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Electric Dreams Volume 05 Issue 08

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Electric Dreams
 · 1 Jan 2021


Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

Volume 5 Issue 8

Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams


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Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

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Volume 5 Issue #8


ISSN# 1089 4284


Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web

UK illustrated lastest issue


Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Bob Krumhansl <>

Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>

For back issues, editors addresses
and other access & Staff see
at the end of this issue

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++ Editor's Notes
++ Dream Airing: Notes, letters to the editor
++ Column: Dream Trek: Help Solve The Flying Wires Mystery
Linda Lane Magall›n
++ Q&A: Watch Your Dreams + Tips
Nancy Huseby Bloom
++ Article: Enter 'Dreamgates' for Time-Folding Travel
Hannah Seymour.
++ Review: Simbilu's Dream Landscape
10,000 Dreams Interpreted
by Gustavus Hindman Miller
++ Poem: The Color of Dreams
William C. Burns, Jr.
++ Article: Linking Business Success and Dreams
Leslie Davidoff
++ Article: Challenging Your Interpretative Skills


This Month's Features:

+A Weekend in Connecticut with Jeremy Taylor
+Introduction to Dreamwork in Tennessee
+New dream software: Alchera Suite 2.0
+Shamanic Dreamjourney Circle in Emeryville, CA
+Trainings in Urban Shamanism
+Oklahoma Regional Dream Conference
+The Healing Power of Dreams Retreat
+New Orleans Dream Group Forming
+Dreams and Nightmares: The New Theory on the Origin
and Meaning of Dreams

+Constant Dreams and Sleeping Disorders
Student Needs Help with School Dream Project
+Call for Your Dream Journeys
+Political Dreams
+Big Dreams Wanted

+Janice Baylis' New Website
+Australian Dream Updates
+Dream Search Engine Results

DREAM CALENDAR for September 1998

Editorial BY BOB K.

SEPTEMBER 18, FRI deadline for submission
FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 5(9)


Editor's Notes


Are you dreams wired? I mean do you fly into Telephone
wires, power lines, electric rail nets and lines trailing
from balloons? Linda Magallon has noticed that so many
people encounter them while flying in their dreams, "they
seem to be permanent fixtures of dream reality." If you
would like to join in an exploration and experiment about
this, read the Dream Trek Column.

Having a Mid-Life Crisis? Michael is. But don't worry, ancy
Huseby Bloom him and others how to use dreams to travel this
sea of changes in her atch Your Dreams Column.

I know you all have been to my and know all
about its contributions to dreams and dreaming online, but
are your familiar with Robert Moss' Dream Gates? Take a
journey into Robert's house and philosophies for a for
time-folding interview by Hannah Seymour.

We have a dream book review and article on interpretation by
a new contributor, Shimbilu. The review is of G H. Millers's
10,000 Dreams Interpreted. If you would like to boost your
intuitive skills for dream interpretation, Shimbilu has some
suggestions worth reading.

We have known for sometime that personal problems can be
addressed with dreams leading to insights and new life
paths, but what about practical problems in business? Leslie
Davidoff can't give away the whole store, but she will
convince you that dreams can be used by employees, managers,
directors and others to facilitate better business relations
and working conditions. Be sure to start dream sharing at
your company after reading Links to Business with Dreams.
Looking for the latest dream theory, the latest dream book,
the latest gadget or program for recording and exploring
dreams? Or how about the newest seminar or lecture or dream
tour vacation? Peggy Coats gives all these to you and more
in the latest Global Dreaming News.

How would you like to get an Illustrated version of Electric
Dreams? We have made it very easy. Just sign up and well
send you a free copy via email. You unzip the issue and read
it in your own web browser offline for speed and beauty. The
covers alone make it worthwhile! How?
Send and email
In the body of the email put only
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You can check out how this will look online at

Illustrated versions are sent out about a week after the
regular edition.

The Electric Dreams Dreamwheel is underway and we have a
great group this time, very responsive and exploratory, yet
kind and respectful of one another's dreams. If you would
like to join in the group (via email) send me note and say,
"Hey Richard, I want to join the DreamWheel group, send me
more info and sign me up!"

And Bob Krumhansl has a special dream editorial and full
dream section for you with dreams and dream comments. See

++ Richard

"I wake up in the morning with a dream in my eyes."
allen ginsberg


Dream Airing
Notes, letters to the editor
Send to


Constant Dreams and Sleeping Disorders
I've been interested in dreams for a very long time, as I
usually remember them in great detail, and have had
precognitive dreams. I have health problems, and have been
diagnosed as having a sleeping disorder. I have problems
falling asleep, then seem to dream constantly, I'm often
exhausted when I wake up. I may have fibro myalgia, and have
read that sleeping disorders may be a cause of the
condition, or just a factor of it. I would like to know if
anyone has any research studies or information on people who
dream too much. I don't seem to do very much deep sleep, my
husband says most the time I appear to be dreaming. Any info
or feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!


Looking for articles online in sleep and dream research?


Personal Thanks to Hannah Seymour for the dream interview
of Richard Wilkerson


The Dream and the Enlightenment


By Linda Lane Magall›n

Help Solve The Flying Wires Mystery


Telephone wires, power lines, electric rail nets and lines
trailing from balloons. So many people encounter them while
flying in their dreams, they seem to be permanent fixtures
of dream reality. Or perhaps such images are creative
variations on the physical or astral structures of the
"screen" on which our dream movies play. There has been
speculation that such wires are symbolic translations of the
blood vessels of the eye, the astral cord or the membrane of
the aura-surround that assumes ectoplasmic consistency
during sleep.

Can you help solve the wire mystery? I'd be grateful for
your comments and past experience, but I really hope you
will try to experiment in your next dream. Here's how:

Incubate a regular dream to answer yourself a question like
"What are the wires?" or "Please show me what lines mean in
my flying dreams." Alternately, suggest that you will
encounter wires or lines in a lucid dream. Then when you do,
view, touch, hear them or try to sense the wires in a
psychic manner. Or ask your dream characters or request the
dream to tell or show you the answer.

Before and after you sleep, please pay attention to your
body (such as position, health, diet, breath or blood
pressure) and note anything that seems relevant. You might
also try for an astral projection sequence to contrast and
compare with the dream experience.

Then send your results to Linda Lane
Magall¢n/ I'll compose a report and send
it to participants. Due date: December 1, 1998. Thanks! (Fly-By-
Night Club)


Watch Your Dreams
with Nancy Huseby Bloom


Week of September 20

Dear Nancy,

I am 40 years old and I think I am going through my
mid-life crisis. Ive been burned out at work for several
years now and would love to change careers. I have a good
life and certainly wouldn't want to trade places with anyone
I know. It's just that as I learn who I am on the outside doesn't fit. Michael

"My wife and I are on a trip when I notice I have a cut on
the forefinger of my left hand. (I am left-handed.) As the
trip progresses, this minor cut becomes more discolored and
infected. The skin on my hand and arm clear up to my elbow
is getting dry, discolored and hard like it is dying. The
scene changes and my wife and I are at a show something
similar to the "Wheel of Fortune." I am wearing white
slacks and I notice my cut is seeping and oozing yucky stuff
all over them. I go to the bathroom to clean up and see
that the skin up to my elbow is all dead, dried and loose.
As I peel it from my arm and hand it all comes off in one
piece. The skin underneath is new and white, and the wound
is healed. Im surprised at my "new" arm, throw the dead
tissue in the trash and wake up."

Dear Michael,

This is a classic dream of death and renewal,
announcing your personal metamorphosis.
The trip you are on may be the life journey you are
taking with your wife. I am not surprised shes there with
you, as this change in you will affect her too. She may
also symbolize the feminine aspect of your Self, the aspect
that is intuitive and nurturing.

The bleeding wound is on your left hand, the hand you
favor and do most of your work with. Your creative hand.
Does your current work drain your energy and leave you
feeling empty and dry? Blood is life energy. Losing blood
in a dream often illustrates the lose of vitality and spirit
through worry, fear, or anxiety.

Just as the snake sheds its skin in the process of
renewal, so you must shed your old skin to see the new,
fresh growth underneath. The transformation is already
complete on the inside.

You indicated to me that you already know what it is
you would like to be doing and that it is a very creative
path for you, a path that would bring you the satisfaction
you long for.

Many times transitions bring anxiety but the purpose of
your "mid-life crisis" seems to be to create a more
authentic life. I hope you have support from your family
and friends, so this change can be a positive experience
for you.


Some people say they never dream but these people are
just not remembering their dreams. Science has proven that
we all dream several times every night so those people that
dont remember are missing out on one third of their life!
In a typical night of sleep, we all experience 5 to 6
active dream phases. Until recently, it was thought that
dreams only occurred during REM sleep, which is
distinguished by rapid eye movements, when the eyes move
from side to side. Dream researchers are finding that
dreams occur even outside of the REM stage and I know one
person who recorded 30 dreams in one night!

Nancy Huseby Bloom


Enter 'Dreamgates' for Time-folding Travel

By Hannah Seymour

Suddenly, I'm back in Exeter, N.H., in a proud,
19th-century house flanked by towering white pines, a home
once owned by a dealer in fine antiques and rare books. I'm
entering a back room crammed with "volumes of forgotten

While browsing though this virtual dream library,
I'm fully conscious of being at home in a small,
one-windowed room reserved for incubating dreams and
mediations. It's dusk. I can hear a wood thrush singing
outside, and a warbler. . . .

Thus begins the start of my adventure in "conscious
dreaming," illustrating one of many intriguing methods
taught by novelist, dreamworker and shamanic practitioner,
Robert Moss, in "Dreamgates: An Explorer's Guide to the
Worlds of Soul, Imagination and Life Beyond Death" (Three
Rivers Press, 1998, paperback, $14).

" 'Dreamgates' is a course in human possibility,"
says Moss, who describes part of his book as a flight

His work is also a guided tour in active dreaming,
an invitation to open new portals in imaginal realms. Here,
as we move through unmapped, inner terrain, we may encounter
"interdimensionals" who offer guidance "that we can apply
directly to the creative challenges in our lives," he says.
Or, we may experience a rich array of shape-shifting,
time-folding events that are "entirely real on their own
level of reality."

Moss calls it "soul remembering," a process involving dream
travel to astral planes through which dreamers enter into
"hidden orders of reality." He provides numerous accounts
of interior travels -- his own and others -- which, when
combined with intention, have sparked intuition, healing and

"Consciousness is never confined to the body and
brain," he says. Part of the book is a history
lesson in shamanic practices as taught since ancient times.
What's new, is Moss' fluid way of organizing a rich amount
of historical and experiential material in an eye-opening

"Poets and mystics have always known that the world of
imagination is a real world, a 'Third Kingdom' between the
physical universe and the higher realms of spirit -- and
that it's possible to travel there and bring back
extraordinary gifts," he says.

Moss, who is also the author of "Conscious
Dreaming," invites us "to release blocks and open to
creative flow through Active Dreaming."
One exercise is to journey to your personal dream
library to seek inspiration or to look up something you need
to know: Back at the rare books library, I say hello to the
gruff but kindly dealer. He reminds me to enjoy the roses in
the side garden. His comment fills me with happy emotions.

Craning my neck, I see a book at the top shelf that
looks useful and reach for it. Its square, thick shape falls
into my hands. It's not a book after all, but a box of
cassette tapes -- the training program Moss offers in the
back of his book! I'm both intrigued and disgruntled.
"Gee," I think. "Either these might be real useful,
or Moss is one heck of a promoter!"

I sense someone behind me amid the dim stacks and turn to
look. It's Moss! He's wearing his Indiana Jones-style
explorer's hat and a khaki outfit. He is calm, centered and
a little flirtatious.

"This guy really gets around," I think. "Let's go
outside and talk in the garden by the roses," he says. As we
talk, he offers insights on how best to write my own book
about dreams, rich ideas that I'm still pondering.

Now and then, a ground-breaking book germinates in
the night garden of our dreaming. "Dreamgates," is one such
work. Expect what sprouts from its pages to be rambling,
exotic, mystically fragrant and full of wise, good fun.

As we approach the new millennium, Moss believes, we
have a chance to evolve into a "multidimensional human . . .
a more gifted and generous version of our species. . . . To
accomplish this, we need to marry the best of contemporary
science and scholarship to the techniques of Paleolithic
psychology: conscious dreaming, hypersensory perception and
the care and feeding of soul."

Thorns also exist amid the rose garden of conscious
dreaming, he cautions. His advice about dream travel should
alert the heedless without dampening free-spirited

If you enter "Dreamgates," be prepared to shrug off
the dull and dogmatic. Choose a flight path, check your
baggage and lift off.

If you'd like to record your dream, use the
"Dreamline" at 207-621-1300, Ext. 1090. Or, send your
dreams, questions or comments to DREAMS, c/o this newspaper.
Or e-mail, Please include your age,
sex, current relationship and occupation.

Copyright 1998 Hannah Seymour
All Rights Reserved




Book Review: 10,000 Dreams Interpreted
by Gustavus Hindman Miller


One of the things I like about this book is the inclusion of
unusual images that you don't find in more contemporary
dream interpretation literature. This is very much a turn
of the century type book with accompanying language. While
that makes it very quaint, be warned that it can also make
it annoying when you're looking for contemporary images.

For example, if one dreams of a Xerox machine or a copy
shop, prepare to look under Printer and/or Printing Office.
The interpretations for both are pretty grim, with slander,
bad luck and financial troubles. Printers must not have
done so well in old Gustavus' day. Today's print shops and
printers have a lot less messy job to do and seem to rake in
some pretty good cash.
(Interpretative note: I would consider dreaming of a print
shop or machine to me the potential to increase whatever the
content of the dream was about, as well as other factors.
If the content were negative then I could see the
overabundance of negativity. If the print machine broken or
the shop closed, that avenue would be closed off for
increase, and again, depending on the content of the dream,
that's good or bad)

You will find somnambulists and hyssop, flux (which is
something that according to him that you "have", and I
haven't been able to find a meaning of) and belladonna. The
main reason why I keep it handy for interpretations isn't so
much that I agree with the meanings or have found them true
to this time period; it's more that I like the old-time feel
to it, and if someone comes to me presenting an image (and
using language like "I was a somnambulist"), I feel I have
something that's accurate for that time period.

Recommended for the reasons of curiosity and expanding your
dream interpretation book collection.

Simbilu is a writer, tarot card reader, dream interpreter
and sacred dance student.



The Color of Dreams

William C. Burns, Jr.

Do you remember your dreams
Everyone has them
we have scientific evidence
And who can argue with that
I wonder why we don't remember dreams
Think about it
In this dangerous world
crawling with things sporting big teeth
nasty claws
and hungry guts
we close our eyes every night
to dream
And then we throw the dreams away . . .

There are all kinds of dreams
flying . . .
Some dreams are just recreational
But the really serious dreams
Dreams real
as real life
Are lucid dreams

Lucid dreaming is close as we
can come to real magic
If you can get a grip on a lucid dream
You can do anything you want
Think about it
anything . . .
Worth remembering

Maybe on those nights when you sleep
The deep
deep sleep
Maybe you're not really there in the bed
at all
Maybe you're somewhere else
Mystic partner in someone else's dream
Next time it snows
look for footprints outside your window


Linking Business Success and Dreams
Leslie Davidoff



Dreams have always had a central place in psychology; more
recent scientific research (REM sleep, and particularly the
role of consciousness in species-evolution) places dreams as
essential parts of the processing carried out by the mind in
adapting to its environment - but unlike the logical digital
synapses of the computer, the mind also uses non-logical,
imagistic connections.

These arise in the "right-hand brain". The left-hand
brain is the part of us that deals with logic, reason, cause
and effect: all vitally necessary for us to survive and
adapt. The older part of the brain is the right-hand side,
which deals with emotion and intuition. Where the left
hand brain tells us that since the sun has risen each
morning it is logical to assume that it will do so again,
the right hand brain imagines where the sun comes from, goes
to, what it would be like to live on it - and what, inside
and outside us, the sun means. In this way, the sun has a
fantastically wide range of meanings: it is a metaphor.

We use metaphors all the time, but they are a kind of magic:
they say that something is, and at the same time,
simultaneously, it is something else. Indeed, lots of
'something elses', which connect us at a deeper than
conscious level with the vast background - the unconscious,
or 'spirit' - the complete mind, which is far more than we
can ever consciously know.

We have all had the experience - we struggle to solve a
problem, we get stuck, so we take a break, relax, play,
daydream; and then, when we come back to the intractable
issue - we suddenly solve it! There before us is the answer
that has been eluding our consciousness to the point of
frustration and headaches.
The IMAGO process uses that power of the unconscious - and,
by using the imagery of dreams, takes it to a much more
effective level. It gives you the power to choose the
problem - and how to SOLVE IT!

The dream and its images need have nothing whatsoever to do
with the problem. When we enter the dream, we open the
door connecting conscious and unconscious, and then let the
unconscious do the work. It feels like magic. In a way
it is. It's the magic of your own mind.



I offer my services to help people in need identify more
clearly their own 'internal' obstacles to progress, and
therefore make clear choices about their life and work.

I developed The IMAGO Process - a way of using dreams to
deal with various kinds of problems and life-issues (across
a very wide range) - while working at Trinity Hospice in
Blackpool, England - as a professional writer and a
qualified psychotherapist.

The IMAGO Process brings the process out into a wider, non-
clinical environment, linking the deepest part of ourselves
with our daily experiences: our relationships, our
capacities, our ambitions, our health, our self-image and
understanding, and so on.



By working with the metaphorical imagery of dreams, we can
resolve certain issues or throw a fresh light on them.
This is done by taking the 'unconscious' (much-maligned
word!) seriously, and letting it do the work. The more
we let ourselves 'play' with dream contents, the more we
activate our unconscious mind (which is the deepest part of
us), and so the more effective the problem-solving.

It's not a quick-fix - but it works!

"IMAGO" is the Latin for image. It also has two modern
meanings, which are extremely relevant:

1. the highest form of evolution achieved by
metamorphosing creatures (a butterfly is an imago).

2. in psychoanalytic psychotherapy an imago is an image
from the past (particularly childhood) stored in the
unconscious, and which continues to influence conscious
life: e.g. the "mother-imago" and the "father-imago".

Combining them: an imago is a perfect form, adapted to
survive and master its environment, derived from the deepest
level of the mind.


Jane's issue:
She has just opened up a shop selling herbal remedies,
ethnic goods, holistic books, that kind of thing. As part
of the shop, she has a large notice board for local groups
and healers etc to advertise and arrange meetings and so on.
She is worried that the financial side of the shop will not
bring her the income she requires, she feels not in control
of the situation, even though she has set it up.

Jane's dream:
I'm attacked by lice in my hair. There is quite a swarm
of them. There seems to be nothing I can do to stop them
landing and crawling about on my head.

My response:
Lice would seem to be a metaphor for some kind of parasite,
something - someone, many people? - sucking the
(emotional?) blood out of you. And you are passive, you
feel overwhelmed by this "attack" but you do nothing to stop
them. Notice that they attack your head, not the rest of
your body. The head: the place where you are in
authority, and also the housing of the mind.

The lice are a swarm, a threatening group, rather than
isolated individuals. The feeling of threat means that you
are unable to deal with each blood-sucker at a time, you can
only label them all as lice and shudder at them - and do

The passivity seems a strong metaphor: that you are a
welcome mat for the parasites, an easy-to-board vehicle, to
be used. And, because of your passivity, you are unable to
identify any individuals: you give them the power of being
a swarm. How do you rid yourself of lice? You take a
powerful cleansing agent to the affected area - your head,
where your ideas emanate - and you drench it. It's quite
drastic, but it kills them. Any other remedy simply deals
with the symptoms, not the cause (the eggs the lice lay).
So what would be the metaphorical equivalent of a cleansing
agent to "wash your brain" and kill off not just the lice
but their ability to reproduce and stay feeding off you?

Comment: Jane was struck by the aptness of the parasite
metaphor. She is, she says, the kind of person who
attracts people, and she organises them - and she likes
doing it. But more and more people depend on her, use her
- exploit her (her word) - and now that she has opened the
shop they are not only exploiting her time and goodwill,
they are doing it financially as well. And she is allowing
them to do it. She decided to make a distinction, for the
moment, between her personal/social life and her business
life: she hated to split things up in this way, but in order
to survive, it had to be done. Later, she could perhaps
mix things up again. She was unsure how far she would be
able to follow it through, but at least the option was now
available to her.

Link: Personal & Professional Development

I HELP organisations and businesses with problems &
solutions - for individuals, teams, and workforces.

There's pressure in the market, stress in the workplace.
I can help you find the creative resources for you and your
team to change pressure into productivity and stress into

I have many years' management experience in education, the
health service, and the media, changing people's lives - for
the better.

When you have a problem, a difficult decision to make, a
wrangle to untangle, don't bang your head against a wall.
I'LL HELP YOU work it out, TO improve the quality of your
life as well as your productivity.

Any problem, any area. From one-person units to large

Ideas plus team skills minus "feeling used" =

Scenario 1 The Workforce
They ought to work hard - but they do the absolute least
they can.

They ought to enjoy their work - but it seems they couldn't
care less.

They ought to tell you what's wrong - but they keep to

Scenario 2 The Team
They ought to be working together - but they're isolated

They ought to come up with new ideas - but they stick to the
old ways.

They ought to be up-and-at-'em! - but they wait for you to
tell them.

Scenario 3 The Manager
You want to be fully prepared - but you have to act now.

You want good working relationships - but nobody else seems
You try not to be stressed - but you don't feel in control.

Scenario 4 The Director
You have to make quick decisions - but you're simply not

You'd like to sleep peacefully - but your nights are
disturbed & uneasy.

You need advice - but there's nobody you can ask.

Familiar? Want to improve the situation - and more? contact
me for details and terms.

Link: Consultations, Analysis, address

For help with any area of your life, with any dream, e-mail
me for a consultation.

Send me a description of a dream (a whole dream or a
fragment, if that's all there is), and I'll send you back a
metaphorical exploration of it to help you interpret it.
[Simple dream interpretation - $15 (œ10)]

Send me a number of dreams, and I'll link the metaphors
together for a full picture of your inner life. [Series of
dreams/inner life meaning - $10 (œ7.50) per dream]

Describe an area of life, and an issue in your life, which
you wish to explore/develop/understand/enrich, plus a
description of a dream (the dream does not have to have any
connection to the issue), and I'll explore the metaphorical
connections to help you resolve/bring the issue to
fulfilment. [Life issue linked to dream - $20 (œ15)]

For One-on-one online/phone/postal consultation please e-
mail me for details.

For counselling with dreamwork (regular weekly or monthly
consultations), please e-mail me with your requirements.

The first step on the way to changing your life!

E-mail me:
Postal address: Davidoff-Imago, 10 Devonshire Street,
Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD23 2ET, United Kingdom. Phone
(UK) 01904 424198


Consultancy & Workshops for Personal and Professional

The IMAGO Process helps you make discoveries, solve
problems, and understand yourself so much better - with very
little effort and a whole lot of support.

You can help yourself with the issues you choose -


Work & Career


Stress and Anxiety

Self-Image and Self-Esteem

An easy and effective way of dealing with almost any life-
issue, by making use of your own inner resources - through
your dreams - to improve the quality of your life.

Leslie Davidoff, experienced counsellor and psychotherapist,
will gently help you to help yourself: identify your issue,
connect with your inner source of help, and clarify and
reach a resolution.

The IMAGO Process is not exclusive, you need not be familiar
with counselling or therapy to experience the benefits.

Leslie Davidoff says: I'm a qualified psychotherapist,
registered with the United Kingdom Council for
Psychotherapy, and a professional writer. I discovered the
IMAGO process - a way of understanding and overcoming
issues/problems of all kinds, by making use of the
unconscious. The IMAGO process is an easy and effective way
of dealing with almost any life-issue- for individuals, for
groups, for organisations - it can make you, and keep you,
healthy, wealthy and wise.

We have all had the experience of struggling to solve a
problem, we get stuck, so we take a break, relax, play,
daydream; and then, when we come back to the intractable
issue - we suddenly solve it! There before us is the answer
that has been eluding our consciousness to the point of
frustration and headaches.

The IMAGO process uses that power of the unconscious - and,
by using the imagery of dreams, takes it to a much more
effective level. It gives you the power to choose the
problem - and how to SOLVE IT!

It is not simply dream interpretation: the dream and its
images need have nothing whatsoever to do with the problem.
We 'play' with the dream, open the door connecting conscious
and unconscious, and then let the unconscious do the work.

It feels like magic. In a way it is. But there's nothing
supernatural about it. It's the magic of your own mind.

Personal confidential consultations available face-to-face
in the Yorkshire area, or by post, or by phone, or by e-
mail. To find out more...

Contact Leslie Davidoff at Davidoff-IMAGO, 10 Devonshire
Street, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 2ET, United Kingdom
Tel. 01756 793549


Dreams are fascinating, bizarre - and necessary. Whether
you remember them or not, they are part of your sleep
routine every night. As part of your natural biological-
psychological process, they have a function: to connect you
with the deepest parts of yourself, and through that to
connect you with everything around you - and I mean

By connecting you with your own depths, dreams show you
where and who you are - as you are right now, as you've
always been, and as you will be. By understanding you
dreams more, you understand yourself more.

I stand on the shoulders of giants - the dream pioneers
Freud, Jung, Faraday, Perls, Ullman, and many others I've
studied - and add my own creative-intuitive ingredient.
Let's be clear: nobody understands your dreams better than
you yourself, so dreambooks full of "fixed symbols" are more
likely to frustrate your quest than fulfil it. But in order
to get through life, you put up obstacles and avoidances.
They don't let you understand what's going on inside
yourself (as a counsellor and psychotherapist I'm used to
dealing with this), so you need a guide through - to help
you see what's in your dreams, and how they affect and
reflect your life.

That guidance is what I offer.

Dreams speak in images, metaphors. My training, study,
skill and insight enable me to open up the metaphors, for
you to see where the dream is located in you, what it can
mean for you, and what your next steps can be.

I link science (psychology & biology) with intuition
(knowledge and trust) to make dream guidance a creative
activity, one that I love to share. Read through, join
me, enquire, and find out what you need to know.

Leslie Davidoff


Leslie Davidoff is a qualified counsellor and
psychotherapist, trained at the Institute of Psychotherapy &
Social Studies in London, UK, registered with the United
Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy - the official register of
qualification for therapists in the UK.

He has worked for many years in one-on-one and group
therapy (based on psycho-dynamic and humanistic approaches),
in informal situations, in education, and in health - in
particular, working as a counsellor with the creativity and
dreams of patients. He is about to start a research project
(with the University of Teesside in north-east England) on
the use of dreamwork to improve the quality of life of
terminally-ill people.

He is a professional actor, director and writer for theatre,
radio, television and film, and committed to developing
creative talents, both for himself and for others: he has
also worked extensively in education, teaching counselling,
performance, creative writing, and communication arts in
universities, colleges, and schools (currently module
director at the University College of Ripon & York St John,
in North Yorkshire, and tutor for the University of Hull).

Dreams have always been a source of inspiration for writing,
performing and teaching, as well as for the most valuable
insights in therapy. In setting up Davidoff-Imago, the
work with dreams became not merely a part of Leslie's
activities, but took their rightful place, acknowledged as
what they have always been - the source and the fulfilment
of his work, play, time and place. All of this is ready
and offered to you.


Challenging Your Interpretative Skills
by Simbilu


As a dream interpreter, I've found that intuition plays a
huge part in coming up with a meaning or meanings for
dreams. Intuition, however, can go stale if it isn't
challenged with new resources that help provide answers.

Challenging yourself just means being willing to look at
sources or methods of interpretation you normally wouldn't
look at. Simply looking at synchronicities (or
"coincidences") brings other resources into your path.

Once you start observing (whether it's something as simple
as reading a publication like this and getting some possible
ideas or having other things fall across your path with no
real explanation), you're on your way to boosting what you
can do as an interpreter. Making use of the information you
get is the next step, and that's best accomplished by
integrating what you've observed into whatever area you
store your "intuition information".

A mind exercise that can be used is to envision a place
where you store the resources that you use to interpret
dreams. For some, it's an actual physical place, with books
and notes and other physical representations. For others,
it's all a virtual place in the mind, set up similarly. I
use both. If something comes across my path, I mentally put
it up on a shelf, in a trunk, or somewhere I can go back and
retrieve it.

Some may think this "wastes" brain space. But we're told
that we only use a small percentage of the brain for actual
work. What's the rest for? Well, how about channeling?
When we interpret dreams, we *are* channeling information.
The source of the channeling may be our higher selves or
even guides. Regardless of who comes through there, it's a
lot like an airport (which is how I see that brainspace we
"don't use").

You can't land a plane without a tower (well, Bruce Willis
can) or the other appropriate props, so how can you channel
interpretations without a properly staged locale for the
information to pass through? Staging the locale is a
dynamic process and it requires us to maintain it. At
first, it takes effort. Yet, if we train ourselves to
naturally incorporate information, then the sweat factor
reduces itself considerably. People look to us for insight
into their own minds, and if we are stagnant in our own
outlooks or methods, our interpretations will be, also.
I've tried a few different ways of kicking my intuition when
interpreting, and I'd like to share them.

One technique I've found that works with some dreams is
having the client draw the images in the dream. For
example, I was asked to interpret a dream that involved
land, a body of water, and a semi-circular pool beyond both.
Intuition led me to ask the person to draw the scenario, and
after she did, I held up the picture, which resembled (very
clearly) a sunset on the horizon. Without going into much
detail here, I can say that based on the circumstances in
her life, the semi-circular pool indicated the ending of her
relationship (sunset), and the moving toward it her
relationship was naturally doing. Taking the chance at
having her draw the images worked in this instance because
this reading made much more sense than whatever I might have
interpreted it as (without the drawing).

Utilizing divination tools can be another challenge to one's
interpretative skills. While you probably wouldn't rely on
them all the time, using the Tarot to assist in dream
interpretation is common enough that a dream interpretation
spread is included in the book _Power Tarot_ by Trish
MacGregor and Phyllis Vega (and many other Tarot workbooks
have them, too). In this particular spread (though I have
made my own and they work just as well), cards are drawn for
images describing the dream, what the images in the dream
itself mean, how they affect your waking life and how to
best use the information. I think Tarot cards are useful if
you're confronted with a dream that has a "too simple"
content, or one that leaves you with no strong impression of
any meaning. Whether you read Tarot "by the book" or by
intuition, the card meanings can trigger a path for you to
make your own interpretation, or they may answer outright
what the dream signifies.

A good resource for divination is with a deck known as Soul
Cards (by Deborah Koff-Chapin). I can recommend these
highly because they aren't traditional Tarot in any way, and
since they come with no book of standardized meanings, they
enliven an interpreter's mind and vision of the dream.

Whatever method you use to challenge your intuition, it is
important to continue to feed it with new resources for it
to draw upon. When I interpret, I find the more resources I
have to either look at or recall expands the interpretation.
Dreams aren't one dimensional and interpretations shouldn't
be, either.

Simbilu is a writer, tarot card reader, dream interpreter
and sacred dance student.




August-September 1998


If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at

This Month's Features:

+A Weekend in Connecticut with Jeremy Taylor
+Introduction to Dreamwork in Tennessee
+New dream software: Alchera Suite 2.0
+Shamanic Dreamjourney Circle in Emeryville, CA
+Trainings in Urban Shamanism
+Oklahoma Regional Dream Conference
+The Healing Power of Dreams Retreat
+New Orleans Dream Group Forming
+Dreams and Nightmares: The New Theory on the Origin
and Meaning of Dreams

+Constant Dreams and Sleeping Disorders
Student Needs Help with School Dream Project
+Call for Your Dream Journeys
+Political Dreams
+Big Dreams Wanted

+Janice Baylis' New Website
+Australian Dream Updates
+Dream Search Engine Results

DREAM CALENDAR for September 1998




>>>>> A Weekend in Connecticut with Jeremy Taylor
The Unitarian-Universalist Society of Northern Fairfield
County presents a weekend with Jeremy Taylor, October 2-4,
1998 in Redding, Connecticu. For all those interested in
working with their dreams, those in the creative arts,
Jungians, and people interested in psychology, mythology,
and spirituality.

The Creative Power of Dreams
LECTURE - Friday, October 2, 7:30pm. Donation $7
Working with dreams has shown Jeremy Taylor that we are
inherently interesting, creative, generously energetic
creatures. "Each night, the truer meanings of our lives are
revealed to us in the form of these endlessly enigmatic and
fascinating dreams. The cosmos manifests itself in an
endless dance of creation, and when we are fully relaxed and
deeply asleep, we reveal our divine origins and connections
by creating whole playful universes every

Dreams:The Magic Mirror That Never Lies
WORKSHOP - Saturday, October 3, 9:30am-4:30pm.
Donation $50 ($40 members) (Includes a light lunch.)

Whenever a dream is remembered, it is an indication that the
waking mind has a creative, transformative role to play in
the evolution of whatever issue the dream is presenting.
Recurrent dreams? Nightmares? Discover that all dreams come
in the service of health and wholeness. Beginning with a
brief introduction to the basic principles for working with
dreams in a group setting, the workshop will move quickly to
participants sharing their dreams and exploring the many
levels of meaning. Although the focus will be dream
interpretation in a collective context, the
methods are designed to give participants the ability to
engage in their own dream work upon returning home.Dream
work is one of the few activities that puts beginners and
experts on an
equal emotional footing from the outset. Those people who
are just beginning to explore the world of their dreams, as
well as professionals who work with dreams, are welcome.

Myths, Dreams and Politics:
The Role of the Unconscious in the Evolution of Liberal
Sermon, Sunday, October 4
(Services at 9:00 and 11:00am)

Says Jeremy, "Out of our history of casting off the shackles
of religious dogma and ecclesiastical authority, religious
liberals may be more vulnerable to self-deception. In the
post-modern era it might be useful to look at our our ideas
and actions more carefully, with particular attention to the
unconscious patterns that shape and influence our
motivations." For more information call: Nancy Weston 203-
744-6823 ( Kimball 203-746-1885
( Tarshis 203-426-3911
( check made out to UUNFC and
registration form to: Nancy Weston, 19 Purcell Dr. Danbury,
CT 06810

>>>>> Introduction to Dreamwork
This class will be held at Glencliff High School Community
Education in Nashville Tennessee. It is called Introduction
to Dreamwork. It is a six-week introductory level class in
dreamwork skills, and covers all the basics such as how to
remember and record your dreams, how to incubate a dream,
how to work with symbols and anylize a dream, how to set and
achieve Dream Tasks and Goals and much more. Each person
will have the chance to work individually on their own
dreams under the direction of the instructor. Class is
scheduled on Monday nights from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and
begins September 28. To register, you may contact Glencliff
High School (Nashville Tennessee) by calling 333-5100 or by
e-mail. The e-mail address is : REEDC2@ten-

>>>>> New dream software: Alchera Suite 2.0
The dream journaling software Alchera 1.0 now has a
successor called the Alchera Suite 2.0. The first version of
Alchera was mainly a journaling program with a few added
features like a simple search engine and the ability to
generate charts. The new version is much more focused on
actually working with dreams and should help to reach new
insights. This article will discuss the main new features.

One of the important requirements of dream journaling
software is that it should invite to work with a dream
itself instead of working with the software because you need
to go through sequences of menu's, buttons and dialogs
before you get somewhere. Alchera 2 has a very simple lay-
out with three pages. The first page is for entering the
dream, the second page for analysis and the third page for
the symbol dictionary.

The first page consists mainly of one large text editor to
enter the dream. To get focused on the dream the first page
lets you index characters and emotions in the dream by
dragging them to corresponding lists in the right margin. If
a new character or emotion is dropped a wizard will ask you
to categorize it so charts can be generated later on. The
categorization is based on Van Hall, which means that charts
can be generated comparing the dreamer's score with that of
scores found by quantitative research.

The second page also consists mainly of one large text
editor, here meant to be used for entering reflections,
comments, etc. Competing dream software seems to develop
towards guiding the dreamer through many specific analysis
types. Alchera takes an entirely different approach allowing
more freedom and flexibility. Suggested exercises, methods
or games are offered in a list next to the text editor.
Doubleclicking on an item will bring up an explanation of
the chosen item. Clicking OK will insert a framework of
questions into the text, guiding you through the chosen
exercise. The framework can also be inserted directly by
drag and drop. Because of this particular implementation,
adding new exercises to the list does not require a new
version of the software. In fact, the manual explains how
the user can add new exercises by writing simple text files.

The third shows the text of the dream along with a symbol
dictionary viewer. All words available in the dictionary are
automatically underlined in the dream. Clicking on an
underlined word will load the description of the symbol in
the dictionary viewer. The dreamer can add new words to the
dictionary by simply dropping it from the dream onto the

A few other features will probably be of interest to many
dreamers. First of all the new search engine now delivers
almost instantaneously results and also accepts complicated
queries with AND, OR and NOT operators. Dreams can also be
searched on theme, provided that the dream was entered with
a theme attached.

The Alchera Suite tries to help dreamers develop lucid
dreaming skills. Each dream can be labeled with a score on a
lucidity scale ranging from non-lucid to vivid and
completely in control lucid. A separate program called
Lucille helps to do reality checks.

For those who read earlier announcements elsewhere: the
planned DreamShare program has been dropped with version
2.0. DreamShare was intended to be a kind of dream
conferencing tool, making it easier to exchange and work
with dreams within groups. DreamShare may however be
included with the next major version.

The Alchera Suite 2.0 requires Windows 95 or higher and
costs $35. An evaluation copy is available at the homepage.
This copy will allow no more than eight entered dreams.
Registering will give you an upgrade to the full version,
also containing password protection and a spell checker.
Upgrades to point releases are free. Point releases 2.1 and
2.5 are already planned.
Homepage: or contact Harry Bosma, author
of Alchera at

>>>>>Shamanic Dreamjourney Circle in Emeryville, CA
Through shamanic ritual, discussion and direct dreamjourney
experience, this unique dream group explores dreamjourneys:
dreams of spiritual awakening. Utilizing shamanic dreamwork
techniques from the Senoi, the Aborigines, the Iroquois and
other Native American peoples, as well as dream incubation
methods of the ancient Greeks, this program will present
participants with immediately useful tools for dream recall,
incubation, understanding and integration of dream wisdom
into waking life. If you are interested in the spiritual
aspect of dreams, and would like to completely catalyze your
dreamworld experiences, enhance your spiritual power on your
own path, and bring greater healing sacred medicine of the
Dream Spirits into your waking life, this series of
experiential dreamshops may be for you.

This circle is for serious explorers of dreams. Early
classes will help particpants improve dream recall if you
are not yet remembering many of your dreams. Topics will

What Is a Dreamjourney?
Dreamjourneys from a Multicultural Shamanic Perspective
Types of Dreamjourneys
Benefits of Dreamjourneys
Dreamjourneys and Lucid Dreams
Increasing Dream Recall
Manifesting Dream Journeys
Dream Sharing at each circle!
Dream Theater
Dream Re-entry
Symbol Exploration
Dream Art
Creative Dreams
Psychic Dreams
Dream Deities and Totems

Offered Thursday nights, at 7 pm, in Emeryville, California.
Contact Sage Healing Wolf at (510) 653-7293 for more
information and directions.

>>>>>Trainings in Urban Shamanism
Dream Thread InterActive announces the beginning of its new
schedule in the Art of Shamanism: Trainings in Urban
Shamanism. The 5 course program is open for those who are
interested discovering the shaman's world view and in
integrating methods and techniques for shamanic journeying,
shamanic dreamwork, soul retrieval and shamanic healing. The
courses are held in Taos, New Mexico and are offered one
weekend a month over a 5 month cycle. Ariadne Green is an
urban shaman and dream educator. She is the creator of
DreamThread InterActive an online dream insight and
information center at Those
interested in obtaining more information and for and fall
and spring course schedules can email Ariadne Green or phone (505) 758-9356.

>>>>>Oklahoma Regional Dream Conference
The Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD) will be
joining with dream specialists from Sancta Sophia Seminary
in Sparrow Hawk Village, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, Wednesday
evening through Sunday morning, September 23-27, in a dream
"Intensive." The theme of this cosponsored event is "Connect
with Spirit Through Dreams." The 90-hour Dream Intensive at
this intentional community in the Ozark foothills features
the best of the best in the field of dreams. Joining ASD
members Rita Dwyer, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Victoria
Rabinowe, Robert Van de Castle, Carol Warner, and Jane
White-Lewis, will be Carol Parrish (founder and
dean of the seminary, and internationally recognized
teacher, author, and speaker), Wilda Tanner (author of The
Mystical, Magical, Marvelous World of Dreams), Betty Carper,
and Pamela and Richard Skeie. Workshops are "Dream Labyrinth
in the Woods," "Connecting with Spirit Through Dreams," and
"High Dreamwork with Guides and Masters." Lectures are
"Spiritual Initiation in Dreams," "The Hidden One Third of
Our Lives," "Archetypal Images in Dreams," "Anima, Animus,
and Eros," "Where Do We Go When We Fall Asleep?" "History of
Dreams," and "Jung and the Spiritual Dimensions of Dreams."
Robert Van de Castle will also offer the powerful dream
healing ceremony. In addition, dreams will be the topic from
breakfast time dream-sharing groups through evening socials
and later. Art shows, dream theatre, book signings, rap
sessions, contests, dream raffle, and mandalas the list goes
on. Cost of the five-day retreat is $225, or $200 if
enrolled by Aug. 28. Registration, meals, housing, and
airport transportation may be arranged through the seminary
registrar: 800 386-7161, fax 918 458-5501, e-mail, and check the seminary's web site

>>>>>The Healing Power of Dreams Retreat
Learn Gestalt and Jungian dreamwork techniques in the
mountains of Western Maryland October 16-18, 1998, at the
Rising Phoenix Retreat Center in Flintstone. Jeremy Taylor
says: "A chance to do dreamwork with Earl Koteen is a chance
not to be missed." Cost includes 5 meals, two overnights,
leadership, hot tub. Fee: $175. Massage is available for an
extra fee of $45. For more information or to register,
please contact Margee Iddings at

>>>>>New Orleans Dream Group Forming
A dream group is forming in the New Orleans area, beginning
in September. Our motto is "No teachers--just students". We
are also looking for meeting space (low cost or no cost) at
a convienent location. Please email Michael Patton at or call 486-0296.

>>>>> Dreams and Nightmares: The New Theory on the Origin
and Meaning of Dreams
By Ernest Hartmann, M.D.
Plenum Trade, 1998, 303 pp.
ISBN: 0-306-45996-5
Price: $27.95 (US and Canada) / $33.54 (elsewhere)

One hundred years ago, the master of dreams, Sigmund Freud,
published The Interpretation of
Dreams. In this momentous new work, Dr. Hartmann, one of the
world's foremost researchers on sleep and dreams, surpasses
himself and not only builds on, but even replaces, Freud's
work by elucidating and illustrating a bold new theory on
the origin and meaning of our dreams and nightmares. Dr.
Hartmann helps us capture the meaning behind our nightly
reverie. He successfully weds the psychology of the human
mind with the biology of the brain, uncovers the source of
our dreams, and demonstrates that they are neither
meaningless nor simple wish
fulfillment, but an amazing biological and mental process

triggered by our most pressing internal forces. He analyzes
nightmares that plague us during times of stress, and
explains those strange everyday dreams that we all wish we
could understand, revealing that all our dreams share an
astounding underlying pattern. In clear, eloquent language,
this revolutionary new book shows us how to tap into the
power of our dreams, and take the first steps down the "the
royal road" to creative fulfillment and increased self-
(reprinted from the website, at


R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S


>>>>>Constant Dreams and Sleeping Disorders
I've been interested in dreams for a very long time, as I
usually remember them in great detail, and have had
precognitive dreams. I have health problems, and have been
diagnosed as having a sleeping disorder. I have problems
falling asleep, then seem to dream constantly, I'm often
exhausted when I wake up. I may have fibro myalgia, and have
read that sleeping disorders may be a cause of the
condition, or just a factor of it. I would like to know if
anyone has any research studies or information on people who
dream too much. I don't seem to do very much deep sleep, my
husband says most the time I appear to be dreaming. Any info
or feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

>>>>>Student Needs Help with School Dream Project
I' m doing a school project and would appreciate any dreams
that could be sent to me on any subject. Participants need
to tell me any significant events occurring in their lives
at the time of their dream, and what feelings, colours and
images the dream provoked. Thanks. Email to:

>>>>>Call for Your Dream Journeys
I am writing a book on spiritual dreams, "Dreamjourneys:
Dreams of Spiritual Awakening." You are invited to submit
for possible inclusion in the book descriptions of dreams
that featured a powerful spiritual message or journey. Types
of dreamjourneys include: soul journeys; creative dreams;
healing dreams; precognitive or psychic dreams; divine
messenger dreams; and dreams of shamanic initiation. This
dream probably felt like "more than just a dream." This is
an opportunity for you to share your dream with many other
people who validate your incredible experience, and the
telling of it may help you or other readers. Please send a
typed description of your dream to (e-mail
preferred) or to Sage Healing Wolf, Dreamjourneys Project,
1678 Shattuck Ave. #275, Berkeley CA 94709. Please include
any background information you feel may be relevant to the
dream, and tell how it changed your life and/or spiritual
life. There is no monetary compensation, but you may be
credited by name if you so desire. Please state whether you
wish to be credited by name, pseudonym or anonymously.
Include your name, mailing address, email and/or phone
number so the author may contact you if there are any
questions. Thank you, and bless you. -Sage Healing Wolf

>>>>>Political Dreams
If you have had any dreams of politicians (e.g., Bill
Clinton, Newt Gingrich) or political phenomena (e.g.,
elections, Congress,
the White House), please contact Kelly Bulkeley, who is
conducting an on-going research project on the subject. If
you like, he will send you an update on the current findings
of his research. 226 Amherst Ave.,Kensington, CA 94708; 510-
528-0226 (o,fax);

>>>>>Big Dreams Wanted
I am a published author and want to hear about your dreams--
I mean the BIG dreams, the dream or dreams that have made
an impact on your life. These are the dreams that you could
not ignore, that stayed with you--whether you wanted them to
or not. You may still be working to understand them fully.
They may have been lucid, precognitive, just a single image,
or detailed
and complex. But they all have one thing in common: they
knocked you for a loop and caused you to change your
thinking and your life. Along with the dream submitted,
please tell your initial response to it, and how it made you
change. This is for possible inclusion in a book-length
work. Privacy will be respected. Email Michael Patton at or write to 1216 Bordeaux Street, New
Orleans, LA 70115.


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


Do you know of interesting new websites you'd like to share
with others? Or do you have updates to existing pages? Help
spread the word by using the Electric Dreams DREAM-LINK page This is
really a public projects board and requires that everyone
keep up his or her own link URLs and information. Make a
point to send changes to the links page to us.

>>>>>Janice Baylis' New Website makes available some information about
dreams and the books which are the results of author Baylis'
lifelong work with dreams. These are:
SLEEP ON IT! The Practical Side of Dreaming
Personal Dream Journal
Sex, Symbols and Dreams
Lectures on cassette or video
Ms. Baylis also has a Dream Dynamics and Decoding:
Interpretation Manual which is only available in electronic
form for downloading from <> in the Self-
help section.

>>>>>Australian Dream Updates
Jane Anderson, author of Dream It: Do It, has added some
interesting new things to her website:

* Following requests for more help and insight into
understanding and interpreting one's own dreams, she has
opened the doors to a Dream Gallery, where surprises await
you. Come on in at Be quick,
as the exhibition will be changing regularly!

* Ms. Anderson's new book, The Shape of Things to Come,
published by Random House,has now been released in Australia
and should be in all good bookshops soon. Overseas friends
can order copies through Random House. For details check out

* The Dream Forum is accumulating a variety dreams and
suggestions, so remember to drop in from time to time to add
dreams of your own and help others understand theirs at

>>>>>Dream Search Engine Results
This dream links page is made of compilations of search
engine results. Very useful resource for online dreams and
dreaming! The page is basically alphabetized so you can
find your way back to where you were when you make repeated
trips there.
The columns are also divided: regular dreams on the left,
lucid dreams, and books in the center column, and
interpretation sites, and psychology on the right coumn.
There are also 3 search engines if you want to see more than
the 900+ links provided.



September 1998


Sept 12 in Novato, CA
Dream Travelogue Kathy and Jeremy Taylor share their
experience leading dream tours around the world. Hosted by
BADG and The Dream Library and Archive. For more
information, call Jill Gregory at (415) 897-7955, ext. 3.

Sept 23-27 in Tahlequah, OK
ASD Regional Dream Conference at Sparrow Hawk -- "Connect
with Spirit Through Dreams." For more information, contact
800 386-7161, fax 918 458-5501, e-mail, or check the seminary's web site

Sept 26-28 in Arcata, CA
All Day Workshop/Sunday Service with Jeremy Taylor. Contact:
Kathy Taylor at (415) 454.2793 for more information or visit
the website at

Sept 28 in Nashville, TN
"Introduction to Dreamwork", a six-week introductory level
class in dreamwork skills on Monday nights from 6:30 p.m. to
8:30 p.m. To register, you may contact Glencliff High School
(Nashville Tennessee) by calling 333-5100 or by e-mail. The
e-mail address is :


== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V5 N8 ==

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **


Vol. 5 Number 8 - September 1998.

Hello dreamers! As the end of summer approaches we arrive
at another month of dreams. This month we have shared
stories about fears, relationships, strangers, vists to
our past, views of our present, and encounters with
death. Tornado Man and Stan's Ski Trip from last issue
are commented on, and a question is asked about our dream
characters. Enjoy your journey.


EVENTS [The activity defines or dominates the story - a
convergence of people at a place and time for a special



The summer is coming to a close in the Washington, DC
area. School age people are getting ready for the return
to school and classes. The summer heat and light have had
an impact bringing out of the darkness strange things.
Political events of the past few weeks have been unusual
with a presidential confession on public TV, activity
related to terrorism making sudden changes in peoples
lives, and difficulty in world economies adjusting to new
realities that are creating turmoil and unstability.

What is truth? What is a lie? What is fair? What is
unfair? What is proper? What is improper? How much change
is acceptable? When does change become chaos? What is
life? What is death? These are themes that weave their
way through our nightly dream life opening our inner eyes
to different ways of seeing things. As in the external
reality we share, our inner reality is always in a state
of redefinition and pushing towards growth. If we could
only learn how to harvest the lessons dreams have to
offer, the journey can be more meaningful. Sharing our
dreams is one of those ways we help ourselves and others
share in the mystery of life. Thanks to those who have
shared their dreams and commentary with our community.

Enjoy your visit to the pages of Electric Dreams.

Bob Krumhansl


-- Question From Jim "Dreaming about me?" (980816)--
== Commentary by Heratheta on "Dreaming about
== Commentary by RCW on Dreaming over my head (980819)==


== Commentary by R. Wilkerson on stan's ski trip (980728)
** Dream: Tornado man by ? (980625) **
== Commentary by Rob on Tornado Man (980728) ==
== Commentary by Bob K. On Tornado Man (980823) ==


experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

** Dream: Crazy Driver by Crylet Jupiter from '84-'98
(980728) **
** Dream: "Strange dreaming" (980816) **

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external
stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our
dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

** Dream: "Strange dreaming" (980816) **

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so
mysterious to others]

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BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

** Dream: The Crone by Rosie - date ?? (980730) **
==Commentary by Heratheta on Crazy Driver & Crone

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial


AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts- This month brings dog and

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BOOKS (Extensions of our memory and imagination, our
permanent records)

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the
events we participate in]

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs &

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools,

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn,
right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open,
close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all -
follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy
about asking someone else down the path, except, of
course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

EVENTS [The activity defines or dominates the story - a
convergence of people at a place and time for a special

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]

** Dream: "Internet Stalker" by Linda (980807)**

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the


LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with
the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by
definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family
which constitutes the first and earliest of our
relationships, often influencing how we relate to the
outside world]

** Dream "Confusing Climb" by ?? approx: 1-3am (980802) **
== Commentary by Rosalie on Confusing Climb (980809)==
== Commentary by Nutcracker on Confusing Climb (980805)
== Commentary by Heratheta on Confusing Climb (980805) ==
** Dream: "Is it a sign?" By Brazilian (980816) **

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the

STRANGERS [Who and what we don't know yet]

** Dream: A real party by Brazilian (980731) **
== Commentary by Heratheta on A Real Party (980802) ==

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams
people have questions on. Theories on what they mean
range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed
imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

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(None this month)

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Hasta La Vista!



-- Question From Jim "Dreaming about me?" (980816)--

From Jim,

When you are continuously dreaming about different
entities do these entities also dream about you?

== Commentary by Heratheta on "Dreaming about

to all who may have missed my different sort of dream
interpetating, i've been away to the east coast takin
care of this and that but without further adoo let me say
to the question that asks do our dreams dream of us sure
the dreams dream about us but in a place like the cosmos
our effects may vary considerably compared to the rest of
what's out there to the dreamer in mother's bedroom
"suddenly" is what you needed to avoid and to the right
or left of mother's bedroom was the best place to avoid
it to the tv dreamer, avoid "like" and do that to the
right or left of the tv all interpetations are for the 24
hours following the dream until the next dream and
thoughts are like micro dreams so unless they help you
avoid the dream from the night before avoid them to.

look for more help at
and check out the corner of polk and northpoint in san
francisco for a great graffiti painting about dreams if
you like to eat
pineapples, they will help you remember the help at

talked to some people who saw my video and one said it
went over his head after 2 viewings, the other said he
thought it was a spoof on dream interpretation. thanks to
all of you for your support while regarding but not
becoming your dreams. also my regards to stanley
krippner, quite a nice fellow and basker in peace, do

richard w., hang in ther bro!


== Commentary by RCW on Dreaming over my head (980819)==

I'm over my head, but it sure feels nice!



== Commentary by R. Wilkerson on stan's ski trip (980728)

Hi Stan,

Very interesting dream. If it were mine....

The New Farm

I'm in a place overlooks fields that used to be
agricultural, but have now moved on to some other
purpose. Families are moving in, groups of people with
their own projects not tied to the land in the same way.
In some ways more successful, but less grounded. This is
a place that has friends, it is a friendly place. The
season has been moved back or forwards to a season
different than my waking life season. Its Fall or Winter
and I have a sensual tie with it and the snow.

The Winter Date and the Fleshy World

I have a date with a winter woman. We share the same
skill with a recreational vehicle. There is some concern
about preparing this vehicle, it is only used in winter.
There is some need to get into the mechanics of skiing to
persuade the woman to come.

In waking life it is now unfair to cast the woman in the
role of supporter or mirror of man, but there may still
be some psychological value. For just the moment, I look
at her as my inner mirror of my soul and see her as
wanting to be less shy. Once another man, or male aspect
shows up, there is enough balance to move on.

I get some more of her history when I find out she was
with witherspoon and is uncomfortable seeing him again.
Later I learn she feels it is because of her body
graphics. Hmm. You would think, of all people, an artist
would understand. So I wonder if there is a kind of envy
on the part of the witherspoon artist part of me towards
this woman. That witherspoon sees her as making a mark
more deeply into the flesh, the world, than he. She
too recognizes that her worldliness is involved, but
misses what it is about for witherspoon, simply saying he
couldn't handle it. It may not be Urlich's skull in the
backyard, but someone(s) still buried there.

To be, or not to be We all have to stop at an
educational institution. The educational guide directs
the attention of those who can learn to the antiabortion
political center. In the dream, I signal that the choice
has already been made and protests are useless. Who has
the right to decide when life begins? In the waking
world, I feel it must be the choice of the individual. Is
that also true in the soul? When I give birth to new
ideas or projects, is it my right to bring them to term
or not?

The room, very fitting.

I get past all this by going up. Its almost like
evolving, going up. First the ground, then the first
floor, later other floors. The shoe fits, but the flesh
is unwilling. Odd that this condition is usually
associated with what comes ~after~ the event toward which
I travel.

Feet, left foot. What are these to me? the ground of
support and balance in general. Left foot, not being my
dominate side, is perhaps a little less conscious for me.

My left foot is in mortificatio, the blackening. For
the alchemist, this was a trying time. All that they had
worked for collapses and the alembic turns black.
Experienced alchemists knew this was a good thing, the
old adage that until-the-old dies, there is no new.
Still, when its one's own, adages mean little and is as
insensitive as a smiley face on a berevement card.

How to care for this wounded foot? Oddly, I think I
still may be able to ski, by bringing blood and
circulation back into it. The Alchemists too used to say
that if we stuck with the mortificatio we would get to
the rubedo, or redening, where our project is given blood
and life.

Again, very interesting dream. Thanks for the journey.

** Dream: Tornado man by ? (980625) **

To start out, I've been having repetetive nightmares
about tornadoes for about five or six years. I'm 16 years
old. I've never been in a tornado in real life. Usually,
in my dream I am aware of a tornado coming, and my
biggest dilemma is getting all of my family into the
basement. For some reason they don't come right away, and
keep saying things like "wait just a minute until I
finish my coffee." I wake up in a total panic.

A few nights ago, I dreamt that I was eating lunch with
some friends outside and saw a tornado coming. I Hurried
and pushed most of my friends into a windowless bathroom.
I went back outside to get the last girl, but the tornado
had turned into a man who said he was hungry. I offered
him my plate of macaroni and cheese, and he ate it. Then
he looked at my friend Tessa and said "But she's full of
blood" and he tossed a broken plate like a blade,
straight through the middle of her skull. I woke up
knowing that I was the next one to have my blood sucked
by the tornado. It's confusing, but I knew in my dream
that the tornado WAS the man, and I feared him

Comments by Dreamer: I am really curious why I keep
having these repetetive tornado nightmares which change
every night, but always with a tornado about to get me.

== Commentary by Rob on Tornado Man (980728) ==

Greetings Bob:

Could I ask you to pass along the following commentary to
Tornado Man.


Response to Dream: Tornado Man

Thanks for submitting this interesting dream(s).

For starters, allow me briefly to explain the system I
use to analyze dreams. I am convinced that, without
exception, all dreams oblige the dreamer to
subconsciously confront the illusions he
provide/institutes for himself during his waking hours.
It is only fair that I mention that this theory/method
has not been well received among the dream professionals
that have commented on it in the Electric Dream forum.

In that dreams force us to confront our illusions, the
nightmare is of particular importance. It suggests that
the dreamer is persistently holding on to an illusion, or
self-deception to the point where the dreamer must
undergo the phenomenon of the recurring nightmare. In
your particular case, because I know absolutely nothing
of the details of your life, I can speak of it only in
the broadest terms. In consideration of your age (16),
and that the nightmares have been persisting since the
age of 11, may I suggests that you are perhaps
obstinately refusing to relinquish a certain aspect of
your childhood, or an aspect of your fantasy life that
the young adult that you are now knows is no longer
viable. Or, because you mention the nonchalance
(unenthusiastic response) of your parents as you try to
rescue them from the ravages of the tornado, perhaps they
are not responding to you in the manner you imagine, or
would like, or once enjoyed, or that they have withdrawn
their affection, or support, or encouragement, or
something that you once knew or once could count on. The
only thing I can state for certain is that you are
vigorously avoiding a particular truth about yourself vis
a vis a particular situation(s) in your life, and that
the dream/nighmare is forcing you to acknowledge that

I sincerely hope this dream helps you institute the kind
of questions that will enable you to encounter the truth
that is there, but still hidden from your understanding.
Think of it as a law of physics that describes how
something works, but the law is unknown to you because
you have never wondered about it.


Rob(ert) Lewis:

== Commentary by Bob K. On Tornado Man (980823) ==

The repetitive tornado-is-coming dream is quite common,
even for people who live nowhere near where actual
tornados emerge. The symbolic power of a destructive
force materializing out of an ominous sky, and destroying
everything that's in its path is a powerful symbol of
danger and the overwhelming power of nature. No pill can
make this headache go away. We can try to hide and hope
it passes us by, or we can get out of that area and face
the new challenges of other regions which can be even
scarier than the tornado. Whatever is in it's way is
demolished and yet right next to its path life goes on as
usual. A sudden encounter with a force of nature can
change a structure or life forever.

In this dream, I am not so much concerned with my own
safety as of those important to me - my family and
friends. I have to lead them to a safe shelter since
they are not paying attention to the imminent danger. If
parts of my dream represent parts of my self, then parts
of my family self and parts of my friendships self are in
need of unification in avoiding danger. A female aspect
or quality Tessa represents in me is seriously harmed by
the tornado turned executioner when we both come a bit
too close to the danger.

Until the meaning of the tornado, what it represents in
my life, is understood, I will not be able to avoid
meeting up with it in my dreams. What is uncertain in my
life? What forces do I see menacing the peace and
tranquiltiy of my home, neighborhood, and life? What
steps can I take to stop these attacks? Who can help me
deal with my problems?

Maybe if the people around me took me a bit more
seriously we might collectively take the steps needed to
insure safety and survival. Maybe I will have to move
away from the life I have been living and find a safe
haven where this danger will no longer lurk. A higher
power and greater knowledge would help in this battle. As
I face adulthood, I will have to make many choices which
will change the course of my life and take me in
directions my family never experienced. I will try my
best to meet the challeges ahead. Thanks for sharing your


experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

** Dream: Crazy Driver by Crylet Jupiter from '84-'98
(980728) **

For years as far as I can remember if had
this reoccuring dream, it goes as follows. I'm at the
back seat of this car, ( each dream the kind of car
changed, some times it was it was just the seats of the
car! ) But the same thing would happen, the driver would
disappear, leaving me to jump into the seat and take over
the wheel. But the thing is, I don't even drive in real
life, I'm not even age!!!! So, as I was driving, not
even being able to reach the brakes, swurving around
luckly not hitting anyone. I would go for miles, avoding
police, and on coming cars and pedestreans. This dream is
and was so vivide to me I remember, when I was smaller,
acually thinking that it happened!!!!

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission
Comments : If someone has any interptation of what
this dream means, please tell me!!!

** Dream: "Strange dreaming" (980816) **

I have two kinds of dreams that have me curious. The
first one being that I dream that I'm back in high
school. I dream about that a lot. I really hated high
school so why do I dream about it. The second is that one
night I fell asleep in front of the t.v. and dreamt about
W.W. II ships and war. I woke up and that same ship that
was in my dream was on t.v. I had the same thing happen
when I fell asleep listening to the radio. I fell asleep
when music was playing. My dream was people talking like
it was a talk show. When I woke up the same thing that I
was dreaming the people on the radio was saying.

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external
stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our
dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

** Dream: "Strange dreaming" (980816) **

I have two kinds of dreams that have me curious. The
first one being that I dream that I'm back in high
school. I dream about that a lot. I really hated high
school so why do I dream about it. The second is that one
night I fell asleep in front of the t.v. and dreamt about
W.W. II ships and war. I woke up and that same ship that
was in my dream was on t.v. I had the same thing happen
when I fell asleep listening to the radio. I fell asleep
when music was playing. My dream was people talking like
it was a talk show. When I woke up the same thing that I
was dreaming the people on the radio was saying.

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so
mysterious to others]

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BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

** Dream: The Crone by Rosie - date ?? (980730) **

I am on the old farm of my grandparents. It is
long since abandoned, but the house still stands. It is
twilight on the prairie, and the sun will set in a couple
of hours. There is no one around but me, and I hear only
the buzzing of bottle flys and the wind moving slowly
through the overgrown wheat fields. I enter the house,
and now the lighting is dim, the house is empty save for
some old papers strewn here and there, old refuse of a
life once lived here. The old blue and white curtains
still hang in the window, but they are faded and worn. I
go up the stairs to the attic. Here, there are old
things on the floor: some old satin cushions and pages
from an old calendar. In the far corner, I see a bit of
light shining from under a folding screen. As I
approach, I see the claw foot legs of a bathtub. From
behind the screen comes marching an old crone, naked from
the waist up and clad in old-lady bloomers made of faded
white eyelet. She wears a purple velvet choker around
her neck and carries a big iron mace in her hand. She is
marching furiously and determinedly towards me. With each
step, she brings her knees to her chest, and raises the
mace. She takes the choker from her neck and places it
around mine. I look behind the folding screen and see my
grandfather lying dead under the water of the bathtub.
The crone has killed him.

Comments by Dreamer This is a dream I had long ago,
and I have never forgotten it in all its detail. I would
welcome any interpretations.

** Dream: "coffin shoes" by Mermaid (980819) **

There was a closed coffin. Beside it there was a pair
of old white shoes - that had once been dressy ladies'
shoes. I could hear music, which I cannot now remember,
except that it reminded me of Paul McCartney/Beatles
music. Someone would be greatly missed.

== Commentary by Heratheta on "coffin shoes" (980819)==

avoid becoming "once been" and continue in peace to the
right or left of the coffin until the next dream was the
message of this dream. see the wall painting at polk and
northpoint in san francisco or for further details

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial


AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts- This month brings us dogs,
seals, ... ]

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BOOKS (Extensions of our memory and imagination, our
permanent records)

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the
events we participate in]

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs &

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools,

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn,
right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open,
close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all -
follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy
about asking someone else down the path, except, of
course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

==Commentary by Heratheta on Crazy Driver & Crone

crazy driver showed the sorrow in "leaving" and the end
of sorrow to the right or left of the car.

crone dream showed the sorrow in "old faded" and the end
of sorrow to the right or left of the house

Now which path did the above dreams dreamers take
following these dreams? the path to sorrow or the end of

I sometimes wonder if dream journal people go back and
check diaries they might have kept telling where they
went after these dreams and what followed. whatever.

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

EVENTS [The activity defines or dominates the story - a
convergence of people at a place and time for a special

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]

** Dream: "Internet Stalker" by Linda (980807)**

I had a nightmare, which has lingered in my mind. I
can't stop feeling that it was real, and I'm supposed to
do something about it. Your comments or interpretations
would be most helpful. Note that it was a nightmare, and
is a bit graphic.

In real life I live near an old, domed warehouse
that is a studio for a popular local news station.

In the dream, I was in the news station's little
gravel parking lot, sitting in my car. It turned out
that some sort of shooting had occurred, and a news lady
came over to me with her camera guy close behind to ask
whether I thought the city was becoming more violent.

Suddenly, I was inside the news studio in a shabby
office, sitting across from a lady at a big desk. We
were chatting, and I mentioned that I'd love to do some
part time work there, if they needed anybody. She smiled
sarcastically and exchanged glances with the other staff
members who were puttering about nearby. I got a strange
feeling from her, as if she really didn't like me.

Suddenly, I was back home, chatting online. We were
pretty cheerful, as chat rooms can be. I mentioned that
I tried to get a job at the news station, but was turned
down. I said I wondered why they wouldn't hire me. A
response arrived through the computer from a lady. The
response turned into a physical letter, written in little
cutout letters, as if from a serial killer. It was
several pages long, composed on colorful construction
paper, and was extremely complex and detailed, with lots
of little drawings and pop up pictures.

It started out friendly and cheerful, but then
turned very personal, critical and ominous. She quoted,
as emails quote previous posts, about why they hadn't
hired me, and she responded, "Maybe because you're a no
talent hack, Linda (calling me by my real name which I
hadn't revealed), or should I call you Conan?" I hadn't
used my online handle, and was surprised she knew my

She revealed he was actually a man, and he started
going into details about my life that he couldn't
possibly know from the chat site, but that I had
mentioned now and again over the years at various times
in various places. He knew where I lived, my kids names,
where they went to school, my neighbors and their kids
names, and so forth, with an un-stated, but implied
threat. I became very nervous.

Suddenly, I wasn't in my apt any more, but in the
house I grew up in. I should mention I had a difficult
childhood with violent parents, so going home is no
thrill. Anyway, I went out to the garage, and noticed
the windows had been broken and shoved in. This worried
me. My family would be furious about the damage. I went
inside, and discovered that the stalker had covered the
walls with more detailed ravings about me, my life and
how inadequate I was. One section was dedicated to a lot
of violent, s&m porn, cut and pasted from magazines and
then drawn on or otherwise modified to involve deformity,
burns and amputated limbs.

I cleaned it up. My husband was suddenly there, and
helped me. He didn't see the porn, which I hurriedly
tore down before he noticed. I explained nonchalantly
that it was probably a prank by neighborhood kids, and he
smiled and took it all in stride. For some reason, I
couldn't call the cops because I felt it was my fault.
It was important my husband not know what was going on
either, because I was ashamed.

My husband was gone, and I found myself back in the
news station parking lot. I couldn't leave because my
car was having engine trouble. In the parking lot a rough
looking attendant called for the mechanic. Everybody
there looked like a biker or ex convict. The mechanic
arrived. He was dirty and thin, with long matted hair,
dressed in filthy coveralls. Half his mouth was twisted
and partially opened either from a burn or due to a
deformity. He leaned in the car window, explaining what
the engine problem was. He deliberately leaned closer
and closer to my face as I leaned away as much as I could
without being rude. When he was quite close he whispered
something very personal in my ear, and I realized he was
the stalker.

I found myself back in the garage, still trying to
clean up the mess. I'd missed a pile of scraps under a
small table, and crawled under to pick it up. I found a
large bowie knife in a black sheath with a note: "Try
this." The stalker suddenly walked in and shut the door.
I tried to remain calm, asking what he wanted. He put
down some duct tape and strips of soft foam, and said,
"Well, first I plan to make it very painful."

I jumped up and ran to the neighbor's house,
entering through the back door and calling the neighbor's
name. The stalker ran after me and entered through the
front door, swearing angrily because I'd run away. I
heard the neighbor calling from a back room and realize
he'd tied her up. He was coming in and there was no time
to help her, so I ran out the back door again, crossed my
back yard and hurried into the other neighbor's back

He ran close behind me, almost within arm's reach,
so I had to run as fast as I could. I could hear him
breathing hard from the exertion. He was angrier than
ever. Suddenly he stopped running, standing in the
middle of the neighbor's back yard. I was cornered in a
large back patio, richly decorated with a lot of clay and
stone figurines, some large, some small. It was a very
ornate and beautiful patio (nothing like it really is).
I thought I'd better think fast and appease the stalker.

I looked around and realized he'd already been
there, although I wasn't sure how. I surmised the
neighbor wouldn't be able to help me. Then I realized all
the eyes had been gouged out of the garden statues, every
little bunny, nymph, goose or whatever has been blinded.
The stalker said, "That's obvious. Look a little closer.
It's rearranged." I realized the patio décor itself,
that is, all the statues and planters and overhead
trellis had been moved and aligned to resemble a huge
eye, and I was standing in the middle of it. That's when
I knew I couldn't escape.

I stepped closer to the stalker, and tried to appear
unafraid. I told him it was a nice job and I was sorry
about running away like that. Suddenly, he was gone and
in his place was a small, blue vase. I heard his voice
in my mind, asking, "Well?" I looked down at the little
vase, with absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do
with the thing, but I knew it was important.

Any thoughts? Thanks for your time. -- Linda

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with
the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by
definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family
which constitutes the first and earliest of our
relationships, often influencing how we relate to the
outside world]

** Dream "Confusing Climb" by ?? approx: 1-3am (980802) **

I dreamed my mother and aunt and myself was searching
for my cousin they could not find him. I found my cousin
on the East side of town, he then took me to a house
which had a back porch which was joined to the house with
no stairs.

A moment later I noticed that my cousin left me there
alone. Almost in the same glance to notice my cousin's
disappearance, I looked down and saw a tan mongrel dog
which had been dead for some time, It was really gorey
with puss oozing out of its' belly. Then I noticed that
I was not only looking at it, I was standing in it, I put
my hand in it by mistake. It was very nasty, I searched
for a place to clean my hand and feet.

All of a sudden I was standing looking at a mountain of
snow which was made out of plastic milk crates, the
mountain was as high up as I could see. My two daughters
were on top of the mountain beckoning for me to climb up
to meet them. I started to climb and noticed the gore
that I still had on my hand, I reached behind myself to
wash it in the black beach water and fell in. All of a
sudden I was surrounded by a group of seals swiming all
around me. I went under unable to swim, but the seals
helped me to get to the top of the water to begin to
climb again, which I did. Almost at the top of the man
made mountain I woke up with the sensation that someone
had been massaging the back on my head!!

Comments by Dreamer I frequently have dreams of
climbing up ladders, stair, sides of buildings, and being
taken to the top in an elevator. I rarely dream of dead
creatures. Please interpret for clarity.

== Commentary by Rosalie on Confusing Climb (980809)==

Comments by Rosalie:

>> A moment later I noticed that my cousin left me there
alone. Almost in the same glance to notice my cousin's
disappearance, I looked down and saw a tan mongrel dog
which had been dead for some time, It was really gorey
with puss oozing out of its' belly. Then I noticed that
I was not only looking at it, I was standing in it, I put
my hand in it by mistake. It was very nasty, I searched
for a place to clean my hand and feet.<<

When something has been dead for a long time, it will
only create a mess in my life. There is nothing left to
do than to wash my hands clean of it. Dirt is something
in the wrong place at the wrong time. Dead things need to
be buried and left behind.

>> All of a sudden I was standing looking at a mountain
of snow which was made out of plastic milk crates, the
mountain was as high up as I could see. My two daughters
were on top of the mountain beckoning for me to climb up
to meet them. I started to climb and noticed the gore
that I still had on my hand, I reached behind myself to
wash it in the black beach water and fell in.<<

But the only way I can bury the dead animal and leave it
behind is to die myself in some way, go down in the
frigid, dark cold of death where I can really come clean
of the decay and puss and infection.

>>All of a sudden I was surrounded by a group of seals
swiming all around me. I went under unable to swim, but
the seals helped me to get to the top of the water to
begin to climb again, which I did. Almost at the top of
the man made mountain I woke up with the sensation that
someone had been massaging the back on my head!!<<

Down there in the cold, the dark, the unknown, the
frightening deep, I meet new life, help, assistance to
find new life. New life always comes out of death!

If my head is being massaged then the intellectal side of
my brain, the controlling side can gently be reunited
with the instinctual, intuitive side so that one doesn't
keep the other from functioning, maybe. . .

>> Comments by Dreamer: I frequently have dreams of
climbing up ladders, stair, sides of buildings, and being
taken to the top in an elevator. I rarely dream of dead
creatures. Please interpret for clarity.<<

Spirituality can mean to climb intellectual and
emotionally into higher spheres. But it can also mean
going down into the deep and surfacing. To honor ones
instinctual,knowing body can bring great wisdom. Dreams
impart wisdom coming from all body parts.

What an amazing dream. What a gift to have a dream like


== Commentary by Nutcracker on Confusing Climb (980805)

Symbol : Person / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

In the majority of cases all other people involved in a
dream will represent some aspect of the dreamer. People
we don't know but seem to be like someone we know will
also represent some aspect of the dreamer. People that we
don't know at all represent something new, a new aspect
in the dreamer's life. When the person in the dream is
someone we recognize then we must stop to think what this
person represents to us ( attraction, intelligence,
stupidity, etc.) or if we have some kind of influence
over this person ( emotional, financial, etc.) or maybe
he/she has something that distinguishes him/her ( shy,
trustworthy, etc.). Whichever the case, whatever you feel
that person is symbolizing, the dream is usually about
you. In other words, if you see someone who you think is
highly intelligent, the symbol will be about your own
intelligence. It is also important to notice the gender
of the dream person. A male will represent masculine
energy; rationality, creative boldness, enterprise,
courage. A female or feminine energy stands for
feelings, intuition, relatedness, sensitivity and the
like. Sometimes the dream will actually be about the
relationship with the other person, but it is safer and
more objective to see them as a representation of
yourself first. Take responsibility for what you project
on a dream person and learn from what they are teaching
you about yourself.

Symbol : Buildings / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Buildings of any type are usual in dreams and they
represent the dreamers physical body. In real life the
body is the house of our thoughts, feelings, desires and

Symbol : Stairs / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Stairs or anything that permits you to move up and down
like elevators, ladders, hills, ramps, etc. suggest
either progress or regression. The act of going up means
an advance in some aspect of life or in some situation or
the gaining of a goal. While going down represents the
contrary a regression or depression in life. If your
dream begins in a low level and ends up in a higher level
this will mean you are on the right track. If the
opposite is true then the problem hasn't been solved and
may be getting worse.

Symbol : Left & Right / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

In dreams, the left side symbolizes masculinity and the
right side femininity.

Symbol : Beige / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Beige is a color symbolizing idealism and neutrality.

Symbol : Colors / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Colors almost always appear in abundance in dreams and
they shouldn't be taken into account unless they have an
important role in the dream or they stand out in some
way. Reflect on the way that you use a certain color in
your everyday life and consider how much it influences
you. Do you normally say things like black mood, green
with envy, feeling blue, yellow-bellied, etc. Or maybe
you have a special personal meaning for a color.

Symbol : Dog / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

The dog, the most domesticated of all animals has always
played an important role in the life of mankind. In
mythology the dog has symbolized fidelity, watchfulness,
nobility; it has guarded the gates of the underworld and
attended the dead, has been a messenger of man as well
as his friend ( though sometimes associated with witches
and warlocks). The Christians see the dog as the
protector of the shepherd's flock, therefore sometimes
symbolizing priesthood. Jewish tradition considered the
dog evil or even demonic. Your own feelings towards dogs
should however be the basis for the interpretation.

Symbol : Animals / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Animals represent our instinctual passional nature. The
meaning of this symbol will depend on the associations
that you make with the specific animal. Size and the
manner in which the creatures act in relation to you will
tell you something about your own feelings and reactions.

Symbol : Death / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

We are constantly in a process of transformation and
renewal. But in order to start a new cycle an old one
must "die". We must get rid of old attitudes, behavior
and values. Therefore, deaths in dreams are almost never
a cause for alarm. And they are showing us the end of
some aspect of our psyche. But where there is the end of
one cycle comes the beginning of another.

Symbol : Hand / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Hands are extensions of our personalities. They have
always been an image of good. The way we use them in the
dream is very significant; folded on your chest means
resignation, peace; clenched fists symbolize passion and
protest; we can lift our hands in anger or in surrender;
we use them to bless and to curse; to cover our eyes from
something. Think of the posture of your hands and relate
it to the rest of the dream.

Symbol : Snow / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Snow suggests problems that to the dreamer's eyes seem
helpless. Snow piles up becoming very heavy which
symbolizes a heavy load on the dreamer.

Symbol : Basket / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

As a container, the basket generally symbolizes
fruitfulness. The symbol could well suggest that you are
gaining experience. It may represent your personality as
a whole. What was in the basket is particularly
significant. An empty basket could symbolize an empty

Symbol : Inequality / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Inequality usually comes up in a dream where there is a
comparison between something small and something large,
something high and something low, etc. This suggests
something that is not in equilibrium, and may suggest a
feeling of unjustified inferiority or superiority in the
dreamer. This doesn't mean the dreamer is inferior or
superior, only that he/she feels that way.

Symbol : Two / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

The number two suggests the need to select between two
things, paths, decisions, etc.

Symbol : Numbers / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Numbers usually work more as personal symbols than as
universal symbols and therefore are best interpreted by
the dreamer. If you wish to see the universal
interpretation of a specific number check the symbol for
that number.

Symbol : Black / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

The color black suggest problems, death ( not necessarily
of a person, might be a situation ).

Symbol : Water / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Water is a symbol of the dreamers life and his/her
emotions. Unless there is something wrong with the water,
its presence usually has a positive nature.

Symbol : Head / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

This could be a physical reference to a headache of some
ailment in your head. On the other hand the head is the
symbol of rational thinking and understanding. A large
head might symbolize the rational aspect while a small or
severed head might mean the lack of rational behavior and

Symbol : Drowning / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

This could mean that your problems seem overwhelming at
present. Do you feel you are drowning in your problems?
Are you trying to keep afloat?

Great dream....thanks for sharing with us!


== Commentary by Heratheta on Confusing Climb (980805) ==

avoiding the porch to the left right was the end of
sorrow while the sorrow was "really". where you went
following this dream and what your mood was that day
decided how much sorrow you endured.

** Dream: "Is it a sign?" By Brazilian (980816) **


I'm brazilian and I've got a dream very different to me,
because I'm thinking very much about it.

Before speak about the dream, I need to give you
details. I love very much a woman and, when I spook to
her, she speaks to me: "I don't want". It was about 1
year ago. In this time, I've got very many dreams with
her, but nothing different of normal. But, last week, I
have a dream and I'll speak about it below.

The dream:

In the afternoon, Loana (her name) and me was watching
TV in my mother's bedroom: I had sit down on the floor
and her sits down on the my mother's bed. Suddenly my
cousin (Isabela is her name) arrived and she kisses my
mouth. When Loana saw it, she stands up and ask me: "Who
is she?". When I answered "She's my cousin", Loana
leaves running.

Well, if you may help me I'll say "Thank very much"

My dream can be a sign about a fact? If it's true, what?

I acknowledge beforehand,


RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and
the lower]

STRANGERS [Who and what we don't know yet]

** Dream: A real party by Brazilian (980731) **

I was in my farm, with two friends, what really
happened yesterday, but, somehow there were lots of
people that I'd never seen before. And I went walking
for a beautiful path, with a royal-blue lake and a happy
family, I had a wood in my hand, so I kept on walking.
But I decided to

go back, cause I was goin too far. In
my way back, I saw a girl dressed like a punk witch.

I came back to the party, and everybody was enjoying it.
My farm had become a house of parties! I don't remember
some pieces of it, but I know that later I kissed the
witch, and she had a nasty kiss...

Permission Comments I'd like to have the
interpretaion, but I am from Brazil.

== Commentary by Heratheta on A Real Party (980802) ==

at the farm dream- sorrow was "somehow" while
the end of sorrow was away to the right or left of the
witch. we exorcize spirits (like the "somehow" spirit)we
do not want and unless we go away from them to the right
or left when we wake up we shall walk into them again.
to be or not to be repossesed is where we are are all
going. there's more at

and if you can help, let us know the telephone number
left by an artist on his dream mural outside wall
painting at polk st. and northpoint when you're in san
francisco. so far, nobody's been able to find it.

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams
people have questions on. Theories on what they mean
range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are
paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

** Dream: "Water and Children" by Mermaid At 2am

I had several dream fragments last night. The first
was of my daughter in a bath that had been left running,
and her head was under water. I pulled her up so she
could sit up and enjoy the bath. Then I was with my
husband near the ocean. We discussed going on a boat,
but decided to wait until another time. As we talked,
we were walking along a path on hills covered with dark
green grass above the sea. I slipped from the path, into
the dark, deep water. Although it was near the supposed
shore, it was very deep and I could feel the undertow
pulling at me. My husband was about to go and get help,
when I thought hard about it, took a deep determined
breath, and really pushed my arms and legs. It was
enough effort to get me to shore off my own volition.

== Commentary by Heratheta on Water and Children
(980819) ==

avoid pulling at me- in yourself and others and do this
in peace to the right or left of the water you described

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

= = = = = = = = = = = ==


(None this month)

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Well, that's it for this month. See you next time in
ED 5 #9. Hasta La Vista!





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SUBMITTING DREAMS and Comments about Dreams: EASY!

Electric Dreams will publish your dreams and comments
about dreams you have seen in previous issues. If you
can, be clear what name you want or don't want. Most
people use a pen name. Please include a title for your
dream. Email to: Bob Krumhansl <>

SUBMITTING ARTICLES, projects and letters-to-the-editor.
Electric Dreams is responsive and experimental. If you
have articles or suggestions on dreams, dreaming or
dreamers - including book reviews, movie suggestions or
conferences and meetings, we will publish them. I'm
especially interested in creative interpretive
to dreams, including verbal, dramatization, and mixed
media approaches. Send to:
Richard Wilkerson <>

SUBMITTING NEWS and Calendar events related to dreaming.
We usually have a deadline at the 15th of each month.
Send all events and news to Peggy Coats

SENDING IN QUESTIONS, Replies and Concerns about dreams
and dreaming. We don't pretend to be the final authority
on dreams, but we will submit you questions to our
network and other Internet networks. Also, you are free
to post special interest requests. Send those to
Richard Wilkerson at

JOINING DREAM GROUPS sponsored by Electric Dreams. If
you are interested in joining a group to discuss your
dream with peers, contact Linley Joy

supports the Intuition Network and recommends their
discussion list
Subscription information can be found on

Attach your own web page to Electric Dreams. Do you have
an idea for a dream page, but no web site? Send that
page to Matthew Parry. If you need help with creating
the web page, contact Matthew for about classes.


Thanks to Matthew Parry:

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Electric Dreams, back issues, FAQ and other online dream

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Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine

Thanks to Todd Kuiper for listing us on his e-zine list:

Thanks for the listing in The eZines Database

Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the
Electric Dreams project.

Thanks to low bandwith for listing electric dreams

Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in the
FAQ files at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid and for
other Usenet Newsgroups for allowing us to continually
post messages.

Thanks to our many web links!


The Electric Dreams Staff

Peggy Coats - News & Calender Events Director

Linley Joy - Many thanks for being our ?Dream Group

Bob Krumhansl - Editor & Dream Editor

Matthew Parry - Web Master

Dane Pestano HTML ED Designer

Nutcracker - Dream Journals & Dream Reaper

Victoria Quinton- Friends of Electric Dreams Ring Master
mermaid 8*)

Jesse Reklaw - Art Director & cover Designs

Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director

Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles &

+ The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue to
your dreams!
+ The generous authors of our articles
+ The creative genius of Bryan A. Smith
+ The delightful dreamers and commentators

All dream and article text and art are considered
(C)opyright by the writers, artists and dreamers
themselves. Anyone other than the authors may use or
reprint the text for non-commercial use, but all other
use by anyone other than the author must be with the
permission of either the author or the current Electric
Dreams dream editor.

Electric Dreams is an independent electronic publication
not affiliated with any other organization. The views of
our commentators are personal views and not intended as
professional advice or psychotherapy.

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