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Electric Dreams Volume 05 Issue 01

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Electric Dreams
 · 1 Jan 2021


Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

Volume 5 Issue 1

Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

January 1998

Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams

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Volume 5 Issue #1

29 January 1998

ISSN# 1089 4284


Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web



-- Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Bob Krumhansl <>

--Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

--Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>

--For back issues, editors addresses
and other access & Staff see
at the end of this issue


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++ Editor's Notes
++ Dream Airing Column
Victoria Quinton
++ Column: Dream Trek
Linda Lane Magall¢n
++ Column: Divine Messages: Divine Origin
Dr. D.
++ Book Review: _The Way of the Dream_
Karen Walker
++NLP and Dreams
Michal Wallace
++ Review: Interactive Dreaming CD

G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats

This Month's Features:

+Dreamcatching: Every Parents Guide to Understanding and
Exploring Children's Dreams and Nightmares
+15th Annual International Dream Conference
+Radio Dreams
+DreamUp Version 2.0 Available
+Gateways to Self Discovery: Dreams and Shamanic Journey
+The Dreamer's Companion
+Dream Gatherings in the Netherlands

Dream Questions

+The Gospel of One Favorite Child
+The Dream Game
+Dream Pot
+The Dreamer Sleep Paralysis and OBE
+The Epic Dewfall FAQ
+Anthony Dubetz Easy Dreams: Making Nightmares Pay
+Electric Dreams Around The World
+Dylan's Dream Inspiration
+DreamScape Web Ring : Dream Journals
+The History of Dreaming - Monthly Class
+Dream Tree Has Grown

DREAM CALENDAR for February 1998

DREAMS and COMMENTS: coming out later this month!

FEBRUARY 13, WED deadline for submission
FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 5(1)


Editors' Notes


Welcome to Electric Dreams, the first issue of 1998 and the fifth
year of online publication. We plan this year to continue
covering all the events we can online as well as offline that
have to do with dreams and dreaming, and to continue being an
open forum to discuss dreams and dream related issues.
Backissues, articles, reviews and interviews are all available

This year I'm going to focus on a couple of new areas. The
first is getting a good dream faq. I still can't believe that all
we have are bits and pieces from here and there. You can find the
collection on the USA Electric Dreams site
but what I would really like to see is a larger topic base and
distributed answers by a large number of contributors. To start
this off, let's collect the questions. Send them to me (with your
response if you can), post them, perhaps on the ASD bulletin
board and poise them around the Net in usenet
newsgroups and mail lists, discussion lists, etc. Then we can
begin to collect them and create a public document.

Also, I would like to have some Online programs for beginning
dream folks. I once called this program the Dream Fountain, which
would be kind of like Rush Week at a fraternity. A taste of many
online sites and approaches to dreams. At the heart is a dream.
The dream will move across the Net into various web sites,
newsgroups, dream groups and other venues. Would you like to be
included in the Dream Fountain? Drop me a line.

For some time, Peggy Coats has been reviewing dream products and
we have been publishing them in the Global Dreaming News. I'm
planning on pitching in this year and helping with some of the
reviews and you should be able to find a regular column on this,
either in the GD news when I'm organized, or as a separate
article when I miss the deadline. Peggy has also done some major
renovations on the site and you really should
stop by and see all the additions. This site continues to be one
of the top spots online for information and exploration of dreams
and dreaming!

Speaking of the Global Dreaming News, there are a lot of new
sites and upcoming events this month! I'm adding a new review on
the Interactive Dreaming System, (be sure to read the note from
Ann Klein in the Dream Airing Column on Group Dreaming), and
Peggy has a review of the Sky Systems Dream Journal. Web sites
are popping up all over, including Kelly Bulkeley and Alan
Siegel's DreamCatching site and Henry Reeds Dream Site. Henry is
soon to add articles from the famous grassroots (out of print)
dream periodical the Sundance Community Journal. The Association
for the Study of Dreams Hawaii Conference is coming up this
summer - do you have your plans made yet? Be sure to read the
update and follow the progress of this fabulous International
conference. Read about these and more in the Global Dreaming

Usually we look at psychic dreams as portents of something
ominous. Linda Magallon is here to cure our overworked desires to
turn dreams into significant events in the dayworld and help us
delight in the fullest joys of paranormal dreaming in her Dream
Trek Column.

Why do we dream and where do dreams come from? This question and
others will addressed by Dr. D., whose new monthly column,
"Divine Messages" aims to restore the original status of
Dreams. Dr D. encourages direct contact with him, pertinent
comments or even insults, or preferably to share their dreams, if
they relate to this controversial issue, by Read the column, write the author!

Ad Christiaensen, host of the ASD bulletin board
visits us with some research from Japan. He also has some
suggestions for helping out dream research online.

Keith Garcia, from the Lucidity Institute takes a looks a the
question of dreams and health - what are newest developments in
the mind/body healing game?

Next month: Anthony Dubetz begin a several month series on one
of the many approaches to dreams he has developed over the years.
In addition to getting the information piece by piece, the whole
book is available now on the Web. Anthony will also be available
on the Electric Dreams ed-core mail list for discussion of the
material, or via private email. ]

Editors Note: Where are the Dreams and Comments? We are still
putting this section together for the last month and it will
arrive separately later this month. -Richard

Dream Authors and Web Site Owners - Please Read

Have you been trying to get information published on Electric
Dreams for months and just don't know why you are getting cut
out? Have we said we would interview you and then never gotten
back to you? Well, don't despair, its not because we have cast
you aside as not important, but simply because you have fallen
through the cracks of a volunteer network. We get tons of
information and try to get it all out each month by donating
dozens of unpaid hours. I'm not complaining, we all love the
online dream network, but the tasks do get squeezed in between
everything else going on in life. Like some great dreams
themselves, some projects get forgotten. I apologize personally,
as we really do make an effort to get *your* project out and
If this has happened to you, please, please, keep sending in
your requests, articles, dreams and dream related projects. If
you would like to help us sort and explore and expand the online
dream network, drop me a line



I am still looking to expand my children and dreams page:

and would welcome any ideas.

May you all have fulfilling dreams.

Victoria Quinton


Dear fellow dreamers,

I wish to send a sincere thank you to everyone who
participated in my Mutual Dreams survey. I will update Richard
on the results as soon as possible. To anyone who hasn't done
so, I still welcome your participation. Thank you all so much.

I also wish to thank Richard Wilkerson and everyone else
connected with Electric Dreams for allowing me the opportunity it
include my survey in last month's issue.
Sincerely, Julie Keyser


From Kat from alt.mythology

In Japanese Mythology a Baku is the eater of nightmares.
A friend of mine has a beautiful ivory Baku netsuke in his
collection that is part lion, part elephant, part bird. It
devours bad dreams and restores soothing rest to a person
disturbed by nightmares. Especially, those nightmares brought on
by illness.

netsuke is the Japanese art of bone carving

From Europe:

Ad Christiaensen

Now I want attend (point your attention) to information that may
be useful for E.D. As you understand, a journal as Sleep accepts
research on REM sleep from time to time, and although I do not
know of devices to measure the movements yourself (devices that
are affordable), and the movements alone, up to know seem not to
show clear relations with all kinds of behavior (as far as I
know, but I may be totally wrong), information about them may be
sought for, and can be important pieces of the dream-puzzle and
its relation with bodily functioning, and mind-body connections.

That is why I want to draw your attention to Japanese researchers
in Sleep nr 9 1997, where they describe the invention or
construction of 3 new Eye Movement parameters, and 4 refined
measures of known REM characteristics

The writers and title:
Takahashi K. - Atsumi Y.

Precise measurement of individual rapid eye movements in REM
sleep of humans

Address correspondence and reprint requests: Takahashi K. M.D.

Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital 2-1-1 Kamikitazawa
Setagaya-ku Tokyo 156 Japan.
Because of copyright I want to state that part of the following
text is copied literal from the original
They developed an automated analyzer, working with 3 basic
measures of eye movement: time of onset, duration, and
amplitude of each EM.

The seven indicators:

EM count (number in a period of time)
EM frequency (number EM's per minute)
EM interval (time between 2 successive EM'S)
EM duration (time from onset to end)
EM rotation (degree of eyeball rotation)
EM velocity (angular velocity: degrees/second -
of eyeball rotation)
EM power (EM rotation)2/EM duration (total energy
estimation during one EM)

As I wrote in the beginning I might doubt my knowledge on the
absence of he usefulness of REM density, because the writers
mention research in which REM-density was used to 'evaluate
mental characteristics such as intelligence, and mental
development(27-29), depressive illness (22,25, 30,31),
schizophrenia (32), and aging (24,33). EM frequency apparently is
more sensitive then REM density. McPartland (22) used the measure
and found differences between normals and depressive people 'as
well as fine changes in EM frequency that correlated with the
amount of medication and severity of symptoms'

REM density seems also to change during successive REM periods of
the night. In healthy adults they increase progressively. An
inverted V pattern in childhood that changes to the ascent
-to-right-pattern in adolescence. V shaped in depressive illness,
that is partially normalized by medication, an inverted V
pattern reflecting the severity of Alzheimer's disease, and a
flat pattern in narcoleptics. 'More detailed classifications of
these patterns could be obtained based on EM frequency '

Reading the whole article - which I advise - shows the
usefulness of these new and refined measures. The authors state
that the new indicators will soon be combined with PET and MRI
measures, and I wish to conclude with my hope and request that
they will be complemented by dream-content of the groups and
individuals to be examined.


A second idea, that I also wrote to Peggy, may be to use the
different addresses written in published articles, to construct
a list of addresses of dream (and sleep) researchers, that you
place on your home page or bibliography-list. Problem is that
you have to update them (with their help, if you ask), and that
only one of the team members addresses is printed in the article.
Again one may try to ask the one member to give the other
addresses if the others do not object.

Access to libraries facilitates such a task.

Keep dreaming.

Questions and Answers from The Lucidity Institute

Posted by sharon smallwood, M.A. on Friday January 2nd, 1998 at
3:39:20 PM
> PST:
I have been experimenting with lucid dreaming for myself for
several years and have found a strange, exciting link between
the state and physical healing. I am also interested in how to
use the lucid dream state with clients in the psychotheraputic
setting. I hope to connect with/find others who are also
interested in lucid dreams, have actually experienced them, and
have discovered this exciting side-effect of how it can
influence the physical and emotional states. My gut- feeling
regarding these dream states is they closely parallel the
shamanic healing realms, and that research needs to be done in
the area of mind/body connections, psychoneuroimmunology, and
other arenas where the mind can be demonstrated to effect the
body's healing response. Is there anyone else out there who has
discovered this link, either through their own clinical practice,
their own personal experience, or have heard of others doing
research in this area?

From Keith Garcia, Lucidity Institute

Research has found that people's emotions and how they feel can
affect their health. I saw an article in Science and Medicine
that Scientific American publishes that illustrated a beginning
to an understanding of the mechanism of the mind/body connection.
It would seem that in dreams, we are closer to that mind body
connection than we are when awake, so whatever influence one may
have over health would be even stronger in the dream state. I
recently read an article in the "San Jose Mercury News"(San Jose
Mercury News; Science & Technology; Tuesday, January 6, 1998;page
2F) that discusses research done at the National Institutes of
Health and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. They used
positron emission tomography scans to see what parts of the brain
are active during REM sleep and found that most activity took
place in the limbic system which is known to modulate emotions
and long term memory. Since emotions are related to health in
some way and the limbic system is very active during REM sleep,
there seems to be some logic that dreaming could facilitate


Keith Garcia
The Lucidity Institute, Inc. * tel: 650.321.9969 * fax:
650.321.9967 * *

Ann Klein <>

Hi Group Dreamers:

Here's this month's group dream intention statement. (A
Valentine's Topic: "Beloved" can be a person, dream lover, The
Beloved, etc.).

Statement: Dreams, Teach Me New Depths of My Beloved!
Graphic: See the website (address/link below)

How to participate:

1. Dream on this month's topic from 2/1 - 2/7, and record your
2. E-mail me any dreams that you feel relate to the group topic,
along with any comments about them and their meaning to you
and/or impact on your life. Include dream date.
3. Specify whether you want your e-mail address included in the
posting or not.
4. Tell any interested friends about this project!

Please send me an e-mail if you do not want to participate in
this project. (I could not tell from some of your comments in my
Guest Book which of you wanted to be included).


By Linda Lane Magall¢n

Jingle Dreams


A dream to hang on the holiday tree, that's what I needed. It was
Friday, the night before the Bay Area Dreamworkers Group party,
and I still hadn't dreamt up an experience to share with the
party-goers. So I gave myself a strong "it's now or never"
suggestion and drifted into sleep. In the late morning, my mind
began to weave an elaborate dream. After many adventures, my
dreaming self started to question the dream plot. Finally, I
became lucid.

"I remember playing music earlier in the dream as well as my
incubation task. I decide it would be more appropriate for this
Christmas dream to have Christmas music. Dark-haired women are
rushing here and there throughout this old house of many odd,
greenish rooms with thick walls and skewed doorways. I try to
stop the women and get them to sing with me "Away In A Manger"
and "Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem." But they only accompany me
through the first few words before running away again.

"Finally I figure I might have more success with an easier song.
"Does anybody here know 'Jingle Bells'?" I ask, entering still
another room with a slanted floor step. A strong woman's voice
responds to the tune of "Jingle Bells:"

"'Jingle bells / Oh, little bells / Jiggling in the sun...'

"Obviously this woman is creating her own humorous variation of
the song. I look up at another door across the room. In its
center is a small rectangular pass-through just large enough so I
can see the woman's eyes, moving lips and the fact that she has
light hair. I come closer to see if I can recognize this
jokester. I do. It's Patricia Keelin."

Keelin called me later that Saturday saying she couldn't attend
the festivities but could I stop on the way to pick up her
Christmas dream and the ornament she had created in ceramics
class? Yes, I could, I said and told her I had dreamt of her that

"Oh, I hope it wasn't anything embarrassing," was her immediate
response. I laughed, thinking how close she was.

"You'll have to decide that for yourself!" I made a copy of my
dream and exchanged it with Keelin's while we met briefly.

Five days later Keelin called me on the telephone. She told me
she was feeling a strong sense of d‚j… vu because of the dream
she'd had that morning:

"I telephone Linda to tell her about the amazing and amusing
synchronicity of her dream with my own waking reality

So what was the waking experience that triggered my dream of her?
Here's Keelin's own journal entry:

"Thursday evening (November 29th) en route to ceramics class, I
spontaneously burst into song. A few traditional Christmas carols
suggest themselves but I settle on "Jingle Bells." There is no
one else in the car, and I'm feeling quite impish and full of
child-like mischief as I change the words a bit, improvising a
version I'd never sing in public:

"Dashing through the snow / In a one-horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go / Farting all the way
(Here I add 3 short raspberries)
Jingle bells, jingle bells / Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to fart / In a one-horse open sleigh (Rasp!)

"After I finish singing and chuckling I think my behavior
somewhat bizarre and wonder what has gotten into me. I remember
feeling grateful that no one was within hearing distance!

"...I'm still laughing o'er this one and the amazing
synchronicity of Linda's dream. Oh, what fun it is!"

No one within hearing distance, indeed! My telepathic dreamself
is an imp, too. What better holiday fun to share than one where
two jokesters giggle/jiggle/jingle together? (Fly-By-Night
Club) (DreamPSI



Dr. D


It was believed, in the past, that dreams were of divine
This profound belief persists, still today, in many places around
the world, but, generally, in the Western world, dreams have long
lost their divine character.

In a remote past, the Assyro-Babylonians, the Egyptians,
the Celts, the Greco-Romans and many other civilizations believed
that dreams were "Divine Messages". The Greeks, well known for
their rational logic, often considered them to be messages from

Elsewhere, in India, the holy scriptures also describe
dreams to be "Divine Messages." In the same area, Chinese
wisemen, similarly to the Ancient Egyptians, believed that dreams
occurred when the soul, the "hun", was momentarily separated from
the body and could then enter in direct communication with
spirits, ghosts of the dead and gods.

Furthermore, up to the present day, all the so-called
primitive civilizations, whether Amerindians, African tribal
nations or Aborigens of Australia and the Pacific, all agree
about the importance of dreams, which they believe to be
adventures of the soul, when this one leaves the body during
sleep and often attribute them to be messages from their

Closer to us, in Islam, where dreams are considered with
highest respect, the Prophet Mohammed makes of them "a
conversation between Man and God"... an ideology which he clearly
defines in his most famous words....

" He, who does not believe in the true dream, does not
believe in Allah nor in the Day of Reckoning."

....and carries on saying that, furthermore, dreams are
glimpses of the Other World to which we aspire after death!

" Now Allah has created the dream not only as a means of
guidance and instruction, I refer to the true dream, but he has
made it as a Window on the World of the Unseen. "

And finally, over here in the West, where Christianity
and Judaism are predominant, it was also believed that dreams
were also "Divine Messages", as clearly indicated in many places
in the Old Testament of the Bible....

" And He said, " Hear now my words: If there be a prophet
among you, I , the Lord, will make Myself known to him in a
vision, and will speak unto him in a dream."
Words of the Lord of the Universe, Himself... revealed to
Moses, Aaron and Miriam.... and preserved in Numbers 12.6

" In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep
falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then he openeth
the ears of men, and sealeth their instructions."
words of Elihu, in Job 33.15.....Holy Land, sometimes B.C.

" For the Days of the Lord are coming..... . And it shall
come to pass afterward, saith God, that I will pour out my Spirit
on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see
Even on my servants and handmaidens I will pour out, in
those days, my Spirit; and they shall prophesy."
Words of the Lord himself revealed to the prophet Jo‰l
preserved in Jo‰l 2.28-30 in the Old Testament and, due to their
crucial importance, repeated in the New Testament in Acts

Very unfortunately, there came at the turn of the
5th century a guy, by the name of Saint Jerome, who brutally
reversed this trend. Troubled by the fact that some dreams " said
to be difficult" which appeared to go against Christian ethics,
Jerome decided that dreams were messages of the Devil and
consequently, condemned them.

(In 383 Pope Damasus asked Jerome to translate the Greek bible
into Latin, the so called Vulgate Bible. A terrible (for dreams)
mis-translation occurred. Jerome translated the Greek "You shall
not practice augury or witchcraft." into "You shall not practice
augury nor observe dreams." Dreams interpretation became classed
with soothsaying and witchcraft. Since Jerome himself was led
back to the Church from paganism (or study of the "classics" like
Cicero) by a dream vision, this act is more difficult to
understand. Whatever the reason, the Latin Vulgate translation
would eventually lead to the people (usually women) being accused
of witchcraft for dream sharing, and clearly set the practice of
dream sharing on the side of pagan practices, even though dreams
and visions through dreams were a deep part of the
Hebraic-Christian tradition.
( Courtesy from RC Wilkerson and referenced from Morton Kelsey's

Most unfortunately, since, the Church followed in declaring
that dreams had to be ignored..... but, if you look carefully,
this was exactly in contradiction with the truthful words of God
himself which were clearly written in the Bible... a most awful
decision which plunged all Christians in total darkness for nealy
1700 years... by preventing God to freely communicate with the
children of his own Creation!

"Divine Messages" is a new monthly column, whose main
purpose is to restore the original status of Dreams....and I am
your host " Dr. D."
.... and those who wish to get in contact with me directly, to
pass their pertinent comments or even insults, or preferably to
share their dreams, if they relate to this controversial issue,
are most welcomed to do it by ...
Don't be shy!


OK! in this first monthly presentation, we will
rapidly try to answer two main questions in regards to
dreams...actually two mysteries....

"Why do we dream and where do dreams come from?"

During the last century, many individuals have tried to
answer these questions... and a person who came very close to
discover the key to this enigma is Carl Jung, who without any
method, still analyzed some 2,000 dreams per year and made a
discovery about what he calls the "Collective
Unconsciousness".....which has, at times, in the past, been also
called, by the Ancient Egyptians, the "Mind of the Universe"...
or God's Head by others.

Regardless, it is in a book entitled in
french..."L'Homme a la decouverte de son ame"... which should be
entitled in English something like "Man in quest of the soul"...
that Carl developed the idea that "Big Dreams" came from the most
profound depths of the Collective Unconsciousness. There is a
paragraph in this book, of which I have the french version...
which I will try to translate....for now, until someone provides
us with the original english translation.

" If we could personify the unconscious, we could make
of it a collective human being, who would have the
characteristics of both sexes and who transcending time, life and
death and having an experience of two million years, would be
considered almost immortal. If this being would exist, he would
be intemporal.... his dreams would be secular and his inestimable
experience would make of him a wonderful...DREAM INTERPRETER. He
would have lived a 1,000 times the experience of all individuals
and would possess a living sense of the rhythm of growth,
blossoming and decrepitude. Unfortunately, or rather fortunately,
this Being DREAMS...."

You see, this is extremely interesting, because what
Mr.Jung is saying tries to indicate that a certain Being seems to
envellop the whole Collective Unconsciousness! Most impressive
isn't it? But again why would that be?

The answer, is quite childish and so simple once we think
of it.... but in order to understand we must go back very very
far in the past. Let me briefly explain...

Prior to the material Creation of the Universe.... only
one single entity prevailed in the whole Universe.... namely the
Primordial Soul of the Creator. That's all!

In this regard, many scriptures exist, and for instance
in the "Taittiriya Brahmana", on may read....

" In the beginning this World was nothing at all.
Heaven was not, nor Earth, nor Space. Because it was not, it
bethought itself : "I will be."

Also, in the "Brihadaranyaka Upanishad,1.4.1-3, one may
also read...

" In the beginning, this World was Atman (
Primordial Soul) alone in the form of a Being. Looking around, he
saw nothing else but himself. He said first: "I am."....

Also, in Tao Teh Ching, XXV, Lao-Tzu says of it...

" There was something formless yet complete,
That existed before heaven and earth;
Without sound, without substance,
Dependent on nothing, unchanging,
All pervading, unfailing,
One may think of it as the Mother of all
things under heaven."

As stated in the the Egyptian Book of the Dead where God
is the "breath of Life"...

" He did not bring me forth from his mouth, nor conceive
me in his hand, but he breathed me forth from his nostrils."

The important point here to make, is not to find out what
God, or the Creator, if you prefer the term looked liked at that
time, although we will get to that during the next months... but
rather to put emphasis on the fact that "He" thinks and
dreams.... and to realize that ....because He made us to his
image ...this is the reason why we, his children, therefrom,
also think and dream just like Him! Because to think and to dream
are two different forms of expression of our immortal souls,
respectively in both the conscious and unconscious modes!

Let me explain better. The Primordial Soul or Primordial
and First Anima, the Life Principle of the Universe, created
everything including everything that exists and lives in the vast
Universe, in both the material and spiritual domains, of the
whole of Creation. Therefore, every animated living being, which
exists in the flesh or in the spiritual nature, is originally
issued, when we go back countless generations to the same and
unique Primordial Soul.

Interestingly enough, once this Being, managed to exist in
the flesh, it found ways to multiply itself. For example, from
the union of a man and a woman, can occur the miracle of life,
which can be transmitted by flesh into a greater number of
individuals, called children, which in turn with the parents
create a family, the smallest group in society... which through
time expanded into much larger groups called nations and
civilizations which united together form humanity as a whole.

So, this is the reason why, generally speaking, we can
surely affirm that we are obviously all issued from the same
original soul....and this is also why we all think and dream the
same, besides giving a logical foundation to "unifying principle"
of the phenomena of inter-activity existing between all souls in
the dream realm.... and, finally and most importantly, this is
also the simple reason why souls are immortal because they are
directly linked in this unique perspective to the Eternal
Primordial Soul from which they cannot dissociate!

However, it must be understood that even if new individual
souls may be created everyday... that some others, obviously the
ones which dream of very ancient archetypes, may be much older
than other newer ones! Acknowledging the fact that an individual
soul which may have been in existence for Ages, will be stronger
than a new-born one, it may decide to occupy this new
incarnation, another mystery which is linked to the mystery of

" I held that when a person dies
His soul returns again to earth;
Arrayed in some new flesh-disguise,
Another mother gives him birth.
With sturdier limbs and brighter brain
The old soul takes the road again."
( John Masefied, A Creed )

.... this may sound bizarre at first...but an
hierarchy exist among souls, a certain seniority, from which
young souls benefit from the presence and experience of older
"guiding" ones, who have undergone, many times, the cyclical
processes of Life and Death!

Also, in this respect, a disciple of C. Jung, by the
name of Erich Neumann, who carried the research of Jung quite a
bit further in this field, made some interesting discoveries in
regards to the individuals, who are animated by "very old souls"
and which he refers to as "Great Individuals"... which we shall,
among ourselves, call "G.I.Joes".

In his terms, the Great Individuals....
(which he attempts to describe, with more or less
success, in a chapter entitled " The Group and the Great
Individual" of the appendices of his book called " The Origins
and History of Consciousness", in pages 421 to 435....from which
the following might be some of the best extracts....(we have to
remember that this book is a translation from a 1949 german
.... are very special human beings....

" The phenomenon of the guardian spirit is particularly
interesting because in it we can observe, in collective form, the
act which was normally the experience of the Great Individual

" Not only is the spirit alive and active in the group
psyche, that is, in the group's unconscious, but these spiritual
phenomena of the collective unconscious manifest themselves in
revelations which are perceived by particularly gifted
individuals who, precisely because they become revelatory bearers
of the transpersonal, prove to be Great Individuals.
The collective unconscious of the group manifests
itself by taking possession of the individual (who is in the
process of becoming a G.I.), whose function is, as an organ of
the group, to convey to this group the content of the
unconscious." (423)

" We have, therefore, a whole hierarchy of phenomena
revealing the deep layers of the psyche, and a corresponding
hierarchy of revelation bearers who appear as Great
Individuals." (424)

Very interesting, Mr.Neumann, your theory of

"The G.I., ...., is characterized not only by the
fact that the unconscious content has him in its grip, but by the
fact that his conscious mind also has an active grip on the
content (of the universal collective unconsciousness)." (426)

... in simpler terms, he is saying that the G.I.Joe
is a form of victim of the Dream Realm which has him in its
grip...but, even more surprisingly, his "Will Power" also has a
grip on this Collective Unconsciousness. In other words, he may
appear in dreams of many individuals, if not all, if he wishes
it. Incredible isn't it?

" For the group member, the GI is primarily the
carrier of projections. The unconscious psychic wholeness of the
collective is experienced in the person of the GI, who is at once
the group self and the unconscious self of each member." (428)

So, this is the main reason why, he is supposed to be a
good dream interpreter...

And for those really interested about dreams it may be
good one more time to stress the fact that God or the Mind of the
Universe also dreams and it has been known by many old
civilizations that when this being comes in the flesh, it does
among many other things... interpret dreams!! For instance, take
the words of Joseph, as stated in Genesis 40,8, in reply to the
cupbearer and baker of the Pharaoh....who could not find anyone
to interpret their dreams.

" Do not dreams' interpretations belong to God?
Tell me you dreams."

.... and can teach or approve the divine art of
dream interpretation, because many others who have this talent
can also do it !

" The GI who breaks away from the anonymity of the
primordial collective is, on the heavenly plane the god-figure,
while on the earthly plane he is the medicine man, chief and

" The King now turns into a worldly ruler....and
this is accompanied by a process in which every individual
acquires an immortal soul, that is, becomes (just like him)
Osiris..." (429)

.... a very profound theory, which indicate that indeed
the presence of these G.I.Joes may have a very powerful and
benevolent effect on the younger souls of other individuals and
as such of humanity in totality!

Actually, to simplify Mr.Neumann's profound words, the
"Top GI" which is our Old Primordial Soul.... which is extremely
active in the dream realm.... and many people happen to dream of
Him who is the King of this realm. Just like the Druids who could
see the future king in their dreams.... any dreamer can also do
that ... and this is where the fun really begins with dreams....
because with our dreams we do not only get to know ourselves
better... but we also get to know God, the Creator... who
surprisingly comes in the flesh, cyclically, and more often than
we may think, in order to preside to the completion of his

" Adam...his soul passed by transmigration into David...his
soul transmigrated into the Messiah." - The Talmud ( Hershon's
"Treasures of the Talmud", p.242 )

" And He said, " Hear now my words: If there be a prophet
among you, I , the Lord, will make Myself known to him in a
vision, and will speak unto him in a dream."
Numbers 12.6

" For the Days of the Lord are coming..... . And it shall
come to pass afterward, saith God, that I will pour out my Spirit
on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see
Even on my servants and handmaidens I will pour out, in
those days, my Spirit; and they shall prophesy."
Jo‰l 2.28-30 and Acts 2.16-18.

So, in conclusion, not that you know why you dream and
where your dreams come from... when God decides to come in the
flesh... he warns people " in dreams" about his coming in the
flesh.... and for those who would like to know his numerous human
incarnations have usually been known as Avataras, Christos,
Messiahs, Celestial Messengers or simply Covenants or Prophets of
God! That's all!!!

So, finally, this is the reason why lately, so many
people make different dreams about the actual Advent!

For example, the "Revelation" Dream of Angst Ridn,
exposed in last Nov.'s issue of "Electric Dreams".....

Dream: "Revelation" by AngstRidn (971114) **

God, in (male) human form, was going around the town telling
everyone to meet at a specific time, at a certain place the
following day. We (my family) gathered up food (roasted
chicken), clothes and whatever items we could fit into a small
bag to take with us. The place we were to all meet had stadium
seating built into a hillside, overlooking a lake or ocean. The
next day arrived and we hurried to get into our seats. Far up in
the sky, off to my right, the clouds began rolling furiously,
turning this way and that and they were in beautiful colors of
melon and gold. Amidst the clouds came God, riding in a white
chariot. There was a mermaid standing behind him wearing a green
sequined mermaid type outfit. As we sat there waiting for God to
pass above us and take us either to heaven or hell, I said to the
people on either side of me, "I wonder if I'll go to heaven?
I've never killed anybody and I'm truly sorry for anyone's
feelings I've ever hurt." Although I had already seen and heard
God speak (in the flesh), I was afraid that I wasn't worthy
enough to meet him face to face and by all rights, he should shun
me. In an instant, people were gone from the stands, some to
heaven (me) and some to hell. Others were left behind, like my
sister, so that they could stay on earth and start a family
before God came back for them in three years time. (11/13/97)

..... a very interesting dream indeed.

Now, interpretation wise... a good interpretation of any dream
should have its whole essence exposed in only a few words or
sentences...and the message contained in this dream is very

"God has decided to come to town, now!!!"...that's

And when he comes he always comes the same usual way...
governed by certain constant rules... to make it easy to
recognise him...that's all!

Anyways, this rather amazing "Revelation" dream, cited
above, indicates exactly how he will come, and what he will do,
which is always the same "Old Thing" as usual, as he did at
countless occasions in the order for people to again
"easily" recognise him...

" No one knows about that day or hour, not even
the Angels in Heaven, nor the Son, only the Father. As it was in
the Days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man."
( Matthew 24 : 36-37 )

.....which clearly indicates that the tradition never changes...
and he speaks in the ears of people at night in their dreams...

" In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep
falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then he openeth
the ears of men, and sealeth their instructions."
( words of Elihu, in Job 33.15.....Holy Land, sometimes

.... and this is exactly what happens with AngstRidn
"Revelation" dream... in which God who "always" speaks in dreams,
actually said in a dream that he was coming... that's all!

And this is quite normal because he is the King of the
Spiritual Realm... which on earth we know as the Dream
Realm...simply because he is the first... the primordial, the
first to live and the first that died...and consequently the
first one in the other world... which is, therefore, consequently
and logically... His. That's all!

In this dream again, it is quite interesting to see how
God, in his Glorious Spiritual Forms, comes and appears in the
dream realm... as Angst Ridn says...

"Far up in the sky, off to my right, the clouds began
rolling furiously, turning this way and that and they were in
beautiful colors of melon and gold. Amidst the clouds came God,
riding in a white chariot."

... and take your time to compare this with prophetic biblical

" Look! He advances like the clouds, his Chariots come like a
whirlwind, his Horses are swifter than eagles.." (Jeremiah 4:15)

" See!,the Lord is coming with Fire, and his Chariots are like a
whirlwind." ( Isa‹ah 66:15)

.....and we can easily see that it is always the same
way...simply because he is revealed to the world in that very
subtile and particular way!!!

" The Lord (Christos) shall be revealed with his Mighty flaming fire..." ( 2 Thessalonians, 1: 7-8

The Lord's identity shall be revealed in a his
Mighty Angel which happens to be his Chariot... the Chariot of

" He is the Chariot of Isra‰l and the Horsemen thereof." (2 Kings

..... talking about some Horse of Fire!!!

In this divine respect, we shall begin to get
acquainted with the Individual Eternal Holy Spirit of the Lord in
the next monthly issues of "Electric Dreams" under this column of
"Divine Messages".... and until then stay tuned...

" Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and "every eye
shall see him", even those who pierced him ; and all the peoples
of the earth will wail because of him.
So shall it be! Amen.
I am Alpha and Omega", says the Lord God " who is, and who
was, and who is to come, the Almighty." ( Revelation 1, 7 - 8 )

"If men who have been warned by heavenly messengers have been
indifferent to them, as regards religions, they suffer long,
being born in a low condition."

"If virtuous men who have been warned by celestial messengers in
this World, they do not neglect them and investigate and profess
the Holy doctrines. Seeing the danger of attachment, which is the
cause of birth and death, they have in this life extinguished the
miseries of existence by arriving at a condition free from fear,
happy and free from passions and sins."
( Anguttara Nikaya, Eka Duka and Tika
Nipata (Galle, Ceylon,1913 pp.160-5, translation by


Book Review:


Reviewed by Karen Walker


THE WAY OF THE DREAM - Conversations on Jungian Dream
with Marie-Louise von Franz by Fraser Boa (Shambala 1988),
paperback, 239 pages .

This fascinating and readable book on Jungian dream
interpretation is based on a documentary film series by Fraser
Boa. In conversations with Fraser Boa, Marie-Louise von Franz
analyzes dreams obtained in street interviews with people around
the world. Von Franz, a Jungian analyst, had worked with Jung
for 30 years and at the time of the series had already
interpreted 65,000 dreams. She analyzes the dreams from the
street interviews like a master decipherer, drawing on vast
experience and knowledge, yet the tone of the book is
conversational rather than abstruse.

In interpreting our own dreams, von Franz warns us that usually
we project what we already know into the dream. The purpose of
the dream is to show us what we don't know. Jung would tell his
dreams to his students or to someone who knew nothing of dream
interpretation. If they could not say what the dream meant, at
least they could give him a sense of what it did not mean.

For Von Franz, dreams are like letters delivered to our conscious
mind from our Self. In Jungian terms, the Self is that which
guides our psychic life. It could be called our divine center.
Dreams give us direction, predict future events, and show us the
way towards harmony with our Self.

It is when we are out of harmony with the Self that the energies,
unexpressed emotions and unrealized potentials of our lives
result in neurosis or neurotic symptoms. Restlessness is the
most general neurotic symptom today, according to von Franz.
This restlessness, a bottled-up energy in the unconscious which
we do not tap and do not integrate into consciousness,

"can take the form of an all-pervading anxiety, a fear that
somewhere, something dark is lurking and might happen at any
minute. Then one is anxious about nothing all the
time....Irritability, aggressiveness, oversexiness, or a feeling
of complete meaninglessness or emptiness — all the symptoms of
different neurotic diseases come from that restlessness."

The Self, along with the shadow, animus and anima, can be seen as
dream figures. Each dream figure can personify aspects of our
total personality. The shadow figure usually appears in the
dream as a person of the same sex as the dreamer. Whether a
positive or negative figure, it is a part of ourselves we'd
rather not take a look at, a part we haven't integrated into our

The anima or feminine aspect in a man appears in his dreams as a
woman. One man dreamed of a sexy vampire from whom there seemed
no escape. Von Franz comments:

"The dream tries to tell him it's a ghost which is haunting
him because, actually, he's haunted not by reality but by a
fantasy which is draining his whole psychic energy.. . .The
blood is the emotional, active psyche in us, the affective
psyche. After being sucked by a vampire, people have no activity
left, or no life activity left. They just sink into passive
wishful dreams.

That is really the characteristic of most negative or
split-off complexes. If we reject or split off some complex of
our psyche, then it begins to sap our energy secretly behind our
back. . . They come into analysis and they day, ‘I feel
listless, I just feel tired, I just don't want to do anything. I
wake in the morning already depressed. Nothing means anything to
me any more. I have no interest or anything.' "

The animus dream figure appears in the dreams of women as a male
figure. It is a woman's inner man. In a chapter entitled "The
Tyrant," von Franz discusses the dream of a woman in which her
father appears as the chief of police. The dreamer is stroking a

". . . the cat often is an image of something feminine,
independent and sure of itself, just what modern women so often
lack . . . . the chief of police is that animus in woman who
wants orderly, conventional behavior that will not be shocking
to anyone. Just the opposite of a cat."

The Jungian technique for discovering the meaning of a dream is
to look at it like a drama and "examine it under three
structural headings: first, the introduction or exposition — the
setting of the dream and the naming of the problem; second, the
peripeteia — that would be the u ps and downs of the story; and
finally, the lysis — the end solution or, perhaps, catastrophe."

Von Franz warns that the dream world can be dangerous. "It can
suck us away from reality and spin us into a neurotic or even
psychotic unreality. The dream world is only positive if it is
in a living, balanced dialogue with a lived, actually lived,

Do you have a new dream book you would like reviewed?
Whether you are a publisher, and author or just have a
suggestions, drop me a line at (Karen Walker)

NLP and Dreams
by Michal Wallace


There's no question dreamwork changes lives. Dreams provide
adventure, inspiration, a chance to be anyone or anything we
want. Psychologists analyze dreams to fuel their work. But is
there more? What if we could choose a specific change we want to
make in our behavior, apply some simple mental techniques, and
completely transform ourselves? That's the promise of a system
called NLP. What's more, NLP can work synergistically with dreams
to help us take control of both our sleep and waking lives.

NLP, (short for neuro-linguistic programming), is a system of
skills and techniques that allows people to quickly change
their subjective experience. Its purpose is to help people do
whatever they do better. Salespeople, teachers, athletes, and
therapists all over the world use NLP to improve their skills.
Why not dreamers?

The field of NLP is too large a topic to cover here. It's crammed
full of linguistic models, hypnotic induction techniques,
exercises to enhance observation, and bits and pieces of just
about every other field of study that's ever existed. Rather
than explain what NLP is all about, I'm going to suggest a few
ways in which we can easily apply it to dreaming.

One of the most famous NLP patterns is the sleep strategy, or
insomnia cure. How come some people lie awake all night, unable
to sleep, while others start snoring the moment they lie down in
bed? An NLP'er exploring that question would look at insomniacs
and "fast" sleepers, and ask them questions about what's going on
with the pictures, feelings, words, and sounds in their minds.
It turns out that many insomniacs make huge, flamboyant mental
images and unconsciously chatter at themselves in high pitched
voices. A person who falls asleep quickly, however, tends to
talk to themselves in a slow, sleepy voice and dim the lights on
their mental pictures.

You see, we can control our minds the way a movie director
controls a scene: by changing the lighting, focus, angle, and
soundtrack of whatever we imagine. Mix that in with a little
knowledge of dreaming and hypnosis, and we can come up with a
strategy to increase our chances of wake-induced lucid dreams:

First, relax your body and use the "fast asleep" strategy to
bring sleep closer. As you lie in bed, slow your internal
dialogue down, and make the voice sound sleepy. Tell yourself
you're sleepy and are about to drift off. As you keep that tone
of voice, begin to talk about the dream you'd like to have, or
whatever hypnogogic images come to mind. Use sensory based
words. Talk to yourself about how the dream sounds, feels, looks,
smells, and tastes. If you find the images are far away, imagine
them drifting closer and getting larger. Eventually, make them
door-sized and imagine yourself drifting through.

The real power of this technique is that you can use it to induce
sleep almost any time. Of course, NLP is all about subjectivity
- so if this particular technique doesn't work for you, try
something else.

Another area of NLP is called modeling. Modeling is a way of
learning in which we attempt to duplicate another person's
results by duplicating their mental and physical behaviors. We
all did this as children when we learned to speak, but once we
learn language, we tend to learn mostly through often-less-
efficient verbal instruction. NLP offers several refined
patterns for modeling people. One simple technique, called
"Circles of Excellence", works quite well in dreams.

To do this exercise, first think of something you want to
accomplish or improve. Ask yourself, who is already getting this
outcome? It could be someone you've met, a celebrity, or a
character in a movie. You could even make the person up. This is
the person you want to model.

Now, imagine two circles on the floor. Step into one, and in the
other, imagine a life-sized version of the person you want to
model. See them doing what you want to be able to do. Go inside
yourself and arrange with your unconscious mind to leave
yourself behind temporarily. When you are able to do this, step
forward, out of your body, and into the image of the other
person. Experience what it would be like to be them. Notice what
it's like to do things their way. When you are ready, return to
your body and incorporate this experience into yourself.

That's how to do it while awake, but we can enhance "Circles of
Excellence" with lucid dreaming. For one thing, in the dream
state, you're using every ounce of your brain power to create a
fully realistic version of the other person. Not only that, you
have the added ability to move around in the other person's body,
and actually dream yourself into the situations they encounter.
Even if you don't have a specific outcome in mind, it can be fun
to "dress up" in someone else's body for a while.

One of my favorite applications of NLP has to do with the way
people structure time. For example, how do you tell the
difference between a daydream about the future, and a memory of
long ago? To explore that, make a mental image of something that
happened two years ago. Make another image of something from a
year ago, then six months, then last week. Now make an image of
something you expect to happen next week, next year, and two
years from now. If you're like many people, you'll find that you
can draw a single line to connect all these images in space.
(And if not, rearrange the pictures and try it on for a while -
it's your brain after all.)

These "timelines" have a lot of uses in NLP. They're a convenient
way of looking at your life as a whole - past, present, and
future. If you imagine yourself floating above your timeline, you
can quickly see times in your life that stood out - memories
that you can enjoy, learn from, and improve. You can also use
timelines to find recurring patterns in your life, or see the
effects of your current behavior into the future.

In dreamwork, timelines can double as a navigation tool. If you
imagine your timeline as your brain's built-in time machine, you
can use it to travel far into the future, or into the past. What
happens when you go further back than the moment of your birth?
Some people have reported visions of past lives, while others
report that their timelines connect with those of their parents.
And if you're particularly adventurous, you might ask what
happens at the other end of your timeline, far in the future?

As you can see, NLP gives us quite a few ways of exploring
dreams. This article has barely scratched the surface though -
there's more to NLP than strategies, modeling, and timelines. If
you're interested, you can learn about NLP online at any of the
following links:


Interactive Dreaming CD and Online Program
Review by Richard Wilkerson


Interactive Dreaming System

The Interactive Dreaming CD is a real delight and front runner
in the techno-shamanistic journey to the Self. The CD provides
dreamers personal, self-paced dream education and multimedia self
exploration at several levels. Generally the aim is to access the
inner wealth of wisdom we all have in dreams and bring this into
your waking world for positive growth and change.

The multimedia includes video, audio, animation, graphics, text
and continual updates and project through the online web site.
The CD has a friendly guide to help you explore all the parts of
the program, including a searchable dream journal (including
voice recording), guided imagery, self-paced dreamwork, excellent
guides to becoming lucid, solving problems with dreams,
suggestions on dealing with nightmares, dream recall help and
personal change and growth activities and programs.

I really enjoyed the wide variety of activities I could take
my dreams through, and the creative process that emerged from
them. I'm a long term dream journal keeper and dream worker, yet
I still found good suggestions I have never heard or tried. For
example, ever since Carl Jung had his patients drawing pictures
of their dreams, it has been a central piece of dreamwork advice.
The Interactive Dreaming CD continues this tradition, but also
brings the dream into the social field. I liked, for example the
suggestion to bring the dream drawing into one's office and get
other people asking questions.

This movement into the social sphere can continue on their web
site. Monthly group dreaming projects are offered as well as
personal consultation. The Interactive Dreaming crew don't
believe in telling other people what their dreams mean (They feel
that's treading on sacred ground), but you can e-mail your dream
or dream question, and they will e-mail you back some provocative
questions and directions to explore to find your own

The CD is full of dreamwork information and would be a great
tool for teaching dreamwork to others. Also, there are some areas
that are addressed to the advanced dreamworker, and to those who
wish to take dreaming into other realms of shamanism, lucidity,
out-of-body experiences and parapsychological paths.

For example: the information and lucid dreaming program are
useful for all levels. There is a whole section for those who
have never been lucid in a dream but would like to become lucid.
I felt the guided imagery approach particulary nice. And no
matter how many lucid dreams a person has, one always wants more
of them and to have them longer. The Interactive Dreaming CD
allows the lucid dreamer to set up a strategy for this to occur.
For the very advanced, there is a shamanic journey section on the

I was hoping for more extensive bibliographies and book
reviews, but they do give online web addresses from which
extensive dream bibliographies can be found.

About the Interactive Dreaming Journal.

Starting the Journal

Speed Rating: medium
Functional Rating: medium
Graphics Rating: high

When I created a shortcut icon and left the CD on the player, the
load time from click start to the journal being ready to open
runs a little under a half a minute. This sounds quick, but I
need my dream journals to open faster. There may be a way to
disable having to type in my password, but I didn't find it.
Practically speaking, I can't leave just one cd in my player all
the time, so one either has to get in the habit of leaving the CD
in at night or adding another half a minute to the load time. A
compromise would be to load the CD while the system is booting,
but I'm usually cooking breakfast during this time. Also, the
journal is buried 4 screens deep including one password protected
sequence. This means I have to go down that path each time I want
to get to the journal. The graphics are nice, and worth going
through the first dozen times, but I'd really like to see an
option that allows for bypassing all the security and immediately
loads the journal.

Journal Works:

Ease of Use: Easy
Extra Functions: Lots
Save into a file?: No

The Interactive Dreaming Journal allows for quick selection of
types of dreaming and has auto-date selection. The types;
regular, celebratory, lucid, and 15 others allow quick
categorization and is a great idea. There is a category for
regular dayworld journaling as well.
Over time, this allows for approaching the groups of dream
imagery. I may feel the need after losing my job or a loved one
to collect together my grief dreams, or for inspiration to gather
together and view dreams that will lift my spirits.

I hope in the next revision there is a way to *add* my own
categories and delete ones I don't like. (I don't like
"x-ratings" and what they have done to the movie industry and I
would rather have a more differentiated erotic - sensual set of
categories to place my dreams in as well).

The categories can be collected, viewed and a summary printed
out. Categories can be changed as well. I couldn't find a way to
put a dream into more than one category without fully re-entering
it as if it were a new dream. I also would like to see a way to
run out these reports into a printed booklet

with the dreams as
well as being able to print them into a file, even if the file is
in ascii. The only way to do this is to copy and paste one at a

Additional notes to every dream can easily be added. And it
was easy to pull out of the dream the images that are meaningful
and write up personal notes. I could see that one could write up
collective notes as well - building a collection of dream images
that have both personal and collective meaning. These images can
also be collected together for a report, though again, printed
only to the printer and not a file. There is a really nice touch
in this glossary where the first incident that the image was
mentioned will be displayed with the meanings assigned to the

The Journal Reports also include sorting dreams by date, by
title, and combinations.

The journal can be Searched as well, in titles, dreams, and/or
notes. The search function will take one string only and no
arguments, but does build a great looking and very useful title
and content viewer. I really enjoyed typing in various key words
and scanning through the dreams that contained these words. I
couldn't find any way to print these, nor to create a file of any
kind out of the results.

Journal Extras: There is a Microsoft Sound Recorder and if you
are hooked up with a microphone, this is a great way to relieve
those typing wrists of some pressure. Also, some people just
prefer to voice their dreams first and record them later. Watch
out, my smallest dream went over a megabyte! Also, I had to look
elsewhere to figure out what the date was to label the .wav file.
Hard on my sleeping brain! I recommend an option to pre-set up a
directory and have the .wav files automatically dated.

The journal is very useful in recording and searching dreams
for display and view. I could even see clinicians being able to
keep track of a variety of clients dreams as well as their own.
Jungians will appreciate the ability to track personal as well as
collective meanings over a long period of time. There is room
for a third party product or later revision in the journal to
allow for more detailed reports and file generation as well as
collective dream correspondence tables.

In General, the Interactive Dreaming CD is the best I dream
program I have seen to date on CD - CD/Net mix. For the
beginner, the lessons are clear and there are self-questionnaires
all along the way to keep grounded and in touch with both
everyday life as well as its wonderful and exciting
possibilities. Advanced dreamers will appreciate having the
ability to sort through tons of dreams to find patterns and
significant imagery. This program would also work well in
teaching venues for parents or clinicians wishing to empower
their clients with personality enhancement dreamwork.

Be sure to stop by the Interactive Web site as well. If you do
this soon enough, you may be able to get in on the 1998 New Year
discount! Be sure to say you heard about the product in Electric
Dreams. - Richard Wilkerson

Interactive Dreaming Site:


Call toll-free (888)259-1299 or send your e-mail to order.
Visa and Mastercard are accepted. Please include expiration



January -February 1998


This Month's Features:

+Dreamcatching: Every Parents Guide to Understanding and
Exploring Children's Dreams and Nightmares
+15th Annual International Dream Conference
+Radio Dreams
+DreamUp Version 2.0 Available
+Gateways to Self Discovery: Dreams and Shamanic Journey
+The Dreamer's Companion
+Dream Gatherings in the Netherlands

Dream Questions

+The Gospel of One Favorite Child
+The Dream Game
+Dream Pot
+The Dreamer Sleep Paralysis and OBE
+The Epic Dewfall FAQ
+Anthony Dubetz Easy Dreams: Making Nightmares Pay
+Electric Dreams Around The World
+Dylan's Dream Inspiration
+DreamScape Web Ring : Dream Journals
+The History of Dreaming - Monthly Class
+Dream Tree Has Grown

DREAM CALENDAR for February 1998




<<<<<Dreamcatching: Every Parents Guide to Understanding and
Exploring Children's Dreams and
by Alan Siegel and Kelly Bulkeley
Random House: Three Rivers Press
ISBN: 0517-88788-6

Dreamcatching is a practical and highly entertaining book that
offers parents a user-friendly guide to the landscape of their
children's dreams and nightmares. Written by two renowned dream
researchers and educators, this book uses more than 100 vivid
dreams as examples to show parents how family dream-sharing can
stimulate their children's creative and emotional intelligence
and enhance family communication. Exploring dreams can also help
parents detect troubling anxieties and strengthen their
children's emotional resilience to meet life's challenges and
crises. Emphasizing creative approaches to exploring children's
dreams, Dreamcatching goes far beyond a simple how-to book and
addresses broader issues such as creativity, child development,
spirituality, violence in the media and society and more concrete
issues such as nightmares and sleep disorders, and helping
children recover from the psychological impact of grief, trauma
and transitions. No other book gives parents such a trustworthy
and psychologically sound introduction to the creativity and
wisdom found in their children's dreams.

Some of the intriguing and useful learning experiences in
Dreamcatcher include:
Understanding Common Dream Symbols such as Flying, Falling,
Being Chased, Public Nudity, Failing Exams, Animals and Monsters.
Find your family and your child's personal meanings for common
and recurring dreams.
Nightmare Remedies: How you can helping your child tame
the demons of the night including monster and chase dreams,
night terrors, recurring nightmares. Learn playful but effective
techniques for overcoming nightmares and soothing the worries
that go with them.
The Playful Creativity of Children's Dreams: How dreams can
be keys to opening children's imagination and affirming their
inner creativity.
First Aid for Crisis Dreams: Understanding and responding
to children's dreams following divorce, natural disasters,
accidents, loss and grief, the birth or adoption of a sibling.
Dreams and the Spiritual Life of Children: Learn how dream
sharing can help children become aware of their spirituality.
A workbook, with step-by-step instructions for families on
remembering and exploring dreams through many forms of
drawing, painting, journal and story writing, drama and group and
dream exhibits and fairs complete with forms for keeping a
dream catcher's journal.
FOR INFORMATION please contact: Alan Siegel, Ph.D.: 2607
Alcatraz Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705. (510) 527 7929 or Kelly Bulkeley Ph.D., 226 Amherst
Avenue, Kensington CA 94707 (510) 528 0226, or visit the website at See the CALENDAR section for
upcoming author appearances in the Bay Area of California.

<<<<< 15th Annual International Dream Conference
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Association for the Study of
Dreams conference in Oahu, Hawaii, June 22-28, 1998. Famous for
its long stretches of undeveloped beautiful beaches, the north
shore of Oahu, the site of the conference, is an enchanting
outdoor world unto itself far away from the hustle-bustle of
Honolulu. The famous surfer's "pipeline" at Sunset Beach is
world-renown for its fantastic winter surfing waves. The North
Shore is also great for swimming, scuba diving, snorkeling, wind
surfing, kayaking, and other water sports. Set at the Brigham
Young University campus, morning sessions and lunches throughout
the conference will be held at the Polynesian Cultural Center,
adjacent to the University. Invited addresses will be held in the
IMAX theater at the Center, with morning workshops taking place
in spectacular Maori and Samoan "fales" - large open walled long
houses of native design and construction with intricately carved
wooden beams and ceiling panels. Special Events will include the

oOpening Reception: Come meet old friends and make new ones
the Monday evening reception at the Turtle Bay Hilton.
Transportation will be provided from the dorms and motel for
the 15 minute ride to the hotel. Watch the sun set into the
ocean as you enjoy the company, food and drink.
oDream Art Exhibition: The annual dream art exhibition will
once again be on display throughout the conference. Original
works in any medium that are inspired by or related to dreams
are eligible for entry.. Deadline for submissions for the
Juried Art Show is March 1. 1998. For more information,
contact Joanne Rochon,
oDream Concert: ASD has been honored by Kaolo Beamer and
group, to be the site of his internationally known show "The
Art of the Dream Guitar". The ASD show is sandwiched between
Beamer's Hawaii guitar festival tour with Charlie Byrd,
legend, and his European tour. Beamer's dream guitar is a
uniquely personal expression of a dreamlike state through the
use of a special tuning of his guitar. This concert alone is
worth the trip to Hawaii.
oThursday Afternoon Excursions: Options will include trips
Sunset and Waimea Beaches, to Waimea Valley Park, hiking,
horse back riding, etc. Sign-up lists will await you at
Conference site registration.
oMorning Dream-Sharing Groups: As in past years, there will
dream sharing groups that enable participants to begin the
in the spirit of reflection on their own dreams.
oMorning Yoga: Helen Carter has graciously agreed to lead
sessions in the morning for those of you who want to limber
your bodies and focus your minds in preparation for the day's
oHawaii and the Internet : A computer area will be made
available to connect with the online world of dreams and
dreaming. The ASD World Wide Web site not only has
about the conference & Hawaii, but an Electronic Bulletin
Board discussion area of the topics brought up during the
conference. Leave your own thoughts, ask questions, post
research requests. If you are baffled by the Internet, there
will be a program to lead you on an historical tour of how
computer mediated communications have supported dreams and
dreaming in the past, and how they can help you with your own
projects today. Contact Richard Wilkerson for details at:

You can write or phone ASD for more information at: ASD, P.O. Box
1600, Vienna, VA 22183
Phone: (703)-242-0062 Fax:(703)-242-8888. Or visit the website

<<<<< Radio Dreams
DreamThread InterActive is happy to announce a weekly real
audio broadcast of Ariadne's DreamThread Workshop for 1998. Ktao
101.5 FM and DreamThread are broadcasting this 1/2 hour show
which answers the most commonly asked questions on dreams and
offers the listening audience an opportunity to share dreams over
the air and to receive insights into their meaning. The show is
broa dcast every Wednesday evening at 6:15pm Mountain time until
6:45 pm. It can be accessed at both and at

<<<<< DreamUp Version 2.0 Available
DreamSoft is proud release DreamUp Version 2.0. Thanks to
feedback from users of Version 1.0 we have come up with an
improved product. DreamUp Version 2.0 features:

-Interactive dream analysis
-Over 5000 analyzed words (NEW)
-Multiple Dream Journal capability
-Customizable symbol dictionary (redesigned)
-Enhanced Dream Analysis Wizard (NEW)
-Keyword search (NEW)
-Enhanced symbol statistics (NEW)
-Backup/restore journals funtion (NEW)
... and more

You may download a 30 day evaluation copy of DreamUp V2.0. from
the following link: and select Products
from the navigation bar.

<<<<< Gateways to Self Discovery: Dreams and Shamanic Journey
Sat. March 28, 10 - 4pm Center for Spiritual Enlightenment, San
Jose, CA

In this all day workshop, facilitated by Gina Pearlin, Masha
Fellman, and Deborah May, you will experience your inner
resources for healing and guidance through dream exploration and
shamanic drumming. You will be introduced to techniques for
understanding the metaphorical language of your dreams as well
as experience the power of the drum as it leads you on a journey
to an imaginal realm, guiding you with shamanic process to
access inner wisdom and spiritual guidance. You will have the
opportunity to record experiences in writing and/or visually. Art
supplies will be provided. Masha Fellman, RN, MS Clinical
Psychology, CHT, is a healer in Northern California, who has
studied with indigenous healers. Deborah May, M.A, is a healer in
private practice in San Francisco, CA. Gina Pearlin, CHT is a
dream educator with a practice in contemporary, Jungian based
dreamwork. She teaches the Dream Studies Program at Twin Lakes
College of the Healing Arts, in Santa Cruz, CA.
For information and registration, contact The Center for
Spiritual Enlightenment. Phone: (408) 244-5151. E-mail:

<<<<< The Dreamer's Companion: BOOK REVIEW
Stephen Policoff Chicago Review Press

The Dreamer's Companion: A Young Person's Guide to Understanding
Your Dreams and Using Them Creatively, is aimed at young people,
for whom little has been written on the subject; it touches upon
many different aspects of dreamlore--a little dream anthropology,
some contemporary theories, ideas on dream recall and dream
sharing. It has a lengthy section on dreams and creativity, a
common sense guide to understanding your dreams, and much more.
COMPANION emerged from the author's use of dreams to teach
writing at NYU, where he is Master Teacher of Writing, and also
Wesleyan University, where I was for many years director of the
writing program at the Center for Creative Youth. Possibly the
most unique feature of COMPANION is that it quotes 50 of his
former students (most of them 15-20, a few somewhat older), on
their own experiences with nightmares, psychic dreaming, and
attempts to wrest illumination from the dark and tangled
scenarios of their unconscious.

<<<<< Dream Gatherings in the Netherlands
Energycenter DE HURNSE GAPER in HURWENEN (Jannesstr. 1, 5327 KR
tel. 0418-516114) does 2 dream gatherings: 31 Jan - 1 Feb: Voice
Dialog by Irene Cuperus and 9-10 May, Dream Theater by Alice
Groeneveld. price fl. 57.50 to 77.50 depending on income/salary.
For more information, contact Hanny Lynch, Steur 36, 2989 SH
Ridderkerk tel. : 0180 - 426836


R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S


<<<<< My Name is Jon Shelver, and I have a few questions about
how dreams affect our daily lives. They are some pretty easy
questions, but I need them answered for a research paper I am
writing. Any help you could give will be greatly appreciated.

My first question was how much credence do you give dreams? There
are multiple theories about what dreams are, what they mean, and
even how they are created, so I was wondering if you believe that
dreams play a major role in our daily lives, or if you believe
they are just random brainwaves improperly pieced together by the
sub- conscious.

I would also like to know where you stand on dream
interpretation. do you think that dream interpretation is just a
whole lot of rationalization, or do you feel that it is a
credible way of understanding our dreams? It would also be
greatly appreciated if you could just explain a few ways you
believe that our daily lives affect our dreams. If you could
answer any of these questions, It would be very helpful in finish
my paper. Email responses to,


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


<<<<< The Gospel of One Favorite Child
"The Gospel of One Favorite Child" is a work of original
visionary experience consisting of and based upon dream-material
which came to the author over a period of the last fifteen years.
A spiritual cookbook of sorts, in which one may find the "recipe"
for a number of dishes including those which relate to the
socio-political aspect of religion and those which relate to the
purely mystical, "The Gospel of One Favorite Child" contains
sections composed of dream-stories and exegesis, of dream-based
poetry, three subject oriented dream-diaries, and a compendium of
dream-sayings and epigrams. There is also a growing gallery of
original dream-inspired illustrations. In each case, the
selected dream itself, is but the gateway and the spark which
leads to an intense philosophical and/or poetic exploration of
the spiritual, moral and psychological truths the dream appears
to convey.

<<<<< The Dream Game
The Dream Game consists of a Sender, Observer and an unlimited
number of Dreamers. The object of the game is for the Dreamers
to pick up impressions of the Sender's selected object. The
Observer takes the part of witness and verifies the results from
an objective viewpoint. The game usually runs for seven nights,
Saturday through Friday. Before the game begins the Sender
selects an object and emails a detailed description of the
object, its history and location to the Observer. Every night
before going to sleep, or anytime during the day the Sender
concentrates on the object and visualizes the information
reaching the Receivers. The Observer oversees the game, tallies
and posts the results. After the week's dreams have been
received the Observer sifts through them looking for
correlations. The Sender's description of the object, along with
a detailed list of all the "hits" scored by the Receivers, is
then posted in the Dreams and OBE's topic. The Receivers are the
dreamers and their task is to record every scrap of recalled
dream information during the entire week. They email a complete
account of the week's dreams to both Sender and Observer.

<<<<< Dream Pot
Dream Pot searches for links in a myriad of dreams. Dreams
documented as text are thrown into the pot, and relocated, after
undergoing Dream Notation, Dream Carpentry and/or Dream ReVision,
to an uncanny time and space. This Japanese-English site is part
of an experimental online art and dream experiment.

<<<<< The Dreamer Sleep Paralysis and OBE Sirley Marques Bonham has
created a unique page dedicated to her personal experience with
self-awareness while dreaming, and the sleep/awakening onset.
Packed full of useful information on lucid dreaming, sleep
paralysis and obe (out of body experience), the site is well
worth visiting.

<<<<< The Epic Dewfall FAQ
I actually see paintings in my lucid dreams. I have to go looking
for them though by walking around in the dream looking at the
walls. I call them lucid dreams because I become awake and aware
in some dreams and realize where I am is in a dream. In a lucid
dream I know I can do anything. It's possible to fly and walk
through walls. When I walk through walls I feel it strongly
moving over my skin. Read more about this and all the major
lucid dream techniques in my new FAQ file. Epic Dewfall
<<<<< Anthony Dubetz Easy Dreams: Making Nightmares Pay

Its just around the corner and you have no place to hide. It
knows where you are, follows you relentlessly and reads your
mind. eeeek! And then you wake up. It was a nightmare and now you
really would like to talk to someone. Who to Call?

Anthony Dubetz, author of EASY DREAMS has a special phone line
just for you! the Dream Hot line in Chicago (312) 589-2471 has
been helping those puzzled by dreams for several years. "the
*main* thing is what your think about your dream..", he says,
"...that is, what you must eliminate the next day." Overused
parts of the personality leave other parts neglected. "Maybe your
dream is actually telling you that you've reached a burn-out
level in your personality. the dream might be getting a little
scarier every day - it may be shouting at you." Now the
theories and workshops are online! You can receive them *free*
at via email over several installments of Electric Dreams during
1998, or read the whole book online right now!

<<<<< Electric Dreams Around The World
AU Site

USA Site

Though the Electric Dreams community is really a distributed
community made up of many fantastic contributors, they have for
years maintained an Australian site courtesy of Matthew Parry.
However, this site is difficult at times for those in the
Americas to access. Now there will be a US site so you
Northerners can easily access back-issues, articles
alphabetically, events, resources, FAQ files, subscription and
contact information and dream group information.

<<<<< Dylan's Dream Inspiration
Music is often inspired by dreams. Here's a site where you can
see the influnce on Bob Dylan. Courtesy of Special Rider Music

<<<<< DreamScape Web Ring : Dream Journals
Are you familiar with Web Rings? Web Rings tie concepts together
on the Net. DreamScape now has a Dream
Journal Ring with a growing group of online personal dream
journals. If you have an interested in journaling, dreams or
managing your own concepts, this ring is a great find.

<<<<< The History of Dreaming - Monthly Class
Information for the famous History of Dream Sharing Class taught
by Richard Wilkerson is now available online. This $29.99 class
has always included 20 essays and dream groups, but now the
information is available in detail online. Find out the details
of each class, from Freud and Jung, to Anthropology and Science,
to Lucidity and Dream Sharing in Cyberspace. Classes start at the
beginning of each new month.

<<<<< Dream Tree Has Grown
The Dream Tree, an online and offline resources center for
dreamers, has been completely revamped and is chock full of
interesting new dream-related projects, activities, events, and
news, including research opportunities, dream news and calendar,
The Dream Tree Newsletter, dreams on film, dreams in art,
creative dreamworking methods, famous dreamers and their dreams,
dream quotes and much, much more!




Jan 29 - Feb 19 in Portland, OR
Gillian Holloway is teaching a four week course called Active
Intuition and Dreams at Portland Community College, in Portland
Oregon.For information call: 360/694-0201 or

Feb 3 in Oakland, CA
"Archetypes of Authentic Gender in Dreamwork", University of
Creation Spirituality class with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Marlene
DeNardo at 510-835-4827.

Feb 6 in Berkeley, CA
Author Reading and Publication Party for Dreamcatching: Every
Parents Guide to Understanding and Exploring Children's Dreams
and Nightmares, 1400 Shattuck Avenue (at Rose St.) Berkeley. For
Information Call (510) 548 4172

Feb 8 in Lafayette, CA
"The Spiritual Dimensions of Children's Play, Fantasy, and
Dreams" with Kelly Bulkeley, co-author of the new book
Dreamcatching: Every Parents Guide to Understanding and Exploring
Children's Dreams and Nightmares. 9:55-10:45 am Lafayette-Orinda
Presbyterian Church. For Information Call (510) -283-8722

Feb 11and 25 in Pittsburgh, PA
"The Dream Workshop", 7:00 pm, 4836 Ellsworth Avenue (Friends
Meeting House). For more information, call Cynthia Pearson at
241-7885 or email

Feb 13 in San Francisco, CA
Workshop, "Dreamcatching: Exploring The World of Children's
Dreams", with Alan Siegel and Kelly Bulkeley , 7-9:30 PM at John
F. Kennedy University . Cost $10 For Information Call (510) 254

16 Feb in Mountain View, CA
"The Last of the Dream People" with Alice Ann Parker, 7:30 pm,
$5. For more information, contact East-West Bookstore, 1-800-909-
6161 or visit the website at

Feb 20-22 in San Francisco
Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor, Luisa Teish and Kaleo Ching.
Contact Kathy Taylor at 415-454-2793 for more information.





The Electric Dreams E-zine (issn 1089 4284)is *free* and
distributed via email about once a month. You can have Electric
Dreams delivered right to your email box by sending an e-mail

To subscribe to Electric Dreams
Send from the address you want to subscribe to
And put in the body of the e-mail only:

subscribe your_email_address_here

SUBMITTING DREAMS and Comments about Dreams: EASY!

Electric Dreams will publish your dreams and comments
about dreams you have seen in previous issues. If you can, be
clear what name you want or don't want. Most people use a pen
name. Please include a title for your dream. Email to: Bob
Krumhansl <>

SUBMITTING ARTICLES, projects and letters-to-the-editor.
Electric Dreams is responsive and experimental. If you
have articles or suggestions on dreams, dreaming or
dreamers - including book reviews, movie suggestions or
conferences and meetings, we will publish them. I'm
especially interested in creative interpretive approaches
to dreams, including verbal, dramatization, and mixed
media approaches. Send to:
Richard Wilkerson <>

SUBMITTING NEWS and Calendar events related to dreaming. We
usually have a deadline at the 15th of each month. Send all
events and news to Peggy Coats <>

SENDING IN QUESTIONS, Replies and Concerns about dreams and
dreaming. We don't pretend to be the final authority on dreams,
but we will submit you questions to our network and other
Internet networks. Also, you are free to post special interest
requests. Send those to Victoria Quinton

JOINING DREAM GROUPS sponsored by Electric Dreams. If you are
interested in joining a group to discuss your dream with peers,
contact Linley Joy

JOINING DISCUSSIONS ON DREAMING. Electric Dreams supports the
Intuition Network and recommends their discussion list
Subscription information can be found on

Attach your own web page to Electric Dreams. Do you have an idea
for a dream page, but no web site? Send that page to Matthew
Parry. If you need help with creating the web page, contact
Matthew for about classes. <>

Thanks to Matthew Parry:
From here you will have access to information about Electric
Dreams, back issues, FAQ and other online dream resources.

NEED A COVER for your issues of Electric Dreams? We now provide
them and you can download them at
or, if you have a black&White printer, you can in Netscape choose
the "Print..." option while on the page you wish and get B&W copy
that is adjusted to your paper size.
Backissue covers are available at:



Also available
America On Line:

Keyword: writer
\writers club library
\writers club e-zines

UK and both versions are
available on Dan P.'s BBS:
PsychoNautica BBS +44 0181 764 1446.

Thanks to ONIROS for mentioning ED in your Magazine in France!

Thanks to Compuserve New Age Forum for ED info Posts.
To access the New Age B Forum From CompuServe Information Manager
1.4 :

1) In the CIM program, pull down the Services menu
2) Select Browse
3) On the Main Services Menu, click the Home /Leisure icon
4) Then, Click: Spe
cial Interests icon
5) Then, Click: Religion option
6) Then, Click: New Age B Forum option (also referred to
7) Then, Enjoy.

Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine list:

Thanks to Todd Kuiper for listing us on his e-zine list:

Thanks for the listing in The eZines Database Collection:

Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the Electric
Dreams project.

Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in the
FAQ files at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid and for other Usenet
Newsgroups for allowing us to continually post messages.

Thanks to our many web links!

The Electric Dreams Staff

Peggy Coats - News & Calender Events Director

Linley Joy - Dream Group Moderator

Bob Krumhansl - Editor & Dream Editor

Matthew Parry - Web Master

Nutcracker - Dream Journals & Dream Reaper

Victoria Quinton- Questions & Answers Editor
mermaid 8*)

Jesse Reklaw - Art Director & cover Designs

Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director

Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles & Subscriptions

+ The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue to your
+ The generous authors of our articles
+ The delightful dreamers and commentators
+ Special thanks to Catherine Decker & Jay Vinton

All dream and article text and art are considered (C)opyright by
the writers, artists and dreamers themselves. Anyone other than
the authors may use or reprint the text for non-commercial use,
but all other use by anyone other than the author must be with
the permission of either the author or the current Electric
Dreams dream editor.

Electric Dreams is an independent electronic publication not
affiliated with any other organization. The views of our
commentators are personal views and not intended as professional
advise or psychotherapy.

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