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Electric Dreams Volume 06 Issue 07

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Electric Dreams
 · 1 Jan 2021


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Volume 6 Issue #7

JULY 1999

ISSN# 1089 4284


Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web


Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Bob Krumhansl <>

Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>

For back issues, editors addresses
and other access & Staff see
at the end of this issue



++ Editor's Notes
++ Dream Airing: notes, thanks, more.
Including Joan Duncan on Dream Card Decks
++ Article: About Electric Dreams - Orientation
by Richard Wilkerson
++ Column: Dream Trek: Decathlon Dreaming
by Linda Lane Magall?n
++ Column: Dreaming and the Tarot
by Jean Campbell
++ Interview: DREAMWORK2000 Becoming Yourself in the 21st Century: An Interview with Strephon Kaplan-Williams. Interviewed by Richard Wilkerson
++ Article: Using Cards for Dream Exploration
by Kathleen Meadows, Ph.D. and Gloria Nye, B.A.

G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats

This Month?s Features:

>Seventh International ?Exploration of Creativity? Conference on Creativity, Spirituality, and the Arts in the
>Dream Workshop with Christine Boyer
>Helping and Healing Professions
>Concert and Art Exhibit of the Opposites
>Death of Paul Tholey

>Italian Lucid Dreaming
>Dream Things
>Sleep Paralysis
> Strephon Kaplan-Williams
> Robert Bosnak
>Patricia Garfield

> London Premiere of Dreaming
> Alchemy and Dreams
>The Doctor?s Office: Sleep.
> Scherer & Ouporov
> Sandman: Book of Dreams
> Sleep and Dreams Information

JULY 18, deadline for submission
FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 6(8)

The millennium year Continues - send in dreams


Editor?s Notes


Welcome to Electric Dreams for July 1999. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this e-zine and the associated community, you may want to scroll down to the briefing I have included called ?All About Electric Dreams?.

A special ?Hello? to those of you seeing Electric Dreams from the ASD conference in Santa Cruz

Do you warm up before you go to bed and dream? Its the best prescribed technique for running and exercise, and its a great idea for dreamers. Read more about seeding your dream field in Linda Magallon?s Dream Trek Column, Decathlon Dreaming.

This has been a real month for Dream Titans online. Be sure to see the web updates on the site of Gayle Delaney, Strephon-Kaplan Williams, Henry Reed, Patricia Garfield and Robert Bosnak. All have programs that are emerging online that you can participate in. These can be found in the Global Dreaming News along with a host of other dream activities, both online and off. If you are seeing this before July 11, be sure to visit the director of the News, Peggy Coats at the ASD Computer Cafe at

Our special focus this month is on dream cards. We don?t have a complete survey of this creative and growing collection of decks, but we have a few of the most original minds in the area. I was watching the discussions on Tom Goad?s groupleaders eList and impressed by the way the cards had been used to add live to dreamgroups and to cut past verbal barriers that sometimes arise. I had noticed this myself with experiments at Jill Gregory?s Dream Library and Archive, but being the creative type, wanted to make my own set of dream cards instead of instead of learning what others had done. I eventually got distracted by the notion that dream inspired art galleries online form a kind of deck of cards. But that?s a topic for another issue. Then Strephon Kaplan-Williams new site came online and I thought it was about time to gather up the stories and sage advice currently online and have a special issue.

Strephon has been developing dream cards for years and is a world renowned dream pioneer, at the heart of the development many seminal dream organizations and projects. His writings have created a map for dreamworkers for a whole generation. Now Strephon is beginning a cyber-dream project on the Internet and the bridge is now set for dreamwork2000.

Jean Campbell, who began a column last month on using tarot cards with dreams, continues this month by shifting the axis of dream exploration to the body. With this approach one can use the immediate visual aids of Tarot to resonate with dreams in an embodied sense. See ?Dreaming and Tarot? by Jean Campbell.

Kathleen Meadows and Gloria Nye have been researching the use of dream cards since 1996 and have combined their deck with a system they call DreamQuest. They have found that dream cards provide a forum that nurtures an element of synchronicity, surprise, and spontaneous humor. Be sure to learn the secrets they are sharing in the DreamQuest article.

Thanks also to Joan Duncan for permission in re-printing her comments on dream card decks. You can find her comments in the Dream Airing section.

Bob Krumhansl has compiled the dreams that have been coming into Electric Dreams and organized them in the DREAM section. Here dreams and comments are giving the freedom express themselves. Bob has also included a summary and editorial in the DREAMS Section.

If you would like to join an online dream group (group discussions via e-mail) please drop by the Electric Dreams California Clubhouse and see what?s up, or drop me a line at

Next Month: Dream Sharing With Serbia: Transcripts from the DreamWheel group.
You can take a sneak-peek at


Dream Airing
Notes, letters to the editor
Send to


Do you love our Electric Dreams Cover this Month?

What, you haven?t seen it?

Electric Dreams puts up a cover each month for you to download and use on your computer as you wish, as a screen saver, to print out with Electric Dreams and just keep as a collector?s item.

This Month?s Cover byt David Wells and Kat Eiswald

David Wells and Kat Eiswald live in Oakland with their cat Jesse James.
They have been making photocollages for over ten years. Inspired by the alchemists, they seek to precipitate the many images of the Divine. An online gallery featuring sixty-four of their magical collages can be found at


Many thanks to low bandwidth for listing electric dreams

Be sure to stop by and check this site out, as well as the full collection of other e-zines which they generously archive!


Dream Resources: One of the finest sites online for dream discussions and resources is hosted by our very own Peggy Coats. Be sure to drop by for dream news, dream chat, bulletin board discussions, dream movie reviews, local dream events and much, much more!


From: "Joan and Hugh Duncan" <>
To: "Richard C Wilkerson" <>

From: Joan Duncan, [resending original Sat 22 May 1999 email/groupleaders
"Subject: Card Decks"]: --
(some parts cut)

Hi Nora,

I did laugh when I read: -- 'I couldn't stand the fact that "Kings" held higher value than "Queens".' No doubt about it, this can bring on one huge headache!

Your and Linda's comments on the deficiencies of card decks have prompted me to recall my sister uses a Tarot deck of circular cards which focus on women -- The Daughters of the Moon Tarot, [created by Fiona Morgan, published by Daughters of the Moon, PO Box 83, Forestville, CA 95436.] I expect you may have seen this deck already -- most cards are goddess figures ("The Crone of Flames", Isis) although some are androgynous and a few are male. (Round cards are a little more awkward to handle than other thick decks, but my sister says you soon get used to shuffling them.)

Hugh and I also bought a deck called The Dreampower Tarot, designed by R.L. Stewart, because we liked some of the artwork very much -- this deck has a number of androgynous and ambiguous figures and has a Celtic/shamanic atmosphere to it. One card pictures a hermaphroditic individual. However, this deck's big deficiency is that there is quite a gap between many of the pictures and what one is used to dealing with in the way of Tarot imagery: so it is not a Tarot deck in the traditional sense. The book accompanying the deck (by Stewart) subtitles the deck as "The Three Realms of Transformation in the Underworld", and the author feels its main use is for issues dealing with the inner world/underworld. This might be worth looking at if one wished to design one's own deck -- we have not used it as a tool, we just like the pictures.

I think if I were designing a Tarot deck for my own use I might be tempted to depict many of the figures in masks or face-paint just to avoid such stereotyping as it seems we are doomed to whenever a particular gender is focused on.

Hugh and I roughed up a deck of images for use in our dreamgroup -- but neither is a Tarot deck. One deck consists of quite simple pictures, such as an igloo or a smoking revolver or the mouth of a cave, and the other deck consists of quotes from various sources -- mostly about four to perhaps eight lines of poetry or traditional songs taken from a variety of sources. We have been very pleased at how this double deck seems to help people consider their dreams afresh -- using a dream card drawn from each deck in conjunction with a dream seems to allow an individual to break free of post-dream assumptions or confusion to approach the dream itself from a from a different angle and gain a fresh insight. And it doesn't tend to be time-consuming, so it can be useful when the group is running short of time but wants to do something in the remaining time. We used a simple graphics program with both photos and artwork to devise the picture deck. The beauty of this is that it is the dreamer who uses these two additional pieces of imagery to find a fresh way of experiencing the dream again.



All About Electric Dreams!

Richard Wilkerson


The largest statement I can make about Electric Dreams is that it is a networked community interested in anything that has to do with dreams and dreaming. We have a variety of venues for sharing, each of which suits a different need.

News about Dream related Events: Dream workers, researchers and dream concerned organizations are now hip that Peggy Coats gets out the Global Dreaming News on a monthly basis. This news is posted around the Internet and also distributed in newsletters and other forums.

Articles, Interviews & Columns. Electric Dreams has a special focus on dream sharing on the Internet. As new Web sites and projects emerge, you will hear about them in the news, and often find expanded articles and interviews in the Electric Dreams E-zine. Electric Dreams members bring up and discuss topics in dreamsharing, from the uses of lucid dreaming to the ethics of dreamwork in cyberspace to postmodern dreaming. The general idea is to have articles and focus specials on topics that will enhance your dreamwork, dream sharing and relationship with dreams and dreaming in general.

Dreamwork and Dream Sharing. From the beginning, the Electric Dreams community has been a dream sharing community. We have pioneered many forms of online dream sharing and have supported and promoted dozens of venues, both online and off. For example:

The DreamWheel. For several years the DreamWheel has continuously taught people how to have online peer-relationship, moderated dream groups using non-defensive styles developed by John Herbert and many others. These groups are small, intimate and usually focus on one dream at a time over the course of a week or two. Sometimes the issue are personal, and other times they become international, such as when the DreamWheel members include dreamers from Serbia or England.

Dream-on is an email eList that supports a variety of dream sharing. Usually it hosts the DreamWheel, but several other projects have been hosted as well. The climate is one of fun and experimentation, though deep and meaningful values are always at stake.

The Dream-Flow is a free speech forum for dreams that includes several dream sharing networks and individuals. Dreams in the dream flow are circulated around the networks along with comments and respondent dreams. These dreams are archived and organized once a month and published (anonymously) on the Electric Dreams e-zine. Anyone can participate.

For an archive of ed-flow go to

OTHER DREAM PROJECTS ON THE NET: Too many to list here, but I try to keep track of
them via three main sources. The first is the Cyber-dream library
Cyber-Dream Library

Or if you like annotated lists of links
the Dream Resources Pages
See below for a list of Catagories

On the DREAM LINKS page

+Commercial Carriers & ISP Programs, AOL, MSN, ect.

+Mail & Discussion Lists (Listserv, majordomo..)
+Usenet Newsgroups
Dream Sharing
Magazines and Journals
Information & Education Organizations
Personal Dream Journals
Religion, Spirituality and Healing (and Shamanism)
Lucid Dreaming
Psi, Paranormal, Telepathic Dreaming
Dream &/or Sleep Science, Research, Organizations & Sites
Sleep Research, Disorders and Information Sites
Dreams and Anthropology (and Sociology, Culture)
Dream Bibliography Collections
Dream Inspired Art
Dreams and Film
Jung and Dreams
Freud and Dreams
Books and Articles Online
Dream Products and Technology

Electric Dreams is *your* dream ezine. If you have ideas for projects, columns or some new form of dream sharing you would like to experiment with or report on, drop us a line!


~~ I wake up in the morning with a dream in my eyes ~~
Allen Ginsberg


By Linda Lane Magall?n

Decathlon Dreaming


In Western culture, there is a deep bias that dreams ?just happen? to us; that they are an automatic product of our sleeping psyches. With such an attitude, there is little recognition of the skills and arts related to dreaming.

But even if we simply want to recognize that we dream, we must invoke the skills of memory and cognition. To record the dream on paper and to report it to someone else involves the arts of writing and story-telling. Some folks have poor memory of dreams; some record just the bare bones, the nouns and verbs. Descriptive adjectives and adverbs that paint emotions, feelings and color into the black-and-white outline go missing. It makes for a very boring dream report! I really enjoy listening to and reading dreams where the dreamer spent some time and effort to narrate the details and draw out any story elements. Most definitely, it is an art and skill to be a good dream reporter.

Almost anyone with the slightest interest in dreams will begin to utilize more than one skill or art. There is a growing number of ?3 R? triathlon dreamers: those who Recall and Record their dreams and then Relate their dreams to other people in a dream group.

Then there are the embellishers. They interpret dreams, using a potpourri of techniques from free association to definition dialogue. They use the literal arts of dance or drawing, ceramics or singing to express the dream. Some even modify behavior via cognitive, visualization and artistic therapies. But all this activity occurs after the dreaming is done. After we wake with the dream product. The dream is used as a launching pad for waking arts and skills.

But there are also those unsung heroes who are not satisfied with the approach that makes dreamwork and dreamplay an after-thought. Some motivating factor urges them on, to venture into the unknown. It?s they who have caught the sense that dreaming is a wondrous opportunity to be explorers of the greatest frontier of all: inner space. As they stretch their wings in preparation for flight, these dreamers discover that they are gathering a repertoire of pre-dreaming arts and skills. They are becoming decathlon dreamers. The more I come into contact with these dreamers, the more impressed I am with their patience and tenacity.

It is a fiction that it takes an extraordinary person to achieve an extraordinary dream, unless you define ?extraordinary? as a solitary event that spontaneously happens to a one-shot wonder. I?m not talking about those folks who have one or two amazing dreams that they treat like rare hot-house plants for the rest of their lives. I?m speaking of those dreamers who have tasted enough delightful dreams to develop a hunger for those same dreams when they experience a drought. Who miss their wonderful dreams as they would an absent friend.

To the casual observer, it may seem that such dreams are fortunate gifts of unexpected grace. Wild flowers in the field of dreams. But as I watch these super dreamers in action, as I hear what they do before they dream, I discover that they nurture, fertilize and prepare the ground for the emergence of their lovely blossoms. What a healthy endeavor: to tend the garden of the mind.

Before dreams begin there are host of incubation activities that result in better dream recall, a special type of dream or a change in content. Dreams will indeed perk up when we water them with attention before we go to sleep. We can process day residue, set aside problems, encapsulate troublesome emotions to clear the ground of toxins and support the emergence of creative dreams. We can use self-suggestion, stimulate ourselves with imagery, rehearse dream dramas, set goals before we go to sleep to provide the building blocks for dream construction and growth.

Dreams can be cultivated. What that takes is interest, enthusiasm and practice, practice, practice. Decathlon dreamers interact with dreams in much the way that an athlete prepares for a sports events, in the way an artist sets up her easel, in the way that an environmentalist cares for the ground of our being.

Before we sleep.


Dreaming and the Tarot

Jean Campbell


When I told a friend not long ago that I was writing a series of articles on the relationship between dreams and the tarot, she said, "Yech! What a stupid thing to do. I always hate it when those New Agey types get a hold of dreams. They make everything so difficult. Why not use the dreams themselves?"

In one way, she is absolutely correct. Nothing is needed for dream interpretation except the dreamer and the dream. Yet there is no getting around the fact that the tarot cards can be useful to the process.


The reason for this is something we touched upon in the last issue of Electric Dreams. The tarot, like dreams, is built around symbols, and what Jung called archetypes--symbols so deep in human consciousness that they span the world and its cultures.

Since the original article in this series last month, I have gotten some comments from people who say, "I want a tarot with presidents not kings, and women astronauts." They are talking about what those archetypes mean for us, what resonance they set off in our psyches.

Thus I say that, although the A.E. Waite tarot deck is my personal favorite for the exercises I suggest here, other tarots and dream card decks, even those you make yourself (or maybe, most particularly, those you make yourself) will work.


According to information delivered by psychics such as Jane Roberts and Edgar Cayce, the body itself is a symbol which we create. "Our body," says Seth, through Jane Roberts, "Is our most intimate personal symbol." Meaning that we can interpret the body and its functions as if they were dream.

What does that mean? How can we possibly use that information?

Some psychotherapists, such as Eugene Gendlin and others, who have a foundation in Alexander Lowen's Bioenergetic Therapy, talk about how we can feel our dreams in our bodies, especially if we physically assume the stance that we took in a dream.

Author Stanley Kelleman, who has been in private practice in the San Francisco area for over twenty years, asserts that our dreams are often trial runs for things that we want to change in waking reality. "We em-BODY the dream," Kelleman told dream researchers at the 1997 conference of the Association for the Study of Dreams, where he was a featured speaker.

According to Gendlin, who speaks of the body as containing a "felt sense," which is not the same as an emotion, "A dream typically leaves a felt sense. If it is already there, give it your attention. It isn't plain fear, joy, or sadness, it feels a unique way for which there is no word. (Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams, 53)."


My initial experience with using the tarot in conjunction with dreams came at a workshop led by Dr. Hector Kuri of Guadalajara, Mexico, with whom I later studied bioenergetic therapy.
With a particular dream in mind, we were told to select a tarot card from the shuffled deck, and then to begin to connect that card with the dream.

As often happens, the dream I recalled was one in which I had been driving the car. The tarot card I drew, synchronistically, was one of the Major Arcana, the Chariot.

As with most tarot cards, this particular one involves a person or animal (sometimes more than one.) Hector put on some music. He told us to stand in the manner of the person we had selected from our cards. I found myself standing, knees bent and arms outstretched, as if I were driving the chariot. Head erect, eyes forward.

"Now, dance your card," he told us. And for the next twenty minutes, the room was full of dancing Magicians and Hermits, lions and eagles.

As I danced the charioteer, images from my dream flooded my mind. My breathing opened, and I could feel how I had been holding my body. I realized how I had been driving myself, insistently, with eyes only for the road ahead, and no attention for the scenery.
The meaning of my dream and others of its type became clear for me, effortlessly, without laboring over the analysis.


There are many, many ways in which this concept of letting the body interpret the dream can be used.

One of them, not involving the dance, was suggested by our own Richard Wilkerson. It calls for selecting a card, selecting a dream, and once again getting the felt sense of each, exploring gently, and sensitively comparing the sensations in the body when "feeling" the character you chose to become in the dream with the character you chose from the card.

There is one further suggestion I would make regarding this exercise. Many of us are so focused on thinking that we use this as a defense against being aware of our bodies at all.

Prior to doing the exercise with the dream, it would probably be useful to pay attention to "how do I stand" in waking life. Let yourself just stand naturally. Then begin to allow yourself awareness of how your feet feel, how your shoulders and arms feel, and the rest of your body. Are you tense? Combative? Breathing shallowly or depressed? It may help to face yourself in a mirror, meeting your eyes in the mirror and saying to yourself, "Hello. Here's how I stand in my life."

Then, when we move to the tarot and into the dream, we can knowledgeably compare how we stand there with our usual, waking life, stance.


DREAMWORK2000 Becoming Yourself in the 21st Century:
An Interview with Strephon Kaplan-Williams

Interviewed by Richard Wilkerson


Strephon Kaplan-Williams is one of the Titans of the Dream Movement. His Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork collections provided a map for a generation of dreamworkers, bringing Jungian, holistic and transpersonal themes to the common person as well as many professional therapists. He was the founder of the Jungian-Senoi Institute in Berkeley in 1977 and one of the initial founding fathers of the Association for the Study of Dreams in the 1980's. His development of the dream cards, tarot like cards for dreamers, has shifted the emphasis of dreamwork from talking interpretations to a more imagistic approach that is more in align with dreaming itself. All of this work is an intensely personal experience for Strephon as well, and includes fifteen years of Jungian analysis, ten years of intensive training as a therapist and workshop leader in the Jungian tradition, a masters in counseling psychology, four years as chief therapist at an innovative treatment center in California, eight years of bodywork and ten years of on the mat Aikido. You can now find him doing clinical work as a Dream Therapist and providing Dreamwork Leadership and Dream Therapist training programs in Netherlands and Norway since 1991, as well as lecturing and providing workshops around the world.

His current most recent creation is the Dreamwork2000 project which provides not only education and interactive dream forums, books, dream cards and other productions, but also sets the stage for a conscious bridge into the 21st Century.

Richard Catlett Wilkerson for Electric Dreams [RW]: Hi Strephon, and welcome to Cyberspace!

Strephon Kaplan-Williams. [SK-W]: Thanks Richard and to all of you. I never expected such a hearty welcome when I finally arrived in Cyberspace! As you know, I have been inhabiting Dream Space for a long time and now I seem ready at age 65 to enter Cyberspace. What great unknown will I find here?

[RW]: Before I ask you about the specific programs of Dreamwork2000, I wanted to ask you about the general intentions and orientation of the project, how the project came about and the like. In the past you have created grassroots movements, international organizations and professional training centers. How do you see your presence on the Net?

[SK-W]: So far I love being on the net, and I am saying this without even getting a significant response yet. We had over 1000 hits the first week when Ineke, our designer, threw it up on the web just for some of us to see. This probably is not unusual. You found me right away. I think you have some dream spider at work out there keeping track of things.

But seriously, I am committed to the net because it is free-form communication and creation. I have a lot of experience now and have close experiences with my students but through the net I can share some or much of that experience so that I am more part of that WorldForm being created. I am committed to being interactive and bringing on line as many of my students as possible.

When I have to tell a long-term student that I can no longer read and comment on his dreamwork I get this immensely sad feeling because I know now I am slowly closing down my life and leaving behind only the knowledge that my students and I have developed. The internet may be my true graveyard of the spirit. Don?t bury me in the earth. Stash me somewhere on the internet.

I experience Cyberspace as similar to Dream Reality. In Dream Reality we participate through our dream egos, the presence of our personal selves in the dream, in interactions with significant figures, issues, potentials, and consciousness ideas. The same seems to be happening in Cyberspace!

A developed Dream Reality traveler should be able to travel and contribute in Cyberspace as well.

[RW]:. The Dream Cards are a featured focus of your new site. These have been globally successful and popular with many people. Can you tell the Electric Dreams readers a little about the cards? How you decided to do them? What was it like doing the art on them yourself and what did it mean to you? Why "66" cards?

[SK-W]: I feel very lucky to have the Dream Cards come through me and through Roger and Linda Garland, their illustrators, What I did basically was give them a detailed but rough design with word descriptions for each image, they then did the professional sketch which I corrected where necessary and they did a final oil painting the same size as the Dream Cards. Almost no changes were made after that. The project took two years.

We worked with Eddison-Sadd, a packager who produces and prints and resells to a major publisher. So I got very little money for the 100,000 sets sold so far, less than 25 cents each set for the two years work. The Garlands took more than a year off from other projects to do the Cards and got paid separately.

Originally I approached Eddison-Sadd from California with my idea for an archetypal tarot based on my Ego and the Seven Basic Archetypes model. We had correspondence but no decisions and they said the artist I was working with was not of professional quality.

Then in 1988 I got the inner call at age 54 to give up everything in California, the Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork Institute and friends and community to move to England and work in Europe. I had nothing developed in Europe but I made the move. There I called Eddison-Sadd and said, 'I'm here.' With surprise they asked me to come in and told me they would do my archetypal tarot but would I please consider doing the first dream cards ever published. I said give me a few hours to be with it. I meditated and found that using the same Seven Archetypes basic model I could indeed arrange dream symbols in a schema which would account for all dream symbols and prove useful in working with any dream or life situation.

This was of course The Impossible Task. For who in their right mind would even attempt a symbol system as a tool to account for the meaning of each and every dream symbol dreamed in the past, the present, or the future?

I designed the first Dream Card, Journey #37, the Garlands painted it, and we sold the whole project to Simon & Schuster for the advance needed.

During the development of the project I had to have several breakthroughs, not only for each Card but also in the design of the Cards. My editors, Nick Eddison and Ian Jackson, would sometimes ask, 'but how do the Cards work?' I would have to say, 'We don't know yet since they don't exist yet.'

I had to trust the greater dream source and Dream Reality. I had to trust that there was an overall schema built into Dream Reality, the Symbolic Universe, which could be known and modeled. I had to be ready for the whole project collapsing if some fatal flaw developed. For I would maintain intellectual and scientific integrity at all costs. I would not knowingly hoax the general public with a symbol system which did not hold together and which did not work.

This was my big chance to get out into the world the first dream cards and a whole new symbol system.

The Dream Cards are not in any way based on the symbol system of tarot cards. I deliberately did not study tarot.

I wanted modern symbols from modern dreamers. I invited a number of advanced dreamers to contribute their greatest dreams and I took the chief symbols from these and my great dreams, meditated on the energy of the symbol and the Card and then came up with the basic design which the Garlands in their wonderful imagination and skill put into images.

In effect, the Dream Cards are produced by the Great Unconscious and the Dream Reality that emerges from this core stratum of archetypes which underlies our existence.

The greatest proof that the Dream Cards work was unexpected. While designed for use in working with any dream to gain meaning from it, nine out of ten people immediately used the Dream Cards to do life readings. The synchronicity, meaningful coincidence, of drawing one or several Cards around a life issue always seems to work and to give new insight and meaning. I have even been able to 'read' with public audiences according to the Card they pick when someone is suffering a severe illness.

So the Cards work to bring Dream Reality into Waking Reality and to teach people how to understand and relate to a universal symbol system.

Jung re-discovered synchronicity and I was lucky enough to have come through me in the meditative state an amazingly powerful synchronicity tool based on the Seven Basic Archetypes model. This model itself is amazing since it also came to me intuitively. My Jungian analyst teachers said Jung said you could not classify the archetypes since they are in the unconscious.

So immediately I started modeling the archetypes to answer a basic question a fellow student had, How many archetypes are there? Jung listed about 13 but what came to me when I went to a Cistercian monastery for a week of silent contemplation on the model was that Jung did not understand yet the functional nature and interrelations between archetypes which a model must have to be coherent and whole.

This is important because the Seven Basic Archetypes model is the basis for classifying all symbols in dreams and life based on their functional nature. The model works to explain how archetypes function in similarity and contrast obeying the fundamental law of opposites. The model works based on the powerful synchronicity that results in using the Dream Cards both for life readings, the waking dream, and for night dreams in breakthrough insights. Everyone reports this and I have interacted with hundreds of people now in using the Cards. Some guiding force that is very powerful in evoking meaning is at work through these Cards and the archetypal model behind them.

Interestingly enough, the conservative world of Jungian analysts does not recognize the importance of the Seven Basic Archetypes model or the Dream Cards. One non-orthodox Jungian writer even attributed the model to Jung!

I guess like a rain forest shaman my ways and whereabouts are hidden from the world. It does not matter just so the results are out there and useful for people to use.

If I have founded the first dreamwork institute, co-founded the first dream association, written the first comprehensive dreamwork manual, authored the first dream cards, presented the first workable archetypal model, given the first full three to five year professional dreamwork training program, originated certain dreamwork techniques, it has not been me personally but the Source which works through me because I am committed to following its prompting voice.

I seem never to have done what I wanted to do but had to follow where the most energy was. How I would have liked to be a novelist, a master teacher, a great tennis player, a rich man with a home in nature near a California beach, a person who has large audiences come to hear what he has to say, a teacher with students who stay.

Instead I live a fairly alone life in an obscure place in a small country with modest income and very modest standard of living, with no savings and no real estate, and very little recognition in the world and almost no intimate friends I can share my real self with. This is reality. What I have accomplished is in balance with what I have not been able to accomplish. The opposites rein supreme in my life and work. So be it!

Back to dreamwork after this personal aside.

The first language we all learn as babies is the language of imagery. As adults through Dream Reality we can return to the universal language through participation in Dream Reality and learn our way there and then connect to Waking Reality as well.

The Wisdom Cards which go with the Dream Cards are my meditations on the images once the Garlands produced their final painting for that Card. This idea also came out of meditation in the trance state, the same trance state I entered to have the images come into their rightful place for that particular Card. I felt we needed some help for people in relating to their imagery without being too interpretive. The Wisdom Cards hopefully evoke a dreamer's own personal wisdom source.

And so the Dream Cards were born into this world. Here I am in the Eddison-Sadd office and Nick Eddison says he has had this idea for dream cards for ten years and would I do them?

The idea had to come from an imagery man to a dream man because the dream man was too close to this key idea to originate it himself. Thus the first dream cards ever were born into this world.

How often can one be there at the right moment in time at the creative gateway when really new things emerge into the world? I feel privileged to be assisting at that gateway. For myself the use of Dream Cards has had major importance, not only for certain dreams but to do Card spreads based on the archetypal model at key events in my relating and life.

I must tell you also that in first talking with my editor he reported that two authors of other card projects had committed suicide in the final stages of their projects and their wives had to complete the project for them.

This is truly the dark side of bringing something terribly new into the world. I survived my own suicidal feelings in the final stages since I have helped others with suicidal symptoms and had been for-warned. So I paid the price to bring in the Dream Cards but not the total mythic sacrifice sometimes demanded of creators by the mythic gods and goddesses of antiquity and the Great Unconscious. There is a price for everything and everything has its price. This aphorism stays with me.

[RW]: Could you explain briefly how the cards are generally intended to be used?

[SK-W]: To continue the story of the first years of the Dream Cards, they were born in 1991. I had to write the book on how they were to be used before they even existed. The readings in that book are all authentic. We used the mock-up versions of the Cards to do readings. Now, eight years later I have done many training?s and readings with the Cards so I know better how to use them.

Use the Dream Cards to bring in meaning from a deeper guiding source than ego by doing dream and synchronicity readings with them.

Redfield has popularized Jung?s idea of synchronicity with his emphasis on synchronicity connections but with the Dream Cards you do not have to be out there relating to others all the time to seek guidance through synchronicity.

Do it with the Cards. Find guidance with dreams as well. Develop intuition through inner work and not just outer work.

James Redfield is a spiritual extravert. He has to have people kill each other in his Celestine Prophecy. On the Dream Cards is also adversity and killing but with inner meaning and healing.

You don?t have to put violence into a spiritual novel to get people to read it. There are no enemies to your living spiritual principles except those in yourself.

Seek inward to go outward. Inner is prior to outer. So give me dreamworking and Dream Cards working any time over having to do so much outer relating to find significant meaning in life.

It?s not out there! The fire burns inside. What a lesson!

For instance, in working with a dream, pick one Card to represent you in the dream and another Card to represent the key issue or potential you are dealing with in the dream. You can choose these Cards consciously by looking through the deck or looking up key dream symbols in the 5000 item symbol glossary and then going to the Card indicated.

Through dreamwork and Dream Cards work you are developing meaning, you are better understanding the issues in your life and how to use spiritual principles to deal with them in a meaningful way.

Once you have your two Cards then shuffle the Dream Cards and pick from anywhere in the deck a third Card without looking and that often is the breakthrough Card or connector with the other two.

With dreams there often seems to be a key insight or meaning that unlocks the whole imagery. Through using the synchronicity of the Dream Cards you can often get this special insight.

In fact I discovered that the Cards work far better at helping people to insights than I do. I may be an expert by virtue of experience with thousands of dreams but my forte is to help a person develop their dream issues and then the insight or key which unlocks the dream must come from a deeper source than the personal ego of the dream ego or the personal ego of the dreamer.

Just as a dream seems to come from a core wisdom source, so too does the key to a dream's meaning seem to come from a greater source than ego.

One thing that seems off in those who say the dreamer is always right as to what his or her dream means is that often the dreamer, because of personal ego, is the last to know what his or her dream means.

I am amazed at other dreamwork writers who love to quote Jung in their own work and use the word, archetypes, yet when it comes down to it completely ignore Jung?s point that the dream most often functions to compensate the biased ego-view of the dreamer. Or why else have a dream if you are not going to learn from it and shift your viewpoint fundamentally.

Too many dream egos don?t really look at their dream egos.

I hope I am consistent and trust-worthy in analyzing and compensating mine as the dreams reveal my real self to me. Beware of those who quote Jung but don?t really follow his consciousness principles!

I take the view that dreams are meaningful because when we objectify their issues and teachings we are always challenged to new learning about others and ourselves.

We could also say that the Dream Cards are so rich in universal modern symbols that it is easy for a dreamer to project meaning into the symbols.

Yes, this is certainly one level. But I have collected examples of true synchronicities in which the connections seem far stronger than just projecting personal meaning into a symbol. Test this out for yourself. One time after seeing a deeply tragic and moving documentary on the German concentration camps and the Jews I felt such a dark feeling I just knew that I could pick a card blindly from the Dream Cards and it would be the Adversity Card, Destroying, which has a concentration camp symbol on it. Sure enough this card came right out in my hand. I still felt certain about such energy, such presence, that I put the card back in the full 66-card deck, shuffled the deck several times and again blindly pulled out the same card. Many people have reported to me a similar phenomenon of pulling the same card twice when a certain energy needed emphasizing.

I don?t think projecting meaning is the only or final explanation for why Dream Cards work is so strikingly meaningful. Is it some psychic power to read blindly at work or is there a guiding synchronicity force working directly through an open person using the Cards? We don?t have to know the answer if we use the Cards and find them effective. American pragmatism at its best added to European Jung?s theory. I love it!

The other way many people use the Dream Cards is to create the waking dream.

You have an issue you are dealing with. Shuffle the deck and choose one to three or five Cards in a special Dream Cards spread. Since the images of the Dream Cards came out of people's major dreams then the waking spreads you create will have many dream-like qualities and you can go from there.

In fact, and this is important, the Dream Cards use modern people's dream symbols and are therefore more relevant and powerful often than a traditional tarot card reading which is based on symbols from the past, often masculine and full of potential violence, and not in balance for modern times. Many people have indicated their preference for the modern symbolism of the Dream Cards and their powerful synchronicity over tarot cards and readings. I?m not selling! I am just pointing out reality.

So I can only say that I am full of joy that the Dream Cards exist to help people dream travel and to become more conscious of what symbols may mean and how to work with them. Let's say that someday in every school all children will be learning the universal language of symbolism, or re-learning it, and from that day onward there will be a tremendous leap in consciousness for the entire world. One major result would be of course that humans will not act out so much their dynamics, such as the machine warrior who acts out in outer wars and killings. What young man does not have the fantasy to drive his car like a tank or airplane breaking all the rules of an over-civilized society?

[RW]: I have heard from group leaders and dreamworkers online who are very enthusiastic. One dreamworker told me that during a dream group they had a visitor who was a very difficult group member and by shifting from the "If this were my dream..." approach to using the cards, the tensions dramatically shifted and the imagination began to flow.

[SK-W]: I have already said what I think and feel about the ?If this were my dream? issue. The reality point is that your dream is not your dream! You did not create it with your possessive and controlling waking ego so how can you claim it as your own production once you are awake again? Some of this is just plain old sound thinking. The dream is not a product of waking ego. We are asleep. One definition of sleep is that it is a condition in which the waking ego function lets go of conscious control of the body and its emotions so that other non-ego centers can function including the dreaming source, what I call the dream source, and there is no better word for it!

I can see why the Dream Cards might work with both passive and difficult people. For they do bring out recognition of a greater source than ones personal ego.

Yes, it seems that if we are caught in our own limited pictures of reality and ourselves we need to enter the greater realms where imagery, wisdom and imagination can more freely flow.

Let synchronicity handle difficult people, since this is a greater or outside source other than the personal ego with all its restrictions and self-importance.

The dream owns itself. We do not own the dream. Therefore greater source experiences like dreams can help us get out of our personal egos.

The dream, like a child, has the right to exist in itself. Our job as dreamer is to relate to the dream, to serve it, to help heal the dream or develop its potential.

Instead of asking others for the meaning of a dream, ask the dream itself, do work with it, re-enter the dream in some form, use methods with the dream. I long ago reacted against all the dream interpreters out there because I saw how much ego projection even dream group leaders and writers were doing on their own and other people's dreams.

So the Dream Cards through synchronicity bring in another point of view for the ego to consider. That is one of their chief functions. I would love to do a workshop just for dreamwork writers and leaders to help them purify egos through Dream Cards work and the method, Following the Dream Ego. But will this ever happen?

[RW]: One of key values that I see running through your site is
consciousness, or self-awareness. This is particularly brought into focus with the Dreamwork2000 & Millennium2000 notion of being "dream and life conscious." What do you mean by this?

[SK-W]: Have I failed? Have I not made it clear yet on the site? Of course on the site I ask, ?Are you dream and life conscious?? and you ask the question right back!

Consciousness is such a difficult issue. Jung talked about it takes ego to have ego. I also say that it takes ego to observe ego. The hardest thing for an ego, a personal identity to do, is to objectify itself. So this is why I discovered the technique, Following the Dream Ego in which you analyze specifically how your dream ego, the image of yourself, is acting and not acting in a dream and what attitudes might be motivating your actions or non-actions.

Consciousness is the ability to reflect upon how we are reflecting upon ourselves. Consciousness is the ability and commitment to get beyond our pure subjectivity into a place of objectifying ourselves and not just others or what is out there.

When we dream we are waking up only we find we are dreaming we are awake yet can?t seem to truly wake up by getting out of bed or writing our dream down, then we see this beginning ability to see ourselves seeing ourselves. What is the difference between waking reality and dream reality? Depends on whether you are at the time in dream reality or waking reality. Our ability to discriminate, to distinguish inner from outer, dream reality from waking reality, projection from actual direct experiencing, the unconscious from the conscious, is a practice in consciousness. We reflect on ourselves and we reflect on our reflecting on ourselves. I reflect upon myself reflecting upon myself, therefore I exist. Not ? think therefore I am.? But, ? exist therefore I am.? I know I exist both because I am existing and I know it and because I am reflecting on the process of knowing I exist.

I am a being observing myself being a being. Or in the ancient Chinese butterfly dream: I know I am a dreamer dreaming of a butterfly because I know I am not that butterfly but a dreamer. Now how can I also be a dreamer dreaming myself alive, dreaming myself into existence?

Is this not why we are interested in our dreams?

[RW]: The forum includes a Character Inventory, which champions such values as discipline, courage, reality function, comparison and understanding. The Dream Cards support a wider range of values and encounters. How did you pick these as the values you wanted to emphasize?

[SK-W]: Ah, a switch! These character values came to me because I realized in a flash that many of us are out there in life having experiences but not building character. The modern humanistic, hedonistic point of view is to enhance human living via technology and quality culture. But at the same time we have breakdowns in these values in dark side incidents and little wars. No amount of culture or technology in itself will build character. You can build outer walls and houses but do you use your life to build yourself?

The above traits are chosen traits, not inherent traits. You can only develop them if you commit to develop them and make every sacrifice to do so.

In terms of dreamwork it concerned me that beginning dream egos are quite lazy and non-interactive in dreams. To the dreamer in the dream things happen but the other characters besides the dream ego are often more interesting and dynamic. Why is this? Poor training! No Dream Warrior training to speak of! It?s one thing to become conscious or interactive in a dream and quite another to know what you are doing being there. Therefore have real values and purpose in dream and life exploration. And build your character. Make yourself an effective tool for meaning in this life and don?t get caught up in petty fights and unreal imaginings but do something worthwhile, not just in life but with yourself. I am very concerned in the people I meet how little them have put themselves through a purification process riding themselves of too much subjectivity, feelings, hysteria and egocentricity?s, so that they can be an effective force in life.

The greatest opportunity that most people miss in life is not meeting the frequent challenges in dreams. When you fall asleep your dream ego is most often under constant and real challenge, challenge to integrate, interact, give up control, change your point of view, develop yourself, become more real, and work to serve and heal the dream itself and its issues. What a brave task true dreamworking is! Dreamworking at this level becomes lifeworking as well.

[RW]: One of the most interactive forums is the Consciousness Forum, where Cyber-travelers can discuss dreams and consciousness. Can you tell us a little about this area and what is intended?

[SK-W]: In the design of the Consciousness Forum I did not want people simply spilling out their dreams and opinions. As I say, we live in a narcissistic age in which people are very concerned about their subjective selves and not at all about their objective selves. Therefore it is that I ask contributors to also do some work on what they share as a dream or life experience by pointing themselves to their dream?s issues and how they are responding to them. You saw this in your own dream contribution and your responses to my responses that raised some important dream issues that I see now in a new light.

I have been warned that some people just spill their guts out on the web. I hope this does not happen here.

[RW]: I noticed that you are not afraid of discussing dreams and their meanings here. What do you feel will be the limits and potentials of dreamwork in Cyberspace?

[SK-W]: As a beginner to Dream Cyberspace I already feel that Cyberspace is developing well as a separate awareness reality just as dream reality is a separate reality in some ways. We tend to exist at several levels of reality experience, so it is moving to see how Cyberspace can be developed.

Cyberspace seems to be developing as a free and open space for all sorts of awareness and images. Images evoke energy whether dream or erotic. What is hidden must be revealed. The more we reveal our levels of imagery the more dynamic and aware we can become.

Pornography is only revealing what we have kept hidden beneath our clothes, the life of the genitals but also the inner life and fantasies of our erotic life nature. Dreams likewise reveal our erotic nature. One dreamer described dreaming of her boyfriend?s penis inside her but partly seen in public and she felt embarrassed. Yes, her training was to feel embarrassed about certain outer behavior but also about sharing her inner erotic nature and her inner dream nature. But she shared it because of the safety of dream group sharing. We have many aspects to our nature. Why not share them all and thus come more into the reality of who we really are?

Cyberspace, like dream sharing, can help all of us in the world share more of who we really are, whether at times we love erotically, or kill hatefully, or whatever we do. Let?s be real. Let?s be totally in reality about all of who we are and share and process that through. What a dynamic and amazing thing this will be when the World Culture is truly sharing all of itself with itself.

[RW]: Besides the interactive forum, there is also a basic dream interpretation guide and a free monthly course. This month's featured topic is "Objectifying Dreams & Following the Dream Ego." Do you have overall plan for this course or will it follow a more organic path?

[SK-W]: I hope I can keep the commitment to presenting a monthly course on the different dreamworking methods so the regular visitor to the site can do dreamwork even on a daily basis if they so feel inspired.

My simple goal, as always, is to present dreamwork as a viable consciousness tool for enhancing life and purpose in the world. I have used and taught these techniques for many years at beginning and advanced levels. So now through the internet people can practice dreamworking. I don?t charge for this because I like the concept of contributing free information and inspiration as so many sites do. I am sure I can earn my basic money through books and teaching. Let?s hope the Big Bucks Boys don?t try to take over the internet and make it expensive.

[RW]: One of the ongoing debates about dreams and consciousness, is whether we can become too conscious and destroy the quality of dreams that is Other with too much lucidity. Where do you align yourself in this controversy?

[SK-W]: I had a private conversation with Stephen LaBerge on this issue. He knows well my position that developing your ego choice-making function to control the dream?s production of imagery can be defeating of the naturalness of the dream and possibly damaging to the dreamer?s own psychology who needs to dream of things from a non-ego controlling point of view. Stephen did acknowledge with me that there is a moral or integrity position in the fact that when you do achieve some sort of dream awareness and choice you do not necessarily then go on to demonstrate your powers by making things you want to happen in the dream happen.

In one of Stephen?s earlier books he met in his dream persons hostile to him as his dream ego perceived them. He then proceeded to be aware that this was only a dream and therefore since it was his dream he made them into friends and thought he was successful.

I pointed out that it might be more effective to deal with threatening characters as threatening characters because your dream source presents them that way to you. Why not simply change yourself and your approach in the dream? Why try and change the other person, in dreams or life? Is this not too controlling and dominating?

Stephen acknowledged with me in the private conversation that there was a point, when lucid in a dream, to changing your own attitude and behavior rather than trying to change the dream situation or character.

I have done this with myself and others for years through dream reentry, simply closing your eyes and going back into the dream itself and there interacting differently and more in congruence with the rest of the dream. Dream Reentry by the way is not from Jung as I understand it. He did not in any way, shape or form advocate changing your dreams since they were a direct expression of the central archetype of the self. He did advocate carrying the dream forward by starting at the end of the dream and letting the images unfold further.

So again I say, become active in your dreams, not to control what happens there but to integrate more with the dream and its issues. Develop your dream ego behavior more. Take on characteristics of other characters in your dream and live them yourself. Also use your dream ego to do things which help resolve the dream?s issues. Become congruent with the dream as a whole. Help the dream itself become more congruent and whole by developing your dream ego there.

I felt then that Stephen LaBerge was now more open, and not the fresh young radical he used to be, to making conscious choices on what you actually do in a dream when you are more aware in it.

I don?t think it is any great shakes to become lucid in a dream in the sense that you know you are dreaming while you are dreaming. In fact I think you can destroy your sense of dream reality being a full reality in itself. When we dream of meeting a person who as recently died is that the spirit of the actual person we knew? Or is it a part of oneself as the Gestalt people claim? Or is the spirit of a person recently died some essence left of them in actual communication with us through the dream state?

Without being able to answer such an ultimate question definitively I can say without a doubt that people who have such dreams are deeply moved at a feeling level and with a sense of certainty that there is something there of the other person. So I say that at a feeling level dream experiences are at least as real to us as outer experiences. So why become a lucid dreamer in which you wake up in a dream and in effect say, ?I am only dreaming, I can change this if I want.? This makes your dream experience terribly subjective and controlling and I think you lose something of the real reality of the dream experience and its ability to deeply affect you and your consciousness.

Don?t then lucid dream by saying, ?This is only a dream.? If you must lucid dream at least tell yourself, ?I am awake and alive in this dream which is very real to me.? Keep your dream reality while at the same time developing your conscious awareness in the dream. We train dreamers in this by lots of dreamworking and especially Guided and Direct Dream Reentry. We then have dreamworkers with much more dreamwork activity than when they first started.

Since I have at last demonstrated hundreds of times the effectiveness of dream reentry to produce more active dream egos it could now be time for university people to come in and do their before and after content analysis studies of dreams which have been dreamworked by using dream reentry.

I am for anyone who wants to make the dreamworking process at any level more conscious but not ruining its natural ecology through controlling and manipulative interactions which scientists are also fond of doing.

[RW]: Dream Reentry has also been an area you have developed extensively and written about. Much of the inspiration comes from the Senoi that have also been hotly debated in the last few years. For some time after Domhoff's book and reports from Delaney and Garfield, the Senoi were seen a mythic creations of Stewart Kilton rather than historic influences. Now Stewart's wife's second husband (Allen Flagg) has come forward and said that this is just not so, and Kilton's experiences with the Senoi did take place as recorded. Do you have a position on this?

[SK-W]: When did I present at the last ASD conference? There I listened in on a panel on the Senoi and heard something new. A woman university researcher has gone and learned the Senoi language and lived with the people today and found that they did use their dreaming for cultural artifacts like making

and singing dream songs which had wisdom in them.

This for me cut through all the skeptics. The critics of the Senoi concepts are university supporters and trained. Who pays you often determines what you preach. Domhoff was just a couple of hours away from me and could have interviewed me in person before he wrote his damning criticism of others the American Senoi dreamwork movement and me. University professors want to preserve their high status, good living conditions, good salaries, not having to live in the real world of making it on your own, so naturally the go on the attack when something really new emerges which is not university controlled and generated.

The historical fact is that the ASD was born, not because of university people but because of innovative grass roots people born from Kilton Stewart?s innovative and feelingly presented intuitive reporting. Kilton Stewart deserves almost single-handedly the recognition as the innovative causative agent for the American dreamwork movement. Dream groups arose all over the country in the Seventies because of his paper on the Senoi. There would be no lucid dreaming movement without the Senoi concepts though this embarrasses the university people.

The fundamental flaw in the university skeptic?s condemnation of Stewart is that they make references to the past without ever having been there. Stewart at least was in Senoi territory in the thirties and Gayle Delaney, Patricia Garfield, and William Domhoff were not. They act as if they can know what happened then fifty years later. This is poor thinking. Domhoff did himself in as a university thinker in my mind when he reported gossip about Stewart from ex-girlfriends. Now if you have any experience with sexual relationships, your own or other peoples, you know how distorted an ex-lover?s picture of you or some other lover can be. I am trained as a professional marriage counselor also and one fundamental is never to take what one lover says about another lover as what actually happened in reality.

Domhoff had to make a case and he used charming writing, gutter gossip and a university press to do so. His motives are suspect. As a dream worker in the field I have a whole caseload of incidents of university people attacking those of us trying to do innovative work and be culture changers. And they get paid with our tax dollars! Let there be an end to the Senoi controversy with a proper recognition of Kilton Stewart?s positive contribution to America and the world?s revived interest in dreams.

I am simply tired of these university type skeptics who tried to take over ASD so they could have conferences every year at their universities and get university credits to keep their jobs by presenting papers at our ASD conferences.

Let?s be a bit more honest about the whole Senoi dreamwork issue in America. If anyone should be awarded a founder?s plaque, as I was, for helping found the Association for the Study of Dreams it should certainly be Kilton Stewart who probably did more for the American dreamwork movement than any other one person.

Why not simply acknowledge our spiritual ancestors and be done with it? The important point is that the American dreamwork movement was born and Kilton Stewart?s one paper did the trick.

[RW]: You have said publicly on your site and in your writing that you have spent more than a few hours with the Jungians, not only in analysis, but also teaching Jung and in bringing Jung to popular culture. Will Jungians continue to influence grassroots dreamwork, or will his work remain in the background and in analysis?

[SK-W]: What Jung pointed to was the inherent nature of symbolic experience. In pointing to the energy dynamic behind symbols called archetypes Jung was emphasizing the universal nature of the archetypes.

Jung seemed to try and restrict the term archetype to inner experiences of the psyche, the personal and collective unconscious. But I have taken it one step further in maintaining the philosophical position that the archetypes are universal energy functions that are inherent to existence itself. Long before we evolved archetypal dynamic were at work, the generative function of the feminine the causing function of the masculine, the destroying function of adversity, the achieving function of the heroic, the cyclic function of death-rebirth, and the developmental function of the Journey archetype. All these functions then are coordinated and connected by the integrative function of the archetype of center, the greatest archetype of them all or this universe would not hold together as one whole.

What has come to me is that doing dreamwork is in fact learning the First Language, the universal language of symbolism. We have got to understand symbolic experience and behavior or we will continue to act out the archetypes as individuals and groups, nations and one world.

So it is not Jung the pioneer as such which is important but that world culture recognize and study symbolic experience, the nature of core reality itself. Jung personifies this study but its implications are more universal than Jung. Don?t worry about a few exclusive and narrow-minded Jungian analysts around the world who try and control what it is to call oneself Jungian. See the larger picture that what is essential is the study and working with the nature of symbolic experience. So many of us are only partly in reality because we do not understand the difference between a symbol, its projection, the beliefs we use to contain a symbol?s energy, and what it fully means to turn symbol into function and so vitalize ones life and make it both meaningful and effective.

Jung is not the important focus. How we relate to our symbolic experience is!

[RW]: How do you feel about the Archetypal school as promoted by James Hillman and its influence on dreamwork?

[SK-W]: What I heard from my Jungian analysts who were part of the Zurich Jung scene is that Hillman when head of the Jung Institute there tried an experiment of having his students and clients living all in one house. Sex happened between him and someone. Hillman lost his license and had to leave the Institute and the country. Then he wrote a book against Jungian analysis. And the story goes on. When you feel that personal tragedy motivates a person?s intellectual life then their intellectual positions are suspect. Hillman is so mind he needs the body. His position seems to be to act out the archetypes. He seems to belong to the school of Jungians, similar to Robert Bly, who act out the archetypes, their symbolism, dream and mythic but without taking personal responsibility in what Jung called the individuation process.

Jung pointed to the danger of groups because groups can evoke mass archetypal feelings that no one takes responsibility for. In a nutshell, the archetypal school wants mass experiences of the archetypes, as in Bly?s groups of ?wild men? drumming, the collective dream, but does not take personal responsibility which individual dreamwork requires. Group dreaming and group rituals of a symbolic nature evoke great energy but they weaken the individual ego in its individual ability to cope with the great forces of the unconscious. Individual dreamwork, first under guidance, keeps the individual grounded in his or her own relation to the archetypal sources of symbolic experience, including dreams. However, individual guided dreamwork, as in Jungian analysis, can become dry, boring and possessive, lacking the essential spark and over intellectualized. So let us then open the field for dream expression both individual and in community, but do it all somewhat consciously.

[RW]: What is your own favorite dream?

[SK-W]: If you mean my favorite dream of mine then among several I would have to say the one dreamed on my birthday in 1976 in which I dreamed that my spiritual leaders were giving away their furniture because they were closing house. I was one of several who was allowed to take one thing which I could choose. However, in the middle of the night I awoke realizing how important this dream was and wrote it down and worked with it. Then I fell asleep again and re-dreamed the dream, much to my amazement. This time I chose a cut-glass mirror, half of a whole long mantle mirror that had twelve cut-glass squares around its borders. My wife did not want me to take it. She said we have no room for it in the house. That year of celebrating the American revolution I left the treatment center where I was chief therapist, I left the organization I had trained with and worked in for ten years, and I finally left my unworkable marriage. Within two years I had founded and developed the Jungian-Senoi Institute and was on my own in the work I most loved and was committed to. This dream showed me that I had the necessary connection with source and could trust in going my own way that I was not operating simply from ego but from a sense of greater destiny.

Interestingly enough, I had discovered dream reentry without knowing it by falling asleep again and reentering the same dream and carrying out its dream task, which was to make a fundamental choice and take the symbol of wholeness as my personal life?s work, the square cut mirror with the twelve facets of consciousness to reflect back to the eye of the beholder the multiple levels of reality so as to work with them. Speak about dreams of destiny, I have had a few amazing ones at this level.

[RW]: What is your favorite dream quote?

[SK-W]: We dream to wake to life!

While this came through me it is not mine. It simply states what I have experienced as a major function of dreams. Imagine what it is really like to wake up to what oneself and life is all about? What other major life experience is such a good reflection back to oneself than dreams? Intimate relating is a close second but even here the dream dreams us as we really are in our intimate relating. But will we really face the truths in our dreams? Do we dream our dreams or do our dreams dream us?

[RW]: Do you have any advice for people who would like to become
dreamworkers professionally?

[SK-W]: To become a professional dreamworker in my experience you need to also educate the public in the value of doing dreamwork. You need to risk being on your own. You need political savvy since your fellow dreamworkers are political animals as well who are ambitious and sometimes kind and sometimes not. You need to organize on an everyday level with all those phone calls and details that have to be dealt with. Then finally if you are successfully organized you get to have your dream groups and your workshops, the high point of being a dream worker. Here as a dreamwork leader you are called upon to guide your dreamers to work with their own dreams and discover meaning there. This takes real objectivity so you are not projecting your own symbolism and unconscious into someone else?s symbolic experience, the dream and its dreamwork.

As far as training to be a dreamworker I make it an absolute requirement in my training?s programs which last three years or more of around three hundred hours of direct dreamwork a year that you work with your own dream journey first before helping another person with theirs. If you don?t relate to your own dream source how can you possibly have the integrity to work with someone else?s dreams? Then you start working in guiding others in their own dreamwork. This is very rewarding because other people?s dreams are as rich in issues as your own. A more fully realized person is one who does work with other people?s dreams while still working with ones own. Why? Because the dream world is so rich in meaning we can easily gain from other people?s dreaming. This is also why small dream group experience often has the edge over individual dreamworking, say in a therapeutic relationship.

I must make it clear that while I was first introduced to dreamwork in personal Jungian analysis which totaled fifteen years of work then ten years of additional training in the Jungian approach I gradually realized that dreamwork is not exclusively a tool for psychotherapy but that dreamwork exists in its own right. Since everyone dreams then everyone can learn dreamworking methods for working themselves with their own dreams for life insights and consciousness. Dreamwork as an art and a science has a right to exist in its own right.

When I first conceived the idea of bringing together dreamworkers of varying points of view to form a first conference and a first association of dreamworkers I was already operating at the level that dreams and dreamwork had a right to exist in itself as a profession. Gayle Delaney, one of the original four was not working as a psychologist but thinking of being a fundraiser for Princeton University. Patricia Garfield was our only university trained psychologist but chose to write original and popular books on dreamwork in itself, as in her classic, Creative Dreaming. Jeremy Taylor was not a psychologist but a community organizer who brought dream sharing to that field and was later voted in as a Unitarian minister in Berkeley California. A few months later we included Stephen LaBerge, a dream scientist, radical in his own way but part of the Stanford University system and another community organizer, John van Dam, who was a complete original in himself. Then there was me trained in an innovative Jungian organization with work in Jungian psychology, mythology and the spiritual aspects of religious experience, especially the historical Jesus and his wisdom. I also had a Masters in literature and one in counseling psychology at the university.

So if you want to be a dreamworker then train hard on working with your own dreams and changing your life thereby, then also work with others. Organize and educate. We are just at the beginning of the modern dreamworking movement. Focus on the dream and its life as a life-long passion. Deal with your other dreamworkers yet make your own way. You don?t have to accept all points of view or even some of the disruptive personalities you will come across but you do need to include them all. Don?t let any one person or point of view claim exclusive right to doing dreamwork.

This is most obvious as an issue when you come across the view from psychologists that you must be very careful and qualified in working with someone?s dream or you may damage them. Well, I have been as horrified over what trained psychologists did in working with other people?s dreams as when an independent lay person who has been through no training themselves may work with a dream. Dreams themselves have resiliency. Just keep the dream out there, re-experience it, learn from it, love it, move forward in life with your dream, and help others with their dreams. Don?t be so Goddamn careful in life. Get out there and experiment, live, make mistakes, get upset, upset others, love the dream, love others, experience amazing things, fight the great battles of the spirit, involve yourself fully in life. Don?t become a dried up old fig narrowly defined and over-controlling.

Go with the dream. Live the dream. Honor the dream. Experience amazing discoveries. Your passion may be slightly or a lot different from someone else?s but live your passion for dreams and dreamwork fully. The figs dry out and drop off the tree yearly but the tree of life itself lives on. Go with the tree but eat its fruit.

[RW]: In taking consciousness into the next Millennium, you made several predictions on your site which could be the topic of another full interview. But generally you summarize that " One thing is clear. We live by the perspective we have of the world and ourselves or we do not live at all." Can you tie this in with dreamwork and how it can provide a bridge in this transition?

[SK-W]: Even a rock has consciousness of itself, pointed out Teihard de Chardin, the great Catholic evolutionary thinker, because in order for a rock to be a rock part of its inherent character is to turn back on itself to enhance its rock nature.

Thus the reflective process is essential to evolutionary formation. We not only live life, we re-dream the living of life. Do we first dream our life possibilities and then live them? Or do we first live a life experience and then re-dream it to make it more relevant to our own personal evolution. Dreaming re-capitulates living and living re-capitulates dreaming.

Living life is easy. Just give in to your instincts while following the collective norms. Live unconsciously. Eat, try and have good meals in life. Fornicate, try and have good sex and good children. Work, try and make effective things that are new in this world. But it is all world. When you die it makes so little difference how you have lived. Someone else will move into your house, into the arms of your wife or lover, into the thoughts of people where once you dwelled. This is the impersonal stream of life and experience. You are born, you exist, you live, you die, you don?t exist. So why get so excited about things?

Now we come to the question, What is important in life since life itself is simply life itself and only concerns you while you are alive?

The best you can do with your life is to align yourself with that which is greater than yourself. If you actively participate in yours and others? dreaming you are contributing with each act of dream recognition to a greater whole that I also call the Dream Source.

It seems like there is a numinous body, or a core reality, of shifting and developing archetypal energies that you can contribute to with your dreamworking focus. The source gives to us and we give back to the source. But what do we give? We give consciousness of course. We reflect the source back to itself. We are re-dreamed by the dream and we in turn through our conscious dreamworking then re-dream the re-dreaming process so that the source itself becomes almost imperatively different through my conscious participation in it.

Quite possibly, every sincere effort and dreamworking does make a small put significant contribution to the whole, which is so much greater than any one of us.

If you have received and benefitted from the source through the dreams which make a difference in how you live your life, then you can acknowledge this fact by contributing back to the universal source your own participation in it through your own active dreamworking. This affects the whole. The whole is different, is even more source for all those new nights and new dreamers who are continually coming into re-existence each night and day in which the new dreams come.

Make your contribution. Use your life for what is most worthwhile. You can still suffer all sorts of hardships and inadequacies but you are still at your task helping turn the Great Wheel of Life and Death into a pathway that has Direction.

Dreamwork is sourceworking when we get our personal egos to serve the greater source rather than try to dominate or control it or our dreams.

[RW]: What are the future plans for dreamwork2000? I noticed you have the dates for a worldwide tour coming up.

[SK-W]: What a lot of work to go on a worldwide tour. I already work in several countries one way or another and I am 65, which means retiring more and more from the world. However, my agent says I have to be out there, especially in America, and so I follow suggestions and go where the energy is. Dates can be revised until an absolute commitment is necessary. I am open to doing the best presenting and teaching I can and so now have and Georgia D'Antonio who is the virtual assistant behind it.

Dreamwork2000 is organic. It will develop or die according to the energy and purpose available to it. In vision one thing I see is a dream symbol data base available to all based not on telling what a simple means, the act of interpretation which itself is suspect, but based on real life dream experiences from people and their most significant symbols, similar to what I have been able to do with the Dream Cards and now my new book, the Dream Alphabet. I conceive that there will become available dream curators who will supervise and select for the database so that as the internet lives on so will this dream symbol database live on when I am not around.

I may not be smart but I am not dumb. I have used my life so far to help create a system for consciousness based first on Jung and other spiritual insights, such as the historical Jesus, and based first and foremost on the many dreams from others and myself.

The amazing thing is that now via the internet this information can live on and grow if it remains viable for others. When I and my body are gone I no longer function as a living human being but the consciousness I represent can live on via the internet if it is important and useful to others. Books grow moldy and die and cease to be read. Internet information is more immediate, viable, useful, subject to change, and progressive. This web, what Chardin called the Noosphere, can live on and develop indefinitely.

People live their lives either unconsciously or according to the perspective they achieve. Consciousness helps people have perspective on life. What your perspective is on life is how you live your life, no matter what happens to you or what you can create.

A twenty-seven year old woman at a consciousness fair in Norway came up to me and said, she picks a Card blindly every day from her deck of Dream Cards and it always highlights something important in her day. And with that slightly embarrassing statement she left. I saw her two minutes and then she was gone forever. But the Dream Cards and their ability to evoke wisdom remained with her and obviously are making a difference in how she is living her life. I don?t matter personally to her. I am not needed. Dreams and consciousness are what is important. In this sense I am already dead. To be dead is not to be needed. If I can already be dead, be not needed, before I actually die, then I have accomplished myself. I am the dot at the end of the sentence and not the sentence itself.

To not be needed is the teacher?s greatest accomplishment.

Dreamwork2000 offers many forums on dreams and dreaming, as well as information on the Dream Cards and several other publications including: The Dream Alphabet, Dream Working, The Elements of Dreamwork, the Jungian-Senoi Dream Manual, The Dream Cards Recipe book and many other Journal Press publications. Be sure to drop by the site and see when Strephon will be visiting YOUR area, either in dreams or life!

Interview copyright ? 1999 Strephon Kaplan-Williams. All rights reserved


Using Cards for Dream Exploration
Kathleen Meadows, Ph.D. and Gloria Nye, B.A.
Authors of DreamQuest cards &
DreamQuest Dream Symbol Dictionary

The philosophy of the authors of DreamQuest is that the dreamer is the primary judge of a dream?s meaning and the best vehicle for dream exploration is questions. This article will describe their journey of developing the DreamQuest cards.

In 1996 the authors had begun to write a book about women?s dreams of money, exploring money dreams as an unconscious symbol of Western womens? overall sense of efficacy.

In order to gather research data for this book, twelve women were invited to participate in a dream workshop. Only two of the twelve women had previous experience exploring their dreams in a group setting. Additionally, the women represented an eclectic mix of professional affiliation, age, and sexual orientation.

For this workshop the authors wanted a tool that would structure and focus the group process to the specific topic of dream exploration and at the same time enable the participants to make their own connections from their dream material to their waking life experiences. This same tool would also be used to curb projective and dismissive comments, such as, ?I know your dream is commenting on such and such in your life?, which beginners especially tend to say.

The authors had found through experience that using questions was not only the best method to elicit powerful personal meanings but it also effectively vetoed the projecting of one?s own symbol interpretations onto fellow dream sharers. The researchers themselves were also keen not to be perceived as authorities on dreams shared, and such a tool would help alleviate any misconceptions in this regard.

Lastly, a tool was needed to help move the process steadily along and structure time for everyone to experience a full dream exploration. When twelve people are scheduled to share and explore a dream in one day, allotted time for each dreamer had to be tight and even.

Keeping all these purposes in mind, the authors came up with twenty-five general topics that everyone could relate to such as, relationship, mother, work, creativity etc. A series of questions were formulated for each topic, all relating to money issues. The questions were typed up and pasted onto 5" x 7" pieces of bristol board

The cards were placed question side down on a table in the middle of the group. Simple instructions were given; the first person would tell their dream and then chose three cards and hand them to other members who would read the questions to be answered.

The cards worked better than the researchers ever imagined! The cards, shuffled and picked randomly for each dream sharer, provided a forum that nurtured an element of synchronicity, surprise, and spontaneous humour.

The groups immediate reaction to the format was positive. Everyone was delighted that the workshop would be structured and all were anxious to be the first to share a dream and draw a card. After the first dreamer shared her dream, everyone excitedly urged her to draw her first card and waited quietly and expectantly as the first questions were asked by a chosen fellow group member. Her first card picked was ?Worth?, and from the questions she determined how much her self worth had been dependent on the gifts others would give to her, especially in significant relationships. When her second card was revealed as ?Mother?, the whole group gasped with anticipation and delight. The authors were struck with what a natural fit this process was with dreamwork as the element of surprise, anticipation and questioning is a natural state of affairs for the unconscious.

Much like any card related activity, whether related to fortune telling, gambling, or gift giving, there is anticipation, excitement and wondering in the minds of both the receiver of the card and the audience, that charges the activity with energy. Innumerable sayings have worked their way into our everyday language that stem from the activity of cards, ?She has a real poker face?, or, ?tip your hand?, or ?What?s in the cards?, or ?He?s a card?. These expressions reveal our inherent fascination with fate, divine intervention and the intuited, barely conscious question of how much control we have over our lives. It?s as if in this activity, we are daring the divine to reveal to us that we are really loved and that we do live in a user-friendly universe.

Cards were found to be a perfect medium for dream exploration. Dreams are spontaneous, mysterious, and carry excitement and energy for the dreamer. People have amazing and weird dreams but it is in the initial approach to understanding them that most people get stumped. Cards offer a vehicle upon which to make that initial approach. The decision of where to begin, how to proceed, and even in the process of reaching an insight, is guided by the cards rather than in the hands of another group member or the person identified as the facilitator.

The cards were so incredibly successful with that first dream group (every single participant had an ah-ha experience) and enjoyed by all, that the researchers decided to expand this concept to cover all types of dreams. The money book was put on a back burner and what had began as a research tool blossomed into a full time project. Over the next two years, the authors created and designed a dream exploration kit containing question cards for anyone wishing to understand the meaning of their dreams. The name DreamQuest evolved out of their work, and the authors continued creating more cards and testing them in dream study groups and workshops. Eventually, DreamQuest grew into a full 70 card deck and a comprehensive instruction booklet commercially produced and ready for market.

Utilizing the cards in dream explorations opens the door for a phenomenon referred to as ?synchronicity?, a word which Carl Jung coined and wrote about in-depth. This term describes a situation in which two events are non-causally related. For example, you might have a dream involving an ex-co-worker and the next day meet this person on your way to a new job. You will think to yourself, ?Wow! What a co-incidence! I just had a dream about them last night!? Anyone who has experienced synchronicity is struck by the fact that such happenings point to something significant in their life deserving their attention and very likely containing a helpful message for them.

People who pay attention to synchronicity in their lives notice that it happens more frequently. The more it is acknowledged as a meaningful experience, the more connected they feel to their inner selves and to the world around them. Similarly, when you pay more attention to your dreams, the better your recall becomes, the more succinct your dream messages are, and the faster your life issues seem to get resolved.

Synchronicity is a central element in the use of DreamQuest cards and why they work so well. Dream workers are often amazed when, out of 70 distinct cards, they always seem to pick the most appropriate three cards for that dream. The authors have experienced this phenomenon so many times, it is something they now expect. Often people pick a card after the theme of the card has been actually mentioned and demonstrated in their shared dream. Conversely, sometimes people pick cards that initially don?t appear to fit but upon closer examination or by the end of the three card exploration, a relevant waking life issue has been revealed to the dreamer that has perhaps been on their mind for sometime.

The DreamQuest authors have been invited to facilitate dream groups that have been floundering in order to help get them back on track. After introducing the cards, these groups renew their commitment to meeting regularly using their dreams as the vehicle for continued exploration. Families that are having difficulties working through some old and painful experiences have found that by working on their dreams together with the cards they reach a place of healing and forgiveness. One woman said that she and her four sisters have made a regular commitment to meet and use the cards to share their dreams. She said it has helped them incredibly to reconnect and rediscover the fun and excitement of being together as they were when they were children.

The authors had amazing synchronistic experiences themselves with the cards while demonstrating them on TV. The first show was a demonstration with a hostess who had shared a dream about an airplane crash. She drew the ?Disaster? card which stunned everyone as much as it did her! A year later we were invited to do another demonstration on a different programme and described this first incident with humour. When this second hostess drew a card after sharing her dream, she too drew the ?Disaster? card! We all laughed with surprise and commented that perhaps being on TV was a ?Disaster? for us! This is the kind of experience that happens with cards all the time.

Another useful exercise was discovered using the cards. After answering all the questions on the three cards, the explorer is asked to put the three title names together in one sentence. The group members can also think of sentences which are shared after the dreamer tells hers. It is a way of connecting and completing the whole dream exploration experience while clarifying issues even further for the dreamer. Often new or profound insights arise while doing this task. Here are a few sentences that people have come up with; ?To bring more *positivity* into my waking life, I could make *play* my *dominant image*. ? or ?If I am clear about my choices and let go of *expectations*, I can avert *disaster*.?

There is often mystery and rituals associated with cards as with the Tarot and other divination decks. And just as dreams present us with mystery it is fitting that the medium of cards be used to help unravel the secrets in our dreams. It isn?t surprising that in Rhine?s psychic phenomenon experiments at Yale University in the ?60's, he designed five cards to use as a research tool. They are easy to use, are chosen randomly, and provide focus. Far surpassing any expectations, using cards with questions on them have become a innovative and useful dream exploration tool.

?It?s all in the cards.?

DreamQuest cards & DreamQuest Dream Symbol Dictionary are available at :



June-July 1999


If you have news you?d like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at

This Month?s Features:

>Seventh International ?Exploration of Creativity? Conference on Creativity, Spirituality, and the Arts in the
>Dream Workshop with Christine Boyer
>Helping and Healing Professions
>Concert and Art Exhibit of the Opposites
>Death of Paul Tholey

>Italian Lucid Dreaming
>Dream Things
>Sleep Paralysis
> Strephon Kaplan-Williams
> Robert Bosnak
>Patricia Garfield
> London Premiere of Dreaming
> Alchemy and Dreams
>The Doctor?s Office: Sleep.
> Scherer & Ouporov
> Sandman: Book of Dreams
> Sleep and Dreams Information




>>>>Seventh International ?Exploration of Creativity? Conference on Creativity, Spirituality, and the Arts in the Helping and Healing Professions

The Exploration of Creativity Conference with a focus on creative, spiritual, and arts approaches in healthcare, education, and human relations will take place August 14-19th in Vilnius, Lithuania; August 19-26th in St. Petersburg, Russia and August 27-Sept. 1st in Prague, Czech Republic. This intensive and rich program of cross cultural exchanges, roundtables, and workshops is dedicated to supporting the development and advancement of alternative and holistic methods in social and human services throughout Eastern Europe, and to building strong bonds of community among professionals, citizens, and cultures, worldwide. It seeks to advance these methods in the treatment of mental and physical illness and disabilities, as well as to to improve human and community relations in social, professional, and organizational settings. Please visit the website at < or e mail: for further information, registration, and workshop proposals. There are still a few spaces available for presentations. Proposals will be considered on a first come, first served basis.

>>>>Dream Workshop with Christine Boyer
Ever wonder what your dreams mean? Our dreams speak to us five times each night, offering health and wholeness. But before we can understand them, we must learn their unique language of symbol and metaphor. This workshop will teach you how to work with your personal dream language in a warm, supportive, and fun atmosphere. Three different techniques will be taught in the workshop, using both right and left brained exercises. These techniques will be designed for both novice and experienced dreamworkers. Please bring some written dreams with you. Workshop starts at 10:00 am, August 1, 1999, at East West Bookshop in Mountain View, CA. Cost is $45.00. Christine Boyer has facilitated dreamwork with groups and individuals in the Santa Cruz area since 1992. She teaches classes in Personal Dreamwork through the City of Santa Cruz Parks & Recreation Department, and was a regular guest host on KAZU (Public Radio) on "Dreams, Another Way of Knowing" for almost five years. For more information, visit the website at

>>>>Concert and Art Exhibit of The Opposites
"Music and Art for the New Millennium."
Join Jana Hutcheson, on a spiritual journey while she exhibits art and performs selected pieces from her CD, The Opposites . Music sung and played by Jana, accompanied by Ted Davis on lead guitar. And Dianne Heitman, Trumpet and Keyboard. This work breaks ground into a whole new genre of musical experience that will hopefully grow and grow in years to come. Much of the music now focuses on issues of being an elder woman of the culture. It
focuses on female spirituality and a concern for balance, union and healing on all levels. Themes are of the future and of the beginning of time. They draw from mythology, alchemy and spirituality from around the world. BLACK FOREST CAF, September 17th, Friday, 7 p.m. (And possible other Fridays in July and August)220 Paloma Avenue, Pacifica. 650-355-2730

Paul Tholey, one of the most important European lucid dream researchers,has died in December 1998. Born in 1937, professor in psychology at several universities in Germany,
Paul Tholey has advanced lucid dream research in a
most original way since four decades. He has published numerous articles and books about lucid dreaming in five

languages. In 1987 he organized the first european congress for lucid dream research. He was co-founder of the European Association for the Study of Dreams (EASD), member of the international Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD) and the Lucidity Association. The theorical background of Paul Tholey was the Gestalt theory of the Berlin School (Wertheimer, Koehler, Koffka). Tholey was one of the most eminent German Gestalt psychologists of the third generation. He was a member of the international Society for Gestalt Theory and its applications (GTA) and co-editor of its quarterly Gestalt Theory has web-published his report "Overview of the development of lucid dream research in Germany". In this report there is also a short description of the special technique for inducing lucid dreams which was developed by Paul tholey.


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


Do you know of interesting new websites you?d like to share with others? Or do you have updates to existing pages? Help spread the word by using the Electric Dreams DREAM-LINK page This is really a public projects board and requires that everyone keep up his or her own link URLs and information. Make a point to send changes to the links page to us.

>>>>Dream Things
DreamThread, Inc. has launched Dream Things an online shop with gifts galore for those who seek to nourish the spirit of their dreams. The shop offers dream enhancement tools such as herbal and aromatherapy products, dream pillows, dream catchers, crystal totems, semi precious stone jewelry, and dream design cushions. Shoppers can browse through a list of the most popular books on dreams and New Age CDs for their soothing listening pleasure.
Dream Things offers the convenience and security of an online shoping cart with credit card transactions. Anyone who has a product that they would like to market on Dream Things can contact Dream Things is located at

>>>>Exploring Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis is a condition that happens during the onset of sleep or awakening. The sleep and awakening onsets are key for many people who like to have the experience of "leaving the physical body", with awareness, or also called "entrance into lucid-dream from the awaken state" by LaBerge's school. Sleep paralyis is one the phenomena one might experience in this situation, which might be accompanied by "dream-like hallucinations".However, the fact that the person is conscious and unable to move, can be frightening.

Author Sirley Marques Bonham was appalled when she first entered the sleep forum from the University of California Los Angeles, where she read the many accounts ofpeople having sleep paralysis, and thinking they could be going crazy. Some of them even ended up being treated for a pathology that didn't exist, due to the ignorance of the psychoanalyst, or sleep professional). It was from there that she learned about Jean-Christophe Terrillon, a Canadian bio-physicist who now works in Kioto, Japan. They had many discussions about these phenomena, before they deciced to write a paper together. This paper was presented at the meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration in Charlottesville, North Carolina, last May. Visit Sirley?s website, THE DREAMER PAGE at

>>>>Italian Lucid Dreaming Site

Official site of the "Istituto di ricerca per il sogno lucido", a non-profit Association between researchers, psychologysts, media operators and artists to explore, understand and enhance the benefits of lucid dreaming.

>>>>>>> Strephon Kaplan-Williams

Strephon Kaplan-Williams and Dream Cards. Dream titan SK-W offers a site full of information about dreams and transformation as well as an interactive dream sharing board, a monthly dream lesson and more.

>>>>>>>> Robert Bosnak

Robert Bosnak, author of A little Course on Dreams and Tracks in the Wilderness has been conducting Jungian dreamwork groups for sometime and has been featured on dream programs of major networks. He is highly respected in both the professional community as well as grassroots dreamwork. Now he brings his dreamwork online and trained coaches interact with dreamers leading them through imagery and often with the aide of online bio-meters and real time chat.

>>>>>>> Universal Dreams

Patricia Garfield is probably the world's most renowned authority on dreams and dreaming. Her six books have been published in a half dozen different languages and she was a founding member and president of The Association for the Study of Dreams. With her newest project, Universal Dreams, Patricia allows visitors to enter their dreams for research on common dream themes and provides a wide range of articles, chapters and information on dreams and dreaming. Books available right online as well.

ConteNast moves into the cyberdream game and offers a slick site which offers quick answers to dream themes, help interpreting dreams, popular dreams and dreams of the week.

>>>>>>>>> London Premiere of Dreaming
The London Premiere of Dreaming by Peter Barnes
10 June-17 July 1999 (limited season)
Queen's Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue - 0171 494 5040

Peter Barnes's Powerful New Play Dreaming Opens in London's West End at the Queen's Theatre. DREAMING is an inspiring and humourous epic new work from Peter Barnes, one of the country's most original and intriguing playwrights.

DREAMING is achingly beautiful, and achingly humourous. Gerard Murphy heads a strong cast...' Tap dances and stand up comic routines mix with battles and romance in this 'powerful new play' (Guardian).

>>>>>>>>>>>> Alchemy and Dreams
The alchemy web site and virtual library
Carl Jung felt that alchemy was the best system to use to understand dreaming and individuation. This site offers 75 megabytes online of information on alchemy in all its facets. Divided into over 1300 sections and providing tens of thousands of pages of text, over 1700 images, over 200 complete alchemical texts, extensive bibliographical material on the printed books and
manuscripts, numerous articles, introductory and general reference material on alchemy.

>>>>>>>>>>>The Doctor?s Office: Sleep.
Dr Bruce Epstein offers advice on children and sleep and dream disorders

>>>>>>>> SCHERER & OUPOROV Electric Dreams Cover Artists

Fantastic dream inspired art. Very powerful, naked soul art that somehow seems like religious iconography with soul.

>>>>>> Sandman: Book of Dreams
Death: The High Cost of Living by Tori Amos (from "Sandman: Book of Dreams" edited by Gaiman and Kramer)

>>>>>>>>> Sleep and Dreams Information
Sleep and Dreams information by David W. Richards.Night Terrors AKA "Pavor Nocturnus"

UPDATE: new material, change of addresses

Conflict, Freud and Culture
This USA Library of Congress site on Freud has a fabulous collection of pictures and stories about Freud. Definitely the most generous offering on Sigmund Freud online at this time. See reproductions of the original cover of the Interpretation of Dreams!

>>>>>>>>>>>Gayle Delaney.
Dream Titan Gayle Delaney offers information on her dream organization, The Delaney & Flowers Dream and Consultation Center. View events, books, and more. There is information on dreams and a very special survey on dreams and sexuality.

>>>>>>>>>>Nutcracker Suite: New and improved.
One of the cyber dream sharing pioneers, Nutcracker offers a whole new site on personal dreams and related subjects

>>>>>>> Mystery of Being:
Barrett offers new articles on dreams and dream interpretation


== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V6 N7 ==

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **


Vol. 6 Number 7 - July 1999

Hello dreamers! I'm back after an unplanned couple months break for our latest Dreams section. This will be my last one, as I want to spend more time on dream commentary, and more time working on several personal projects. It has been a very rewarding experience coordinating for the past three years the dreams and commentary submitted to ED. They sure went by fast. Specially the deadline for the next issue of ED seemed to arrive faster and faster as time passed. I hope that you have all enjoyed reading dreams submitted by other folks interested in dreams, as well as various viewpoints highlighting different approaches to dreams. Dream On!

The veteran dreamers Stan K. and Nutcraker again share a couple of their nocturnal adventures, while many new dreamers share their concerns.

Thanks to all of those who have shared their dreams and commentary with our community.

Enjoy your visit to the pages of Electric Dreams.

Bob Krumhansl



= = = = = = = = = = = ==
= = = = = = = = = = = ==


{None this month]


{None this month]


PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]

** Dream: "Son's Appearance" by Dawn(990413)**

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

** Dream: "The Face" by ? (990415)**

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

[None this month]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]

[None this month]

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

** Dream: Hurt Baby by Doodler222(990311) **

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

** Dream: The plane by dblb69 (990328) **

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]

** Dream: "Michael Hutchence robe and clothesline" by Mermaid (990331) **

== Commentary by Dr. D. on Mermaids Michael Hutchence Dreams (990414) ==


AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another reality]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

** Dream: "Angels" by ? (990407) **

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts - This month: a snake appears.]

** Dream: "The Snake" by ? (85XXXX)submitted(990331) **
== Commentary by Heratheta on Snake Dream (990331) ==

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BOOKS (Extensions of our memory and imagination, our permanent records)

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

** Dream: "Jungle Flight" by K (990421) **

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or jokes]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

EVENTS [The activity defines or dominates the story - a convergence of people at a place and time for a special purpose]

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]

** Dream: "Late" by Adia (990419) **
** Dream: "Panic" by Doodler222 (990402) **
== Comments by Dreamer on "Panic" ==
** Dream: "Shameful Wounds" by Jesse (990413) **
** Dream: The Shadow by kburk (990422) **

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and destruction/transformation]

FLOWERS [Color and fragrance that nourish our spirit]

** Dream:"Stop and Smell The Roses" by Nutcracker ((0318) **

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

** Dream: "Queso" by 420lover (990415) **
== Comments by AngstRidn on Queso Dream (990420) ==

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

** Dream "A Little Girl" by ? (990311) **

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

** Dream: "Starry Tunnel" by Amidala (990419) **
** Dream: "Avernus" by Nutcracker (990315)**
** Dream:"This Ain't Kansas, Toto" by Nutcracker (990318) **
** Dream: "Dildo" by Ty (990312) **

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MONEY [Something of value]

** Dream: "Golden Fish" by Cosmic844 (990420) **

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

** Dream: "perception of myself" by Anya A. (981221) **

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

** Dream: "Rape" by Unsure (990406) **

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]

** Dream: "Card Game" by ? (990407) **
** Dream: "my boy friend is back" by PV (990412) **
** Dream: "Crying" by ? (990323) **
** Dream: "Ex Husband after Surgery" by Lamb (990415) **
** Dream: "losing status" by stan kulikowski ii (990425) **
** Dream: "fizz racing" by stan kulikowski ii (990401) **

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

STRANGERS [Who and what we don?t know yet]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

** Dream: "JoyRide" by Nutcracker (990319) **
** Dream: "Helicopter Whirl" by ? (990420)**

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

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[None This Month]


Farewell for this month.

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[None this month]


[None this month]


PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]

** Dream: "Son's Appearance" by Dawn(990413)**

Dawn requests that her email remain with the dream....

date of dream: 9/28/94

I dreamt that I was at a friend's house in my hometown when my son who lived with his father 700 miles away suddenly appeared. I asked him how he got there and he said he hitchhiked. I leaned over to hug him and I noticed that his mouth was hideously deformed and scarred. I reached to caress his face and there was blood on his ear and it was half missing. he said he had suffered an injury and that his father wasn't able to get proper medical attention for him. he was hungry and my friend begrudgingly fed him. we went on our way home on foot. we accidentally turned onto a cul-de-sac. it was twilight time and there were people in front of their homes chatting with their neighbors. my son passed out. I asked if there was a doctor in the house. a woman came forward and said that she was "sort of a nurse". she picked up and carried him into her home and out onto the deck in back. she placed him on a wooden table and said "I didn't want my neighbors to see this...they would think I was crazy.". she took my hand and placed it over his mouth and held it there for a few moments; when I pulled away his mouth was healed. I was shocked. then she said "now heal his ear.". at that moment I woke up, sat straight up in bed, and cried out "what in the hell was that supposed to mean?" a booming voice replied "YOU MUST BE THE MOUTH AND THE EARS FOR THE CHILDREN!" I asked "what children?" the same voice replied "START WITH YOUR OWN!" needless to say I was quite surprised and not sure what to make of the whole thing so I just got up, smoked a cigarette, and went back to sleep.

a couple of weeks later I met a woman who was strangely fact the night we met I heard a voice say "this is the one", which I just chalked up to my imagination. still, there was something so familiar about her that it occupied my mind frequently. a month or so later, I was mulling over this puzzlement when my mind flashed on the woman in the dream...OH MY GOD, IT WAS HER! it was a real person. she showed me the home that she had recently was the same house as in the dream, on a cul-de-sac, five minutes walk from my friend's house. still I didn't know what to make of the whole thing. about 8 months later my sons were visiting and I told nick about the dream. he knew every detail of the dream: he had it too...the only difference being that he was lucid. it turns out that he had quite a bit of knowledge of mystical things at the tender age of 10. he said he learned most of it in his dreams. our sharing this dream opened the lines of communication about the abuse he was suffering at the hands of his father and his evil stepmother, and led to my regaining custody 4 months later. a few months later nick wanted to undergo past life regression, at the request of his "dream teachers". under hypnosis it was revealed that he had been a Nazi and his brothers had been jews during WW2. as I listened to him detail his experiences I realized that our shared dream was about the children of the holocaust. how many were there? what was I supposed to do? the dream said that I must be their mouth and ears, but how? I think about this every single day...why did we have that dream? is there ANYONE, ANYWHERE who has had an experience anything like this? I would love to find you if you have.

REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]

** Dream: "The Face" by ? (990415)**

Reoccurring Dream

It's not really a dream. I wake up in the middle of the night and after having exactly 1 hour's sleep, I wake up to see a face move around the room. No-one is in my room, but I still see it. I tell someone about it and it disappears for a few days, then it's back and I see the end of the 'story'. I looked out of my room a few days ago in the day and saw a jackspaniel (waspy type thing) nest.

Comments by Dreamer: Frightening, incomprehensible and often

DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]

{None this month]

DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]

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BIRTH [Starts]

CHILDHOOD [Early development]

** Dream: Hurt Baby by Doodler222(990311) **

This was the first dream (of two) for my new dream log - and I cannot figure it out.

Last Night (Wednesday):

Myself and another (young girl) were walking along a path. We got to a gate, it was a very short wooden picket fence. The pickets were wide, with a 'spade' shaped top to them, they were a light to medium grain wood. As I tried to go through the gate (on my way to the market), the gate slightly came off its hinge. I kept feeling like the fence gate was too small, and I was too large to comfortably go through it.

A young man came out, not too young, not too old. He was thin, normal weight, dark hair, not short - not long hair. With morning stubble on his face.

We went inside. He had a baby girl, I picked her up. Her spine below the mid-section was 'twisted' almost going in the wrong direction. The baby kept trying to turn over - twisting and turning. He told me to keep her still, or it would snap her back.

I asked why he did not have surgery, he said she was dead and did not need it. I professed that she was very much alive. He said maybe later on, when she was older, 'if' she got older'.

She (baby) was not aware of me, even though I held her. She had dark hair, and was several months old. She had good skin color and was normal in every way.

In the end of the dream, as I was holding her - she magically was being wrapped in a black thin (very thin) plastic thread. The kind that girls in school yards make the friendship bracelets and key chains out of. Then it grew into thick black tape, like the electrical kind.

I put her down - and went outside. My friend was gone. I had not noticed her the entire time I was in the house.

I started walking in a daze - I was lost.

A man on the sidewalk, had on glasses, came at me drunk. I hit him with my purse. Something inside my purse was heavy - it struck him on the left cheek as he lunged at me. Knocked him down - I saw his glasses on the ground, one lens broke. Round glasses - gold frame. He wept for me to leave him alone. I kept walking.

I remember driving in the dream - to get away - the police was zipping past me to the house with the baby - with the drunk that attacked me on the sidewalk still sobbing.

That was it. I woke up as if I had been there in real life, the emotion intact.

Thank you.

Comments by Dreamer: Not sure what it means, or why I would have this dream. It was all very real to me. All comments welcome.

ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]

ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]

OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]

DEATH [Endings]

** Dream: The plane by dblb69 (990328) **

3/28/99 approx. 7:30am

I was on a plane and didn't have my ticket, then someone screamed and the steward that was questioning me about my ticket ran to see what was wrong, next thing I knew, the plane had crashed ( I didn't experience the crash) and I was outside the plane with several other people. The people outside with me were all male and they seemed "evil or bad" Then I heard a woman screaming and one of the guys ran to the cockpit ( the outside) and pounded on it yelling for her to shut up. I began to realize that we were all

dead. Then I was inside the plane and the people who were alive couldn't see me, but if I wanted, I could get some of them to hear me. I figured out that you had to know you were dead to have any power and that the "evil" guys figured that out first. I was trying to warn the people about this.

Comments by Dreamer This dream was odd in that I have never had a dream where I died and I have heard that if you die in your dream, you will really die. This is obviously not true as I am still alive. Still, what could this dream mean?

COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]

** Dream: "Michael Hutchence robe and clothesline" by Mermaid (990331) **

at midnight or so

It was a dream "snippet" where I had gone outside into the back yard. I felt "floaty". There was light on the lawn in the back which was like a collage of all the homes I had lived in. I went to the clothes line, which was a Hills Hoist in a position unlike the current clothes line. Michael Hutchence stood there, in black leather pants and jacket. He looked as though he had something to say. I picked up a stray peg off the ground and put it onto the clothesline. I went towards Michael. Before either of us could speak, he seemed to change into an angelically white-robed creature, with arms stretched out towards me. I reached out to give him a hug. It was a stretch because he began floating off the ground towards the sky, but there was golden light and " warm strength" - at least that's the best way I can think of describing it.

== Commentary by Dr. D. on Mermaids Michael Hutchence Dreams (990414) ==

Dear Dreaming Folks,

I am quite stunned about the fact that not too many people here seem to wish to discuss the phenomena of life beyond death... as if most didn't really care to live beyond death. Too bad for you if that's the case, and that's most likely due to the fact that you don't believe in the right stuff and the right Teachers and consequently don't know better...

"Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God? When the dead rise... they will be like the angels in heaven." (Words of Jesus in Mark 12,24-25)

...and to illustrate this miraculous phenomena, here are a couple dreams of Lady Victoria about late Michael Hutchence, the lead singer of INXS, the world renowned group, who elegantly wasted himself on November 27th 1997...

Dream of Michael Hutchence of INXS

mermaid -Subject: "She'll be apples" dream
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998

"During the late afternoon, I was walking with my family around our orchard full of apple trees laden with ripe fruit. We were staying in the country, at my father's "estate". The saxophone player from INXS was with us for the evening meal. He seemed a sad man who didn't know his own value. We were all avoiding the issue of Michael Hutchence, whose ghost I could see behind him."

... and Michael again reappeared to Victoria just lately...

From: mermaid Thu, 01 Apr 1999 11:03:38 +1000

Michael Hutchence robe and clothesline
mermaid - 31 March 1999 midnight or so

It was a dream "snippet" where I had gone outside into the back yard. I felt "floaty". There was light on the lawn in the back which was like a collage of all the homes I had lived in. I went to the clothes line, which was a Hills Hoist in a position unlike the current clothes line. Michael Hutchence stood there, in black leather pants and jacket. He looked as though he had something to say. I picked up a stray peg off the ground and put it onto the clothesline. I went towards Michael. Before either of us could speak, he seemed to change into an angelically white-robed creature, with arms stretched out towards me. I reached out to give him a hug. It was a stretch because he began floating off the ground towards the sky, but there was golden light and " warm strength" - at least that's the best way I can think of describing it.

Victoria Quinton


Yep! Warm Strength which is Faith is what we all need when facing Mortal Death... which is the cause of Life Eternal.

Yes! Faith is Warm Strength which can move mountains!

"Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God? When the dead rise... they will be like the angels in heaven." (Words of Jesus in Mark 12,24-25)

Is there anybody here, anybody who would like to dare to pretend the contrary, who would like to kindly debate this subject... and I'll be glad to explain to you the fundamental truth. Everybody is most welcomed, even people with PhDs who have the tendency to believe that they have some intellect... when they can't unfortunately see beyond their noses. No Doubt! :)

What kind of stupidities do they learn and teach in Universities these days? Don't be afraid, better to learn these things while you're alive and I'll be glad to show you what is true for a change. Yes! :)

Anyway, Way to go! and good show, Michael!... and thank you, Victoria for such a nice dream.


Dr. Deus


AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]

ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]

AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another reality]

ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]

** Dream: "Angels" by ? (990407) **

That an angel was flying above me, watching me like I was about to die.

This dream is part of the Dream Flow, a grassroots flow of dreams in cyberspace that includes many groups, including : DreamGate, The Dream Tree, the Electric Dreams community, DreamaLittle Dream, DreaminWorld and many other dream sharing communities.

If you would like your comments to these dreams to get back to the dreamers, please remember to cc: to or even better, to put your comment in the dream flow form at

If you would like your own group to be part of the dream flow, contact Richard Wilkerson at

ANIMALS [Basic Instincts - This month: a rat, a sheep, a dark horse, a white horse and a ferocious dog. Check out a cat of prey and a dolphin in other sections.]

** Dream: "The Snake" by ? (85XXXX)submitted(990331) **

When I was 14 years old I had a dream that scares me till today. When I was sleeping, a huge snake fell on me. It sounded and felt like real. When I woke up I still could see the snake. Then it disappeared out the window. From this point on, I won't look at a snake or have anything to do with it.

== Commentary by Heratheta on Snake Dream (990331) ==

snake dream-peace had lain to the right of where the snake fell from if you had avoided becoming "like"

thanks for telling about the snake being seen after the dream, these experiences give credence to the testimonies of many that ghosts and dreams are the same and are external realities somewhat thinner than what is traditionally called reality but real enough to be considered by those of us who have seen them to take evasive action for at least until the next dream.. right on !

more at

BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]

BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]

BOOKS (Extensions of our memory and imagination, our permanent records)

BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]

CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]

** Dream: "Jungle Flight" by K (990421) **

I had a dream when I was around 11 or 12 that I have remembered and kept with me since: In the dream I was Tarzan! (I am female). This particular Tarzan was a cartoon character from a show that was on Saturday mornings at the time (not George of the Jungle thank you very much!). But anyway, I was flying way up in a clear blue sky (envision superman's flying stance,) across a featureless desert. Far below was a semi tractor-trailer rig parked, with a loading ramp attached to the back of the trailer. As I flew over this, I began to fall - the sensation of falling was incredibly real but I wasn't afraid. I watched as the ground came rushing up at me and I landed fully stretched out with loud thump - it was like falling off a swing and landing hard face down, although it didn't hurt. I got up, and walked over the semi, walked up the loading ramp, and looked inside. It was full of straw or hay bales. I could smell the hay it was dark inside, but in the shadows was a large tiger stretched out on the bales, and some other animals that I couldn't quite see. The tiger was making a soft rumbling sound - although it wasn't purring. I didn't think that the tiger would hurt me because I was Tarzan. Then I woke up.

I'd love to have some insight into what it meant - something I've been curious about for a long time!

CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]

COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or jokes]

COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]

COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]

CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]

DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]

DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]

DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]

DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]

EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]

ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]

ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]

EVENTS [The activity defines or dominates the story - a convergence of people at a place and time for a special purpose]

EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]

FEAR [What scares us]

** Dream: "Late" by Adia (990419) **

frequently / repetitive

Whenever I am in a public place with my friends or family, I can never make it to the car in time. My parents or friends always leave me. No matter if I am a minute late or a second late, I can never catch up, and end up getting left behind.

Comments by Dreamer: I usually have one if these kind of dreams once or twice a month. I keep a dream diary so I know when I have them. They seem to happen around the end of the month.

** Dream: "Panic" by Doodler222 (990402) **

April 02, 1999 / 3a.m.

I was quickly awakened from my sleep. But I was in a strange place. I was in a small room, what appeared to be a classroom. There were children, and a few teachers. Or what might of been a teacher and his assistant.

I, for some reason, was in a smaller room, like a closet. It was curtained, and I could see out. I was dazed, so I stayed where I was and observed.

The dream went very quickly, and was extremely emotionally intense. Something was wrong. The teachers were in not panic, but sheer terror. Something was happening. I peeked out - and tried to ask them if it was a bomb threat? I don't know if I was afraid to leave my little room, or that I could not. Everything happened too fast.

No one heard me, or saw me. Children rushed around, scared. Feeding off the fear of the adults.

Something was happening - and terrifying them. I wondered why they could not just leave the room, or the building. I sensed that the worry was out there. But that they did not feel safe where they were.

Something or someone was coming for them - I felt. Something was about to happen to them, and they did not want to die. The man teacher was Anglo, (or white in color), slight beard, glasses, thin and tall. He had on a white shirt, and a bluish tie. His assistant, or the other teacher, was dark in skin color. She was a little older than him, but pretty and round like a mother. She was loving and caring I could tell. She was afraid but trying to calm down the children -- get them to organize. Her hair was up, in a bun, and she was wearing a speckled dress -- dark in color. She was walking around with a pen and paper -- as if tallying the children.

All I could remember was the intense emotion as I quickly woke up. The dream was too real, and as if I were there, taking place in whatever was happening.

As suddenly as I was plunged in to the dream, I awoke. Upset, and emotionally involved in the dream.

== Comments by Dreamer on "Panic" ==

I have dreams that come true off and on. They start out as this one did. I wanted to come here to make a log entry, get advice, and hope that this is just a bad dream, and nothing more. Thank you.

** Dream: "Shameful Wounds" by Jesse (990413) **

I have an accident, my right leg is bounded. I have to walk. I am with a Friend. She is also bounded. She takes us to a Doctor. She is shamed. We travel with a Taxi through a city, till we arrived. Before that, I was in bed crying and crying, I don't remember why.

** Dream: The Shadow by kburk (990422) **

I had this dream when I was in my early 20's:

I was asleep and was "awakened" by the sound of the door on the first floor opening and closing. I heard footsteps walk across the floor downstairs. I knew that my husband was away and shouldn't be coming home at this time. I was listening carefully, and I was struck with deep fear because someone was in my house. The footsteps came up the stairs... I couldn't move even though I desperately wanted to get up and hide... I was watching the opening to my bedroom (the second floor was directly accessed by the stairs, there was no door) and I saw a large male (I assumed) figure come up and stand at the foot of my bed. It was a shadow, no features, just pure black. I wanted to scream, but could not make my body do anything. Instead I heard myself make a very small squeak. I was sure that I was about to be raped and/or killed. I could feel my heart trying to pound itself out of my chest.... I tried to reason with myself while I was just looking at this shadow... I was trying to calm down and think.... it was doing nothing but standing at the foot of my bed. The next thing I knew it was morning... I checked myself unconvinced that this had not been real because it had been so real and my awakening in the morning seemed so abrupt in relation to what I seemingly had just experienced (from the dark of night and terror to the light of day and nothing wrong). Nothing was wrong with me, and nothing had been disturbed anywhere in the house. The front door was locked.

Some background: I was alone in the house, the house being a small cabin adjacent to a wooded area in Alaska. I didn't feel very secure there, however, I've felt less secure before, and since, and haven't had this dream before or since.

Jung's Shadow is an obvious choice here, in terms of interpretation... I'd like to hear more on that subject, I don't know what seeing a "Shadow" like this means; and, I'm ambivalent about the reality and relevancy of Jungian Archetypes to begin with. But this is a good opportunity to learn and make sense out of something that terrified me deeply.

FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and destruction/transformation]

FLOWERS [Color and fragrance that nourish our spirit]

** Dream:"Stop and Smell The Roses" by Nutcracker ((0318) **

I'm a male (rather than in my natural female form). I stop at this farmhouse that sells roses and buy 2 or 3 white roses from the woman who runs it with her husband. The woman and I have a fondness for each other (all I can recall is that we seem to be more than platonic friends). The woman has flaming red hair and reminds me of Maureen O'Hara(?) in "Mr. Hobbs Takes A Vacation". She dyes her hair that color using (crushed) rose petals, which I help her do one day by applying the color to her hair with cotton balls. To reach their house, you have to park at the end of a long dirt driveway and walk up. The shed where they sell roses from, is a bit away from the house, on the opposite side of the driveway. The husband is a nasty little man (could it be because of my fondness for his wife?) and he chases me away. I go back another day, trying to sneak onto the property to see the woman. The man is driving a tractor and spies me. He jumps off, chases after me and we have a fist fight. I leave (the loser). Now I'm somewhere outside, sitting down. I don't know what I'm wearing (hopefully shorts), but I can see my naked legs. I look down at my right calf. I see a patch of skin that the man has cut/torn in his fight with me. The skin is hanging loose, like a flap. I pull the skin off, only to find there are rose bush stems growing out of my leg. I reach down to pull it out. It's a young, tender branch with newly budding leaves. I remove it and it's like a branch within another branch. Upon further inspection of my leg, I see a small grouping of thorns (like toothpicks), poking up through my leg and I reach down to pluck them out. As I bend down closer to my leg, I see there are more rose bushes starting to grow as well. I decide to wait until I get home to remove everything. I'm also barefooted and can feel the roots from the rose bushes growing inside my feet. I figure once I prune the roses out of my legs, the roots will die on their own. (3/18/99)

FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]

FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]

** Dream: "Queso" by 420lover (990415) **

I had this really vivid dream where I was in this giant bowl of queso. It was so orange and I could smell the cheese. It was really hot too. I was trying to get out of it because it was drowning me. I kept trying to swim but it was like swimming in...well..queso. I tried to get to one of the jalepenos that was floating nearby but when I got up to it and put my hands on it to pull myself it burned so bad! It felt like liquid fire on my hands and in my dream I screamed. But getting on the jalepeno was the only way I was going to live because the queso was killing me. It was so vivid I could see the green of the jalepeno slice and when it burned my hands I felt the hot tears I was crying on my cheeks. It was so strange. So anyway. I kept trying to get up on the jalepeno but it was burning my hands away. Then I woke up and I woke up screaming. This dream was so terrifying. My family laughed at me thinking I was being funny about the dream when I told them but this is serious. I'm not fat or anything and I don't think I have any weight issues. I can't figure out what the dream was about.

Comments by Dreamer: My family laughed at me thinking I was being funny about the dream when I told them but this is serious. I'm not fat or anything and I don't think I have any weight issues. I can't figure out what the dream was about but it was so scary!!

== Comments by AngstRidn on Queso Dream (990420) ==

Greetings 420lover. FYI I entered your dream into my DREAM UP software and these are the symbols it came up with. Keep in mind, only YOU can determine what each symbol represents to you (i.e. WATER = tears, STAIRS = trying to get up on the jalapeno, etc). Good luck.



Symbol : Orange / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Orange suggests physical strength, depression, change or a good view on life.

Symbol : Colors / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Colors almost always appear in abundance in dreams and they shouldn't be taken into account unless they have an important role in the dream or they stand out in some way. Reflect on the way that you use a certain color in your everyday life and consider how much it influences you. Do you normally say things like black mood, green with envy, feeling blue, yellow-bellied, etc. Or maybe you have a special personal meaning for a color.

Symbol : Drowning / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

This could mean that your problems seem overwhelming at present. Do you feel you are drowning in your problems? Are you trying to keep afloat? Symbol : Floating / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

The existence of water is telling us that this has something to do with emotions. Are you trying to keep your head above water? Maybe your dream is telling you to go to a greater depth in the problem. Much depends on what you felt. A calm experience is probably reassuring you that all is well. If you were in fear, you are probably in a difficult emotional situation.

Symbol : Flying / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Flying or floating, in general, represent a sensation of well-being. Flying and then ending up on the ground or below ground level means that you are passing from well-being to a state of depression. Or it might happen that you start off on the ground and end up flying in which case the meaning would be opposite, you are ready to take off and leave your problems behind.

Symbol : Stairs / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Stairs or anything that permits you to move up and down like elevators, ladders, hills, ramps, etc. suggest either progress or regression. The act of going up means an advance in some aspect of life or in some situation or the gaining of a goal. While going down represents the contrary a regression or depression in life. If your dream begins in a low level and ends up in a higher level this will mean you are on the right track. If the opposite is true then the problem hasn't been solved and may be getting worse.

Symbol : Hand / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Hands are extensions of our personalities. They have always been an image of good. The way we use them in the dream is very significant; folded on your chest means resignation, peace; clenched fists symbolize passion and protest; we can lift our hands in anger or in surrender; we use them to bless and to curse; to cover our eyes from something. Think of the posture of your hands and relate it to the rest of the dream.

Symbol : Water / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Water is a symbol of the dreamers life and his/her emotions. Unless there is something wrong with the water, its presence usually has a positive nature.

Symbol : Fire / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Fire is almost always the symbol for anger. Anger is something hard to control, while some hold it inside others let it on the loose. The energy that anger involves is something that has to be dealt with. You must find the way to release this anger, or if the case doesn't permit it, then you must get away from what is causing it. But fire is not always anger, it denotes strong emotions and passions. In any case it is important to channel this creative energy. The idea is to not let the fire get out of control.

Symbol : Death / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

We are constantly in a process of transformation and renewal. But in order to start a new cycle an old one must "die". We must get rid of old attitudes, behavior and values. Therefore, deaths in dreams are almost never a cause for alarm. And they are showing us the end of some aspect of our psyche. But where there is the end of one cycle comes the beginning of another.

Symbol : Green / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Green suggests physical equilibrium, development, abundance, life and money.

Symbol : Person / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

In the majority of cases all other people involved in a dream will represent some aspect of the dreamer. People we don't know but seem to be like someone we know will also represent some aspect of the dreamer. People that we don't know at all represent something new, a new aspect in the dreamer's life. When the person in the dream is someone we recognize then we must stop to think what this person represents to us ( attraction, intelligence, stupidity, etc.) or if we have some kind of influence over this person ( emotional, financial, etc.) or maybe he/she has something that distinguishes him/her ( shy, trustworthy, etc.). Whichever the case, whatever you feel that person is symbolizing, the dream is usually about you. In other words, if you see someone who you think is highly intelligent, the symbol will be about your own intelligence. It is also important to notice the gender of the dream person. A male will represent masculine energy; rationality, creative boldness, enterprise, courage. A female or feminine energy stands for feelings, intuition, relatedness, sensitivity and the like. Sometimes the dream will actually be about the relationship with the other person, but it is safer and more objective to see them as a representation of yourself first. Take responsibility for what you project on a dream person and learn from what they are teaching you about yourself.

GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]

HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS

HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]

HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]

HOUSE [Where our lives take place]

** Dream "A Little Girl" by ? (990311) **

a little girl (about six years old) sat on a small blue stool in the middle of a large, and otherwise empty, round room. the tile beneath her continuously swirled between silver and blue and at times it appeared translucent and almost non- existing. She sat there silently giggling to herself playing with the pink ribbons tied to her purple dress.

"how silly it is that these mortals do care, and yet they don't even know what they are caring about." She whispered to a flower which had been flying around the room. There was no way out of the room, and the walls kept melting into themselves and then rematerializing without ever really being there in the first place. Beyond this room, however, existed nothingness. Then standing up, she walked over to a yellow ball saying "I would have stepped through the mirror, had it not bit me first."

HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]

JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]

** Dream: "Starry Tunnel" by Amidala (990419) **

April 4/12:33 am

I am surrounded by blackness, but I see a blue light ahead. It's beckons me and I float towards it. As I get closer I realize that to get to the light I must go through a blue tunnel that's covered with tiny stars. The tunnel seems very peaceful and welcoming but something about that peacefulness scares me. I try to get away from the tunnel but it pulls me back. I realize that I'm dreaming, but I feel that I am on the verge of death and if I follow the tunnel I will never return to my body. I throw my arms around wildly and try to swim away from the light. I try to wake up before the light engulfs me. I awake with a jerk.

Comments by Dreamer: After I awoke the feeling of peacefulness returned and it felt like the blue light was waiting for me. I had a lot of trouble getting to sleep after that.

** Dream: "Avernus" by Nutcracker (990315)**

I'm in this dark cavern, sometimes I think it's totally enclosed, at other times I believe it is open to the night sky, as I can see a million stars. The cavern appears to be made of coal, all black and glistening. The place is large, at least as large as a football field. I'm laying on a bed of solid rock, it even has a type of headboard (maybe it was a gravestone). There was a little girl lying there with me. Up in the sky, a buxom, butterscotch colored moon plays peek-a-boo through the clouds. It is an awesome sight. Then suddenly, a man (the leader/high priest) appears at the front of room. The room is filled with people now, mostly children. I wonder where our friend, the little boy, is? I think his name was Pepito. The leader is standing before us, his arms stretched up toward the sky. He's wearing a red cape and headdress. We're still lying on the bed of rock when I see him motion with his right hand, to someone/thing (from one of several tunnels behind us) to enter the cavern. I glance back to my left and see images or shadows that are flame-like. I whisper to the little girl to grab our blankets and to follow me. We, and several others, steal away, out of the cavern. I have a bad feeling about what may happen next. We make our way through another tunnel. There are more than a few of us now gathered. I find an alcove three feet wide in the wall and the little girl and I step into it. It appears to be an altar or whatnot. It's got brightly colored tiles (white background with colored designs). I can't help but worry about the little boy who befriended us. I hope he makes it out ok. Across from us, I see a woman. I've seen her before. She's Mexican; young with reddish blonde hair. She's hiding out with some children as well. (3/15/99)

** Dream:"This Ain't Kansas, Toto" by Nutcracker (990318) **

B. and I are out of town. It seems like a vacation, but he has to go to work. We stop at a tourist attraction. It's sort of like Alice in Wonderland. The sky is blue, it's a grassy setting and on the grass are giant tiles from the game Mahjongg, each tile being as high as a one story house. The tiles are made of cement (gray) and the images on them change each time you look at them. The tiles are stacked on top of one another, clinging together by their sawtooth edges. They form a castle type structure. B. has to leave for work, and I feel uneasy about having to stay here all day by myself. There is a circular road that goes around the area (castle structure). The road is also its own gameboard, sort of like Monopoly, only instead of landing on hotels, you would land (drive) on different streets. We stopped our car on one such game piece, but were facing the wrong direction and had to move. (3/18/99)

** Dream: "Dildo" by Ty (990312) **

I dreamt of fucking the moon. When I came into the depths of its crater, it let out a wide smile and the oceans made measureless waves that swept the land clean.

Comments by Dreamer: This dream wuz very vivid.

LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]

LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]

LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]

LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]

MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]

MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]

MONEY [Something of value]

** Dream: "Golden Fish" by Cosmic844 (990420) **

4-20-99 early morning

1st scene: I was having money problems not hopeless but urgent. Next scene, I was fishing. Could actually feel the tug on the line and with a great lift pulled up a solid gold swordfish with scales like pictured on Chinese carp and along side were two long squiggly el type fish. The all came up out of the water at the same time. Then through my head came the dollar amount $35000.00.

Comments by Dreamer: Sounds like good fortune but - what does dreaming about fish mean?

MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]

NUDITY [What you see is what you get]

** Dream: "perception of myself" by Anya A. (981221) **

12/21/98 4:00 (nap)

I was going on a talk show, and the rehearsal went fine. But when I was going on for the real show, which is live, I notice that my outfit is totally see-through. I also have am very fat. When I come out in a different outfit, I can't get up the stairs, because they keep getting steeper and steeper. When I do make it up the stairs, everybody is laughing at me because the show just ended.

Comments by Dreamer: I have about 3 dreams a night, which is really weird. I am only 15 years old, and I have mature dreams most of the time.

PERFORMERS [Entertainers]

PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]

** Dream: "Rape" by Unsure (990406) **

I don't really understand it, but it really bothered me. I had a dream about being raped. In a way, I had wanted it with this person, but when it happened, it was all wrong. I don't know who the guy was in my dream, I can't tell.

POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]

RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]

** Dream: "Card Game" by ? (990407) **

My dream starts when my boyfriend , myself, and his friends were playing a card game. It was about 15 of his friends and one was his ex-girlfriend. In the dream, I had no problem with her being there, but I know in real life that I would. This card game involved a lot of cards that had to be issued out to each person and it was my turn to deal. I was nervous not to make myself look stupid in front of his friends, you see all of them are at least two years in college and in a couple of months I will just be getting started in college. Anyway, my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend made a statement towards me and another girl I don't even know. Therefore, I became very upset and began expressing myself to both females. However, I was waiting for my boyfriend to jump in on my side, but he never did by the time I woke up. However, in the dream I could remember wondering why wasn't he at the jump of the gun to my defense? Therefore, I woke up wondering what this dream meant.

** Dream: "my boy friend is back" by PV (990412) **

4/12 4:30am

The beginning of my dream is very fuzzy and I can't really remember it. What I do remember is walking around a spacious building with a friend. The building was very dark and had nothing but dark ceramic tile. We went into a room that seemed like a high school locker room with open showers and a separate area for restrooms. I needed to use the restroom, but the only one that worked was a toilet almost in the middle of the room. When I first saw it, it had only one door or panel missing. Then people started walking in. It seemed like a co-ed bathroom because guys walked in and just looked at me as if there was nothing wrong with me being there. Every time I wanted to pull up my pants some one else walked in. Then one guy came in and gave me little flirtatious look, but then realized I wanted to leave and turned his back long enough for me to get up. When he turned back around, I sensed that he was attracted to me and I started thinking about my boy friend who is in the Marines. Then the scene changed. I was now at the Marine base with my b/f and I was waiting for him to get his things together 'cause he finally graduated. I was so excited to see him again. I was sitting on his bed while he was talking to his friends and I remembering old times. Then I remembered I didn't give him a hug or a kiss yet. I got up and gave him a hug. He seemed shorter and thinner, though. When I kissed him, I actually felt it. Then I looked into his eyes and they were brown. In real life they are a rich green. I asked him what happened to his eyes. He then showed me the part of his eye that was covered by his lower eye lid and it was the same wonderful green I remembered.

** Dream: "Crying" by ? (990323) **

March 23 12:00

This is a very serious dream and I really need your help. It is not much, but anyway I am 16 and I have a girlfriend which is 15 and we have been together for almost 4 weeks. A couple of weeks ago I had this dream that me and her was talking on the phone and I was crying when I was talking but she wasn't but she felt the same way I did but she wasn't I really need to know what this means because I have always heard that this is bad sign of things yet to come Comments by Dreamer Please help me out I have been looking for an answer for a long time and no one has helped me out yet.

** Dream: "Ex Husband after Surgery" by Lamb (990415) **

<< I am having surgery, my appendix. I tell the nurse, it will be nice to see you when I wake up and then I talk to M. (my late ex husband who died on my birthday, July ll, l994) I tell him it is my first surgery and he says ,we will be there. >>

** Dream: "losing status" by stan kulikowski ii (990425) **

25 apr 1999 08:52

=( last night I worked on preparing evaluation forms for my two university classes. then I created some web pages demonstrating vrml and three dimensional modeling for the web page design course. the wrl files did not display properly but I found the problem listed in the faq and sent the correction procedure to the sysops as they need alter the server mime types for vrml support. about 0:30 my mother went to bed and I came in to read for an hour or so. went to sleep about 02:00. )=

the university of massachusetts is a large sprawling campus. on foot it takes half an hour to walk its length. on bicycle, as I am now, it still takes ten minutes as you have to dismount frequently to walk the bike through congested areas too dense to ride. I am making my way across campus to the graduate research center on the far edge. I am not sure why I started at the stadium end the thread my way through the pedestrian sidewalks crowded with students rather than take the main road through. perhaps it was for the pleasure of seeing the older buildings in the middle of the school grounds. several times I have to pull my feet from the stirrups and pace the bike rather than pedal. the wheels have a solid metal disk rather than spokes which give it a flashy futuristic look, but otherwise it is a light weight black racing frame.

I wonder what has happened to tanya simpson. she was the thin runner who was my lover last year, but disappeared during the summer break. I have not heard from her since and now I doubt that I will. it occurs with a slight shock to me that she could be my last sexual partner ever. I feel too old to be attractive. it happens to everyone sooner or later. for me it seems too soon, but I guess I just have to adjust to elder status.

as I approach the end of campus where the computer science department is established, I take a wrong turn in a thickening crowd and end up going down a handicapped ramp into the campus center. I can ride through and get back into the traffic patterns of the pedestrian walks, but I will need to shift gears for the ramp on the far side. I have not been back to school here several months, so perhaps than explains why I made this diversion into the student center.

when I finally approach the research center, I park at the bike rack and enter the ground floor vestibule, all glass and chrome. the wide marble stairs lead up to the second floor where my office is or was. when I get the room, the door is already open and I can see that my computers, books and research materials are no longer inside. instead some other young faculty member has been given the room. I know I have not been using the space very regularly, indeed rather rarely, but still since I work in this department, I deserve an office area. many of the faculty prefer to work at home and deliver their work by email or ftp. I know that losing this territory, even if it is hardly more than a closet, means that my termination will not be far behind. probably in the works already. I am surprised no one told this was about to happen. I wonder where they put my things that were in the desk and storage cabinets.

oh well, no time to brood on this now. as I go down past the student lounge at the end of the floor, one of the grad students comes up to me. "professor kulikowski," he begins. "you should have been at the department caucus earlier today. we spent fifteen minutes talking about aspects of your research with the disabled people. I explained the artificial intelligence needed to self configure the communication interfaces for the language base. it was a good conversation on self aware mental modeling."

"it sounds like it would have been interesting." I tell him, but I do not stop walking. I am trying to gently disengage this conversation as this student is well known to just talk endlessly about things he really does not care about. a perfect political type with high verbal ability but lacking an ounce of effective capacity. likes to suck up your time to hear himself talk. "but I never get announcements of when these gatherings occur and am not on campus enough to just pick them up."

that is true. what the department calls a caucus is usually just a spontaneous pick meeting in the lounge. nothing planned or scheduled, but usually they can be expected around prestige speakers invited for seminars or colloquia. it gives the department students a chance to get up close and personal with the big names in the field after their more public talks. I wonder who was speaking this time, as I usually pay attention to the outside experts when they appear.

I manage to get down the hall and the students cuts off to return to his spot in the lounge, waiting for the next faculty to appear, hopefully someone higher ranking than me. like a shark patrolling its spot on the reef.

I go up two more flights of stairs to the top floor of the building. I rarely go this far. I suppose I am searching for where they boxed up my office supplies and stored them away. I notice an odd triangular section of floor that is particularly empty. this would make a really nice, if unconventional, spot for an office, especially next to these large windows that look out over campus. I have always been assigned small cheerless interior rooms in which to work. that is part of the reason I prefer to work in the electric cottage, at home.

and I look a little further along the glass wall to see that the adjoining area is a stainless steel buffet with a few wrapped foods and beverages, virtually devoid of customers. I was unaware that they had any food services up here. what a perfect place to get away from the crowd. I look out the large glass wall at the picturesque view of the university buildings while the sky streaks in bright reds and orange of a spectacular sunset. yes, this would be a perfect to work.

going down one floor to look for my things, I encounter another student, seth. he is very short, less that five feet tall but not with the deformed skeletal structure of a dwarf. he has done various programming projects for me from time to time and I like him fairly well. we say hello to each other as I pass, but I notice a mischievous twinkle in his eye as I go by. behind me, hear him following along behind trying not to be heard as he rustles something out of his book bag.

an orange and red nerf bullet flies past my shoulder, barely missing my neck. I turn around quickly, reaching over my shoulder into my book bag hanging on my back. seth is grinning, holding a yellow plastic nerf gun that has a rotating gattling arrangement for revolver style reloads over the air pressure jet.

from my bag I pull out a shiny gray plastic gun, and quickly pull the trigger as I run back at him. a constant stream of pea sized, blue plastic pellets start forward, each one after another striking him squarely in the chest. seth laughs at clearly being out gunned. those nerf bullets never have a very secure trajectory.

we laugh for a while at our game. ambush has been one of our long standing play arrangements. it is never allowed to last for more than the first volley, by which we then break off until the next time. I clearly won this round since his opening shot missed. if I were he with such an unreliable weapon, I would have fired all six nerfs in a spray on first attack.

I check the magazine of my gun to find that it still is at least half full of the plastic pellets. some spill out and since they do not scatter far when hitting the floor, I stoop down to recover them leaning against the cold brick wall. the pellets are not simply round, but they have little designs stamped into the plastic. while I am pushing them one at a time back into the magazine, a woman comes up to use the public telephone on the wall next to me. she stands rather too close to where I am squatted against the wall, but I do not mind. she smells good and clean. even if my nights of sexual activity are gone, I can still remember.

=( I wake around 07:55 and take a while to be sure that I will not go back to sleep. I believe that I had other dreams last night, but woke several times before having this one. in a while it seems evident that I will not get back to sleep and so sit up to log this. not a very interesting dream it seems, but I have not had many since my dog died three weeks ago. it has been a rather depressing time.

the two students in this dream were not real people I knew at umass. the bicycle with the solid wheels was from a movie, frankenstein unbound, which I watched a couple nights ago. tanya simpson was a student in my programming course last summer. we were never involved in any way, indeed, she barely finished the course. she is an featured athlete on the track team for the school, but I guess my subconscious noticed her more than my waking mind. )=

=== qui non est hodie cras minus aptus erit | | who not is today, tomorrow less suitable will be --- -- Ovid _Remedia Amoris_ I 94

** Dream: "fizz racing" by stan kulikowski ii (990401) **

DATE : 1 apr 1999 08:45

=( I am still depressed over the death of my dog on Sunday. this was Wednesday and I could still barely mope around house, sad that agamemnon is no longer following me from room to room. mother went to bed around 23:30 and I did some initial plans for summer coursework, plotting out the syllabus sequence on the calendar. I would like to get away for two weeks to visit mark and fran in germany before they come back to the states, but there does not seem to be a large enough gap in the classes I teach in July. I go to sleep around 02:00. )=

indiana is a cold and barren landscape, dotted with the last bits of winter's dirty ice patches, suburban sprawl and worn out farms waiting the return of spring. a caravan of rusted automobiles is pulling away from the house of one of my relatives, everyone going to the grange hall across town. I am trying to follow them in the dented, oil burning car they gave me, but it took so long to get the clunker fired up that I lose sight of the end of the caravan which I am supposed to follow to the grange.

after I go a few streets and turns without reestablishing contact with my guides, I pull over into a local convenience store to ask for directions. the rust bucket wheezes and snorts as I turn it off to go inside the store. I wonder if I can get it started again once I have a map to where I am going.

once inside, I go over to the glass door beverage coolers to find the contraband cola that is the theme of the party at the grange. my relatives had invited me to come from out of state to try fizz racing, a local pastime. I have never seen these supercarbonated soft drinks before, as they are manufactured locally and can not be shipped as regular commerce. I can see why. the bottles hanging in one corner away from the national brands of cola are mainly used drink containers from other brands that have been partially refilled. the bottles look dirty and chipped with a new paper label stuck haphazardly on, advertizing fizz cola for 15 cents. twice the carbonation, twice the sugar of pepsi or coke.

I take one of the large two liter bottles out of the cooler and look at the photocopied instructions I got from the grange party. I selected one with more liquid in as most are only two thirds full. fizz racing is done on little tricycles like children use, but there is vertical iron rod welded to rear axle kick step in back. at the top of the bar is a small iron cup, just large enough for the neck of a bottle to fit within, and it has a hole carbonated propellant is to be expelled. adult are to sit backwards on the tricycles, shaking up their bottles which they jam up against the holder rods. the force of the cola stream spewing in long streams behind them, pushes against their bodies which mounted on the trikes, rolls forward. the handle bars are wedged against the back side of the hips which provides some steerage by leaning left or right, but the main directional control is by deflecting the stream of the jet with your thumb at output hole on the bar.

the fun in watching the race is that everyone, except maybe the winner, gets soaked by the sticky syrup of the jet wash from the racers ahead of them. the loser at the tail of the pack gets sprayed by everyone. the winner may come through clean if managing to stay ahead of the rest the whole time. the propellant bottles are shaken several times, each with diminishing results, so an early leader may exhaust thrust too early and be overtaken by a more efficient sprayer in the last stretch.

as I queue up to pay for my bottle of junk cola and directions, a pretty young woman comes in. she has frosted hair and is wearing a gray trench coat. going over to the coolers, she grabs the first bottle of contraband and cuts in front of me just as I get up to the cashier.

"FDA" she says flashing a badge. I assume this means food and drug administration. "you are busted for selling this crud." she clunks down her bottle and picks up my bottle which I had put on the counter. "I hope you have not bought this already or I will have to take you into custody as a john in this transaction." she says looking at me with hard eyes.

I smile back. "I have not bought it yet. and I have proof that I was not buying this as a foodstuff, but as a rocket fuel." I show her the instructions on the party invitation.

"no deal." the agent sniffs at me. "the stuff is just as bad breathing it in aerosol. it is the buying and selling that is illegal, not just the mode of consumption."

since I had not paid my money, I was not going to face the legal charges, but I still needed directions to get to the grange hall. I wondered why the feds would police the point of sale, but not bother to bust the racers who use it. she gives me some directions on how to get to the grange hall, but I do not understand them.

=( I wake at 08:20, a little earlier than my body wants, but I can not get back to sleep. I do not have any notion who these relatives are as I have none that live in indiana. I did live in lafayette for a couple years when I worked at purdue, but only the scenery is realistic here, none of the people. the dreary mood of this fits my temperament just now. )=

=== qui non est hodie cras minus aptus erit | | who not is today, tomorrow less suitable will be --- -- Ovid _Remedia Amoris_ I 94

RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]

ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]

SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]

SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]

STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]

STRANGERS [Who and what we don?t know yet]

TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]

TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]

TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]

VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]

** Dream: "JoyRide" by Nutcracker (990319) **

I was in the car with B. I was driving. When we first left (from wherever), it was warm and sunny, a spring-like day. As I drove, we came to a street filled with houses. I recognized one as belonging to my godfather, Billy. Now B. has become my dad and he gets out of the car to go and see Billy, his best friend. Also, it's now winter and snow blankets the ground. I come to a stop a few houses past Billy's. The car is turned off, but still in gear and I have my foot on the brake. The car continues to slide backwards, heading for some parked cars. I'm in front of a house that has four cars parked in the driveway. I'm inches away from hitting a yellow VW beetle convertible with black top. I pray, "don't let me hit it, don't let me hit it." Luckily I get the car started and am able to drive forward in time, though the roads are slippery. I drive around the neighborhood, looking at all of the houses. I hope I can remember which house is Billy's when it's time to come pick up my dad. I'm driving slowly (about 5 mph). There are dozens of kids playing in the street. They rush up and surround my car. One little girl, about three years old, tries to put something on top of my hood (near the driver's door). At first I think it's a chunk of snow (the size of herself), but then I see it's a dog (like Spuds, the Budweiser dog). I shake my finger at her, meaning, 'no, no, don't do that'. I didn't want the dog to fall off and get hurt. Finally a man comes out of one of the houses and yells at the kids to get out of the street so I can drive through. They all back away from the car and I go on my way. I come to a one lane traffic circle that surrounds a fountain. Even though it's winter and freezing out, the fountain is working splendidly. I go around it (from left to right) and make a horseshoe turn around it, headed back to my left. Now I'm driving into some kind of museum. I'm in the building, still in my car. I'm driving down this long narrow hall. I marvel at the hieroglyphs on the walls, various shapes, symbols and pictures. The walls are gray (cement). There are windows every five feet or so on my right. Sun streams through them, causing shadows and light to play delicately against one another. I have this overwhelming desire to write some poetry, but I know that I can't stay for long. I'll have to make another trip back here when I have more time to write. Now the car has turned into a shopping cart. I reach the end of the hall and must go to my left. There is a gift shop. I stop to look at all of the items. There is a display of four inch magnetic picture frames. The frames are attached to an arched wooden frame (like a cathedral window, about 4 feet high), which rests on a wooden base. The legs of the frame and the base it's resting on are both curved (arched). The slightest touch will cause the frame to slide off of the base. Naturally, I bump into it with the cart and it starts to slide forward. Luckily I catch it before it falls. I get it settled back into place and leave. (3/19/99)

** Dream: "Helicopter Whirl" by ? (990420)**

I was at the edge of an oval that had sandy gravel beneath it. There were three helicopters/ gyrocopters (they had long "tails" almost like a dragonfly's except with motor blades.

They were preparing to take off.

Suddenly my Uncle Philip ran towards them and I didn't want to watch in case the blades cut his head at all.

WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]

WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]

WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]

= = = = = = = = = = = ==



Farewell for this month. Hasta la vista!
May your dreams do their magic in your life.

Bob Krumhansl

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++





The Electric Dreams E-zine (issn 1089 4284)is *free* and distributed via email about once a month. You can have Electric Dreams delivered right to your email box by sending an e-mail

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SUBMITTING DREAMS and Comments about Dreams: EASY!

Electric Dreams will publish your dreams and comments
about dreams you have seen in previous issues. If you can, be clear what name you want or don't want. Most people use a pen name. Please include a title for your dream. Email to: Bob Krumhansl <>

Or for anonymous drop off, try the dream temple at


The dreams we receive are all circulated anonymously on the mail and discussion list. The archives for DREAM-FLOW are at

You can subscribe to dream-flow by sending an email
and in the body of the email put only

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SUBMITTING ARTICLES, projects and letters-to-the-editor.
Electric Dreams is responsive and experimental. If you
have articles or suggestions on dreams, dreaming or
dreamers - including book reviews, movie suggestions or
conferences and meetings, we will publish them. I'm
especially interested in creative interpretive approaches
to dreams, including verbal, dramatization, and mixed
media approaches. Send to:
Richard Wilkerson <>

SUBMITTING NEWS and Calendar events related to dreaming. We usually have a deadline at the 15th of each month. Send all events and news to Peggy Coats <>

SENDING IN QUESTIONS, Replies and Concerns about dreams and dreaming. We don't pretend to be the final authority on dreams, but we will submit you questions to our network and other Internet networks. Also, you are free to post special interest requests. Send those to Richard Wilkerson at

JOINING DREAM GROUPS sponsored by Electric Dreams. If you are interested in joining a group to discuss your dream with peers, contact richard Wilkerson,

JOINING DISCUSSIONS ON DREAMING. Electric Dreams supports the Intuition Network and recommends their discussion list
Subscription information can be found on

Attach your own web page to Electric Dreams. Do you have an idea for a dream page, but no web site? Send that page to Matthew Parry. If you need help with creating the web page, contact Matthew for about classes. <>


Thanks to Matthew Parry for his work with the original Electric Dreams Web site!

NEED A COVER for your issues of Electric Dreams? We now provide them and you can download them at
or, if you have a black&White printer, you can in Netscape choose the "Print..." option while on the page you wish and get B&W copy that is adjusted to your paper size.
Backissue covers are also available at:



Some Illustrated PDF Electric Dreams

Last month?s Issue Illustrated

Also available AOL
America On Line:

Alternative Medicine Forum

(KeyWord: AltMed > Therapies > Dreamwork)
or KeyWord: aol://4344:1679.ALTdrem.13664900.588132320

Also at the Writer?s Club Libraries
Keyword: writer
\writers club library
\writers club e-zines

Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine list:

Thanks to Todd Kuiper for listing us on his e-zine list:

Thanks for the listing in The eZines Database Collection:

Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the Electric Dreams project.

Thanks to low bandwith for listing electric dreams

Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in the FAQ files at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid and for other Usenet Newsgroups for allowing us to continually post messages.

Thanks to our many web links! See

The Electric Dreams Staff

Peggy Coats - News & Calender Events Director

Bob Krumhansl - Editor & Dream Editor

Matthew Parry - Web Master

Dane Pestano HTML ED Designer

Victoria Quinton- Friends of Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Archives & Reporter
mermaid 8*)

Jesse Reklaw - Cover Art Gallery 1994- 1997

Cover Artist
This Month?s Cover byt David Wells and Kat Eiswald

Thanks to Bryan Smith for
many of our Web page Illustrations.

Molly - Illustrated ED Archive Host

Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director

Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles & Subscriptions & Publication

+ The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue to your dreams!
+ The generous authors of our articles
+ The creative genius of Bryan A. Smith
+ The delightful dreamers and commentators

All dream and article text and art are considered (C)opyright by the writers, artists and dreamers themselves. Anyone other than the authors may use or reprint the text for non-commercial use, but all other use by anyone other than the author must be with the permission of either the author or the current Electric Dreams dream editor.

Electric Dreams is an independent electronic publication not affiliated with any other organization. The views of our commentators are personal views and not intended as professional advice or psychotherapy.

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