'd like to , not enough light comes in and I am
inconvenienced by the doors. I have to walk so carefully
because I don't want to mess it up. This represents my
self-image...perhaps I am too focused on my appearance and
not what's inside.

In my dream the Asian woman represents a part of myself
that is searching. She uses a staff-- a symbol for me of the
spirit, the search for something divine. Perhaps I don't
want her there because I fear the answers.

I f this was my dream I would focus on the words spoken at
the end of the dream. They seem to explain so much. They
give me comfort, knowing that my father will always live.
The words also explain the coin curtain. Each coin
represents the the lives of loved ones, past and future,
turning, changing. When I can't see one side there is
another to take it's place as it revolves. Life is cycle
within cycle, and we are all interlinked by unseen bonds
like with this curtain.

_______________ ___________________ __________________
Hi Dana. It's been several days since your reply, and as no
others replies have been forthcoming, I would like to take
the opportunity to respond to your comments.

You wrote " If this was my dream, the house would represent
the many aspects of myself. The raised flooring has made it
impractical yet beautiful. I can't see out the windows as
much as I'd like to , not enough light comes in and I am
inconvenienced by the doors."

This is true. I think it's significant that the action of
the second scene takes place in the Entrance Way and the
Living Room. Because of the odd construction of the split
level house (inwardly divided self) not only is it
burdensome for others to enter, but it is crowded in the
"living room". In my house there is insufficient "living
room" or room for living".

Again, you wrote "I have to walk so carefully because I
don't want to mess it up. This represents my self-image ...
perhaps I am too focused on my appearance and not what's
inside. "

When I think of the first scene, I realize that in it, I
must curb the expression of the "inner me" in order to keep
from injuring my father. Because he is coming from heart
surgery, perhaps I am afraid to let myself be known to him
because I will "break his heart". This is a pattern that
repeats itself over and over in my life - I find myself
living up to other's expectations, simply because I assume
that the "real me" is rather hard to handle for other
people. I find it much easier to be authentic and "real"
with people I don't really know (such as the people in an
internet dream sharing group) than with those most close to
me. This is what I think the steps and the raised floor in
my dream are about.

Dana, you wrote "In my dream the Asian woman represents a
part of myself that is searching. She uses a staff-- a
symbol for me of the spirit, the search for something
divine. Perhaps I don't want her there because I fear the

Years ago, I took a shamanism workshop led by Michael Harner
(The Way of the Shaman). At one point we were to partner
with another person in the workshop and each do a "journey"
to identify the "power animal". In my journey, I
encountered a white bull several times, and as the
instructions given were "once an animal presents itself
three times, come back to normal waking state and tell your
partner the name of that animal - it will be their power
animal." So, it transpires that my partner's power animal
was a bull, and as a result of her journey, I was assigned
an American Indian maiden, as in the Disney film Pocahauntus
(spelling). Over the years in my dreams and personal
meditations, this maiden has appeared several times --
usually to let me know that I currently had the support and
power I needed at that time, all I needed was to avail
myself of it." I really think the young Asian woman is an
aspect of this image, just as in the two Disney films -
Pocahauntus, and Mulan.

After the dream, I went to Wal-Mart to find the doll of
Mulan that was in the commercial I suspected of being my
dream trigger. I found the doll, and on the package she was
identified as "Mulan - the Secret Warrior". Pretty apt, I
think, for someone who is really doing a service for me by
ripping up my floor, but whom I perceived during the dream
as a threat.

Finally, Dana, you wrote" If this was my dream I would focus
on the words spoken at the end of the dream. They seem to
explain so much. They give me comfort, knowing that my
father will always live. The words also explain the coin
curtain. Each coin represents the the lives of loved ones,
past and future, turning, changing. When I can't see one
side there is another to take it's place as it revolves.
Life is cycle within cycle, and we are all interlinked by
unseen bonds like with this curtain."

In a sense, my father does live, since I continue to keep my
real self buried under an unimpeachable surface to avoid
hurting those near me. I think I learned this habit in
childhood, and it will take a lot of courage to CHANGE.

I capitalized the word CHANGE in the previous sentence
because I just became aware _today_ that the coins could
carry that meaning. We speak of small change, loose change,
making change. It makes sense that I symbolized the concept
of "change" with the images of coins. Why Chinese? Perhaps
I am carrying through the Eastern theme from the young woman
all the way through the dream. Perhaps, since I did not
recognize her in the dream, but later she seems to be the
same as the corn-maiden in other dreams, the Chinese theme
could be representing my own "inscrutable" nature that I
take pains to keep under the floor.

The Chinese coins are utilized in consulting the I Ching,
the Book of Change (see, there's that word again). As part
of my initial work on the dream, inspired by the presence of
the coins, I consulted the I Ching and generated the
Hexagram #21 - in the book I have it is labeled "Reform".

The text for this hexagram is: "Reform will bring
progress. It is advantageous to let justice be
administered. Aroused consciousness forms the condition for
Reform. The ancient rulers, therefore, put forth their laws
and clearly defined the penalties."

The commentary in the book says:

"The time calls for energetic Reform. A situation has
developed that is at cross purposes to your life and is
interfering with the attainment of your aims. This obstacle
must be _dug out_ reforemd, and thereby eliminated. Success
will come through the enforcement of laws and the
administering of justice. There is neither possibility of
compromise, nor hope that the problem will vanish. It
cannot be rationalized or ignored, and you cannot maneuver
around it. It is tangible, real, and a self-generating
force in your life and must be severely reformed before it
causes any permanent damage to you. There could not be a
more appropriate time to examine your character and
determine the extent to which any rationalizations, habits,
etc., have usurped control of your judgement. Know what you
want, know what makes you feel good about hour Self, know
what brings you into harmony with others. These are your
guidelines and principles. Other factors that assume control
of your behavior, or that create inner discord are the
obstacles that must be overcome."

The words at the end of the dream seem to mean that I,
myself, have only one life -- and it is too brief to allow
all this fragmentation in it. If I can begin in some small
way to heal that fragmentation, then I can begin to live
simultaneously in more aspects of my life - not only the
practiced, perfect surface persona - the "perfect" floor
that diminishes my room for living, and limits other's
access to me, as well as my access to them.

Thank you very much, everyone, for your questions and
comment. I apologize for being so long winded, especially
since it's about my own dream, and my personal concerns.
Thank you again for allowing me to share the dream with you
Pleasant Dreams, Tom

_______________ ___________________ __________________

Two more very brief notes, then I will be through. After
writing the previous message, I turned on the TV and Brian
DePalma's film Phantom of the Paradise was on. The first
thing I heard were the lyrics to one of the songs "To work
it out, I let them in - all the good guys and the bad guys
that I've been. . . all the devils that disturb me and the
angels that defeated them somehow -- come together in me
now. This was so appropriate to what I was writing with
regard to the fragmented self buried under layers of plastic
wood that I was struck by the coincidence.

The other note had to do with the power animal journeys.
The power animal I found for my partner was a bull - and her
sun sign turned out to be Taurus. The power "animal" she
found for me was a maiden, and my sun sign is Virgo. I have
thought about this "coincidence" many times over the years.

The word Coincidence means co-incidence, or two things
happening simultaneously. In my dream the word
"simultaneously" is accompanied by an image of Coin, the
first four letters in the word Coin-cidence. That probably
doesn't have any meaning, but it is an interesting ...,
Now I'll hush. Pleasant Dreams, Tom

_______________ ___________________ __________________
Comments on 'Coin Dream'

Hi All
Thanks Tom for your beautiful dream. It is undoubtably a
special one.
If this was my dream:

In my dream my father is recovering from a heart surgery. I
welcome him home. My father is the symbol of some kind of
masculine energy. That energy was not working well, so my
father having a heart surgery means that this masculine side
of me had a poor heart (this is, some problem to face and
express my feelings). This problem has been corrected (the
surgery). Now some changes wait for me.
These changes are symbolized by the new floors in my house.
My house is the symbol for my inner psyche. There is a new
presence in the house. A Chinese woman in her pajamas. She
means a new way to express my femenine energy. A more
spiritual way. She's in her pajamas because she just "woke
up". Those energies were "asleep" but now are working. She
runs away. I don't know the reason. I feel she must be
afraid of me. Maybe I'm afraid of her. Maybe my current
state of consciousness is not the right one.

Thjis woman remembers me of Mulan.I didn't see the film, but
I know that Mulan is a kind of feminine hero. She does
extraordinary things without giving up her feminine

Then, I see the courtain of coins. These are the coins I use
for the I Ching, and the ritual of making a question to this
oracle implies that you have to connect to your higher self.
My higher self seems to be present in this scene, and It
gives me something to think about. "There is only one life
and it's lived in simultaneous but brief periods". I don't
really know exactly what this means, but I have some
associations. For instance, life is always changing.
(Everything is mutating, like the I Ching says). Nothing is
forever, so we have to learn to let things go. We have to
learn to change ourselves. Etc. This is a very fine dream.


_______________ ___________________ __________________
Comments on 'Coin Dream'

Hi Tom

Some comment about hexagram 21 on the I Ching (from memory,
I don't have the book here).

Hexagram 21 (and I'm not an I Ching freak!!) is sometimes
seen as a mouth that must bite an obstacle that keeps both
sides of the mouth separated. This means: bite, which means:
ACT. Sometimes the book tells you not to act at all.
Sometimes it tells you that you are wrong, or lying
yourself, or searching for something that it's not for you.
This sign is telling you: you are right. Go on. Act. Change
things. your life is not forever. Bite hard.

Thought it may be interesting


_______________ ___________________ __________________
Comments on 'Coin Dream'

If this were my dream, welcoming my father home would be
related to my missing him. I hug him gently because he is
fragile just as my relationship with him has been fragile at
times. I love him and feel love from him but often our
relationship was not what I wished it could be. But I
pretend everything is okay. The all-to-perfect wood floors
represents this pretending, this wanting things to look
good. I don't even want to walk on it to mess it up, I only
want to remember the good things about my relationship with
my father. This false floor though prevents me from going
places (blocked doors) and seeing things (blocked windows)
as they really were/are. But there is this wise, strong,
beautiful part of me (young Asian woman) that knows that
this floor is false and there is another floor, other
aspects of my father and my relationship with him. But I
cannot deny that these other aspects exist(ed) and it is
okay. The curtain of coins is one you can easily see
through, it does not hide anything, and it is beautiful. It
is telling me it is okay to see both the good and the bad in
my father and my relationship with him. Life is lived in
many simultaneous periods. Myself and my relationships are

all one way or the other but have many aspects to it,
good and bad, beautiful and ugly.

Tom - Thanks for giving me this wonderful dream. I will
continue to ponder its meanings for me. Matthew

_______________ ___________________ __________________
Thanks Emiliano. I was confused by some of the images I ran
across in various editions of the I-Ching. Most of them had
to do with chewing off various body parts. Until your
message, I had no idea at all as to what they meant, they
were simply disturbing images associated with the Hexagram.
Thanks for this insight.
Pleasant Dreams, Tom

_______________ ___________________ __________________

Thanks again, Emiliano, for your response.

You wrote:
"In my dream my father is recovering from a heart surgery. I
welcome him home. My father is the symbol of some kind of
masculine energy. That energy was not working well, so my
father having a heart surgery means that this masculine side
of me had a poor heart (this is, some problem to face and
express my feelings). This problem has been corrected (the

This is an interesting approach, and one which I had not
previously considered - owing to the image being so
"personalzed" as to resemble my actual father. I can see
how that fits in, though. I tend to be very
"approach/avoidance" with regard to solving my personal
problems. I'll go hammers and tongs at it for a day or so,
then backslide for a week. I have often felt that this was
due to either the "puer" nature of my shadow, or to an
actual energy imbalance. Thinking in terms of masc./fem.
energy interplay is therefore convenient shorthand -
something my dreams are apt to use. I would say not that
this aspect of myself has been "corrected" but rather that I
find myself convalescent, but on the road to recovery.
Overcoming that shadow aspect is something I am working,
struggling with - and it's not easy. For every two steps
forward it's a step back. Even so, I feel that at least
"some" progress has been made.

Again, you write:
"Now some changes wait for me. These changes are symbolized
by the new floors in my house. My house is the symbol for my
inner psyche. There is a new presence in the house. A
Chinese woman in her pajamas. She means a new way to express
my femenine energy. A more spiritual way. "

I have been going through a paradigm shift (hate the phrase,
but it's the only one I know that expresses what I mean) in
my spiritual life. I have been for some months now moving
from valuing "knowledge about" to valuing "knowledge of".
I won't go on and on explaining what I mean, my friends and
I have discussed this topic till we're blue. I will simply
note that the way you express the underlying meaning of the
Asian woman rings true with reference to that shift of
values and perceptions.
"She's in her pajamas because she just "woke up". Those
energies were "asleep" but now are working. She runs away. I
don't know the reason. I feel she must be afraid of me.
Maybe I'm afraid of her. Maybe my current state of
consciousness is not the right one. "

I am afraid of her - she's wrecking the life I've carefully
built up layer by layer, step by step. Your suggestion that
she is just waking up is very striking. Thank you.

"This woman remembers me of Mulan.I didn't see the film, but
I know that Mulan is a kind of femenine hero. She does
extraordinary things without giving up her femenine
identity. "

While that is true, factually, I don't really see the
connection. Perhaps you would care to amplify

and lastly, you write:
"Then, I see the curtain of coins. These are the coins I use
for the I Ching, and the ritual of making a question to this
oracle implies that you have to connect to your higher self.
My higher self seems to be present in this scene, and It
gives me something to think about. "There is only one life
and it's lived in simultaneous but brief periods". I don't
really know exactly what this means, but I have some
associations. For instance, life is always changing.
(Everything is mutating, like the I Ching says). Nothing is
forever, so we have to learn to let things go. We have to
learn to change ourselves. Etc."

I agree about the importance of connecting to the higher
self, and my desire to live under it's guidance. That's
why, after all, I'm so focused on dreams.

Change is eternal, it's the only thing that is. Perhaps my
dream is telling me it's time I changed too. I hope I have
the courage, as well as the humility to listen attentively
to my higher self. Thank you, Emiliano, for your very
helpful comments on my dream.

Pleasant Dreams,

_______________ ___________________ __________________
Matthew, you wrote:

"If this were my dream, welcoming my father home would be
related to my missing him. I hug him gently because he is
fragile just as my relationship with him has been fragile at
times. I love him and feel love from him but often our
relationship was not what I wished it could be."

I do miss Dad. Oddly enough, he and I were not that close
when he was alive. When he passed away, though, I plunged
into deepest mourning. My reaction really surprised -- and
disturbed -- me. I just didn't know where it was coming
from. Only now do I realize it was because I was mourning
for the relationship that "could have been". At the time, I
simply grieved, and then judged myself very harshly for my
grief, because it seemed so out of proportion to our actual
relationship. The grief was bad enough, but my own
judgement of myself for feeling it was even more awful. I
kept telling myself how selfish I was to grieve. How what I
was going through wasn't about me - it was about Dad and his
passing, but I had twisted it around so that it "seemed to
be" about me, myself. It's difficult to describe the hell I
put myself through for over a year.

You also write:

"But I pretend everything is okay. The all-to-perfect wood
floors represents this pretending, this wanting things to
look good. I don't even want to walk on it to mess it up, I
only want to remember the good things about my relationship
with my father."

I also think it has to do with feeling I had to be "the
perfect son" to my parents, and not to admit my failures,
or my doubts, or anything, really, to them. If I had to ask
for help, or even advice, I felt as if I had failed to live
up to that perfect image my parents seemed to have of me. I
was my father's youngest child, and my mother's only.
Therefore, they lavished attention and praise on me -- it
was horrible for a young child to go through that, and left
me with a lifelong problem with perfectionism,
judgementalism, and hypercriticality. Dad passed away in
1991, and I am only now finding a way to address these long
standing life-issues.

"This false floor though prevents me from going places
(blocked doors) and seeing things (blocked windows) as they
really were/are."

When you put it like that -- "false-floor" -- it makes me
think of the false foundations on which I seem to have built
much of my life. Seeing things as they really are is
sometimes a strain for me, because I find I frequently
confuse reality with "realism" in the sense of "pessimism"
and "doing my best" as doing a "better than perfect" job. I
knew of these tendencies before, of course, but didn't see
them addressed in this dream. Thank you for your insight.

"But there is this wise, strong, beautiful part of me (young
Asian woman) that knows that this floor is false and there
is another floor, other aspects of my father and my
relationship with him. But I cannot deny that these other
aspects exist(ed) and it is okay."

The last sentence, I guess because it starts with "But",
confuses me a little. Could you clarify it? I agree that
"Mulan" represents another part of myself - primarily I see
her as representing the courage for change and "revolution"
that I lack. There are other "floors". I suspect, judging
from the actual structure of the split level house in which,
as a child, I briefly lived, that there are actually five or
six "floors" as there are five or six steps from the den to
the entrance hall and living room. In that "real-life"
house, the entrance hall, living room, den, kitchen, dining
room, etc., were all on the same level. One task I need to
perform is to attempt to name each "step" that leads to the
final, very high floor. Then I might be able to formulate
an action plan to address each one in turn -- literally dig
beneath each successive floor until I reach the original

Possible trigger: At the time I dreamed this dream, I was
having a new roof put on my house. I was concerned that the
roofers were working during the day when I was at work and
unable to "supervise" them. I even formed the theory that,
under those conditions, they could simply slap a few
shingles over the roof and call it new, but doing nothing to
address the real, underlying roof with it's real problems.
After all, who would know? I'm happy to say I was wrong,
but at the time it was a

Lastly, Matthew, you write:

"The curtain of coins is one you can easily see through, it
does not hide anything, and it is beautiful. It is telling
me it is okay to see both the good and the bad in my father
and my relationship with him. Life is lived in many
simultaneous periods. Myself and my relationships are not
all one way or the other but have many aspects to it, good
and bad, beautiful and ugly."

I had not considered it's relative transparency before. If
I had the curtain of coins with holes in them hanging before
me, people could still see me through the curtain, and I
could see them. (Holey (Holy) curtain - makes me think of
the Veil of the Temple concealing the Holy of Holies. Also
brings to mind the word "whole") The curtain does not
conceal, it reveals. Change (the coins) does not conceal,
it reveals. The coins are revolving, freely showing both
sides of themselves. The presence of one side of a coin
implies another side, in the same way that the "perfection"
implies it's own opposite. The coins, the curtain are
beautiful. If fact, they are so attractive (change is
attractive) that I forget to be overwhelmed by the sheer
number of them (the changes that need to occur in my life).
During waking time, the though of so much to do just fills
me with dismay. I need to remember the lesson of how
beautiful the coins were -- in other words, take one step
(there's that word again) at a time and keep the end
product, a new life for me, firmly in mind.

One of my favorite movies (speaking of golden coins) is the
silent movie GREED. I had forgotten that earlier that week,
I invited a number of my friends over to see it. Maybe it
too was a trigger. Originally running in excess of 12
hours, this 1924 film was to all accounts, an astounding
masterpiece. Nevertheless, the film was ruthlessly cut by
the studio to a running time of just over two hours. The
negatives of the excised material were destroyed. After
this "hack job", miraculously, the film was still a great
masterpiece. An essay on the film begins with this quote
from "Three Dialogues" by Samuel Beckett: "Total object,
complete with missing parts -- instead of partial object.
Question of degree."

Hopefully, because of this dream, and the work you all have
done on it, I can find the courage to be such a Total
"object", complete with flawed or missing parts, instead of
a partial object.

Thank you, Matthew, for your insights. Pleasant Dreams,

_______________ ___________________ __________________
Comments on 'Coin Dream'

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the wonderful Coins Dream -- it gave me a lift.
I'm sorry not to have responded to you earlier with
questions, but I was out of town for several days at the end
of last week and was busy the first part of this week at
work. Anyway, I'll go ahead and give you my comments now on
your dream. Preliminarily, let me say how strongly I am
aware that I will be projecting, as your dream is so
mysterious to me and I don't know you except from this Dream
Wheel. I know that's what we we're supposed to do (i.e.,
project), and to acknowledge, but I wanted to say so anyway.
So, if this were my dream, this dream is first of all about
what time is and means in my life. My life (particularly,
my psyche) in this dream is represented by the house, and
the floors especially represent layers of my psyche. The
latest layer, the blonde hardwood, has just gone down, and
although I like it, it also seems a little too perfect to
live on, as if it became a part of my life because of its
appearance rather than its functionality. I sometimes am
attracted to things because of the image they present rather
than what they are (and I've always had a thing about
blondes, ironically, including a mad crush on a blond in
high school that left me dizzy for years after). I soon
find out, however, that I can't necessarily live with what I
thought I wanted.

The most striking thing to me about my version of this dream
is the "moral", i.e., that "There is only one life, and it
is lived in many simultaneous, but brief periods." In my
dream, this has several meanings. First is the most
esoteric, that is, that my life from the moment of my birth
to the moment of my death could be conceived of as existing
all at once, with time being the vertical dimension. So,
everything exists at once -- past, present, and future --
and every moment of my life is actually a brief period
linked to the next by my karma (the Buddha said that there
are 450,000 mind moments in every moment). Second, it is
lived simultaneously because the past influences the
present, the present influences the future, and, I believe,
the future influences the present and past, too (and so on).
The first two are obvious, but the second is so in my dream
("imd") because my life wants to become something, i.e., it
wants to become the deepest essence of me, so my future
creates my past and present.

Interestingly, imd, there is a triptych of scenes/periods.
In the first, I am welcoming Dad home from heart surgery; in
the second, I confront an Asian woman; in the third, I see
the Chinese coins. Could these be past, present and future
imd? To me, it is important that the house is a pastiche of
houses where I lived as a child but in the reverse
chronological order of the order you dreamed them. So, I
see causation and sequence running in multiple directions
here, indicating, imd, multiple levels of meaning, and
underlining the mysterious influence that different parts of
my life have on one another regardless of when they occurred
chronologically. One thing is clear imd: as I grow older (I
will be 39 soon), more of the plot of my life story is
revealed (and more "floors" are laid down), creating the
need for me to constantly reassess and revise and let go, as
well as adding and growing new things (see below).

When my Dad comes home from heart surgery, I feel sadness
and tenderness towards him and his vulnerability now that he
is older. So achingly melancholy how life slips by, how
someone who was once strong is now fragile. And I identify
myself strongly with him -- in a sense, I have incorporated
him into my soul, and now I feel it is my heart that is
wounded and that I must rest in my sanctuary, in my bedroom,
with support from my family. Time has had an impact on me
as it has on my father, and I need to accept that in some
ways I too must be more gentle with my heart and my body.

In my dream, too, I feel a sense of claustrophobia in the
first scene, because the floors seem to be growing higher
towards the ceiling, leaving me less room to live, making it
harder to see outside, and making it harder to get outside
too. I find as I get older that I accumulate more, both
more memories and more things, and it cramps my energy and
my freedom to live. So, in my dream, this leads me to the
second phase of the dream, where the young Asian woman has
begun the task that must be undertaken -- digging the wood
so that I have more head room in my house and more room to
walk, and scarring it so that I can feel comfortable walking
on it rather than thinking I must maintain its perfection.
Imd, "Mulan" is heroic -- and an unlikely heroine, because
she is a woman who takes on a man's task, and must hide her
true nature from all except her dragon/guardian. Why is she
an unlikely heroine? Because she has come to help me, and
yet at first I reject and fear her -- I don't recognize her
for what she is -- someone who has come to help me remove
some obstacles to the energetic flow of my life. I am
identified with my attachment to the unsullied floor and my
fear of her as well as power to frighten her, rather than
impressed with her beauty, her diligence, her magical staff,
her courage. She is a part of me I haven't fully come to
terms with, because I am focused her foreignness, youth, and
humility as a woman.

But her work bears fruit in the third part of my dream, the
Chinese coins, which imd are liberated energy and wisdom.
The I Ching has told me that "the time calls for energetic
reform, [because] either an inferior person ... is working
against [me] or a situation has developed at cross purposes
to [my] life [and is] interfering with the attainment of my
aims. The obstacles must be sought out, reformed, and
thereby eliminated. ... [I need to k]now what I want, know
what makes [me] feel good about [my] Self, know what brings
me into harmony with others." Shih Ho -- Reform (Biting

So, imd, my life is trying to heal itself from a wounded
heart, and once the work is done, I have the energy and
ability to see things more clearly and with greater joy,
I.e. I see the magic curtain, the veil of mystery that hides
the totality of things. And, eventually, imd, I can see
through the curtain to the totality of things -- my whole
life included, a magnificent vision indeed.

Thanks again Tom.

_______________ ___________________ __________________
Comments on 'Coin Dream'

Hi Tom

About The Mulan paragraph: I meant that a woman can
accomplish things without turning herself into a man.
Femenine doesn't mean passive. Your inner woman can do great
things for you if you let her do them. But she'll do them in
a femenine way, approaching the situation in a way that your
masculine side may not consider. This asian woman may be
capable of helping you somewaht, just let her act and don't
be afraid of her way of acting. She's a hero, too.

_________________________ ______________________

Comments on 'Coin Dream'

Greetings Tom,
Thank-you for sharing your dream with us. I offer just
a couple of comments.....if I have repeated any ideas
presented by other dreamworkers, I apologize. It is not
intentional. If this were my dream my father would
represent a part of myself...the patriarch perhaps. And it
is the patriarch who rules over society at large and the
inner community on a more personal level. The patriarch
generally does not rule with his heart, but does so with his
mind. That is why, in my dream he has just returned from
having heart "fix" it, repair an effort
to get it functioning properly again. Perhaps at this point
in my life it is becoming clearer to me that I need to be
able to rely on my heart in important matters more often and
less on my thinking ability. Perhaps I am moving into a
period of trusting my feelings more.
Because my dream presents to me an image of my
psyche/self as a split level house, I am tempted to regard
this image as a message that some part of my psyche has been
split off from the rest of my conscious awareness. It may
very likely be related to my feeling function which is only
now getting some attention.
The floors in my dream are a "blonde hardwood".
Immediately I get an image of a woman - attractive in a
collective sense because she is blonde. But underneath she
is hard......perhaps hard-hearted and un-feeling. She is the
public feminine self I show the world. I receive praise for
this part because it is in keeping with collective
standards....but the heartwood is not soft. (am I confusing
anyone here?)It almost feels like the layers of new wood
over the old are like the layers of makeup some women carry
on their faces - a mask (or the persona). These women (to
me) do appear plastic or insincere to me....not in touch
with their own feelings or their authentic selves. But,
oh...don't they look great (!) on the runways and in media.

I find it interesting in my dream that I am in the den
while the Asian woman is in the "living" room. I am in the
room typically regarded as a man's private haven away from
female influence. Again, often a place filed with shelves of
books....which of course exercise the mind and
thinking......while the woman occupies the living room. The
name of this room alone speaks volumes to me. Living/Life
Affirming, a gathering place that does not exclude the
Feminine/Feelings. Non-exclusionary. Embracing all parts of
the psyche...which, of course, means the Shadow parts...or
dark, hidden aspects of my personality, as well. The Asian
woman in my dream is dark-haired, dark- eyed, olive-skinned.
For me there is no question she is a repressed part of my
psyche. She even wears black silk pajamas. Dark and
sensuous......the "feel" of silk is inviting and pleasant.
She digs at the artifical "face" of the floor trying to get
at what is old and real...maybe not very pretty, but
definitely solid and still there. No amount of covering it
up with layers and layers will make it disappear. She digs
in an attempt to get closer to the ground level......for me,
signalling an attempt by my Inner Feminine to get more
"grounded" and bring me to a level of awareness that is
deeper and lower and not so much in my head.
As far as the coins in my dream, I am only getting
phrases like "doesn't know heads from tails". If they are
gold then they may represent the treasure that lies at the
bottom of the pit dug by the Asian woman, or more
personally, the gifts that lie waiting for me if I have the
courage to look deeper within and uncover some of the layers
that hide my deeper Self from view. Living a more authentic
life, one that may not be collectively acceptable or
"beautiful" certainly has its rewards.
Thank-you so much for letting me project my own symbols
onto this dream. I find it a wonderful gift of the psyche
and once again am grateful to the Unconscious for providing
such treasures as guideposts. This is a lovely dream.

_______________ ___________________ __________________

Hello Paul, and everyone. I have been having problems with
e-mail for
several days. I'm very sorry for my delay in replying. The
downside of living in a technological age such as ours is
how dependant we become upon the technology.

Paul, you wrote: "Preliminarily, let me say how strongly I
am aware that I will be projecting, as your dream is so
mysterious to me and I don't know you except from this Dream
Wheel. I know that's what we we're supposed to do (i.e.,
project), and to acknowledge, but I wanted to say so anyway.

All we can know of the world is our own projection.
Objective reality, if it does, indeed, exist is beyond our
ability to know it, since all such reality is mediated - not
only by our nervous system but by our interpretation of
those "biobytes" of information. Who it is who "knows" is
as little understood as who it is who "dreams". It's all

So, if this were my dream, this dream is first of all about
what time is and means in my life. My life (particularly, my
psyche) in this dream is represented by the house, and the
floors especially represent layers of my psyche. The latest
layer, the blonde hardwood, has just gone down, and although
I like it, it also seems a little too perfect to live on, as
if it became a part of my life because of its appearance
rather than its functionality. I sometimes am attracted to
things because of the image they present rather than what
they are (and I've always had a thing about blondes,
ironically, including a mad crush on a blond in high school
that left me dizzy for years after). I soon find out,
however, that I can't necessarily live with what I thought I

That last sentence is to me the most resonant. I can't
necessarily live with what I thought I wanted. What i (ego
mind) consciously wants is probably miles away from what "I"
(the whole me) wants. What is needed for greater
self-integration is more reliance on "source" -- that small
voice inside that I know I should heed, but dare not.

Again, Paul, you wrote: "The most striking thing to me about
my version of this dream is the "moral", i.e., that "There
is only one life, and it is lived in many simultaneous, but
brief periods." In my dream, this has several meanings.
First is the most esoteric, that is, that my life from the
moment of my birth to the moment of my death could be
conceived of as existing all at once, with time being the
vertical dimension. So, everything exists at once -- past,
present, and future -- and every moment of my life is
actually a brief period linked to the next by my karma (the
Buddha said that there are 450,000 mind moments in every
moment). Second, it is lived simultaneously because the past
influences the present, the present influences the future,
and, I believe, the future influences the present and past,
too (and so on). The first two are obvious, but the second
is so in my dream ("imd") because my life wants to become
something, i.e., it wants to become the deepest essence of
me, so my future creates my past and present. "

There's a high level concept. Wow. Yes, I am the product
of my past, but am I also the product of my future? Yes, I
think, because my higher self continually pulls me toward my
ideal future self. Yet at the same time, each present
choice influences my future and reshapes my past - in that I
get to choose which of my memories influence my present

"Interestingly, imd, there is a triptych of scenes/periods.
In the first, I am welcoming Dad home from heart surgery; in
the second, I confront an Asian woman; in the third, I see
the Chinese coins. Could these be past, present and future
imd? To me, it is important that the house is a pastiche of
houses where I lived as a child but in the reverse
chronological order of the order you dreamed them. So, I see
causation and sequence running in multiple directions here,
indicating, imd, multiple levels of meaning, and underlining
the mysterious influence that different parts of my life
have on one another regardless of when they occurred
chronologically. "

I had never discovered this, Paul. And I'm still a little
unclear as to how practical this awareness is, but it IS
true of my dream, and fits in very well with my vision of
the cosmos. Thank you for this unexpected, and inspiring

"One thing is clear imd: as I grow older (I will be 39
soon), more of the plot of my life story is revealed (and
more "floors" are laid down), creating the need for me to
constantly reassess and revise and let go, as well as adding
and growing new things (see below). "

Again, right as rain. I read recently of an order of . . .
well . . . monks (although they aren't really monks) who are
expected to take their received teachings, and improve on
them. They are forbidden to pass on anything the same way
they got it. Reminds me a little of the parable of the
talents. I intuitively feel that there is a great truth

"When my Dad comes home from heart surgery, I feel sadness
and tenderness towards him and his vulnerability now that he
is older. So achingly melancholy how life slips by, how
someone who was once strong is now fragile. And I identify
myself strongly with him -- in a sense, I have incorporated
him into my soul, and now I feel it is my heart that is
wounded and that I must rest in my sanctuary, in my bedroom,
with support from my family. Time has had an impact on me as
it has on my father, and I need to accept that in some ways
I too must be more gentle with my heart and my body."

And, I'm not, Paul. I'm not gentle with myself at all. And
for that, I am continually skirting the edges of depression.
Again, a lesson I need to take to heart.

"In my dream, too, I feel a sense of claustrophobia in the
first scene, because the floors seem to be growing higher
towards the ceiling, leaving me less room to live, making it
harder to see outside, and making it harder to get outside
too. I find as I get older that I accumulate more, both more
memories and more things, and it cramps my energy and my
freedom to live."

I had never connected the cramped feeling with actual
things, but it's true. I am totally awash in things that
crowd me, but which I worked so hard to obtain that I
hesitate to let them go. Great insight - thanks.

"So, in my dream, this leads me to the second phase of the
dream, where the young Asian woman has begun the task that
must be undertaken -- digging the wood so that I have more
head room in my house and more room to walk, and scarring it
so that I can feel comfortable walking on it rather than
thinking I must maintain its perfection. Imd, "Mulan" is
heroic -- and an unlikely heroine, because she is a woman
who takes on a man's task, and must hide her true nature
from all except her dragon/guardian."

I still haven't seen the film, but the way you describe
"Mulan" makes me think of how ill-fitted I feel I am inside
to be doing the work (both my job and otherwise) that I find
myself doing. It is cause of great frustration and gnawing
self doubt. I had never thought that the fact that I was
actually doing it, and doing it well, as being heroic --
until now.

"Why is she an unlikely heroine? Because she has come to
help me, and yet at first I reject and fear her -- I don't
recognize her for what she is -- someone who has come to
help me remove some obstacles to the energetic flow of my
life. I am identified with my attachment to the unsullied
floor and my fear of her as well as power to frighten her,
rather than impressed with her beauty, her diligence, her
magical staff, her courage. She is a part of me I haven't
fully come to terms with, because I am focused her
foreignness, youth, and humility as a woman."

I don't like messy, I despise disorder and try never to
create "waves" because in the first part of my life, I have
learned that it's not the squeaky wheel that gets the
grease, it's the squeaky wheel that gets replaced. Mulan is
making a mess of my floor, my life, and I really hate it -
but now there is this big ugly gash and it must be dealt
with. I currently miss the curiosity and sense of adventure
of digging that deep - what I really see in the dream is a
great deal of time and work. I need to "focus", to use your
phrase, on other aspects of the situation - the
opportunities it presents, the curiosity and adventure,
etc., etc.

"But her work bears fruit in the third part of my dream, the
Chinese coins, which imd are liberated energy and wisdom.
The I Ching has told me that "the time calls for energetic
reform, [because] either an inferior person ... is working
against [me] or a situation has developed at cross purposes
to [my] life [and is] interfering with the attainment of my
aims. The obstacles must be sought out, reformed, and
thereby eliminated. ... [I need to k]now what I want, know
what makes [me] feel good about [my] Self, know what brings
me into harmony with others." Shih Ho -- Reform (Biting
Through). So, imd, my life is trying to heal itself from a
wounded heart, and once the work is done, I have the energy
and ability to see things more clearly and with greater joy,
I.e. I see the magic curtain, the veil of mystery that hides
the totality of things. And, eventually, imd, I can see
through the curtain to the totality of things -- my whole
life included, a magnificent vision indeed."

And now I see through a glass darkly, but then, face to
face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as
also I am known.
"Thanks again Tom.
Thank you, Paul. Pleasant Dreams, Tom

______________ ___________________ __________________

Thanks, Emiliano. One real quality I associate with the
Feminine is
patient perseverence - the ability to persevere, and to do
overwhelmingly huge tasks a little at a time in spite of the
odds. This is something I definitely need in my life. In
my life I'm always first out of the starting gate, yet the
first to fall along the wayside because I rarely take the
time to see things through - growing discouraged less than
half way through. The ability to, say, carry a child for 9
months and to lie in labor for hours and hours is simply
alien to me, and it's something I desperately need in my
life. This is only one of several similar examples I could
Pleasant Dreams,

Hi Michelle. Thanks for your comments.
You write;

"If this were my dream my father would represent a part of
myself...the patriarch perhaps. And it is the patriarch who
rules over society at large and the inner community on a
more personal level. The patriarch generally does not rule
with his heart, but does so with his mind. That is why, in
my dream he has just returned from having heart
"fix" it, repair an effort to get it functioning
properly again. Perhaps at this point in my life it is
becoming clearer to me that I need to be able to rely on my
heart in important matters more often and less on my
thinking ability. Perhaps I am moving into a period of
trusting my feelings more."

That is a correct assessment. I AM moving into such a
period. I am much more practiced in utilizing my intellect
than my feelings, but am trying to learn. Part of the
reason I do rely on my mind rather than my heart is because
my heart has gotten me into trouble before. I have a
friend, also named Tom, with whom I have been having a
similar dialogue for the last several months. He is
convinced that, to use the ad-line from "The X Files", the
truth is out there - and to that end has taken to studying
all kinds of ancient texts to discover in them what he,
himself, believes. In him, I can see myself of several
years ago, and though I feel I have attained a more complete
view of things than I previously had, still "old habits die
hard". Now I am "logically" convinced that the "truth" if
there is any, is "in here". Still, practice lags behind
espoused belief.

"Because my dream presents to me an image of my psyche/self
as a split level house, I am tempted to regard this image as
a message that some part of my psyche has been split off
from the rest of my conscious awareness. It may very likely
be related to my feeling function which is only now getting
some attention.

"I also feel that it represents a fragmentation of my psyche
- and agree that feeling is one part of the whole - but I
can't shake the suspicion that it represents a whole
spectrum of inauthentic being, learned from a very early age
as I had to deal with my:
1. admittedly authoritarian father who prided himself in
having the right "answer" for all of life's difficulties,
and expected me to agree -- whether or not I did,

2. and my mother whose alcoholism made my formative years
very unstable from an emotional standpoint.

I find I have denied these feelings for years, and prided
myself on "bootstrapping my way through", and that it was
all in the past - over and done with and no good to anybody
to stir it all up again. Over the last several months,
though, I have become aware of how much work there still
remains to do - I had never put these things together though
-- my dream and my specific early childhood experiences
together until your comments on my dream. Stirring all this
old bad stuff is very like digging under the floor. No
wonder I became so alarmed in my dream. Major Major Insight
- thanks.

"The floors in my dream are a "blonde hardwood". Immediately
I get an image of a woman - attractive in a collective sense
because she is blonde. But underneath she is
hard......perhaps hard-hearted and un-feeling. She is the
public feminine self I show the world. I receive praise for
this part because it is in keeping with collective
standards....but the heartwood is not soft. (am I confusing
anyone here?)It almost feels like the layers of new wood
over the old are like the layers of makeup some women carry
on their faces - a mask (or the persona). These women (to
me) do appear plastic or insincere to me....not in touch
with their own feelings or their authentic selves. But,
oh...don't they look great (!) on the runways and in media."

I agree with your observations, Michelle, but I'm afraid you
lost me a little. I do resonate with the feelings of hiding
behind the perfect surface.

"I find it interesting in my dream that I am in the den
while the Asian woman is in the "living" room. I am in the
room typically regarded as a man's private haven away from
female influence. Again, often a place filed with shelves of
books....which of course exercise the mind and

My association with the den is that that is where the TV is
kept - This is the place where the family can be together,
and usually only family or very close friends of the family
are allowed there. The den can be seen as the place for the
family secrets, as opposed to the living room which is
reserved for "company" and is more formal (and less
comfortable) - - a place where children are not allowed to
play, and the only room in the house in which we have to
"dress up" and behave like "grown ups".

"while the woman occupies the living room. The name of this
room alone speaks volumes to me. Living/Life Affirming, a
gathering place that does not exclude the Feminine/Feelings.
Non-exclusionary. Embracing all parts of the psyche...which,
of course, means the Shadow parts...or dark, hidden aspects
of my personality, as well."

My living room today is the "heart" of the house, mainly
because the room I would consider my den is now, for reasons
too complicated to go into, is now the junk room. It used
to be my favorite room, and now . . . I rarely enter it
except to pass through it on my way to the laundry room.
Quite a reversal from when I was young.

"The Asian woman in my dream is dark-haired, dark- eyed,
olive-skinned. For me there is no question she is a
repressed part of my psyche. She even wears black silk
pajamas. Dark and sensuous......the "feel" of silk is
inviting and pleasant."

The black and other dark colors in this scene contrast
vividly with the floor and the sunlight. It's as if my
darker, more unknown self is a dark blot against the other
colors I chose for the living room. I do think she is a
repressed part of my psyche, but not the shadow per se' as
she is differently gendered. The word that comes to mind
when I picture her is "Ninja", but a very special sort of

"She digs at the artifical "face" of the floor trying to get
at what is old and real... maybe not very pretty, but
definitely solid and still there. No amount of covering it
up with layers and layers will make it disappear. She digs
in an attempt to get closer to the ground level......for me,
signalling an attempt by my Inner Feminine to get more
"grounded" and bring me to a level of awareness that is
deeper and lower and not so much in my head. "

I agree with this, except your characterization of the floor
beneath as solid. Because of some damage to my home, the
same damage that turned the den into the "junk room", there
are places in the floor that have grown soft beneath my
feet. I am reluctant to rip up the carpet to see what is
underneath, because I suspect that the damage is worse than
it appears to be. At the same time, my health has started
deteriorating, due to years of neglect I guess. If, as
Jeremy Taylor suggests, there are a number of areas in life
that every dream is always about - and if health is one of
those -- perhaps digging up the floor points to an
unsuspected health problem beneath the surface. This has
already occured to me, and I have made an appointment with
my doctor.

"As far as the coins in my dream, I am only getting phrases
like "doesn't know heads from tails". If they are gold then
they may represent the treasure that lies at the bottom of
the pit dug by the Asian woman, or more personally, the
gifts that lie waiting for me if I have the courage to look
deeper within and uncover some of the layers that hide my
deeper Self from view. Living a more authentic life, one
that may not be collectively acceptable or "beautiful"
certainly has its rewards."

I think several people find the coins a bit puzzling. I'm
one of those people. The work the group has done, though,
has gone far to open the symbolism for me.

"Thank-you so much for letting me project my own symbols
onto this dream. I find it a wonderful gift of the psyche
and once again am grateful to the Unconscious for providing
such treasures as guideposts."

As am I. Thank you for sharing your insights with me,

Pleasant Dreams,

_______________ ___________________ __________________

The last message here I have left out, it was just a thank
you note from the moderator. Usually we like to send a
questionnaire here to all participants to check whether or
not they felt abused or misled by the experience or process
in any way. The questionnaire is being revised and was left
off of this group. update.



September - October 1998


If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at

This Month's Features:

-Nightmare Workshop in Portland, Oregon
-Spiritual Direction and Dream Training in the Jungian
Mystical Tradition

- Life-Altering Dreams for Television Pilot
Male Bereavement Dream Series
- Dreams, Visions and Their Effects on Art

-Dreamwork on AOL
-Sol y Luna Voyager A Lucid Dreaming Dreams:
-The Bridge Between the Ego and the Subconscious
-New Additions to the ED Dream Links Site

DREAM CALENDAR for October 1998




>>>>> Nightmare Workshop in Portland, Oregon
Dr. Gillian Holloway is conducting a day long class called
"Understanding Nightmares: The Gift Behind the Terror." ,
Saturday, October 3, at Marylhurst University in Portland
Oregon. Undergraduate Credit Available, Non- Students
Welcome. To Register by phone Marylhurst University at: 503-
699-6241, Outside Oregon call: 1-800-634-9982

>>>>>Spiritual Direction and Dream Training in the Jungian
Mystical Tradition.

The Haden Institute offers a two-year certification program
for therapists, church & community leaders (but open to
all), including the history of dreams, symbolism,
supervision and case studies, individual & group
exploration, individuation. Methodologies include, Senoi,
Gestalt, Taylor, mystical, lucid, prophetic, and relational
dream work. Next Entry Times: February 1999 & August 1999.
1819 Lyndhurst Ave, Charlotte, NC 28203-5103
to register call 704-333-6058 or via web
contact Bob Haden


R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S


>>>>> Life-Altering Dreams for Television Pilot
I'm looking for people who have had bizarre, fascinating, or
life-altering dreams for a television show pilot I'm
producing. These are dreams that woke you in a cold
sweat...dreams that frightened you, shocked you, or had a
lasting impression on your life. The show will re-enact
your dream with actors and give you the opportunity to meet
with dream experts and find out what those dreams really
mean. Please visit my web site at: or e-mail me at :

>>>>>Male Bereavement Dream Series
Men who have suffered a tragic loss by death of a child,
spouse, or lover and were recording their dreams at the
time, are being solicited for a publication in progress on
bereavement dreams, transcendence and the healing process.
The recorded dream period should be 6 months or longer
following a death that occurred at least two years ago.
Research is being conducted by Geri Grubbs, Ph.D., Jungian
analyst. She would like to work closely with the
participants, which will involve gathering the dreams
together, copying or recording them with associations, and
some telephone discussions. If you think you may be
interested in participating, please contact Geri Grubbs by
telephone at (408) 867-9019, or through e-mail at

>>>>>Dreams, Visions and Their Effects on Art
My name is Margo and I am a year twelve student at Cardijn
College, South Australia. As part of my Art course I am
required to complete a year long study to acquire the
necessary marks. The topic I have chosen to research for my
special study is "Dreams, Visions and their effects on art."
My study involves collecting as much information as possible
on the topic, research, conducting surveys, questionnaires
and to become an "expert" on the subject. I need as much
information as possible. I would be most grateful if you
could send any information on any thing that links dreams,
visions and art together. An interview, if appropriate would
also be very helpful either by phone or in person. If you
are unable to help me maybe you could to refer me to someone
who could. Any information on anything to do with art,
dreams or visions would be of great use to me. Thank you
for your help Margo Clark, 14 Geoffery Ave., Pt.
Noarlunga, S.A. 5167. Telephone: (08) 8384 8317. Email:


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


Do you know of interesting new websites you'd like to share
with others? Or do you have updates to existing pages? Help
spread the word by using the Electric Dreams DREAM-LINK page This is
really a public projects board and requires that everyone
keep up his or her own link URLs and information. Make a
point to send changes to the links page to us.

>>>>> Dreamwork on AOL
The Alternative Medicine forum on America On-Line has now
opened a new area on dreamwork with the help of the cyber-
dream pioneer, Richard Wilkerson. The focus of this area
will be on the relation to heath and wholeness through
dreamwork. Be sure to stop by, check out the articles lists
and leave your questions on the Alt-Med bulletin board.
Some of the articles include:
- Getting Started with Dreamwork
- Predicting illness with dreams
- Revival of Ancient Dream Healing techniques
- Carl Jung and Wholeness
Live Chat to be scheduled!

(KeyWord: AltMed > Therapies > Dreamwork) or KeyWord:

>>>>> Sol y Luna Voyager A Lucid Dreaming Website

The goal of the site is to gather dream workers who are
artists and technicians to co-create on the web. Dreamers
meet for Dreaming of Lucid Freedom In America Circles to do
dreamwork and creativity work in Santa Cruz.

>>>>>Dreams:The Bridge Between the Ego and the Subconscious

A personal journey site with reflections about dreams and
their meanings.

>>>>>New Additions to the ED Dream Links Site

Electric Dreams has been collecting information about dream
related sites since the Web first appeared. Our collection
now includes dreams and science, dreamwork, anthropology,
lucidity, personal journals, magazines, schools, and much

Here are some new sites added this month to the Electric
Dreams Links Collection

Gifford Dream & Mythology Site
free dream interpretation. jungian dream psychology. joseph

Sandy Ginsberg
A personal page describing Sandy's connections and
affiliations to dreams
and therapy.

Awaken 98
Bill Kudrle's Awaken 98 Dream Journal Software
Awake Software

Dan's Online Dream Journal

Dylo toltec Dreaming Mailing List home page.
The TDML is a list started up by a group of Dreamers that
are interested in the subject as presented by Carlos
Castaneda and Cronies. Many subjects are discussed all
related to Dreaming, Group Dreaming is also a thing some of
work on.

The Obsidian Society Dream Network: an up and coming
webzine, chat and more.

Sirley Marques Bonham's Dreamers's Page
This is a site where you will be able to find articles that
are principally about experiences of awareness during sleep,
or awareness during the sleep or awake onsets. I have
learned that there are several labels for these experiences.
They include the following: Lucid Dreams, Astral Travels,
Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), Projections of
consciousness,Experiences of
awareness during Sleep Paralysis and Nightmares.

Stanford Sleep & Dreams - William Dement

The Journal Sleep

American Sleep Disorders Association



October 1998


Oct 2-4 in Redding, CT
The Unitarian-Universalist Society of Northern Fairfield
County presents a weekend with Jeremy Taylor. For more
information call: Nancy Weston 203-744-6823

Oct 3 in Portland, OR
Dr. Gillian Holloway is conducting a day long class called
"Understanding Nightmares: The Gift Behind the Terror." ,To
Register phone Marylhurst University at: 503- 699-6241,
Outside Oregon call: 1-800-634-9982

Oct 3 in Santa Clara, CA
"Working With Dreams in Analytical Psychology", 9:00am -
4:00pm. Santa Clara University, Division of Lifelong
Learning . To register, call 408-551-1981 or 551-1845

Oct 16 in Chicago, IL
"Self-Exploration Through the Dream". The Jung Institute of
Chicago, 800.697.7679.

Oct 16-18 in Flintstone, MD
"The Healing Power of Dreams Retreat" with Earl Koteen, at
the Rising Phoenix Retreat Center. For more information or
to register, please contact Margee Iddings at

Oct 23-25 in NY
Ione's Third Annual Dream Festival, a Kingston City and
Hudson Valley wide celebration of Dreams and Dreaming. For
more information, visit or contact:

Oct 31 in Sebastopol, CA
Bay Area dreamworkers Group (BADG) Halloween Party, 2pm
7pm. For more information, contact Eric Snyder or Randi
Farkas at 707) 824-9121.


== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V5 N9 ==

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **


Vol. 5 Number 9 - October 1998

Hello dreamers! This month we have shared stories with a
concentration on repetitive killing related dreams. Four
common classic fears dreams: being chased, being
approached by spirits, being lost, and being betrayed are
shared. A dreamer asks if there is an omen about a
wedding in a dream, a relationship slips away in a
vehiclular metaphor, and a dream poses a question about
dreaming. A buffet of many animal related dreams emerged
this month also. Stan Kulikowski's intricate relationship
themed dreams reappear, as do several Nutcraker
adventures - a couple demonstrating some skill at problem
solving. Comuter references are sprinkled throughout with
a floppy disk gift which flops in it's purpose, and a
Lucid dream tale. Enjoy your journey.





This past week was a rough one back on the island I grew
up in. Puerto Rico was just one of the many populated
areas that were in Hurricane Georges path. It even
spawned a phenomenon very rare on the island - a Tornado!
Very unusual for hurricanes, it took a direct path right
through the islands of the Major Antilles, those the
border of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
Though every year brings hurricane danger to the Island,
until the devastation of Hugo on the Northeastern side of
the island several years ago, many years had gone by
without major impact.

Fortunately, the human casualties were few. My family and
friends awoke to fallen trees and misplaced objects after
the storm passed, but they were safe from harm. The
impact of the hurricane highlights the great force of
nature playing games with homes, power lines, and years
of natures growth. It reminds us of the fragility of our
lives before mightier forces, and that as much as we like
to think we control our destinies, we are need to adapt
to greater forces from time to time. Dreams help us focus
on those storms which sweep through our inner lives,
sometimes producing much turmoil and concern. Like
hurricanes, the major dream events in our lives leave an
imprint that is hard to forget.

Thanks to those who have shared their dreams and
commentary with our community.

Enjoy your visit to the pages of Electric Dreams.

Bob Krumhansl


== Question by Mark Gerard (980925)==
== Response by Wilkerson to Dreamer Anonymity (980925) ==


** Dream: Tornado man by ? (980625) **
== Commentary by RobLweis on Tornado Man (980910) ==
** Dream: "Is it a sign?" By Brazilian (980816) **
== Commentary by rcwilk on Daniel's dream (980821) ==


experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

** Dream: "The Little Brown Bat Comes Back" by
dragonflybaby (980904) **
** Dream: death by stranger by ? (9809922) **
** Dream: Never ending dreary dream by Kos (980924) **

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external
stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our
dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so
mysterious to others]

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]


COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial

** Dream: randy tmcphee by ? (980902) **


AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

** Dream: Rape & Catastrophe by ? (980914)**

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other

** Dream: 'The Creators' by Nutcracker (980528) **

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts- This month brings us dogs,cats,
bats, hamsters,assorted rohdents, bears, an alligator, a
calico tiger, snakes, lizards, parrots, a baby seal ... ]

== Commentary by Heratheta on Alligator Dream (980906) ==
** Dream: a talking cat by stan kulikowski ii (980907)**
==Commentary by Heratheta on Bat,Cat& Dog dreams(980907)
** Dream: 'Animal Morphing' by Nutcracker (980720) **
** Dream: 'The Swan Maiden' by Nutcracker (971206) **

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BOOKS (Extensions of our memory and imagination, our
permanent records)

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the
events we participate in]

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs &

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools,

See if you can find the not quite floppy disk and the DEC
Rainbow Computer

in this issue.

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn,
right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open,
close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all -
follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy
about asking someone else down the path, except, of
course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

== Commentary by Heratheta on Vacation's (980824) ==
== Commentary by Heratheta (980829)==
== Commentary by Heratheta on Disertation and Coming
Catastrophe Dreams (980919) ==
== Commentary by Heratheta on Ship Dream (80919)**
== Commentary by Heratheta on big house (980919) ==
==Commentary by Heratheta on Shadow,James & Stan

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

** Dream: 'A Dream Vision' by Nutcracker (980530) **

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

** Dream: the dreamer and the dreamed by anon (980709)**

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

** Dream: 'No Lions, No Tigers, But Bears, Oh My' by
Nutcracker (980908) **

== Commentary by Bob K. On Nutcraker (980927)

EVENTS [The activity defines or dominates the story - a
convergence of people at a place and time for a special

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]

** Dream: 'Flying Killer' (980823) **
== Commentary by Heratheta on several dreams (980826) ==
** Dream: 'scared tammy'by ? (980903) **
** Dream: "Transference" by kidoobird (980925) **

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

** Dream: 'The Digital Gift', by dreambat (980821) **

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

** Dream: The Big House by ? (9703XX) **
** Dream: 'Tree of Life' by Nutcracker (980803) **

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

** Dream: elfin healer, by jan (980909) **
== Commentary by Heratheta on Elfin Healer (980909) ==

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are

** Dream: ron's pet shop by stan kulikowski ii (980923)

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with
the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by
definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family
which constitutes the first and earliest of our
relationships, often influencing how we relate to the
outside world]

** Dream: lost friend by maurin (980916) **
** Dream: Betrayal? By Penelope (980916) **
** Dream: cindy timko's dissertation by Stan Kulikowski
ii(980914) **
** Dream: 2 x James by ? (980924) **

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

** Dream: Mobsters-R-Us' by Nutcracker (980730) **

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the

STRANGERS [Who and what we don't know yet]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams
people have questions on. Theories on what they mean
range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed
or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

** Dream: Dream about marriage by fidors friend

** Dream: 'The Surrogate' by Nutcracker (980810) **

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of

** Dream: almost lost my daughter by ? (980918) **

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

** Dream: ship at sea by mermaid (980916) **

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

= = = = = = = = = = = ==


(None this month)



== Question by Mark Gerard (980925)==

From: (Mark Gerard)
Subject: Names
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 09:12:12 -0400

Hi, everybody. For some reason, the program that sends
the dreams to the list cuts off the identity of the
dreamers. I would be very interested to see the names of
the people who send in dreams, and if not that, then at
least their Internet handles. Can this be arranged?

Mark Gerard

== Response by Wilkerson to Dreamer Anonymity (980925) ==

Hi Mark,

Yes, as a rule, the dreams are send with pen names
only. However, rules here are just guides, not meant to
rule us. Anyone who wants can send directly into the
list. those wanting anonymity send to me or others with
that request.

- Richard


** Dream: Tornado man by ? (980625) **

To start out, I've been having repetetive nightmares
about tornadoes for about five or six years. I'm 16 years
old. I've never been in a tornado in real life. Usually,
in my dream I am aware of a tornado coming, and my
biggest dilemma is getting all of my family into the
basement. For some reason they don't come right away, and
keep saying things like "wait just a minute until I
finish my coffee." I wake up in a total panic.

A few nights ago, I dreamt that I was eating lunch with
some friends outside and saw a tornado coming. I Hurried
and pushed most of my friends into a windowless bathroom.
I went back outside to get the last girl, but the tornado
had turned into a man who said he was hungry. I offered
him my plate of macaroni and cheese, and he ate it. Then
he looked at my friend Tessa and said "But she's full of
blood" and he tossed a broken plate like a blade,
straight through the middle of her skull. I woke up
knowing that I was the next one to have my blood sucked
by the tornado. It's confusing, but I knew in my dream
that the tornado WAS the man, and I feared him

Comments by Dreamer: I am really curious why I keep
having these repetetive tornado nightmares which change
every night, but always with a tornado about to get me.

== Commentary by RobLweis on Tornado Man (980910) ==

Tornado Man Dream - additional comments

Greetings Bob:

Your analysis triggered a thought which I'll ask you to
communicate to the author of 'Tornado Man' dream.

It could be that if this were my dream(s), the same I've
been having for the past five years, since the age of 11,
I might be refusing to face the fact that as I mature, I
am unwilling to see my parents and some friends as they
really are: self-destructive in some fashion (possibly
life-style related) -- not wanting to be saved from the
tornado. As an 11 year old, it's only natural to revere
one's parents, to 'unconditionally' accept their life's
choices. The dream is telling me I have been suppressing
my natural faculties of judgement by stubbornly refusing
to hold them up to the light that would expose them as
they really are. If this analysis is correct, I predict
the moment I come to terms with them as they are, the
tornado dreams will stop. Keep me posted Tornado Man.

Rob Lewis

** Dream: "Is it a sign?" By Brazilian (980816) **


I'm brazilian and I've got a dream very different to me,
because I'm thinking very much about it.

Before speak about the dream, I need to give you details.
I love very much a woman and, when I spook to her, she
speaks to me: "I don't want". It was about 1 year ago. In
this time, I've got very many dreams with her, but
nothing different of normal. But, last week, I have a
dream and I'll speak about it below.

The dream:

In the afternoon, Loana (her name) and me was watching TV
in my mother's bedroom: I had sit down on the floor and
her sits down on the my mother's bed. Suddenly my cousin
(Isabela is her name) arrived and she kisses my mouth.
When Loana saw it, she stands up and ask me: "Who is
she?". When I answered "She's my cousin", Loana leaves

Well, if you may help me I'll say "Thank very much"

My dream can be a sign about a fact? If it's true, what?

I acknowledge beforehand,


== Commentary by rcwilk on Daniel's dream (980821) ==

If this were my dream....

In my dream my girlfriend is sitting in my mother's
room. This is significant for me. To sit in my mother's
room is kind of like saying this scene is about what my
mother might think about all of this. (not my real
mother, but my inner mother, that nurturing but sometimes
clinging part of us all). So, she sits on the bed, but
there is not enough room for me there. The metaphor, to
be in bed with someone is also the same as being in the
room of someone, only stronger. That is, that there is
something about Loana and my mother that are, in this
instance, very, very similar.

I can't get that close. I have to sit on the floor, as
if in my real life I hold myself above them, and now have
to give way or suffer or be held below them. I am kept
apart from them both by this attitude. It worked for my
mother, I need to keep her at some distance. But I want
to share the bed with my girlfriend.

So things are stuck. Me on floor, Girlfriend on the
bed. A new character comes in the advance the situation,
my cousin. My dream cousin is not so close as my mother
- I can even be a kissing cousing with her at times. But
not around my girlfriend. She seemed repulsed or driven
away by this close connection I have with my cousin. This
concerns me. Will my girlfriend ever be able to get
really close to me, or will she be repulsed by my inner
most desires? I desire both. I want the girl, but I also
want to be myself. Can the two be reconcilled?

Thanks Daniel for sharing the dream. I can't say if
it is the sign you want or not. For me it was more about
my own concern that Loana will in fact turn out to be
more like my mother than a person who can deeply love me.
However, the attraction to her needs to be acknowledged
somehow in my own dream-take, its not clear to me how
this will get worked out.

- Richard


experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

** Dream: "The Little Brown Bat Comes Back" by
dragonflybaby (980904) **

I am in a wooded area, people around but no one
significant. A small brown bat flies at my head and sets
me off balance so that I fall flat on my bum. The bat has
gone inside the back of my trousers and has sank his
teeth into the base of my spine at my tailbone area. I
know that I have to get him out at the risk of being
bitten again but I reach in with my left hand and wedge a
finger in between him and me and yank him out whereby he
starts biting my hands as I try to get him free of me. He
finally flies off and I am left with these marks that
look like mosquito bites after you've itched them. I am
worried about rabies so I consult an online medical
journal to determine whether or not it's severe enough to
merit a shot. I am not in pain, nor am I upset/afraid. It
was like lucid dreaming in the sense that I knew I was in
the dream, and right away i started wondering why the bat
had come back to me.

Comments by Dreamer: This same, cute, little brown bat
has come to me about 3 or 4 times before. Always flying
right at me. Always biting my hands. I think this may
refer to relationships because there are always events
related to them that have occured recent to the dream.

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission
Comments Please feel free to comment/etc. I can
provide more details as this is a condensed version.
Unfortunately my dreams are never short or vague.

** Dream: death by stranger by ? (9809922) **

I have this recurring dream that someone is in my house
and all I can see is a black shadow of a man. I kill this
man and burry him in my basement of the house. I dig up
the cement and re-cement him into the ground. I have been
having this dreams for 30 years now. Can someone help me
to understand what it means?

** Dream: Never ending dreary dream by Kos (980924) **

My dream started when I was a teenager. It has been
with me for 25 years now. I have lived a very good life,
I'm married with children and grandchildren. My dreams
goes like this: I am in my house alone, suddenly a black
shadow stranger appears. I dont know who he is, nor what
he wants of me. I attack him . I kill this person (who is
a man), well not only do I kill him, but I bring him to
my basement and dig a hole, put the body in it and fill
it with cement. This dream is so traumatic to me, that
when I awaken I am about to vomit. It has me upset for
the next 2 days before I feel better. I get an awful
feeling in my stomach that will stay with me for a day.
It's almost like a feeling of deep fright. I feel that
after the dream I actually did this to someone. This is
weird. If any one can help me to understand this dreams,
please feel free to email me. thanks, please

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external
stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our
dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so
mysterious to others]

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial

** Dream: randy tmcphee by ? (980902) **
09/02/98 2;30 am

randy was dreaming he was on the street walking and
he had some apples with him off in the distance he saw a
man heading towards him he knew it was his father who was
coming towards him his father has been dead since he was
10 months old [40 years] he knew he had to get ride of
the apples before he reached him so he threw them he had
stolen the apples when his dad reached him he never spoke
to him but his curls stood out very prononced on the top
of his head

Comments by Dreamer fathers mother has just passed
away week before the dream only know what dad looks like
is though very old pictures



AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

** Dream: Rape & Catastrophe by ? (980914)**

well I was sleeping in this old house, when suddenly
I was awaken by a loud noise. A man without a face
appears and rapes me at gunpoint, then all of a sudden a
world catastrophe occurs.

Comments by Dreamer I think the lust that i have
within is starting to stream out, like urine coming down
the crotch down on too the floor.

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other

** Dream: 'The Creators' by Nutcracker (980528) **

It's dusk. That part of the day that covertly turns into
night. The sky is not black yet, but more of a medium
shade of blue, where the stars are just barely visible.
I'm in town, walking down the middle of the street
(headed east) when suddenly, I look up into the sky. Am
I to believe my eyes? Do they deceive me? I blink, then
open my eyes again. No. I see what I see. They're still
there. Hundreds, no, thousands of alien spacecraft.
They are near translucent (like jellyfish); the most
visible parts being any edge or outline of a part. The
only way to describe them is to say they have the shape
of styrofoam cups. The main, outer body, looks like a
'soup' cup, short and squat (upside down) with five
smaller 'drink' cups inside it (right side up). The five
parts are spinning counterclockwise. They must be the
propulsion mechanisms. I still can't believe what I'm
seeing. Just to be sure, I stop a man in the street
(he's about 45-50, sandy hair, wavy and he's wearing a
blue and white stripped shirt). I ask him if he thinks
they're alien spacecraft. He more or less agrees with
me. They are what they are. I'm worried -- fearful
even. I guess I was hoping he wouldn't agree with me and
that that alone would allay my fears. Now the spacecraft
have all disappeared (is that a good sign?) and instead,
there appear (moving at a moderate speed) four planets
looming in the heavens. These too are translucent. One
of them has rings around it, like Saturn. Now I'm in my
car. The sky has turned pitch black. Suddenly, in the
sky and on the streets, is projected what appears to be
an alien movie (a movie about the aliens by the aliens).
The alien in the movie has a large bulbous head, is white
and pasty in color and he/she/it's wearing a black nehru
jacket (gives me the impression it's a doctor - like
Frankenstein). I'm driving in the opposite direction
(west) of the way I had previously been walking. With
this projection being shown, it's difficult to see the
road. I can't see the stop signs or tell if there are
any cars ahead of me. Next, I go to attend a seminar on
the aliens. All the attendees are seated at individual
desks. The desks appear to be a Frank Lloyd Wright
design. Very simplistic, clean in form (line). The top
of the desk is approximately 4' x 2.5'. There is a shelf
(for books and such) beneath the desktop. It's 8" deep.
The shelf part consists of .5" slats and the rest of the
desk has 1.5" wide, straight legs. I'm not sure what type
of wood it's made from. It's refreshing to see something
so simple and uncluttered in design. I sit down at a
desk (second row from the back, on the aisle to the
left). A crowd is gathering. A few seats away there is
a (cordial) woman. Now the room is nearly full. I'm
feeling antsy. I get up and look around. I'm not sure I
want to stay for the seminar. I look for an exit. I
peer in one door that is half open. This is the room for
the speakers. I see another door, open it and go inside.
There are even more people waiting in here. These people
have a better position because they arrived early and/or
paid more to get in. This disgusts me and I decide to
leave. That and the fact that I see a copy of the manual
being given to the attendees. It's entitled, "The
Creators," which leads me to think that the people giving
the seminar are the 'creators', not the aliens. I go
back to my desk to collect my things. A lady comes and
sits at the desk next to mine. She has two magazines in
her arms. One is LIFE. At first I believe they are my
magazines, as I had bought two also, but then I see mine
are still in the shelf of my desk. I grab them, along
with my copy of "The Creators". The new woman tells me
that I can't take "The Creators", but the cordial woman
(in her 50's, strawberry blonde, short, thick hair, great
tan and flawless skin) says, "Yes, she can. She paid
($7.95) for it, just like the rest of us." As I prepare
to leave (it now appears my car is the seat of my desk),
a middle-aged couple comes and sits behind me. I wonder
how I'll have room to back out without hitting them.
They read my mind and make room for me to leave.

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts- This month brings us dogs,cats,
bats, hamsters,assorted rohdents, bears, an alligator, a
calico tiger, snakes, lizards, parrots, a baby seal ... ]

** Dream: Go West-dog and Alligator by ?(980904) **

3am Sat 5 September 1998

My family and I were upgrading our house by putting
up a new wooden fence and painting it green. Soon
neighbours began painting their fences green too. We
went to investigate more closely, when a little white
poodle ran past, over a doormat and said "GO WEST!" then
ran west itself. I began to walk in a westerly
direction, and could hear the Village People singing GO
WEST as I walked. An academic friend (not someone from
"waking life") - a female PhD - had fallen into a pool
in which lived a large and treacherous alligator. She
had some blood on her temple where she had fallen onto a
concrete platform. The little dog reappearedand barked,
because we had to save our friend in the water. I could
see the alligator advancing. The dream ended abruptly.

==Commentary by Heratheta on Alligator Dream (980906)==


alligator dream suggests smell the fresh air of peace to
the north or south and avoid becoming (large and
trecherous) couch dream suggests smell the fresh air of
freedom to the right or left of where the little girl was
coming from & avoid (coming at) people father dream
suggests smell the fresh air of freedom to the right or
left of where father was coming from & and avoid becoming
(had to)

all dreams suggest above action until the subsequent

** Dream: a talking cat by stan kulikowski ii (980907)**

Stan requests that his name and email be kept with this
dream: stan kulikowski ii <<>

(sunday night: mom watched movies on television and i
worked on some web sites for the courses i teach. went
to sleep around 02:00 after reading for a while.)

the journey has been long and tiring as i have had to
drive an extra long time today to get home, but that was
preferable to staying in another motel just a few hours
from amherst. even tired as i am, it feels good to get
back at last. no matter how interesting the place you
visit, it always feels right to come home after an

i am walking across the empty lots and parking areas
next to the large house where my apartment is located. i
have let agamemnon out of the car, so he can run a bit
and do his dog things around the neighborhood to get
resettled in the locale. normally i do not let him rum
free as his large size can startle the naturally timid,
but this time, for a while, he can go sniff and pee on
whatever he pleases. we need to stretch after so long in
the car.

as i approach my building, the next parking lot is
partly filled with rusting hulks of derelict cars. not
really abandoned, they belong to a nearby garage, mostly
collected for parts or curiosity of the owner. just
before i leave the broken concrete with low clinging
vines growing through the cracks, my eye is attracted to
a new auto carcass, less rusted than the rest. =20

it is shaped like a low racing car, much smaller than
expected. perhaps two meters long at best. it has no
rust on it, and is painted mostly a silver grey with pale
brown lettering and designs over its chassis. i can not
make out any of the words which i presume are the
driver's name and sponsors. it may not be rusted but it
is slightly bent in the middle so it folds upward in an
awkward way. and how does any one ride in the thing?
the top which ought to be the open cockpit for the driver
is covered over with a solid cover of metal.

reaching down i discover that the race car is
ridiculously light weight. indeed, it is not a car but a
toy like a child would have, except it is so large. i
easily pick up the hollow aluminum toy, put it square on
the pavement and give it a slight shove. in spite of its
bent frame, it surprisingly travels very well. my small
push sending it gliding across the lot into the next
where if finally stops. it does seem like a satisfying
toy to roll so well in spite of its huge size.

well, now i have to backtrack and go retrieve the toy to
return it to its place here where the owner left it.
when i go pick one end of the race car by its bumper to
drag it back, i notice a police car cruising down the
street. i hope he does not assume that i am stealing
this from this lot while i am taking it back to the next.
when i get to its original spot i put the toy car down
and proceed on toward my apartment. the policecar does
pull into the lot behind me, but the officer does not
yell out to me. i continue on.

coming up to my house i whistle for agamemnon, and he
comes bounding up from some bushes out in the yard. he
is glad to be home, panting and slobbering from his
excitement. i open the back door on the side of the
building to let us in.

as we cut across the empty garage and laundry area, i
notice that the door to sue alexander's apartment is
open. she has moved out so i go in to see what was left
behind. there is usually an odd stick of furniture
leftover in rentals. maybe i will find something of
interest. inside there is a table and a couple wooden
chairs. i go through the empty rooms, marveling at the
hollowness of the place which had such a warm feeling
when she lived here. still, the floors are rather clean
waiting for the next occupant. i wonder for a moment if
i might move over here, but i dismiss the thought
quickly. this apartment is too interior of the building
and mine is an added extension with more windows and

as i am leaving a see a piece of exercise equipment that
i did not remember seeing sue ever use. between our
apartments was a common room, really just an overlarge
hall that we used as a shared gym area. i drag the
slanted back board out into the exercise area. my
soloflex is there with all its pieces lined up on the
bench seat. i put the back board over near the wall.

with my key i open the door to my apartment and i can
tell right away that people have been inside rearranging
things. i now recall that the landlady had told me they
would be refurbishing part of the building this summer,
but i did not know it was going to be so extensive a
task. i can see that the entire floor of my place has
been ripped up and the replacement is not completely in
place, so there are large gaps where i can look into the
basement. the floor did have a soft sag to it, but i had
grown accustomed to it like a worn but comfortable shoe.
still, i suspect that the sagging wood could have broken
through at some point, so a new solid hardwood floor will
look nice.

my apartment was a late addition, stuck on a much older
building. a long straight series of rooms. in the
second room, with the door that opens directly on the
sidewalk, i see a lot of unfinished masonry exposed where
the floor is unfinished. this is my sitting room which
had the old square fire place. it looked so nice to step
in from the snow outside to the fire going in this room.
the old fireplace has been removed and a new one is
partially complete. the fresh red bricks are shaped in a
rounded circular opening rather than the square
rectangular mass of traditional ones with mantles. under
the flooring there lies exposed a lot of tube like air
passages, apparently to transport heated air to other
rooms when the fire is lit. that has always been one of
the drawbacks of fireplaces, they draw cold air into the
neighboring rooms by sending the hot air up the flue. i
can not quite figure out how these air ducts are to work,
but the whole mass has good organic look to it. more like
blood vessels and capillaries, grown rather than built.

there is a ladder through one of the holes in the
flooring and i go down into the basement, looking for
samantha, my cat. she remained here while the dog and i
went travelling. she hates to ride in the car, and
neighbors fed her while we were away.

samantha is a small siamese, white and grey rather than
brown. but rather than find her, i see two then three of
the neighborhood wild cats curl up in the beams near the
water heater. these are very large, fat cats in spite of
their feral nature. many of the local people leave out
food for them, so they do quite well without docility of
house cats. their fur is a rather shocking red color with
tawny brown tiger stripes. they are quieter than usual as
i approach. i wonder if the nearest one will let me pet
him, as on rare occasions they will tolerate a human
touch. samantha, being a civilized domestic cat does not
like these, so i know she will not be in the basement.

as i reach over to first of the three wild cats, a loud
voice says "are you always so rude as to fondle your
guests?" i look startled. it came from the furthest
cat, a fat female.

"what? you can talk?" i ask looking at the creature.

"apparently. do you doubt your own senses now?" she
replies. "i lived once with your kind before my maturity
and picked up the manner of your speech." she has a
rather distorted, flat nose face with overly, bulging
large eyes. must be some persian in their breed. the
irises are blood red, rather spooky looking even for a
cat eye. and her lips do not move as you would expect to
articulate human words. the sounds come out when she
sort of wheezes, but i do not see hardly any motion of
the lips or tongue. her voice is really a little too
loud, almost like a shout.

"do these others also talk?" i ask.

"no," she replies. "my companions are quiet, thoughtful
cats. only i have this useless ability to make so much
noise of so little value." i notice her syntax is rather

"would you like to live here? i would like to converse
with you more often and i will fix you only the finest
foods. i am good with food."

"you can leave out the food like the others in this
area, and we will eat what we want if we like it. i can
not imagine why we would want to come inside your
building like that unfortunate withered cat who lets you
live with her. not to mention that stupid huge dog."

i look closely at her long matted fur. it is very dirty
and tangled. "well, for one thing, i could give you a
bath and groom your fur until it is clean and healthy."

"get all wet? it sounds uncomfortable."

"i suppose it is for a short period of time. but you
get wet on rainy days anyway, and this bath with some
shampoo kills all the itchy bugs in your fur and gets rid
of the dead hair so you do not have to cough up hairballs
so often. it feels really good to have clean fur. the
withered cat does not enjoy the baths either, but she
loves having clean fur."

"hairballs are part of the natural process and does not
hurt at all. just leave the good food out and be content
with the fact that we will think about eating it if it
pleases us." she looks away in disgust.

the male cat looks at me with its weird distorted red
eyes: dumb, not understanding a word but sensing the
intent. poor humans, all the time fussing and fidgeting
with things and so rarely content. he really is the
master of his situation and does not need to speak at all
to pity us overbred primates.

( i wake at 09:30 quite well rested. this dream was easy
to recall. i did know sue alexander in amherst, she
worked in an admissions office for one of the local
universities. the building of the apartments was
completely novel, like none i ever lived in, but the
neighborhood was east amherst where i lived for several

==Commentary by Heratheta on Bat,Cat& Dog dreams(980907)


bat dream- avoid becoming"no one of significance" this
dream suggests and smell the peace down from where you
dreamed this dream

cat dream-this dream suggests avoid becoming "ridiculous"
and smell peace to the right or left of where the cat

all dreams suggest action until the next dream

Diet & Smelling - now following my previous talk of
smelling dreams, let us continue with a potato restricted
and beer restricted diet especially for women especially
those not taking an iron supplement. men, the potato and
beer along with oysters and crab can diminish your
ability to smell your dreams in a lucid fashion unless
you also are taking iron supplements in a vitamin
complex. i am hesitant to mention these foods for all are
high in tryptophan which helps memory so moderation is at
least the suggestion here for men and abstinance more for
women if there is no iron supplementation. i liked the
dog goin west dream because dogs' sense of smell is much
better than the human's but can animals put their other
senses in to action by way of the nose when they are
deprived? perhaps someone has heard of the phantom limb
effect in amputaion cases in humans and can tell if such
an effect is so for dogs. i heard any deprived area can
relocate into other parts of the body so i guess that the
other senses locate in an undeprived sense like the nose
when we sleep. if only humans can relocate sense and
since it is supposed humans are more developed in other
ways perhaps it is in dreams that we surpass our dogs in
sense although we have the sense also to keep dogs for

** Dream: 'Animal Morphing' by Nutcracker (980720) **

I was at home when I got the message that I needed to go
to this place to transfer an animal from one location to
another. I was with three other females. One was my
best friend Barb, the other two, I never saw their faces.
Barb was in the front passenger seat, I was sitting
behind her. We both had our windows down. I was cold
and closed mine, wondering if I should ask Barb to close
hers too, but when I closed mine, hers closed
automatically. We're driving along, out in the country
on a dirt road. Up ahead we need to make a left. As we
do so, to my right I see a grungy Mexican guy in a beat
up tan truck talking to some young boy leaning against a
large tree. I think to myself, boy, get yourself in the
house and quit talking to strangers. I feared for the
boy's safety. We made the left turn and came to our
destination. It seems like it might have once been a
small zoo, now abandoned. I walked to were I knew the
animal to be. It was a narrow rocky path, sandy and
golden in color. The cage was at the end of the path.
It was actually a cage inside a cage. The animal,
whatever it was, was banging the interior door against
the exterior door. I opened the outside door. I don't
know what kind of animal this is. It appears to be a
small (dwarf size) deer, but the deer face looks more
like a Tapir's. It's looks like no animal I've ever
seen. The animal is still banging away on the door.
There's no way I can open it and try to catch the animal
by myself and put it into the cage I brought with me. I
close the outer door and then open it again. Now the
animal is lying flat on the bottom of the cage and is a
white (baby) seal. The seal then stands up on its hind
flippers and is hopping and ranting about the cage (acts
and looks like the Tasmanian Devil in the cartoons). I
close the door and go back to my friends. Now Bruce
Willis (Armageddon) has come to help. He and I go back
to the cage. He opens the first door then puts his hand
inside the second door and pets the animal (which is now
lying flat again and is the baby seal, only brown in
color now). Then the baby seal nips at his hand, but not
seriously biting him. Bruce opens the seals mouth to
show me his teeth. It looks like some alien creature's
teeth. It has long white teeth and these are covered
with green circular, sharp pointy teeth that rotate.
There are approximately 6 of the green circular teeth.
Bruce leaves and I think that now that the animal is
calm, I can get it into the other cage with the help of
my friends. (98/7/20)


** Dream: 'The Swan Maiden' by Nutcracker (971206) **

I was asleep in bed. My bed was made of iron and painted
white. My sheets and covers were also white as were the
walls and ceiling. Even my nightgown was white. The
floor of the room is covered in 2' of water upon which
float 3 splendiferous swans; pure white and each with a
small black circle around each eye. Though asleep, in my
mind's eye I can see everything around me. The swans
swim silently about the room. Now my bed is outdoors,
floating on a river. I drift past castle after castle.
It's dark and dreary. The castle's are all old and
decrepit. For all intents and purposes, dead. I
continue floating upstream and come to a lovely castle,
well tended and inviting. The shore and grounds
surrounding it are lush and green. The trees have all
budded out. Everything has been renewed. The swans
follow as I float around a bend in the river. The bed
comes to a stop and I wake up back in my own room. The
water is gone. All that remains are 3 white feathers,
lying on the floor near my bed. (97/12/6)

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BOOKS (Extensions of our memory and imagination, our
permanent records)

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the
events we participate in]

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs &

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools,

See if you can find the not quite floppy disk and the DEC
Rainbow Computer in this issue.

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn,
right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open,
close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all -
follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy
about asking someone else down the path, except, of
course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

== Commentary by Heratheta on Vacation's (980824) ==

recently, after reading rcwilk's writings on vacations
and dreams and as i agree dreams indirectly show us a way
to vacate stress if we travel to the right or left of the
dreams, last night, i saw the video "phantoms" after
reading some discussion of sugar in the body. the
experiences above showed me that leucine an amino acid
which acts a lot like sugar deflects phenalalanine
another amino acid at right angles so lack of leucine
along with tryptophane mentioned in other messages here
would leave one open to the stress of dreams rather than
able to deflect and therefor keep them before us to
remember their character. it is quite fine that this
leucine reminds me of the lucidity so many seek. it is
also quite fine that phenalalanine has the phen of
phenomena, what some people call dreams.

== Commentary by Heratheta (980829)==

continuing the notion that dreams are phenomena related
to the aromatic amino acid penalalanine is to further
connect to the notion that we sense dreams with the
olfactory sense heightened during sleep because all the
other senses are deprived to some extent. then dreams are
sensed as odors and translated by the other senses as
these other senses take on the nose temporarily as their
new home like amputated limbs' soul energy takes on other
parts of the body when the flesh has gone creating the
phantom body effect.. dogs with their superior sense of
smell are also astounding in their so called psychicness
most recently attested to in the oj case. taking some of
the mystery out of precognitive dreaming would be the
fact that we pass through an atmosphere whirling on the
earth sniffing through odors which have the traces of the
rest of the world east and west of us and as the winds
have blown north and south in the air to come. there's
something rotten in the state of denmark. i smell a rat.
that left a bad taste in my mouth (what the nose smells
is also passed onto the taste buds).i can almost taste
it, ar quotes relevant at this point. considering then
that dreams are odiferous but that the information is
channeled to the deprived senses during sleep i ask the
question, how many of you dreamers remember the sense of
smell in your dreams? it is no longer remarkable to me
how i cannot remember one. your nose knows what danger
lurks in the air and a little aromatherapy can be found
encoded at all the
dream and psychic experiments to date need to be
reexamined with the above considerations for the
experiments were not conducted in vacuum.

== Commentary by Heratheta on Disertation and Coming
Catastrophe Dreams (980919) ==

disertation dream-indirectly led you toward the fresher
air of freedom to the right or left of where it occured
and suggested that "little" be not a part of plans for
the day

coming catastrophe dream-indirectly led you toward the
fresher air of freedom to the right or left of the house
in the dream suggesting "sudden" be not a part of your
plans for the day coming see

== Commentary by Heratheta on Ship Dream (80919)**

ship dream-indirectly led you to the right or left of the
ladder and suggested that "had to" not be a part of the
day following mom dream-indirectly led you to the right
or left of the house and suggested that being someone
others have to "keep saying to" be not a part of the day


thanks to Pacifica for your interest in the dream
hot-line and heratheta. i remember this last summer
riding the pacific coast highway north toward halfmoon
bay and smelling the lemon grass along the way from big
sur. check out the corner of northpoint and polk when
next in san francisco for a graffitti like dream wall
painting. i never got the complete telephone number of
the artists included below the painting but i called what
i could remember and it was disconnected. maybe it is an
old painting. i tried asking other people about it but it
is a provocative painting and i suspect it may still be
quite a while befor i hear from anyone else about the
painting living in or visiting the city. there are a
number of these dream paintings, one may be seen if you
are heading eastish toward fisherman's warf from the
above location. this twin like painting is high on a
building wall suggesting to me that it may have been some
kind of city funded or otherwise well funded effort
requiring either scaffolding or a hanging billboard
makers' apparatus. anyway, those paintings were a breath
of fresh air in my 21 year jouney along the route of
peace along with the works of heraclitus, chuang tsu,
yeats, gellis, bulkley, and wilkerson.

== Commentary by Heratheta on big house (980919) ==

big house-dream indirectly led you to the fresh air of
"not wandering" which was to the right or left of the
house in the day coming betrayed-dream indirectly led you
to the fresh air of "not devastating" which was to the
right or left of the door in the day coming falling
car-dream indirectly led you to the fresh air of " not
all" to the right or left of the stadium in the day

can you remember dreamers, trying the quoted behaviors
those days? see

==Commentary by Heratheta on Shadow,James & Stan

shadow dream-peace following this dream was to the left
or right of the house while not becoming "all i could
see was" to yourself and others

james dream-peace following this dream was to the left or
right of the player while not becoming "surprising" to
yourself or others james dream discussing-peace following
this dream was to the left or right of the cafe while not
becoming like james to yourself or others

big stan-following this dream peace was to the left or
right of the house in mass. while not becoming "finally"
to yourself or others dreamer and dreamed-following this
dream peace was to the right or left of the cherub while
not becoming "chubby" to others and yourself


DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

** Dream: 'A Dream Vision' by Nutcracker (980530) **

Everything was black, the background, the objects, except
for some back lighting. Picture an arch (like the Arch
de Triomphe...only smaller). The arch is flat on both
sides and the top, the arched part is on the inside. I
believe the arch is made of brick. Hanging inside the
arch is an upside down (wooden) cross (which doesn't
touch the ground). The cross is wider on the four ends
and tapered in the center. A light emanates from behind
the cross (much like you might find coming from God).

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

** Dream: the dreamer and the dreamed by anon (980709)**

I am a server at the banquet of the queen, a chubby
little cherub all golden from the shoulders down, flesh
from the shoulders up. I am standing in a corridor of the
queen's palace, waiting to serve and proudly holding my
little golden serving tray. I am proud to be a server at
the banquet of the queen: it is a good and fine thing to
do; it gives me standing and status. all of a sudden the
queen comes flying in. she is all golden and has wings
like those of a dragon fly on her back. she takes a
little golden pitcher, and pours molten gold like honey
over my head, making me now gold all over. while she
pours she says, "is the source of the dream the dreamer,
or is the source of the dreamer the dream?"

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

** Dream: 'No Lions, No Tigers, But Bears, Oh My' by
Nutcracker (980908) **

I was in a national park. The others I had come with
had gone off exploring. I was alone when I noticed the
area was rife with brown bear. I had to warn the others
and went off in search of them. The land in some areas
had been plowed (clear cut) and burned (to promote new
growth). (to my left) I began crossing a shallow gulley
at one such area when I spied a group of ten bears. I
quickly walked straight ahead instead. To my right were
about thirty more bears. I kept walking, picking up my
pace and trying not to make eye contact with any of them.
I glanced back and saw that the bears had noticed me. I
began running. As I ran straight ahead, a few bears and
some people (not my friends) were running towards me.
The people were yelling at me to turn around, saying the
bears would run right into me. As I kept on running,
more and more bears were coming at me. I veered off to
the right through a clearing in the woods and came upon a
house. There was one very large bear there harassing an
old man and his (30ish year old) son. The son fought off
the bear while the old man and I took cover inside the
garage. The son jumped inside a car that was outside the
garage, but the bear broke the windows and got (killed)
him anyway. The old man and I cowered together, holding
hands and praying loudly so as not to hear the screams of
his son. We said the Hail Mary <Hail Mary full of grace,
the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and
blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary,
mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour
of our death. Amen> We said this prayer rapidly, five
times in succession. Suddenly all was quiet. Then I
could see the bear was after us, trying to stick his paws
beneath the doors (the garage had doors on either end),
trying to reach us. There was a truck (sport utility
vehicle) in the garage. We walked around it at first,
then I yelled at the old man to get in just as the bear
broke into the garage. The old man started the truck and
we tore through the unbroken garage door to freedom.

== Commentary by Bob K. On Nutcraker (980927)

When the situation gets "hairy," full of "stress" to the
max, when the situation is un-bear-able, escape is the
prescription for freedom, at least for a while ;-)

EVENTS [The activity defines or dominates the story - a
convergence of people at a place and time for a special

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]

** Dream: 'Flying Killer' (980823) **

I don't often remember my this one, I
am hired for a mob-like person who is very powerfull. At
some point I do something to displease him, and he orders
me killed. The person he ordered to kill me is a friend.
I ask him if he will let me run. He does, but he chases
me through rural suburbs. I start out running but I feel
like I'm running through molases. My feet don't move
fast enough. somehow I decide to start "flying". I
still don't move very fast, and I find myself 'swimming'
through the air....still not going very fast. panic
overwhelms me. I know...somehow that they are right
behind me. Then I com across a fair or carnival....then
I wake up (or lose memory of the dream).

Comments by Dreamer It is unusual for me to remember
my dream, however, I have been having several that I
remember in the last 4 days. I'm SURE this is related to
something going on in my life.

== Commentary by Heratheta on several dreams (980826) ==

flying killer dream-avoiding "molasses" in yourself, your
thoughts,and others to the left or right of the rural
suburbs was the way after this dream until another dream.

digital dream- avoiding "more"to the left or right of the
church until the next dream was the way.

richard's musical dream-avoiding "but" to the right or
left of over your head was the way until the next dream.

** Dream: 'scared tammy'by ? (980903) **

9/3/98 1am

I was asleep on the couch i awoke at least in the dream i
did and there was a figure coming at me appeared to be of
a little girl but in spirt form i really awoke screaming
and kicking at this figure to get away from me. she had a
yellow dress on could not see her face,

Comments by Dreamer: grandmother just pass on to the
other side week before

** Dream: "Transference" by kidoobird (980925) **

At the old house of a family friend, getting ready
to go to work, I walk out of the house and halfway down
the block when I realize I have forgotten something.
Walking back, I cannot find the house. This being a
neighborhood I know well, I do not understand how I could
be so confused. I retrace my steps and still cannot find
the house.

I start to get very panicky when I look around and
realize that I am not even on the same street and none of
the houses are the same. I stop, close my eyes and try to
visualize where I should be but when I open them, nothing
has changed. I start to really panic now and I feel kind
of woozy and disoriented. I begin talking to myself to
stay focused, but to no avail. I am afraid to ask for
help in that someone would think I was insane. I am
terrified because I have no idea where I am.

Next thing I know I am inside of this large loft
apartment in New York (I live in California and have
never been to the East Coast) with a woman who is about
40 or so.

She is talking to me and getting ready to go to work. I
am silent, because she doesn’t seem to realize what is
happening. She thinks I am her live-in female lover. She
says something about me resting and getting well then
bids me goodbye.

I see myself in the mirror and I am definitely not
me. Still in a panic, I run to the phone and call my
godmother in San Francisco for help. She is not there so
I leave a frantic message on her machine; at the same
time, I am taking a pee. When I finish, I hang up the
phone, immediately waking up.

Comments by Dreamer The feeling about this
dream is that I had no control whatsoever. Usually I do
similar things in my dreams, but it is always my choice.
This felt like I was being forced to inhabit another
living person's body/space. It was also very present
tense. It was very unsettling and I had a time getting
back to sleep

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

** Dream: 'The Digital Gift', by dreambat (980821) **

I'm at a lecture, it may even be a sermon, but feels
more casual than a church. There do seem to be pews. A
few seats/rows ahead of me is an ex-friend I haven't
spoken with in years after he backed out of a project,
telling me he no longer liked my attitude. He stands up
and our eyes meet. I say "Hello, Fred." He stiffly says
hello as he gets something out of his pocket, a floppy
disk. Its an old large floppy, not quite as large as the
5 1/4 but almost and soft. I take the floppy and say
thanks, he stiffy sits down next to a woman who is with
him, acting like this greeting and exchange was really
hard for him to do. I feel, in the dream, that he is
stiff because he is trying to practice one of his
self-consciousness techniques and be conscious of what he
is doing. I think to myself, again in the dream, it
would be more personable if he would allow his attention
to be on something other than himself for just a moment.
I turn to a friend sitting next to me that Fred and I
have in common. I tell John "This is one of the problems
with people who focus too much on Unity Consciousness,
they lose the ability to hold and act out of places where
unity has collapsed and there is tension." I think to
myself, in the dream, how cheap it was of him to give me
old floppy disks and that they probably have programs on
them that are too old to even use. dreambat

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

** Dream: The Big House by ? (9703XX) **

I'm in a large house made up of two sections. One side is
old and Victorian. It is mostly empty and there are
cobwebs everywhere, cracked mirrors, etc...The other side
is brand new, modern style, there are many people
wandering around.

In the old part, there is a little boy I'm supposed to
watch over. There was something either mentally or
developmentally wrong with him and I knew he had the
power to hurt me and to hurt others. Because of this I
was very cautious and gentle with him. The manager of the
hotel did not want other people seeing him and it was my
job to keep him hidden. Unfortunately he kept wandering
off. He kept taking knives from the kitchen and hiding
them in the old rooms. I had to find them before he found
them (he'd forget where he hid them). At times I had to
race ahead of him to get to them before he did. A few
times he'd get one and I'd talk him into giving it to me.
He wanted to go over to the new side of the house, but I
wouldn't let him. The people in the new side pretty much
ignored me, they didn't know what my job was or who the
little boy was.

Comments by Dreamer I had this dream in conjunction
with 2 others. Sometimes the boy would turn into a
vicious dog, sometimes into a simple man. I believe the
child is me, who I was, actually, and that I am afraid of
him and don't want others to know about the person I was
(and yes, who I could be again).

** Dream: 'Tree of Life' by Nutcracker (980803) **

I had been away from my (birthplace) home (I don't
recall why - due to marriage or vacation or something),
when by chance, I find myself standing outside of said
(my birthplace) home; a glorious tree (something huge,
like the giant redwoods in California). There's a
doorway (and I believe a door - like a double door with
panes of glass in the top halves). I go inside. It's
dark and hard to see. There is 'tree' wood strewn all
across the ground. I stumble through approximately ten
feet of that when I come to the forest. It's filled with
life (abuzz with activity). It's like one big party.
Being in the forest is like being in a real home - people
are sitting in lounge chairs watching TV, except that
they're in the middle of the forest. I walk past one
guy. He jumps up and asks me to dance. I put up my left
hand (as in for him to STOP) and I say (recalling another
most recent such encounter), "Gee, I just did this exact
same thing yesterday to Troy Aikman (Cowboys). I must
have seen the Supremes recently." Then I begin singing
the Supreme's song, 'Stop In The Name Of Love'. When I'm
done singing, I continue on my way. Next I pass a woman
in a lounge chair and stop momentarily to glance at her.
It's Kirstie Alley (Veronica's Closet). She leaps out of
her chair and asks, "Want to dance?" I say, "Sure, but
first let me find a bathroom." (98/8/3)

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

** Dream: elfin healer, by jan (980909) **

after the big war, the earth has become a peaceful
place. lush forests, golden wheatfields, clear streams.
the concrete labyrinths, endless motorcades and barbed
wire fences have vanished. human population consists of
small, scattered communities. each of them has its
individual life style, and people live where they feel
they belong.

however, I don't know anything about the world at large.
I am a wild-hearted, free-spirited, somewhat ragged
creature of the woods, dreamy, playful, and curious: a
female elf with lots of unruly brown hair. I dunno if I
had freckles but they sure would've fit.

It feels so good to simply be alive, living each moment
to the full!

at the moment I am with my human friend (long straight
hair, self-control, a warm smile, shining eyes.) I both
love and respect her. she lives in a medieval-style
community and is "the princess". it's a friendly,
romantic game rather than ugly hard-core feudalism.

people are so innocent

these days!

hand in hand, we are strolling down an archway that opens
to the right. there's green meadows and a forest in the
distance. from the deep blue sky a yellow noon sun bathes
the land in her rich golden warmth. we expect a bunch of
children tomorrow, and we are "brainstorming" how to make
them enjoy the visit. I suggest we take them for a ride
down the river, or organize a duck hunt. I explain the
basics of duck hunting (in English)

suddenly I notice there'pole. I know that raven, and I
clutch my friend´s arm. "beware! that raven is a spy of
the WITCH! we mustn't do anything we have planned today!
she would know!" and yes, there she is: a black shadow,
riding along the horizon on her broomstick.

she doesn't scare me, but I fear for my loved ones.

all of a sudden, we are back in the courtyard. I step
inside and almost drown in a flood of noisy kids. I lead
them down a stairwell into the cool castle cellar,
because that'the girls from the boys. at the same time I
know this is a silly human concept.

we enter the "reactor chamber". obviously, the castle
once had a nuclear reactor. it has been shut down, of
course. now it is a museum piece. there is an old man
here, sitting on a chair at the wall. the children ask me
who he is. "this is Shamino, the last hero," I explain.
"he is a museum piece now. we don't need any heroes these

one of the boys introduces himself as Shamino'older than
the other kids, somewhere in his mid-teens. a bit like
me: though I'm somewhat "ageless" (being an elf), I'm as
much a child as I am a grown-up. he has found a third
museum piece: a coke machine. he wants to get a drink out
of it, but he does not have any money (no-one has, these

as if she'd been lurking all the time, the witch pops up!
and believe me, she's no wise old woman, celtic priestess
or wiccan, but an "evil crone" from the Brothers Grimm
fables. she reaches for Shamino Jr., offering him some
rusty old coins.

but I slip between them. "no! these coins are CURSED! you
mustn't take them!" I give the witch a good shove, and
she disappears. yeah! my free, unrestrained "love power"
is too strong for her petty schemes! I then turn to the
boy, who looks all confused and frightened. I snuggle up
to him, whispering:

"if you are in trouble, just come to me. I'm an elf!"

by this time I was already waking up.

Comments by Dreamer ...I could never shoot a duck
(or skin a rabbit or slaughter a pig), and I don't have a
clue about weapons or hunting.'s only in the
"happy" dreams that I'm female, and this might've been
the happiest of them all!

==Commentary by Heratheta on Elfin Healer (980909)==

however-this kind soul, is what should be avoided to the
right or left of the world see until the next dream

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are

** Dream: ron's pet shop by stan kulikowski ii (980923)

Note: stan requests his name and address be kept with the
dream - stan kulikowski ii <<>

( wednesday night, i got home just before 22:00, tired
from teaching the networking course and all day
preparation for the java lesson. my mother said i looked
really tired, but i had some web work to do getting a
newsletter into its archives before i could get to sleep.
around 01:00 i got that done and caught up on my evening
email. by this time i had regained my alertness, but
went to sleep anyway around 02:00 after reading in the
final chapter of decline and fall. )

behind his house in massachusetts, ron fussell has
finally gotten around to remodeling his garage, expanding
it into a large barn into which he has moved his pet
supply business. when i knew him, ron raised hamsters in
his basement which he sold to local pet stores. he
specialized in exotic dwarf hamsters that were difficult
to breed. he could better prices for the dwarf hamsters
compared to the usual sirian golden hamsters. years back
he started this operation to keep a supply of feeders
available for a snake we shared. eventually the snake
died, but the operation of keeping a population of mice,
hamsters and gerbils kept going in his basement. now he
has expanded the operation into his brand new barn and he
is showing me the set up for the first time.

since the barn is new, everything has a new clean look
and smell. the hay scattered loosely on the floor is all
fresh and all the timbers of the structure, though hand
hewn and rough have that raw wood texture to them. very
little paint on the interior of the building. the front
area where the customers are to come in is mostly small
cages and tanks with a variety of small animals for sale.

"and here we have our basic stocks, your teddy bear
hamsters, black gerbils, and the russian dwarf." he
shows me rack after rack of the small creatures, all busy
scurrying around, do what ever business rodents do. a
lot of constant activity which presumably has as much
significance to them as our actions do to us.

"oh, here is the new breed i am trying out." ron points
to some larger cages mounted on the wall a bit higher up
than the rest. inside is a beautiful creature, a little
larger than a kitten but smaller than a cat. it has long
fur which swishes gracefully when the animal moves. it is
generally a golden brown color with leopard spots all
over its long fur. it looks and moves more like a monkey
with really short legs, but ron assures me it is a rodent
of the hamster family. "i don't know how they will
breed. i think they will need larger cages than these
rabbit hutches." he takes one out and gives it to me to

up close i can see that it does have the pinched rodent
face with its incisors showing when it smacks its lips.
the face is not very attractive up close, but the long
shiny leopard fur has a nice smooth feel to it. its legs
beneath the shaggy coat are a little longer than i had
expected. it looks more like a guinea pig, but i have to
take ron's word that it is a large hamster.

"can it learn to ride on your shoulder like a parrot or
a monkey?" i ask him.

"i don't know." he replies. "just got the pair of them
in and have not had much time to handle them. that would
make for a convenient way to handle them." i put this
one on my shoulder and walk around a bit. it does seem
to know to hang on there, but since the rodent feet do
not have prehensile digits, it has a difficult time
keeping its grip as i move.=20 after a little trial, i
bring it back to be cradled in my arms where it is more
comfortable. i doubt the shoulder ride will be a
frequent method of activity for it.

"one of the things i have learned about keeping these is
that they need a few peanuts in their feed each day." ron
points to a large bowl of peanuts over by the cages. i
take a few out, giving one to the hamster and shelling
one open for me. the nuts inside are a little larger
than usual and taste rather bland, unsalted and under
roasted. not very good, but the rodent seems delighted.

going around the corner from the small animal area, he
has displayed some accessory merchandise. i examine a
sort of totem pole made of a blonde bleached wood, shaped
with various faces but it ends with a large ball that
mushrooms out on the top. "that is a monkey totem" ron
tells me. there are sashes of cloth attached to the sides
which give squirrel monkeys a grip to climb and play on
it. i tap the thing to find out that it is hollow and
surprisingly light weight. the totem is a somewhat less
than two meters tall and less than two thirds a meter
thick. it is a thick piece of furniture. i can not
imagine them being a very popular item of purchase, but
maybe the monkeys like it.

as we turn the corner into the larger area of the barn,
ron puts out his hand to stop me from going on. "we
better be careful here." he tells me pointing to the
calico tiger. "she is pregnant and i do not know how she
will take to strangers around her litter of cubs."

the calico tiger is a large cat, bigger than a german
shepard but smaller than a great dane. it is a very
stocky animal, but the startling thing about it is its
colors. it looks like it is made of a patchwork of
cloth. little bits of color in reds, orange, brown and
white cover its body in irregular patterns. it looks
more like a small lion with a shaggy mane on its neck
than a tiger. the colors have a muted look to them like
a fabric that has faded with many washings. ron tells me
that effect is achieved by a speckle of the white guard
hairs in the fur throughout the colored areas. over all
it reminds me of the tiger in winnie the poo, larger and
more alive.

the calico tiger sniffs his hand and looks at me with
suspicion. i move very carefully through her area. the
straw bedding on the floor is mixed with squares of cloth
in the same colors as her coat. apparently her nesting
behavior is to shred fabric into pieces which match the
coloration of her cubs. they are very difficult to see
as they wiggle around on the floor under foot. with earh
step i have to move the small cats and rags away until i
see a clear piece of wooden floor to put my foot on. i
wonder if the mother cat is so touchy about its young
around strangers than ron leaves it free about the shop.
surely liability would be huge if it bit one of
customers. i am finally near enough to the end of the
tiger's nest that i can jump out onto clear floor.

turning the corner into the larger back area of the
barn. there are many more cages keeping animals of all
sorts. tanks for the snakes and lizards, perches for
some parrots. looking down in my hand, i find a brown
piece of dried beef jerky which i should have given to
the tiger to make friends.

looking down at the piece of beef jerky, i think that i
shall have to be sure to get this in my dream log. i
then realize that i am sleeping and that i can wake up
if i want to start writing this up. now wait a minute,
if i am dreaming this, then right now i am lucid, a rare
state of dreaming for me. i am aware that this is only
the third time i have been lucid that i can recall in my
dream records. ok, i stop the process of coming out to
wake up and try to get back to dreaming. my sleep starts
getting deeper again, this time intentionally. as i walk
around the pet shop, i wonder what special use can i put
this lucidity to. perhaps i can use this feeling of
total control to explore some universal problem of human
existence: the problem of self awareness; or the issue
of free will; or the existential abyss of mortality; out
of body astral projection; the luck of predestined fate;
or the wellspring of imagination. anything is possible
here. with this rare lucid moment, one foot in ron's pet
shop and the other nearly awake in my bed at home, i can
tap into these issues and discover something totally new
in my experience. now, how can i best benefit with this
control and power?

as i am thinking about how to use this opportunity,
ron's wife debby comes up to me with a game she has
invented. their son, lee, comes with her and they want
me to play it with them. "it is a lot like cosmic
wimpout" she explains. in that moment the lucidity slips
away unrecognized and i am back in the dream as an
experience rather than control.

in the first part of the game the three of us take turns
drawing puzzle pieces out a cloth bag to assemble a
playing piece for the rest of the game. you don't know
what your piece will look like until its done. if the
part you draw out of the bag does not fit anywhere on the
assembly so far, you have to throw it back in for the
next person's turn. eventually you get a complete piece
and are ready to begin the movement phase, throwing dice.
as is, i am the first one to get a complete assembly. my
marker looks like a small rocket ship crossed with a food
processor. it makes a buzzing noise when i turn the
handle of the processor. since my piece is done before
theirs, i can roll dice on my turn instead of drawing
more parts from the bag.

i roll a three which does not seem to be the number i
needed to move my rocket blender onto the felt playing
board. debby completes her piece on her next draw. it
is a robot that plays a sitar and puffs of smoke come out
of its cheeks. lee keeps drawing parts that do not mount
on his incomplete assembly.

i roll again and still do not get the number to get on
the playing felt. debby rolls a three and moves her piece
onto the left path and hops inwards two steps. "wait a
minute" i say. "i thought we had to roll onto the number
one mark by exact count. you went two more hops."

she tells me that i have to come by exact count since i
was first done with the building phase, but the second
one can over roll the first mark in order to catch up
with the first. this makes no sense to me since i am not
on the board, there is nothing to catch up to. she is
ahead of me and i am still trying to roll a one to get
on. "that's just the rules" she says with a smile.
well, i can tell who made these rules, i is her

lee completes his piece on the next draw. it is a
pencil that writes with chocolate. i finally roll a one
and move my blender rocket onto the first mark of the
right hand path of the felt board. unlike cosmic wimpout
which has a circular board, these two trails are just
linear and i wonder what happens when we go off the end
of them.

debby rolls a large number and overshoots the lips. at
different places on both paths, there are arrows pointing
to objects in the middle. debby missed the first arrow
that pointed to the clay lips. if you land on them you
get to wear them or put them on you playing piece which
adds to its abilities in the next phase of the game
beyond the felt board. i see other little objects in the
path ahead of us: two brass balls, a feather from
icarus' wing, some gear sprockets, a puff of a blue
cloud, nero's tear for seneca, the emancipation
proclamation, a soap bubble, the chicken named rome,
antidisestablishmenttarianism, a tooth of a saber tooth
tiger, the koorinor diamond (unlucky for men), the keys
to karma, the sound right eye of horus, a powderhouse
fart and the falling fellatcio (unlucky for women). lee
says that i should try to get the lips.

( i wake here about 08:30 and hurry to get the computer
on for this dream record. it is true that i have had
very few lucid dreams to enter in the log, so i am eager
to get this one in so i start typing right away.
unfortunately the lucid phase of the dream between the
tour of the pet store and playing the game did not last
long enough to solve any of those problems. i had
wondered what the exit from lucidity was like, being
inconclusive on my two prior experiences. this time it
was a physical sensation of rising up toward waking
consciousness, or sinking back into the dream state. i
wanted to keep the balance between the two until i
decided what to do, but i could not. i only had a few
seconds of control before the people in the dream drew me
back into their frame of reference. because i was
undecided on what to do with in, it appears that i lost
the opportunity to use it.)

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with
the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by
definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family
which constitutes the first and earliest of our
relationships, often influencing how we relate to the
outside world]

** Dream: lost friend by maurin (980916) **

I dreamed that my friend was at my mom's house with
a blonde woman. she came into the house and said he
wouldn't talk to me. i kept saying, tell him i just want
to talk to him. when she left and i went outside, he was
driving down the road and i stopped him with my thoughts.
the car was just spinning it's wheels, not going forward.
then the thought came, i can't hold onto this
relationship. the car then skidded away with his arm
around the blonde.

this is pretty straightforward, right? just
thinking maybe the dream is what i think is happening,
but maybe not the reality of the situation.

** Dream: Betrayal? By Penelope (980916) **

Time: early norning

I was walking down a hallway (similar to one in the
house I grew up in, but not exactly the same) and came to
a door. I opened it and inside were my mother (died
9/9/87, age 91) and my husband (divorced 8/87)on the bed
making love. I was devastated. I closed the door and
started back down the hall.

My husband came out and tried to stop me from
leaving. My mother also came out, but said nothing. She
was dressed in a silvery see-through sheath. Though she
was elderly, she looked great (better than she ever did
in life), and she was smiling. I was crying and asking
him how he could do this to me and with my mother, who is
in her 70's. I was trying to remember exactly how old
she was, but I couldn't do the math in my head. I was
aware that other people (I didn't know who) were watching
all of this. I was feeling guilty throughout the dream,
because I knew that I was the cause of this happening;
that somehow I had set it all up. Then I awoke.

Comments by Dreamer My mother was 46 when I was
born, and I never knew her as a youthful or sexual being.
My husband was a sex addict. I remarried in 1989 & was
widowed in 1993. I'm now ready to start dating again.
What could this dream mean?

** Dream: cindy timko's dissertation by Stan Kulikowski
ii(980914) **

Note: stan requests that his name and address be kept
with the dream text. - stan kulikowski ii

DATE : 14 sep 1998 08:09

( a sunday night, mom and i watched the 50th emmy awards.
it was nice to see clips of all the old tv programs we
watched when i was a kid. howdy doody, the lone ranger,
captain kangaroo, pinky lee and so on. mom went to bed
around midnight and i started late grading homework for
my programming course until about 03:30. i thought i
would just do a few, but ended up doing them all. there
were a lot of them, i was surprised they went so quickly.

it is dark outside and getting rather late. we are
sitting in the driveway of somebody's house on folding
chairs listening to cindy timko give her doctoral
defense. barbara partee is the main thesis chair, asking
pertinent questions at the appropriate intervals. the
topic is some esoteric bit of physics, i believe. i am
there as a guest, not really following the topic all that
well. i have been asked to do some of the technical
support work with the technology use in the display of

now cindy has completed her formal talk and has asked
that the video be shown. i am a little uncomfortable
with this, and try to explain to everyone that the video
was too long for the floppy disk and i had to cut a lot
of it out, so the work may be missing some crucial parts.
i tried to keep the longer dialogs intact, but a lot had
to be cut. no one seems to be listening or understanding
what i am saying so i fire up the video projector and
have at it. let the work speak for itself, if it can.

down at the end of the driveway there is a portable
screen set up on a tripod. the video begins to roll. it
is obviously a bunch of college students who have been
press ganged into acting this skit. i try to follow what
the thesis is all about, but cannot really tell given the
short and choppy nature of the cuts i made. well, i can
apologize later if i missed the central point somewhere
along the line.

the video comes to a quick end. only about three
minutes of video could be compressed onto the floppy.
cindy says something i can not quite hear and the group
breaks up with congratulations all around. i break up
the equipment load it on the short yellow school bus
parked along the empty highway. there are a couple of
these small sized buses waiting to take us back. i get
in the one that contains my equipment.

the ride back home is long and tiring. it must be two
oclock in the morning when we arrive back in the
neighborhood of my mother's house in ohio. i am rather
tired, but i decide to walk down to daniel dorrough's
house as i know that cindy will be staying over there
with a few others for the night. i hope to explain to
her why her video was cut so short and to suggest that
she burn it on a CDr which has more than enough storage
space. a floppy disk is much too small.

when i get to daniel's house, i can see that his parents
have spread spare mattresses over the floor of the living
room for people to sleep on. no one else is here yet,
and i am tired so i lie down in the middle of the first

i am not there long before others start coming in from
the second bus. i am only about half asleep, but enough
so that i do not get up and greet the others. perhaps i
will just stay here and talk to her in the morning. to
my great surprise cindy lies down next to me prepares to
go to sleep also. wow, getting to sleep with cindy timko
just like that, no hassles or awkwardness.

but the mattress is a large one, and her friend,
angelina popovich comes and takes a space between us.
hm. much of the thrill is gone. angie was cindy's best
friend but never much on the exciting index. oh well, i
am truly tired and nothing other than imagination was
going to happen in a house full of people anyway. i
decide to drift off into deeper sleep, but without much
success. i can neither move nor get quit of
consciousness. it is that moment of sleep when the
normal paralysis has set in, but the mind is only part
aware of its surroundings.

i am lying on my back with my arms extended upward,
taking up more space than i ought to, given the crowded
of the facilities. cindy and angie are on my right.
angie gets up and goes somewhere i can not see. then a
thin black woman crawls up on my left side. apparently i
am in the place where she slept last night and she seems
determined to get her position back, even if she has to
share it with me. through my slightly open eye lids i
can see that she is very pretty so i do mind it when she
snuggles up on my left arm. she is looking at me very
closely as if attracted or making some serious decision.
"i think i am is love with this man" she tells someone in
a soft voice.

no sooner than she has settled down, than she sits up
again. this time, turning her back to me, she pulls her
blouse off over her head. i can see that her back is
well muscled and tight like a long distance runner or
maybe a professional dancer. she turns back quickly and
snuggles up again into my extended arm and side. i can
feel her small firm breasts caressing my side through my
shirt, but can move to either accept or reject her
nearness, no response at all from me in this half sleep.
well, maybe i will wake up later in the night enough to
move in closer.

with a jerk, i suddenly am awake and sitting up. the
bright sun is pouring in the room. it is obviously late
the next morning and most of the people have left. only
cindy and i remain, she still asleep after her long
efforts last night. i wonder what became of the black
girl and regret that i never even knew her name though i
enjoyed the few moments of furtive contact from her.

rather than wake cindy, i go upstairs into danny's small
attic bedroom. he is sitting on a bed typing on an old
portable. i ask him if he has another machine as i want
to type in my dream log before i forget what this dream
has been about. he dusts off an old DEC rainbow
microcomputer and says that it will fire up if i give it
time. i look at the dusty keyboard and wonder if i can
remember the qwerty typing pattern well enough any more,
so accustomed to dvorak nowdays. yes, i can still get

( i wake around 07:44 and cannot get properly awake.
no alarm or anything, i just wake and still feel very
tired like i felt in the dream. i believe i went back to
sleep for a few minutes but wake up again, still feeling
very leaden and tired. i suspect that this sleep reentry
provided the part about going to type in the dream on
danny's computer, as i had thought about putting this
dream in the dream log, as it was fairly easy to recall
all of it. eventually i force myself up to write this
in. barbara partee was on my dissertation committee, a
brilliant semanticist. cindy timko was valdictorian of
my high school class, a very bright woman, much smarter
than me. as i recall, the last time i saw her was a
christmas party during sophomore year in college. she
had returned early in the term from some college out
west. people rumored that she had left midterm because
of some difficulty, i presumed of some sexual nature but
no one spoke of it directly, at least not anyone who
really knew. angelina was her best friend and i think
that christmas party was the last time i saw her too. i
do not think she went on to university anywhere but was
working somewhere local and so was not on the academic
cycle like the rest of us. as i recall we did some
divination late at night with mirrors and candles, a
russian new years practice.=20 create a hall of mirrors
with two mirrors face to face and two candles between
them, stare down the recursive reflection until the
flames mesmerize you enough that you will see your future
spouse step out somewhere in the infinite regression. i
did not see anyone: prophetic, i guess. cindy never said
who she saw. )

** Dream: 2 x James by ? (980924) **

Thurs 24 Sept 98 3am

Over the last 2 nights, I have had dreams in which I
have "met" two local (Melbourne, Australia)and famous men
named James. The first was a footballer called James
Hurd, the second a singer named James Reyne. It is only
in retrospect that the James connection occurred to me. I
was most surprised in my dream to be attracted to a footy
player. In that dream, he had a painful knee and I was
massaging it. The James Reyne dream was one in which we
were having a discussion about childrens' welfare in this
country, while sitting in a bookshop drinking coffee.

Comments by Dreamer: Just one name can encompass great

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

** Dream: Mobsters-R-Us' by Nutcracker (980730) **

Me (as a male). I'm being protected by a mobster, Sonny
Corinthos (Maurice Bernard/GH). One of Sonny's men,
Jason (Steve Burton/GH) is supposed to guard me through
the night. We're in a huge warehouse. Jason and I will
be staying upstairs. I wonder how safe it will be for us
to stay here. Now (it seems), I'm one of Sonny's guys
and I've double crossed him. I worry that he knows. I go
to use the bathroom. As I walk in, I begin unbuttoning
my (blue) shirt and then stop. I don't turn on the
light. Am I nuts? Surely Sonny will come after me. I
hide. Sonny sends some guys into the bathroom after me
(the lights are still off). I crouch down next to the
doorway and several of them walk right past me. But not
Sonny. He puts his gun to my head. I sit there numb,
thinking to myself, 'just do it' (and get it over with).
This waiting to die is enough to kill a person! Sonny
drags me out of the bathroom. I think again, do it, just
shoot me. (to myself in my sleep I'm thinking), what if
he kills me while I'm asleep dreaming this? Will I
really die? To escape my fate, I 'pretend' he's already
shot me and I wake up. (98/7/30)

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the

STRANGERS [Who and what we don't know yet]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams
people have questions on. Theories on what they mean
range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed
or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

** Dream: Dream about marriage by fidors friend

interpretation -please

Well, a very close friend of mine ask me to send this
messege to Internet. She had a very realistic dream about
her marriage , she was late and she was dressed in black
(date of dream 13-IX). Could you send back to me an
interpretation or give some links / e-mail where i can
get it. Thank you Adam

Sorry for bad English . I'll forgive you if you translate
it back into Polish :-)

** Dream: 'The Surrogate' by Nutcracker (980810) **

I was with another person and a horse in a room (either a
hotel or an office). The only piece of furniture in the
room is a couch. I am there because I was chosen to be
inseminated by the horse so as to bring another of its
kind (mystical) into the world (actually, another person
had been chosen before me, but they later declined the
offer). I think there can only be one such horse at a
time. As I sit there on the couch with the other person
(who hasn't spoken and who I can't recall whether or not
they're male or female), I wonder what I've gotten myself
into. The horse is standing in front of us (brown in
color). How will this be done? Will the horse climb on
the couch and stand over me? I'm beginning to doubt my
own part in this. Now I'm sitting on the floor, next to
the horse. The procedure must take place at a certain

Now it seems like we're in an office, in an office
building. There is some commotion going on in an office
down the hall. I rush over to see what's happening. I'm
wearing a lime green suit (skirt and jacket) and I have a
10" screwdriver in my hand (the one I use to fix the
water sprinklers). I have a matching scarf on my head
which I rip off as I reach the other office. People are
looking for Vanessa (I can't remember her last name
though it's painted on the door). She's blonde, in her
20's and has long wavy hair. Apparently she's killed her
boss. I worry that people will think I did it with the
screwdriver and hide it in my scarf.

Now I'm back with the other person and the horse. Our
room has a glass wall. The (white) couch is next to the
wall of glass. It overlooks the ocean. The time is
getting nearer. I ask the person (Roma Downey/Touched By
An Angel) how I become inseminated, more importantly,
where (for some reason, I keep thinking 'the top of my
head' and imagine this goop dripping down my face). She
says, I can't tell you. I demand to know. She says, "In
your ears." I say, "No way. I don't think so." Then I
ask her, "will it improve my hearing?" I think at this
point, Roma is the horse morphed into a person. Next she
tells me that afterward, my feet will get larger. But I
love my small feet, I think to myself. She shows me two
horses hooves. One is normal size and the other a half
size larger. First she shows me the bottom of the
hooves. The smaller one has a V shaped groove in it from
which she scrapes out some gelatinous type stuff, I
believe this to be the insemination material. The larger
hoof, that of the magical horse, she shows me the top of;
it is brightly colored enamal (cloisonne) in a large
abstract (but all rounded curves) design in shades of
deep pink and passion purple. It's beautiful. I would
be honored to be decorated as such. Roma is now sitting
on the couch. I'm standing behind her. There is one
tiny area on her hair (like hair coloring) at the bottom,
that is rubbing off on her skin. I wipe it away. It's
now 3:00 pm. She says, "It's time. It's getting dark."
She says 'it's getting dark' twice. I look outside. It
appears overcast, kind of like it gets on Good Friday (I
think to myself). I'm not sure if I am to become this
new magical horse or if I am just a conduit for its
birth. (98/8/10)

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of

** Dream: almost lost my daughter by ? (980918) **

There was a 72 lemans type car in perfect condition
sitting on some type of showcase high above the stadium
all at once the whole thing began to fall in slow motion
when it was falling my boyfriend and friend was pretty
safe when it hit the ground it almost hit my 17 year old
daughter i ran over to her and began to hug her tightly.

Comments by Dreamer: No real colors just happiness that
she was alright. I would like some feedback on this, It
could be a warning. I am not real sure. This was a tough
one for me.

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

** Dream: ship at sea by mermaid (980916) **

16 Sept 1998 5am

I was on board a ship on dark blue seas. There were
icebergs to the right of us, but we were steering a
straight course which avoided them. I had to climb down
a long ladder into the hold, to check that everyone on
board was ok. Several of the men felt sea-sick. I could
hear Sting singing "Love is the Seventh Wave" but I
couldn't see him. A man indistinguishable beneath a
druidic robe with cowl came up to me and asked me to draw
a pentagram. It was a test to see in which order I drew
the lines, and how many points the star had. I "drew"
with my right index finger in the air and as I drew each
line, it remained visible as red light. The druid said
"Wait for the warrant" the vanished from sight. I didn't
know whether it was safe to just leave this symbol where
it was and leave, but I did. I climbed back up on deck
and saw that the seas were much calmer now and the
icebergs further away.

Comments by Dreamer I had to get up after this dream
because I had a full bladder, and was cold as the
bedclothes had come off me.

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

= = = = = = = = = = = ==


(None this month)

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Well, that's it for this month. See you next time in
ED 5 #10 - November 1998. Hasta La Vista!






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Electric Dreams is responsive and experimental. If you
have articles or suggestions on dreams, dreaming or
dreamers - including book reviews, movie suggestions or
conferences and meetings, we will publish them. I'm
especially interested in creative interpretive approaches
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SUBMITTING NEWS and Calendar events related to dreaming.
We usually have a deadline at the 15th of each month.
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Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine

Thanks to Todd Kuiper for listing us on his e-zine list:

Thanks for the listing in The eZines Database Collection:

Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the
Electric Dreams project.

Thanks to low bandwith for listing electric dreams

Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in the
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other Usenet Newsgroups for allowing us to continually
post messages.

Thanks to our many web links!


The Electric Dreams Staff

Peggy Coats - News & Calender Events Director

Bob Krumhansl - Editor & Dream Editor

Matthew Parry - Web Master

Dane Pestano HTML ED Designer

Victoria Quinton- Friends of Electric Dreams Ring Master
and Electric Dreams Archives of past issues
mermaid 8*)

Jesse Reklaw - Cover Art Gallery 1994- 1997

Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director

Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles &

+ The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue to
your dreams!
+ The generous authors of our articles
+ The creative genius of Bryan A. Smith
+ The delightful dreamers and commentators

All dream and article text and art are considered
(C)opyright by the writers, artists and dreamers
themselves. Anyone other than the authors may use or
reprint the text for non-commercial use, but all other
use by anyone other than the author must be with the
permission of either the author or the current Electric
Dreams dream editor.

Electric Dreams is an independent electronic publication
not affiliated with any other organization. The views of
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