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Electric Dreams Volume 05 Issue 11

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Electric Dreams
 · 1 Jan 2021


"Dreams contextualize emotion"
Ernest Hartmann

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Volume 5 Issue #11


ISSN# 1089 4284


Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web


Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Bob Krumhansl <>

Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>

For back issues, editors addresses
and other access & Staff see
at the end of this issue



++ Editor's Notes
++ Dream Airing: Notes, letters to the editor
++ Column: Dream Trek: Dreamers Are Couch Potatoes
Linda Lane Magall›n
++ Q&A: Watch Your Dreams + Tips
Nancy Huseby Bloom
++ Poem: A Westering Sun: The Dream of an Old Man
William C. Burns, Jr.
++ Interview: Dream and Nightmare Authority, Ernest Hartmann, M.D.
Interviewed by Richard Wilkerson
++ Article: Dreams and Meaning in Science: Neural Nets
Richard Wilkerson
++ Interview: Habib
Interviewed by Victoria Quinton November 1998


If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at

This Month's Features:

-Dream Certificate Program
-Alcheringa 2000 : let us dream our future !
-Introduction to Dreamwork courses in London, England
-Dreamtales from David Dahl

-Dream Researchers and Students!

-To Surf, Perchance to Dream
-Snake Dreams Online
-French Dream Site Demoiselle
-The Daily Analyst
-Dreams and the Genetic Code by Bradley York Bartholomew
-Experiment in Synchronicity
-Exploring Sleep Paralysis
-Dream Inspired Collages
-DreamMap web site up and running.

DREAM CALENDAR for December 1998

- Includes dozens of dreams from Cyberspace and an editorial on
our dreamy blessings.

DECEMBER 16, FRI deadline for submission
FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 6(1)

The millennium year begins - send in dreams


Editor's Notes


This is our Holiday issue and we have some real dreamy gifts this
month. If you are looking for something to give, how about
donating some time to answering questions that kids and other
folks new to dreams and dreaming ask us each month? I've copied a
few in the Dream Airing Section this month from the Association
for the Study of Dreams web bulletin board. Stop by and help us

Perhaps you noticed and pondered the dream quote at the beginning
of the issue? "Dreams contextualize emotion." This summary
phrase from Ernest Hartmann goes to the core of his new book
_Dream and Nightmares: The New Theory..._. Our dreams make
connections which give context to our feelings. From this notion
Hartman unfolds what might be called the Unified Dream Theory. I
ran into Ernest in Cyberspace and have a special interview for
you with him. Note: if you do decide to buy the book, please do
so from the ASD site so the money (or some of it) goes to
supporting research in dreams and dreaming.

If some of the talk in the interview about neural nets seems
confusing, I've added a quick summary of the issue in
Dreams and Meaning in Science: Neural Nets.

Linda Magallon compares dreams and dreamers. Boy what a
difference! Be sure to read about this in Dream Trek.

Nancy Huseby Bloom suggests some ways to stay active with your
dream techniques and hatch some great plans for the New Year in
her Watch Your Dreams column. Get you intentions ready and start
incubating those dreams!

Victoria Quinton, who for many moons kept our Electric Dreams staff meetings fun and joyful, has returned with
an Interview with Habib. Be sure to see her full collection of interviews as well with other dreamer online

Peggy Coats has a wide variety of dream news and activities for
you. I'd like to call special attention to the Planetary Dream
project which will be December 20-21 and involves the dreaming
global community.

Also note that December 1 is the deadline for presentations for
next year's Association for the Study of Dreams conference in
Santa Cruz, California.

Bob Krumhansl will be telling you all about the dreams this
month, and you can see them in the DREAMS section. Includes
dozens of dreams from Cyberspace and an editorial on our dreamy

If you would like to CONTRIBUTE DREAMS or comments on dreams to
the next issue there are several ways
sign up on the mail list
drop off dreams on the web form at
send the dream with title and pen name to me at

All dream sharing is considered anonymous unless you
specifically request a name or address.

And of course, our DreamWheel Dream Groups via email continue as
always. If you would like to join an email dream group, drop me
a line at

OK, next month we would still like to see Millennium dreams. I
think would include apocalyptic dreams, futuristic dreams, and
dreams that deal with time and cycles. Send'm in.

See you next year!



Dream Airing
Notes, letters to the editor
Send to


America Online: Stop by the Dreamwork Center!

The Alternative Medicine forum on America On-Line has now opened
a new area on dreamwork with the help of the cyber-dream pioneer,
Richard Wilkerson. The focus of this area will be on the
relation to heath and wholeness through dreamwork. Be sure to
stop by, check out the articles lists and leave your questions on
the Alt-Med bulletin board. Some of the articles include:
- Getting Started with Dreamwork
- Predicting illness with dreams
- Revival of Ancient Dream Healing techniques
- Carl Jung and Wholeness
- New Approaches to Nightmares.
Live Chat to be scheduled!

(KeyWord: AltMed > Therapies > Dreamwork)
or KeyWord: aol://4344:1679.ALTdrem.13664900.588132320


Hey, help me out answering dream questions! The Association for
the Study of Dreams has an ongoing web bulletin board at

While there is (in my opinion) an awful restriction about not
discussing the meaning of any particular dream, the questions
about dreams and dreaming in general are quite important and I
would like to see a wide variety of opinions and replies.

Here are some questions from this month you might want to stop
by the board and give a comment or two...

Posted by Kelly on Thursday November 19th, 1998 at 5:58:21 PM

To whom it may concern:
Previously this afternoon, I was watching VH1's "Pop up Video",
and it said something that interested me. It said, "If
you dream columns, or in columns (like walls), then you will be
robbed soon. They also said that if you dream of hands,
then you will involve yourself in a relationship soon, or
something similar to that. I was looking through this web site,
my computer is not that fast, and I did not have that much time,
but I never really found anything like that. I was
searching for a specific area of meannings of dreams, and the
theorys that people have. I was thinking more along the
lines of a list of things that explain dreams to me. I apologize
if you seem to be comfused, but I am rather young, and I
do not quite know how to word this all, but is there someway that
you could post a list of things that people dream
about, and dont quite understand, and then give the meannings to
them, and give some kind of reasonable prediction as
to what results may come of these dreams.

I would greatly appreciate a response to me as soon as possible.
As I said, I am very interested in this subject, and
would like to do some kind of project, report, or presentation on
Dreams, so I would like to recieve any information
that you have to give to me.

Posted by Sun on Wednesday November 18th, 1998 at 3:42:00 PM PST:

I'm doing a project on whether or not the fact that you remember
your dreams make you more creative or not, and I'm
curious to hear anyone's thoughts on the subject. Do you think it
makes a difference in a person's creativity if they
remember their dreams or not? I'm open to any suggestions.

Posted by Gudrun on Monday November 16th, 1998 at 9:16:05 AM PST:

How do I know that I am not dreaming? Are we responsible for our
misdeeds in dreams? What if we know not at the
time we are dreaming still you might commit a murder in a dream
something you would never do awake, and you feel
ashamed when you wake up. What caused me to do such a horrible
thing in the dream. Im I immoral. Your dreams are
supposed to tell you something about yourself. I have had dreams
I am to ashamed to tell anyone about them, almost as
it was something I had actually done. Still it was only an dream.

Posted by Dee on Tuesday November 17th, 1998 at 1:12:58 AM PST:

I am not a dream research student or scientist. I have always
been interested in dreams (where they come from, what is
their purpose, etc.). For the last twenty years, I have had a
recurring dream concerning the end of the world. Actually, it
is a series of four distinct dreams told from four different
viewpoints over a specific period of time and concerning a
specific set of events. For the last two years I have been
writing the most vivid dreams into a journal. The dreams are
varied (as most are) and cover a great range of subjects. But,
I've come to notice characteristics that are crucial to each
dream. I'm sure you are acquainted with engrams and their
function. (No, I am not a Scientologist. I just became aware
of them through reading Dianetics.) In each and every dream of
people I've questioned there is this commonality. They
were all feeling some sort of intense emotion in their dream. Be
it excitement, grief, joy, worry, boredom - it was in it's
extreme form. Engrams are basically chemically recorded memories
produced when a person is confronted with an
event that challenges them. If you'll accept dreams as being
engramic in nature as my first Premise then you'll begin to
understand my second Premise.

If dreams are engramic that makes them chemical. In which case it
can be passed downstream genetically. How is it that
many people (almost all) share the same dreams of falling
endlessly or being chased by someone or something which is
slowly but surely catching up to us or flying (which I or none in
my family have experienced - NEVER)

What causes us to have the same dreams? If we all are sharing the
same 'gene pool' then it makes sense that we would
all share in this great store of knowledge created through
generation after generation of experiences. Of course as family
trees branch, so does the type of dream. Therefore, when we
sleep, we have access (unconsciously) to a great internet
of information.

There is so much more to my theory and I'm trying to give you the
encapsulated version. I've been trying to find
someone or some organization that shares even the remotest
interest in this type of hypothesis. So far, I've been
unsuccessful. Perhaps you can steer me in a new direction or put
me in contact with any agency conducting studies
along these lines. I would greatly love to participate in such an
endeavor. Thanks, Dee
Posted by clinton on Tuesday November 17th, 1998 at 4:37:35 PM

I ve bought loads of dream dictionaries but all seem vague or
shallow.Anyone know a good one with lots of symbols and details?


Posted by Deirdre on Wednesday November 11th, 1998 at 2:38:11 PM

Why do I sometimes awake from a dream unsure if an event which
ocurred ocurred in a dream or in real life?

Posted by Ronnie on Tuesday November 10th, 1998 at 11:02:26 PM

A boyfriend of my daughter was killed in a car accident about 9
weeks ago.(18 years old) The past week or so she
dreams about him every night. She can see and talk to him in
these dreams, she says they seem very real and believes
that he is contacting her through her dreams. Is this possiable?
Or is it that he is so much on her mind that she dreams
about him every night? Appreciate any information you might be
able to give me on this .Thank you, Ronnie


Posted by Andrew on Tuesday November 10th, 1998 at 1:33:11 PM

Hello, I am a High School Student doing dream research on the
causes of children's recurring dreams. It seems that
most people experience one particular recurring dream during ages
5-7 that they remember for a long time. It seems to
have a profound affect on them for some reason whether it is a
good dream or a nightmare. Often it has been related to
night terrors which people experience at the same age and often
they relate the two to each other. Anyway, My
questions are these: Does anybody know about any research that
has been done in this area? Can anyone give general
advice on this type of research? I am thinking of interviewing
kids at a private day care (being careful to get parental
consent) and asking real general questions not about dream
content besides good vs. bad. Is this appropriate or
reasonable? What other advice can anyone give me? Thank you for
your generous help. Sincerely, Andrew


By Linda Lane Magall›n

Dreamers Are Couch Potatoes


Dreamers are couch potatoes. Well, I suppose we have to be...we
focus so much attention on sleep! So, in general, we are not a
very physically active bunch, but boy, oh boy, do we like to
talk. And talk. And talk. Talk about dreams, especially our own
dreams, and expand that talk through dreamwork techniques. But
we'll also listen to other people's dreams and read their dream

So here I come to my dream group, talking about active dreaming.
And they nod, yes, in theory. But actually get up and do
something? Well, maybe, if it doesn't take too long or is very
much effort...

What gets dreamers out of their seats? Two sure things that I
know of (well, three, if you include going to the bathroom).
First, food. Dreamers will eat, maybe because mastication is so
similar to talking. Besides, you can talk and munch, talk and
crunch. But how can you bring that kind of food to the land of

Second, role play. They'll act out a dream. They'll pretend that
they are a dream symbol, a dream character or (rarely) dance the
entire dream. They'll do it alone or with their buddies. Dress up
in costume and have a party. But, in general, those methods apply
to the dream of the past. The one they had last night or last
week or even last year. Not to a future dream. Not to the one
they're going to have tonight.

Ah, incubation, they say. Yes, we know about that. That's when
you suggest to yourself that you're going to have this, that or
the other type of dream. And then sometimes you have it, and
sometimes (most times) you don't. But they never say, "Teach me
how to dream..."

So I have to trick them. We're going to have an experiment, a
project, a game, I say. And maybe they'll dream along and maybe
they won't. But if they do dream, they sure want to know how
other people did.

Dreamers are couch potatoes. But they do have active
imaginations. Talk to them, and their minds can be rolling like a
camera, producing inner pictures. Maybe they aren't even looking
at you, because the inner play is so engrossing.

The same applies to dreams. It's rare to read a dream that's a
still picture shot. No, more likely, the dream will be a moving
picture. The dreaming self is an active self.

So I share my active dreams and I tell stories about active
dreams. I pretend that I'm talking to the dreamers, but I'm
really speaking to their dreaming selves. And then, next time we
meet, the dreamer will say, "You know, Linda, after we talked I
had this dream..."

Thank goodness the dreaming selves aren't couch potatoes. (Fly-By-Night


Watch Your Dreams
with Nancy Huseby Bloom


Dear Readers,

Here we are again at the end of another year of dreaming! But ask yourself, have you been a
"passive" dreamer, merely allowing the dreams to come to you as they choose or have you been
actively pursuing the knowledge and insight the dreamworld can provide through asking for
answers to specific questions through your dreams?

I have found that special days such as birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas and New Years are
perfect times to "incubate" dreams. Asking for special dreams on important days of the year
seems to add significance to our requests.

Dream Incubation is a key method you can use to connect with your authentic self where your
creativity and intuition are waiting to be discovered and used. We are usually so caught up in the
day to day life struggles and challenges that we rarely look into these deeper levels of ourselves.

The New Year is a perfect time to ask your inner being, your guardian angel, or God
(whichever is most comfortable for you) for a dream that will guide you through the coming year.
Believing in yourself or your higher being is important.- You do have the ability to do this! As
Patricia Garfield states in her book, Creative Dreaming, dream Incubation "has been a part of
every culture and every faith and every time. Belief is what makes dream induction possible."

Take your time in forming a question. Do you want to know about a specific person, career,
or creative project? Think about what you are asking for. Do you really want to know the

When you feel that you are sincere about the question, write it down on a piece of paper and
put it by your bedside. If you need privacy, slip the question into your pillowcase or some other
safe place. This is an important step. It has been my experience that dreamers often forget their
question or how it was worded.

Spend time during the day thinking of your question and asking your dreaming self to provide
you with an answer. Absorb yourself in the question. Have faith that the inspiration or answer
will come. The more energy you put into your request while you are awake, the more likely you
are to receive new insights and perceptions during sleep. If you can, spend time just before
going to sleep looking at your written question. Repeat it over and over in your mind. This will
strengthen your request and signal that you are ready and willing to listen.

Here are a few questions I have used in the past. You may want to modify them to fit your
own particular situation or needs:

-What is the state of my health? How can I best create and maintain a healthy and energetic

-What is my deepest desire and how can I make it happen?

-What do I need to let go of?

-How can I deepen (improve, reconcile, complete, etc.) my relationship with my husband, (my
children, my parent, my boss).

-What will this year bring? Should I marry? What is my true vocation?
What should I be focusing on? The questions are as limitless as we are.

Look at every dream you receive as if it is a response to your question. Have fun experimenting
with this and if you don't get a dream the first night, don't get discouraged. Keep asking!


Interview with Dream and Nightmare Authority, Ernest Hartmann, M.D.
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 18:09:37 EST
Interview by Richard Wilkerson


Ernest Hartmann, M. D., is a pioneer and world renowned authority on sleep and dreaming. He
has published eight books and 250 papers. He is currently Professor of Psychiatry at Tufts
University School of Medicine and Director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Newton-Wellesly
Hospital in Massachusetts. A practicing psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and sleep-medicine specialist
in the Boston area, his research and clinical work span over 30 years. Among his books, The
Biology of Dreaming, The Functions of Sleep, the Nightmare and Boundaries of the Mind are
considered classics in the field and have been praised in the New York Times Book Review, The
Washington Post Book World and the Lost Angels Times Book Review among others. He has
served as President of the Association for the Study of Dreams and was the first Editor-in-Chief
of the professional journal Dreaming. Thanks to his father Heinz Hartmann, one of Freud's best
know students, Dr. Hartmann actually met Sigmund Freud. However as Hartmann says, "Since he
was eighty and I was two, it was not the a great meeting of minds." He resides in Newton,

Dr Hartmann has been influential in the dreamwork community by providing a bridge between
clinical and non-clinical practices. The Association for the Study of Dreams, one Hartmann's
favorite organizations, provides a forum for scientist and clinicians to meet with pioneering
researchers from grassroots and non-clinical settings. In his recent book, Dreams and
Nightmares: The New Theory on the Origin and Meaning of Dreams, Hartmann provides views
and images that may turn out to be the unified field theory in dreams and dreaming.

In a recent online interview with Dr. Hartmann, we discussed many of the issues in his book that
are relevant to all those interested in the deepest meaning of dreams and dreaming.

Richard Catlett Wilkerson [RCW]: Hi Ernest and thank you for joining in this electronic interview
and sharing your time with us.

Ernest Hartmann, M.D. [EH]: Hi Richard. Glad to be here.

[RCW]: You have published hundreds of articles and written so many books on sleep and dreams
over the years, including classics on biology and nightmares and advanced theories on personality.
Why another book?

EH: Well, this is not just "another book". My articles have usually been on very specific subjects
-- often reports on a study. My books have appeared when I thought I had an answer to
something important. For instance my early book "The Functions of Sleep" proposed exactly what
it says: a new theory on what sleep does for us". MY book "The Nightmare" was chiefly a
detailed answer to "Who has Nightmares, and when?"

The book just published "Dreams and Nightmares... The New Theory" is my overall attempt to
make sense of the nature and function of dreams. It's a book for everyone interested in dreams ....
it's not written especially for psychologists or psychiatrists. In fact I think non-professional lovers
of dreams will find it useful and will find themselves agreeing with most of it. My clinical work as
well as research work leads me to disagree strongly with the "dreams-are-random-products"
biologists, and also to disagree with much of Freud. However the view I come up with is
compatible with what most people who love dreams believe anyway. In a few words: Dreams
make connections in the nets of our minds more broadly than does waking thought. Not
randomly, however, but guided by the emotion or emotional concern of the dreamer. Dreams
"contextualize" emotion. They do this in the form of "explanatory metaphor". And the process is
functional (useful) in several ways.

[RCW]: Everyone I have talked to who has read your book finds it very accessible. This is
especially nice as you tackle some of the more difficult issues in neural theory, dream science and
psychoanalytic thought. What made you decide to write about these topics this way?

[EH]: Well, I wrote about dreaming the way it makes sense to me. I'm very happy that people
find it accessible. Though I write about things like "nets of the mind", I don't try to get into a
mathematical treatment of nets -- in fact there's no math at all in the book. I do it in a very rough
"common- sense" way, because I believe that's all we have at present ( or maybe I mean "that's all
I can do"; I'm waiting for someone mathematically inclined to tell me just how it might be stated
in math terms. Maybe in the future.)

[editors note: see Dreams and Meaning in Science for more on Neural Nets]

I do discuss psychoanalysis, or at least Freud's main views on dreams, but I think I do it in very
simple understandable terms.

Overall I have a belief that anything important can be stated simply. I really want readers to
understand just what I mean, and either agree with me or disagree. In fact disagreements are
especially important. I hope readers who feel I'm just plain wrong on some issue will let me

[RCW]: You have shown in your book that cases of trauma and stress dreams further many of
the notions of the New Theory by providing strong evidence on how key images contextualize
emotion. What kind of reaction do you expect from those who (read your book and) feel that
dreams are meaningless or primarily hiding latent thoughts?

EH: I don't know, but I'd really be curious. Take my Paradigm dream. Someone who has just
been through a fire, or some other terrible event dreams "I was overwhelmed by a tidal wave".
This person is picturing his/her emotional state. This cannot possible be called random. And I
don't think there's a wish being fulfilled ( even after lengthy free associations in many persons.)

[RCW]: The New Theory you talk about has been developing for sometime among a large group
of researchers. Yet people still seem to entertain the same old notions about dreams. Why do you
feel the culture been so resistant to accepting a new view of dreams and dreaming?

[EH]: I think this view ( which I call "The Contemporary Theory" in the book; it's not just my
theory) will catch on. It has already caught on, in one form or another, among the dreamloving, or
dreamworking community.

[RCW]: You have a very alchemical approach to dreaming, dreamwork and therapy.
(Metaphorically). The alchemists often talked about lead as naturally turning to gold, given
enough time. By consciously entering into the transformation, the process is quickened. You have
mentioned that dreams are already doing what they need to be doing, (making connections,
contextualizing emotion) and through cooperation and attention to this we can have a very
fulfilling experience and understanding of them. What's the highest value you feel dreams and
dream studies will be able to achieve?

EH: I like the say you put that. I hadn't thought of "alchemical", but I can see it. However, I'm
worried that some will misinterpret your question, since Alchemy has an aura of magic and
weird-wonderful-wizards about it. I think of dreaming as simply allowing us to make connections
a little better,... climb your dreamtree and see a little farther. Sometimes this leads to new insights,
or discoveries, new art or new religions. Sometimes not. The highest values achievable will be
whatever your highest value IS.

[RCW]: I'm guessing that a notion that dreamworkers will often draw on from the New Theory, is
working with emotion and how it is contexualized in the central image. You mentioned several
people working in this area already in both clinical and personal exploration groups, such as the
Gestalt work, as well as Bosnak, Gendlin and Ullman's work, among others. Do you have your
own special approach for locating and working with the central image?

[EH]: Not really. I'm perfectly willing to use Amplification, Free Association, whatever seems to
work for a particular situation. I do feel, however, that when time is limited (as it usually is) it
makes most sense to start with the central or most powerful image of the dream.

[RCW]: You mention a possible limit in the use of central images. That is Post Traumatic Stress
Syndrome which you characterize as trauma where the person has so emotionally withdrawn that
no new useful connections are being made in dreams or therapy. Do you foresee these PTSD
sufferers ever being helped by dreamwork?

[EH]: Yes. But it's a complicated Q. They will usually need some other form of treatment first,
or in addition.

[RCW]: This ability to make connections in a safe place is compared with psychotherapy. Do you
see therapists picking up more of a cooperative approach with dreamwork? I'm thinking here
again of therapies that might follow your suggestion in bringing out the central image and
interweave these concerns with waking life.

[EH]: Yes. Yes . Yes. I see dreaming itself as very like psychotherapy ( see chapter 8). Both are
"making connections in a safe place". This occurs, I believe even when dreams are not
remembered. When they are remembered, the dreamer has a chance to make further connections,
and if s/he's in therapy, perhaps even more. For therapists I think it is very useful to think,
somewhat humbly, of helping the dreamer make further connections, rather than to insist on
finding THE WISH underlying the dream, or an Archetype or whatever.

[RCW]: One of the pieces of research & theory you have been involved with that is followed
widely in the dream movement has been the thick vs thin boundary personality type. My
understanding of this is that these are either natural or early learned styles that produce, as you
say, dream people and thought people. The thought people maintain thick boundaries between
contexts, are very focused and can shut dreaming memory out altogether. Dream people have thin
boundaries, are more sensitive, have a wider, softer focus and tend to recall dreams very easily,
sometimes too easily in the case of nightmares. Where do you see this notions being applied most

[EH]: You put it very well. I believe the "trait" or "personality" continuum running from very
thick to very thin boundaries, is perhaps the same continuum as the "state" continuum running
from focused waking to dreaming. This needs to be explored in terms of functioning of the mind
and brain. Where it will lead, I'm not sure.

[RCW]: The Dream Movement seems to have contributions from many fields, but has never really
had a unifying image. Do you see the notion of dreams contextualizing emotions as creating such
an image?

[EH]: Could be. I'd like to think so, anyway. For those who think of dreams made up of bits and
pieces -- thoughts, images, emotions etc, all mixed up or all playing equal roles -- then there's no
unifying image. But if you believe, as I do, that the basic stuff or substance of the dream is
IMAGERY, and the basic underlying force pushing or guiding the imagery is EMOTION, then I
hope my view of the imagery contextualizing ( providing a picture- context for) the emotion
makes unifying sense!

[RCW]: You mention that despite you differences with Freud, he has been a large influence on
your dream views, both in your professional more personal connections with the psychoanalytic
movement. Is the Interpretation of Dreams you favorite dream book?

[EH]: I did meet Freud (when he as 80 and I was 2) so I'm prejudiced. I don't know about
"favorite" but it's a book that has had so much to do with shaping the 20th century, I believe
everyone -- certainly everyone interested in dreams-- should read it.

[RCW]: I am told one of the worst interview questions to ask an author is what they plan to
write next, but the temptation is too much. What does the dream movement have to look forward
to with new Ernest Hartmann projects?

[EH]: Wish I knew! It depends on the reaction to the present book and present projects.

[RCW]: Ernest, again thank you very much for taking the time out from you work to talk about
these new and exciting developments in dreams and dreaming. I'm hoping our many readers will
be able to get a hold of you book and read more about your work and thought.

[EH]: Thank you, Richard. Pleasant dreams!

END Thu, 12 Nov 1998 18:09:37 EST

If you would like a copy of Dreams and Nightmares: The New Theory on the Origin and
Meaning of Dreams, please use the following Association for the Study of Dreams address to
order from By ordering through ASD you support dream and dreaming research.


A Westering Sun
The Dream of an Old Man

William C. Burns, Jr.


My tyeer
battered and sluggish
I reach and it nestles into my hand

"You're looking a bit worn, old friend?" I offer
"How was the day's energy spent?"
The speaking mechanism is breaking down

"We won some
we lost a few
on the whole, I'd say we made a difference."

"Who can ask more . . ."
One last flicker and my tyeer passes
With weathered hands
I remove the seed pack from its belly
and discard the remains

I place the seeds in the stream
under a rock
they will prosper through the night

My hands do not warm
after I pull them from the water

I lift one of the dream crystals
so treasured early in the day
now hopelessly clouded
I throw it into the stream

I find the sonic drill
search the hillside for another deposit
right there . . .
I find the geode vein
I painstakingly carve the humanoid geode figure

With failing strength
I wrestle the inanimate form into the stream
I lift the instrumentation
and place the stimulators

The work done toward midnight
I light a fire
wrap the rags of the day around me
on the balance
a good day.

William C. Burns, Jr.
Millennium Artist


Dreams and Meaning in Science: Neural Nets
Richard Wilkerson


It was hoped that with the discovery of REM sleep that soon all the questions about the meaning
of dreaming would unfold. But with the discoveries of dreams occurring outside of REM, not
only in NREM but in hypnosis, daydreaming and waking dreams, the hope faded.

A shift was made away from the content analysis to the process of dreaming itself. The gist of the
thinking behind this is as follows - If you want to study muscle functions, its not really necessary
to know if a person is using his muscles to pick up a can of tomato soup or chicken soup. And so
why focus on the particular dream to understand dreaming? The general question was how
dreaming might function to help the biological organism.

REM dreaming has been found in not only non-humans (most all mammals have REM sleep) but
also in new infants and pre-natal infants. How might this be adaptive to the survival of a
mammal? The current thinking on this is that REM might be used at different developmental
times for different purposes. In infants, REM might be stimulating associate neural development
while in adults it might be functioning a little this way but also serve other functions, such as
allowing the brain to be prepared and stay oriented in sleep. All these theories are still quite
distant from any proof.

Another track that has developed is the case for dreaming having to do with learning and
unlearning. Earlier suggestions and research focused on dreaming as processing the residue of the
day and coding it into long term memory.

Hobson and McCarley found that dream activity in cats begins after random firings in the
brain stem. They feel that the sleepy brain gets stimulated by these random firings and tries to
make sense out of them and the memories that are initiated. Flying and paralysis, for example,
would simply correspond to periods of brain stem activity and inactivity. They do suggest in the
Activation-Synthesis model that there is some synthesis by the higher brain functions and thus the
dream does contain some higher cognitive actions.

Crick and Mitchison combined this research with a model of neural networks to suggest that
the brain is actually unlearning during dreaming. They suggested that the neural networks that the
mind loads during the day get saturated with information and create false links between neural
nets that produce what we see as bizarre dreams. The random firing cleans these out during the
night. Thus, they hypothesize, remembering dreams may be counter productive to the unlearning

The mistake in all these theories, according to Harry Fiss and other, is in our model of science.
They way it works now, science ignores all meaning and value. All the tools and methods of
science work outside the realm of meaning - they work on quantity, not quality. To use such a
method from the beginning and then conclude that dreams are meaningless, is to go beyond what
the tools can offer us.

One solution, on the edge of the edge, is a re-vision of neural networking. Gordon Globus has
suggested that the brain works not only with stimulus-response and chemicals, but with models of
whole worlds. He uses a similar model to Crick and Mitchison, but points out that there is a
complex interactive brain system best described as neural nets that *produce* as well as respond
to events. In waking life there is feedback and corrections from a more concrete world. In sleep
we continue to produce models of worlds, but they have their own rules and we then interact with

Crick, Francis & Mitchinson, Graeme (1983). The function of dream sleep. Nature, 304(14), July,
Crick, Francis & Mitchinson, Graeme. (1986). REM sleep and neural nets. Journal of Mind and
Behaviour, 7(2&3), 229-50.
Fiss, Harry (1986). An Empirical foundation for a self psychology of dreaming. The Journal of
Mind and Behavior, 7(2&3), 161-192.
--------. (1984). Toward a clinically relevant experimental psychology of dreaming. The Hillside
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 147-159.
Globus, Gordon G. (1993). Connectionism and sleep. In A. Moffitt, M. Kramer, R. Hoffman
(Eds.), The Functions of Dreaming. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
--------. (1991). Dream content: Random or meaningful? Dreaming, 1(1), 27-40.
--------. (1989). Connectionism and the dreaming mind. The Journal of Mind and Behavior,
10(2). 179-196.
Hobson, Allan J. (also see articles in Consciousness and Cognition: An International Journal.
March 1994, volume 3, number 1. Special issue: Dream Consciousness: A Neurocognitive
--------. (1988). The Dreaming Brain. New York: Basic Books, Inc.


Interview with Habib
By Victoria Quinton November 1998


VQ: Hello Habib.

Would you like to describe The Garden for the Electric Dreams community?

H: The Garden has many levels to it (kindof like dreams, I suppose!). My
stock answer is that The Garden is a community of people who care for our
planet and each other, and support each other as we grow. We use the
Internet and other ways of doing that. From another perspective, The
Garden is a spiritual family or "tribe." The way many of us feel about
each other is like the way you might feel about a friend that you have just
met, but feel you have known for years, and you end up spending all night
sharing with that person. From yet another perspective (since this
Interview is about dreams!), The Garden is based on a real dream I had that
the Internet could become a place of love, peace, beauty, and understanding.

VQ: So, in this dream were there many other people, or other strong images?

H: Basically, the dream went as follows:

I descended to an area which was extremely noisy, with lots of flashing lights
etc. The place was filled with video games. I felt this place was Hell. Then,
as I walked past, a beautiful plant or flower appeared in one place, then
another, and another.

I woke up and immediately realized that I had just discovered part of my life's
work -- that the Internet (and our high tech world) could be transformed into a
"garden" of love, peace, beauty, and understanding.

VQ: How do you personally regard dreams?

H: Since The Garden, which is a major part of my life's work, came from a
dream, I would have to say that I regard dreams as rather important!

I have had several other dreams that have made an extremely big impact on
my life, offering me critical insights into myself and my life's work. My
perspective is that life is largely about learning, and dreams allow me to
learn about things in a different way, on different levels, than my waking
Partly this is because I have so many control issues that it is only when
I'm asleep that I'm able to be fully open.

I keep paper beside my bed and write down my dreams immediately (or else
I forget them), and since I wake up frequently at night, I write down a
LOT of dreams. Since it is dark, however, I can't always read what I have
written the next day!!!

VQ: Do you often discuss your dreams with others?

H: Rarely. I have never shared The Garden dream with anyone except my wife, and
was rather hesitant to share it here. My feeling is that dreams, in most cases, are lessons meant for us
as individuals. The meaning of those dreams, symbols and so forth, are based on our own experience
and perspective. In general, I don't feel it's useful to share my dreams with others, since those dreams
weren't meant for them, and may be interpreted in a dramatically different way,
which may not be useful for me or them. As I just wrote those words, I realized that my perspective
(on sharing dreams) is based on certain assumptions of who I am as an individual, and what type of
relationships I have with others. I would be open to reconsidering the value of sharing dreams with
certain people, under certain circumstances, with certain intentions, if appropriate opportunities


Host of The Garden
ICQ: 7649155



November-December 1998


If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy
Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News
online at

This Month's Features:

-Dream Certificate Program
-Alcheringa 2000 : let us dream our future !
-Introduction to Dreamwork courses in London, England
-Dreamtales from David Dahl

-Dream Researchers and Students!

-To Surf, Perchance to Dream
-Snake Dreams Online
-French Dream Site Demoiselle
-The Daily Analyst
-Dreams and the Genetic Code by Bradley York Bartholomew
-Experiment in Synchronicity
-Exploring Sleep Paralysis
-Dream Inspired Collages
-DreamMap web site up and running.

DREAM CALENDAR for December 1998




>>>>>>Alcheringa 2000 : let us dream our future !
For the past two years, a collective dreaming project has
occurred at the winter solstice, called Planetary Dream.
Sponsored by Oniros, the French dream organization, and
the European Association for the Study of Dreams,
Planetary Dream is part of an ongoing effort to unite
dreamers globally in the year 2000. Planetary Dream 1998
will be held December 20-21. The theme is Transcendence
(flying). Instructions to participate and incubate this
special dream can be found on the EASD site : To celebrate
this event, a ®Free trance psychedelic flying party¯ will
take place in Paris the night of the 18th of December...

>>>>>>Dreamtales from David Dahl
The Blue Deer and Other Dreamtales by David Rains Dahl is
a recently published collection of over 60 short-short
stories inspired by dreams and engaging a variety of
themes - all told with intense visual imagery and
metaphor. A book of dream-sharing, mystery and surprise.
The book costs $9.95 and is published by Capra Press PO
Box 2068
Santa Barbara CA 93120.

>>>>>>Dream Certificate Program
Twin Lakes College of the Healing Arts, in Santa Cruz,
CA, is offering a 200hr. certifiacte program in
Dreamwork, beginning Jan. 13, 1999. This in depth
training in Jungian Based dreamwork is for both lay
people and licensed clinicians. Classes include lectures,
demonstrations, direct experience and supervised practice
in the art and craft of working with dreams. For more
information and brochure, call the office at (831) 476-

>>>>>>Introduction to Dreamwork courses in London,
Dreams are the most personalised form of the Oracle, and
often the most miraculous, in that they are created-each
night -specifically for every one of us. One function of
our dreams is to point out our blind spots and correct
narrow or one-sided viewpoints; because of this it helps
to tell them to a sympathetic listener who can provide
objective insight and feedback. Using symbols and
metaphoric imagery, dreams employ a language that-with a
little help and practice-anyone can learn. In fact, the
very act of working to understand your dreams is usually
supported and rewarded by the Oracle, who seems to
respond when it knows that its messages are being heard.
Although much goes on in your dreaming life that is not
meant to be interpreted, working with dreams over time is
an excellent way to connect with a sense of meaning in
your life.

Nora Leonard will be running courses in dreamwork
beginning in January of 1999 in West Ealing (London,
England). The introductory course runs for 6 weeks, two
hours per week, and covers such topics as: keeping a
proper dream diary; learning to ask the right questions
of a dream; how dreams portray our current situation in
metaphoric terms; the need to bring in individual
associations and amplifications to dream imagery;
recognising and dealing with mythological motifs; how
dreams often picture our own inner dynamics as outer
relationships and situations-for example using our own
parents in dreams as images of how we"mother" or "father"
ourselves. Theory will be translated into practice using
dreams brought to the sessions by course participants.
The classes will be kept to 6-7 participants so that each
member gets a chance to present their dreams.

The cost will be 60 pounds sterling for the 6 weeks.
Please phone 0181-998-2366 or email nleonard@vatamoen.u-
net.comfor further details.


R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S


>>>>>>Dream Researchers and Students!
Read on for information about the journal Dreaming, and
about ASD's 1999 University of California, Santa Cruz.
The annual ASD conference is the world's largest
gathering of dream researchers and academics, and
includes researchers from many disciplines.

1) The journal Dreaming.
The latest issue of Journal Citation Reports, which
assesses the world's 6000 main journals, gives Dreaming's
1996 Impact Factor (that is, average number of citations
in science, social science, arts and humanities journals
in 1996 to articles published in Dreaming in the
previous 2 years) as 0.543, and their Immediacy Index
(that is, number of times in 1996 that Dreaming articles
published in 1996 were cited) as 0.176. Dreaming is being
cited more than the journals Adolescence, Applied Nursing
Research, Aids Patient Care Studies, Africa, American
Criminal Law Review, Adult Education Quarterly,
Anthropology Quarterly, Ageing Society, American
Political Quarterly, American Journal of Psychotherapy,
and American Journal of Art Therapy. These are just a few
of the journals starting with A, let alone other letters,
that Dreaming exceeds in level of world citation. It also
exceeds GLQ-Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Journal
of Mind and Behavior, Canadian Psychologist and
Australian Journal of Psychology. The journal publishes
work in many academic disciplines, but for those involved
in sleep or psychology the journal's Immediacy Index
(0.176) is comparable to that of Journal of Sleep
Research (0.194) and exceeds the British Journal of
Clinical Psychology (0.151) and Personality and
Individual Differences (0.105). Dreaming's Impact Factor
(0.543) is comparable to that of Personality and
Individual Differences (0.876), and Journal of Sleep
Research (0.862), and is higher than half of the 90
journals classed by JCR as general psychology. Obviously
this success and quality is costly, in terms of the
editor-in-chief, editorial board members and referees'
time and commitment, and the last ASD Board meeting
agreed 12000USD ($12,000) for the costs for journal
administration for 1999, in addition to the publishers
costs for printing and distribution.

2) Full abstracts for all articles that have been
published in Dreaming, plus article discussions, are now
available on the ASD website, at




Here is a selection of some of the Hawaii 1998 conference
scientific and social scientific papers: content analysis
of martial arts practitioners' dreams; dream content and
self-esteem; thin boundary ratings and dream content;
lots of papers on the relationship between nightmares and
trauma, and the treatment of both; dream content of
inpatients; quantitative analysis of dream publishing
activity over the 20th century; dreams of cardiac
patients; dreams of insomniacs; suggestibility in the
reporting of dream recall frequency; update on the
activation-synthesis theory; effects of bodily
stimulation on dream content; dreams and the visual
system; dream content coding on the Schneider/Domhoff
website; various cross-cultural papers; meaning in series
of dreams.

There were also presentations on the research use of long
term dream journals; childhood nightmares; the
anthropology of dream theories in Bali and New Guinea;
lucid dreaming; dreams in literature and in films; a
sociological presentation on the disapproval of dreams in
the films of Disney; universal dreams; and the etiology
of nightmares. Also of note work from other disciplines,
such as Milton Kramer's historical/psychoanalytic paper
on how the Irma dream may not have been about Emma
Eckstein, and Kelly Bulkeley's historical paper on the
reported dreams of Socrates about his death, and dream
interpretation in ancient Greece.


4) Suggestions have been made for at least one 2 hour
research symposium, as an addition to the many research
paper, panel and symposium sessions, in which informal
discussions could take place, which would have some of
the characteristics of the post-talk/dinnertime exchange
of information that is present
for small groups at other times of the conference. The
aim is that the discussion may precipitate future
research projects, and may be of benefit to student
researchers. Further information on this is available


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


Do you know of interesting new websites you'd like to
share with others? Or do you have updates to existing
pages? Help spread the word by using the Electric Dreams
DREAM-LINK page This is
really a public projects board and requires that everyone
keep up his or her own link URLs and information. Make a
point to send changes to the links page to us.

>>>>>>DreamMap web site up and running.
On the web site you can download
the DreamMap software (supported versions include Mac
68k, Mac PowerPC, and Windows95/98/NT). DreamMap is a
dream text journal and visualization tool that helps the
dreamer explore links between groups of dreams. Another
new item on the new dreammap site is that you can read
the epistemology of the DreamMap software, including the
different iterations and the content analysis framework
underlying the dreammap software.
Dreams and the Genetic Code by Bradley York Bartholomew

>>>>>>Keep Dreaming and Stay Young!
It has been known for decades that the fetus spends the
majority of its time in REM sleep. Likewise there is a
well-established theory that much of the pre-language
behavior of the neonate, as well as the mechanisms for
the emergence of language, are "pre-wired" into the
brain. It is suggested that it is in fact fetal dreams
which are crucial for the development of these innate
factors, and that through its dreams the fetus is being
rehearsed in the behaviors it will indulge in after it is
born. Not only may REM sleep be the essential factor for
the development of the central nervous system (CNS) in
utero, it is also likely that dreams are responsible for
maintaining the CNS throughout the lifespan. It is known
that the amount of REM sleep decreases with age, so if
the proportion of REM sleep could be kept constant at the
young adult level, the process of aging may be

>>>>>> Perceptions
A new dream-related site called Perceptions promotes the
connection between creativity and spirituality, with a
large emphasis on dreams and how they inform and shape
our experiences and goals. The site is in association
with Perceptions Newsletter, a bimonthly, snail-mail
publication that regularly includes articles on dreaming
as well as dream- inspired poetry. (Like the website, the
publication is not exclusivelydevoted to dreaming, but
does place a large emphasis on dreams.) They offer a
links page that includes a small dream section, as well
as a dream section in our online bookstore. We also have
an online poetry forum. Our goal is to hare resources and
support with regard to the individual creative and
spiritual journey, of which dreams and dreamwork are an
integral and invaluable part.

>>>>>> To Surf, Perchance to Dream
Those who have an interest in dream interpretation can
visit this website for free interpretations. Jerry
Gifford, the author, primarily uses Jungian dream
psychology when working with dreams. His webpage was
mentioned in the New York Times Circuits section in the
article by Tina Kelley 'To Surf, Perchance to Dream'.

>>>>>>Snake Dreams Online
Anyone who is sometimes troubled by dreams of snakes,
might be interested in taking a look at this new dream
page about snakes. There are also a couple about dragons.
The page includes interpretations.

>>>>>>French Dream Site -- Demoiselle
This new dream site is collective site in French,
established by seven women in Qu‚bec and France, all
empassioned by dreams. The name of this site is: Les
demoiselles du rˆve, because in French "demoiselle" has
two meanings: lady and lullaby, which is the messenger of
dreams in the Amerindians tradition.

>>>>>>The Daily Analyst
Free Association in Everydaylife . . . Vrij Associ‰ren in
het leven van alledag Explore your dreams, fantasies and
anything else on your conscious mind . . . Onderzoek uw
dromen, fantasie‰n en al het andere in de geeste...
<subscribe to dream interpretation by free
association>your co-explorer is Willem Linschoten,
psychiatrist. psycho-analyst (and.... Sigmund Freud is at
the Freudmuseum in Vienna!!!) The Daily Analyst's old and
new items daily on work-days. Languages: Dutch, English,
French, German, HTML, Italian, Latin.

>>>>>>Experiment in Synchronicity
This website reviews an experience that conforms to a
principle called 'synchronicity', the psychic relativity
of space and time, through the dreaming function.

>>>>>>Exploring Sleep Paralysis
Sleep paralysis is a condition that happens during the
onset of sleep or awakening. The sleep and awakening
onsets are key for many people who like to have the
experience of "leaving the physical body", with
awareness, or also called "entrance into lucid-dream from
the awaken state" by LaBerge's school. Sleep paralyis is
one the phenomena one might experience in this situation,
which might be accompanied by "dream-like
hallucinations".However, the fact that the person is
conscious and unable to move, can be frightening.

Author Sirley Marques Bonham was appalled when she first
entered the sleep forum from the University of California
Los Angeles, where she read the many accounts ofpeople
having sleep paralysis, and thinking they could be going
crazy. Some of them even ended up being treated for a
pathology that didn't exist, due to the ignorance of the
psychoanalyst, or sleep professional). It was from there
that she learned about Jean-Christophe Terrillon, a
Canadian bio-physicist who now works in Kioto, Japan.
They had many discussions about these phenomena, before
they deciced to write a paper together.

This paper was presented at the meeting of the Society
for Scientific Exploration in Charlottesville, North
Carolina, last May.

Visit Sirley's website, THE DREAMER PAGE at

>>>>>>Dream Inspired Collages
Art in theAlchemical and Tantric Tradition by husband and
wife Kathleen Eiswald and David Wells. Enjoy several
galleries of beautiful collages.



December 1998


Dec 5 in Berkeley, CA
Annual Bay Area Dreamworkers Group (BADG) Holiday Party,
7 11 pm. For more information, contact Jim or Marcia
Emery at (510) 526-5510, or

Dec 4-6 in Lexington, KY
Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Paula Raines at
606.226.0130 for more information.

Dec 9 in Pittsburgh, PA
"Dream Workshop" meets at 7:00 pm at 4836 Ellsworth
Avenue (Friends Meeting House). Call 412.241.7885 for

Dec 18 in Glendale, CA
"The Wisdom of Mythic Stories Symbolic Maps of Life
Stages". This seminar presents personal applications of
mythology and symbolism. For more information, contact
Center for Story and Symbol, 310 W. Quinto Street, Santa
Baraba, CA 93105, telephone: 805) 687-7171, email; website

Dec 20-21, Worldwide
The theme for the next Planetary dream, which will take
place during the night of the winter solstice (20th to
21st of
december 1998), will be : TRANCENDENCE (flying). For more
information, you can visit the ASD or the EASD URL

Dec 30 in Fresno, CA
"The Wisdom of Mythic Stories Symbolic Maps of Life
Stages". This seminar presents personal applications of
mythology and symbolism. For more information, contact
Center for Story and Symbol, 310 W. Quinto Street, Santa
Baraba, CA 93105, telephone: 805) 687-7171, email; website


== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V5 N11 ==

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **


Vol. 5 Number 11 - December 1998

Hello dreamers! This month we have approximately 57
pages worth of special treats in a time displacement
kind of way. We have a festival of Communication with
the Dead dreams, and corresponding commentary more
appropriate of a Halloween Ghosts issue. However, this
is a subject that many people get scared out of their
wits with, yet are quite frequent. For those wishing
to learn more about the dreams from the departed, the
learned dreams authority Patricia Garfield wrote a book
on the subject a couple years ago. The following
information is provided for those interested in
pursuing the subject further- The book is 'The Dream
Messenger : How Dreams of the Departed Bring Healing
Gifts' by Patricia Garfield, PhD. List Price: $22.00,
Hardcover - 300 pages (February 1997) Simon & Schuster;
ISBN: 0684813599. Other categories FEEDBACK, DREAMING,
VEHICLE also have contributions this month, many
eeriely touching on death or ending themes. May the sun
rise on your new day!
Dream on! Happy New Year. May the new year bring us a
robust crop of birth and baby dreams, focusing on
potential, growth and the future.





As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday here in the
United States, a time for reflection on the blessings
we have in our life arises. We take so many things for
granted in the daily course of our lives. Try to take
some time every day to reflect on all the good things
that have happened in your life, and all the resources
you have to do what needs to be done during this
journey down the path of human life. Many times,
places, things, ideas, and people have left our real
time lives in a way dying out of our lives. Yet many
new times, places, things, ideas and people have rushed
in to replace to some degree or another the departed.
In our memories some of the old , outdated, or outmoded
still lives on as a source of strength or a source of
fear. Our dreams help us to channel these very real
forces into an integrated present self. Look, listen
and learn from the wisdom within.

Thanks to those who have shared their dreams and
commentary with our community.

Enjoy your visit to the pages of Electric Dreams.

Bob Krumhansl



== Commentary by JayV on 'the big house' dream in e.d
5.9 ==
== Commentary by RobLewis on Attack of the Oyster
== Commentary by BobK. on Dr. Salt (981122) ==
== Commentary by NutcrackerRCW: challenge Dr D's
viewpoint? (981119)==


experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

** Dream: Stairs by SueM (981119) **
== Commentary by Bob K on Stairs ==

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external
stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around -
our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so
mysterious to others]

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

** Dream: Hillary Clinton's Death by Night Sky (981102)

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial

** Dream: my father's funeral (931227) **
== Commentary from SharonG (981107) ==
== Commentary by Ione My Father's Funeral (981107) ==
== Commentary by DrDre on "My Father's Funeral... and
Other Similar Dreams of the Departed!!" (981110) ==
== Commentary by Heratheta on Funeral Dreams/Comments
(981112) ==
** Dream: "Fancy Meeting You Here" by Nutcracker
== Commentary by Heratheta on Fancy & Departed Dreams
(981120) ==


AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BOOKS (Extensions of our memory and imagination, our
permanent records)

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here
to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the
events we participate in]

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs &

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools,

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn,
right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open,
close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all -
follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy
about asking someone else down the path, except, of
course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

== Commentary by Heratheta on Various Dreams(981112)==

11/4 hillary drm
11/2 stan drm
kiss drm
10/30 atm drm
10/29 teeth drm
thanks - dream geography

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

** Dream: goodnight kiss by raindrop (981031) **
== Commentary by Bob K.on Goodnight Kiss ==

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

EVENTS [The activity defines or dominates the story - a
convergence of people at a place and time for a special

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]

** Dream: Stay away from ATM by DC (981029) **
** Dream: Bloody Sunday--Kendalyn (981110) **

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

** Dream: "Clinical Communication" by Chris (981115)**

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

** Dream: jamies house by ? (981116) **

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with
the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by
definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

(See Music Lessons in SCHOOL THEMES)

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including
family which constitutes the first and earliest of our
relationships, often influencing how we relate to the
outside world]

(If you didn't read X and The Past in REPETITIVE
DREAMS, they are about the theme of dealing with past
romantic relationships)

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

(Check out NURules in the REPETITIVE DREAMS section)

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and
the lower]

[See Repetitive dreams]

STRANGERS [Who and what we don't know yet]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams
people have questions on. Theories on what they mean
range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

** Dream: Crumbling Teeth by ? (981028) **

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of

** Dream: storm maiden by stan kulikowski ii (981031)

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are
paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or

** Dream: "Confused & Trapped" by ? (981028) **

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of

** Dream: Crazy Night-taylor (981109) **

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

= = = = = = = = = = = ==


== Commentary by Dr.Deus on Head of State Funeral Dream
for Night Sky! (981110) ==

= = = = = = = = = = = ==



== Commentary by JayV on 'the big house' dream in e.d
5.9 ==

in my 'the big house dream' i feel good that i am
gentle with the little boy (myself). i want to work on
getting to know and understand him better.

then there will come a time when i will be ready and
able to
introduce him to the people in the new part of the
house. this will make me feel even better.

== Commentary by RobLewis on Attack of the Oyster

Hello Cathy:

As an aside, the French translation of your dream was
'epouvantable'; but your dream was very interesting and

In my view, in your waking life, you have convinced
yourself that you are enthusiastic about something, or
looking forward to doing something, or that something
appears pleasant/enjoyable (traveling, new job, new
school, new friends, circle of friends:  I don't
know anything about your life so it could be anything)
but the dream is telling you that you are deceiving
yourself, that whatever it is that you are doing or
contemplating doing or what appears pleasant/enjoyable
is not and you are not enjoying it and/or will not
enjoy it, and may in fact dread it.

Thanks for sharing this dream,

== Commentary by BobK. on Dr. Salt (981122) ==

I am in a Doctors office. A young male Doctor enter's.
I do not know him. He looks at my chart and ask's "are
you still eating Salt?'. I am confused. I think I must
not have heard him properly. I say "pardon?' He repeats
"Are you still eating salt?' . I am confused and think,
what has salt got to do with anything?

I'd appreciate input.
Thanks, Joe

Commentary: The question posed in this dream appears to
be Salt - it's function and purpose. The confusing part
seems to be that it is being tyreated like a medicine
in this dream. This is a good examp-le of dreams where
some object is taken out of context so much so that it
yell out to the dreamer for attention. What does salt
have to do with anything? For starters, does the
dreamer use any salt for seasoning foods in their
waking life diet? Might they be using too much so that
it is unhealthy for them? The setting in the doctors
office indicates a context of disease diagnosis,
prevention or healing. What meaning does salt have in
the dreamers life? In my experience, it adds immensely
to the enjoyment and taste of food which is an internal
feeling. I usually use some every day! In a social
context, a well known expresion refers to humble people
as the salt of the earth. As a chemical, salt is used
as a food preservative of sorts. In areas where it
snows, it is used to melt the snow from the roads and
pathways making them more easily passable. What does
salt mean to you? Is it a positive or a negative? Do
you need some in your life or do you use too much? Once
you address that issue, you can move on to the one the
dreamer asks: What does salt have to do with anything?
The same process would apply to any seemingly out-of-
context dream image. To find out what the dream might
be talking about play around with the imagery, you'll
be surprised with what you find.

== Commentary by NutcrackerRCW: challenge Dr D's
viewpoint? (981119)==

First I'd like to thank Dr. D for his rousing rendition
of 'Day of the Dead' dreams. What a way to go, huh?
It would have been extra spooky on Halloween, n'est ce
pas? As usual, it was quite entertaining to say the
least! Nobody can interpret them like the good ol'
doctor, and I should
know, having intimately explored the parallel universe
with the Winged Leader on numerous occasions. On the
cosmic applause meter, Dr. D deserves a standing
ovation! <cosmic applause>

I don't suppose anyone lurking out there would care to
challenge Dr D's viewpoint? If not, why not join us in
our explorations with some serious discussions about
dreams and learn something new. Everyone's welcome.


experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

** Dream: Stairs by SueM (981119) **

Since I was a girl, I have had a repeating dream in
which I'm either going up or down stairs. At the end of
the stairways, I am never able to go through to the
last floor. I get scared [frightened to freezing point]
and I just can't. One time, a close friend of mine was
at the end, she had made it there already. She saw what
was up there, and she told me I wouldn't like it, but
that I should see what it was anyway.

Unfortunately, I was woken up before I could continue
my mysterious walk. I stopped having the dream three
years ago.

== Commentary by BobK on Stairs ==

Stairs help us get from one level to another, one place
to another. They act as a bridge between otherwise
disconnected places. Like closed doors which open into
places we have never been before, approaching the
unknown is always scary.

In this dream, a dream helper tries to break the blow
of expectations as to the next level. It's not that
great. Recurring dreams will stop when the issue it
presents ceases to be of concern or the message
otherwise gets across. If this were my dream and it had
stopped, I would guess that I either reached the
unknown level the top of the stairs represented
already, or ceased to be scared about the uncertain
changes that faced me at one time. Something happened
about three years ago that put my internal concerns to

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external
stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around -
our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so
mysterious to others]

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

** Dream: Hillary Clinton's Death by Night Sky (981102)

Date of Dream 11-2-98, 3:00 a.m.

I am being brought somewhere by some being. The
location is hard to describe, surreal, simple,
outdoors. Looks something like a train
station/platform. Hillary Clinton is there all dressed
up, waiting, but Bill Clinton and the others do not
arrive. It is like the last straw for her. She
decides to kill herself and does so in a car. It
happens fast. I am allowed to feel what she is
feeling. She is angry, very, very sad, tired, in a
giving up state. After her death I am allowed to feel
the sadness in the country as the people mourn her.

Comments by Dreamer: I woke up and felt the dream's
residue most of the day. I don't want it to be
prophetic. I tried applying it to my own life, but I am
not in a relationship, my job is fine and I am not
suicidal. But I realize that sometimes the most
important dreams are the ones we deny.
Also, I wonder if anyone else has had a similar type
dream. Thanks, Night Sky

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial

** Dream: my father's funeral (931227) **

Date of Dream December 27, 1993/4-5a.m.
(Submitted 981108)

After my father died all my family said that they
felt my father would come to me in a dream to let us
know that he was okay. The first night that he died, I
did not dream and neither the second night. On the
third night, the day before his funeral I had a dream
in which I woke up crying (I was 29 years old at the

In the dream, we were at my father's funeral
which was at our parent's home. It was an open casket
which was in my parent's bedroom and all the vistors
were in the front room
and kitchen. I was in the room with my Aunt Betty (his
sister in law) while she was viewing my father. For
some reason she decided that she would try to climb in
the casket. Now if you knew my Aunt Betty, she is a
lady with a good sense of humor. As a result, the
casket fell over with her and my dad rolling out of the
casket. When she stood up, she asked me what were we
going to do to put him back in the casket. As we were
trying to figure it out, my dad opened his eyes. Both
of us were suprised. He asked me to go get my brothers
and my mother so that we could talk. Once they came in
the room we closed the doors to their bedroom and he
told us that he was okay. He kept saying it over and
over, "I'm okay." We said what were we going to tell
everyone since they all here for his funeral. He said
to not tell anyone and go along with the funeral. He
said that it would be our secret. When I asked him what
he was going to do with himself while he was hiding
out, he said that he would be a ham radio operator (I
think that is how you spell ham?). As he said this we
could hear a ham radio squak with some different people
saying "breaker one, two, R.C. (that was his nickname)
can you hear us. We
are ready to party."

At this point I woke up crying. I let my family
that Dad was okay and he actually had gotten himself a
job in heaven. My Aunt to this day does not understand
why she had to be the one to dump him out of the
coffin. The funny part about the day was my uncle (his
brother-not married to my Aunt Betty) came to me at the
funeral to let me know that during a dream he had about
my father that my dad told him to tell me that it was
all right. My father was and is the apple of my eyes.

Comments by Dreamer: Can dreams be a connection to the
after life and/or other spiritual things?

== Commentary from SharonG (981107) ==

Hi Richard,

I believe that while we are asleep, our bodies leave
the dense body to give vital rest and repair damage to
tissues. I strongly believe that we can connect with
the ether and receive messages from another dimension
of life in the state of sleep.

Take care

== Commentary by Ione My Father's Funeral (981107) ==

Re: <My father's funeral > What wonderful dreaming!
Yes, I have heard and myself witnesssed many similar
accounts of responsiveness in dreams particularly in
the recently deceased. The three day period seems about
right in terms of Buddhist understanding of when the
consciousness would return. Also, read Edgar Cayce on
Dreams for various accounts of dream phenomena- . He
indicated that some 'visitation' dreams are indeed just
that- real visitations. How to tell these from other
dreams? He says, and I teach that it is by the feeling
tone of the dream. The actual visitation dreams have a
particularly potent, and eventually recognizable
feeling, completely different from a regular dream
about the person.

My best to you, IONE

Send a dream to my Dream Sack Website /
December 11 at 12:45 PM - Haas Pavillion, Mills
college, Oakland, a scene from Ione's <Njinga the Queen
Featuring Mills Students and Bay Area Community Members

== Commentary by DrDre on "My Father's Funeral... and
Other Similar Dreams of the Departed!!" (981110) ==

Dear Dreamers,

That dream is a very typical Dream of the
Personaly, I classify them in a few categories and this
one would fall into the Familiar Defuncts or Familiars
category... and let's re-read it for fun, instruction,
guidance and pure wonderment...


Oh! what a beautiful dream and coming with a
confirmation dream dreamt by his brother. I really hope
that the "Apple of your Eyes" will give you divine
sight... or insight, if you prefer.

About your question...

>Can dreams be a connection to the after life
>and/or other spiritual things?

The answer is YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!

And, you know, the funniest is that I explained that
in several postings in February, March and April of
this year with absolutely no comments nor reply...
except from Nutcraker. I will repost these to refreshen
the sleeping minds of a few... within the next days.

As stated earlier, the Dream Realm is the the parallel
Spiritual World, the World of the After Life and all...
"ALL" the Old Civilisations were aware of that most
crucial fact and still today all... "ALL" the so-called
Primitive Tribal Societies are still fully aware of
this primordial truth.

As the Prophet Mohammed said...

"Now Allah has created the dream not only as a means
of guidance and instruction, I refer to the true dream,
but he has made it as a window on the World of the
Unseen." (Prophet Mohammed, Arabia, 7th century A.D.)

... and this is clear like crystal clear water.

Let me illustrate the phenomena of the "Miraculous
Transformation" with the following example from...

The Facts on File Encyclopedia of World Mythology and
Legend by Anthony S. Mercatante copyright 1988
published by Facts on File of New York and Oxford, ISBN

"Sennadius, Dream of" is on page 579, and is item
number 2643.

"Sennadius, Dream of: In Christian legend, a dream
recorded by St.Augustine in one of his epistles to
that man has two natures.

"Sennadius was a physician who did not believe in the
duality of man's nature and consequently in a future
One night an angel appeared to him in a dream and asked
him to follow. The angel took Sennadius to the confines
of a city, where he was 'ravished with celestial music'
that the angel told him came from the voices of perfect
spirits. Sennadius thought no more about the dream when
he awoke. Sometime afterward the angel appeared to him
again, recalled to him the memory of the former visit,
and then asked him if the vision had occurred while
Sennadius was awake or during sleep. Sennadius replied,
'During sleep.' 'Just so,' said the angel. 'What you
and heard was not by your bodily senses then, for your
eyes and ears were closed in sleep.' 'True,' said the
physician. 'Then,' continued the angel, 'with what eyes
did you see, and with what ears did you hear?'
could not answer. The angel said, 'It must be evident,
you see when your bodily eyes are shut and hear when
your bodily ears are closed in sleep, that you must
other eyes and ears beside those of your material body.
When, therefore, your body sleeps, that other something
may be awake. When your body dies, that other something
may live on.' "


Can you understand that? That's crystal clear again.
If you can't figure this out nor understand this, there
definitely something awfully wrong with your computer.

By the way, this famous dream was found by my good
Mr. Mark Gerard Miller who also posts here occasionaly.
Thank you, Mark.

So, my dear Dreamer Friends, "YES", we have a dual
nature and that is evident and easy to see. Let me
strenghten your convictions with a few other dreams of
Familiars and just watch and listen attentively... to
the messages of these...

Posted by BJ October 12,1998 at 05:31:38:

My late sister-in-law, who passed away after a very
short illness in 1992 came to me in a dream, she looked
young and happy, dressed in a short,dress. We were near
a large clear swimming pool, and she was smilling but
only aknowledged me briefly. She was a wonderfull, kind
person and looked very happy in the dream.

I have studied dream interpretation in South Africa,
where I onced lived both Spiritually and
Psychologicaly. I understand the happiness and
youthfulness, but the family that she left behind has
disintergrated into nothing,
nothing, with her husband disregarding his children and
his parents. Why did she look so happy with all the
suffering that is apparent.

Kind Regards
In Love and Peace.


...and I wrote to him to say among other things...

...and as you may have noticed Sir, by the swimming
pool, you were not in your material body (which was
sound asleep in the bed) when you were with your nice
sister-in-law in her spiritual resurrection body in
which she has carried on existing since
decorporation... and in that dream, the most
interesting for you Sir is to realise the obvious fact
that you were of the same nature as her!!!

Surprising!!! Hey?

Great! Yes! Super!!

Now, Sir, I am forwarding you some funny material,
just the way it is written, because actually it is very
enriching, which will explain to you everything about
our dual natures and you will know everything about
this wonderful "miraculous transformation"...

"Grasping the True nature of dreams,
May I train myself in the clear Light of the
Miraculous Transformation."
(Bardo Thodol)

In other words, Sir B, be my Guest... and Cheers! to
your Rewarded and by now Immortal Sister-in-Law!

How beautiful she must have been?


Oh! Boy, I would have liked to be in that dream and
because I would have certainly played with her a
little. ;)

Anyhow, check this most revealing "recurring" shortie

-----Original Message-----
From: D
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 1998 11:25 PM
Subject: recurring dream

My boyfriend's sister keeps having this dream of her
deceased great-grandmother, who past away when she was
about two years old. In the dream her great-grandmother
keeps telling her she loves her. Any suggestions as to
what this means?


Well that's very simple your Great-GrandMother has
been with you all that time and she loves you...
forever Love.

So amazing what love can do. Anyways, here are a few
from Nutcracker...

I had gone home to attend my class reunion. I had
bought some stuff to take back with me when I left and
my father-in-law (who died two weeks prior to this
dream) told me I could use his wife's car to take the
stuff home if I wanted. (8/8/96) #496 (father-in-law)


NOTE: Gerald, just thought you might like to know this
little tidbit. In 1983 my brother's first born
daughter died while on vacation (there was a leak from
a gas refrigerator). My brother and his wife almost
at the time as well. Anyway, at the funeral, my uncle
Red (who has since passed on), said he saw Jessie's
ghost. She came up to him and told him that she was ok
and not to cry for her. He was the one who found their
bodies after my brother's dog (a German Shepherd) came
and got him. My
uncle lived nearby and knew that something must be
wrong for the dog to show up by himself. Jessie was 18
months old at the time.

I went to visit my uncle Red and my aunt Betty. They
had a guest. They were about to eat when I interrupted
them. I discovered this when I spied 3 plates of food
on a table outside the back window; three plates with
baked perch, corn on the cob and coleslaw. I knew I
should leave. Then I
noticed there were three plates of food inside as well.
I told my uncle I liked perch too, only deep fried. He
offered to make it for me sometime.

(2/15/98) # F&F/Three (uncle Red)


My mom was visiting and I was showing her around the
neighborhood. We ran into a neighbor lady who said,
'I'm so glad you're here. There's someone I want you
to meet.' I knew what she was up to (trying to fix up
my mom and her brother). She introduced me to her
brother. He seemed a
little too pleased to meet me. I hope she had told him
what she was up to.

She went on, 'And this is her mother.' They seemed to
hit it off very well (mom and her brother). I guess
they made an ok couple. He was wearing khaki pants and
a powder blue knit shirt. He wore black rimmed glasses
and had thinning black hair. Mom's hair was mostly
white in the back and her
bangs were auburn. (6/5/95) (my mom)


My good friend Nutcracker has too many... she must
have sent me about 50 and among all and this one is one
of my favourites...

My dad is driving a bus. I and another person are
sitting atop two(vertical) telephone poles on the bus.
We're out in the country and we stop. Now my dad is
carrying us as we sit on the poles. The poles begin to
tip over and we fall to the ground, but no one is hurt.
(1995) (dad)

Wow! A real Communication Driving Tour of the
Departed... :)

By the way, I know of a woman who is not on the Net
and has some twice a week. Anyhow, look at these also
kind recurring and modifying ones here...

Continuous Dreams

Posted by pam on April 06, 1998 at 15:12:03:

On Saturday nite, I had a dream that involved me,
another female (couldn't tell the identity) and my
younger brother (who died at the age of 16 back in
1977). In this dream, we were sitting at a table and he
was distributing some type of papers to us. I wasn't
paying attention to the papers, as I was in awe of how
much he had grown since I last saw him.
He was a grown man in this dream.

I've had several encounters and dreams with him in the
past 21 years, but they've all been where he's the same
size and age as he was when he died.

Can anyone tell me what this series mean and/or if they
are even related to one another?


Yes! of course, they all relate to each other...
because Ghosts of the Deads are immortal and sometimes
they scare people who are afraid of ghosts for some
stupid reason or another ... like in the case of this
Lady Jo "Millenium Babe" in a message to me...

Did have one thing to add...a dream that I actually
remembered....happened a couple of days ago, and
although I don't remember what the whole point of it
was, it's more who was in it....there were two people I
know who have just recently suffered personal losses of
their spouse, I remember being at the house of one of
them and both were there. Then all of a sudden I was
on a train trying
to sleep in a bed and I felt someone's arms around me
holding me tight and I looked over and it was my
adopted Mother. She was alive but already dead. She
smiled at me, but I tore from her grip and was
terrified. Then it ended.


How funny! Myself, I laugh with Ghosts and it's always
a great feeling to see old friends whom we thought
that we may never see again... and to apease our
sorrows they come and reassure us...anyways, the
following one is from my friend BOz from Istanbul...

1) I'm in a car, in the right seat. My former boss,
who had died at the age of 32 in 1990, is driving. We
hit a street lamp and I'm thrown out of the wind shield
and start rolling down a steep hill. It gets steeper
every moment and at the end is a cliff. Just before
falling down, I manage to stop. Next moment, I'm in a
cave. There is narrow tunnel which seems lead outside.
Someone, throws a rope and calls me. As they pull me
the tunnel gets narrower and I get stuck. I find
myself saying "This is going to end in England !". As
it gets harder to breath, I wake up.

The tunnel squeezing me reminded me of birth and I had
just had a car crash which was driven by someone dead.
Who knows, maybe it was the end of a life and the
beginning of a new one, probably this one.


... thank you B, but never let a Ghost drive a
car... they are lousy drivers... and the following is
one from his Auntie...

Date May 13th, 1997

My note: My aunt's father and father in-law both died
last year. July and December, respectively.

In her dream she is coming home and knows that two
people have looked for her. She sees these two people
in the garden who are very tall and "different
looking". They have left her a package with the
following note:

"Tell her that Joe Ashtar has left this, she'll
understand." Next, she sees these two people on the
elevator and they now look like her father and father
in-law. Together with them is another man whom she
knows in real life and has died some time ago. She
opens the package when she is home to find a triangular
shaped diamond with a silver seal inside the diamond.


Yes! Auntie Johnnie this is a most magical "eternal
diamond" present that your father and father-law left
for you... and here is a beautiful one of my lady
friend Mrs. RR...

To: "Gerald D'Aoust" <>
Subject: returns


my mother used to tease me when i would tell her I was
afraid of the dark and that somebody would get me. she
always said they would let me go when it got light.

my dream 3 days after my mother passed on.

i dreamt that i was on a long highway and i kept
running away from different people. they would hurt me
so i jumped into a car and took off. when i would put
the brakes on ,the car would turn over on the side of
the road. i was pulled out of the car and i saw a flat
top building and it had huge windows in it. i climbed
in the window and found myself in a room with all kinds
of sick people in bed.

I started crying and this little lady came and took my
and told me to follow her . she said she would show me
the way out. i could not see her face and i am really
not sure it was a female. she started walking toward a
bright light at the end of a long hall, i could not
keep up with her, i screamed "mother, don't leave me!"
she turned and came back to me . she smiled and said to
me "don't worry dear you have your nose." she took her
index finger and her thumb and made a circle and put it
around my nose. and once again she said" you have your
nose." i then woke up to find i was crying with joy.

i really was tired for i had kept my mother at home
until she passed, and i really did miss her. it was as
if she had come to tell me everything would be o.k.

take care dear one and get back to me soon, becca

ps i am wide awake

see what naps can do for you. oh well, just a ripple in
the pond. i will get back on schedule tomorrow.

love to you, thanks for lending your ear.


Oh! Thank you so much Becca... for such a
tenderloving... "I'll be with you forever!" dream.

So, you see, my dear dreaming Friends... you can use
your nose, you can use your flair, your intuition and
you will see that they have not left us. After death
only the Ghost Body of a person remains of a person...

"Thy material body liveth in Dedu Nif-Urtet (Earthly
Plane) and thy "khu" soulbody liveth in Heaven each
("The Book of the Dead", by Budge, London, 1938, page


"Thou shalt exist for longer than a million million
an era of millions." (Book of the Dead Chapter 175.)

...and you well know just like me that the skin suit
doesn't last millions of years because it tends to rot
when the soul leaves.

So wonderful, you know, "Immortality", when you know
what it means and here are some of my own equally
"smashing" dreams of the departed... and to be honest
with you, I have dreamt of ALL my friends and relatives
who passed away without any exeptions and quite a few
at several occasions...

Well, last fall, I dreamt of them both of my
Paternal Grand-Parents... and while my Grandma (sitting
in her couch)...complaining... was also wondering where
her husband was... and asked me to do an investigation
to see where he was. So, I went... and at a certain
moment I entered the lounge of an Inside Mall or
something like that and I was in between the two sets
of doors which you normally find at the entrance.
Suddenly, someone, who came to me from behind, "tapped"
on my left shoulder... so, I turned around and shook
hand with my Grand-Father... who said to me laughing...

"Hey! Gerald, your Investigation did not take
too long!"

"Geewiz! Grand-Pa, nice to see you... Hey! you look
really good." is true, he looked great... and we talked a
little and at a certain moment he swiftly grabbed me a
the throat with his index and thumb on my jugulars...
and it was choking me!!!

So, I pushed him away saying something
"Hey! you old crazy fool, what the hell do you think
that you're doing?"

And do you know what he replied? ... because this is
really good, he said...

"I am only checking to see if you are ALIVE! "

Can you imagine something like this? Being asked by a
Dead Person...if I am alive? Wow! What a Punch! Paf!!

He also added... "Why don't you do like me and go
out to meet the people... look at all them nice
women... bla...bla..." :)

So, I decided on that day, to wake up and go and
meet the, I went out to buy a computer on
credit... some 2 years ago... and had to learn how to
operate it and began interpreting dreams in public
about a year and half ago.

With my other Grandma, she is also having a
greater time on the other side than she had in real
life. She was in a dream along with my own
Mother...Claire, who is alive as of today... and who is
her own daughter... and in the
dream both were preparing me to go to school as if I
was going to school. Anyways, my Grandma, was wearing a
pink jogging suit along with running shoes... which was
kind of funny because during her earthly life as a
farmer's wife was always dressed in conservative types
of practical one piece dresses... but in the dream she
was in prime shape... and cooking hamburger patties on
the BBQ inside the kitchen at my Mom's actual place.
She was cooking them... for my lunch... a couple dozens
of them patties on which she was writing with
"Mayonnaise", with one of the plastic sqeezer,
different answers to questions for my examinations
which were going to be held at school.

However, the problem was that during the cooking
the mayonnaise was melting on the patties and I could
not read anymore the answers she had written... but she
told me, with a big smile in total assurance, as she
was piling them in my school back pack... in which kids
normally put books...

"Don't you worry, because these answers will
naturally come due time as you will eat them!"

...and when I woke up, I remembered a passage from
Nostradamus who said...

"The word of the occult prophecy will be in my
stomach interclosed!!!"


Anyways, like I said, I had several of these dreams
but one of the best remains a strange communal dream
where I and 2 other persons had the SAME Dream of the
EXACT SAME Departed during the SAME night....

Actually, communal dreaming is another interesting
phenomena which can easily dissociate imagination from
dream reality is the known to exist oneiric phenomena
of communal dreaming which was an activity performed
with immense interest by different civilisations,
namely the celts, ameridians and early muslims and
christians for example, who would gather in some places
and all sleep together like a bunch of friendly pigs...
and I experienced at a few occasions this type of
dream... of which the following story is one...

Some thirteen years ago, during a cold winter night in
Yukon, where I was prospecting for gold, we were living
in a wood cabin right in the forest and the snow was
deep and you needed at least a strong 4X4 pick-up to
come up to our settlement. At the time, I was with my
girlfriend and there was another guy by the name of MD
with us.

During the night I had the following dream...

"We, Michel, my girlfriend and I, were sitting at the
table, apparently discussing when, a car drove up to
our place during the night... something which was
totally impossible. At first, we saw it's headlights...
and then,
as it got real close to the cabin, it made a 3 point
turn and turned around as if it was going to head back
from where it came from... and stopped. This is when I
recognised that it was, from the tail lights, a 1966?
Chevrolet and then as someone opened the door of the
car we saw the inside light for a second... and then
that someone came to the door of our cabin and knocked.

Then Michel, got up to open the door and this young
and good looking guy walked in and said in french
something like "Good Night! Everybody!" and then
pointing his finger at me said...

"We're coming to get you for posterity!"

Imagine my surprise, because I did not know the guy."

Anyways, when we woke up... I told to my friends that
I had a dream in which a car drove up to the cabin and
that a guy came to the door... and without having the
time to say anything else, my girlfriend said that she
had also dreamt of the same thing too and Michel added
that he also had
dreamt the exact same thing and that he was the one who
got up and opened the door... and I said that, the guy
who had walked in, I did not know, and so was it for my
girlfriend but, Michel replied that the guy he knew
well and that he was Jimmy Stanyard, who used to be his
best friend who got
killed in an accident and in that Chevrolet car,
perhaps ten years earlier or something like that!!!
Allah! Kabum! Can you imagine the surprise?! Woah!

So, how could 3 people imagine exactly the same
dream in one night, if dreams are part of imagination?
Good question, hey?

Sacrebleu, how flagrantly evident.

Now, check this last one here, of Lady SH's Cousin

August 1998...

I am in some kind of place like a garage or something..
however the location isn't as important as the
players... I lost a cousin about 20 years ago from a
hunting accident....

in this particular dream... he has been granted a 3 day
visit from heaven and he is with me ... I pester him
with a bunch of questions but he always seems too busy
to answer them ... so I just stopped him in the middle
of doing something.. and said... "Okay... at least tell
me just
this one thing... can you see us down here ... up
there?"... and he turned to me and said quite
pointedly.... "The question should really be... why
can't you see us?"...

That is all I remember and then I woke up....


Well, my dear Susan, that's plenty for me because
that's the main question...

Why can't you see them?

The reason is awfully simple... our Teachers in this
department of the language of the soul, the priests and
psychologists, are full of shit. :)

So, finally, for tonight, my dear Dreamers, my little
questions are...

1- Can you realise the fact that people remain after
in the Dream Ghostly Body?

2- Can you realise that it is a known fact that all
dreamers occasionaly dream of departed people once in a

3- Why can't you recognise the fact that the Deads
remain alive? Can't you see them in your dreams?

4- Or would you rather wish to pretend the contrary
and prefer to believe that you are all crazy and simply
imaginating things...?

5- Would you like me to explain the difference between
blind uninspired jungian crap and truthful divine
knowledge instructed in dreams?

In any case, I'll soon be back with more data for you
all to contemplate... with dreams of famous departed
people... some of recently Departed ones as well as
others who have been dead for several centuries!!

Anyways, those who have some grey cells which are
operating and are seriously interested in knowing more
about the other realm into which we go after death...
and from where we can also come back from in a future
life... I can supply immediately about 500k of material
to anyone in quest
of the truth about the Secrets of the Mysteries of

Feel free and most welcomed to ask Dr. Deus for more
info on the Greatest Science of All... at...

..."Ask and ye shall be given... search and ye shall

The answers in dreams.



"Thou shalt understand that it is a Science most
profitable, and passing all other sciences, for to
learn to die. .... I shall give thee the Mystery of
this Doctrine; the which shall profit thee greatly to
the beginning of Ghostly Health, and to a stable
fundament of all virtues."
(Orologium Sapientiae - from "The Book of the Craft of
Dying" ...Comper's Edition)

== Commentary by Heratheta on Funeral Dreams/Comments
(981112) ==

nice to hear someone else talk about dreams as other
realities and also that they are death. perhaps it was
when i realized the death part that death became to me
less final and more spiritually alive. regarding father
death drm-avoid "surprise" & find peace to the right of
parent's bedroom. see also

** Dream: "Fancy Meeting You Here" by Nutcracker

A group of us had gone out to a bar for some
entertainment (all former classmates). My best friend,
Barb, owned the bar, which had been left to her by her
father when he died. Her mother also joined us, though
she disapproved of Barb keeping and operating the bar.
She wanted Barb to become a writer instead. I didn't
see why she couldn't do both. We were all drinking,
dancing and having a good time. Barb sat down to talk
with her mom about the situation, when suddenly her mom
said, 'Don't sit in that chair. Your father's sitting
there.' I guess she could see his ghost, though none
of us could. I was dancing with another girl (it was a
fast song) as there was a shortage of men to dance
with. We were having a blast. Finally, we were the
only two left dancing as everyone else sat and watched
us. Meanwhile, Barb had gotten up to take care of some
business and then went back to finish her talk with her
mother. Before she could sit down, I jokingly yelled
out, 'Don't sit on your dad.' I thought it was funny,
but nobody else laughed. I hate it when people can't
take a joke.
(11/14/98) F&F

Comments by Nutcracker: In real life, both of Barb's
parents are dead (and no, she doesn't own a bar, she's
worked for the same company for nearly 30 years), so my
question is (to whomever wishes to respond), why in the
dream then, does one parent appear alive and the other


== Commentary by Heratheta on Fancy & Departed Dreams
(981120) ==

nutcracker dream indicated peace from "funny" had lain
to the right of the bar. as to the question about
death, who's name in this dream was "funny"; the death
of all of us is out there, c'est vrai, though for some
of us it is
coalescing faster than for others. thus, the dream has
many ages in itself. it is then a matter of whether you
chose to take on these ages or let the dead bury the
as for dr. d's perspective, it wasn't as easy to find
buried under all his references as nutcracker's hatred
, merci.


AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BOOKS (Extensions of our memory and imagination, our
permanent records)

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here
to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the
events we participate in]

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs &

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools,

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn,
right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open,
close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all -
follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy
about asking someone else down the path, except, of
course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

== Commentary by Heratheta on Various Dreams(981112)==

11/4 hillary drm-avoid "allowing" & find peace to the
right of the railroad

11/2 stan drm-avoid "expecting" & find peace to the
right of trip to the senate meeting

kiss drm-avoid"one" & find peace to the right of the

10/30 atm drm-avoid "awful" & find peace to the right
of the atm machine

10/29 teeth drm-avoid making "afraid" & find peace to
the right of the dinner site meat locker drm-avoid
"ok" & find peace to the right of the locker

thanks to those patient dreamers who were expecting
replies by heratheta. if you have been reading my
replies over this past year you know that the geography
of dreams is as important to me as their personality.
responding to dreamers while not knowing where their
message is coming from
geographically is risky business for me as risky as
going to work at the same location every day knowing
some days it is into the teeth of my dream. but, risky
also is not having money to pay bills. i enjoy talking
about dreams but have limited myself recently to
answering ed-core communications when the west is open
to me. i live east of san francisco in chicago

my night's dream was in the south from me so i now
write replies to ed-core. i know it has been a long
time since i have written and that i used to write when
my dreams were to the north or south but since i
realized that spending
time to the right of the dream is most optimum for me
to be of any help to myself & others it would
particularly be less than optimum to write at another
time unless i knew where geographically in relation to
chicago at least a dreamer was writing so i could write
more often.

still, what i base my replies on is graciously
published in Electric DREAMS and at DREAMGATE.COM.

until which way we communicate again,

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

** Dream: goodnight kiss by raindrop (981031) **

I have been seeing a really great guy for about 3
months now, and last night we went out. When it was
time for me to go home, he walked me outside and gave
me a goodnight kiss. We exchanged a few words, very
briefly, and then I turned and got in my car and drove

When I went to sleep, I had a dream of what
happened. I can't remember eactly what we said to each
other. But at one point i think i told him that I
loved him. We haven't told each other that yet, and if
we did, that would be a very big step in our
relationship. Now that i'm awake. I can't remember if
I really did tell him that last night, or if it was
only in my dream.

Comments by Dreamer: I think that I really do love
him, but I can't tell him yet. If i did tell him that,
and it wasn't just in my dream, I will be very
embarrassed, because he didn't say anything back to me
when I said it. How can I be sure that I didn't say
that in real life?

== Commentary by Bob K.on Goodnight Kiss ==

Edgar Cayce worked with dreams quite intensively in his
life. One of his beliefs was that dreams come to us in
some degree anticipating events, problems, and
resolutions to problems in our lives. What does the
dreamer want to happen in real life? To paraphrase a
famous quote from Jesus: To dreams what is dreams, and
to waking reality was is waking realities - the money
of one kingdom does not work well in the other.

Freud was proud of his discovery that dreams were the
fullfillment of wishes and desires. In this dream, the
very open desire is to speak, but the dreamer is so
concerned with rejection, that fear and self doubt
reign. My son once wrote a cartoon for Valentine's Day
when he was around 9 years old. A boy asked a girl to
be his girlfriend. She said no. He asked another girl
to be his girlfriend. She said yes. They lived happily
ever after. If only life were so simple! Yet, the story
points out he simple truth that we need to move on with
our lives and not treat every relationship with
possible romantic partners as if it will be the only
one in our life.

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

EVENTS [The activity defines or dominates the story - a
convergence of people at a place and time for a special

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]

** Dream: Stay away from ATM by DC (981029) **

I had two horrible dreams last night and I would like
to know if they Mean anything. The first dream was
that my best friends boyfriend died In a car wreck.
The second was that my fiance' was murdered at an atm
And I was standing on the other side of the atm and I
could hear him Talking to someone and then I heard this
awful sound then ran around to
The other side and he was lying there in a puddle of
blood. I was calm At first then when it came time to
call everyone I started crying like a Baby then he woke
me up and when he asked what was wrong I couldn't tell
Him and now I am feeling disturbed. I even told him
not to go anywhere
Today , especially to an atm, and stay at work. Does
this mean anything Or is it just a dream. I am going
to school to be a polysomnographic Technologist but
nothing in any of my text books or anything I have
Learned tells me the answer. Please respond and let me

Thanks and have a great day

** Dream: Bloody Sunday--Kendalyn (981110) **

I would really love to hear some comments about
this. It's driving me crazy and it's scary and it's
important. There's a really prevalent symbol of blood
and it's weird.

My boyfriend and I are in his room. It's raining
outside. We're talking and I look out the window and
the rain turns into blood. The blood rain starts
coming down harder. My boyfriend is talking to me and
he starts drooling. A lot. And than his drool turns
into blood. There is blood
pourning out of this mouth and it's raining harder and
harder. The blood rain starts flooding and is coming
in the windows and through the floor. I start crying
and my tears are blood. And I keep crying until I wake

I'm usually crying when I wake up. I have this dream
at least 3 times a week. Let me know if you know
anything about it's meaning.

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

** Dream: "Clinical Communication" by Chris (981115)**

Note: dreamer requests that the email be left with the

I think I am in a hospital setting, well I am sure
of it in a little while. For now all I recall is that
I am having a discussion with someone, a man, about
being a murderer. I tell this man that I am a murderer
and that I have killed several people. I do not
discuss the details of the crimes. I feel like I am
bragging about being "murderer". The man, whom I do
not know in the waking world, maintains a calm, almost
bored, look as I speak of my crimes.

Now I know I am in a hospital. I think before, talking
with the man, that he and I might have been outside of
a hospital room, looking in. I am now standing beside
the bed of a man. I can't see the man with whom I was
speaking previously and I don't really feel like he is
here. It seems to be just the man in the hospital bed
and me. This guy is in bad shape. I don't really see
much of him because of the bandages that cover most of
his body. What isn't covered with bandages is covered
by the bed linen.

I have a pair of virtual reality goggles. These are
pretty futuristic looking. In fact they are closer to
looking like glasses than actual goggles. Their lense
(one smooth piece across the front, shaped to
accommodate one's nose) has a slight blue tint to it.
I don't see any wires leading from the glasses, but I
know that they are VR glasses, and that they are the
only way to communicate with the man in the bed. I
begin to put them on so that I can communicate with
this man.

There is much more to this dream, however the many
hours of waking life since this morning have eroded my
memories. I can only find the slightest fragments and
images. Something about pairs (of people?), maybe
finding the right pair, definitely something about an
important search of some
kind. I feel, more than see or remember, something
about being someone else, or maybe just taking on the
external appearance of someone else (a disguise?).
Well that's all I can dredge up for now.

Comments by Dreamer: Faced with major career decision

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

** Dream: jamies house by ? (981116) **

this is a little bit about who the people are.
Jamie is a friend of mine from work. she was engaged to
the guy dale who had a couple of kids (about 13 years
old) and they broke up because of them. Jamie lives in
an apartment made from an old house. now my dream:

I was at jamies house it was a whole house in my dream,
but it was not jamies actual house i have never seen
this one before. anyway i was by myself waiting for her
and looking through her house all the bedrooms were
empty except for hers there were 3 beds in there and
that was all the house i saw except the kitchen i was
in there making myself spagetti ohs when a girl about
thirteen walks in i've never seen her before don't even
know her name and we begin talking i ask when jamie
will be home she says she doesn't know then we start
discussing the house she says it's for sale i ask how
much she says about $78,000 dollars it has 4 bedrooms
and is in very good condition for how old it is then we
start discussing where i used to live i say in a
trailer park (which is true) then i show her a map of
the trailer park and where i was on the map (the map is
not of the actual trailer park i used to live) but for
some reason we end up there i don't know how but we are
walking around the trailer park talking as if she were
the older one she had deep insight about life and how
it should be i don't remember the exact conversation
but then my dream just jumps ahead to me talking to my
husband about this great house i saw that was for sale
in our price range and how many bedrooms it has right
as we were in the middle of this dicussion we end up
standing in the house and a realator pops up and says
it only has three bedrooms (I think it was a realator)
and hes not sure he wants an older house then I wake

Comment by Dreamer: I got chills up my spine when
writing about the thirteen year old girl i wish i knew
what this dream meant. Whatever anyone has to say is

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with
the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by
definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

(See Music Lessons in SCHOOL THEMES)

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including
family which constitutes the first and earliest of our
relationships, often influencing how we relate to the
outside world]

(If you didn't read X and The Past in REPETITIVE
DREAMS, they are about the theme of dealing with past
romantic relationships)

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

(Check out NURules in the REPETITIVE DREAMS section)

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and
the lower]

STRANGERS [Who and what we don't know yet]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams
people have questions on. Theories on what they mean
range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

** Dream: Crumbling Teeth by ? (981028) **

Dream Title Crumbling Teeth
Date of Dream 10/27/98

Both myself and a co-worker have had a dream in
which we were attending an important social dinner. In
the middle of the event, we felt our teeth begin to
crumble in our mouths in the middle of dinner! We
couldn't speak when questioned because we were afraid
tooth pieces would fall out of our mouth and embarass
us. If this is a common
dream, what does it mean?

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of

** Dream: storm maiden by stan kulikowski ii (981031)

[Note/: stan requests his name and address be kept with
the dream - rcw]

DATE : 31 oct 1998 07:25
DREAM : storm maiden

=( a friday, i did not get home from teaching until
almost 20:00. since my first class starts at 11:00, i
was tired and hungry from the straight through lectures
all day. i fixed myself some dinner by 22:00 and
watched some mindless television with my mother until
about midnight. fell to sleep rather easily. )=

i find myself in the third floor apartment where sheila
and i never lived, but she is long gone these many
years and i am still here, entertaining a few friends
whenever they stop by. today i am just leaving,
locking the deadbolt and going down the painted wooden
stairs. i am expected at the last meeting of the
faculty senate.

when i get there, i take a seat at the end of the long
table in the board room. it is august and although
this faculty meeting is usually cancelled, the outgoing
chair, jay gould, has called together a short meeting
anyway. he has forgotten to pass on the gavel to the
new chairman elect and wants to give this a little
ceremony. there are only three other faculty present
and they take seats near me. at the far end, sits jay
and mister constable, my high school english teacher.
mister constable is amazingly fat, dressed up now in
academic robes, a somber swatch shiny black satin
stretched over his extended abdomen, decorated with a
few colored medals and ribbons of scholarly awards.
doctor gould is similarly dressed, but the few of us
gathered at the other end of the table are dressed in
normal street clothes.

"i would like to thank you all for coming out to this
last meeting." begins jay, peering around at the meager
attendance in nearly empty room. "i wanted to
congratulate the man who will succeed me and give him
this token of our esteem. i hope he will always
perform as well as the propellers on this instrument."
he hands mister constable a gift wrapped object.
tearing off the paper, it is a brass barometer, all
shiny metal and glass.

mister constable seems to be quite touched with the
gift. he stands and sputters a bit until he recovers
his wits. "this is very touching that you would think
of me this way, and i shall do everything in my power
to live up to your expectations." usually the
departing chair is given gifts by the incoming officer
elect, but jay has reversed that custom.

there being no other business, and no quorum to conduct
it, we quickly adjourn and leave the administrative
building. outside in the parking lot, i am talking
with a few friends before leaving. there is no hurry
to be anywhere today. as i am preparing to leave,
mister constable comes up to me. he has left his
academic robes behind, now dressed in his white long
sleeved shirt, starched but never too clean. he is
still carrying the barometer, obviously pleased with

"stan," he calls to me. "i just had the brakes rebuilt
on my car and i need someone to help me get them
adjusted." i agree to go with him to his car in the
next lot.

mister constable's car is a sports car, some model i do
not recognize, but it is a little larger than most,
having a full backseat, but still smaller than most
regular cars. i am surprised that such a huge man as
my english teacher would choose to drive a car smaller
than normal. it is, however, worn and slightly rusted
around the edges. the cloth top tattered and dull. i
get in the back seat, brushing aside empty paper drink
cups and take out containers form numerous fast food
stops. the messy interior is in keeping with my
expectations of his glandular lifestyle.

the center console between the bucket seats has been
taken out, exposing the linkages of the gear shift and
emergency brake. the brake is a mechanical affair with
steel cables and rachet gears. i am told that he has
to drive the car is reverse very fast, and that the
brake mechanism gets clicked up into proper tension
after a few stops. since mister constable has to drive
barkwards for a long while and occasionally clicking
the brake, he asks me to keep a look out the rear
window and shout if he steers too close to the edge of
the road.

the car starts up and he starts backing out really
fast, then braking hard to stop. we quickly run out
space in the parking lot and take to back country
roads. these roads lead up a steep woodland hill.
apparently, the extra energy needed to back up the
steep hill road is better to get the brake tightened
up. the car makes a zzz-zzz noise as we speed up then
brake, speed up then brake, over and over again. once
in a while i see mister ronstable steer over too close
to the edge of the road and i have to tell him which
direction to counter steer back into his lane. one
time, i see the road drop off a couple hundred feet
beyond the edge of the pavement which we have
dangerously close.

after a while, the brakes are as tight as they need to
be, so mister constable stops one last time and then
can drive on in forward gears. we see andy mcerlean
standing beside the woodland road and offer him a ride.
he gets in the right side front seat. "hello, stan.
how have you been?" he asks me.

we drive to the top of the present hill, coming out
into flat treeless area. as mister ronstable parks the
car to take a moment to enjoy the view of the valley, i
see the barometer on the dashboard is pointing heavily
into the red zone marked 'storm'.

although we are still in a patch of sunshine, down in
the river valley below us i see boiling dark storm
clouds rolling quickly. that is a tornado pattern, i
think to myself, excited to see this again. several
masses of the swirling clouds point downward in conical
shape, but they do not get organized into the funnel
shape. i keep looking for the twister.

down the valley goes a jittery wave of dark objects,
like bubbles but with a heavy appearance. that is the
storm's harbingers, i think. i do not really know what
these harbingers mean, but it is committed now to
funnel formation. ah, there it is. i see a white gray
finger poke down from the cloud mass to the valley
below. it moves is slow stately progress compared to
the quick rush that harbingers took. i watch as it
moves down the valley, throwing hardwood trees about
like matches.

then, suddenly, the end of the tornado lifts up off the
ground like a crooked finger and bounces quickly around
like a severed tentacle. its violent jumping action is
no longer the linear progress it makes when attached to
the ground, but flails about. suddenly, what was a
spectacle to be viewed far away is coming straight for
us, sitting on the hill top.

before i can do more than startle at its approach, the
roaring funnel comes straight down over the car. the
ragged cloth top of the convertible strains to be free
to go with the wind. as the edges of the funnel cloud
come down to the earth surrounding the car, i see the
long white legs of a woman come down past the window of
the car on andy's side. her feet touch the ground just
after the raging funnel blocks out all surrounding us.

this white woman, maybe four meters tall, stoops down
to look into the car. there is a breathless silence,
like there is no air in the center of the funnel to
carry the sounds of the nearby destruction. this woman
of the storm is beautiful to look on, nearly naked with
only wisps of cloud material swirling about her,
affording little glimpses of her cold marble white
flesh. she looks firm and solid although the wispy
material about her seems to rush out of her skin.

when her face approaches the side of the car, the glass
near andy's head shatters and is sucked outward into
the storm. strangely there is little if any sound of
this in the airless silence as she leans closer. i get
a good look at her face which has a clean chiseled look
of greek goddesses. but her eyes have small
lightning bolts crackling inside in place of pupils.
her white hair is a riot of motion.

"aw roc no mar wa mor ra" she says when her mouth
opens. i can not understand a word she says,
apparently in some strange language. her voice,
awesome to hear, strangely cuts through the enforced
silence with a slight echo. "mar den di wa for mor ra"
she says. i still make no sense of her speech.

she reaches into the car with both hands and takes andy
by the shoulders. apparently her intention is to take
him with her. for the first time, i notice that andy
and mister constable have passed out with the lack of
air. i myself am struggling to remain awake even
though i feel the adrenalin surging in my blood.
andy's seat belt is preventing him from being sucked
out into storm. she reaches down to undo the buckle.
i hear a tearing sound as part of the cloth top gives
way and the whole car shakes violently, being lifted a
little way off the ground and dropped back.

"no," i yell at her. "you can not have him." i throw
myself up into the front seats, holding andy to his
seat. i am careless of contact with her, she draws
back as if noticing me for the first time. the storm
maiden seems amused that someone is still conscious to
interact with her.

"i will leave your friend for you." she says directly
to me, this time choosing to use clear english that
blasts too loud in my ears. "but expect me to come
again, this time for you and there will be no choice
for you then." strangely, this does not sound so much
like a threat but something of a promise. she smiles
and her unnatural beauty is so magnetic that i want to
go with her right now. you can not stare into the face
of a being like this and keep free will. i am helpless
to do anything further. she laughs at my plight, and a
row of inhuman pointed teeth show from her parted dead
white lips. her eyes crackle in silent sparks. the
storm maiden looks upward in a slow deliberate

with a loud swoosh the tornado is sucked upward back
into the clouds. she is gone just before the swirling
curtain of debris is withdrawn. the car settles back
the ground with a thump. it is over. sunshine comes
flooding back from blue skies behind the receding storm
front. this sudden return to peaceful nature almost
screams upon the nerves. heart beating fast, trying to
catch my breath, and all around is just sunlight and
rain water quietly dripping off leaves like nothing
much has happened. uncaring nature just hanging out
after we humans were almost obliterated forever. there
is no justice in the universe, only cause and effect.

when mister constable and andy come back awake, i do
not tell them of the storm maiden. indeed, as the air
returns and my consciousness contracts to normal i
begin to wonder if those experiences were induced by
want of oxygen in the airless center of the storm. we
all know we barely survived a disaster. the car starts
up and we drive off in shocked silence.

later, back in my apartment andy's wife, toby, comes to
join us as they tell her of our contact with the
weather. she starts to pour a glass of ice tea from
the pitcher i have out on the table. "let me fix you
some coffee" i tell her. i know i do not make coffee
up to andy's standards but it will have to do.

=( i wake a little after 07:00, still sluggish with
sleep. it takes me a while to shake off the sleepiness
and sit up to write this dream in the log. mister
constable was a high school english teacher, while andy
and toby are friends i have met here in pensacola. the
console of my camaro is torn apart like the one this
dream, parking mechanics exposed after i replaced the
clutch with a friend. the terrain for this dream looked
like massachusetts. the details of this dream were not
difficult to recall. )=

=== qui non est hodie cras minus aptus erit
| | who not is today, tomorrow less suitable
will be --- -- Ovid _Remedia Amoris_ i

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are
paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or

** Dream: "Confused & Trapped" by ? (981028) **

Dream Title Confused & Trapped
Date of Dream 10-18-98 3:13am

I woke up inside a meat locker. It was freezing
and dark. There are slabs of meat hanging everywhere. I
began running around trying to keep warm and sreach for
away out. All I had to wear was a pair of shorts, a
T-shirt and I was bare foot. I thought ok maybe I need
to cut the meat, then I could go. So, I looked around
for something to cut
with. There was nothing, the place was empty. The meat
and I were all that exsisted. I keep running because it
was to cold and I thought I would freeze if I did. It
seemed has if hours or days had went by. I finally
could not run anymore I was to tired to continue on.
So, I laid and went to sleep.

Comments by Dreamer: The only comment is that when I
woke up after the dream I was very cold.

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of

** Dream: Crazy Night-taylor (981109) **

Date of Dream Nov.1997?

I was out for the night with some friends, and I
remember four of us leaving to go to another location.
We rode on some kind of moter-cycle that was hinged in
the middle, and the four of us rode togather. I feel
that I knew two of the people I was with, but the forth
who was on the far back I didn't know. I was very
irritated with him, he kept moving around alot and the
driver had to strugle to keep balance. The driver
eventually lost balance just before we arrived at a
very small town with tall pine trees growing next to
it. As we drifted from the road, I was thrown from the
cycle, and began to float through the tops of the pines
trees, I remember not feeling any pain from the sharp
needles as I passed through them. I almost felt myself
land, and just as I would have, I saw a very bright
light that blinded me, and I held up my arms to hide
from it. I felt as though I died.

The next thing I remember is laying at the bottom
of a swimming pool, and someone I feel I know is
sitting at the other end on the edge. As I lift my
head up through the water, the pool transforms into my
bed, and the person disappears. By the time I am
sitting up in bed, I am fully awake, and everything
from the dream is gone except my vivid memory of it.

Comments by Dreamer: I felt everything in the dream
and thought that I was really experiencing it while it
was happening, I didn't feel any pain at all. - I've
talked with only a few people about this dream, and
they all have said that they have never heard of
anything like this dream, I've refused to ride on a
motor cycle ever since.

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

= = = = = = = = = = = ==


== Commentary by Dr.Deus on Head of State Funeral Dream
for Night Sky! (981110) ==

Dear Night Sky,

In reply to your request...

"I wonder if anyone else has had a similar type

...following your most remarquable dream...

... I may have a dream of interest for you?

>where am I? by LisaAL 1998/11/08 --

>I had this dream that I was floating and I was in a
church. It was a church I was never in before and I saw
a coffin with the american flag draped over it.
>I have a lot of psychic dreams that usually come true
in 2 to 4 days but this one has not. What is the

Time will tell in which category it fell.

Thank you for you posting your dream.

Dr. Deus

** Dreams: Dreams of Ghosts of the Departed!
(Continued) (981111) **

Dear Dreamers,

here are more dreams which don't need a
genius to interpret the meaning. As stated in "My
Father's Funeral"... everybody knows that the Defuncts
come and say hello once in a while...

>After my father died all my family said that they
>felt my father would come to me in a dream to let us
know that he was okay.

... and take a serious look at the following...
again most instructive dreams and theories.


"But you're dead!"

Posted by Foxy as Shakiya on July 14, 1998 at 03:55:26:

I'd like to share with you a dream of a series I had
about a dear friend of mine who died in a horrible car
crash in December of 1994. I was visiting the town I
grew up in. I went, as I always did, to a friend's
house to visit. There were lots of people there, some
of which I knew others who I didn't. The mood was happy
and everybody had a good time visting with each other.
I walked around a bit to take it all in. Suddenly
Michael (my friend) came out of nowhere, and greeted me
with a smile. I was so happy to see him, and was
opening my mouth to say something, until a realization
hit me. All I could manage to say, was...

"But you're dead!". He smiled at me and shook his
head, he then said in a calm and soothing voice: "No,
I'm not really dead. I'm very much alive." I was
astonished. After getting over the initial shock, we
talked for a long time. The other people in the dream,
who observed us talking together, acted like there was
nothing out of place, as if I was the only one who
KNEW that Michael had ever died that horrible night.

To me the dream always meant nothing more than wishful
thinking. I missed him a lot, and wished that he
didn't have to die so early in his life (he was a year
older than me). But as I learn more, it seems that
maybe there's another message hidden in it...

F as S


Goodday! Foxy,

the following dream which is a follow-up
to yours is perhaps the last one in which I had the
same reaction as you. It happened a few days after my
paternal side uncle Clarence died and went like this...
There was this big ugly fish on the lawn of the
property where I was born and although it was not
dead, but it had begun to smell bad... and I was
charged of taking it back to the river or something...
so, I went the farm of my dead uncle to see if I
could borrow a wagon to carry that big fish.

So, once there, I knocked at the front door, and
I immediately recognised his big bear like hairy
forearm through the door's window and he opened
smiling and looked radiant and in excellent heath,
although he been found dead on the floor of his
kitchen in the same house, possibly a week before...
and aware of this, my first words were...

"Hey! Clarence, everybody think you're dead!"... and
his reply was...

"Don't worry about that and come with me, I'd like to
show you something."

So, I followed him to the basement of his house and he
was happy to show me that he was having the best time
in the world playing with the two best dogs that he
ever had which were named Togo and Ringo, who had died
years before... and I guess that they were the two
best friends that he ever had.

So, when this type of dream occured to me for the
first time, my reaction was exactly like yours and the
words which came out of my mouth... the very exact



Here is another one of mine...


(Nov.96) I had a dream in which I met Nancy G a
departed girl-friend who died about the same time as
John Lennon. We were in what appeared to be an
underground university student lounge in the late
evening. I saw her coming down the stairs, looking
beautiful and wearing this red maternity
blouse and black stretchy pants.

When she was next to me, I put my hand on her pregnant
belly and was surprised because Nancy did not have any
children in her mortal life. Anyways, she presented me
to a couple of anglophone persons who at the end were
giving me 250,000$ but the bank notes were pink like
the canadian 1000$ bills, but instead of bird's they
had "Wolves" on them... and it was the girl friend of
this good, tall and smart guy who had this money right
in her purse. They wanted me to make a movie out of

Anyways, also another category of Dreams of the
Departed are the more famous Defunct Celebrities which
we also meet at occasions...

For example, here is one from Nutcracker who has too
many... :)

I met Gianni Versace as he was out for a walk. He was
wearing white pants and a white shirt. The terrain
consisted of miles of gently rolling hills made up of
sidewalks and green grass. He took my hand in his and
smiled, but never spoke a word to me.
(8/3/97) #472 Celebs (Gianni Versace)


The following one is about myself with crazy John
Candy which I sent Linda M. at Casey Flyer...

John Candy (Oct.97)

During the night of the 22nd to 23rd... I
had this dream in which I was the captain of a 50 feet
long black and white inshore steel hull tramp....
doing some barter on both shores of a large river....
and the funny thing is that I had a financial partner
who was the deceased comedian actor John Candy, but in
this dream his name was Omer Philippe Ouellet... as I
saw him sign some paperform.

It was funny, because he seriously told
me that we would do "la Relanche des Oranches"...which
is an improper way to pronounce both names... some
funny play of words.... mind you that he was a
comedian... and showing me some large wooden crates of


Here is a funny one about Elvis...

Elvis Presley is teaching me how to drive!

Posted by Jennifer on June 28, 1997 at 23:06:29:

I'm in San Francisco, in my mom's white Mitsubishi
Montero and Elvis is going to teach me how to drive. I
park on a hill (uphill) so we can get out and switch
to his small, green convertible. To me, the most
important thing is getting his autograph, but he won't
give it to me because we're friends and he thinks that
would be stupid. When we get out, his girlfriend is
there and I'm jealous of her. She wants his autograph
too, but he won't give it to her either. Before we all
get into his convertible, he takes off his shirt
(green, I might add) and throws it in the back seat of
my mom's car and I think I've got something better
than an autograph and I hope that his girlfriend
doesn't notice and try to take it away.

That's all I remember!


Lucky You, Jennifer, if you were able to get a free
piece of tail. :)

We don't catch AIDS in dreams. :)

And now this dream of Victoria which I interpreted
many months ago, but no one dared to comment. ;)

Dream of Michael Hutchence of INXS

Subject: "She'll be apples" dream
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998

"During the late afternoon, I was walking with my
around our orchard full of apple trees laden with ripe
fruit. We were staying in the country, at my father's
"estate". The saxophone player from INXS was with us
for the evening meal. He seemed a sad man who didn't
know his own value. We were all avoiding the issue of
Michael Hutchence, whose ghost I could see behind him."

... and talking about that... perhaps some of you
would like to hear Michael K. Hutchence, the lead
singer of the world reknowned group, who wasted
himself on November 27th 1997...

"Hey! Michael, you, Most Inspired Australian, how
about a few jingles like "Don't Lose Your Head"...
"I'm Just A Man"..."Searching"... "Everything" and
"Show Me"... "Girl of Fire" and "Shake The Tree" from
your last and rather prophetic album "Elegantly


Yah! What a glorious way to Elegantly Waste Yourself?

Now, check the following where a Ghost of a Dead beats
the shit out of the Ghost of a Living. :)

Bruce Lee fighting with Chuck Norris!!

Subject: My Dream of Chuck Norris
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 18:39:47 -0700

Dream Title My Dream of Chuck Norris
Date of Dream 7-4-98
One night I had two dreams of Chuck Norris. In the
first dream we were chasing each other around with a
hose. We were under a large tree going around. It was a
very happy time and the sun was shining and the birds
were signing. Chuck had one a blue shirt. I don't
remeber anything eles of this dream. I dream of Chuck
often and I am a big admirer of him.

In my second dream that night, Chuck was in a fight
with Bruce Lee. Bruce knocked Chuck to the floor and
took a bag of rice out of my fridge and chocked Chuck
to death. As Chuck was dying I held his hand telling
him not to die and to use my strenht to get though it.
He looked at me and then died. I would like to know
what these dreams mean. They are the two I most think
of and wounder what they may mean. I thank you for your

The following has to be a real landmark and again my
interpretation did not raise any comment... as if
people cannot understand any english?

I'll try again in Japanese tomorrow... :)



I sitting in my dining room with a few band members
from Mr. Sinatra's band. We were just hanging out and
chatting, when we heard Frank singing "The Lady is a
Tramp" as he walked into the room. He was wearing a
royal blue shirt made from a shiny material, tight
fitting around his body, black tailored pants. The
shirt was unbuttoned halfway down, and he really looked
relaxed. He appeared to be in his mid 40's, and he
looked so healthy. His eyes against his shirt were
bright and lucid. As he sang, he telepathically began
to speak to us, saying that he was so appreciative of
all of the accolades since his death, and he stayed
down a little longer to watch. By the time he stood in
front of me, the song was over and he looked and (also
telepathically) said to me, I guess it's about time to
leave. He picked up his coat and put it on, smiling.
I was mentally told him how much I'd miss him, and as
he was about to (verbally) reply to me, the alarm rang
and I woke up. I can't help but wonder what he was
about to say.

Boy! What a good dream. Hey! Rose where can I kiss
you. ;)


Now some enlightened theories considered silly by
uninspired Jungians.

Theory in Job 33, about ghostly restauration to youth

Job 33 discusses this dream phenomenon of the
Afterlife, known as the Resurrection of the Deads...

"His flesh wastes away to nothing, and his bones, once
hidden now stick out. His soul draws near to the grave
and his life to the Messengers of Death." (33, 21-22)

"Yet if there is an angel on his side as an
"Interpreter"(of dreams), one out of a thousand, to
tell a man what is right for him, to be gracious to him
and say,

"Spare him, from going down to the grave; I have
found a ransom for him."

...then his flesh his renewed like a child's; it is

"He prays to God and finds favor with him, he sees
God's face with joy;
he is restored by God to his righteous state."

"Then he comes to men and says,...

"He redeemed my soul from going down in the grave, and
I will live to
enjoy the light."

"God does all these things to a man...once, twice,
thrice..., to turn
his soul from the grave, that the light of life may
shine on him."

"Pay attention, Job, and listen to me; be silent and I
will speak. If you have anything to say, answer me;
speak up, for I want you to be cleared. But if not,
then listen to me; be silent and I will teach you


1 Corinthians 15

Imperishable Celestial Resurrection Bodies again in...
1 Corinthians 15,35 to 15,55...

"But someone may ask, " How are the Dead raised?
With what kind of body will they come?"

"How foolish! What you sow does not come to life
unless it dies."
"So will it be with the resurrection of the dead.
The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised
imperishable... it is sown a natural body, it is
raised a spiritual body."
"So, it is written: "The first man Adam, was a
living being, and the last Adam, a life-giving Spirit."
The spiritual did not come first, but the natural did,
and after that the spiritual. The first man was from
the dust of the
earth, the second man from Heaven."
"I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood
cannot inherit the Kingdom of God...."
"Listen, I tell you a Mystery: We will not all
sleep, (...some will awake...) but we will all be
changed - in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at
the last trumpet."
"For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be
raised imperishable, and we will be changed."
"When the perishable has been clothed with the
imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then
the saying that was written will come true :
"Death has been swallowed up in Victory!"


And dreams reveal that Ghostly Resurrection Bodies
last forever as in the following one, courtesy of

Dream of the Week of 11 January, 1998

The Ramadan Dream

During the holy month of Ramadan, I was awake and
praying during a very holy night behind the Imam and
several lines of people in my wheelchair. Suddenly
while I am totally awake I saw the following, (as a

I came foreward and took the place of the Imam and he
took my place in the prayer. I am seeing myself as a
completly healthy person performing the prayer. I was
leading the prayer with several hundreds of people.

In front of my face was the holy almighty Allah Chair.
Light is coming out from that place only and all other
things are darker. The chair is suspended in air. On
my front left side I saw winged angels. They all
looked like giants.

The Prophet Mohammed is coming under the Almighty chair
from my right back side. I, looking very happy,
stopped Mohammed, asking him to ask the God to forgive
me if I did any thing bad and asked Him for guidance
to win the heavens. He smiled and tapped on my shoulder
and asked me to do it myself, speaking directly to the
Almighty. He pointed out that Allah can hear me and
see me and that He will do it. As for the guidance, He
told me to read the Koran more and stick to prayers.

Dreamers comments:
I felt at that time very happy and excited and same
time that this was virtual dream. Whenever I
concentrate at prayer, I see myself praying under the
same almighty chair. This gives me a great,
unexplainable feeling.

I think of Allah in the greatest ways always. And I
feel he gave gave me great abilities and can't thank
him enough. But he has revealed to me hints at that
dream. That it can be a power to help others, but
still I don't know exactly how. I feel my disability is
blessing in disguise and that I can help myself and


Don't you find interesting to see that this disabled
guy in wheelchair has a perfect Resurrection body and
that Mohammed is still alive some 1366 years after his
death in 632 AD? Regardless, even if can't relate nor
understand anything of this... still try to pay
attention to the following most hilarious dream... of
Robin Hood. :) ===========================

LIFE after Death

Posted by kay ... at Tiger's Nest, on August 09, 1997
at 18:58:13:

In my dream it was discovered that the dead had
awareness after their death. It was also discovered
that the dead could be reanimated (move, talk, think,
feel-but no heartbeat).The first to be reanimated was
a 5 yr old girl.Trouble is, the walking dead tend to
"age" or decompose. So while the girl's family was
happy to be reunited, eventually she "faded away"
for-ever. This convinces most of the dead to stay in
their nice, safe coffins. While they have no desire to
mix with the living, they do demand access to the
internet for entertainment...(i dont EVEN know what to
think about what THAT means!) Anyway, one dead guy
decides he wants to try living. He's from the 1500's,
avg ht/wt, brwn hair/blue eyes, above avg attractive.
He's dressed somewhat like Robin Hood. He's negotiating
with a modern day prostitute (some things never
change-even after death!)..It's been over 400 years
and he's a little "tense." She is average, in a pink
halter top & black mini skirt & she had some sort of
"joy buzzer" strapped to her ankle. He offers her $2
(a fair price in his day) & she accepts it to my
surprise. Up til now, I'm just observing. Now, I'm
feeling a little left out. The guy is attractive to
me, by the way. As they leave to "conduct business",
she slaps the joybuzzer on her ankle & a bolt of
electricity hits him. It jump starts his heart &
suddenly he's totally alive-heartbeat, warm to the
touch, etc). He grabs my hand & we leave the hooker &
are walking arm in arm down a tree lined road. He's
smiling & telling me how great it is to be alive.
Suddenly he pulls me to one side, to a flower cart &
buys some red wildflowers. I'm scared that the flowers
will lure him back to the grave (funerals being filled
with flowers & all that)... That's for the
personal stuff. Mostly I was observing in the dream
except for the last bit. I wasnt scared at all of the
dead people. I did feel jealous during the hooker
scene & happy when we were walking. Couldnt recognize
anyone in the dream.

That's all.

That's plenty Kay, and what a most wonderful dream...
in which the ghosts
want to entertain the livings...

>While they have no desire to mix
>with the living, they do demand access to the internet
>entertainment...(i dont EVEN know what to think about
what THAT means!)

... and even if nobody wants to let them express
themselves, I will try to give them that
chance...anyone else interested? :)

Regardless... Hey! Take a look at this following

Gift from Mary

Posted by stephanie on April 15, 1998 at 22:07:13:

I had a dream which had two parts- in between I woke up
very upset - then I went back to sleep and dreamt part
two. Part one was like a wake up call .After awhile
(and much help from my husband I fell back asleep and
dreamt this: I went to a large temple/church where I
saw a vision of Mary in blue and gold. She was like
the statues of a goddess in ancient Greece and Rome.
As I got closer I saw a shining coin in the palm of
her right hand. She held it out for me to take. I took
it and I stepped back. When I looked up next her face
zoomed in very close and she nodded twice and blinked
twice to me.

I thought she must have given me a gift and perhaps
will help me? I just don't know what the gift of a
coin means. If anyone has any ideas I would really
appreciate reading them.


Hey! Stephanie, why don't you go and buy yourself some
Candy... at the Museum in Candy in Greece. Ask
Richard... or even Jesus who has been trying to speak
to many people lately... as in the following dream of
Nutcracker again...

I was in high school (a student). I was trying to find
my next class. I wandered into a room, but this one
had all upper classmen in it, this can't be my class.
The room is not square, but more L shaped. I
recognize a few faces (one is D.R. who committed
suicide shortly after graduating). I leave through the
back door. I wander the halls until I find the room
I'm supposed to be in (right as the last bell rings).
The teacher (I don't know if it's a history or music
class) takes me to the library. There he instructs my
friend Gail and me to write a paper on Hoover (Herbert,
I'm assuming). He goes and picks out some books on the
subject and makes us choose one. Gail picks the
thinnest book (it has a red cover and is about 10 pages
long). I say, "Don't they have any damn dam books
(meaning on Hoover Dam)". I did find one in the
selection he had brought us. It was about 30 pages
long and had a worn/torn yellow jacket. I choose that
book and he leaves us. While I'm in the library, I
keep noticing this guy, but I can't make out (see) his
face (his face is visible, but I can't focus on it).
He's wearing blue jeans, a dark & medium purple striped
t-shirt. He has long brown hair; straight, clean,
thick and shiny. It has a slight 'flip' at the ends.
Now the third time I look at him, to see who it is
exactly, I can see his face. He reminds me of Jesus,
without the beard. His skin is clear and smooth. He's
about 35-40 years old. He's holding up a 3' x 4' sheet
of white construction paper (a sign). The sign has
approximately 10 dozen words on it. Words we're
supposed to know the meaning of (memorize). (4/2/98)


So, Jesus is still alive and would like us to study
and try to memorize a few things... and here is the
"one-eyed" Odin coming out of "Mimir"... the Fountain
of the foot of the Giant Tree
"Yggdrasil" as dreamt by Mrs.BN from Sweden...

Dream 3.
>I sat in front of a desk, behind sat a man in an
jacket, an scientist. He asked me if the light was
organic or tertiary. I said organic after much
thinking. Then he let me out in another time, the
middle ages. The street was paving in pattern. In a
house lived a man that worshipped the sun and inside
the city was an big well, in middle of the well was a
fountain. People threw in things or themselves into the
water, so occasionally was the water just mud. A man
climbed up from the well and he wear out the right eye
since it was rotten. Then he began to discuss its

Wonderful, Odin, and come again... and here is Gautama
Buddha... (2,500+ years old)... in a dream which
unfortunately was of absolutely no consequence. What a
shame? :)

Subject: Buddha Baby
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 17:15:35 -0500

I am teaching a writing and art workshop with women-
while they are busy with an assignment, I have leisure
time and go upstairs in my house. I find there Tody, a
health care worker who has surprisingly had a baby.
The baby is very beautiful and in an ornate gold carved
box. She tells me that the baby is afraid. But as I
look at the baby, I don't think so. I feel it is very
peaceful. "Its a Buddha Baby! I declare. THen I find
myself walking outback, going down a sloping hill. At
one point I look up and am amazed to see the vibrant,
glowing top of a glistening gold and white mountain.
"Come look, Come look! ", I cry, calling to my right to
my partner up in the house, sensing that she is coming
to see. Then, I spot something high in the sky to my
left, a dot. There is a shift, and suddenly it is
closer, whirling toward, me, so close I can see what it
is. It is, to my astonishment a brightly colored green
and pink box of the cereal, LUCKY CHARMS.


Regardless, even if some people cannot understand the
clearest messages of childest dreams to interpret, here
is another dream of Barbro, in which we can observe a
ghost which could be as much as 25,000 years old!!!

Dream, Y. 31 august - 1987

"I saw an Indian chief that was painted in different
colors, yellow, blue and red. The chief and one more
person danced round and round. The Indian chief should
go to the worlds of spirits and finally he rode away on
a winged white horse, very calmly and gentle he took
off from the ground and thereafter he was gone. The
chief said nothing during the dream. He had an axe in
his hand."


And this Indian Chief on the Winged-Horse, dear
Dreamers, was no one else than the very world famous
Horseshaman, Wakan Tanka, the Father, the Creator of
the Universe... and here is the Creation of the World
according to a little passage from a book entitled,
"Dreams - Visions of the Night" by David Coxhead and
Susan Hiller, published in 1976 by The Crossroad
Publishing Company, NY, NY...extracted from p.3, which,
knowing your increased interest of shamanism,
originates from the Uitoto Indians of Colombia...

""In the beginning, the Word gave origin to the

"A phantasm, nothing else existed in the beginning; the
Father touched an illusion, he grasped something
mysterious. Nothing existed. Through the agency of a
dream our Father Nai-mu-ena (He who is, or has, a
dream) kept the mirage of his body, and he pondered
long and thought deeply.

Nothing existed, not even a stick to support his
vision: our Father attached the illusion to the thread
of a dream and kept it by the aid of his breath. He
sounded to reach the bottom of the appearance, but
there was nothing. Nothing existed.

Then the Father again investigated the bottom of the
mystery. He tied the empty illusion to the dream
thread and spread the magical substance upon it. Then
with the aid of his dream he held it like a wisp of raw

Then he seized the mirage bottom and stamped upon it
repeatedly, sitting
down at last on his dreamed earth."

In this myth, which is a psychic and spiritual reality
for the Uitoto Indians... "the Creation of the World
is achieved through the action of a Dream.""

"The world begins: it begins as a dream of Nai-mu-ena
in South America, and as dream of Brahma in the
mythology of India." (Same book next page.)


Thank you Wakan Tanka and here is a most fuunny dream
of Fu-Ssi...
the Legendary and Immortal First Emperor of China...

From: h
Date: Sunday, October 04, 1998 4:48 PM
Subject: "The Two Popes"

I was in a classroom. I was teaching the class and I
had handed papers, one to each of them. Like a test
or something. Then I realized that I had handed out
different tests to each of them. More like, the test
was five pages and I had handed out only single pages.
So now I had to find out who was missing the other four

But I was really lazy. I decided to let them take only
one page of the test and I would worry about it later.
There was a girl in the class who I was attracted to,
but as teacher I tried to act professional. She stood
up and ran over and kissed me on the cheek. Obviously
she knew how I felt about her, and I could feel myself
blushing a little, but the class didn't hoot or holler
or even seem to notice.

I went away to let them take their test. In the hallway
was Pope John Paul II. I wasn't at all surprised to
see him there. In fact, most of the time I was in a
state of apathy about everything. I would say that my
mind was far away, but more accurately, my mind was

It seemed the Pope and I were friends. He was dressed
in his usual all white robes.

There was another pope there, more of the appearance of
a chinese emperor. I decided I had to give this pope
also my respects. I went up to him and got down on one
knee and said, "Your grace" (I think) and held out my
hand to kiss his ring. He held out his hand also but
took it away before I could take it. Obviously, this
pope did not think himself to be human. I stood up,
embarassed, as this had happened in front of the whole
class. I left to go back to Pope John. At least he had
enough sense to realize that he was a human and not a

But John had moved. I went outside to find him and
instead found someone named Michael. He had curly
greying hair, almost white. He was rather large, as in
overweight. We were sitting in an open field. When I
turned around to ask him how he wanted to help me, but
he was all of a sudden about a hundred feet from me, in
much the same sitting position. I turned back around to
face east. Across a large field was a church, only
small and flat. It did not at all look like a church. I
somehow understood that John and a large number of
clergy had crossed this field to go to the church. It
was a very large field and they were no longer in view.
Obviously, it was not their "home" church.

I wanted to follow them to see if they needed my help,
but I wasn't at all sure how I could possibly help
them. In my weakened condition, how could I help to
save my religion from the new anti-pope?

Oh! what a wonderful dream again... and what a clear

When you believe in a stupid church like the Christian
one...and in the teachings of mere mortals who don't
know nothing about dreams... you get nowhere... in
your mental weakness (ignorance).

Well, anyways, I certainly hope that a few of you will
have been able to learn a little from these simple and
most revealing dreams... and can see the Realm where
you will go after material decorporation... and what
will happen to you after death.

In any cases, tomorrow, I will show with the aid of
another category of Dreams of the Deads... which are
the Transfiguration Dreams or Dreams of Ghosts of Past
Lives... how we can come back out of the Spiritual

"Except a Man be Reborn, he cannot see the Kingdom of
God." John 3,5

...and You shall all see the true meaning of the Words
in Revelation 1,5,
in regards to...

"The First-Born from the Deads".

Pay attention to your dreams... for, they are the best

Best Regards to all Dreamers of Good Will...
who have a head on their shoulders, :)

Dr. Deus

PS: Dreams of the Departed, from all categories, always
most welcomed.


Well, that's it for this month. See you next time in
January 1999. Hasta La Vista!






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Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine

Thanks to Todd Kuiper for listing us on his e-zine

Thanks for the listing in The eZines Database

Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the
Electric Dreams project.

Thanks to low bandwith for listing electric dreams

Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in
the FAQ files at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid and
for other Usenet Newsgroups for allowing us to
continually post messages.

Thanks to our many web links! See

The Electric Dreams Staff

Peggy Coats - News & Calender Events Director

Bob Krumhansl - Editor & Dream Editor

Matthew Parry - Web Master

Dane Pestano HTML ED Designer

Victoria Quinton- Friends of Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Archives & Reporter
mermaid 8*)

Jesse Reklaw - Cover Art Gallery 1994- 1997

Bryan Smith - Cover Artist and Illustrator for
many of our Web pages.

Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director

Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles &
Subscriptions & Publication


The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue
to your dreams!
+ The generous authors of our articles
+ The creative genius of Bryan A. Smith
+ The delightful dreamers and commentators

All dream and article text and art are considered
(C)opyright by the writers, artists and dreamers
themselves. Anyone other than the authors may use or
reprint the text for non-commercial use, but all other
use by anyone other than the author must be with the
permission of either the author or the current Electric
Dreams dream editor.

Electric Dreams is an independent electronic
publication not affiliated with any other organization.
The views of our commentators are personal views and
not intended as professional advice or psychotherapy.

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